K. n. MASSER, Editor ft Froprietor. SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 180 a. 8. M. FETTENGILli ft CO., : Ne. S7 Twk Row, New York, tad 8 Bute Slreot, Boston, tie our agente for the Enmeitr A.vrniCAN a U:0M! cllir, and are authorltod to Uk AdrcrtLio menu and Bubaoripdorm fur u at our lowpjt ratos. -sMiaw i a liii amm m a 11 ataia m mi i hi i i , 1 "" . , " FIT" Coi,. TnoMAB II. Okierson Im been .promoted to lc a Brigailli.-r-Gcne.riil for gal lantry and distinguished service. No man is better entitled to till distinction. Cif Latest Nkws. Six o'clock, r. m., June 23. Informntion from Mnrylnnd allows that there is heavy rebel force, probably the whole of General Knell's corps, in the Boonsboro Vulley, but their precise move ments are not yet known. The rebels have show n no indication of moving toward Fre derick. Tlio larger portion of their force was lying in camp, but a column of seven nr eight thousand men, wiw moving North, nppareutly in the direction of Chamber bnrg, and with it, it ii said seventy-six pieces of artillery. This extraordinary com- pleincut of artillery for so small a force can not be correct. All was quiet yesterday along the Poto- mac. A deserter from a Georgia regiment came into Gettysburg. He reports that fifty of li9s comrade had deserted iu a body. lie locates the whole of Ewcjl's corps uround llngcrstowii. but s:ys it consists of six brigades and numbers only twelve thousand men. Ity ft despatch from M'Elvain's hotel, four teen miles west of M'Connelsburg, we learn that a biisk skirmish ensued at M'Conncls burg, upon the entrance of the rebels tdlhnt litci. An independent cavalry under t'npt. Wallace, took positions in the mountains and succeeded in killing a number ot the rebels. A r.KAVK UI.T DlsOHEMKNT 1?"Y. Wc b-aru that a young Irishman, who had joined one of the Companies from Ashland to defend the State from invasion, was seized by his father at the Tlain-i, and dragged from the curs w hen he was also seized by his mother, lie rescued himself and they seized liini again, when he struck his father u blow, and attempted to get oil' again, but while struggling, the cars departed. There in no justineation for a son striking his father." but if any excuse can be oll'eicd in palliation, it is when the son is struggling to ili-feud the house and fireside of his parents from a rulh!c-s foe, (unless that father is a traitor, and expects to receive protection from the enemies of the country,) it is just Mich a case as this. Will some person send us the name of that boy for our .Memorial of the Patriotism of Schuyl kill t.'i'Uiity - it w ill help to adorn its pages. iloral Affairs. 'Hie recent ruins have greatly refreshed the growing crops and ull kin-Is of vegetation, which bad l.pnn t.i sutler severely ill Coiisequcucw of the. Into drought, vrythiiijr ia lepiin growing bcuulifully, met there iii now a fair prospect of an uhuudancc of every species of vegetation. fp The Ciiiu-s. The luirvi'it is ui-io;iuliin g. and the wheal crop is already ripening, Sonic tit it wilt le hnrvitlod next wi-ck. '1 he prosper t in that the crop will he n f:iir one. Wc have heard tleit some of tin- white wheat win tl i tf li lly iif!ectod hy weevil, toil KU trust that this, if UOi ollvrill. C'i Holiiiiiil.K H.WLUo.ui Aiiil'isr Ou I"ri ilny iifternooii, cilo lite mail train en lie Northern Ventral P,fti!wuy was roiniiiir. northward, uhoul two l-ille south of .Miller.ihui L'. liauphlu eounty. uti uxlo broke under the ba-i-re ear, throwing the curs at tached I'tl'ihe truck, and WTcekin;; the whole train. The engine did not leave the track. Tlio mortality from this tiul'ortunutc aeciitent is lurer than vvohave ohi-mided, for n long time, und was oei"u.-ioni'd ly im uiifiryeen d-fi'et in uu nxle. liiihle to oceur on any rnilroud. '1'herewere fioiiie tieiihix liundred .erfc foiis on the Iniiu lit. Oie time uf the neeider.t, mtiny of whom nnele .J'j;ne vi-ry mirm'iilonj ee.-ipi'?. It us a complete wYei und iniiny ot tho card W(re nlinest entirely dc'iiiuli'S'icd. The following are the killed and injured : Vii.iko. Iiiiniel l.'ttiniier. 1ruri'niiin. Vork. I'h, .laeoh l!iu-kh:irt tirns. ille. Itrudtord (si.. Ph. M'. It. Snvtler. (studen.) Williiuu.-port. fioiu Muuch Chunli. Mr. Knnpp, miknntrn-. John V. tinlnx. Sprhic'M'l fentro. llradford en. I.en.ii-1 Andre? 'IVoy, Bradford co., I'u., boy 17. VxjiliKH. Mundiiy Vn;.w, ritfht fiMit injured so ueverely as to re'iuirc Hinpuiutiiin, VViltiuu.port. I'u. Ihomii. I'ipes. biiae-nmster ; back brui-rd. Win. Moriii'. danerou. not reeoier, Kingston. John It. Jtuuter. of lam ille, ankle broken. J-.dward .Stiiy. Troy, in foot. Vt'uhinNm Arinritrunjr. knee, slight. apl 'iiller. stoMiaeh and urm.liKht. l.ewlKtou n. John lii.-hop. head and buek, hud, Col Jer ille, A. rjrheny eo , vn. 1'i.iiii'l Men. knee, lienvcr Pprin;. A. ,M. iOilou. bactt and ear, severe. Look Haven. Jo. Itnttiluini-, M-uhndiiotdHngcrou-i, lJltwnburg. .Morris t'olur knee, not dnnertoif, Latieaster. Win rsiuitli. face and hip. not dangerou. ! iileb llarton, behind eur. slight, Uiooiniburg. Several others rero injured, but not o badly a to prevent tuein from re-euterin;; the cart and contiuu rg on their journey. 't he dead liodic-i were taken to Milleri'bur, Koon after the uucideiit, pluced in eoCiiij aud tent to their lrieiid.4. Jnju-itiee to the railroad company, we will tato that every one killed win ulnnding on the plutforin of the oars nt the time of Iheoccident, and had these men been in the n-ats prorided for them, they mh;ht (fill ho living. Whet a warning ii thin to hundred who travel over tho diflxrent railroad iu th'n couu try, addicted to thia hublt. 