Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 16, 1864, Image 3

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    H. II. MABSEH, Edftp ft Proprietor.
fSkLNMlllaV, PA.
No. ST Turk Row, New York, and 8 State Street,
Coctoo, ere our agents for the BcNDVar AMitttcm
la tboee eltioa, end ere autliortiwl to takt) Adrortiso'
meat end Subscription! Tor til at our lowoit rate.
ftocal affairs.
ISom'o Intereettng article will be found on on
firatpagc Among them Mtraote from Capt. Bpeke'e
traTila in Africa.
i i - in 11
jflcn Ton (II rcBLtC Messn. Ooodrloh
Ei'urio, will serve the eltltcneof Sunbury and Vicini
ty with ice during the rammer teason. Tlicy are
securing a largo crop of superior loo and will deliver
the ieo every uiorniug to subscribon or those ordor
log it.
Ep-HVc dircot the attention of our reader to the
card of S. B. Boyor, who ll authoritod and lioenscd
to collect Pensions, Bounties and Book Fay, to.
t3?"FiKB. The wagon-shop of Wm. Rnkor, in
Lower Augusta township, was consumed by fire on
Sunday last. Loss about $300.
The ice on the riTcr at this plaoe Is about nine
lnebe thick. A very largo amount of excellent ice
bus bten secured by our cltiicns.
tyVssisox. Wo are indebted to Trorost Mar
shall Capt. J. K. Clement, for a bmdsomo cut of
Tery fine renison.
CSPJcnvjiK.v. J udgo Jordan, during tho present
eourt, excused a number of Jurymen, because they
did not understand Knglish a very rcasounMo ex
cuso. Tho Judge intimated Ihnt there was room fur
improvement in the mode of seloction.
tJSrsDcnr ,aso Fhauokim. The cititens of
Elamokin complain, and not without reason, of the
want of proper facilities for traveling between tha' and Hunbury. We have no doubt, that a pns
longer train, running at convenient hours, would pay,
and besidos. greatly fueilitato the growing business of
that extensive coal region.
C2"Thi Ilarrisburg Telegraph, announce! ths
death of Major Brua Cameron, eldest con of General
Coraoron, at the residence of bis futher, on Wednes
day lust, aged 38 years. Major Cum or on was a gnci
rous henrtcd man, aud his death will be rcgrcttod
moat by those vibo knew him best.
37'Vs observe by English papers, that Viheat is
fuwn in Kuglund, a lute as Christmas.
. V There is now a lurgo h"g In New York that
woighs 1400 pounds. Iu Mny ho weighed 1 120 lbs,
Tbo breed is a cross of Leicester nnd SuCulk.
0 TnE ScalI'EL. Dr. Dixon's periodical i pub
liahod quarterly in New York under the title of the
S.-ulpel, is woll known to the f.iculty and deserves
to bo in tho hands of every fumily. Tho Inst number
eontnius an article of interest on the use of hooped
QTAanicrLTi-iiAt, College Wohavo received
tho annual eatologne of tho Pennsylvania Farm
Kchool, locatod near Belief mle. This school, which
combines theoretical and practical laruiing, with
education seems to be in a flourishing condition, and
deserves success.
C?'We referred lust week to the riot enso at Tur
butvillc, then on trial. Jungo Jordan, on Fridny,
charged tho Jury. The ch irgo wus fair and impar
tial, clearly defining tho law and referring to tho
facts. Ou Saturday the Jury rotiirnod a verdict of
guilty against t!?o defendants, excepting Capt. Hut
thison, Cupt. Wye and Ilov. Mr. Miles. Tbo court
imposed A very light sentence, a fine of $20 and eoste.
Thus ended the latest attempt to make politicul eupl
tal by means of thJury Instead of the biillot box.
Ei?'Looic oct for To km .The new style and
ttell-fiui.iued Huts, munufiiclured by Snniucl Fnust,
two doors west of tho lixptess Office, Sunbury, Pa.,
are all tho go. Look out for one In time. lie has
a Inrge assortment which be id soiling chonper than
cm be purchased elsewhere.
p CostKMPi.ATEn lui novKMENTS. The gfcat
demund for houses iu this plueo, wo are ploosed to
learn, bus induced a number of our niost enterprising
citizens to engiige In tho erection of a number of
dwelling houses the coming setison. Among tiie.'
number, John W. Friling. hus laid out and sold n
number of lots, in his addition, to the borough. Mr.
Friling, hiir.5eir, will ercet four or five buildings on
these lots. Mr. John Uowt-n, Into of the firm of Huns
A Bowcn, in the coal business, also contemplates tho
erection of four or five buildings. All tbee buildings
will bo built nf brick. Mr. Snlmstinn Ilnupt, a few
days since, purchaied the one-half of tho Methodist
church lot, fronting on the alley, for 52-17, on which
La is about to orect lufj'o shops for turning hy steam
power and tho mniiufucturingof furnituro of all
kinds. When this is accomplished, lie contemplates
tho erection of a Urge three story brick building on
the ground now occupied by his present estublish.
meat in Market struct.
C5?-Ghacb vi. f'KATiNG. Our neighbor of the
Gusittr. iu his lust, having doubled the assertion,
that, ''Ladies are capable of displaying more grace
on ieo than gentlemen," a ludy in reply informs u,
that this is tho opinion of a graeclcsj bachelor,
who, having fuiled to acquire tho accomptishtneut of
skating himself, abuses tlte '-dour creatures" out of
sheer envy. To verity this, she says If Johu will put
on a pair of skate,, and advance towards her five
stepj on the Ice, without milking five summorscts
he will givehim the privilege of (.
11 AVu notiue that oysters are becoming scarce in
the city markets ou account of the great deiuaud for
them. The salve have been increased fifty percent.
Messrs. Uiiuiiiiii u & Hl-nhie, who aupjdy our mar
ket with oysters, havebeeu fortunate in getting them
direct from the la'.s which enable thein to furuiiu
their cubtou regularly lib the lest at the lowest
.V Metul ti fur childreu't hoei are worthy the
pstiunage of all Uo have an eye to economy
t3- Trnit ItKATH Thel'anrillt lattl!ig4H'
nr of l,t week, is vs. Rovrt Quick, aoaged eiliie
of Ituah liHu.hip, Northumberland county, met Ills
dratb ill a dreadful uiaimur, one day Ut aeek lie
kaj gone in to tie ilibU W bridle a viciuu hone
when the eiiimal eiluikid him, soiled hiu by the
arm aud broke it In Hire p!aar, and 0ully traaiu
Ud him Iu the ewilb bere tie was disoovered by a
lui). gill, aim iiumwliktely gave Ibe aiaiai to tome
k"Vt vuikiug in Ibe i.,ijjl.LurL.d. Ibe boys kul
t'aiing lu eti.r Ibe ruble, U''re lb fiwuiMiMK beul
ki.i hi, rwtuit r, (usnwd Unpeii r and by
Ibd loi a piii b l-'ik, kuu(i4 In tWoe it to Ibe
Kg of Mr lui k. end by li-n sumui dreggwl the
Vdy to lie 4r, the Uut liatiikially lulWatiig tw
the ln.rfik o hi laf V b, SMuiied, Ut U w
(owed iu be eutir,ly Molw It U but yef w lee
I ete sbiauivlvj Ibe 4ei of Mr Jvba lilue i
wu'iltf wauuvr r leuua Ualia atik vuiiuut Uosms
c eitu4 b 4c ewrelul.
insien i
I'jf Hi aie t,lbi4 Ut Wr Cttia lirait. w
t,n .!$ Inaie i aid e Ibis (!. tt Ibe (bllvaia
u t.t luUiueule luiu,4 lie pl a4J I
fi .... U!o0,'tuJi. r, . M
J i lbs sVfciiU, I'
m "I !'- l TT i-i!h 4e
,.,. j, ll Itlll ,4I
Imlh of ArcIiMnliop 1 1 tig ho
ArcliliiHliop Ilughci died at liin rcsidonra
la Madison rivvnua on Sunday evnin. IIo
wnt born in 1788, In the north of Ireland,
whence hit father. mnll farmer, emigrated
to this country in 1817. Young Hughes,
was first placed with florist to learn pir
duning, but not liking this bnsinc, nttoa
entered the theological ftomitmry at Mount
Bt. Mnry'a, Euimctslmrg, Maryland, whuro
lie acted for several yoars as a teacher. In
1815 ho was ordained a priest, and nppTinted
to a pariah in Philadelphia, and romnincd in
that city till 1837, when he wns designated
by the Tope as an assistant to Bishop
Dubois of Kow York, then old and infirm.
