Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 06, 1863, Image 3

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    gTfjc gunbun; ftmruran.
H. B. MASSE R, Editor & troprietor-
Rl'Hl'ItV, PA.
Nf, ST Pwk How, Now York, and C State Strcot,
Beaton, nr our agonta for tha Shkbciit AurntcA.i
B those oltle, ant) ara authorizes! to take Advortiso
menta and Suhearlpllotis for na at our lowest rate.
f?7 We direct the attention of our friends,
vrlio may wish to purcdnsie Iron Railing of
nny description, or any kind of Iron Work
of a decorative character, for any purpose,
to the advertisement of Messrs. Wood and
Perot, Philadelphia, in another column.
The Art of Assembly in relation to the
graduating and valuation of unpatented
lands by the Commissioners of the several
Counties of Pennsylvania, will expire, by its
own limitation, on the first day of August,
1868. Those interested, had better take
advantage of it in time, and have their lnnds
appraised by the Commissioners and paten
ted, before the date above given.
To every han-el of Flour yon ean make thirty
rounds more llreud or liiscuit (nnd much better) by
using Derrick Allen's Oold Modal Palnratus, than
by yens! fermentntion or any other Salnrntiis. Tt It
perfectly healthy, will not turn your cookery yellow
will strengthen week stomachs, and euro dyspcptla
persous. It la much better to use with urcnin tartar
than soda. Try one paper, and you will he convince!.
Most ofthoOrocors doll it. Depot 112 Liberty Stroet,
Now York.
Z-W Tun Thhrr Hundred Dollar
Ci.avrk. The proliabilittcA are now that
'.lie Government will carry into effect the
$:100 clause in the National Enrollment
Eaw. It is undeMood that Solicitor
Whiting litw given a written opinion in fa
vor of ronstrucing the clause to be binding
upou the Executive.
The Copperheads arc trying to sneer down
the statement that un agent of the Knights
of the Golden Circle is operating in thi.s
State, but their efforts are not crowned
with success The Ultra Herald, which
first exposed the fact, has the following:
'"The letter which we published bearing
the signature of J. L. Green, dated at
Syracuse, and arranging for tl.o organiza
tion of circles of the K.0. C, was received
by a loyal Democrat in a neighboring town.
H was received by him in due course of
mail from Syracuse. It was communicated
to us by two gentlemen whom we know ns
resjax'table, trustworthy citii.ens, and they
having examined the original, have no doubt
tlnit it was what it purported to be. Whether
'.i. I.. Green' is or is not n resident of Syra
cuse, we do imt know; a person using that
niitue and writing from Syracuse, pretends
to be traveling agent for the K. G. C.'s in
Central New-York."
Hook Bit's LartFioht. General Hooker
looks upon the last movement with anything
but in the grand result, and
siiid he, "Good people will cease to write
me letters of condolence when my ollieial
report i-i published." The General has been
receiving about fifty letters of condolence
diily, from people in the country, since the
bit tie. Hi; said he cared more about Clip
ping the Kebel army than taking Richmond.
If.' did not cure about sacrificing the flower
of the Union army in pushing the ltebels
t ward the: strongholds of Kichmond but to
eneotintcr another fresh army from Suffolk.
There is one man at headquarters whose
business is to extract the oilioial lists of
ki!l?il and wounded published in the Rich
mond papers. These footings already foot
up over 23.000. It is in vain for tho Kebcls
to deny the aggregate when the details,
ollieial ly signed, tire admitted in the Enquirer
end the bi.iittci. General Hooker sots
down our killed and wounded, reported up
to this time, at 8,'20(), and thinks his ollieial
report will aggregate the entire loss ut less
than 10.000 men.
The crop prospects in California ore said
lo be (nconrnu'ing. In the Sacramento
Valley, according to the Ihe, ''the crops
u.'i: as well forward and better secured
against drought than in the average of
year?. The fanning population are in high
g'ee at the prospect before them, in which
tliey nlli'it to see both good crops and good" Wool growers in California are
turning their attention to the importation
.-( South American stock. A number of
i!;e .representatives of the lama, alpaca and
-. icuna family of wool-bearing animals have
lately been imported from Peru.
Tii. -viovi rnincnt has started a new over
land I'spedilion to the gold Ileitis of Wash
ington Territory and Oiegon, im)ressed by
the success of last year's expedition, and
have. again entrusted the command to Capt.
James b. Fisk. The line of travel will
avoid the Sio-ix country, and insure a safe
and pleasant journey. Fifty 'men arc en
rolled as a mounted protective corps. The
lime from St, ( loud, Minnesota, to Fort
lientoi, v. ill be tibout sixty-live days, and
!pm Fuit Ilcutnii to the mines Sbout ten
dais. The expedition .will start by the
loth of June. ' Another party from St.
Louis will for the Idaho goldmines
ut the faint time.
Tin-: Xkws. Keport from the Army of
the Potomac are still fi;ll of suspicion of the
movements uiui designs of Gcneral.Lec.. On
the 2'Jth the enemy reviewed about twenty
'v regiments on their right wing, within
i'i' if our forces. This, it is conjectured,' inti'1'ac-.l to blind General Hooker to
' n fac tual i "flue's army liad gone to
liji'ric Jolinsl. -". A: gatjiering of the
,.,'uis iro-i'" ':t 'WJJ mil. s up- the
Uppahaiih.ock, .:" the CMi'tisjbfe purpose
,f , tUon". iiii-v be tor1 the same dec -ption
,mii?.U'i;r in the n.-uy 'lU's ;!mt '!"
'av during the ai.tli men weif i..ep;u;ting in
.... i..,n.l.e:.r PrcdcricLsburg, b.'.'.t it is im
.o.sibU. to tell whether for the South ir tor
.mi! point on the load where they in.vnt
,',-lit and, linkat-vn, Join the forces up the
iver. 'l heir inotiw.-: are difficult to penc-
ite. Another writer tate on supposed
.1.1 attthoiity tint Gen. J,eo has now on
he lint; of the Kupuuturuwuk only 40,000
:cti ; it the time of the Into biiUs he hud
I a'. I P'O.imio to gain which lie fcft Kirh
loud defenceless, mid dl. fr'AW fc'Vtll
arolinu ami Sutlolk. Iteekotiing on Jlk-,-'s
his il. feut, snd the difcfiliarmi ittt
oiiioiiof Lilt troops, U'C diM not tear at-
!; nod ran alloM to relliforc tnNail
..inn uii'liTciveri't sirnuy. .".""J"',",
,,,.,,,! i. retarded uj Gvneral Hookers
, l opportmriy. An -f.'l'ri-ve movi-uiout
, ,.,,,,1.;,.. to the s.iMie .luieinelit, is not
, i e '.'ivh. ndid, ff'htt rt liol mieruiiswll
uti fcd upon tb i.eighUnliood o
i.l.'i.,' iuwhiih Johnatonls rcMirted
, iv . .aU.' i ii m iLiceTiom curious quurtir
, M ., k m int iu the t.-ur. li's iii.ho.I
' of otlVtice upon General r,
, i ! r.ii.-, amount t nothing more
. ,'' "ri..- t'r then I'd di IM" uk-
:;;uii ;,uoM.i,i.!.-rv;i1.w
IMckt-t InlrrvT.
Tlia "hnmoTs',of ttrepieketrt serving nlong
tho Uappshnrmnck, Rfe deserving a place in
the annuls e-f Artcmus Ward and Orpheus
C. Kefr. ' The lntest,I lielleve, is based upon
the ro:ent trip of the Commander-in-Chief
to Washington (a fact which the Rebel
pickets, by some mysterious means, seem to
have been aware of as soon as it occurred.)
Bavs .
Rob.- "Where's General nooker gono t"
Yankee, (who happened to be one of tho
Brooklyn 14th) "Gono to attend Stonewall
Jackson's funeral I"
This being a little hard on Secesh he
shouts out again "Has the 11th Corps
stopped running yet ?"
"Oh, yes, they were lished Just after
taking down your Stoneiralt. By the way
don't yon want our Stont-man to set him up
again ?"
"No," replica Rcb., "He don't need any
such rai(?-iating now."