'i T.ii. NouiiiKHs .rn porTUtnx. There hre uinny ayinpalhiten In our midrt who teem di ;itaei to ti i il fault on aeeount of the slunll taxen, liich are expended towurd retorin the I'nion. I ti who objiet to paying Ihin light tax ihouid eer. ,r..iuily remove troutli, where they would be nubjoot In eiiorll i of the wor-"t kind. The first Fcctioii of .lie tat nut u passed by the rebel L'ongrt-. Iu ie a tax f eij.'it x-r eent on the value of all naval jwie. ult wt.. pintuous iiuori, toha.eu uiauu fa. luied or wiiwauulaetured, eolion, wool, tlour, u giu. nwlanoa, tiu), riee and other agrieulliirul proiluv'iHii lauiii are taiud f.'slO ; atietioueerit and .1 tier eout mi tU groan amount of iticir a;, , tlulwu Ufi.r aViaUrt arc laivt f -HH), and :ertenl ut their groai lale , retail dealer! pay J!w tu.d H' -par .pt uftuas nalo ; dutillen pay ml a i per ccui of gra wlee; liotela and i .'ii l.oore. py i.ojiding Ut theyoarly rental 0 tl j ..rty lioiu $i0 a year down to J0 , Ihea lr I) 4 UK, Mid i per cent of groat rei-eipla , lo bcofibia.pay Jki-i ifr eeul of groai aalea ; bit' l.ard I'jiiis payllU for taih ulla ; koUliera uid t aktra ) I 'll, and I rr wnl of groat ael ; fti I jr. pay I-.0, and I) iaenl of aalea ; diol"gra ha I. a-.ll.rl, doolon. and (wnfeclluiierl, ) si Ii, with a lai oa all but lawere atid d i iMol'.'l p. r-iil of !. laeuwua are lai4 u I ILai em t'M ai4 oudw I UH jrrar, pjr ir..i i.. fl luH n4 li hao i'i.'X'O jl, pa , , u il.a Aral l aud U yt eai.t on tka ra ; i iac t !, aod Ium ll.aa fj.nwt, III per eibl , oter . oi g ail a than (lu.ovo, ;i per aei.t , our flu,. o.o, IJ fl oaal lkeuioa (ana rodu U Mill i:.a'r ).fa Ihia ail ur .Vuiitiaia Uiatai.1 a t'bclit4 ijt ka' l H (i ia r I l Ijftnn Rr.v. D.B. rr.nrtiTo!f,of rrVcrslmrc, Virginia, one of the loynl oltUt-tu of that .State, ad- drawod a largo and rwpectablo mooting, touvened at tLo Court House, on Wednesday night. Hhiuddrcw . ' 0 wai nxoeedlcirt? fnterwting, and In excellent taste, ruch M Wight be expeoted from a patriotic citlf en of aharaelor and luUdligenoe. Ho took the position that tho robollloa Wex brought aboat bf the con. o&rlod aotion of a few leadora, not for the purpose of arroUng a separata Rapoblioan government, but for the ultimate eatablUhirient of a monarohy, bnned npen negro tluTory. We never doubtod Uiii faot eureolvea, and no oandid man of ordinary intelli feneo, who hai read tho history of the tiinci, can well oomo to any other ooncluninn. Thoee who oon tantly aasert that the rebellion was caused by the tcbeinos of ft fow ultra abolitionirta, show a degree of stolidity and Ignoranoe not vory flattering, If honest In their opinions. Tlio lending rebels themselves, declare that thoso were not the causes, hut their Northern Sympathizers aro determined to palliate or excuio their treason, by inventing excusos, which they, thouiielvoa, indignantly repudiate. i i jias .Soldiers' Pay sent Homi. Tho members of Captain Oobin't Company, of Ihia place, now sla tioned at Key West. Florida, sent by express to 1'. M. Shindel, Ksq., the handsome sum of two thousand one hundred and ninety-three dollars, fur their fami lies and friends. TlieOnoney was Immediately de. livcred to the proper owners on its arrival, by tsqulre Shindel, which, no doubt, caused maty heavy hearts to beat with Joy, as they bad not received any money for tome month past. (" rtii-r The late rains came very opportune ly and greatly were they needed The corn parti cularly, WBaiutleriug, but will now take a frcih start- I -TP For the American. J J.irKflnN TowNSIilI", June !Mth, 1SC3. Mr. Massrii Lait evening n meeting wns con vened nt the house ut J. tl. rlinilh, to hear tlie lol losing copperhead speaker. Judge Wclker, aud Wood itrown. Judge spoke Crat ; eommeuced us follows : Fellow Democrats, which 1 believe evrty ono to bo iu my presence, if not, he ought tube one. He proceeded then in giving it to the Kepublioans and I'uiou democrats in the very worst way. Pour A be had to take it ; called him nooly boad mid every thing he could think of had him entirely under the bench, and McClellnn already iu the Presidential cnnir. v iiiinniiigiiam lioveriiur ot Uliio. Jle be lievcd that allaiidigliiim wu a better man than Ahe t.ineuln. llut just wait (ill .Mae. takes thechnir men we win nnvt niaes oi peaeo again anj p on v oi ,, ,i ,.,,,.... , i o gold and silver. All aueli triuh he told his hearers ' C1' J ' "r""1: at'r!" !cd throngs oi just as ii he thought them all us bliud as a night owl I Visitors and much excitement in the neigh at noon. I borhood where the lirosneet of a brisk en- lirown sjioke next went over the same old story. ! Well I must say that they mnJo the two dumbi-at ' speeches I ever listened to. I have just one word of j advice to give theiu, thnt is to beware how they encourage men who never havo u word to aav iii deimuciutioii of the rebels, but call them our mis guided Southern brethren, hut who do not hesitate to denounce our Uovorniiieiit as arbitrary, despotic, tvriiuiii.'al. Ac , because it has done, what it has a perfect aud constitutional war -right to do. Kniosa. Pitoposirius To IIano tuk T,, ,. t! ' Of late, in all the battles and in nil recent incursion ', made by Federol cavalry, we have found the greut mass of northern soldiers to conit of Dutchmen. The pluuderii.g thieves captor by Forrest, who stole hall thejewelry and winches ma dnjen counties tf A InbaniH. were tl mneiiliile I Itih.lniiait 'I kn n. tional o.ior of liiitchnien. as distinctive ofthe race j usiliul w iueli. eoi.siantiy ascending to heaven, has dislcndcd the nostrils of the negro, is u unmistuka bio as thnt peculiar to apolccat.au old pipe, or a lager bier saloon. Crimes, thefts and insults to the women of the outh. invariably mark tho course of these stinking bodies of anitiiwtcd ftuirortt. Kohu oralis himself is an uninix.-d Dutchman, mi nccurrd rnee, whieh has ovvrruu the vast districts of Ihe country of the northwest. It huppens that we uutertuiu a grenter ilegree of reFjiect for nil Kthiopiun in the ranks of the northern armies than for an odoriferous Dutchman, who cau have no interest in this revolution. Why not hang every Dutchuinti captured ? We will hereafter hang, or shoot, or iniprisou for life all white men taken iu command of negroes, and cnr-lnve the negroes themselves. This is not too harsh. No hu man being will assert the contrary. Why, then, should we not hang a Dutchman, who deserve inti uitejyless nl our sympathy than Sambo. The live leasees of beer, krout, tobacco mid rotten cheepe, which, on two legs und four, on loot aud mounting, go prowling through tlie south, should be used to manure tlie snudv pluius and barren hill sides of Alabama, Tennessee and tieorgiu. Whenever u Dutch regiment adorns the limlis of a souihcru tore-l. liming cavalry raids into tlio souili .hall ccaso. 1'icM.lcut Duvis need lioi be specially consulted, and it an acuideul of this sort should occur to a plundering baml like il.at cap turvd by Forrest, we uro not iuciineU to belieie tliut our i'ltsident would be gi eatly dr-i'i untied Knujr rittt AVi-i.vr r. .him C. From the llnrriibuig Telegraph, June L'i. 