Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 14, 1863, Image 3

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II. B. MA933H, Editor a Proprietor.
sattriuy, march 11, isox
No. S7 luk P.ow, Kcw York, and 9 State Ftrect,
JloFton, are onr nit for tho Fit'Nrtrnv- AMi:nrrAS
' In those cities. nn-1 nrc authorized to tnko Advertise
ments mid Fuhsciiptions for us nt our lowest rales.
i2Tho extra Senatorial Session will
probably remain in session for near two
week. There are a lare number of appoint
ments to confirm, mid many ensca will elicit
long discussion. ', ,
I-T" r.Thero is a determination on
the part of Senators to confirm no mau Kfl
General who is promoted merely because he
lias a friend in power wlio can get liim
nominated. Ditdinrruished and meritorious
services arc nil that will tuve a man from
this ordeal.
m.vx-v. Hon. J. M. Edmunds, Commissioner
of tho Genernl Land Office; 1ms recelrod
letters from tliollon. AV. W. Murphy, United
States consul general at -Fiankfort-on-thc-Main,
saying that nine thotmnd pounds of
lint and bandages have br collected in
that city, mid forwarded to this country for
the use of wounded Union soldier?.
J7" A Washington correspondent of the
riiiladt'Viiia Inquirer states that among the
Pi-nnsylvnuin members, who arc not re-elected,
it is said that Mr. Speaker Grow will be
offered the position of Commissioner Bottt
well. Janu s II. Campbell hi'.s Inn tendered
a foreign mission. Senator 'Wilniot and
.bum Hickman will probably be made
.Tudr.-t. Judge Kelly lias jjonc to Xew
Hampshire to stump for (ho Republican
J-:" 1'oi.iTir.vj.. Tin copperheads do not
seem to prosper :t, the West, At the elec
tion in Decatur, 111., on the ll'i inst., the
entire Union ticket was chosen by n largo
majority. In Cedar Rapid-., Iowa, on the
2.1, the Jh'publie.ins elected their mayor and
all the odier city oiiiceis. The copperheads
were confident of victory, and had ordered a
free supper in advauco to celebrate their
triumph. At the municipal eh ction in l)e
Witt, in the i.' State, on tl.c 2d instant,
nil the lie: ".ibl'.ean candidates wera elect
ed. SJ TtiK N;: a Lkvv. A statement that
the Government has decided to call out six
or tight hundred thousand new troops is
going the rounds of the papers. The Gov
ernment has not yet come to any conclusion
upon that poin. .The President, who of
course will finally decide so important n
fii!i st;o:i as that, has by no mr.m come, to
tiiu conclusion thai it is wi.-c to raise a hew
army of two-thirds of a million of nvn.
Some of the bc-t generals in the service,
i;s-ert that while wc need enough men to
niaki' up the h'ssi s by di -ease aiul ui. h ir
gei, the great want of tile country is the
wise management of the army already in
tl'.e field. A draft of two hundred thousand
would '.Wi'i the present nrmv it!) all siuii-
i.-.-. ii' 1. is I'.'.igl.t v i'.'ti : tiv iil'!l:!v a", j
nl!, the rebellion can l.v subdued long lu-firr :
nrxt autumn. However this may be. it is
not true that the Gov rnnient has divided j
to cad out sitorei dit hundred thousand j
new nan. und the statement is c:;U-.iliied to j
t-iu-u alarm, wtuiout aecompii.-iiimg ai
good purpose. The story is a trick of t'
copperhc-id.-i to panicize the people.
J-v:?" i:'ov. Johnson, of Tennessee, nn 1
Gov. AVrirlit, of Ir.'!i:m:i, two of the l.ior-t
loy !il mill pitiiolie men in the loytil St ",te
noil both IVmocruts were ii'e.l th" i'.-.e oi'
ti:e li.'.ll of the Hoii-:e of IVpntt lls:'.!vc, nt
1 lui ri bni r. by the cojipcrln-ai'.s of thut I oily
o:i Kri.hiy ' it, to tuhln-ss the piople on the
i-ubject of the war. This net is one of the
most ilisjrr.iecl'i'.l yet perpetrnteil, nml will
no Hiti'l with the just coii'h-inniition
of nil loyr.l -citizen-.. Tl:e copjier'.icmls in
the t:i liiit'.' iilso oj.,ioseo! the jniullii1 of the
Semite chamber to the di.-tingui.-hetl gentle
men, but liciiij; in the minority in Unit body,
thu use vf the chamber was tendered them.
They did not ticcept It, however, but spoke i
iii the Court House, in the cvniiny, to a
lui jie ttVK'.ienee.
Z iF' KloT IS" Dr.Tltoi r. A disgraceful
riot occurred in Petrcit on the 7th mid fcuh
im.ts., on account of n rape committed upon
a whit; vv by a nepro, nsullino; in the de
rtrirclion of thirty five houses by lire, r.nd
the hilling of several peaceable mid u:'.of
fendin;; c'.li.eiis. A pi.rft.ct ieij,u ot terror
held s'.vt'y, when the military had to be out to restort! order. It wits princi
pally bi t'lveen the German citizens and the
negroes, the former beitifj thwarted in their
end. avors to lynch Fiiulkner, the viohiter
of toe prison of the white jfirl, miide a jcn
erul onylatiht upon tLe darkey population,
nnd which wiu restored only after great
dillieitlty, nnd the loss of much property
und several lives.
A Ni.,v Svstkm'kv AVaiikahk. The
T.ynchliiirv; (Virginia) llepublican" kuvs:
"'u la ar that a military i ritic says that t!eu
ltobert V.., coiiiniaiidei-in-cliii f of the
Army of the I'otomuc. is u tool, else he never
would have let tho Kednals cros the Kap
pahatinock. It iv:n tin- taiesl thiu in the
world to have fcUpcd them bv throwing
red hot l.iyk,s in the river, thus heating the
water and sciildinir the etiemv to death."
('ottos in I.oi isi sa.A letter from
I.iihn l'rov iihnee, Louisiana, any : "There
un- thoUsainU of ai res of cotton here unpick
ed, vtliich the contrabands, of whom time
nrc two thousand lu re no, v, w ill be el ut
presently. We otilit to couibcatu i-iidiiIi
cotton, limit -i, horn s, mic, douu heru to pay
nil i-peiiM.a of the lApiilitinn, and to pay
the siil.iii'i now whi n it is due und vvli. ii
it is dee i'.lid wh. II their f.iluilii s luetl it.
Fugitive l.ii s itru coining in daily by keoien
mjiiiu liuvu been allot ill making their teae
alld rt iu Ii our linea badly wounded. 1 unv
tuio yotrrday w itli a bull hole through lii
lliitih. In h kkiriuish it Ii w d.i.uyo a n ro
Willed one M-colt und took tinothi r liriaoiu r.
Tl tdeit that tliev won't ll.dit for their free-
i,L.)in V' lo ii
ib'U hero.
yn ioii r -in'uv i txj.lodc l
(iov. Siimvuu na Tin lav rc-ineil the
i ll'.i e of "Hi i nor of lt!o lu l.t oel. in order
li -illiu that of I niti'd hint. 4f . iiilur. TIh -u
i. no l.ii uli limit i lot t riior, h.uiiu I (i Anmld,
w Ini v - ih ril l Jail t'ln lliK. ll- italf rrlui d
ill oidir lit 'iie lll yi ileti 4lll, iu llm 1 111-
it Mali l-i iiata
Wuat a futon Gexeaal Thinks of Tnr.
"Pt.ack" Mkn. "Whenever they (the rebels)
have the power, they drive boforo them into
their ranks the Southern people, as they
would also drive, us. Trurt them not.
Were- they ablo. tVey would Invode tts, and
destroy iis million mercy. Absolutely
assured of these things, 1 nm amazed that
any caio could think of "jicbco on nny terms."
Ho who entertains the sentiment is Jit only
to be a slave ; ho who utters it at this timo
is moreover, a traitor to his country, who
deserves the scorn and contempt of all hon
orable men."
General Rosecrass.