The question as to "who killed Stonewall
Jackson" has become quite as difficult a
question to solve, as "who killed Cock
Robin." I presume there is no impropriety
in my stating that I learned from one of the
heads of Department at Washington, that
the War Office was in possession of facts
which led it to believe that General Jackson
was purposely shot by one of his own men,
he having excited a revenijetul hatred on
account of his rigid and tyrannical control
over his troops.
All remains "quiet on the Rappahannock,"
so far ns the outward eye can discern. Yet
all who know the Commander-in-Chief, can
conjecture that ho is about ns quiet as a
caged eagle. Visitors begin to show them
selves again, looking after woundi;d and
loved ones. To all who conic to this army,
let me re-entreat to leave their brandies and
wines at home, and till instead, their valises
with oranges and lemons, and the real heroes
of the urmy will bless you, and God will
bless you also, more abundantlv.
The I: vpcditiou lo Yiufo i'ltj".
Washington, May 81. The following
telegraph w as rccccived at the Navy Depart
ment to-day : "Black Hawk," Mismssiiti
StjUADnox, nkah YicKKUi ua, via Cairo,
May 30, 1803. To the Hon Giui;on Wi:i.lkh
Secretary of the Navy : Sik I have the
honor to inform you that the expedition I
sent up the Yazoo, under command of Lieutenant-Comma
nder Walker, oiler taking
possession of the Forts nt Haines' Bluff was
perfectly successful.
Three powerful steam rums were destroy
ed at Yazoo City. Une was a monster 310
feet long and 70 feet beam, to be covered
with nine-inch iron plates. A tine Navy
Yard, with machine shops of all kinds, saw
mills, blacksmith's shops, iVe., were all
burned up. The properly destroyed and
captured amounted to J.OOO.OOO. "Had the
monster iron ram been finished she would
have given us some trouble.
One butterv was destroved at Drun't
Our loss on the expidition was one killed
and seven wounded. David D. Pom eh,
Acting Bear Admiral Commanding.
Minimis Contempt ok Fuduhal Arnioit-
rrr. A letter from Salt Luke City, - dated
May 10, says: j
"The Grand .It;ry for the United States
District Court aiijourued without taking
any action whatever in the matter of the
arrest of Brigham Young for polygamy, of I
which you have been udvised. The whole '
subject was entirely passed over, save as a
matter of jest, by those men who had
folcmnly sworn to take notice and make
due presentment of all cases of infraction of
law. Thus are the public statutes of the
United States trampled upon aud derided
by this people, who openly and tauntingly
defy the whole powers oftlie general govern
ment to enforce the provisions oftlie uuii
polvgnmv law, so called; or indeed auv
other that miht militate against the interest
of this commiinitv."
YAM. VNDIOH.IM SVMl'ATlll7.!;itS. A des-
sjiatch from Dayton, Ohio, states that nine
of the Yallundighani sympathizers who
were urrestuil anil sent to i.iuciunati some
two weeks since, were recused on Wcdne
day by General Burnside, upon swearing a
new allegiance to the ledei'al government.
Horal Affairs.
12" Likct. lii:ii. tioon, who wo uotlued pevurul
wci-ka H0 us lnivin been killed iu the lute Imt lie of
Chmicillursvllle, wo ure hujipy to stute.hus turned up
nfc. Ho wiu .but t'aiouirli tlio bund aud wi sat, and
t-iken prisoner, lie but ulroudy btoa -urolcd and
sent north for exchanTO.
if The Kighi Jlov. Dr. Stevens, assistant. Eilioi
of tlii. diocese, will make an l'pUuoiml Visitation and
hold servico in St. Murk's Church. Xorlhtmujeiland,
Saturday evening. July 4lh, and in St. Mntthewi'
Church, Sunbuiy, Sunday morning. July ui
C3""A eolliiion between two frciphl (rains occur
red ut lrvar'. Station on the Sunbury i l'liilndelpliia
railroad, on Wednesday of last w eek. Two men,
J n nil'. Stoner andCrilziuiiu. connected w ith the truius
were killed.
Goon Istkst Finn Compaxt The room-
bern of the "Uood Intent Fire Company." ure par
ticularly requested to meet at their engine houfie.
thi (Saturday) afternoon at 2 o'clock, for the pur
pose of transacting some very important buiinesa of
the Company.
XyV. O. Mniie, formerly of tli'n jdace, H. O.
Deutler and The. Heed, of Ijowisburg, were home
on a furlough hint iteek. They arc attached to the
01ft llegiuient I'enn!ylvaiiia Volunteers, in Ucn.
Ititrnside'i corps which U now stationed Iu Kentucky.
These young men look well eonfiJering the many
hardhiii tbey went threush during the lust twenty
mouths, having been in eight general engagements,
in all the baideat fought battles iu 'irlli Carolina
laid Virginia. These young heroes started on Men
daj: last, to join their regiment ui Winchester, Ky .,
highly plciued with their visit tothoir friends, cop
perhcad) pzecptul.
ljf Theiiill fiisycd the Legislature last wiuter, re
lating to tho payment of our wutklng men la "store
orders," ic , has h-in signed by the (iovurmir,. and
is now a law. It provider that, "it shall not be law
ful for any iron master, foundry man. collior, factory
man, or company, their agents or clerks, witlilu this
to;.iui''nweullh, to pay the wages of workmcu or la
borers by them employed, in either printed, written
pr verbal orders, upon any storekeeper, shopkeeper
or shopkeepers, or other dialer or dealers iu uier
ehauu ' or oilier articles, whether eunneeted in bu
siness wi.'U the saidirou master, Lundiy tiian, eolliur
or factory 'sa or not Any iiuu master, Liuudry
maa, collier er factory man paying lo the (aid work
man or laUn r so by Liiu employed, or
aud directing his, I1" or thair agents, clerk or olei as,
o pay any srt of w.,' wages of his said auikuieu or
tawoicis Iu an order or orders upon any such store
keeper shopkeeper or olhei dealer iu merchandise
or oih. r sjIk'U. shall tirdit lbs amount of said order
or orders sogiven or paid, lbs saiaa alH out la de
faulted against thewsgasuf .aid workman or laborer,
Slid hs shall ba eutltli-4 U Xitu or its full amOuilt of
his wg sstniU)iti uo nodi ocJir or orders had Lmu
((Iten ui paid, and no sehliiuenl or saUlauiaiiU luada
ailb suill aaipleyer shall bar reaoeery a ad any
lion luaslar, foundiy laan, collier or laaioty man ul
fending agaiual tha prui isuiw ul tk Irkt aeellusiol
lliu su'l shall it gullly of a atisdaauor a"i- uf
unvletloa tbrrefbr, hall ba paiittd by a Sua k.d
iu.pruof aital o. aithsr, al Iks diseiatiuu of the eourt
uyiug ibasauia. A roii'S naiata, mi tU
at.ball saltnd Ui all Mutm m hu.' S ut
jla.irilS fatfii S'tifw, "
Tuesday evanilig lut, it being tho stated DigSt af
mooting, Chief Burgoas'B. B. Doyrf, in tho olniir
Wembors prosent, Bouroe, Wilvart, Flcannts, l'nckcr
Ilandrleka, Rohrbaok, Frillng, Manti asd Seush,oUi.
Un motion tha.toading tt tie muiutes wcra i Lf pcns
d wlti.
The Sommrtto en Highways and fiidowalks repor
ted tha following :
"To Uio Ilurgoaaes asd Counollmen of Sunbury !
W, Ota undarsigned ootnmittoe on Highways and
Sidewalks, bag leara to report, that we nave exam
ined that part of l'okoberry street from Broadway to
first allay lo the east, according to instructions of
the Council at their last meeting, and llnd Hie street
and sidewalk impamablo. liy iutortnntion from legal
gentlomou and others in regard to tilling and repair,
tiig, we loam that the parts of 1'okeborry and ltivor
streets whero the basin now is, havonot been vacated
ky any Aet or Acts of Assembly, and thnt tha Hall
road Company, (Danville A 1'ottsville,) who dug out
the streets, have long sinee ceased to The lot
holders, joining those streets, or tho companies who
now own the isaauiokin Valley A 1'ottsville (formerly
Danville A Pottaville,) Kail road, eanuot be compel
led to till up or keep in repair the streets above men
tioned, on account of they not being the samo parties
digging Ihoin out. The Woagu authorities, there
fore huve the full oontrol over those stroct to fill up
and keep them in repair, and can be compelled to
do to, except at railroad cruesint3, whioh the ooin
pauies owning tha roads are required to koep in good
Itospeolfullv, Tours,
tax. WILVF.llT,
JUIIN UOL'HXK, Committee.
