Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 20, 1863, Image 3

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    H. B. MABBEIt, Editor ft 'Proprietor- "
!T. 37 Park Row, New Yorkt knd 6 8UU atrset,
IVswon, are our agents for Ui ScsncHT Axr.rtics
B those, cities, and ar authbtlied to taka AdTortise
noDtt and Subscriptions ft u at our lowest rates.
. ii.
CThe person who found a lady'a shell
como upon Mrs. Wilion'i pnveraent on
Tuesday morning last, will U rewards by
leaving it tit this cilice.
fZT Skwixo Machine. Fiukcl & Lyon't
Singer, Wilcox A Gibbs flowing Mftdjinra,
new styles can be had by spy lying at thia
f-iEr Ci.oTnKrf YViuxoKits with cogwheels,
not liable to get out of order for sale
Inquire at this office.
The rebel have actually evacuated Cham
ersburg and started in the direction of
AYilllniusport, at which point a lurgc body
of Infantry is lying.
The rebels said to be at New Market,
Md., yesterday, arc reported to be within
twenty-six mile of .Baltimore.
The" rebels yesterday occupied the town
of Cumberland, with 3.000 Iufrntry. one
regiment of Cavalry and a battery of Artil
lery. It Is supposed they intend puing to
"Wheeling by way of Uniontown, on the na
tional road.
The New York Seventh regiment has ar
rived at Philadelphia, ready to report to
!enernl Schem-k. at Baltimore, instead of
Harrisburg ns originally intended.
J-t7"Thc latest news is from Chambers
burn, dated June lglh at 3.30 P. M.
Tin1 scouts of the telegraph operator at
Chnmbersbtirr. Ulair Gilmore, report that
the rebels are moving on that place in force,
nnd are within two miles of the town.
The streets of the town are crowded with
vehicles containing the pool's and valuables
of the citizens leaving the place.
The operator will go dowu the line, stop
ping at the first point, and through scouts
t ili furnish the best and most reliable in
formation a tn the character of the force
and number.
- --
J-jY"" The rebels recently nominated Val
landighaui lor Governor of Ohio, nnd his
Copperhead friends of that State have
ratified th nomination. The people of
Ohio, however, will sctt'e that question.
Ox the 5 th instant .Mr. P.M. Prcxcl.
the proininetit banker of Philadelphia, was
injured so severely by being ntrt over by a
train of cars on the Heading Puii'road in
that City, that he died the same evening.
He attempted to jump otr while the train
was in motion, mi .1 his footing, and fell
under the wheels, w hich passed over his
legs, severing one of them from his body,
and mangling the other.
iiJt, Ohio J!iiji.-ttr nominates George
H. McClellan ns the candidate of the Peace
Democracy tor the next President, with
f. I.. Vallandigham Vice. The Trlhun
considers that a lit and proper ticket for
'.he party. And since it was argued in
lsiiil that it was unconstitutional in the
llepublieiilis to take both their candidates
Viiih the Pree States, Val. has probably
:iken tip'his rceidcnrc in Dixie to remove
his object ion.
A fonioiis negro preacher died in St.
.otiis on Tiii'stlay, und was buried with
istinguished honors deeensed whs nn
liiauoiputed slave of lion. Edward Bates,
ml possessed more than ordinary talent
r preaching. lie has been pastor of a
lored 'church for many years.
The Federal monev market shows Federal
nitidcnco. The reU-1 money market shows
Uel ilcspoYidiMicy. And what political
.rometev is comparable to tho money
arket .'
l-i?" As regards Ve-inforcements reaching
.! beleagueri'd 'city, this seems out of the
estion, for two rf-isuns. One is, Vicks
rg is surrouhili A by swamps, through
lieh are a few passe?-, vastly defended, aud
'achments of our artrty hold them ; and
Kuilicicnt force routd leave in front of
icerans without his knowledge, when he
uld advance, as in fact he is now doing,
by inch, as if he were foreseeing this
i?" We regret ti learn timt the residence
he laU- Col. J. Itichtvr Jones, . !. les
e, StillivAH Ctlunty, was destroyed iiV
on Tuesday afternoon of last week, with
lis furniture and property.
llaptist clergymnn Cf Or'eeht cbttfcty,
lotiri, w rites to a friend in lMiihidelphia :
The rebel bushwhackefs are nt work,
ry few days we hear of men being shot
i the hush. They made a tald into
ir county a week since, and killed ten
, with most of whom I wus well ac
ited. Seven of them were militia trten.
: first stripped them of everything but
shirts, placed them together with
backs towaril.-- them, and shot them
y all to pieces, having their bodies on
riK-.inl. The same company then pass
i fk.rt'.t of Hockton, snd shot two
ns, iIk-ii to the house of Khler Olmdish
h, mi old liuptitt pn-nrher that I have
n for twenty years, and shot hint with
'en ludU. 'J" It v took from his dead
a'oout hrsw liimdred (lolhirs, and
the empty ute iu bis wife's face,
o H-rsm or prsjTty is m(v liere unless
of a coppcihc.nd. The government
lot m. lest these, and of course the
avery douiocruts let tin-lit slone."
ti'hai. Crin.iinii.a. i the Coao
, about 10 miles from L Angehm,
ii.stonit Mountain, a volcano in active
'.ion. Its altitude is altoitt 1O00 fes t.
xterior of tlm motmtam is run Wim-
bard, y' to tha juck. The
tn is worth t','4 f4- 100 iKiund in
initios. Aliout tuo and a tulf nilei
a .ioilie are a lare miuslwr of hot
s, with a tettiiu rutiire tui to Uulinir
Alwut Hires mtlrs from the llrimslniiti
h, la .1,- 1... M.1M.i ...
, to aoK) feet ilaV JcZ "evT i color .ad contains Un ori!
t.l its stronuly the netUm ol Inc.
mill dutsut from liriuit''u )luun-
t snotlur tailed Glass Mi'Uiitaiu.
.ki t volc4S(i. .Vt a foiuiir ptriuil It
ul Urgu (,u.iiitiui ol gts, Tim
str u ovir tiia siuuca o tne tarllt
Utsiiiu ot'ovrr twenty unit-, bums
In in 100 to JiiO iHiuuds. AH
UTTnsa Britncu. The. New York
Tribuno baa a capital editorial cn thoao
"lewd fellows of the baser aort" who an
just now in tho wildest frenzy concerning
Free Spcoch of the Vallandighaui stamp
The Tribune was opposed to tho arrest of
Vallandigham, but it thus discourses on
the Ryndcrs howlers about free speech and
a free press :
"I.ibsrty of dlsoussion mT b s very flat tlilog,
Mr. Hen Wood, but if yoo think you lor it, you la
bor under a hideous hallucination. Freedom vf dis
cussion may be (.delightful principle, but when did
you beoomo enamored of it, Mr. Horatio Seymour T
A pretty pair of ooniistent oreatnrei you are ! A pre
eiouf pair of noodles you muit be, if you do not know
thtt you are stealing all the fine thunder of the
Abolitionists and very awkwardly you handle the
pilfered bold ! You, for freedom of discussion ! Why,
had you only had your way, you wnuld lung ago
have hung Mr. Garrison, beheaded Mr. Sumner,
drawn aud quartered Henry Wilson, and let your
bull-doK of the grnggery and the brothel and the
gambling hell nixin the office of Hi is paper! You
know you would, llotalio ! lWt deny bliuhingly
the soft impeachment ! You know in your hearts,
clear down to the black bottom of tlicui, that you
would hare done it ! Nice men you are to talk of
Freedom of Speech ! You would keep Satan rebuk
ing Kin quite iu countenance.