Tut: Year of Kinks. -Tho present year
1S03, presents aomci curious combinations in
regard to the llgure 0. If you add the first
two figures together thus, 1x8, they equal
9 ; if you add the last two, 0x3, they equal
9 ; if tor set tho first two figures, 19 under
(111, and add them together, tho rcsul is 81,
thejigures of which, added together, 8x1
8 ; if you substract tho first two from 63, tho
remainder is 43, tho figures -of wWsli, if
added together, 4.5 9 ; if you divide tho
03 by the 18, tho quotent is three, with 0
remainder f row multiply all the figures
together, l.tSxfix3, the result is 144, the
li jurrsof Which 1x4x49; if you add all
the figures of the yen'f together the sum is
18, and the sum 1x8 9 ii'yon divide 1803
by 8, the quotient is 021, and 0x2x10; if
you divido 1803 by 0, tho quotient is 207,
and 3x0x70 j if yon dividu 1803 by 23 tho
quotient is 81, and 8x19 ; if you divido
18G3 by GU, tho quotient is 27, nud 2x70.
There are other similar results. The year
1881 will provide a large variety of similar
comb; nations.
SLoral Affairs.
X Cot nT. Tho March term of Court, which
commenced on Monday, n( thin place, adjourned on
Wednesday. Tlio nttcntluneo wnasmnll.
iS Ssinec the advent of March, tho first Spring
month, we arc Wesscdnilh alt kind of wenthcr. Ono
dny wo lmvo tlio balmy brcc.oof Jtay, nnd tho next
the cold brazing ntmofl'hcrc nud snow Hlonus of Do
ccmlicr. Tcrsons cannot be too careful in regard to
health, during the many imdrtcn ohnnjres.
Tho rcligic.u? meetings held in tho buthcran
I'hiirch in this jilaco, by the jisstor Rev. M. Ithodcs
fur the last few weeks, have been, of tho most cheer
ing character. Vc learn that fonio eighty persons
havo enlisted under the banner of tho Cross.
fr-I.ieutenpnt Cnlonel Itogle, of tho 172d Ungi
liicnt, has been discharged from tho scrvioo on e.
ciaoi! of ill-heallh. This baa been his second did-
J'CoCXTKItPKIT Postaoe Ci brkncv. Tlio fifty
cent pitnge enrreney not hnvo been extensively
cuunierfi for some time, and now wo soe it an-
nfXji 'od lliaMUo Iwenty-five cent ones havo been put ;
in OtwiaWtinn. They are poorly engraved on wood
The fucM nvo ery poor, and the paper of a soft,
spunky character.
t3"-SiiiN'ri.STKiis are disappearing very rapidly.
Those who i.-.-uccl them are fast calling thorn in. Tho
abundance of postal currency having obviated tho
difficulty in change, is the reason for calling in Iheso
.2'-'AioiiTTr.n. Mi-jsrs. Lloyd Rohrbnch and 0.
W. Jl'iupt. of th la jilace, were nd'uit'cd to the bar on
Tin - 1-i.v hi.-t. lo pr-.clicc in llic several courts of this
e-aoiiy. YVf are pb-.-scd lo le;irn, that they stood a
V'-ry crc.liiat'le x.niuiiMtiun boforo tbo exaniirini
c.'ii.ji.iiifc. v.hii.!i v;u- conr,osed of Mc-wis. Packer
C't :.3;.' ai.-l La-.v.MHt. Sucre's to lliein.
"i Tlie liircclors and (ilficcrs of llio Xorlhcrn
Central l,-.iili-o:i.l CuniTiaiiv. visited Slnniokin, last
week, t.i take pos
-ion of t'.iC Shi.uiokin Vnllov
V r";.-ii;.u ltai,io:id. Vi'i.v.ndcr-'.tand the present j
able inanne ment of iliis road ly the Superintendent
A. H. l-;.-l;". met villi t'ncir henrty approval, and
tiiat no c'laipjos will le made ut present in tho cou
tiict of llic rond. A mimier 'f cars liavo already
bc'.-n laced um.h thi road by the Xorlhcrn Central
t'ith'j.aiiy t'nr the tran.-p-iruiliou uf coal from Iho fchu
n.okin regi,,n.
It I'oi.mri.'.NS. Woobseivcd during tho past j
vref :;. finite a i.uir.i-tr ot Hliticiuns ot ttie copperhead
sirit'?. "IjuM.Mi-holing" the honest fanners who came
1 1 tou n to attend Conn, f -r their suppoi t for un uflicc
next fall. Many of the candidates appeared to look
rather discouraged, no doubt, i.n uccount of the great
number of aspirants to office. As there arc uuhj sumo
twenty who ur willing to servo the party, provided
they get the ollico of SheritT, and us lull one can bo
elected, wo would recommend a rowproniixr uiuoug
a few who will be willing to divido tho spoils, mid
promiso the ofiit-o to Iho balance of the candidates,
now in the field, next tiutr, or another ofiice, so they
hccoiuo rec nciled and wait in j'eacc for the sake of
the '-;o;i of the psrty."
Ijs Accinr.XTAi. Mr. George Roslian,
of this plaeo, now in Company D., l?2d l'cgiiueut, P.
M.. met wi'.lian accident on Wednesday two weeks
ago. by the accidental discharge of his gun. tho con-
tents of w hich produced severe wounds of Ids linn.
liar.d and fut-e, which were ut onec dressed. He is
duing us well as could bo expected.
iJ Stamison PuoiiissoHV Notks. As this is
the season for sales of personal property, wheu large
ntiinbi is of prouiissury nuteu nrc executed, it may bo
interesting to the public to know the scale of stamp
duties which tho law imposes upon such notes. It is
as follows :
i'M to $luG --'..$ 0j
Itill to 2IID 10
JiiOtu 3.'i0 15
3..0 to 500 2.1
500 to 70 'M
7M to 1 .DUO 40
1.1)00 to 1. 001) 0
l.iurt to 2.500 1 00
2.iUU to 5.000 1 50
The penalty for violating the law is $50, and tho
instrument is rendered invalid.
l2r Tub I'mre OF Mi:at. Tho Butehert havo
raised Ihnprico per pound on beef, to meet the levy
which the revenue tax puts upon then business. This
may bo all rilit and fair, but it wTll only compel
people to reduce the consumption of meat. Each
bu.-inc-s interest is forcing ils share of the tax from
lis own shoulders to those of others, uutil at last thu
wholo hurdcu of govertimeut will be found resting
oa the backs of the UU ring men and the consumers.
A petition was preseuted lo the last Cougrvsa on tho
subject of the tux ou sluul.tcrud cutllu, which receiv
ed every consideration. The result may be slated as
follows : I'.eef cattle, per head, reduced from 50 tu
So ceut s ; hog from lo to 6 ; sheep from 5 lo J cents
pur hund.
I'J Saii Oiei iivkm h. Ou Sunday nUht last a
aad allair happened tu the family of Wr W in. lien,
ry, a member of tlio Mucty-sinh Keg., I', V., caus
ing the death of one of Lis children, and serious ill
ness of Lis wile aud daughter. 'Jheir residence is in
Mm kit street, audit senus Unit ilrs. Jieury, her
daughter aged 51 years, aud iu 4 years old, sleK in
the suiii4isiui uu Suuduy night. J'uiiug the night
the pipe of a slut e which was iu I lit rouui eauie apart
and tilled lliensiiu with uiophiliu kas froiu tho hum.
In; cold. Aakeiisl by the eriMul her boy ho aaa
siillmsj, for ier, .Mrs. Henry directed bur daughter
tu gel sjuis; but she baldly lus-lu a biot euteiil Us
f'lii, wheu Lu tell luu-k oi sic. ins. Sirs. Henry
I.j umde tlis atleuipl, but fell uu the bed aeiueliHei
hers she aa tuu I lliu uclt nioiulug ia a evudiliuu
ahnli aluiu.i pitclulo-l revoteiy. hhe ai.4 kir
duiihle( huattrr relld, aad Hleuh they have
kits seriously III si us, ate pltasnl lu leaiu, aie
reoutiuf Ihelillle b-ijr c.uld bvt U aaied II
ilivd u MJj aibl lst. lbss isaavsvi Uua u
iIm husbjul aud Ikikvr. au U lbs (eld tMing bis
eaairy - afiMssi t
Scarcity r Cests. The tosroity of eenti is
felt by erery storekeeper and bnitnou man, Bntttith.
