Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 15, 1863, Image 3

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    ".( K-itimsm.:r5Zz?r-?"t af-?.. .if tt1 jw i inHnm
ijc unturjp &mrviran.
II. 13. MAE3E11, Editor A I'ropritor.
lie. 37 Tiuk How, Now York, and 0 State Street,
oston, are our ngenta for llio I?i.isiii.-ht Amkuican
those citio, m:d aro authorized to tnko Advertio
entf and Subecriptioits for ua at our lowest rutci.
JSTIt is singular tint sumo peojilu nre
sensitive in Vicing called copperheads,
hen but U few inontiis sincp, coppcrlicnd
ujgej were advertised for sale by their pa
cta, and when the reckless, and perhaps
I'ten brainless portion of the party took
leiwure in sporting this insignia ot clisloy-
ot K'iiiiS as Voi.tNTr.Ki:8. There are few
ho undeiiiti'.nd that the provisions of the
inscription act place liien ou terms of pcr
ct Mpinlity with volunteers, giving them
.u same tiovernnienl liounty, the same title
pensions, the mine pay, the same every
in;r. When the statement has been made
retolbre, many have discredited it ; anil
end all question upon the subject, we
lute from the act itself:
Sue. 2. Ami be it 1 urthvr enacted. That all
irsous thus enrolled shall be subject for
. 0 years after the first day of July sueceed
H the enrollment, to be called into the
iiitary service of the United Slates, and to
ntimie in service during the rebellion, not,
r.vever, exceeding the term of three, uiirs;
.1 when called into service shall bo placed
the same footing, in all respects, as volun
rs, for three years or during the war, in
iding advance pay and bounty as now
ovided by law.'1
Jiocal Affairs.
li ine si tiico will ho held iu .St. .MiiUhowff
uieli, in tliid plane, next Sunday Evening.
Jj-'-A I'mus (.'ami- Mecti.vo will citumeiicp on
i lilst inst., and continue one week, on the ground
.Mr. Warden, in Locust township, Columbia coun
ubeut tv.o milei from Hear Unp, ou tho roud tu
-w Slediu. A jjenera invitation is extended to
I lid.
.'3- 'Lost between Sunbnry and fuyiWt.iv.r, on
Tulpehocken or Snydortown road."-', on July HOth,
due Cushmero Shaw, with mixed colored Lor l'.-r.
n Ciller will bo kind enough to leave it at this
i "J IIkti UN or NoKTiiruni:i:i..ii Vol"
riir.ns. On V i-.1ii.)i--1 :iy nftoriioon Inst, Company
Cupt. S. 1'. Wnlvcitoii, of this place, and Coiu
,y K., Cupi . A. 11. l-'i.-ko. of Shainokin, of theiit'.th
ximi'iit of the three months troops, ufter a service,
learly two months, roie-hod this liorouh. They
'i' brought to this place in au extra trnin. The
. uohii. Coinpynylcft for home via Shiuiiokin Vul-
-v. lVt-svillo ll'iilroiid on thes.imo day. Theyworo
s:.rod out of servico and paid at lliirrisbur& on
'h lav li'.i;t. Tl.o men eiiiove
eseel'eut health ,
I a few exceptions i.hile uls.-nt, Mid lr.h.Io con
ei.ible pro;ri' -:ss in drill and tlisetpliuo under their
; ors.
The f lloHing reeipo tor Ii!::ckb-rry Cordial,
i bunded to as lor publication by a ludy of thin
? n, who says it li must ii. tumble in eases, of diar.
u and is iri eutly njoJii in hospitald for tho uso
ur sii'k s ildieis :
: '.M'r.nHniiv l.'oitniAi.. Tako two quarts of jtiieo,
pnui.d of n:'ir. a half iMineo einnmnoii, h-ilt
,e'. ol' nloves, h:tlf ouneo nllspi 'n. ninl iwour threo
e 1 i.otuies. l;.)'l IM n.ii.iuos. and wloa eul 1
. p-nt oi be.-l i'.rai.dy. thou but lie for usu.
i" Oi.n :.. JrT. Is No J.!oiu;. On Monday lir t '
i 'ot'ul, triislwunhy iiini icU.ible old Herv.'.nt, leTt j
..oir.'j ot ttio !:ili I. hi J, r;re ol.t ae. lltuiril
:' :ty of .Viij'.r Wl:;. L I'ewiirt, of this,
. h.o: Loon, pTeviously, foryturs, thotrusty family
ji.fh'.s fuller, linn. Lortis Dowart. lin mi"
::t '.Z' of a ;e, and until ho w;ui h.uuedby
.,.,,:b nt:! ij.-i-nuin;' of one of Us le;; was ftiU a
; ,il f i;:.! '!. IIo 1,11.-' on ilonduy but to end
t- ufi rill;;'-, al.d tin: to.irs of regret that were nhed
.ii ot'c;i.-ion, did eru lit to tin) inanly fcelinsof'ioi', and sLouoi bow Blronly may be the
o'htnen's b'-'twit-n :i,:tu and his servants, cveu
' ti tli-'t Ihttei- belong to Ibe briito creation.
! 1 b.!.!v., v,:is i:Vtoul Ion years younger
i! hoi ; llio rop.-rty if Mr. liellas, who is
I lii
.d is now about lii years old. Thco
v.i re, pci-h:i.s, the ohlc't ill tho Statu.
"-'A ilcily iiioinin mail, making two daily
is lYetti Ibu . i.-biir. as well usfmni l'hibidclidiia.
l ow i..i-e;, d ,-.t this place. These liuill facilities
of oreat put .ii !ar;cc lo our biisiiie.-s men.
::!.'. . -1: i I'. si.'.'.i: Cenni'M V. IVrsons may nut
nru that ibo bnitcd States currency depro-
(s i.i value when pieces are lorn from notes, lmao I
i.i.i!!. in l rop-.rtion to the size of the piece so loru '
l-'i.r in. ii ten cent note w ith half torn off, i
... ih f . ia n;s, ui.d so '.n. This is a matter that
be i.f :i.t. :t.: ia a short limo, tis the note iu cir- j
i-.ioii arc l..-t wciirin out. i
Ti e fobo-.v!.! arc (he contents of fntet n boxes
by thi Sa:iit.-ny Ai l Society of Suiirmry mid tho i
ouii'liit caintiy to tho Vroii.un Idmneh oft",
-'unitary ('on.ii.i.-iuii i
s boot,., ,,f 'uc, ! denib of whiskey, 1 do. of
e .l'i hii.'s o' dln-d fruits, ,ri boxes of dried flllitfl.
biits, p ii;s of .li-nwers. 1 L'ii hiiudkcrchii fs. 21
el -, c w nil o, is. 2 linen sheets, lfl pillows, ill pairs
le pers. I ," i-idm leaf fans, 2 pairs of ruspenders,
dines, i oi.ii; i, 2-. bottles ol Kiisnhcrrv vinegar.
Ji'-li- bbet TV
Mil ii . botllcs (stone, lilacKliorrv
. 1 do I.f totillilo
nti-u!i,:t do. of spiced cherries. I
niK of fruit, injurs of picservcd frail, 4 jars of!
..ciVrC rajs. ii,v. parf of tall, lint, I
i .... i t
;bs leal l'.lpv:.:
ir' Ir'niniiTi'i i. Si in.-iim.For tho upccial in:
nation and delectation of riiisoganiist and miaofry.
Is in '.'iierub ;it.d f.r the a$fc'c of our old, uly.
nun-hating bachelor renders in particular, we
lish the following inatriinoniul utatistios. They
ov a baleful liht upeii tho connubial urraugo.
it. Au tnlih paper, descanting relative to the
ious (puUtics of coiiuubhil hlirs, fitatos thut iu the
of London the olliciiil reconU for tho last year
olthus: r.unawuy wives, 1,132; runaway bus.
,ds, 2,ilt ; iimrriej pci sous legally divorced, 4,.
; living in open ware, 17, .115 ; living in private
undi-rbtiiiidini. 1.1,310; inulual iudiflcront, bb,
; regard its hni py, 11,176 ; uearly happy. 127 ;
fcetly lnij'py, 1.1. The wffddcd etalo i what poet
liciilly cull au ''clysium on earth. " Uow are
'I'lysbim '"
V? i?ATi, Aei i ii it nt A Mix Rm Okeh t
; Caiii, On last L'riduy uflcrnooo, alx'Ut five
ock, u inoi-t dijtrrssing accident oocujrod at the
vo in tho Shnmokin ldvision of tho North Central
IroaJ belwecn 1'iiA-inoa and Fisher ' mill, whiob
illod in tha death of iVm. Long, a farmor of
ueron towi.ship, this couniy. It appeun, ftom
verdict leiidcred by an iuijnest, thut after baviDg
ught u grist to the mill Uo wcut to a tavern obout
; a mile down the roinl. and on bis return, Loing
cr tho iiiBueuce of litjuor, fell uoront the track
iro he remained until a truia oomiug up paid
r biui, severing hi head and one foot from bis
y. The L'nginctr discovered him immcdiutoly
n coming aiouud the curve, but the diMuuoo
la.K Ibuu ilty yards, il was iuipouihle toalop
hojvj troia in time to save tho uuforluuaUa man.
