Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 21, 1863, Image 3

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    E.MJWW J',
gTfjc unfauvj) amcrican
IT. fc, MAS SDH, Editor ft Proprietor.
i. m. YettenoilL CO.,
Jfe. S7 Park How, New York, and t State Street,
BotIod, ere Mir ntrriU for the SrnnrRT AxruirAS
in those cities, nnd are authorised to take Advertise
ments and for till at our lowest rate.
Mil I. I Jl I li I -
tSfTlic I. P. Senate adjourned on Friday
last, having nclcd upon a vast number of
appointments. Nearly all wcro confirmed
or laid over, very few being rejected.
J37 It is pretty well understood that the
President will call out more troops at least
to fill up the ranks after the nine months'
drafted men will have served out their
IW On account of the 25 and GO cent
notes having been counterfeited, the Secre
tary of the Treasury has directed that no
more notes of these denominations be issued.
The counterfeits in question are bo well
gotten up, that almost any person is liable
to be duped by them. The engraving is a
ahado coarser, and the paper a trifle thinner
than the genuine.
J-3?" It lit stated on good authority that
Mr. Chase, while in New York, was offered
one hundred millions in gold, from parties
representing European capitalists, which, at
the current rates of exchange, would be
equivalent to par.
tsf" Judge Tearson of the Dmiphin and
Lebanon district, is warmly urged in the
Ilurrisuurg Telegraph for a Judge of the
Supreme Court at the coming election.
Jt?" Xews. There was a Caval
ry I'u'lit on the liappulmnnock, beyond Kel
ly's Ford, on the lOlh. About two thousand
Dii each side were cngia)fcd. Gen. Avcrill
knocked the water out of the Rebels. They
retreated behind an entrenched battery.
The Richmond papers of the IT, say that,
i the I t'll i list., Com. Fiinagut attacked
Port llud.-on, and was repulsed.
The United States steam sloop-of-war
Mississippi was burnt, ami Com. Farragut
went down the river in his flag ship, which
was disabled.
The land force did not join in the attack.
Thta is from Rebel soun es.
Di-.sPKiiATK Battle with the Indians
in I'tah. The Indian Bureau is in receipt
of information, under date of February 10,
from its agent at Suit Lake City, Cononel
Connor, of the Third infantry, He. reports
a desperate tight of four hours with the In
dians on Hear river. Fifteen of his men were
killed and thiity-eitrlit wounded. Captain
McLean and Lieutenant Chase were fatally
mid Major Gallagher and Lieutenant Berry
severely wounded. Two hundred and twenty-four
Indians were killed, their horses
taken and their lodges destroyed. There
is no report of wounded Indians or pri
soners. ricKt'on;i:TS in Wasiiinoton. Iii 'Wash
ington the conviction of a thief or pickpock
et linviug been found almost an impossibility
under the law, the provost guard append
labels bearing the words 'thief' or "pick
porW't" to li baeV of the offenders, and
cause tliem to parade tho principal streets. vnr. Governor Cannon, of Bcle
wire, has no sympathy with the doctrine of
"State Rights.'" In a recent proclamation
called forth by the passage of an act in the
Assembly to prevent illegal arrests lp that
State, the Governor says j "I enjoin upon
the gooil people of this state that they hold
true allegiance to the government "of the
United States as paramount to the State of
IVhiWiire, and that they obey the consiitu
ted authorities thereof, before the legislature
of the slate of Delaware or any other human
authority whatsoever." Governor Camion
was two years ago a Brcckir.ridi.-c demo
crat. There are In Switzerland 1,483,208 IVt
cstants and 1.010,401 Catholics.
&ocal Affairs.
US' Canal Navigation Tho Sohuvlaill Cannl
I nhcH'ly open, and navigation commenced. The
Sasii biinun cunali Mill ha opened on the 25ib.
Hr.r coal oj.i.-rators are anxiously wniting for facilities
to crry their iro-tuuU to the markets.
"3'lIrAVV On Wednesday evening
Inst, the in-u safe of the Adams' Express Company
wua thrown from the cars, botwei-n York" and Haiti
more, and ri.l.bti of nltcut $S0,000.
ti? I'kkpoc -kiits. We understand tiiat several
pickpoi kcln. who had been plying their vocation in
the ears of tho Northern Central road, were arrested
a few dn vt siuec 1. 'tween this place and llarrisburg.
y 1'ownr.H Mill Expioaion. On Monday
morning Inst, the ''lry Il.juse" of tha Fowder Mills
of Reuben Kline 4 Co., in the vicinity of Trevorton,
accidentally blow up. Ona nian, Simeon Miller,
being blown sniue distance, had bis arm brokon, and
was otherwise serioui'ly injured. The extent of tht
damage will be about JjOO. There was no insurance.
The physician of Mr. Millar entertaini no hope of his
UP The Metlmdut Conference at York mado tha
followiiijr, appointment for tun (Northumberland)
lii.triet :
T. M. ItErsr.. 1'. K.
VViliuiUK)Kirt, Tine St W. L. Fpotswood.
do Mulberry .Si T. U (iotwalt.
Mniitoiir-vil1i J. YT. iluughawout.
Muuev Sutuuel Shannon, one to be supplied.
Milton Circuit F. dear hart, S C. Swallow.
Miliou-lt. E. Wilson.
I.uw..burg Kdward J Gray.
Alifltinbuig C. ('leaver. ooa tub supplied.
Northumberland A. It. Iteiley.
Hlmluokui and Trrv..rl..u J. V Porter,
hunbury A. M t'riia-bto, JJ T. Kwarti
Calaa M p. L'n.;haiia, J. K. Ilagey M Kl,.,nlur.
laioille Jubu II 0. .uah.
llloouburg-ll C J,.! u.
El ) iou Hoi.ry (1 ImII town All rt Mailman, m lo be lupplleJ
Joaiuo ilia 11. H King
Utaver .Mo'lu.-J Jl King
While lUvrii- 11. 1' fclamua.
Ilertu k - A M l.erulli, Y t Thurck
lll.iuuigdale- l CaallaluaH, Ufte lo be eur,.lieJ.
Oieurfvtiila Jttaiab t'ormt, en lo be supi-lud
T. Jlit.h.ll, 1 Ii , I'leatd.ul, W. II lull ai.4
T ( are, I'o.l. lu V) ill!eiu.MW I likkiuaoa tfeaiiueiy,
luembais of Mulberry Miaal Quar. Coa 1 II.
Tiiuce, rt.e 'i.u llill Huaiely, aisuibef of uu
tille toor Ci.u
'I he loiluamg iimluliua M pa4 k tuU of
low lo I
l.t reu The ahU'h kaa bera devaaUilag out
l.i J I i H.u i l.a jhii, miii auiiiiuuee aud,
curio, ut.i.i'e kiilil L eutuitunl lulu Uulifsiaua
In .u,lt a eii lh.itl'4e,
lira. I.. d l iu i i lUltiuHxe f uufeeea, ia
..i.l .i a e vmuiI.IwiI. iii smAimi totally
i. il. ' ii-mi i aad ear u.4 aalUHkuig
I i. it vf t '.Hi ' loa k- ui u4 kt rwit
H, , n I a ii le bH at Aliu f
ty Cnptaln John Buyera, of tha Angnsla Tvangen
Is now on a visit to hi family In this plaea. Capt.
Buyers' company, h stationed near Nowbern, N. C,
and he lufonns ns, all are In good health and spirits.
Capt, Buyers tad not been at homo since his Com
pany left, sooie fifteen month ago.
8. M. Wabd A Co., 208 Broadway, N. T.,
offer great Inducements ; their stock la very larga
and varied ; they warrant all goods to ba aa repre
sented, or tho money will bo refunded, and have the
reputation of being honorable business men. Thoir
arrangements are tuoh that yon oan transact business
with them through the mail almost aa well as If yon
gave them a personal call.
For the Snnbury American.
Letter from the Snnbury tinurda.
Ket West, Fla., March 3, 1863.
I)r.Al Wn.VEfiT : On Saturday, February 21,
orders were Issued to Col. Good, relieving him of the
command at Beaufort, to be filled by Brigadier
Gcnoral Saxon, Military Governor, 4o., of fouth
Carolina, and for him (Col. Good) to report, with his
regiment, to Headquarters for special duty. This
was done. Our tenta were pitched in a field outnido
of the entrenchments at Hilton Head, wells dug,
cook shanties ereotod, and everything in a shape to
mako us comfortable, when an order came for ns to
"pack up" to take another ride on the "Ooenn
deep.' and at once repair to Key West. Wc started
on the 21th of February, on board the sienmer
Cotnmuoiian. Aftor a plensant and safe journey
wo arrived at our destination, on the 27th, at one
1.M. .
