WTENTION DEALERS ! am ri lime, VXNiH'XClCH tu nil who trade. In Sunbury, thai ho ban jiut lwchasctl u i.vki.i; M'cii ,r M.n m,.iiMi N IS W GOOD S, Wliii.li lie oficr nt hi? old sluml. near Covcrt'a llolo n csl cml ul Market Sqniii o, very cheap roil cash Or if that will not do. just m cheap fir V o i; X It V 1 It O IK IT .' K. Hi FtouU consists of n Inrijo tissnrtu'tut nl . HATS, JJOOTS. CA PS. f IK IKS, coats. salt, i'axts, soap, vksts. juu'ptiks. JIARDWAltF, QIFKXSWAHK, ami other articles' iiltngctkcr too numerous to luen tiuu. CALL .A-INTD SEE. Sunbury, January il, JMUJ. lOiMlinat' It:iitroml. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. GI1V.AT TKIXK LINK from the North nml North-West for Philiulotpriia. New Yol k. Kcutl injX. Pottsvillo, Lebanon, Allentnwii. Kuston. Ac. Trains leave llarrishurK for Pliilti'ielpliia, New York, Hemline. Vottsvillc. nnil nil Intermediate Stations, nt S A. M.. nml 2 00 '. Jl. Xcw York l';.preslenvcs ll:irrisbur nt 2 15 A. M., arriving nt New York nt t) la the same morning. Kares from llarrisburjr : To Xcw York !?a la ; to Philiuiclphin 5"! ;ia nml S2 SO. Uungo chcckc.l throufrh, llciurnini;. leave Xcw York nt fi A. M.. 12 onn. nml T J' M. ( I'itt.-lmrnh Express). Leuvu riiiliulcl j.hin nt 8 1j A Jl. nnil .1 So 1' M. SIccpinR car? in tho Now York Express Train, through to nnil frotu Pittsburgh without cliuntrc. Passemre'-s by llie Ciitlaw issa Hail liimtl leave Ta iniiiim nt 8 .Ml 'A. Jl., nml 2 la 1'. Jl., lor Pliiliiilcl phin. New-York, nml nil Way Points. Trains leave Pottsvillc nt (i la A. M.. nml 2 .".0 P. Jl.. for Philadelphia, llarrtsburs and New York. An neeotnmodaliou Pusscntrcr train leave? Heading nt II oil A. Jl., mid returns from Pliiliutclpliiu. at i 00 P. Jl. E jaAUthe nliovo trains run daily, Sundays ex cept, d. A Sunday train Ion ve? Pnltsvillo nt 7.30 A.M.. nml Philadelphia nt :i.l.'i '. Jl. Commutation, Jlileu;e, Sens-on, and Excursion Tickets, nt reduced rates to and from nil points. . A. XICOLLS. Jltiy 2, ISM. ("leneral Superintendent. .III. mVM.HT .v at., M ANT FACTl'tlLItH OK SALERATUS, SITF.R-CAHH. OF SOMA, ic, And Polo Agents tn tho City of New York for CKEAM OP TARTAR SUBSTITUTE, Invented by Prof, then N. Htir.-ford. of Harvard University. Office, 11 Old Slip, Hanover Fijunrc, (up stairs.) NEW YOliK. nII E hijrli price which Cream of Tartar commanded I in ISa-l, lopother with tho alarming extent tn vhich iis dtinirerous nilulteration had been carried, with other considerations, induced the ilistinnui.-hcrt t'iicmist. whose name is jriven above, to commence what proved to be a Ion-; and laborious scientific re search, to discover a desiruhlu substitute therctor. His eilorts were crowned with abundant success, anil hundreds of thousand? of pound? of tho Substitute have been sold and used during the last five years, throughout the United Stnte? nnd tho Cnnndas. The following true comparison of its iiaturo nnd the results of its use, with those of Cream of Tartar, w ill convince tho most incredulous of its value ('ream of Tartar is a bi-tfirtrnto of Potash. This Substitute is n simple Phosphate, and contains nothing but w hat is found in beef-steak, and in corn, wheat nnd other cereals, nnd is therefore highly nutritious. It nlso hus a health-giving influence, and supplies that for which thcro is a constant do Inand in tho Fystem. t It is sold fur a much less price than Cream of Tartar. March 21. ISflo. ly BLINDS AND SHADES. 1!. J. WILLIAMS. No. HI Nurth Sixth Street, Phil adclphia, Manufacturer of t 'iM'li:t it liliinlsi and Wimlotv Mi;ules. The largest nnd finest assort meat in the city, at tho lowest prices, lilinds Painled and Trinmiod equal to new. tore Shades made and lettered. April I. IStia. 2m I'l-niiKIEii IIoiihc, r)EEUILT AND liEFUltNISHED, Cor. Howard t and Franl'.lin Street, a few Squares West of the Northern Central ltuilrond Depot, UALTIMOKE. ij' TKltJIS, fr'l 1T.U llAV. (t. LEISENllINU, Proprietor. July in. 1S59 tf M'o 'i'vins SitVr-r?t ol'ltolli AltEYF.KEND (il-NTI.F.MAN having been re stored tn health in a few days, after undergoing nil tiie usual routine and irregular expensive modes of treatment, without success, considers it his puered duly to eoniiitunicate to his ulllictcd fellow creatines the vkaxs or i i UK. Hence, on tho roccipt of an addressed envelope, ho will fiend (free) a copy of the prescrntiuu used. Direct to Du. JOHN M. D .MIX ALL. ' IMi Fulluu i-trect, Uruoklyu, N. Y January 21, lstlu. l.iiku n a mi a "v J!;!ouiii?1mii'' road. 0 X and after November 17, 18(12, Fnso-ciigcr Trains will run as follows : MOYIXO SOUTH. F, i ,.,-?,! 10. I.I A. 11.40 P. Lenve S''ranton, h on A. M King-ion, !l.-'0 ' Unpen, 11. .Ill " Danville. 12.0j Arrive at Norlhuniberlun 1. 1 2. la I' . M. MOM.Nti NOI'.Tll. Leavo Northiiinberland, I.2ll P. M. Dnnwllc, li.OO llupert. fl.:t.i " KiiiL'ston, S. la Leave, I I") P. M. Arrive at Scrantou. 10.00 P.M. .'1.10 A Passenger Train alo leaves Kingston at 8. tin A. M.. for Scranlon. to ei'hiieet willi a train tor New York, lioturning. leaves Scrantou on arrival of train from New Vork. a! 4.1a P. M. The Lackawanna A ilbs'inditirg liailroad connects willi Oic iK'laware, Lai ktr.wmna and Western liail road at Scruiitoii, lor Ncn' Yolk and intermediate jsiints east. At llupert it connects with tho Ciittnwi sn P.iil ro.ul. for points both east and west arriving at Phil adelphia at 11 I j P. M. . ' At NMrtliuliibcrbind it Connects with the Philadel phia A Erin ltailnm I Mini Northern feudal Knil roinl. for points west an 1 squill Pusstngcis urriin at Jlini.burgl :.0 P. M; l'hila.K lj bin 10 P.M.; and llidtiuime In.'.'ii P. M. The rV'L'ht an I f'a.eiigers Train iiorlh. leaves Norlbiiiiiberliind at ll. i.'i M .. and arrives at y .'O P Al., pitssiog Danville at N .20 P. M. Jt'lIN P. II.SI.EY, Sup't. .1. C. Wri.i.s, (icioriil Ticket Agent. Nov. 20, 1m'i3 II SSi:ifM PAII VI B Vi: I 'l l! I ItB'I.I.Ct ! As Improved for Is.vj and l-ilo, lly E. K ETC HAM A CO., 2h P. ml - , N,w York. mm: niy i n. , I cipb s. ,villi a revolt ing can and soiiim blade ser.i) er J tie one liaste, Itie tici'ingoi ttn ereaiii. -tlo other remotes it as fa-t as ln.ren. The nio't rapid iu ficcziug. with the lea.