f , 'ii.it.HM or tiiu Aii.KicA.vM FIXUI.E M'USCRirTION: Two Iiollaiis per Knnum, to lo paitl hnlf-ycnrly in mlvnucc. An ;w;vr discontinued uutil nil nr-ri-ariyc!) uro jiaM. TO CI.I'M ! 1 lirci couios to one RiMrcs, ? 5 On f.-,.vi.n ((. ilo 1 ' il'tcn do ; !' , r , 2(1 lilt l-'iv.i TVillnrs. In mlvnncc, will fny for tbrco years fuWription to llio Aiiurtcitii. Club su'"criitiin( must ho invnrtiibly ln'nl In Bil-vani-o. nml sent to our niHr.'fs. lfMitwrilicri" nejle.'t or relate to bore their new. 1iii'ers from lie oltii'e to which tliey nrc .lirccted, they ,,. ri'iKiniblr until tliey Imvo nettled tho bills mid ur.lor.-.l tlicm disronlinued ' IV-iiiiiLstirn will yhnra net n cur Ajjents. nnd frank loiters contiiiniiiK fiiWrii.tion money. Tliey mi1 jiTiuilti'd to do thi? under lliu l'ost Otlicv l.iiiv. T I' It. MM or ivi.Hiior;. One fciiiiro nf 12 Mi l?. .", limes, biery iib.riient insertion. fi nn (Hi !i ml t llll .( on six liiontl--, due veiir. bnsine..-- ('-ml... of ,1 linrf. per niwnm. Mi'ivliaiits .i,l Cvir rur in rnii t nisu,j nv tlie year. 'if in-iTtiiiK dilli nnl ail 10 I" i; "ilcl in 111.- l,"i At. fin rm ,r "-I He.nlis, I I VI: l l.M'S I'l l lion. LincnTT" 7.fricoTTi) .,nii..-7 Willi III" . i. ile.-. -rii.im .ve.-l.lv, :nii- n..ti.'. .' 'lot.- M-ni. ... I.INKk, I, i in PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, BY II. B. MASSER, SUMiUHY, NORTJIUMREREAND COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. to, u harbor Aih 'i ti-' ini'iils n.- per H rei'tiii nl .1 O 11 l' H I N T 1 N 1.1 . , in,, nun. etn.l ill. .. I.i: 1 .- : v.- in , .-. 'M is.le II l-l1! son'.-i "'t i'iti ., which will emii.lc ui lo NEW SERIES, VOL. 15, NO. 20. SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 9, 1802. OLD SERIES, VOL. 22, NO. 1(5. evivnie, in llio nt'iiti'ft it vie, cm cry variety of l'l i t i ' iii;. SUNBTOY rilloiulcii" IMiIlHl-lli!a t'oiu mcrriiil I'oIIori', X. I". Cmnrr of Till nnd riicftniil ptf., I'liiliiileli'liin. M1I1IS IXSTrn'TlO.V. which km cstalilislietl in I 1SI I. and is now eoneiinaitly in tho IHIh year ol its existence, iiumhcru funnnix lift rndiinli'?. linn ilred of the inort fucceiipfiil Merchant iind Uu-iiie-w Men of our (Vimtrv. . 'I lie obi'.Tt of tho Institution i Mlcly to ulToril vi.uns men facililies lor thorough rTc':u-!ilioii for bil-ini"1. .. The hivinelieii tnniht lire. Hook Keejiinff. no nppli e'lhle to the vnrion-' depnrtnienlfi of trmle ; I'eniimn ihip, both l'luin mid orDnnientiil ; Coiiiinerciiil liw. MulhrimithM. Xn iiilion. Civil KnKineeriiiK, lrnw iiv. l'honor.iihv. iind Modern Liim.'iiiiKCf . The vsleni of in.ruetion is peeuliiir ; no ebisse" or vi I.' -io'iis m e iniiilu use of. but ench student is tiiiiht, n:.i idiiiillv. so that ho limy eoinmeneo nt liny time, :.nd ntieii.l 'wh.'ilover lioiirn nrc most convenient. ('ninliK'ues nre i.--nied fiimuiilly filler tlio liitb of April, cntniniii nfiiue of the studciils for the yenr, mid lull I'liilieulnrs of terms. Ac. mid limy ho ob tMined nl nny linm by nddressinjr Ihe l'rineiiiil. In exlen-'he iicconinioilntiiiiis. wide-.prend repntn i mid Ihe lemrlhv experience of llio l'liiieipiil. tins In-iiliilioii offers fiicili(is puicrior lo nny other I.. t!ie C"'Uiitry. for yunii men wi.-hin to prepure for ;i iocs, nnd lo obtain nl tho fume time u diploma, v, 'ii h will prove n recommendation for them to imy M. ivmilih- lln-lV z J Crilliivbu's Series of Treiiliseii on l!"ok l pnur. now noire widely circulated lhan any oilier ..rk on Ihe subject, are fl.r Mile lit the College. S IP U ii HIS I'll ITTKN lillN. Attorney at Law I' brnarv S, Im'.J.- ly THE LATEST STYLE OF ,stv7ay; and summer O ARMENTS, Allli Ci INSTANTLY M AW) AT TIIK Fitsliionable Tailoring Establishmeut OP j A. g o 13 o- beck:, 9:irl l Slrc, Simlun-.v. I'M. HIM .-llbwriber has just reciived mill opened n l;o-;e i,--.M.riinent of Sl'lilNH AM) M.M.MI.K a '! 'S. .-Hell llri CLOTHS, id-1 i;vi:i;v 'i:scK!i'TiN' anh (.'L'ai.itv. I'lain and Fancy Cassimeres, Vcstings. &c. . I llio latest i-lyles. Ill li.blition to his Flock he is i 1 1 -1 . 1 1 1 1 1 v ro.-ehini new supplies, trout tlie city, i-.-i i .iii-jf ii full assortment of llio most substantial and 1 it, I .tvles of I. Is ill the oily markets. II,- is prepared lo make to order all kinds of l ; nil, men s and liny 'swear, such a.s i: !-. CHATS. FIU.'CIv COATS, DVSINKSS CHATS. VKSTS, I'ANTAl.i'ONS, Ac, Ac, f the very latest style, and ill the luint rubst.inlial iiianner. at short notice. Any Hoods not on hand, will be fiirni.