To go ngnin to Key West was something tho boys
didn't like, for in the big fight that is to come off at
Charleston, a placo had been assigned us on board
the Urn Dtford with Major General HcSTEn. For
want of a name, one might cnll the position "abody
guard" to the Commander of the expedition. Tho
post was that of honor, and ono that any regiment
would like to occupy, but "whero duty cnlls, 'tis
ours to obey," and aa there is fomo likelihood of tho
"nephew of his uncle'1 Interfering in our privato
arrangements, and the Gulf will be tho place where
his French vessels will muke their first appcaranco,
tho boys have got over their dislikoto this little
inland, for hero thev will have a chance of giving
I.ouis Napoleon a pili to swallow, more bitter than he
is now receiving in Mexico, and teach him that it i
hotter to mind ono's own business than to interfere iu
that of strangers.
Col. Joseph Morgan is relieved of this command ;
Col. T. II. Good to have charge of all tho troops here
and at Tortugns. Four companies of our regiment,
via: A.B. C, audi, are stationed in Fort Taylor,
Key Weft, under Major W.ll. Gaudier, and theotlmr
six at Fort Jefferson, Tortugns, l.icut Col. O. W.
Alexander, commanding. The 911th N. Y. S. Vol.,
will remain here and be quartered in the barracks
and ntlior plnccs on the iclnud. This post is to bo
fully prepnrcd for any emergency. Batteries arc to
be erected nt every available point, the Towers to
bavo Iho necessary armament, in fact, to be so pre
pnrcd that if J oli ii Bull or Monsiour Crapcan wixhes
to en;;fl!fO us with their "dogs of war," wo wont be
placed in lileo Ax with Major Anderson and his noblo
iellowsat Fort buiuter.
Much joy was munifcited by the Inhabitants on our
arrival. Flags Lrcnincd across the streets on ono
cord alone I counted sixteen of different nations, tiic
most conspicuous was a large American ring, huving
on it tho inscription "Welcomo -17lh." Houses were
opened and the good things of this earth, wherewith
to comfort the inner mnn, were plentifully distributed
among the men of the different couipnnies. It would
be self praise (which is not very commendable,) to
say wo are lbs regiment, par turrtlti iter, but the
people here hnvt n very high opinion of us, and
proved it by this ovation.
An order for all to remove, who had a rel.itivc iu
the rebel army, had been promulgated, and by four
o'clock they would have embarked on board a steam
er, bound lor Hilton Head, where they would have
been sent, under a flag of trnce. to tho rebel lines,
unless ordered differently by the Commander of tho
luth Army Corps Our arrival stopped the banish
ment of seven hundred and thirty souls, and until
treason is proved against them, here thoy arc likely
to remain, Imppy in their homes, endeared to them
by old associations and family tics.
From Northern papers we learn a great deal abont
"demoralization" unit 'diesnti.fnctioii" in the Army.
It is news to us. and 1 can toll thoso croakors at
home that their stories aro all untrue, and that, ul
moKt lo a man, those composing the Army, ns fur as
my observation has gone, have perfect confidenco in
President Lineoin, his 1'roclumutiou of Emancipa
tion, and will join him heart and hand, in any
mensure to put down this internal rebellion, und act
with him iu anything that will bring nil honorable
pence. There .v dissatisfaction among the soldiers,
fait it is caused by men in the iNorth who are con
tinually preachiug conservative and peace doctrines,
whereby they give uid and com lull to the enemy,
aud cs long as treason is allowed to bo sown broad
cast, Ba it is by a ceilnin purly in fuubury, such
Uissalitfaction will remain, never to bo tuVgullcn,
especially with the -fiuubuiy Uuards."
The member, of our company are all well, na
tions that Government turiiWi us are wholesome and
of the best kind, but thanks to Capt. Uobin, who
acts as Treasurer of our company funds. Sergeant
Piers, oompauy Quartermaster, and Johnny Yunsch,
"chief cook and bottle washer," we live at tho head
of the heap. Our extras are "pot-pie," three times
a week, apple dumplings, with good milk, semi
occasionally, and for something to remind us ofduys
post and gone, Sergeant Piers serves us with upple
jc and itviifritiuls, made in a style that would do
credit lo more tliau one I kuuw of, who is in tho
baking business.
With respects to yourself, all in the offico, and
frieniU generally, I remain
Yours, fraternally, II. D. W.
103. lMttS.
lMiilailt-IpliIa A. i:-io Itnilroud.
rpiltS great lino traverses tho Northern and
X Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city
of Erie, on Lake Erie.
It has been leased by tha Pennsylvania Railroad
Company, and under their auspiecs'is being rapidly
opened throughout its entire length.
It is now in use fur Passenger and Freight busi
ness from llarrisburg to Ui ilinood, 2nd fork, (177
miles) on the Eastern liivu-ion, and from bheuield to
Erie, (7ti miles.) on tho Western Division.
Arrive nir,tn!
LeiVf Wextirnrtt .
Mail Train. 1 :i;, I' M
Mail Train. S..1S P. f
Express Train, II. 'M
Express Train, 0.20 A.M.
fitra rtin tliroti.rl, ...lit...... k, U .
........... r, ,..., vu'r. uuiu nnv, UU
those truina between Philadelphia and Lock l'luven,
and between Baltimore und Lock l!:ien.
Elcgunt Weeping Curs on Express Trains both
ways between illiamsiiori und Baltimore, and
WilliuinitKirt and Philadelphia.
For information respecting Tasscngcr business
apply at Ihc b. E. for. lltb and Markei Sis.
And tor Freight business of the Company's A gouts :
rS. B. Kiugsiun, Jr., Cor. 13ih and Market tie.,
J. W. iteynolds, Erie.
J. M. linll, Agent N. C. R. P.., Baltimore.
II. H. Hoi'HTO,
Gcu'l Freight Agt. Puilada.
Lewis L. Hoiht,
Uen'l Ticket Ag't., Philada.
Josri u 1. Ports,
lien 1 Mauagor, Williamsport.
March 21, ISM. 6
JOII mVH.HT & .,
NAxrrActciiKei or
fclTEK-CARB. OF SODA, it.,
And Sole Agonts in the City of New York for
Invented by Prof. Eben N. Uoisford, of Harvard
I'niveisity. Office, 11 Old Slip, llunover Square,
(upstairs,) NEW YOUK.
fpllE high pi leo which Cream of Tartar commanded
J iu I oil. together with the alarming extent tu
which its danguruus adulteration ha 1 been earned,
with other considerations, induced the distinguished
Chemist. bu nume i given above, to eoiniiieuce
a hat proved to be a long and laborious cirniillc re
search, to discover a dusirable suUlilute thereir
His eflorls were erowoed enb abundant suecoaa. and
hundreds of tbousauUs of poueda of Ike fcuUlilula
have been sold and used during the last five years,
throughout the I rule I Slates aud the Canadas.
The following true eompariaua of its nature and
the raaulla of iu w, villi lue of Cream of Tattar,
ill aouvince the (uoat Incredulous of lis value
Cream of Tarter is a bi-tarlr of 1'ulash.
This hubalilute is a simple I'buspuale, aud euatalna
polling Lul what is fouuJ. in keef-slnak, aud iu ooin,
wheal and other eeitats, aud la liierefure highly
liulnliuus. ll also baa a tiaelih-gmiug iuHueuce,
and supplies lhal lor whitk Ihsie ta a eousuul il.
Biand lu the tt.l.u
I It K sold fof a laueh Itas price thaa Cream of
.Meh Jl.lHtJJ -ly
Euirea or Aatairai
1'KAa Ma :
With your peruiu.iou I Uk te say le the rd.rt
of juur pp I bat will toad by riuia auail ell
Lu auk it, iOmii a U'ipe, auk lull iluaelhiu a s
UtmkDig wad axing a Sluple V alable Balm, thai
will alfVeiualiy loouti, luludts, Piuipbe. Illoleuve
leu, tiMklva, aud all Iwpunliuol ike aklu, Iwtv.
iuilb.uu.eai.ll, Imu, Muuuib aud bvauiilul
1 aill tw utail lo Ikuee katiaglUld IImmIsot
Bale r at'M, sia U diiueneue aud loluiuiaibue tal
ill eaable U..ui u w.u a lull gioeia of Latuil.ol
II. ir. bukeia, ae a klunatMbe, la 1m Ikaa M da
All ehva4iutai eaeawed if letiua at4 ailiwat
Kvlfullf tirt ;
Hi' r nurMty.
t U.M.H4,
V .l Fieealet,
ik J. IU' 1m. " .