In January, 1838, Bishop Hughes was con
secrated, aud almost immediately took active
charge of his important diocese, his venera
ble superior sullcritig under repeated para
lytic attacks, which confined him to his
house ; on the death of the old prelate, in
1842, Bishop Hughes, of course, succeeded
him. He had previously been appointed
administrator of the diocese; had visited
Europe to obtain pecuniary aid for it ; had
established and opened St. John's Collt'ge,
Furdham; hud taken a prominent part in
the movement against our common . school
system as applied to the Catholics, and was,
in fact, already the representative man of
his church. In 1842 he held the first dio
cesan synod in New York, In 1848 lie again
went to Europo to procure, the services of
some Jesuit teachers. In 1850 the dioctse
of New York, including those countries in
this state south of 43 deg., and b part of
New Jersey, was raised to ihe dignity of an
Archiepiscopal See, and Bislwp Ilughes
again went to Europe to receive the pallium
from the hands of the Pope. In 1851 he
again visited Home to be present ut the oili-
ciul promulgation of tho dogma of the Im-
mnculute Conception, and returned, interest
ed himself iu the project of building a cath
edral iu this city worthy of the place and
diocese i and in August, 1858, he laid the
corncr-stono of the structure on the Filth
avenue, which, however, has as yet reached
but little above the foundation walls.
The next visit of the Bishop to Europe
was on n political Aither than an ecclesias
tical errand ; for, as is generally understood,
with the sanction of our government if not
ut its request, he went abroad with Mr.
Thurlow Weed to endeavor, by his personal
influence and representations, to advance
the cause of the North. This is, however,
not the only political reminiscence of the
life of the liite Archbishop. In 1840 Presi
dent Polk oll'ered him a special mission to
Mexico, which he declined to accept ; and
during every administration since Mr. Polk's
Archbishop Hughes has counted among hi-i
polilicp.l and personal friends many of the
leading men in oilioial positions nt Wash
ington. As tho leader of a powerful church
he possessed immense influence, which he
generally wielded iu true faith and loyalty
for the beni'St of his adopted country.
The only exception to this was during the
riots of last summer, when, iu his notorious
address to "the men called rioters'' owing
to tit her a mistaken apprehension of the
circumstances of the times, or a fcchlcnc.-s
of mental energy, probably engendered by
long illness. Ins influence, which should have
been used in favor of peace und order, seem
ed misdliccted. These events aro so recent
that the reader will easily recollect them fur
himself; nnd while at the time the course
of the Archbishop was strongly criticised in
these columns, we now prefer to pass lightly
over the injudicious actions of the lute pre
late. We believe that his address to the
rioters from the balcony of his residence was
his hist, appearance in public life.
Archbishop Ilughes, while a man of edu
cation and taste, wus noted as a controver
sialist rather than as a scholar and theolo
gian. As long ago ns 1830 he accepted a
challenge from He v. John Breckinridge to ,
discuss the question, "Is tho Protestant reli- j
gion the religion of Christ?" a discussion
ilar question. Iu 1840, on the Common
School question, the Archbishop wrote
hugely, often defending himself through
tho press, nnd never shrinking from the
numerous discussions to which bis action in
this unpopular question led. lu 1855 lie
had another exciting discussion with Mr.
Ernst us Brooks, then stto Senator a dis
cussion carried on iu the newspapers (with
considerable, acrimony on both sides,) and
relating to the disposition of certain church
propertied iu Buffalo, vested in Bishop
JInghe8 personally, tin arrangement which
was alleged as contrary to the law of the
state legislature vesting the titles to all
church properties in trustees. As usual iu
such cases, both controversialists claimed
the victory; and though the friends of Mr.
Bronhs maintained the superiority of his
arguments, the Bishop on his sidj consider
ed his own so conclusive that he published
the entire correspondence in u volume, with
an introduction review ing the trustee system.
Archbishop Hughes was in no respect an
Episcopal recluse, lie was an experienced
man of the world, a worker of greut perse
verance an energy, and nprelute of undoubt
ed ambition and ubility. To liitn the Ho
man Catholic diocese of New York owes
very much of iis temporal prosperity ; and
with that phase of iis carter, rather than iu
its purely ecclesiastical annals, will the lute
Archbishop be remembered. He wan, per
haps, the very man needed for the position ;
for his shrewdness and good practical sense,
rather than an abstract odor of sanctity,
was what tiie Roman Catholic Church in
America required. A pcrsouul liieud of the
I 'pe, u supposed cauuidutc for the Cardi
iiul s hat, the recognized leader of hischurch
on this coutineut, mid a nmu of ability if
not of geniuH, his death will be regretted by
a wide circle of friends both iu this country
and Europe, und w ill be heard of even in the
Vatican with no ordinary interest. .V. J".
Kctniiiij W, January Hit.
Tiiu hkbkl ciiirts, like the rebellion
itself, i paradox. A war without a trea
sury or a cuuiniisiujiat is quite as natural as
a war fur liberty, to save eluvcry. The sum
of the predieaiueut is well told, as follow t:
"The rebel becretury of tho Treasury,
Mcmmiiigcr, says that uulns his
lounofa thousand millions shall be taken
vp by April next the dilapidated Southern
Conicdu'uey will tumblu to pieces; the
rebel Secretary of War, beddou, say that
unless the tanner within tho realms of Ji ff
Davis urj made to disgorge their pun Ulm is
their bli saed Confederacy w ill diu of starva
tion; tho rebel tjeiiutor Wigf.ill kuya that
unleaa they enforce the couwiiptiuii ol every
white man they can lay Imld of capable of
bearing aims, their hurd up Conlulcrocy
will euiely o to the hga."
fiKNKHAL lU'Tl.tst AMU TUK l.Xi II tXOK 09 Our UuvermiM lit w ill not r
in it (iinvral HutU-r lu I outlawed by Jii.Ub
1. Jh njauiin. The debuno of prisoner,
comiiitiud aohty lu hiui, will lit continued
I iu hi hands, htjinluru stiuiiiun il. ii rn.iu. ,1
to day to enlarge hi pottunt and con Hi in
i his aeiicv, by putting all the rebel priaiuiui
HI l lie lliiu-ti Plans Ul.iitf III curt.. In ro
will I thirty thuUMiid nl ihnu at 1'oiut
loiiikout withill llirtxi wcukl. hhu oolkv la
reauluUly dnhtid in of hoisting thai the
; Mi'liKUgi' shall I'ika bu' IhroiijjTi tiniilel
! Duller, and llml noun shall lake plat u pt
l'iiut,'U IjIIU. Jilt Pain Mae lu levor of
r t'lU'iltil'kt IdlU, a I'liliiiliiril ilaf OuIU had
alie.idy ih. no. Iknj.onlu, who Wruttj Jb
fiM'lmaltit) tMitlaaiiiif Uulltr, tllci led a
tiiBrii tola iu tl 1'abiiu.l nliiai dealing
(tiilt blUJ, OH tho f?rUlld that kit
outlaw. i'lrei'Util I iluobi's t l'rtUui
ltt fullaoaii tb wbula liiiLuii ud Uu,,ru
Mtaul, aa I Ibiuiiyb hl ttiahl iis dieaUill
lUiiu ia.wud.oiU 161 Im baag al l
Sg'l I t It lai '. ! I
i.a-st mi ' mm u umim. f'Jj'iWw
A Geebai. IlASKntrpT Law. The pass
ago of a ccneral ISnuknipt Law by Congress
seeing tolm certain.
It 1st undoubtedly demanded by tho com
mercial condition of tho country, nor are
ths results of tho measure questionable. In
passing a bankrupt law it is not an experi
ment that wo try, but a reform that we
adopt. Tho United States is the only great
commercial nation without a general law
for the protection of the debtor. The grand
difiiculty is to necure protection to the debtor
without wronging tho creditor, but it is not
Impossible to frame a law which shall at
onco respect all rights, whilo relieving all
misfortunes. A business community cannot
prosper as it should, when the honest failure
of a merchant is mado irretrievable by his
lifo-long slavery to debt. There must be n
basis upon which a man honorably bank
rupt can rebuild his fortune' What nicr
ennnot recall many instuuees of nu n who
are now struggling to support large families,
who but a few years were rich, nnd who arc
only held down in poverty by tho constant
of a debt which even their creditors have no
hope will ever be paid t The law must and
can be so framed that, while it will aid nnd
protect honest insolvents, it will not give
nor assist any broken merchant in fraudulent
repudiation. I'hiladelpliia lreit.
