Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 06, 1863, Image 1

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    Ti:u.fM or AivrnTiM..
Cue ttjuorn of II Hum, S tiroes,
r.v.ij tubaotiucllt Insertion,
On aquaro, I months,
fcis luuulha,
T totkAB ft annum, t b paid kslf-yosrly
) advene. A . ltooatlnil until all Ar
roeroces or fold.
to Ckesi l
Three to pit to on edit root, J
VTa do do 0W
Uneoa do do
Fit, In Adroiwo, will baj (bf lkr4 Ar'
oukMrtptlcA to Ik Amtnnm.
CJuk tuKwrlpllflM B.ut he Invariably putd In
Von, end tnl to on eddr. ,
If none to take .k.ihaT.
tanner from the c to which Ihoy or that
Jr rwMMiM sotll UXy bar settle: too bill! old
Vdwrwl Ikons dtaenAtloued. ' . .
IV-tu.Mt.rt will loo Ml Agent, AM
freak loitort oxntlntnoi lulworlBlloB ainno. Thy
mro uertuWxt I under lb foot bin Low.
Iluaiiieae bards of I tinea, per Annum',
Mrchanla and others advertising by Aofc"",
Bilk Ik. .....ii r I -.i- " tf V
.... i-iiTurv u lIMniUK UlUCrOUl Ml .
vorlWnj weekly, . AO
llu.incae Doting Inserted in the Local Orciui. el
, ?v-r2 ,M"r'K " lMUba,MVlb CKftlti 1'r.ll
MMy fur each insertion.
IV' Low Advertisement, u pet agreement.
Wo hove coubmM with our .osUblUbrnf nt A well
elected JOU Oft'ICB, which will enable us la
eseoule, la (bo Boot m! .tU, orcr rlrtj of
NEW SERIES, VOL. 10, NO. 11.
OLD SERIES! VOL, 23, NO. 37.
Tl.H.UM Of TUB "A Ml. HI I' AX
a-W? -i
rrjo- k.
- i
(MY Wff OliTAIMiU.
TAH JOHNSTON hmi illnvirril lb ntont f irltn,
l8pMsl oml onlr KfftH'lMnl Himi(T In Iho
W .irlil ft.r nil I'rlvot PliipiiMi, W Vmi nr tli. rtitvlj
rr l.lml. Htrlpliirm. Aftnctlun. tf tli. Kliln.y mitt
Itlmlilrr. Inviiluntory Dlwhitrum,,
ml I'l'billly NrrvnumiMo, I,vikiy, l.miiimir. l.n
Spirit.. I' nr Mm. I'nlplimfi'ti t.f lit llcmt,
Tltiililllr.Trpnilllnr. IMtiinrvuf rllil nr (llililltirw,
l'lr.'of thr llroil, Thrtml, Nit nr kln, Aftiitlntt.
i.r tim l.lvtif. I.unn. Nlniiim'h nr lliiKplnthn. Turrit
Silo Mn'hli'M orlplttK frntn Ih Hnlllnr llnbllii nf
luitth tnnm. Mri Rim ouiitnrjr iTnoiiom mnro iiiiii
In thvlr vli-tlin. limn llio tit nf Pyirn. In Ih Mn
rltiMn nf l'lr.pM,kllKlilliift l r mml brllllmil
iuitlolp(tln., rtnilvrlng inmtlngp, Ac, IiiivmI
FffMnllr, hn hnv. hvimo th V Ic 1 1 inn of Hnlllnr
v'o, tlml ilrnnilfut mid dnlruollvo hnlill whli'li
i.nnunllr iwri'im In on unlltnrly nrnvo lliiiii.nml.iit
utmrt Men of th iiiimI runltpil IhIi'IiI. mnl l.rllllnnt
'ttvllivl. who might nllnrwl.ihiiv rtitrmioi'il ll.lin
ln N'imtM with the Ititiinliir. uf vli.iiirni'K nr wall ml
In tc.toty Ih living lavrt, may full with dill vn
flil.nvo. MA II It I A lol..
Mnrrlpit 1'if.i.n., or Vntin Mrn Cntilf in(illlh(
nmrtlnuf, hclnn r nf iliyiili.iil writknvMi urgniilit
tli-hllltv, ilpfunnltli'., An , i'llly ptiri'il.
IU WIki im-Hi hlnimlf utnlrr lli PitfO nf I'r J.
limy r.i0.lo) In hi. hniinm. n ifi'iillfiii.n,
mnl onullili'iilly rvly iivli hi. .kill n. t I'liydnlHU.
7 in i nllntvl v Currd, nml Kull Vlifnr,
Till. iH.lriwInil AfliH'tlnn whlvli ri'lnlvt. I, IT.
nilnprnlilp mnl nmrrlnKi. IiiihmIIiII. Hi jmimlty
mlil by th victim, nl liniMir Inilultli'iimHi Yuutil
ticrwinii or t'i t tn r in 1 1 mi'iwmi frmn HmI
iipIuk ooiirt nf Ih ilri'mlfnl cuii.i'iMPn(. Hint nmv
cikiiu Now, who I lint tinilcr.tNtnU Ih huIJki'I will
I'tclitnl tn ili ny Hint Hi imwcr uf irniriHlliiii I. Iiwt
H.iii'f Iv tlnw fulllii lulu liiiirt.r It m I I in thrni by
llir Tiil-til ' llolilr. bring iliiirlvil Ih ivnlira
.f lionllliy i.ffirln, th tmwt actluu. mid ili'alrunllvo
yiiintmii. tu tuitli immI y nml tnlihl m-l.n 'I h ov.tvtM
li iro li'Mligi'i, Ih I'hy.lciil nml Mi'tilnl Vllltc
tluti. Wcnkcnnl, liiu. nf I'morcntW I'.iw.'r, Ni'tvuii.
Irrllnbllliy, lvrn, I'nllillnllon uf Hi llcnil.
Inillgcllnn, Ciiti.tlliillniinl Iti'blllly, n Wn.llng m
the rrniur, I'migh, Ciiii.uiiiitlniii Dccny mid lnlli
Olllof, . Nun III l' Nlfl'll
l.cfl ImmI .bin Hiig ft mil llnllllinir .liccl, I fnw
ilmir triuii Hi vmncr. I nll ti"l lu ulwrv
hii I nniiibi r.
I.i'tli'r. iiiu'I h 'nlil nml i"niliiln rlntni
1'tiiMnr . iniiiiiin. unng in in. nmi'.i.
i vi hi: a Aitinvi i:i m tiki
ii ..
Mi'inbi r if lh lli'.v.l 1'iilli'gi. nf Hurgi'iiti. tinmlini,
llimliinlii ffiitn mi nf Ih liinol rniliii'iil I'nlli'gi'. Ill
the I iiltnl Mnli'" nml th gtcnlrr J'ntl nf hIimm llf
hn. brni .int In thv himiillnl. nf I I'nrl'i
I'lillinli Ipliln nml ilwhrr, hn. mm. nf
lliu iniat niiiiii.iitig ruff, nml wit nvnr ntiiiwti ;
nnny tri.ublcd with ringing In Ih ImmI nml nt.
)n n ).'.' . grvnt ni't, bliig lntnii"l nt
ii'l'lrn ..nml, bn.lifiilii.., Willi ftpiini'iit blu'lillig,
Httiimlril .iiinvlliiira with iliTnligi'lliHif ul llllml, Wet.
iir.'il Imini'llKti'lv
I Alii; IMll I M l I. All OTM It,
I'r J blrwi'. nil thn.n whn lini Inluti'il lhli.
.I.e. by lmirii"'r liiiliilgi'tn nml .nlllni v hnblK,
wlil. Ii ruin I.,. Hi Imily nml min i, (infilling lliciu fur
illlirr bualiii'M, .linly, WN'Icly nr iiinrrliign,
'J ut K nr Mini nf Ih .ml nml mi'lum ln.l v rfliml.
1 1 I in. 'I by I'.lly lil,ll nf yuiilli, lit UrnknuM nf
tl i llm k ami l.llnl., 1'iiln. Ill Hi lli'inl, iiiiikp. n
Ighl, l " nf .MiiM-ulnr I'nwir, I'lili'lliilliiii nf llm
ilintl. 'v" i . Nkihiii. Iitlliibllilv, iirnngiiiii'iil
nf tli iMgi.tit l'iini'ili,ii, tliitiuriil I'vbiliiy, Cyini'
t 1 1 nnuiii'lii'ii, A
Mrsrtit.i - lb r Hi fnl ift.Ki. mi Ih mlml aro
imn h l t" ilri'ili"l- l.i". nf Mi mm v, I'niilu.liin nf
Mi . Iii nrranni n Mi, n u., Mi H I mnbiiiliiigii, Avar
,,n t. rl.x l.ty, H.lf il.liul Lin nl Mnllluilu,
'I in, I, Illy, Aa ni hhiivhI Hi nil. '!tii l
Timt i .n nf 'cr'ii. nl nllngi'D i'hii imw Jmlga
what I. tli cam nf ll Ir iMlinliig Ih'hIiIi, Imlng
II. .ir, In nlng wi'Hk. ml', ni'iinii. nml
i iim.'Uii'.l. bni lug .liigiibir ''. nriim' nlmul lb"
i ii, ciiigU ami . ni,liiin. .if i.iniimniliiii.
