Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 20, 1863, Image 1

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    Tl.U.U Till; "A.M KKItAM."
Two tOLLAIt per annum, to bo paid half-jcnrlj
in advance. Ao fxijKr discontinued uulil all ar
rearages are jmld..
to ctms :
Thrao copies to one aildroM, 00
cvn do Ho 10 00
Fifteen do Mo SO 0
. tivo Dollars, In advance, pay for lltrei jeara'
-tubacriptiun to the Amtrtcan.
, Ciuh subscriptions must he hivariiihly paid in ad
vance, ami sent to one ndilres.t.
If subscriber negleat or refuse to take Ihelr ftr-irs.
papers from tbo nfhee to which they lire directed, they
wr rosimnsiblc until thoy have aettlcd the billa anil
wrdereii them discontinued '
, l'tmtnueitors will pleiiio act ru our (rents, and
frank Icitcrs containing subscription money. They
'arc pel milted to do this under the Post Ullice Law.
One sqnarc of M lines, 3 Urn,-;
tvery subsequent insertion,
till. Hnimrn fl ...., I...
(1 M
6 00
8 l'
pi nioutiia,
One yoar,
Business Cards of S linen, f er annum,
Merchants and others advertising h tfie jmft
........ ...nrui lusoruug aiueredt at-
verti,U) weekly. " ltf
Business notice, inserter In the Local Cot.t h, .,r
Mwriuitea and Deaths, t'l K ll'MS VhK
LjrsL fur each insertion.
tjf" Larger Adiertisemcnta at per agraomtnt.
ion pniNTiNo.
V'e have connected Willi our a well
selected JOII VITICE, which will cuablo ts to.
eieculo, 1b tV amf, style, r-ery rarfety f
NEW SERIES, VOL. 16, NO. 13.
OLD SERIES, VOL. 23, tfO. 39.
DR. JOHXseriiX hfi discovered the most Certain,
Speedy and only KtTcetiial Remedy In the
World for nil VrivfllcIHscmos, Weakness of Ibe ISnek
nr i.itnhs. Strictures, A fleet Ions of tbo Kidneys and
Madder. Involuntary !i.-hiiriro. Iinmlcncy. Gene
ral licbilily, u-rvoit'snciv, Dyspcpsy, Languor. Low
Spirit,1. Confusion of Ideas, Pttlpitstion of tho Heart.
Timidity, Tremblings. iM'innoss of Sight or Uiddincm.
Diseane'uf the Head. Throat, Mosc or skin. Affections
the Liver, Lungs. Stomach or Dowels tlinso Terri
ble Disorders arising from the Solitary llnbils of
Youth those secret and solitary practices more fiitul
to their victim than the song of Syrens to tho Ma
riners of t'lysscs, blighting their most brilliant hopes
or anticipations, rendering marriage, Ac, imposii
b!e. VOIX.'Jir.rV
Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary
Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which
aniiunllv sweeps to an untimely grave thousands ot
Young Men of (lie most esnlted' talents ami brilliant
intellect, who niii'lit otherwise have entranced listen
ing Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked I
(In ecstaty the Hung lyre, may call w ii la full con-j
MAItKI.M.'i:. I
Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating
carriage, being aware of physical weakness, organic
dcUlitv. deformities. Ac. speedily cured.
He who places himself under the cave ofPr. J.
may religiously confide in his honor as a geutleiuan,
and confidently rely upon his skill as a Physician.
o i: j u' v 1:1 u." I'.ss
ImmnliHtely Cured, and Kull Vigor Restored.
This lislresing Aficetion which renders Life
miserable and marriage impossible is the penalty, i
pant I'V the victims ol improper ui'tulgences. 1 oung
prisons are tno apt to commit excesses from not
heing aware of the dreadful consequences that may
entile Now, who that umlerstiinds the subject will
fiietend to deny that the itowcr of procrcniion is lost
'Miicr by those falling into iinproMT habits than by
toe pmilcnt i;e.i'ies iH-ing deprived the pleasures .
f health'- offspring the niot serious and dotructive !
vint(fiii! In butli Ih1v iind tniii'l iiri.-f. 'I lit Hystfin j
Kxuiim'h IWthiicimI. llio I'lty.-iiiiiil nnl Mriitul Vmic-;
titin.i Wctik-'iu'ti, Lu.-s uf rriKniitivt I'owor. Nervous ;
irritiihilit y. lM,?i.-'H. !iilittii.i ol' the Ilcnrt ;
lii'liesliun, CuicliditiutiHl Itrhility. u Wn-liugnft
llit I-'riiini. Tuunii. (-'unsuiniitiun. iH-cny mitl lcu;li( i
t!;-r. .. 7 Somh l'iMMlriili Slr- l
lt-lt lninl ir'imf from lliillinmro ti'rt, a fuir j
(tunr.- I mm the corner. Tail iiut to olorvc name
m imtiilnT. t
l.fitt t- ii:i,-.t lit jinitl ninl podIhui o tniiip. Tlio J
t'tn'tnt 1 ii-iua?t liiiiis in liin oflii't:. i
4 i isi; w AKis.i.vrui i. two!
Xu IWi rrrrit or ?ittr,trnui frvsS. '
,lri!irr (f tlic litpynl rnlU-tfp (tf Suriri-niia. I.r.nddn,
iini'liiHft from om- i.f tlio rniinciit rnlU'ces in ,
tin- I'tiitc-tl Miitri. ni:il llit -rri-iitfr mirl nf n hQ lite !
lm hi'fii "nriit in llit lntjiitHl.- nf IsotiiKtit, lnrifi, !
ritiliKlflphia iiixl t'UTVshert. hn- ctlfclil fomo of (
tin- lno-t iL-toiiil.ii) eurr. llmt tTf t-vtT known ; '
ninny trmtMr.l w 1M1 rininjr in tlu Iuail nml earn;
wUrti ii-lcfi. pi-cut !icrvuu-iH Itcing altn mml at
Mi'lJen M'lintl.-. Walifuliu'. Willi frequent 1itti)iin. '
itttLMt'lro! .woilll'littK'It Vlilll dTI)gOtlKMll ot lllilld, WC'fO
'itrf4 inmii'diutcH'. I
l ABii; IMSMK'B I,1K .Tin:.