'HIM SETI ATil)., The news from Vicksburg was highly en couraging lut night, and we feel confident that it is doomed to fall shortly, (.ion. Hanks sends us eijuaily em onraging news from Port Hudson, lioth rebel strongholds will be in our possession shortly. In our inline. bate vicinity the news is less encouraging. The rebels are at this time (ten o'clock A. M.) iu the vicinity of Ship pensburg in force, stealing everything that can be of any possible value to them. I.arijc wagon trains accompany them, and all the wagous und horses, together with the har ness that can be found, are taken from our citizens. We have reliable information that the w hole of (eiieral Kwell's corps, estima ted ut thirty thousand men of all arms.have crossed the Potomac at various points from Autietam up to Williunispoi t, and Die now encamped in Ilooneboro' Valley, in the vi cinity of tho old Antietum battle ground. The report is said to come from scouts w ho witnessed tlie crossing from diircrcnt posi tions. A few days will probably show whe ther the rest of Lee's army is to follow und Ihe Mary land campaign of lust year be fought over again. Great excitement ulso prevailed at Pitts burg, as it was reported the rebels were at I'uiontown, only twenty miles distant. Uu siness was suspended, and the ciliA-us turn ed out to defend the city, Definite information of the whereabout of Lee's niaiu army had been received ut the headiuartersof the army ofthe Potomac lieconnoissances and scouts have revealed the fact that it is on the western slope of the liluu llidge, between Snicker's Gap anil Wineheeter. Lee's w hole infantry force is there, including the corps of A. P." Hill. As wo go tu press we have a dispatch from Gettysburg, stating that every thing is quiet, ami that the rebels have withdrawn from tho v icinity. The citizens f Adams county debcrvo great credit for the courage displayed iu the present emergency. Whilst the marauders were scouring South Moun tain iu search of plunder the furmers turned out to drive them nil', and whilst a party were about stealing horses from some furuier he fired at them when they were about en tering thu burn, killing one of their number on tlie spot. This was so unexpected that the balance of them left without their com rade. Tluy have not been t-ccu since in the vicinity. J.ATfclt 10 30, p. m Tho operator re mained at Ncwville until four r. v., when through scouts, who had been rent to the pike three milts distant, he learned tliut he was almost surrounded, the rebels being on both sides ofthe railroad. He packed up his instrument quickly bud come to UrcaiMm's Station on a hand car. This point is ait miles from Carlisle. I'pun bis arrival huo, he ut ouce, by means nf i ununited men, put lumecll iu communica tion with Cupt. Uoyil, who commands thu scouting troop, ami who wits n ticuttng as ruiiii'ly as thu enemy advanced, 'through this means it wua discovered that the rU' a. I v nine had hulled ut a Jlac culled Pului town, tip hi imlia wt-et of t'ai lisle. JlnaUu f General Knipe lias been ordured to make a atund at l urlialo, and lias accord ingly takeu a m.ilHii ou the south side of thu luMu. Ilu hue Un reinforced, ami will in iik n a stubborn r atrtmir) to any ad value w hull may bu at limp ted by llm rtv U-la. It lets been di ti rinlned to Jio-lpMu' the liut lilig of the M.ite ( iiiivi Ilium loui! il Vie I Jiln, iu i i'i in 'f biau.i d j.us id l Me , 4c, Ar I Gen. Conch has thrown a strong column f men in the ncigborhood of Gettysburg on I 'ho enemy's right think. This in connection with certain movements by nrmy of Poto- 1 -1... t - I Ml 1.- Si. m mo in tho rear of rebels, w ill make it a dangerous nxpcriment for them to attempt to hold the line of tlio Sunqttchiinna. from .Tlurjland llrightsi. Mohocact, June 22. I liavo just returned from Maryland Heights. The place is atrongly defended, and is tho best security of Harper's Ferry, which it admirably com mands. K rebels have yet appeared. Should they come, a severer trial than here tofore w-ill be required cro this position is overcome. From immediate authorities I have learn ed that the nearest rebels are at Little An tietam, about six miles from Harper's Perry Their force fit Ihiit point is not at present large, but other detachments are thought to bo in the neighborhood. Very heavy and continuous connnnading wns heard all day yesterday in the direction of Aldio and Jliddleburg. Ollicers, who appeared to have a hint of the situation, conjectured from the circumstance of the firing tliut the enemy were relrenting. (Jeneral fiwcll's fonts, distributed in small portions from Sharpsbtirg to Frede rick, have been busy reconnoitring and foragiug. They can be easily concentrated, and will soon prudently retire. Their move ment w ill have satisfied n number of pur poses, if it has disappointed other designs. Hooker is doubtless active in rear rind think and the necessity of keeping within opera ting distance of I,ee, and at the same time covering the intentions of the rebel leaders, will explain the humors ot their demonstra tions in .Maryland. These seem to be grow ing more faint, but the rebels are not less uclive iu other ijuarters. M. 11. The Kebel Iiii-ontl. IlALTiMoiti:, June 22. The work of erecting barricades progress ed rapidly on Friday nnd Saturday, and yesterday morning the entire circle of the city wus completed and ready for military occupation at anv moment that the scouts and picketi shall unnounce the approach of tlie etieuiv. It w as a novel siirht in all Ameri- gagcnient at their front doitfs appealed so i iiniiidsin f SlumM mii iMm,i l i ! I n V "Ue'lipt he made to take the city, the occupation of the houses ! in the vicinity of the line of barricades by I riflemen is also the prospect of tnativ who 1 have longed for the arrival ol these traitors m our midst. The erection of the line of entrenchments ! and fortifications on all the approaches to I t... i, ...... ..i....- i ;..:n.. ll,v s.o ii., in.,uui.'i;upw:i r M I -1 . 1 1 V M1ICC Saturday morning, and yestetday uttrai ted j thousands ol visitors. On Saturday tiliout i one thousand colored men were "aMif-rcd by ' tbe poiit.e tVom ltitlerent sections of the city, , ... 