SrCROKON is Ft'K.vr. Mr. SpurRPon, the Lon
don (trencher, lately r eiuonsl nitcl uiih tliu young
ladios of bis oongrsalioa tor fuinliujr, awuy so ol
AMD Till!
Trices Cheap na Ever, to t!i! ulio pay promptly In
Premiums to now Fuusbribr.r '. !
Notwithstanding thccosl of Reprintinj these Peri
odicals has more than dnuLiiifl iu coiiftcttucnce of tbo
enormous rise in tho price of Pnpor nnd of a Rcnmil
advunce in all other expenses and rjotwithslnnding
oilier publishers are reducing the hiro nr hiRTening
prico of their publications, wo shnll ccntitiue, for the
old rules, viz:
1. The London Quarterly (Cot:Si.i vative).
2. The Edinburgh Review ( Lig).
3. Tho North British Reviovr (Free Cburck).
4. The Westminister Review (
6. Ulackwood's Edinburgh Mngunine (Toryb
Per Ann
For any one of the' four Reviews VI uj1
For any two of the I'uur Reviews b
For eny three ol the four Reviews 7 u"
For alffonr of the Reviews 8 (HI
For lilftekwood's Maazino 3 (ill
F'r ltlaekwood and one Review o 00
For Ritickwood mid two Reviews 7 lit!
For Blackwood and three Reviews 11 tl'l
For ltlackwood and the four Reviews ID 00
The poEinp;o to all nrt of tho United Plates is now
il v Fifty-six timU a Year for tho holu Five Pub.
licalions, viz : tweuly-fonr cents a year for Rlaek
wood and only Eiht C'enls u Your (or a IUvicw.
1'oiIuku is pnyuble ul Ike olfico wlieio the liuu.beis
ure received.
New Subscribers to any two of the Periodicals fir
tSilt. will receive a.ta prentittnt their eh'dfe of any
o'"or tho four Reviews ISii.'l. ubnci ibi-i to nil
live wili receive their choice of any tivu of the fuur ;
Reviews for ISM. ubiHiribcrntoaiiy orell Ihewnrks
liir I W'l. may procure any of tho tour Reviews lor j
lMli.'i, to which they may not tc t;;ti'.lud iispreiuiiin,s, j
at SI n vcur eneli.
Cj? The Third Edilion if the September Nunib.r
of Jilackwuod, containing in Rn article by an Endl-h
olHcer who win" present at th Rati.k or U KTTYsbi r.u, j
is now ready prico 'ii cents.
Remittances and oouiuiuuicalionsshould benddre- '
ed to
LEONARD SCOTT ,t CO., Publijhers,
No. 2S Walker HI., bei. Rioudnay and Church St. ,
Wo also Publish the j
T.y IlKNnv STEi'iiKNSol EdinburKliaiid Iholatc J. P.
N'uiitox, of Yale Collofre 2 vols. Royal Oclavo, KillO j
pages nnd numerous Enj;ravinc.
Price $0, for tho two volumes. By Mail ?7.
L '.ht'C'iT 4. CO.
Jannnrv 9, IimH
TPnE HOUSE and FIVE LOTS, in the borough or
I Northuiuberlmid, fiontinir on Queen Ml eel,
which is the main road leading from Ihis place to
Lewikburg and Milton. The house 1 a Inrjie two
slory friunc building, will suit two fnuiilies. or an
swer well fur a public hoiin ; omicotod with it is a
carriage house, an excellent stable, and w ell of vvuter
cumcuicul to the kitchen, wilh a pump in i:.
The location is a pleasant and uinl lic.-irablo ono
for a private residence, or will luaku uu viccllcut
stand for business.
Tho price and conditions will bo undo known by
tLo.undcraiyned w ho occupies the premises.
MAltY A. liL'RU.
Northuinbeilnnd, January 2, lrtri:!. :n
A A Y K 'Kti
The annuM list of United Stales taxes is mr. Ic up
on Licenses, Iucoujc. on Ciutulcs. Silver f'inlo. and
all uup-iid monlhly lists ai'0 iioh due aud paublo, ns
fotlous :
JiM.iTA CorsTV will bn nt!mlcd t by .Tolm
M l.aublin. lleputy. at ililllinlon. on Mou iny. ihu
11th day ol January, Itiiil ; al M'Alisterville. on the
12th and i:5th I al Richfield, on tho 1 lib ; ut Mexico,
ou the 10th; al. M'Conncl.sville, 011 tho ISth ; at Eat-t
W aterford, 011 ths -'U;li and 2 1 si ; ut ferrvsviie.', 011
tho - M.
S.wnrit Cocxty. IL'iiry Smith will a'.tui.d a
the Washington House, Middleburg. on tho llih of
January ; Sclinsgruve. nl the l.nioii lluuse, ,n the
1-tli ; 1'ieeburg, ut F. Mover's Hotel, ou Ihe folh ;
at Heaver Spring, ou tho Mill ai d 15th
I.'Mun Coi VI v. Jue Reaver, b.-puly, will Rt.
tend at llurtletou. on Ibe llih of .laiiuuiy ; ul Mil
Uinburg, on the 12lk ; ut New llerliut on Iho Llih ;
at Lewisburg ou the I tin und liah ) ut New Colum
bia, ou Ihe Lvu ; ut Luiunlown, o'i Ihe 1'Jlh.
NollTlllMUKIILA.MI Col TV. S. ll Hover, Deputy
will aiteud ul his oltice. in Sunbury, on luu llh ar.d
1'Jth ofjanuury; ut Vi' eaver's Hotel, in Sliaiuokiu,
on the Sllli; at J. .M UuB's, iu Ihe Uiriuh ol
Milton, on the -'- 1 and 2'ld.
Ll a 1, ill 1.1 ColMY. AtlcnJauce will bo given, iu
persuii or by Deputy, at the Assessor's ollice, Middle
lowu,oti the lllu of Junuary ; ut ilumtncls'.oun. el
ftuem's )loU 1, outhel2lhl ul Linglcslouu, uu tho
lulli; ut Rerrysburg, ou tbo l'Jlh ; ut Millersburg,
uu Ihe 20tb; ul flulifnx, ou the 21st j ut lauphin,
ou the niomiug of Ihe 22d. Attuudaucu nili be
giveu ou any day at uiy othce, iu if uriUburg, for
buuphiu ouuuty.
To til who neglect lo pay al Ihe times and places
spcciuid, 10 per contutu must be udded uud Miid.
All luxes mutt be puid lu lioverumet funds or its
Colleoior Uih iiuiricl, Fa.
Ifarrlsbnrg. Junuary t. lni.
.Idsuluialrutor'st .oli e.
I'ttiitu of A Joriinn Jiclrjf!a; tlrcttiutf.
"VTOTlCli is hereby given that letter uf adminis.
i. traiiou upou Ihu i.llteol A. Joidi.n RoVkeiVllcr,
laleof the iioiouili of huubuiy, Norlbun berland
county. d,ceed. have becu granted lo ihe sbbscri.
bur. All peisiti batiiig; uluiuis uxni1"1 ftlt'd
eatute are rotjiiested to Uiake kuoK n ihe sauiv, and
persous kuomng iliiu.elies Imleblci ui rtsjucjlod
lu luuke psyiiiaul wiiliout delay
WM. il. 1101 KtttLL'ER. A mluilrlor,
of A. Jordau UuckeltiUr, dec d
Sunbury, live. 2d, lsdJ 01
Jusl received t the
,fl r n I" "n . -n
tlUsrt) II. A.
I.. (iiiwti.i:
Maikel Siuai. Ill iioimju s liuildiug. rui.lory. I'a
UAVl.Nli Uksu tilia paint lu run! l'l,iU,l,llil
In avUel lu Uii aiyliMiof f uwjr Uuvds. 1 niu
lulu. s , asd uliicli ll.r v !. Ii.l uhi. I aud
ai oaVili'M al (La loassl Krisis. JUw auiiuiviil;
Ladm' liimtulwics lut Dia fUrs f. litems,
S.UU,.l.lelii. JlMiolki-leblrl. lilukt
lllilsND MII.I.IMKV i.'ul'l
pkyit, U ulu as4 lt l.jrs husuta IbUul i)ur,
ilulU-M. lllllllia, CwIIais. Hles, Uui js.kllM,
Imimos. lluir liiiMitaa. liaii nil. tlir ,Nt, awiu4
ft Iks, UuiiiMxal akiiia, ll knls M I ui lot
1.4.m. 1 l.LilJi.u, s-.k, l.o... IU.4
Iiiumi AlbtiiM, mu4 tiuiuaiuu ulbof
laxss MtM4i
V wsalw wrpi4 Ui ilt iU.hiJ iuu.lU,4 (us
k,k4lui iff slbUvUM.
i riiu: v o,"
Allarssrtft ta ha l i'-f fulu
k4 Hiva4a, tl 11 aauWylijI
Uu Im sllMi4a) 4 i Mkst ils lj)ss ls
" i"". tsf1.-."
noniellslss? Nir 1st IMslludclpisia.