-hed from I'liil.i-lelphia. by Kivinrf two days1 imlictf. ; v. Cull and cxainino my sloek. No cliares ma I- Ibr sleoiinu'. JACnllO. lil-X'K. Sin, bury, .March 20. Iw'.J. M l&SVM'S IMl'IT'l-IVH JIU I 'l l: I'IM.I.ZI.It ! As Improved for 1 S.V.I find lsi'.fl, I'v l1. KKTC1IAM A CO., 2S'.I Pearl pt., New York. rilllK only l-Vci-zer eonslrncled on scientific prin L i-iph-s. with a revolviui; can and spring bbolo I'eniper. The one has lens the fn-i.iii"; ol Ihe cream I be ,','iier removes it as fa.st as frozen. I he most rapid iu frcenin, with the least iiiantily ' ' ''''' ;t';,e in-'-' economical incost. a. it the most simplo ; ii'l iliii'.il'le in structure. l-'i s.ik- iii all the principal ilics and towns in llio 1 I 'a- ll l-'ree.cr ac .-in-l lull ilircctinllS ninpanied w illi a lasik of recipes PlilCFS f : nit l no b mi r, mi K 0(1 12 ml II 11. MASSF.H. Sunbury, Pa. .1 iiuarM, 1 .plans, I'. ,ii:iris, S ,,iiarl.', 1 1 unart.s, -0 .poirls. i-.lv b .M.irch :".i. Im.J. hi Pi i i i it .v lion it. I Attorneys nt IjUW, Sunbury, Pa. i ,ii;. pHCKl'.l I'.I.I.F.U and Sh.iMiX , . I: V KII. re.pectlnlly aniinunce lhal limy j lone el ten- I into eopa rl neisli i p ill Ihe practice of . I lo-ir pi "I'es-wn. mi I w ill cnniiniie to aiiend lo all f business eiiii-ii-l.'il to their charpe. in the counties i,l Niirihiimberbiud. I'nioii. Snyder and Montour. pr pllv. fuitl fiillv mi'l eiireliillv. Special alien- j n will be pive'n to Iho Cnl.l.l'CTIiiNS OF iri.M.MS. CniiMillations can be had iu the (iF.K- ( .M lali'-'iiae. I'lt'i, .' Market street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sinibory, February I. ISiill. I(i:kiili, WiiK'Hi .V'. rpill) subscriber, hinim; opened in Th"iiip.ii' I ilri.-k P.iiil-'.iie.. Mill slieet, liuin illc, ii l.irpe lllel iplele sl,,ck or I'OKFUIN' AND HO.M FSTU" l.ll'"l!S. cmpri-iie; the best brands of l.rniidies, (iin. Old live Sc. t.-h and liish Whiskey, Poll, Sherry, .Ma-.leir-i. C'l.impapnr and other Wines, ot all prudes, all ol ivhi.di w ill be sold Wholesale, at lb" lowest city pii e.-. Ta vei ii k pi r.J. bybiivinpof us, can save at lest lb.- rn i.:l,t. lVr.-niis de.-ir uis of purchasing liipiors for F A -M IhV I S I -l . may r, ly up -n l.ein furnished with n pure nnd lllel loll. ml. d ai liele. ; V'v'wz, ileteruiined Iii eslabli-li it reputation f,.r .selling i !i,-:, p. he rcspeclfiilly solicits Ihe patroliape of the public. All orders promptly nilendcl lo. JKP.KMIAHS. HALL. li.mville. June Pi. lsr.ti. your l'ruil, ' Patent Sheet Metal Screw Top Y li -in Mason Pn servo Jar. .'.IMJ.Y.S1 PATTIXT SHEET METAL !CliEV T(JJ'! All thai is necessary hcinp to screw Ihe Cap down n Iho lliiliber tla.-ket, which if placed onlside II, e shoulder of III" Jar. 2 of an inch distant m-i ihe ,,p ; prevent the H.ssibilily of the llavor o .- 1 1 nit living iniured by cmiiinp iu contact with the nMr-r I'.i ..ii de-iiinj these Jars enn ho supplied by .ivim: ilu-ir nrd. rs with Jl. Ii. MASSLli, Aeut. Siinimrv. J line 2. I I'll. lVa -liinjilon llctuxr, NoKT II V M HKI'.l.AN 1), l'KN NSY L'ANIA, (.Y..K- i,'.r i-i'.nr.) rilili-1. .-ub.-criber having leased this well known I 'I'll, ru Stand, lately kept by Mrs. 0. S. Hrown. 1 , -pel inl I y iiitnrms the public that he is refutinp and repaii i'.ip tlic premises, and w ill bo prepared In on leit.iiii. in a comfortable manner, his numerous tiieuds throtmtinui the county, nnd all who may pa rnio.i his e.-talilisliment. Apnl 12 IM.2. JoSF.I'H YAXKlilK. I'l-niiKliii ', pI'.Hl Il.T A N 1 1 1!LFIT!NISIIK Cor. Howard l nnd Franklin Sireel, a few Nju. iVcsl of the .Snrlheru Ci nlrai liailroad liepot, ii.. ll.MOUL' I y Ti:ums, SI i i.ii Hiv. (I. LKL-LNllIXli, I'roj.rielor. July Id. ls',0 if Tlic St, l.ouix, 'nut Stml. hrln-foi Thud nul Fourth, 17 1 J'uii..uiKi.riiu. f I Ml II I yen IMIl'i under i-'ned, havinp leased, for 11 term of ears, tins )spular house, have the plcasuro ot uiiu uiiu nip in their Inen.ls and Ihe travelinp com loiniify llial it is now mien for the reception of neslti. Tin- (muse, silica Die hrst of .March last, ha been i nl i rely reuovalcd and retitted in it superior manner ; Ihe iip.irlin. nis nru lar-'e, well entilale, mid lur-ni-lied in modern stylo. It in centrally lnenlcd, enmcnit-nt (nail Ihe dejwit and Hteamlmiit landinps, and iu Iho iiiiinediato vicinity of tho Custom House., P...I OHicc and the, Coin Kxohanpe. Connected willi the Hotel is a Uc.-laiiriiiil for the ..c, oiiin,o.li li, n of llin. ii prclerrinp Iho liumpenn i lau. Prices of It s.ms from Threo to tieven Hollars i.cr week, aecmdiii'! lo bavilion. P- lid SI in per day Table d ll ite for luercUmits I m l bu iin. .-inou trum 1 lo 3 P M. II KN li V MIL I. AAC I iL i: .illlI., lv'J l IIK.III.V IMIMHWAT .