;33da iil'.ul Iweuly-Sve years of age, and
i .1 v ile id'l ''3e child .inulin KoriH.
tfwil ijsa.Mis.,ijse
The. Irnf't.
LIirnln g, fti., A ti'j. 11, 1S03.
Coi.oKEt. : I have tho honor to acknowl
edge the receipt of your letter of the 10th
inst., in which von explain your letter to
Gov. Andrew, of llie lUtta July lust, which
has been published in tho paper of this
Knclo?cd you will find a copy of the
apportionment made in tho draft of Just
October, and the quota assigned to each
county in this State. You will notice that
your letter is answered, in a prent measure,
by the paper itself, which shows the manner
in which the quota of each county was
ascertained, based upon contributions of
men to the public service up to that time;
The quotas of the boroughs, wards and
twwiislups were ascertained by the commis
sioners of the several counties of the State,
uml were adjusted in proportion to the men
previously furnished by them. Copies of
all such apportionments ought to be, mid
I presume arc. on tile in the War Depart
ment. If not, they will be furnished prompt
ly at your request.
" This subject is exciting much interest in
Pennsylvania, and it Mould seem to be
important to the public service that a just
settlement of the number of men to lie taken
from counties or smaller municipalities
should be made vi ith all possible dispaleh.
For the purpose of correcting the im
pression as to the means of relief to locali
ties, where the people think injustice has
been done, and to save the expense and
inconvenience of journeys by citizens of
different and distant parts of the State to
this capital, 1 drm it proper to publish
your letter and this reply.
1 am, Colonel, very respectfully,
Your obt sor !.,
A. (;. t.Tk'ITN.
ColonelJ. P.. Fnv, Provost .Marshal General
AY ah Di.r.u;T.n:NT, ')
WuJ.ihijtvii Ih C. Aij. 10, ISC 3. )
His Kxcclleiicy A. G. Gi iii iN,
Uurirnvr at' V' iwiliiihia :
Sin: Mr. P. L. 'llackenberg, of Milton.
Northumberland county lias called upon
me with a letter from you and a statement
ol' the number and names of men claimed
to have been furnished by the town of Mil
ton. 1 have written to the Governors of
several Stales explaining my letter of the
10th of .luly. to Governor Andrew, and 1
will now inform you what consider to be
the method of establishing the claim of a
town to credit for an exce.-s of troops fur
nished. I 'flic question whether a town has actually
I furnished a surplus over former calls can
j only be decideil by ascertaining what for
mer calls amounted to and how many were
I actually furni-hed. The quotas of Slates
! were aligned .y tlx: President to the States
' at large, and the distributions among the
j towns and counties was entrusted to the
i State authorities. The records of this Dc
- partmcut do not show what the quotas of
! the towns were, and I have therefore, rc-
quested the Governors of .some of the States
I to inform me how the quota of the State
j was apportioned among the towns and
' counties, to nrove that anv town
.-.u-iit v is looillnil to rnolil for a 'suri.Ie.s
; of men ac tually furnished, 1 deem it neees
I tary to isiaMish the following points:
j Vr,if. That a given quota was assigned
! by competent Stat c authority to the tow n.
; ';.'. ,'. That that quota was a proper
j one ; that is, that it was sc.Iiiciciit, with tiie
j quotas of the other towns and counties, to
; make up tin: entire quota til" the State, and
j proportional tu the population of the
. town ; and
! 'J'.iiiJ. That the number claimed has been
actually furnished, and this can be cMabiish
; ed by comparing the names of the men
claimed to have been furnished, with those
on the mustering rolls in tiie cilice of the
. Adjutant Genera! i.f the Aril. v.
Yi I'V respect I'ullv,
Your obedient servant.
: ,IA.i:.S !i. 1'1!Y,
Provost Marshal General.
if" l.ATHST
cb'-lciti'li from
' ' , i
, (.luted the 1 It.:, '
, San FfKiu:ist:n, Cit'.ii'orni.
! reiiorts nil tineiisV fcelin
; tht'ou 'lioiit t
: Stale, reoiii'din;r the movements, ol the Se
! cessioiiisbs. An u'.IVmv bail oeeurreil littweun
j I uml of rebel symii'.!liizers uml the sol
I iliers stuljoncal ut Yi,-a!iu, in Tulafe county,
in which one of the .sohlieiii was killed ami
several of the funnel' were woumleei. Many
! of tlie counties in tlie northern ji.u t of the
j Stule contain lure lainiliets of fc'eces -ionists
; Cieneral Wright, vli. is in coiiiniaini at S'an
l''runcieo, is tukiii measures to jiut down
any outlrea'A which may take place.
'S'tll Eif71ll!liJ li!-'li!2l.
The I.oiii.-ville Journal savs th'it !'s far as
licuial fl'o'.n tin
Kcntllckv will
next tiitlelui As.-eliiiily of
Le coinposeil as follows:
Senate, thirty one Union, with nix district1!
to hear from ; House, sixty eight L'nion and
two Secessionists, with thirty counties; to
hear from.
Tlie vote in tlie Seventh Coiiiessior.a!
1'isliict of Kentucky is an follows: Clay
(. L'nion; 4,301, Buylu'a.olS, Huckner, 1,1171.
'1'lte ':ms. ol" the iailurr uf Mur
(;' BCuitl.
The I.oi-.isville Jottrnul siiyss :
In regard to John Moinn's late raid, wc
are in possession ol lptcrestintr una iiii port
r mid
ant 'acts,
wlncii we can cstablf-li by
liefore Morgan started upon his
expedition, lie ful I v explailie'l the rebel plan.
'' M ,l"t "l-'''1"" 'vas a .part, lie
' '""'-t' " tlttneU upon Louisville, lint
l. 1. T .. .1: i : . .
to "o tliroii"li lmlnina unit ( lino, nweciini
everylliinc before him, iittructintr the whole
ot public utti ntion in that direction, and
breaking tip all railroad communications by
which reinforcements for the defence, of
l.omrville could be sent. Immediately after
this, lii-ekner was to dash into Kentucky
w ith the very considerable force under his
command, capture Louisville, and take and
destroy whatever lie pleased, and then the
two, liuckner and Morgun, were to make u
bimultancous rush upon Cincinnntti.
To the rebel mind, the plan seemed feasi
ble, but events occurred to interrupt and
defeat it. Yicksburj nnd l'ort Hudson fell,
and Gen. Kosecrnns advanced sooner tlinii
thu rebels expected, liuckner couldn't be
possibly spared from where lie wus. A
courier was dispatched post haste to stop
John Morgan, but he whs too latfi ; when he
arrived, Morgan was across the Ohio. The
rest of the story is history.
Coksistescv. The Ilallimorc Ame
rican says that the latest practical detinition
of consistency is to hurrah for Jeff. Davis,
who enforced a merciless conscription, and
I raise mobg to opposo tho very mildest r'onn
under our own established government.
CoKrr.iiKB AT Last That Derrick Allen ' finl.l
Medal balcriilui in llio best article knowu lor making
nico lilit bread, llibcull, Lies, l'udilinjf, Ao. ltuse.
leii iiuilutora mil trying 10 pliin oil to Ihe public
thuir article, euyinii It u tiola MimIhI, or as uood
therefore, all who would preserve their BU. macho
nnd betilib, look and seu that the uuuio of llm-rick
Alien in on the wrapper, and bo not put oil with the
I'urioui bocauso lite aiuu-naui loin you iiialiiuai
;,i.i. lluve nouunn uui tue Keuuino uuia lucilnl.
i.vj pri can jjiid- il and it will do rb.Mrjood. Try
Qhkat That im Naitai. OnnnASCF. Williin llio
past few day lliero liavo arrived at tho IlrookVyn
Navy-Yard"lw Wfl-pouud j'nrroit (runs, rilled, Xl'iia
it tho firvt tinio nrdimtea' of thin caliber hna b"en
aubniltcd to Ibe riflVtnt provem in Ihia aountrv. The
puna rcsnnblo tho lOU-ponnder in every respect,
two that tlioro Is a " rc-enforee"nbout llio brocoh
whloli materially atreui;theiis them. The Parrolt
foundry linn now a SOO-pounds Run rilling, and naval
oirolea nntioipato its auocewfu! operation. Ono of
tho iron-clads attached to tho Koulh-Atloniio (loot,
uudor Admiral lnhlren, is paie to bcnimcd A weap
on of tho latter kind, but which one i not known.