AVATtllllS. jr.MKf.ltY cV NJI-VI"H-
Tlie nndersiened vmntd rnsnect-
V:"Vv fully Invito your atfention to bis
? "fii well selected sto'k of Fine Gold and
"351 Silver WATCHES, Fine Gold JEW.
,CL. JiLllY, of every kind and vanetj
C.iJV of ityles comprising all of the
l-sa1 and most hratttiful ttnitrni.
Also, SOLID SILVER WARE, rqitnl lo (Join
and the best make of Silvrr J'nlril Wart Each
article Is wtrrantrrl to be aa repre-irntrd.
I ff' Watchce and Jewolry carefully rrpnireil and
satisfaction gunrauteed
t$irrr.inr lo ftaiiff'rr (V H'trry.)
No. 22 MARKET Btreet, PIlILAb A.
March 7, 183. 3 mo.
Admlnlitrntoria Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that lctlera of adminis
tration having been granted to tho subscriber,
on the estate of Sarah Honilershot, into of Lower
Augusta township, Northumberland county, Pa.,
deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate are
requested to mako immediate payment, and thoso
having claims to present them for settlement.
CHAMIiKltfJ 8. WYNN. Adin'r.
LowerAugusta twp., March 7, 1803. 6t
News I news ! "news ! news !
ARE now manufactured to order by tho subsf riber
at CHEAPER RATES than at any other estab
lishment in Sunbury. The war tax is not taken into
consideration, and all work will bedonoatold prices.
Having just rcceirod an entire new stock of leather
and Moroccos, for
Ucntlrmcn'ft Itootta nntl Mioota,
Kindlon' Mum-si und (pnltrr,
Cliildrcn'M Mioen, VrMcVo..
which will be mado to order nt short notice, in tho
best workmanlike tnnnner and of the best materials.
F'coling thankful for the patronage extended here
tofore he hopes tocontinuo tire same.
AH who desire work dono cheap and durnblp. aro
invited to call at his shop nearly opposite tho Court
House in Market Square, Sunburr, Pa.
February 28, 180.1. (5m
11 iti.ic nai.i:.
THERE will be exposed at Publio Palo, on
i'hnrsdnv. I lie Kills ilnv of'Aoril,
1M6.1, at the public house of Jl. B. "WEAVER, iu
the town of TREYORTON. Northumberland county,
Pa., tho following described Real Estate, to wit :
All thoso certain Blocks or parcels of Land, situ
ate in the town of Trcrorton. Northumberland county.
Pennsylvania, known and dese ibed on tho plan of
said town as Blocks Nns. 146, li5, 109. 17S, l(i5, 2al,
221, 223, 202, 197, 174 171, 15 ., 148. 225. 200, 199.
174, 173, 151, 150. containing in all two hundred and
eoventy-three lots.
Also, all those certain Blocks or parocls of land,
situate in the town of Trevorton, Northumberland
county, State of Pennsylvania, known and described
in tho plot of said tonn aa Blocks Nos. 189, 210, 215.
2111,209 190,183, 164, 1G0, 141, containing in all
ninety-six lots.
Being the anmo Blocks conveyed to Pinion W
Arnold, by lced dated tho 10th day of November,
A. 1. 1858, by William Atwatcr and wife. Snlo to
coiunicnco at 10 o'clock A. M.. of said day, when the
terms of sale will be uiudo known lv
March I t, 1863.
"fajiiia jko i:kv Kioia:.
Third street, Philadelphia, would offer to Ihcinhubi
taota ul Suubury and viciiity, a fresh slock
Seli clrd for the Family u ir.
As they havo everything In their line both Ameri
can and Foreign, which can be called for, it is un
necessary to give a list of the articles they havo to
It is as well, however, to say, that every articlo
they dispose of they warrant of the best quality' and
which cuu be returned at the expense of the store
should it provo othcrwiso.
February 28, 1&03. 3mo.
"VTOTICE hortby given to all persons knowing
J themselves indebted to the firm of C. 1. A J.
Rohrbach, on Book Account or otherwise, to mako
payment of the same before the 1st of April next, nt
which time the hooks of said firm will be left iu the
bauds of proper officers for collection.
Sunbury, Feb. 21, 1863.
a t. v. t i ; it i:
Just Pullisted, in a fcafrd Envetnpe. Price
A Lecture on the Nature, treatment r.nd Radical
of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weeklies. Invol
untary EiuiKiou, Sexual l'ebility nri Iinpudimnts
to Marriage generally, Nervousness, Consumption,
Epilepsy and Fits ; Mental and Physical rncapacitv,
resulting from Self-Abuse. Ac By UOBEKT ,'l.
Cl'LVERWELL, M. X , Author of theOrcen Book,
The world-renowned author, ill this admirable Lec
ture, clearly proves from his own experience that
awful consequences of Self-abuso may bo effectually
removed wiinout medicine, and wilbout dangerous
surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or
Cordials, pointing out a modo of cure nt once certain
and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter
whut his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply
I irivatcly, und radically. This lecture will prove a
ionn to thousands and thousands.
Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad
dress, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage
lamps, by addressing.
Cl.AS. J. C. KLINE i CO.,
127 Bowery, New York, Post Office Box, 4586.
Feb. 28, 1863. ly 3c
IIO iVAIiO .iHSO( I.m.,"
For the Relief of the Sick and IMstresscd, afflicted
with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and especially
for tho cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs
MEDICAL ADYICF givou gratis, by tho acting
t VALUABLE REPORTS on spermatorrhoea
or Seminal Weakness, aud other Discuses of the
Sexual Organs, and on tho MEW REMEDIES cm
ployed in tho Dispensary, sent to the uftlicted in
scaled letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three
.Stamps for postage will be ueccptaMe.
Address, DR. J. SK1L1.1N lIul.GIITON. Acting
Surgeon. Howard Associuliun, No. 2 South Ninth
Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
January 3, 1863. ly
.llarUct lrM't, ii.-nrlv opposite I lie
Call Ko:il l lul,
S TJ N B TJ "ST , 1 -A. . ,
TNFORMS the eititens of Sunbury anil vicinity,
that he hus just returned from Philadelphia witlia
full assortment of
1'AI.I. AM M I'I Kit (OOIS,
His stock consists of Cloths, French Cloth, Black
Doe Skin and Fancy Cassiiuerca, Black Sntin. Figured
Silks. Plain and Fancy Caasimeru VKSTl.Nii.S, which
ho will make up to order iu styles to suit the tusto of
customers, or irt notice, and the most reaouabl-j
Any Goods not on hand, will be furnished from
Philadelphia, by giving two days' notice.
Goods furuished by customers a ill be made up to
order as heretofore.
As he will employ none but experienced workmen,
persons may rely on getting their work well dune at
Lis shop.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore bestowed,
he resneolfully solicila a eouluiuaucuuf the lame.
Suubury, Oulober 4, 1862.
im3. iua.
iiuyi:m.a uui itiii:.
K'or. Fourth & Market Streets, Philadelphia, have
now la stock, a flue variety of
Mull lura,
got up ex pre I y for their Spring Trade.
lo which they iuvite the attention of Storekeepers.
V lu Ibeir lUuil Departateut, we all be fouud the
uiioicM! sly tea of the swasoti.
Philadelphia. Feb. 14, sjt3 in m
.m:w jiiuhkv i.i-itt ion
HA 1.1
Cuilable M GrapM. Peaekea, Peare, Haapberriea,
birseborrlwi, Blaekberrise, eurraiila, Ae., ul I. ;(,
k, III uf XU aereeea. k, al the Mluaiug pi ices ht Ibe
t rMUl, vii : Iu aeree fur Ah. Iu a.i f.lln,
aarre re, zt aoree ! IU. l aere tut lu.