(landing that about $2,500 worth are coined daily at
tiio Mint, flold and silver have, for a long lime past
bera living. In retirement, a If they had beeome na.
bobish in their tastes, or roolutee, and baring oon
ooired a disgust for the world and it ways, deter
mined to devote a long 'spoil" of their existence to
a dignified exclusion from the hannta of the public
It is but natural that wo should miss them, and yet
their absonoe would not be a matter of perhaps tori
Otis oonoern if tho pennies had not caught the distent,
per, and gnno and done likewise. As gold is on its
way downward, however, oenti, no doubt, will follow
suit, and aooa bo as ptnjvty aa ever. Those who were
hoarding thorn up with the Idct that they eould real
I to baudsomo proOta will certainly be mistaken.
ly Tun Atlartic Moktiht for March Is a re
markably fine number. The eontente are, Cristopher
North ; "Choose Tou this day Day whom To will
Sorve"; The Horrors of 6aa Domingo; A London
Suburb ; The Vagabonds ; Willie Wharton ; A Call
to my Countrywomen ; Tho True Church ; Under
tho I'car Tree ; The Last Cruise of the Monitor ; Ly
rics of the Street ; America the Old World ; Periclos
nud Trosldcnt Lincoln; Reviews and Literary NV
ticcs; Recent American Publications. Tho writer
e( "Christopher North" hat given tho subject fresh,
host and increased interest. "Choose You' etc., is
a Vigorous poem. The ''Horrors of San Domingo'1
Is concluded in this number. It it replete with inter,
esting information. Published by Ticknorand Field,
Boston, Mass.-
... -- - .a
Kwvn an "Ilcbhlotf"
A lVitivo and Specific Remedy
l-'or Diseases of tho
CALSWKLL1XU.S. This Medicine increases tho power of Difroshon,
a,i wiles the AI -nrlienls into lu-alihy action, by
vhich the Vatry or Calcerou dt'Hiitions. and all
Vnnniurat EnlareuienlK ttro reduced, a. well a pain
and inllanmmliou, and is good fur men, women, or
ui:i,.!ii:ti.i-s e:TiM. t,rr
is cm;
Ari.-ing from Fseessos. llabils of Dindpation, Early
Jndiscreiion, or Abuc,
Attended with tho following rymtoms :
Indispfition to Exirtioii,
J.o. of Min er,
I.omj ol Memory.
Weak Nerve.
Horror ot 1 lisea.-e,
liinuievH if i.-'ion.
I ni eial La-situde of the
Muecular Systtui,
Hot Hands.
Diflieuiiy of Drcathing
Pain in the back,
l-'lihing of the Hody
Iuptiiiis on the Face.
1'u.liii Couutcnaucc,
Drytitis of the Skin.
These svmtoins. if allowed to iro on, which this
medicine invariably removes, soon follow
In one of which the lialient niny expire Who can
av that they are nol Ircjuenll 1 illuwa hy tlioao
ol'uJ iUea.-e?,'1
Many are aware of tho cause of their suffering, but
none will confess. The records of the insano Asy
lums ami tho mcl-incholy deaths by Consumption,
bevr ample witness hi the truth of tho assertion.
The Constitution, onco All'ectcd with Organic
Requires tho aid of medicine to strengthen and in
vigoratn tlio system, which '-llelmbold'a Extract
llueliu" invariably does. A trial will cuuviuco
the most skeptical
Old or young, single, married, or contemplating
lu many affections peculiar to Females the Extract
Ruchu is uncfiimlled hv any other remedy, as in
Chlorosis or Retention, irregularity. Painfiiluess, or
Supprcsioimf tho Customary Evacuations. Ulcerated
or Schirroim stuto of tho i'lerus. Leucorrhea, or
Ubites Sleiiliiy, mid for all complaints incident to
the sex. w hether arising fruin Indiscretion, HubiUof
Ilissipation, or in thu
Seo symitoms ubovo.
Tuko no Italsam, Mcrcurr. or Unpleasant Mediciuo
lor t. npicasaut lUiu liangerous Diseases.
ii,i:i.i3ii.i' i:vraA;r
In all their stages ; at litlln expetiso'; btllo or no
chungc in diet ; no inconvenience,
It cause frequent desire, and gives strength to
Urinale, thereby removing obstructions, preventing
und curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain
uml iiilhimmation. si frejuent iulhis cluiof disuasea
and expollii g l'uuouous, Discuscd, mid Worn-uut
Matter. ,
Thons.'.mls upon Thousands
And who have paid Heavy Foes to be eared in. a
short time, have found they wero deceived, and that
tho ' Poison has, by thu uso of "Powerful Astrin
gents.' been dried un in the svsteui, tu break out iu
an aggravated form, and
remaps utter jiarriago.
iir.i.!!H4iM-s i:TiiAcrr
For all Affections and Diseases of
Whether existing in Slalo or Female, froin whatever
cause origiualiug, aud uu matter
Piseasnt of theso Organs requiro the aid of a
Is the tireat Diurclie,
And it is eertaiu lu have tlio desired effect la all
Diseases, for which it is rvooiumeuded.
lluluibuld'i Highly Concentrated Com jound
Fluid Extract Barsaparilla BypUilla.
This is an ejection of Iho lllwsl, and attacks the
Sexual Organs, Liniiigaul the Ne, fcars, 'I hmal,
Wiudpie, aud other .Mucus Surfurca, making ils
uppearauee iu the fi rm of I leers, lleluibuld'a Ex
it iu-1 Sarsarilla purifies Iba Uloo.1, and removes all
Mealy Eruptions ol the Skiu, giiing I" the Complex
ion a Clour aud Heuliliy Cuior. It buiug rutrrd lor Ihiselaa f euiuplsinls, iu lilood-1'uri-fv
lug Proprietors are preaerted to a grealer eateul
than any other prejiaralion of Sarsaparilla.
Ilt'liubold'a Itinset Wuals,
Aa Heat Lution ilaare uf a rWphilltle Na
Lira, and as aa Injetlnss lu Utaaaavsul the t riuary
OrKsiis. ari.uisj Iroui bsbils of dissipatiru, lued iu
eouuerli,i aiiii ilie L lira. Is Hueltsi aud baisspaillla
IU sueu Ulse-asi's as re-U,U41'U'leU
Ekidiiieeol lliu iuimI riikiusihle aiul reliable elsur
etee III aeeoiupaliy Ibe luedieiur.
From aisdil U twraiy yeare euadiaf, Mh mbm
aiitiwa tu ss ii ii.e aud Km-
. Mtfdwi.1 Piopiues o lluthu, see LispeiKaWry
Ihs t uiinl Malta
Kims 'i.,f., Iiswsee' ealuable wwks as) the
I'raeibe ' fi,)M.
r-es iua.te Ibe let eeleBraied r
1 l.wi.'k -lkia
j r. i. ayt'r rjhralia ,eaU a
celebrated ThyslciaB, Mid Member of tho Royal
College of SmgonriS, Ireland, and publieW-l in the
Transactions ol tho Klnii and Queen's Journal.
See Medio-Clrnrgioal Review, iublishnd bt
rtenjnmin Trevors, Fellow of tho Royal College of
Seo most of tho late Standard Works on Mcdi
Extract r,rriu f I no per bottle, or six. $-"i 0(1
" H VRSAPARIt.LA 1 10 " " ft HI)
Imi-ronkdKikh Wash. 60 " " 2 50
Or half adoieni f oauh for f 12 00. which wilt ho
sulHclont to euro the most obsliuule cases, if direction
are adlieroil to.
Delivered lo any addross, securely packed from
I llrseribe tvmptoms in all coramunicaiions.-
Ctuea gnaranteed. Advieo gratis .
Personally apnearel before moan Alderman of tho
city f Philadelphia. II. T. Holmbold, who, being
duly sworn, doth say, his preparations contain no
narcotio, no mercury, or other injurious drugs, but
are purely vegetable.
Sworn and tbcrihed before mo, this 22d day of
November, 1854. WM. P. HlliUARll,
Alderman, Ninth-strcot, above Race, l'hila.