On motion, the report was adifted and filed.
The question of levying l'.oad, l'uor and llorough
taxes was then brought up and discussed.
Un motion of Mr. fucker, seconded by Mr. Sen
holts, it was uuuniiuously ltt&ulrttti That a tax of
leu million tho dollar be levied for Houd purposes for
the ensuing year.
Un motion of Jlr. Wilvcrt, seconded by Mr. Tlca
aants. it was uuuniiuously litsult tU, That a tux of
hvo mills on the dollnr be levied for' Borough pur
poses for the eusuing year.
On motion of Mr. Friling, seconded by Mr. Robr
bnch, it wiih iiiiuniinou.oly iirsolrctt. That a tux of
four and a hull' mills on the dollar be levied fur l'oor
purposes, for the enuring year.
On motion, adjourned to meet on Mondnv evening
next. J. W. llCCllL'K, Clk.
iii:K..ti, it9:vi:.i i'.
Aitfes-ior's Notice.
The tax pavers of this District are hereby notified
that, pursuant to the provisions of the Act of Congreff
pawed July 1, 13H2, entitled "An nut to provide In
termit Hevcnuo to supjiori the UoTerniucut and to
piiy interejit on the Public lebt," arid the net to
aiiii-iid the nuine. pussed March 3, 1 stilt, the second
minimi ansouuent will be mude on nud alter the first
Monday (Ith day) of May inst. The assesement will
cmbrnee the follovviug items:
1. Imovks. All incomes for tho year ending
lee. .'II, ISO J, must be returned to thn A.-si.-t:ii;t As
sessors, under oath, in acoordanco with the inntruo
tioni of (he Commissioner ol luteruul Revenue, upon
the blank forms provided for that purpose.
Koch person ill bo required to return his total
incomo, so fur specifying the source from which it is
derived, as to eniible the AsiUlaul Assessors to de
cide what deductions shuil be made llicreon.
Whero a husband and wife live Iwrvthcr. and their
tiixuble income is iu excers of JtiOU. they will be en
titled to but one deduction of SikiO, that being the
average fixed by law us an estimated eoiiituutiition
for Hie expense of lnaintaiiiiug a family Where
they live apari they will be taxed sepurutely, and bo
each eulitled to a deduction of $o0U.
HunTd'uin? nnd trustees, whether such trustees are
so by virtue of their ofrk-e as executors, Hdiiiiuisiru
tors, or other fiduciary capacity, are required to
make return oftlie income belonging to jninOra or
other persons, which may be net. I in trust, us ufore
said ; uud the income tax will be its-ussed upon thi
amount returned, after deducliug such sums us lire
exempted from the income tax. u uiui enid ; Provid
ed. Thai the exemption of six humlred dollars, under
section VU of tho excise law, sliull nut be allowed
on account of any minor or other beneficiary of a
trcst. except upon the statement of the guaidiiiu or
trustees, made under oath, that the minor or bene
ficiiu'y litis no other income from which the suid
uuiouut of six hundred dollars may be exempted
aud deducted.
ixccjiBnAseKS, btxts ajcii itLi'Ains.
Interest paid hy any person on Incumbrances upon
the dwelling house or estates on which he resides,
may bo deducted from Income; aUo his payments
for necesrary repairs as well as the amount actually
paid fur rent of iinr dwelling houso or estate which
is the residence of the person assessed,
I'eif ins receiviug rents, lnuy deduct therefrom
the amount pnid for necessary repairs, insurance
und interest ou incumbrances upou sueh rented
property The cost of new struct urea, or improve
ments lo buildings, shall Lot be deducted tVoia
Every furmer or planter will bo required to make i
return oi ine value oi tiie produce el ins lurni ur
pliuitiition. without deduction lor the labor or service
of himself and his fuuiily. or fur any portion ol such
produce consumed by himself iiud family.
The amount paid by uuy furuicr or planter fir
hired luber and necessary rejiuirs upon bis tunii or
plniitaliou. including thu .-uiHi?tcncc of tho laborers ;
and the manure purehused by formers to nutintaiu
their lands in pnscut pruductive conditiou will be
Farm produce, which the producer bus on baud
on tho olsl day of December. 1SI32. mustbeappruised
ut its uiui kct vuluu ou that day.
2. Est siKiiATKD Auru I.KS All articles mimed
in section 77 of the law (Schedule A.) w ill beussessed
tor the tMXcs to which they are liable, lor the year
ending M;iy 1. ls'.il. viz :
Carri..!?. kept tur use, fur hire, or for passengers.
liillimd Tables.
Silver Pluto,
llold Plate.
7Vir furmrr ttiiitHeiits on thf ahovt named
ttrtit-Us hitvi in; tin ii made far the ycarlS62.
These returns mu.-t be made to the Assi-lunt
Assessor' within ten duya from date of deliverv of
the blanks. Nigleet. or refusal to comply wiihiu
the timo named, imposes the duty ou tha" Assessor
or Assistant Assessor to estimate the income and the
tux upon cuiiiiitrutcd urticles, with an addition id'
JiJ'ly .' iv ii tn in.
j lie enure income tax or every person will be
assessed at the residence of the pai tr aud not at the
place cf business.
All lirc'iscs assessed iu accordance with the act of
March :t. lsilll. will coutiuuo iu force uutil the (list
day of .May, lso4.
"And ull licenses grunted after the first day of
May. iu any your, will expire ou the first day of May
follow iug, uud will be iu-ued uihiu the payment ol u
rutuble proportion of the Whole amount of duty
iinpo.-ed for such license ; and such liueuses o
grunted w ill be dated on the first day of tho month
in which it i issued. Provided, That any persuii,
linn, or corporation that ou the first duy ofMiiy,
1SU-I. held uu unexpired license, will be assessed a
rutuble proportion for the tiuiu beta ecu the expira
tion of the license aud the first day of may eighteen
huudied and sixty four."
All persona doing business within this district
must apply for a new license to ruu from the ditto
their present licenso expires (which, in most cajies
is September 1st, 1MJX) to the first of May. ISM.
Whenever, by thu amend incuts, uew rules of license
are established, the new license will be assessed at
the uew rutes, and iu all eases where thu present
license expires September 1st, lSG:t, the new iicen-e
will cover a period of eight uiontlis. and must be
arausaed to in) two thirds vf the yearly tax.
1 tNAl.TUS.
When an assessment for licnse has been made,
neglect or refusal to give the list or inuke the applica
tion wilhiu the lime required, aud lliu nl
i retnrued in the annual list, the fifty per centum
penally prcscrioeu iu sivunu it njii..( no atiti.t.
aud caiiuul ba remitted, either by the A-.-c.-.-.r or
liy the act, March .1, 1 Sfl3, lint penalty of tvo
year iiiifin.uHmciii ia added to the piiuidiuicut !
provided iu formed acts lor tho.e whu full to take'
out liccii.e wheu required by the xcbji laws of the 1
I.' uited Slates.
Tha former annual assessment which was em
barrassed for want of information ou tha part of
cititeua, with regard 10 the duties iuiismd on ibem
by Ibe excise law. It is uiauifisl thai, wi'it Ibe I
kun ledge now altaiueil ou the pari ol the UJ paver. .
and wilh Uie suMislaiiea reuduivd by this circular,
lhal igiiurauae ol ibe law eu uo longer be plea led ;
by deiinqueubi lo Ul bops oi avoidiug Ibe p. imlne.
proud D.VMiL ULNMii, (
ASsesaor Htu vutnul I uuwliauia.