Payable by oaa dullet a weak
Craoibejiv laade. and tillava uu In
CiitlHiaiD, .3 by liMlfeel, al el lab. poj.Lle
ky Mtedotlara weak. Ike abuve land 4 luiu,
aie situated al lUalouod, Has iiium 'lueiwbip,
Uurlui(iMi I'uuuly, Nw Jmm. (utibvr iu.
foiaaatuia, apply, aitk a r U euaup, fwaeueulw,
B FRAN' til IN ( LAIlK,
ul'aiu BU..1 k.. VuiS M V
rfaeuay ll, imij :y
ml lurr-I ( I'lrrra,
or wall rAffcn ir kvittiy iiuimaclr
krtHul AND PAf IkHSM
II .T saaaita dua.1 fiia ike Maaaaelaiat, at
I kill Ml UtAkr
auktif , Maisk Ik Ikej
Knoirn a "7o7m?WV
A Positive Mid Specific P.cmcdy
For Diseases of the
This Modielne lncreae tho power of Digestion,
and excites tho Alisorbenta into healthy action, by
which tho Watery or Ciikerous depositions, and ail
Unnatural Enlargement are reduced, as well as pain
and inflammation, and is good for men, women, or
iir.i.iiiKii.iKN t.'vri:A t
in tu u
Arieing from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early
Indiscreiiou. or Aluse,
Attended with the followip yintoms :
JndrrtoMtmn to Exertion, l.o iowr.
Liss of Memory
Diftkuity of Breathing
Pair in the back.
Flushing of the Body
Eruptions on tho Face,
Pallid Countenance,
cak iNcrves,
Horror of Disease,
Dimness of vision.
Universal Lassitude of tho
Muecular System,
Dryness of the Skin.
Thcso svmtoms. if nllowed to go on, which this
nicdicino invariably removes, soon follow
In one of which tho patient may expire Who can
sav that they are not frequently followed by those
' direful diseases,"
Many nro awnro of tho cause f their mlTering. but
none w ill confess. Tho records of the insauo Asy
lums and the melancholy deaths by Consumptio'u.
bear amplo n itniws to the truth of the assertion.
Tho Constitution, onco Afi'.vted with Orgaiiia
Requires the ni l of modi'Miia b strengthen and in
viir.aato tho system, wliich "HolmtNilds Extract
Buchu" invariably docs. A trial will couviuco
the most skeptical.
Old cr young, single, married, or contemplating
In man v nIToelion peculiar to Females the Extract
ioelions pi
Buc'itt is uneoiiHlled Kv any other remedy, as in
I iilorosis or Retention. Irregularity. Painl'iilncs.. or
Supprof-ion of the Cusluniary Evui-uations. Ulcerated
or Srhirrous stale of tiic Uterus. I.cueoi-ihcn, or
t bites Sterility, and for all complaints incident to
the- sex. whether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of
Disiipalion, or in Iho '
Seo symptoms above.
Take no Balsam, Moreurr. or Unpleasant Medicino
lor Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases.
S3i:i.i ui.irs b; i ii.ic s'
is i tu
In all their flftes; at little expense; li'.tla or tio
change in tliet ; no incoiiventcnce,
Ttcau'es frcijuent dcirc. an 1 gives strrngth ti
Urinate, thcrel.y removing ob-trueiions. preventing
and curing SrvHure. of the Urethra, alliiyirg pain
and inriuiiimaticn. so f rcqnent in this clussoi diseases
and expelling Poisonou- Dieicicl, and Woru-out
Matter. f
T hotisands up-n Thousands
And who have paid Heavy Fees to he cured in a
short time, have found tl-.ey wrre deceived, and that
the "Poisou" has, by the use of -Powerful Astrin
gent." been dried up in the Fystem, to break out iu
an ufavatod tin in, and
l'eihaps after Manlagc.
U S K i:Tif at
ici fiiir
For all Affections and Diseases of
Whether existing iu Male or Female, from whatever
cause originating, and no mailer
Diseases of these Orgrns require tho aid of
Is tho Great Diuretic,
And It is certain to have the desired cfTect in oil
Diseases, for w hich it is recommended.
HelinbuM's Highly CoiiceiiLrntcdCoiupoiin.l
Fluid Extract Sarsavmrilla Syphilis.
Tliis is an affection of tho Blood, and attacks the
Sexual Orgnrs. Linings ( the Nose, Ears. Throat.
Windpipe, and older Mucus Surfaees. mnkinir ita
appearance in tho form of Ulcers. lielmbold's Ex
tract f-iirsuparilla purilii the lilood. and Amoves nil
Scaly Eruption, of the Skin, giving lo the Complex
ion a Clear and Healthy Color. It being prepired
expre l v for this clars of complaints, its Hloi,d-Purifying
Proprietors ure preserved tu a greater extent
lhauauy other preparation of Sarsaparilla.
ll-iii1nltPsi iro Wuli,
An excellent Lotion f.r Iiiscases of a Syphilitic Na
ture, aud iu an injocliuti in Diseases of the Urinary
Organs, aiLdng from hubits of dissipation, used in
couuectiou with tlie Extracts Buchu and Sursuparilla
iu such ilisearesas rx'omiueuded.
lA-idenccof ibe most re.ioiisible and reliable char
acter will accompany the medicines.
From eighty to twenty yean tanding, with names
known to Scienec au.l Fume.
For Mcdieid Properties of Buchu, tee Dinpeimtory
the I'uited States.
Soo Professor Deweea' valaablo works on ibu
Prucliee of Phytic. I
Seo remarks made by the lata celebrated Dr.
Pbysick, Philadelphia. I
See remarks ma le by Dr. Fidiraiin McDowell, a '
celebrated I'by-iciuu. aud Member of the Royal ,
College of Surgeoiis. Ireland, and publbhed iu Urn !
Transactions of the King aud Ciueeu'tf Joui ual. j
See Medieo-Cirurgienl UevicK, puMi.-lie I by;
Benjiimiu Traveia, Fellow of the l!,.yul Colbgo of'
Sul 14CU1S.
Sec must uf the luie SuudatJ Woiks on .Mi li- i
txnui i liit ii r. fl no t bottle, or ', ii u0
' SAkstl'ARII L I I'd a IHI I
iMI'ltoHLl. Kusa WjISU. ill ' ' ell
Or halt adonn of raeh f j 12 00. hieli will iM 1
aiiiheit ul lo cure the luort of si mule, if diruc'iou 1
are adhered lo.
Delivered to anv addreaJ. ftouialv iiacked run.:
uljsert ai i.m.
( - lbacribe svwploms La all eouiuiuukaiioiit.
Cbiva nuaiaulwd. Adi ice gratis.
Peraonally apprare.1 Iwlore me an tl l.riosnc f the
city ul Pbiladulpbia, II. T ll.liol-:j, al,.., bu.g
duly aworu, doth suy, bia preMii..a coi.tam i.u
barculiu, uu luvreuiy, ut olbcf Injurious Urus, kul
aia puialy vej.ubis
beora aud dcaerlb4 bafse tua. llo. S.' l day of
Nuivubaf, lx,i. .11 P IlillllAIID,
Alduiuiaa, Niuth-eUeel, abut a Have, I bile.
Addfaea lalUis f I lufoiiuaiioa ia eouBLace.
II 1 lit t.MUvl.l) t.
Dx llll Mouth Teulkotreet, Uluai I keel lul Pblla
vkWAMiori-ni Mtiunro
Aud Uupiiuelplol DeaUie
M'b ea laavif lu die "uf Ibalr aa'' aud 'uibv'
iliulae u ILa r.pulail .e aniiod by
llalwlwld ellsuume l'it-.iiiow,
" " iuu4 Ituae U a.k
Ik. Id by all Ixuniuia ) elin.
Aaa. itt II r 1 UlHiLD TAkH MiTII H
l l aul ifce a.ill,al aat Mat f M tal
'4 Imii aat kaVHia
I .Iii Je I Mil I;
DR. JOHNSTON has discovered tho moat Certain,
Speedy and only Effectual Remedy in tho
World for all Private Diseases, Weakness of the Back
or Limbs, Strictures, Affections of the Kidneys and
Bladder. Involuntary Discharges, Impotency. Ocno
rnl Debility. Nervousness, Dyspcpsy, Languor. Low
Spirits. Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart,
Timidity. Tremblings. Dimness of Sight or Giddiness,
Disease of the Head, Throat. Nose or fkin. Affections
of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels those Terri
ble Disorders arising from tho Solitary Habit of
Youth -those secret and solitary practices more fn'al
to their victims than tho song of Syrens to the Ma
riners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes
or anticipations, rendering marriage, Ac, impossi
ble. vor.'xd.Mr
Especially, who have become tho victims of Solitary
Vice, that dreadful nod destructive hnbit which
annually sweeps to an untimely grnve thousands of
Young Men of the most exalted talenls and brilliant
intellect, who might othcrwisehavo entranced listen
ing Senates w ith tho thunders of eloquence or waked
to coslaty the living lyre, may call with full con
fldenoc. IrlAEtKaACiK.