Addross letters r Information In confi lenee.
II. T. HKKMIJIM.D. Cluiniet.
Dopot 104 South Tenth-stroet, below Chesldut Phila.
And Unprincipled Dealers
Who ondoavor to diporc "of their own" and "other'
articles on tho reputation attained by
llclinbold's Oonuino Preparations.
" Exlraul liuchn,
" " " Iarsapaiiila,
" " Iniirovcd Roso AVash.
Buld bv nil Drngirists t-verywiiero.
Cut out lli a lvcrti'oincrit. and send for it, And
Avoid Iinpoti'ion nnd Fxposuru.
Fehrnury t, !Htf3. ty.
"i'A"UI.Y (JiU:5,KSl'a" SiXOIhllE.
WILLIAM L. M.AlHiUCK A CO., 115 South
Third so.wi I'kiladeipliM, would oiler to Ihcinhkni
tnnts of Weiuiantotvu end vicinity, u freU stuck
Ftht"d for Ui: h:M Vitmily hxp.
As they have everything in their lino both Ameri
can aad F ireigti. which tan ho called for, it is un
necessary tu g'to a list of tlio articles they lmvo to
It Is as well, h wever, to say. tllat every article
they dispose of HTy warrant of the lut quality' ami
which cuif lie returned at thec.xpeuso of tho storo
should it prove otherwise.
February as, liSii;!. :Jti-.o.
NOTICE hereby given to all persons knowing
themsel-.on indebted to the firm of C. D. A .1.
Kohrhaoh, on Hook Account or otherwise, to make
payment of tho same boforo the 1st of April next, nt
which time tho books of snid tli m will ho left in the
hands of proper officers for collection.
Punbury, F-b. 21, lsti:!.
A B.EJCT ' il i:
Just PulUoinl, i'l o Snthd lCitvcnjie. Price
Six Unit. '
V Lecture on tho Nature, treatment and Radical
of p-'MMiiorrhcea or.-emiual AVeakncss, Invol
untary Kiuissiona. Sexual In bilily. and Impediments
to Murriago generally. Nervouvue.-s, Cinyumptf,u,
Epilepsy and Fits; Montcl and Phvsical Jncap.-o ity.
resultln'r from Self-Abuse, Ac. liy ROliERT J.
CLLYERWELL, M. 11., Author of the Orcen Book,
The world-renowned author, in Ihis admirable Lec
ture, cleurly prove? from his own experience that
awful conseioiein-cs of sie.lf-ubuse may be effectually
removed without medicine, and without dangerous
surgical operaiUois. b,.ngics, in-truiornls. rings, or
cordials, poiniiag out a mo le of c'ire at eneo certain
nnd effectual, by which every tutlerer. no mailer
what his condition mey be. may cure himself cheaply
privately, anil -ally. This leutuicwill jirovo ti
boon to ihousai-.ds ai d llimisauds.
Scut un,li-r se:il. in a lain envelope, to nny ad-dn-ss.
on tin- receipt of six cents, or two postage,
siamt s. bv uduieiiiu.
CHA3. J. C. KLINE & CO.,
127 Uowcry. New York, Post CCicu Jlux, teSli.
Feb. '2 l,u-'i. ly So
T r the Relief of M. e Sick Rn.l DUrose,l. pffiViM
with A'iruleli'. -::'d Cl'.poue ii.ienes. and especially
for the cure of Ld'.usr of the Se.util Organs
MEDICAL ADYICF givoii gratis, by tho acting
. YAl'UAEt.-: r.f.?tlIiV .-,,erma!
or r-cuiiBal WVu: ix-jw I ,i .Vr l'is. ;,.. the
Sexual OrgMeM.i i a liio i'.EW liEMEDtl.S ei
ploycd ill lilii li-lM'OSuy, sent to the lillliet'.vl ill
sealed letter er.vclopcs. ficc of chnrc. Tmo orthrco
.Stamps for po-ti"- will b.- e -cpI-iUc.
Address. IiR. J. SK1LLIX 11'U'tiilT'lN. A.-tin
Surgeon. Howard A.-ociatiun, No. 2 South Ninth
Street, Philadelphia, i'a.
January.'!, laii:; ly
Appointed this day folo Agent nt SUNEUlt Y, for tho
sales of 1
iiUYWooirs -i"i"r.v lb:e(-iba
Theso PENS are Warranted not to Cor-'de. nn'l are
uperici' to any oilier Pen ever before offered, w ill
last eipial to gold, and will convince the best ju.lgt.i
uf peumuushio. Prioe :.TJ per doien. 5.'l per gi'oss.
JOd. SAMSON. Agent for IIkvwooo.
I'm I Coatci street, Philadelphia.
January St, liiio. uui
303 ltrwaiYuy, Aevt-iorh.
"CARTES DE VISITE," Photographs, Hagucr
reotypes, A'c. takeu in tht bet style ol the Art.
J miliary j, IS'oi.
4 LL nersons knowing theniselvcs to ho indebted
to Friliii-' A llraot, either on noto or b.n k
account, will please call and settle on or beluru tho
1st day ol .Marcu next, ui.J savu com.-.
1'ilILiNlt & till ANT.
Sunbury, January 2 1. ISo.'l,
"'iiA:ii5:!t .s. .JAi.J.s:i:v.
Ci3 LROADWAY, Coiner oi JJlci ckir Sucut,
Photographs, Daguerreotypes, Ac. Under the per
outd atieiiliou of JI. A. Ill KT,
Januajv :.. iM'i.'l. Heii'.gii.i.liio Artist
.11iir2i.-l M ni'iu1'. 'jMi.i4.' Iho
1'XFOP.MS tro clt'uens i f fj'iphur.v and vicinity,
that he has jr-t reluiucd,fy, "hiiu blphiu wilhu
full assoriioci.. uf .
r.ti.L .wzi va : it),
His stock C- n iisla of Cluths, Frcm h Cloths. Ulacl:
DodSkinaud r.mcy Ca-.-iu.crcs, Hlm-k S-itiii, I'ioved
Silks. Plain and F.ifiev Cas-iimrc tsUNilS, which
ho will uuiku up 1 1 or b r in styles lo suit the Oe-lu of
customers, ou sliorl uoiicc, nua llio uios; ieasouuoiu
Any (loo-ls not on hand, will bo fiimidicd from
Philadelphia, by giving two tiais' ii'itice.
Hoods fuini.-biil by vu tutucis will i'O uiado up to
order as heretofore.
As ho will employ none bill experienced workmen,
Iierixiiis may rely uu getting lluir wuik well done at
iis shop.
Thuiikfui for tho h l.ctowcd,
be respectfully solieits aroitiiijuaucvul' VU: s .iuc.
Suuoury, Oeioher I, It),'
iiou 1:1.1, v isoi Eitii:,
Cur. t'uurlli A Maiket rilrcets, Philadelphia, have
now iu leU, a Cue variety uf
Auil l;iri-it
Rot up for their Spring Trade
to which Uu-y Inwlo the alteiiti4i ul Sht, keepers
I y lu Iboir llutad liopiiiueul, will bw louud iho
t-hoicesl stales ol I lie si-4-.iU.
Philadelphia, Feb. 1 1, l -G.'t v'iu w
k'uitMs fur ilrapi i, I'taehei, Pesrj, ltn Ixriiis.
Straw Unus, Ids. Lbeirbs, ac , i ll.'.'i,
15, III ue aere., t. h, l ll.e, lolloping luiees lor lbs
tilnst-Ut, l : !MK lef f-1"1. I) aeit-s ,.rllll,
aeres fof .u. L'ls-i.s lor flu, aeie lor iM
I' by oue d ,11 ir a we. I.
