H. D. MA8SEH, Editor ft Proprietor. (SI Mil 11 V, IA. SATURDAY, JANL'AUY 10, 180H. B. M. PETTENOILI, ft CO., So. 37 Park Row, New York, nd 6 .Stale ftreet, tloston, aro our agents fur the Si-jtnt nr AKFmtcA In those oil ion, and lira nulhoritcd to take Advertise ments nn Subscriptions for us at our lowest rates). Tlie gunboat Denton engaged and captured tho rcljel fortifications on Harris' Itlufl'. Several of her crew wcro killed, and her commander, Captain Gwinnc, was mor Lilly wounded. 2:if Yickshurg is one of the strongest positions now held by tho rebels, and has been fortiiied with great care and well gar risoued. Our troops and gunboats have previously made attempts to take it without success. tfcT" J. Stewart McEwcn, has commenced the publication of the Shamokin Herald, formerly conducted by Daniel Bower, now in the nrmy. Ve hope Mr. McEwcn may be successful. The Philadelphia North American says : Tho great corruption report, which last year astounded the whole nation, has since been shown up in its true colors, as a tissue of the most surprising misrepresenta tion of facts ever published in an official document. The men whose characters it attempted to blacken have nearly all vindi cated themselves in the most triumphant manner, leaving ns the residuum of real Valid nn insignificant portion of what was originally held tip to the w orld in such glaring style. "A r.oi.n doi.i.m! or a silver quarter has wcomt a jrretit curiosity. Kupgral xliittplns era h.ve taken theirplaees. Ucadimj (iaz, ttr 1ST" Gold Dollars, in this place, aresome imcj found lying loose, in the streets. A leighbor picked up one of these curiosities, reslerdny. New CorxTKiiKEirs. Bask of Midm.e owx, IViina. 10s altered: vignette on up er left corner, repioeuts a feumla sitting n a rock surrounded by a farm scene; por rait of tYushiiigton unit TLX on riylit :id. Hank of i'kns TowNsnw, I'hilad'a. 2s, . several ships sailing, bust of woman inj 2 on left end. Ds, altered ; vig. western steamboats; lower iclit, Washington, 5 above; lower left, Clay, above Farm Kit's Bask ok HeAPixn, Pa. 10s Hered from Is; vig. children sitting by a ree cattle near ly. Mechanics' Bask, Pittsburg. Br arc in irculation ; it can easily be detected by the ord '-five'' on the face of tho note being rinted greca while the genuine is printed l red. I'.smx Bask, Philadelphia. 2s altered, ig. Washington on a juare frame. L'sio.v Bask, Wilmington, Del. 2s on pper right two females titling by un ppcu ao.t, steamboat in distnucc. t i, 'Congress reassembled on Monday, iu tlic Miate. tiiions fur aiuendiucnls lo (be Iuli'rnnl evrnno 1-ivr were presented. A coiiinuiniciilimi nm th" So -rotary ul nar Unit n.j porsiui bad been iquired lo take mi mitli nni tu bring suit against the arises who arreted liim. A bill was introduced lo ix bank notes and nil fractional currciicv. A solution calling for names of deserters from the hit nine July I. ISiil. m passed, A rliiii.n f.ructin-r Ihe Military Coiiiiniltcc to inquire into le expediency nf consolidating tho regiments in Ihe eld to the number of 10 JO men cncli. whs adopted. In the House the bill lo abrogate nil treaties with lo Sioux Indians was pissed.' A bill was prmciitcd clining the duties i.l the Clerk of the limine, mi. I eclnring that ho shall not enter upon Ihe roll the line of any person claiming lo bo elected by virtue -f tho proclamation of any luilitnrv governor or commander uf niiy district which has' been ileclarod iu insurrection n.iitixt the t'nited .Slates, mid Unit only thoso presenting corlilic.iles from loyal Stales hall be so recorded ; mid that a quorum shall consists pf a mil jorily of those elected from the loyal (stales. Mr. Vullniidighain objected, and the bill was laid over. A joint resolution niurmiiig tho President's proclamation was ottered, but objected to. A bill was presented iirovidiuir a .State government fur Colorado. A resolution tu iiirpaise into tho cause of iue loss oi uic monitor, ami wtiolhcrsucu vessels can bu made seaworthy, was adopted. - m as i Oenehal Dill.! K TO oo i.vro Activk Sciu-irK iAiN. lienortil Duller arrived from New York, in obedioneu to tlic sniuiuons of the President, will bl once bu ordeitd b one, ,f Ihe u'lost thiukly iopu. (aled flavc distiiet.s of tho south, where ho is lo orauizu an Al'riciiu army wherewith to hold, occupy aud powew a chain ol posts guarding a most iiu portaut line of coiiiuiunication. It is believed Ihut tne work ussi'ned him. nhteli he is just tho innii to perform, will be 1 iiis mind, and thntliu w ill speedily lunketho proulnmutiou a living word to Ihe slave. Ouoev'b Law's Hook. 'i'he volume for 1863, of ii old . nd valuable iniijraiinc, opens iih a fresh nefo, vigor, and beauty even surpassing all previous years. How Mr. (iodey is tinaMed tonoeuuiplish this, with his larjfe support from Ihe ioulli tjiu off, and in the general depression of Ihe publishing business, wa cannot comprehend. The price of single suhscrip liuus is still Three iMllars. Tho 'Amerieau'' and Uodey llook, willbufufuished Ijur $4 iv iu advance Th Atuantic MoNtHi.v. Messrs. Tieknor t Kields, Ihe publishers of Ibis exponent of American Literature, have produced a very lino number for the new year. It is replelo with nintter of a very liillh order. Indeed wo Hunk there is apparent iii each rucccssh e number evidence of improvement. The choice of articles is excellent, (some of the pro ductions eunnot oc surpassed. 'o Knglisn magazine, of like character. iiipcriur, and several very much below it. Kvery American at all solicitous W the promotion of a standard literature of which he may not be ashamed, should read Ibe Atlantic Monthly', liostoo : Three dollars per annum. JLoral affiilvS. IV Cot T. Tho Court has been in sossicn this weik. Most itt Uic time wusueuupivd iu Iryiugerim' ease. fi? The late thaw started Ihe ice on the west tide of the river on Wcdncsduy night, but it was stopped next morning. tjf "Charles Mover, or fclinsgrovc, in Company D. ith Pa. Reserves, was badly wounded tp Mr. J. 11. Hall has been appointed Put Master at McKcs f Falls, vice I'hilip liilbish. --s- TJ-Rer. Mr. Itiley is huldinf a series of mt iogs la Use Multilist church at Selirigrove. Christisu Kerr, of Centrenlle, 8nyder county, bile at laUr ou the mountain, fell suddculy lifeless Aged 60 years. - i ii tJ'The Ntlluuia says, Caplaiu DavUj and bis sua Carluot arrived home on hunday nioroing las1 froui Washington. 