5. .. . , ' ! causing imicli exciti luent aiuouu that nor- i tion of our population as they were inarciied out to the iiillcrcnt locations for the defen sive wirks. At night another force was' secured to relieve those w ho had been at ' work throughout the day, and another re- I lief gang was provided yesterday morning , uiwl i-vi-itinir flint e,it,i,l itr.,,,..,.-.- I,.,j I i I made, and the works ate now ready lor im- I mediate use. We visited the different points j ! yesterday and found the nun working iu ) I tine spirits, especially utter it was announced that the City Councils had appropriated 10(1,000 to pay them for their labor. Their j wives wero thronging out to supply them I w it ti eatables, and 111110111; those f the spec- i tutors who have averse to using the nee.ro ' ! for military purposes there was a rapid j : change in sentiment. A month ago the j presence of a negro regiment in Ihiitimore ; ; w ould have occa-ioneil a re-'itlar out beak, ; but 'we doubt very tiiuch if the arrival of I two or three such regiments at the present moment would not l e hailed with great satisfaction by the loynl portion ol'murpop- j illation. The arrirtil of men with guns in j tdeir hands are con'ially welcomed, and but little objection would bo made uj to their! coinp'exion. I 'there wa, however, no panic visible; among our loyal citizens. All were ready: to meet the responsibilities of the occasion, j in this respect yesterday showed a marked ilillerenec from the Sunday panic of 1SM1. Some, as 1 am told, decline to volunteer, preferring a draft, because, as they say, only the loyal will volunteer, whilst the draft compels the rebel sympathizer to discharge his just share of the public duty. The duty to w hich we are now summoned is emphatically a patriotic one one w hich we should be unwilling to share with any whose whole heart is not devoted to his country. Do you expect a heart-service of this kind from Secessionists ( Are you willing to leave the metropolis of tho State undefended because the may fold their units aud oiler 110 assistance f God forbid. The patriots ofthe Hevolution recognized no such reasoning. No Whig failed to respond in those days because Tories Mood aloof; but, when struggling for tho liberties which it is now your duty to deb ml, they aiustcrcd to a man, and sought no uid from the traitors in their midst, and left the very name of Tory a teiin of contumely aud scorn for all time to come. (real Ilxs'ilonx'iif nt l'lllsliurK. llAiiltiKiii ito, June 211. The news from Pittsluir;! shows that tin-re is great excite ment iu that city. The rebels are reported to be at Union town, forty miles ilistuiit. Business in entirely suspended. The citizens are making extensive prepar ations to receive them. II A it it 1 audio, Jum; 231 o'clock I M. The reliels reoccupicd I'lianihersluirg, about 1 1 o'clock this morning. Our cavalry' pickets are now live miles this side. The troops under lieueral Kl.ipe, whieh were at Chamfersliurif, have safely fallen buck to the main body. The authorities Ulicvc that the relitls are in considerable force in C'hainbersburir. Much indignation is felt here towards some of the citizens for the exorbitant prices they charge for everything. The soldiers who have turned out for the defence of the capltol complain that while they have left their homes, saeritiein all business interests, the citir.ens here are remaining at home, robbing them of whatever biiihII change they may have, borne of the citi zens residing near the encampments have been mean cusugh to demand payment for water. llAitttisnt no, June 23. There i nothing new this evening at Shippcnsburg, the last telegraphic station up the vulley. The operator at C'hainbersburg and some news paper correspondents who were there uUcu the rebel entered, have not as yet been heard front. A akirmish took plaeo to-day about ten inilea from Uetlvslmrg betw een some of our troops und about eighty rebels. The enemy retreated, losing one man. What preparation Uiu living tnada by Oen. Couch and he Statu authorities to clear tho Cuiiihvrluud Valley of thu enemy would nut bt, proptr to icivo. Thoa w ho know the true portion of alluira feci aati.lied that the enemy will not timaln loiijj iu ths Htate unlea heavily reinforced. IUkiukiii ho, Juno 'Ib incrtinu; of thu lUiniblieuu Mat I'oiiti-utiou, wliiih was to Lava been n-Ui on the 1. 1 of July, al I'itlsblirg, will linibkbly )M.t ,n. ,', I no romiiiiuii m uuair 111 me Male ut the j preafiii liiuo wnulii warmat aui-h a coiux. ' tn a. louib lit i III. e u yrabt lurlutieha 1 1 jlli dihll ill li. K-rv,i iu lilt (1 p.'tnjii.l M!WS tHl.ll VI! A I Jirc llclWl lorrr t ltooiis1oro nnd Anliclniu. !At.TiM'jnn, June 23. Informntion wns received at headquarters, by General Sr.hcnck, to-night, and corrobo rated by other sources, to tho effect that. General Ewcll'a forces, to the numbef of 33,000 or 40,000 men, are now in Maryland, in Boonsboro valley. They have a Inrgo quantity of artillery, cavalry and Infantry. They are building bridges across the Canal and actively engaged in fotngincr the country collecting supplies, etc. They u-ossed at tl Antictam ford nnd 81iephcrd.rton. General Kelly telegraphs that Imboden's cavalry, about ii,000 strmg, arc at thu liig Cacapaw. General Halleck visited Baltimore to-day, and inspected tlio fortifications und other defensive w oiks in progress here. He ex pressed great satisfaction at the rapidity w ith which they were prepared, and admi ration of the zealous loyalty of the Union Leagues iu aiming for the city's defence. NEW ADVERppENTS. VEATEFa'S EOT EL", Corner Fawn and Jlurket Streets. si in itv, i.t. riIIK undersigned respectfully informs the public, 1 that he has taken charge of the aliovo naiued Hotel, and asks for tho continunuco ofthe former patreuugu and would invito ull others to give him a cull. IUSTAIJI.K is nl ways supplied with Ihe best the market affords. liis liar contain the choicest liquors, and his stab ling is good nnd well attended hv enreful Ostlers. MICH AKL, WlbYfcKT. Sunhiiry, May 30, 180U. ' 'I'o tin Drnmrrntlc Virrsi of ,ortli iimlM't-liiitil County. 