2. oral
tV'The Presbyterian Church of this place will be
open fur divine worship on next Sabbath-morning,
21st inst., at half-past 10 o'clock, and in the eTrning.
at half-put 7. The Rcr. J. Napier iluited, of Phil
adelphia, is exported to preach.
lyTaa Mixers at gHAanklK. On the receipt
of the news that the rebels were In 1'onnaylvania, and
approaching Harrisburg, Mr. A. K. Flake, the Super
intendent of the Sbauiokin Valley Kailroad. called
on the operators in regard to suspending operations
and permit their employers to arm in defenre of tne
Slate. The operators at once accepted the preposi
tion. The miners and other citiieus of tSl.amukiu,
to the number of 120 Men came in on Weduesday
and proceeded to Harrisburg from this place by a
special traio, accompanied by a company fruia
this place.
Yjf I.u"ine- on the Shainokin Valley A Pottsiillo
rail rond has been entirely suspended. Tiie rulling
stock of tho Northern Central road including all the
engines not actually needed for necessary purposS(
were bronchi up here. Numerous trains of coal and
freight were brought back. The sidings arc filled
up aud the main track of the Shainckin ruad is oceu
piod fur several miles. A lung line of engines, with
flags flyiug and steam up, while standing ou the
siding in this ptaco on Tuesday, was a not el ih'kt
and attracted considerable attention.
"5 Gnintsd mi Sthketj. Wo are plcaso1 to
see that our borough authorities are engaged in gra
ding the streets. They have procured the services
of a civil engineer, Mr. West of Iiamillo, for that
purpose. The pavements in Market street will have
to be taken up in soinu places and made to conform
in width and grade, the width in Maiket street be
ing 12 foot. Iuthe other street the width i from
10 to U IVct.
Z.2r The Isvsstos. Our town has been
in a state of great excitement since Monday last.
The news of the advance of the rebels, though fire-
shadowed was not believed until tho repulse of Mil- j
rny at Winchester, surrounded by 18.000 rebels j
through which force he cut his wuv out, and joined ,
,. ,, . ... it i" i r ii i l. 1
Kelly at Harper s I erry. Slid Tyler who fell back ,
from Martinsburg.
Jhe telegraph brought in tlie
news of the advance of the rebels the burning of
Greeu Castle and the capture of Chambersbiirg, and
that they were expected opposite Harrisburg on Wed- j
nesday. The greatest excitement prevails at Harris
burg. Many families having packed up their valu
ables aud sent them to some placo of security. The ,
Prothonotary of that pluoe wrote to our Proihonotary. '
Mr. Keckly, proposing to send their records here for '
safe keopiii,;.
f,J" Excise Lxm.osiox Two Mrs Knxr.n.
A terriblo accident occurred at Port Trevorton
Matlouon the Northern Central llailwsy, about 12
tniles below this place ou Saturday lost. Lugine
No. 31, which had Jut been sujiplied with water ex
plodel with a loud rcKrt. Win. HanduIIi, fireman,
a ytiung man from this place, and .Samuel Miller, the
engineer from I auphin, were both instantly killed,
ltaudall? "ns blown several hundred yards from the
engine, and when found every bono in his body whs
apparently crushed. Ilo leaves an afflicted family
of a wife anil three children.
Miniatubh Patti.e. Among tho militia
waiting fur transportation at this place on Wcdm--dny,
were soveral car loads from. Luzerne county.
A number of these were glnriouily drunk, having
stolen a keg ofbrandy from a Hestaurunt at Northum
berland. They hud a giheral knock down tight
among themselves at the depot bcl'irc starting.
V Worsnrn Solpikks Kktiiiveii John I.
Smith of the cavalry service, who lost his leg some six
weeks since, near Williamsburg, while gallantly
fighting the enemy, arrived here in company with
nil brother Geo. Smith of this place. Mr Smith's
leg was amputated iibovn the knee, having been
greatly shattered by a ball.
I.-uiuh Gu-sler. son of Mr. Charles Gussler, hus M
returned, crippled by u .lllit wound and by rlieu'u
E's CuntHln John liuvers, of Company I., SSlli
regiment stationed at Newbern, N. CreturlnsI home '
a few days since, having resigned on account of ill.
P. Hauler IliUington has also returned from Capt.
O'obin's Csnipuny at Key West, discharged ou ae.
count of ill-health.
Henry Ilartshcr of Co. I ., SS:b regiment is at home
nn a visit to a sick mother.
lS Ano'.her train with militia from the North
and West Branches were tent to Harrisburg from this
place on Thursday. Altogether, something like 4000
tnen havo pasted through here fur Harrisburg siuoe
A ssi sr ant Provost Marshals. Captain J.
k Clement, Froviwt Marshall of this (14th) Listriet,
has appointed the fullowing assistants in tho several
counties comprised in his circuit :
Capt. C. J limner, Nnrtbuyiberland county.
Col. J. J Patterson, Juniata cuunty.
Lieut (leorge Koss. llauphin county.
Juhu Y. Nhindcl. Snyder onunty.
Lieut Wm. L. Hitter, I'nion county
ty-Tlik Ai'ams Fxi'RKss Hustiiar Co vie.
tkjs op tat rosiRs Ths parties arrested some
two months ago, for robbing Adam's Express Com.
pany by taking their money safe oH ths train, on the
Northern Central railway, had Iheir trial before ths
Circuit Court for Unltifuore coanty last week. Jos
Kans, Harry I.aughlin aud William Ins hive all
pleaded guilty of tba tndictmeul against them. J
K. Wyatt I'avis and tieorgo A I'avis, jointly in-
dieted for bein aocosiorics to ths robbery, had Iheir
trial Levi Holliusa, oneof the panics srrestsd on
the charge of being oucerutd in ths rubbery, aud
also iudicled, turned Htats't evideaee, tad released
lb testimony of HoHiusn Is gives iu detail in ths
court proceedings from Tom sou town Hoffman slated
"stated all llisi roper infurwalion, directions, to,
ware rcil from ths twa list Us; as to hn, bu
sal wher to takaths aafs, ie , and that then Ins,
Laughltu, kans, HoSmsa, (ths witness,) and Isaacs,
(nsl yst esptured.) got oa the ears at Calvert street
station, and bta naariug Parklowa, suocesdsd ia
throwing lb safs (rout ths cars. Kubseuently they
juiupwou, iuW .a. ..a geuing h
I ,u4 i' COi,UttU'
f b' Tl"' ,l"4 Hlia W ldt.uio.
llissaMWas iuLiaill4 la Mis Jury annul u.
I guiucut, U Flurue4 a vvidiel of "guilty ' u
j fca already bsu in ths petiuuiisry, being pard-i, 1
al by Oo UicksjuMUlwabisUtui tplr4 lUf
w lU'Sfi BisU sillencs, ka lw t ths peul
ULiiwy, ii sum rotitet fnu i n iiu
sots (sues, ok Is ael csuahl. i 4,d iu be
I'ikcvtiox op Ritnia Brtr.s at Frank
I in, TnNNt:wr:r. Colonel Knird, command
ing at Frauklitt, Tcr.nJ, si-nds the following
to General ltos.x:rans About dark on Mon
day eveuing two men came into camp
dressed in our uniforms, with horse equip
ments to correspond, saying that tbet were
Colonel Anton', inspector-general, and Major
Dunlap, assistant, having an order from
Adjutant Ocnernl Townscnd and General
ttos.ccransto inspect outposts ; but thbtt con
duct was so singular that they were arrested.