-M.US! M C. (IKAKIIAKT Had 1!kti iinkd mm a Krw Stock op ('oiilVrlioiinricM, I'rtiU niul 'I'ojs. JT pcemsns If n new nire, n new lifo wns opening niton us, miiniatin every licirt to noblt-r deiiis and higher iiiiniil Art, J.ileraluio nnd N'ieneo Mtl flow anew, mid seek lo decluij riibliiuer i-euutle$ and grander conception. The businow world, too. niiH feel the new influence nnd every part be quickened and strcnir,thonod by an increased vital ily, which tdiall uri;e us on w itli elec tric speed to Ihe consummation of irreuter tliinirsllmn wn.s ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of the pa3!. Aniiniiled by tho enthusiasm which pervades all classes, and desirous of doin his ,'harp Inwards Tho ;reat events o Ihe Age,1' the subscriber would re spectfully inform the pood people of 1 NliLKY nnd Ihe public peiierally, that lie flas just returned from the city of Philadelphia with Ihe largest and choicest stock of Confeelioiiaries, l'ruil ami Toys, that lull ever been brought lo this section of country. He i? also maui!fai.'turin all kinds id' Coiifi'Clioiinries. Ac , to fill up orders, wholesale or retail, at sj,.,rt notice. Anion his stock of l'l S A 111 I--S may bo found : French Sorrels, Cum Props, nil kindsfcent lliirned Almond?, I.ove limps. Cream White, Mint limps, ridand white. ; " l.einon, .lelly Cakes, j " Pose. Kruit )iroi, " Yanilla. Slick Caiulie... of nil seoiih'. Coininnii Secrets, Pock Candy, l.i'l'.mi ice, Almond Candy I im it i P.-innnai1, Prunes, i liates, Fis, Cuiraiit.-. dried, Pai -cns, Nut? of all kind l.K.MHN SVKl'P 'of n fupi-i ior (jiialily. by the pintle or dnnn A ' niperii.r ipialii v of Tobacco and Sears. and u variolv of Conleclioiiaries. Fruit. Toys. Ac , all of which is iitlcrcd chea at wlmlesalc and retail, j Vss' licineinber Ihe name and place ..VT1 I jM C. HPAltllAliT. Market street store. loors west of I) Y Plight A Son' Siinbiiry. April I I. lsf,.-y SIVMtl 1CV sii: n Ml 1. 1.. i i.oi i:i' rilll) Pubscribers havine taken poves--ion iif this 1 first class I.1 Ml 1. 1., are prepared to r ivc finiin of all kinds, nu 1,- do cnsium work nt the shortest notice. Customer will h.-io their prists irroiind iimuediately upon their beinp left at Ihe Mill. As it is Ihe intention of the linn to stock llio Mill, n larpe supply of praiu will he constantly kepi on bund, and tlniir by the ijuantity can always be nhtailied. The iric.'llesj care will be'talvli to tuin out a superior ipialiiy of Hour, for w hick Ihe luill is ndiuirably adapted. Strict Klioiitinn will be paid to Ihe wants of customers, and the patronage of tho public petierallv is resf (fully reu nested. Sunbury, .luiie 2.1, lsr.o. .M i It 1 1 A N A CO pint I J l-,l.l.S it HAiNU S f'"1 SALAMANDER SAFES. (.IKKAT l'l UK AT IIKAMXU, VA. Fi bruary 12, lSi',2. liKNTi.i:Mt:N 1( pives mo much Katid'actinti to inform yoti thai iu the w.-veio firo which, on the inorninp of Ihe 1th inst., entirely dcslroycd all lay slock and uiaterials, had oneof your Salaiiuttider Fire Proof Sales. After endurinp an inli use red heat for seven hours, the Safe wiw opened, and Ihe Honks and Papers w ere preserved iu an uiuhlcmi.-hcd condition. I shall need another Safe as soon us 1 pel in order. Yours, most respectfully. W. 1'. JilCKlNSo.N.'lieadiiip: P.i I lHi: AT (j Kl-.T'N CASTI.i: CiiAMUMisiii'iiii, Franklin countv, !'n , ) Aupiisl Slut. lsf.P ( rv 1'vans A M'M-oV, Philltlelpllill (ieiilh'- Oii the morninp of lh 22d of Aupust, ISt'.l, ,M men ur Slorehouse at (frecncasllo was destroved bv lire. The Saliiniander Safe we purchased from you s,.uio few years since was iu Ihe abovu tnentihned stoie- lioiise. and contained all our 1 ks. papers, ca.sh. Ac, which were preserved in h perfect condition, after hciup exposed to a most intense heat for several hours. Please inhum us upou what terms you will pill us another larper Safe. Yours truly, OAKS A A1STIN" Salamander Safc-i, for Hanks, Slopis, Private l-'nuiilies. Ac , Ac. Also, l-'.vans A V.ltsol1l Patent Alpliahetical Hunk Locks and Hank Yault Honrs, eipi.-il to any made in the country, and Hold on an poi..I terms. K A W. would respectfully n-fer to tho folh.w inp Hanks and otlicr parlies, haiinp their Safes and Loeks now iu use, to their entire sati-fiic-linn, and iiiauy olher piveli at their Store. I sni-ii Ktvits .Mint, Hranch Hank, Shelbyville, Ph ilia lei ph in. Teniii-ssec. I'M i-rii Status Ai:.sn;AI..Cily Hank of Philadelphia Calili.niia. Cotisoli.bilioii IPk of Philil. Poli.slnun pank. I'll. Cnm'lh liank of Pbila. Coalesillc Punk. Pa. Chalanooca Hunk. Tenn. Slroud-burp Lank. Pa. Pre'm Loan .Won, 4ih si. .lersev .sli..i-c Lank. Pa. Hank of Northumberland Hank of Norlli n Liberties, Lock il-ivcn Punk. Pn. 1 uioii Hank. P.altininre. 1 lllllKll-lpllUl. Sntithwi-siein Hank of Yn. Paul and Swill, Hankers, Fulton Hank. Allan,.-!, tin. Alabama Nrwark Park. H.