Also iri"l Iroi.buiiv biuiU, su I village Ms la
i'Ut tWD, J I s .M. l. atule. U, laalde
by wHad-dlal a a. 'Jke al-Mie Uui M. l.lKd,
aia MiaatsJ as thslwuud, wa.l.iuu ' usi..hiu,
builiusjiu) C'uuiil, him Ji i'ut luiihtr lu
fusuiaiwa, apply, as sib a I' U aui.ip, If aeuvulw,
fi I HAN kl tN t LAI. It,
Jtautr-f J
KKY. i
DH. jniIST0N hli'-c.rTcrclthomoH Ccrtnin,
Hporrty hn only KfToctunl Krmedy in Iho ,
VnrM Vr all I'rinlc liifonrn, Vcfkncw of the lifli-k
or I.Ttnhft, Stricture!, fl'rtion of tho Kidney anil
nimldrr. Tnvolnntnry Pisc hnrfstM. Impotcnryono
rnl Dcbllify, Ncrvnnftiojw, Iy.-prpfiyi I-nnpuor. Low
FpiTiK Ciinftiion of li1in.t, Piilittat ion of tho Hrnrt,
1 imiility. TrnnMinf. IMmnownf Fight or iiM.iirw
Iti-crvo of the J lend. Thront, Nno or chin. Affections
of the Liver. Ltinf. Shtiiinvh or llowelf thofo Terri
he llsonirrr ftriing from tho Solitnry HahiM of
Youth tfvwo Secret nntl mlitnry pmnticrs more fnfnl
to their victim thtin tho pon'of wyren to (he Mil'
riner of I'ly-wcs, blilitinj their mo5t brilliunt hopes
or anticipaiiund. rendering marrlHgo. Ac, impossi
ble. rpeciRlly, who hnv become the victims of Solitnry
Vietff thnt dreadful nnd dejutructivo habit vhfcii
nnnnnllv sweep to tin untitnelv grnvo .housnnds ol
Yoiin Men of tho most exalted lnlcnt nnd brilliunt
intellect, who miht olherwirjobnvo cntniiiced listen
ing Pcnnte. wilh lite thwnden of elorinenee or waked
toccstiity tlio living lyre, mujr cnfl wilh full cun
tidenco. Married Privon, or Yonn jln criTitcmpTnlinji;
innrrinro. heir.r; pbiii-p of physit'nl wcnltm;, urgnuiu
rir'iilify. dcbinnitie. Ac, speedily cured.
ilo who places liimelf under tbo enro of Dr. J.
nifiv religiously confide in his hoTiorns a senth.mnii.
and eoiilidi ntly rely upon liis skill a Vliysiciun.
Imnicdiftcly Cured, pud Full Vior Itjalored.
Thin .Di?tre.-sinf; AfTeetion which renders Lifo
lui.-ernlil" nud nitirrino iuipoHde ii tho pennlty
paid hy tho ietiirs (d'iinpntper indulgetioerj. Young
per.-'ons nrc too iipt to eoiunut cxuesi!, from not
bein nwtre of tho tlrendlul ein:-vi nonces tint mny
ciifuo Now. who thnt umlerstundi the rubjeet will
pretend to dT.y tht the power of procreation i lot
sooner by those fulling into improper habits than by
tho prudent ? Ursidos' being deprived tbo densures
uf bettlihy ptispi iig, the mmt wrious t.ud deiiructivo
M'liiptonis to b-jth Inly and mind nric. Tho svstem
bceomes I-trnnred, thn Vliysical and Mental Vunc
tions Weakened. Lws of IVoereativo l'owrr. Nervous
Irritability, lUfpepprt, Palpilntlon of tho Heart,
liidiotiou, Coiistitutional lMiility, a Wating nf
the 1'raiue. Cough, Consumption, lucny blJ Heath.
OC.It'.", o. 7 S3h VirULri'U &i root
Left hand fiid.i goiu:; from ThiUiinorc street, n few
d'jors from tho corner. Fuil uot to ubicrvo tiumc
nnd number.
Letters mut bo paid nnd contain A stamp. The
Doctor's J'ipltnniis hang in h.sofiicc.
JS'o jtfircrry or JSmtstoni Drugs.
Member of the Roal College of Surgeon. Londnt
tirndunto from one of tho most eminent. College in
the I nited Ftntr, nnd the greater part of whoso lifo
h.t been ppent in the hopitn's of London, Paris,
Philadelphia, and eltjcwhere. ha clTeettd somo of
the rnot n.-titnis!ting euro that wore ever known ;
many troubled with ringing in the head and ears
wlu-ii asleep, groat nervousne, being alarmed at
Midden sound?, hmdi fulness, with freui tit blushing,
attended sometimes v.ilh dorimgemcnt of mind, were
eurcil immcdintelv.
Ir. J. nddresye! nil those who have injured them
selves by improper indulgence and solitary habits,
which ruin bo'.h body nnd mind, untitling them fur
either business, study, society or marriage.
'J'lJF.SK nro some of tho srtd nnd melniM'holy eiTects
pritditiu'd by early habit of youth, viz: Weakness of
the Jiat k nnd Limbs. Pain in the Jlead. Itimneos of
Fight, Loss of .Mn-t ii!ur lkower. Pnljitntion of tho
Jlo:irt, Jhspejisy. Nervoutj irritahilitv, J't raiigemeut
of the l'igf.tive Functions. General 1'ebility. Fymp
tom of ( onsuinptinn, Ac.
M r.NT.v tsisV. Tho fearful rfloel on tho mind nro
muvh to be dreaded Los of Mcujury. Confusion tif
Idea. JsYprcs-mn of Spirits. L il-Kri-bod'ngs, Aver
sion to Focitty, S M-Di.-ftu-t. Iove of Foliiudc,
Timidity, Ac are smcof the evils produced.
Tnoi s ms uf persons of all ages can now judgo
b it is tho eau-c of their declining health, h.-iiig
their vigor, bei-uming weak. pale, nervous and
( inacinted. linving n ciugul'ir njipearnncc about tho
eves, cough and svniptoms of con-umptiun.
Who h;u o injured" '.!ieni?clve by n certain rnctieo
itululgeil iu when tiioiie. n habit frequently learned
from cil c.itiip.ituo!,:, r at school, tho v fleets of
w huh nro nighily frit, even when n.-le-p. and if not
cured tvudi r mnri i:ge iu.p'"-.-ible, :u:d tie.-troy 4
both mind ninl body, should immedintely.
hist n pi:y that a ytmng mnn. tho hope of l.N
country, the darling of his parents, should be tnatcheil
tVom nil pro:'t.ecis and enjovments id' life, bv tho
c.'ii' 'utij'v. of dcvkittn.; Iio-u tho pnth of nature
nnd innilgtngin a eeriaii, ncrci habit. Such pcr.-ons '
Ml sr. beire C4iii'iiii)lating
.sflAfc;'tsaA4isn. j
rcllect thai a sound mind and body are tbo nnvt j
neees-ary remtiilrs to promoto eouuuhial Imppine'-.
Indeed without theo. the ioumcv thi-ouirli lite be- I
C"in;sJ a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly
d:irkvi:s to the viv; (he mind becomes shadowed
w ith dc.-p:,tr and filled wilh the im lanelndy reflec
tion that llio happiness uf another becomes blghted
with our own
fiIiV.ANB: iV lUPISt fiiC:.4 'K.
Vt'hen tbo misguided nnd imprudent rotary of
plcnMire finds t'.-at be has imbil-ed Iho sted-t ofth-H
I'tiiiit'ul di.-c.isc. it tun olun liaMieu that nn ill-t'iiud
Miisc of fliame. or dread of di overy. deters him
fruin tip lying t i who, fn ui education and
rt-spietaiolity. can tduuo bi t;U tul him, lelaing tiil
the constitutional symptoniij of tins horrid di.e;iso
mnko their appe-irance. such as ulcerated sore
throat, discns.'d liocv. t.'tetunia! painn in the bend
and liinU. dimness uf -iht, denfuess, innles ou iho
t-liin hone nod aims. hh.Uhes on iho head, fare and
extremities, progressing with ftightful rapidity, till
nt last tho palate of t!.o mouth or tho bones of iho
nobo bill in. and the vietim of Ihis awful disease
becomes n horrid object id' commiseration, till dentil
nuts a period to his dreadful sufl'crings, by sending
liim to "that I'miicoovcred Country irum uheiico no
traveller returns."