No.,1333 Chosnut Street, epposito tho U. B. Mini.
Oallcry, Iteoeptlon and Oi.ora'lng Rooms ALL ON
All sly!i and rli of Photograpli, Iyory1yTti,
Ferrotypes or 'Tintypes" and taken at prioce to suil
the timos.
rSoturoe Finished In TTulcr Colon, Oil, India Ink
and Pastil.
nnrses nnd other snlmnts. Equine so, Country Seati
Ruins. Models of Machinery, Ao., for Putonliug to.
euratcly photographed.
r. F. Cooper desires to call tho ntlention of per
sons yisltinff rhflodelphia to his new O round Flow
Oallcry, where be has inlroduoed pcwly-paicnted
comeriis, onpabbs of teking, In A few seconds, one
hundred l'hotogrnphs, from the smnll stiuip or au
tographio, to the Imperial end Life Sij.
After many experiments lie liae succeeded In pla
cing his sky-light t eji in irved tngln, diflusing
tho light in crna! proKrti.f,s, and producing that
soft gradation of tone which ci.nnot be given by tho
side nnd sky-lights genernlly lisod, and which of so
much Importance to tho beauty of r picturo. Jt is
made of Fruuofr glass, aud is tho largest iu i'hiludol
phin. Mr. Cooper has been engaged more than twenty
years in the study and practice of IheFinoAjla
Ills lonir experience as a Minintare and P-rlrait
Painter is a sufficient guarantee for the perfection of
the pictures made nt bis establishment.
The art of idealizing is well understood ; iinne but
the most skillful artists ure employed in the rcspuc
tivo departments.
Tbo art of idoulizingis well understood ; nono but
tho most skilful artists ure employed iu the respective
All Pictures Warranted : the Ivorytypes will not
change in any climate, mid w-ill aland Ihu te-t of
ncids. Pailieulnr uttcution is paid togiving gi accfnl
and easy positions.
Daguerreotypes nnd ell other kinds of pictures
coppicd. from small medallion to life size, and fin
ished in colors or Indian nk, tolook Cfjua! topictu,rcs
taken from life.
This Uallery po"es.-03 rare facilities for tnkirti
IuiuetraiH l'ieiuics from life, in tho rear building,
where from ono to titty horses can bo photographed
ut a time.
N. 1!. - To PhotogrnTihers. Colorlsls nnd others.
JiiPt Issued. A New ork en
rnoToonAj ii CoLoniNci, IvcnvTYrisn, Enami'.lt.-
Complete instructions j;iven for making Ivorytypes
wilh some valnablo reeeipts. never befnru publi-hed,
useful lo all photogrnphers, for one of which a lurgo
sum has been offered.
lly following the directions contained in this hook,
even those persons- with uo pi ovious knowledge of
Painting cannot fail to color photographs iu a beau
tiful end etVective s'v'c.
Price. One Copy. Tivo Copied. $20. M. Vy
remitting SI 2 one C'iiy, w ilh Roxol l'ainls, PuK tlc,
und prepurutious cuuiplvtu will be furnished ti ec of
chaigc. f
Will be Published Shortly,
A Vai i aiilk Woiikii binwtso.
Willi progressive Uluelruliou ol tho lihuiim Face and
A ir.xn-T)ooK os Positions,
With Illu'lfntlonf. Designed fur tho use of Photo-graphei-s
uinl Arlistf.
Mr. Cooper c mlinues to fecelye Ladies nnd (Jen
llcuien into his Clus'es fur !n0truetioo in DrRwing,
and Photograph, iiorytypr, India Ink and Pa1il
Painting, and u beautiful process lor Enameling
Circulars conl 'lining list of prices of pictures end
further information respecting thuUtook nnd Terms
of Instruction lnny be hud by enclosing iV-t Ofiieo
Address and u Stump to
K..W Cbc'tnut Street, l'hilad. 1, bin.
Caleb Cope, President Acnden y of Fine Ails.
Dr. Thou, ii Wiboii, Orniiiioloist and Eutoiuol-ogii-t
Rev. Tliomrs Miles Martin, P. K. Cl.eivh.
Hon. iclor A. Snilori. Consul nf Leghori'.
Robert li. Clurson. of Firm nf.biy C"ol;e .t Co.
New York, Rev. Vi . A. M iylin, licet. St. Allan's
IW.U11. J. E. Tilton Co.
Worcester, Mass., 1. limine. Ei-.j.
R illiinove. Mi'i.s. AuieJee Sanvoi:. French Concul.
Dec. 12. J !':!.-
"new fancy sToiiiT"
HAVIXtl just ri'tuiiK"t from riinM-Uli-uin, hnvo
iMtw ien a frohh suj;ljr of
'k'rimi.u., stntl VsiEi'y Aii' I'N.
nt brr Slnro in tlio room niliiniiifj Jlte roiJnfo
of Mrs. IHrkT. in Market fNnure, iuiiltury. i'a.
Jlt-retork ron.tislrt in part of
IsUiIkV TriniininTf f'-r Hrcc?. Ikt",
l'rtttdTH lr rf9vt r.v.hrtAifrv!t
litkninl ('nil on ThfTict. Jailict (!ttvfj
Jnfiu's Pro'H. Iluttunji, Uiiuliur. lliMi. t'u..iir
vi .lot-vo. , tii-iiU" Nfoktii-i. Ooift'l". Jlnir r.iiili.
nnd nair.Pitius uthvr urticli.", hU oi wliicli will be j-lci
at tbo bmiiM rult'.
I bnvo mlded to iny Ui-Ai Ia1nv.M ri, TTk;i
Fkirt.-, ty.)!fii Cni'1 fur Ijidion nn Cbildron Ii'f:ii.t
Sufkf. Jt'iils' Lh.fU Silk e:kiiLa4. Al. a trb
wjpj'lv (it'Cuth'jtf, HiavU Knit !uc. V wAvn Yurit,
ami I'ih n!it rondy to do all ktiulb ;-f Stiuiijj;:?5 fir
bindiu or cmbtuidrvy.
Alfa, h vitrii:;jr of arlbrlef nuitiiblo fur Christ ir.ns
IVi'St'itla, fuvh R6 lMni'-riipb Albums, I'orti monnat'H,
Urnci'li'iK, I.ifu.-l-i'in.. Ao. AIk)H buniUomo uioil
uit'ut of Tuvc uud line ConrVciiuiifry, Ac.
M A li V L. LAZAUUc.
.Sunbury, Oct. 17, lsOJ. Jy
li O A li li I N G A N I) D A Y K C II O O L
I'or Veun' I.:nil's.,
No. l'.'Ui) Spruce Sireet. Phiiiulelphit.
Rev. Ir. flowo, David V.'cbsler. I.Vq.,
Rev. I'r. Snddurds, Wm llnyward Iirayion. Ksr
Rev. lr. Cooper, Henrgo .M Whnrlon, Lsq.,
Henry M Fine. Fsrp. T. ". llollingMuinh, Kstp,
R. K. Aionlg'iuiery. iq. Hon. Alexander Henry.
Thomas Liunbip. Kst., Vhiludelphia.
lleevinber 5. I Si',;'
il::: Iphia A. Uric Btailroasl.
r 11 1 1 pros! liiio Imverses the Nrllieru Hi d Novih.
1 west i-oiuuies of l'euu.y Ivuiiia lo the cny of liiu
on Luke Krio. .
it lias-bum leaded liy tlio Pennsylvania lttti!rond
ConipHiiy, und under tlieir uuspiees i being rupidly
opoued throughout Us entire kntli.
ll Is now in use lor l'assenger uud I'reifrlit LnMiies
from llurrioni- to huipoiitim (IUj uiile) on tlu1
Kasteru hivieiou. and imw hhelbeld to Kriu, VS
miles.) ou Ihe ostein ldiiaioii,
J.eur l V.,0-i;y.
Hiiil'lrniii. HI. In A.M.