May SO, ISS t J,
rnllE un ler.Ifiisd offers tessll at frieata sale bis
X saluabla Ui ui, situate Iu Kerbs towu.blp, t.wili
uuibulau l sounly, Pa , about one n.ll of Se
. ... T. ...,,l.i,,i,,J 1 tt II III VliUlll
I ACUM, tsiors or leas; about stale eei ol ahicb
' aiaeleaivd aud iu good stale ol euliKaiaju, an.'i
' ibe ..almost will Uuibried with m aud oak Ibe
; .a, ro euiuuK aia s Log IIuum, 1VU aud eibel out.
IsituaMsr lut lariisuiais -ifiuii-ui
' MAT VUMtvr
tasrr. H'f V M
18C3. 1803.
AT TIIE . . ,
yfOCLD rejpectfully announce Uat they havo
just reoeived and opened s rCry large and well selec
ted Stook of " .'
which tliey are willing to dispose of at a VERT
I lrat loaf,
S i .
. V
Thankful for paM favors wo hope to meot s con
tinunnco oftlie samo by stilt selling Uoods as cheap
if not JIII'2AK1CIC than can be purchased elso
whero. FKILINd A 0KANT.
Sunbury, May 23, 1S03.
'flip iii-c:it 'misc of
HUMAN MISERY. Pitttittctl, tit a Fritted lZnrclvpe. Price
tfi.r Cent'.
A Lecture by Dr. t'L'LVKUWELL. on tho eotise
and cure of Spermatorrhea. Consuiuplion. Mental
and Phvsienl Debility, Nervousness. Kpilejiy ; Jin
ptiired Nutrition of tiie llody ; Lassitude ; enkness
of tho Limbs and the Duck ; Indisposition and Inca
pacity lor Study nnd Labor ; Dullness ol Apprclien.
sion; Loss of Alennirv ; Aversion to Society; Love
of Solitude ; Timidity ; Self Distrust ; liirzinuss ;
Headache ; -Affections of the Kves ; Pimples on thu
l-'uco ; Invuluntiiry Ktnissions and Sexunl lncHpacity
thc Consequences of Youthful Inniserction, Ac, Ac.
tJA'Thls admirable L'Wture clearly proves that
the above enumerated, often self-nlUieied evils, may
be removed without meilicit'C and without dangerous
surgical operations, nnd should bo read by every
man in the laud
Sent under se il. in a plain envelope, to nny ad
dress, on the receipt of six cents, or two postago
stamp, bv uddfes-ing.
" ' MAS. J. C. KLINE A CO.,
127 Bowcrv, New York, Pot Oliico Dux, 4is,ti.
Sl.iy 2.1, lstW. i-'eb. :K ly
WES. H. xklL&SR S.
T l F. has just returned Inane from Philadelphia,
i 1 wilh a'new Stock of DuoiS and Sll'lES, eject
ed wilh great care lo suit all persons
limj ijmir Itviit iiiii s'.t white ymt citn pit tt
li ft ijitcJili, ii u I tririe tin .. .- .'sortineiit M
. jit in iVviii-y.
He has Calf Hoots trom :) 75 lo it HO.
lie bus Uoy'sCiilf Hunts from SI JtiloSI 00.
He bus Lndii'A' liaitcrs from t2cts. to ts.'l
Jin bus Misses and Children's Uaileis of all styles
and fashions, uud prices. In short everything ill his
line of Dusini-ss.
lie also h-i.'uu h:::ol n full a.--, ortnicnt of M..rr-eoo
and Calf Skins of tho best quality, which ho w il
iniikc tip to order ut the shortest notice, ha' ing 5tip
plied himself with the most fasliioimhlu Lasts.
LISWALD'S Patent -Metallic Sulci null IloeN.
one pair of w hich will wear as long us five pair ut
Leather Soles, kept ou baud.
Memlmg done us usual.
t'ull and examine for youic'clves nnd lenrn my
pricts before pui-cliufeiug ebew here.
W.M. II. Mil. I. Lit.
Sunbiiry. May ifi, lsil.'i. lyeh
Attorney al niM4'I!; ;ii siu.
Oil. cu i ii wiinh (il'Miii ket ir I , t'uui J jurs vlsi
vt' K. V. Ui il.t A Suu's Moiu,
sxjisrxiXJit"v, pa.
Will iittcii.l i ri'inptly U nil I'ntft'ssionnl Itiulntv
rittiuU'l Its hii I'ltri-. lliO m rlniu.s hi
'.rihnii..RT.iiij'i n tul tli liiljttinitij; i'.uutii.'.
iuilliury, .May i, iMi.'J. ly
Ius'.ruuieuts for all dcforiuities.
Dlt. tii.nS'LK'.S
'M' I.-vt-r 'I'ritsi
lias taken the place of other Trusses for the retention
uud cure of ilei nia ur liiipture. Acling upon the
)iineiple of a lever, it never loses its strength. It is
coated to prevent rust. It has no pud ou the buck,
which is so liable to injure the spine and annoy and
chafe the wearer. It is sure to retain tin- Uupttirc,
giving eus and comfort, and etlceting rn.liciil cures.
It is aarieuted lo give suiistiiction
The iinpioi cil Shoulder-lirneo expands the chest
uuil prevents the weerer from becoming round
Ladies' Hells and AlsloUlilllll Supporters. Duud
uges. uud belt i full kinds, and instruments tor all
Dclot mil ies ot the ilodv.
JUt. liltm Llt'S Office D No I Ann Street, two
doors from Dnadway, New York.
Strangers should particularly note the mi mo and
April 11, isf,;i
lMi:i. DxtiS.
llOIVEI.I. A liOl Ittti:,
Cur. Euurth A Market Streets, Philadelphia, have
tow iu stock, a Cue variety of
Willi I'lipS'l'M,
pit up expressly for their Sprlnjr Trade.
to which they invite the attention of Storekeepers.
C if in their llcieil Depiu tuieut, will be luuud the
cloiiee-i stvtea ot the season.
l iiilailelphui r'cb 11, JSI-3 3'iiw
CiNliiliii ol' lsn-ti-r!ht.
"VfOTICi: is hereby Riven that Ibe partnership
1 heretof.ire exisiiniri.etweeh C. D. HnllItHACIi
and JACOIl ltOJlKUACH, under the firm ut C. D.
A J. ltohrbach. in the J'ouudry Ditaiucss. was dis,
solvi-i by uiiitotil consent on the 1-t day of April,
lhii.'t. 'J'ne itooks and Papers are left iu the bunds
of Jacob Kuhrbaeh, at the old stand, for speedy scl
All persons Interested will please take n tice
L H llnllltllAt'ii.
JACOJ1 UullltllACH.
Sunbnry, April 1ft, lo3 at
Published for the benefit, and as a waruirg and
who suffer from Nervous Debility, premature Decay
of Manhood, etc , supplying at ifie suinc lime.
Py one who has eure-1 himself afier L.iii)f put to
Kiiut exx-tise aud injury thruub medical buadiui;
and quackery.
Hy i-uchsiii a pott-paid a lliessed er.vilepc. tin.
tie copies mav bv bd of ibe author.
'N Alii A MM. MAIKAIH.Ini ,
Ucdlotd, Eius Count v, X .
May :3 ISi'I-lyo
'l'lie II-iik ul'lrrur.
(I.s Minnirs u Euutia)
I. Juhu H Otfdtii. M Ii , niil.T and publl.ber o
the alK.i a .i k, ilu hereby pr .u lv ami acme lv .end
(In e of iIimi cl Iu any yuuiiviosit who mil wiile lev
il, a sample "py Ii.rpiiuMl. I tiepmpir .'ml) uf Uu ll.i. Wiuk iuue-1 an I
seitl . silt lur ilia brln Ul ul u1eill- buliial.iil it
IJiiM lu ..uiple luuuuae uu all I lav Juiiwi. ui Ftrr.
Ha ti-iiillial VieakliiM, Xel.uus Jl'Ldll, iu
L4trtuib, ilwtaiu but) , JlMlilly, Ualllis Ju-i.a.
iu.iUIM-y. ik. r, 4 -)IVMi4 :!, SKeU,Vi au I el.
leelual pliM-.'ii-lul. lur the pifuisuillt Cure. lu.
a.filir is. li Is uiui'll valuaM Haluriuallin. Alt isUu
Uiui bss i'b liesli sestdv u. f uik sl.-iil se
vens saus t eul.v J.. Ivlsslu S .ll tVvvisf rSiASV.