1 HOLLOW CITIZEN'S : I hereby announce my self as 11 candidate for the OKFlt'K OK gllKItlFF. nt the entiling l'riinnry Kleclion and ns the fuppnrt of my Fellow Citizena". Should 1 be nominated and rlretcd, I promise to fulfill the duties of said offioo with fidelity. CIIAKLKS W. SNYPEK. Fhrunokin tp .Mny SO. lsii.'t. ORNAMENTAL" IRON WORKS. vooi A; i'!;d:ot, iti.ie Aieuiie, EMilt!lcIIii:i, I'n. OFFKH for sale upon the miist favorable ternw. New nnd Iteniitiful liesigns in ereat variety of Iron Kailings for reinelcries, Kesidences. Ac., of Wrought and I'sst Iron, nnd tlnlvaniied Iron nnd lirass Tul.injr : Iron Verantlahs. lialeoiut", Stairs, Counters, l-'ounluins, dates. Columns. Hitching I'osls, LampSlaiels. Vases. Tables, Flower Stands. Sofas. Chairs. Statuary. Animals, nnd all other Iron Work of a Ieeorativo character. lc-igns forwarded for selection. Persons applying for the same, will plcu.o state tbe kind of work needed, .lime (i. ISiilt. tin riKHKIIiLK J 1S LOSl HKSSKLl'.f.T.S ! It nil-: .MILLION : A most viilauhlo and wonderful publication. A work of -toO pages, and oil colored engraving". lit JirMLU'ri VAIiF. .MKC't'.M, 1111 original and popu lar treatise on Mun hmI oinan. their Physiology, Functions, and Sexual di.:ordei of ..very kind, with Never-Failing K-uie-irn tor their specify cure. The practice of I H. ilt'NTLll hits loiur l.ern. and still is. unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation of lHiuieroas jiersons, lie Is is been induced to extend his medical usefulness through the medium of his "VAli: JIKCL'M."' It is a volume that should l e in Ihe hands of every family iu thu land, its a preventive of secret vires, or as a guide for the ullev iation of one ot the most awful aud destructive scourges ever viMted mankind. Cue copy, securely enveloped, will be forwarded free of postage to any part of'tiie I'niled State lor .'i0 cents in 1. tl. stumps, or ocopies for $1. Address, po.-t paid, I'll. lll'NTLK, No. .'! Iivi-ion s'lreet, New Y' ik. June li, lsti.'l. ly. "JlTITZr.GAL CLOTHES WRLNCJER. i Solsl ly i'ssfivnsiais'r-a 'l"Iir iiIion! I tin- I.iinil. , The best labor saving machine in the world. No caution or skill r .- mired in ii in-e. W rlns cvonioing dry. i.ud tea times as pu!A as can be none by the hand. A child .'1 '.ili! years can operate it. No servant can break it. Ii saves its i',.-t iu clothing iu s family etcrysiv Months. V ill wear fir year (villi out repair. Wuirfliilcd lo pleaso or money roiund'-d. PltlCKS. No. 1 Lur.re Fan.ilV Wringer, o. Midiuui ?ln.i"i ) Wi'h t'i..--7,00 ) Wiirriini.d ti.l'i) 1 Without Cogs. Not .Von ) Warranted. 11. on 1 No. 2i Medium No. .1 Sinull, " " No S Large Hotel " " No 1.' .Med. Luuud'y j to run ls,.u0 ! Willi fog-- arranted. No 22 Large " ( steiun ,':0.(lll .o 2 is ihesie generally used iu privatef.imilie-. TIIL ONLY Wltl.MJFIl WITH TIIK P ATI) NT Cixi-W II 1.1. 1, Kl.Ul LATi'll. No Wringer can bo liuruMo Without Cog-Wheels. 'ii 11 s .! niileil in epy 'B'o . Persons residing where no canvasser is appointed, by remitting the price to us, shall reccivo the Wrin ger by express, prepaid. For terms and circular, nddr' ss It C. I1ROWNINM, 2 IS Droodwav, New Vork. June 13, lu;t. Im 1800. 1803. 1; RILING & GRANT AT THU MAMMOTH STORE, "TOl'LD respectfully announcB that they havo just received aud opened a very large and well selec ted Stock of GOODS OF ALL KINDS, which tiny aro willing to dispose of at a VERY SMALL AHVANCEOX I'trsit -0- 0UR STOCK IS COMPLETE AM) EM bit ACES KVLItYTMINC. aivu US JV CALL. Tbiiulful for t favors we h"po to meet a con. tiiiiiauce of the same by still telling Uwala as iheup if not 4 IIIMI'llt than cau be purchased elae w hi re. ntlLlNil I (iltANT. Funbury, May ii, 133. M tuiuluu liiauriiii-' oniiiu, WILKESBAHUB. TA. Cupllui tiuti Mlirplua, lll,0(U. " "lHUECTmiit: (1, M Holleuback, I.. f rhoaunker, J'.bu Itulebald, p. U lllKxbucIl, Sabiuel VVia.ihuUil, II l l.fc'ul'. t hail,. A Miliar, V tV kvlchala It C. Suilili. ('has li"iiaiua, Wui ri It..-, li M llaldlliK II M IHH.I.KMMCK IVaideM I. eit'ihilAht U, id. I r-idoat It C Mini, tMMiaUiir W' li suai lau, TitJiaurer Ibis Con iay li,uit Ihiie-foiiiih of Ik Cash Itluiioa. uVaa 1'riaouw Sou. aake uu Aaaa rkiau, I'oli. ) , kualtii4is all ioiea paid dunuaj . M ' - If r't.aqwissas.s !P O TJ IT D R Y AGRICULTURAL WORKS ! BUi'IBaRY, PENN'A. rinK undrrsigned rrspeot fully. Inform the publlo J ReierSlly, thnt they hnre entered Into Co-Fiirt nerhip In the FOliNMt Y HCSINT.SS. and are now prepared to manufacture at tlio 'Iloln bach 1'ouLdiy,' ull kinds of Itlncliincry, Sforrai, Plosirtliia, Cant llnrrs, nt tBiorl INoOst. Hepniriug ell kirtls of Agrionllnral Implerrents don in a good wuikuianlika manner aud al lbs shortest notice. All article shipped as ordered. Orders respect fully solioited and rromptlv alluded to. 'JACOB KPIMtBACIT, T. G. COtiPKIl. ti? Old lion, nnd all kinds of Produce taken in Exchrtngo for work. Kuiibury, May 16, IBGn tf "WATCHES, Jewelry A Diamonda, LEWIS LAD0MUS & CO. 802 Chesnut Street, Philadelpliia. HAVE slways on hnnd a large stock of (iotd and (Silver Watches, niituhle for Ladica. (ientlemoii or linys' Wear. fcou.a of ouro'ta i."np"rtation, ex tra fine quality. Our axsortinint of .fewelry consists of tde most fashionable nnd rich designs ; as also the plainer and less expensive. Silver Spoon, Forks, Pi'c, tae and Fruit Knires ; ntso a large variety of Fancy Silver Ware suiiitble for Lridal Presents. Wo havo also on harrd a most splendid nssortitK-nt of Dinmond Jewelry, of nil ki.ois. to whieh we invite especial attention. Our prices w ill be found conside rably less Ihnu ti e Fame articles are Utnally sold for. All kinds of Watches repaired in tho very beat manner, nnd warranted togive sutlsfacli n. VtF.LilllNtJ 111 Nt)S on hand and made to older Call or address LEWIS LAPOMt'S A CO.. M2 Chesnut Street. Philadelphia. T. S. The highest carh prices paid for old (iold ond Silver. Allordei-g from the couutry will reccivo epecial atti-nt ion. May 2, 1SBS. Iluto I'.STAISI.ISIEB'.I) lUO. I'KTKU 1. ) it 1 L I. A It D , f:iiiH"A; 'I'olcn 'J:imifin ItiiTr Hi A 18 CIIAMHLltls FT., (!"orinerly 12 Chatham Street, N'cw York. Would cell the attention of Dealers to the articles of his lnnmifacture. vii : ltUOWN t-NVI'i:. Mueabny. liellii:?rs. Kine Hnppee. Pure Virginia, Course Itappee, N'acbiloehes. American lientleman, Copenhagen. YDLLOW .-s.Nl.rK. .".'.itch. Honey Hi. wr Scotch. High Tons! Scotch. i'reh Honey Hew Scotch Irish High Toast. Fresh Hcoich or I.iin.lyfoiit. 