.Mail Train. 4."i 1'. M,
i-.x press Train, 0..J0 A. .M
l.iirew 'ir:iin. 11.4 P..M
Cur run thronuh wtlhout ehuuire, bolh wns. on
these trains between i'bil idelphiu und Loek lluuu,
uud between llultimore and l.ix'k lluveu,
Lleant silcepinir Curs ou Kiprvsa Truins liolh
v,iivs butuetu M illinni'porl uud, uud
WiilininrHrl anil I'hilu l Iphin.
I'or infoi'inulion respeeiimr l'nsseiiKer hiuiuess
upply ill the .. K. Cor. llih ui.d Market S;s.
And for freight f.uniness of ilie Coiopanv's Agents,
S. 11. Kiuirstou, Jr., Cor. l ith uui Mitrkvi St.,
J. W. llevnolds, T.r'.
J. il. Hrll!, Ajjeni X. C It. R , Ilulilninrp.
II. II.,
limi'l In ilil Agt. 1'Uilau.i.
I.KW is 1,. Hill TV.
lion I Intel A t., I'liiludit.
Ji'.seu l. Port.,
lieu I Muuuer, Williiiuisjuit.
X'ov. 21. 1VI.
ikii'Im:is4 v iu:ui:its.
liAX'bS WANTI H lo Chop and Hew T!m.
JUU ber on Ihu tlisotia Trael, I wiles from
l uxi.l.iirrf. 'Ibe inoal libarul wanes will be puid
Cusb vkvty mouth KuOjUH'ouf HK'l'r.l., Ihiwi.iuui
l'..or T. T- blltl-iJ, uu th iii-eiuis.s.
' Ykil. HUCK I C
Vee. , 1W.1.-.14
VIMl I J U 1 L I ) IN (i ST 0 N 1 1.
fllllK subs"! ibers ti I st-l full jf In'inm lh liis.HS
I el !"uobur. thai llo'V ' V P'id la (
I'iVINil A Ul II.I'l.Nis Ti.'Mi, l b.t woiua
d al r-i.iuoui.Uu rai-
Ihs tiuua will U dvlisared en Ilia mr itu.k l
Suiili'si y -
I'.,.-.,,r I'ul oB UI li d U la
lot, il lu iwll ai-d sxauuua ki-u c uivbiuiu ilw
A.M, llltH4 MAfcTIV,
13, Ml Huubuiy,
M A I II 1 I I' 11 11
lAkllLV MMf MAkttt
i.. . I,
tall i I lauoaltsr. k!
Im sadua its, ll asoisa v Cut a ttH
UiiibJ Ls uAiuii si.i.1 kiliiLkll aia
CAl fluN ' it .a aia t,l'i4
liu C 'mi . I ! H' fsui4 aaiwU
al u, lu liuu au.a. Ml sibs .u4 tului (uw.
(n,Mf W '
-kiilli. I il 4j ltt,
S,u.k.,. 1 ... lu u. lh.Ltai. Ill
AT I 23 r E H TEAR.
Coollnues under the editorial etiarge of
Who are assisted by some of th
I'irnt WrllTnort1ioIir
In their eflorto to ui;ike tho Evr.niMo Pout the
Tlio present high position attained by the Kvenlng
Post as one of tbo leading minpolitan Jourimls is
the result of tho foarless and ffer rty supiui t it has
always giveu to the greut principtos of
llquiil JuslK'c und I'reedfliii to AU.
It earnestly approves the war for the t'nion ', It I
lml ls up the bunds of our bravo soldier" in tho field ; :
and it opposes treason in all Miupos, whether open, as
at the South, or covert and sneaking, as at tbo North.
At tlio rams lin o It is ti e enemy ol nil un li.e exer
cise of power, of all kinds of political jobliery and
corruption, and insists upon economy in expenditures
nnd a strict adherence to the constitution. Pledged
to no party, mid looking only to Ihe interest if Hie
whole onn-.itry. it will use vhatevor energy nnd in
fluence il ha, in tho defence of ihe great principles
nl human right and human elevation which bo ut
the touiidiitionofimr institution.
It aims ehielly, however, at being a (50OII NEWS.
PAl'RR. In iis columns will be louud n complain
liislory ef tfcc Wur, important Political or Stale
bocumenls entire. Proceedings of Legislative bodies,
Summaries of luiropcnn Inlelligeuco, aud ncn
from all parts of the world, accurate reports of finnn.
cial and eommerciiil matters, trustworthy Correspon
dence, nnd a carefully selected Literary Miscellany,
comprising Poetry, Reviews of New Works wiiu
liberal extracts, Uussip and Anecdotes tho wh-.le
formiugan cx'elleiit variety, in sa hit-It every reader
will diiu'.'Ver somclliing to his ttisle.
T rsits nlMiijM in Adiniice I
Publislied F.very Wediiosdny.
When Addressed with each Subscriber's Name :
('no Copy, one year ff'J 00
I breo l opies. one year b lift
Five Copies, one yi:ir S (it)
Ten Copies, ono year 15 00
and an extra copy to the gettei -up of each Club of
v, m:x A ci.i d is si:m to one Aonr.i.Bs.
In order to encourage tho formation of Clubs in
places where only single Jeopies are now tnken we
have decided to offer the following inducements :
4 Copies, one veur, to one ad i revs f 5 CO
8 ' " 1(1 00
M " ' 20 01)
l.'l " ' ii (
An rxtrp onjiy of tbo AWclt.y be Bent for each
Club of twenty nt this? rn'o.
i:.Mi-vri;KLv lvexixu post.
PnblMicd Every Tuesday and Iritly.
One opy. ono year ,1 CO
Two eopie:. i:je yottr 1 ft (:0
1'ivi' fiii-.-. o:h" yr:tr 12 00
T.d cttpic?, veur 2J 00
A eny ofi.1" Weekly, ono yen r, of tbo Somi
Vivckiy ,'. i.c .intuit., will bv -ft.t to unv boraon
I w I'n m:.. n club or t"ti N'lni-VM-!ily.
A 'opy of tJie Scini.AVfi'kly ono yt'ur will be ient
: f'l t'Yiry club of iwunly ut H'KJVf riil1..
1U1TA I'.Vl.Xl.i rn-,?.
diic copy, one yj.T. delivered hy carrier $11 00
line C"iy, ot.e yeer. teul Ijy 1(1 00
One c 'l'-;, one luo-il'i 1 oil I
i ci.i.r.i.vLXiiio
.pplitd liy mail ut th" following
mil.UTil : Semi-'e( Itlv. ?2 2j :
; r:i!i-' ; Hi.ilv. s'l per
! Meeklv, tl'.'iU. Jlol
iiey miij ooforwsjdcd by ir nil I
I i.t uur ii.-i:.
! fl'KCJ.MKN COl'IK.-?.
j will le sent Kree to all rtho detire it.
i AMr.l-.3
j Vv K. C. BEY ANT & CO.,
i OlVieooftlio i-iivenin l'o?t,"
11 Xii'nit Street, e.-.rto r ef I.ioerly, X'ew-Yoik .
, Novelu'.er '.'?. i?'.'.. l;v, !
! U. S." 5-20'S""
. 'i His iSKl MI.TAilY t'K IliK TUr.AVnr !ae
i;'t y-'t ivn tKiti.'1 el' i ny inton-nm lu williilrjiw
j il.i pi''. i!i;ir lMi i'l-jni fa!i' j.t I'm . him! v.'itil t n
I flttv s ii-. t i- ivcjt, i Lo iiii.ii'. -'ijmu. i. 'i'nt't-i1
i :"!i-t'rijit luu Aiistj 1 will c-'ii; :i.v.i tt rM'('!v il.o
I 'J ti'.i v ftimmnt Oi' tho Luah amhoi n is Five
j Kmi'in-'l i f Ik.IImi'3. ..uiy lVur Ihu:-
t tin '1 Mi!Iin!:? hfivu Lv ii nh'ccly su'iTtlKjI i''r,'ii:l
jh i iuio ill'1 TiT:iury. iKi.-'iy wiili h ,t:l s. , -.'ii lti)'.1 tii'iiinii l IVoiii nTirur.J. iumI tlis
t 1 i i i 1 1 v iiififii'in lioi'ic dciMHH'l (or lis! ii-i tin1 l-i.'is
i'T riiruliitinn iy Sn'vti lirmkiiiL1 A.itcinti'.h
im-w rgttni7.iii in kII fmr of tho cnui'ry. will, in
. cry si.url frn(l. nNoU tiu Iimiiiiilt. '.'ks l.t.. y
1'iltly riiiif.l Um i t 1 1 to Itt'l'-fii iiiilfit'ii w'"!iiv,
frrou; L'i.c.H'.lii -z three millions diiily, iiml t-.? tt
i wt.H kiiow.i tlifit ti- Sivrl:iry oi'tli-'ln-iiMiry l.j'-t
j-.nililo nnl imi'iiilintr rc'Hirces in tl.o l)ntioiuu itu
-wrtfi iiml lniLTiii'l lii'VPiiuo:'. uti'l in t'n. iv-'ui i.f liiu
Intru st lii'Hiiii, Lt'ffitl Tt'tnltT Tiv-tirv ?ou-. it i-
nlii: i.t a ovridimy tL:it lio wiil i.m.I ii nvve nvy
1'. r n tonj time t come, tu Peek t V.unln't t'r i uy
other loi. nr pcmipmnt JsCiii". the Iiiterer't tiud l'i il
'.h1 of uhivli nrc i'nyulsh' in U 'LD.