-l. W li SlerlinpAVilkesl, e Hank ol'N. C Hab-iph. Lew isburp Hank. Pa. Other references piven ns.n calling at our Store. No. His. Fourth Street, Philadi Iphin. March 2!l. IM'.2 ly " oTiri: i " 'I'lie Al:iii4 l'rHN 4'oiiirmy, ("IVF N'OTICK lhat Ihey Imvo concluded ar il raiipenients with the Northern Central liailroad Company In run trains from Halliniore for York, llarrisl.urp. Jiaupliin. Ilaltlax. Irevorlon, Sunourv, Northumberland. Lowi.-hurp. Milton, Miincy, William-port, and all intermediate stations. ciinnctin nl llairi-buip wilh the li III-; AT WLSTLlt.N HX- PKKSS tor Pill.-burp, Cincinnati, St Louis, and tho West. Also wilh Howard A C.i.'n Exprc at Milton or HumiDo, Hlnouisburp, Wilkesban-e. Pillslon, Scran- Ion. and intermediate stations on Ihe t atlnwissa, Lackawanna A Piooin-hurp liailniHils. At Wil- lianisport. by Howard A I'h.'h Fxpress to Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by lb, ward A Co., mid their connect ions, for Canton. Troy, Klinira, Hochestcr, Hiilliilo. Niagara, and lo all accessiblo points iu Western New- York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Hank Notes, Jewelry, uud Yaluablo Packapis of every (U-scriii- lion. Also. Nntes. HrafM and Hills for Collodion. -;.peiienced and rtlieieiit inesseupern i-inployed, uud every effort will bu made lo render sntisli.ctioii JOHN HI Nil II AM, Snperiidrndent Pi nn1!! Hivision. Philadelphia. U A FISCIIF.lt, Apenl for Sunbury. April 5. I MIX IVar! Ur! COME KP.o.M Till-: NoltTll. COME Flto.M THE SOUTH, COME ITHi.M THE EAST, COME FliOM THE WF.ST Savc the country mid build yourselves homes, for now is Ihe lime to pel your Lumber cheap. Yes, LCMisKia Li' mi: an a lcmiucu ; can be purchased lit low ratu at Iho STEAM SAW MILL of 1 11 A T. Cl.EMEXT, MWlirin' I'A., Such lis Panel j .inyber, Kramo LuiiiS-. r, Huards, Si ding, Shingles from 5? I In .SS )u r IhousauJ, riuntcr'uig Lai'i Palinp, H.Hiling Laih, Ac., Ac All bills ordered, for any kind of Lumber, will bo lure -lied ut thu thortes.! notice. I1IA T. CLEMENT Sunbury, March 9, lsiYI. NATRONA COAL 0ILI W urraiilod oii.i:loi r, ami npial touny KKROSK.NK. Why buy explosive Oil, wnen a few cciiui mote per gallon will f'illlUll )ou Willi a pel I'ecl Uil ? Maile only tiy TA. SALT MAM KAUTCRING COMPANY, No. is; Walnut fc-Ucct, rinladclnliia. I ebruary 15, ISfii. ly 1 5AP0NIFIER ! SAFONIFIER ! I TIIK FAMILY SOAP MAKEK Ail KiUlicnGreaw oun Ik inuilc iulo good Soap, uniag 9apon iticr ! Direction! Acciiinnanyiag Each Dox SOAP I m cahilv inuilc u-ult il, aa making a cup of cof Icc. M.iiinlaeliiieii oiilv by (lie PaU-lltei-s. I'A. SALT M.NI KA Tl lllti COMPANY. N . I'37 Walnut sued, I'hiU.klehia. rihiiiuy IS, ! - ly B1S'K (l'archnienl l'ii r ) liicds and Hank Mortp ipc.'. P'oii-ii.. l..e.-uiioii., Suuinifin' . Ao I t -ale at Ihe "tlAi) ot 'be .-"ubury Auien'uu ' 'Fill HAVE YOU A COUGH? Tiirn U30 JAYXK'S KXPHCTOT! AXT. Po not nllow your Cold to ttiko its own course. Two thirds of Ihe victims of consumption owe their nlllicliotis to the fatal mistake of owaitinp for n eoupli to pet well of Ittolr." l'o not full into this error, but nvail yourself nt once of a remedy which thirty yenm' experienco lm.-t demonstruteil in certain to procuro n speedy cure. ilAVK YOU ASTHMA OH PHTHISIS. Then tise.TAYNK SKXPHCTOIlAXT, which will overcome the spasmodic" contraction of the wind tubes, and cnuJe tliein to eject the niucuou. or inntter which clops them up. anil by nn easy and free expec toration runovo nil difficulty of breatlunp. HAVE YOU r.HOXCHITIo! Then nc JAYXK'S EXI'ECTOlt AXT. Thiswlde sprend disease whi di may penerally be described n. an inllamatinn of the lino skin which lines the inside of tho wind tubes or air vessels. Fprendinp thrmiph every part of the limps, is often trtken lor consump tion. The Expectorant subdues this iiinatentiou, relievo the attending couph, pain, and ditlicnlly of brenthinp. and if tho case is not of loo longstanding, mil cirtainly produce a cure. HAVE YOU CONSUMPTION ? Then use J AYXI". S EXPECTOH ANN. It clean ses the limps from nil irritntinp mutters, while at the same time it heels ttvl invipt, rales thi-in. Of all tho remedies which have been oib-red to the public for this dread disease, none have stood (lie test ot' time or maintained so universal a popularity as this Fxpccto rant. Thousands w ho have been piven up by their phy-ie'inns a-- incurable have been restored to perfect health by ils u.-c. and tln-ir testimony must carry conviction to all who read it. HAVE YOU PI.ITKISY ? Then i-.-c.lAYNE'S FXl'ECT'ill ANT. Hytakinp t.