Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 31, 1863, Image 1

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    W 'I'llIM
ii.ii.iis or AintUTisi.-vu.
Two tOLLAns per annum, to he paid nalf-ycarly
advance. iY pajitr diicontlnued until nil r
uroci are paid.
t9 CttM 1
hroo eoplw fo on aJdreaa, f 4 00
ten do do PC
ifteco tin do !' W
Pitn Polltrt. In H.tvnnrn, pay f"r three jrnr'
bicrlptiuii to the American.
Club subscription must be Invariably pnid in J
mee. Hint sent 0,10 addrt's...
1 1 subscribers neglect or refute to tiiVe their nt-,1-rMi'rom
theofBoc to which they are directed, thej
o rwwmiblo until tbey hivo settled lbs billi and
1-tal them diwwinlimiod
Postal inters will pleaaa net M our Afffnts, find
nk loiter" oontainiin aubrcrfption money, thry
e permitted to do (hi ander the ToM Office Low.
One aqunre of 1 J lino. 3 time,
hrnj lubeeouent lni rtiou,
One aqunre, i uioniha,
Six month!.
On year,
KmintM Civrte rf S for, prr drflTttf,
Merchant, imi! others adv. n,,i ; i ill VHT,
$1 M
8 to
6 CO
8 Hit
3 00
wiiii ine pru nes ot li.aefui.K d.lti.Liad
vcrtiRinjt weekly.
10 00
llll.inti.a nnliflu I..- . - 1 . - ys ...
, '.J?. ,H"'"K ninl Dcuthi, 1'IVK v.. Mi fill
LI.M-. for each Insertion.
( V Larger AdverUscmrnla v pr agreement.
We have connected with our establishment n well
lik-cled JDI1 Ol-TlCli, which will enable lis to
execute, in the neatest Myle, every tiirioly of
V 1 il
Mi n D II II n
JL-A-JLT fl fl il ia UXVi.JL
ywTlic TiVrnT' u lapccr TioimtjJ
- tK.. 1
DR. .TOIlN10N but discovered themot Certnin, .
Srcedv "i d onlT Fflctiinl Be tntily in the
l or'd for nil Private Ictine. U'enkne" of the Buck
r 1,'mbs. Stricture. Affecliors of the Kidnrya mid ,
:ind ler. lnvoluiitHry Machargea. Impotency. Gene- ,
il Iieh'liiv Nervonmew. Pypepy, I.aneuor. Low '
"irit.. C'oi'fmin of Idcia. palpitation of the Heart.
'iiiiilily.Tren Winsr- IMmnewuf Siclit or (Jidilinem.
ii.PnP,.'of tlie Head. Throat. Noc or fkin. Affre'ioi a
f the Liver. Luni:. Stomnch or Iinwels theap Teri i
le ldfnrdera arising from the Solitary llnhiti of
'until thoie arcret and solitary practici 8 more fitnl
i their victims than the song of Syrena to the Sin
mcraof riywea.Miuhline their most brilliant hopej
r anticipations, rendering umrriage, Ac, iu.poiai-
le' voiii:' j
'.peciallv. who have become the victim of SoHlnrv
ice. that (lreailful and destructive hnbit which
linu'ilty awecps to an untimely prnve thriusanlii ot
.' omi g Men of the most cxnllnl talents and brilliant
i.telli 't. who iidjrht olherwisuliave entraneetl listen
list Senates w ith the thunders of eloquence or w aked
o ecstniy tho living l.vro, may call with full eon
Jcnce. I
.ti.iitiei n !
Married Por.-ors, or Vonns Men ennten platirR !
iiitrriai;c. being aware of physical weakness, organic 1
li i.ility. defoin ilii . Ac. fjieedily cured. i
lie mI-o j laces himself under the care of Pr. ,f .
'.ay r-liaiously coi-fide in his honor a. n pi-ntlt lunn,
confidently rely upon nis smii as a 1'nysn.ian.
(iiiia.Mc vi:ui!s
.il UTiliately Cured, and Full Vigor Iteflored.
l'l.i Iiisires-iiig AfTection which renders Life
oi-i rnhle and tnarringe inipos.-ibe is the penalty
imoI l.y'be vi'-liu.s ol improjier indulgences. Voting
;ei.oi.s are ton apt to commit rx.-cMes froni not
icii'g itwjtrc of the dreadful conferpi'-nces that tuny
.iisiic Now. who that understnnd.s the subject w ill
i ret'Td to deny flint the power of pruercation is Inst
ooner by those falling inlo improper liabils than by
he prrdirt 7 I'.esides being deprived the pleasure
1 healthy otTspring the most serious and destructive
-yn ptnins to iioth body nnd mind arise. Tlie syctetii
liii- iu i'S Deranged, the Physical and Mental l'liiic
ti. n- e-.kened. Loss of Procreativc Power. Nervous
1 1 ri::.iil IV. Dvspepsa. Pnlpitation ot tho Heart,
Iteiigciinn. Constitntinnal Dtbiliir. a Waving of
i'ic i;ruine. Couh, Consumption. lcny and luutbT
Oiiicc. . 7 tVoiKh I'r.'tl.'i-icK Slr-'l
Left n-ind rid.i g' iug frcm street, a few
.! ours li"iu the corner. Fail nut to observe name
mi l m:ii. her.
Letter ii list be paid and eonlnin a stamp. The
fi-.i-tor's Diplomas hung in hi office.
fllii: WAItK AVI I. TWO
Ao ATt'rrrry or JWiuffOvi Drttgt.
tali. .IOSIANI OA.
Mender of the Hoynl Collegn r.rh-'nrgeens. London,
lirailiiate from one of the nioft eminent t.'ollei;i:s in
the I i.iieil Stares, and the urealer iiart of whose life
h-is In en si'cnt in the ho:..ilHls of Lonrhin. Paris.
Phitadel.hi:i aid ehewherc. has cReeted af-ine of
the nio-t r-ioni?hir2 curea ihnt were ever known ;
in-iny trounic'i w rn ringing in lite tie.-nl and ears
wh'-n a-'erp. great nervousne.-s. being alarmed af
hi. Mi n sounds. b ihfiilnes, i;h freipienl blushing,
ntten lei sotneiiines with deruuseuiciil of mind, were
urid imtnediatelv.
. k'Ati I H I L tU rVOTH E
I r J. ad lre?--cs all those who have ii.juied them,
--Iter by iujropir indulgence and solitary habits'
v.hich ruin bo'h body and mind, untitling ihem for
e'rl-er hiisiue-s. s' society or inarriae.
'i'ltl't: arc so! f the sol and mehtti-diolv efi'ects
pr.idneel by cr!v hal.iis of youth, fi?.: Weakness of
lit ll:i k anil Pail-sin the llend. Jlinmes of
,'i.hi, Los-, ot' iMuscnlar Power. Pal) itation of the
tleiri. l't. p-y. Nervous Irritability. Derangement
of :tic Diesiive r'unctions, (ieneral Debiiiiy. Sytui
toirs of CniiMimpt inn. it c
M i:m .t i.t.v. The fearful efl'i-c!. on the mind are
iMit'h to be dreaded Lors of Memory, Confusion of
I I I .-i r. s:..i: of Spirits. Kvil-F-ireUnliiiga. Aver-
-em to S.iei.-ty, SeU'-Distrust, Love of Solitude,
Tiu.Hity. Ac are some of the et ils produce!. J
Tiiot mis of persons of all aires can now jndc ;
w!nt i. ilie ciuse of their declining health, losing
i!i't tt4r. htcoiuinir weak, pale, nervous nidi
i ioiK'i.-iti il, hat ing a siiiuiilur aprearnnce ubnut tLe I
-Vls. c iuii an.l sviiiplou.s of coi...unip;iou.
a a',1 AH-.X j
V. i'.i have ii jnred 'hems- h'f s V.v n c-rtnin pr.ietice I
i.i l.ile.l in when alone, a habit frequenllv learned
f. e-. il eouipai iors. or lit school, the etTects of!