-t quantity I i le ino-t ei ni'moiI Ineot, as it is the uuut simple id iliiridle in striietore. i Kor rale iu all the pi ineipal cities and towns iu the ' I I mpanicd ttith a book of recipes j J'lUCES. ' I r'i 00 I Ml I a I.I :e- pn-fTi-r lie. and lull diieciii a-. o qiiin s, 4 ipoiiis, Ii quail, H qoiilii,, I 1 qilali . U quails, A. IV In March .l, l-i'..'. ll oil H I'll U IMI K, Sui.bmy, Pa II I! M lt4 Ki l l I I.I K .v l.i:n. Attorney h nt l.HvV, liitiibnty. I'u , ,l'i(.t 111. I l, . It H" II! i. 1 1,1.1 II mi I rnl.iiMnN llll! t Hllllelin.'C ttlUl Ittl V ! Si lb. e Clileii I ll,',, i' ii,i I .,, i . i II, t,e t',i''llei . t II pl"l' ! Ii. ,:i ,.iil...i I,, M'l.ol I'i all II. ('Ill , III ,., i I I l.i l ir ll.e.l I ..I. I., intillty al .1 .... lln.ll fi It,, l4otl.ill"b4 e I'tl-Ml. III of ,Siiloiiiii I I i'. I'i U. e Ul lit 1'iiel r i4 M 'I'lowr. Illlt ei'l Hill lO n. l luS-i lif I L U in llie l.l U a i ll ,', i o I. II Kill be l.tHh I M t V I n. -oa HI . M o .billy r kit .lr.i.1 i t I ul V i "I I- ' 0 U W.i,,., , , ,u JtOdAHHUW r n t r i ; r pV'i r'-r . : v ,:)', '. -' '. sua lit .- , N m l,, ' 'I 1 1 Dr M'l 1 1 1'iei -si. 1 1.. i, , 1 1 ' -' 0- -I tU J-m, t e I . TIM ALL SVFFJt'lESr THREE. THE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES. Knoini an "lhhiilohVt GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ. IIKLSIUOMUS KXTKACT ' liUCIIU," SAllSAPAUIU.A " 1J1PH0YE1) ItOSK WASH. I-IELMBOLD'S GENUINJE PREPARATIONS IIKIIIIA' COXC'ENTHATiaV' COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT lJUClIU, A Positive nnd Specific Kcuicdy . For Iisea.-e? of tho M.AMiF.lt, KIDNEYS, (iliAYEI., AND D110PSI CAIj sweluinos. This Medicine incrrnse? the power of Dlirstion, and excites the Absorbents into heallhy netion. by wbiidi the Walcry or Calcerous deiositions. and nil Unnatural Enlargements nre reduced, ns well as pain and inflammation) and is good for men, women, or Children. uii:t.-iiitos.E-N KX'rit.tcr 111 4'IIH FOB WEAKNESSES Arising from Excesses. Habit of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion, or Abuse. Attended willi the following tymtoms : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of power. Eos? of Memory. DiU'u'nli v of Breathing Trembling Wakefulness, Pain in tiie back. Flushing of tho liody Eruption? on tho Face, Pallid Countenance, eak Nerves. Horror ot Disease. Dimnrss of ision. Universal Lassitude of tho Mii'-enlar Sv -tcin, Hot Hands. ' Drvness of the Skin. Theso syniloins. if nllowed to go on. which this medicine invariably removes, poon follow IM POTENCY. FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which-tho patient may expire. Who can say that they arc nut frequently followed by those direful diseases," INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION, Many are aware of the causeof their su tiering, but none will confess. Tho records of the insiino Asy lums and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ample witness to the truth of the assert ion. The Constitution, onco Affected with Organic "Weakness, llcuires tlio aid of medicine to ?trcnglhcn and in vigorate the system, which nclnibobrs Exlraet linchu'' invariably does. A trial will convince the most skeptical. FEMALES, FEMALES, FEMALES, Old or young, single, married, or contemplating marriage, In many alTection? peculiar to Female? theExtraet linchu is unequalled by nny itber remedy, ns in Chlorosis or ltetention. Irregularity. Painfiiliiess. or Suppression of the Customary Evacuations. I'lccrated or Sehirrous slate of the Vtcrus. Lcuconbea, or Vhiles Sterility, and for all complaint? incident to the sex. w bethcr arising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in tho DECLINE Oil CHANCE OF LIFE. Sec symptom? above NO FAMILY SHOULD 1!E WITHOUT IT. Tako no Balsam, Mercurr. or Unpleasant Medicine for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. iii:i..Tiit(i.i's i:tr.ut m u Cures FEC11ET DISEASES In all their singes ; at little expense; little or no change in diet ; no inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSI UE. It cause? frequent desire, nnd gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curing Strictures of the Crethra. allaying pain and iiifltiumialion. so frequent inlliis classof diseases and expelling Poisonous, Diseased, and Worn-out Matter. Thousands upon Thousands WHO HAVE 11EEN THE VICTIMS OF fcl A US, And who have paid Heavy Fees to bo cured in a short time, have tound Ihcy were ileceivvd. and that the ''PoiMPii" has. ,y the use of Powerful Astrin gents.'' been dried up in the system, to break out iu an aggravated form, and Perhaps after Marriage. USE 3ii:i!8ti.i's rcvrie.i:T iti 4 III For all A flections nnd Diseases of Till- UP.IXAliY OlttiANS. Whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cnii.-c originating, and no matter OF HOW LOXli STANDIXll. Diseases of these Organs require the aid of Du iu;tii'. IIEI,rIHOI,D-S EXTRACT BTJC1IU Is the tireut Diuretic, Alii it is certain to have the desired effect in all Di-eascs. for which it is recommended. ELOOD! BLOOD ! BLOOD ! Jlelmbold s Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Saranparilla Syphilis. This is an affection of the P.lood. and nttaeks tbc Sexual Organs. Liiiin-nt the Nose. Ears. '! hro.il. Windpipe, and oiher Mucus Snrfiees. nnikiog its appearance in the form of Ulcers, llcllobold's Ex tinct Sarsaparilla purilios the lHood. and removes all Scaly Eruptions ol the Skin, giving to (lie Complex ion a Clear and Healthy Color. It being prepared expressly for this class of ciimplaints.lts I'dood-I'uri-ft ing Proprietors arc presort i d to a greater extent thuu any other preparation of Sursapui ilia. It. lllllM,I,:"si lillM- lVllIl, j An excellent Lotion for Di-e:o-. s of n Syphilitic Na- lure, and as an injiciion in Diseases of the l iiiiary i (Ir.'-iios iirl-li r IV. .in In.l.ils of .l:.,,!..,.)!.,!, ...... I coiiiieetinii tti'li the Extracts llueUu and Sursnparillu in sneh diseasosas recommendi d. N Et idenecol tiie ill. .-I responsible and reliable char acter will accompany the medicines. CERTIFICATES iF tl EES, I'roni ti -lit to fwcntv year? stun. lintr. with nanics kieotn to Science and Fame. j l'. r Medical Properties of liucliu. see Dispensatory ; the Ul.ile I Males. j See Pr.ife-.