1'r. .1 . ail-ln'.cf' nil IIiomis who linvt injiirod tlirm- j
vt'? liy improper indulgence iind solititry ltalitf,
.liieli ruin Itolh 1'odv and mind, until tin tlu-iu fur i
ritlirr lui.sini. -tinly. Hoeiety nr lnnrriiii'. j
, Tiu:si: me nmnv. nfthe sad and inelanehfdv c?,:l" 1
fnudueed l.y e!irly haldlH (.f yoiitli. viz: WeuKnevs nf ,
il i llte'k and Limit.. I'ttin-; in the Ileail. limncts of
ii;ht. I . !! of MiiM-ular I'mwiT. I'al itatioii oi the '
llenrt. Iy.Trp-iy. Nervnti Irritali'ilitv. 1 rttnemei t (
d'lhf J-itfivlivf Fnnflinn, (itncrul ludiilitv, iup
tnii!.- of Coii'tiinptinn, tLe. f
.M. NTAi.i.v. The fearful i fTertit on tli mind art
much to be dretidi'd 1.j of .Memory. Colifmdou uf
Idi'H.-i. Iepre-nui ef SpiritH. Kvil-ForflKMliiip. Aver--::n
to ."MH'icty, St lf- M-trusl. l.nvt of Solitude,
imidity. AiJ arn miineof tlie evil proiluoed.
TiUi samis of persoiin of nil u's ran now judpft
what is the cause of tlivir decdinini; health.;
I heir vtnr. hecoinili weak. pair, nervoiirf untl
eniaoiutetl. h:i inp ft xiiifrular iippriimnei1 about ihe
cvti, cunh and s mptmnf of eonsuinpliou.
Who havo injured theiusetv e hy r certain fmctii-o
iinlulctl in hahit fr( '(iiently luarued
i'lniii evil eoinpaniond, or ut ftdiotd, the etTiets cf
vl. i.-li ate nihility fell, even when asleep, and if nut
cured render' loarriai itupU'Mlde. nml destroys
It i'h mind and l-ody . ?diou!d apply imiuial iately.
What n pity that n young man. the hope of his
"oiintry. tin! diirlin of h'v iareiitf. flmuld he Mialctu-ri
fiorn all propevti and en jnuineiit of life, hy the
fi.r-ffjiii rn'o of U iiittnp from the puth of nature
ai d ii.iiul.riitjin a rerlMin nt'crct hahit. Such person
Ml T. heloic oouteiiiplalinsf
- s . bti:i. .:.
! -
that it Found mind nml Ittnlr art the most
iicres.-urY reiiuiMte U pminoti i-oiiniiliittl htiipines.
JiuHn'tl without lie!-, tiie jnt.rney tlin-usli life he- j
i'.iim' u ivi-ury pilriinMjrf ; the jirnsjifot hourly
(iiirkons to ihe view; tliu iiiiiiil hd'ouii-H plunlnwi-il i
ii iili tie-i.tiir. siul fillHwillt tlio mtlfiui-!iily ri'llec
linn ll.M the hlll'1'ilK.'.-s i'f n Luther hlghtlll j
uith ear own. j
bii:asi: or nu'itt tn: i:.
When the niistftiiili'il itml iiiieriiilnU viitiny of;
th'tiire funis thai In- hns imhiheil the M-eils nfthij
eiir.t'tii dipi-Hne. it Uhi often happens thill mi ill-tiim-d i
me of (.hii'iie. or ilreati of Jieovt-ry. iletern him
mm ti;tplviii tci those who, from t-dueiiiion utol '
' pecliibiliiy. chu iiioiio oeiriciMi linn, iieinyini; nil
n eonsliliitioiuil ffyinpt'MilK of this horrhl flisense
mke their iippenrioiee. uih h uleerateil wire
trout, ilisense.l no.-!-. no:turiiitl luiinc in Ihe hciiti
l'i lillili. ililllllt'Nl of i'll. ilenflit'Mt. noilei on tlie
tin lioms nu'l nruiH. hloielies mi the bernl. fiiee anl
ai'cniilie. progressing wuh frightful rtiphlity. till
lttst the pillule of the mouth or the hones of the
ise full in. itml tlie victim of Ibis aif'il ilii-ene
i-oines a loiiriil oi-jeel of eoniiiiisernliou. till (tenth
:! f pei io'l to hiH rlremlful Mifterin$s. hy Fchdinj;
in tu"lhnt I'nriiscovered Country from whenve no
u el'.iT return.'1
It is R ni' l on hnly furl llmt thoil?niiil full vietimn
this ten ihle tlisfMse. owili to tlie uilskillflllnens of
lorant preieinlers. who. hy the use of llmt Jr:iiy
a suit. JU't iii if, ruin Ihe constitution and uuikv
: residue uf life inisertihle.
NT It A . I'. It S
Trust r.ol your lives, nr heiillh. to the care of Ihe
nv fulfill mid Hint Worthless 1'relenderii, destitute
l.uoult de. iine or diameter, who eopy Pr.
insion'n advertisements, or style themselves, in
newspapers, regularly Kduealed I'hysiciuus.
upiihle ot ('uriii);. they keep yon trininj; uionih
r month tnkiiitf their filthy and iMisomis coin
nds. or a. lnts u the.uialleHt fueeun he ohtaiued.
in dt-spnir. leal e you with ruiucil beulth lo sili
lour j-tilliiiu disapMiiiittuenl.
r ,lohii.-t..u is tlie only Physician adierlisin.
is ft, ' or diphaniu always hant( iu his office,
is rfiniditsor Ireateineiit are unkuowu lo ail
rs. !rcpiirid from a life spent iu Ihe ;real luai
l.ot furope, the lirsl in the country and a more
I'siie 1'ntiiti J'rtntitr than any olh.r Physician
;e w.ol II,
nousf :'ii; r or'im: iMtrss.
if iiiiiuy tliotisauds cured at this inslitiilioii year
- year, and tho numerous iiustrtaut huri;ieal
utioiis perloriiiiil hy Pr. Johnston, witnessed hy
reportfis of iho --.un," '-flipper,'' and inatiy
-pnM-is. iiotiees of which have appeared atgiiiu
itcaiu hel'ord thi puldio, Isnsidca his standing as
nileuiau uf character and rcisuisihtlity, u
,,-ul (guarantee lo thu altlicleif
ihm m nii.i:iii.v
4 1 iti;i.
r.or.s aritiotf -hnulj l parlicutar in dirMlini(
Uitiistohi. lililutk'U. in thelollowinii uianer
JOII .11. JHI. I O, . M
It ISaliimore Ua k Hospital, ttalliiuore. Mil
iruai J if I, lau.l I J
ji' 'iiin in: ifiii:.
..I sr.iuciH of ihs s.-ar"ily uf ehang. I will tell
. fi.i.ul H.NowHAt'U tAlllit lit. Ytr-Ufc
aliia-i-M furOm ltullur.
.y II. nil I'osUlg" -l
. s hl Mihlisk. wt aia iuia
h.v lu.hiac all tbo muwimI li4.isl.
, t're.idrul, I ahlnH. id. Alil.Uolb.
,1 ,riu.n uu s ulwalimi
pit C"'l
I.IM Hal tH " ' r"
J'tll.V l'AIIT.