V hn hnv liijninl llii'iiiwlii.. by orrlnln .rnnlli'
Iii'IuIiikI In wIipii ali.n, n hnbll fii"itii.iilly limriiu.l
Iroin nil i.mi,nli.t., nr kl Mitiunl, lb irln1!. nf
whb h r iiiubllv Ml. ."ii wln'ii ii-U.'ii, ami II ii"l
piimmI ri-inli r maiilag InitmMtt.l, ami ilaattn).
U.ili mln. I ami llv, nlmiilil ajly liiiiiiiiiaUly,
'l liat . ,lly thai yuuiig man, Hi lnii nf hi.
,.un'r Ibv ilarllng nl hi. .inl., almul'l b .iiali'bad
Ii.,iii all ,i.,.h u am) n,., in. nl. nl III, by Ilia
i.iinciiiii in v nf iliiUllng finiii lb I mil i.f naiui.
aii.l linlulgiiig In a crlHln ml tuvu imiii.
ni .r, in lor in.i-ii.iNiinif
i t ii iii tc. r..
r.ll. it II. .1 a w.iiinl mini ami lly at ll. in.t
i.H'iaiy iihu.IIc lu (iriiiniili iiliiiulilal lia..iii,
Imli'i"! all In. Ill tln, lb J..,lmy llilnugll Ilia bm
C ln.-a wiaiy llglllnag I lb . .(.. .1 Immly
lUlk.l.a I.. III. l.., Hi llillnl kviH.Hi. .bibiii
Willi .l...i ami Rllvd Willi Ilia tnalam Imly relli4.
Ili.ll that lb h Iii.m if auullivr bMi' bllilvi)
u lib imr nw H
iiii:imi; or imi'IH in.M ii.
In n lb U. ami luiHinlaiil ...lair nl
li Rml. thai k Iih. In.l.lll lb .'! nf ikl.
I aii.lul lia, II bat iiIIvh b nii ail III lini.
.hmi uf .liaiu. nr ilai uf .ll.'.lHJ, ilvl.l. kllu
llnui a l.lng tu lira wlui, li'.iu ..luaall.'W am!
m..liliiy. van a..i kvlil.n l bllu iltla)li.g till
lk ...n.lilHtM' 'M.,.... Ibl. k.iiil.) ill..
luak Hull l.lali., iwll M Wbalal.d
lliiual, ilKaM-d mw. Im I -aln. lu Ibah.a t
ami llu.tM, iIIiiiii. nl l4bl, ili-alnvaa h'mIm. nn tka
1I1I. kM lk. II.K, kli.1. ka l. Ik kt l U. an I
.iiiuiii. .i.-giMik4 wnb lngliitul i.iH; till
l la.1 Ilia .alaia nl lb uu.uik lb lin nf ll
ma lull Iii ami lb yniiw ! Ibl. awlul iluia"
lw i.ui 0 k'lirnl nl-jM't il ..uiml..ii.'H till 4ik
1 .ii. a .nl.. lu kn dia.llnl ..tlhgi ky Mi4lug
I. 1,1 ' ikal I o.liMutiitH. I uauli; liuwt knu-
l.lll ilum. "
i I. .i.l Ikal IkuuMtol. ("II il-iimi
I., lliu t.ii.l.l 4U uoli. lu Iba omUIIIuIi . (
.wn..ialil i.iu l.n wku by Ik u i l ' ...' ,l... lain tba auwliiwlk'U auj maa
tna mi,uu III u.l. .1.1, I
Ml II lT ll
tiu.l yuul Him w k.alik lu lb. .l.alll.
I. I HUiit4aud l'ilul-(. dvliiiil
I anuallg ft .baIM wku '( I'l
J kwl-.o . u Ml Ib.M.Mlia. lu
Iba .M. ..lal iwi-ImI I'Ui.KI.U
In auiMa .. I uilng ik.y..k.uN lulu.' Mculk
l"l luklk Inking 11111 U M..u. H-Ut
k-.ui.4a .4 a. I g aa ik Mal U. k k pW.iu.4
a.4 lu dxfuaii l..aU wnkiwik4'k b .'ok
in - ,..iil galling llak k 'luHuaul
I'l J.katMH U Ik. "klr fkMlalaa) lllllikg
III. . kllal u( 4l k.Haala.bkg Ik kw ckaa
lla nib. I... wa ai a.laa.a lu all
1.. k. i. .i.i- ll.ui obi lullk lfc git-al k-a
,iall ! I uiwkr Ik. Iu) Ik Ik. k"Mkli ai 0 kva.
li.ul I'.itula i'la.liia Ik.a on .l t'kw.laai
lu Ik (ill,
Ik kk lk Mkl .al.l kl Ik m.l.i!i.k t il
klui Ok I Ika aawHal lk-k"llaul Ovl.'t-al
l'-lk4 naikuwj4 i I'i J an-. !.. It.
Ik. 1. i-ut... l ika ' 1 1 i'iW ' a4 n m4i kl okk-fc ka. .aka.i.l .k
!. I aji.k k.k-a Ik. Hla, k.Mla. I'l "..IIM
0 kl aka Ia Iak uMklli , M
la., laul .UI U Ik. !
khh HMI 'I HII I
h Min.
I' ... 01 i. ik t ktn-a'lk. (..(in.i.i l4iti'ia
lku) l.ila.. lukk) lu.llli.1. Ik Ika k .1 I. a ka.u.f
JUIM M. JlimvllM, II, II, 1
l.k. iinua.i. t Mi'.l I.IUuj Ml
I akaM II l. I I
IIM. tM ( IMIiil
hi 14 IHkllXk f I'll I "IH AII.I M4
I .-a.afc. l 'ka fc at. i.f kl.ia.g. I f ;'J
. . .. J. villain. MlkH.klkU U'lit
r bin ill
kltlroM ! Hut Ho-Hlli
I.. I 1 1 a. l (ra4. )'l
H ...... 4.4 ... k.4 .k..l. !' h'1
k... 'l I ...- la-..'l
I . a' .H w.l HJ
!' a I". ! I 4
4 IIH ''(
It a III I it I
I NVITW tlirirl wllunllon nf utali jn
1 liprn to tlit'lr I'liulcr. vnrlml mitt cMmi.
Mvft ftNattirtmt-itl if KltKHII W1NTKU
(looi)H wlili h tlny ulUf lit rDiiminntilR
iiiIith. (lumliH'k inilirnt'ii
A full lino of lluiulainiiu Pi!"'" O.xhIh,
A iilou lot nf Dtiint'atlu Pry (looiU,
A mintly of Una Wliltu OnoiU,
A Krvnt vnilnly nf llooU nml Mint', .
A liux) i! oik tif tJiH'Pim mill (lliiMwnrr,
A vwy mli'iialvu lot of Jliinlwuio,
llnU mid Cup mitl Ki iitly Miulu Clollilntf
(Intt'cilrii of nil It I in U, frt'ali nml iiin,
Pni( - IV111U - (Hum mnl Oil.
tnrlliiilnr hlli'iillnn tn tlic fiillnwliitf llnu of
lltioiU, millitlilo for llollility rmniila,
Itrnl lli'iivy lllniikcl Hliitwla,
Krt iii'lk lllniiki'l nml llrot liii Hlinwln,
lloonvry for l.itillia, tJniila nml CIiIIiIith,
I.ioIIih (lluvri.lii fjrt'ut n1niiiilmirt,
A ('lllil'til nloi'k Ol (ll'llla (HnVf'g,
rmicy Hlilrlliid nml Oot rn riniuii',
Aaitorlnil riiliirn llnliiiiiritl HklrU,
Wtt'lnlon HklrlK In urunt Vitrlfly,
t'pltyr (ipt rii 'm'. nml NiiIiIhd,
Klnry Hiililc I'm a nml Mufl'a,
l'lnu Wlillti Itlut'ii llitmlkfri'lilt i',
Ciiurii'r Ciimliili lluuilkin lilil',
lli'itl llitmlitnmi Hllk Iluitilkrrvltli I'm,
(li'iila Hllk .Nt 1 k Tina 11ml I'ruvMI,
l'lnt' lu'i'illn wmkiil C't'lliua,
HiiotT lllnt'k l.ovn Vulln,
hllk Tlaiu nl tia.uiliMl Hlimk'.,.
Itllilmiia, l.ui i 1, ll.lK'liib'N mnl Itullliut!,
I'liin llliii k Muliiilr Ciij,
Minwl I'lna nml Hnitf I'lim,
I'l'll'iilin I J , I'l'lilinlna mnl Hnii-n,
Mm k I'uratn nml lum y Toil Mmtuli M,
I'Mlal mil' Hklllna, I'l itily,
Mi-it llnlr llnialing nml I'orki t (.'omlia,
lvMrn bfnti. I l'l'iiknlvca nml Mi'l. aur,
Cliililri iia (hmi (llliln.l I'limlm,
At',, iVt' c,
Hunliiiry, Ptr, '.'(, IHOJ.
NOI.OIIO .11 1.14'li,'
lloriM nl I.iim a Hiinbury, N'urtliunib
Inn. I .'.iniiy, I'i'iiiiaylvniiiN.
ll'iirninily Krai'btiig, Hiiydnr Cnunly )
(M I'll Ii, Mlllknl .Ircrl, una nal nf Prillng
llrnnl'. Hliir. ami nam ly n.iin th I'liurtllmi..