A4jkm JuUM H nii' M Jt ,
X'i 3 .jts'. bi.sv1. Vik
.M;r 1MJ - list
IP O TT ItT T n -rT
rilllK unflersfted rcspestfully Inlorui the pnblio
J generally, that they have entered Into Co-Pnrt-neisbip
in tho EOIXDUY lll.'PINESS, and are now
prepared to manufacture at tUfl 'Hobrbosu Fonadiy,'
all kinds of ' - ' .
.Vlai'liiiii'r.v. Slsvcn, ll'I., C'f
liiC. A' nt short il'i'.
Hepairinu; ail kiuds of Agricultural Impleiiients
done in a it-io 1 wotkmanlike manner and at tho
shortest notice.
All articles shipped ss ordered. Orders respeot
fullr solicited and promptly atteiete I lo.
T. 0. COHl'EU.
t if Old Iron, and all kinds of Producu taken Ii
Exchtmir.0 for work
Sunhury, May 10, 1803. tf
Jf Welry V IMaiuondsi
803 Chesnnt Street, l h:a.
HAVE always on hand a larire stock of t'old and
Silver Watches, suitable for Ladic?. Oentlemun
or Hoys' Wenr. Some of our ow n importation, ex
tra fine quality:
Our assortment of Jewelry consists of the most
fashioualile nud rich designs ; as also tho plainer ami
loss expensive.
Silver Spoon, Forks. Pie. Cake and Fruit Knives ;
also a larger variety of Fancy Silver Ware suitable
for liridai Presents.
Ye have also on htind a most spK-adid anortroetit
of Diiitniiid Jew elry, of all kinds, to whioh we invito
esiiei-ial ntlention. Ourprioos will be tiuud eonside.
rablv less than Ibe same arte(esnre usoutty sold for.
Ail kinds of Watches repaired iu the very best
matiuer. nnd w arranted lo give satisfaction.
WLDlilMt It 1. Mi Sou unnd and mado to order.
Call or address
" SOU Chesnut Street. Philadelphia.
P. S. Tbo Ivgliot caslt prices paid for old Oold
nnd Silver.
A Hunter from tho country will rcecivo espoeial
May 2, 1803. Suio
i:si Aiti.i!siit:i i?o.
Srmir.V. 'I'olini'i'o Jziinil'url m-or
(I'ormetly 42 Chalhiim Street, New York.
Would cull the attention of Dealers to th articles
if Tiiw manufacture, vix:
Macnboy. licmittrus,
i'iuo ltnppee, J'ure Vireiniu,
Course Uappee, Nachiloches,
American Oentlemun, Copeiibagrn.
Scotch. Honey Dew- Scotch.
iiiu'h Toast Seofeh. 1'rt-h Honey Dew Scotch
Irish lliirh Toast, Fresh Scotch.
oi Luialyfuot.
Attention is culled lo the lure;'.' reduction in
prie sof l'inc-t'ul Chewini; and Smoking Tobnceos,
which will be found i f a Sup nor Quality.
Smoking. Fine Cut C-n'w in. Suiokin-.
Lo:i. p, ,. L..or plain. S. Jn-o.
No. 1. Csveiolish. or Swet, Spanish.
No, 2. Sweet Scented Oronoco. Can.i'.tor
No. 1 A 2 niixeit. 'Jin Foil Cavendish, Turkish.
N . D. A circular uf prices will be sent un npulicu-
April 1, 1St'.3. 1
. S A V 0 N I F I K R ,
'i'l.s- I'jiiiiilv N:i liil.-r.
The I'l'HLir are eautiono.1 the Sl'l T.I.
OI S artic le of LYE lor mnkinir SO. P. Ac row of.
len.d loi-siile. The only l EN I' I N K mil PATENT
ED Lie is 1 iniule bv tho PENNSVLVANIA
SALT M AN l: FACTE H I N't! CO.MI'.Y. their
trade-murk tor it hcinc -SAl'ONFlElt. nil ( ON-
t i::;tt:ati:u eve." ti.- i.-i si ve.-s ..nhfe
nrticle has led I NPEINCI I'l.l.H I'AliTIE.- lo en-ik-tiior
lo lMlTA'JEit in n of the Coiupunv's
of lhoe M'l'liior.s- Lies, are bcrcl.v Noll EIED
thul thu Coin puny have employed us their AUurneys.
I) Ei MttlE II AltDINTi. E?'i.. of Phil.idn.. u'ud
WILLIAM liAUEW ELL. l.-i.. of PittMmrjr.
An I tint nil .Mm. ufueiurois, lirs. or .ilels uf
1 vi-. in violat'-'ii i f the riu'iits id tl'.c Cou.piii.v, will
be l":tl.-ECl I Ell at once.
ii. tor d.ilo by ull Druggist. U rovers and Country
'i'a:' .oj ;.
T!ic l'nitd Stales Circuit Court. Westc-n listri.'t
of I'eun-vl vunirt. No. I ut Ainy 'Jena, iu l-'2. in.-uit
of the ' I'ciilisylvimia Salt Manutaelitrili Coii.pal;y
IS. 'i l..m:is Ii. ITi:l- ileereed to tbs t. ompti 11V . II
Noielhtier l.'l. IsliJ. thu l,Ai-Ulsile li:'h! jir.lliieit by
a imieiii owned by tliem for the SA Po.N'l-TEIt. l'a
tei.l dated October 21, ISiO. l'erpetuul injunctien
aw aided.
O F V 1 C I". S :
127 Walnut Streit, l'liilndelpliia,
Pitt Street, and Duiiuc-uo Wuy. Pittsburg.
May 2. lsti.t .'tin
lMJ:t. lastiS.
Ihii:nl Elilu .V Erie Itaili!.
fpillS prent lino traverses tbo Northern and
I Northwest counties of JJcun;ylvnnia to the city
uf Erie, on Luke Erie.
It has I u leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company, and under their auspices is being rupid'y
upeiud throughout itr entile lculh.
It is now in use tor l'assenirer and' Freie-ht bii-i-i:jss
fioui Hiirri-buri? to DritiwotHt. 2nd fork, (177
miles) on the Eastern Division, uud fioui Sbetheld to
Erie. (7S miles.) on tho U esteru Di inion.
Arrtrr Jiif.vtiMA.
Isi'vr. Westward.
MuilTrnin, till. IU AM
Mail Train. 4 III P. M.
Express 1 ruin. 1 1 li7 J'.M
Express 'iriuii, J.i'.i A.M.
Curs run ihrouich wiihout cluin 'c, Imltt ways, ou
ihe.-c trains hctHi-cn Pl.ilndelphiit and Luck iluvcu,
and lietM'een llnlliii,ure aiid Lock Haven.
Jlennt rileeiiii; Cms on i.preis Tratu b'.iih
n-avs between V uud Paltiinure, and
iliiituisMirt nud Philtolclplua.
J'or iiituriiiuiii.'U n-specun Psw-inrer busiiics
npply at the S. K. t or illli nnd Market Ais.
And tor Freight liuiness of Ihe CoiLpany sAircnts:
t?. it.- Jiiiij:i.ii, Jr., Cor. L'lth aud u'ts.,
,1 . V . iicvuolds, Erie.
J M. Lrill, Agent X. C. R. It . Rulilraere.
U. 11. SKiN.
Uen'l Freight Agt. Philada.
I.ttms L. U..i i-r.
Urn I Ticket Ag'l., Pliiliida
J .m. i n Ji Pol ! s,
Oeu 1 Manager, M ilinui!
April 25, lsf.,1.
(i.vkim-:s' on I'm rr i'.vkms.'
Kuittibte fur tlrapes. Peaches, i'cars. Itn-'filM-rrics.
.Iraw I'crries Itlackberries, eiirialils. A", nf !,''!,
!. Iu or 'io acres each, at the folli'tving f.i ices Inr the
picseiit. vis : '.'ii acres fur JHi, In acres hirtllo,
.'i acri-s t .r uti, 1! acres tor 1H. i acre Tnr
;ynlile hy urn duller m week.
