! 4 l;'k(MiS 0" AIM l It I I-vIt'iJ. -. r r-,u .rt-. f jr li...-. $: hve;, Sib:.-J t lt,.,,,UJ;:( ' ?- '' i;-ir , ' u.t iitjr. S O , .- :x rti..n;:.v i ". i I'llo V'-iT. 6 ,j,'. i l-' i Cur'if ,f .'. iin- c. pf; ne.tjoS,, a ('' Mt !i !' iii. MvertHi..- by tlv .. ')' wivi'i-itc ! in-oMUi,,; .lirVf. r'l l ' r't. i , k . 'i ;0 -- . i' . f -r- -1 hi I.. I.'fjU r 1 '' ! : i -. n b -,- rr.r. t : ' !.r h iu-rsiM. I.i. ;'T Ad . .a d-, i: f.lc ifl jif hgr'.xfn' .1 O " V H 1 1. i; ? .). -,V.. ' m-. i.'i.L'- : . ! .:!, - m .!"..'. i -- ''.''':!:, i 'i k,:i m Two IoLt AM per annum, to t fid h!f yearly ;& advance payor diwuntitiued uiitil all w toaragct are ynii. to dees : ". f.r oopirt to one aJdiTW, 5 00 fcevn do do If 00 liftwn do do . SO 00 Vir rvillftm. ia aJvaiiQc will par for three years' inbflcription to tho American. Club mtacriptinng mat be invariably paid in ad vance, and sent to one addrc.. If subaotribcrs neglect or n-ruw tu take their ncw papcm from the effuie to which they lire direulr.1, they an- reptiiible until tbey hava erttlwl tho bills and ordered them discontinued ' i'tntmajitera will plume act m our AftrnU, and frank leiters ecnlnming stib.scritiiu mmicy. Tbey ure permitted to do this under the 1'ost I'llice Law. PUISLISIIED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, BY II. li. MASSEE, SUMSURY, N0IITI 1 L! Jl IJ E I! LA N ! ) COUNTY, 1'ENNSYIiVANI A. NEW SERIES, VOL. 15, NO. 22. SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23, IM. OLD SERIES, YOU. 22. NO. 1 TKU.'VM OV TnK ''AnKKICAS." Ml A If flTn A Til ft in KJ t'rlltrnflon's IliiIMl'lpI!.-i 'om liicroliil CIli', N'. K. Corner rf Till nnd ( heftmit 1'hiliidi lphia rfllltS INSTITUTION', whiih wut iMtnMiMnd in 1 1II. and w ihw C(nff((iirntly in t Ti I SI ti ver rl il i'.i!iiH'i. immlier iimini'i it (tra.hintM. luin ilrede of the most fuccesriful MurchnnU mid llu.'incs Men oT our country. j The o'ljeet "f the Tn'itntifn if palely In attird j viung men facilities for lliorougli prepuration for j leine. ' The l.rnnche" lintslit nre. Il.n.k-Keepint;. a nppti- j njlilf to the VHrioiij department ul trade ; IVniniin- , fliin. tnith plain and oiniinieiitiil ; r unmeruiid Law, I Mathein.illiJ, N'aviiitien. Civil ICnjineeriin,, lraw in;. I'lemoi-raphv. and Modem l.nnirii:ipe. j The avftem of Instruction peculiar ; no cla-sei or let le-ni nre made use of. hut eath student is tuuirht i in.li iilimllv. ?n that he tnt'.y eomnienee at any time. : i.r.d a'.li nd whatever hour are mcnt eouvei.iei:t. CatahLttes are is-ned animully !';er the loth c.f , April, containins names (,f the student.- for the year. ' end full particulars of terms. Ac . and may ho ob tained nt any time by addres-iirf the Principal. j In ext'-n-ive aCL'onnn.'dutioiiT w idoprea't repntn- ti..;i. i:i"l the leiurtliy ii noe of the rrincipnl, thi- liwtituliou otVet facilities superior to any other in t!'e e uintt v. fur yo-.m men wi-liin to prei-re for lr.-i:! '-. Kiel to ol lain lit the aim1 time a diploma, v. : i ', w-il ji'.,ic u rei-vnoio-udii:: -n for th-. n: '.o u: y Mi rtointile lloe.-'e. I j I'ntien bi! .-: S-iie- ' f Tna'i- 's en Keeoinj:. now more ividclv o!r:i;Ii.ted tlotn any etiier im ric the u'U' ot. are f -r mile at the i!i z' S. ii.iil-!I. l.'l.rn l.'NUKN. Att .lll.y at l.lr.v IV'iuar.v S. l2- ly THE LATEST STYLE CF spnixa ASD SUMMER ' GARMENTS, AKi: l.'ON.-TA.S'TLV MAIi: AT Tttn rashionatie Tpilorirrr Estabii-hn"rt JACOB O. "Jiu-lsel Street. Sur.in.-ry. En. ii!!-: 1 l a sabs.Tiber has jna re-.'i', ed l l.ij opriad a as--irtiaei.t of Vl'llI.N'.i AM' M'MMJ.U CLOTHS, "i i: l.KY l-lIsCKll'TION AM' VAI.ITV Plaiti ana Fancy Casbimere-s, Vostir.p;!, &o. of tbe l iie4-! styles. T:i u.hiiiien tolas stock h" is 'ortantly r-.-a i-. int; new su plies tit ia the city, kefpintr a full ;:.-.-ur;iiient if the utf'st s n i: t i ,t and bite-' sty!.- of(i 1- ill the cit.V llllltkrt . lie is prcp.nsd tu iit:.!.i' to or.li r all jkiuds of i m ntli it - a-, tl Iloy'r- i :.r. ta.-ii us ! i;i:.'-.s CiATS. I IHil'K COAT.-:. Bl'SIXi:.S CHAT-'. Yi;.sT.-. PANTALOONS. Ac. Ae., i;f the ery lute-t style, nr,d in llie nio-t tub-t intitil ii.aiinei'. at slicrt noii 'e. a-y lioods not on ban I. n l.u funii.-hid fiitra I'l ii i'b-lt ti'ii. Iv givati; two dttys" notice. i !' '.ill ia., I examine r.tv sfock. N'o ch trce n. ., a. r s'a ..win-.:. " JACUli 0 I'.KCK. -try. March SJ. li i ts:;i:ii i'ATj;.vr I'lvi; .is. t"i'; r'iti:;:xi:i : As 1 1,.; r ,v.. l f .r ls.r,j and lhiiu. it; I l.l.TCIIAM 4 CO.. 2S9 l't-ailtt . New York. riTlfl-i oa'v Fret zer c -itructi d on scientific prin I ctp i- with a riv.-lvii-.j c-ili ri.d s p:-:i bliole Tii -r 'J "no ene hu'icr.s 'be fo'iingi f tho creaa. : 'I: -' T-,'i.io.-s it ws f,ii as fi-..;.,.n ' . :e rapid in f.-ocziiti:. wituthe least nia-ntity ; ... ,.-t e -oi-.oiiiical in co-t. us it L. ihe ittu. t : iutplo .- .1 '.to :.'!'. il: ctni?ti:re. i'.-i s-iii in all tie- principal cities nrd tow n? in thi. 1... i ri'-..-;er arc'-iupi iiied w ah a look o! rcr: li i.i: 1 t-,i t.-. l'l.hl..-' :' o't-ir's. I on ,rts. a: fio 4 f"i ;. no n on s fin MtLl.urv, I'i 1 1 il. l: M .'. Bi-ta:5';:i.s.s:it a iiovi:i;, yittorry nt Law, Sunbury, Ta , i i-'.v foicKj:rn.r.i:n and wcvx It . ' 11. i-. --irctii.lly aim jur.co that liny ! . :. . . i ,- istnei-!.ip in ihc prte'iice of i i i.. it: 1 i iii c u iinoe to atna'l to all it... it'll ii:. i eli.-iie, in lie- coia.'.ics . . ! .1. ' : '. i:t ! . I'l.i n. sry i, r aiet M 'titoiir, . i i ' t . : i ' . 1 1 1 1 1 ,- a:: i ctirefallv. ci...m:i1 avteit- V::i . sivei, i.i ti.e Coi.I.hCTro.NS OF i t ;1M. 1 it-aliati in.- can be had ia the HFli- .'l.l -Market s'.M v. I'.-i i-T. ej tt0 V,;r, er'i Hotel. . ;i-l.. A.r. r ! ia 1 la mp-s-iu'j ... ' t.t.vtiie, a larc I .-, . ., . M.'fiT. . r K !:!'!: an:- I'oMi..-;;'' i.:t;i'oi;s. I t l.r,i, . 1 ,, p .... i; a. .'.j 1 . , I.i-a V. i... MS. ol i.'.! .-IJ 1.11 -. nt 'It" i ,e..; f'.y , it. j oj a-, ctia e to ti a- ,.. at- i i.-.t. it.;;: i... l .r t' a i i i. v i s i: . if t b.!i,r fu.t.i-ki I wi.li a pure ar.l :-.-.-at. i .-.' t; -li . p.-ia !". . , tiie -I to e-aA.ip'i n y.-j a-H'i.-.n f..r ...-iili lo : . -I "I'diV -..'i. it- th'1 t'lll )lirte t.1 let All ..f ! s' eo'.i t I'tfti'ii I t" I. V.I.M1 S HAUL. ii- . ie E'l-r.iC, i.'i- J'iC.i-L'. SLi '. M. t.il .-ciew Top ; ) v i i p.- .s 7'.!7''.vr .'.: ;:t metal .r.';ir ': .t! i"'.a i- i e . s;,ry b, ti. to -crew :'ie Cap down ;i, I:,,- Ilio-le.. lo-lti-t, w!..i.!i i.