All .n.Mliiiial bii.lncw, puIIikiIiihi., An , will rv
itali nruniiil allviiliuii.
AulMi, JnAJ
J. M. IlidLLER, "
Offlo, nil auMlli.Uu iif Market iiuar,nar 111 C'uuil
III kit la. .1 l.min.lly Iii oil i.rul'uMluiiiil I. mill. . a
iiliiialinl lu hi. ur, Hi uiillnullun uf ulaiin. in
iSurthuiiibvrlaml nml Ih .j..inliig uuiintiua.
kulibury, May 'U, IbiiJ -y
ii iNhi:ii'N iiii;i' rni; iu.
iti. 1111:11:111
A. Iiii.ruv. fur i..'i and IMrtO,
lly i: KI'.Tl'IIAM A I'll, Jh IWI.I., Nw Vi.rk.
f plIH unly l'roir in.natru 'O.I un tn'lanliAu .rln
I iiIm, w HIi a ravulving ran ami airing Mails
.'i.i'r. 'Hi. una iba frilling uf lliu uraam-
Ihaiilhuf 111111111 a il aa laal Ha IVi.iiii
I Ii uiu.1 iu.l4 lu ll.iong, Willi Id leaal (juantity
nf ma
bu 11. .1 rruiiiiiuliial In 011, u II ii Ih limit aiinila
ami ilillal.l. In alrui'liira
Im al. In all Ih iiiiu.'iil altiu mid b.wna in Ih
I iii.ii.
l a.'k Hi" ! up"in,.iniJ w ii b nf r"if
km) lull llll.ulinl.l.
I quail., f I AO
4 iiiarli, 4 nil
A ijuaria, I nil
I Ljuaila, ( OH
II kjuari., k oil
JHI uuaila, IJ Oil
A nly tu II II MAl'll, bunbury, I'a
Mar. k IV, Ul
HIM III I IM.!:!! V HOT, i:il.
A Homey ti nl l-aiw, Bunbury, I'm
JuliAV lint ki ll I I .m and til.ll.Mii
, l Ini.l H, lt..e.:llully kunouao that limy
b.tan.liia l inlu i.,u.riiieraliii in tba .r.'ln t i f
llnu .n..ui.,u, and kill ...i.nnua lu otlaiid I" all
i-utin.-a aniiualkd u tbir cbatg. In Ik cuuli.a
nf kjuiibumbaiiaml, I nmn, rny.Uf and M..i.i..ur
i'iutu'ily. laiiblully an4 aarclully ajnu.-ial aiun
(1 ,u will L guau lu iba ( u. It lluNS lip
I. AIM l..wliaUvu van W 14 in Ibv U.(
M oj lakguag
Oaa.a- Uaikal atlnl l, jxil. W.ttol't liuU).
unkuiy, f-tbiuuiy i, itiu
HrMMtiiKO), lllHr, lain, Al't
fMllt IU llL.a, baling bkvua. I TkuU.oU
I tlmk Ituiidmg, Will matt, J'anvtlU, lig
akl Ouaknlkl Muvk u
liilll-li K Akli JaiilltcTIO 1-lgi'OrlS,
ukL4U.ikg Ik. I.M Uand. nf iandu Itiu, "Id
lit. v. nk kkl link V) kiakc. I'ufl, rtUrry. kla
4 vita I kaani .gut an4 "ibul M inc., nf all giu4ua, all
kl wkl.k will C ."14 l lb lultaalslly
kiuv l.wnknK, b Um u lu, (k aai I
II liwl Ik. Ila.gkl
t'vta,. 4ii"u nf ku.Lvikj liuuil for
r 4 M ( i. v nt,
tl k" Ulkg fuikbdi.d 0 ill (.a id
ka lvll".ia kltu.iv
I a It-iig 4..ikii4 lu tauLlub ( Kf.iiiuii fu
.",J.g iLi., ka (Mcilully ki.luiu) ll kii..u4
kl ii.. IkH.v All kl4i. l' u nO ILk4.d lu
ikiilt. kk II I064
lb , 4WU,
( 4tlkk r"a'i "k4 '4l4 u4 fumtk,
fiMkll0 4
M'Ofc Ok4ilgkk4 ko.g Ukw.4 (4 kuw uf
f f.a. in, k .iat k'ua, k..k '
lia. u ,.g lu Ik. 14 ln.i.4. - Ik. Ua.viu g (.-in
k . ut ikal II w kO ik i 4 m. l.nlin k uf guu
UiI m ait,.. Ika f,4 nf kl.t.k Ual k V.a
k.-.4aaj lakv-l k.l al l.kU.4 U. a vi .
.4 kki I.4U.4 ik ( ui KM inafnai
Ika ltt'.iuM kl k.klilulad ki-4 fui
Mil k la- 4.k riil. If null all) Ixkl.d
k k'lut. 14 kv l L 4.n 4 u4 Mi.u L. nl lau lii.g.
r ik ik. il n.iii ul Ik. labium M'um
'' i it.. I 4i ...(..1-4.
t 1.1.1 , i, L, JijU i, a kkauuioi.1 If Ik.
v -Jki.-k .4 I.,,, w.i.iti.g ii, ui .,.o
tl.k I't.-H .4 a. t l ii Iktl. kv ftlli P 'HW
4 ll,. la
ra.x wlkk W Ik-1 I'll
i'lkb) kl IL
( MIMtl, 11(11 M I UN MM
'I HI4 f..k , .l' .i Im ! f ,1,,
I ft lit k , k,Jk I ik'lal , I ll 1 i 1,,
1 4 '. t-" . .4 J" ' ' -
I ' (. If .4 f t lMkj ia
lift' .;'' 1 - 4 1
llcroritoi rn IMniiiritlUl.
Hero nro Mr, Itulcii'i lm.romtnn of ( l.r
ullllnn fnirat, snolt a tltnt nilKhty one nrftr
I'nrfi, wlnrli, Mlton hi flrnt entr-ml It, rx
totitltMl In nnlinikon millttnlo for tlirit luin
(lrutl inili'a miUiMnt nti.t cnllwnt of the
oily, Wltrn li loft tlin country, Jiowpvct,
lu'iolUmlit wt Ai Imlnff broken tn upon l,y
rotol w Itli li wtt In rojjrvii to connect l'lirn
with Maritnlinm.
"Wit often rcAil In hookn of trawls of the
alli'iico nml prloom of the UrHr.lllinn furors.
They nre rcnlitlci, nttil tho Improakion t-p-I'ltn
on a lonirnr nciittnlnlnncc. Tito frw
aotiml. of lilnU nro of llmt pmiHlvc or nty
(nrloii.t liiirurliT which IntimiinVi the ft-clliiff
of Rolltmlo rnlhcr thtm tniparts l miinn of
lil'tt nml thi'i'i'luliicaa, Hornet livim, in tho
liuilal of llidalilltitik, smtihlonycllornrrcnm
will nlitfllu nnu j tliU comi'ft tVoin Rome dc
I'rnct lra fi oil civtlng milmtil, which is
piiiim'm'. upon I'V . tlgiTcnt or Mcnlthy
liiiii-coiiHtrli'tor, MornliiK nntl evening tho
howling monkeyi nmku n moat IViuitil nml
Imrrow ing iinlno, niuler-w hich it i iliillcult
to keep op one'a luioynney of oplrlt, The
feeling of InhoHpltulilc w'ihlnuM which tho
furcHt la cnlciiliiieil to Insjiii-u In Incrcsmiit
Itmfolil iniiler lliia feui'ftil upronr. Olten, in
Ihn alill liont'ii of iniililiiy, a kitihlen crush
will he lieiii.l reaottmling'tifitr thnmgli the
wllijerneaa nn an mo greut hough or cntin;
' jj full on tho grotiml. There m-o, )csUle
.fiuny 11011ml which it I impoHililo to nc
cotint for, 1 foiiml lliu nullvca genernlly ns
much nt ft loan in thin renpoct no inynelf.
Hoiticlimi'. n ttoun.l ia hciun like the rlnug
of 101 iron Imr ngitinat a hnril, hollow tree,
or piercing cry remla the nir ; thcMo nro not
repenleil, iinil the succeeding kilenca tends
tu heighten tlic unplcinmnt unpresalon which
they nmke on the mlml. With thenntives
It In nlwnvs the Ctinipira, tho wild nmn or
spirit of flio forast, w hich produces nil noises
tliey nro umtlilo to cxpluin. Myths nro the
nolo theories w hich ninnkiml, in the infancy
of knowledge, invent to cxpltiin oalurnl
plieiiomtimi. The ('tiiiiiirii is a m.vnterioits
lielng, who.o ntlrilmtes nre uuceriiiin, for
they vary necoidlng tohtcnlitv. Sometimes
he. Is ile'hcrilied ns A kind oi ornng otsng,
lielng covered w ith long, shnpgy ltnir, tuul
living in trees. At others he is mid to linve
cloven feet, nml A liright red fuce. Holms
a wile iiiiiI children, and sonietimus comes
down to the rociis to steal the nnuuliocu.''