The largest gun in pio nary before the advent of
this pieeo wua tho " Dahlifreu1' "bfi0-i ounder, whieli
required thirty-tivo pounds of powder. Onus are
now in courso of construction which will require
sixty pounds of powder to a chnrite; mid i I if said
thai the uriuainonl ol the Puritan and Idutalor, Mr.
Kricpson's new ocean iron-elads, will consist of pieces
invented by lhat peiitb'inan each of w hich will bo
able to burn from seventy to ciphty pouiub If powder.
W hile the sizo of Ihe puns is increasing in tufiptiitudo
every day in our loivy, it is a fact worthy of notice
that llio number of men needed to work them is
decroiisinp foursailors beinp aide lohandlea 16
inch iron more readily than twenty men could man
age an old 3-'-poniider.
A pemnvs I'.i.ow. Tho preat coiitliipriision at
Ibivnna is practically a pain for uvf no mean conse
qucin'c. no less thiiu'Sl ..iUII.OIiO worth of cotton, su
per and other poods, hilonginpto blockade runners,
ol llrilish race, liavinp been destroyed. This will
add materially to tho bankruptcy w hich lias iilre.'oly
befnllcn fo iniiiiy Lnglish incridiaiits engaged in tho
contraband trade.
FnwKiNn Oahcutv A Whom; 1'avii.vT'Iiow v
i:n A shocblnp catastrophe occurred on Sunday last,
in lbii.d; itiver township. Lorain county, Ohio. Mr
llerwip, a Protestant tieriiian, with bis wife and
five children, set out about ei;rbl o' clock in Ihe
morning, in their wnon. toutlend (diurch at Anihei-sl.
Ahout an hour aftci wards, as some men were croi.-inp
thebridpo at licuver l.'rei k, they saw two horses
stnipj,lii:i; in the water. The n i:"i.bors were iibuin
ed. and tho hol.-es ex t licit ed. Whin Ibe carriauo
was dr.lwn out. Ihe bodies of Mr. llerwip. his wile,
and the live children, compi i-in:r the entire taiuily.
w fro found in it. qnile dend It wus mpposfd that
in the bridge the hors'i s bei aire IVihtelic l
mid hacked ollinto tho river, whet-', het'omiiip en
tangled ill the'l'iae. all the seven vol'e tllounel.
Tlo-obb -t of tin.-childreu n as a irl al-oot foarU co
years of a,;e
m?i - - - -
lUs.-IA.v Wiir.AT. Miohael Snyder, of Montgo
mery coimiy. loft at our a simple of snmc vt ry
line wheat, known by the name of lius-i-in whent.
'I he bcriy is very and .luini. and is .-aid to
makewliiter and better Ih.ur ilein uny itiietyof
wliciit prown in these parts. lb recou. mends it us
boinp stiller in tho straw tiom ihe ordina.y kinds,
and therefore not lii.ble to 1. tle ; hi; 1 ss nbo not,
subject to the ra :i;;os i t the II, ssi in fiy. or lo mild'-w.
two iuiportuut rvcuniineiuliitioi.s. W cdid not inquin
but suppose this variety, by its nmiie. orj,in.iii-d
in the domain ol the Vv.nv oi beisin. in the souilieni
part of whose empire is situated a i'mihou ,. v, la-;, t-rais-ini;
coiiti y. lr'.ni e bich soeiec b.r quunt :i i s at c
shipi'cd to .-upply the nce.bif Ki.:;biii I, I'rauee. and
Other deliM'ly populate, I ci liutl iesot .-! rn buioj n.
Ildesa. on tiie l.!lii.:k .Sea. is a s,reat sbij io port
for w heat. l'oyio.stowu lcioociat.
ti;ra fA'a'Sih.- : !
rplir. Select liiiii .'Vboo! of'ihis j.lace
.1 reopened August .':bit, b'l"i, under the
Undoneo ol ,S. 1. 1 IMC. A liiaoal patrol ;
licilcd lieiu the potions of the scl. 'ol, ,'ind tl
will be
itizi i,5
Tkn.;.soFTcrniA run sk-.-idn.
tu'tborapiiy. Iteudin,;. riling and i'iiuniiy
Ai itliinetic. Geography an I bullish iJi aiinoar
Nat. l'hilosuphy. Watt sun The Idind. -l;a-
bra and (ieoinolry.
Hook Keeping and Lait:uau'S
I yt '-lie half of the tuiti"ti tin in y to b j p
udv.incc, and tho balance at ibe expiiaiau vt
?2 ;a I
11 O'J
0 6;l
id in
I'upils. i;tudyin any one branch in eitbt-r i'f tin
hii.iT jri'inles of tuiti'.li will be cli.- vd ill the I'aoo
euit.ra..'il. .-oioh brail d i .
bor further inl oriiiatioii anop,- to
!' I'lNb'. r.inciiod.
.iinbury. Auti7.t:h, 1 -d.'l.
Tl illK IMA". JA.V.b.S b'lCK.iN". will n.-oj.eii his
1 Academy on Monday, the i.'ih d; y of Auiut,
OW 111
; brun-'hes w ill bb Uiu-,1.1 :
I Latin, tlrcok. alathcniniics, Vhili.-opby. Khctoric,
I l.oie, Look Kceiiin ', Vocal Miimc in tl.e iiy and
practice. Also. Ccoiiajhy, Urun,mar, llit!ory,
Composition 1A i i'.iu;'.
TLI'..M.-i :
Per Quarter of II wool,-'. f'i loS
In the abn e braiiclu'S niCiieiit the bitejuu.-a ?'i t u
Ian in and above brunches, ! t:l
i-ireek and ul.ove branches, 3 1.0
Sec- Circular.
1'or funber piirticclars j ply to
Norlliuud'cilaiid, August Ut, ls.o:;. I.
a s'8't'..ii' airs.p...
ZtAMi: to the pr.,1,
V nhout the 1st iinv
niises of tho suhsrr'ber. on or
f .Mi'V. lsti.'l.u Stn.v bull, ap
parently nhout two yeiiis old. lil.t red.wllliWl.llo
tail and while body. The ow ner is rcqiii-sti-d I i C'-iuo
forward, prove proputy. puy clcii'X' s and lalic him
away, or otherwise he will 1 c sold ueeonlin to la-.v.
Jl'llN L'MHT.K.
I ppcr Aei'ii.-tti. Au;r. b-t. ls-iit.
a r-r.--:.vt'K.' :
SbLSTni'lLS l'UIl LllAl'ibH riiKSoN.-i.
Vi All Ltl'.ll.TM'.'.N r. i
1'injviiST Maiisiiai. ir.Ni, s. okkh i:, J.
i a.-hington, i). C, duly Uih, lsjd. )
So. 41. j
To answer iinpuirits. made to this .dT.oo it is an
nouieji d :
1 irsf. Any driiftod per.-ou psying thice huiulr' d
dollars under section LI of the i la'diment to t. is
Inclehy c.MUipt tioln lullber liability under that
ili'afl, hut not lri'in any snl.sefpioui di alt
Second Any dralb d i ersim fuini.-hini; un aeci n
liil'lesul.stitule is exempt from military ,-ei iec. for
the period lor which said milslilutc is mu.-uicd iain
Ihe scia ice.
Third. A sub-tilule once iimstcrcd into the si rvice j
cannot ho ilrafie-1 while in service. !
beuilii. A ilrafled mini cannot nay c..uiniiit.itioii 1
nu'iicy or p resent u substitute ulur he bus lepoited '
himseii to the Hoard of llnrolliiii-nt lor examination, t
rillll. Al ell who on the . .il ot .Alarell, lsa.,.lieic
ill the military service of the l'i, "tied Slates as si.i.sii
lutes under Ibo drafl of lsi'2, and w ho.-,, lei ms of s, r-
ice have since expired, arc hoi liui le to the ) resent
draft. I'ut tlie pel sons fur whoiulhcy wcie sul-stitutil
aro liable to draft the sumu as thoiiiih tlay hud not
been droned or furnished siiUstitutos under t'.io drait
el last year.
Sixth. In pen ing the notices as riqi'.ired by e'r.
cular No. -12 from thie ollice, u rca.-onuhie liine to
report bhidl in each case he giuiil.'ii by the b. ai d of
t'liiolliueiit to ineu iu Slatt fcervicc. who have lain
or iiiuy Lo dialled.
JAMKS n ritY.
Provost Aiar.-hi.) (jenorab
I'llOVoST Mausiiai.'s Ol 1 11'
1 fill illSTlll.'T,
Ilarrisl-urjr, l'u., July 17. 1st!
Tho (itlenlioL of the cituens of the 1 lib Unrolling
liliicl of l'enn- Ivuidu is direclcl loihe above Cir
cular from tho War lKpurtmont ol the I niled States.
J A", iv A l t i.r.Ai t.v r,
Capt. and Provoot Marshal, 1 Uh iliatrict.
July 2i, lf-Od.