.i.i.-I: ere pithily lVlt. even tthrn asleep, and if not I
eure.l rei. lers iii-Tliuge in.j ,is-ihle. nr.d destroys;
:o li.Kni iini imiiy, m.' ui.i apply imnieiiiateiy.
Wlml a pi;y that a young man, tho hi p of his
e.o eti y.llie tlarlil.g ol'hia p.irents. should he rii'ttebed
fioin all pro. ec u mid enjoyments of life, by tho
C't eiili 1 ' e of deviating fiotn tlie path of liillure
hi 1 iielulin in a cer'tiin secret habit. Such. persons
til st, bkiuie coi.ti inplaiiiig
r,-!le -t that a sound mind nr.d body are the most
i e-'iry reipiiriiis to promnti connubial heppinc.-s.
I1 l:-ed ttnhoui these, the jov.rney through lite be
Cities a weary pilr:ln;ige ; the prospect hourly
thiiiiiis to il:o view; the mind becomes, shadowed
with ilcpair aed filled with Ihe melancholy reflec
lien ihnt the happiness of nnother becuue blbtcd
v uli tin r own
i ekilis:: or niriti hici:.
the'iii.lcd and imprudent votary nf !
fi.r- r-mli
.fill disc:.
irtii no niih iiuiuocu me oi nil
. i. to, often happens thai an ill.'imed J
I -Iimiio. or dread of discovery, deters him !
api lying to tie, so who, liom etlueaiion ami j
re.-p i 'lability, can alone befriend him. delaying till j
th.- e..i.-tin.ti.,i.l symptoms of this horrid liiscicic
lonKo ineir u,pcuriinco, sucu iu uieeraie.i Kre
flirest, diseased nose, nocturnal paiim in the head
an. I diir.uesij of sight, deafness, nodes 'on the
shin I , .ins and arUiS. blotches on the head, faco and
cvir. in hits, progressing with frightful raiiliiy, till
rt last the palaie of the inouth or the bones of the
rt .-e fill iu, and (he viciiln of this attftil disease
t.c.'ouits a h..riid nlj. ct id entuiniseratioii. till death
i ui a peuo l lo hi dreadful uiTerii. by sending
iuin to "i Lui I i.'i'vj.'vered Cmuiry fiom whence i.o
triieelb r rituri."."
Il i xviclm.. Ii"hj furl that tlinniands fill victiuis
to thi terrible disease, ow ing to thu ur.skillfulneM i f
i.-ii.iiaiil piC'cr.durs. who. by the use of that P.i't
f' Mciciiiy. iuin tho con.iuution and n-uke
lac rcbiducol lile luiserable.
s i it . mi. nits
Tres' no' your lit e. or healih. lo the care nf (ha
n e y l .irned and U'ouhb w l'rolei .l.'i. des'iiute .
I kii'.H ledge, ii-niie or cbaracier. hu copy Dr. j
J hi. -ton mlvcrti-einenls, or stylo then selves, iu i
lliu eew -pat eis, regularly Lducated Pby.icians,
...,ipabie ol Ciilioi;. ihey keep y. u trilling nionlh
afor n ",u:h U l.,i their filthy and poisolun coin
(H.i.ii.h.or as 1. .ii ix a thetuiallest fee cm be ol.uine.t,
on I iu d.-puir. lent c you withruiued kuahh lo igb
i, n i tour ullii...'.liapH,intii eni.
l'r Ji.l.i..ii.n i. Ihe ..lily I'by.ician advertising.
II ciedei.oul or diplomat alay hang iu bi.olh.'e
lb. i. i. ,1.1ns or liolen,i nt are unknowii lo all
lib. I.. r pared from a life spent in Ihe great ho.- of Luiopr. iliefnsi iu the c.unirv and a more .
e oiu''Mi jif" (hau any ulhir I'hysiciau ,
ii, tho tlolld, !
i u it.i Mi:vror mi: ritntow.
The u,ai iliouaanda eured l I liia In.iltulioo year 1
aftr tear, aid ihe i.kiiitioua iinmruui Aurtfieal j
I i . f ,il'i..l . p. lloi li ed bv l'r. Jobl..loll. ItillieaMHl by
II. i, ,.iiei. ol ihe .-uli. ' "l lip.r." and uiai.y
o.,.l..l.. lolle.-a'h ba appealed aijam
ai 1 in. bilme the pUdie, hi Ui.du.; aa ,
a U' 1. 10 u. li ol eliHiaelrr and rMf-oluinllliy, to
u:ii. i. ill au.rui.ue lo the aflla-i.d
m.i nisai: tii . i,i:i;iii.v
i in. i.
P.i.,.1 . iiiii. ul i be p.Hiru'sr In d fee lot
Ii tn Lou. lol w li.niitili' u. w ll i loliomi i
.ioil vi. aoill. II.,
i i -I t : ih u i . I " k IUih.1, lialiitt-cre.Md
I I lu.tjr 31, t vi I I )
lllil I I It DM nr. 1ll l l
'.VI IS 1HMIVI. l' Hi t IK AI.IU.Msl
I 1. .'.11 I Nt.i..vrti t A ll LL i'fc Nit
I 11. 1 li .V 1 1
bitii t-H l'tr lnilar.
....... I . . I I l wl il ol I .ill ml
M.I k, U..d l'l.J. ('.Id .'
H ... .1 1. us l. 1'i art .
I.ll I b. ( to ll.a ad le IHbl'Ibl UtHI.Ui
, . 1,., p,.., oi.l. Ll.ll.a 1 A i I -r Ike
, ....... ,,.i,....biUbrfmreum.UM..iAlil
I .i.l-.ui bl bb el i-liil -
l'l .ii.blli Ibaaij-lal ! Cs
1 31 thab ll , I . 4e4(ls
b, i.fcU. It 144
Tlie t'liinraic in Sim I'rnii'tM-o.
otTLASDisrt rKLiwiors cehemo.mcsi.
Tlie San Francisco Rulloin, of ScjiteniLcr
lGtl), (fives the following mcoutit tif n visit
to a Chins.e lemplv in that city :
Tlie Chint'se lire hnvino; a great time in
tin-ir Tttnpli'. on Sjui raintnto street, just
now. i. tuttntiy tne icmivhi is oi a reiifiious
chiitucter. though whither the proceeds are
. . . . . , .. .. . . . . T
to Le deMited to cancel I ini a inurii'MLre on
their church or to selnlinef out pitomi mis
sionaries to win over Christian Lelievers to
lUiililhism. is more than inquiitieiiess itsell'
h is liecn uLle to uscertain. Tlie tli-initaries
of their Temple are not at nil reticent. Imt
display a cliarminjr readiness to indulge in
a eonveisaiion wit n viMturs to which the
omy ilmw luii k is that ceither timler-tiinds
the otlu r's laneruaoe. However, they thein
seltes know tt hat the celelnation means and
is inlemled for, and they In itio the principal
p.iilic (oiicenied, no others lime u light to
Tlie lirst thilifr that flrihes tlie visitor on
cnteiuief (he teslilmle of their sanctuary is
a most Mini, ni mill li-h like suiell, and if he
i p l iiacl'i s the alia;' lietvi l discnter that
the hrealh of llieods sulci's itran-'ely of
stale salmon. Kvideiillx their drink is'imt
nectar, neither is it tlnit tin ir vie
tnal is. !itiilii'ii?ia. The lir-t ol ji ct of Chi. ese
adoration that meets the eye is n high and
hilarious yoil, standiiie; suine seven or eight
feet in liis stockings, and lli-uiishiiig a cignr
in his left hand, like a Montgomery stitct
swell. The altitude of lhi i in) is not very
graceful, while his legs widely spread apart,
and the air with which he I rue Lack
against the wall suggests that he is under
the influence of the r.y. Altogether, he
has a convivial loon t.b' tit him. hihlv
ciiecrliil to Lehiild, and (lie ilKcl is lieighi
ciud liy two i,i rns. with serratnl tdges,
which sprout gai'yjioui In hind Ids ais.