A llllill CATl IIINO H'llU'.H,
At Cnini tii, tlie capital of the niot thickly
popiilnled part of the l'rovince of I'm a, Mr.
Ilitles hud opportunity to oliseivo the huliits
of 11 glgimtiii bird catching spider, of tho
gei lus Mygnle,
"The Miivles was M, sviculnriA, or one
very clonely itllied tn it ; I lie individual w as
lieitily two iuc)ie:i in length ot Imdy, hut the
legs expanded seven im hes, nnd the entire
Imdy nml legs were covered wilh cohio
gray nnd reddihli hnlrs, 1 was nttracled ly
II movement of the monster on a treo trunk;
It wits clime, beneath A deep civviee in the
tree, tierim which was ktl'etelied A dense
while well. The lower put t of the wch was
limkeii, and two small Virds, lint lies, were
entallgled in the pieces, they were niiout the
aiu ul't lie Kngllblt kUkin, and 1 judged the
two In he niiiln and female. One of them
wns unite dead, the oilier lav umhrtho Uxiv
of lliu spider not unite dead, nnd wassntear
etl with the tillhv liiiuor or saliva exuded by
the motihter.
"I di'ove Away the spider nml took the
birds, but the second one noon died. Tlic
fuel of species of Mygiile,, sallying forth nt
liijjht, mounting trees and sucking tint eggs
and yoiini uf liummini birds, has been re
corded I1111.4 ai0 by Madamo Metisn nnd
ritllaot ilu lleauvola ; but, in t lie nlcnee nt
any conllrmalion it has come to be discred
ited. From tho way tho fact has Iwn re
lated it would upiHtur that it had I men inetvly
(h alved Iri.oi the report of natives, and had
Hot htcli wilnesaed by the narrators, fount
l.iingsdoitf, in lua 'l.xpi dilioii into tho In
terior of,' states that he totality ilis-
believcd the story. I tound the circumstance
to be iiuite tt novelty to the residents here
The Mvgnles are ouito common insects :
some kpecies luukv their Cells tinder stones,
others form tunnels in the earth,
and soliii) build their dens in the thatch of
houses. The natives cull tin 111 Aranhss
caiiingiu Ijciias, or crab spiders. The hairs
Willi w lilili they arc clollu il come on win 11
tolli'lied, ami caii-u a in 1 tiliar and almost
mad. li ning in il.ilinu. The tiivt kpccitucn 1
1 killed utid prepaid was liaiullid lnrmi
lioiilv, and I mil, nil terribly forlhrtv d.ia
al'icmurd. J think Ihia is not owing to any
piiinotiiiua .piality reeling in the hairs, but
In I Ii. ir being fchoit und hard, and thus gvt
tinu into the line iteaaia of the akin. Nunc
Mjguh a are of ilium iim siie. One day 1
auu lliu 1 liiMrcti !( li.i.uliiLf to an Indian
family M lio i-oliectt'd Inl ine, With one of
llicau inoiialcrs i ciitcil iy a cord I'ouu.l it
vtuut, by w I1I1I1 liny wcio leading It slont
the hoitae a they wouhl A d"g."
.... . I . k .1 t t !.., .
i'l i.k k 111 uiesc un'ai
ttiiplcsl loreal. One uf, the lryophi
fiilgnU, uf a pale .item volor, exactly r
aciiililc n crii ping plant : it 14 six bxl tit
Iniigtii, siul lliu lore pail i, lliu Ik A.l pro-
imigeii iiiius.iimiti, poinic.l U nk A 11, .t lo r
kind, tlil! inure ulUnualcl, I ho dianutir of
lliu body U iiij little luoru Ihsn A uiiarler ot
mi iwli, la I he Dryodhia acumiust. It iaot
llgl.l l.ll'WU llUV, Mitll llt.llkllAll tllB.ll-S
vmiiyuitd with ulwurtr mm kings taiol
hiuko llkg A bit uf whiptoi.l.
Due iiiditidusl of tlil apoiiiS, Caught by
Mr. liulcs had a priituUiAuc mar ll.u mid
die uf Ihu bod)' whiili Wss Accaiuolt.l for
u lieu Ihu tuuke wst nKiiid, by the prxiuv
ul a bull' ibyibtcl lifui.t, mutb moi bulky
ibull Ibe timku Hat If. IhiiWAlS olnl AlUl
Itul Slid WSUr aliskea, but III luoal Uanli
all! kind that iuliali llm Wu.t.1 ia th iit
fuuke. lovely ubjcil whtH OavU i.-lle. lip
ull A 'lul k Soil, With it ball, I. f bli k Olid
Hlliillllull, k. p. ll. III. t I')' tliwl whllu IHm
"I hu lil'iiulii. Wdu I ix I and pltdi.tnl
Ul. I ll low Hid. IlllhU) i but ill thai olUlll.s l,
Ihu hi at Intuitu slilnaal liil. 1I1 Iwble, i.aul
ly iu yhainy, .putliy w.alhil, u. b si , u
(ally plilalli.l. S U ih.M luu. lu-ll.t llm
thdt I'l hi; tail, ul Wiul ib'WIl ,i.,iil kOl
lliulkt, III lb tshiil, ill.nJ.lll l t halt
till). ! lallul lliall iluM ui.ka. hit Hal do k
lu the .. k ', i l III. tna N gn
fall. IUll.lll.lgl ol nut liluu uibwk, Ull'ltJ
l''"k) A talk tp.'l S I.. 1 ill l-i Mi ui llm la a
.ill"! Ih lilshl. I lik k-i"l HH1I114 k,i
Wilt lb ll. li'u, , l..i k. ( I Vtl.l.llo.g d.l.kl
I Ana. Abiuu.kall.l, J -icU oo-k h-iAiwI)
a. lo. ., p.n I ) ati,atiWi (
Ii IM II. 1 II bs'luiaj I i lb. 11 la ing .,
Ihk kl. WW J .,. I lul',,' l lul III t U
Lc 4iillkU. I iiv t in I l ii'i 4 I h lu. i l ihlU laiJ, lUk I la la I l.ll Hl'O.
fill ItnOAlihlv WAT x.eClTtcl iVtO fts'ti'rift rVtf
solitude which frepl on as srkrYcws icimcx
Around ws. Soon AfYet the fitx-llTo. in vtetA
diversity of jec.e -mre fm im oyvl:
Aliout the trees. As tnigV.l kiaX'sfnv.!', H
lecnme silent in the forest,, n rc (OrvA
slonAl hooting of lrr Iriig, wr tte YnVrr.'ii(V
nous chiiTiing of WYNXimVetii vA jrkss-
Mr. ltsteshss A sjiecisl ci.lvt'c Vrtraw
keys, as well as frequent vnentron vJt
snimnls throughout the Waok. 1Tlre Vitifrt
singular of tho Simian family in IWtt w
tho scsrlet faced monkeys vscd I'ty tV In
dians l aksci, of which thew arc two Xsitc
tie, the white and tho odiahvd. Ml.
Hates first met w ith the white fisim) VAikly
under the following ,eirem;. arroc,
'Knrly one sonny mocning, n t'h jvs
1S.S.V I saw in the strocls of ICgs a W.iW!IX'f
of Indians carrying on the riionldcr itivkft
to tho port, to lc embarked on Ihe
Amnxon's steAmer, a large -Age Wta.irc of
strong 1isna some, twelve, tot in ctffi
and five in height, containing "doow
keys of the most gvotevqiTO Avra'Trco.-
Their laidics (sUxit fightocn 'iiv'h.' in
height, exclusive of limbs wvi'
finm neck to tail wiin xvry i.vng, Mvaislit
And shining w hitish hair their fiends Waiv
nearly bald, owing ro tho XWy th.H1 'CdH'i of
thin grey hairs. And their faces ftlowvd WiHi
the most vivid scarlet Viwo. As A Tinisi to
their striking phytiognomy, tW.y ad tiwVy
whiskers of a sandy oobvr, rncting wvi.-if
the chin, And reddish VciVcw icyx'. Ilvey
sai. gravely and silently tn a gTonjs an.t (sl-
togettier preNenre.1 A strsngv sJiNl wf-K..1"
i .vlu. v '
a '
Anotlter interesting oreatwiy
faced nieht sio. These twonVe.-s aw nMi
only owl face.1, but their habits w thoe of
the moping bird.
"They sleep all day .ong in WThVtf tiw,
and como forth to prey on insects aid x-at
fruits only in the night Thc.v aw of wiisM
size, the Ivody Iw-ing sVmiI A f.vit Wg and
the til fifteen inches, and are Oii. Vy x-V'h-cd
with soft pay and lrown for, similav iw
substance to that of the tabbit. .y
siounomv reminds one of n owl. ot tlsiv;
cat. Their face is round and c-riviw'rod liy a l
run sn nir, me im wwh., tW xWlVv lWwv
.roiiiiiieiii ; ue 1110111 n
the chi-s arp verv short.