Jl in mmcftiHrhnftf f,trt that thousands fall victims
to thi terrible disease, owing lo tho unkillfutiu-ss of
ignorant pretenders, who. by the use of that VWty
j'oi'-tii. JIrr,rtf, ruin tho coustUutiuu und make
the residue of life mi-erablo.
Trut not your live, or health, to tho care of the
many 1'ul earned nnd Worthless Pretender.1?. cb-Mituto
of knnwletlge. iiuino or tdinrneter. who enpy J r.
JidiiLstiu'it udvertisctucnt-. or stylo theme!vvi., in
tho tiew.-':i'ers. regularly Kdueat ed I'hy.-i'-ians, of Curing, they kocpyoii trilling month
alter mouth taking their filthy nnd potsonus eom
p iu nds. or a long as the - ui:..let fe; can b; oijtaiiu d,
ami iu flv'Sjtair. Ie,ic yuit with ruined health to bigh
over your gnllintrlisi.pMiiiitiiirnt.
lr .Jol-.n.-tiin i.s the only Physicinn ndvertiin.
Jlir crcK-mial or diphuiias always hnng in his oflU'c.
liis rcmiilie- or trentemen; uro unknown to all
others, prepared from a life spent iu the great h.t
pitaU id Luropo, tho first in I'ne country nnd n mory
extensive J'nv.ttc i'ntcttci thun nny other I'hy.-iciaii
in ttie world,
Tho many thousands cured nt thw intitutinn year
after yeur. aiul tho nninerom iinpiitfio! Furie-il
Opci'iitiops perlormed by i'r. .! Iinsjon. witue.-scd by
the reporters of tho Sun.'' Clipper," nnd many
other pup r. notices ofuhich o iippcared :i '
ui-U iu,ain before tho public, leides bis standing ns
a getitbuiaii of ehnra-'ter nnd respoL.dhdiiy, is a
sufliv-ieot iruarante In the i.rila'ted.
Persm writing shnuld bo particular in directing
tuctr leiter-tnliis liMituiion, in thulolltiwmg iiiituer:
lOSIA .11. 14llS,ai, .13. B.,
Oftho Paltimoro Lin-k Uu.-'pitul, Unliimtre, M J.
i'ebruury Jl, I y.
.1.1 mi uli.1 nt lur'M !.
"XTOTIi"L is hereby given that loiters of tdmiiiis
X Iratioii tinii iiig becu granted lo lli sucriher.
oil llie t-t-LHle of .Nicholas ltliibel'Miu. late oi It u.-ll
osu.-hip, Nortlitimtierltind eoumy. Pa., de'eatcd.
All H'rsoiis ind'-bted lu said estalv are rijut-sietl lo
make iiiimtvliute payn.cnt. and Ihoso having claiius
to present Ihciii dulv iiuihcniii atisl for ssllleiiieiil.
i HAM l I.A.MIil.U-Mi.N, A lui Uix
ltu-h Up , t ill. H, ls6.t.-l)l
'1 Ue .lliulf'l'lin 4b-Mi' it,
Till: PKItr l:iTMX OF Ml't'H AMSM
I KIil a burning and open fiiee, or lady's or (cu
1 J ilcman's WMlt li eoiitbiucd.
lii,ot Iho rcltici. iiio.t ceineniinl, and d. Uni
ty the U-sl aud clieapt sl tiiu l-icce for -.-1, aud
rilii'ble u-s sii-r oIIckhI. Ii Las within U and cou
uvilid wilh its mat bin.ry, its oaa wiudinn alis. h-lut-ut,
rciidi-rmg a ki- iiilirily uinik'ti----Mtiy. 'the
tast-s ul this Wau h are e.niii-d (d two laeluls, the
uuler one bt-ius; tuo Itil-ul.l pj.l.l lllms the t lis
rotvd luby aclh'll lever -Jo.kru.11,1, and IS Wttliallt
,d au a-'fumtt- In i. piece Pii.-s. engiaind,
per esse ol a hall dosen a'kii no Mll.pltf H alclii-s,
Ul uaal iiihi-'.'u L.... s, lor III. '-i.-uio- b buy at
-kb-ifrulu, atj -m-iiI by espreM. is, ills Lill -i.l.lvua
dslitviv. r.biikis uiul it-util ps Uisi.l iu atlv .a. e,
1 a. e ci.iuioi .iIim i fioui ili.-s- iu lb. Aimy. Addict
III tiilAUll I'l. U.S. t I'll , .,!. l.luNISkS,
I',, a S i. ti-4 Jou r-ia , .Nta -1 va
J.nuary 11, I no I OK
Mult I "m .-r-IOs M-r-,
Of VVALI. f Al l U tif MlltV 1'U-IUAlil.l
I t r .-ul'd d'rvrl lb MatiuilMlura-r, at
mu.isa 4 OHAKT
assar. Mu II, l-t
Economy is "Wealth!
ri jtci oi ii vot un on is ci.
in t)ie WerM.
nndnms JKAIMMJ OllTr.'S
'iJt'8 Curative Unlsnm
Is w.nrnntcd If hspiI ac
conlinir t" t lie dirnrtlniis,
to cure in J1 enses ('oagti,
folds, Whts'lJlnK CiiRh,
Asiliins. nnd nl! atToctinns
oftheThrout and Ailing
Mndnme Zodnfl Porter's
Jlilsnm is ri'inrnil Killi
all the requisite cure nnd
skill, from a eoinltir.fltfi.n
uf Hie lust rrme.liw the
TrgiinMp kinjedom nflbnls
Its .emedinl qunlHies are
linsed on itsfmuurto nssist
tlio hciiiliiy and rlgorloiis
eirciilntion nf llio bloiid..
Mood, tliru' Inc Lunp.K It
is not a violi-nt remedy,
ut cmidiont wnriiiin?.
suiiroliir nnd rtti'ctiic ;
csn he tuki-n hy the nliliv-M
person or .voiinp ft child.
iUmlnnic .mloi: foit'-r s
..-..-v-.-.i. , . .
4 Jiaisam nan wen in io i.y
ini-jiiiniic ior ovi-r i vnurs
nud hns aciiuircd it pre-
sonl sa4, eimply hy being recommended hy thoso
tohflYiiifa used it Ui tlic-ir afUicted frituds nnd otiii-rs
M'r Imi-ohtant. Miidiinie mine J..i ti-r 's- C'urii.
tive Itnlsninis sold nt a prieo ahiidi lirins it. in the
reach of every ono to keep it convenient lor use. The
timely line ol n singio uottio will prove lo ho worth
lull t i in oh
NOTlcT- Save rnur Money '. IVinol he pcr.nin
ded to purchase articles nt -Is to 1 which do not con
tain tin: virtue) nf a 13 cent P.ottlcof .Mndnine Por
ter's Curalivo Bnlsnui. llio cost of miinnliicturing
which isns grrcnt n. that of nlmost nny other lucili
cino ; nnd the Tory low price nt which it is sold,
m likes the profit to' tho seller nppnrcntly smnll, ind
unuincijil(d dealers vilt soinctimes rec'ii:incnd
other medicines on which their profits are Jnrger, uti
le's liio customers insist upon huvinr; Mudiinie i'or
ter's nnd none other. Af1 for Jliidimio Porter's Cu
rntive liiilsnm, price 13 cents, nnd in inr-ie bottles nt
2j cents, and take no oilier, it voa ciuiuot gel it at
one (-tore youenn nt nnotlicr.
Silil hy nil liruttgists and Htorckccpcrs at 13 cut.,
uud in larger l-ottlent 2- cts.
JIAl.L A 1U CKEL, Proprietor?.
January 31, Acw York.
UTIUI. lBOl loiT i'OK SAM!."
THIS well known Hotel, loented in Sunhury, at tho
junction of tlio Northern Central with the ifiinhu
ry A lCrio Kailronds. is ottered ut privnlo sale
Terms nf aula will lie mndo cusy. l or further in
formation, enquire at this otlico.
A ugust 2, -
To 4'oiixnmptivrsi.
rilHE Advertiser, linving been restored ti hc.iUh
J. in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after
having suffered several yenrs with A severo iung af
fection, aud that dread disease. Consumption is anx
ious to mnko known to his fcllow-sullcrs tho lucuns
of cure.