i ni'lvi.ce jiti'i .-ell iutrrc-t imi.-t tn:-ritlnj niit'li of
&l Cujile?u.'iitiiitf the torinntiuD ot Matiuiirtl Iai k
U'. AK-ooinl'mi, c.- h. the iniiniri nil V. ho
mH ioit' iin'ii'-y (rn t'eiv lihiidn, to tJiu pruiiipt c-n-fluynjii
Iluii il-t'y .-ii'it'.'tl li:u iio till in puU-i i)jti:;
tu tint ino.-I j.upul ir It will M.on bo l-t-y
tl.i ir rtiKlj, n.iu H-lvuiircti. n InnHlxium ifiiiiuin M
w .ui l uo re.-till vv i i i thf 'Ti.u J iih fy " Loan, w ln'ii
j ii wh till M could uo longer In :'uL?irileii i'.t
I ut inr.
j It in a ??ix Per C nl I.iu.n, the Inter ft nn-1 Tjin
1 eij ul pitytibfe ia ruin, tliiif yieUiii;i uvt ' .Nino ju r
ot ut. l or uupuui ut tuc j re-cut nil" f j riMniuia un
'J he PotrtTniMit renjiiiron nl! duties on iuijMirt to
hn '(id in C'::n ; I hive 4 ntitti huve 1 t hm tir.e
itii"t liiiMHinie t to over u Vn't,'-t'r f Jtilli - n ,l ii'
t)rs daily, h mm renrly theo tuns jrreiiier tl. iu
tl't reiuir'l in tho ;nnirnt rf th interest on ail
the it-'it s nnd oilier p.'vinnrent Lours. f: Ih'it te
s liojiod (mil fliii Htri'ln Coin in the 'J r'H(t.iy , rt i.u
d;.-t;rt d: V. iil tri.l 1c the ( nil d iSlurts to rcfuiut
yjtndo y.iy .uoiits nj.-'n till linhilui?,
Th J.'Ittn !- culled ?0 from lh fict thut whil-t
the Jt-iiiii. imi run U-r vei n, yet the (ti.veriitHt'iit
hti-rt ri;;iit t. :-y liicuioU in Hold, tit par, nt tu.y
lime utter Vfi-'s.
vit ; on the find d:M- id Nnvotunvr nnd AIhv.
Sutt-t'vihiM'H viu Line t'iiujn Lon U, wiiieh nr
pi:vniie to hen nr. end tiro t-Ott, 4-H't). t tu.d
ih'uu ; ov IU t;i"l red I'u.itUof fin deiMtUiiuuii v.,
tuid hi u d'iiii.'ii. i.').(M.O, find li'.t)i 0 Kor lhiuUin
i'iti'i-t in id lr ii,i'tmn,ij ut Tiui-moJiiw the
lli t;i.'trd lM-md.i tire pretViiihU1
'iiie:-ii j-l.'" enmtot ho taxed hy trite, eVit-s,
tfnui.-. ii'c ui!ic',nu 1 (he tiowrmiti'Til tux on litem
i t.uly i io nnd lutli r ul.,on tho tUt.iHU o il.
iv-iih', Vihcti tho incline ef the holder i t el fi.
Iluiidted Jt IIum per miiitiiu ; ull other iiivftitu-rtN,
Mteh u iueomu tuni M iHhcs. Itmfrnii I Sturk uui
ioud, KW-.t liiu.-; l ttom three tu lav ) i-r eeiu
UU oil ihu tlu' iliii'.
Ji:ink und rMi...ei' ihrouhonl tho Country w ill
ooimnut! toiLMrd th liMud nnd hM or dip hy
Utiiil, or utl.eiuifi jtoiiiuiv ttttaiided lo.
'I he in-'Oin eui n' ut tt tew ' tlulnv iu the Ihe
ilelivriy of the Ihiid i liUnvuiAuhle. lie tteuiHUti
hi ing i ixrent ; hut m tnteret eoiuineiKen from tlie
dy uf uleriitiii no ov ii k ei"iiid, nnd eiy
iUort i Ik'Ui oindtf to dimtni-h Ihe dlty.
.1 1 OOIil
Nl II. m lUI'i tti.s An LSI',
111 iHh 'Il.ird Mievt, l'hit MidiU.
I liru,h.r nj. U
! llt IH, IM Suud 11411 liltM,
1 IIC ttitiA'tilM't W iiAt-rUif th loi:4t
i.rl.'M, li'i-'li.iis e.1 ll.a relialilM m
.. I I liU Al, ll J l.V'ANUA III
ro.Juetiiia nt lh
Villi k . ...ututliiifiil all kiu.l.Hl V III 111 1:1.1..
Si.u l.iJ abd I'ajaif, au 1 uf It.v ul lui i. i i a- ',
rKlii;. !
iiiui-uieiitul 'lire, aud nl.iuU Tl.s ui.wl lu'i,, u- I
IU .1 ,..l 1 li'HtlS I
ll ll.i I'l l -tu- ll as Catal, Cliul.ut lulsaai., j
Cl M.iul I. Inai.a. lUlllul J I'lullHe, l.uWIU. it.
I I ka tili ktllln da ill l li i r, l u lliu iuu.1
i liuii-t4 wttMi , aim wik.i au.Ua ul aulina. I
i U.I lit 1 1 ii t '
IU a.n.uli I J 4tlli f Iha a..i aitidi. Ul g '.l
.Mm., MS JtUI IntlViH.
I I .4IUJ. Mil, 4 I V , I'l
1.111 IU 1.1 '
t t UI ta ika bi.lsaf aa tfUtiibw l Puiut
UN.I1. N .llltuUllvlKuJ Ai..... l' , iwul I
lua luul'lia ul M. laa. SlHU ll I I , al I
lu )wi M, ia4 la aa4 mJk: li.ka.a.
laa vaiu.t ia i,ut44 W l.a4 ysw ytw
l uif ( timt ' t a I Uka luut M Ik aul
M 4t4 mt s .'!' M u
jmiw r un?
;v KIMl r t a, la . .w
orrEn ron sale j
AT j
a full lino of j
bab jit nWjDaa,
Trunks, Valises and Carpet Tags.
HUme end Earthenware.
Wood and Willow Warn.
i'n.r Iron nti.l ,-lti.l,
Xails una Spikes,
Drugs, Puints mid Oils,
Window S:sh and GriiulstdiiiM,
Picks and Mason Hummer,
Comso nnd Pino Sttlt,
l'ihli,, Clii'isc,
Ac, ic, (Fco.,
All ICiruU ot GimhU,
cheap for ca-ih
Country rroJnort,
can be foiui-.l at Uu;
one rnici; STOI43-:
BRIGHT f & S'0x.
.Ml CookU WRrnirtol
A1? r(.')v'ii.-nti'il;
Sunbury, Oct., lOIli, lGC.
!l:u-U Glusty Sill;f., j
4 1 D'.tick (.'u-i!iHi'-.,s: j
?t;;)i.r lilrX'k M-'.-iiln,
i-'ino Buii-a A!;:ai:i :'.j, j und Pni-jik- Dtil.iitp,
VVliito iiml J5!;.-k Figured Dekiucn,
l:i;!-k Crt-pi; M:iti't,'
l.upiiM llhti k all wuol Dthiinca,
r.'iii-k Silk l!i'ivi: s,
litiotl lihick IV'fc;f,
I'l.iiil l)liitk (iiii.crnnr.r.,
ri.iln llkick Cnlii-oi;s.
Kent Kianri'il Illtt'l; iVaeoi,
rinc HincU Srirk 1' 'hr.nicb,
Wink Lnvo i'i!s.