-i.r Dcttces' valuable wmks on the i Praetieo of Pl.y-.ie, j S r.i. .inks ma. lit by the lato etlcbralcd Dr. i Pbt-iek. Pbiludilphia. Si renin i k- made by Dr. EiJiraiin McDowell, a celebrated liiVM. ian. and Member of tbe lii.Mll I College of Surgeons, liidand. and pliUi-hed iu the ! Ti un-aiii..iis of the King and (jiiei u'tf Journal. j See Me.lieo-l ii oigical lletutt. publi.-hed by lieiijauiiii limcis, ioltuw ol the Id ,y ,d C..IK go of' Sui,;eol.. j Si most of tho Into Standard Woika on Mcili eille. i E.i ii ii T Hi . in-, y mi r bottle, or six, j-i oo ' S taste tiiti.i.A J on 4 goo lai'liovni ;K .,,, M .. ,. Ml i III bull M .I.ii ii ,,l I, ,VI1 ml ulll I... I nth. i. ol to curv Ibu wuat ob.lun.le murt, if direction arc H.lbere.l to. Ii. littic I lom.y ad Iresn, neurely inek. J roui oloi'rt iin.'ii. i j Dcsi-ribo sviiipt t in nil coiiiuiunieaiioiK I uiea gnamiilcid dti, e giuti,. AlFIHAVIT P. r.io,ll v append b. l .ie me ,, AI.L rinoii of ii t i i iiii.oi. i uiu. ii I 11, In, l, 11. M,i I., ,,,;, -dolt in. bulimy, In. .r..iali.,i,, ,t,1i , i la . no ii . rem v, or oihci lojiiii..u. Uiiui, but tiie j urtly -ei.iblu. J II T III I Mnnl.ll I Sti.-riiHitl ! k-i il.C'1 bi t'-rti o.tt. ll.is 9-,l ,l..u .r N. ..in. Imt. I ..!. W U P llllllf"uti .VI. 1. 1 uiull, N ilitb-illet I, hb..tu Itifet-, lulu. A l ll.in l.llir- f..f ii ..roiali"li In ...l.l, , i,,, II i III I Ml. "I. I, I l.,,..i I', i .1 I lit - .ul. T. n'h li. .1 l.l. 'l...-idu p,, In. HMk. A Hi: ' (( Mlltl I IIS Aul I Uj'llo. i It I DvmI. la l ! 1. 1.. r I.. . . . o tl , ir ou ' ai d . oil..r' i.1 ii I. ,,. II.. I. .,ui, n,.o,, I I, lb I II. I. I 1 $ III l.4,l, , . , .lll.ttc, -.it. I lln bu, " " l ihii 1 1 1 n . " llirolt. H.aHl M li h 1 1 I r .11 In a -. , , , i., ic A-K "lt III I Vi.t I, ' VUI. N'M'I III U ' ' I al.4 ol.J l( ll, . .. .. - I I. i. . ... i I ., . I ...... . , , .. , Tir H, SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, tub GREAT REMEDY ;(;; lUieiimnlism, Cmit, Xntnthjiit, Liinih'iji', MijP Kick- inul Joint. Sjirniiis, JIi hikc, Cuts mid W'mi ml, ri(sl!n"li'i; itml all Uhi Hmiitir iid XerrnHH Diniiiili'rn. For all of which II Is n speedy nnd certain remedy, nnd never fails. This Liniment is prepared from tho recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, tho famous lump setter, and has been used in his praetieo tor more than twenty years willi the most astonishing success. As an Alleviator of Pain, it Is unrivaled by any preparation before the public, of which tho most skcplieiil mny be convinced by n single trial. Thin Liniment will euro rapidly and radically, lthcuinatic Disorders of every kind, nnd in thou snnds of cases whero it has been used it has never been known to fail. For Neuralgia, it will afford Immediate relief in every case, however distressing. It will relievo Ihu worst eases of Headache In thvcp minutes, and is warranted to do it. Toothache also will it cure instantly. For Nervous Debility and (leneral Lnssitude, nri sing from imprudence or excess, this Liniment Is n inosi happy mid unfailing remedy. Acting dircesly uim the nervous tissues, il strengthens mid rt'vivilics the svstem. and restores it to elasticity nnd vigor. For Piles, as an external remedy, we claim that it is llie best known, nnd we challenge the world to produce an equal. Every victim of this distressing complaint should give il a trial, for it will not fail to ntlord iinincliutv. relief, and in a majority of eases will effect n radical cure. IJuincy and Sore Throat arc sometimes extremely malignant am', dangerous, but a timely application of this Liniment will never fail In cure. Sprains arc sometimes very obstinate, and enlarge ment of the joints is liablo to occur if neglected. The worst ensc may he conquered by this Liniment in two or three days. liruiscs. Cuts. Wounds. Sores, Ulcers. Ilitrns and Scalds, yield readily to llie wonderful healing pro perties of Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment, when used according to directions. Also. Chilblains, Frosted Feet, and insect ilitcs and Stings. DR. STEr-HEN SWEET, of Connecticut, the vircut Natural Done Setter. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, or Connecticut, is known, ull over the United States. DU. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, is the author of "Dr. Sweet's Infallible l.iiiini.iiit." Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures lthcuinatisni. and never fails. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. Dr. Swaet'a Infnlliblo Liniment Cures l'.urns and Scalds immediately. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is the lest know ii remedy for Sprains and liruisos. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Headache immediately, nnd was net er known to fail. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Affords iiuniediatc relief for Piles, and seldom fails to cure. Dr. Swcct'H Infallible Liniment fares Tootlite. he in one minute. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts and Wounds immediately and leaves no scar. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is the best remedy l'. r S.ucs in the known world. Dr. Sweet's Infnlliblo Liniment lias been used by more liinii a million people, nnd all praise it. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Taken internally cures Colic and Cholera Morbus. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is truly a -friend in deed," and etcry family should hat e it al hand. Dr. Sweet's Tnfallinlo Liniment Is fir sale by all Diugi-ls. Price '.'j and .'