. h th 1x11 Trvm I'm- .niiitiv tw ,i v'
,th andch n ) s WiM -xx Z-li. At Uw
oil, wsrecly x-aung , tW yn iv yk,vv,.vs, taiiivi.t
v itvtn.kAnJis ii nvWnU UU-w
alwyvc the hair of the head
are targe Ami yenowisn in color, inang ;
the staring cxjirvssion ot tftoctwniA wiVr.n)s )
01 prev. I ic TOiVl.eait is w -mtiMi, , V iv-
,-.....10. ..i, ...rii. inacw Mi.p'N v.r, ,1,
... ...v ...... . .... ai.v. a.',. n a m
y y.v x x . y . vW xvMjsot- i t.V'an xwx k vwvv.Uolji visl-monVcx-s,
althongn KceMVtg '''' i Lli'A.N
uay, ni Aronml iy tn h-Asl trtow, Mikity
w hen A iH-rson jiassea by a I txv in w hw-li
1 a'VWh -
numla'r of them are ortccsted, he ix staW W
"... -a.k.k..L.i.i.
by the sudden apparition of A fcWt;x xxf
liiilc stt ipptst faces crowding A inMO in tW
This approach to an owl is a IWiVcN, wx
should think, as snv m.vnkey would 4iW to
accomplish. Mr. Itat.s had vvire of tlve
Xyciipitheci for a pit, whtih xvax y'.Vowx
after the usual manner. Thi Iw-t Vav'it
111 A liox containing A iivxs.liw.vntTii-M W.xvx
jar, into win. h it would .W 1,-ad lxvx.xvts
I when Any one entered the room, tnwwig
miimi iiisiiu win l niTis. i.ij l.n. n its iw
J :....:.. 1 r.kj.V ca. .
nnisiiive face an instant alVcrw sfd to
At the intruder. The Nj-ctipitWyiv, Wre
tamed renders one x-evx- nsuerui,d wxtiV txx
its owner it clears the riovtve xxf twxH x
j well as of insx-et xvrmin.
I The most diminntix-e of the tW'i'llyxlX
monkeys is the "Hapale jxygnysvrts vnly
I seven inches long in the Wiy, wiilx its .iu'
face Adorned with long vow whia.kx-s
j w hi. h are naturally trxiMKst tiax k one- tW
cars. The gnneral' color xvf the nimxll Hx
brownish tawny, but the tail is xg.xMlj
barred with black.
1 Mr. ttates closes Vi aoexont .X stst'iwft
that the total number of ex of hViWikyvXx
I w Inch he found inhabiting the twai-ginx xA
jthel'ppi-r n. Lowvi- Amsrxn w a tlxiiiy
' eight, In longing to twxlxv xtiftaJnt, jg.Jiwi
. lortning tvio distinct fiimilws.
A rss)l fsaxti Mlxx
CaixI, Osxis Hatch of N.xi-w xlk, W1., ws
just returned home tlxxiw A XX intxtNi XWt t-.x ' tx.. tHxt. n w,n tm axrved some
, the est end of the island of ?M. ,Viwiv.x l xv.ix-'stw'x'A'Y' '( A'"! public bodies,
I now ltn.h r the JxpaMsk. x5oxvivr.Wt.. 'x ; ws l.x 'k tt'Wx txx K'tv iuiirtially upon
j obj.vt in going out, A.vswting c.x v iW v-w- ' xVJiXvajjs.xwM bs-s-twn in k:iigl.oi l.
jllsvcn Joumsi.W As to examine tW iptvat J A wvx wljyn b.k MvtHsl. in the debates iu
I salt mines in the oroxims? xxf A'xx aVs-ai.t , xv!,w,4Kxi xxxU : khumv s.1110 patience t
eighty miles to the iccM of ?st. Vxkywtf.V c tK-v'tSx tW kVMn xt.'i.i"kf'it.ixuv x ii'lhimeiit-.
I and, if finding them as ca-.xrx-.sttvst, to kvx ; W'tW ln W xx vUm-ViOuv in the Ib'tiic,
j tion the Spanish XsoxvitimeWt tf. xxli-' x' skh.'ixv ksxim-uxi 01 xxn m the k,'iiatv, they
, the mines and Uo t h M'ixx'n xxli" twit tvxkx xkx tVv i'.WtxV. ai'd do u..i. ylupo tn
, Mml nr other m.vte xxf traAS,xrtAtisx txX 'A !' .xvavix,'ix tlK'Hii, yhe.V MI.I.V SUlllist or ell
kCMyiH IVom whcrtaVthe WMhx xx" tV.' Ki vtki"il sa ouxyioiiivl ia torcver is.
i mine conM ts Xftvr XX t'kixxk, , vVixV' V'S t,'wkgi-v there mv nervous har
! vf llw mis 'a sift . .' 'kv.xiVv sh usxxlin'phes, stiu iug eulogies,
tit. m .wore ixt.nsixn lV,si tssxram-iAtxA ,' iyultl.x kkn,4v w wit. Meu
I very vAy 10 tw W T1wv i XWyxM-
H .iii lea or iwxlxx'' Wuh-s IxMxg, lsVa?Mt xx.1- Mdl
a half wide, and sl.w.t trixxyr WawxIiVs wx'k
, hiKh, Whi. h iS sxxlld Wys.aNfk''itn IxsA vlv
i k.,, of which iNc Xsplaixx t.x rAxxvuk.t
1 1 ' . ... a - a-, ..... . ..l... ...V
Iiollie W till film. I MTr is A yviaiirig a n iy
0X,r I lie But 1m V all ine wail iwsl, X Sixvavi- ,avA 1 'ax '.V se au ...ivyvi 011 auu eye oi
five to i. n tivt in ttxi kw vsx tW txxsy yxst i ;k,minu x..Ukvbikl,x k .1. atli. No Indus
aomcwlinl Ihtakvl si Ih Kx- , 'W VWdi ixx U yie.-ul, s.ive behind a
Kiul Ihe xsminsii.xn yvtx it irXvkx.,t 1 x-xin i lin kxan'tv vn.l, xyhciv they look
ihu rXt.-odl'sr !vow Hm .MXit.vvJt ti k t'kv tztf, in skyou'd nhvwv flu re ia, there-earth-
Iscx.'Avat.Aj Ike sh, tWx Vixsivavw, ifxx. vkbkitut iluiwiiiig ol bin., or iukI-
Iv iyiiie ACxs isvlid xsxlx.x ,tskv xkxxnilv
thown wxltcn.xr twxtx'n ixwa-s a-cVv
t h at at i.v. Ikssij tsniaANt vA I V x xixxn xsy t
in.i.anam ol Ik wxl., tsitnw ttxHk,
an.Mvt A WySk in xlXVXX.XXg; t-ve XVMXxVlX
aisHind ih.-sxl. And fisxy ik-sn In V s.y
Uard. Krxvm ihey-sai xwd aM Ik Xx'a M x..xx
lain to the kwixj ndyxvxwyvi.v.H.xvt krxyVs.'af v
lUlah.vnA, ll ytlalXIXaS Ik A.Vkxt Vk WaXl'Vl,
llnxwih p. if Mix txxxt xs-xxixx, xk A
and x. iv h,-x.y ViKivsk, wn iVn tMs'-t
.bowl K W.v.a.1 ti yxtvv taxsUn tlxs.nxxt
the whobs ,ti,in,y swd tkxt nxxt VX n'xx
nxir. taataiiwttxit to M tVvyxxyAsy X ani
Hal. h a.l.tsin.-d A k'VXwl WxMax tVn Xxxsyn
Hl-all lvf W,VklaXj liy WOW.-, A tksf X XX I
tlx. prniSyv r-vt l0osA Hvxxx tkx wnxivai
to ikr shx , tim yk.vv Hvi tk txvski y4
laMIX Sft't bW.Xg Alt aX4 VWVakXXyt ysv U.,V t
rXvT Ika' lvwlyt,ll.viy.X'twv-Xke,4 vt xkx nsy t
10 It) tat!, tit tw IVx.4 nt xtwiy, xxXkak XH
... . ...I. - ...i.. llj kj,.k..Ua..k.l kk.
nml inn., 1,1,,.,.. an a,-
ivlllwr, U IvSiXkAllvkl Wilt XXXll k-k
t.w.hat .Ml Ik UI XX-amvst akvllkl, X'l
WAX, With Ail Ik IwvdaV ra XX-Xak X
11 XV.
ki w In v xxw uyxxa wx t'x.t
Ik. tn tnl.l vv4 l XX a Vn WW. tkxl XX'XW.1 kviiia,
l.ka- awn y,xsa t taWl xxol n k.v... t
' ll"l llfkl,' Xlwk Vl VX'lv.U'S Ik. IU, a'k'dv.t
1 1 si It i.v, M k. A xv-. kV x V I n k u,
kill Ik. I alia. -at ISlxaaX VM'Vk. A. t XS X-1 t 4
. un.t ni.-.S I ' O W l. 14 4X"X
.a a.Hal Xl'l lia'avakl vm I kwt ka'"VV
I i,l, ,i,t i Ab.y tl nt Iks 1 1. t tV
W..-I, tV , k. taXl I'.a.k.-.X't W'tW 4.
ill. ndl I a"'Ut kl (k .,tivyi. vt Ilia
T 1 .