- T 3 :ose 1 outside ... n e .; ler of hi ,!ur. . ..f 1. I iech ilistunt :n .,p ; ii-o'if ihu pos-.' ility ol the il ivor et in. a i i ii.ju.-v i 1 j coj....,: ia iiM.ti.itt wilkllte l'.is.,.,- .1. 4 ; ts..-.i.,. lie T:-.rc can !. FuppUcJ ly II. li. MAS.-K1'., A.nl. .- s.. - . on.- j. :.-....i. l as.".: ii;.: on Isoiise, NMtTlU MlJFIil.ANIi, li.' y.-VUVAXIA, ' V. n- i . ). , .-,..; fl'lli: tii --ri'.. r !. -oil le.t-i.d thi wttl kuowu I I to 'in si; 1. 1. 1,,' . ly k pt l.y Mi-. C. S. brown, ie-p. .-'. lily ii i :,u- liit.- pu'oic n'..,t !.' i.-. r fitting ar.d r pan th.' ti.e l t. int-. s. a. I veil l.r po-pi red lo en t'tt.tai. iii a nit ttaiile iiii.-'.er. !..- aua-.orous I'i . i. i- ntr ii-jm iit tie- caicy, and all who may patrol - .e o. ,L-,,a.. al Ai.ni r.' JoSi:ni VANKIRK S i-.i .i i. ! i .1 tiuiiKi', 1)1.1 I II I' AM Hi l l I'.Nl-'HFIi. C,r Howard 1 1 ,c.d 1 t . akiiti .- r.et. a n a rspieo w t of ine N .riln ro t en ra! Ilailroad I'.-j ot, ilALUMOUE. ( 1 t Ills. S 11 IHY li i.l.lStNKINli, r.orrictor duly I ", is.'.'.i - tf 'I'Uf t. Louis (.-ii.. St,::' f, .'ith T'nirJ and Vuiirth, J Hi L VI ELI III A rilliF. lad. r-:,'i i 1 h.svii !; le.,s.d. for a term of I v i r. t'ui p e.i.P.r Lou-e. U.iVe ihe pleuur of ai iionii'-itii to ih. ir ii, nds aud tha Iraveling com imaiiiy ih.o "'t ie iio-,s open far tho reception of no:a 1 lie hoiis... siaoe nie lirsi of March la.-t, haa ben f-atii'i l,-, renin ate 1 int.! r lit led ia a superior u.anr.cr ; li.c ap'.irtii.. nis am l.u.o . well veolilated and fur-ui-! ed ia in" I" rn stvie li iii C'liuiiily loca.ed, ci io ein. nt to ail il.c d.-pot and icaiulsjat laudint, en 1 in il.e iiun.e lit fr vicinity of the Custom Huuse, I'l.-l nrbi e and lb Corn Uehnni;e. Coiiiieeted with tiio iloiel ib a Keftanrant Ibr tha aciaiUiiu'slatioii of those po-fct riii lao Kuropuaa plan, i'ricca ot Kuoiiis troiu Ihio to rieve liollari per week, aecnidin to h.oaii.,n. 11 rd si iiip.rduy 1 able d'Hute fjr merchanta kud busiai iteu from 1 lo 3 I' M HKNRY NEIL. 1-AAC I Apr I ! Z i-"-' - 'y 'lIK.IEIA IMrORTA.AT SEWS t M C. GEARHAItT n.is KrTt nvr.D lira a New StotK or I'oni't'clioiuiriraj, I'ruit untl Tyi. TT eema If a new ac a new life wna openinj upon us. animating every heart to nohler deeds and higher aim?! Art, Literature and Science w ill (jlow anew, and seek to devclope fullimer bed u lies and grander conception. 1 he bu-iness world, too. must feel the new influence and every pari be quickened and strenlhened hyau increaseit vitality, which shall urge u on with elec tric speed to the consummation of renter thingsthan wna ever dreamed of in the l'hihophy of the past. Animated by tho emhusiiiMn whicii pervades all clas-es, mid desirous of doiiijj hi share towards "The preat events of the Age." the subscriber would re spectfully inform the trood people of SI'N'lll'llY and the public generally, that lie has juet returned from the city of Philadelphia with the largest and choicest stock of (Viiil'ectinr.ai i'-s, I'ruit and Toys, that has ever been brought to this section rf c.nintry. He is also manufacturing all kinds of CnntW'ti. inaries. Ac. to fill up orders, whob'-al" or retail, at sbrrt lu.tice Among his stov.k of t'l i.N HX'TR'NAIll l.S may be found : Trench Seen ts. lb;rned Almonds Cream V bile. I.er.ion, Hose, er.illa. Cmmon Sctret-s, l.i'jr.cli-e. (1 iti.i TrcK. all kliulss-'cnt. I .-vi- I'i .'p. Mint It. ps. rednndwhHe, .I.dly C.ki. Fruit I'rops. Slick t 'and o's, of all vi-ut.-. Koi-k r.'n.i!;.. Alno.,nd Chi dv lT.l.'IT. Paviims, rnine. I'nt.s. Pips. Currants, dried, Ilaiep.s. Nuts, of all Kinds I.l'Mi'N SVI.l r of a f Kpt-iior ipiali'.v. by the sincle or doz. n. A supori'-r 'jtirility i-f Tobacco and Solars, and a variety I'tVrif. etii.naries, I-'iuit. Toys. c,, , all of which js olVerc I eti' ltp at wholeoil. and retinl i'is ' ilt-tni nit.i-r i!;e i.aire and t lac . . JX m c i;i-.a!;iiai:t. Market re t, 3 door west of C. V luiht A !W slol e. Sunbiiry. Aj-ril 11. l''. !v i s.oi m; nii.j,. rpilF soi.-ciibeis tiaviiitf t.-il.-en r.-wcsimi of ll.is I fa-,:e:t,-s FLilflilMi Ml 1. 1., are prepared to rc'ci e i niii of all km Is, nad to do eesti.ni work at the sh..:u. t iMii 'i. i'ii-'. i. ii is w ill have their ;';-i.'s r. in, I immi-d at-!y up. -a ; h.-ir bi-ini; li ft et l.e M'll. A' it U tl.e ill'lel.tioll ! the f:t 11, to :!.: ti.e .Viil. ii I ii.;'. r-iT i !v of rain will b-1 etci.-tanf ly kept on h.iii I. aitd I'.-ur I y the fpf,r:!iy can alv,.y? be ,,1 lain, d ' lie i;rei'1'-t en:., w ili be itiio-l' lo tula nut a sitpei rr ifiatiity t f tl ut. for wins li the inili i. iclliiirably ndapled. Strict altilitioii vill be pai l '.) the want- (.f custoiuei-s, ar 1 tlie ptttiei ".e of tile public L-'-.n-rally i respeot fully reouosied .Suiiburv. .lane "'.. ImSii ' Al'iioJA.N.v Co ss .1 Lure Arssol Imelit f' Sid' i:v.ys WAT.sf'N". SALAMANDER SAFil C.IU'.AT nitr AT IlKAMNO. 1'A. I'ebruary 12. 1st. tt rsTi.i i.n It jrivi iulorm ou that iu the lnoriitia: of the 4th inst. s it.e n.ucii .- iti-taeti- ii tevere tire wiii.-li. in , entir. !v de-ti- ve l all t" the my der re! the tl; and niatciials, 1 had one of vuur .Stiliiuitii Fire Pri.of .safe.-. After enduring i;u intense beat t'ul' se-i !1 hours, the Sal'i- was opeicd. and Ilooks a:.d Fancrs w ero nres rvo.l in an ua.bleitii- Led eon. Illicit. I -hall need another Si:f,i m so.'U as I in ord r. Your", lc sf re-pe'-tfoliv. W 1". IiI''KIN.sON,'!;o.,.;i..-. i, nni: at i;i:i:i.n casti.i: Cii.iMMtitsjn no. Friii.kiiu connu , Va.. I Aiiusl ;il.-t. l'sjf j Mew. T.viin A 'VV.usov. I'hil.idelj..hia n, ntK ir.en : Vn the morning of the L'lld of August. 1st',!, eitr .S'oreltoii-'e at liiocitcustle wad destreyi d by fire 1 ho s'a;aniand.T .Sato we ; uri-h-ii-d liom ym S"iae few- years since was in the al ovu mentioned stor... le ase, and e'.r.lnirii d all oitr bo,,Ks. j-apeis. rti.-!i. Ac.. v;bi :'u weie preserved in a perfect coalition, at't. r beinj expt-.-d ton most titteiiseheat forsi-vertd hour. I'lea.