Colonel Baird asked if there Were arty
such persons in the army, and, if so, their
descriptions. General Itoaecrans replied
at once that they were probably spies, nnd
directed htra to order a court, and if they
proved to be spies to execute them imme
diately, which was done, Mid they were
tried, condemned to be hung and the sen
tence was carried iuto execution before ten
o'clock on Tuesday,
On being discovered they confessed they
were oflicers in the rebel army one a Col.
named Lawrcnco W. Orton, formerly W;
Orton Williams. Ono claims to be u first
cousin to Hubert Lee, and is said to have
been chief of artillery on General Unigg's
statr, and formerly to have ben on Ui.-nc-ral
Scott's staff of the Second regular car
air v.
Sold by Canvnssers 'I'hrou&liout
lit- Lund.
The best labor saving machine iu the world.
No caution or skill required in its use.
Wriinra evurvLhiinr drv. and ten limes as Quick a
can be done bv the hand.
A child uf eight years can operate it.
No servant can break it.
It saves its cost iu clothing in a family evcrvsix
Will wear for years without repair.
M'urrantcd to please ur money refunded.
1'KK'IX '
No. 1. Large Family Wringer, $10.00 1 With Cogs
No. 2 Medium '' 7,00 j Warranted
No. 2!-Mcdium " 8.0(1 ) Without
J Cogs. Not
No. 3 Small, " 5,00 ) Warranted.
No H Large Hotel " " M.tJ
No IS Med. Lauud'y I to run ) ls.l'O f Willi digs.
' l' J Warranted.
No 22 Largo " ( strain ) ."0.00 )
No 2 is thesiie generally used in private families.
No M riugt r can he I'urablo Without Cog-Wheels.
CanviiHNorH M':tntel fn every 'I'osrn.
Persons residing where no canva'ser is aj'pointed,
by reuiititu&the price to us, shall receive the Wrin
ger by express, prepaid.
Fur terms nnd circular, address
It. C. LliOWNtNtl.
216 liruadwHV, New ioik
June 13, 1?C3 tin
VOOI A; IT.lCOr. Iltll Itiri-c
A veil tie, l'lilludt'lplila, l'a.
OFFr.H for sate upon the most favorahlo terms.
New and Iteautitul Iiesigns in great variety of
Iron Itiiilings for Cemeteries. JU-sidetices. Ac. d'
W rought and Cast Iron, and tialvnnir.ed Iron and
Pruss Tubing ; lrfn Verandnhs, Palcunies, Stairs,
i,,m,p guilds. Vases Tables, Flower iStnuds, fM'as!
Chairs, tatiinry, Auiiuiils, and all other Iron Work
f I'ccomtive chnracler. 1'eigns for anted for
selection. Persons applying for the sumv. will please
, kj , , V ' ,K .
lime 6. IMf,;; tin
A most valauble and wonderful publication. A
work of Itlil piicH, and 30 colored eiiirravings. IK
Ill'NTKH'S VAhK MKCC.M, an oriinnl and popu
lr treatise en Man and Woman, their Plivsiolujry,
Functions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, w ith
Never-Failing Remedies fur their speedy cure.
The practice of 1U. lll'NTLK has Ions been, and
Mtill is, unbounded, but ul tho I'HnifSt sulicittitiuti of
I numerous person, ho has been induced to extend his
I medical iiscfutnoM through tho medium of his
"VAIiK MIX'C.M." It is a volume that shoubl he
' in tlie hauds of every family in the bind, as a
; preventoo uf secret vires, or as a guide fur the
; alleviation of one of the mnt awful ami destruitive
scourges over visited mankind. One cupy. securely
enveloped, will he forwarded free of jxstnge to any
part of the Cnited States fur 50 cents in P. O. stamps.
! or 3 copies for 1. Address. pot paid, lilt. lll'NTKK,
, No. ,1 liivUiun Street, New York,
j June 0, lvU. ly.
Corner 1'uwn and Market Streets,
j SI .Ht ItV, I't.
riTll K undersigned respectfully informs the public.
1 that he has taken charge of the above nsmed
llutel, and asks fur the coutiuuanoe of the former
putrouago and wouhl invite all ethers to givu him a
is always supplied with the best tho market affords.
His l'tar coutaiiis the choicest liquors, and his tub
ling is good and well uttriided bv careful Ostlers.
Kunbury, May 30, 1SG3.
'I'o lilt' I'iiioi'riili- Volres of orIIi
iimlx-i-liind t'ounl).
11LLLOW CITIZLNS I hereby aunounce my
self as a candidate fur tho
at the coming Primary Flection and as the support
uf my Fellow Ciliiens'. Should 1 be nominated and
elected. I promise to fulfill the duties uf said ofhee
with fitleliiy .
Fhamokin tp., May 30, 1SG3.
Central llailwav
iimm inn: taiiij:.
TWO THA1XS HALY to and from the North and
West Branch SusOjUubanna, l.Iuiira, aud all uf North
trn New York.
ON and after MONDAY. APItll. 20th, lKfl.'l.
the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central
Kailwa.v will airivs at aud depart from Suubury.
Harri.-burg and Baltimura as follows, Til :
Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily (except
Huudsy). 10 10 A. M.
" leavtw Harrisburg, I 1 1 P. M
" arrives at Baltimore, J 3j "
Kiiirras Train leaves Sunbury daily
(except (Sunday,) II 07 P. M.
' leaves Harrisburg (except
Monday.) 2 00 A.M.
" arrives at llnltimnra daily
(except Monday). 0 15 A.M.
Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Harris
burg, 8 30 A. M
Msil Train leaves Kaltltnort dally (ex
cept Sunday) - 9 IS A- M
leavst Harrisburg 1 1 P. M
arrives at Siinburv, 4 f ' "
I.jStl Traio loaves Hallimuie daily b IS P M
arrives at Harrisburg. 1 lij A M.
I, avee llarruburg (except
Monday). .1 eft A. M.
arrives at Puuhury. 4 3 "
lor further iuformsliuB apply at the Oihce
i N. lirBARHY Supt
i.a. iMta.
lillultltliia A I'l-is ltnllrousl.
run 1.4 ur...t tins traverses Ihs Northern and
1 Northwest eouulles of Penusylvauia to ths city
of F.lie, uu Lake Erie.
It bss beeu leased by tha Pennsylvania Itailruad
Couipaiiv. and uuder tbelr auspices is ovirg rapiniy
opeued throughout its entire leuglh. .....
It is new iu use, fur Passenger aud freight busi-
neea from llarnshurg to prillwusxi, sun iur, nn
miles) on Ihs Eaetcru intuiiai, anu iruiu rurumu iu
trie, (7 miles,) on lbs esleru iMvisiun.
tihs op rASsasusa TkAias AT S' sst ST
.rrtv4 iiiwHvtiJi I Ijuv HVsteus-.
Mail Train, (10 10 A M Mail Train, 4 10 P M
FsprM Tram, IM7 P M Espfeaa Train. 43 A M ruu tnrougn wiinuai vuougv, wm j
tbasa Uaius between lbilaielphia aud Lock lluveu,
and balwaea Ualtiuiora and Lock Haven.
Elegant Silseping Cars ou Expreas Trains bith
ways between M llllaiuapurl and llalliinoie, ai.J
W illlsjusporl and Philadelphia.