His lielly is modi led like a Lass drum, I. ut
so nicely adjusted as not to seriously inltr
feru with tne even tenor of his whole con
tour. I'll sing on and ascending a narrow and
iishy stuii-case, we lind u I ah out, gay wilh
liags and lanterns and illuminated with
crolls wtiiten in sinuous characters, prolui
Lly pregnant with the wisdom of li e itn
tnoit ii Jviing tu tie, whom the Latins name
tioniticius. We mav very well conclude
ilml Ihe Looks wl,ie;i lie open -Imt shut so
lar as our umlerntaiiilinir
concerned i.e.
f. le i s. are the Hulitlc JJt
inrito unit the
I I 'm. ('.; tiic l'vi imiKi of their pi cnliar chiircli.
IL-re ti.c
sound ot miisie. i loud reckless
'llsClph s
( r.t.-liing nn il ( lionises iitmn ini-
incuse gongs, tuie milder niannereil must kept i. ii a rattling accompaniment on
kettledrums, lueuded with u symphony of
.iiil notes lioin th lips or cracked hies,
fin-gods stall. I it maitelotisly well, hott
. " vr, olid mi ti mple, tiiough a tiitii h
es lioi-e l.fouglit down Ihe St ails of Jericho.
it the temple, the god.- and worshippers ale
-o liiiiiuini.s that one calls them no long, r
John, hut legion, Voii slmiilile oer a lilt It?
-" I on the I r, or pn ( ipitate your head
.i.tii the stoniiich of the Lig one Lince.1
igiiin.-l ti.e a.lar. Tlie Lig ones nutiilicled
two, atiil Lice lai h other in n (iog and Ma
,og Mtle. In Inighl tiny are Anaks. each
-landing a go,M eight feel iil.ove the level
of the ilooi, v it li. .in (o.iiitiiig in a slight
wrmuic in the hack which would gite fhein
a lew iiu lies Uii le Wel'e i1 ironed out. La( Il
iia one lool perched on a suppositious lock.
I .tlu.e ihe i I her rests on a in n. r thm
-it.ti to iiate l.een inu king ngiiinst the tiir
ill the thuiiigh. One holds a gold 'il
a,. le iii i.i? hand, p ncked from i.o one
k.iows tthiii ilespi lines : the other "raslis it
go. dcii wreatn. I Lev ure snmmlcd lik
aarlc.juiii, and bearded and mustached like
lioytis bilious. A chronic lassitude rests on
their leaturi s probnlily occasioned Ly huv
ng been up all night, liei'ore tlteiii is
spread cither a late Llviikfusl or an curly
i .... I, i.... i..... : i ; .
i.o. , I,, ,',0 iiiv.t net in in no iinrry loauacK
.1. I ndouideilly Ihey Lei sate in the assur
ance that no one else will cat it. Hanged
around the wail, in co.. lenient little senl ry
lioxts, stand fudgy liuh- go Is, with splay
feet. These be tne common "Josses" of the
concern. One of them is hnbiti'd like
Christian Inarlvr. and has the doloioiis lo,
o. one Condi uiiied to hi-burned. The ap
....... . . . . '
I""""-' " ' tuuii i.t gioinniit , us
" nuiin ti oi loienes lire llgliu-.l close lo Ins
tin u . I i.e. turn on. the spcctac.e
lilt .unshed ol il baked toinalo.
j Tne worshippers in tlie puilictis of the
j t -nip c ur,- imt wry tie o.t. They loal
I uroM.d iind lake a.l sorts of libeities with
I ti.tir gods, even lo Hie o ca-ional siuoiicliing
I oi u ton c al l'r uii tifir breaH'ist table.
! I'ln re art dowagers with liead-dre-b t which
; tower up in iiinigi rotis liabcls, nnd damsels
I with c.' e.-iiurc ciiinishi li than almond shell
shaped. Twie are mule Chilian cil having
I the look o I lii,upanees, und others rla idi
lied inough in appearance lo stand as lav
. li'Tca iu barbels' w in.. o.t s. Al og. t,n r the
l pa d re la a iiioi i. v one, and we. I
lug, !-i t curious iiin, shoiill he Vacinali d '
L lore tillering the sv n igogtte und tarry in
j ainclling sa.ts wilh them.
I U t ie tie re time in t h t connection lo in
j diilge in sjieeulaiion und reih ciion conci ru
i ing this i in ions tuple vv I o 1 ut'o moved
t .eir it in jk ami e,mi, in our midst un I a.o
Id itvii among us, but of whom uc really
know m little, there wtrw ample food lor ii.
Hovv long vv id Ihey maintain ll.cir idolatrous
worship in the lull bhi.e of Hit ti . lit whii h
H Ci r.stlan ( i iniliuuilv alieds Oi is it ut.-
lull" lo cull tin III i loliiters win li t in.' iuiagia
which tin inake unto tin lusi Ivce nit- not
imidt "iu the sh ip,- of a thing in lln- hea
ven ubove, iu the colli I i nt.illi. or iu the
wai.ri under tne .i 1 1 1 1 ; ' V id cvtr un
Iiolio.l i-t l olue along und M ini these ..ih I
ihitio living Light r lli.ui any kite f Vv id
tiicsc 'I bor. tin. illy be b. ,kiu vtiih lln ir own
liaiiiuiti f Or will II. i jit o pie go on chant
ing billbuliolla lit mil. III!., Iiell ihlillloM
mid btiiiiug loin . . ni lo thu lint. or nf lluir
toliiinila ull. I loin tolloda to I lit ftltl ol
ulio.htr iililto t (
, Jul ii r Sw at lie, of Ciliciniuli, lm p.ild
hv loliowing i-iilogy fit Um l.,lo tiii.nul
Will 11. I... He. "who wiiaoi.u o large
IIOIiiU r ol legal lin n, u ho, In I hi. aa ill all
our I-.iiii. r ,n., h it l be loruiii lor llu- lit Id.
1 kin t I it lit I Nllllillll 11 I. VI III lililioal
Ij.ini I..., llu had rah and Varit'l
lull Lit toal'le, mid ll y MUD
I,lnv (iibitalt.l. llu had kind and
T. .. ....... -...III.. ....u,li:...Val...a. lb.l,lll
tl.lle III ..It I hi llbl.1 asll'O l'l honor
I ' . ' . .
UMiiu,;e. tin as l und I ui 11 lor aj n.ldiif
Mlu 11 vouiU ! mi nlt t. f, and a
tli.ioiiiah, eat, lu lln w.r i l lliu l nltiti
hUlee llll Mih." tilll. I jllf. V
inl nut I lit ll.t. V 1. 'tin. lt-', h I !
111 411 tat.i.iibl liluUUut. as-bulif
til I J'l
jV It K A l K A N
Kiictl K, Oct. 14, 1303.
Editors. CLlcngs Tribune.
Tlie followino; rnmnivtniVntinn from Col.
('ulthvell, fliiel' of (iun. Davi'luin stud',
aliould linvi.' u ttidt- ciretiliition. It l oiiliirnis
exitttly willi my exptriences nnrl jinljjiiiciit
I hope Arkansinsj nmy not lie tnrncil im r to
men who will suck to reitoru flnviry.
protect nefiiinst it. Tlie Proclatniitinn f'nitilil
In- stistuiiicd tin tlie liiuiiilaliim nf set ; leiinni ,
nnd the oppressed people, white nnd Lini-k,
8U!,i not Le turned over to u treacherous,
1 ii,i,is. unscrupulous class.
Let the Giiveninieiit exert its legitimate
constitutional powers ol war tawiraoh1 to
freedom, and nil the States will come Lack
with governments rcpul.lican in form and
with people icjoicing in the exc lusion of n
ndic of Larliaristn, which wrk tin-caiiv nnd
now is the support of ruhellion, strife, nnd
My devotion to the lot nl men of Arkan
sas, who rallied around my Hag w hen I re
stored in lMtiU, is my apology for intrud
ing my endorsement of Col. Cnltlwell'sviews
on your consideration.
Kcspcctfullv yours.
e. It! CL'KTIS. Major General.