1 heCsptuia U sloalv neovarioi aulwe bope will soon bo entirely well. V Thomas 8. Maekey, t.., Mt uf titt bUbly r.eta elti,in of Milloa, who held Ibe po eilioaof AssUtanf Awwi of this oulj, d u also Hupeni.tel.deul of ihf Uti Works, ia thai U rough, died ai hU rusidiuee ou taturds asuralu, Ihe 17lk ull ajed aliul ou yean. IV Wears In k'biod ia Mr. Peter Jiarsl, miiut f tbs Urane Yard at this pises, fu the fulloaiug M f liilefiaean durlug lb yai lee: rruw ibe livroM.b-Adult., II. CbllJrea, 4 Fruia tbt Cuauuy II IV'""1 Pv -U uuMweM of tb sapid afiread ( Ibis disoa-e la Wilitauuparl, the Te rouucil bave saiplor4 a Pbaiia nrrlaali ie ,k.jrer4f lyNiiir Dnw. The pamenper trsing now stop at the new Dopot at the corner of Illnckberry street, one sqnare below tho old dciot. The passenger rooms aro being refitted and will he read In a dajr a two. fcvTnE Itr. Tho cliangcnblo slnto of wcallior has prevented tho gathering of ice this season thus far, although tho rircr has beon froien over the second time. The prospects are, however, Dnwralle for an abundant crop., ty'Tho Teachers' Institute mot nt Northumber land, Inst wcok, and was well! attended. Tho pro ooedings have not yet reached us, but we learn from another source, that littto "Rare op" took place, growing out of a remark made by one of the teachers, Mr. Works, in an address, in which belaid, "Slavery was a disgrace to any Nutlon," whoa an attempt was mado to atop him, but without eflcct. Next morning Mr. Rehncnsnydcr proposed offering a resolution to expel Mr. Weeks, who, in return, grew" boHigoront and used tho weapons of Dudley Murray tipon the back of Mr. Itcimcntoydcr, without refcrenco to cadence or softness of expression, and dared him to offer tho resolution, but the chivalry of Mr. Rcl, niensnyder was not equal to the occasion, and think, big the "belter part of valor was discretion,'' the mat tor was dropped. Mr. Weeks is a rabid Rupublioan, but was backed, on this occasion, by thirteen demo, emtio members of the Institute, in addition to those of his own party. For the Suubury American. liCllcr from llic Snnbiiry Junrl. 1'OBT TAYLon. Kkt West, Florida. ) December 21, 1S02. Dear WiLvunr : Again at Key West. On Men day, December loth we left lluanfurl, P. C, on board tho Stcnmer Cosnropolitnn and prococded to Hilton Hood, where Hen. llraiinen enmo on bonrd to bid farewell to his regiment. Onpt. Oobin addrewed lij id (n a nent little speech, which Iho tlencral tried to reply lo. hut his fcelinjrs were loo full and tears were iri his eyo as ho bid Ihe ofd word, '-Uood Bye." The boys. gave him tremendous cheers ns ho left the vowel and the Iland discoursed twcU liiu-ic 'till he reached Ihe shore. Tho members of our regiment felt badly on leaving his command ; but thu assur unco that wc will soon bo w ith liim. in another de partment, make them in a better humor ; fur with him they know all Iheir wants arc cared for. and in battle thev Intro a leader on whom lliey can depend. On the paago down, wo ran along almost the whole coast ol Florida, iiiithcr a dnngernus ground, and tho rrcs are Ho playthings. We were jarred considerably by running on one. and not liking the sensation our course was ullcred lor the Uull'.Streaiii. We hod heavvsca all Iho time. 1 had often heard of -waves as big n a house," ami thought it wasa sailor's yarn, but I have seen 'cm. and am perfectly satisfied ; so now. not having a uaiiUcai turu of mind, I prefer our movements being done on lens firuiu, ami leave old iicptune to those who hnyo more desire for his better acquaintance. A neater chnncu of a shipwreck never took place than ours, find it was ouly through Providence that wo were si-ycd. The Cos mopoiitan is u good river boat, but to send her to sea. loudened with C. . troops is a tlmnie, mid looks ns though those in authority wi.-h to get clear ol sol diers iu another way than IhatTot battle. There w as soino sea sickness "on our passage; several of tic Ikivs "casting up their accounts on tho wrong side of the ledger. Vi e landed here on last innrpuny nt noon, ami im mediately imirched lonuiirtcrs. Compnny I. mid C, in l'ort Taylor. 1- and II. in Ihe old llamicks. and A. and H. in the new Ilnrrneks. Lieut. Col. Alex ander, with the other four cumpniiies proceeded to Tortiijjas, Col. Good Hiving eommnnd ol all the forces in and around Key West. Itur regiment re lieves the tUHh Iteginient X. Y. f. Yols. Col. Joseph Morgan, who will proceed to Jliltou Head to report to the Oeiier.il commanding. His advon have been severely criticised by the people, but, as it is in bad taste to say any thing against ones tiiprrioi-i. I mere ly mention, judging from the expression of the eiti lens. they were very gtnd of the return of the 47th Pennsylvania Yolnnlcors. Tho" l". H. (ionised .Sagamore" has lind good luck lately. ,':hc returned from a cruise on the llilh inst., having captured the Kirrlish sloop ''Ellen" and schooners "Agnes." "Ity ticorge' and "Alicia," all hailing from Nassau X. 1'. The two former were cut out iu India liver by It bout expedition from tho S.igiinioie. Tfiey had. i,oivi-er. previously dischnrg Ibcir cargoes, uoiiitsiiiig principally of salt, und weie waiting u return cargo of the ftoly. (cotton) when the boats relieved llieiu from further troublo ami anxiety 1 he "lly George" was sighted on the morn ing of the 1st. und after u short uhasu she was over hauled. Her Captain, in answer to "where bound!" replied Key Wesr, 'but being so uiueh out of his course and "rather di lieieut iu tho required papers, an oiiieer was placed iu charge in order that she might safely reach this port. Caigo Cu!:cc, Salt, Mcdiciucs. Ac. Tho "Alicia,'' cottou loaded, was taken in Indian river inlet, wkero she was nicely stovcd away waiting a cluar ouast. The boats ol thu .Sagamore also destroyed two small sloops They were used in Indian river, near lbipilo, by the rebels in lightering cargoes up and down the river. There ure about twenty more prizes lying here, but I was unable to ct thu names of more than tho following : Schooner "Diaiiah." assorted cargo. " "Maria." ' " ' Corse.'' " " " "Yelojity," " ' "V . L t heiter,'' sixty hales of cotton. Key West has improved very little since wo left, last .lime, but (hero is one improvement for which thu '.tilth New York, deserve n great deal of praise, and that is Ihe beaut i tying of the "heme" of dee'd. soldiers. A neat and strong wall of slono encloses the yard. the ground is laid ofl in squares, all thu graves are Hat and are nicely put ill proper shape by boards eight or leu inches high on Iho ends sides, covered with w hite sand, wiiileaheadaud foot Itourd, with lull namu, company and rcgimcut, marki tho lust resting place ot tho patriot who sucriliucd him, self for his country. Two regiments of Hen. Hank's expedition arc now at this phioo. the vessels, ou whieh they had taken p.issage for Ship Islaud. being disabled, they were obliged to disembark, and are now waiting transior latioii. They are the I.'nilh und KiVlh N. V. S. ols. Part of thu l.nilh are with us in Fort Taylor. Key West is very healthy ; Ihcyellow lever having done its work, tho people uro very much relieved ut Its uciutrlure. J no boys ot our company are till well. 1 will write to you aguin as soon as "Something turn i up." With respeuts lo friends generallv. 