-e infoiin u3 upon what terms, you will tell w auolher 1 a. r Safe. Yoi rs truly. OAKS ,v Al'STIN' Sii1bu::u. ler Sat'ei-. f.r Hanks. Stores, piiin'e FaUillits. ,'.c. , Ac Also, Kvjins Vnt-iin s I'a'elit Alphabetic1.! li.n.k 1 ks and ilauk Vault Ia.o:s. oji.al to Lny made ia the country, at d s. Id oa i s i-'.dt.rir.s l: A. W . woull respectfallv riortr. tl... follow ii-. liauki aud oilier pariie-, htotit their S.ifest ai.cl Locks now in u.to, to liieir entire s.Uistiic tioii, and many others 5ica at lie ir Store. I MTitu Sr.MLi .Mi.sr. liraaeh I'.ai.k, Shelbj ville. l'hiladelphin. Tonnervee I'.MTri'MAItS AnsitVAL.City y.tr.V , Ftliladei ; i,ill C..!if,.rian. Potistowu it.mk. I'u Coh'.i s ii!e hank . I'a . Sirou PLnri: bank, I'a ,ti rn-v rborc Rirk, Va. Lock lluTcn 1'. ink. I'a. I'uion lii'ltk, ltai'.it.if.l e. S-iUthwest- -n llai.k ol a. Fultou li.'.ak. A:i-::'ii. iiu Newuik l:t:.k, L'cl lit.vk u N. I . Iluiet-h. Couis'lidtiiion li'k 1. 1 I Com th bank of Phila ChataaoMa IWnii. 1 .-r.l' 1're tu lean A-'oa. 1'h si. bank of Noriiiuiele rlnnd lialtk of North'L I.iberlio-. l'liilade! Lei Paul atidS-.ift. Hai-k-r-.. Alai aiiia. . it S.i r'.'u ,-.'. ;i's-!.'i hew is'our 11:-: 1-. 'H o her rif'-reiices pven uj N .. i.i I Ollltli Maiv'u 1'H, Is:.- lv ealln- n: our M..t '., rei 1 , i'i.iludel i Lot . ii i ti i; : 'a'J:e A.Iniii! riprcsa 'o:nps:nj-, (till: c'iTU; that ti.. y W.r nehel- I i- r e. 'v.-.o it's wall: ih N' -rtL- rn i .-l 'la! K niroii 1 l oinoaav to riai trtlr. fr 'u I-nlti. retorYorl:. Hi.r;is'..LrT. l aiipLia. lla'tfax- Trevor'-'ii. Suni at v. N'orihur i o.i'ti: 1. h.-v-i.-bia. Miltju, Muury. Wil liant'por'. ar. I a'.! itaerrcediafe siiuii.iis. .nlt's'tita; ii' Harrifh ; !Ii I Le i.l.KAT WI.1I KN FN Ciitciuuali. St. I.'iuis and lie1 f'Kh I'ltlnl-ur,; it . Alsowiili Howard A Co. s Fst ru at Milton or l'iir.ville, LloGLa-Lur..', ilk.-.barre. I'i't-.ioii, Scran-t-,11. and inur-ac liaie it.iiioi.s on le.e CattioMs.-a. Uj.tkawainia A hleuiurbar liaiiro.elr. At "il haairport, by Howard A Co.'s UxpreMi to Jersey Shore and Lock Huvon Also, by Howard A Co., and their couiu-ctutb. for Cualon, Troy, Lliniia, Uochedtor, liulfalo. Niajru. and to all ac-. eviLle p.jiutu ia Wettern New York aiid Canadu. by which thoy will forward Merc' ar.dife. Sj ecic. Ilauk N'o;is. Jewelry, and Valuable raclae, of every litci ip tiou. Also, Notor, Lrafte aud Lille fur Collection Lxperieuci-d and t-tftcic-ut messcuers emribiyfc.t, and every elioit will be n,u,ie to reiwlir sjiisfactiou ,1'iHN' lilNiillAM. Euperiniendent Penu a bivwiun. I'hiladt lphia R. A. FISCHLU. Aleut far Sui.burv Arrili. ISO.' Wur ! IVnr ! War I COME J ROM THE NORTH. COME Fltn.M THE fiOl'TH, COME l'ROM THEEA5T. COME FROM THE W EST Save the country and build yourselves hem?, f ,r now if tho time to gel your Lumber cheap Yea, L L'.VIS Lli! L L'Mii ER ' ' L UMB ER ' : ' ear. be purcksied at low ratee ul the t-TEA.M PAW MILL ot IRA T. CLEMEyT. Sl'XBVRr, T'.I . Su:h a 1'anel Lumber. Frame Lumber. Hoards. Si dav, Saiugloa from to to Der ihouuud, ritring Li.iL, I'ahug, Roofing Lain, AC, ia All bil! oidcrod, lor any kind ul Lumber, will bo furuithe-I at the tLoruat uoiice IRA T CULMX.N I NATEONA COAL OIL! Vurrucltd .ou.I'.irlonivo, and equal to any KLROSENE. w i.v buv rxpliive (hi, when a few eenti raoie per pjltwu wall f'iriiiau yott with perfect Oil ! Made naiy b7 PA. fcALT M ANt'FACTt'KIN'G COMPANY, No. 137 Walnut Street. Phuideliihta February IS, 166J. ly EAPONIFIEE ! SAP0HIFIER '. I THE TAMILY 80Ar MAKER A I Kitchen Greu can b nude into good S.p, bu.( bariiHi ifior ! OiKclioni AccomrnTi - Baft '. FOAP li cuilv md witii il. u BwkUij cup ol enf. fM. Msfiubteturrd nelv by lK Patvnloef FA. SALT MAMTACTfRINO COMPAVT. Si. 127 Wtlnut fxioei, Pmlwtalphit. FehoniT U, ls ly BLAMC 'ri'tmot rrrf. Idf lol Hiitli Mr';-i k'v lt. Fi-i'ient Euotrnw 1 ..j':.. in ibe : -I li '- jntuiy A1n.1e.tc ' CHOICE POETRY. Tnia- dat. coLTNTnvMn.vi av Boinr.T rowtn Coward', slink away' lUit who senrnr to seo the fon lenl oer land all sliiime and wor. Must go forth, to-day ! Crops are nfr. afield ' Cripples and old men c.in reap Younrnnd stroin; and bold mu?t leap Other tools to wield Cast the daily trado ' Never may be boupiit or won, After th's'preat lU'lit is done, V hat this day is weighed I.c.iveronr true tuve's side ' Oo ! be fearleM. true and stroug ' Woman plories to belong Where ihe lool s with pride True men hold our line ; . Jlai ly leave their true ranks iliin, Wajie mid ruin will rush iu Like the trampling swine I'ftre you be a man ' Now for home, and law. and r!;ht, lio, in lioii's nani'V to the fiht ' Forward t-j the van 1 l.sl. 'S'!e t'iIoiTl oleij. The letter found I ( low, from Major '.i;n eral Hunter, to Ki v. Pr. Tun.', of .Ne'w York, comes opportunely to diaiv the contnett hetwiiu the idias of r. military man. and that of ihote who have inth.cni - t the I'risidcnl to adopt this mistaken policy, (ieneial Hunter, the X; w York Tr'.lvi.r says, is un extensive slaveholder, was hum and reared Uve State, and knifvs slavery and slave more tlioronc'uiy than ,'ilinost any m;m who talks ahoiit thorn. 1 ! i: j j 1 v e. itiiMtii oi and choice a t uldiiT of th- l: piildie, :ind proha l.ly never vodd i:i l is life, nor t"ol; nny sti'ivo Jf.rl i:: jt'toiic--. What he .-ays. there fo:o. ht.s a v.rijh; and aathoiitv whiih tin- opit.ions ot for piocho',. the .,yal .-!., that the sun wav to -tive ruin. We !. tioll a (iii low men ttr.. (o,i j. p i He is ia;' ilni.iticip.it.oi, atoi .itiiit.:, . i .- ul' 1 1 1 i l -, In cat'sc he I ciicv is !. shortest and indeed lite only the couiitr. iVom ili-'Jction and ir tlio- c w ho think litii.nii ;t-.i-i' '!' faiiatiej-w to read li'll' .vl Hunter' h iter and a-k lhoiu.cle what i:i"tir, this n-so'itatio;: looki't:: f. .1 in ' ',i: u. r a civil ,;!i.oe nr.. old si . d i : r can have ;',.r uiUrep. II'- is no extil: ,.,o.;.. ,1 soldier, a 1 'i . sii ii nt ial iM'.-iiuaih,n or -t. He i i iioii la r rt political .:-.:. or. hut siu'iply a .-.ohii: r ission i., war. and who s n 't no '. i -t ind maki.)1; v.ai so your i ;niiiv. Let r.o our f, is not to hart ii to read his h it.r: l.i:-i;:.i: j-iaci oi.M.nAi. :;csii:i: HI A . si Kl'lir.N II. TVNC. H.::.U"'r mitkcs. Drn'r o;- thi: Hot Hilton Hi .-,,-1, l'.nt Hoval. S. C. .Ti.ly IT. lsr.J. IirV. S l i:i H. Tim,, '.so' t .t r .i .1.- CO.'' !!, A. i ..;. Cvn : S';': : I have the the rcciitd of v.mr time 2. lM'.J. expres of ttty e .tir-e in :-. this Ibiiar'iiicn! h .o::.;r to loti.tnii! cation dtt'ud in.r to nic !he a; jr ival d to the freed slaves of i' lite important and 1 ii'tti voii t.t a --...-i ;i :,'!t of which vo.i are I'r, :t. Si.'isih 1 of ha-.::-;; tittempU-i. in tint :.!'