1) I S T I L h K It Y.
rpilK uiidcrsiirned havinir entered into partnership
1 in (lie liistillery lluaiuess, iu Joi.luu li. unship,
Northuiiiberlaiid ci'iinly; on Ihe roud from Shiitl'ir'd
Taveru lo I nionlow 11, about 4 miles from Jbilniiioy
and (1 niilea tiom KlinKirstew n, hc leave lo iiiforiu
the public thut they aro now uiukiu a superior ar
ticle of
Those desir'niR ruin converted into whiekoy can
Lave il done on tho most reasonable lerms.
'1 he highest cush prices will he paid lor Uyo, and
grain tukeu in exchnntre for Whiskey. Tho public
can be assured that all Whiskey niiido at thib dinlille
ry will Lo lieu lrom drum aud'aduliuratioiis
U. K i'OL'ST.
Jordan twp , Juno 13 ISM. Aiu
fVyuiuins' lniii-iiiuii 'oiiiai',
Capital untlurilusj, lI,O0O.
fi. M. Ilollenback, L I). Shoemaker,
John Iteichard, D O. L-iicshach,
Samuel Wudhaiuii, it. C. Suiilh,
It. 1". Li.coo, Cha. 1 loir mice,
( hurles A. Miner, A 111. S. Koss,
W. W. KotchHin, 0. M. liardiuK.
U. M. IIOLI LXHACK. l'resident.
L. l SHOLM AK bit, Vice I'leiidcot.
K. C. Fmitu, fcioorelary.
W O. Srniil IKO, 'Jreafurer.
This Coinpiiiiy lnsuroa three-fourth of the Caih
valuation, tukt- Dq reuiiuui Notes, make no AseeiM
metita. Vol icy acknowledge all money! paid llurun;
the leiui of your lucuruiice.
A. r JUWrORP, Agent.
y.iy f), ims -jy
"T0L'1.I rcspeclfully announce that they liavo
jusl received and opened a very large and v, ell selec
ted fHnok of
which they aro willing tu d''pooef at a VI1P.Y
yv CALL.
1 hankfi.l for past faors we hope to meet a con.
titiuaiK o of II. o same by stiil si iling (loeds us cb up
il'i.ot 'C5a-:AlB-:iS than ciaibe purchased ea.e
where. I'bll.INti A (1HAXT.
Kiinhiiry, May 1 J;1.1.
A ."o'til 2csli:t ti rKsii- r
l:tin .it:-c;:it;-' tu tin- ic-
11k it r.v TitK Pi-.NA'tr, and
I If ) i si: ot-" Kia'i'i.sHNTATn I'm ot" rut; Cum-
MONWKAl.TIl Ol-' lJI..N.N:-'i i.VAMA I.N til t:i!At,
Ansi-:misi.y y.::i That tlic l'niluwino- I'lni'iii1,-Ii'.i-nN
la.' i'i!Hiiil to the ( in, stilt, lion ii'
I hi.1 CiinitiKitiu i allli. in ncciM'ibunv wiilt thu
1rnvisiiiii ol' the tenth tirticle thireo)':
Tin -i-i! jsliull liL' an iid'litioiiul soction to
the third urliclo ol the t'c::st!ti'.li(iii, to bo
(k-i;:iial( il us section loll", its follows: 1
rM-'.TiiN -1. Wlicncvcr uny of the oiiuli
fie;l cli'i.'lii's of lliis ('oiiinaiiiivcnl'ih shall bo
in tiny uc'itiil militaiy service, ninlci' a rcijiii- I
sitioti f'ot.i tho I'ri .-iilciil of the l iiiti..! j
Slates, or by the auihority of this Common- j
winhh, such electors mnv cm rcisc the riohf
of S'il'ra;;C in all i.-lect i-
' ' V i IK! " H 1 I ', -,
urn lor sik'h rt : ulat i
as ate, or s.iatl be
pr. scril
the clcv
al by law, us fully lis if they were
ut tin tr u.-uiil j.lip-c of i u . : inn.
shall be fan n, ! lit iot-al sections lo
i.tii :u". a le of t in' 'oil.-! il ni ion, to
niitcl us section:- ci; '..1. anil nine,
I liibc
1 1 on :
i! me.
ml! be u...-c,l Ly tiie
liiorc tiian one ; -tb-itiy
c.'l'es-a i! ill the
an l'i
l-.-c.l I
the I.c-is!a-
title :
any c
jo -, c
: ;n
iisi.v I"
m i s, or ; ri ili-t-, in
iitli.iiily io j.'iant si;, h
liti- been, or may lu re
io:t the colitis of this
i', whi l e I he
or J.l i vill-L'i
, lamlii'.'n'i i;
I 'oli.inon '. call ;i.
.I.'IIN crssxA,
i louse of lo'i'ic-cntativi s.
.lOUX 1'. ITNN Y,
Stieakei of tlie :'e:'.a;...
icr ul
Orni'i: or ti:i: Sr.i'-,ti:rAi;v
Ml'NW KA'l'il,
IM'N.N.-1; l.V.'iM.'i, SS:
1 i!o hi rc'.y cetif
I.. S. (roi.'.a uti'l ii'.me-:. .1
of Tltu C'o:-:-
Tulv 1, n
fv licit tin
f is a full
of the ori
:. i';.l A'-.-i ;
true r.'v.A
; 1 1 r-
---. -- am 1 ci i re. t coov
.'oinl ol the ' ict:
entitled "A Joint Ke.lrAioti
li i.l Anieiidliieuls to the t
the same remain-.- i n lib' in t
lil Te:diil..'!:V W hell of, 1 la
J t-'li i:-::.;
,i- Oliil'O.
e l.i ii oi'.
lay hand nnd I mised t lie s. a! of
tail's di'i'u i- to be ailixcd, the ih
i.l ove v. ri'.'.i !i.
ml eai-
i'i i si ir;-;i;.
: C'ouitii' ii:v, caltll.
id 21 -r
r'ccrotarv o
July 11. 1 Slid.--to
f ih
A. VI.
!A(;nii;uLTi;iiAL avosksi
I I iili. un-ti r. liii -I r. ipc.-llui!;.' l:il. ,'ni I lie penile
1. p-noialiy. il.iii il.ey Iihm- enured inlo C.l'art
n. i.-hip in toe l't.l M'ilY LI sIM-ss. nnd arc now
la 1 111 ed to 111 111. III..-! LI c lit the 'ia-hi 'no.!, i-'etlll-ll V,"
11U hinds of
i13:i l.-i'J-J , S;'!i, B';itr.;Jji, ';i.
.s:,v.s, V'.a nt f.!ii"i ?V.lic'.
r.ojiiiii in ; all kinds of Agi i'.'i.b iu ul I mpl. itiei.ts
done ia n (-.ii. d vioi bin. n.libc r and at tiic
sli'.rtesl In liee.
All nrtieh-s .-l ipped as ordered. Oi-brs r.-spect-fiillv
.-olicilcd al.d laouii.tlv atten led la.
'.l.i nil I'.ilIIUIlACJl,
'J. li. CU'-'l'LH.
I'.; "11 lion, ind nil kind.- of 1'rodiicc li.l.en i.i
lav. i.Mic f .r woi k
-iiiil.iiiy. May lti. l.-'nl. If
G . "W. Irl JTJJPrl
M' i-u rim !l: si. it- nl' Murk ft .t,-fot. fi.iir tlcurr' vsc-t
ol' i.. V. i'.iiV.A Suil'd ..tu f,
GUJMj:aiiV, PA.
u il! (illcinl 1 luiuji.iy to 1 . 1 1 i'i'.t-s.-a i.iii t-c-iin'M
X"i thi.u.Kf rlni.'.i aiui (tie i.'lj ili.i .t; cjuinit.?. i
Nti.i-i.ry, Mu i ... ly
on south side of Market 5
mire, near the Couit
Will uii.'nd proinplly lo all prol't s.-ionnl business
entlusied lo liis eaic. Ihe collection of eliiiins ia
Xorliiiiiiiberb.nd nnd Ihe adjoining ciiuti'.iis.
Sunbury, -May 2d, lsi,.'i,--y .
Vj of bs I
TiICHTY Abl.E LCDILl" MTX bciwcen the ac"
lll.d -lti veiiia. f-ol.licrs servuiir 111 1
liciiiioeiit p.-rlorni (otrriseiii duly hi 1'oit Taylor,
Key Wi.-:(. lloiida, and l'url Jcthcisou, Toriiifc-as,
Men e:'ilistin in IIi'b regiment, receive a lloimly
of One Hundred Hollars, of which twcnlv-fivcis paid
in udvimce. besides u premium ot I'our liollum upou
beinjr iiuisiered into the I'. S. service. Tho r. nnini
in; sovMily.fivo to bo paid upon the lApiratiou of
enlistment. enlisted for any three year regiment now
in Ihe field, either
All of which will receive l'tiy, iioiird and Clashing
from ilulu of eiilislinent.
l'ay per month troia $H On to $20 On.