Married Persons, or Young Men r"ntemplnting
marring", being ownre of physical weakness, organic
debility, deformities. Ac., speedily cured.
Ho who places himself under" the euro of Dr. J.
may religiously confide in his honor ns a grntlcmiiu,
and confidently rely upon his skill as a Physiciau.
k;(..i.c n i? a tis t:s'
Immediately Cured, and Full Viiror Restored.
. This Distressing Affection which renders I.ifo !
miserable ami marriage, impossible is tho penalty
paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Young
persons nro too apt to commit excesses from not
being aware of Iho dreadful consequences that may
ensuo Now. who that understands the subject wiil
pretend to deny that tho power of procreation is lost
sooner by those falling into improper habits than by
the prudent ? Heridn being deprived the pleasures
of hualihy offspring, the most serious and destructive
symptoms to both body urd mind unse. The system
becomes Deranged, the Physical and Mental Func-
tions Weakened, Loss of Proereative Power, Nervous
Irritability, llyspop-a, Palpitation of the Heart.
Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting oi1
tho Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decoy and Death.
!!, . 7 Hon III I'rrl-rl'k Si rvvt
Left hand si la goiug from Baltimore street, a few
doors from tho corner. Fail not to observe nnino
nnd number.
Loiters must bo paid and contain a stamp. The
Doctor's Diplomas hang in hiscflicc.
ac'j.iss: Vt'AttKA.vrr.i its two
ti.X ".
i Mt'rcvnj or 2i,tutoni Drug.
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London,
liradnntu from one of the moat eminent College; In
the United Slates, and Iho greater part uf whose lifo
has been mcnt in tho hi epitals of London, Paris.
Philadelphia and elsewhere, baa ellecled soli e of
tho most nslonirliing cures that wire ever known ;
many troubled with ringing in the head an I ears
when asleep, great licmiusnoss. being alarmed at
sud leu rouuds. basbfulncss, with frequent hli -litn-.
attended sometimes iith derangement ot'uiind, were
cured iiiiiuediiito'v.
TAltt! t'.t it'I'lt'3 I.A li OTH.i!.
selves by impropT indulgence and solitary habits,
which ruin both lly and mind, unfitting them for
jir. j. aiuircsse.i an mose who nave tmnreit them.
ttintr tlicm f'.r business, sl'idv. society or li.arriaL-e.
Tiiksk are some ot'tbc sad and inelt.neh.ily rfl'octs
produccl by early habits of youth, viz: Weakiics.1 of
liic Hack and Liiiibs, Pains iu the Ilea l. Dimnecs of
Sight. Loss of Muscular Power. Piilnitatii.n of tho
Heart. Dvs pepsy. Nervous Irritability Derangement
. i . I.;,... ,;. . i- . i i v
ot J igcinc I unctions, General Debility, .-yn-.p.
t,.ins ol Coiisuuiptton. Ac. The fearful cfl'ocls on the mind nro
much to bo dreaded Loss of Memorv, Confusion of
Ideiw. Dci-rcssion of Spirits. Evil-Forebodings. Aver-
ston to niK-ietv, sclt-lhstrust, Lovo of Solitude,
Timidity. Ae nre some of tiie evils produced.
T.iois niik id' persons of ullages can now judge
what is the cnusc of their declining health, losing
their vigor, becoming weak, p.ilo, nervous und
emaciated, hnving a singular appearance about Ihc
eyes, cough and svniptoms of con-uuiptiou.
oi " sei:.-n
Who have injured themselves Ly n certain praclico
iiiilulge.l in v.'hon alone, n habit' frequently learned
from ivil companions, or nt school, tiic "eli'eeta of
which are nigluly felt, even when asleep, and if not
cured renders murriniro itnnossilile. and tlestrovs
both mii.d and body, should apply immediately.
i lmt a l.'r.v thai a vonnir man. the hone of his
coai:trv. the duling ot'lii? parens, shoiibl hcsiiatchcl j
from nil piospm ls and enjoyments of lifo, by the
consequence of deviattiig t'loiu tho path of nature I
and indulging in a certain secret habit,
mi st, bebji'c contemi lioin
cucii pcrsuiis
reflect thnt a sound mind und bmly nra tho nicst
neces-ary requi.-iics to promote connubial happiin.'s.
Indeed without tiie.-c, the journey through litu bo
c line a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly
duiker.s to the view; the mind becomes shadowed
with despair and filled with the melancholy rofhv
tion that the happiuccS of uuolher bocomes blghlcd
with our own
i;kma.-i: of iiii'Ki "b:a'i:.
When tho mistru'nlQd and imprudent votaiy of
plcafiire ilmls that he has imbibed the s.'cds of thi.'
painful disease, it too often happens that an ill-timed
sen.-o of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him
from applying to those who. from idueation and
respectability, can alone befriend him. delaying till
tho constitutional symptoms of tht horrid" di.-rense
liuiko their appearance, such lis ulcerated sore
throat, diseased nose, tiooturnul pains in tltc head
and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the
shin bones and arms, blotehes on tho head, face ai d
extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till
nt lust iho palate of tho mouth or tho bones of the
noso fall in. and Ihc victim of this awful disea.-o
becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death
nuts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending
him to "that Undiscovered Country lroui whencu no
traveller returns."
Il is miiruiiiiliolii fnrt (but thousand, full victims
to this terrible di.-cnse, owing to tho unskillfulncss of
ignorant pretenders, who. by the u?o of that Jtmt
Poison, JWrrritii. ruin I ho constitution und make
the residue uf life miserable.
MitA .;: us
Trust not your lives, or health, to tho care of the
many Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute,
of knew! ulge. llama or cliHruetcr. Mho copy Dr.
Jobn-toii's lulvcrtiscuicut. ur style themsclviii. in
the ncwspapeiH. rcguluriy Educated Physicians.
ineuiablu of Curing, tiny keep you tlilani month
lifter Month taking their fiilhy and oisoiiu com
miuioU. or as long us ibe smallest fee can be obtained,
aud iu despair, lent e you a ith ruined health lo .ob
over your giiliiiigdi-appointmeiit.
Dr Jid:nslon is the only Phy.'ieian aJvertUiug.
His credential or diplomas always hung iu his otliee.
His remidies or Ireati nient aro unknown to all
others, prepared from a life spent ia the great hos
pitals ot Europe, tho first iu the country and a lnor'u
cxt. Dive Pni .iiu i nii'uy lhau uuy oihcr Physi.iiai
in tho norid,
i-Noiti:iii.. r or Tin: i,ki:kh.
Tho uiany thousands cured at this institution year
after year, and the nuiucruus important Sur'tieal
operations performed by Dr. Johnston. wituessiU by
the reporters ol" the Sun.'' "dinner.'' an 1 luuu'v
..,1 . ..... I , l i
"i'i pupviB, uuiteea uiwuieu nuve appe-ttrci aaiii
aud a:;aiu befoie tha public, be-idea h. standing as
a gentleman of character and rcspon'ibility, is a
sullieieut guarantee tollio atllieted.
shi kaliwi: tr:s Kii:i.tii.i
I i;t:t.
Person, writing should bo particular In diricting
their leiiiiv it, bis Institution, in the following utunei-;
.IOII Jl. .KHISTO, S. !.,
Ofihe Bnlliiuore Link Hospital, Baltimore. M l.
Fel l uaiy SI I i f I y.
.lu'iliiUlrii toi-'is ili-,-.
N' "Tlt'i: i. hereby given lb it It tieis of a lo.i: ii
tiutiou b'li :ng I.e. u ,uiiiii I tu ll.c ul:i il t r.
i u ll'e e.lule i f Si, bolu rsotl. l ite 1. 1 lln-h
.l..,ip, Norll.uii.beiluii.l rounly, la. d.-.t I
All p irons iu I li. wid rslale'are re itt... t to
lunkti ioiiuti llsie putuient. and I'o.e bat lug claim,
tu pri.t-Ut tb,'in itutv aui lit litlenttl for .t 111. Ititl t.