Foe luloruialioa ruspeelmg Passenger biu.i.fM
apply at lbs E for. lllh and Market fls
Ao.l for tielgbl buMueasof lb.lvuil.siir Ajjenlt
H U si iugslou, Jr , Cut. Uta aad Makei ,vj,,
J. H ll.saul Is, Erie
J U I'liil. Agni N CUB, LeJl.iaois
II II llui.rus,
tieu'l Vmiilil Agt l'hil-ls
lsl I. II" l I I,
lira I lukel g I , I'b.lsds.
J lll l P.. ITS,
U.klMutt". l!llSL.f"l'
!.!? . If f
18G3. 1863,
yOCU) respeclfnlly anhonnco that they have
Just received and opened a vory large and well selec
ted Stock of
which they are willing to dispose of at a VERY
1'Irsit Cont.
a IVE trs JK OALL.
Thankful fur past favors we hope io meet a con.
tinuance of the sumo by still selling Goods as cheap
it not 4'IU' Ali:K than can bo purchased else
where. FUI1.INU ,t CHANT.
Sunbury, May 2u, 1SG3.
tVyoming Insiirnnri! jiisip:iiiy,
'iiilul iiikI SurpliiM, l,OO0.
(1. M. IlullPiibaek, L. I). Shoemaker.
Juhu lteicliard.
D. G. Uricsbach,
Sninitel Wadhums,
K. 11. Lacoe,
Charles A. Miner,
W. W. Ketchi
O. M.
It. C. Smith,
'has. Dorranc,
Win. P. Itcws,
. M. Harding.
IIOLLF.NDACK, President.
L. D.SHilliMAKEU, Vice President.
H. C. Smith, Secretary.
W. J. Sieiu.lMi. Treasurer.
This Cunipnay Injures three-fourth ff the Ca-h
valuatiun. takes no Preiuinm Notes, make no Asbexs
nients. Policy neknowleilgea all moneys paid during
the term of vour Insurance.
May .10. ISM. 1 v
t.Mi:it vi. ui:u:ri:.
V ' Assessor's NolleC.
The tax puyers of this Iilstrlct arc hereby notified
that, pursuant tothe provisions of tin Act ul Congress
passed July 1. lTii. entitled "An net to provide In
lernal Ucvenue to siipju.ri the Government and to
pay interest en the Public Iebt," ntut the act to
amend the Milne, passed March.',. ImWI, the sivund
iitntuul assessment v,ill be made on and iiflirthe fir-t
M.nnliiy t tth day) uf May inst. The a.-sCssiui-lit w ill
embrace tho billowing it-n;s :
1. Incumfs. All incomes fur the year emliin!
lice. M. Iiij, must be reterned to theAssistnut As
sivsors. Hiider ofith. in accordance wiih tho in-true.
tiuns of the Cuiiinii--iuner ul' Intcrmtl Revenue. iim
the blank f.ums provided fur that purpose.
Each pct-.-n will he required to riiirn his total
Inc one. so t.n- specifying the eutircn from which it io
derived, i.s tn cieil'lc tho Assistant i.s-i-ssors to de
cide what ueiliKliun-' shall be made thoieuu.
Where a btioband and witu live together, lii.1 their
taxable income is in execs of .iOin. they will be en
titled to but ono dednclion of Siilli. that heing the
uvfrtiiru fixed iiy law as nn estimated commutation
fur the exoense of innintaininc a I'rmiilv W!;,-i,t
they live apart they will he tae! se'iaratcl;. , u;td uu
each eiilittcU lo a iteiliieinni ut .miii.
Cunrdians nnd Uu-b-e:-. whether such trn-tees r.:e
so by i iriue of tl-.eir oUico ns executors, iiilminisirn.
tors, ur other liditoiary capncity. are required to
make return of tlie itn-uinu l.el. miring tu luieurs ur
other piTMOis. which may L neld in trust, as afore
said ; and the incunic tax will be assessed upun the
amount returned, after deducting such sums hs arc
exempted from the iucuiue tax. alure-ui.l ; Provid
ed, That the exemption olsix hundred duliars. under
si-ction '.HI of the excise law, shall not be nlluwed
un account uf any minor ur other brm ticiiiry of a
trest. except ujkiii lb statement of the guardian ur
trustees, mado under oath, that the iniiiur or b.-ne.
licniiy hits no other income Irom which the said
ami. tint ut' six hundred dullurs may he exempted
and deducted.
iNet Miin.v.M LS, uks ANl nei'Aies.
Interest paid by any pcrsun un iiicninliraiu'cs upun
thedaclling huuse ur estates on which he resides,
may be deducted from income; also Ins payments
fur'ueei-'.-ary repairs ns well as the umuunt actually
paid fur rent of any dwelling huu.-e ur t.-tatv which
is the residence of the pcr.-ouiis.ics.scd.
Pcisuns receiving rents may deduct therefrom
the amount paid fur necessary repairs, insurance
nnd interest un incumbrances upon such rented
property Tlie cost of new structures, or inipruve
uienls to buildings, shall not ho deducted from
Iery farmer or planter w ill be required In niukii
return of tho valno of the produce of his farm or
plantation, without deduction lurthe luburur services
of himself and his family, or fur any portion of such
prud uce consumed by himself aud latuily.
The amount paid by any farmer or planter fur
hired laber and iccesitry repairs Usm his farm ur
plantation, including the subsistence of tho laborers;
and the mtitiuro purchn-ed by farmers to maintain
their lands in yrrtrul productive couditiuu will ho
Farm produce, which the producer has on hund
on the .list day ol llecember, lSii2,niusL be appraised
ut its maiket value ou that day.
2. Fst MKiiATPii AltTiei.r.s. All articles named
iu sectiou 77 uf the law (Schedule A.) will be assessed
fur the taxes tu w hich they are liable, fur the year
ending May I. Im'iI vis :
Carriages, kept fur use, for hire, ur for pa-senders.
Billisrd Tables.
Silver Plate.
Gold Piute.
77e futtnrr ax?Ksmiiit$ nn 'the nhove tiavtui
nrtirtrx htil'iitif Utn swjrV far tltt yitr Ist.J.
'Iht-se return must bo mado to the Assistant
Ass-sur within ten days from dato of delivery uf
the blanks. Neglect, ur refusal to cumply wiihin
thetinie named. iin)iof the duty on the Asse-sur
or Assistant Aise&si,r to estimate the income and the
tax upon euiiiiRriited articles, with au addition uf
i'V l t' cs nttim.
'1 he entire income tax of every person will be
asxe-sed al the residence of Ihe parly, and not at the
pluce uf business.
uri-Nsts. .
All licenses ssscsswl in accordnnce wiih the act of
March S, ImW. will coiitiuuo
in lurce until ihe hist
day of May. H01.
"And all licenses grunted after the fust day of
M:i . iu soy y.-ui ill piu ou the hi--t day t J.iay
lolluaiu. on I will be i-.-iu J upon the pnyun-nt o a
rutable proportion of tho whole amount uf duly
imposed fur such license ; aud such liceu-ca so
granted w ill be dated un Ihe first day nf the month
in which It i issued. Provided, That any per-on,
firm, or eoriHiration that on the tiit duy ot .May,
I":!, held au unespiiiil license, will be aw.-ssed a
ratiible prupoi lion f..r the time l.ctwi'.-u theei.ira
tiun of the license aud the liiil day nl may e ighteen
bun. In 'l and sisty four "
All duinK businrsa wiihin this district
must apply fur a new license In ruu I rum the dale
their present license expiree (which, iu muel unses
i Sepieuibi r 1st, iNiil,) lu the tint of .May, l-uil.
n heuever, nv l lis aiuuiitiuients, new raies ui ncvuse
... ...I.l,li.l..,l ll.M ...-Ml
licensw w til lie aeuied at
the new rates, and III all eaaaa where the pree.-iit
licensi expires September l, ln3, tlx new license
. .llM.....r. I i.r I1,L I,ii,lil0. I.11.I tun. I t,
ass.ed In pav Iwu thirds id Ihe vearly US.