To ull who desire tl, he will send n copy of tho
prcneriptton used (free of eh.-irije), w ith the directions
i'lr-preparing and un the sumo, wliich they will
iiial k si:iib Ci BB for Co.vsi mptio.v Asthma. 1!iion
gnms, Ao. Tho only object of the Advertiser in
sending tho Prescription is to benefit llientrlicted.and
spread information which he conceives to be invalua
ble, nnd he hopes every sutl'crer w ill try liis remedy,
n? it w ill coat tlicui noiliing, nud limy prove a bless
ing. Parties wishing tho prescription will please ad
dress Kkv. r.IMYAHl A. WllXiN,
Dec. 20, 1S2- 3m Kings County, New Vol!:.
n ft,1,. sctii., V.a -sr "4a. i. siSriiiisita
i -s-iHii-s-r'Sii--iaai.ii.-r--i-w-iwaiM
APEIIATE hy their powerful influence on tiiC
J lutermu Tlscera to purity me luooa ana siiniu
livte it into healUiy action. They remove the
obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, nnd other
orisns of the body, and, by rcstOi-ing their irTepnl.-.r
action to health, correct, wherever they exist, mich i
derangements as are the first causes of disease. I
An extensive trial of their virtues, by Professors, i
Physicians, nnd Pnticnts, has shown cures of
gcrotts diseases almost beyond belief, were they not
substantiated by persons of such exalted position
nnd character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth.
Their tcrtiiientes are published in my American
Almanac, which the Agents below named uro
pleased to furnish free to all inquiring. i
Annexed we give Directions for their use in the
conipluints which they have been found to cure. I
Fob Costiyemikhk. Take one or two Pills, or i
such quantity 3 to gently move the liowels. Cos- ;
liveness is frequently the aggravating cause of I
Pti.r.s, and the care of one complaint is the euro
of both. Jio person can feel well while under a
costive habit nf body. Hence it should be, as it !
can be, promptly relieved. '
rou lJYsi'Ei'HiA, wtucli a sometimes tne cause ,
of Cvtfireitess, and always uncomfortable, take mild
doses from one to four to stimulate the stomach ;
and liver into healthy action. They will do it, and '
the heartburn, bcrlyburn, nnd loulburn of dyspepsia j
will rapidly disnnpear. When it has gone, don't
forget what cured you. I
For a Fori Stomach, or Morbid Inaction of the
Boteek, which produces general depression of the ',
spirits and bad health, take from four to eight Pills
at first, and smaller doses afterwards, until activity j
aud strength is restored to the system. j
Fob Nf.uvoisnkss, Sick llEAnAcin?, Xai'ssa, 1
Pain in the Stomach, Back, or Side, take from four i
to eight pills on going to bed. If tliev do not oper- :
ate sufficiently, take more the next day until they ;
do. These complaints will be swept oiit from the j
system. Don't wear these and their kindred dis- .
oidcrs because -aoukstomach is foul. t
' Foa ScUPFl'LA. EI1YS1PELA8, diiii all Wetaiet !
o f the Skin, take the Pills freely nud frequently, to
keep the bnwels open. The eruptions will genor-
ully soon begin to diminish and uisuppcar. Many
di'cndl'ul ulcers and sores have been healed up by
tho purging and purifying ctlcct of these Pills, and
some div-usting diseases wliich seemed to satunito ;
the whole system have completely yielded to their ;
intinence, leaving the sullcrer iu perfect heath.
Patients! your duty to society forbid, that you ,
should parade yourself around the world covered j
with pimples, blotches, ulcers, sores, nnd all or any i
of tho unclean diseases of the .kin, because, your :
system wants cleansing. ;
To Pi im Y tub Ui.uon, they nrc the best medi-
cine CM-r ui-covered. They should be taken freely t
nud frequently, nnd the iiiipiiritics which sow the I
seeds of incurable di-eases will be swept out of the j
ni stem like chatf before the wind. Hy this property
they do ns much good in preventing sickne-s a, by ,
the remarkable cures which tluy are making every ,
I.iveb CoMriAiNT, jAfwnicn, and a'l BiUi ue
AflntKme arise from some derangement either ;
torpidity, congestion, or obstiui lions of the Liver, i
Torpidity nnd congestion vitiate the bile and render I
It unlit for digestion. This ia disastrous to the
health, and the constitution is frequently under- ,
mined by no other cause. Indigestion is the uip-
toui. Obstruction of the duet which empties the
bile into the stomach causes the bile tu overflew
into the blood. Thia produce Jaundice, wilh
M il ... rn 1
long and duniremus train uf evils. (. ou enc, ov 1 turnuli lo una Iroiii I ilt.-luru without change,
alternately costivenena and dinrrhna, preva-'is. Piw-ve-jers by the t'.ittaw irsa Hail Itoad leave Port
1 cwrith yruptonis, launuor, low suirita, weuri'icw, Cliut1.11 nl 3.1 j A M , for l'hila. and all Interiueiliata
resllesMies, and iiielauolioly, Willi toiucti'.iirs in- 1 luii. im ; iol at .'t.L'.'i P. M , for Philadelphia, Xew
ability tu Vep, and sonietiinea itreat drnwsinra j "'k. .1. 1 all Way I', .nil..
iii,,r 1I1, re i. severe ruin in the si.'-.e : the skin, .e I'.iiim ille l H13 A. M.. and I SO P.
and the white of the eyes become a arvx-ni.h yellow :
... . L .; 1 . t - 1 1. . ... -i -' ,
me ninmacn aciu . tou uiti-! ,'tv iu mc ioiicu;
the whole system irritable, wilh a trndciicv to lever,
which may turn to bilious fever, biliuiu rolie, bilious
diarrhmt, 'dysentery, 4c. A medium do.e of iliree
or bmr Pills taken at uiht, followed by two 01 three
in the morn 111 i, aud rv.eated a few duya,wiil reuu-i l
the ciiiim of all Iheae tiuublea. Il u wicked to soft, r
iurh poina wheu )oii can cure them f'i 23 i-enu.
Itilat MrtM, liuiT, aiiil all liummut 'y r
ren ara rapidly cured by llie pnnf hif rtlccts id
tbew Pill upon the blood and Ibe atiiuubis whi, Ii
they a'lbrd to the iital piimtplctif l.ile. tor llo -
and all kindred roiuplainht they th-mbl l l.,l.i 11 lu
mild doM-s, tu mole the Imw,-I ueutii , but fin iv.
Asa I 'IN Nua Pit L, thu 1 both 'aju-ealdn a-ol
tivful. Xu 1'ill t-411 be made aioi .U hiiii lo t i,-,
bud rrtaiulv mmr linn lieen wuitn moio rite, to .1
Ihe puipuMt (of which a dinner pi.i i 1 iopl e t
l'ltKIMIti:l HV
IIC. J. '. i ll A '..,
rractioui and Analyticul C.umus,
AM) ahil 11 HV
K Id ty 1'jillng (liaiil, kJ Ii A V ,' r ,n
lf B U M.C.y ,.iiliu.WilJ
J V ('a.lw, aud l lliowv, UUtoU
J t l'IUU!H, 'I Mli'Ult 111
llr b a l a , all
l liIAtv . tll.tulk
M'l. lah -...
Vkfr 4 MsMHIuu l'tia4.
AaJ I'ualwss k.rr;ki
4M ll l
just bvx T
E. y.-brightY
T NVITK tlisr cirly ntfenfon if v
cliit.iera to tlii'ir cliuirn, vnriid am . f
aivo Hsortinint of l'KESII 'IJf'v ; "
GOOl.);) which ' tUy iifli r Kt rrtwonaMf!
prices. Our stock tfo!ifw.r-
A full Hue of lltindwrrtf Drts floml-t,
A. iu;c lot of Domestic l)rj CoodH,
A clmics supply of fine 'Wltit fjooJ),
A gri'ft ?riety of lloota nnrl Sltots,
A Itilc tUttk of (Jticcns nutl Glasswiirr,
A Very txU-n.i-.Jvf. lot of l!urihYiiri-,
Jliit.i ..1 t' etui lli-mly MhiIc CTotliing
GriKciuM of nil liimln, frCnU nnd pure.