1 remain, i lours, fraternally, 11. u. v . The iilionH liicoriir. M'hen it is remembered, that Ihe proceeds of the sale of stumps, is hut a smull portion of the income to be derived from the internal revenue, wo cuu. from the liollvwiiu table, form some idea, of the immense income tho uution will derive from if! Tlie tionds of a nation w ith such an income, must be tho best secu rity iu tho world The following table shows the number and value of revenue stamps sold during the week ending Nov. 21 : cent Property, a.l.tU.iUO $.il.M!)5 tlO I ecut Express, I.oho.uuO lti.ttliu (IU 1 ceul Playing Card, Oiil.'iUO C.liii uo 3 cent Playing Card, 7'JNIIlio lj.'Jju 00 2 cent Hunk Cheek, 3.IHi.lK)il Ci.ll ID ou 2 ceut Proprieiary, 2,7.11,11111) ttj.VM 00 5 cuit Tdegruph, 67S HOD 17.JJ1U 011 4 cent Proprietary, i.'t;.7.i0 il.i'.iu 00 6 cent K.xpress, 2-'l Ml) 1 1 V.'Hl HU 10 cent Cuuiruet, ul.UUO 4,1(10 Ult 10 cent Power uf Attorney, Ms.iol) flo0 no 15 cent Hill of Lading, olll.OoO 61.000 oil 15 cent Island l.xchuiigc, 2L"J.jllO ot.t2j 00 20 cent Inland fcxehuligu, 2.1I.I.IM) 4ii.ll.'0 III) 2j ceut l.ito lusuiuuce, I02.IH1O 2i. juo III! 25 cent Uond, S2S.V5U 32.237 50 25 cent iiisuriinoc, i'2l,MJ) 80.325 00 25 cent Cerlillealu, . 4o'.',2l0 1 17,:il)ll (Kl 50 cent Lite luauiuucc, 55.25(1 27.025 00 50 ceut tlortgugc, 2i7.750 l;l.!75 do 50 cent Origiuul Process, lil.UOO 17.000 00 50 ueut Probate of Will, 205,000 127,500 00 50 tent Conveyance, 14 1,. '.00 72,250 00 60 ceut tuiry ol Hoods. 1:11.750 (i5.s75 00 50 cent 1'as.eujjer lickct, 1KI,025 Vil.il 2 50 50 ceut Boud, 114.5UO 72,20 00 1 00 Courvyauee, 207.000 207.000 00 1 00 Power of Attorney, 27V,ouo 27V.OUO 00 1 50 Inluiid ICxehaiige, 324.UO0 4o0,0o0 00 Uerikk's iie, 1,67(1 16 70 Total, H,5o,Wi c2:oU,l7J 70 ftile I'roua lairvM. Capk li.u K, Jan. 3. The Liverpool Joiirnul of Commerce say thu governineiil bus issued orders that tlie Alubuma alttill U warned from all UiitisU ports, und notice has been ven that if uny more UiitUli property it destroyed, tho go verameijt will ut oneu take sti ys to Uestroy thu AIiiUuiiji. Thu Shipping Gaetto conUttdiet tlii Hutemeiit, and uv: Ve ure auro the go vtriuntul will not coueider itaelfjuatitliti iu atoiiiiiiig ihe cruise ol thu Alulwiiiu." Tim Loudiiu Tiuiea, in an editorial, ridl ruU Jho idea that thu llritUh uoyeriitlieut liould lie held aecouuUbU lor tho tloinj-t oi tliu Alaliuina. Thu Timoa iiubliahe a letter from Maury bifuliial Preaiileut LloeoU. id W iili'tl i re- l.udUUn the idea of a reunion, lie aavi thu atiutb t tiui euipliei HiiUariui, ami aawrta uiai u vuMuuia retl'l at liarU aU!) uu ; rinu; i ties iiiontb uf July last er ureiUir tliau during tU biuua owmt f"r u yrar I prvviotiala, ' NEW AD VERTISEHRNTS. JUST OPENED! E. Y. BRIGHT SON, T NVITE the early attention of ensh pur chnsers to their choice, varied and exten sive assortment of FIIKII WINTEU W)OD9 which they ojl'er nt reasonable prices. Our stock cnibraces A full line of ITqndaomc Dress floods, A nice lot of Domestic Dry Goods, A choice supply of fino 'White Goods, A great variety of Boots and Shoes, A largo stock of Queens and Glassware, A very extensive lot of Hardware, Hats and Caps and Ready Mado Clothing Groceries of all kinds, fresh and pure, Drugs Paints Glass and Oils. . WE INVITE particular attention to the following line of Goods, suitable forjlolidoy Presents. Real Heavy Blanket Shawls, French Blanket and Broche Shawls, Hoosery for Ladies, Gents and Children, Ladies Gloves in great abundance, A complete stock of Gents GJovcs, Funry Shirting and Opera Flannels, Assorted colors Balmoral SMrts, Skeleton Skirts in great Variety, Zephyr Opera, Caps and Nubius, Fine Sable Furs and Mtifls, Fino White Linen Handkerchiefs, Colored border Cambric Handkerchiefs, R;;al Bandanna Silk Handkerchiefs, Gents Silk JTeck Tics ond Cravntts, Fine needle worked Collars, Super Black Love Veils, Silk Tissues of assorted Similes. Ribbons, Lace., Edgings atid Rudtnga, Fine Bhiek Molniir Cups, Shawl Pins and Scarf Pins, Perfumery, Pomades und Soaps, Buck Purses und fancy Port Mon.iies, First rate Skates, ready strapped, Hiee Hair Brushes and Pocket Combs, Fxtra good Penknives and Scissors, Children Gum Gilded Combs, Ac., &c. Sunbui-y, poo. 20, 1802. 'rfii: :n:iv.voHii T::iiii i:. 1863. Tke Nrw-YonK Tiiiri;ne. first Issued in 1841, now in its twenty-second vear. has obtained both n larirer and a more widely dilViisid circulation than anv other iiewsiperover published in Anu rii'ii. Though it has sufl'ered. in common w ith other journals, from tho volunteering and departure os lens of thousands of its patrons to solve in tho War for Iho I'nion. its circulation on this Ot li of December, lf02, is as fol lows : l'AH.V 5(1.125 Hkmi-U'eurlt K.L'.itl Weekly lls.tiOt) Afrrcirato l:t5.."76 Prceniluenily u journal of News and of Literature, TfiR 'i'ltiui'WK has jailitie tl convictions, which are well characterized by the single word Ken iii.ican. it is Hcpubliean in its hearty adhesion to thu great truth that 4,God has made of one blood all nations of men" Kcptihlicun in its assertion of the eiiuul and inalienable rights of all men to 'tile liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ' P.epublicun in its steal fast, earnest, delimit hostility loci cry scheme and ehorl nt the Mmv 1't.wwr IV.o U. Annc4lluD Of Ti-IMS to the great liehellion. to grasp the empire of the New W orld and wield Ihe resources of our country for its own aggrandizement Republican in in anta gonism to the aristocrats and despots of the Hid World, who fondly hail iu tho perils and calamities suddenly thrust niion us by their American counter part the ovorlhrow and ruin of the .Mislcl Republic KcpiiMican in its hone and trust, its laith und ef fort. Ihut this atrocious Rebellion must result in the signal overthrow of i; plotters, ami the linn eflab lisliment of equal rigbrs and equal laws throughout the whole extent of our country, wherein Liberty und t'liioii shall indeed be "one ami ii.neparai.lo'' hence forth and lorever. Tun TmiU'SK devotes attention in calmer times, mid lo some extent in these, to Jvlue.iiiou, Tempe rance, Agricultural, Inventions, and whatever el.-o nay minister to the spiritual ami materiel progress and well-being of mankind , but fur thu present iis energies und its columns mo mainly devoted to the iuvigorattoii and success of tho War for the luioii. Its special corresiwudents accompany every consid erable army and report every imirtaiit incident of that great sirogglo w hich we'lrusi is soon lo result in tiie signal an. I eomdusivu triumph of the National arms and in the restoration of 1'eace and 't hril l to our distracted, bleeding country. We believe Ihut no otherwise can a fuller or in'orc accurate v icw of Ihe progress aud the character of this momentous eonllict be obtained than through the regular pcrsual uf our columns. And we earnestly solicit Ihe oo-operaiion of all friends of tho Nntional cause, which wo regard and uphold as that of 1 nivi isal Humanity, to aid us in i-Aii-imiii i.n cirouiHlloll. IL'H.MS. The enormous increase iu the price of urinliuz pa per and other materials used in pi intini; ucwsimtiers. compels us to picreasu the price ol Tul 'i niui sE. Our lien teruis are : DAILY TRIBUXE. Single Copy 3 cents. Jluil u'jscniiers. one vear (nil issues) Js. t-L.niW Ir.l.hI.Y 11! Ill XE. Ono Copy, one year (1 04 issue.) $3. Two Conies, ono voeur. 