At-Hi ei-id Crniiln'.iry lnudi-. ainl tillage loU in
r 1 1 I.J null, l.y I tin feet, al fill each, paiiilile
( l.y eueilidlar a leek. 'lliu ni d mil f:i!iiii.
I nr. Mluatc.l al l'hitnoii.1, V afhiliiti'tl 'i'MUliship.
t lliirliiii;ieii C'lUiity, Xiw Jusey. J or lurihi r in
' f apl'lv, with a P O. ,-.i,mp, fir acucular,
I to
I No. im I'sstar Mrccl. New uik. X Y
' Jauuarj 24, liMi.'t -y
I IL, TIDIES i i "
Mluu , I,. 4aii.-i.l4T, ha I'K liken extra
pHllik III I peis-U: jliy I'll- pMIIClpal II. ill. uf
i 1 usiii 'd III the cily, is in w pn psic J to inakc, tiiui
ur ii triu, R. i.i c: l I Ilul., iu tin Litest Spiiug and
' Ull.lllul .i lis
I Mn- has ou bun. I t lil ts stuck uf
I" liOWKKK, 1! 1 11110 N H . I. A C f.S ,
! ar I all ailii -lev iu bur line, sl.cied with ih -l. .1
t.i. imiu Ibi'u and can, and mil
t . ik u. li - 1' at fiiei'. lu .ml Lit eu. luiucr..
I xl'IM' lll'! I il'ri ti'V-ILHi t.l.lUJls,
illl.s, I iiLI.A It . H tM'hLlii III. I.. C'lMiiK.
and uuuivmus Minr wiicUs U4 ldiv sal. lo
wun h she iuiiive luv lauiiM U eall u4 viatuiueU .
lutv per-bs.ius; vUunlieiv.
I 'll.suklul lui ll i 4iiuj,g .sloiidl Ui kef kvrelik
fmv stiv it.'isi t-y the ti i.i luisasl sA
I1V I-I.osmi. IU(i UlliU liiV NUNS
ill,- .-i-esaij 4uus iirb bf ekasuokui VJI. A I' i'
in' i ii-ssl mut 4 lsli, il J HJiV
JOiiXsT i3. SMICK,
l'nwn Htrrcet, opposite Vearort Hotel,
BLTI7HUHi, Northumberlanrt Co., Ps..
IN tTtllMS his frlende and tho public prnernlly
that be hnj taken the Shop of Jacob S. ltnke,
1 dee d , aid is prepsrrd In do all kinds of TAILOR
i 1NU in a uood woikuiunlike manner. Tin pal roll-
eftooiino putiiio is-rtopooiluiiy soiioitea.
Sunhury, Muy 10, WI. ly
in every Timely,
Orders soliilted 'and tilled with protuptnow and
Sonbury, May 10. 1H03 ly
Vv A'l'l'H V.R, J VAX I-:f.KV" a.-Slj
The nnderslned wpiibt re.'-pert-,
fully Invite yoar attention In his.
well selected stock of fine Oold nnd
Silver WATCHES. KiuoOold JEW.
Kbit V. ol ivi.rv Lit,,! Hr.. I .-..rilM
j;-" in si vies iTompri-iuir ni oi me
M trrit and tlios! henntii'vl drtii'in.
Al-o. SOLID SILVER WAKE. r.lir In Coin
and the ; best mnkoiof fUrrr Platnt W are Encli
article is wnrrafrd to be as ri or.o utid.
( V" Watches and Jewelry enrclully rej.nrcd and
sittisfaotion gitiirntitced
(Snrrr.i'nr in Stitiifrr A- Hurnr.)
No. 022 .MARKET Street, PlllLAD'A
Mnrch 7, ISAM. :t nio. '
Economy isWealth!
C'E'lft: VOI It t 6I t.ll Vttit IX .
ThoIiEKTand CHITA TEST lloufchold REMEDY
Im the World
.11:i!ani X.tlM.' I'OHi'llt'S
.Madwr Z.ImC 1'OIt.
TKH'S I'urntive J'nlsriiii
is wnrrniit''. it' wi r
conliny; to tho rl ir?l iii,
to t'lir'' in nil t'!t5t'K (.ViutI;-.
Athtnr., upd it!l atT'LMiMtis
ot the Tbrout nnd Lui.
fniliiin Za-ldf Portor'a
hll the nq-ii; it :. rurf n nT
fkill, frrt'.n p ..'."M'-iiintin
rf tlm iin-t rr mci.iej the
voPtalik kiii'ldtu iifloni
its .t-incil iul (jtiHliti
bni'l on it'iwcrto n.-"i.-t
tin lit'Hlthy nti't vijynritm"
circnhition if thu hlnott,
hluutl. thru' the Luiur1. Jt
in not h vink'iit rciuotly,
Imt PTWilirn' wnniiinff,
fe:irchiipr niul t'tneti c ;
can he hy thr olilrt
'piriiM.r ytmitcpt chiM.
ATmltiuiv ', V'lrt'TV
ItfiNn?" hns hri'ti lis u.-p hy
thr jm hi it; Ur ovor IS yrnn
uiui intf iK-uirpil it pro
rnl siOo hy hpluir rorninnipnilrrl hy tho5o
vim h:ivn urtl il to their i.rtti. tcil frirnln tinii othris
Md-t Im.-mht nt. Mtuliiiup Z'nliip rurtpr's 'urit
tivo IWiIshui U &Ai nt h price whioli hriuus it iutliu
rrnrh of every one t com lur ude. J iio '
timely usrot a .-flugic h'tiiri tirovo ho worth
loo UUXK.H iLscont- I
KtTK''. Fn ve 7ur lfnney ! DnTmt hp pornif- '
to imrehitfie. nrtk-len at 4s to $1 whifh tin n't ron- '
ttnn the virtue of n J:t cent llultleof Miolinne 1'or
ter'K t'urntixo Jiiil-:iin, tho rKt of nMnMt';ietnrM
v hi.-li is ns (front n? that of nhnost nnr nthr inoti
uiite ; nn( tin very low rrieo nt hi' ! it f .!o
lmikrs tl'o nnilit to the m-llor npnreiitly .-mull. tv
uiiirim-iilett iloulvr.- will oini.tiii;e3 i t'lminieihi
oilur ine.lifiiH! on whifh their jTnf'is ro liu-frer. nn-le.-y
tliu cu-.temt'ts iuit up -n hnviiii; Al.'nhtiiie I'or
tir , nti'l nuiie other. Ak lir -Mmiiune I'tirterV l"n
rfitive HhU -iii. j rieu JeoutH, ttuil in lnrjro botllisat
2 renin. hikI tnko no other. It you ennuot gt't it at
one -jturo yuu :ni tit finotht r.
S.lti hy ull I'mir-tiMa nn.l turokeeperi nl 13 ct.,
and in larger hnitloHt 2 cts.
Jl ALL A KI CK LL, Piopril-.irn.
Jnuunry yi, lwa'i. ly
I'l u Mr-, :
With your p'-rmis'-icn I ni:'i to fay tu tlio rend.-ri
of your peprr that I will send l.y return mail to all
vim it, (free) a Keeipe. with lull liireetii'iis fir
tnnkiii and u.-iii:fr a simple ei;cintilo Itnliu. thnt
will clii'i-tuully.rciuove. in lildnys. riiujih s. lil'itchi--'J'nii.
f reckles, and nil 1 input it i . nf tin-.vkin. leav
ing l In- Mime si. ft. clenr. Miiiiiilli nud lieniitil'iil .
I will iilu ii:,hI five to lln rc bavin: llald Headsur
I'nre l-'iieis. simple dircctii.i s and ii:i..rii.ntii!i t'l.-it
will enable them to Mart a full growth of Li,.M.ri.'"it
Jbitr. M'hisker-., or a Muusiacuc. in le.- tbnu oO days
All npplicatiiu.s answered liy retina mail without
l'e:oetful!v yeurs :
No. 6.11 Erondway, Xew York.
Feb. 2S, IV.3. 3uio.