.0 cents. A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT. DU. SWEET'S INI'ALLUSLE LINIMENT, ns an external reuudy. is without ft rival, and will iilletiatc pain ni..ri Acdily Ihan any other prepu raiMin. l or all Lbeunoitic and Nervous Disorders it is truly Infallible, and as a curative for Sores. Wounds. Spiains, lirui-cs. .Vc. its son thing, healing and powerful strengthening properties, excite the ju-t wonder nnd astonishment of all who hate ever given it a trial. Ou r one tlmusuud certificates of l emai kal le cures, perl'.. lined by it within llie last livoycais, ullest the lact. TO HORSE OWNERS ! Dlt. SWEET'S INKALl.IliLE LINIMENT Foil llnUr-vl i unrivaled by any, and in all cases of I. auiiiiess. arising ti.'iu Sprains. Utilises or Wrench ing, its lib i t is magical and certain. Harness or Saddle (lulls. Scratches. Mange. Ac., it will al"i euro spec lily. Spat in and Itiii.'bone may bo easily pre vented and cured In their incipient stages, but eon liiincd cases are bi voinl Ibu possibility of h radical euro. No case ol the kind, however, is so deqicralo or hopeless but it may he allot ialed by this Lini ment, and iis faitbtul ni plication will always remove Ihu Lameness, mi l enable Ihu horses to Irat cl with coiupiuutit e ca-e. nvr.tiY uoiisi: ( nr. i-:n should bine this remedy at blind, for its timely use at the tni-i uppe irniiec ol Lameness will cttccuinlly pitteitl those ..i niiiliil.lt' disea-es. It, which ull hor ses arc liable, and w hieh reuiiei so luauy otherwise valuable hoists nearly tt.iiihlcM. DR. SWEET'S Infalliblo Liniment SOLDIER'S miEND, Au l thousand' hate ..uin il truly A. VltlKNIl IN IMJ-i:i3 I I'ilUlluM, To .,i lu,.iii,M1 , hik'iialur Di' l l.lk. i,. ,4 ,r ,-i , i, sa,, uii i( I.M. and !- l. . l... , tulalll.l.lo I.II.IIM.I.I ' bb.KU U. tl. a U uln. nL,.ul uLuLauuu ua till II ltioiS 4 ru , v-lti l'l.lt.4a, .V., auk Cl IO M 1) A I I I ll... .,.1 Aj-.ou.. Itil ott jp St, ,,. II d. .l.i, m,)l(ll . . .1, f lilt MAYORS OF THE Great Cities. Wo, tho undorsisnBol Mayors", hereby oor tify that tho Druggists, Apothecaries, and Physicians of our several cities have signod ft dooumont of assurance to us that AYER'S BAH3APAHILLA has been found to ba a remedy of groat oxoellenco, and worthy the confidence of tho oommuuity, HON. JAME3 COOK, Mayor of LOWELL, MASS. HON. ALB IN BEARD, Mayor of NASHUA, N. H. HON. E. W. HARRINGTON, Mayor of MANCHESTER, N. II. HON. JOHN ABBOTT, Mayor of CONCOBD, N. H. HON. A. H. BULLOCK, Mayor of WORCESTER, MASS. HON. NATn'L SILSBEE, Mayor of SALEM, MASS, HON. P. W. LINCOLN, Jr., Mayor of BOSTON, MASS. HON. mi. M. RODMAN, Mayor of PROVIDENCE, R. I. HON. AMOS W. PRENTICE, Mayor of NORWICH, CONN. HON. J. N. HARRIS, Mayor of NEW LONDON, CONN. HON. CHAS. S. RODIER, Mayor of MONTREAL, C. B. HON. D. F. TIEMANN, Mayor of NEW YORK CITY. HON. n. M. KINSTREY, Mayor of HAMILTON, C. W. nON. ADAM WILSON, Mayor of TORONTO, C. W. HON. R. M. BISnOP, Mayor of CINCINNATI, OHIO. HON. I. n. CRAWFORD, Mayor of LOUISVILLE, KY. HON. JOnN SLOAN, Mayor of LYONS, IOWA. HON. JAMES McFEETERS, Mayor of BOWMAN VILLE, C. W. HON, JAMES W. NORTH, Mayor of AUGUSTA, ME. HON. HENRY COOPER, Jr., Mayor of HALLO WELL, ME. HON. JAMES S. BEEK, Mayor of FREDERICTON, N. B. HON. WILLARD NYE, Mayor of NEW BEDFORD, MASS. nON. J. BLAISDELL, Mayor of FALL RIVER, MASS. HON. W. H. CRANSTON, Mayor of NEWPORT, R. I. HON. FRED STAHL, Mayor of GALENA, ILL. HON. JOnN HODGDEN, Mayor of DUBUQUE, IOWA. HON. THOMAS CRUTCHFIELD, Mayor of CHATTANOOGA, TENN. HON. ROBERT BLAIR, . Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. HON R. D. BATJGH, Mayor of MEMPHIS, TENN. HON. GERARD STITH, Mayor of NEW ORLHANS, LA. HON. n. D. SCRANTON, Mayor of ROCHESTER, N. Y. HON. DE WITT C. GROVE, Mayor of UTICA, N. Y. HON. GEO. WILSON, Mayor of PITTSBURG, PA. HON. C. n. BUHL, Mayor of DETROIT, MICH. HON. HEMAN L. PAGE, Mayor of MILWAUKIE, WIS. HON. W. W. VAUGHN, Mayor of RACINE, WIS. nON. A. FARR, Mayor of KENOSHA, WIS. HON. JOHN C. HAINES, Mayor of CHICAGO, ILL. noN. m. j. a. nEATn, Mayor of SELMA, ALA. HON. A. J. NOBLE, Mayor of MONTGOMERY, ALA. HON. W. S. HOLYBAD, Mayor of COLUMBUS, OA. DON ESPARTERO MANUEL, Mayor of VERA CRUZ. DON PIETRE DE CABALLO, Muyor of MEXICO. DON ESTEPHANIE RODRIGUES, Mayor of HAVANA. DON ANTONIO ECnEVERA, Mayor of LIMA, PERU. DON M. G. MILANGNO, Mayor of VALPARAISO, CniLL DON MARO SESQUIPEDALIA, Mayor of RIO JANEIRO, BRAZIL. Certify that the resident Druggists have assured them Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is an excellent remedy, and worthy the con fldonoo of tho community. For Spring Diseases. For Purifying the Blood. Fo Scrofula or King's Evil. For Tumors, Vlcers, and Sores. For Krupttons and Plmplrs. For Blotches, Hiatus, and Bolls. For fct. Anthony's Fire, Itose, or Ery- Kor Tetter or Salt lllirum. alprUs. For Scald Head aud Hiiigworni. For Cancer and Cancerous Sores. For Bore Eyes, Sore Kurs, and Humors. For Female Diseases. For Suiresalon aud Irregularity. For Syphilis or Venereal Diseases. For Liver Complaints. For Diseases of the Heart. The Mayors of the chief cities of the Uni ted Btates, Canadaa, and British Provinces, Chill, Peru, Uracil, Mexico, and In fact al most all the elites on this continent, have sinned this document, to assure their people what remedies they may use with safety and oundnnoe. But our space wUl only admit portion, of them. Ayor's Sarsaparilla, Ayor's Cliorry PoctoraL, Ayer's Pills, nml Ayor'a Aguo Curo, Ir. '. Ajtr V Co., IOWKU, kUHti., Autl suU ly lru.'.'Ul entry uvm, K.I 4 I. t'nl.iij 4 (iiaut, ti.4 It A I'l.ltir, is bun bui y, I f II It M.C.y ..ll.uu.Uilai. J V t'aaloa), a... I C I1,..HU M. It'll J ( d ll. m au, lulbuUlllo ll.i.li A ('. , Ml i,m.l Ii lii4(rk.cr. I.l.t.uig . - W ('al tlalt..u.,y Wi.l.l 4 M. illlatua l'al.1,'4, .iu i I 4 1 i i,t) a ktle . J la- J - 1 JUJ5T RECEIVED!! j Hns Just returned from riiilnaelnhla with a OF Spring & Summer Goods. I'ur IriiH Mcnr, Cloth, Cii."i.incrc, VcftltiR, Itnlinn Clutli, I.lncn Coating, I.lncn Check nml Cnttunnile. 1 .ttslii'M AVcilt. A lnro nwortnicial of Pvcf.ijlloods, .lllnok nml Finn y filk, t'ilk 'J'iniiiM, l-'iincy llcni(;c!, Wmllcy, ill WiHil 1 'i l nuts. .Mi.-n!iil.i.iic (liMiilit nt low priccn fSi lit I.ctclliii. llclntica. J.nwn. (iiiiluuiis nml l'rlnlii. A full line of 1 ri.-li Linen nnil White (iooili". Mcllii !.. .nlcr iiml Flinty .Summer Hmwl?, trilk nml l.iicc Maiitilln:", fi0. ltcmly Ms.le Clotltlnjf, A gooil nworlnieiit f lliili" nml Ciif., A lnro nortinent of liuotH nml Shoes. A full stock of (IroccricK, Moliwes nml Hugnr, Jliir.hviire nml iliiihling Mutcritil, A full slock of Queen nml (lii.'swnrc, A full -lock of Fi-h. .Salt, Oil.