Vt'e make n fete extracts I out the letter
of Col. Caldwell, who writis from Little
Loci;, lie mentions the three classes of
people who remain in Arkansas leltigees
from ( onset iptinn. the iiillrin nnd poor, and
conscripted deserters. "(Jut of these ina
letials," he says :
"An energetic com mandir. pu'-es :!ng;;oo.l
excculite mid adiuini-tialite nli:lit, Lv
p.lis'.iing th,- trut po'i-. -i:! t: oil-1 tlie
lo ill gov. i urn. 'ill in ti,t. i,l e in one
liuiidii'.l and twenty days from Ibis dote.
Touching emancipation, hi' says:
"lu this Stiile tliatiks to Old' ALc thai
question is sell led. All the Union men mid
lioti-.-liivchol.lirs in the ISlate incept ihe
pn.cliiliial ion as sett led law. mid are gla I
of it. The slavehohling iil.els (and all
s 'at ('holders arc lelielsj so much faith in
ils virtues that they have lied liie Sliiti: with
their slaves, so that the negro quest ion ill
this Slate is already setth d.
'Ih te s oi, e one thing to fear. IftkcCov
rrnmeiit commits the nifaiis of this Siale
to some conservative pro-s'atcry m oi, who
will ho', noli w ilh the wealthy shn eho i lets
and induce the hope in their mind-, th it the
pr.a lainatiou is "mere Lreath" (a Jiollius, o'
Missouri, rays), and that they will jet Le
perm il toil to hold ami own lln ir.-luvi's, then
this State will Le lost to the I'nion fori ears '
,,, t.u. ,. 11)rr,,rs of
a gin rillu w nr.
will liniail in
KUC, s desolates Missolil
tins Mate.
"In this State it is very dill", rent. Here
every man capaLle of lii.iiring arms, mi mat
ter w hcther he was loyal or disloyal, wus
conscripted and put into the rejtilur Con-
lent rate niniv. J he leoels had coiMdcte
ol the State (sale a single point or
two), and there was no occasion for, ami no
encouragement given to guerillas, Lui ali
were enrolled in the Conloh-rate niiny. so
that when the relic) arin.i is defeated and
driven out of the .State, us it has Li en, there
me no Lclligi rent reliefs in tin- Stiiic. or at
most hut lew. An sir nv of hold, vig u-,
and utile preachers is wanted to ttc.d out
the thistles and plant the true faith. No
such lii ft for the Christian lal.ori r has ever
I a en opened on this continent. Lor the
lil'st time in ahno.-t half n ceiiiur. a .Metho
dist luinisti rcatt prociaim l.ol.llv and pro ici
ly the faith of the old Church in Liiile
Out 8 'o rei;; n ESt'Ialion ;it Home.
Tne ru et's oi'Iiglau 1 and of Tr incc may
leal u a lesson, if they are wise, I loin ihe
manm r in w i i, h the lusian ships of war,
now in the bay of Ne.v York, h ive been
received, welcomed, and honond, while tne
; vissels bearing't the union ja. k and tiie
i tricolor liaie been in a maiilier passed by.
j So with the olliceis.tif liiese ships: Hie
j utmost respect and honor have bciiiinani
I listed lo them, not by iudil idiia's uione.
not even l the corporalioit, (though that lu.B
I ehaved vcrv spiritidlv on the
oeciision.) but by the whole mass of tin
vast population of lliat fit v. with cvni
scarcely it glance of noli assent from the
j pn "uit-iil malcontents themselves. The Ihig-
lish and I rencll natal inliiers must bave
j felt that f.'ny were v irtually iinaekn.nv ledged
j though enlre.tteil wilh Hie civility due to
; strangers, while the Itiissians were made
I much of. and entertained wilh an enthusiasm
und at H cost surpassing all pi, cedent, even
in New Y'ork, where citic coinpliinents ure
math: "regardless of expense," and wen on
:i more etiensive scale lhan, I hi, c y ears ugo,
I was the sumptuous r. ceptiou ot tue rri.ite
of Walt s. I'.'iil'itlt liiiii Wen,
W ASIIIM. loN'a f'l'IMi.X or Till'. .ol:1ll. in II
letlci of VV to his liiend Lund, in .lune,
I ii,i. occurs Ihe loliowing paa. ige. iu whi.'h he mo.-t :
triaphic illy lifAt'iih.a Ihe pecnliiiruieii of lioilhern ,
alld sol-luel li lueli assohlleis. and ittsa I'leleleliee I
Ii r tl.t (ualuivsol the nor. hern men. the juciico of;
wl i -li toe pies, in ce.npaigii is likely lo veruy. j
"W e h ivc bi.ely b id a leview. an 1 I havu ;
lliujll pleasure ill ll.fol mill you thai tti- 4
beOer and w in lliii.uh our cx.-rcis...'
Inore lik.' oldlers. ibun 1 h el l &poclcd. 'Hiom.uiL-
a jie. me nu-li
bl.iiueablu ill lliti ju ljiueli. Ih, v
t'l.iu of there bre.btrii of ihe four .Vet. Lnla...
dial, a. 1 assure y-.u. u.y piiii.nuy l'r
Ui own c.-tiiniy in, ii, pi.j,..hc'. uai.t il.eii.. 1
e.iu Lui "oti-id r .i, to n .ht w .ttt'.' t c.t .l,i., , u ii
Ml my . '1 i.i ol C so eng. I Igol eus ,u.i nu..l - liy p. ople,
i. U.o.t O I..U II' ,llel lo.l which O.II p.o,'l e sf... III
a.. ; an 1 ll...b.,h our ho and t.i,;n spi.i. sun I
Oeilui in aau.l I. U and d,.per.liu el. lei pi in. . .tel. lu !
(he Hay ll. tthieh a. .is an now etiiui .l 1.1,. toe, ii.u-l :
osW lui pt rill illeot l it illlue.ot.iy lit. lu 11..U -illlel.l
i.,l fo I . t i li if lei. .per hull la lite leeull ol .
'1 lie ,Ntt Ll.h.l.d. I . ill t-ool, eui Sid. Hue an.l..n-l-l
e. tti.ile tn aio all Uru uii I lury Jake Itu ir eli
n,.it, .u.y in iii.l iiu an tspi.,1 teiii.eraibie. slu-n,.
e eaio.oi .l.iue bul e bum. 'lUey I uvo a uinl-.i-in
1 1 y al d Ol.iy of eharaeur lu whieh llin people
oi i.o o ntrfMal,. buvo any pieieii.ii.i.; Utiicu toey
li. u-i and wul altta.t. piLita Iheil n.ih,ti..'e m
Uii. leal cuipiie VVvie il nul lor Ihe ai.Mu.ok.
an 1 'lua It aiiiuo wlin-b (no oi i,.tiu
loi'ulal oi.ii.iui . ou lbs .bhltv'l ol a .ttli.u.eut btu
i.u intir ai u,y ih' t .uui, u.iLI, aiid l i
(.tb.t.y w.ll,
aitr 1 stia lu u."
Nuvet Mltiioii or An (i iu I iTianxi aa
iocoUnl oceuicd during ll.e hi. it.ioiiuda
luuteuit ui ol MeaJ . army ahieb .bow. I. .i in neial
lioluid i a Itnila iu eipsdieuu uh li la ut in an
euiaijune) W ni bilnn. up ii on. .i ll ll.e
ItilsvU liut af U.'!.!b'l bllii, I. a lisll.. Iii lilillallMlb
ol a.ou KOI.I I0114. uu.b.'liot'. II U aaid.