JouviiK Klnt k Kill CIotci,
llliu-k Silk (r;iiintl'tts
YAweU Glovt s in Vurifty,
1'iiic Mnnriiiii IIuihIUlil iiit-f-i,
l!ln(:k ooltnii mill wool llositi v,
lllui k Tliilmt ini'l Wool islinwln,
.Vi-., t'. c, if-.
A hii i: line of tho uLintc p,ni)iU l'.ori'
i pca uinl iVr a!i' ut luu- inircs.
n. v. in:k;irr so.'.
Piinljuty, Oflul iT 'JK!, n;t;3.
riHK Hn'wi-ritT rcp'-'lful'v Itif 'Tii's fter (Vifn.Is
J an I thu I' that '', hss ili-t rrm-il tw.,
il -iirs wiM cf llm 1' lif.ior, a KhW .-'liil'lv t K
I ANCV it'itijis. f r Hi..l gi nilcuieii, useful
un I i-riimut-ulul. e ii.-iiii:jr iu t srl of
Lii'lii-.' Tfimiuii-s, N:iii,.niTv,
.ilit., il'Mik n..v
Ciilt'iii anj utln r J-iuiii-i,
liiiiiliiii.", Ji. ui". m i ti-i.-s Ix-ohs
litl'Lui s. ilvi'. 'ifVt.
Iravntiii; Ws, luks, -liktM,
l'u.-k. I ll, r.Muw ir l uiuii.u,
suil a !-r'.fty if i lln-r Ufti:)' i.u uf v Lit U tii.vtt
l.ton si Utl.a mill unit; (.; j m;i I.,, v.i I ul imwuk.
l'i "f- N.'A I'AIMKH.
ruul.uiy. O -t. '), l;.! y
Its'iisllut; Ituilt'uasl.
(1 iiii.vr tiii m; link fi ih smH w
M Nurlh-Ut)-.! I,.r I' Ij um. .'. ,nli. I,c -lliir.
I'tilt.t'illti. l.i, A lit iilitul1, k.ii.l.iii. Ait.
'J'rnit.s l.uta llurri Imrif I r I'liilit l...lun, N., kti'M.l.utf. I'ult.t iiln. au. all iuit-iuivtliutu
Mtiiiiui.. m a A M , ii uu i ii" I'. M.
S-W iaTk K..ri.lwi ll .n i.'iu:r: al (' A M ,
aiaivinut Nfis uik ut lu I t iliu Mtuia iiimiiiiii'.
tuiv. Iixiii iuvitt lt.ik4li; to
' ltl l iK ul J l,;;i, vi.'ki J
li... iriiiiiji. Nrw Vt.ik si A. M , !? S.n,
an. I t I' 11. t litt-iuttli Kmm..i. lota I'liiluitl.
I.i4 al it 1 1 A M aii.l i .' V M
,liit.iu KH li It,.; &tt V.ifk rTts Truius,
lliit'U)4l, lu at.'l liu I'ltUbul nll ttilliuiil t-lialitt.
I'u.t'11t la by Ilia CutlUtt 4 llu:l tt.U'l It'Ht . T.1 al a .'ul V Al I J II I1. Al , .f 1'U.U.It I-
ulii.t, .S rk, a.i all Mat l' ..i.l
ii Hus li.ta 1'uit.siilt ul li . I M . i . I '! I
M . I'f I'luUilalt'liia. Iliiuluii( uu I St lul
All Bill'.. W Ul.lUtloU k'lSIWllt-l It.lH .'4t ll. . I. f
al u .in .'4 uluiui liuut I UiU4 U l.i i i U
I' M
I i' All ik altaliius lam daily "uiJ.n n
avi.,1 1
Afuu.Uy liaia Cuiisuila al T W A U ,
mu4 I'l., 11. I Ui al 4 1 4 I. M
I viuuiuU.U'U. kiiltau, au. l.vntiitwai
1 u s 1 1 a if'lut'atl tul. iu autl fi hi u, ; u .
Ut I'vuutta l'i k.lvaitl t-.t I, l'.i.,.i
ll Nil A I .
IW 11, wv
IKasral i l..l
air say l asts
(a la lh i ! uf Iks, U. I k-l
' A .! huMkl, ttkanl i lit. '' a Ifl
ul ttkiu Ut4 vn . isvutll ak't.1 11.1
Iii kit, h4.I imiIi.m sm li-a ks v i.
..witt m vtt aiajii . i-tilji ij !,- al
li .;. i svw k- Jl 4k--4 l kt.4
lw' iiMm I ivsinu
I IMS Asjl 'a . il ! J at
a nnmf.r coNCEMftAiLn
i that tvim nixir.vr thk Arrr-inix, akd
1 Mot sun lie Oi'itnlinrOx,
Gorman Bitters
I'Rl'TABfr) BY
crm: ab.i. iisr;Asr.s
arising from
lAKirilorM lJlVl.,!,
K'otr.acli, f Ikiiliiiyt.
Tlinisanris of our f itirn s ure suff'rii)! frora Pys
ticpsiB aid l.ivor I'isfuti', and to ulioru tho follow
lug qui-stlntis npjtly wo jtimruntoe
will cure Ihcm.
Dvartfsiv Asn I.iveii DisrAsu.
Do yon riso tritli a rontnl tonuo morninps. tllh
I'.-iJ tii.-.'o in tlio n;onl'i anJ por.r uppclitu for break
fnst ? Do yiu fuel Tlinti you first pet up so steak
inl Itiri'ui'i you pnn smin-i ly aH sliout ! Io yoa
linvo iliviiiiVs in tho hcstl t times, anil ofti na
liilitcs''. with licmliii'h Ttii mnlly f Aro your
linwols itostivo nnd irrrtjitlDr. nml optiotito cliitugeh
l.Ip ? Do tou tlirow nil -ii!l from tho sliitunch, and
ilo you swi ll up often 7 Do vim fml fulmss ftr
i-slline. acil n "iinkin when tfio st juinch is rinpty?
Do yo.i have hi .'irtl nrn ocuiiiuiilly ! Do you fid
low siiritcil, nml look on Ihu ilurk siile of things
Aro von riot um'.cuuliy nfrvons ut times? Do you
not "ioenrr.0 rit!os. ami often ltiy until miilnisht.
hi fore you mm an to sio, p ? ntvl llif.n at times, don't
you le.'l liull aiui fleeny most of the timo '. li your
skin dry nnd s "My ? also stillow '. In short, is not
juur lite ft burthen, full of forebodings f
Will cure every c:i'- oTCiiron'c or Xervous Debility,
liisenFeof iiio Knlut-ys, and Discuses arising from
a dtsovd' red toin;i,:li.
lie uliiuj froui Di urd'.rs of tho Digejliv Orgaua :
fa'hii, JiiWirl
Til' S, Fullf1 IT liiOrt
lotlic llen'l. Aeidiiy of the Stv
mnh, ItHUt'eii, JlcurtbUYii, Disgust lor
Fool, I uliie s or Vei::htin tho i-lotnaeli, S.rr
I. iuetiitions. Siiihiit; or ! luttcrintt fit tho fit of tlio
iSt'Hiiiieh. fwiuiiniiii: of Iho ileiil, Hurried and Diffi
cult llienthintr. Fluttering at tho Heart, Choking or
bullbcatiri rjensntior.s r hen in a lying posture, Dim.
ness of Vision, Dots or Webs tbo Sight, l ovar
anJ Dull Vuin in Iho Uend. Dt ficiem-y of 1'crspira
tiiin. Vellov;ricss of tlie Skin and Kyc, I'aiu in
tho Side. Haul:. Cbe-t, lJiubs, :c. Snddou
ilnslirsof Kent. l;urnin in the l letli,
Coii'tj'nt Iri.i.Llii'u:, of livil,
Mid jrrnu.1 Di j-t' .31011
ol ; iriw.
I'AUliCrL..r. NC'ilCK
Tr'-M nre imiby f-'parntii.e" Mild nnler th nam
of Hitter?., put up in i.nt.rt Doities. eompounded of
te cbenpeyi wlit. ki.y or eon-i-ioii ritv.i, eoting from
2i to 4'ieont per pillion, l!ieti,.-!e (lionised by Anuu
or l.'"ri!tn. !'.) "-!.
'.I hi.- tl-s-- of l.itt.T- Jii. c.nse 1 nr.t' xs eontimi
t- -! n-". t.s I' -th v e in l. M.-M. hnni-rctlt. to ii1
II. -i lieatii Oi' : h-i ilruiiKHid. 1-y teu-Uru il e fy.tten
i.- k.-;.t ciaHini'.-lIy unit' r th j iiUineii'-C of AK i.Iuiiie
S' iin'iliiii'sof 'ho v..,:'L I kit:.l. tii-Ml.-s'ro fov l.i juor
it .-r-.1.(1 niv.l k.'i.t. up, tM:.l tiio ri-snii i? iiilthetRl
ler.J'.T t upon n di iir.Am I s li'.'e .Del ilett'h.