Drugs i'niiit-t Glass ntifl Oils,
we imrifE"
);iitu'i;liir nt'iPtiiion fo llic fallowing liu of
OoodM, Biiitable for Holiday. 1'rcianls. ' v Heavy Il'uulit't Shawls,
French BlanUtt nud Broclic ijlinwl.4,
Hooscry for Ladies, Gents nml Children,
Ladies G lores in great abundance, ,
A complete stock of Gent j Gloves,
l'micy Shit ting nnd Opera Flunncls,
Assorted colors Balmoral Skirts,
&-kleton Skirts in rrreat Variety,
Zephyr Opera Cups nnd Nubitits
Fine Suble Furs and Muff-;,
Fine White Linsn llandkerehicf-s,
Colored bolder Cambric Hnlidkercliiefs,'
Real I'nndauiia Silk Handkerchief-!, " ' .
Ccnt3 Silk Xeck Ties nnd Crnvatts,
Fine needle worked Collars,
Super Black Love Veils,
Silk Tissues of nssorteel Shade,
Ribbons, Laces, Edgings and Ruffling,
Fine Black Mohnir Caps,
bhaivl Fins nnd Scarf Pins,
Perfumery, Pomades und Sonps,
Buck Purses and fancy Port Monaics,
First rate Skates, ready strapped,
Is'ice lluir Brushes and Pocket Combs,
Extra good Penknives nnd Scissors,
Childrcns Gum Gilded Combs, ''
&c, &c., &a
Sunbtirj, Dec. 20, 1803.
m a, mum, '
AXXOUNCKS to nil who trade in Sunbury, tha.1
he has just purchned n
I. AIN.i: MTl'K of woll S:crlcU
Which he otT-rs nt his old stand, near Covert's Iiotol
w est end of Market .Sijuure, very
Or if that will not do. just ns cheap for
o s: 'i' s: v b it i 1; : n
liis stook consists of n largo nisortmcntof
II. Vl'.-J. BOOTS.
I'A XT.'. fcO A P.
vi-:sT.-. liiupn ns.
pud other artinlve altogether too nunerem to nn n
Sunbury. January 3, 1S6X
Atlorijv nml 4"ouiiNclor i La at.
Office, Market street. 2 doors west of Depot,
".TIT.I, attend promptb y to the collection of claims
nnd all other professional bu-iness intnistwl to
his oaro iu Xorthuiubcrland and adjoiuins; counties. '
Sunbury. May it, 1SH2.
B.uck:tva:iuii V SClooiUKbur Ituil
nnd alter Xovemher 17. 1SC2, Passenger
Truiuj will run ns follows :
Freight iV
Le.avo pirnnton, A. M.
10.16 A. M
KiiiOTtou, 0 '10
11.40 1". M.
" Miipert, 11.. "0
' Iiniiville, 12.u.i
Arrive ut Xorlhiiniberliind. 12 to P. M.
MOVl.Nl'. XHItTll.
Lenva Xoithumbcrland, 0 2ii 1. M.
" Hiinville, (1.0(1
" liupevt.
" Kins-ton, R. 13 T.enve, i.HP.M.
Arrive at Scruiiion, lii.Oil P. M. 3.4U
A l',i..-cn(,'er 'J ruin niso leuves Kin-rt, n nt COO
A. M.. tor S-ranton, to eoime-t with a train for
Xew York. Jteturnin;. leaves ."vrauton eunnival
of train from Xew York, nt -1.13 1 .M.
'lite Lticknwiuinii t liloou..-bui'p: lta-ip-ft.l ennncta
wilh the liclaware. l.ackawauiia and Western ll.-iil-road
ut .-ranton, for Xew York and iiitcnucdiatu
pointa eiut.
t At Kiipert it eonneets wilh tbo Cnltawiva Tlail
ron I. for points both east nnd we.-t urrivin at l'Lil
iidclhia at ti.13 1, Jl.
: At Northumberland it connects w ith the I'hiladel.
phiii A- Krio liailnuid end X'orthern Central Hail
rouit. b r puiius west and south l'lisseiiarers arriving
' ut lli;rrisbur4 ill 1. M.; l'hiludclphia 10 P.M.;
; and Haltiuiore 10.20 P. M.
The 1 n-iuht nnd Piisaenj;ors Trnln north, leaves
X.iiih'jn.b.rlaud at (S.43 A .M , nnd arrives at 1
. M , pa-.-ins Danville at S.2U 1. M.
j ,1(111 N P. II.S1.EY, Sup't.
1 ,7. C. Wri t s, (Icncrul Tickut Agent,
j Xov. W, lrl'2.
! II-.iliiiir ICnilroHcl.
C1 M AT TlU'XIv LINK from (he Xorth and
f X.rth-West for Philadelphia. Xew York. Kead-
injt. l'ottsl ilie. In baivill. Allentown. K.-loB. Ac.
Trains leaie llnrrirhur- for Philadelphia. Xew
York, Jle:i lin n. Putist ille. and all luieriuediulo
Siiiti.-ic. nt A. M . uud 2 lu P. M.
! Xew i,.ik Ksprcnltaves llarriftuirat .1 13 A. M ,
! arriinnt New York lit 111 ';u the ai-e nuirnine.
l iuci, from llm rialiui : To Xew Vork $i li ; to
Philmlulp ii ;io and -3 el). Hajing11 checked
Ihrooi h.
HcV rninr. leave Xew Ymk nt fl A. M . 12 X' -n,
and s p .M. (Pi:i.buivh tprcsM.
Lcue Philadcl
t .da at K I j A M. uud i :'o P M
' Mi-coin curs in ibe Xtwtork Express Trains,
' M , (r Philajelpliia and Xew Yufk ; and at 4 M V.
1.1 1 '..1 a 1..
M . I r Aubiii 11 nii.l Port Clinton only, connection b e
Pin,- llroie an. I with lha Catuii Und lttad ; re
luiuii.j froiu It cn.l in 2 at 13 A. M , lr l'"iuille.
Auitciouiui.MUiiouPaMewger (rum l.-avi-s stadia
a: o .iu A M , and n-tiuus I'tutu 1 bUudi inUus tliU
P. M
t v ' AU thu aMVC train ran dully, ?en Uyt I-
A .-unbiv Imiu lean-. P,.ti-vitlu at T ot) A.M.,
and I'liilailcli hut hi 1 I j P. -M
Ci'jiuiuUii n Vil. :i ;e, r:, ...n, Vteursioal
Ti, i.ei., ul rv iu.-vil rate- o t.n I I'm. in b! Ajiitia.
', A Mt.'TM,
I I, -'.J ii,- ir .l Ml .-ll,iUi .Ival.
hoi.ouo .1111. st !,,
tlM'U- nt , ,-ui.liuiy, XjiiUua la
V bad .
('1 1 h l
Ui.l , I 1 in - I , 1. 10
u'ilv r 1 1 , Uu rn V'irr .-T'.in: t )
l i.l W ! 1 1 el n- il s.r l iul 'I' Pr
lii'W.i. . l ,.' .-il." t'ta I'.'Ult i biUStf .
;: 1 r. .,,, .ii! n.i.ia,.,. v. lUviwb, s , wdl fa
iuii 11. 1 . t at , mi.,tf
A 1 . I i. I V2
'I'm V-ri u Kiilll n r "! its .
4 IU
.1 1.. I
I I I t Mi l.l M I I M t In',., I,. 1. ,.
.1 l. I , , lib in a ! m . t., r 1 i .1, 1, 1 e
ail I l.a ltial tiu 114 lllv,.'o!..rii.ivu..l'
,. ii,.ilu.ol. wi1! nl .1.. m 1.1 U 1 it (-I. a, i
.1 ul ) Inn inn uii.'mt In tu ll u.iil 1. 1! a , , eti .r- a
1 1.. 11 1 i ul 1 I I I III,, .alia l.'t'fl ll a 11
..iM.t 11 1 it 1 1 I I .. , 4 ,1 1 . 1 a 1. 1 1 .1 IL j
laCStl lit 4 I 11.. I I ..
I a Ji'llV hi i i:AI I.
I' 1 i.t ... -I...I
. a-M ;i ii 1