--tree of in .truetior.s to do vy duty i:i ii.; l-.iafir i:o..or.'iii:.; tothel-i-t !i:;!iH of my j'pic i,v ;:t at.d a loni; ex p. rieiicf. i v. ry ussm ince of -.yiiipal'uy from lact-, uho-i-charact' r- I e-teeni i- tjialil; lit;;, a:; ! it.tihles ti e to wait with more path-nee fortt.o... ic.i vi! a! 'le d :;-s wh'.i li an- t' ;;ive policy oti ;!.-.. s'.avirv ipi. tlioii to cur th.vcrr.in.-t.t. It i- my only fear thai the 1. -i may i:oi he -.indt ; -t,' i atnl acted upon until p-ad iti chtf.tit (. v.; of i 5 1 at the tit-chle . f every N.-f.l.cin familv. To attain xvi-doin -.ic mu d s i! v. hut that wi-d. 1 c ill o I- sO ivi-rv C-tc-t. must It; tin .1, V an n-ir ;,...plo are r.-d .! n tvard to m,,tter. ' f'tv, :i to t'.i ir ruti't, e is -nr. a '.iivr lilloili; onipri i.i ..-. ion l.r, h fp., play u-e. When ti J die is pr, a '.iivr through a hh.ck of lion-, ,, tin y ilonct I.. -it .te to l att'-r 'lown an in ?. rttte iiiite !:oi;.i to stive the reinaindi r i f the Mock. When the !i!a:;ilo occani. s an itif.-i ti d di-triet, the iti-tiict at.d evi ry r -. urce i f .-. l.v.t jj.it forth t ' ri 1 the locdi'v i . iiiarantined ttnd iudiistvy f i! s on .-, iiia-. The coldh-r.s of hia'.th ordered to m'-aint ouaia! hod C atpl see that the po- tih nCC .li'C orot' Cted. are l y no im ai.s 1 over (at h .-tiii'.tcn : Visit ! il tele.-'.s of "lin ik open ikior-. : thev he l.ot oi)i tied. I- t tic order on th.-e occasion-. " I. t in fr sh air .mil mnh'oht : t let purity r. piai e cia-r-ijition." Hit in pre.-i m i of u.e ; evil, which . ' has t o long hroo h ,l over our country, tint i intcllL'oiioi.. of a lar;rc portion of our co-.ttry, ; the intelligence of a lar;'.' poriion r f our j ,coile would sum piraiy.'ed and hi-1 loss. Their uir.ral nerves lio torpid under its; ; bcnuir.Utifr sh idow. Its l-rerU h:. Leon the peti-tilf nee, rf the political atmOi phere in i whiell our statesmen have heen nurtured ; I and never, I fear, until its hcak is di ijipim; j jtvith the lu-st ldood of our country, at.d its j ta-lonj tangled in her vitals, will the fn e t massn of the loyal States he fully aroused i ' to the necessity of abatine; the uhomiiiution i I at whatever t.o.,t and whatever agencies. j ' Tlii.s ij written, not politically, hut accord- i , intf to my proles dim in the military sense.! Looking forward thrro looms up a possihili-! ty (only too passible) of a peace which shall j be nothing but an armistice, with every advantage btcurtd to the rebellion. Noth ing e.in oivc us permanent pctice but u suc cessful I'rospcution of the war, with every weapon and ener,Lfy at our command, to its ; logioiil and legitimate conclusicn. The fomctui.i.'r rau.-c of the rebellion nnti.t be abated ; the- ax must be laid to the root of the upa., tree which hos rained" down such I bitter fruit upon o'.tr country, l;efor anv- : thing like a permanent pace can be justly hoped. Alreany I .ei' signs in many influential Uitrtcrs. heretofore oiinosed to mv victws in avor of arniin-f tb blacks, t f a change of ' f-emin;iit. Out r'cent disutcrs btiorc ' T?iet-iteion,t 1, .o-,.. .1 In it t,n n,.n'i t ,,, t minclii. To upeak of uiiin the n(j,'rors merely for throwing up iutrenchment.- is a tdep in the right direction, thou-U fur short of what tnuot b the end. It has th adMintage, however, of making the further and final steps neetbbary ; for uie-n working in face of the tcimy mubt have, urma with which to protect thVoibtlv. if Biiddtnly attacked. On the whole, there U much reason to be satisfied with the progref made by public sentiment, consiiUring haw deeply rooted were the prejudice to be overcome, the .'en rol failure of the mtion to realize at tire t . a.- p-opTi ir of thi Kr. nn 1 th' hrpuiity nt ill 1'J.tuti.lcrl to iitzc JCorllicni tniilni? who arc jjlundurer-1 of the ii vcnmient I iv tnonin .if IVfindiiient rirmy nwl nnvj contmrtH o!i tiio other liati.l. while iisiiiLf every energy "f tonjjim iitnl m to fifeitc iliM onlc iit witii (iir Government ntxl F;.nip'!iy wiih !he more rmulicl atul cour:r;r:ni: traitors of tho South wh.- nro in nrui nrr:iitit its. Ia conclusion, it mny In: not inappropriate to s-.iv tlint in trnnMnittini' the appnivn! ol" tin Natioiml rivcOnmti's lMicf Associul ion of ir.y conrie, yon ww.-; tlottlt1es tipcc;) sciously imlorsinr: views uhich your own PHvnet eluijtienrv hail no slight slmro in mttturiiifr. Tliotioh without, t lie pica.-uiv ol' your pcrsoib'-.t nertviitiiunee, I was. ilm-intr a year, n lnenil f f oi" ytur conj.'i-. LCiaion, niol tr.ke thisi opportunity cf crati-lully in knol C'lir'tir? my imli-Uednrsr: to your teaching. Vour letter wouhl h.ive lai-n eatlior an swut'I, 1 1 nil not jifci:.iU j ilutiis too fully occupicil lny time. Uelii'vp me. pir, xcrr truly, your olili.,'c..il and ol'i.'dii iit -o rvani, 1AII HcMTIt. P. S. None of '.!i,ji:-.r..l',illy fo-ten d i ioti hv whicli !aicrv li'i-i iisl.,iiied it-i i hi- If at the Vorth, is more nl.t urd than the lti"diear of "a pneral migration of nro-roes to the Nollh, " us n iH(.e:f.ry r.e;Ueiice of i niami- Jltillon. fso lar ii-ooi tins lirui;;- tile lact, that nitliouiih il is well known thai I five ivis.ies North to all nefTOetj!skil'!r Ihci.i. i;..) more than n 'loi-cn have applied lo nic f.r tcacn pa- .-cs Httiti. lav amxf.1 lu re, the. r lm til nttaehiiieiiN beini' npparei.tly much sironvrcr than with the while r:t f. My evii.rii nce leads me lo believe that tho cx.iet icwrsc of the received opiliioii on this subject would form the rule, and that nearly if m t iptite all the nefrroest of the North would mi jr.ite South win-iicver Ihoy shad I c at libee. v p, da so without lUir of llie auc'.ion bloc',;, Sincerely, n. n. Our lroii-l'l;ii I'leet. The feci nt rtuiior-. ctirirpin.' arm red s'aip. ir.-tJlnoj re. ids at (. icli ie-loti, S i.ttii Kn hinoia! and M- btlo'iiahr. ii of inlM'. t to know what our iT'-vo-aiii. id i . i d -!r to n..-, t ties- iii.pr.-oi.ab!.-.. V. it- lu.v f.Ki n , - : 1 1 -to ti l a uorreel tie r.-mt. far ti4 po.-ii,;,.. of li.c i:. ri-clad Ih : whii ii w io I a. bled to our navy, fu- the t.t putt v.i'.hiii ,-ity iltl'-s. Th-. govenitu. n! i- ! .'v lit.vitttr 1 '.'it not less than ei .'iiticii -lp.; pr- ! ii"ti clad siiips of dilV. rent si.o .lot mi forn.: !a! c.f tho.i", ten w id be i- ai'v 1 y ( "un -tuitu next ; and live will be i-i io;. " the l'.r-l.or at l it'.li ! th- liiiddle. of Oef.ber: so thai 1 f !ore tii- titituiiin .. i". . '.. . :a to blow we may exp.l t !o ilaVc ;.!',,.;,! a f,. el. small, but more i 111. iii a i' aN-h f.r .