- mut White I.cml, A lnrc slock of New Vnll 1'iijicr, A new ftock of Stone nml Knrllicnwnre, An.l tliouitiinils tf iii tii'lcs not cniitncrntcil. ir All the iiliovc will he soi l clicnp for Ciisli or Country l'miluec. J. II. KX(iKL. Punliury, Stay 1 isr.2. I I.BI1CI.V nifois i' a M C. (iKAl'.llAHT Has r.KTi nM:i with a New Stuck of ( oil I'rl l iaitlill-it-st, BVuil iiikI '('.vi. T scents us if n new iic. n new life was opciiiii uti'ii us. iiniiiiiiliii c cry heart to nol.lcr ilccils iiti.l liilicr uinis! Art.. Literature incl Science wilt jrlow iinew. mi. 1 seek tinlevelme sultliiucr licautics an. I tiriin.lcr coiicc.ti..n. 'Jlic iiuincss woil.l. too. must fed the new intlucncc and every part he ijiiickciietl anil strciitliciie.l liyaii iiici-cast-.i vitality, nliich hall urc us on with elec tric s.ccil to the colisutntntitii)!) nt greater tilings tliati was ( cr ill-eanit'.l of iu the l'liilosnj.liy ul llie J.ast. Atiiuiiitc.l Ity the t-iitliusiasin which pi-rvixif-t all classes, nml ilcsiroiis tit .loinjj his -hare t'liYal'.!-1 "'1 ho pent events of the Am-. '' the sulisei ili.-r w.nil.l rc apect fully inf.. mi the ginn iicople of M Mil liV au.l the pul. lie ;:ciierully. Iiml lie has just r. 'tin ne. I fn.ui the city of I'liila.lelphia with the larv'cst nml ehoieest slock of Ciinfcctit.nai'ie-'. Kt'uit aiui Toys, that lias ever hccii tu'on'lit to this section of country, lie is nlso iiiaiiul'aeliiriii it 1 1 kin. is tif ('tinfectiiniaries. Ac, to fill up or.iers. w liolesalc or retail, at short notice. Anions; his stock ol'Cy.NFKCTlUXAHIKS may he. f.aiinl. (lutn liro.s. all kimls scent, I. ove lirops. iint l)r.. s. red an. I w liite, Jelly Cakes, 1'iuit Ih-ups. Stick Caiiilies.of all scents. II. ..k fiin.lv. Aliiioiul Camly. I'I! I' IT. 1'nincs. l-'iS", tiiisiit!i, Xutcf nil kinil.-'. l!urml Al.im.iil?) Crrmu W hite. I.rnioii, little. u ntiilln. Ciiiiininn SiHTcts, I.iiiini'i(.'t. lililUillU.J, Currants, ilrii-il, m-:mx txwvv j T ii fniii'rior ciunlit v. lv tiie single or l7..'n. A i-u't iinr (jimlitv nt' Tn! uutu inul cjuv. iiihI ii vnnrt y f ('oiifcctiiiiiaries, 1-nut. lovs. Ac., allot which is utlcrctl t-hcati lit wholesale ami retail. J y Ilctneiulicr tile mi mi' ii in I place M. (.'. II KAI! HA 1ST. Market street, iloors west of K. Y. liriiriil A Son's store. Suiil.iiry. April 1 1. lSt'.l. 1y io:t. i-i'iiii;v'iiii'iit- l (!:. ol' lurk l.im'M. THE CAMUKX AXIl A.MIHIY AM) PII U.AHKL-) 1'ilIA AMI TliKXTOX It. Ii. C'O.'S I.I.NKS. 1'inm J'hifittlt fjthurht ,AV- Ytn'1 inn 'tn Ptms, J rum Withn'l xt,Tt t II 'Inn J tnttt Kfti-i uisttH Jh'jwt. Il'ill Ifiirr (ft oo"v, rtZ V AUK. At 'I A. M., via Camden and Aniboy, (C nml A. AeeoinnuHlai iwn.) If 2 2. AttVA. M.. ia Camden and Jersey City,N. J., At'eniiiumdatinti, 2 2a At H A. .M.. ia Camden and Jersey Citv. (Morning Mail.) ' ,.'t (Ml AtsA.M., via Camden ami Jersey eitv 2 I Clas 'J'iekel 2 25 At 11 A. M. n ia Kenin;ton and Jersey eity, Express ' y tilt At 12 M. via Camden and A in boy, C and A. (Aeeomntudation.) 2 2.'i At 2 1. Al., via Camden and Amhov, (V. and A. Kxpress.) ' 3 till At 'A l'..M.. via Kensington and Jersey City. Wash, and X. Y. Impress .t (Hi At ii 1. Al.. via Kensington and Jersey City. enin' Mail.) 3 (HI At Hi V. Al. ia Ken.-inluii and Jersey city, Snuthern Alail. 3 00 At 1J (nihl) via Kensington and Jersey eity Soutnern Kxpress 3 IH .At 5 V. A!., via Camden and Ainboy. (Aeeom- tnoflalinii, J'reilit and l'ufseiier, lust laji 1 teket. Seeond Clasii Tieket. For Water (Jap, Stroud:0urj. Serauton, barre. Aloiitrosv, tireat llend, Ae.. at Ii 1 Wiikes A. M., triiin Keiisinttin, via Ilelnwnrc, I.tickiiwuunii nnil M'c-.tcru Kailrnail. 1'or Matieh Chunk. Allcntown. licthK'heni. Ilelvi It re. Ka.-li'ii. I.Hiuhcrtv illc. l-'lcuiiiiltin, Ac. lit tl A.M., Iron! Kensington lcHit, uiul nt 21 V. M., Ii.. in Walnut street W harf. (T he tl A. M. Line connects with Trains lciivin Kiisiou f..r Munch (.'hunk, at 3-2(1 P. M.) I' or Mount llollv. at Ii A. M.. 2iin.l 4 P. M. l or l'lctlioltl, at" ti A. M. an. I 2 P. M. WAY 1.1 XKS. l'or liristol. Trenton. Ac, lit 11 A. M. nn.l 2; un.l j P. M. from Kensington, Kor Palmyra, ltivcrtou. liclancn, Ucverly, llur liutoii. l'lorciicc, liuitlcutown, Ac, ut 12, I, 2, 41 an. I U P. Jl. C x l'or Xcw York, mul Way Lines leaving Kcn siiitoii liciol, taku the Cars on r'itth street, iihine iilnut, luil f an hour hctiiru ticpiirlure. The Ciira run into the 1chi, mid uu tho tinivul ol' each Train, run from I lie Depot. Kitty Ptiumla of Ttaiii;it only, nllowetl each pa.'U'Ciijrt'r. PasKciifia Hrc irt'hiliiictl from taking nuytliuiK ua l.Hv'ii;e hut their wearing a.iarcl. All haauc over titty 'un.ls to liti tuiitl for turn. Tho I'oiiitiany limit their rcsninsilii!ity for lat):aj;ti tu One Dollar per muiiii1, mul will not he liahlu lor miy mnouilt bt-yoiij 1 IMI. except hv SH't'ial cuilract. M Jl. II. UAiZMKU, Agent. Jununry 17, lSrl.'t. SIMON P. WOLVEU'lON. .llrn-y mul ('ouiiorlor ill I.iim, (llticc. Mai kit atrect. 3 ..rs west t.f Depot, BUNDURY, TA. A I r J LL Htlciiil priiiuif Icy It, the collection orclaimg mul all iilhcr priiftarioiiNl Iui.iiicm iiilru-li. tu Ilia curv in Xortliuuiherliiml Hiitl .ljoiuing ctiuutica, Sulihury. May tf, M2 S-T-1800-X. ' ll'llUfa) 1'llllllllllllH llllll'I'M. They purify. aireii;ilicii, nml liui..iuto. They crcMlo krhiihy N.p.-liiti. They am mi alilolulc In t liunc of wuler mi. I illci 'I hey uvi-rt'uiii t'tlct'laii iiasiaiitii, mitl l..lc h..ui They alrt'UKilitniht .t'ltui mul fiilni'U lh uim l They r. rt at amMNiniir; aaU liilcmnllt nl ft i-r. Ihcy punlviyu Ittcalliaii.l at Lilly otlhc alomaAll They cum l,. ia au.l t'uiuliiioii Ikty cur Dnurliim, I hoki, wttl luulur Mor- Tlmy euro Liver Complaint anj Xcrvuiu Ilta.l ili u. Thry trath Ul llitlrn iu Ilia ..!. I The) luaka tliantak Ittali alruuif. ai.J ara akLauatt-J Itatulu Knal l.'.l..,, r Iki-f asa Kia.U t. .uit Si t l"l ! It uiu. Ilit'vt'ltUaluti CaliM llaik, dull ai.J It.iU, ami aia lua.u uiib Iha nltuMUie ut Wvviajtt, uli' KUl tual, l.i aj ,4 U ol Uay I'altU ulal ly la. iMiuiuiva'Wal fei uttlicala pvrat-iM lit. lUlllliat H'l ill la atlatuUitl -l. . all In. la, iuaat.la, llol.U Ii l.y all In. la, I ai.4 al. V 11 Hi. UK CO , .. HiuaUay N l.-ik liatj laMatrlWMf lra mf (iuuil Till, lintulll my iumu n.i.ii.u tu il.h m, ( 'IU. lll.lU ai.