When an aseeiuuient fur licens has been made, :
aeleel ur refusal luguelhe li't ur ins lie the applu-a- j
liou within Hi" time rtiiiil. and Ilia asMsuuienl
la returned in lb annual liu, the fifty per centum I
penally prescribed In scelion 11 wiol ha added,
aud c.oi.ul hs icuilted, SUhtr Ly lha Assiwur or
Ily lli act Vareta S. lflS, Ihs penal! r.f ksj
y. it i i i .us Html is adttod to the poouhuui.t
I ivti Ud iu luruird as is. I s IU. alio tail w u
ml I.. ... o when li-uirs by ihs sscus laws of ihe
I'u.tetl Ma!.
it.e f'.our wi-final imsuii nt which was tin
La i . . 1 I I W .1.1 uf U.l'lUiiLuM vu I us pail ef
I , i ii, i... well r s l lu lbs Uuu. lu.ptvd on th. m
by the rlriM law ll is UuWiiI.el .ul, Willi lbs
ki .. Ir-I ' uuw alUlu.d uu Ihe part u the 1.1 IY1I,
and suli me mti.Ulcs .uU.. lb tt, .a siiruUi,
I lhal l.u .MS W iba law Oali B4j lolijur h pieksltd
by dU."iUitois a lis Ui-ps of sn.i.tii.4 the ri,lu
lil.MisJ I'ASaL klNM...
' Ari !fk 1'it'f -i i eaa-yl'sai
I t " ! 1 ' -.
T1IK nnderslgned respectfully Infbrm thepublio
generally, Hint they have entered Into Co-Part-MDrship
in the FOUNDRY llUSIXLSS, and aro now
prepared to iiiahul'nctlire nt the 'Itohrhnch Foundry,1
all kinds or
ncliliior.T Ktotow, Iloiiehw, ('ast
kin M, A'. ill Hliorl olls-c.
Repairing all kinds of Agricultural Implements
dnne in. a good woikmuhliko manner and at the
shortest notice.
All articles shipped as ordered. Orders respect
fully solicited and promptly attended to.
fTTOld Iron, and all kinds of Produce taken in
Lxchango fur work.
Sunbury, Mny 16, 180.".. If
Jewelry A: B 1 n in o n tt m 1
802 Cbosnut Street. Philadelphia!
HAVF. always on hnnd a large stock nf fluid and
Silver Watches, suitable fur Ladies, Gentleman
or Hoys' Wear, tfouio of our o n imiortation, ex
tra fine quality.
Our assortment of Jewelry consists of the mot
fnshinnable aud rich designs ; as also tho plainer and
less expensive.
Silver Sjioons, Forks, Pie, Cake and Fruit Knives ;
also a lr.rce variety of Fancy Silver W arc suitable
for Tlridtii lrcsonte.
W e have also on hand S most splendid assortment
of Diamond Jewelry, of all hinds, to which we invito
especial attention: Our prices will bo found conside
rably less than the same articlesare usually r-hii or.
Ail kinds of W atches repaired in the "very belt
manner, nnd warranted togive satisfaction.
WF.DDIXO ltlNCSou Xuud and made to order.
Cnll or address
f02 Chesnut Street. Philadeipliin.
P. S. Tho highest cash piloes paid for old Gold
and Silver.
Allorders from the Country will receive tvpecial
attent ion.
May 2, ISC,,",. ;!mo
i,si .iii,iiii:o uo.
SnutrW 'l'oIn'o litsniliicdirrr
(Vornierly 42 Chatham Street, New Yurk.
Would fnlt the attention of Dealers to the articles
of his umnufaclure, vis :
Mncnboy. Demijrros.
Fibs Rappee. Pure Virginia.
Coarse llappre, Nachilochiv,
American Genllcninn, Copenhagen.
Scotch, Honey Ivw Scutch,
High Tonst S"uteli, Fresh Honey Ivw Scotch
irtsh llih Tnnt, Freh Scotch.
or l.timiy tout,
"'Attention is called lo ll:o large re'l'i'ion in
ricesuf Fine-Cut Chewing nnd Sinukini? 'J'ulmccus.
which will he found of a Sup.'rtur Quality.
Smoking Fine Cut Chewing. Fin.jliinjr.
Lung, P. A. L.. or ilain. S. Jao.
No. 1, Cavendish, or Sweet, Sptinjsh.
No. 2, Sweet Scented I ironoco. Caimstcr
Nus. I A 2 wiixeci, Tin Foil Cuvendish, Turkish.
N. P. A ciruulur of price will be sent on applica
tion. April I. '".. 1
S A P 0 N I F 1 E R ,
'I'lio I'ninilr Soii .XiiKrr.
The PUMLIC are cautioned ar;alnst Ihe SPl'UI.
01 S article of b K fur niaking SUA P. Ac, now ..I".
fere.1 fur wile. T!i unlv GFX I.' I X K nnd PATKXT
F.D i- that iva.le bv the l'LXXSV I.V A X 1 A
trnde.mark fur it hcing ' S AP' 'X F I Fit. I ill CON
CKX'1 1! ATKD LYI'..'' The great St CCl-iSS ol this
arlicle he. led t'N PlllXf'l I'l.KH PAR'I ILS to en
deavor to I.M ITA'J li it. in v iutatioii uf ihe Cuiiipiinr's
of the: c :-Pl Rpil -s l.ves. are her-bv NOTIFIKD
tout the Company have employe 1 ns Iheir Attorneys.
GF.OKGi: HARDING. Lsq.. of Philadn.. and
W M.l.IAM 1SAKF.WKLL. Ksq . of Piltsburg.
And tliat all Mamifai-t tircrs, ,-ers. or Sellers of
Lve. in viulaiiun uf the ri'hu of the Company, w ill
be PKI'SLCI TKD nt once.
is tor sale l y ull Druggists, Grocers and Country
J'uks' oli-o.
The United ytn'es Circuit Court. Western Jistrict
of Pei,n.- Ivania. No. I of .May Term, in l-M'2. insuit
nf the i'eniisylviinia Salt Maiuilni-turini; Cninpany
vs. rl'h, onus G . Chose, decreed lo the Cuuipany. ml
NnVeji.ber IS. 1i'.2, the Kvclusive riht grinned by
a patent owned by them for the SAI'n.M IKK. Pa
tent dated October 21, Isifl. Perpetual injunction
127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia,
Pill Street, and Duquene Way. Pittsburg.
Mav 2, lnf.;t. ;iin
Al.fn l,
Suiliil.le for Grnpe, Peaches. IVar-. Ilnsp'oerrics.
Strnwbciries. illucl bcrriis eurranis. Ac of I, 2).
J". In or aces aacli. at the following prices fertile
present, vis.: lucres for Jl'yii. In acres f..r?lin.
:i iicn-s fur fM. ii acres fur tin, I acre fur W.
Payable by one doPar n week.
Also pisjil Criinbc.trT binds, and illnjr lot- in
ClIl-.TWllOl). 2."i by llifl IVet. at ul each, payable
by enodullar a week, 't he rbuvo Inud and tiirnis,
are situated at Chotwood. Wa-liin(.'toii 'J'uwn.diip.
liniliiiKluii County, N-w Jersey. For further in
furniiiliou. applv, with a P. . Stump, for auircular,
No. nr, Cedar Street. New York, N. Y'
Janunrv St. ly
MissII. I., (auaaler, haiii'tr taken extra
pains to vi.-it personally the priucipHl IL.lls of
Fashion in the city, is new prepared tu make, trim
or rcti im, Ihnineltaud Hate, iu the latest Spri.'.g and
Summer styles.