?: r" . l'l4'l'
T XVITB the pnrlv nttcntlon of cnah jtur--1
clmscrs to their choice, vnricl and exten
sive nsnoitnt-t)t of KUKSir WIN'THI!
OOOD3 -nliic-li Ihny od'er nt rcnsonnblc
pricos. Our stolk embraces
A full line of lIunJ.;oinc Drc.s CooN,
A nice lot uf I)oincst!o lry Goods,
A choice supply of lino "White Oood.J,
A great variety of ISooU atl Shoes,
A largo stock of Queens and Glisswure,
A very extensive lot of Hardware,
Huts and Cups and Ueiuly Hade Clothing
Groceries of all kind?, fresh and pure,
Drus-j l'aintu Glass and Oils.
particular attention to the following line of
Goods, suitulilu for Holiday I'rcscuts.
Heal Heavy Blanket Shawl,
French F.lunket and Uioche Shawl"',
liouscry for Ladies, Gents und Children,
l.adies Gloves in great abundance,
A complete stock of Gents Glove?,
Fancy Shirting and Opera Flannels,
Assorted colors Balmoral Skirtt,
Skeleton Skirts iu great Variety,
Zephyr Opera Caps and Xubias,
Fine Sable Fun and Mnfl'-t,
Fine Vliite Linen Handkerehiefs,
Colored border Cambric Handkerchief,
Heal liandanna Silk Handkerchiefs,
Gcnls Silk Neck Ties and Cravntu,
Fine needle worked Collars,
Super I'flai k Love Veils, !
Silk Tissues ol assorted Shtttiee, j
Kilibons, Laces, Kdgings and Huininy,
Fine 1'liu k Mohair Caps,
Shaw l Fins and Scarf l'ina,
Ferl'utnery, Foniades and Soaps,
Buck Fmses and fancy l'ort ilonaies
First rate Skates, ready strapped,
Nice Hair Bnibhes and Bucket Comb,
Kxtra good l'cnknivr and SeiiBors,
Childrens (iuin (iilded Combs,
& Ac.', ic.
Sunbury, Ilee. 20, 1802.
" rE.Mi l i.
VKoi-iK'.v lis I . . Sunbury, Nurthuml'S
liu.'l C'ttrAy. lVnn.-yH iinin.
(Kitriii'.Tly Fri-fliiirg. SnyHor county. )
('Ki ll V.. -Miirki't strci-t. hup l.jor iil-I ol frilin
lriiit't Slurr. and iienrly uppnoili- tliw ('Kurtliiiusi'.
.Ail proft'ssitimil hiHint'Sr, vuiirclioiiS, Ac , nill rr
vt'i i-ri'inj't atti'tili'iti.
.nl U. isr.2.
OH'tce, on south side of Market Sijitaro. near the ( Vurt
sxTrsTBTm-sr, penna.
1 Wilt attend promplly to nil professional huui(,H
! fiitriiMted to hij eare. the -.collection ut' iluiui? iu
I NorthuiiiUerlaml ami the Hlj ini Coiiitie.
t SunlmrVj May 2d. ly
:uas5-:j5s rATi-'r nvi; n.
! in; i t!:B:y:i:it : ,
! A- Improved for ISj'.t and 1SISQ. .
I Bv I. KKTCHAM A CO., 2SU i,earl."t., Yoik
H!K unlv Freezer eniisti'iK'ted on s;ienlifie lirin-
eiples, w ith u revolvini; run und fprin hlnde
ieraier. J he one hastens tlif tn.-ej-in'ji lliu ereuin -
the4iiher rciiiocji it tci i h.i tut tr.?m
it,- ..,.! r,...i,i i f i uiih. I,-i..i n,.i;i I
of ire. I
'llie most i-miinui!cHl inect, nf it is the most simple
mid diiriihle in structure.
for stile iu nil Ihe priuuipnl cities nnd hi the
i nn
Knell Vreei r accompanied with a hook of recinen : la
and full direction?. i
3 qunrt,
4 quarts,
A quarts,
R quails,
14 quarts,
4 no
1 00
0 en
ft 00
quiiris, 12 uu
Apply lo II. It SIASSKK. Punhury, Ta.
12 It0
March 2-J, lsr,j.
it4'Kr.ri:i.i.i:it v iioiiiit.
Attorn eya at Law, Sunbury, Pa
.IdHDAV IlfifKFFI'I.I.nt and HoI.OMttX
t f l.iil'I't, - .1
a . ' ' ' i.ii. . i pel 1 1 o 1 1 .. nniiiiiinix 11011 ini'i :
have entered into copartnership in Ihe rmctiee of
llieir profession, and will cotitiuuo to attend to nil entrusted to their charge, in the eounlii-s
of jCnrthitnihcrlnnd. f nion, .iivdrr and Montour,
promptly, fnilhlullv and eiircfiillv. Special atten
tion will he given lo the od.I.lXTlO.N.-' "K
CLAIMS, f'ousuliatioiis etui ho had in tho UKK
MAX laiiRuiiire.
lift-ice Market street, opposite Weaver's Hotel.
Kunhurj-, f elirunry 4, s !ij.
Itl'lllldil-H, tfiVilK'H, 4aillM. A' f.
TIIIIK Dulwriher. liavins? opened In Thompson's
1 llrifk Ituihliiii;. Mill itreet, Puuville, a large
aud complete stock uf
er.uipri.-ioir the het hrunds of llrandies, (iiu, did
dura.'fhauit.ane and other-Wines, of all urad'es! all I
live, .-eotcli ami liisli vi liisKcv. fori, Mierry. ,il-
I ahich will lie sold " holesnle, nt the lowest city
.prices. Tavern-keepers, Ly buying of us, causait
it least the freight.
Perseus desirous of pur,-hainjr liquors for
A M I L Y I ! K , t
jibv rely usn keinK furnished with a Jura aud
unadulterated article. I
f ' HeiiiK ili le ruiiinsl to eslahlisj j rt-pij alioii for
selling ehfap. he respectfully solicits the jMilroiiago
of Ihe public All oolers luomptlv attended to.
Ji:i,J..Ml.WI rj. UAI.I.
lliinville. June lit. IMA.
Tlio fail. I.tsul,
C'llcltHUI f'lrrtt, ktlttftM 'Vim 4 O'J I'ourlk,
f PUT. uuilir.-liifd, having leasid. for ft term of
1 )er
tit ipular bousa. hat lha idrasur of
lo llieir liiiml. ami in traveling eoiu
loiiiiily llml it u uow oju-u for Ihs re si. lion ol gnesla
The Iioum, ftiuca the first oi March lasl, baa been
nlircly reuoratid aud rcBlleil iu aaunarii nianuor;
tha aiHsrtiuanu ara lara-a, well vsiiliUled and fur I iu tuodorB slile ll Is centrally located,
eonveuieul luaJI tha duol aud slnil.uit laiidiuirs,
am iu ins iwaieiiiaia .aiiuuy ui ina LlisloHl lous,
OBlea aud tha Curu tl lianye
I'ouuaeUtl with lha llulol at a IWaUurant f tha
acoouiuoslalioa ul Un pralurring lha r.i
plau I'ucaa u( Huoiua (low 1 hrea la cava
l.rr week. auc link Ul loeallou.
t."i"isn I
' l""'1'
Ikwid l tsu rday. l.l.i. a Hot (ur haialuKU
and Liuiuuaa una bout I Ut J !' M
HtxRY sm.