U.ul aou afcoi. ILe U.m a a. ,.pd. and
Lai-! d vuiild llod bo una iu afb.b.and lu a.n 11 ,Su
liu.v baa In uc Ui. ihe abwb.y aiaie .'..uauj, ai.d
Lolui'l t owb iti-bd Hobld bbublbp au4 U.w Uaib
a'pibiad 'iua libtuiaiara 1 liiak UH14 line uuU
but Imi ibadb lu wbilbtbdali4 aul.
litbtiai lioluid' lu a uaj aao.ib'U. a-JMipeibaii le I
aioi a.lsl lie uiUwiad bbe ul Iua lillud piu. lu b
1-lat Usl lb Ike Iti.lbllba llaib. en I bsa I1I11.4
biiit bp ,Bs iua4. b iba aub, al Iba k'b.urf
lab.a ! el k a'ud ilttali. b A Un tl ilu
ib.Ub eabbwb a.l ' bbl.llb blaf Iba llaib, lotMad
'b..'blialM.4.1l.l.b..b .tat
Ilaa. lt.laaaiA - - - - - ' - - fat 1 autt 11i1M. iltal Mat. LiM k-avAibia
lb. Ilbeta biu bl.M Ik.Ut. lk au4) kkssuwa
a.4 la.w.n ap( hud aklb b4 t) b, IUe4 Iba .Mi
sMaiab see Ibuial bl i'
I 1l. Auhduk U'Uie'f Auatrii-biiitli
il 1-1 M HI111111414 -ululw liisff 1 I li I i.u
list. (,1ml, tub b-fl) lb I.u) bl lilt Lujilbl 1 1
llKMlY WaUD lil.fCllKII IN L.N(il.A.Nt). ,
Wc lind lln. following in the London AVir '
of tlie 1st instant : j
"Hov. II. W. llcecher, who lins returned
from his tour on the continent, accompanied
Ll the Kev, Ur. Ilayntoml. spent Saturday
evening in the TiiLeinacIc House, Finslniry. !
to uhieh Dr. CumoLell had invited a liuiii-
i !cr of the leading ministers ol'thenielroiolis
j to meet him. Tin; conversation mainly
.turned on the civil war now raging, oil
I which Mr. IJrecher expressed himself with
great frankness ii mi ciiiiridciicc. The Itev.
i.lohu Graham and the Itev. John Kennedy
; inade pointed reference to some expressions
! asel'il ed to Mr. Lcecm r iiluiut the titui: of
the 'I'retit discussion, when he was reported
as haling sni.1, 'I'het would hide their time ;
till they iiad Nettled it. utters with tlie Sotnli,
and then '.' The report, which reached Kng
land slopped ihec, lilt not so the speaker. '
who linished the sentence ncnrl.t as lolions:
'Tin ii we w ill sho.v Lngland how we can!
forgive an injury, ami heap coals of lire on j
the heads ol those from whom it comes !' " ;
! Gen. W. T. Sherniiiii, the ('olleii.'Ue nnd ;
, friend of liraiit in the great Vickslnirg
Ciitnpaign, lost a fright. Lcnuliful liny ol'
eight years, whose disease was contracted
w liile in camp Willi his father on lite liig
iiiaek, Itteiily miles from Yickslmrg. T he
loliowing cxiraet from a teller iM'ntin to
dipt. S.nith. of the liilh Initial. on of regulars,
liy licticrai Snerinan, presents n very lender
episode iu Ihe story o. the war:
".My poor Willy was, or thought he was.
n .sen mil of the ldlll. I have sen his heart
Lent and his eye Lrigiileu as ho Leheld the
li.iliiiiion underarms, and a.ked me if Ihey
we. e not ival sonl.ers. ('hi d as he was.
he had I he entuUsi.isui, tne ptiie hue ol
truth, honor, an.l hue of coumry, which
slionll iiiiin.iile ail soldiers. Col oi.l
knows tin;, he si.ouid die t ims young. Hi
is ih ;nl, I. ni tt ni not l.e ioij.01 li ti tiliihos.
who knew hiii'iil life Idle foilo.ted him
to Unit same m . stcnoiis end.
"l'hiee convey lo tne I atl.ilion mi
hearllclt thanks, ..,i itssure each ami at,
tiiat il". in al u r 1 1 ,s. tin y cull on me oi
mine, nnd uiciiiii.n that li.ey weie ol the
l.hli Ih'gnh.i.s w hen p n.r W illy was n
sergtiinl, Uiey ttiil h ue a key to tin; ullte
tlonsofmy f.uuiiy that will open all ii has
tnat we wnl shale with them our last lilan
ktt. our last ci list." !
I The Sanitiiry Commi-sion, under special
ntilhority of ihe President of the I uited
States, 11 aintains tin cMi-nsive system ol
agi t:cii's tor seeii-ing tin- sale convey anee to,
and disiribiiiion 01, goods put iu its charge
for the sick and wounded whetv tlicvniv
most Wiinlcd. It opeiMtes tt ilh i'(U.d'caie
und generosity lit all points at New Or
leans ami al Washington, b. l'ore Yieksburo
and ill Nashville ; its distriLiitloiis Leinif
goicriicd Ly a comparison 1 f the wants of
the patients ill all cases. To iiscertuill
relative character of the-e wants in a tru-t
vv-irihv 111:111 111 r. and lo -'i cinv an i-onitaiili
disin iition and liom-t ll-e o
distributed besides the unpaid
I ne goods
crviics of
the nirinbeis of ihe t'oicniis ion, twenty
physicians of high professional and moral
eharictcr, and more lhan fifty HL'enls, are
emplined, under pecuniary securities for
responsible mid ( ih. ii nt service. The cost
of these arianoemeiits have Inns lui' been
li I Mint :! per c. It inu of the Viilue ol the goods
illstributi it. The Ciuiiiiiissioii has not t een
Hole lo obtain nut Ill-ill ii- evidence of losses,
miscarriaue, or ions, to Hie
value of one dollar iu ten tiioiisaml, of goods
which have been once received tit its ship
ping depots.
GOVKIIXMKNT FlN.lM lis. A Y:shile;ton
Idler says : Tne greatest satisfaction is felt
ut tin- receipts by the Treasury Department
tor tlie sale ot' the livc-t vvcnt v loan. The
11 1)1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 disposed in' averages over a million
and 11 hall' of dollars daily. It is estimated
by the highest authority that an income of
tt million ol dollars a day will enable the
government machine to run smoothly, ami
cnab'i- Secretary I'll i-e to ami I the i--;ie of
the int. -rest bearing leg d ten l.-r unlit Hie
absorption of the enliie live-twenty loan.
It may be iutcivstin.x to tinaucial circles
to know that a ring is being funned by
capitalists in New York an, I London to
la!;e nt a stroke the entire balance of
ihe loan, so the public need not be sttrpi ised
some dav to learn that the onlv long loan
of goveriiiiieiil, bearing six per cent, ha ,
been iibsorbcl, and that lo get it they must ,
pay a handsome premium or be content to
invest Hieir money at three or four percent, ;
which will undoubtedly Le the ruling rate I
when the livi-twenty is taken fioni the 1
imii'kil. S.-crctary Chase Ii u frcipiently j
d clarcd that he wilt not give mole tliau 1
lour or live per cent, for money when this
loan is exhausted. '
Pollard, of Lichnioml, in his Southern
history, " flu- First Year ol the War," says, j
wilh reference to Floyd: "il had Lien sup- j
posed that the Soul III 111 people, poor ill i
in. inutile! urea us they wen-, alld ill Hie haste
0 pr parol 1011 I',, 1 t it- mi.hty contest that
w..s to , e ii -, I find tlieuiseives bill
1 v pr. p red w ilh arms to contend with an
10 nit ra n 10 liictina 1111 I i, n- of war.
T. i. iiisadv outage hud been plot ided against
b, 1 ,ii- timely act (d one man. .Mr. l',
of ' 1 1 iu 111, vv Iu n SciTclaiy of War umltr
Mr. liii. ii.iii 111 s A.biiiui -t.iilion. lui I, I v 11
is 11 4 i- r I r, tlie led 1 iu ir.n sir of I lVtino
iiupiot ( . 1 musk, is an I r-:h s Loin Hie Spring
In ,, I an, .or . mi l alert lief arsenal to ll.t
dill, r l,t .0 si 11, il in Hie ! onto."
lalgar I.. Moise, ol'll.e Poitrtli Maa-iicllil
a.-lls regiment, has abundant reason lo iv-
II em s 1 I .e r- I e . as We I. aril by a pal a
gr.i, li in tin-T.i iniitti ('.: Vr. In the hi si
it .sail 1 1 lipoii loll 1 1 in I -1 .11 he W11. Hounded
III m veil i'ai i -, an, I t iki 11 hii I held prisoner
mild Ihe kill it id li t- f. itllle ittolls lo
(tclicial Hanks. Ilia light arm was sh it
li red by I w 11 iiiiiskt I I alls, and umpul.ileil
It low Hie ilbott; u I nil p.tsst d mong lii
m utp. mul 11 Inn ksiiot iiiro.a Ilia loie.lea.l.
and alill iiuoiher Lall Hirongll hi thigh ha
bit Ilia right Lu injurid. The .ttialh
Mound vv 1. a uiuskit Lull in the right Llc.isl.