-.ti;,. t hiji. th- ' ctin ieiid o-t ; and, we hopi . t.pi.ii I.i I in- i ',, lion of the loits ate! tu oipt'ov of the cities oi'Ciialiett'.n, Savat-.ii.di tmd Mobile. 1 Of the iron clad - ii. i w buiMic-; ail. CM ' pt the new Iroli-idc- at 1 h.hid. lphia. are 1 . 1 c ' .Yioiiitor jautern that is to sa. with either :; or twn tu:i'.t. I'he f-oyi rntuei.t it:. e.vailed it-elf It.fjclvoi th. evp. riet'-i itml knowled'tc of Cajtaiu Ltiisvan, v.Loia, furnished pit, lis Ibr ihe urraltr part of tit il'.et. aud ee,"..-i -e-t a iii.cryi-ioii rr the - roast: ,o ! oai d' n u' !y till, v. iiih - ho ha - takt n th- i oniraci , boo 1 ; ., lb- i- i.mf I nil iii: ir titt. e ni-o .'! ...ii, . s .,1 the jafl of the I i a.h.i ai.i! Il ' 1 Wo: '.s. 'I'. 1'. low, an. I titid w ill at oia c pn; a'li.:;.: r on the sjorks . when the f'. -1 of t li' -e now in hand there is I'lttt icli d. x li'.i'.l i'-' be ..in, I in. it in the iu! :i;o;,,:.. i if. -any. Son iV Aichi bal l, i.t Che-'.T. IVmi-i . .inia. :re li'iihlin-; t wo ol 1., . -'. for " hi' h ( ': 'it a in I'.ries. ;i ha ; Ihe cot. si ,, M- -r--. Ilat-lati Hollii.-s. worth, at W'iiiiiiitptoii, I ichi-A arc. ate 1 c.iid i'i'r another. Mr ' 11 1 )i lama' . r. font of Thirteenth str. ct. Nonii river, i- leiildin-; for Captain Krii on ti lafi.e e- .t-1. in-t bu o'ln. Mr. (J it,!.:-,!. . f the Mori. an Ir. ti Works, ha- in-t laid ihe 'roc! of a l.iro- two f ifi. ! -hip tit t!;- ( .;::i ciital W ,',... Mr. Mr. llau'.-itu i.oriii"-. of Ili -iou, it la.il iii,:: two Mottii.iix. Mr. Sei-or ha. in hand f,o in .lar-ey ( n v. one of whiclt is for I'alifor nit', and wil! 'v a , rely ,--t nti here and shipped in pari . Mi. Ci. irie; Y. hiincv has a t,o-turie! ship u--.r.y eoni i ii d at a yard near Tenth -f.-ct. K-i-t vi-,er. It is en !e:-sloo 1 that t!h I,,., ! !',,. :-.-iother laii.e iion-clad vc.- el i. to I,,. ),,;,! at once ia on-' of the ship-hon-i , in the N'm y Yard, nnd for tlii-. we bcli-.. i':,.tai:i iir'as-on !- al-o , to furni-li plan-; aiid, la: i!'v. Mr. ,'i'iiam It. Webb ha- a t .;- ii I i',..- a !.o . e ram. (If the boat i bllii,!;.: at the t oo.t tHellta', ! Work-, oi,. j.- ttcaiiy i.ti-'y, and will proba : My be ready f r u 'by the lui.id'c of 1 October at tla litllla -t. She and her cntt . ports will be OUIJ leel loti', 4.1 fc t beam. ai;.'. will draw eh yen t.-e'. w . t . li ich of tin-si-: is to have on- I'.iit. r, i'. titled of eleven n;: -inch plates of wrt.!it ir.-n. bol;ed t",.. itlter. and foiu. inv; n ii. c s of wroti-ht ii"ii i r.etirly a foot thick, 'i j,c turrits will be tw.-nty-one fee! in ir-ide lU unc'cr, niiic feet ' hih, nnd tile lo .r:y two tail Ucn inch O iiiL'ren .'litis. CM-TAIN ritre-s.oN .s ri.ANS. ha- adhered, with cer- t.!i:i minor nu.i i:i,eat t - t : -. lo In- oriL'iiial plans on which the Monitor wa.-built. Ihe ::r-,v ve-sels ha'-e a proa otion abait, !,.., 1 .1,., I.,,!! st ronir ir ui, t 1 nt y p ct comolctely lirot-ct in t.ie rib ' r an lll'-J- i.e -rt :: s. a n:--.. ctioii loi-A.-tr.b ftt'.c-n 1 f.... levon.l th.. I. which it is inrech 1 to u-c iis a rani a-ain-t wooden ships. The hull U surrounded with a -ttuetitre similar to what is called the -car.!, of a ,-tc imhoat, fonnino. a band fony live indies. tlir.uh and l:vf feet dct j) t.round the whole ship. Thi is in fact the armor of the v. -.el. It con.-ists f an oak 1 .ickin-jr fu'ty inches thick, on which a-- In 'ted live one in, h plat. s of WMit-ht iron, with bo't - r.inuiii'r through I ho oak. The v.-s-el, when ready for action, will .-et but i h'hteen or iHcnty inches above the water, and the armor will, therefore, protect il. I hiill totheihplh of about three feet and a half, as deep as a ram is likely to pierce The hull is of irin. but the dci k and beams, are of wood, to be covered wiih two inches of iron. Tiie turrits are to revolve, as in the Monitor, lu-tead of llie little box in the bow, which eonl.iius the steeiiii-; apparatus' in the Monitor, thesr ship will have that ia a box .-iv feet hi-h. Ml on top of the turret, but ict revolviii-; w ith it. The Kiel of a larp! Monitor is now laid, which i to b' '.'-'ij feel lumr. hhn will lime two tr.rri Is, iind w ill be built all of iron. The nhips we have bn describinj' luivu u F impeller twelve feet in diameter, nnd it is ieli ved they will attain a speed of over nine knot., in common weather ut tea. .T.W f OMUACTtl OK t.WTAlrj Kllll'tssOX. Fnni the ScUnftjte An -riun of the pre sent week wo take the follow in-j uecount of two other large iron-dads, for which I'apt. Ericeson has recently made a contruet : "Captain hrricasson haa made a contract with the povernnunt to ron-trnet two bir-e ir'" 'i,d i.bip which In. lilic'e: will l.w the fn-'Joi t and hest sea lioaltt, the mod completely invnliH'tal'lo, and the inns! l'or tnidalile for attack, either at lony lan'ri' or in elo-c i'iartirs us rams, of any ships, i! dm world. "Tin y will hoar a irononil resotiil. lance to thi' Monitor. v,i!h Mich modiiieaiinn-t a; liuve lain stufirestrd liy eNperirncp, due of them is to he :!." fed in Inioih, and the other oil. with ..( fri t heani. '1'he vertical si'los arc fix fo' t ill depth, an 1 are to he Idoli.i ted with iron armor plaint; l'U oiclii s in thickiii ss. 1 lacked with tour le t i .solid oak. j 'Tho turrets arc to he ahsolutrly iuvu!- neralile. The contract provides that they j shall lie (wo foot iu thickness, lint the con- I tractor ha leave to ri'du'v the t liit'k sir . ! provided he ran satid'v the department that j les-s will he sufiicient. A tar:--t has l.cetij const rncled of thickne-.s less than two f, et ' and forwnnli'd lo Wiishiiiyton for tiial, I ait Captain Dahhrrcn. who has hern son, iin:; I his 1 l if.ch hails throiio-h n tarvret like i lit- ' -idc of the 'Warrior w ith thirty pounds of i po der iiiakino; h i-h -m h"ic at every shot ! -sttvs that there is no r. -i- I lii.iio at thi- i tariret of Kries.n, until :5i I "i inch otitis ! ! nro lini int. I. The turn-Is will he mieie of! Milli'icnl 1 hickno. to uiih-lmd tin- force ' ol lac -1 i poim. Icfs witli tin; niaxJiuum ' 1 1 hort'cs ' "Tim .more p. ul tnc la-- ri:;.,, Ms-els ar- lo b- fimi hid ' i'll c-rl'ul eiiLitt. Ih it! any new bach ship will h.r.e two iii-ti:e of ltd ; inches di. iiu-li r of cylinder. wil!-..fo'ir fit ! stroke, to make r-volul ions pi r mimito. J with boiler . iirl'iec of ;r,.(i(u) f,.,.t. mid 1 . 1 vn j f' et of oral- sun; ee. The boiii-r- are of the ; tiprioht water tiibtii: tion of Martin'.