15. Five Copies, one year, 12. Jen (.opics. vnc year, i22 50. An extra eupy will be sent to olubs of tweuty and over. WEEKLV TUIBl'XE. One Coiiy. one year (52 issues) $2. Three Copies, one year $j. Five Copies, ono year SS. Ten Copies, ono year S15. Eny larger nuinticr. aililrttaed to uamfi ut' nib- teriUrx, bl 50 each. An exlra Copy will be sunt to every club of ten. Twenty Copies to ono address, ono vear. 825. and any larger number at same price. An extra copy win oeseni lociutisol iwetuy. 10 elulis ol tnirtv TUB r-Eiil-M ELKLY TIURINE will bo mi gratis. AUUrcss TIIK THIII-NXK, Tribuno Iluildings. Xew York. When drafts enn be procured it is much s ifer than to remit Rank Bills. The uuiue of Iho Post-Otlice and estate should in all cases be plainly written. Subscriber who send money by express, uiust pre pay the Express charges, else it will be deducted Irom thu remittance. Dec. 27, IN12. fpreiisiMPfr'ai le:ii-iii-iil, .'Vorlln-rii I Ouli-ul ICiiilvsuy 4'oitiiiiuj, 1 Calvkut Station. IIaltimouk, lieeeuiber I 'I. 1M12. ) NOTICE Is hereby gi en thai on Ihe 1 5lh of January. ISti.'l, the Northern Central Railway Comiany will redeem at the Rank ing-i louse of Messrs. J. h (ill. T1XUS i CO., iu this cily Ihe ROM'S of said Com. panv, known as I'onlrnct llouds lor work done for Ihe Suuehaiiiia Railroad Company prior lo Ihe (lib Decemlier, K54." All interest on Ihe liomls above relerred (o will cease on Ihe 15tb of January, IHb.'t. Uy order, J. S. i.tl U, Treasurer. IirceuiUr 20, ISdJ. S-T-1860-X. llruki-'st lau(uiiuu IliiKrti. They purify, strengthen, and Invlgoiale. ?'hey create a bealthy appetite, hey are an antidote Iu ehange uf a ater and diet Hy oereuiuoedieUotduslpliou aud latebours Tliey slreuxlheolhvsyileiu aud euliveu Ihe mi lid 'I Key proxuil tuiassiialM aud inleruillleul fevers, l liey purity Ibe broalhaudavidiiyollbe sluiuaeb '1 bey cure lvsria aud Cotisliputlou llivy cure li'iariiiea, L'bolera, and Cholera Mor bus They euro Liver Cumplaiut and Nervous Head ache. They are the beat UilUirt ia Ibe wnold They wake Ihe weak suaa strong, aud are exkMulwl aaluie e real rsiuvr 'Jury are made u puia til. L'ruis Ruas, ibeeelebraied Calisaya Rark, ruots aud berl, aui are lakea witfl liis peau uj'a btvorsK. ia ills out regard Iv a or Uuia ui day pailkuavly ouuiiMbudv4 W UuiuiaUi peisous rvomrUif a ute MlUiulsot. Quid If all (ir eers. J'lorJ.u, lutls aud aalooui 11 I'll Abb CO , U Rioadaay, b ofk For Trio! in t?ie C'c'l'f "f Common Pirn of Artiitnitcrli'iid Count it, January Term, A. I)., 18(13. rrnnltlin Fou"i. v P.irah Foust'Jiilow et nl, Win II Prymire. Ac. vs John Jllllor, In the iMtitlor of Iho report of Special Auditors, upon thn Account of J. Voiing, formerly treasurer of NorthiimbttrlaDd County, Amelia C Clumeut's Adm'r Ao. vn Ilonry Weiso and Rail, Win L Uewart and E Y TIright ts Ira T. Clement, Henry 'J hnrp vs Northern Central R 11 Co. Hcorge (J. W elkervs Peter Kerlin, Mary II. (Ireelnnd'e heirs ys Norlhorn Coutrnl R. 11 Coinpnny, s' Maria 0 Vincent vs .Tobri L Wnlson, llirnm Young ts Ira T Clement. ' William L l3ewnrt vs Charles W. ttegini' Adin'r,, Henry Sinner's Kxrs vs NnrMu rn Central Railroad, Smith. Selt.cr A Co v (). W. Raver, Thurlow lluglis i Co vs iSutleu, Marr sv Co., Charles IHiiiinig vs Charles Jleekcrt, Peter Kerlin vs (leorgo C Welker. Mary Jenkins vs Reaver. Geddis, Mnrsb Co., Knty Stnniiu tor use of Kissinger vs John 1' Wol- fiiiger, John 11 Packer cl al vs Thomas Baumxarduvr nnd WHUoiity. .1 H R llohncr vs Solomon I)ell, Reates, Jacob A Miller VI Aaron AVolf, Charles Kra-h vs Lewis II Vunk. John II (ireelnnd's heirs Vs Troyorton Coal ubi) Railroad Company, A W Creamer vs Jaiuos 11 Rico, William Fry v Cnspcr Adams. Samuel M Miller aud ChrUtinn Wolf vs James Vandyke. George W Aakinsvs Robert Dntesusan, . . stimo vs J R Ihilesnifin, Isnnc Marta and Slary for nso of Mary Marli vs Sol' onion 11 Boy er and Win Wert. L C Thompson vs Susquehanna Coat and C t Company, sauio vs Itreen Ridgo Imp Co. E Elliott Co. vs Henry Haas, E Y Ilrighl 4 Son vs Lliiabethllsmon, A Osmon,Agl. Henry Haas vs Ueorge (loul, W and I iV (iouglcr vs Peter W dray, Andrew M Enstwiek vs 1) C Cleaver et al, M II Eberhart vs 'i'lios Cuiiunings, Chrislinn Wolf vs David Vnldmu, Aaron Wormr,er vs Jiwrph Moist, Charles Reek vs John li Welsef, Joseph P llngno vs Joseph Ilolhipetcr et ai, liamcl Cramur vs Jos .'ph llullopcter ot al, Peter Scheflcr vs same cl id. Catharine Pcifer vs Jonathan ruii1;c!borgor, J II Hurgetl. for use 4c. vsJohn C. Ueokert, Daniel Druckemiller vs Rnrbara Wciscr's Admrs., Cyrus Rrown vs Wusliinilon Stroll, John A J Cummiugs vs It eorgc Rlain, W W Persing. dec d. vs John Ncwmnn and wifo, Stephen Ilitienliendtr vs Charles P lielfcus'.oiu, A P Larke vs John F Caslow etal, K R Miller vs Charles Reader, Clnis E Morgan Co vs l'orlor A Dell man, Nathan Shipu vs Joseph Coiiriul. Rank of North d Endorseo, Ac. yt B Cjcarhart i. Co., with notice. Ac. snme vs snuia Rank of Middlch.wn vs Samuel Wicst, Surah Crothers vs Joseph Faust's Adiur. Margaret Faust va same Susan Conrad's Exrs vs Joseph Conrad. The first thirty of Iho ubovc slated ca?'S will bo for trial the first week and lo bo ready en first Mon, lav of Iho term, and the balance for Iho second week. DAM Kl, RECK LEY, Prothy. Proth's Office, Sunbury. Dec. 20, 1bo2. lCemliiir ftniiroiid. WINTER AKEAKG2MENI. CREAT Tlll'XK LINE from the North ami J North-Weal for Philadelphia. Xew York. Head ing, l'oltsville, Lebanon. Alhoitown. Laston. Ac. 'i'raius leave ll'irrishurg f.,r Piiilsdelpbia, Xew Yrk, Reading. Pottsvillc. nnd ill liiterine littto Stations, at S A. M.. nnd 2 I'O P. M. New York Expresslenvc Harrisbur-r al 3 15 A. M., arriving at New York ut 10 oil the same morning. Fares from llarrisbur:; '. To Xew Yoik 15 i l Pblludelpbia $'! 5 nnd f2 bl. Da:;gngo cheeked througn. Rctnruiiig. Icnvo New York a fl A. M.. 12 Noon, aud 8 P M. (Pittsburgh Expic-s). ' Leavo Philedel. phia at S 15 A .11. and 3 :;o P M. Sleeping fin iu the Xew York Express Trains, throuirh to ami from Pittsburgh without change Pusscitgers by the Caltaw issn Rail Road letive Port Clinton at 5.I5 A. M.. for Philii. and all intermediate Stations ; and nt H.25 P. M., for Phlliidelphiu. New York, iiiid all Wuv Points. Trains leave Potlsvillc at !l I."i A. M.. nnd 2..'10 P. M., f.r Philadelphia nnd Xew York ; and at 5.W P. M.. for Auburn and Port Clinton only, connecting for Pine 4rove and with the Cattiiwissu Rail Road ; re turning from Reading nt 8 15 A. M., for Potlsville. Anaceonniii'lalion Pnsscng'T train leaves Reading at (1 .'iO A. M.! mid returns from I'hiladi lpliia at 4 SO P. M. I lr AH tlie nhoyc traius ruu daily, Sundays ex cepted. A Sundav train lenves Potlsvillo ut 7..10 A. M., and Philadelphia at '.!.' P. M. Coiniutitation. Mileage. Season, aid Kxeiirsion Tickets, ut reduced rates lo tuid from all jsiints. (I . i NM'Ol.l.. Dec. 1.1. 