Alter ull, lie auya hi hiallll ia lilli-r How
than when Iiu mil. lid ; Lui Iiu will lod Vir..
oou ogi t tho Itbt la.
- ------ -
Il ia aid. I I lint i ouiii.uii I hi Uell gittii
loliin. hit kl.a, LotU nvil an I mil I.i,) in
lie t'linMt It r.
1 htl tj IttU i i I'nrtiliJal haa gitiu LIlU In
l'l 1 lit..
hi. 01a Kit In lln- r j;l.m round aU.i.t In
du upolli, Lid , on I Itu ild.
he I all i ll in' ('a l a iitut vtl ls, .oio
bUtd on 1 lit lilt.
Too ( . in.). I, il. ale kti.l I.i i4t Ji'abl
4 t -J-ia kU Vllk ll'IM, V,
t'oii! Like mj'H.
Tluro is no greater fallacy in the world
than that entertained Ly many young men
that some pursuit in life, can he found
wholly suited lo I here tastes, whims and
Jam ies. 'J'his philosopher's stone can never
I e (list ovcriil. and ciil'.vone w ho makes
his life a search for it will Le ruined. Much
1 1 ii t li is contained iu the Irishman's remark :
"It is never iiUy to work hard." Li t. there
fore, the fuel always Le reiueuiLered Ly Ihe
young, that, no life work cut! Le found
entirely iigrer-iilih; to lunn. Success alttais
!i s at the top of a hill : if we would reach
it, we can do so only Ly hard, pcrci cling
effort, while Inset with dillicull ies of every
kind, (cuius count nothing in the Lai lie
of life; determined, olislinate perseverance
in one single chaiiml is everything-. Hence,
should any of our young readers Le deLating
in his mind a (-liniioi! of htMitess, imagining
lie has a genius tor some oilier, let him at
once dismiss the thought as lie would a
temptation to do evil. If you think ion
Hindu a mistake in i hon.-ing t he pursuit or
profession you did. don't make nnother Ly
' h aving it. Spend all your energies in
working for nnd clinging to it, usyou would
to the lifc-hoat that sn-Tained ion iu the
j midst of tin- ocean. If you have is
I almost eel tain t hat you it ill go down ; lull
ifyou cling to il. informing lourseif alumt
it till you are ils muster, bending your every
energy to tlie work, success is certain. Cood.
hard, honest effort, steadily persevered in,
will iiuike your love lor your lit-iucss or
profession grow ; since no oneshnuhl expect
lo reach a period w hen he could have none
"est and tt mini mile liKed Ihe ticst. IV e
are nliowed to see and leel the louglmcss in
our own pathway, but none in others: yet
all have Ihcin. Jinnt'n Mc-rlmit
PrNCl I'.m.ity. It i asionishing how
many ptnpie tin re nrc who neglect pn.'ie 'I hoiisai.ils have failed ill life In. m
tills cause alone. It is not i nly a si riolis
vice in ii sell. I i.t it 1., H.e fruitful pun nt of
numerous ot.ier v so that he who be
comes the victim of it gels involved in toils
limn which It Is almost impossible to escape.
It makes the merchant wasteful of lime; it
saps tin- business reputation of the lawyer,
and it injures the prospects of t lie mechanic.
lin might otherwise rise tolortune; in a
word, there is not a ptoh---sion nor a station
in tile which is not liable to the canker of
this destructive habit. .Many und many a
lime lias the failure of one man to meet his
obligation-, brought on the ruin of a scon;
of other. Thousands remain poor all their
lives, who, if Huv were in ore faithful to
their word,
custom, and
would secure a large run
so make their lorlunes.
punctual, ifyou would since
A C'oi.n VVixthi in tiiu Vi;sr.
Crosse (Wis.) Jh-mnm.t says:
-The Li
in Wisconsin, Iowiiand Minnc-
j sola may look out lor the hardest winter
seen lor many years. Then' will be more
cold davs -Hie iiietcurv 1. 1 I run lower and
1 1 ue silo ,v win oe ii.-i-pcr than Pel ore sinci;
' I st-lt. This- is the first hill since 1 he it inter
ol lN.jTthut Ihe brook trout haic commenced
leaving the small creeks for deep holes as
eaily ns Siptuuler, mid l!:- hist si ason
silii-i; then thai inuskrats have doublc-w ailed
little hillock homes. Tlie.v and certain
other infallible signs known to the sports
111. m an.l nuiilcr 111. lii ale u w inter of unus-.tal
set 1 l it v."
i Hki'i.y to Tin-: Pkiiki. Ci.kik; v. The
'Kdinhui'gli says:
I "A reply h is been prepared to the 111:1111-
' fe-to of Hie clergy 01' t he ( 'otil'edci ate Slates,
and has already received Ihe signatures of
many of our 1110-1 distinguished ministers,
and other signatures are daily coining to
hand. The reply Likes at once in linn
terms the high ground Hint titer all Chris
tendom tlie time for discussing tlie ipii stion
of shivery is pa-t. and that, wlicictcr scllish
cupidity doc.- not inlei li re to modify opinion,
slavery is regarded us a thing accursed and
K-ligill lllll-lligciice.
i The Wcsleiun Methodists, in ('.rent Pri
I tain have increased dsi,d41 during the past
eleven years.
' The General Assoc'ulion of Christians.
I popularly called Cauipbcllites. has just been
lit Id tit iiioomiiiglon. ll was attended bv
one hundred and lliiily dehgatis, iu all by ,
two bund re, I members of the denomination
from iliHcient parts of Ihe Mate, it was
represented thai the dtuoiuiiialioti was iu 11
favorable condition.
From the increase of missionary contribu
tions 11 ported at Hie sessions of 1 neiily-tiirce
Auiiiatl I tin 1','i'i'Uci's of Hi M. P. ( in. I', h.
In id this year, it is csiimated the whole mis
sionary coiiiiibinioiis of llu- Church lor isiui!
will be something like is lOO.OOi). j
The Maine Wcslcvan Seminary has sent 1
four hundred of ils students to the war. j
One linn, bed und ti 1 It til weiil dining one
term. J
A correspondent of the J.-urmi! of Prus j
sets, willing from I'oiue, says Hiat Cardinal 1
Ant., m ill vv id shortly procctil lo Mexico lu j
regulate thu religious ailuirs of the new ;
1 11, pile.
The I'.'.riJi-iu I'm. of liostoti, (Riplistji
in an arlicle nil Hit lay r. pi escnlat mn none ;
11. cut in iiu- M, tiiodist r!;.isco..,l ( hi. it li. 1
lliinks 11 will aiiikc a heavy blow ut Fpisiu-
put and! Hie cogs 01 I lie 1
great iron wheel, mid will weaken I, it whole
... slein. Ptl llaps.
A union of Methodist denoiniiialioiia in
Canada Is now agitated.
The Lutheran Synod of Cunudu was or
gani.cil uImiiiI Ihu liar ug". out of I he
Cm. 1. I.i Cimlerciiet- of the I'ltlsl.uig Synod.
It i composed of till. 1 11 minister-. Much
good h la Let ll act (iiupllshed through the j
labor, nl Hii. body, Lui nint h wa. reiiiuiuiiig
to Le done.