-. 'I'I r pattern - a niodibca s are Tries. prop. it's pat-nt, CI j feet in diatnet-r ti'.-i o ; (-et pitch. Til. ! d of in kn..!.-- cunt ractoi- ."liai-acly n " r I. tii- iicar.v niiu iceu miles. "Tiie ai tut'tr,.' til wid t;'::i-. t'ti' 1 v iii pro! a' ly p.'. i r til l! of i.ll 1 o '.: it is. !: -a i -, i r. :;s r v. 'II be tin- n..-t foi l , : - i -t ;d i, of 11 inch di -tri -live I !,e'.i-l -hip ia 1 1C p'.ate. of the : i Ie- itc t a! the bow t'.n-y ! I. Mil an ir. ii ttolttv, vl ite he- tiii-i a; the : ba .i a ;oi 1 l, i iiiinai tit" in u sharp e !--. ; Thi- wi -i-.. i- .-'.I taiilCil by the pi ttes be- ' iiinlii. It'j isii-lt. - in tiiiekne-s. siaI'i.! in. irptli. and e.t iid'.ntr t'..- '.vh lie ham, h ol j lee ve- el, forminej the most powi rfal but- i lii.e- insii inm nt taat it is po--ih!c lo en. eeive of. Ctiplain l'.i its-oa say.i, dl will! split an ieebiTt,'.' "--.V. 1'. AY.. o'."- l',, t, j - - - - - - - i Vl.H'lIiilo ei- Irom tiie South. j ( I'oM.n 11:! Yi i'.mont. I'oirr U..ym. j .'I'.:!-.. u. S. ('.. ,-a-."r-;y A::;.'. C. l"iC- j i".- 1, -a-ii! inn rvic-.v s have I 1 u h. d. durir,'.'-j the pasl in"!,, hi ! v, ecu ( '01 union., re 1 1 out and l ijor-i Jen. ral lit. ate, tluir -r 1 bi i.i::, it is sup;, i-ed. to com er! a ihorouu'i ; system of co-opctattve di I'.nc- between tin- 1 hit. d and l:aai ion es in tl - laett! ol' th- ; et.ii. iied attack. We Lave teli.ible ir.lbr-' uiatioii thai the t wo rate- ii: t'har!. -lori j la i Lor t.r.. t.euily. if n-'l iprti . r-.-id . f -r -. riee. lll'.d W ill be I'-eii thol.l' I.t prv-ttvt I the harl oi', aa 1 1 0.1.,-y m oa! -ii'.d it: i t'lioli-h the Ulock.i.iii.-; I'i. it. They :u ' -niali. iiowcV.r. nioUull f.r;;.id.tl.'e. and, can hardly be i:-c l lo :,d ..'ita.,- or with , ty nt at y t. rea! di-tauc. from tlio -ho;-'-. 'flay ha'.c e. .ideal revulviii..' t.irrets, 11:1 ' improy cinciit 011 the Monitor, an i the-e turret and their si Ic- are ;-! with tail 1 load ii . a. mainly -cut dov v. fr 0:1 the r.-i!- ' 10.1 i, vii'.tiilac ih I.!.- have .!. -trt.y. I i:. their di;. 1 1 eat r.-ttiats thr.uu.U i;..iiiia. ; The t r..m which now t " i-- jtetn ti- lV"iii S.o aiatah i.t of .-y liil'V-r.-! t pr-'por- j p u '.i 'ii-. l eiu- ih,- Scotch si an.er 1'inal. raecd and tiio,. ii'Ji!y m.iii-d r, he s .-esh i-l-.ini tht.t -h- i- ti.oi -proof ai.aia-t 0,0 ; h' a' 'a -t -'ti.- 1 w i-r..i'r.eid ii mi I r-tirlt it iv. ii tfotn (, ht.f.irt ...-a. Ai'i.r.t.i u'td the ; 'oth-r i.iain di rot. of laihoad btt-iu. .-- iu j liooivia, il is claii'ii" 1 for her that sl.i' i- t pci l'i ct ly -caw or: h v, her heav y pns l-.ch-.j; ' ! nioii:it d on el. vat io ej pli.'. I'onns. v. I, a h i.n ' bl- lowei-ed to Il.e bo I lota of her Ut,",-'.. - -! ; feet bi b,W her W alcr-bl.. , W la 11 -ho i tt! .-1 a. These L'lins fire raised by ln-tins of.-. ... 1 i w lu-n .-ie- i- pfi pared Ibr actio. 1, and a, - j , -aid ',0 iiiiitibor 1'iMii ; .. -ii two 1-.0 j.ouad, - rilled, four libp iuiid.-rs riia-d. in it.ch coli.s.ibiads. I'-.ade at the Trle..':.r iron '. Works, and t,o CI p.'ir.d. r.- Inw i.. r.. to i . s'o ecp tin- alo r and fo ;c part - of h-i- d-cl-:. ( ' in case of In r I 1 in;: l-ouidi I. aid to be u.-n1 i with -rap- and ealti-t-r a t-!i ! tiny . ! 1 that may attempt b - rappl- v. it h ihi- m..i ii:- I j d.-d in;, IT, I ha", e jt: t seen th- i.e-r.M' whom ("ol. Hart, hi sent h-iv from I Lit l'u'.i ki Ibr eM.iiiiiial ion by ( li n. 11 uitl. r. 'tic of ih 1 in ' 1 the most iu;( i;i.r, 1,1, icf. .n.a .l in. t!..,t ti e ' battery is sh. Mtned wi;h railroad iro.t, ti," ; plates in-ill ; IC in, la- i'i ll'i-kit -s, SI..- j ni'-tttit- tin lo inch 1 'oluui-i.i'! -. f-.'.'.r on eit In r side, and one at cither end, and u 1 I ('apt. Anderson eomtuaiid.- h-r. 'Ihe i;e ! o roe said he had U ' u a w ail r at the I'u la - k i j ll.'ii-e.and dd- not pretin-1 tohtr.it w,.;k.d ' as was at i'r d rcp'ortcd, upon the I'oo'li':,' . baticry or the rant, lb- pi. ki d i p hi- in- 1 I formal am from tl.e co'iyersatiou of oll'.'-r-1 and o;iu:- t'r -.ill. l-.'.iio! Ihe ho';!. II- i i fall y cri oborati d by l !:-ot h. r t w o. I ol Ii ot ; .. 1 1 1. .. .. 1. '"'.li II. I," o. . 11 ie. rvai:!s m Sttvan I. a ii. one 01 1 iieui 1 .1:11; a -kn e of Major id mv im.ir. --ioi 1- : ,;or,lo., of that . I t!--'' m'C h"ii. .1 111 what le. y base stated i report i.n- .-oh'.icr- a- Iimu- 011 ,;:tart,-r rations, with the exception oi ccm n-.cai. vl'i''U is said to he ul.un.hini. --- Itov'r lbtivK Mi.it Wati-it. A person i iu food health, and i;i mod. rat- pur. ait . f j biisine-s, does not fie! like iliinkni'.' water 'even in summer time, if not yen thir-tv. . In tact, -r-al ha' until t.iir-t in .-timtt.er is the siou of a il-pruvcd iippetite. resulting Irotit bad habil- ; or it i- a proof of inr, m il f- er ; and tiie in dull, -me of c in so -iu.pl a thin-; as driiikin- Id wu'o-r largely in siinim. r tii.i-, -p. . ially in the eat ly part of i th- day. will pro. Inc.- a di-4ird. ;- d condition of the system. M'i-1 pir-oii- 1 ae experien ced inure or h-s s di , eon, fort from drinksnv; , lor-ely of cold y.r.h r. If we drink a t;re.it ileal, we must pit-; ire i,rcat deal ; this . perspiration induces a trreatcr evaporation of, heat fotn the Kitrfaee that some have to spare ; the result is a (hill, then nunes the reaction of fever. Many it person rises from ; the dinner or tcu-table, iu June, chilly. ' becau-e l.'ti ih'.ich cold fluids have been taken. Those w'n.. b'u.k little or nothing even of cohl water in -' iiu.. " till the after- ' noon, will 1 more vivroro.:-. t . . fill of; health, and much mom fv.-e from 1 .-'dy! di.M'omfort, than tho.e who place r..i re- ' straint on ttH.ir polatif us. Jlut't Jshrnai if UuUlh. j The belli wbieh H ere (riven to the secewioniHii I y Soul luin eiiurebes. m-IkjuR Ao , to be nide u.u cmiii-u with lii.-ta to -boot dou l-! '"i'i" " i , nhi. li mt Uk.n bv ..." Itu'l.riu.d f ri"h l t 11 i.-ii. -i .li-( J ol t j iioir . i-i "W i nr it v i i i.i: m i:s k -loi . ! : TAI.. - ti'. INhm'.'n M1'm ial I)-Hn tvlt. i l!l'A ;i-i)l ATlTtMts Ai;mv oV VlltoIMA, ) if I edfir .Mountai:i, Ait";. i:i, 1'. M. .