1HC2. (ionernl f-tipe'rime'idcnt. I;icK:ixt ititiui A: (-Iotiu:kii---, ISnll road. t i ana alter rvoveininr 1,, jh2, raa'cnger Travis will run as li nw : iUL'Til. MOVING Frthht If I.cavo Fcraniun, S.nt) A.".M. Si. 2;) II.:;o in. i a a: " Kingston, " Rupert. " Danville. 11.10 p. 12 05 Arrivcut Northundicrlniul, 12 45 P. M -MOVIXU NORTH. Leave 'orthumla:rluiid, 5.LM P. M. ' Danville, C.eft " Rupert, li.:t5 " Kingston, S. 15 Leave, Arrive nt Scrantoii. Ill nil P.M. 15 P.M. lo A Passenger i'rain also leaves Kingston nt 8.0(1 A.M.. for Seraiiton. to connect with a train li,r Xew York. Returning, leaves S,-rautou on arrival of train from New York, nt 4.15 P. M. The. Laekiiwanuu A lllonirsbnrg Railroad connect' with the Delaware, I.ucknwaiina ami Western Rail Mad at Scranton, for New York and intermedial-., points east. , At Rupert it connects with the Cntlawissa Rail road, for points both cast and wcstnrriving at Phil, iidelphin al U.I 5 P, M. At Northumhciland it connects with tho Phioelel phia A Eric 'Railroad and Northern Central Rail road, for inls west and south Passengers arriving nt H:irrisbiirg4.50 I'. M. Philadeli.hia 111 P. M.; and lliiltiinore 10.211 P. M. The Freight ami Passengers Train north. lenM-s N'orlhiinibci landat 6,45 A l , and urriyea at 11.20 P M., passing Danville at H.2H p. Al JOHN P. ILSI.EY, Kup t. J. C. Wt:i.i.. (ienernl Ticket Agent. Nov. 2D, lNi2. Xortlicrn CiMitr.il liuihviiv ! i i i:it Ti.tn-: t iiii.e:. TWO TP.A1XS DALY lo nnd from Iue Xnilli and West Rraiieh Sinspuchuiimi, Eluiira.uud all of North ern New York. ON and utter MONDAY". November 17th. l-2. tho Passenger Trains of Iho Northern Central Railway will arrive nt und dvpait lVom Kunbury. llurrisburg and Rultiuiore us follows, vu : SOl'T II W A K D . Mail Train leaves Suubury duily (except Sunday). 1 45 P. M. " leave liarrislMirg. 5 20 ' ' " arrives ut Rultiuiore, 10 20 ' Express Train leaves b'unburv daily (except Sunday,) ' 11 20 P. M. " leaves Huirisbtirg (except ' Monday.) 2 45 A. M. ' arriies ut Raltiuioro daily (except Mooduy). 7 M A M. Mall Traiu leaves Daltimoro daily (ex cept Sunday) " leaves ilurrisburf " arrives at Sunbnry, Expriu Ti'iiin teavi Raltiiuore daily ' arrives at llarrishurg, " li uves llurrisburg (except Moiitlav). 14 arriv es at Suubury. For further information apolv al lb 8 .'to A. 1 15 P. 4 50 8 411 P. I 50 A 3 20 A. 0 20 " I 'llic I. N. Dili A KIM , Supt. Nov. 29, lsa:. Mill a v nii:i:hn iii:iii-it. (A.MK to the premises of the fubscriber, iu Mount J Carmul township, Norlhiiuibrlandeoiiuly.alKiut Ihe 1st of August, three stray Steers. I lieu uhoul 111 liioulhs old. Two ot Iheui are dark browu color, aud theother sHtled. Also ut Ihe auuie lime and )duee, eame lure stray lleiDeis, ri.l, )me and -j;ic.l, aud also about Id mouths uld Thcowin r or owuets arereiuesled lo call and establish tlicir claim lor said cattle, pay charges and remove the same according lo law. ENOCJI 11. col.E. MtCarme! Iwp.. Nor. IS, IW 2ia 'I'b) I'vlil'essioua Ittstl l'.erl.'ii'- t uu luiulltl. 1)1111. ISRID for the beoeSt ami V a warning 1 anl a eauiloa lo youug uieu who sutler Imuu Nvrvus Debility, Premature Dteay. e ; suplyii.i( al Ihe aaiii lime Ihe uieaus of S. Il l ire. liy ,,oe abo bas euiel hiuuvlf after being put lo gr.wl . I.eus IhiviiKh airdical iIuHiiU4t aud iiuuekery ly eueluiuii poM-aul aldrd eutvlipe, tiiigle "plus lua be had ol lite aula-. Mill AMI I. al A i F A 1 11 , l'- . RvdlKd, Ktiiv' Co . , Y. March l, lanJ -ly lsworlUH la larra) !' tttl T u. UK Kill r IsON lusius allealo la Ife.if M4k o Prliae Ureas aa Hlaeb Taa saai-vy, lasss U bati I'.tl.l. a.u lvi i'Kie nrv t.:s or MILUNEKY (iOODS!! Ilifis M.. 1j. GtiRslor, Fatcn Street, tt.-d doom toiith of the Shartlm Valley if X'oltfviU Railrottfl KUN'Bt RY, l'A.,' HAS Just received from Philadelphia, and opened at her store, a largo nn-J r-plondid assortment of the most fashionable aud latest style of Bonnets, Ilats, Shakers Trlmmifigi &o which she Is selling at the most reasonable prices. LADIES' DRESS CAPS, to which she dircols Ihe. attention of the ladies, and invites nil to call and see (hem. HOSIERY. GLOVES. MITS, COLLARS, II AX to- KERCHIEFS. C0MR3, Ac, nnd numerous other articles for Indies' Treat, to which she invites tho ladies to call nnd iximilno beloru purchasing elsewhere. Thankful lor past patronage, she hopes by keepinR the tKt assortment, lit reasonable prices, lo continue the yimo. Buiihury, October 25, 1SB2. 3m JACOB O. BECK, MERCHANT TAILOR, iUiirlii-1 I !, Hi-urly opposite lias Itit'jl l03il Iks-pul. BUNBTJ "R.TT , PA., INFOHMStho cilijen? of Sunbnry and vicinity, that he ha; Just returned from Philndclphiu with a full ussortinei.l uf I'AI.I. .St WWTV.tt (.OIIKS, OF EVKHf DES( IHPTICV AX!) QI'ALITY. His slock consists of Cloths. 1'renrti Cloths, lllack Doe Skin and F.iney t.'assiun res. Rlack S.ilin. Figured i Silks. Plain and Fancy C issitjiere VI.STI ivhich ho will make up lo order in styles tu suit the lns:o of customers, on short notice, and thu most reasonable j terms. j Any Uonds not on hand, will bo furnished from ! Philadelphia, by giving two ditys' notice. (ioods fiirnWicd by customers will bo mado up to order ns heretofore. As ho will enndovnmie hut experienced workmen, f arsons may rely oil getting their work well done at j lis shop. . ! Thnnkfui for the pntronagi heretofore bestowed, j he respeellully solicits a continuance ot tho sum. Kiinliury, October 4, ItioJ. 600,000 ""iV" LLOYD'S NEW STEEL PLATE COUNTY COL ORED MAP OF THE UNITED STATES, CAXAPAS, AND NEW RIUXSWICK. From re-cut surveys, completed Aug. 10, 1SC2; cost 2IU!WI to engrave it. nnd one year's time. Superior to any 10 map ever ma. lo by Cnltnn or Mitchell, und sells nt the low price of fifty cents; .'170.0110 names nre engraved on this map. It is not on!v n Couiitv .Mno. but it is also a COUNTY AND' RAILROAD MAP of the United S'ates nnd Canadas combined in ono giving every Roailroad Station und distances be tween. Guarantee nny womnn or ninn ?;i to $5 per day, nnd will take buck all maps that tan not bo sold und return! the money. Send for Jl worth lo try. Primed instructions how to ennvii.-tswc'il. furnished nil our ngenis. Wanted Wholcs ile Agents for our Mat s in (V. ry Stale, California. Canada. Eiu-liind, Frnnee nnd Culm. A fortune may be inndo with u few huudrcd dollars capital. No com pet i i inn. J.T. A.LOYD. Nn. lbl liioadw.