. -v - - - - - -
MiaiNU Liao -I'ul ll.e fat up Inl.i piecea almul
Iba li..-bt. s-piali' lill a ttMtl boblll'iC als.ul iblee
gatlob. anb the pieer; pul tb piul -if uoiled Itv.
u. idu lo ui oak 4 bit k.y luki-a, and .onu I,
bu., bod rfeioly utvraih.a die unlit (be eiatk
lil'g. bta lui bad blowl , abd .el n.idu IoismiI
li Iba lUitepl.a-rw tub Vylll 4el Inula laid, a belli!
aliulu, abd atoitl Ikeb by ai ) ulbtl piuci-a
The hop crop of ,ir Hehri Sl ilta lloa
tear, II ia aaid, will i vietd Hut of last ytr
1,1110, iu ..U'.o 1 uii.
I'lliti II lll'iilauil'l wine and il.l'diill id
I lliltd Mult "!' la In. ue a .1 Wiikli
II. .111 III.' aalhoiilii. ol Nl i. till.
ihu 1I14U U iiiiiipltlod ihroiigiUMil Ntia
ll.iiup.hirt , au l olitnlv. louniuu I mi
on. 1. In. I tlulUl.
Wbitt la tuJvi lika Hall VVbill
lea ak vbbL
Mill in on 4' n Mure.
In Europe the salmon lisheries nrc rr;i il
ly improving, owing to the more careful
study of the In-Lit of this reiunrknhle Mali,
and suiliihle law against the deslructio i ol
the young. In the Tweed, it is asserted
licit douLle the number have Leon taken in
the nets this season aliove last; and this
appears to Le owing to n very fetv simple
pteeanlioiis. The salmon lisherie of the
Uiilish Provinces nnd of New Knglaiid, on
the other hand, are rapidly filling oil', ow
ing, in part, to steainhoat navigation ; in
part to the saw-dust from the sawing up of
so much InniLcr Lv water power, and the
j dams and disturliaiie
created ; Imt most of
i of the streams thus
all Lv want of atten
tion in the laws oft lie hrecding of this tisli.
'i he salmon and the trout ate of the same
genus. The trout, however, i almost en
tirely a fresh water fish, while the salmon is
migratory always once a year, nnd some
assert I w ice. It is Lred in fresh water, ami
tlie eggs me destroyed Ly salt ; yet idler ar
riting ut a certain stage it seek tlie sea and
there rapidly thrives and increases. Its red
color seems due to the enormous amount of
iimphipoil crustaceans which it devours.
Tne crustaceans, however, have their re-
venge, for thev lieeotne parasites around tin-
gills of Ihe salmon and are one of the com-
peliing reasons which induce it to seek the
fresh water, alter a certain lime, to kill tlieni.
Another sort of fresh Water parasites attach
lo the salmon there, und coniiiei it to re-
nun 10 1 ue sen, alter the lueeiliiig season.
The salmon can, however, exist entirely iu
fresh w ater, 11 the lake of Scbngo, in .Maine,
and other hikes, without access to the sea,
show ; but in sueli cases they arc far inferior
iu si.e and quality. Indeed, it lias been
loiind that. Usually, during the whole period
of 1 heir visit to the river they do not incrcasju
in si.e.
Hogg, the F.t trick Shepherd, was the first
who suspected that Hie lirettv little fish.
called, iu Scotland, the parr, was in fact
young o the salmon, and while all l.urolie
was ringing with complaints of the decrease
of' the salmon, countless thousands of their
young were caught and killed, and the pigs
sometimes fattened upon the young of a
lish that full grown would bring tw o dollars
and a half a pound in the London market.
no one believing that they Here voting sal
mon, so dillerctit did they appear.' The old
tradition was long fully beiicved that the
young returned with the old lish to the sea,
to Le instructed cither in the art of swim
ming or of tin, ling again the in, mill of their
native riiers. It is only within the last few
Veals that the purr iplestion lias been settled
j by .Mr. Kohcrt IJuist, the last ski p! ir. having
taken tne management of the breeding ponds
at Stoi tiilield. This discovery will no doubt
save millions of Hie joung from an tiit.nielv
end. I
Another matter, long difficult to decide,
has been the mil ure of Hi" food upon which j
the salmon tiirives so remat kaoly w Inie in
the sea water, that a lish regi-tered and
id.'ntiiicd was known lo gain eleven pounds
alld a ipi irler in live weeks nnd two day s,
being but leti pounds first and twi nty-mie
pounds and a quarter when finally taken !
flu-singular thing is that nothing is ever
found in the stomach of the captured salmon,
but, like mullet, which the ancients used to
regard as the type of all starvelings nnd
I fa -d its, ordinary dissection can never show
what it feeds upon. Put the truth seems to
be tiiat it has a remarkably rapid digestion
of the minute crustaceans, which it devours
1 in immense numbers. One authority , how
tier, a.-s its that tlie salmon vomits at the
moment of being taken Ctriuin it is that
the stomach of the codlish, which iuciens -s
in si.e only very slowly, often contains a
perfect museum of small fall and even less
digestible food w hich the salmon never does.
, Another point lias In en settled, by care
ful experiment, that, as a general rule, every
salmon returns to its own stream. This is
of great importance to salmon breeders ;
otlu rttise llu ir labors would only be for the
general good, and not that of those who
owned particular fisheiiis. It is found that
salmon of very different shape inhabit parti
cular si reams, and pieces ol -copper wire in
serted 111 the tins of those caught young tune
proved the tendency of cucii lisli tort-turn
lo its native si renin, even where several 1
streams emptv into the same cstuarv. How
tjK.v i;d the'ir iu
av is.
perhaps, not more
lit of birds like the
mvstcrious lhan the Hi;
carrier pigeon, for ir. stance
Some have
sitjipi sed that the particular flavor or smell
ol the wiiter guides thein. It is, nioreoit-r.
pit tty certain that they sometimes make u
mistake, or emigrate purposely, as Professor
Ag issi. found in the .Merrinuu- 11 .S(,iu
U.tmmitt ; shotting tiiat the Luiopi an fish,
in leaving tiuir Arctic retreats, sometimes
conic down the American shore. Theix
Iraoidinaiy powers of this fish, in leaping,
sometimes as much as fourteen fed perpen
dicularly to surmount ti dam, ure well
know 11. linttim t ul tit .''nf.
.lliiUlii-; llnuu-'.
The following from the .Maine Farmer con
tarns good suggestions. They deserve the
attention of ranuei everywhere.
We assert that our farmers camioi make it
pay to liny special fertiliiT's or manures
until ihey have exhausted every available
source of immure Upon their farms. These
souivis, of 1 rsc. vary in different farm
and in dill'crcut lucidities, but there i no
I. inner thai wc know of but i iu 11 con li
II, ,11 and ha the necessary mean at hand lo
add lo his manure pile from resource at his
F.xeept iii rase where hYLl ure nlreadv
loo ru b, and these nisi We think Will be
found few nnd far lu lweeu ill our Malt-, tin
trop obtained, and consequently the proa
MTity of the farmer vv ill It lound tn increase
almost in illici t nil io w itli the attention paid
lo enriching his xil. "Feed jo ir a iil un I it
will feed you, " is one of the old pn.telb.
w inch hua llol lost u h hit ol il. truth lhlol,;,h
The bai ntard ia of toni .e thu great source
of until 11 it-. I n un il you bring buck u l.nin
p.iiti.ui ol your pit vioua vmr . 1 1 1 V and I.mI
del , ull-1 il'giH ". upon Ihe liild. to help biing
b uili un ilhtr crop. In Hit-aiimincr t .-..a.
win 11 i.illlt urt- ymdid ut nifhl, lluir diop
ping, nit lu too mail)' mate ullliwi'd to dl.v
up un. hi II. u hot aim, uud Ihu It.j-iid potiion
.. inllltly loal. ll ahoold I llnl up in
heap, mil) liioflillij Will.
mil, air.m or unn k lllioiuol Ihr-ai ar.