Tt-iiii of l.nlisiuient --lhree yeius uuiesd sa
difcharired." l'orfurlbei infoi million, apply to
Adj. W. 11. li HAN1.1.X.
rSnr.burv. Nortliumberland countv, Ta.
Or to Hi-rft i. ', il. i;i.a b, -17th 1'. V.
Corp'l. S. E. liEAiiBii, i'Jth 1'. V.
July lib lsii3.
7i.TS?,'S HOTEL,
Corner Fusvn and Mm ki t Slreeta
ni m rtv.
riAHE undersigned respectfully informs the public,
L thai l'i- ha lakeu charge of Ihe ahoio named
Hotel, aud uskr for Ihe coutinuaiice of the foiuier
pairouuio aud would invito all olheia to K1V ""'
li alwavtau'iplitd with lie tel Ihe tntrkot afTrrds.
11m liar contains tue choicest lhiums. and his slab.
liu ia uood aud well ttlen.tcl t.y care ui m." '
m " i r
t anbury May SO, U-i.
in cvt-iy viiiic'y,
Onlcrs pulioitttl hi. d filled .villi ironii.(ncpH ami
fcnnil.ury, Mny 11, WA 1y
"ornamental" ikon " vvoeks.
OFKKH I'-T FnlMi(H'ii llio most fnvomlilti lerm.
-N w mid 1'i'nutiiiil DruiniH in .Titil nrirly ot
lion H-iilint; f.r t'einoterif?. iUiilom'r.-t. At, il
M'tonlit nti'l ('tit inn. ti i m IJnlviiiti? t Ii"U nnd
Vvn? Tul'in; Iron Yrnindfth, l!;l't!iii's, .tjiur,
CounttT.-. 1;i'iinttiins, (Jni-r. Column, ilimliiiijr; Vnstjj,
I.niiiji Si'iu Is. Viist't, '1'iilili'f', 1-iow cr itmi ' lw, Sn'a-.
1 hiiii.". J' -ii miry, Aiiiinnl-, nnd nil otlicr Iitiii Vorh
of h r!:nriili' cluirm-h-r. jMjKii;iiH furwniil-'d ft.r
it' H inn. l'i rconf iiiit1yim; for llic tfiinit, ill plctiso
tin- liilld nt'Wiil'k ULu lvd.
f;5'Junui), I (S'.i't. 1 tti
'Xo ht BfcinM'i(ttr t t i H ol'.'Morifiii-
j'V (TI'I.i-NS : -I l.i.M.Iy mi. 110111100 mv
as a enjoii'ifite lor llio
'i-i' it i: rn' f-iibinrr.
at the i-ominj; rntnary V lection nnd lis Ihe "tipporf
o!' my i'ellow (.'iiizeo'. should 1 ho iiotniniited iiii-l
le. -it 'I.J pn n.i.-o io f,.!liil ll.c duties of sail oliicc
Wllh lidelilv.
(:il.HbK;s W. S-NYl'lill.
fUn iiml. in t)).. Tilny So. Is- il.
l'llTllll LnblbLAltU,
Wj3iJ"A '!",;! 7fl:itiitat3'f uror
111 J;i CliAMbbKS ST.,
ll'oi nn i ly II' (.'obtlinin Sirett.Now York.
AVon! I call li e n't' ntioi of I'liilt iH to the articles
of hi., manalia-ini o. . :
l;i:tiUM i-Nfbi:.
.Vlucaboy. l'el'iiu-ros.
b ine '.:i pc, J'nre N'ii'friiva,
Coai.-i lb ; peo, Xaelfltoelie.'.
American (ientleinan, C'opcnhiicn.
VKI.b'iW SM J'l''.
Scl'e'l. Holier Iew Scoli'h,
JJi.Ji Tons! S.-otch. i'resii Honey Dew I'cotch
Irish lli-h To.-nt, brcsh Scotch,
or bundyfo.'t.
I ;? Ao-'iit ion is enlle l to Ibe bire rediudioii in
1 ricc.-i.if i'lia-l'iil Chewing and S:nol'.in Tobacoos.
which will bo f-'Uialof a Superior ('uality.
Siiii.b'! '.'. l ine Cut Claw inj?. Smoking.
I 1
V. A. T...or plain. S. .In'o.
i. 1. Cioendish. or Swoet, Sjuinish,
No. 2, Sneei S.-1-iiti-d H'.otioco. Caieister
No. I A 2 nii.vcl, j'ni l-'eil linindiah. Tiul,i.-h.
. U. A ciieiibr i f pi'n e.-' w ill be scut on lipid ica-
April -f. l-'V'!.-
i' a
Ct)X( KNfliATKl) J.YK,
'I"i: EVit'.ilr Moiio r?5iiJ.-r.
e I'l'l'.l.Ii' nre ciiutioiie.l iipnii'St tho SiTl',1
I'l ;
article ' I I.VI-i l"l leii',;iii'' N A 1'. Ac now i.f-
li'i-rsiile. 'Ihe i nl v li ii.N I INK tied I'A'H.M
bvc is Hint no.,!..' bv t, I'KNX.-'Vl.YANIA
'1' .MAM l'Ai.'l I 111 ' N i i i'o."l'A. V, linir
S 1.
ire.b, i-i' it l-it-4 "SA I'1 I' I bb . "K ( o.
CI.N'l 'i.'.'i I 1. I. VI, ' 'l lio -i. :,l .-I CCI.SS ol lhi-
lllileli- h.l- led I M'bl.W'Il'bl.H l'All'J ll.S to oll-
I -n "i-1.. IMl i ATI-, il. in viluli..:i of the Conip.a.j s
1' i i 1.'
Ai! mam r . "n i:i:i;s. bbViii'.Sor
ol, Sl'L Kl"l .' l ye-, are hereby V'Tl l'i lib
I Out! Ihe l.i-Mp.iny b-ive eniployi- l as- liieir Altori.cys.
I'lliib IIAllblMi. b-.p. of l'l.iia l.i. . and
j II l.IAM b. KI.'d "I'LL. i:.-...i.f l'iil.-bur'.
; And Ihtt nil i'-iloili. -mi. bsus. ir Soliiisof
1 bvc. in i"i. lion ol" liie i i'iit- of ihe C. lnpaliv, will
! !.,' I'll' '.- lil 'I 'I bb i.t i. nee.
i 'II, e SAI'uNf ii'.i:. . r (".Vi'liNTIlATbH LV1".
i- ti.r siile by atl Uri.;;-!.-ts. ' ii o. er.s and Country
j '.Y;;" .CJ4.
I Ti," bait"! Suite- Cir.-uii Coiut. Wistcrn i-tri--t
i.t I'enli-.vbiiiii!'.. ln. I nf .AiiiV 'I'erill. ill b-'2. iu.-uit
of the i'ci.n.yivai.i... Sa't AT n i! u fii.-l uri li i Company
I v. Tin in:.-C .' 1 lllisi'. deei e' 1 t" Ibe Couipuli V. on
No-. , l.ih.-r l o. Isi'i-'. the I.M-!u-ive riht ei nnted bv
a pst'-nt oui ed by tii-ia lor tie' SAI'ON'UI.U. l'a
ti n; ilu'.e.l ( ii.ihi r .1 , b-.'il'i. r,; pc'.uiil injunction
j SALT M A N I ' F A C T 1 ! I N G CO.
i (.1 V 1" 1 '' ii S :
127 Walnut Siiett. l'l.ilii.b-lehia.
i Sir."'. Mid I'le iiesio AViiy. l'
iv H, 1 -
NF.w rou YOU
Miisa-i -3. S .. .lscl'l
pains to i-'.t p -i. '', ,.y
i 11. hi. '11 ill Ihe ei,y. is 11..W pn
11 1 i'tia!n. b -uiicis an I lint 1. ii
t.'tki n t!rfi
liKiki-, trim
-t ivvz mid
tin- prim
'Ktrcil to
1 Hit lntr
!-uir:m r .-iyies.
She h is on liiii.d a liii'n'o slock of
; F I. Il AY i: US, Il 1 11 11 O N S , LA V L S ,
j nil 1 all ur' i. -li s in ba r line. Sebcted with the J,-r.'.-l(e-t
! cm.' troia ba .'o uled'-ile laui-es. and can. and will
I .-'!! Weil-. ,.r li... !.- at prie..- In suit nil cu.-ioiucrs.
I LAbil S' bl:l'.-S CAl'S. Mi-.-ir.UY. (il.OYliS.
! MITS. CobbAllS, II M.kl".l'.ClilbI'S. Co.MUS,
land iiiimeious i.iln-r 1.1'iib.- l"i' Ludio.-,' wear, to
! hiell slic invites liie la-li. s to call lll.d I C be
j 1 .r.i I lll'ehiisd.a elewhcl 0.