Afxil U, Iss: j
"i: xtu liT uVi ni'iTToiTVM dT
'IMiltt mM kii"a lli"l fui.hurr al thai
I juaauMi ol Ui a a I .anal wok I an- !
is 4 Jus HailioaU. aisiis) stRn tai-T.ia-salsasa
aid Isa .asta aay f lJ' !
fasf imiii at iS
Tin: wito.Xii i'i"a"i nr.
The full sunshine came pouring through
the plate glnss window of the great photo
graphic, saloon, where Virginia Lynne had
become very tired waiting 'just one minute,'
for her turn to faer the camera. If the cam
era had been a young gentlemnn it wouldn't
have objected much to the process as Vir
ginia was not nt all disagreeable to look at
on the contrary, she was very pretty, with
a clear olive complexion, deepening to car
mine on her round cheeks, and large blue
grey eyes, just the color of violets blossom
ed in the shade, .let black hair, plainly
brushed from her forehead, and confined iu
one knot at the back of her neck and a little
red mouth very saucy and somewhat haughty
also, in its curves.
"Arc you nearly ready to take my picture,
sii ('' she asked, rather impatiently ns the
operator entered tho room on some trilling
"Mot tiite yet, ma'am. AVo shall be
ready soon 1 hope, however. To tell the
truth, we didn't anticipate so much trouble
from our present subject n baby, ma'am,
who will not sit still
"A babv oh. then, I haven't another
j word to say," said Virginia, scornfully el
i evating her pretty shoulders as she turned
i towards her. companions. 'I detest ba-
bies !'
! "Why, Virginia ?" exclaimed Mrs. 'Wal
' ter, her matron sisler, with genuine horror,
i "Can't help it I never could t'idure a
! baby that's one of my articles of faith !"'
j "And how articles -of faith have
I you i" laughingly imputed another compnn
) ion.
i "Oh, several. One is n heart v aversion
to widowers that class of dved over bus
bands who are always alluding to Mrs.
Smith Number One ! If I became that
lady's successor, 1 would be perpetually
fearful I was standing in the Way of Mrs.
Smith Number Three ; And then the idea
of washing the faces and combing the hair
of six unruly step children ! No second
hand babies for me, thank you."
But if Virginia could only have had a
peep into the operating loom, where that
hael-eyed baby with pink ribbons at ils
i-lioulders and a string of red coral around
its plum)) neck was setting photography at
its perfumed breath nearly away, with true
feminine inconsistency.
"Harry, do sit still !" pleaded the nurse,
in despair, while the operator dodged hope
lessly to and fro, trying to "catch a focus,"'
and two three young lady aunts jingling
their watch chains and held their bracelets,
in the vain endeavor to attract the little
fine's eye. But if -the Uintessunee of ob
stinacy can be imagined to fix its throne
in a yea;- old baby, that baby was the indi
vidual. All of a sudden, a bright-winged canary
in a cage opposite began to sing piercingly.
The scarlet lips opened in a wondering
smile the large hael eyes were fixed for a
moment. The operator jerked the drapery
away from his instrument with the agility
of magic Ihe sunrays swept their pencils
over tlie gleaming plate, ami j
"O, lei me see it !" shrieked aunts and
nurse, inn contused t rebel chorus, crow ding
mound the photographer as, alter u shell
absence, he entered a room bearing the
plate. "Only let me get one peep at it !"'
"How delighted liaymond will be," whis
pered one of the young aunts to her sister,
as she caught the baby in her arms, crushing
her brown curs against its silky little
-Where shall I send the cards, ma'ani V
asked the operator.
"To Captain May I!aytnond May, Fhil
ii'dclphia. Just the nddre.-s pica': no oth
er wtn ils. We intend it lor a birthday sur
prise to my brother."
"Very well, ma'am. Theodore !" as soon
a the belies had disappeared, "just write
"""ii mm lUKiress ami ten inu oung lativ
oi loiv that wc an
ready here."
Virginia Lynne must have been hard to
please had site been dissatisfied with the
I'aee reflected in the mirror us she took a '
lanco ere leaving the saloon down
stairs. A proud stalely voung beauty
I heart free as the w lldest law n upon the cast
i ern hills.
" lieu can
I luvo 'he jLtture "" she in-
"In about five days niaain."
"Mo sooner I 1 leave to-nuurow."
"We can send it by mail, wherever you
.Sin- wrote upon a card. "Mis I.ynne,
l'hiladelphia," and pushed it towards the
"There is my address please send it as
, l
8""" us
('.iiituiii May's sitting room in the great
l'liiladelpliia hotel w as as snug as a little den
us man need wish for, with its curved mar
ble mantel, bright patterned carpet, und
luxurious sofas und lounging chairs, und
I'aplain .May himself, ns he looked smilingly
up li oni the peru.stil of a heap of papers to
greet the entrance of a companion, was no
unfair specimen of a hundooiue young nuvul
"Well. C har'cy ?"
"Well May upon my word, if you're not
up lo your cars in tho.-e navigation charts
uoiiili. It's enoiioh to make u l.iv man ashe
t' "ee Jour work '.
"ll lime to work," said M iy, good htl-
inoreiily. "I expect siiiling oideis in about
a foitnight and glad shall I Le whin they
"Idad ?" ejaculated Charles Moore, throw
ing himself into a chair and biting ut the
j in 1 of one of his fiiend'a quill pen.
'May, you're a perfect problem to me
h uuetisy on dry hind a u lih. I inu't
I uiideislaiid it hanged if 1 call !''
"I'eihnps you Could," kaid May, calmly,
i if you hud no homo tie nothing to look
forward to nothing to make life plcitsiiulcr
i in one spot thuii another, aiiicu Minnie
' died."
lie l opped abruptly, Monroe leaned over
HUH IfaUk aympulli) lo t'ru"P Ulellila
' I'ardon me, lUvmondl I'm a atupid,
blllllilerillg fellow, 1 know, but I don't Ineull
to hurt you by my cureli-i winds. Yet,
thery la your ( liild lilt here."
leaf little Hurry." aald May, uniling,
' - but yrur old buby l.u'l mut
for iuiiii of thirty, you nmai
much roinpuny
admit. Iiu-
antra hit ia far U ltcr oil under I lie cure uf
toy aiattr, than he would bv with me,"
" I rim," aunt tlouriM, ItaUliiiK lha quill
aruuiul Ida riugvra.'' "Wlio'alhul kiuu kiuul
1-ulur, tb I lou't uiiud hid iHrti your
tori CSJHIlldl m I"
W miy oinplitd, tearing open the t livt lona
aMl l Khiiii-iiiiarvlt aaly user lluvir Ui losun-a
until bo rama lo lha Ual one I A hia t)t
I fall hi bUcfid a eili'tlott of ui
I J fi.