-ikinp two or three larpe doses in the early stape of the ilisease in (inick siicce-sinn, nnd eoverinp up warmly in bed. tnis preparation acts as a sudorific or sweating medicine, and .subdues the inlhiuialien at tlio outset. HAVE YOU WllOOPIXC.-CCUCill. Then use JAYXK'S EXPECTOH ANT. There is no remedy which so effectually overcomes tliisiliscaso as the l-;.poe!,.r:mt. M hat jiarent can witness iho sulleriiips of her children from this distressinp com plaint wi'hoiit ib'iiip all in her power f.r tlicir relief? What medicine so pleasant to the taste, or in certain lo produce immediate benefit? tiive it a trial, nnd let it prove its eflicacy. HAVE YOU CKOUP ' Then use JAY NF'S EXPECTOH ANT. Children are subject to im disease more sudden in its aiiii'-k--. or. in the ah-em-e of prompt relief, none more fatel in ps r. -nl'- than Croup. Ivir, l.s.-theiel'nre. slionl I keep at hi'.. d a remedy tv-t- ai.,1 llmrouph. Such a remedy limy le l'..iiial iu the Kxj ectoriiiit, and evi.iy carcl'ui me hi r will Keep a sn; ,y by lo r. 0 AY.NT.'S l'..Pi:CTUHAN'T. Is a stall )iirdine, Heine. F'nr thirty yours i! luij been before the pul.J''. mi l ihirir.p this j, cried its curative iMiwcrs have lieen te;.:ilicd p. by all clc-ses of lie., pie in all quarters of the world. l'liiciiui elerpymeii. j lawyers, inerehcie aa-l 1 iivheiiies have ex; : . d 1 its remedial fiVcts.-iind :'-o;.;-hed u.t v'iftnhcit li-stiinony. and it ni.y be found lit ....p(7. 1n iair Almanac, to be pel ur-itis of all ii-.:enls. To tin ir com iucinp cci lii'-ntes we wnuld refer ihe .loi.htinp. The Exi'i.i t.'Iiant and all Hr. H. J.WNK A s'o.N S Family Mi.imi ixls arc told by all li.-upgis!s pclicrallv. May I'". s",2 s til. ' 'riii: i UPTON S. NLWCOMKH. Proprietor, f pill HOTEL is central, convenient by Piiss.inpfr 1. Cars to all parts of the city, and in every par ticular adapted to thy Comforts and wants, of tho business put. lie. i'if Terms. SI 5fl per day. September 21, IsCl. ly Vi iiiHi-'i. W-v.' Xui K 'i'j :o I'ouii.iry. nooK, x:wai'j-:h, joi:a.j oj;a- . M K.ST A f, AlK hi.ve Iho fullest ii,-s,.rtmi nt of lb.- most ns. fill j 1 kinds of Plain and Onaimenf :il 'lype. nial.u- laetured from the most durable liutnls. timslad witli ' the prealest care and uci-uracy. securing pcrKct jusli- i licatinii. j Specimen Dicks nnd estimates fumblied upuU op- j plicatiiiii, ulsn. Pl'.INTINii PHESSES, ! with their a pu: lenar.ccs of all the approved Linkers- ; w o o n t Y p i: . i of iill tlic latest s-'vles. of nil sizes. Metal Furniture ' Labor-Sa in.? Kules, Cases. Cabinet-.. F un-.iiure, Pi-intinp Jnli. and eieiy article tiiu l'r.i.ier reoiiires. ' leiins liL'eral. Pinini t tilt. jiMon. FAIt M Eli. LITTLE A CO.. fin and lij IJuckiaau street, New Yjik. May .1, lsr.2 til. triiMTll'l IIIX. tilEfub-, -r re-pectlu!ly ii. forms his old friends and Ihe i.uhlio generally that he ha.-- eoiuuieuoi.il Iho ELACIC-MITHINil 1,1'SI NESS, ; ill the shop attached to l1. Y. H. ipht's Foundry, and is repare.l to do all kin-Is of Hlncksiiiiihiiig. in the j liest style and Woi l;i,::,ii-hip. i All custom work will be pr nip'lv tiltendcl to. i J II Z1.M.M1. H.MAN. Ai-cnt. Sunbury, April .'ii, K-i',2 if lIIo'kM f klllKli-Iioil 'oli-. rpillS preparatiion. made liriu tho be-t Java I I'otl'ee. is r tl, mended by hygicians as a supe rior Nl TK1THH S i:i,VI-:UA'i;i-: 'for li. nei-al licbil- ' iy. 1 iv.-pej.sia. nn I all Pillions Hwa . i-s. 'l'hoiisani's w ho ll.ive been eomiielled lo abandon tho Use of j effep, will use Ibis without injurious effects, lino can Ci.utailis Ihe strelli'th oi' two liolilids ol ordinary I cottoo. Price X'i cents. KoLLDCK'S EE VAIN, Tho purest and btst HAUINiI POWIilT. known, for makiu light, sw eet and nutritious Hread unj Cakes. Price J j ceuU!. M A MTACT I'll IUI r.v M. II. Kol.L1 CK. Chemist., Corner of Hroad and Chcsuut Streets, 1-uii.MiKi.rni , And noM by all Itruggisu and liroccrs. -March 1, IsiiX 1 1 : i rl it li r .'liiiliiiK'fy , .Mci'luiuico' '1'ooIn, V'. II EX V, Y 0 1 LEF.ltT. AZuriit t'tmt, ljpititc the Court 7owr, II.i:nisnii:R, Pa., ni:.LEH in nil kinds of Huilders mil Manufac turers' llarilw are, Iron, Su-cl, Coil Chain, Hopes., Pulley Hlocks, Ac. Lixsi:t:n, Hthnivo anh M tcin.M'.RV Oils. The Lubricating Oils are adapted to every variety of Machiuery. Also, at muinilacturcrs prices, Moon Wor-KiNa M.u hiskuy, vii : I'luiihijj, Sash, Morticing nnd Sawing Ma chines, Ac. Machinists' Tools, vii : Planers, Engine and Hand Lathes, Holt Cutters, Ac, Ac, Machine Helling, of Hubber nu I Heather, constantly on hand. Herring's Firo Proof SaTes, Platform Scales, Tin Plate, Shoet Iron, HI.M-k Tin and Trimmers' Tools. i. Purchasers, will find it tu their interest to givo us irti. , H.