Thalikllil l 'i tilt- pilll".'.i..;e ex'tondldtohcr lu relo- she h'.pcs by keepinir the best lU-.-ortmclit ut pi iec-. toeoatiniic the Siilne.
i Second door soiahot siniiio. kin Yall.y.l Potlw
j iilc Lailroii.l. west side ltiviii street, f-LNUl'UY.
April 'J'j, IS'...'!. iiiii
w elrj 1)1 aniun tl n.
81 2 Clicsmlt Street, l-hiliid.-lptiiil.
T J AYE iiiwnys 011 bund a birtre ..!... k of Cold and
1 1 Silver Watches, suitable i-i' 1 ndies. C cnllcnimi
or l!..v.-' Wear. .'
.col itu'oiiu cap .ituliou, ex-
tru fmc qoaiiiy.
1'ur iissortm.i.t of .l.welry
fa-hi..n...l-I. ami rich d. -i;:i', ; 1
"ri-is!s of the most
. uiro the pbiiner and
li s- expensive.
Silver l- o.-iis. i' l'i.-. Cube nnd bruit Kuivos ;
nbo a hir.'o arieiy of 1 auey Silver Ware suitable
f..r bridal l're.o-i.ts'
W e have nbo on hmvl a most splendid assortment
oi Iihinioinl Jeneliy. of nil kind.-, to which woinvitu
esi.eeiul atti m ion. ' Our ju ices w ill he io 1 considc-
raoly less than ihe mine 111 i ieles arc u.-uu!ly sold for
All kinds ofWincbi" rejaired iu tho very best
eiiuiuer. and warranted to pave satisfaction.
Wl'.bbl MI H lXli Son huiid and nuido t" order
Cail or address
Fo2 Chcsnul Street, I'hibi.lelphiii.
r. S. The l.ii.'hcst cash piieca paid for old tiold
and Silver.
Allordcrs from the country will receive especial
May 2. ISM -ibu)
nIlE iindersii'iied oilers to sell at private sale, his
.1 valuiihlc I111111, situate in Zerhe township. North
umberland county, l'u., about one mile west of tho
town of 'J re. orlon. ioniuinii(r TWO HlXlilUH
ACKbS, nioro or loss; ut.oiit sixtv acres of which
arc cleared and iu a eood stateot eultivaiii'li. and
the buliuico w ell linihcied wilh j.ino uml oak. 'Ihe
iinprovi u cuie aro a Log-House, liarn and other out-
Terms Ea--y. JVur 1 urticidars inouiio of
Punbury, May 2:1, L-C3.
JUt'T K E A V X ,
VN o) porlui iiy not to bo lust eicht of. Hare
thanco for Agents LadUs as well us licntsoan
act as Agents. Apply early and secure Iho ugvuey
lor jour locality.
ujyes, aoi.D I'EXn a.j j'jtsHu r..,
iihaci:li:ts, tvis. vrrroxs,
.xvvk cjiAixt-.pirr oi-'jisw-
To be w.ld for If.l each, and not In be paid for
until voii know what you are to ):ct. Send 2o cents
for Cerlificulu. lbllii.t' you w hat you can have, with
a circular, K'v'ntf lull puriieulaislo Ageuu. Eoifeel
muelaelion guurautouj iu all eases
Addict, . H. M. WAl'.H A CO.,
20S lSwudwuv. liol 4,S7rJ.
March llW.-jy
1)bAXK (Vaiehment Paper.) llceda and blunk
jMorlgiicn, rknidf, bx.s-uuoti". runuuM, ate
.'or sale t the rffa-e ol Ihe ' Suucury American '
J" A. COS O.
SSnrUfl Mtr-I, iM'urSr .voi,, ,Il"
n:ril tCra Bfcin i.
IB XT XJ T3 XT 11 5if , X- A . ,
INFoIt MS tho eltineiis of Sunbury end vicinity,
(hat he bus ju.-t rutiirned from bhi'lndelphiii with a
full aitortaie'.t ot
His stock con ;ists of Cloths. J'repc'i Cloths. Illia-k
line .skin nnd I'lincy 1'nM-iinci-cs, llliick Sni in, l-'ij:ur'-d
Silks. Plain and baney C.e'siiocri- ' .; Tl NUs. v. bich
ho w ill make up to order in si vies to suit the tesie of
cusloineis, on isb-rt notice, and tho iiiut rensonildo
Any ioods not ci bend, will bo fonii-lied fo-m
riiilndelphiii, I iy ioin,; two day.-' notiav
liuods fnrnidied iiy c istoiieis w ill bo made up to
order ns heretofore. "
As he Will employ ivaii bill eupi riel.eeil wot kin en.
tiers. ,ii. may rely on tti, - :'o-:i- work well done ut
his shop.
'Ihaukfiii for Ihe ation:'e hereto. ire be towed,
he respectfully Folieiii- a cnliuuun ' of tho miu.o
Sunbury, Uctoher 1,
3 3 kl V. ?l A E fi' 1
Xrnrk: t Sj"in our t:;r wtt "J 1i.:
I I lo lu mi ji U y t;i'tt I
iiiii'-ury nnd ro-oi"-iii'd u
rS-i-w 'i'siIliorirs.'V EASiaJrlisBaam'.
llo is -i Toured to niMUf ni- row pu n,t nit f wrll
m Jlirjidil'l o!'l nil" :in 1 lo Hn . ' 1, In lA ly, li.-ll-
i'.mdtly niid Mjl'.-.iiiilifilly. in jt'toit v.iil nrrint vW
work lrnvin Hi' tdi'.n. nn 1 y t-u tlohi!;, lu-i'i-.s Jo
iti'oivu n dm sl.ii i ' of ) i.ln-itiiio.
I'oi-ohjs tl'-slrin-j: In h:tv d.:!!ini? md; i tootdor
in Ihe l.tir.-t -tylt. wiil n-c -ivc l.ii.i n cuil.
tSuiilmfy, Ajiil 11, l'j;:. 6 in.
.-. IV.lvn Sill- et. opposite AV'eaver's llot.-l,
SUNBUliY, A'o.-l'iii-iil'eriaii'l Ci., Pi-.,
IM'uli.MShis frien.b- mid the public p-u. rally,
that ho Imslakni the Siiot. ol .Incol. S. it .-,
d.-e'd . and ii- pn pined lodonll kind.-of;.
I Ni in n irood worktiiiiiiliK" nouno r. Ihe palrou
iie ot lie public is ic.-ot ei tally Solicited.
Siiidniiy. May lib I ;. 1 y
SIN(,Ett & co;s
Iltci- A. JTaiskiHj yi-win:; :u'Ii:i,
AT1TH all
1 ho ni w ilu loi-cl.
-nts ilk-man
r, Cord, r, C
r, lander, 1- el terJl acK
thcicr, Ac
Ac. .t,- b is Ihe
C ilK.U'bST ANli LI ST,
mil in. beautiful of till tuia'ailics far
and light m.'inuf i.'iuiitii; purposes. It makes Ihe j
intt r-ioehed .-litch (which is alike on bo'h side.-.i, and
has great ciij .icitv for sewing
Even leather, ns well us tin- finest lnu.-lir,, Tray bo
sewn to collection mi Ibis machino. 1 1 win u
spool cotton ft-well a-- Xo. Ml linen lhr.-ul.
il cun do onlv ho known hv sei.-inir tin; 1
What ;
laeiliia- I
le-ted. Ihl- i'.'1'lil-f.M..p 'i..-c is 1111101:1; the 110,-1 1
V'lillal'le of nil the !"''.v iutprovi Ilieni.-. li may lie;
..pone. t out ns 11 spu-ii'i:' iiini sulolnii'.ii'.l to
sll-ii.ill the woi h. jiikI w hell I tic much ho is not iu us., !
it may bo I'-iliied int.. 11' lii x. w'oi.h iioucis tue !
working puris of l!n' ini'-'hii.e. TinTc. is 110 oth-.a' j
lliai iliuc to e.pial liie I. .-tier A :u j
S;:p!I-l.v, Csirnlf!Hy, II ".! .i.'. , !
init! '-:-;iis.l.v -! eiii reet in!ii ii :
The Fan i
ly Sewing .Minhilie is fa.-t becili'l .J 111 I
i 'li.milv i'-'i- us Sinoi 11 A Co.'s .Manilla-.'-
tar il.'' Abo hlla - 111 e lor lliiil'iit:"'tol ill'-' purpo.-, s.
The briiii' h Olll' isaie v.cil sii) piled v.",h snk Iw:s!
I lire. el. 1111 die 1. oil. .1 ,1 . of the v e-'t he-t .pialily.
Sen I 1 v 11 i i-tiiii.i.T and 11 i".; y of .-imii'I. .'
C.i'.s ii .-l;i 11:.''