IH ASi 1..- I. Wltl.ltSiiN. A In. iii
Rush twp., l ib H, l.iuj. Ci
41.1 ltrtil oria.
rvotM.-, 4J., Ukru lit ltutt-i ui ll.c AM
Ju.Uar) 3, lN t.
M.UtlilM I MO, ii ftl.lallltV,
l'b"ln'ia li. I'ejuvnevlJ I't-a, Atl. I uder Ibe
a,il aii.iiii -u. f Si t tiiiiir
Jauuar) I. I nui. II. ll 4iel,hl Allul
A t-IiiM Ibia J.jr aUe Aj'-H el M MH l V, ike
It,. a 'l Nil a. M aiiauir4a--t hi t'uiul. eavl ee
4 ,m i wi a..t t,ibai l'w v.i tai'.re ui.fa.1. aitii
la.1 a-ul lu 4 4-1 u.J kill t Ima llw ! ).la
l 1'ii.a U d-aMu 1 1 g I
JiM V. I.S. i4.ul lua llttauui..
a1-4 I ! Mieal I bi.e-lili kie
l.a..., 1 Ii II -
Economy is Wealth
CMTH VOt ll t 1 J1S rH 18 Vim.
in the World.
TEK'H Curafivc Bnl.iam
b warranted if rued ae
eor ling to the direction",
to care in all ensce Cnnsl s,
Colds, Whooping Couh,
Asihina, and all ofTectioi.s
ul tho Throat and Lunga
Madame Zitdoo Porter's
ltulsain is jircp-nred witli
all the requisite care and
skill, from a combination
of the best rencdio the
vcgctiildo kingdom allortls
ha .emediaf qualities, aro
based on its power to nssisi
tiic healiby and vlgorious
circulalion of Iho blood,
blood. thro' the Lungs. It
is not a violent remedy,
hut cmolicni warming,
searebinir and effective';
can be token by (be oldest
person or youngest child.
Mad. ime Zadoe Piirtv-r's
Balsnin hp. been in ut by
the public for over IS veins
and has acquire! it tiro-
sent salo limply by being recommended by those
who have used it to their alllictcd friends an I others
Most Important. Madame 7. idee 1'orter's ('lira,
five Balsam is sold at a price which brings it in the
reach of every one to keep it convenient lor tn:e. 1 he
timely use of a single bottle will prove tube worth
100 times ilscost.
NOTICE. Save your Money ! Do not be pemtn
ded to puri-hase articles at 4s to fl ahieh do not con
tain the virtues of a 13 cent Bottle of Miiriemo Por
tor's Curat ivo Balsam, the cost of in:iiitit':H:turin
which is ns great as that of almost ni y other modi-
j cine ; and the very low price at wliich it is sold,
i makes the profit to th alar apparently small, and
I tinrrincilded dealers will sometimes 'reerniitneiiil
; other medicines on which their profits aro larger, nn.
i less the customers insist upon having Madame Por-
icr s ann none otner. A.K I r .vtaoiimc Porter s t.u
rativc Balsam, price 13 cents, and in large botllea at
I 25 certs, and tnkc no othor. It yon cannot get it at,
one store you can nt another.
Hold by all Druggists and Slorckcepcii at lo eta.,
aud in larger bottles at 25 els.
HALL A RUCKEL, Proprietors,
January 31, 10.;. ly New York.
rpiIIS well known H'.M. located in Snnbury. a the
.1 junction nf the Northern Cci'trul with Iho Snnbu
ry Frio Ruilroads, is jtierod at jirieulo salo.
Terms of snlo will be landc easy. lor further iu
formation, enquire at this office.
August 2, It5ti2.
Arc curing the Sick to an extent never
Iicfore known or any illedltiue.
' !,7!T1T'(! TP '11 1VH T'TP?
! '"kll-'O, ltH..",ll Ai'.i) JbLUJ
5 V'iPCn V75
li i au ilu. ii iihu huluiu iuit iuuhu i i-u
JCLKS 11ACEL. l!ie well known perfumer, o.
I t'liesinni Pirc-i, l'liilnitrlploa, wlioee rlioice products
,n ft abnosl eer' li'det, Fair :
j "I am tnppy to try of your Cvikstic Fills, that I
nVf ft"""1 ll""nl ,i"i"ly nieil:eme, li r roinmon
' Jl,a,n T"T. hcCe' ,i" i"'y "i ",y
i friends have rrsti.eil mnrkril benefits from Ibem, and ro.
. h,tilie v.iIh me m Mirv.t lhal ihev posveexironliparv
virtues lor liming out disnars and curing- Hie hi. k. Tiny
1 are not only e::eiiuil, hot sate anil pirn. nut m lw isken
tjualiiies w'liicli iiiut muke them lalucd by the public
1 w l,eu they are known."
The venerable riianrcllor AUD I.A l writes from Fat-
timnrcj I.Sih April, it-:A t
" Dr. J. I Atfs rir: I hava taken your Pills Willi helieru, for lite- listleshiiess, Iaii0nor, iiMs ot apiielile
ami bilious lieaitarlie, w hieb hns of Inle year overtaken
mo in the sprint:. A trw dears of your I'iils cured me. I
have iisnl ymir t'tierry Pri-lornl nisny yesrs in toy lanitly
fur coughs ami colds with unfiling sui ccsa. You niHko
llltiliriiips wlitrh cars I and t fee! ll a ilci.siire to commend
you for the good ypu havo done and are deing."
JOHN F. I! HATTY, Eq., Pec orilie I'enu. ltailrosd Co.
sn) s :
" Pa. It. li. Oftrr, ri7nrfijiio, Vrr.. 13, 18.13.
"grir: I take iileasnre iu addina my lestiioeiiy lo ttis
eflirnrv of vour inrdiritirs. bavins: dsrived vriv iimteri.v
herrlit finia Hie u.e of both your Peeterid and Cathartic 1 ion nevfr y iihtnit iIiciii in hV limiily. iut Av,s
CVfr cori'-cnt t In, while niy inoani will prm-nre tl.oni.'
The widtly rcnon-iif 4 P. gTCVKNS, M. of Went
worth, N. H., wriU:
llnvine vtiir Catiuhtic Piu in my practice, 1
j certify- from iixiriiir(t ili:it Iht-v nre in invtilunlilc jmrna
tivp. In riifffi of i1imrrtjre(i fmtctMMi ot Uie in-tr, cumi.((
' hcmlnrlit?, itHlieeftidn, rttwfivFiiPiw, Bttd tlie pif-n nnty
ut' difcascn lira follow, Ih. y are a ti:rer rt-Mui'.y than ni-y
; ether. In nil runes n lu : a n tpni : t fetuciy U rri':iitl,
l 1 confidently recommend thece fin to the )iihli, a
: sujrir to any other I have ove lound. They nre Mire
1 in their operation, and riertcrfly .ite r;iin!iiira u Inch
I m.ihe them an invahtiiule artirlc tr )uttlic u-e. I have
for niiiiiy yearn known oiir I nrrrj t'er'proi na me itcet
Ctmgh mc'diritie in tlie worltl ; and theft 1'ills nre in nu
wis-e httetior to thai ftiliuirulile iuetw ration ftr the Ut-ut
intnt of dutaci."
" Da. J. r. Arta tVar Pir : I have t.epn an'.icu d ir-.m
I mv tiirth . itti nrrotula in iinwmt firm, atul i.oiv, attti
twnity erw inn I, ami aft untold of anmunt of mi 1011117,
have heon romlciely nittd in a frw week ly your fills
j With what tVcliitn of rejoicing 1 nt caii ut.iy tie
. iniAtiincd when you realize what 1 Itave siiuered,aiid how
j It 11 IK.
Never until now have I been free from tlox h thcome
j diae in n-iiiu hhiitie. Al liiofn it aitarkrtl mv eve;, ui rt
1 matie me a!mo-t lilnid, lw---ahn tlio iintntlmalile pain ; at
j oilier it M-ith d in il.e m hIo of 11 ii, heat, 111 d iit'trvni my
hair, nnd ha kept me jiartty held all my Uivm ; w uteitii.tMi
it ranie. out in n.y tnre, and kfl it lor un iuli a raw vorc.