"What n beauty 1" ejaculated Monroe I
vilio, with privileged impertinence of long
established friendship, caught up the letter
as it fell from Hnymond's hand. "Well Fd
just like to know what this means, you sly
scamp 1"
"I'pon nv word-r-tipon my honor. Char
ley," ejneehted the honest young man, "I
never saw tho face before. 1 cannot imag
ine who she is, nor how tho picture came
hero !"'
"No message with it ?"'
"Not a word! but the direction is cer
tainly plain enough dipt. Bavtnond J'i.iy,
"Well. I can only recommend to yon to
wait patiently for time to solve the question
said Monroe. "Come, do look for a mo
ment from the entrancing photograph, and"
give a fellow some nttent ion I want to knriw
if you are going to Mrs. Leaford'a en Satur
day night ,"'
"Yes no I don't know. I haven't made
up my mind."
"All right ; I'll call for von ut nine to a
Away went Monroe, leaving Haymond
Slay yet bending over the fair countenance
which seemed to enchant like a dream.
The exotics in Mrs. Leaford's bay windows
were in full blossom und brightness ; the fire
which one or two days had rendered far from
c'isiigrceahlu, even in April, glowed cheer
fully iu the grate, und half a dozen young
guests matroni.ed by their pretty hostess
and .Mrs. Walter from New York, were busy
some reading, some chatting ami some en
gaged in the graceful mysteries of embroid
eries und crotchet.
"By the way, where is Virginia's" asked
Mrs. Leu ford, glancing around.
"She will be down presently," answered
her sister; "she took her letters up stairs to
! "That very instant Mrs. I.ynne's light
I touch fell upon her door knob, iind she came
: into the room. IooUuil' tuett icr than ever, in
a white cashmere morning wrapper relieved
by the flutter of the blue ribbons.
"Lizzie," she said, coming to her sister's
side, "1 have had
tho strangest adventure
this morning !''
"What do you mean ?"
asked Mrs. Wal-
"As I opened one of my letters," she
said, laughing ill a half pleased, half puw
z.led manner, "out fell a photograph! Of
course I supposed it was one of those I had
taken of myself just before I left New
lork. '
"Well," ejaculated the eager chorus of occupied by these troops was one of import
listeners, nml it was " ; mice, and called for the utmost steadiness
"The prettiest baby you ever saw !" ex- und bravery in those to whom it was eonli
claiined Virginia, holding up the pictured ded. It gives me pleasure to rcpurt that
representation of "Baby Harry," and her they answered every expectation. In many
auditors pounced enthusiastically upon it, ' respects their conduct was heroic ; no troops
uttering various feminine adjectives of de- could be more determined or more daring,
light and admiration. j They made, during the day, three charges
Saturday night arrived, most propitiously upon 1 lie batteries of Ihe enemy, sull'er
with a keen wind and a bright starlight, ami ! ing very heavy losses, and holding their
Mrs. Lenl'ord's spacious rooms weie soon position nt nightfall with the other troops
filled. Mr. Monroe and Captain May w ere ' on the right of cur lines. The highest com
umoug the lati r arrivals und made their way tnendation is bestowed upon them by nil the
towuids .Vis. Leuford as skilllullv us thev ' oilicers in command on the right. " What-
t-ould, through the mass of crinoline which
swttved around.
"ili-re lie is, .Mrs. l.ealoid! said .Mon-
roe, as at length he reached the lady sought
for. "I've brought him according to eon-
j tract ; but do you believe, the lazy fellow
j had coiled up on it sofa for an evening over
his books! If it hadn't been for indefati
I gable ell'orts voti wouldn't have seen him
here to-night. "'
"I'm sure 1 mil very much obliged to you,"
sa'n Mrs. Leuford, iiiughing, "Captain .May,
the only amends voil can make for sued
an outrageous breach of discipline i.s to be
just as aoreeable ns you can to my fair jrucst
to night. ".Miss l.y nue let me present t'ap
j tain May.
J As the young oll';cer bowed low oyer the
; extended hand of the New York beauty, he
was half uncertain whether he was broad
awake or wandering through the mazes of a
i dream. There stood before him the lovely
reality of that charming photograph, her
! jelly hair wri-nthcd with pearls, and her
dark beauty contrasted with a dress of
tin. fciit'!.-;t iiiiik i-itli iiiow rn.ii nt Iter
i ,.i, '
w tis
he had been in love before, his case
hopek.-S now desperate, irreincditi-
uie :
How (piickly the next two weeks flew by !
It was not until the night before he sailed
that Captain Havmond Mav mustered
ii) ;
ur j
courage to confess to Miss j.vnno that 1
similitude was in his possession for, of
course, ' that would necessarily involve the
surrender of precious property, lint he felt
that he must at lcliglll tell her thu truth,
and so ith sinking heart, lie mm'-hed up
the marble steps of Mrs Leaford's Mansion
and was Ushered into a pretty room opening
out on n framiant conservatory. As ho 1
awaited Miss J.vnno's appearance, lie ncrv- !
. !t i i !
ouslv turned oyer the pages of the gilded
volumes that lay tn the table. One was a
photographic album, and he glanced ut the
various lai cs it contained w ithout really see
ing them until suddenly, the rosy face of his
own little Harry Minnie's child smiled up
iu his u n.
"Why, isit possible? 1 must be mista
ken." Hut a second glance convinced him that
he was mil mistaken. It was Harry May,
and nobody else's baby.
Suddenly a light i'oot.itep diislurbod his
"Mi.-s Lynne," he stud earnestly us soon
us the customary greetings of the day wcte
exchanged, "1 urn ill a state of very great
perplexity. W ill you solve the enigma for
me f
"Certainly If I cah," said Virginia,
blushing, nml with ll wjt uncertain lieiiior
at her heart.
"Hmy did this picture obtain a place in
your ulbiiui i"
The color subaided into ordinary pallor,
its Virginia replied, "in a rather rimiuiitic
miinuer, Captain May. It was sent lo mo
with no uccoinpiiny itig message, und 1 have
not the least idea w hence it came."