'Attention is eulled to the lar.To rednelion in priecsof i-'inc-t'ut Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, whicli will befoiindof a Superior t.hutliiy. TOHACCO. Smoking. Fine Cut Chewing. fntokiMis Long, P. A. L.. fir plain. S. Jugn, N'o. 1. Cavendish, or Sweei. Spari-b. N.i. 2. Sweet S't-nti-d Oronoco. Canasler N.is. I A 2 mixeil, Tin Toil Cavenuish, iurkish. liraniilated. X. H. A circular of prices w ill be sent 011 applica tion. April I. lSti3 1 SAPONiriER," ell CONCJCNTHATK!) I.Y1!, 'I'iK' I 'it m i I. v Sti( 5 ii !!-. The l'l'llLIC are cautioned against '.lie SPIT.I Ol'S article of LYK for iiinkimr .4 'A I'. Ae.. now- of. f.-red t..r sale. The onlv HKNL INK and PA I I N T Lye is that made bv Ihe I'l NNSYLVAS I A SALT M AM KAt it HINii COMPANY, th. ir tvnile-nii.rk tor it being - SA I'fi.V I'i I'll . 1 'Ii l'( i- t i:nti:ati:i i.vi:." The great .u:ci;ss ofth;, article has led IN l'lt I N'C I I'l.l.H l'.Mt i IIS 1.. t n dcavor to 1 M iTATlrit. in violation o!' the Coirpanv's P.V11.NT.S. aii .v. am tact: iy.:. i:rvi:i:?..r si:i.i.ki: ef t;-e SPl LUd P.jes, are her. ly N 'l 1 1-1 Kl) that the Company have employe.1 as Iheir Atiorceys. tiKOIHlK II AUHINU. Ks'rj . of Pl.ilada.. and WILLIAM I!AKi:Wi:i.L. J--.,.. ..r l'it!.-t.urg. And that all Manufacturers. I .-rs. or Sellers of Lve. in violutin of the ri-'lits of the Company, will b.' i'i;nf-i:t'i tkii at (.. 'li e SAI'KNKIKII. r I'llNf'ENTH ATL'H LYK. is t r sale l.y :.U lllllrgists. lii'ccrs and Cutmlry Tnlii' Xiitiee, T!:c Vnilod ."tali's Circuit Courl. Western )i-trict of Pennsylvaliia. I ot May 'ierm.ill lsi'-. inr-uit of tlie " i'cnnsyh ania Salt MnuiilacturiiiL' Con.pany vs. '1 lioinns li. Cl.a-e, ileerei d to the Company, oa Nowmbir to. u2. Ihe Kvlusive riu'hl grm.ii'd by u patent owned hy tli'.-in tor the SA 1 ' i.N 1- ILK. Pa tent tinted t-'ctol.er 21 IsOti. rcrpftu-ii inji-.i-.ction u Mar-ted- TIIL l'KNNSYI.VANIA SALT MANUFACTL'lUNG CO. 0 F V I C i: S : 127 Walnut Street. I'liil.-idrlphh-. Pitt Street, and Dutpiene Way, 1'iitshur;;. May 2, lSi'.a. 0111 m:m" .n:iesi'.v M..i:sitt7ie nam:, Also, GATIPKX OK Fia'IT FARMS. Puital.lo for (irapes. reaches. Pears. Kaspbcrrles. Slrawben ies, illm-ktifrries, eurrai.ts. Ac, ol 1. 2, 5. Ill or 20 acres each, at the following prices tor the present, vit.: 20 acres for 200. lo acres for fllll, ; ncro for ?iU. 2i acres lor if 10, i acre for 20. i'ayable by one dollar a week. Al-o good Cranhiurv lands, nnd village Tots ill flll.TWiHll). 2.) by lull feet, at 'ol e.Tch, payable by uiietlolliir a week. Tho above land aid tartiis. aro .-itualed at Cbclwood, V, aAliiligtoii Tou.bip, Uurlington Couuly, New .lersey. For fuilher in foruiiMioii. apply, w ith a 1. O. tiainp, for a circular, to It. FHAXKLTN CLA11K. Xo. f;fi Cedar ttrcet, New Y'ork. X. Y January 21. lsti.l ly SOMETHING NEW l"OU YoL T 1 Ish 51. I.. 'iii.l'r, having tuken exini I pains ti visit personally the ptincipal HaiiM.f Fusiiiou in the cily, is now prepared to make, trim or retriin. Lonuclauud Huts, iu tli latc&t Spring aud Siiniuicr styles. Mie has 011 hand a large stock of BONNETS. HATS, SITAKERS. F I-() W 1: K S ,. K 1 Ii 11 O.NS, I. A ' P. S , and all articles in her line, selected Willi the grenteft care fium large wholesale houses, and can. and will sell Work or iloods sal prices to suit all eiioiuers. I.AH1LS' UltKS.S CAPS. HOSIK11Y. (iLOVF.S, MITS. COLLAHS. IIAMiKFUCHIKi S. t 'i.ML--. ami numerous other articles for Ladica' wear, to whi. lt she invites the indies 10 call and examine be fore puivhwsiug ctfcwhcie. '1 hank lol lor ihe patronage extended to In r hereto, foro, she hopes by keeping the best assortmeut ut reasonable lirp'es. to continue ttiesame. ( ir e'ccoud dair south of Shaiuokiu Valley A Pott, ville Kailroad. we-t side. Fawn alreel, lMill:. April Si, :im jtllE COFESSIONB AND EXI'EIU. j EXJCK Ol' AN IN VALIIi. I'ul.li.hed f.r Ihe benefit, and as a wai oing ai.J I A CAl Tlo.V TO v orxu MI X , who sutler from Kervous luhililv. Premature Iiecay 1 of Manti'Mid, ete , supplying at ihe snuie time. j TIIK MI AN'S OF SLLF Cl'ltK. j lly one who Im eured liimself after being put to ' great 1 spenae and injury tho ugh u.edicul hi.li.lnig I an 1 tpnickery. ! t.ii loaiug a s.at paid addreased er.evlope aiu- glti oiiinia u.av be had of ihe uuthor ! NAdHAMll. MAYFAIIl. Ci . itediord. Kings eiiuiiiv, N. Y. May Sn, lHo3lyc. ' I ke lUfiii ori:ri-wr. il.aa Mi.Aoiks ulnuiia l 1 l.John It 'igden, M H , auihor aud pubii-her a 1 the ataive work, do hereby prouii.eaod utin v to m-ioI I (In of ehaie) lo any young man who w ill w 1 ue ,.i i it, a aainpla e. py f"f puru.al '1 lie proper alii ly of I luaokiu.i la M i 'itiis taluable u.,ik i iu. d ui4 v-lil l.lil lor the bi-iitrilol autteiiii4 huuiani, v . li ireaia iu aiu. pie l.uoaso ou all Ikedtaea.-ia. 1 i. r 1, 1 ni'dudiuir hi-Uiiiiat Yl iu,Liim, Nervous li. l.ili.y, Jn. j digi-atiou, Mlbui-holy, leaauiiy, tatiu4 t'cay, Uiulin.y, , e -Kinex a.,l'e, i.,..lv, aud tf- I fut-luai piaaciiplloliS, .,r ilie liuaaaol cure, lo. feihar uuh Uiuctt valuable itiloiuiaiiou All who . aof rue uh a dwlra la r.l ui) woik thall ra , Sana a aipl et'pjr br laiiiea a. all irraof rbaia ( Addiaaa J.'IISM '.l rS M l . I . ej M'nn rxiaei, a lol I MtJ ?1 ! ' sm TAIL0EIN0 ESTAELISIIMEKT. JOI1N E. BMIC1C, Fnw-n Ptrroet, npp.iU) Wi nver's Hotel, " BUNnunr, Northumbcilnnrl Co., Ia., I NFORMS his friends ant th" publin generally, that ho has taken the Shop of Jacob ri. Itako. clee'd., and is prepared to ifh all kir.dsol' TA1J.OL IN'tl in a pwl w-orkioanlik" inai,er. Tha fulron ngeoftho public is ri"pcctfu"y ''.:citcd. rJniibury, May ID, lso3 ly LOWER WHAni', SUNHUET, PA. WHOI.1.SALK ANIi ItLTAIL HKALM'S IN WHITE AS II COAL, in every varioly, Orders aolicitcd.'nnd filled with prMiplncw end despaich. hnnbury, May 1(1, IPCS.-ly .T.iii, .ii:vi:i.iTv , Vu The undersigned wott'.! reape'-t fully invite your attention to his well selected -toi:k ot Fine (iold sod Silver WATCIIFS. Fineilol. 1,1 LW. JiLRY. of everv kind and variety stvles comtirisinir ell of Ihe prtrt fin.1 m.wit If.titttif'Lflcti'rn. Also. SHLI1) SILVFR WAI! K. nitnil In Vi ,1 and the hes-t make of Hilrtr l'lulnl Wine Kaeh article Is irarrtiutttl to be ns rrprrrtfr. I iF" Wntchos nnd ,'ewelry carefully nxttrrJ s.t'1 atislnctiou guaranteed .TACOIl IIARLF.V. (Siirrre.vnr tn Staitfi r iV Jhirri.) No. 1122 MAKKF.T Street, rillLAD'A. March 7, IMii.i. :i 1110. LlilToll or AMriMl AV I'r.vn Snt : With vonr riennissioti I wish In sav tn the reader nf yourVaper I hat 1 will fend f. fe'iuvn iuail tn all who wiidi it, (free) n Recipe, wilh lull ilireetioria f..r Inaking nnd 11-ing a simple Yegot.ihlc Jluim. that ' will etl'eetiially remove, in 10 day-, Pir pics, lii.'