Hxr4 n iivA MUtwtt VxaAM,w,
?lOWl Iv-'SntltVl ViWiV-VV. Vaf VXliH H&
ftsMfA tlw J'V'eHS .sf tWe KlWx csWiViis w
ow trxViliiit' wt tWlvMr.' Wk, Hhsvfc A
tV.. lraww. 'Wt- ftslllS'iiiiftiS: iM'sWV ftoW
tW &mMA nw nf Ito
NIVS of tWH dNMrWll'A.y "sWil tW itMWWWa
vnvwa iv,viwv of ;Jssk;.V,s kti's' i
IfsM.'iMRVH'a.H Wa.HS WIN'.
tnaftlf.'ilrViVIk, WW H taWwWsl J WM 'VVH.T
Wl''iri'il SsfjgWlsi. W'li'l'l 'k'S.' W mHnh,- aX
trV.1- VMdH jWWW tvJ:4t'.''At Saf'uVu'ikiKk
f tWe SiSk'sli tvVsMi. iKMr' t W frll yvi
V.wg JWrYe (MtWv tWl, V.H H'.MrV. .
jVvjm an of tW icw VV ikskWiilviv -vy
Aaiwe IVvVv hvvtvs' vJi Ik M,, ivU--
v-1e skisMirs vJf" li'V.'Jiw 1''.V lv
trivvrv Wave tafMv Sw'i.iit, tskwl I'w .Uil.x
.W'X'bv'iViyiii,i .st tj W kw'Fvw'Xait wvH IM
Vi5iOW WVilis 'W tv, 45VW'le tWI tvl'W
Wtswi- yystrs tt- t.MiNV,v.twMA tk,v- miv
IV lSY6WaW ''ViirV.i ISWVVtvot of
tV '.'JhlJsl'ds sskj WivMi'.V.lK', 'V K'VOWWX
eety stw itfivitfi i YWlv sayvvVwvt c'v
viiS 'iwa'Syi'4t tiv.vwwv vtf wV,w w V'.omv'' wvulvt
ISX stw.VWC. IS d'X- VIN
IV vi'd 'itf-xiiiwa- iivM. nf VKv?inUwv
tvris ii Mt ssf mwi WW 1. tivMily tnik'
Wi. ki Willi's t'.w"iW 0Ji pJ'in 'ipHt
IfawwoK' tW wKx- Ms'MWImwx IiVmm U"
IVa to HVa w.'.Viiivv s1' tw ?itw vw ttxvs..
tWriiWaViti IM W yvn' tlt
lySVilrt tN-SaVi W tvWl1'd thfS V,Sl;a'n.lH, most-.
lv '.kex-vJb' lWw'kiiw tswxwsvif' twenty
wvsv. U NrtU xMv .Kn.vs Ui
-atm oli' Uky V..VW4- twlkv' tV i'U,
SWd SiHS lSiW ts,Wtit tlVe SaklMtS WV WHVI'V
KwkI tW w xtvJr ssf tV twf Uv. V.k'nv
lwart kiw tsw. v.vvyy.- wM iaitnt't.x
WilsWvt. Xe asy?ywiiV W ww-.m tsm,
stv xvn t iw fiw wiv wxwv xmy
if, wishlh fin Uktvx tvs twvKn Ift'sl.. 'Vh
otny.a,-s We Wiiiv fin tV siisfM,'Wv mt
HWCYV-Sv,- 'iWH.X- IW w II'V Vt,n V
ky.-Vfti-kW'.f. At" sW nl' Iwn hwidut fcH... wlklkV... kK.l l.LH vii-Klv. it. 1 1 ik
k ,w ww vW,ui,.ntv
sl' Jwlv uu'u
.a .X vlvv t.wv" the
i, . . Xvi, nX Altlnhwi'vY
. ,la kKt Wl klMvl nl Cl'l'iH't'.
v v.y AM"Mw'H W K'vh
v:. iv,. .t. .wi.Uu.ui ..i ,.iv ii.
ii.iT.i iti n-- x ti s - th 'irn t 1 '-1 'o. .-
wwnal iw',k,s 'Mt t oh,l;v' U'ouh
WOSt'lV tW kMiVxlivMiH Misx Vyu., tiyvlniU two
lxwtkl iw iWc tvXH.xi;.X'. im m am
MXVMtovtWixS.. fix- llKV. X'v. Vx Vi I'oiOKt
in xjix'-xt W,l'MxViX'k xxf vVxvi.K'Ht vnylity,
aw, ,tfilyshX'4Hwi tn k.hkk Inxwxi; nv;Kjiii,Vi:x'iw
tVw i V i.'x'x nf tWU'X'v. U- l; IVu
VtvJitv of X'vJSMi'XV xN-VVX t I he- UU iX uf
l5v'V'aX''llt4llIX'.V XX Ik'afi.VaX'Mv l.i'0'll'.V
t tyAknxy ,kvi v-VU-W's W
. ks . . j,,a .-. ..
ni, it, .it.-
't Vak -ill. kL, VUL vK.. Lllilt. I. I t I VI VLi v.' 1 xl'
H 1 NJ'A, Ti""n 1W "".11 l.. ...a.--. x-
! klkkUi', Lkk.SJ 'iilll '...ll luXkbUsl'Laai. Vk K I X Hi 111 htlULlI XSS'V'St.
fs.1 .Xvtx ii stor kMiiAV xxf tVliC""!'!. when 1
Tnrm.x. n'.,mT,i TtTiTr xxxxxt -r - w
k. 7 '. . . i. i . i 1: .. ... : .. i .. .
'.a.x "txt tWf xxk,l. K-xtWi$ tjvv'H uf xVioJ'ido
C. V. L'. k... .K.k k k. U. t. ..LlLl... U . tt,,,vVt .ll.lllll.t
'Iflnxl kISs SvxM vX". xtV-XH'l x ix kuueft fivri-
.i nxxv lWs ttViKxk'kii:. I make Ihi
1 . ... s . . .
'vnxsmiWssx tn v,.i;xn I'.v In thn world a
ii Mtv v.'rV'X xxf tW v-tx:at mnt livhuen. x
tV- aMliX'k W.t kxxvk wi,lik anv dv-abv to xle-
': kvr,'x-jxitxa i tW liv-kxt Sxvx'vt thv t'lLiulou
i wv-aikw Xx w.' sk'i,H KHWRa- H'rn.kx vvvrl.isling
:. txx tfxvsAxxii vw U kwi.-txx. nf f'.xliKirni.i,''
X NWX IA A. tV. xx' VxMxiv..
nvs.x.v V xy tuiv t;k
txW xxf' txvxM.V mnmh, b VoJidH ha
AxVst VVlui.tW tn ivuiarlv the
x'M'Jfxl x'lX'i'.V.'V.' X'f N'yUt it'K'K here, and l
nwrtAn tTin iN'-xn'Mff pyiK,. mui. icxv
I xxxxbvK ll wxx.x nf xvMHst mv ixk be unin
' a xkv U.vKt Vwtl). they vlu u. a speak by .
j tsVv -kt Wv vrtx'"K xuiuulaixc tuul vnruet,
! t'kx v-x"1 VhK h'ijK.xk IM iu t'ailiiiiiietit
? VM S W slxvuilx. flio liuiulirs ait
i x''VxVl;x, Wdvd ixun aud covered Injiidi,
Ilk.. O,,.!.,,. ,.a ,. Li.,..,. .. I II... k L... ...
1 r.'a.f aav' a ..... ,iV .,ki, in 1
l"V4 v M'r.'ii 'Ui'. I k.. iiuei, or eiK'.iuia.jiug
iw'k. -. ikg vi.yu. bkh'A. 'l liu iiuuibei
k,xxn xn,x ykki i Wo jil, ipiik,hily pac run
ko, ud Hva, I'li'V aw 1." ali'iki1' lot' the
vln XXllk (M'u.iii ahouU ol "Mtntel
h..AvX ' .. UUVliw xoolimv.Vhu Uii.Uihda llnu
t" di .yW va l iu I'w pkil'.'iiii.unu of 4 p.iiu
,ut yWl.y, nu t Ml. V ki Uok ,.a.iivi ol eliiplut
(v, kul viuai kits 11; lyiuin Hint di.vyl, alum
k.v, l t x'lauk, hkw hiok.U X h"i ial. la, till
nfcv,'" xivc iu vvvkxak fbxi kiivo of ' hear,
kk-n, A s,'ih la, you uy iiinipi.hyiu.t 111 p.ulu
Vk-uVyi X n kiolay, niu U"l all.u.U d W till It kliil,
kx Xl vXlvU.V itiyi, liiul. ti ilv b.i thu ol.O"i'
lyvUy VIJ.'A, th. l.aallil'ly l.lhi thu
yiyalAlX'V Isapi'li wo of tolks ill at 'Ol kpiaau vivilv, 'Ul l lalu.ui Ukg 14. aixk XI Hid
y lays' ailx vUk, W y'b
VkXtlaakj OA Vxtxl'lXX Ibblk Vf'l'll
tx.l'.X l .'my.. l X"lly-p' lldl.ll IIUI tUll
u.lli. av ilu ak c U la
tX'Uvwiiki UvkxH
I v X-.kv idiyX Ul,
XX llio Kllxi ol lliy) Hii,iI.,ii
'SMI--XI t'tUlu kl U.lU.U VtSI iM'llltk.l lolt t'l
Xvyl xousil'.'U' h bk. tbl du x.'iiaUU . t ul
4,ui vht t'lUlyd txd Xwlu i ikul and duly
,V ikiwivl shol diauj oikl In I alumlili a,
vxv I xyu.v a k ll in, 1 'i, in inlile ,1, .i,o ,, (,,.1..
yt U y U A'l l I'u.sUi vt mm. 114 k'u Ix, lb I
kvlWvixi X'.""' hi aivwl I p.OI of I10111
yU 'ia, 14 XX "ll't X"kl hilkiU, t U' I kXi.k, iy 1 III
Xb I'.'t Ul XXI..I','"'., (d ,..( . Id 1s t ll.odu I.