"All! thut furniahea a clue to the hole
uiWcrv," said Captain May, placing on thu
table the pi. lure which hud laid next to hia
heurt for the last few days, und rthding
briefly how il came into his pox-ssion, "liy
aoinu mistake ut the phologiuphf r'a, my lit
tle 11. i IT) 'a pillule has bvt-ii scut toyot,, and
lour llkiliesa to Uie. I ulll a widower, Miaa
Lyiiue, with ouu child, a I auppoao juii
have henrd."
".No," aaid Virginia tubulin,', "I wua not
awnre of it, but"
Iiu looked car neatly Into lirr fun', where
thu iriinaon nil ahi-udy U--liililu to glow
and lli a ill t-yvt Umina ahadnwed villh
Uiiiid, doHiicwt lti bis, Uv looked oul and
an aoiiitlhing lht encoul ngi d Illln to ask
aiiolln f i(iu llieli.
"Miaa L)iiut Virginia- may 1 kcip I fie
plnuia I"
Xwi ah diit al lay "No. '
When Captain May sailed the next day if.
was with "something to look forward to''
on his return.
"My dearest Virginia what have you been
doing? Don't you know that Captain May
is n w idower ?" exclaimed her sister.
"Yes," said Virginia valiantly, " but that
don't make any difference, I love him, und
that's enough."
, "And don't you know that lie lias a babv,
eh ?"
"Well I love the baby, too, because it is
"Oh 1" said Mrs. Walter, archly, "so you
have. overcome your horror of second-hand
babies. Well, my dear, only take care he
don't keep quoting Mrs. May Number One."
"I hove no fear," said Virginia quietly.
And time proved the correctness of" her
promises, for re don't know any happier
vonrir wil'n tli:ili Airs Mmv 'Ynnilmr T-,i
j and it is hard to say which' she loves best
her husband or "baby Harry."
'I'lif Xrgm Troop.
Two years were Riifl'ered tf elapse 1 fire
any extensive plan for organizing regiments
of uegro troops were undertaken. Hecent
cxpcricnco has proved that this was a seri
ous loss of time to us. The colored soldiers
have fought so well that it is not improba
ble that if they had been enlistc 1 in the
beginning of the rebellion they might in
many cases have saved us from defeat, and
in other cases made victory more decisive.
There is now n general demand for negro
troops in nil the Southern Departments, and
as their good qualities as soldiers ure now
undisputed, we presume there will be less
,liir,cnltv than there has heretofore been in
.. .. ' ..
cn,wllntf L'"t'ri" nmn
whose word will not be questioned, and wc
think it proper to reprint here what he savs
of the conduct of the negro troops iu the
attack on Port Hudson. His official report
says :
"On the extreme right of our line, I posted
the Fir.-t and Third regiments of negro
troojis. The First regiment of Louisiana
Engineers, composed exclusively of colored
men, excepting the oilicers, was also engaged
in the operations cf the dav. The position
ever doubt imiv have existed heretofore
: to the ellieieiiev of
organizations of this
r ?f ibis il-n-
iu i in? ii.ii in ov t .s
cnanieicr, tlio lnstorv ut tins dav prove
' conclusively to those who were in condition
to observe the conduct of these regiments
I that the government will find in this class
'of troops effective supporters nnd de
fenders. The severe test to which they
' were subjected, nnd the determined manner
! in w hich they encountered the enemy, leaves
! upon my miud no doubt of their ultimate
success. They require only good oilicers,
.commands of limited numbers, and careful
discipline, to make them excellent soldiers."
Nc Have seen it estimated that the whole
: number of colored soldiers in actual service
i in our armies is about ol.OOO. Tinier the
' stimulus of the recent successes, and tho ;
encomiums bestowed upon them, this nuin
i ii-idruiileil
'i,',' '
; oer can easily lie trebled or
! The whole number inli.-ted from
mil is said to be 115.) men, but these
lifrf" arc
ill credited to Massachusetts, so that she
will, very unjustly, be credited with men
fuinished' bv'l'e.o.sylyania. We trust that
measures will be taken hereafter for organi-
ing the colored men enlisting in this State
into Pennsylvania regiinriils. A'c ought to
be able out ot our colored popuhition of j
ubout sixty thousand, to raise uf least live
regiments. If the other loyal Stales would j
furnish a like proportion, the whole force ,
would be about twenty-rive thousand men. j
The enlistments among the "contrabands" i
in the Southern States could easily be raised
lo seventy or eiguty tiioiistm.l men. rieventy
thousand able-bodied men are worth to the I
Southern people fully sixty millions of dol- j
lam. so that while making this important j
addition to our armies, wc will be crippling j
the slave owner iu both capital and labor. '
This is the way to carry on Ihe
w ar, nnd I
public sentiment, which so Ion
i i.. : . .1 :. . i .: I .
und still)- '
liornly resisted its udoidion, is now persua
ded that it is t lies right way. Thu white
ami black soldiers have fought well side by
side, and now that the prejudice against it
is dissipated, we may expect to see the cJ
ored race doing ils lull share iu the future
battles for the I'nion.
The Income- Tux.
A series of impoi taunt decisions, just an
nounced by the Commissioner of I-iternal
Revenue, servo to dear up some doubtful
points in reference to the is:vsineiit of the
the income tax. M-.-rel.e.ut
have expressed '
doubts in regard to tint proper
mode of j
c.-tiiutitiug their income for the year ending
with I'cccmbor lut, but the Commisioucr
defines the reipiiroinent of the law in fol
lows :
"A inerchnnt's return of ineoino should
cover flic business of the year I Hip), exclu
ding previous years. I'niMlki led itccouuts
must be estimated.
"Old debts, formerly considered hopeles
ly lost, but paid viilhiil the time'eovered by
the return of income, should be included iu
the statement. 1). Ids cotisiileleiUhopeli s-lv
but on Iticember 111, IbO'J, may be dedilele I
from the profit of bu.iiier,.i. If aiib-u-ueut-ly
paid, they lnu"t be included iu the rcluru
for Iho year in which paid."
In relation to the income of firmer the
Commissioner rule, u follow :
"A farmer, when making return of tho
total amount wf hia farm produce, ahull bo
allowed to tbjduct tln ri I'loni thu sub.i.t. neu
of hoi aoa, mule, oxen aud rsllla und ex -cbisiwly
in tin) carri ing on of auhl Urui.