" Ahont nine VMrk" apt. I rimniiiced lakioi! your ( a
thnitic I'llls, and now am enttrel) tree Irnui the v. in'aint.
My eytot aro Wt-ll, my ukiti in Inir, iihd my hrir has n-ni-inenced
a henhhy growth' all oi which mauoa nie feci
alieudy a new (jctmiii.
llopinp tlux tn foment may he tlien:eni. of convey in
(lift. rotation iJiat shiill do oud to o'Ikt, I 11111, vv nil ev.r
tfiilimeiu uf graiitude, ulih,
MA ill A KTrKTR."
" I have known the ahove i.tmcd jMuria Itit krr from
livr childhood, and iter Uitement is utnciiv true.
Overseer of the PorUinouth Maniilaciurmft LV.."
Capt. JOF.L FBATT, vf the ihip aioiioii, w rilee fnki
lloMoii, U.ih Apiil, lfM:
Vonr IMle have curt-d me fn in a hp inn ittiark w hirh
I an me from dernnL'ement of the Liver, mIiuIi hfot h-come
I vt rv miioiim. J latftJ ot any reltef Uy n y I hysirinn,
I ami fioiu every rinrrly I cimjW try; tint" a tw A. of
! your fill have coioplfiely rel.-red me to heali'i. I hae
I (tiveii ihcm to my chtMiru for w onui, w i.h li ber eT
I ct. Thee were pn iopily cured. 1 rrrc:ooeMld tl.ti:i
: to a fnviid lor risuveuMi, tAiiiili had tronhUM him frT
j month ; he li-M loe in a tYw d.iy ihry had corrd h
V011 ti.aW the Lm( uieditim,' iu uie woriu j uJ I dm tred
! to jay bo."
Head thin from the ttirtinfnihe'1 PIcitr of the rv
fintrt, vt hurt hiiltiant ( hnve totolr Immi hc.i
kitoMit, not uni) in Un hot the iici.ltMni'f eiate.
(, .v April, l t.
Pir: I have preat 111 a-iinct: u iliat
mv e;t and l;miil) have herii vet) .ti m I. I .nrt)( d l v iit
ninliritiex. My w in a .h cured, tw eart niio e, ( a re
tm and dantftrt 11 c'iit'h, hy ytm 1'itMsat 1 vtT itL,
ai d ftince then liu ciiisijrd etft-tt health. M t.ii.!fe(
httve ever.l liine hecn rilled fimn utt:icknf the lof! i
ena and Troup h iu It an mvalutlu rimciiv h r
llir-e cwi'pUu.l. Vour I'aiiui nt I'ai l.iive 41 Irr ly
lined u lroui a dv-pea nod comiv cnea, whicti hft't.
ftiH ll 11 i in me lr io yrait iiidertl, thin core
I loiuh Inora iui'oniinl, Irmn h thrl itu.l I hsd luiied I,
, HSI rrtirl llotl, II.m ka.l l'I.L.u i.,.. I.u-1, ll.,. .aro..,, .,1
yet relief from it. fct l'hvH ian talm h iht ceriion of
the conmrv ailord, and tMu an) ol tiie lomieroti len.e
die I had htkrn,
Ymi rriii l i u, nrtor, Mie a no v. dentin! Idi-ii
lo (Mir t:iioii. and m iimv vvrll kim-l. e we are im un-
1 miouiul ol iu oil. iei-tvctt. tlii,
l.fcA. I f I' TII.M'i;!i.
'.lN Ch'mhrr. 04..., V.i.Vi. KM.
. ' I 'a. aii ft AkKh ll.iiurr.l Mti I iwvti md.le a titr
ituyh ttiil ol liit ( (iHiiot I'ii 1 , I it inr t- 1 1 i.t i-i,
' ami l.i lu-en -oi. .1 It, i'ii m ol tl, t difAiiini liie'OM.'
j iitoler ia l i It he (nod me aH.Ui toM '1 he ti.-t i iat r
I l'-t-i n.t, .ti, a tr i 1 ' t t(i i'ii I tl'.. i,t 1 not r.
j rfii-'Vfi( in do. I i'n-1 in Win htvtili imm loeu t
j minf lr Hi lct..r-, o Im li I iim Imiu- eitlor to Uh t.tiit.U
1 Ol ) tmf I AIM vfc lit I'li-ie). V ."( tt I'ii hi ..1 r -i 1,
J I t l t b. f.H. A lei'."
l h altoie ar all lr.m (
miSiIiIm SI. . I. O ! klrf'K'M
V i..-r Hi. le mnl Hi'
1 nit-iii h itiitsot a 1 h 'foti yii ' J. u iii ii 11 ,1 ii,. m i iiua
' rr?r,ftrea by T?.. J. C. AYI.K Cf
' Treetifkl uJ Aujlyuc.l Cuci kh If. '.; Ktt.
! .S.I 1 lv I'loooJ & liruid, lul
11. A. tulie
,-iuubui v,
I'r. it 11 Ve" . V ltl.l.lebeibrl
J Y . C.i.l end 1 t:r..n. M.ttou
.1 I'l.i iuali, 'i tiil-i.t.iil-v
lit i.h I l u , Ml. ('..ruie!
B. ll. rir-lrr-a r, hll.l ui);
W i. -I. M- '. -i.v.
U.,.r A M- VI .ilt.'U a.
Ai.4 iHaki. h i at a
Aui-l 1, rtU l
The Mtlii l'l liila Oli.l l . ;,
Mil n:i.ri.iTi". '' ium m
I II I Ml ai.l ..m Ua n 1.1; aw '
I I., aal
Oil.- ul Ilia l. If I
-.1 -U.trt.'il
lj I
ly ii l-vt H4..I vb, ,.-l In.. . -wt r a'
i ' u-a ur t.Hti.4 1. l.a . in. It m I Mltblla u.. biutil . i'ii,,h v. It. a . - t
I, I t.u.1. j ii.a e e y ii.n. h .-.iv 'I .,
II. . t I !-,. I. al. It al t'..i,i.at4 ' I I." .,.t-l!' lt,g
f 1 11 1
utilef ,a a. H ei.a IBaaiai at "' ' l.i.
la(j- a. j -.-.-4 iwl-y aatti u Ul. I...-...., tl et. I I. etf 1 -t
k-l e ft. uiala ;ii.iv tMia I'li-a .ff-a 1.1 w . V't. f
ki uu ,. l.ll e.-ul ml e.u 1 ta al l
lu at.alt-wa.i W., i-4 litta-e 'f"f ... It I a, mI
lt.ta,u e 1. a.t.1 l-r a,a-.. eiilt l-u aMv4i
llal..y IV.l-ll.ia LimI I4tk.l aU...l IH,J.-t
a. .. a . ..I.. 1 li ... tit- le 11., Jkimt A .4.. a.
Ill I'll tlt ll Mti ' A 11 ,11.11 1 1 a.
a ktt.ii A ivaia UK , See le.a
J .. II l . I.
TNVITB thn curly Rttrnh'on rf on.iU inir
clmors to tlioir cbbitT, variytl ftml t XH n
sivo a-'S'irtinrnt .f Fl'KSlt VINTKII
GOOD'i which tlicy otVr at rrummaWc
fricc'J. Our stock iit'l'i-acr
A full linri of JlttnUxinir Divan (..)i!.,
A nice l.:t of r.oricstic l;ry Cootii,
A clioice ijvi!j of f;r.! V.'liifc Oooo,
A grout rnrkty i CDm.U nml Slioci,
A irtr9 stock of ',nc( in mid tllussnarc,
A vnry cMcnsivf lot of l"i.r :lwiiri',
Hi ts rtr.i! ( Kis nrtil Iiituh Made ( li.tliii f
OrnccriiM of ull kimi-i, fro?h n:nl purCi
Uius I'uints Clnss anil Oils.
we Invite
jwrti.-itltir fiticntion to Tic following lltio of
Good, suiftiWc for Ilolidny Present.--.