R K now niHiHifiii'lured t.i nrder hv the uli" i
nl CHEAPER HA TICS than at any ..thi r csinl.
1 i-li iti .-tit in nunliury Tho war tnx is not taken into
ciiiisideruliiin.and nil work w ill bedou.'nl eld prices.
Having just lecei' ed an entire new skk-Ii ol l.-al'ii-r
and Mnroccosf li. i-
'ir I letiii n'si Itoosi nn.l :ii-fi,
I.mlii- Slux-s. aul Jnil-r-.
4 liiSSi''fist fLM-., V'., Ac,
whicli w ill he mi'dc tn order at .-hort nuttce in ihe
best workmanlike manner and of the best iii;:lci inl.-.
Fcelinjr tlini.kl'ul Inr Ihe puirnnuc cAtcndcJ here
tM'nrc lui hnpes lociiutinue the same.
All who desire wink dune cheap and durnl'c, are
invited to call lit his shop ncuriy epposiic me Cnurl
Houso in Mmitct lunn-, i-uuburv. .a.
February 2S, ISC.3 - Cm
'- DCi-itiUii' ICallronU.
Git EAT Tlil'XK LINE from tho Xnrth ni
Xurth-West fur Philadelphia. New Ynrk. Reaa
inr. i'ottsville. Lehnnnn. Allcutnwii. Eatnn. Ac.
J'rains leave HarrLjiiurir fr Philadelphia, Xew
Yi.rk, Eesititi. i'ottsiille. and nil lutcruiediuto
talions. at . M . nnd 2 on I'. M.
Xe Vnrk E.tprcssli iives II ii : i.l.ur ul 2 15 A. M ,
ui riling nt New Vnrk .it y 1."- the miiih1 neirninr .
Fnrts lliu i ubui'ic : Ty .Vi'sr VurK Ji l.i: to
Philadelphia. 5-i lij U'ui ;i ill. J'.iuii checked
Eeiiiii-iiiJ. leave Xeiv Y'-rk .-"t ft A. M.. 12 Xik.h,
and T I' M. (PiitKburch Express). Lrnvu l'l.ilu Kl
pbia at S I j A M and '-i ''' 1" M.
lecpin-; ears ill tho Neivmk Express Trains,
ihriui jh In and frmii i'itlst-uiirh Hiilmut change
i'n.-seii)ici hy the Cmtiiwi-M! ltnil Read li-uieTu
uiiupiii nl s .ul A. .M , and 'i l.i 1. M , lor Philadel
phia. X ew- Yin k. and all a v Peims.
Jruii.i leave Puitsvil'e at !l lo A. .M., mid 2 M P.
M . fur Philadelphia Hjiriirir uiei .New Y'-rk.
.'. liaceululil.iUaUou l' liaill I -i.vcs Rcadilrr
ai ii no A. M , aud r lurus tiu. j l'h ludilphia ut b I'll
P. M.
I ' All the a' ovo trains ru:nlaily. Sundays ex
cepted. A Mindnv train leaves p.itti illo ut A.M.,
ail Philadelphia at 3.1 j P.M.
CouiOiUtntieu. Mileage, sica.s.ii. und Lxcuiiou
Tickets, ut rcileewt ru'.e lo an t fii'in ail peinl-..
I. A 1. il lll.l.S,
May 2, 1853. luerul (iu ci n.lei.dcut.
E.iicLiiM uuaa A. Slluwius.l.uri; Hull
OX and after Xuvcu.her 17, l''!, Pu-ijjrijer
Trams will ruu a. f. linos :
i Leuio
f-.-ralltutl, H.mi A
10 15 A
11 Jt) P
lM i--t..n, V :
Rupert, 11 .".
I'm. wile, lit'i
Arriveat Xerthi.ui'.erlan I, I.' li P M
M'ilii XDlilll
X..rlliiiiu! crluu I, ."i '.'n I it
liauillle, A
Itiipert. '
" K UlL'Hiill, U l.e-U'iV I t
I' M
Arrive at S, riini.iu. III ml I' M .'ilu
A Pa.-Miii.-rr iiulll aim leans k iiijsluli al
t on
A S . ..r is.-iiihi.iii. . n iii.e.-t iili a tia i I r
Ne ul4. i Slurl.ll..'. lejlr. fxul.!..
ul iruin Ii. in New ..ik al t I J I' v'
'I tie I kawai.i. A 1 1 l..u. -'K liai!i.l
wi l. the I'l'laualv, La. k anna ai.l el. IU Halt.
I l al is-raiiinu, Mr New u-l ii.ieiu.idiatc
'"TtVuti-rt II v,.i.ii..-iv liu b Ca...-,a bail
r u l I -ii'i- l'tb i-i ai d re -iiiii. al I'Uil
..l.i! I.iu .1 0 I . I' i ii,,,,,
Al .ailiuuil eflauil II e. I i e.1. ullliili. I l.lln.l.-..
Il.iaall.i Halll I l.i.lial I. all
t-l Ii aaill. al'l s..lll ! 1 1 1,14
I IImi 1 i.l.ui n i o I1 M . Pit'lalilfUi t ) j' ii ,
. 1. 1 lull uu. iu lo I" M
I im I im. I.I and I' -'i-iiei ' Tn. ln t ..iU. Laves
N.a.i.ue I. .and at d . ' M a 1.. I irn, f " P
ki , 1.JUI i'aiii !! at '" V vi
' J"IIS p Ut I V, buj.
V Willi lilMlJIlkllSI'll
J i tt .f v. a a u i i rx
Murltt Stjit&r 07iC floor. irC of
s , Qffle, ' - U
) FpectfnHf loformi his old frioini and tho rmh
V HO mmrjilly (hut. he ha n .io ry"mej j
, sSunhuty aud rttijnntM a
1 7Hvv 'J'niloriuj ROiLUfiMktkul.
Ho In prepnrrH to fjiftV- up ww gHrntcuts ttfi Well'
M mending old oupt, id to do work nraily, (nrt
jonahly nnd vnhidiintially, iDlfrtot will wa rrant nil
j work leaving tho shop, rutd hy fo doing, hopes t'v
' ro'oivo a duo fhtir of pntronree.
. IVrsow deiriur etotiiiiift tnndo lip tiordtf
hi the lateiM f-tylo, will pirfmo ire htui a call.
. r?Miibury( Aj'ril 11, 0 ui.
03 MABKhT BTHLrT. liAnitlCEtrJ, sTA.,
I'eali r In
"VTEW Itiwnivl I'i iu', from tlie bosl 'BiSksrs
fnnu S2!iti niwnr4s.
MELiiJ'l.i iN S. The bett Binimrketurffd liutru
nii'iils troin $lsi to f tut).
Ullilill'S, N'inlill ci-nrilrnns. riiitf-p.
, Piles. Hru'ii'. Pmtios. Tsuihournitfl.
Violin nnd tMi'tiirsirings en'l musiral ruer
1 ehsndiA; in i-'t'iieriil. . ..
1 tfHEET iMlnlC.
The Inleit r'tihlientions nlwnys on hund. Music u nt
j hv ninil to nnv pnrt of the country.
?uitnhle for looking gliuisee, nud ull Vitils of ploturcs
elnujs on bund. .
' A fins n sirt'oent of bmt plated
1 I.OnKINO ULA.SSES trmu sunillcst In Inrpr.t slien
i Any stj lc uf frame anulo tu order nt thn shortest
iintlcn. WM. ENtiCIlK,
j Afril 11, WX :iMiirk"t Pt., Hiuri'ViurK
X iipi'iirlutiily not to be lost sllit nf Unro
ehnnce t"r Au'cnis. Lndies ns in-lit licnl'icnn
net as Agents. At tdy enily and eoouve ll.a cgeucj
for your loeulity. .
n-A rtvsV.'?. vji$r aiAixs. r.ocicr.rr,
Kixtr.i, gold jy;..s A j) ri:. xcilf,
iV'fe'C.'A CHA1. S.HET& OFJEWt
EJMV, il-si
To he f-'.i f,r M ench. nnd unt to he p-iid R.e
uutil you knnivw ltnt yt-u ri tc jret. S.-nd cents,
li'r t.'ertiticatr Icliirvr you ivhiil y.tu enn liuvo. with
a eii' iilnr. ttivinj; lull 'iirlicihirsloAgeiiu'. Perfeol
Butist'iictiou iritnruntccd In nil enrc.