Tho term 'farm product)' ia construed lo
include all pndiiclioii of a furiii, of what
lutluro and kind oevt-r. 'thu amoiiul of
aim k aold by a farmer tinea Ik-iciuU r 81,
hd j, ahuuld not Ihs iitcliidt-il ill lha pH-as nl
has4'aiiielit, but thu plo.ll lralUe.1 I hero I y
uiu. l Ui isci-outiit-d lur ia tLu mat ymia
Wliiti hd hat in- tu l I in hia itlaiu
produce raised by him, and fed in whole or
part t stock subsequently aohl, ho must
account for tho gain realized by the feed'rni;
and selling ot said stock. A here he has
rot included the produce so fed, he must
return as profits the dilferenee between the
value of said stock on the 31st dav of l)e-
comber, 1801. nnd the amount realized for
them f ertilizers purchased by tanners to
' : v ,.,iin,.ri. i ry a II!
estimating lticr'rie
Occupants of boarding houses arc held to
be cntitilcd to the dedi.ction nllowcd to
payers of house rent. Tlio commissioner
says :
"When n person boards and rents a room
or rooms, the rent thereof, in lini of rent of
house, should be deducted from the amount
of income subject to taxation." j 0m would thud; tfiet the cantrasf prescn-
Thc income tax is assessed upon the actual ; t-d in tlic c facts, even allow ing for the par
income of individuals; firms, as such, nerd tied il.accnracv of tho paragraph o noted
not make returns. Charitable, literary and
seientigc institutions are wholly exempted
from tlio income tax. The question of tax
ing the incomes of public charities, w hich is
thus definitely disposed of in this country
by the definitelv disposed of iu this country
ny me iiccisioii in i.oiiimisidiH r i.ewis, uas
iiecn niedo me sui.jecl ot hitter controversy
in England : but Mr. Oladstnne's proposal
to impose such a tax. was recently voted
down in the House of Commons after a
prolonged debute. Charities p?eri. this co
emption. I. He In China.
CorresjinuJeiico of tho Kicning Post.)
Siianohai, China, February. 1833.
Tho English were pleased to call Shanghai
the "model settlement" some ten years ago.
Let us judge if it i.s worthy of the name
still. It is a warm Sundav. The ice
was so thick here last year ut this time
not .icon seen this season at all, nnd those
who are willing to pay any price for the
article lire wondering where it -will come
from next summer. Although a day of rest
for the Europeans and Americans, John
Chinaman docs not seo it. but works just
the same on the first day of the week as on
the other six. All through the city resounds
the monotone of the coolies, as with their
hi fin or oh a they trudge along, enrrying j
most extraordinary burdens on their backs.
We turn up tho Beud, nnd here comes a : Cent capture of ouo of Pcmbertcn's despatch
big cow-bull'alo, led by the nose by a boy. ! bearers :
lie is engaged in supplying his Customers
with there morning milk, performing the
operation at each door. There is no water
ing here, and no "stump tail" arrangement
such as the New York illustrated papers
were so eloquent about once. The whole
thing is done right, before you. Some per
sons pretend to dislike this buffalo milk,
asserting that it is strong. Well, let them
go without no other is to be had ofuny
a EXF.crrioN.
There is to be nn execution today; let
us go along the Y'nng-King-Pang creek, mid
! '"" 'n, l'''s proposed decapitation of five
I l",nr ehina men ; only five among a people
,. . ... . .' , . . ,. .
ot 400,000,000. Life is very cheap in Chin.
Here conies the procession first the knife
man, who does the bloody work, swine-ing
the instrument as he gees nlong; then tho
.Mandarin, who is to superintend this plea-
sunt Siindnv pastime. He is borne in his
chair or palanquin, robed in furs and smok
ing his little opium pipe with perfect ilium
imi ; on each side are his body-guard, while
closing the rear are the five proposed victims
strictly guarded, due of them has a mild,
gentle face can he be a criminal ? Let us
ask : the dollar here, ns everywhere, will
open close montljs. The fact is this: the
one who was to have been beheaded ottered
a bonus to anv one who would lose Ids
j neck instead, and this poor fellow, who nt
; the best can only earn a few wi per dav,
: ,,; wMic-uituuuuwi jiiut m u
i ?tnV ",u? laxen u ? money mu urn u.s
I , 81 Ulslmul.'-v' i''fie
i "f ,lbu.t l""t'S1' ""a"- It wc went to the
;,,1"".t,y K'o'nid, ' probably we would seo
! ihv vu',1"",s. disenibowellei . their hearts torn
,,!t' 1,11,1 b1i"'s cut from tholu ,lU xvI,llu J'ct
Wc will waive this nnd visit the "baby
tower." Nomicallv this tower is intended
ns n place for the poor Chinese to throw in
their children, if too poor to bury them.
The distance is considerable, and you have
to go through the C hina City, w hich is
walled in and entirely distinct from the
Knglish, French mid American concession,
The streets are so narrow- that one could
leun out of any of the projecting .windows
and kUs his sweetheart on the other side.
without any very great exertion of the nut-
cles. In eVorv street nnd liino tho coolies
throng v It Ii their heavy loads and their ugly
notes," .md nil kinds of filth suiute your nos
trils ns you pass. On our way wc passed
many bhiek boxescontaining the dead, which
will bo left outside the limits and allowed
to be consumed by dogs. Hero is thp
"buby-tower," Imt A few feet high, with
steps leading to it and a fearful stench all
about it. Let us look in. Do you think nil
the little babes places here uro dead Uv
, it" means. Population is so dense, und
i female children especially ure so umlesirublo
among so many, thut it becomes convenient
i tints to dispose of them ; ho the mother, if
slio litis uny feeling, chokes it down nnd the
innocents go. llu so institution may tie
round nil over t lima. Chinese philosopher
may defend the avowed object of them on
humanitarian grounds, but they are terribly
perverted. Ileipre 1 left I heard U taint cry
is ediig from the tower, and looking through
a rotten nperture 1 saw a faint movement of
u tiny limb nnd heard a hollow liiouii ; In a
moment nil was still, while in the distance
was seen a poor w retch sneaking away, evi
dently the mother who hud just destiovcd
her child, the limbs being broken in the f II
another China fashion cpially horrible
w ith the dt'cupition.
It, turning, we pus a hoiiao gaily decora
ted with paper flag; there I ihe sound of
o!- wind instrument, and riihnlty a high
gain time. Hy the Use of nunc ayceo we cull
uaiil admittance even here, although we ure
tUnt : or "foreign de it." -Nay, wo
can rvuii e unlue the gdlv Ix-dm-nfl filk
robe of tha brido and lha lice and paper
Mowers in lf-r hair i Ihe imitation judii atone
wii. lifts ; mill t on look at her embroidered
pitlitoiit and her feu I aUnil ihrt-e Inches,
long tha I iri-iiieiidoualy pe ifumed, and
altogether "got Up"' Vltthoiit regard to coat.
I'lllla wii gl lli'KI deu! It lo life.
. - - -
A CoMiur.u dial A Wrstciu-r ay lh il
ll.o pi jielnt-a against clur ar tvty iialuial
ti l Us pailK .1 (trt by rum was O'.ivo
Li uu
Tli t'ouO-tiHt.