-iy. New York. The W ar Department uses our M'np of Viiginin, Maryland, nnd Pcnnsylvimia. cost SdiHUIfM, on which i; iniirk- d . nliet.ini (.'rei k..liurp.-lnirg. Mary land llighls. W illiiiinsis.rt Ferry. Khorcr$v ille, No Intid's Fold, and all others on the Potomac, and every olher place in . Maryland, Virginia i nd Pcnnsylvimia. or money refunded. LI.'A D'S Topographical Map of Kenliieky. Old.i. Indiana, and Illinois, is the only luithorily tor (ieu. Hucll mid the War Department. Money" rcl undid u uny one finding an error in it. Price ViO cents. From tin Tribune. Aug. 2. 'LLOYD'S Map of Virginia. .Maryland, and Penn sylvania. This Map is very large ; its cost is but 25 cents, nod it is the best which can be purchased.' LLOYD'S Croat Map of tlie Mk-is-ippi River From Actual Surveys by Cnpls. Hart and Win. Iknv vii. Mississippi River Pilots, of St, Louis. Mo., show s every mini's plantation and owner's iianic i'mui St. Funis to the Unit' nl Mexico 1 li'iO miles eicry sand-bar. i-land. town. Inniiimr. mid all places Si miles back from the viv. r colored in counties ami States. Price, jil in sheets, f.2. pocket form, und ;2.5li on lin.-n. with rollers. Rc.idy epl. 2o. NAW Dl'l-AllTMIiNr, WakiiisutoX. Sept. 17. 111'.?. J. T. Lftivp. Slit : Send me your Map of the Mississippi itivr. with pi i.-e per hundred cupic. Rcar-Aduiiral Charles 11 la is. commanding the Mississippi ft'Uadiou. is authorized lo purchase as luauv as are restored for lis,, of Unit s'jiiadron. lilDEO.V WELl.S. Secietary of the Navv. October II. I N'.2. i;: -v or.B iv. '4i!';:. SI li.-'Cli I PTlo.N AliEX f At JAY COOKK & CO., Bankers, 11 1 SOUTH Til ! Ills STREET, Philadelphia. Nov. 1. ltV.2. Tiioiiiidersigned. having lo;cn appointed Subscrip tion Ageut by ihe Secretary of the Treasury, is i.ow p,reparc'i to forui.-h, at once, the NEW TWENTY YEAR 0 l'EU CENT ROXDS. of the United States, designated, n'Five Twenties." redeemable at Ihe pleasure of the ilovernnient. nfter five years, and authorized by Act of Congress, lip-pro-, cd February 25, ls.'2. The Coupon Roods are hs'ited in sums of 50. $100 pjdti. t Inuii. Tin- R.vgi-ter Ponds in sun s of f5tl. flOO. S500, flnntl iiu.l f Innil. Interest at Six percent, pornnuuui will commence fliu d ile of purchase, und i;.' PAY A RLE IX (I OLD, Scmi-Anmuilly, w hich is coital, at tlie pte.-.ent pre mium on gold, lo about Eiglil per cent per annum. Fanners. Merchants, Mechanics, Capitalists, and nil who have any money lo inv est, should kuotr und remember that these Ronds. are in ertect. a First Mortgage ii)Min ail Railroads. Canali. Dunk Stocks and Securities, and the immense products of all tho Manufactures. Ac , sc.. in the country ; und that the fail and ample provision made for I lie payment of the interest and liriiidtiltou of principal, by Customs Duties. Excise Stnuis and Internal Revenue, serves 1 1 make these Roinls Ihe Rc;i, Most Avuiluble and Most Popular Investment in ll'.e Mai Let. Subscriptions received tit PAH iu l egal Tender Notes, or notes and cheeks of banks at par nt Phila delphia. Snbscribcis by until will receive prompt attention, ami every tuciltty nnl explanation will bi- utforded on npplicr.tiou ut this eilise. A full supply ol Rends w ill be kept ou huiidlV r immediate detivcrv. JAY COOK E. Subscription Ag.iit Nov. 8. ISW Mm Nl "-tlll'HV ' A4'Aii:.fIV. HIIIK SI'Xi'l RY ACADEMY will be opened on 1. Ihe fnt Monday of Xoveiulicr, ltii. tuition-pi:r vuautek. Juvenile scholars, English brunches. Sciences nr.d higher Miitheniulic!, $2 no 4 M 5 (iu I.unguagcs, ft on M. RHODES, Principal. l'AMYl;ri.s! J (HI X F A RE IRA. No. 7IS Arch Street, be low Eighth, south side. 'PHILADELPHIA. Importer aud Manu facturer of, and Deal.r it, nil Lin. I. ,.l Sur.bury. Xov. 1. lsr,2 IMM V I' I' ICS ! B5y? Furs, for Ladies' anil t()',v i-. V"' - Children's wear. nff"k'iv5 ' I desire to say to my 1i,v:3AV,T fiiends of Suntuiry ami i f rV surrounding conn--r2J-e--- ties that D have now in ..i ,i... I,.,,.,., T-J,f .-r--- and inosi beiiulitul us aortineiils of atl kinds and qualities of Fancy Furs. Ladies' and Children' Wear, that will be uoin dur ing Ibis Fall and Winter My 1 uts were purchusud iu Europe., previous to the rise iu Sterling Exchange, and tlie New Duty IuiMised ou all Furs, iuiiorlcd since (he tul of Au gust. I would also state, that as my tok lasts. I will ofVcr it al prices iroiuriioiitiif lo wiial I lie goods eo-t me ; but. it will be impossible for uie lo Import and Manulaeiuie any li.oro Furs, ami sell ilu-iu at Ihe same priens. u iug to Ihu Ul..'.attli-d statu ol ihe u'iaiis ol ihe Country. I Itemciuber Iho Hants, number aud s.iooi JOH N F A It K i l( t . 7IJ Ar. li Street, Philadelphia. September 1.1, mi2 wm k4l.4MI4A II tl. 14 ft. Vlfwi-w.'t) nl I m y , Suubury, Nuithuuihe lsii.il eouniy. I',unylk ania- (Formerlv Frveburg. Mivdur rouuty ) OFFICE. Market slreet. uus d.sw vad uf Filling llrunl's Snrv. ami uearly op.o.-ns tlie d urt lloi s. All aoUauiiial butuva, collections, ae , a ill re ceive ivoiui4 ativuliiiU- April II v,J .wwilsr l.tii.tlxrl I'll 1 1.1 H SHAY, Money, Lyeouiioi to. my, Pa , INroKMn) bu Uiradsaad ibe l-ubliv lu genrial, thai be eoualaully k. ou kaiij lioards. Sinulw, Lalb, Joissa. e -d all kinds ui l.auibei as4 btfdditig ..kwial, wbleb K UI tatl al lb !'"' lira bias JO, tsaH. c-rl m waft fit i UMivwwsiiiiiwiiAiliWiifM'iisTr,www CATHARTIC PILLS OPERATK by their powerful Influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood mid stimu late it into healthy action. They remove the obstructions of tlie siomnch, bowels, liver, and othei orgnns of the body, nnd, by restoring their irregular action to hcnltli, correct, wherever they exist, such derangements ns ore Vm first anes of discern. An extensive trl of their virtues, by 1'rofeisors, Physicians, and ratients, has shown cures of dan gerous diseases si most beyond belief, were they not ulistnntiated by1 persona 'of such exalted positing nndcharactrr as to forbid tho suspicion of nulniili. Thiir cerjiticafea are published in my American Almnnar, which the Agents below named lire pleased to furnish free to all inquiring. Annexed we give Direetimn for their use in the Commaints which they hnve been found to cure. Fou Costive.nkss. Take one or two Pills, or anch quantity ns to (renllv move the bowels. Cos livencsa is freriicnlly tfie aggravating cause of Pii.f.s, and the euro of ono complaint is iho cure of both. No person can feel well while tinder a costive hnbit of bntly Hcnco it lliould be, as it can he, promptly rclirvrd. Fon DvarKPstA, wlneli is sometimes, tho Mtto of Coslivenes, and always uncomfortable, take mild doses from one to four to atinmlntc thextoninrh nnd liver into healthv action. They will do it, nnd the hearthum, boriihw'it, and inulbimi of ilvspepsia will rapidly disappear. 