( !,:.!. On Thursday morntnir. tlir enomv ero-s. d the Ktltiidan. at linen, -il'y I'oril in lieivi loree, and advanced stroiiLdy on the road I" I ulpep)n r and Miulison Court Ib'U e. I e-tabli-hed my whole force on the lorn pike between ( iiliieiiiier and SiictrvMoe, ready lo concentrate ut either place as soon as th- incmy's plans wire developed. j Jiarly on i-'riday it. becam.; ajiparunt that' th- move on Madison C. H. wa.i merely a . feint, to detain the army coi'psoi't'h n. sie:;i 1 at Sperry vide, and that the. 'u iiri iilt c-: of Iheeneniy Wolll 1 b- ill (.'ui;ie..pc;-, to v. I.ii ii p! ice I had thrown forward luirt of l;..i:h:.' and .McUoweli's Corps. Hrie. Cein-enl Itin,.r.l wiih .v.ef . t' it.r. rear of .McOow ell's ,,rps -who was iu ad ! Mine,, near ihe liapidan, f. 11- slowly bach. delayiii-'; and embarras-ino; tin; enemy's or,! nance as far a-po,.-i!ii-,,nd c.i!i!ui ' it:;rt of ihe men. " ' The force of n.-ttiks nnd Sier:el ami one of till! nivi-ioll.. of MoDowdl's for.: wvrc ' Urr. "'"'ol'4 V. ft . 1. :V ; '.''.'' e, ..... .c;.. rapidly com-ontrited at Culpepper tlurint,' ' . .,;V .". J"'1 ,fl" :'r:,v:'1 '' bii.iav atel I'ridav m-lit. ilank's cotps Spntiota Id, a'l 1 .yai .ti .- a- w-.-,. . ::,-. b.in:.' pu.-iiid f.rwiird live miles south of 'll!lt H""y nn.t lea-.t '. ." . . i : -ii-Ci'lp. pper, with i:icketfs division of Mc-' 1 1,lt1'; lh;' i - . " 1 ' ' ' ' :' Dowell s corps, tin-.,, milts in the rear. . h ave- u m: er:t! ie !) o' c I . The eorjis of i-i: ,l which had marched id l,,,ch (1 ,; . '; ' v. tu .-di- nio-hi, was halted at Culpcpocr to a.-t ibr a ,7" i':,I!,;r :t iin"' :,'.','",::, "er r.:: few hours. . Marvey lelt her. in M-in-: i 1 i ym-. t.t On Saturday the encmv advanced rapidly ' l"'" k'.J !j's ,,"!:-!!'; ?vi;:'. ;'';'v.' i:,h:'. lo (, alar Mountain, the .-'hies of which they " -'.!'. liamskU'-iU. 1 Ir .::t .: -r I..-K, oi . c, lied in heavy force. jf-ivi' it t. I...11. S''. I ..I'Wd ':'m ; to n. lianks was iii-trncte.l to iak- tin hi, : ! r ' !;L'--''i'' 1 ' ' :";"!"- , position 011 the -round occupied bv Crnw- ! "'' r";' "'-'- ,;,"".T '!!--i r f.-d's briea-lo of hi.-onmiMid. whi.h had P'''':'.' 1 " Jlrr '-"I '."'" ' : ' b. en linown on! Ihe .l.,v t.r. viou , to oh-. 1 c -' i-iM.m: m wood lor to. j.r-. x.. 1 -ie 1 lu in v's hi. v enu-nte. II- wti- directed lo t to at'ivance. ., y.j.id ' licit p.. mt. and il atta. '::. I I.v t.ie encmv '. 1 defend iii.- po ilioii aitd rend bach timely tiO'ii'-. n. was riy m sire to nave- time to pvc tac 1 "tps f v-,0,,1 all tne re.-t po-sil.k-afr-r tiieir loiccd mar.-h. and to brin- ibrw aid ..11 ti.e f, -, , in-- -;;. i, ..1 " 1 . The af.iilerv of the cnemv opened t-arlviu thoafiernoomhut he made'no advance until ne arly.l o'clock, a! which lime a few skir- mi-liers wire thrown forward on each side under cov. r oi l!, , ! aw wood-; in v hich his fore was concealed: The enetnv pt,-h- ed forwir.l a trl. Ibree in the rear of his -hirmi-hers. and Oeueral U-uiks-advun-e-l to t n- attacK. The emrtH-cm-nt did not fiitly op-,, ,m.;i ' ","' ."U!M Voc !:.:.'; '... .1 o'clock, hut f rone and a half hours w... (.'"'"l'j. to cone . to luc ra! .... fariot..-and imcca-iuL,-. 1 U !l";"' A' ' t,,r.vtil h ' :: Thiou-M.t.,, thecannonad;..- which at the wo.,. and Kvp-. 1 h. poor won, an 1 fr i wa.- de-u!!...v and dhcu.l mainlv -.; day ifttthentn.: err. it. tt. r-.tdm , :.,: a..bi"- llie et'valrv". I lul l coat ii.u.-d to r,:. i.;:.-...iw..--s.'t.-.: i'po:: t -.;. K' ..v. otiveo, ---lV.in C.neral Ih.nks that la.' ".' ,,m 1 : ;t ' '"r"' '"l'"- ' '?-' ' ai!,.i-k was a. ..,-,-hended. and that i-ot.shb-r- .,n"llr' "'u : !"" f"K a a"-n' f -r abl- infantry I- tee -! the enemy ir.id en, forward v. . ' oward- : iti-. ice in-r 'a -e in th- ar- i t il'. -rv liriuo- li:itt:v; -ati-lied jne t It-it an ' e-Lraitetiiettt miLtht I nt hand, iho't-h lb" . !,t. oft.,,, doi.r r. ud. :ed i; irilik.-lv. I ' of.ie-.ed Oe-cra! M.I) ''-eii i o :e i VP ne- liic-K-!'- .'.ivi-.o:i to the --ip.i)i'. of iianks, and difei-ted (.eli.'l'ill Si;;ei to bril:; his lietl upon the -round a- soon as po-sil'lc. I 1 arrived p. i'i-.tdly 011 the held at tevi n "'.:! 1'- I., and I'm::. I the aition rtuano !' .ri. it -ly. 'I lie infantry fire. v;::a ir.u s-ai.t ar.d sc vi . l.'e a-., it'- itivl : Ul wtei ir -mediately ptish d forw.-ir 1 and i-ccup'ud the ri'.-ht oflkinks The brk; oh - of 'law ford nnd '. ir i.-ti Lei::-; :::" It eha'ii'e their '.si;ion from the ii ..--t to I-.-.-- ihemselve's io '.tic tentr-. Il.-f was ,1 uhl b, 1. it irk. titoi:-!'. the aniih rv lire e.'t-.t inc.. d at .-non raut.c Without mtefm:.:---ioa. I h a'iilhrv i'.i" whs coir.i'ired tit nitrht v ih - Sci-otel aad Fifth Maim: battt lies in l;i, k-.!-s ilivi-io,,, M.lii.welVs VorpX and w-:s'c-t .h -tru-tivc. s w-s readily ob. inci tltu n-l tie .-i it:'' in the I'-ad lac-n ar.d Ie rs.-. end brok"ll irun-carria-e of the , "'r..: ""nieur ,M-s ui ia n: a:a... ct'cniv's-btittcri.s, which nad been a.Hr.n'.atd 1 . 0 '' lr o.u.uiea wife now in t., . .. ; , :, tomb. 1 hreo had r .-.ived I t tl'.etr hvcti. .0:1 1 list it. ., , the bijht. 01 line of batt'ict. th- heavy sheil-itv.;- I . ii .; kept up on both sides until 11 id-ni-jht. At il'iy-lt-ht the i:rt morn in? the .!.. t.ty f.-i! 1 :.c'k two i:.i!es from .,..r n.-.at. aad s.rtil hbrh-r cp the Mountain. Our pi-ket- at 01, , f adv ilieed an 1 1 cupied the f.'o!ind. Tiie f.itiuue "I' tlm tv.e-ps f:.m lor.'.' iirnr- ':.-s and cv...i-5v. heat made it ititpi i! it- f..r either side b. I' uu:p the .ic-ti-di on St::-.'!;-;.-. The 'tieti we-- a''-'.vc 1 t r--t nti 1 r cr.ft tiie '.!."!c -,ay. our only .., t'lV(. a r .tio.-.s heiti- i f t It- ( avalry 1 n the ei.rnivV ilank and rear. M unlay was l ent in bui vii-.": th- do. a!, and in 1 '. i 11 o:V the I oth -ides. n,o. t of tiu- !i-htit:o bein- hand lohiti.,1. Th. .had bode s of la th ,.r:iis r,:miitehd t either in mas-., over th - whole trtoiu..! of tiie coiiliict. The btu vi.- ofiitcih.elw-isnc. ,cu.p!et.d cn.i; dmk on Monday, ll.uhciit I, he-,, unil I, th.it ' , Oa .M. t'.d ty i.iL til lite enemy !h-il hrjii tu, - f.M, h-avit " many .f hi i.tibu; i, d t -,d ' J . . . . i.n.l ..n,t ..1 iurr tl.i. o-nd-il. in- stla-ulior v.as scvio.. on i.,.i.. ...1 . .. .... j..... .... ...... m ..... ... inti'i 10 iian-e .oiiii ii.i.isi-, its win L". -..-en fi-.un I ion. I liifora 1 e.pa.eu. A ca.a.iy. ate! attil'ery foiee Uli.u r i'-.l-l . i. n as i'.ii.icd:..tcty thrown Ibtward m pur.si.i'. m:-' billow thi- i-m-inv t.'.theKapi.ia.l ovei which hepas.ed wi!l. his re..r-t.t.rd bv blo'iicik iti the m-mint;. I'urts i.i oi.r itilai.tr f ! lowed; the ivm.di.'kr w. ri? .