She has on hand a Ur;re stuck uf
F I, ( i YV K HS, H I H H tl.NS, I. A CES,
and all articles in her line, mdected with the (rreatest
care from lurjre wholesale houses, ami enn. and will
mil Work ur Goods at prices tnsuit all cusluincrs.
iMIlS, CGLLAUS, 11 AMKLtlCllll.tS. cn.MIIS,
and iiuuicruus other ariicleM for Ladies' wear, tu
which she invite the Indies lo call uud examine be
for, pur. I.a-in el.-ewli re.
Ihankliil lor ihe Tteuded I.. her hereto
fore. hc h'..o by kecpimc tha best assortment at
rcaMiualilc pi lees, tuiMintinue (he same.
fB SiimiiiI ihsu 'suiithofShniiinktn Valley ,t Potts,
villi- ltailruiil. msi sido'l'uwu mrcct, slMll'UV.
April l-ii.l 3iu
Ptihliahcd fur the benefit, and as a warnini; and
wh suflVr frum Nervous Iiehilitv. Premature Iiex-sy
uf Mtu hood, etc , Mipp:. inj; same tiu.o.
Hy one who has eured himself alter put tn
: ureal c.vp.i..e snu ii.jury iniuugu uiniieui uuiuoug
Mild riuackel V.
I H.v nel..iui a puerpai.l addrewi i suveh pe. .in
bad uf ihe sulh ir
N A 1 HAM t.l, M K A I H , Fi ,
IliUlord. Kios eouuly, . i .
1-aj lye
'l'lits lllsM-Mws stri'.rrwr. lUi ton s n Limti a )
t, John H li.le. M lb, autluar an t publisher n
Ihs work, du hereby pioiuiee and sre l.ixiid
tliee uf rhain'l losuy y.n.Uu' man who will write or
II, a sO'I'Il' copy ur p.'lul'il 1 he irotH-r alud) ul
mankind IS M iliu talu.b'e Woik l lv.o.l and
Mill I'.rih I. r ll.u hraeRI o( sulf.nuf huiaamiy li
livais iu sn ip!" Ui cuaa id all lhedisiaaeu Vrr r
ir.-iii.l Si aiius I VeD.i Nervous lubilnr. lu
d'KMiluu, Mi-Iain holy, IoSibiit, W lear
la,i..un.y, tc , Sc jrit lug sals, f.ily, d e.
ftial prMtfllUlubS, lr lus pcrDJaneul tuie, Ut.
r.u..r uh Biuctl vslualla lol..uia.i All who
la'dr ui an deou U r.a4y my wutk shall re
ce.ves sen 1 1 r I y by reiaru u.ail lta .,1 tUmt e
ASdiM J'.IISIl la.Lt-V M I',
V tl.iau riitw, f I
.: is : .u.
Fawn Strreot, opposita W esrer's Hotel,
BUKBUBY, Northumberlahd Co., Pa.,
INFORMS his friends and tho public gosetslly,
that he has taken tha Shop of Jacob S. Lake,
dee'd., and is prepared to do all kinds of TAILOR
liut in a good woi KimimiKo manner,
ago of tho public Is respectfully solicited
Tho patron-
Minonry, Jiisy 10, isn.i.iy
t in avery Tariete-, !
Orders eolicilcdjand filled with prcruplares and j
Snnhiiry, May 1?, l?0.T-ly
m .vi ciii'.x, .ii:VF.i.ltv a" sai- '
VI'.INM Altll.
Tha undorsigued wnulit respect
fully invite your atteutir.n to bis
well selected of Fine Gold and
Silver WATCH FS. Fine Hold .1 LW. !
l l.HV r,r L i ,i.,iv
,A, of styles- e.iiui,rhiiii; nil of the
JJJ "fn si nnd nt ni I'nl tlrsien. i
Also. SOLID SILVKR WAlii:. -7n., toCnin
and the 'best make of .Sierr Vintul ll'.ue Kach '
article is vnrrnvft'ri to he ns n fire n-nt erf. !
Li?" W atches and Jewelry carefully nfnirtH anl '
rilisuiction ruarautccd
(Snwinr to Simill't.r i- Ihirli v.)
. J'n. !J JtAllliLT Sued, I'HILAD A.
Miit-ch 7. l;fi:t n.o. I
F.MToii or Ami:iiii'.s ,
Di: R Sin ; I
With your per-nl"iMi 1 wish In say to the renders 1
of your paper that f will send by re'tnrn mail to all
who wish It, (free) n Recipe, with full dip'ctioiis f"r
making snd usiej a simple Vegetable Halm, that
will eOi-ctuiilly remove, in ludriys. Pitoplc. Iliutclus
Tun. Freckles, nt.d nil I'np'ir'.ti-sot the Skin, leav
ing the snuio soil, eiear. sino.'tb niu l.t ateit'iil.
I w ill nlo mail fieo to those ha'-int; Hnld Heads nr
Dure Feces, simple directions and int'unmit ion that
will enable ihem to start a lii'l growth of Lnxiirient
Hair. Whiskers, era M''he. in l'-ss tlinu ;!n dsvs
All applications answered by return mail without
IU'specifiillv vours ;
Nn. 8"l Broadway, New York.
Feb. Js, ISO.!' .lino.
VltK now nmnitfactnrrd to order hy tho enh-oriher
nt CHKAI'iat KATKS tbsn it nny "th r rutnh-li.-litnent
iu Sunbury. Th wnr tax U nt Inken into
cnnsidcrution.antl ull work will be done nt obi prictT.
Hnvinic just roceivod an etitire new fUnk Uf lfittluT
nn M'tfttcco., ftr
.4i.(l'iiici.aN Hoots and SIiocim
ls:tUo4a Slioos umt liisiit
will be nmJo- to order nt -)uirl ri"lirc. iu (bo
iif-t WMr'snuinliko mnijiivr uml oi' ibt bc-t inatt riMlc.
Kcflinj tliimklul tor ihv. pTlp.imii oxU-ndi'ii Iktu
tuforo he hijH! I't nf-iilintte tlie fume.
AM who desire vfrk di'Mc I'lietip mil dmablo. nr
invitetl tn ctill hl lii.- haji nearly nipn-ito thv Court
Hoil-c in Market Si nitre, tSuiil-'irr. I'm
Kebrunrr 2, l.-rn
I) A fl T Q- "Xrr 01 II A V Q
T 1 K !in ,iKt retiiriiO'l luiinc from Philadelphia,
XI with unuw Stock nnMri.inMiOi( Helect
ed witli great cure to cuit nil person?!
liny your Boot and &hor. irffre yon rnn c;(t tt
f quality and wftcrr tie fu st assortment it
Irpt itt Sttttbnry.
Ho hnf Cnlf TJ(.t- from f-T 7a to $7 no.
lie hu llo('n('nlf lt(m(i from $1 i.Otot 00.
Ilo hi.. IsiHlie,- tiiiitt rc from fi'Jetjt. to .1 i0
Jle linn Mfr and I'hildn nV Uniter." of all PtUff
and fii-himi-, and pric-.- I tt short fvirythini; ''u hb
lin id l:n?i!H'cs j
He alr'M lm.-n hand a ful! aHrluiont of Morroeo
It I id t h!(' ty.W of tilt bt-t fjiii!M' uiiieh b wil
.v iiji-t'tnrd'-r ut the birtfft notiec hax ing up- ;
plietl bine-t'lt with tw ni-M fxliioiiulilv I.aalH.