-uiisburg, Mart 29, Isi'2. SIMON P. WOLVERTON AltoriM-y Itntl I'oiniMfloi lit l.nw, Offico, Market street, 2 doors wist of Depot, aXJINTJiUTiY, I'A. WILL nllend promplley to tho collection of claiuis and all other prolcssiiinal buniniss Intrusted lo his caro in Korlhuinhei'laml mid adjoining counties Sunbury, May it, IM'.X ?luiiiir:i- iirt-ritf of Kioik? iii'i'. COWDEN Ss WILCOX, IIARRISBUna, 3? A. rpiIE Stoim Ware now made nt this establishment .1. i innal Iu any mu le in this country. Every va riety of article u.iually lii.-idc, ulwiiy.-ou hand, llarrifbury, May 3, IsiiJ BOOTS AND SHOES can be purchased nt tho Maunnoth Store of l'riling A- (jriint. very cheap, us w u uro iljlerniiiud aot tube uiideri-obl by anybody. Call and learn the list id' prices for yourselvcu. Sunbury, Juu. IX ImjI. EltlLl-Mi A UltAXT. W1NHOW SHAHES A very fmo and cheap as.-.rtiiieiil, jusi received by Kailroad from New Yoik. at tho Mouuuolh Store of 1 riling A Grant We have ubo t'uj tale S S Putnam A Co s iikl .(, It. i Puicut Piudiiluu Curiam l'ixturi .'iMilury MjtvbJiS. L ,;. CHOICE POETRY. av ivi:mvoihh. Hit Cnper.. shaine the ivory key They dance o lipht nlonp : Tho bloom upon her parted lips Je sweeter tlun the sonp. 0 perfumed fuiter. ppnre thy sinilea ! Her thouphls nre not of tfiec : She bi tter loves the salted, winded, The voices of tho ecu Her heart is like nn outbound ship That nt iin anchor ."whips ; Tho murmur of the stranded thcll is ill tho soup, she sings. She sinps, nnd. mnilinp. hears her praise, Hut ilre.-nas tho while of ono V ho watches from his son-blow n deck iho icebergs in tho sun. She mictions nil tho winds that blow, And every fog-wreath dim, And bids the sea-birds (lying north Hear messages to him. Hie speeds them with Iho thanks of men He perilled life to s.-u. And prateful prayers like holy oil To smooth for him the w ave. Hrown Yikinp of the lishinp-sniack ' Fair toast of all the down' The skippers jerkin in b'-seemj The lady's cilkeii gown ! Hut ne'er shall Amy Wcniworih, wear l-'er him the blu-u of sluuno M'ho dares to set his manly pills A:;aiusl her ancient name. The stream i- briphtel at its spring, And blond is iiol like w ine : Nor honored less than he who heirs. s he who founds- a line. l-'ull liplitly shall the prize be won, J f love be Fortune's spur ; An I ne er maiden stoop, to him Who lilts hiin.-cll lo her. Iter lucre is brave in Jafl'rey street, M itli stiis.-ly --tairv.-.ivs worn Uy feci of old'ColoaiarkiiiphW And ladies gentle-born. Still trci-n about ii,s ample perch Tiiu English ivy twin,-, , Ti 'iii. d back t.i slioiv in Enpiisti oak The herald 'd carveii sipns. An l on her. from 'he wain'oot old, Au,-e-!ral 1 u-es frown. And this lias worn tlicsohliei 's swir.1. And that tiie judge's gow n. Hat. ?tr"in:'ivill and proud lis they, She Wrflksthfi s .llery-lloor As it',ho trod her prti-v d deck ily stormy Lalirador ! The sweet-biier bl..oni nn Kittcry sidc, And preen are Elliot's bowers'; Her panleii is the pi I. bled bench, The l'.ios-es arc her llivweri;. She hnks across tho harlrir-bar 'l'o see the white mills tly, His greeting from the Northern fell Is. iu their clanging cry. t'lie hums n soup, and dreams lhat he, As iu its romance old, (Shall homeward ride with silken, t-ails And luiisls of I.e.ileii gold ! Oil. rank is good, nnd gold is fair, And hiph and low mate ill ; Hut lo e has. never known a law Heyoiid it' ow n sw eet w ill ! (Atlantic Monthly August. .MISCI':i-.L.-NKQUS. ANTHONY TKOlYLOrE IN AMEKICA. Jr:!. Fruuros Ti-nHnpo, anmc tliirty Vi-nis n";o, wi'oli' a spicy nnd sjiitrl'itl la-u!; nn Aini'iirn. Ik-r sun, tlie iiuvilist, Mr. An thony Tl'illoi!'. litl'l lnlio-1 1 1 1 11 ; rli t i-l' wiilin-j; n worl ill unit tin' I'niti-il SLiti-s. I.n.-t yi-iir lie vifik-il ti: l'ur l!u' j u r; - niul tin1 rr-uil i.i :i i-i ii 1 uf: stunt llimlisli ni t.ivo valmiii s. AVc i'limi-h ;i t'ovv i-ti:ii t-i, vvliicli will sliow, in tl oi-niTiil way, wlitil Mr. Ti-i.!!npi' thinks (if us tlintioh ivc nitiy ,iiM, that tlii so ari' sunn'- id' tho 1 1 1 . i -1 I'a i.r.iiile. ( bio lliim; is! quite- until -nihil', that win tii'ViT Mr. Trollopc niaUis a (lii'cct iiiinjitiiisim hitwi-en the l'.nlisiiiiniii .iti.l till1 Anii-rirait, in nini' vc o'tt i !' ten it i.-in t'.ivor of tlu' latiiT. Ik', iiiili-i-,1, assitnn-i thai t lie lCno'iislimatt or Kiiiilis-lnmin, i itli a i-iiinii-ti-nt ineoiiu' tunl an a.v-iiii-il jilaru in Knci.-ty, is ludtir ami he! Ii i' nil' than tinyluuly rt.-c in tin1 worlil. lint vvlii-n il ridiii-s to tlu: jjivat niaM-.