.-.clies : Inn. rreckles. and all Impurilies of the Skin. Ie.iv- i ing the ramo soft, elenf, sniooih and benuiiful. 1 I will alo mail free lo iho-o having l'ald Heads rr ! Ihire Faces, simple directions and iri..iioiiti, n tiiat . will enable tlieiu to start n full growih of Luxurieut i Hair, liiskcrs, or a Monstuche. in :..a tii.'.n iii' days j All npplicutious enawcrcd by return niail without j charge. , Tlespcclfollv vour" : 1 llio's.'F. CIIAP.MA", Cheniist, No. b.'il Iiroadwey, New York Feh A, 103. Smo. 1 NKWS ! NEWS ! 'EWS ! NEWS": ' ROOTS AND SHOES, i UK now ninnnfaclu'-p.l to order by Ihe suhvril er i nt CIII.Al'l.K liATLft tli.m at any oth. r ivti.li. Ii.-hie.eiil in Sunbnrv. 'ihe war lax is not ti.kcn lul l '. eoni.lerntion. end all work will be.loneal obi prices Having jiift reeeivid an entire lieu stock of leatliar and Moroccos, tor i 'lll!'IIH'llM IJoiltN 1119(1 SllOfX, t.IKlil'S. MllK-Siiltlll aa'illM-l-S-a 'Iii!lroi5si Mines, k ., ,p,, which will bc roiule to order nt short r' l'.'e, in tho bet workmanlike manner and ofthe host materials. Feeling Ihnukful for Ihe patronage extended here tofore lie hopes toeolitilillc tlie sumo. All who desiro work done cheap and durable, are invited to call at his shop nearly opposite the Court House in Market Square. Sunburv. Pa. i JI'HN WILVK1!. 1 rsl)twary 2S. IW Cm j A NEW ARRIVAL OF j ROOTS AND SHOES,! AT , war. h. miliar s. T 1 K lins jn.-t rr.unicl Iimnr fr m Viiljii1cl.lii.i, t'.t wilh greiit citn- to Mi'it till iorsiiii. Jhty your Hoots and Fhorx vht rc yon nt: ctt h lust yualitty and trrrrt ttt: lust assort ifft if lajit itt Inry. JTo luid rflirHnftth from $." 75 to i?7 01. ln,h l!nv 1'iilf It'-Hli iVimi f I .SO t.i I 00. litis ljicii'.'' tinitrrs from 02cti. tti ..t Jlo 1m Mit; nmi C'liililri'n'n hiit.T! rr" all otylc" nTnl tn-liioii-. mul jiiictj. iu blioit I'vciihir. iu Ui.H lilU" Ol' UlIMIit'M Ut1 ;i! fmon 1iorl n full n?iirtmcti of Mnrroo-o nn-1 (.'all' .kin" it tin li' .-t iiiiilit v. w l.i h l.o v iiiiiUc uji ttxinlrr nt the cliort'.-t notift. Inning sup- vl hiir.!flf witli tlio iim-'t I'Mfiiirnnl'lt' Lii. ts. A GI5KAT SAVINGS TO DOOTS A. SIIOKS. I:IS A1.D S Tatvut Mfiiilli-j nmt HouN. one j'liir uf uliicli will wmr as 1H! iu- inc uir ol LciuhiT S-ih's. ktMt on lunul Mt'inini (li'iii its um;iI. l':ill nmi exntniiM l'-r ynir?( rcn hnd lca? my jn icL'ti beloro j.'Uiclu;.viigclEHl;tTi'. M M . M!!.T.i:U. Suiil'Ury. Mny l'", I.' 1 rcli "I'lio p'roal ( oiT Ju.ft VitUfhedt in a aVvi-V Knvc'opc. Price tr.r CV. A LoWure hy Dr. CTLVElt Wl'IJ.. on tho c:.u Bnl euro of Spi'nm.lon haa, C.iiu;njti"n. .'"l.-iit.-il Miitl Plnirril I ' i M ' v . NtTvon-n'.. hiitlut'y ; iin juiirt'I Nutrition of tho lioily ; l.-itii'l.' ; fi:l;invr of the Iainilv uiitl tho Park ; Iii'li-i'i.-iiii'-ii nnlf Inia jiiiriiy lr .Moly nii'l l.nhnr : l'ulltuf -f Aiirw.eii. jifn ; liav' ui It-morv; Avoirin to ?vcir;y ; J,(' o t" SlitiHlu : 'l lmidiiy ; S If li.-ti itt ; J'i.'.im--s ; ilt'iiit.'U'hp ; Atloetiuos of iho I'yn ; 1'iiiij 1 on th Kiu'p ; Involuutury l-itni.-.-ion-rnt Sexu'd l!i;i.iKity tho Coii-'eijucLi-fri of Youthful ii.MW'fnii'ii, fc.( Av "V " 1 hi? ti'Ituii ui ii I.C' luro t-lcnily firrtvc. Unit tlit hIkivo cnuinvriitil. oiun Sfif-nlMi'.'ii'd tvil-, mny ho r nmved willmul itn.'clit'inc im.l w ilhoiit tliiu'ioiis fiirioiil optTHtiuiis, uiii ahjul.l tc rt-U'l by ttiy in mi iu tho In ui. Sunt miller wal. in ft plain puvelopo, to uny n-l-Iron;", on the foc-ipl of g 8tnl.-', tf two pu.-t:to ntniiijiaj, hy ail'trcBtiiiia chas. .t. r. Kiaivi: Aro., 127 finwcrv. New Vork, lVwt OCi'o Uox, 4. .V.uy a:, lsii.'i. Kelt. 2?. ly lltoi nt y and 4'tuu'tli- n jm, OFico on fouili ni.lc of Market street, four doorr west of F.. V. Pl ight A Son's Store, Will atleud promptly to nil professional hu-'ne's entrusted to his care, (he collection 01 cluiiill in .Sorihuiubcrlau.l and (he adjoining counties. fiuibury. May 2.1, li'". ly TBUESESS, rHOULLER ERAC'S. ELASTIC STOCK IXS FnK l'NI.AKHKD VBXf-S OFTUE I.i:i;,C; Iiulruineiiia fur all i!ci'i:uiile m;. liuniiiisi 'v 1.1'icr 'S'rusn has taken tlie jdace of other 'i'ru.-sca for he retention undcureof liertiin or Itnj'tnre Aetinj u(H.n tl.o principle of a le er. it nei er h'es i:s rln i.ih. It is coe'ed to I revent rust, it li e- no pad ou tlio hack, n hieh ia so liahlu to injure the apinc and annoy and ehul'o the wearer. It is sure to retr.iu Ihe Huf.ture, ,n case and cinufort. and electing radical cure.'. It i- uarrenled t Kive -::li-t'ai'liou. 'J'hc improved Slioul.ler-liraee cx'hi.ds tlio chest and prevents the wearer from bieouiinj; rouud aUouMeie.l. l adica' peHa Mid Ahdoininiil Snppoitera. Hand aces, und Helta i fait kuii.-, and ii.-n un.ei.ls Ur ell liefonuilies of the tlodv. Hit. 01ttlVi:i! S Ot'i.-e is No. d Ann Street, two doora from ltroadHny, New York. Siraugcit should parlitulur'y iiole the naiau and So. April 11, 1S3.1 I . IMkl, l'liii.ArU'i.riiiA papi'.h nAxmstis. noil i.i.i. a lun tti4i:. Cor. fourth A Market Streeia, l'hiladeli kin, liuve sow iu itock, fiue vaiiety of llll I'll M If, got up espressly for their Spring Tr.e WIMuiW I'APtll OF tVKUV liKAM:. to which they invite ihe attention of Siorekeepera If lu their Hetail I'i I'.-irlit'Ciit, will l.v loin, d llm eiioiceat ivle i'f the aeaa. li. 1'lliludciphi. Feh. I I. ImW - "lllW A;ALUIHair VMM VOW SALE. ; ri . his ' 1 valuable taim, .'lual.- iu tertelowii-liip. Nor'l. un.herlali l coui.IV. P , h..ul one n.lle w ..I ol lie loMII ..I TliVoll.il. ivuiaiiiiml 1WO III Mlt H Ai i:.S, nioie or lea , ul-ul aiaiv iurea ol wui.-li an .Ii.ied.n l in l-'-l a'sle.f eiili.i'i.u. aoi Ihe balance well liu here I Willi pine and i.ak TI: m. pr..i uiellla ai a .o( llouao, am .01.1-4 uui hlil.lil'ii' . , , lemia Fay I'or pil..'lea in.iuire o ' 1 1 A I ( l l.MFST ruKhury May 1 1WJ " iiruiAunttMi w m Ui"l ,1-i 1 '-i atta llriUi, .ria. "C tlllt.1 lit IrllK, ' I ImUflali.a liatrmr r,.i,- Jl l.k. . iUi t.-l ,a I l.a An i Jal.u ') KY TAUXHIKG rsiAJjini!.i;T .? ti .- r. n a : Mail,-l tyvuff, o'iii ;'"' '."' ' ti i' ai Hi'Sectfi.'lly inferrr.a his old fii"i;'i and tho irnS li.' fc-.-slly tint he I'.r.a ajfi.n i.-teti.- t- h.iuuii'v ui:'t ro-oponi.'d ft . i!W Tutloi-lnH; t'-.