KISWAM' S Tatent Mwnllif S.l ni.t IIWN.
ono puirofwhiih will wt-iirHa ai u fivo pair ot
lsi'uther .lilt's, kfpt on bund. j
Meiiitinir d'Hio us unuhl.
fall and cxnmiiii for yourselves p.ixd learn my
price LH'tor MireuHfintf cisew hero.
w.m. if Miisr.r.n
ifunbury. May 10. JSCl lyeh
'I'll" s'ii Ciltise ol'
PttUtf'ftiti , in a Stiilcii Eitvctopr. Price
Sir Cswr ..
A Lecture by Pr. Cl'LYF.RWFI.L. on th. eanse
ami cure of Spermatorrhoea. Con-uiiipiioti, leiitul
and Phvsiciil 11 .it i t v. Nervousness, Fpilepsy ; Im
fliired S'lilrition ol tiie Ilody ; Ln.-sitllde; 'c;ikness
ul the Limbs and the Hack ; Indispoeitiou and I no.
pecity fur Study and Labor; liulliii'ss of Apprenen
su.n ;" Luss uf Memory ; Aversion tu Society: Luvo
uf Solitude: 'I liniiiity ; Self JJii-trin-t ; 1'iiiiiicss;
lleedaehv; ArTeeti n of the Fve; Pimples on Ihe
Face; Involuntary Kuiissiuns and Sexu:il Iu.-iipiicity
the Couscnufnces of Youthful inniscretion. tc., Ac.
j?- T'oij ailliiiniblo Lecture clearly proves t hut
the above enumerated, often sell"-lilllirt-d evils, uuty
be removed without mcuiciue and without dan.'rous
aiir rii'iil m.t.riilwiiis. itn.l sllolibl be ri'lld bv c is V
mini in tin: h.nd. '
Sent uuder seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad-
dress, on Ihe receipt of six cenu-, or lao pu.-:tno
,-tuuii.s, l.y addrcssit';...
127 Tiuwerv. New York, Post "llioe li-x. 45s.
Slav 5.1. IStit Fib. i.S, lv ."a!
C3-. W. 2rXJIjrT,
Attorney iinsl uiirllir ill i,iit(
Olfico ou Boulli side ol'Miuket street, four doors weet
of K. Y. llrij!ht i Son's Store,
Will attend promptly to all professional bii-ines
entrusted tn his cure, the collection ni cluims iu
Nurthumherbind and Ihe adjuiuing couuties.
Sunbury, May Z', 1MI3. ly
of Tin: li:g,ac;
Iiistruuieiitti for all d.-fortuiiies.
Mt. tiLoYKlt S
."V 1,1'ter Truss
hus taken the place of olher Trusses for the retention 1
and cure of llcruia ur ltupture. Acting ujion the i
principle of a lever, it uever lusus iu strength. Ii is j
cuHlcd tu prevent rust. It has no pad on ihe back. ,
w hich is so liable to injure tho spine and annoy nnd :
chafu the wearer. It la sure to retain the Kupture, j
ill); ease and couiforl. and ett'i ctiiij; radical cures.
It is warrcuted to give satisfaction.
The improved Shoulder-Urace expands the chest
and prevents the wearer from becoming round
Ladies' Pelts and Abdominal Supporters, I Sun .1 -a;cs,
and II. In . f till kinds, and iuMruiio ul- l,r all
llcforuiiiics or the ltoilv.
IK. GKUVFIl'S Gttice is No. 4 Ann Street, two
d'Mirs from llroa.luay. New York.
Slrsii-cn. sli.uild purticularly note the n:in.c m
' April II. UM.
piiila!i:lp:iia Pa rrt hangings.
houi:i.i. a iioi nisi:.
Cor. Fourth X Maiket Sireeu, l'liilat.U'1) bis. havs
now in slut V a line varicli uf
) till I'lipcris,
Jtot tip expreasly fur tluii Spring Trade
lu which they invite the attention ut Slun keeper,
v lu Iheir Itetnil lie,ariun ul, wiil be b und Ihe
chuieeM stvles of the Season.
Philadelphia, Feb. II. Ihul - ,1iu w
fpillt undersigned otTeii 1,. .,il al private
1 valuable I anu, annate In Zerbv p -..ih.
umberlaud eonniy, Pa , aia.ui mi. mil,- st ot '.nn
..n nl Treiorli'ni, e. ala.liu. 'IU IttNI'.U li
Al blj-.u. se ur b.; al.ul liv a -i ot wln. h
ar clcaird and ia a fctia.,1 aiaieul rutin .ii,.u, a... I
the balance well liinlni.'.l wiih l-uo. al-l i,.,k llm
tuipntt wMiruis r a Loir- lb 'Ue. ilaiu nnd otu, r uul-
. ol III .'-
1'rfuis Fsv w parntil.- iiui.uf.. .,
nt v 1 1 1 1 Mt s r May J.l. IV.l
til 4 ItruMil s , c wrk.
.('tmiii't vin. Mh.u.ass, i.wi
li si , it , I km .fc .L.U'ISU "i ll.s Alt.
.'.a..; , I. "1 .
aoii.- r. .nAWTa,
MarlM Piore, on tioor vrtt m tU J',t
JLV lio generally that ha Las spiin nturned to
-sr 'I'nUrliK I'siSiiMihineiir.
He is prepared to tasks up new garments as well
as 4nieiiding old ones, nnd lo do work neatly, frli.
ionably and rtiPetantftilly, in ll'sct Still warrsut all
work leaving the shr-ii, and by so doing, hopes to
receive a due share of patrunss:
Per-oris desiring to have clothing road up tuerdr
in the latest style, will please pee him a cad.
Snnbury, A ;il II, lytf. m.
C3MAP.KLT STIir.LT, HALhlPtf ta, PA ,
I'ayler in
XT I"' Ilosewood I iwn, from tho bee makers
l frnra ?hi upwards.
MV,l,iiln;i;sj,s. r:,e lrt manuficturisi InVru.
iiuiiis from Hii In $l(iii
tinners. Violins Ac-ordiwips, Vlutes,
Fins. Drui'te- .!'an;-,-- Tsuihoutines,
Viulin nnd GniSi.rslrings andiusical mer
cliaiidite in general.
Tlie latent piiblicnlious always nn hand. Musia sxt
by mail to anv pert of the country.
f niU'.ls f.r louMug glasses, and all kinds of 1 ictu.,
always ou band.
A fine iiisnrtinent of best plnted
Ltn" ICING Gl.AM liS from sinelleit lo liir;;i-pt sire
ny fliyle of fragile mado to ur-b r al the shortest
Dotice. WM. LNkCHK,
Ap'il I!, Market . st., Ilarrirbuig.
A N nepnriiinily hot t'i
bs f,i sip-bt of. llnrn
chmice fr Aevnti: Jiiulies as wi.
II us G ills cm
, ''t as Aprents. Apply early and se.;ure the aeucy
i fur yuur locality.