-l Ha. t . wubul J J UI.V 4 I 4' I A NEW AND USEFUL ARTICLE, HALEY". MOUSE & DOYDEN'S l'tttrnt Fiinplo, KcoiKiiuicnt. PuriiMn, nml n not Lialilu to Kt out oi Onlcr. .The Pclf-Ailjtistftiff Clotlirs liVrinr. 1 one of thi prcittrft iin irovctiifiit nf tho niin-tPi'iith century. nnl nnl V tn lie It iinu-n ntiil t ftt'il . tn rntnn tutu iriniriil line. 'I'hc favtnir nt'i'lulhi-f, In liTTwiiiK out tho water holwern two rubber roll?, itn-teml nf wrlnin or twintiiiK. will niutnmt tn e.iuitgh in a filmrt tune, tu nv fur n iiint'lilin, Kvi-i y ituv in nKaro. that thn tHntitiff r wrinin orebithfjt, dtmti'hr nml breaks Iho liiiren ; Imt tlii niMf'iime vresM B tticm m evenly, tlint n newfHier thnroutfhly nmkiM.vnn bewntn. wiilmnl breaknii it in the least, nixl It wnrkn ho en.-ily. that a child twelve yearn old can uprrHto it wltlmtit trnublp. Jbtt water hivfi tint injure the mlln. and wnnllen pnds can ho wrunji; out nt boiling water tu i-revent fulling, whieh ennimt lie dune by hand. lnStan-hintf. it in invaluable, esHciallv mi lare nvtii 1pm. jmrh a.- 1. adieu' Skiitn. Ae., an it U-aVen the ftarchin the clnthen jn'rlertly even. It will wrinji; the largest bed quilt or the minllest pocket liutul. kerehiet. Irier than can iMwibly ln done by hand, without alteration iu lesn than orip-i-iilt the time. Tiie liwicltiiH' if -o-iinilL' tluit it is not liable to t out of repair. The great improvement in thin, every every other Wringing .Macliiiie yet invented, in. it- Helt'-Adjiift-ing tn rangement. reuiring no ultei'iitinn. to wring a hiiiidkerehief or bed imitt eonserpientty, tho liioft ig. norant cervant can oderate it. The nuiehtuo in iipide of wond, find nrrangnl. that no iron can possibly cfiiuo iu eontaet w ith the utnthef. thereby avoiding all danger of injury to the eintiien. nv iron nmi. 'J bin i.-the nmnt Mimpleand etTeetivo ('lollies AVring er vet invented. Tlpu pundin.-ing can une them two week, and if they are, not pert'exlly pjiti-ticd. re turn them, ami their monev will be refunded. Addren I,. K! SMW. I'hiladelpha. Or II. I. MASSK1I. Agent ltr Nurthuniberland en. .Inly ft. I So;!. Boi:ncEtas ig i e:im JIttni -httrir. P. rPHI-. lUMimireinent nf thin well-known lintel hnv I ing been resumed by Mensrn. ( OV1.K ,1 IIMUH. the present jtrnjirietorn. beg leave to int'ni in llie publte. tltat the house i. now being thnrniiirhlv retmvnted. i n lilted, and jmprnved. with a view tn the proper ami enmtnrtable aeoominnilatinn of tlioye who mnv favor the establishment with their eustnm. finest. will reeeive due attention and eonrte-y. and no expense will be spared that may ennduee to uiaiiitaiu 0 hotel in n Hrst-cla-'s style. Families ami others desiring to .iijniirn in Ilanis burg during the summer !iinl lis. will find nleasaut hoarding and large and well-ventilated rum us, at our establishment, upon modeiiite termc. JCO'IT COVI.K. Manh 2.1, lsr,2. A. (illdtKUT UY.WW. A4 E E I' ! 'E'I:o A!simaf4 B!p!"eiN 'Mnj:iiii' , I'I. N'lTK'K that thev have enm luded a rangeinent-. with the Northern t enllal liailroad Ctimi-anv to run trains from llaltimore fur York. Ilarrisburg. Iauphin. Halifax. Trevorlon, Sttubiiry. Noithumbeilaiid. l.eiburg, Milton. Muney, AVil lianifpoi't. and all intermediate stations, enniiecliug at liariiburg with the liKKAl V KS'IKUN KX I'KKS.S lor 1'ittsburg. Cineitniati. M. Jouis ami the Uest. Alsouith Howard & fn.c Kx press ;it Milton or tamille. Ulonn.sburg. Wiikeluirre. l'ittnii. Scran ton, and intermediate stations on the Cat taw i-sa. Iiaekawanna A Illuonisbiirg linilroa.ls. .t Wil li:inis.nrt. by Howard A t'o.'s Kxpress to Jersey Shore and J.oek Haven. 'Also, by Howard A Co., and their eoniieetimis. for ('anion. 'J'n.y, Klmira. Jioehe.-ter. liitllalo. Niagara, and tn all aeeesible Kints in Weftern New York and Canada, by whieh they will fnrward M ereband ise. Speeie. lijiuk Notes, .lewelry. aud Valuable I'aekiies ot every descrip tion. Also. Notes. Draft ami TdMs fur Culleetioii. Kxperieiieed and etlieient nieehgers employed, and everv etVorl will be made to render saiMio'tinn. ,HHI Jil N't; 11 A.M. Superintendent IYiiu'h Division. Philadelphia. II. A. 1ISCI1KK. Agi-nt for Sunbury. April j. ISIiJ. " Snvr mr 1'i'iiit, I) ' itsiiiEf Mason ) Prescr c .lar. Patent Sheet Metal Secew Top I.IW.V.S sm-irr METAL 'i i' : All that is necessary liein to screw the Cap ili.wtl 1 1 m ill the lilllilier Ita.-ket. uhieli is place'! oul.-i.le ipoii the stioiil.lcr ot the .lar. , ot an inch ihstant mm the I prevent the io-.ll.lllty ot tile tlnvi.l'ot injiirci! hy coining iu contact with the in fruit licin ul.licr. Persons ilesirin-j these Jars lent iie' llieir onlers w iih II. Ii. 'an he siipplicl hv .massku. A-etit. ' Sunluiry. June 2. isiiu. .Vii-Siill;illl lliitis.', XdllTTIl'JlIil'lll.ANIi. PKXXSYLYAMA. (.Y..IC if lliiir.) rilllK suliscrilier liavin-x leascil this well known .1 Tavern Stainl. lately kept hy .Mrs. ('. S. Ilr.ntit. rcsjieetfaliy informs tile pllMic that he i reliltill-f llll'l repairing the preiiii.-es. anil will he prepiu nl to en tertain, iu a coiiifortalilc niaiiner. Iiis niiiiieroiis friciiils throiiliout the coiinly. aiel all who nuiy liatronie his cstiililisliiiicut. April 12. I Mil'. .liiSKPII YANKUiK IIEIMSTKEETS Illilllill:ll,' llilir i: ltl';ilil i'. IT IS Xi T A DYK. lint restores trray hair to its oriiunl ci-lur. hy supply iliji the capillary tul.es with natural siimciuiim'c, im .airc. l.y ai;e or ilifcasc. All iii.-tat'lalieous lives are coiui'iiscil of lunar cau.-lic. iletioviii'f Ihctitaiitv j mul lieauly of the hair, mul atlunl ot liicuischcs no (Ircssin. ilcinistrcct's Inimitalilc Coioi in- tint only restores litiijtiiils natural color hy an easy pmcc.-s, hut yi es tin hair a i l.l Xl llIAXT l'.KAI 'TV. ! proiKotes its t;r.i tli. prc cuts its falUn- off. cra.li- catcs iliinilriill. an. I iniimrts health au.l pleasantness to the hciol. It has St.. oil the test ot lilac Ileitis the original Hair Coloriiitr. an. I is ciii-.taiitly itiereain j iu faxor. I seil l.y hoth tfciillciucn ami holies. It is sohi l.y all ropcctal'lc ilcalcrs, or can he pineure.1 ! hy tliciti of the coiiiuuireial ajciit. D. S. Ii. I! N 1!S. 2n2 liroailwav. X. Y. Twosi.cs. ill cents no. I Jl. liclohcr 2'".. Im'i2. 1 It 1 1 B'ilH'l' Mi; Ii,'-, 01' WALL PAPKIt UK KYKltY I'LSI IIAIILL STYLKS AMI PATTKIINS. 