11.111 I., 1 .11.111111 aoilobliiiiud liom the l
lag. Ly Ihu Hwld lt will m.aail Ihu pul
,.ieu. Optil 1 Coil. I hil la)il ol
,,o. k 01 1 1 I Iiu Lui I", II
I l,o mt I. l-rakia. Jkv, gioiiq! In !
plane b) Hit , aliould I tut and
buinpoM..! mill uiuikol luil ami lin e, or
Mliui la Uiur end, pul Hum ium Hu PM
jaatul Ul ibv j'l.i.m kj-aiU'i v-o.r k..p
mg. One portion of every pig sty should ul
.vayi, durii.gthe sinnu.c -s. a.iui, I c.-ttpplied
villi muck ill alund.itii:e for mixing with
tlieir cxcreineli a.
There should always Le n compost heap
f r the roots, slops, suds, Ae.. of ihe house,
out the privies, I lie well xuppliod w ith'
try muck or soil, vv hieh, Lesides augment
ing Hie amount of good manure, will"nct us
a deodorizer.
All llii-ie thinue. will Le looked to liy the
provident firmer, nnd many other sources
will he found from which much vegetal. Ic
and animal matter may Le drawn, and Lv
mixing, exposing to the air, Ac, form sup"
plies of iiii'iiurc which wiil many times re
pay their cost.
- .
VViMhU CAr.n.KiK. CahLage. lo preserve,
them throughout tlie winter, must LL. ct i
Hit soil, just dirt enough l.t'lng thrown
around them to cover the root. Other
vegetables, such as ('arm!, narsnlm v. ......
table oysters, Ac, may Le preserte t in boxes
filled witli soil. Onion re.jui.e a di v nn.1
cool place, lull not exposed lo frost. I'uinp
kinsand squashes nmy Le well r served i t
any place tolerably dry nnd Warm. Dried
pumpkins, squashes and apples, should
have it dry place, as should all oilier dried
CiivnxiNo. There is sometimes consid
erable dilliculty in butter liom
ci cum, owing- perhaps to ciuses not em-
(rally tiiiderst I, ami every (lairywoiimn
knows that cases occur iu which the manti
fnctiire ot'n goo I nriicleid impracticable.
A friend assures 11 that in or Unary cases
Hie dillicuily is at once removed, ami butter
of a good quality procured by the addition
ot a little saleralus to the cream. Wc have
since tried it when cream proved refractory,
and lound it to succicl itdit i iiblv. A.
tcaspnonful of salerattis ptilvtr..ed' is a
stillicieiit quantity for two gallons of crcani.
After the iream has been churned a proper
lime, if no sign., of Lntt -r iipti.'.ir. surinsli,
1 the powdered saleratus o'.ci tne surface,
I half ut 11 time, as it is possible no more
thai i all' may I e requited; after churning
il letv minutes longer, if necessary add ihu
remainder. The philosophy 01 tlie mutter
I we take lo be this : Hie nliiii'i of the saleratus
llcUtralit the superul umlaut ucid of ihe
j cream, and thus produces good butter.
How To Kr.i:p Aitlhs. Gather them off
the tree, but do not siiake them down for
tear of bruising; (save all the newspapers
for the inst year.) w hen gathered tali- c;.c 1
apple and wrap it up in paper, and pa, ,,
t ictti aw 111 in boxes or barrel, likeoraii ;cs or
lemons. This is a tedious way, bin i wiil
insure them to keep ull thu vv inur, if not
bruised 111 lint tiering.
I ii-.'iliK' !' IViiul.
j Fat Bob Pender is as jolty as lie is adipos.-.
und therefore takes leisure und pleasure m
studying out m many jokes ui n:i:- In
necessary. When tlietii',i suj o.' 'pit, ge
currency'' Citme to hand tiller rellet.uig . 1
j u while, lie thought that he had a chance
; for u moderate sell, and accordingly siaried
,0111 to find ii victim. Tlie first man that i.o
j met was Horace M., whom he thus accos'.ed :
"1 say, Horace, have you Seen any ol 'tho
new government postage currency notes ( '
"No," was the reply. "Is there anything
pccul. nr 1 boul them ("
' "Yes.'' said Uob, "rather. Three of them
ju-t :i dollar,"
1 "A g 1 i lea," rejoined Ilor.i-e ; "it wiil
I be handy for making change. Hal t- 10.1
! got any with yon '"
j "Yes," replied Bob, ho'dlng out a fifty
and two twenty-lives. " Mine of thttn just
uiuKc 11 u mar, you sec.
"1 see,' siiitl Horace, evidently jecling
sold ; "a prctlv uood loke. Hon l sat any.
I thing about it, und 1 will gel it oil' en
j Butler."
I So providing himself vv itli the necessary
1 funds, he stepped into tut- oliice of the
Clerks of Councils, und thus addressed
But el, holding out the money lo him :
"Y'oil see there 1"
"Yes, ' answered Butler.
' Wed," continued Horace, "those three
just make :l dollar."
' V hut of it f"' queried Butler.
'Why, don't you see lilt-joke i"
'Well," said Horace, nfter a moment';
pause, evidently in deep bevv ihlcrintnt,
"Ihtn thu Hum that told 11 it must be u tl d
fool 1" CouiTstiip. A young gent'e-
i man happening to sit al church in a pew
j adjoining one 111 which sal a young lady lor
(whom he conceived a stiddtii uud violent
' passion, was desirous of entering into a
courtship on tut- spot ; t ut Hit- plate hot
suiting 11 formal ilcclar.iiion, tlie e .igi ntv of
the easj stlggcslcd Hit- In. low lug ; He
po.ilely hain.ed his fur n.i.ho r u liibii:
tqieu, ttltii a p.ii siuck HI the loliowing text
1 con. I l-.ji tio of John, verse loth :
-.tu. 1 now 1 I eseci h ue , la ly, not us
t.iougli 1 w rote 11 new coiiiti an .nu iit unto
luce, ont Hint it Inch we I. .1, 111.. Ill tne begin
11111, we love one unotlnr." She re
turned it, pointing to the second chapter 01'
Kutli, verse tenth " 1 lieu she fed on lar
i l.iisa. and bowed he rsc If to the ground, uud
j said unto htm, why have I lound grace in
I tiiine (yts, that tlmu shoiild'st lakekl.owl-
I edge of me, seeing that 1 mil a stranger i '
lie returned the book, pointing to the tint
ti'cutli vi rse ol Hu- Thud Lpisilc of John
"(Living iiuiiiy things to w rue unto 10,1, 1
won d not write wil.i paper and ink, but 1
trust to l oint lllilo you, uud apeak l.lil-lo
late, that our joy may lie lull." From thu
.iIhiic intilview u uiaiiia,;c look plicc the
ensuing wttk.
lifsll.T I'K SlIIKl.T FPU VTloX. lCct Jl
your 1 hildi'cn oil Ihe sirtil. Mrs. )
iiliic son Maul. U'd taint' ruuui.ig into In.
paternal 111 tli.n.ll the other day, .hoi.tlli ; lo
(lie l 00k :
"Now, then, old gill, .lap thai dinner.''
'Why, Mod. .id:" l g.m ll.e usiohisiicl
lliollit l ; 'wit re did l, ol I. it 1 11 a.ic.l I ill
11,11' ! w ho hate )uii Ihi 11 p u. li'J will, t'
'.tit , ' aaid Hit' hopi lul. ' yt in ia") J")'
nithl'uk Tuimr, uta liti 4 ou.i) i'oy
It ll u gln itv. Mm I a ao.
Ihe l uid iiiothef w 11a alollt lo (p.t
hi. lit ajlo lnhoit Hi ul lot opli.ul ll. I. .01 loot
ul lnk until tl.t ami l"lil mm tl :
" vi 1, 1 1.1 gon 10 1 1 ) 'ii )i I Ji in
Wl .ll. OIIC, told 1 III . hi 4 41 .11. '
".V p.",; I ' k-'-p' ' '"' "ioii..r ,
' h, a.l ii, 4 p."g III '''' ,'"'. I I'
dike .j.i.'I ilowu ii 11) t'fi, k .11 , It a
Uiuinl lo 1 0,111,''
ut liiolhi f at ',1.1a Julu lulu ftrdt lid lha
VoUiia'.HI V'P aUim bil l M lit Iff Hilat
i.ul lo Ibisit'll lb ! k'.