I. M. SlNlSKK .t CD., b'.-t liioiidniiy. N. Y.
5 I'hiliol. h.hia "il'.-'c. ed" Chcsnul (:reol.
.fin... o. lsu.i. ly
fsll ' 'i!m a "!. Vl.n'.m.'ii
t!c 2.:s:l.
The be.-t l.'ibi.r snviai; i:..'i"hin iii the w orld.
Xo ..iu:i. n 1 r skill re.piii - I in it. u-e,
i rile:- (-v.-ryi bins dry. and u u times i.s rp,
can he done by ihe nali-b
A chi! 1 of cV'bt years operate :t
Xo sei niit cun break i.
1, "inc.-its c... -t i.i clothing in a f,.:.:':'.y e'.
'. ill wear fur years without repair.
Yt'arr.n;.cd lo pie.iso or niom y r. funded.
Xo. 1 - I
No. 2 -
J'iibO'1 ) Wi
T.n.i Vi a
O.o y 1 W
!l ('.'.;'
lia .ut
Xo. -2 yii -iium
1 ,
'.-Stinill, ':
-I.1.1 -e Hotel
s M,. 1. Laund'y
o.oii W i.rmnti i
1 1. nu
I l-.IMI
Xo 1 Ale 1. baund y 1 to run
With Cars
Xo 22 I.!irc;o " ( -!eain ) iW.bil )
Nu 2 is 1 lie 'ije pciaTi !iy n--i d in pr'.va!
tiic iixi.Y wbixcm wiTU Tin:
nni-wju.i 1. ni'.'irL.v;.'i;.
Xo V.'i lio-i r can be inuiiblc Willi, ut Co
b'l bX'l
Till! 13.
CiiuiiisMTs "t : at ill in 'i crj
1',-isou.s ri.-iiiit::; Hhero 1.0 cmivhssit i-
ll pointed,
the V.iiil
by 1 l Ll tile pl'i
Ji'er by exp.c-s. 1 !!
1'or tenns and cr
C. Ll'.'J'.YX'lXi'
M3 liroiidwuy. New- Y.
'uic L'I, ISC". liu
A I so,
c;aki'i:n t'i: fkiit i .!;Vi.
PiiiOil.Ic for Crime'. I'eaellC. 1'ei rs. llnsobcrri'-s.
Sl 1 wherries. Llaclib-i'i'ies
111 or 2 !. s 1 a.-h. el I'.
i.roscnt, vii.: 20 in-res f. r
eurrauts. oe .
of I. 2 ! ,
'.e Ii'lloW in,: pi le
' fijoil. b I1. .C-f.-r
SiH. i acie
.'.-' 1..1' the
for 1 in,
for $2'i
a litres fur Siiu, 2i acres
l'liv.i'.lc by 1 lie dollar a week.
Abo o '.. l CriinLcirv lands, ar.1.
Clli-. IW noli. 2a by Hid led, at Jul
vilin re lots in
inch, pnv.iUo
t.y oiiedolbir a wc .; in-' above luiel Mel inrnis,
nio siluiitcd al Chdwood. W .ish'.n.'ton Ti.'viiship,
I'.urliliatou Con III V. New Jersey, lor ful the.- ill
foiu.a'.i"ii, apply, with a 1'. l Mump, for a circular,
No. (:,-, Cedar S -ie I, New '-'oik, N. Y
Jairiiiry 21, lsoo. ly
Healer in
V I A N 0
l to
"Tl-iW H.-.-wool Vinnos. fioiu tho best makers
j from JJIill 14 ei.r b. I
MI-.I.I !!b iNS Tin. h-t inanufi-cturcl Instru
ments iioiu i' la I.. $lti.l
Ijuiiars. iolins Aceof. loan-. 1 biles,
I'll- s. Hri'iiis, lliiuj-.s. lamb .urines,
Yiolin and lluilursiiiii's and n.ioicid liter
I'hundize in oeucr.ib
Slilil.T ML'.-'IC. i
The beest (.ublientions always on hand Mu'i; cent ,
I.v mail to imv part ot Ihe . '.unlrv. I
OYAL, Sl'L'AliK, lilbl' A X 1 UOKWO'it-
Suitable forloobinirglas.-es, and ull kiuds of pidnr-.i
uhvays ou hand
A fill assortment of bt-M plated i
I.OOKIXC liLA.-.-l.S from sinallc-i lo bi!';:c-t .-it-. 1
Any st !c of frame 10 older I.t the sl.oile.-t, W.b KNOllib', ,
April 11. ln'VI. ti;j.M.ukct it., ll:ilii--bulg j
l'i" THE l.l.i), AC; !
Instruiu'.-i.ta for all defoiuiii'isS
Ml. C.l.llVElfS !
v I.t-) Tr" !
has taken tho place of other Trusses for ihe re
mid cine of I einlil or lilll'turc. .icon
upon me
principle of u Icier, it 111 v r loses ils sti-cii.-tii
.1 ... . . ... ... ..,. It bus no mid on if.
: b.u
ni.iii.'t in. .i n, - -- , 1
which is so liable to injure ihe pine ;'
,1,1.1c the nearer. It i uio In retain Ihe bupiure,
,.ivie." omso and oololol't. and ellectiu' raolcul cules.
ll is nuneuud to file sali.-f.ieiiou
1 1... ; ....a a...iil.lcr-i:rie
t-xpiinds tl.
i cln -.l
aud uievdiu. iho wearer Horn hecoinui
"1"i'"l.'i1:':'r':',..,i,. ,.n,l Alsloniinnl Supporter
aces, and -Holts of all kinds, and iusii uu-euU tor all ;
licloi uiili. ol ihe body. j
LU liUOVKK't) H!h- eUNo. 4 Ann Street, two .
dool. fioiu llioadway. New Yolk.
iiraunerf should j.i.rticuli'ly I-Ole Iht fctiuo ard -No
ApriMl IW-b-
Economy is Wealth'..
'5 Sts; vos'u t-i-r osj vm: tvt i,-..
ThobL'STnud Cll llA PI ST!,..!d 1.1.",' ! V
in Hie World.
SJartiirao f.rttH' UHK 2 "V.s;'r-.
'AnAvi: ZA'o C I'ii
Tl.K S lYrc.A... ;;,! .
is wuiunteci ij' .-; i ,
eoriiin.r i,, 1 1 ilii . "
lo euro in in! e i -- ''..,!
C 'Id-. V. C '
Aslhnai. nnd lid i-'b '
ot the T l.i out in. lb-;
H-lsilo i
sl.ill. fo
ol the I
Ve..,.,.l ,
U C vl.
st reoi
hi its ;
bi.-e 1
the in
lithe ic:d
Cite u I'll e -n
bio'.o', taio
is not n v
bill elm 1
! tii"
l it- I ..ii
i'dei-t ri
i-1,1 w:,
end i 1
n I v Hn
'il ,e.-t
'. ido- J
! .
an be
Nsa-f liia" 1
N-Vl-'S' .':-..' I-il-o, .
'I '
,.l. I a
tO'litsil,. fbnolv by la il. leeoiMIO
win loiva u-..'l i! lo lie i- ..tlhel, , (,
M..-I- .. i iai-. .M.ol ami Zii.o
.1.1.-1 by
.nil.- end i
I'.-rter s i
live I!,,'
reileli ot
t lloe! y 1,
n. e V l.ieb 1,. it in
"! il i-.i.veni.-i.l ,,t i,.. 1 io,
v. - v... irov.
.V..r.'v I-'-.
io Is sl wi
' I I Uotlb' of
toe ,.,. ,.'
l-'j iioitii
loo I 1 1 1 1: - H.-
d.d I., pur"! :
tail! til - V'l 0
t- r's Ciirn'i,
U !;i'-h is ),s
eioe ; :,i.d lie
lalllastl;" 1 -nap,
in 'ii-l-l
"il,t r mi -lir 'i
! the en,;,
lee's ill d l.ol.
Will' I!:,! , !.
, ;
lo not e,
elelili I',
l-'.il.ii'lai ,
"t!i.-i- iii",
i il is
".br i
a iii -h
I ' til I V
II .
U 111 S ii. li-eS rec'u".
.ii iiir', il .-ir pp-St- nre ler." i
'.- il.-'..-t Up. -li iu ; .'.bld iloo
her. A-k lor .'.bid, mi.' iVi-'n'
ri--" b'i "i rl.-. in: 1 in bii -e I
1' . eelil '. : l:d lido
ol o sti l e V,M1
S".l I'V. id I'll
no lulu-!', tl von eiini, -t '.-' t.
ti.iiotl,. r.
'.'-! ne I .-'.re:'M..r..: i.t ,'
and in b..".;.:r 1. -ide.-iit i'.. e!s.