1'ST 'reccive.l ilireel from the Jlauufactiircr. at the JlAJI.Mi.iTU S"i lt K of 1'IULIXG & lillAXT. . unhury, Jlurcli la, 1 Si2 I101VAICI ASXM IAIKIA, PIIILADKLPIIIA. For the llclief of tiie Sick ami Distressed. iitTlietcI witii iiulciit inul Chronic Diseases, au.l especially for tiie cure of Diseases of the ScmiiiI i ir-iaiia MKDICA I. ADYKT giveu gratis, l.y tlic ucting Surgeon. VAl.l'AIil.K UKPOHTS on speriiialorrliocH or Sciiiiiial 'cakue?.s, mul other Diseases of the Sexual Oruaiis, inul on tliu JU.W It I'.Jl KIM LS cm ployi'il in the Dispcnsnry, sent In the alllicteil in scalcil letter envelopes, tret of charire. Tnutir three 'Stamps for isistae will he acccptnhle. Atlilrcus. 1 ill . J. SKII.L1X JHU'li UTOX. Acting Suri;con. llownnl AssociutiuU, Xu. 2 Suulli Xiuth Mr eit, Pliilii.lelpliiH, Ph. Janiuiry ii. iN'.J ly Itrnnilii'K, WiucK, 4aiiiM, A'. rpilK "iihscrilicr. liaviii'. npcneil in Tin .mi n a 1 Itriek Uuililin.;. Mill street, Danville, u larjjc iiml complete .tuck t.f KOliK.HiX AND DMK.STIC LIQl'OP.S, ci.iiii ri.-iii.' the lust l.riiii ls of llramlies. tiin. Ol.l j live. Scotch uu. I Irish l.i-kev. Port. Sherry. Jla tlcira. Chmiiiiattinc ami oilier Wine, ot all orioles, all I ul uliicli will l.e S..I.I U liolcMilc. at the lowotcity ; prices. Tuvcrn kcc.ers, hy buying of ua, can ante ll leusi tiie ircij.'lil. rersuiia tlcsirous of jiurcliH.-in' liipiorH for KA.MILV I'SK. nny rely iipui heiu luiiii lit.l wi.li a pure nnl aiitolullerateil article. ( lteiiitletciiuiuti to cstahli-h a rcputiilluii for t'lliii cheap, lie rt'sicclltilly tailicila the palroUat' ol the I'ul.lic All uitleia pii'inpilv allt lull. I to. JKliL.MIAH S HALL. Ilanville. June III, l'-H. ''III" a. I.oulat, I'irAiuit Stirrt. t'rln-rtit TlinU ttmil I'vlitlh, Pint. VOI l.l lll A. rpiiK 1 ca M1K Ull.er.iM'llfl, hat ill leaae.l. for lerill of ara till. Ii.il.uhir linllac, liavutlia pleaatirt of aiiiitiiiueiiiif I. their Iriciola ami Ihu iiait-linir com- inuiiiiy that it la imw iiik ii lor llie recci lioii ol xiie.n The liiiuat', aillt-e Ilia llial o Jlmcli laat, haa hveu ; 1'iiliivly reiittvatcl aid rt-lilic.l in a aiiitrior iiuniiicr; ' Ilic itiailiiicui am lai;a, well t eutitittcil alul lur ' m. he. I iu luiKlerii alt It . ll ia t t iilnill v ha'alcl, ' ciin cuieiit to all llie tlt-Nil ami aleaiiiU.al liiii.linira, ami iu Ilia iiuiiicliaiu l. iiul v nf ih Cu,.loui llouae, I'.i (ithca autl Ihv ('mil Laeliaiitft. 1'iiuliM.lvtl nillilba II, il. I ia a llotauralil f.tr Ilia atvuiuiuialaliuii ol ih.atti .rit.iru. Ilia Lumpeau plau. I'lltwa ul lUaiiiu lu.iu 1 111 cv Iu f-vt t.u D'.llara j V e. k acui4.ili Iu .'kIi..ii Ituaitl l ttu ui .lay 'lahlv i II. .Iv fur uit rchaul. autl buiu. U1IU liuui u i I' M il.XltV NCI I.. t'".( VI' L lk.VoK. Aniil U, DutJ-ly id hoi mi:. (''" alul uhJ 'HkJ .,.., II iaiaeau, 't 'IMIM nK, Iu u..m..turiua t.f ia ,iriil,iU' aoj b.al hwallou Iu Ihu I a ll.a baa loa lti ll ( .ta .l.-'pl al iWu hi IU.w ba'li.a I-U.iu.aa al l.u ..! uf llt.,i.,u,ul II H. I. II. III. lul,' M ti h M-i WAT,.)X'3 mi W 0 8ALAMANDEB IrlVFi: (lit KAT llliK AT HK.AHIXd, L'A. l'll.ruary 12. ISI',2. (H:sTt.t:n5 Tt. gives mo inueli a,itlsfiinl!.in ttl Inl'oriu yon lliat in tlto wrvri firo nliich. on tlui lnoriiinn of tiie 4lli Inst., entirely ilcstroycl nil my sleek ami materials, t hml iine'of your S.ilaniiiinler Kire Proof Safes. After cmlurinn "n iWeimc rc.( lieat for "even lioin. tdo Piifc was npcnciT. nnil llm DiKiks nml riiicrsero preoervcl in mi iiuillciiiislie. c.o.lilii.li. 1 sluill iiecil nnotlicr Sufi: us soon as 1 jjet in oi'ilcr. Yours, nio't re'ticeifullv. W 1'. Mt.'KI.NPtiMltea.linj;, Pit. 1'TIU; AT (TitKKX CASTl.K. CilAMiil;itNiti tut, Franklin rtmnty, l'.i., ( August ;;lst. ism! ) Messrs. KvAXR A M'atsov, I'liilitjelpliia tientle- ll.. tl. r. ,.r ti... ... . ...... "" "'"If " ' HO .tl'.;iSI. 1TMI, our Storehouse at (Irecnciisilc tvas ilestreyct hv lire. . .- -iiiiuiiiiticr raie tve ptirciiascii irom von soino few years since wns in Ilia nlxive ineiitihiictl .lorc house, nml contain.'.! nil our hooks, papers, cash. Ac. which were prcscrvcil in n perfect coiiil;tl..n. nl'lcr liciiiH exK.scl ton most intense heal for several hour--, riease Inform us upon vvliiit tciins you will s u; nnotlicr luriter Safe. Yours trulv. OAK'S A AUSTIN Paliiiiian.ler Sa'fes. f..r Hunks. Stores. IVi'vato raniilies. .vc. Ac Also. Kvans A Wats,,,,', Patent Alpliiiliclical Hank Locks ami liank Vault lioet-s, rtpiiil In any nuule in the eountrv. nii.l s..hl en a f.H.,1 terms. K A W. , rt-jiccllollv r.-f-r tn tli i fiillowm liiinks inul oiher imitics. having their Safes nml l.iH'ks now in use. to lli. ir entire sati.-fac lion, anil many cithers iven at their Stor" l',!.";",fiT ":" J,I'NT' J!ln,'ll f;ln ll.vvillc- I'lllla.lelplllll. ''e -sec. I .NITI'.I.Sr.U'l;.sAl!SK.V.W..('ity Itank of Pllila.le'l I, ia , ' "lilornia. CoiKiiliilation I! kof ',il I'ottstonn liank. Pa. Coiu'tli liank ol Phila. ( oalcsvillt. Hunk. Pa. ('liatiiinii,L'a Hank, 'l. nii Stroii.lslitii liank. Pa. Pie'ii, . ...,-n. ,, Jersey Miorc liank. Pa. liank of iit'ilioii.l.,.i'i,.i.,i . I.oi k Haven liank. Pa. I l.i'. n liank. lialtiiuiii'i'. S.ullnvesterti I! l.k of Vu full. hi liank. Alliitila.l.a Xctwtrk l.ank. Iiel liank of X. (,'.. Italei'.'h. liank ofXiirtli'ii Lil.ertics- I'hilailelplii,,. Paul mul Swift. Hanker?,- A I mIui inn . W. (i. Sterling. W'iikcsh'e l.ewi-l'iiri llnnk, l'a. I It her I'l'ences jjivell lio eallile.' ill on r Stoic, -o. in l oiirlli ,-licct, I'hila.lell. i a. March 2'.l. Isti2. ly .VI A-l-t'ilCl) S .V , Vlloi'iM'jsi ill I.iim'. Xo. Ii'.ti C.r. Fulton au.l lif.iailwny. XK W YUKK". Will car.tiilU nttciul to Collcctiiiiis ami all other Mutters intrusteif to their care. Jlay 21, Is.'iS. i: i ecvi. isote:i aiiiiliin y . i-IiiiiiiI,i rlniKl j. MIIIIS larc ami .-..iiu.i...li..ii- lintel, now mami I I hy JA.MKS VAN DYK I'., is situate nt the liail ma.l Depot. .North Lust corner of Minkei Sonarc, Siililnirv. l'a.. nn.l at the terminus of llie Sinihury ,v Kric nml Norilieiii Central linilioails. ami i.- i,., n La the ncii.mi lalion of Triivelers au.l the imhlic in general. 'Ilic proprietor will jjivc his evelii-ive intention In (he cointort an. I com eiiience of his u'iie-1-'. mi. I is ilfterniincil to make this islal.li-huienl rank ntnoii" tiie first iu the Stale. His tal.le w ill he siipplicl with theh.