I " , lOO.COO
I ir.i tcuvs. vj&r cjiAtx;, T.ockicts,
ju.xns. cold ruxs amp ri'.xciLV,
i ELHY, frr.
j To be sold for Al ca-h, end not ti be paid f,,r
nnlil yon know whut you are ti gi-t. Send 'i eei,i4
tor Certiticate. tellinl yon Whht y.m ean have, with
a circular, jrivint; full pnrticulnrs to Aleuts. Pvrl'tvi
salitf.ietivii nunrnnteed ill all c:i?r
Addriff, rj.M. WAKD A CO..
t va rt...u.i--.... ii.. a -i'i Tt, I'M -iy
J" -A. O O 3 O. BECK,
T3:irl't vi-rr. m-nriy p;ositt-. lisc
Itilil ItonsI livjioi,
INFORMS the citizen tf Sunhiiry and vi.'iiety,
that he bus just, returned I'rci Pui'la Ulphia Willi a
lull Hssurl.'uent of
I'AI.Ii X'SZ 'sVE.TX:B5 fiO?:.
Ilifc stock consists of Cloth. French Clut.. UIilcIi
Doe Skill nnd Faney Caesimores. Wack Safin. Kipirud
' Silks. Plain and Fancy Cits.-imerc V1.ST1XGS. wheU
no will iniiKe up lu uittcrtn slyti-s to suit the last ot
ciistuuiers, uu shurl nulicb, and thu must ri.isonublo
Any Goods t-' on hart, will be furnished from
Philadelphia, l.v jri'. t .vu davs' iioijp...
j Goods fiirnishod hy ctiStuniera will be ru.ide up to
! order as hcietofore.
I As he will employ none but experit n',.l workmen,
' pcrsoue niay rely on getting their work well dune at
I bis shop
' Tiinnkfui for Ihe patrousKc her.'tofnro bct,
ns rspiMjtlullv solicits a continuance ol tne same.
l tSuultury, Uciobt-r -J, l&OJ.
St n Ul . ' .
i I 'or RiKsi, lll.-o. IJoiii'hi-n. Aiitst Kit-tt
Kiia'ws Hindi's lial'ui'K, W ooHs-mi, ac
. ln-S'Cln tin I'liititsi B'uss! .t n niulx,
I A .
. Put up in Jjc. Me. and $1 00 llose. 1'ott!i-., a.;d
Flasks, f J and o sires for llutelo, Public Institutions,
i Ac.
j Only infallible remedies known.
Free fruni Poiiuns.
Not dangerous to the ITuman Tsniily
j P.nts eonieoiit uf their hv-les td die.
Sold Wholesale in all htrife cities
j Sold by nil linust.- un.l l!niniler everywtierr
!!'. Ileware !!! of 1 1 worllilt'N- iuiitations.
See that CusrAii .1 ' name is on each Ilex, Ileitis
i' and Fbisk. before buv.
A.idie-, iii: i:T is. '.vr.iu,
Principiil flopot 4.s2 liroadwuy. N. Y.
p.. Id bv Kiilint; A Grant, Sunbui v, Pa,
, ApSlM", iMl.i. I'.ui
XJM'.i I I. AO I Il i:.
' f after
' vertins the
July 1st. lSil", the prlvilere hf con
present issue of I.KGAL TLN!FR
(LOAN coiumoiily ciulnl '-Five Twciuica") will
All who wish to inve't io the Tire Tworty Loan
inu-t, theroivfii, upply before thel-t uf .II I.V' nc
Ft rsraiptitis AnrsT,
No. ll t S Third Street, Philadelphia..
! Apr.l II, luj Jm
I I'O 'Ollllllt I Vl'K.
TIIK Advertiser huvinj been reft, fe.t trt lioallh in
a few weeks, by a very simple remedy. af:er
. hsvlnj. sutli-r:d i.--erul years with a sciere l'.:n nf -.
fection, and that -lit-ss disease. Consumption is am
! inus to make knowu to hi: lollow-culLu the nieani of
I cure.
i T.ia'l wVodcs're ll he will send a pnr.ypfthn
presv-rij tiun n-. d 'tree uf charge. ) w iih the d'ireeti .n
tor pr. J sriu and usin- ti.e sai::e: whi -h luey will
, tied a sole fine f .r Cen-uint,ti,.-u. Asiltm.-i, '.' e-chiii-.
Ac The i uly ub.icet ot ih nd-eiti.-r in M ti-t-1
in the I'resei iplioii is lu beTii-t1! the u:!'.icv I, nr.1
i spread iiil'ovtuiitiou whi.'li he eon.'cives lo be invaiu.
' able, and he every sutle; cr will try his remedy,
', as ii ill 1. 1 l thctu uutbiiii;. uud may prove a bless.
I Hev. Ll'WAltfi WILSON. Wi!li:iu.sbiir;h,
hii p Coun'.v, New Yuik.
; April li, inVi r.m '
'' Ali Ll'SUI.LS of GOODl'.ICU SseediliiBseoui-
V.'t prisu.jr ine tiiiinuini; van. 'tie
timet thill, t iixeo.
Cenlral City. Callao and
, PillkeVC UustVCOIll
I Alsojtl bii-hels of Early June. IV Si ,M . r
bid. delikcrud at the I'lll.-toll depiit. The bid loci,
t.'iiu us uiuny ot the Hurts us v,i ,-ti,o.e.
', Peckaiie, of each suit sn.t by mail p . psid at
2.i cts. ea.'h.
i'.is'i to H'-eonipanj ail ordtrs. U. fereneo
I'.iini If du r- I:
: i . Sl T I' lN, It-Uasm , I.U1 ''.I , l l
April l, 1-oa via
l.ui i. :i w Itiiuit A ltln.iiui.bur;' Kii '.J
,1 a",.r N.n- I.r IT, l-ai.',
Ira.ii. e it! run as u.low '
Mut iG S JL i ll. Ferai-un,
; Kiii'i-iun,
" I.U . : l. ule,
A i ! .i c at .Not ibu.iil.i : 1 lie I
M" li
Leave N.'ithi'U.t., iiaI
' llallMllo,
' Kiuf. I .n.
I Arr.t-e at r.i:.t- u.
a.m. A
u IJ A
v JO
1.' tv
I.' i . P M
Nnit lit
i.iv i: X
s t:', T .sv
1 . 1 s.i p M
S'tj leant b .
3 I"
Il at I''
A Ph- ,-iier 1 1 hi ii
A .M . lot .-v iiuii.iii
tu Coolie
Ira 11 I- r
Nr tlilk. It.lo'l.ll.S l.ale. .
ol Hull. Ie ill Xt tt .1 k. ! I i'
111.' Laekuwsi.lia t Pt'jull'b 114
S oh Ilo- 1 " La- kaw ai lia i
r.inloii i't, a 1 1 1 u I
lUilr n I u 1 'o- -,.l
V.-1..1. I'. ...
JWT ftjasi.iBav-jj7- " . -
la I al rul"li ..l N' ti lk al. I It-UIU-e'l '
.tlllt. ,--t
Al linpert II with Iks Ct' .a I f p.. uila Isollt caal alii ,-ft ai . . ., I
. l. likla M
. , ( f , .. ' .1 " lasll 4 Liu'l an 1 . . .. v.... .
load . I o'li't a'"l - ul It P - ' . - f .1
al II i 1 11. ui 0 I ail' M J 1. li, 1. 1 !.' I f l
,rl llah. Ill .'.I P l
Pel I,. .1.1 ai I I'. . ' (! ll .1 . I I I '.-
..rill.u.tu.i I al j i I A a I a . 1." ..t S .' .'
M ali.,-. I'ati. . . ' V ."
I' l. I. . I I 1 . , I
I 1' W , . 1 . 1 . . . ,. I . k.l
..t .
I rr: llr I'rm fro)l liri uMMrf-, aii'l
' :s'..(, r:i
'a "pieo tow, tisg mi'M iti Iras
a -ws tts'a f i as
. .aa -1