MALI, ,t !t i l'i:!,. I',.,,,,;
.'aniciry ill . '-.'!. iy .Y.;
Nortlifni Ci'iilnd
t ji'.n--
and I'r.-ln ti e ,-,"e.-;h a; i
M e-! brim, n Si louchiiuan. L
ern X, w York
u.irii. and ii.) ot .V-rih-
OX ind nfi.r MONDAY. Al'lilL .iU. 1 -.ill,
llio I',,.- en 'J 1 eins (.f the Northern Central
b;. ilwnv v.iil a; rive nt un. I .iepiirt fruiu Siinhi,:.
lbirii.-l'iiig ai.,'. l:.:l!iii.o-e fullows. m :
s; or t ji k a it i) .
Mail Train b lives Siiubury doily (except.
lli 10 A
' icnv.-j Jiiirri.-hnriT.
" arrives at Ilcliiieorc.
Lxjire Train leuvis Suiibtn-y
t v;-'''l'; S'ili'b'lV.)
b-1 vi . lbiiii li.i:.- -.
1 la l
U 07 P.
2 f.O A .
at Ihi'liie
;.l .Mo'i.iic.-!
0 1;
1 "",:.
"LI li Vi
M ii'.
dil Iciivr.
c, pt
Ill I i , 1
Train i-
i.ily (es.
la A X
1 I . IV M
1 in
H la 1. '1
1 A M.
1 ni
Kx; I",
ve- It - i
l e- al 1 b'l 1 :.0.u
e- ll.ilr;.-i'i,r - 1
i"i M
i'ii!! v .
lit I le II
Lor fur'.he
ml iniia'.i'io
1. X In I: ibu '."
1 "::. t-.;i
j 1-;:;---I;: Iii I'.iU- iJabroaib
j fpill.-t jrn-at liii" traveri ' s tho X rili. it. ei.d
! J X'.rtl.e. e-t e. Mini' .1 1 f 1' n:.-yii mi, ;n io lb"ei'y
! ot i ! :e. on b"be L'i i'.-.
1 ii h.-.s in--,, 1. !,.-. i.v tin. ;-,
C- u'ip.ii. . and u.i.b-i l!..-ir 'iii-pi
p. la- I tin .at I1011I it-- Cliliri' i-0;
1 1 i- 1 ii-.v in n -o P.r i'.i-si m'.-
- i. la..
miii n.::
1. I"
I I .
' l.c.- Irion tl -in i-.iuu to ri'tiiwi
I n ib i'ii I i;e I -i-tein i i-i. .ii. ;
! bli'.'. ! i's loii..-. 01. till W.'-an.
j 1 : m ! : ol' 1 A -.-i:.n..i:i: iiiaias a;- m
lis 1 .ban'' '.'"-'-,'..,". I .. , , li",
Mail Ir .in. llll.lti A M. Mail 'i'.a.n.
! J.xpi'...i ', I i.i."," i'.M j Lxp-.cs T.aii
I '::" ran Ihl -oi Ji w id'oul .-b inre, '...,'
1 I:.'.- train- l..'l'-..i Vl.iheb'lphi.i nod 1
"'i and bel-Vi-eo I'.nb i'.ior ' mid bo- k Jlavir.
1 bb- . it. I sb-i j-ii ; (1:. en 1 . x -r 1 .-s
! UI'S ie'llliill 'i llibilli-r .,1 I and L.iK
1 ' p
.".. 1.; a .
ll tnilo-." 'i't Hint I .,i-:p!iia.
-'.:"-. baaa-s
l-.'.'ii r A.", o.a he! .ii.- ,
. itiioro
-t. l'biia-l.
'1 . I"iil,u!.i
Yv ii'.i.n'-..-: on
111 Iv f.l t!.c .
And for l'r.
S. b. Kin
.1 V. '.. ,1
. 1 I'.-i.
i-'lll bll.-i
'-'on. .b- ,
I Hi!
-d Vi
a! X
1! . li
lb 11.
Ibo -r.
Cell 1 !'..
I.i: v. 1- b. 11 .
llll.-i l.c'.'
.!'- ! 1! i. 1'.
Ueli'l y. :::
April 1
1:1: v
i a; Cll
L 1. now 111:11. ut ii'tu'
a; ClIbAl'hK 11 M
lcrbv the -ai- -ill.
liiini ar any o;i,.-r i -:nb-
l ar 111 i.- not t.t kell ililo
1'. ill bo done 1,1 ,.: 1 1 lie. ...
li-lnnenl iu s-ui.i-u'i-v. . 'J and ui!
li.ii ii-.- iu-l r, .-ici .1 -.-i ii.'iii-e lien .-laell oi" b..i!b.
and .Mi-roc. -. 1 r
eii5-:-ie:-ii". f-'ool -. :mi Sihoo.,
t.i;:;es' S-.r-iv . ::nl it:iis'i-si,
4'liiI'r-iiM Mini's. -.. A.-..
wbi.h wMl I- niiel.- lo or.. 1- a! short li.e:..-. in la
b-. -t e.ui )in;:ii, !'.!;. in. nl)--!' el -i -f liie b. st ii'..i!i i i-ii-l'ce.lioi;
ll.alil.t ll i"i' li.e p lirniiinu e. , n -. 1 1,
t'.-.'-'i .- ill l:. p. .- toe. lilil Oe !be siiloc.
All 1. 1,., d ii w.ak done . Iiei.p mid diir.-i!.!.-. ur
in iie.l I.. ea!I i 1 hi-- . ii"!' nearly o.'.o.'. i;v .i.c Ci.ui
IIo:i-.c ill .M .
t S.iuni.'. .'ai. .la. i v. l'a.
j.-iii.A u :l i.u.
1'. lirinirv 2-. 1 -
" A Nl.W ai;i:iva!. til'
l'v'a'st.SjXj'EJIl S.
e l l..-me from riiil.i.b b.i.ii,
o; l.i a 1 1 mi.l iii ci
ait till W't-ons
K li is j;i-t ri tun
W illl 11 lK'H i;ltj ''U
h y your lu u! i..i
yr'tt r.:
lie ,
lie has C'ilf b
lb.' In.- b.A'-'
lie I s.- bll.llf.i
He bin V.i.-. o
U..t ffl.;.:.-. ll. -I.O
ot illl-!-.. ---s.
He nl- , hll-i"l
end t nl 1 -.:in- 1
ai -r
to S7 no.
-1 all to
J c:s. lo '
H.'.iters of
rt c.e.y;i.
,.c--. I..
.tl 11 fiill .is.a,-).lent
-1 .it. IIII
'.. r'esl In
-t la. -ilia II
i'.l III '
I. tr.:!:,- .-
1 li-
''.iv I i..a!:' ii tt i-0 li e I
A l i UKA'L' SAViM
El.sW'Al.I. S iM-i.t
i rTL u'X
1 1 1,V - iM
i f
'ir-vV s:.o:;.
. les: 1.1 l lb . ',.
; as t.c ; or of
s a-.. ! learn Uiy
H Mlbbbi:
ice p. :i ..; v.i.; wiii w
Lelilb. r S'.;. '. a
Men.llil It'.la
Cull Hint I .il
;,i esU. ore pa
oil h-llid
1: a 1
Sl libl'I'V. M
!0. 1" ' lyeh
v.:;. '-(;:r-
I'lllLAHEU'lIlA I'Al'Ei; H.'iN'JiXeiS.
Ji01 -VO.D. A. I'.Ol ttuv.,
r L...ulhA Al'tili.'t . ire. '-. I'i iiii Icll'i.ia 1...V0
un in stock. 1 line via a !; v."
j"i ill'I fik lt-k!..
f it up es.pie-iiy foi lh.-ir Si ibi' Tiiida
tilXl'v.U" l'AI'iiK II EYEl'.Y lilt A HE.
h the. invite ihe uilel.tlotl Ol Storcr. ce jail s
Iu ilu-ii I. 'is. I In p u'ln. on:, v.ill be loll. .11.10
.-rt SI . i.'S ol 'he 1i'miii.
I'ii.bldei; I. la. fob. II, 1 sl, ! ,huh
Til U CONi b'bHIONrt yiJ I.XI'b:.ii
rubiii,livJ for thu beiicril, and aj a w.nniii;; ui.l
A CAl 11'iX Tu VJbX'il MEN
hn nitt'-T from Nervous bl.--b.liiy. l'lciuaturc Hc:ty
of Aiu.u.0. i, do , t.ipi . .. a !-c san e lime
J ilb MEANS nl' Mil.!' CLUE
Hvone whu has. "and l.iii'-. If r Ivil X ! t..
jlici.t expense nl. I injury li.-. a,.;!. u . .la al hniiihu,
UU'l ouaekery.
Hi cnciosii, h post-;.':' 1 rid,.- 1 ei i eh. pa. flu .
L'lo Conies UlllV be bud ef tho l.nllior
'N.VtllAM!.'. MAYEAlf. U.;
I e. s ' N
Mi-j ii-.". -x.
k. j
' I