-l the market can I'lo'liice. liavinj; the inlvaulii'c of ilailv comuiu nieillii.il hy cal s ilireet from lialtiinor". an i al-o IV. ni these liriiiins prmlitce from the siirrouii.liii c.nitilry. I Ills oar w ill he suppl leil with tiie pt r. t li,i:.,r.- tic f market can proiluce. Careful ami iil.liu'iiigscrvHiilsiitvvnysiu it I'-ii-lon. -. Xcw unit coiiinioilious st.'il.liuj. hn.- jn-t l,,-i u ;:. 1. .1 t to tin premises. A slim film local an.) inn elii: coiiinuiiitv is I inosi rc.-peciliilly siilieiie l. ! Sunluiry. January 12. siil. Inti'i-tmlioitiil CJi'ltl, I (i-l villi .'IC7 ISinmhrnif. Cuillif 1','rr it, Ii it Si , I , j XI'AV YnliK. . rpilIS first class House the nmst quiet, homelike ! I ami pleasant Hotel in tiie city oilers superior I T, i. In.'. -in. nl,- to tlin.-c visiting .New Vork tor I.iimiu-s , or pleasure, ll is central in its locution, au.l ke.t on i tin- Li iioi-kw Pus. iu coniiceiinii with T.vvi.oti's Svt.oov. where refre.-hiueiils can he Im l at all hours. oi-scrve.l in their mm rooms. The eh iru'es are i .lerate. the r s tin. I alien. Iiiiiec of the til .-t or.l.'i baths, an. I all the ino.lcrn conveniences attai he l. i .March 2'.i. ls-,2. w t-1. i t: i: : I 1ST r iv nl from Xcw York a lurm- .'i-si.rlnu nt of WALL PAPK.lt. consisting of iim: Him,iu;i, ami Si nt v -1 ii it i: K Dii-ri:iit:T Sni.ci, ami I'vi i Tl liNs. varying ill price Imui li cents iiiwiinls. a!! ,.f : whi.-h w ill he ,-ohl at Ihe lowest ca-h prii-es. nl t,o j clieiip store of ' J. II. LMH-.I, Sinihury. March 22. Iii'2. niii.i; .v i,io. SEWING MACHINE CO-, ! .Vis lilioADWAV, XFW Y";K. I Iltsrtijitirr i'ittii,,,... villi ',;.',..',, ' Wi.i.'; j trill I,, ., Mnil ',,.. nol i! "FAMILY Sl-AVINii M. 11 ! N K. ' A V I N't! atlaincl a well esialili-lu-.l ami Halt ei in' repllliitioll, lis l.ein of all miiehim vet inliiH ' illi.-e-l . llie one he-l ail.-u.ie.l to A l.t. Iv I M.s of ' i vn V Si:um;, unj hating met with a sin i e-.-iu i.s -:ii.-h.-ymi'l our L'real. st anticipation. n.feiu.;h s... that ..r three mouths our or-lers hate I.--.M nlieti.1 ..I' our ' capacity In supply, wc woithl now aini'.iiuce thai we have iucrciiM .l our tiiiimi t'oi-t nriliLC l.e-iliiies. s.i tliat fioin lliis time ..rlh, we.-h.ill he clial.ltil tn supply i or.iers on ileiuaiiil. j I n the clialieA brought about by the w :ir. lloolic thiiiL' has 1 il n veil ti more important part than t! . -.i'kmimi .Mtinivi:, ' Without ii ilii ee-t..uri lis .. j our sobliers woubl ,,.,v be el, .the. I in i , V 1 1 1 1 1 1 ir l.l. I -Military Costume." All t.i er the l.n 'al civ ,!.. i tiling has been the wmk reiiiire. of our p.-iiri. ii i wonien. au.l iiol.lv lia e tin y respn I , N'..; .-. i ','i. ! to make only s.. ninny irarnioiit.,. a- tbeii lian.ls .-..u! i iiccoinplMi. they have ealle'l il Sew i 1 1 ' Machine to their ant. an, by it ha c l'olle.1 out Ilic s..l.li. i Chats. Pams ami Sunns, nl ii rale ii.-..ni-Iiii;L- t Iheliiselves. Knowing lliat this Wotk eoillil not !.-i. coiitiiiue, niaiiy I In nielli lul. printout hiuisewives. w. i carellll In select Ilic lini.'hine of all mhcrs. wlii. w.uil.l tin tin- heavy army work, ami w hen .tone vvi' that, then t.i be u-eil as their" 1' AMli.v M M him;, ... in selecting one of the .'FlNM.L A l.VON SKWIMI XI Mill N K ('!' tM Famii.v JImiiims, ' w ith which you may sew from the finest cambiic the heavie.t chilli, without cliali)iei.l feci, ucllc. ti li-iolt tlcy hate Imt hceli ilisappoinl, I. Thus hating ilevch.peil the uiliipi.'.l.iHiv ..f .. machine for all kin.l-of work . wc hiu c mii.lt' an..,. step in il.lv, c, Iiml by several imimrtuut chalie- onr Xo. ,'t Mkihi , J riK.S." bate I'lo'lll.c1 "Tan. mi Jl vi iiim:.1' which we i ont'i.lenilv cl.. to he the "liK.ST TA I Lull I.Nti Jl Al'll i X V," . litri.tllit'1'.l. sewing the c.i.insest ln.i.i 'lu.-i.t witii inueli case ns thcciiiiiiuiill col ton an. I w hen tvipiii may be u.-cl to io the very finest caiului.' .,i U. w lallor 2utl cotton thus . 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i i l - in ..w i, p rorm. every oualitv le.iuircl in ei,h, r l'A.Ml ('It Jl A.N I KACTl 1! I Nil MAiTliNi:. We have hml our .Machines b, l .ie the pul. lie 1 eiituih In t-tal'li-li their reputation. Dozens others who sturlcil with Hying oil. .is -have lalb n the waysiile ; ami '-soun ihe place- tlc.t knew u will know them no more.'' Step l.v i-tep l,a I'ivm.k A l.o Jlit invi: ou its nav to pu favor; its sucecs is estiibli-hi-.l. ami heii.'-c..iih aim shall be. its it has in the pii-l bccti. I".-: ill iu. improve, simplify mul reiluee the c...-t of our clinics. l c shall, in n lew tlays list. Kor further particulars loi.) I-Sllc II Hew p KINKLK A LVH.N .-hU'l.Mi JIACII1NK Ci Xo. .Vt.t !i . .ii. w ,iv. N ew f j 11. I!. MtssMi, Agtut, Suub-i't-y. t'u March 2;i, .Mi2. .lllllliriM'llll-l-l'ai l skloiu' y ,.,, COWDEN & WILCOX, IIAHRI8BUHQ, 3? -A.. fpilKSIone Ware u..w uia.le at I l.i.- clal.li.;.. 1 is ciiial to any miiile iu tli. . oiiiitn p. . . Iit ly ol ailiclc u.-ually li.a.l,-. alwiiv.ou hai.,1 llanisliuiy. .May .f, MiJ J A M K S 15 A K Ii li li ' t WIIOIKSAI K AND KKrAlb clock xsrAii. is it mi:: S. E. Curner Second an t (',,(, it ,it I'lilluUtliihl.t. A C.V.' "" K'jl AI.IIVi. r, XV P. V I ,ll hrf, Vty ,(,,,,, . ,lr U,,u r aa, Hon la, llaiika, Cumin ..,ia., '.,, Mao, Maiiumt'luiri .4 KINK UUI.U I'l.NH t l'S-4, fr,ni-J au.l t.itiii.i.1. 4 4 a'. Ti mum. 4 ,. ,vrI .(.-..., ,r., -.i I'toikiilrl'ilnH, Juuuuiy m, Hi...:y ll. ll. i ii:it. VIKirili't in la,,, HM,;i. I oll.t licit, alien. e, iu 1 1,,. ,, . , , iiiuinliciUii.l, I uiou, rHij.lir, .H.uii auj Li turning alllklilllt John SI ll,.,,, l luta l.li.l.i., A li llalltll It., .. II 4, W In. v Poller, JI..II..U ,V1, Ul.liatl, I hi , I- avtl. I,aaa l u . td l.-., I . N.a Joltu V A-hiittal AII.4UI) al I..h, ".iit", aj .ua. .iitM.il,,, . Sui.l.ui), Maltb S'J. Inij EVANS A I.MMtlM-rl I.mh.Imi! run. i p ih, nwi i.,, ..... .u,.i I MnltJlsi hi. Ii I. i. U autl Ihu plii, , (L .1 t... .'.4lfc-l. ..'laua'.! I b.,.,,1. a ll J.a.1' au.l all lia.l. ., La.il..,.. .l.i.. I a hi. It Li. a. II ,.l al l.t I a. , , u M . a i - I 1 V