I l' X VI. s, 11,'UU I XI UU ! II l l..,u , l
,l bli.lklH,
xx sx k."k In Ua I i. c Un,. Li,i
Xeul't XxlUUill Ui't ku latilid L III, I... In ' o
yin.,. Uvu, tli'l. ly I ilk! U. .' l ipi'lu , U to
tU tn iiii' I. u' I Ii ,i, y.u
d'00.4 ly i U.i x- x-l ilk, Ut -bill. ,i I Uk'l.
IVIlkXlV 'l'vliiru.hwj.
iSnuA nucx liuiagifteit tho message whl' h
Hilxh pass between au atrabillious banker
ixui! hi wife oa the sulijccl of dinner, w het
vk'grnph w ires should stretch from olllce to
xtwvlliinj Alt over London. What 1'unrh
tkotcght it ph'Jisiint fancy is about to become
fwt - ha txtrvmly U-coino l':ict to a certain
x' f he lttivvrAiil Vrtvato Telegraph C'oni
piiy uf l.uiidoti undertakes to put tho iner
Vaiiiut cuntrv housu in direct couiinuiiica
tuny with his oltU'c, h nixes of business with
their blanches, public otliecs with public
otficvvvi ttt (net, i utlsaion is to supply
tvotet'i wUU so many miles of priuitt vim to
ijwn, ketwveu huusis mid house at a given
pricn. mud o provide telegraphic apparatus
whiekv vdw bo xxoikvd by persi.ns in the
uiUvxy nt counter r drawing room, as tho
emu may be. Of course it would bo impos
sible pivllubly to provide a separate wire
witb, (is Appropriate suspending posts to
vxvry iviitvr, l any rcusonuble price, (,'on
acipM'illly system uf combineit Action has
tu'vix adopted tor which I'l'ofcssor Whetit
stouo ha Ukvu out a patent. For instance,
auppoaing that a hundred renters of wires
tie un Oilier hand of some great main thor
oughfare, these huudred w ires, for such 11
duUuce as thsy can be conveniently nmdo
In tint together, are enclosed in 0110 cubic
ctkrvfull.y Uiulated trom cuch other by
tudiiy rubUr.
'fliesxi vable aro so arranged, says nn
Vntilish, journal, us to form nearly eitulhi
Iciiat triangles, vaih anxlo having a.buHO of
uvml.Y a vuvle ; the cubic, however, being
suppurteit by wires alung from posts erected
on, vVo top. of the houses ut every two huti
itivxt yard. At the intersection of every
alible a, mile apart, atraining posts nro erect
ed, tor tihtviuug tho wires, ami for giving
ViwU individual xviro its direction or ilupiir
lurxv i the spwtutor only observes one of
these posts, ho will see that it gives ulf tiln
viietits of wire in every direction theso pri
Xixtw wires, having come along tho cable in
common with others for a given distnnce,
and urn uow making their w ay down into
Xtm oJHcca and houses uf their renters in the
mo.i direct way they can consistently xyith
the triangular system uf laying out tho lines
we htivo mentioned. Although a hundred
wires am in some instances embedded in the
Willie, cable, tho company tlnd no dilMculty
til discovering instiiully 11 fault that occur lu
any one of them, us ut every two hundred
ytndi tho suspending pole is provided with
a, connecting box or plate pierced with small
holes, through which every separate xviro,
going ut returning, spread out from the
vibh uud, having thus pushed, is bound
together again on tho other side uiul pro
weds to tho next point.
These holes nre all uumbercd, consequent
ly any failure of the electric current can be
narrowed to a distance of two hundred
yard, and at once set right, lly this system
of telegraphy the communication is iustati
tauvou.; there I no waiting until other
Miesviges have passed, for the simple reason
thai io one else but the renter can possibly
use it. Us speed is uUo greatly iu its favor ;
a many 11 one hundred and tlfty letters a
minute cun be telegraphed by a nimble hand,
xylols, any person can send and read messa
ges by it.' The neodlo telegraph Used by tho
skilled operator on tho long line is per
fectly unintelligiblo to tho uuinitiated ; but
the child xv ho can spell is as capable of send
ing a message, as the expert, xvheu these
simple telegraph ol xMicaNtono aro cm-
I , , , . . 1 . .. . ,:, 11
I pto.xvu. I no inaiupuiaior looiva iink aani.iu
! cloxk, xvith the twenty-six letter of llio
i iiliih'ilu.r. unit tin. lion, iiioni. rnls Inscribed on
its; each of theso letters and numerals
is uiovod by a small lever. The person tel
egraphing, by pressing down the pedal or
; lexer attached to each letter, sends a pulse
ut electricity through llio lecgtli ot wire,
which make u needle point to a similar
letter uu tho face of an indicator nt the
other end uf tho wire, which is beiilg watch
ed by the person receiving the message
V curious improvement made iu thu re
wiving instrument ol t'rofessor Whcutslono
enables that instrument to record messages
I without the help of an operator; messages
I mo printed iu ordinary letter type on slips
j of liu foil, and no human receiver is nt ull
i ucccasary ; all that a man has to do when
i ho conies into his room is to unlock a box
i and take out the roll uf till foil, und read
thu uictunigo that ho bwu sent iu his ub
, svuee.
j 'the journal from which xvo havo quoted
liivivits that these private telegraph wires
ai'u already rapidly increasing in number,
and will allot lly bu us common a bells.
I lsn Ikvwlruciiou vi'ilio M'urrvutou
W.iaiiiNoios May 20.
Acting Hear. Admiral I'urtur, in a los
palcli to the Nvv IKpiirtiueut, from the
iuon river, under' date uf tho IJlh ittst.,
al kies :
"A few days since the Mound City, I.ieut.
(.'omiuaudiug liryoti WiUoti, cii'.ue up us far
ik xVai'iculoii to recoiiuoitto uud seu what
Kdiis were there likely to annoy our trans
p ut., 't he ichtls have been engaged for
aoiuu month iu building a strong casemuted
vialcr buttery, intending to mount eight ten
itieti guns on ii. Thi wink was built with
Cotton b.ilea covered with logs; the logs
coy i red with railroad lion, aud the whole
woxeiud W i L Ii e.ullt.
"Oil uppioaeliing the fort I.ieut. Coiu'g
t ila.iu ai nl a I'.yi ly on aluire to iScoinioitre.
On cUiul'iiig up I tic cuatiiiaiu to look in, tho
party diacuveled that a company of AUitlo
itaU had tiikeit it'l'uru there, Hilppo.tiug
lhc.uiai.lvi4 pulley lly aecure, our lilcll lired
then lulolxxts into Ihu ciowd. and warned
thu viji I thai the li Ih la were about. I.ieut,
1 1'ln'y iUoii theu c.iiiiuieili cd aheUiug the
toil, and ill a ahull tune all mia in a blase.
VlU i burning ihoioUfcjhly for aoiuu time, the
ahole IX "I ay VXa. '1 tuts eiuled 4
loll ill tho ap.uxl uf un hour, xx Ilia ll had
Ukcit thu iclal live months to build, Uofk
ttig lu, ull) day sud liihl.
' t pun ceded tu W aiteiilmi thia iiiorniiig,
l.i be uitaiil that Ihu Wtitk Haa thoroilghly
dialioycd. It iiiiiud IC'lliliiJ liioiu ih'iiu
lu it , lliu Mouil l I lly, had Unulicd it. t he
lyhyla ki I ull tllU l,i.-,.a lulil liuilljj thill
i.'Hu I'll lite, a. the bJiuiboila ..ppi.i.u tied,
and ilu ) hit ( onb lid t be .Ualioye I.
Vt a i iMiloti ha t la. H a liuubh aoiuu pl.uv
mid Uu Hied IU laU. '
S 4 0 I -
kllUll I a Ileal ink Uulil.b 'l..a4. ihu
lib. ...I. I' thu l.cji.l.iluik to iii.l riu ll,,, r
1,1.1. ah.iiv i thv l..ii. la aid Haul xx III Ihu
ap, cd ol lu Ihu .N.'iih, und lion,
ill. in i it a ill bv i .mil I mi tliu a itiua ul Ihu
x, lud Ihi.iiiliotd ihu ilxl'u. d a in 1.1. t ul
ml i, u in. nil,, loli.llcl thla at lit, 11 of Urn
I a'aial'itaj ihi fusli'l Hwl.U) I" I I. inc.. In
i t I h. Hal I t sn an) in "iu l.'iua lu U...I
tl.itid ia t",l-.'l I and t'l auu , a hi t lb. au
IWli li at Vi I. Alk ilillil.ucd that llClk'4
l, di'll.l.llul of ihk to till dxlAlvl Ift.lill
i, i, I (l. I I x. ,H, ,.