Addrei-s, S. M. WARIf .1 CO..
2HS Rroudnuv. Jlni I.SJtl.
March 21, 1V.II. ly
llnrhet Mrccl, ii. iirly iai(e ttv
Unit rioiMt ti;io.
sTJNjjrs-urK-sr, -v . ,
TNE'IRSIS tho eiiii us of Sunlniry ml vicinity,
tlisi he h. jii-t retained fruui I'iiila.Llphia with
full ftf-irtii.n.i uf
IM I.B. WS."'S'5'ilS iittitl!,
T I if- stook cnr.-i.'is of Clothe. Cloths. Uln'k
Iine.kin nnd K-mcy lYsMiucrcs. innci; Sntin. J'ipuie'1
Willis. Plain and 1'nncv Cnssiincrc VES'l'IMlS. winch
he will inuke tii to order iu styles, to suit the taste nf
I'U.-ioineri, ou flui't nulioc, aud 0.0 rj't ica-cnub!
Any (i. '.-' r,. i i-n hii'i iiill fiin.i.'iic i from
Pltilnili-ltiiiin. hy e:tvinir Inodnys' n.itl -e.
tt'ii'ds furii'-licil !y cusluiui-ra c.ili L'u loau? up la
OrdiT IIS ll'Tl'lnl'iilc.
A.-' he uill ciui-luy none but r-xr-i rior.ced 'n:!:nien,
pcrsnns nitty ii'y on getting tln ii-wurk ircll d-iuo u
Lis shop.
'1 roinkl'iii fur trie patronnife hiTct'ifuro bnftowi,
oe ri-siii-eiiuiiv sniiciiftH i-iiuinuiu;ceu lue r.iuio.
rf aubi
' IIiifM. ti.'i'. i:vlii'i. Ants lifl
JSk;, .Tliijlif. lit i'l.i-i, W :5:a-ni, Ac
j Iiiki'cIn EJ;mts: S'oi. 1, .iiiji-inlx,
' A v.
j Put np in 26 .".f.c. am! ?1 00 Jinxes. Entries, an.J
Fla.-ks. S.t and f5e:zes f- r Hotels, Public lusEtuliucs.
I Ac.
J Only iufnllil'lc remedies known
. l'tee niiu p li.-uns.
. mt diiTien us to tho Hnmiin J'nriuly
Hiiti-Cotiiei '.it of their boliv. to die
Hul. 1 Yi hulisTile in ull l.-irr- cities
."..Id by nil Hiut'ot.- mid Retailer evwywliere,
!' ! Ilcw are '! '. nf ill I Worthless iiniltitinns.
1 See that fuMin's'' nuine id 01 each Iiet, Lottie
and Jl:i.-k. bil..rc mu l.i.v.
Audi-a. us v it. 'o.T.ltt
I'iiiu'i.:il Tc;.l ',$ I' X. Y.
Sold hy Fviliiic; A tirnnt, Sunbury, Pa.
April Ii. iilu I'm "
favi-M'i.-ti. .ri'i'3i.
ON and after July 1st. I.m"..!, tha p-ivilt nf con-vertin-t
the pre-ent issue nf l.Eti 1. IKNI'l' R
Mifl S l.'fii THE XATitiN AL ,U l'EU CEXT,
1L0AX i-ininl niy oa'U-ii 'live Two:. tie."; will
All who n'sh to invest in the Five -Twenty Loan
must, thcrctere, apply before the Nt nt' JClA next.
JAY Out iKK,
Si Bii kii ti x Ackn r.
No 1H S. Third eirec'., Philadelphia.
April II, LSiio o:u
. 'I'ii Ciinsiiiupth t's,
rilHE Advertisir ba iii)r been reitnred to health in
I a few wtek's. be a vcrv si-nplo reinijv. alter
, having sUilVreii .everal years wilh a severe luiijr af
; fectiuu. and that dress disease. Cnosuinptimi is uiis-
iuus to inu!: i- known to hi.? felluw.sutfcr ttie means of
I cure.
I 'in ull whnil-.ire it '-o v 111 .cud a enpy of the
I pre-.-riptiull li-'l i fil e. - uf charge.) with the uire.-tinns
) Inr prep-iri'-ij; and u.-i:i tiio snuic. wl.i -h theyw'.l
j liiid 11 -iiic ciyu tur t'miutiiptiuti. Asthma,
1 chiti. iti' 'If.- i-niy "lject nl :be advertiser iu sen I
' in-.' the l'resc ipti-iii is benetii fbe tin!i-tr i, nnd
I .lc.'ld iiif.-li laliun which he c"U.'c:ve- tn l.ij iiivalu
able, aud he lmpis every ut!ercr wintry his remedy,
as it w ill cist tbcui nothing, and may prove u bless
ing .
Rev. El'WAP.n WILS'JN. M iii;ani.l.urh,
Kiu;i Cuuuy, Xew Vol..
AnfM 11, lf'',X T'Ul
' (t( RESEIT S nf IIHIlJlJllClI'SserdEilSCuUI-
UVW prisii'ir the le!lv,ii. vaiieii-s:
j Ii unci Cl.i.i. Ciii'.u. Cvi.tii.1 City. C.-.llat M.l
1 i'inki ye lltistj, ,-nnt.
Ali! .111 Im l.i is nf Kuilv .lunei. l'rl.-e f J 0 pci
I hbl. lleliieie I III the Plit'lui: .J-p'.t. 'ihe l.hl lu CfU-
t I'm' ii- ii.Mii ill t;n s r!s as vuu ihni'.'e.
I'ackn ol i.i.-U s-irt n-ul by mUl Just piM 1.1
Tj el-. e:., :.
( 4-fi.-fi to all or Kri. E.-f. lencn
-;.iu if d, sired.
P.SlTTt'X Hiuiiii. Lu Co , Pa.
Apiil 1 1 t'm
!'..: ii.v .:3:o i t:v .:?.;:.
! WILLIAM I . MAi!'CIC A Ct . 115 -u'h
'il-.ird ailed. l'i:;t..;elp:.ia, weiil. I i !!'cr lo f.. -uiLnin-l
thin ii u'..;y uud ''.uiiy, it -U t.i'i,
i . s
I'lK I .E til'.oCLHlL'1.
1 Sih ."' In I" I r.imt'u n e.
j As they h .ii o . i ll ilC in Iheii bin I .1. '." ."I
, Hll mi. 1 1 ..rt'i.'li. lih-. b c.ili Ui clled I'. I'. 1' I- un
lie. -if.. I l l '..Il E-t it t-i'll..! ii I.. V ll.i e tg
... ,r
llliLS weii hew. nr. l.i ,;.y ti it eleiv i rt ,c' )
I they ili.-sa i 1 -"S wi . ,tu t vl Ihe I -i fJ '. i.- .. I
l.i. h ii 1 - r i u.u i; ui. w wl Ins ...I..
Iii. u1 I 11 r.,i i i.'! a. m lie,
i J . ' I -lui .'. I 'i.;,--.,u..
j TmniTs" and shades.
It J II M.OIS. Ji... M .N..tli ,tl .iisee'., I'l. J
I adslpii.a .'.Una!, iluii i-i
) tiui ll'lll IMlllila ai 4
j ) -ll.l.I-.
' T.i- Is-.: . i till I'm; .lulu i.i if '!. .-' ' ' i
I I , l pi i. . ..ii..- t i.i.,.. ai I i i . -u. i ,Usi
' lull. S lllr rl, I. . U ic all I l. Hi I i!
) a pi.i i i-r .-.u
! I 'I'll .11 .1.1 lllllbi...
pi I I li.l M I.I ft H i' . l -. .1
I l and . iai kl.u II. . vl. a I' fs,u..ii. I. . -i . i.
N.iil.iili C.unal l.-.ii a I I' ,ul JiALIl dl'i i
4 , Jks i Its I'll
' 1 1 I .t.J''fc"
J.'l l, lr' M