I'or tho.- ivlio desire nid will have n Li'i'.-or Tit
f.t-.. .ft j.;ib'.i-b tin foHowin. receiiit. II. -t '.'na
:nt;lu liootti'i d s lkrtr.i:ii lii'.tet-1 od i.iix wilh
'jhrec (tinirtsof Hood .i."t. ly or, nnd tlia
remit will ho a pi'cpnratii'ii ti.nt will l'ir exeel in
ineilii'iniil viilties tnnl lute e.eeileueo imy of th
iiuuieriiu Li.ttt.r lltiters in tho n.urkct. m.d will
i''i.;t iiiu'-h b- You will h:vo nil Iho virtues of
Jlo-'llHiid's liitti.T'-in ei.i.r.eeiii'.n wi'h rt tfood urtieiu
of IjiiMtor. nt u inui-h ic-s r.iici) liisii ihcao inferior
J 1 ii p:;i'tition itill eo.u yoit.
V,'l!! i-o Y. -i
! a (i o n n a v r 1: T r t i: .
I Will filve you STROXH HEAI.Tl'.Y Nl'H Yt.
Yl illyivo you liKISi: AM O'Kl'.tjLTIC HiKr.-
Will cr.iitilo yon to FTJ'TP V.'l'I.f., nnd will jns'Ut--ly
Yeiloiv Vvrr. t"i:i ms I'rvrr, A.c.
T'uofe r-'.iff. rlnp; fto:n llroura dotin.itul Deiicato
Ci.u-litutivv.?. f:nn whtiluver efiiisej ei.her in Main
or l'oui:ilo. will fricl in
JfOnl-LAXD Si,'l'"..MAN' BlXTntf. A KEMEPT
Thnt will restore tlietu to tltcir I'u.-il heHh. Sueh
hns been tiie re:.5 in ol iitnuees, and at
fair U inl is but rcoui, ;d iu prove tha Ks-serliou
rT:rT) n f ,fJ.ri'?"r'r,-f ? n
tJivtV vi. .1 i -V. 4j -is t.C AVtvJ-'. lj
An t NOT iutcii'.U I as a UKVtUAUE.
The Proirie'ershave t'lousnr.-l of I.c'Uts from thai
"lo.-t cn;n"-rt I lorynn n. Lawyer.-, l'hvieiuns ar.d
Citizens. T'.-tiMnj! ol the:ro.fu ,er"tinl know ledfto,
to Ibe l.ui'.t'lieiul t due Is kn.l uteuicul Ni'.tU'.s of lusnii
Vroru Kcv. J Xowlon r.own. D. D., r.'.itor nt this
Jiiii'yel.'pidiii of Keligioui Kiiuwlid,;o
Alt'.iou-'li not di-iM,?-1 ti fiiv,.T or reoonimen-1 Pa
tent .Medicine.- iu gueend. iliron-ii di 'trust of thtir
illiTre.lielils mid r.-,'e''!p. I yel know of no sutii'-iel.t
reo-.-ns why r:i,i n:.-;y uh frtii'y io tlie hci,,:tits l-.n
bciieve.-, bin s, ll'lo e neeii id fiotn any siuipbt
pi-.'puiiiin ii. in th. Ii. j.i; ihut he limy thus ciiuiribulis
tu me Itenelit of other ..
1 do lh the n;.re rer'iVly in r.'i'sr,! to I!,,.finnd'ii
(Itiuiuii Kilters prepM.'.l ,.y rM.' i:. ,M. JiK-kon, of
tliist-iiy, becaiiMi I wus pit iudiced nj;:::n-t lliein for
many j ears, umkr lb itopr.'.iiin ihnt tin y wetn
eliieiiy i n ule.ihul in n ivturo. I noi indebted' to ny
Iri.-ntl lloberl .Uc, s';kcr. In , i.r tlio removal of
tiii. pp jiidieo ly jiroptr i.-t-', mid i'..r coeuura?
nu iil in try III in. wheu utverin r from v".m' uud
lo-ij; i-onti.iiiedili'b'ilii y. Hie use (,f ilniu (...tilesof
llie.M. iiitlrrs. ut the bcii'; (if tli pui' Ol veur.
WU-. tt.ilottivl l.vevidfii i-.-liif and ie..i.iriou'l a,
d.'Ki'co id btBidy and meii'M vi-'r hith I b id iiot
1 ll lorsix iihjui) i bt t.,ri.. and ti:oi uliiiost desi uin d
ft rvsaiuin. 1 tuiinli 1.11 ojid mv friv&it
lor tiuecli: tu ib, Ua... vs ioc-ji.
ri.iladcli.Vs1,tut 21, ltrul.
risfasti cf HiJneys anil Eladiler.
Yjw.-jor Aji l, M'd, or Fiinah;
Are'ru' lily t jiom I, ki. l tb paliout featorttl '.
iiirx V.tYuiu-i.E.v,
Thaw tiifi-iii.'t fioio MiuisMVS, aUuT
i;'i .oiiri t-'y any II, -li ou tlitir bones, hra tmrd lu
a tery l.ori lime; uue laiiUv iusucb cavsrs, will bl
a U't.-I urp,'i.-iuif t-iieut.
TAPI NTS haviu,' suSVrliift thildren as bnv,
and isltiui; lo I iie ib.ui. will in ker iftwl tha day
they etiuillivuee 1 with Uu - titers.
UT1 l!Al:Y MTN. Ski MATS, and lltusa work-
h. bi I wi.h I Ik ir br.tius, si tiubl alays kap
b.ililu.d It. K.l'nti.l I Pilli'l. li.'r ll.triu. tu the V ill
bod Hi Utll I't iiilil fri'UI ill ll-i'. to b ill UllUli Ull
I. .Mjy, iovi.iiHiiiij; and i.-t tl.-pit.iim.
And Umh uj prostration
M.'lllloi). Nolllftr J
ASD lilt: llllLM'd OK r'OI.DlITt
tl a r.ll lh attexlloii of 'l liah r-lul'oat or
fiitad. in th aiuiy It. II. t l ihai lli"l b Wl '1
IterutMb bit ii. ' kkdl hi a kin trail, el lk Jilt a r
toiiu 'vi b(, t'kpK.uttj i d pi it .ill. i.. lie i.b'i.l lo
II. . iu lb litis. l,ll I t J !I'S jsilf In il.
i. i ttpMi.ti,. ii u, tir.,..i i ii; h.U -...d I. i .
I i I il .. o k. i l b i pit p. I I. .1 tfa -it rl it.f ti I
.l-l.i ll I.o.'y f. ,il ii . ' I t. 1 i u I . I !y
euif I oi h-4,i i i j i..u..u b ..t i. w b ,i it
Ii. ., iu .. .tu Ik I. u il.a ! . it., i v
k... t Sl.l.'I.Si.r .1' ' kl.i.tliv'it Ul l.k. 1. ioi ti
ik --I i ' t . '. ...ui , a u ..ui I i..' ....
I ! .. i it.wi. ma il to r...i.kii;.t l! i ... I Ki.
Ifis b"U' .i-ll. ! m IU .in I a.. A W.M) it la. a i. .
kuka It l.w .it I l.i I,, .,1!, b.i lb U'O i-l tk.s kit.
t.l tul I.- I..' "i b) ll.i il II i. i. b
I I VI It t n I 'il Ml bit 1 ! i
4. '!..l iu k. io.'k ii ..I "' J T..-'(" W a
u. V. i . , .i l . U I . ' i
I'ki kS .ult.k 7 ii-- .. 61 kt i! fi I l 1.1
ku.'uiil t,r i .a 4.u 4i..i a .1 il a, ,1. I,
4 . kt I in. at . a I ) i k ti I..I. aitstll' t,ai
l... Ibai w.k W tStiv4 laa ... i tw. kt.1 ..4 i" a,
I . kul k-4 ai l -I k. a 4. 1 .-.
t ii.4 1 ev k. t u.i .' Sm ! ii t it.
iU.lJ i I IU '!,
tk'tHHSkvW Ik l) U llti I
Fi! st
t y f-4 IV.W k fa 'sun ak D.. it .;
i ! I t'il a i.
Ii ll.i I' IK s. I
ll .'i v wa
"., If l'
, f w . - . - w - , - .
I M.aa.t4 i iHI -
mat wi'i