-i, the case is ijtiiti' thf l'rVe--:-i'. AMERICANS AM) LNlil.rsIIMKN. ''Tlio one tliint' in vvliith, ns far an my iti'lirmi nt .'iii -s, tlic roh' of the Vniti-il Slates have I'M'i'lloil i,n Klilisliiniii, su ns tu jilstil'y 1 1 ii' in in takiii"; to tlicinsi'lvos praisi', uhii-h we canimt take lo nursi Ives or rct'iise to them, is the itialti-i'nf i-iliieatinn, ' " ami niiiiviiUil ii)iilation, wealth ami iiitellipvm'e liave lieeu the result, and with these Inokiii!' at tho whole masses of the people I think I ittn justified in sayint; unrivaleil comfnit ami happiness. It is not lhat you, my vi-.-iilei', to whom in the matter of eilucation anil fort lino, your parents have piol.alily heen liouniji'ul, wouhl have lu-eti more hapjiy in New York than in London. It is not that I, who, at any rale, ean read and write, liavc cause to wish that I had la i n an American. Hut it is 1 his : if you and I can count up m a day till those ii whom our eyes nitty rest, and learn the cir cumstances of their lives, wc shall he driven to coin-hide that nine tenths of that mtmhiT would have had a Letter life ns Americans than they call Lave iu tlicir spiieas as Knirlishiuen. 'If tt man can fuiL'i t his own mi.-i lies in his joiirnej-injrs, and ihink of the people he conn s to see, rather than of himself, 1 think he will find himself driven to admit tiiat education has made life for the million in tlie Northern Stales better than life for the million is with ns. "I do not know any contrast that would he more surprising to an Kmrlishman, up to that moment ipiorniit of the matter, than lhat w hich he would find Ly visifmir tiist of all tt free school in London, nnd then a free school ill New York. The female pupil ut a free school m London is, ns a rule, cither a ia;'ired pauper, or a charity jdi'1, if not di paded, nt h ast stig matised hy the liadires and dress of the Charity. S'e Kiitdishineu know well the type oi' each, nini have a fairly corrccl idea of the amount of education which is im parted to thent. AY i' see the result after wards when the same t-iils lieconici our ser vants, an I the wivib of our grooms nnd porters. The female pupil, at a flee school in New York, is neither a pauper nor a charily girl. She is divsi'il in the utmost decency. She is perfectly cleanly. Ill sp. ak ing to her you cannot in any ilefiiee guess whether her father has a dollar per day, or three thousand dollars a year. Nor will you he cnahled to gucf by the manner in which her associates treat her. Aa regards her own manner to you, it is always tho tamo us though her lather were in ull respects your 1'iiuul." x I.IVC IS TUH MII.I.K. 'That which inont surprises an Knglish visiter on going through the niillsiit Lowell, is the personal appearance of the men uud women who work at them. As there, are twice as tuanv womm as. th.rC are men, jl is to them that the ntleiition is chiefly culled. They are nol only Iu Iter dressed, cleaner, and bi llet mounted in every respect lhan the girls ciuplincd at iii'iiiul'ai lotii s in laitr land, but they are so infinitely superior us fo make, a Mrangvr immediately pcivi-ivc lhat some, very slron; cause ninct have creiited the ilifl'iieliee. Our Hiitihl, of i'o'uvc, be disposed to say that the superior condition of (he workers must have been occasioned by superior wages; and this, to a cerlaiu extent, has been the cause, lint the higher payments is not the chief cause. Women's wages, in cluding nil that- they receive al the Lowell factories, average- about fourteen shillino-s a week, which is, I take il, fully a third more lhan women ran cant in Manelieslrr, or did earn before the loss of Ihe American colton began to tell upou them. Hut if wams in Manchester were raised lo ihe Lowell etandnrd. tlie Mam he-h r woman would md be clothed, fed. cared for and educated like tlic Lou ell woman. (ANAPA. ''I must confess that in going from the Stales info Canada, tin Knulishuiaii isMnnk by Ihe feeling thai he is oimr from a lii lter country into one that is poorer, and from a grc.-ib r country iulo one lhal is less. "I eniiM nol enli r Canada without seeing, hearing and feeling lhat there was h-;s of inlet-prise around nie then' than in (he Stales - h ss nl' general movement, and less of commercial sneei-s-:. 'l'o say why Ibis is :. would i'eiiiii-e a long and very diilieiill discussion, and one which 1 am not pre pared to hold. It may be lhal a dependent country, let the fooling of dependence be ever so in in -1 1 moiltliid by powers of self gnvertianre, cannot hold its own a".:,inst countries which are iu all respects tin ir own nia-dors.1' Mr. Trollopc ontrr.i tif. length inio the general (pu'slion of ihe w ar of si ccs.'ioti : how it a ro. how it might have been avoid ed, lit' is very severe on Mr. Jltiehanan, whom lie brand.-; as a di iiber.ile traitor; lliinks the r.ritish fioM.