- rt !'oi.,r I ,n the liiornii-o. Tiie l.ehuv'or of I' inks ei-rj ilii' ii;-; llie a .lien was v. ;; i;::i. M..i..-e'iut l;.. l l. ' anaiiii) tit-i o.o.i.n o u. o i..: e...i....i.. ,i i -. atiy tri...s. I cai.iv t speak t.- ii: .d.ly of j L'.U!'. '..- I, in: 'u. i. :t : ( d in ial liali'ts hi'ii-i if dui'iii'j ll.i v liolo of ! ,. , , ,. . -,. fuller S- I :, n (..:". llie l.--.etuet.t. lbt i' t-' in llie fr.-l.t. !.!,d i t-i.t . t.t,.;. , jj., ..jr ,i j .; .' iv po-,, I a, l.iiich ti- i...y i.fn in he- fi.ui- V;. Viii .:.'r. : i.-'..: : ( ,- 1; .- iiittud. Ills eanip!e vw of ti.e j'lvr.tt- -t , v.'dliat.i 1'- .... !.!,:. iba -t A ...t:-i -. beiieft to his troops and he merits and j jt,,." jfj, ;., . .,, ' Vt. j I i should receive the commend. ition ot I.i j '(. ',,.w jj, ;r,', ; ,, e- . '. tioyeiiitiient. j l'vi Mt ": .:;:! r .' u.. l'.a'i..;.'i 'n c':'.- Ovn. ra's Wi'liiiU. '. Anrrur, Cordon. taw ford, I'lilifv. Or. tn and lii-ary. b. hnv. J w i h coiisoii-uot-.s jrallantiv. Amair and yh-.ry were -evi rely wounded, and l'r. U'o, by l... !,:,. ;i ,.. t:v t.is : .: ' ' '-t-'t -inu his way "in the dark, w nile j'a-sii..' from ' , fi r . .-; !: '. y . . d " -ud '.i. -i i mm flank to another, til! into the enemy's .r,-p,-ri- i f i'.,- I':,.;. 1 '.. ' -. a.-. : ;b:."c hands. I desire publicly to express mv j f,,, ,.;;d , , - v o d.-.'e..t the ..: e, vi n appreciation of tl.e prompt and skiliii'l muu r-r in which Ueneralg M Ooivell and t-i-el brouuht I'orwnrd their repcitive oouirncud? and estiiblished thcru on th-.- held, ar.d of i their cli-crful to-operat icli WUU me fikin ( b-i;iniiine; to end. ty i-a-hers Generai Kolx-rts, i uief of car- ; airy d thi i nruiy, was with tho advance of uiu i'.,'.-....j on 1'riihir Rtttl Siit.iritHV. fitid w us , eun-uicu M for foi" Lis g ..'un r.ttj uci f-r the i ''-....! h iiiJ Lv "uJ.rtj I.-. 1 I . : '- i -.'i 1 Mii -io,- ,1 r,.':. i ':..pi I i i o '-r. ... ! !i:i . t :'".o i . ;;! ! v.-e t,;; ro-v Hti .: I i .,,",' i . :i s ': I 1 i 1 1 an-, pi! 1 1 1 m !' ' ; ",' I'll ! 'I. t-e'e 1 '. Ii';""'"i' '! ' j'' ' '' i'i ail. ,'t'ii:. I'm V-ror t. , ... , " ' ,",'-l''" .'" t "-- , V. :..:.( A'-ci ,' . : -' '. ''.- ."':.. Y.: : ''. h. 'la!' .... ' ; it.: '. .'. a'1-.- .r.:l. . 'j ,i1(. j. .',:;' . f ..... ,,f ti.(, r ',, pt " .. . ' " ',L " ' '""' . 1 ''' ! !1' -" : - "r - ' ' -' ! '"-' 1 ,;!,v'' .I"'' :" ' ' ' !' :t v.: 1 v n l"'1 bi;: .. -i ..'i--' ti.1. .: .'t.;,.!;,'i ' '"' lI"J ''vU n '" : "!" ?-'.. ,''''. ": " : 'J.v''.'n la ',' "''''' llU"'' '' !!"" "','"' ' ' ; -'urdry sho aad ,.. f .'I'"10 0: mu- .4 .'v.'. J.-tt. 'i.-ii a -. 1 1 1 l wa, ii'.-aio a ic.!!,'... ' . . c f.li.t-r Ins ;.lit. I'tt'i liao.o;;..-! ., Ti . 1 all h..d i im tt.i I i.t- .. . ' ,biy ii! h;s 1 ,: . j i-- Irani d-jatll v. . '. miii-b d wit Ii i.'lot'oty .pptf.iif.n-!-' N tt. slie hcifl of tl.c fi-t.'h of t. . ; 1"un , il ' 'V- p'( 'l'1'' tti!8," '""V M VV ''' 1 Jatmlv with wur.ni be k.cd v;. t o..., t..,,. ....(,. t ... it..... f - V ". 'a ' .' ' ' . ' "l 1 . ;: ,'1,' - ' ; h" l" la I';"""-'' '.'' ' ' !ls ,,,m. 'i'""'1 "t, T t Ibe s-ey-riiy ;., ...4 mu,-;-.... bti.orr: he i lnl"Vi r"r- , , .. , ,T , . 1 !;"!" t 'i'-c the f ,-f Mr- I 1:v' 't"" ;' '" -" 'V L 1 '''''' ' "l r,"m ;' : '','.' f),t d ,1::'r&'; siiot j Wi'bau: '.yr.r.l lo t'..c uoor uud :"'.'. up. t.j ; the -'-t. ;. "v i;;..,n: .u t . '. -'! '.r-: S i'."' th-i . ' '!- i"o ttl' hoi.' ' " He o'.i ;.-d. 11-wa :i;:t,. 1 -. b. d . .'.I.. : e 1- ily .,.-(.. :.. r ... t r : .t up: 11 t iie ah . i. '. I 'e w '. "-"': re; o;,d s-.rc Samuel, w h"tn .-h- laid i. - iioticcd tit'in by atio'.iii r d..r. r"-. to hi, i'..e, : vr'Tiii ;: lliv ; tci " w .ads hia mother, and led .1 cot;, I,; .:,, h-r. ' I-cv.r v ' l.'d :.: v ..'! 1:: !s rritr-t l.-'t-f .-.i-." -h.. "!.-tt 1 did w.s'n th? imia tl.at ki"-d 'nit wa-' ti ere ." llcr tli.-e- o'.le-t s-n-, '.! in.-.; i.ft tv tu; in and fi-d o er t h- hid.-. 1 b y ur: nil in th.' N. iie.iii.l arn.. !u-d iv. ..::v:iti'.i si-tcr wash., d tit' ee!-.!" c-hi.v aiid dre -cd it. fr tie err iv -. After tT.-o 'lay.- tl'e Sceos..;o;, net:-hl..irs citr.c to fiery !.:.i 1. At tir.t ?l-o 1 rat; tic mother rc'.u .c'l to icl 'h'-::i tcuih hi.: I ...fly. At I-.-'- i.on.ei'.t, d. Ti.e eiod-i w.-re f.il.ii:;.' it'toti the roft'.n. iTsii toond tr.vakenin-' an echo in I; r' reiiit" laar'. when a whip; -oor h::l !i :'. " 1 o.-.v. n. w:t; ita wild, mdam h-ly , ry, .. ;-':. d in the "!!''" I.:"'- 1 f ' ,c' " seieii.-e stri, ken. e -ti!i.i".e v. rt-tohc? thi' t ., 1 no unnti'.u'v woui-o-i w.ia k u tuat 1 er two (h-.u :htn ' and three ftneol divert n, i:-:-h:-! an ( al. ii". She wm ol.tiro d tu "o tair'.y tnih.j up.'.ii h'r i-'i.iric t-J t;:c n;i!' fhr loot), and a.t'r.vard t ' r.'t'Jir. ':t -t. i-r -Jiurr htr h.-r?e by 'h-1 ;; li-. vr::h Vr'til; of n.cii r;vm liU t.r.d;. 0.1 h.-r ret :rn he tnct her children ft;.t:t a mile aact a hall' ti h'.r own iio'i-e. In iier ne'.tdibor y.'.rd I.rr fxo bn-i, n .-.. 1 t'.ii 11. e; '.". J'-'C yc..r-. wore tilt:-.;.- ..ti.'.lKr j-.r.-.v? the pave of p. ic;'. man. m .r.itr 1 in hrr e : Jcr the ct'.tr: ' to tl ;.i !;. '!' :ct.:-.-r w.t;, 1, i-hin lid i.r.r'ot. win tntt'Tcd wi:!-; a:" th' viii,, -sd ti i' t'-'t;.' " rpon ri brr''i. II. d ii. Un).:, 1 'A'l lot b'i:i':l liri-i it.c.jC- !'! ,' ,!- " ' then ov-rca V:,!l ':: r'"; v'" Vr'" V,s ' i 1 f C"ai ;';''. ' ' ; "- !"' 1 - b-r-vcr n-l -,::, ., n w ..een in p.w.r 1 . 1 he y, : ow noiv , -.aped :or : 1. r-- .-.... t ' ' ,Ai 1 h d 'V tofT v"' "v 1 s in-- -!iii-.'..ii ---hlifr 01 '.u... I :j K'.v. -n 1 j,, .j.,,. ... . ,-r ,i.uv p. t.Vr , ...: : C,J ', jir,t ,' j,;,Ust. ;, . . . . , any wa tider ti..i. t-i.s wo-nans l.a 1 u 1 nr.. . , r.,r,.V, r.l of wr"i Hp; ft ti.t: , sbncld 'a., with tltimdous tOUe . , ., ; t1!t I .-M ;.r,t iir; !n, The oa'.' . J.,",. VnM," iif.tt;iu, ut the lo'.c '. r'j'.'t . v,,.,,,,., ., .,.v i::.vVT cf : . ;.,,irori ,,. . ... :i-t.,(i-;:t rot-. Tu; , -. -, ., itji,,,, t.'ie to . - ) ('., .a, -,., , I.i the l.. j J n,,cs Mu , an. ; i in ; 1,. v.id ! : n j ,.f "t',e r" , f (. .. '' ::.'"! s Tt elk '. ih; i ',.,.i . 1 i.- , i-i.'ii.; iu.i o r.u.t eyr-t uri'-tt..; ..1' '. " c'l l it i i-'.c ut.' f'iv txtikS-. t ai.j lcu-a c u tvt'.il libT txpt tr" -on. The ni -'hu-i-tiJ rT'..'' -re-iiee cVkt r abutid.int croi) in Virginia, bdt adtti.ts tbi the cereal cto'pj in the Co'.t.m etr.tti ur "a rbs-'iutc fiiUum.' I Tbc i t'Ura - A . r 1 1" ra or. br'.cylv tl.. ,. di I -tv - a