Ntw Ckceii'T kuii M.iki.iu So.xp. AIotit
y your Ago ono of the most intelligent
(practical farmers of ltccks county sent us
t ho following receipt for making family
xap: nnd w ithin a month we have had
bif.iro u several requests to insert it Again,
the copy of the paper In which it rppcurcd
Laving been lort or destroyed,
t'uvK:i) Tki.k.ih.xi ii : We lately tried
n new receipt for making soup new At
least to gs and as wc have had such good
success, I thought it would ho well to send
you thi;A'Xi'ioitm;irfjforUio Housekeeper
department of your paper.
t'our four pallOrri Ot lioilipw; Water over
six pounds ol washing sodu una three pounds
of unshtcked lime; stir tho mixture well
ami let it settle until it Ia jicrfectly clear.
It is better to let it set ull night, as it takes
some time for tho sediment to fi'eltlc When
clear, drain tho water off, put sis pounds
uf fat with it nnd boil for two hours, stirring
it most of tho time. If it disrn not seem
thin enough, put another bucket of water
on tho grounds, stir and drain Ctf mid add
us la want.'d to the boiling mixture. Its
thickness can be tried by putting n litllu
on a plate to cool occapitiiiaUy. (Stir in a
liaudl'ull of salt just before tilkbig off tho
tiro, lluvo a tub rendy Softkcd to prevent
tho soup from sticking, pour it in and let
it set till solid, when you w ill have from
tho ubovo minntity uf Ingredients, about
Jorty ouiuii nf hUa vhite toar, nt it eort of
a'wur. nro nuc per jmuiui. Housekeeper,
try it ! Itermantoun Telf'jrrph.
A Whoi.ksomij Dmnk.t The excessive uso
of cold water during tho 8wcltx:ring heat of
summer, often results in Bcrichi. and alarm
ing illness. It is therefore advisable that
some bevcrugo should be substituted for it,
of which those oppressed With thirst, can
partake With safety. For ll'.is purpose I am
aware of no better or moro refreshing drink
than tho following: Take nf the L'est white
Jamaica ginger root, carefully bruised, two
ounces ; cream of tartar, one otittCo ; water
six quarts, to bo boiled tor ablMit rive min
utes, then strained; to tho stminutl liquor
add ono pound of the bust w hite sugar, and
ngaiu place it over the lire ; keep it well
stirred till tho sugar is perfectly dissolved,
and then pour it into art earthen vessel, into
w hich you huvo previously put two drachms
of tartaric iteid, and the' rind of a lemon,
mid let it remain till the heat is reduced to
a lukewarm temperature ;.thcn add tl table
spoonful of yeast; stirring them well together
und bottle for use. The corks must bo wull
secured. The drink will be in high perfec
tion iu four' or five days. This is n very
refreshing nnd wliolesoinn beverage, mid ono
which may be largely purtojeen ot without
any unpleasant result even in tho hottest
weather. Those who make use Ot old eider,
will tlnd this much superior a common field
beverage. A l'llACTICAL FAltMEIt.
(!eriniiii(()irn Tclforiifih.
Iii.i LTtn tub XVtioso Uoosrv' A baahful
f;onllnmn, of Molly Spring.. Mmaisaippl, bmk avio
t'nl "hunkering" after a fair loniiutrewiof tho luirn,
ami, after a grout deal of hosltHtinn, flunlly brought
hi. ciiurago U to the .ticking point, ami uindo an
evening cull on tho lady. Ilu found hur bu.ily en
gagod at her work, pressing otl a (jnrincnt with a
tailor', gooae. Sho, however, reeeiveil him very, anil continued her work A bevy of tha
neaiuatru..i (Vuialo 1'rieiiiU klrnriped in. a few toinutes
atlur uur hernia friend hsd aiib.ided into .ilcoce, for
ho found it Abilutely iiiirHiihlo toraaintnin A eon
veriatinn with tlie lu.fy. The audden cutrnnoe of tho
visitor., inslead of relieviug. only added to hia om
Inirraaiiuii'ut. mid in silence until hi. situation
beenine utinful to all, but to none more than himself.
All etioi la to draw hiiu iuto conversation prcyee abor
tive, and it became a matter of serious concern to
the ladies how to relievo tho gentleman ol his cm
b'trru.'k.uieut. without a catastrophe, lor ho was well
known to all of them as n gentleman a great worth,
baahl'uluess bciug his only t'rnilty. The enin.tres.,
finally got through with ho work, and called out to
the negro man iu the kitchen :
Tho d.Hir opened, sn l s .tout, burly negro aluck
his Jicad th rou i:h the doorway, and (aid :
"I i. here, Mihus."
"John will you take this ooesE out V
Hur liii-lilul'friond sprung to hia fuel in an instant,
and exclaimed :
"1 beg your pardon, Madam, for intruding on you
but I'll go out myself !"
before tha lady could explain her meaning to hint,
ho had gathered bis hm and mad his exit, which
was 'i. II,, wed by tha frantic yells of the girls. I am
sorry to ad. I that that littlo mUimdoratuuding nisds
au uld bachelor sud an old maid
QcicK ns rue Tiiiuiiaii ' You will please to ob.
torve," said old Mr. Lauibwcll, aa be led us through
his school th other day, '-that iba buys are require !
to display the utiuoal attention to ions aud dis
cipline, and iu A short time bojome divested of that
moat annoying Uis.uitiin to teach each other; in
ahorl, they aoou seuledown in all the) grav ity ef ma
ture yara under ike wbuleauuis tysteiu I Lata in
troduced" We at this moment arrived in front of Severn! boy.,
who were .landing around A bucket uf water, and
oue hud ju.t charged his uiuutb wilh the eouttnis of
aliucup, while the old gentlimun was alia, ping tu
recover his pen trom tho Hour, whru number Diy
pa--jiug bebiud .napped bis linger quietly behind tho
buy 's cur, causing hiui by a sud. leu start to ejoct tho
Duuleuts over the pedagogue bubl pate. citartiii
up with his luce aud hair dripping, th uiaalor sbuul-
Who did that ' '
The party unauimuusly cri.d nut, "Jim Oun, fir "
"Jiui llun. you rascal, what did you do ikal for?'1
Jim, appalled al ilia mischief he ha. il .ue, mut
tered uul thai ll was Uul bu laull, but Turn Uweu
had snuppad turn
I'Uia obuuge 1 the ilire,'li.,n of old Lambwell's wrath
aud .hakiiiii huj band over Owen's head,
heai-ked. ' I'l l yuu .nap tluuf
Th culprit, trembling with tear, murmured "Ve,
sir. I inapt liuu, but I didu I kuuw thai be was
loaded 1 '
A IUl'Coiin Wow xs A few months sinee,
4 geuikuiau had the luiafnrlbuo la loose bis wil. a
tilurary lady uf sum reputaliuu. Alter grieving for
A ouuttier uf w. ks, a bright idea ii!i'rad th ha l
ut kl l.. He (ImjUjIiI kuuld do aoluilllllig to
i l.'ix.u bis lo, lor Ikal purpose he fulled upuu
A 1 iy uf bu acquaiulauce. and reqiia.leal to .peak A
I Atlk ker iu proai. 'i bin king thai bo was auuul la
J luceile pi., ) tb.iwly piepiuivi lull.U'U with
I bcouuiiiig r.'iik'iialkiu.
I ' XI. nl., .aid k. with dowucitsl )' a h luuk
' kci knud. ")'oU kuvw uiy WU 1 '
"Cutainly 1
Ii U not g.aa for man tu aloB.."
' IVlll'(k, Ullt ''
i ' I'. I V'.a .ar tAcl up thai pari i f Iba mar
i liasc "-Hi,' wbnli reuii"4 .'.'uplu to cleai ltuiu
luuli uik.i lill death d i via pari '
tn. e
! "I ka.a i.fl. U raA.'Cla-d U oU it u.jakll Now d.'.lk
kas 1-411.4 aa fiom iu)r ii. and i feci v' I) "
' I .b'.ul.l Itiin k tl l.k.-ly "
i I ibmk I luu I du uaiiaikiiif k rr.i.arsiu uia b'r
km i Ko.u.,.iiui. an t lb tueui.ii) ul ker iinurs
He l itaicai Ik Ul) t kau t and aigb.d hh I'
' luiu 4 Ike I'lkaam ii4 Uai tullaied a .14k lu dp
! k. r
I ' XI) b ar, " kesail bu 4 Ung H" "I H''''
1 ol tba (- I..I kl .OK I k. apl.'l kvul lit Uu.k
I -A 'i '. l ' '
I kk blki k. I at I CuX4 kal la Bilk k.'l b U. ll
I 1 Va I kax eotwlul.'l lu aula uiy ail. ki..
' l.b k. I k.i. k4 tkl IllU. aklll lu lll.lair
. .i.ivm, u4 il )..uoill k.utvl lk fcakuai'iiS au4
. a 1 11. lb. k.bk4l kl lkaka(HHl, ( Will ll ) W
' IxdulUi. '
, hka pikaj I'.'UI kU U I 4b4 k ) laak.d Ol'k
I Skal
I 11 Ik ut) kkk.4.4 'W Oa.4 Ik. I XT-k I o-
)UU - "
k. Un k. u, i au4 k.4 kll tu "ll'-. k.
, Is. In... k I I IU kl,l..4. I- X k k I 01
, au k iu. U k tM ).l kuX,k.4 l .p.l
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