'When it has gone, don't forget what cured yon. For a Focl Stomach, or Mtrlld Innrtinn of He Botceh, which produces general depression of tho spirits and bud health, take from four lo eight Pills i at first, nnd smnller doses afterwards, until activity 1 and strrntrtli is restored to ihe svstem. For NmtvousNt-ss, Rick II Kvtuciiri, NAcsrv, Pain in thf Stoma h. P trl-, or S:r!r, take from four to eisht jiil's on poing to bed. If lliev do not oner' ate sufficiently, lake more the nxt rlrv until they do. These eomphuiits will be swept oitt from the system. Don't wear theso nnd their kindred dis- orders because your stomach is foul. ' Fur SckpfcLa, Ekvsii' i.sa, nnrf nil T!.fea!t of the Shin, .akc the Pills freely nnd frequently, lo 1 keep the Isiwcls open. The eruptions wi'l g.-uer- : nil y fioon begin to diminish nnd .lisapnonr. Ianv ; dreadful ulcers and sores hnve bec:i hetitrd up b'v the purging nnd purifying cl'ect of tiiese Pills, nnd some disgusting diseases which seemed to snturnte the whole system have completely yielded to their Influence, leaving the sufferer in perfect health. Patients! your duty to society forbids that you should parade vnurself around the world coieicd with pimples, bfotches, ulcers, sores, nnd nil or nny of tho unclean diseases of the skill, because your , system wants cleansing. i ' To PiMttrv the Ui.nnn, they nre the best medi cine ever discovered. They should be taken freely ! nnd frequently, and the impurities which tow tho seeds of incurable diseases w ill be swept out of tho 1 avsteni like chalf before the w ind, lly this property t'uey do ns much good in preventing sickness as by ! the' remarkable cures which they arc making evciy , where. , I.ivkk Complaint, J.vi'Xincr., ami all BUl-nn , 'x.'otts arise from some derangement rilher ' torpidity, congestion, or obstructions of the Livr.r. Torpidity nnd congestion vitiate the bile and render it unfit for digestion. Tl.is is disastrous to the health, nnd the constitution ts frequently under- j mined bv no other eir.ise. Indigestion is tlie symp tom. Obstruction of the duct which empties tho bile into the stomach causes tlie bile to overflow into the blood. This produces Jaundice, with a long and dnngcrous train of evils, ('ostiiencss, or nlteniately costiveness nnd diarrhrrn, prevaili. Feverish symptoms, languor, lov spirits, weaiiiicss, i restlessness, and melancholy, Willi sometimes in- ! nbilily lo sleep, and sometimes great drowsiness; i sometimes there is severe pain in the side : Ihe skin : and the white of the eyes become a greenish yellow j ; the stomach acid; tlie bowels soro to the touch j ' the whole system irritable, with a tendenev to fever, i which may turn tu bilious fever, bilious coiie, bilious ! diarrhrea, dysentery. Me. A medium dose of three ! or four Pills taken nt night, followed by two or three 1 in the niorninrs, and repeated a few days, will remove the cause of all these troubles. Il is wicked lo suit'cr Bitch pains when you can cure them for 2o cents. limu'vi vrisM.'tiot'T, and all lnfinmmutnrii V rcrs nre rapidly cured by the purlfvi;'.: e.Ucls of lhe.se Pills upon the blood ntid the .liiitt.bm which tiiev nii'oi'd to the vital principle of I.ile. F or the e , nnd nil kindred complaints they sht-uld be ta'vrti in i mild dosei, to move ,hc bowels gently, but fivoiy. As a Dinm.k Pit.t., this is both re:r. e.o.le ruid I iisefol. No 1'iil enn be made more pl.-n'.ant to t:i.e, ! iniu lertaiuly nemo bus been inane loore e.':i'. t:i::l to lite pc.i'po-.e for which a .lintier pill is cnli-yco. i ri:i:p.i;!:ii nv j rut. s. 4'. Ai rs: 'w .. Praotical end Analytical Citcaiif-t.-, ' LOWELL, M A 3 . , ; .Ml PDI.Il l!V Soldl.y Friling A (traiit. t.r l it A Cisiier. in Sunbnry, Dr. it. R. McCoy. Nor,liut,;hor',n-.J .T. !'. I'a-low. and C. Rrown, Milton. J. Christiian, Turbutv ille. llersh A Co.. Mt. Caniiel. S. llcr'.'-trcsscr. Elyslmrg. i'iest. Mnhonoy. Weaver A MeWilliams. Pnxinoa, And Dealers JK very where. August isi',3. jr iti n v.. i nil 4js i: w r'rt Rl'NXIXti STITCH SEWING MACHINE. IT is u practical, rapid, efiicient and durable Sew ing Machine, adapted to a large proportion of Family Sewing, or for inanuf.tetnring purpo-cs, and is highly oi nanicnlal. nnd is so li'ht mi l Mirtablc. (weighing less than one pound) that it can be conve niently carried iu the pocket or reticule. Ds opcrution is so very simple that it requites but a slight deirree of judgment louse it. liy tlie simple turning of a crank with one hand, and guidim; the work wi:h the other, i: silently yet ,vxy rapidly with a common Xcedlc makes the run ning stitch 'exactly like Hand Sewing only ti'iore pet ie"t and regular. it wdi Mem, (iath.r. I'.uf.le. Sh'ur Tin.i. Run up Prciullhs, eio wiiii a single or double iiirc.il on luiy material adapted lo the Running S:itdi. fmui t lit lightest and lhiunc.-t up to tno thlwhncs-,i.-sot'oriiii.i-ry .-iik or niii-lin. Tlic t'liones;. tistialiy the mos; dllVu ult l.l al.teh b.v other sewhlg Inaebiues. Iieil'g sewed the easiest. 1-or l:i. lies' and children's nppii rel, and other ariicles mado of lirlil fi.io'ies. it will thevefoie be found almost invalu. ;l.le. ! is attached to the t ilde like a scv. hv hirl. and having no tension, and risp-iring no liooieiiiion or elianire of stitch, i- alwrivs r"?tdy for ojm ration. :ird sii -h a lliarMl id'sinipli' ity fiint h obibi oi'si or eluiil years can undeitauil il iuinicdi:itcly, and use i: sii1.-ci-ssfiilly. It is not nt all liable loget out of order. Each tiinehiiie is put up in a neat Lo. invompn nicd with lull uutl explicit dirctini, ai,.l twenty five lieidles. Sent to nnv nddrcss in the I nitc.l Statis ,,n receipt of an order, inclosing the ai.iouul. or lony be collected by Express on deli, cry ol ibe no. l.'4ic Agents wiuilcd e.-rv ..here, to vi'hoiu tho luott liberal inducements will be often ,1. For puiticnluis. spei imciis of sew ing, etc.", pel. 1 a stamp for return s stage. Address, MvtK. Di.uoui.sr. Xu. 47-1 ItrondHnv, N- Y Dr 11 II. 11 vssl.it. Agent. .Sunbnry, Pa. Every Lady, Mother. Milliner and Dress-mnker ho.iid iiuve one ot these valuable aewiug Machines. l.to'lKT iMili it itoo.ooo toi.i i i:i:icsv.'i i 10 4 it 1 ii 't in: iii:i.g;i. 1. !- : 1 ! 1 same iiiiuiber of ers,ns aie also wanted to I wearllie Itun'lS nod Slh'I.S. 11 . b, icing umiiu- ttic-tured. liy the siiliv-riber. ol loe ;.i,t styles a:d be-t of luntel lal. iii: iug a bo gc s'oek 01 nia.erl.-.l. he w ill iiiuke up looidcr iti lite Lest workiat likr luiiuner, nil kinds of 4a-ttll-lll-EI II.IOlM mill SvllO, K, itl Slio.-w unit 4 nil. 'i-,, 4'liilli'iiM Klioi-K,, At'., sVs'., At si.orl notice, liu.lu? reioral ycarJ' experience he feels ei'iitideiil ol giving g.iterally sal 1-l.ic; 1011 lo , all who may give hiiu a cull. 1 All work uiust be paid f.r l.,f..r leaving the shop 1 when six percent will badeduelu.1 ..