Itt'til Henry Bliuikct Sliawli",
Frenclt Illttnkct nnd Broclio Shawls,
llooscry f .r LtiJies, Gents ami Children,
I.iulies C.luvcs'Jii great ubitndanec,
A complete stock of Genu Glove,
Taney Shirting nnd 0;xt.i Plunncls,
Assorted colors Ilalmornl Skirts,
Skeleton Skirts in great Variety,
Zephyr Opcru Cups and Xnliiss,
Tine SitWc Furs and jrufTs,
Fine White Linen Handkerchiefs,
Colored bonier Cambric Ilaudkerchicfi,
Heal Bandanna Silk Handkerchiefs,
Gents Silk Neck Ties and Cravat U,
Fine needle workcil Collars,
Super Black Love Veili,
&ilk Tissues of assorted Shade.,
Fiibbons, Luce-?, F.dgings aud HuUings,
Fine Clack Jlohair Cups,
Shawl Pins and Scurf Pins,
Perfumery, Pomades titid Soups,
Buck Purses und fancy Port Monnics,
First rate Skates, remiy strapped,
K!cc Hair Brushes nnd Pocket .Coniba,
Extra good Penknives nnd Seizors,
Cliildrens Gum Gilded C0111I19,
&C, &C, c.
Sunburr, Dec. 00, 1802.
AYTF0:rl)EllZRS !
VXXOlXCKS o h11 whotru'le in Sunbury, that
lie lia. ju?t puruhnseil a
IMiieb bnt.fTersnt l,N nbl stand, near Covert's Hole!
west enj of .Market eiijuniu, very
cheap fou cash
Or if thnt will not do. jut es clionp for
: o a : .A' ' it v ! isoim ej.
His stock coiiaiata of a laro aiorluent of
1'AXT.o. t,aP,
VESTS. llhrSPF..
HAUliV,-.rii:, (JL'LUNSWARS,
r.r.i other articles alto0-etLcr too numerous to mcu-
! CA-XiX. SEE.
! Sunburr, Jnnuarr 3, 1k;:1.
I AHaruvy nl Dnnnwlor nt Iiiv.
I tlir.' i. -Mai kit strri-t; wist of lli-fot,
i "1 Y7 ILL attt-n l -r.miT:U-y tutbi'i'Ulevliuu nfcUiim
! iiu.l nil cither irut'..:ui:.!l l) -s hnrumt-il to
1 hi oitri- in .N't.rtl uml.i'rlaiul iiud adj-iibius oouluioi,.
j t-illl'.ury. Jlny ;i. 1m'.2.
S.:t-l.iivvitkMi:t A. S!ioo3Ulur liail
N' nnl aftt-r Nnri-Tuiier 17, ISO?. I'as.'-cjer
Xittiaa will ri-.u l'ou.w :
Freight ir
1(1.1 a A. M
P ' .f.-'.'-r.
I.cnvj Ffrnnti.n, K.tiO A. M.
K !H'.'?itn, 8.20 11.10 1'. M
" ltli.c-t. II . )ll
' ll.mvi'.le, 12.1-S
Arrives ut Nortbunihprlan'l, l.'.t.i P. M. j.oitru.
Lcnve Xortbiiiubcrluiid, 5. ill 1'. ll.
lanv:ilt.-, ti.l'J
' ISupert, ..:.ri
' Kin.r i.ii, 8 15, 1(5 P. Jl.
Arrive nt rVriiiiii'n, Ill.till. M. f'.tt)
A I'.u'Hi-n '-r Ti-iiln nir lavia Kingston nt. S.0IJ
A..M-, l-r ."rimtuii, t ouimi'.-t nitb u train fi-r
.Vis Viirk. Il.-tm:iii'i. Iimvc- S rntiton oil arrival
of ti-uiu lri'in Ni'w Vurk. nt 4.1 j P. .V.
T!if Lr''K:WM!!tm ,L Hbniinlirr ltHilrrmd eonnfi'ts
viilh tin' l"-liiwnr LiH-ktiwiiin.H mid Wett'Tii Itui!
iM..d ul S -rui.lou, br Mi-w Vurk uu-1 iiiU'ruudiuie
lnilit. l-l;.-t.
At l'.upfrt it 0"itni"-t-, with t'it
nnl l ir iinin b,.tli i":.t ur 1 w.-st arriving at 1 hi!,
ndi-lpbia til i .l.i 1'. M.
Al .S.'ril.uiiilit'r:iiiil it c-inr.ft. witbtbk Pliiltid'!
.biii A iirif llnilrim I nu-l N ir bivil I'vutral Kill
lt'H.l. t'-ir 1',-il.t.-' Hi t .ill i -ti'l, l'ass.-ril'ril arriving
ut llitiM bi:r:- I .a" P. M ; l'bt'n lliiit iu 1'. M.;
ni-l litiltiiniirf IU.2H P. M.
Tin- 1- rvi.-bt nu i I'nwtiL'cn Train north. Kavee
ortbuiitl.vrlitiiJ fit It. l.i A .M .. and iirrivci ut 11,20 1
M., ia.-.iii l'.i:i.ilie ul S ;u P. M.
Jiilf.V P. ILi-'LKY, Rup't.
.1. C. Wi i l.i. (SvucrtU Ticket Ag.-nt.
Nov. 2.', Iii2-
t'f. tiling I.ailroin!.
rH'.l'AT TUI XK LINK fi .iu tho Xi.rth nj
rth-Ufi l-r I'l.ilii.lil! bi:i. Xi-h Vurk. Ketal-
I'nliM illi. Lt-bniK U. Allt-i:i,itvti. Ka-tou. Ac.
.tin. It-iivo 11 iiii-l-i-i'-' f.-r i'hi'.-i li-ti.l.iii. New-
link, ttt-titiiiiL;, l'utl.. ill.-, h ut
iin-, IVti. ill... a ..I nil luicriii. dime
Maiimia. nl i A. M., nu I 2 i-'l P. M.
.Nw . tu k IWl-ri-tlt-iivt. ilnrtitbtl- at S 16 A. M.,
armiu at Now ,-i. ul IJ ..' i'.i- -::M.e lu-Hiitii.
I'.u. t'i-Mii llai r. -l-nr r : T-- N'-u uV S ' lit; to
l'hi'.ii-l- Iptiia fu J-' nnd i- H). ll.',.A;e rbevketl
tbi -i . h.
K -u.i ii.titr . have Xw .'' al A. M . U ',
ami I' t I'.'.i.l.iir-.'li I- v i i - - . Ptiiludfl
I l.i . u: s j A an,: .1 ,".i'l' .M.
S'fj.iu t-,ii. ii, it... N-w ' .r. ... Tmlua,
lit i.i,;;:i I., at, .-I In ii. l i'i'liin li i-Li-ui'tv
I'n - .i.;.-:- t-v Hi,- 1 .t;i:. ivi ! ill i',- H.l ! u u IVrt
t'litti.tu lit j.l j A y . i .i P1..14. a. -i -ill ii.uiiui - Itate
t ..ii,. ..-; a.; I mi J.jj P. l , jt., I'i.ii...l-lj.i,i i, ,u-
V 'i., a... i u.i , v r-.ii.t..
'Inn.. I- it. r-.r.-.ilU- ol (II VM, i:.l 2 tl V
M , l-r I'l.ii.-.l li ' i. i.u-1 V. w V .il ; li. I a' . 0 !'.
.M . t-ir Aut-ui'i I't-i' t.''ii,tii t.u'v. i',.: ,-fc-ii,i . r
1'.. ' lit i, mi. I u .i!. llie I'aii4ii-a U"- I , ia
lu. i.n.jf In -u l.t-fi 1 .i ; ai S 1jA. -M., I.-j" I' ii'.vitie.
Au . uit'i ... tuli-.-i t'utM!K.-r tr-tie f llJii.;
a u .' j A .l . atd rvturu. 1u.1-I1i1iU el a
I '. M
I . ' All ll.a aU
en.... 1 1. 1. daily, 3tu lyt ti
lay lr II I.
Hi. I I ,. U l .' l.i , a'
J -,...i. ,l, l :
' 1 itl. .1 lt.4.1 4 I
i I; I.'.'
ki : z-y a. v.,
I.. P. y
ti I P.-iiri-a
. l-, a. -
. II i .
11. u
1 1 .
nt ! tai I .,
1 ti 11 I
'I I I- I ........
V,'i-. .'...,'
A. .it ij, i jj
I'.'l'at I-I' l.ll I .1 ..,
I I M 1 v I . 1. . . . 1
li'-ltV i I' I 'it .. .
, Ii
I.r b-ia-J ...... 1
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U 1 U. '.... 1. I
lUe It 4 d l
J 1 .l i -t -v t
I-. a
t: 1.
Jaaaa.i I