According to the Bichmond papers of tho
5th instant gold is selling there nt from six
dollars to six dollars and a half in rebel cur-
j r(-'"r.v, whiie a rebel paper of the same dale
savs :
'..A pf nth-man of this citv, 1,t returncl
fmm tll,, mnllrilrturp d .trWs of thi
'" t''' Pi'l" .ve no wish to lee
jtll W'a
r. ended. All are makinir nionev bv
contracts, working night and day, ami are
willing to pay $:W0 for substitutes ont of
their profits. Manulaelurcis make no com
plaint of their taxes. They do imt feci any
of the horrors of w ar. and care no'l
it. Several are engaged largely in making
cotton cams nnd outer articles neces-nrv for
j us, which
they ship to N.iisau and theuco
i South
woiiKi iemi 10 open i;ia eyes ol lue 'eliels to
the folly of their holding out against nil
hope. They can see how strong our ''ovcrn
nicnt loans arc ; they can wat-.h the price of
gold here almost us well tis in Richmond ;
they know very well that our railroads uro
j howl; tin improcciielilry large ousmos ;
Know tnat tlio masses tit tbo T.orlh
never so prosperous as now, and that Euro-
I pcan emigration is strengthening us daily.
: Yet those fanatics of slavery still l'ondiy
; hope for help from the Copperheads, and
still rage at tlio Federal Government end
loyal people as if they were us strong to-day
j ns atter the f!rst Bull Hun brittle. So far
they have not clamored as much ns was ex
pected about the rapid formation of lovul
regiments of colored men ; but before lonjf
they will be denouncing this ''military ne
cessity'' with tropical fervor and vindictive
r.css. When the Misslssimli is oneued und
j their Fitpplies from the oihr side of tho
I great river are entirely cut oil', they will feel
j tho desperation of their cause much worse
i lhaii they dj now : vet tliev appear to havo
I .... i : .i - " " ...
m mile reason or common sense loll tunc
thry will never yield until they are thor
oughly whipped on every battle field whero
tho remnants of their hosts can make a
Btaud. Phii'i,ft'jhia Eccning llt'l tiA.
IcitI-rtou'M cint-!ic.
A correspondent of the New York "Iler
nld" gives the following account of tlie rc-
"General Pemberton win anxious to indi
cate to Oeuevid Johnston his exact situation,
und sent n trusty fellow named Douglas
son of a prominent citizen of Illinois' who
several years since migrated to Texas and
there joined the rebel service through his
lines, with instructions lo make his vay by
night past the Union pickets, and. seizing;
the horse he met, to ride to (.en. Johnston,
Jackson. Last Wednesday night at dark ho
started, and holding ft pass from Pemberton
was allowed to leave the enclosure in tho
P ar of irksburg. Douglas had, unknow n
to his superiors, for u long lime meditated
j escape, iind he could not neglect this golden
j opportunity. Instead of tiling to avoid our
; i. . . , ' - . , v i i . i , ,
pickets, therefore, he mnreiie I boldly up to
them and surrendered himself a prisoners.
Ueiu-ral Launian conversed with him long
enough to discover that thero was meat iu
that shell, and sent liuu to Oeneral Grant
To him he delivered the message he was
instructed to deliver to Johnston. It win
in effect as follows: 'I have 15,0o0 men iu
Vicksburg. and rations for thirty days ono
meal a day. Come to my aid with an army
of 30,000 "men. Attack ("rant in his rear.
If you cannot do this within ten days you
had better retreat; Ammunition is nearly
exhausted, particularly percussion caps.'
This is tho substance of the message, al
though in exact terms. Douglas volunteered
also other valuable information, which leaves
no doubt of the ultimate capture of t'.w
rebel iirtny.
"A large proportion of the buildings in
the city are destroyed, und over a hundred
j women and children killed by the explosion
of our shells from the mortar and guiibiata
and from the batteries in the rear.
"The citizens those who tire not in tho
trenches protect theatselves from our firo
by entering caves dug in the face of the bluff,
to which they have removed their familitu
and their treasures.
"For the sake of economizing rntions
Pemberton has ordered eve:y horse andmulo
except those used by field and Ftati' oilicers
to be turned outside his lines. ;f those)
thus turned out Ucneral Oiaiit has secured
several thousand. When Cen. Cintut first
opened a concentrated tiro upon Vicksburg
from his lines of circuiuvnlluiion the rebel
herd of beef i. it tie was exposed and a largo
number killed. Thi? havo since been
removed to a place of safe
ty. " "The jail is considerably shattered by our
shell, but the Court House has so fur escaped
with trilling injury. Hospitals ;tie scattered
all over the tow n, und tue often etruck by
our shot."
..- .
A IIkuoisi:. A letter from Luke Provi
dence, Louisiana, gives the following scrap
of romance
Tho First K;xna TVjrSinctir. of which I
havo spoken before, is encamped near in.
One. ot the members of that regiment, a
sergeant, died in t'" hospital two week
ago. Alter death his comrades discovered
that their companion, by the side of whom
they had marched and fought for almost
two years, vast a woman. Yu may imagine)
lle-ir surprise nt the? discovery. I went to
tho ho.-pit d nnd saw the body ufVr it v"
pn-piired for burial, und inude roni" mi.irie
ulmut her. She wiu of r.itiu-r iiioie than
ordinary size for a woman with rulh-f
strongly marked fentuic, so ihut v illi thu
uid of man' attire aim lis. I q;i;te a mascu
line look. She t-tiMsti-d In the ivgUm t
after lin y went In Missoui i ; und coiiseipieiit
ly they know nothing ubout i;'-r history.
She probably (erred un hr an as..iiinod
name. She m ns in tha Itatlla of Sprbigtic Id,
where) (leneral 1 y.m wu til'lcd, mid I'-'i
fought In a d.icii battle and Wiimi'h',.
She nlwny u-it.dtied it: i cvci liee t it-put ut i'Mi.
botli ns 'a man und a "oldler, nil I llie men
all aptik of her iutirtii of repn-t atnl
tttf eti.iti. Shu was brute h a lion in l-attie
und in ter (bin lu. I from miy duty or haul
ships tint fill to her I. f She IllU t ham
Inch very hn. lo hive lit ml ill lliwrti
ment soiling, and prescrwd hrsnr.l to
Will. Pour (Mil! alia Ma worthy of 4
better fitu. Who knows ttliatgiitf, Irodblu.
or pi-itHiiiiou lu luitd hi r 1 1 t-ut' r i siien
a uie.
r-'lUU' IOH I oo It I I I liiaVln-.f If I li 'er
l ir. wil l surhum uiolussts not the audi
u lilt Ihe , I In ii nt Aim, 'ir lil' H.rhl,
I 1m ii mi, vt nia lli'ui in lli uii , abut
tt tli i,i.i i,i il.l Iti4 I.