(1', -Call at lo. Nliop neatly 01. si-ite thu Court House, ill Mm kol Iwqiiaro. nn 1 escciluiii hi liw prices t.nd eaa.ututf Uu stuck u. tore purchasing else bore. JullX WILY Ell. Suubuiy, August t, So2 Cm 4 i:mii 11. 11011:1. 1011 N ti.i:. MMII-) well known Hotel, located lu Suubury. al the 1 luui lion ol Ilia .Vutlbeiu I eiural a ill. the nbu- a l.riu Iti ilroa.U. la okercl lilivate s.dv.M I T.ruiS ul sale kill ha suede cay. lor lul'Lcl iu- 1 foiiuull'4.. eiiquiie al tai olli.-e. Au.iusl If, Mull liiis-r-ll Ircrs., ur U41.1. pphi r nvinv ifiuaule I ! YI.EH AND I'YIllhVS I 1ST rtf. i v 'I ilir.s-1 fiva Ilia Maaufarliirar, at lee MMMUIU r-tOHr f , rKiiivo 4 murr I i.rn, IsWbU ) JUST HECEIVsir 1! T, I-I. ENG-EL tlas Jtut fotunual from rhilwJe'.pliia.wiib a up Spriug a Sumirier Goods., Ver 3lll., s-nr, Cloth, C.!imr.-, Vo-,iif.;r. DiiUrm Cloth, Linor, Cuatlui;, Linen Che. li aud (.'i.iu.nndo. l.snifs-ti Vciir. A lnro a'or'-Uirnt of Dress Cioo.ls, Jtiack and Fancy Silks, Silk Tissues, Fancy l!erug.A Sliulley. all Wool l'-iUuif, Misitobijue Cools nt low prices, t-iil: I.i.vcllns, Delanes, Lawns, Oinghnms and Vrints. A full line ol' Irish Linen nn 1 White Onods. Slolni bord. r an 1 Fancy Summer Shawls, Silk aud Lace Maotiila4, An P.eauy Made C'lotliiinc, A good iLuortmont of Hatj and C), A laro asorlment of I'.ools and hhoja, A full stock of r.rnucrit", Molaf -cs am; Su,:ir, Ilardivnrc and Iluilditig Material, A foil stork of ii'icon and (EaMWitxe A full alj.'k of Fi-h, Salt, f'il and White Load, A '.'o ge stock of New Wall Paper, A tic iv stock of Slono und Earthenware, AliI tbousands of articles not ennmeratol. CS"' All the above will be sold besj for Casli or Couutry rrojuoo j. u. i:xgi:l. Suubury, May IT, MCI. isrow opsiT. LI4MMOTII FURNITUKEIVAIIE; JIOUSB. MiO A Ml 4:fcout Street, llVrr Late I.T.VY C0'5 Dry Oood 3wre,) Fornerly 51M Wa'niut Street. Piiiladellihia. Au;ru-t 'ill, lsoj ,ni 1 . . . A NSW" AIID USEFUL AP.TICLB., KAl.UV, TiIOEEE ft COl'DEN'Si t Ki ll' lS.islint;' 4'Eot'ii's. Vj'rlttrr Siluple. Lcoiioiuictl. Durable, and is not Liable to get out 1 i 'I'r.Icr. The Feif-Ai'J.is'.iiig C! .thes Wrin;r.T. h; 1 re of the gret'lcst iiiii'tovcincni ot ibe ni;u'U ci;il. cemury. and lots only lo be known and tried lo come in'o :reueral m o-e. i ue s.ncin;; o: 1 '.ottirs. to j.rc-sin- out ti.e water between two liii lur lolls, iltst'-nd ,,(' c ri I "i i.j nr twisting, will iinio'iiit to . uongh i.l 11 short tunc, tOf pav f .r a iniediii.e il, i j otic ts awrrc. that tin' t". ist'ii,' or u ringina; .if elo! lies. i'. retches and l.i enl.s tlic f.bres ; but this maehiwo proses them so ev eiily. th.it a new -pujies. tie rocgli'.v soaae l. c.-in new iung, lenumi iiiei.anig It in the let.st, and il works so easily, that n child lvi Ivc years old can operate it o ithour trouble. Hot, water ilocs not injure the rolls, nnd woollen goods can be wi ling nut i.l boiling water to prevcut I'uliiug. wiiich c Itlllol be done by Inilld. . . Il, Stureuiiig. il i: iiivalltllb'.... e-pec''llly otl lll.'0 arlii-1.". Mte'ti ii l.ii'ii' s' Skirts. Ac . a. it leave" ttid starch in the chillies perfectly eveii. It will wring, the largest bed uuilt -T tin: sinalbx p..-kcl band, kerchief, drier tliau cm pos.-lbiy be dene by IimiJ, without nlliTiitiou ill Ic.-s than olie-eiglii the time The machine is so -iu. pie that it is id liable to get out of repair. The great iie.p'ovcmei:; in Ibis, every every other. W ringing Machine yet invented, is. i's Self-Adjust-ing airiiiigeiuciit reouiring 110 aliera'ioii. to wrin' luindkercbief or bid quilt consequently, the 1110-t igl lairaut scivalil cell oOMilte il. 'J'lic niae'uine is i.oiile of wood, mid so arranged, tout no iron enn pos-ibly v in contact with tho clothes, thereby avoiding nil larger of injury to iho elotf es, bv iivn n: t 'iiiis istlie linist simple nnd effcctiie t'lothiw Wring er yet invented. Those purchasing enn use tb.ui two weeks, and if Jiicy arc pot pcrtecily safisiicd. ro luiu ihem. and Ihtir nioi.ev will be reloui'icd Address L. E SM)W. I'liila lilhn. Or II. P.. M ASSEli. ut O r N'orthut icrland ea .Inly :, i2. IANHOOD; Ii B.'.isf! Rit.vv ki's.r'tl ! Jusl Publishcl. i i n Scaled Envelope Price cents Lt'''nre on ibe Xaitoe. tti ntnient and Itadieul ot So--nn:itorrl,,ia or Sei'i'ind W eal: 111 ss. Iiivoi notary Enii. sioi.s. Sexual Debility, and Impedimenta to Marriage .cti-ril ly. Xei votisiicss. Coii9i;niition, Epilfis-v and i'i - ; M-'td.il aud PIivienl IneapnciiV; le-nlii:,'.- from .-ell'-Abu-.-. Ac l!v lltJliMl'.T .) . ( I L l.ilV. FI.L, .M. 1 , Aii 'i.u-.ol theCrecn Bo., 'i In woil.l-rene" ee.l nii'. i'. in liiij iidiu'.rable I.e.v , lure. '. nt;.' pro, s I'ioiii his ..wo cypeiience th.t 11 ill eoie.'o.aclo c-i et Sel,'-:iieisc limy bi ctbeluuilv removed without medicine, and with, ut dangerous sitiL'i vd openiiions. bougies, iustruineuts, tings, or cordials, p inning Mt a mode id cure ut once cei taiu in: 1 ei'.Veiual. by whicii evi ry nillerer. 110 lustier what his coi.di:i"'i luav be. may cure biuisi li chen; ; I privately. 1111 1 radically, ibis lecture will prove a boon to thousands uud thuiisauds. I Stilt under s.al iii a 1 !..in emil pe. o uny a I. dress, on the receipt of siv cents, or iwu poslaa stauipj lo' adiiic.-slng. 1 w Dr ch.mu.e-ij. k:.if. 127 llowrrv. New 101k. Post uiiiecllox, 1M Nov. li, l.'-iiJ. ly ! SIMON P. WOLVERTOJS. . 1 Atloriic.v mill 4'tiu'los lit liWj ! Oliice. Market street. 2 thsus west of Depot, I HTJ-NllXJil-i;'. IJV- 1 ' ILL i ll'. i d promptli y to tin-edit c.iou of Osiirt I nod all ii'le -r professional hii-inc-a intrusted ta 've He iu Xordoiiobei'liiiid and u Ijoiuing eoutitiea. j . fri nbiiry. Mi. o, ls-i'-. i lIIilMSTRET'S . lu.iuiiatilt' Hair Ci'furii!vr. I IT IS Mir A DYE I lb. I rc'iir. . -fay lisir I its otiginul e .lor by supple ; ing Hie Cl. illiir.V lobes Willi in lurul swtenanrr. li I paiied by a'e .a- d,-wnse- All iii-tai'tuin'oii I'ys aie j (',ii i;ol ol liiioir oau-ii.:. '1 .si r,.y iu lheviu.!t.y 1,11 1 b ; ;ir v of 1 l,v hair, and afiurd ot thru scive. lu ' Jm-ii... ' l.ei "i.l I li iii.it .ble dduiing IH'1 01. !y .'r-loii In n I '."ii's u tu'al e .lor l.j un e. s) p-ucraa, bu' ui. e Ibe hair a 1 1.1 At HUM' ul ttTV. I I tolo-i' ' 5 ,' tf r.' I" (i.Vrl.i, 11 f.tm.r of. flhll , .iu s ,l.i')ot oil, sod in p.rv heat . I. stof pl'-sxflulnr ! I. Ihe le 'F ' Il bu. slo- I 'tie l I ul li.:i ti.'b,.' li s I oruutnl Hair I oloriii. t.lid ts e il.stal.tly iu i-eail( (iiil.V'.r. 1 svd b lio.n a' u'leuieu a. id l.d.' Ilia ad 4 I'.V all ropivlabli' lla.il. I, or r in Is' p;oVi.l t bv Ibcoi 01 Iho e.iliime.'o, U.'.'lll. D. iMl'Sl'4, at"- Hioadauy. X. . Mjo-i.''- -w c ut. ai 4 t He.oL.-r ;'...' Is-.J itt:nv uisi -i . C"" ll ih lJ .S (S.ls, II k'.;i i u, P v ll'IflS il il'iil. ia .Mi..-.o''. I'S rvi.tuse I 1 a.,1 a.ar l'slwn lo il CaM. Iv M s il a 1 d'S rioe l"l ,-io I'b.cs. 'd.. i t if.. . he-li.tl ' bo. nss ai !. ssa' of (itv.tu-1, bvl f. w. . a I. Us'ivl".'! I a