-st stlilis-Jnurn!. lie id prepared to mnkn nj.' new gnrtr.oi'' is e ' II lu tinc.r,iJin!x old oni and to do work neiitly, li'il: ionnldy nnd (uilistniitiully, in Pa. t wiil wri'tv i.'.l work leaving the liiop, nnd ly ao lioii.j;, h pt I to receive n due rliare ot pulrol-.r.i. PiTiona destiin;; lo have elothiu? made up M nr-Irf in the latest yule. ill pli'.ve give hitn h eull. riniiluiy, A ril II, lft3.0 m. TVJiT. XNOCriI3. 95MAI'KI.T hXUlIKT. JIAl'.IlI.-H'It'l, T . littler in P I A N O S a "VfW llnscivood I'lnnos, from tlio t.e't D at; era Jl troin f 2''ii upwards. .MK.I.I'I'KiiNS 'I he test ninmifucturcl In'tru menla from Cilo S'lun liuitars, 'ioliua. AeeeT.-leina. I'lutc. I'll'-... Vrunj;s. iial j.'-. i'l.nihourihi I Violin and Ouiiiiratriinj.s nnd musical fner : chandijO ill general. IS 1 1 I'M ilt'S IP. I The tateal puhlientiona Rlwnyi'.n Iiai.J. Music lent l.v Uiail p anv part of the e.,untrv. oval, s'.'t.Uii:, iiiir A.'vi) nri.-i.wy'ii) j 1"BAME3. 1 Suital.fe Fir lyofcing g,UiMe, nhl all kiii'l." f f.ilui'ie ahvr.ya on hand. A fine nsJorduent ef heat plalcl , T.f rOK T VII (il.A.-SKS Irm smelh .-t liflrr.'-st sirea i Any lyle of fruiiiv made to order the' -le.riest notice. MM. i: S'lfHC. i 'April 11. ISf.J. WMmketm.. llnrri'htrjr. JVHT KI1AJY, STYLES Cr JEVi'EIIir. VN opTK.rliini'y Tint to lie lust sitht of. Ha:" i hi.nce for Aeuls. I.adins ra w ell ih i,ciiN cun ret aa AjpiiU. Aj ply ear'y and secure Uie r.ei.'-y for youf louillty. 1 00,000 WATctrr-a, vj:zt cir.uy.. i."cfi:is. UHACin.ICTS. HTlTtfi, BVTT)ti, jVax'A" f.v.i ixn.tiJ'.rs of j ir.r i:n:r, &. Ta he a-iM ft fi c.'li, ael tot to hiy-ii! f r uniil yntt kitf. w hut you are t.i t. S. rid ... eeni lor Ctriiticate. t :-l litii y i.-t: v.lmt yr.u e-nhuvi. tiiih a ri'.eutnr. j.'1 in? fii j -ii'licnlarslo A. ills. I'vrlt "t saliafaeiion uaiai.teea in. all cases. Ad lrv f, f,.M. WAl'.n X CO., SOS llroudway. Tot I.H,5, ;!.nh 21, Ir.j3.-ly JACOB O. EECK, MEltCHANT TAILOil, I:ii! ::! Iii ji-. l. S TJ T-T 13 U j?- TT , If-A.., TNFHKMS Iho eili7.en.t nf SuiiImt-v and vicinity, tl'.at helms just returned truni Philii'ie'pbid wilhu full ns.-orluiei'.t of vai... ai xvl V7'.ii or.;!, OF LVKllV UnsfltrPTIOX A?.V f.T Vl.ll'V. His stock consists of I'lolii?. I'l.-n.-h fl. '. . !',!. HoeSliin and I'lircv i.'a.itneres. Jll.o's, -ltin. l': -i-ifi Silk. uin and Fain y C:i.-ii.-ere IJ.-'I i MiS. wi.ieh he will iiinke up to order in stylt s to net she la of customers, on ihort notice, und tho it, . .:-. ie;i.sn...! 1 terms. Any Cmoils n-'l onli m.l. will l e foe;. 'shed fnm Phila lelphia, t j:iviu twoihn r.'ii.e. li.-M.ds f'.iriii.-he.l l.y cu-itoitur will t-c ni'tie up to order a lu-retol'ore. A lie will eiKploy r.one hnt epcri'oie-i! "irltmrr". perrniM may rely ou eUinji tbiir woik well J,,i,u m hia hop. I Thank fui f. r tho patronage heretofore l,e.;-t -t be rcsiicctfully solicits a roniir.uauco of the aaiuu, runiiury. Octohrr 4. 1SCJ. B'or Stair., I3?rr, Bcon !.-, Anis 25l -EiiV,k FlKl iit B'urs -oii:r)-, a,Vt I'm up in 2. T V. u -t 01 P-.ror 1. !::" -,r. I Mufk-. iiiid ","' llitt'N. I'uh!: hi.-iuu': Only iufrilliMc rcmotlifS kn-'Wa. I'reo fnnt r')!nj. Not J.iiit'roi'. to tho Ifi.mpn T .K.i.y Knti" otunoonl of their holr.: fc ilk. HnM VhoUnl" in nil lur'jr citiod. M -hi hy till lnt ;Lrit!! nr.'l Jloijiih'iS rvcry Iivrc. y.AU iv:iro !'! 'if.lt wurt iili.js iu.iuit inii". thui Ci:tau's" n.nuc i ou ctifh J' x. no;! rin-k, ln-ioro vi-n huv A.i-ir.v iai;s'8:v n. 'Ost.ik, I'iiit'ip.il I'rpc.t .I2 lr.:i.lvvMv. N V tS-.M hv IV.lto tir.uit. milimv, April 1, ISiU Urn Xurtliern Central IIaihv;iv ! TWO TRAINS I1ALY to aril from tor North e I West Brunch Sus,uchuiiuii, I.liuna aud uil efiiortb eru New Vork. o V i.tet after MONDAY. APnTI, IIJi. si!, the I'aiverier Traie.H it the Northern I'.-i iml i.ailway will is"'- nt end depart fr.-iii Suubury, HiirrUlurg auu I'.iii'.iiuorc as fothma, viz f SOUTH W A II 1) , Mail Train leaves Sitilutry daily incept tLn.li.el. It) in A. V " louvc ii:ii-ri.-l.ur, t I j P. M. " mrive-ut I'liltiniiue. ft e.i K.iprcM Train h av uj Suul ury daily (vLpi S.in day A ' 1 1 OT r M leaies Hnrii.-hui (esccpt .Moiidny.l iM.H " itnivea nt fl.ttffir.orc daily (except Monday). t) I.'i A M. II.irri-lmr iccori.uio l.ition leci HafrL- tuift, u M A. 21. J.0I.YIU AK1). Mail Trii'n IcaTefl lialtimoru duilv (ex c.'pt r- I..v) ' IS " 1ic.i llari'ishur 1 I'i o errii cs at Scn'-nry, 4 r.'r repress Tru:n I uves Haliiuierc Jally 9 I i " ttridiv at llarrishurir. 1 Hi A. M. 1'. M P M A M. 11 i.'.ii ii.irii...ui (incept y. ud.iy). .1 i 'I " arriV'.- et S.ud tivy, A ;jS T r tarUief iiijuriuaii'.'n :.p;. i ar nt the l fp J. .N. l i tAl'il'.V. S A M. ,pt. Ilill:i! liililu fii SSmIIi-vikI. rjlilS 'r '..t line travera,-a ihe Xorlh.-rl m: i Nfir'lm ,i-i counties of I'miia,. ln:.i lu lie cily of l'rie, en Lake l.rio. It has heeii lea..,'.', hy itie rni'.'y!v".ri'i fiilroil I'enii'i'ny. ;;l 1 iu..ier their uuipiees ia beii: inpidly opeiud throughout itj eTiilrc 1. 114th. It Is m.rt in ue for Pi.-ei...- and Frev-ht li'si ne. Irom Han ia'oui to iirii'twood, Sndio.lc, 1 1 7 T miles) on t(ie i.4steiii l'ii ision. und from st.t iui:,d to Krie. (7 in lies, 1 ou ilie WeMcra I'ivisi.ui. tik oe i iMifM.u; nt ns i Ni.rrtv. Arei.t mii,'.i. i.iurf ii 'i .. ij . MuilTrain. 1IUIU AM Mail 'le oi. 4 lo P. M. j:pli4 I'r.oll. II .I'i P M h.ir. - 'J mill, i I." M. I'.irs run liiioiiii wiili. ,ut chuue. i,uiii i,..va. en tl.e-e tiaina kelwieli l't..lj t. ', hie and l.o.k II iv, 11, 1.1;, I U'lwe.'li li.'itlllli'-re and l..."k iiaeii. Kleiiul Sleiplii! I a is ,11 l..v.ey Ira ns h tli w in t eiw.-. u tliiau -..,i t uu l j.;,!!,!.,..,,., j .lliiu-poii aiul i'hil.i'kli.hia. For inl' 1 1'Miiou iisf.ciiin Pi en, -r iiu iiosj apply at th" 1. U. l'r I nl, .ti k. 1 sia. Ai.d I r I ieihl l.u-il."rs nl U,Uui aj.e s ir.-liU: S. 1' hiiii-i. ii, Jr IM lluiiel.il.m. C.. .;:h a. 4 .i''l U .Mo '.'a. J Al. Hull, Au.i N C U. H I'nit.uiae 11 11. 1I..1 ar.iv lien 1 ft. itfiu Art i'N;:ai Ari l . ', I I U In I Hoi II. licit I l o let A4't , Ji" ii 11 1 l oi 1 a, I' .il't vl, W .l'iilOra4a. tal'l I III, MU'K'I OS und an. r July IM. Is.' i. i!,e t-l, II llll.t III" liiw.,1 i.i. ..I I I. ill.. . f s, r I. 1 i,M ' " .Mil t.n I Mil 1 IIK N A I n . I. M I I I, tl.nAN cttiiuioiiiy v.lvJ 'I'n 'li'tir! w 'I e U.,.,1. lH.i.l .u . I.. 1. - .. . I.. ... till 1 , .. ... ...... J tt 1 V. Hi 1 .' I . .H -1 a III: t J re ', I t ,