-innii.nt has inted throughout iu pi i l'eel good l'aiih; and is eniiiideiu lhat (he result of the war will be a t-epai'.H ion of the I'nioii. by which the north will largely profit. It will gel ill of ,a I urdciiMiiue a'l-l uiiptolilable pa.inir, and will go on developing its industry and ma terial power. Secession, he lliinks, v, ill be accomplished, by Ihe (litlf Slates at least, "much to l heir misfortune; and then they w ill litnl thriiiM-'iWs in the condition ' of a low i'nd debased nation, or worse still, of many low and debased nations.' They will have lost their cotlnu monopoly by lite coinjietitiou created during the period of the w ar, and will have no material of gn ill ness on which to found themselves, or to flourish. 'rhe Southern Confederation of States will stand something higlur in the world lhan Mexico and the rcpuhlies of Central America. Iter cotton monopoly will have vanished, and her wealth hav e been wasted." AMI'.KIf'A AS TIIK OK AN AV. Y OK Tilt: WOULD. 'I was at Chicago and i.ufl'.iloin (VioJirr. 1 went down to the granaries, and elimbed up into the elevator:!. 1 saw the wheat running in rivers from one vessel to another, and from the railroad vans up into the huge bins on the top s'.ories of the wan-houses ;- for there rivers of food urn up hill as easily as thi y do row. 1 saw the corn measured by the i'm ly bu.dicl men. tire with as mill h easo as we mea.-ure an ounce of cheese, and v, iili gr. -iter I'spidiiy. 1 as certained that the work went on, week day and Sunday, day and night iiieessar.tly ; rivers of wheat and rivers of maize ever limning-. I saw men bathed in corn cs they di.-tribiiled it in its ilou. 1 saw bins by the scon-laden w it'.i w heat, in e-n h of which bins there was -pneo lor a comfortable lesi dence. I l-i'i allied the Hour, and drank the flour, and felt myself to be enveloped iu a World of bread-dull". And then I believed, itiider.-tooil, and brought it home to myself as a fact, lhat here in the corn lands of Michigan ami amid the Hull's of iscon-'m, and on the high table plains of Mintii -oi.i. and the prairies of Illinois, had Cod pre pared the food for ihe increasing luillionnif the Kastern world, as al.-o for the coming millions of the Yestein. I began then to know what it was for a country to overflow wilh milk and honey, lo burst wilh its, fruits, and he smothered by its own riches, l'rom St. Paul down the Mississippi by the shores of Wisconsin and low a,--by the ports on Lake Pepin, by La Crosse, from which one railway runs eastward, by Prairie du Chieij, the terminus of a second.- by Pun leach, Pulton, and Hock Island, from w hence three other lines run eastward, all through that wonderful State of Illinois the fanner1.-, glory along the ports of the great Lakes, through Michigan, Illinois, Ohio, and far tin r Pennsylvania, tii to lltill'alo, the great gate of the Western Ceres, the loud cry was this "How shall we rid ourselves of our corn atld V hi at ;' 'flic result has been the passage of lill.tllKHI.OOO bushels of breads! nils through that gale in one year I Let those who are susceptible of statistics ponder that. For Iheni w ho are not I can only give this advice : Let them go to Jhilialo UcXt October, nnd look lor themselves.'' I'OVIIHTKi: K AVIXiIM It A " US. Tlivir lJc'l ami till iin tncis. lluir thi SiU u in iVm-i'M. in En-jhtifl. For many years past the ''Money Order Ilcpart incut" of the l'.rili h po-lolltce h -is been in active operation. Its ebju-t is the safe, speedy and economical transmission of small sums of money from any one part of the I'nited Kingdom to another, nnd so po pular a medium of remilfanci? has il bi come that the annua of money orders now annual ly issued exceeds in vr.lue cixty millions of dollars, and the commission charged thereon leaves to the pottolHee a net annual prolit of about fl'iti.tluO. The Trent success of the money-order sys tem has letl the Jh ilish government to estab lish in connection with it il havings bank system, the principal feature of which is the dipositeor withdrawal, of money in any part of the I'nited Kingdom, an advantage, to depositors having occasion to remove their resilience fioin one plat o to another, or to travel iu pursuit of eheir uvocatious, which is self-apparent. Bl'CC'ESS OF TIIE PYSTKM. In a paper read before the Social Science Congress in London, nt its annual meeting Inst monlh, Mr. Chctwynd, the Comptroller of theso banks, described the success which had thus far attended the experiment, lie stated that 2,5:1') postal bauks hail been es tablished since the ltiih of September last, when the system (list canio into opcr.il ion. This number gives nn average of one post ollicc bunk to tn,81j. people whilst ot the old savings lank tlu.it wwi only one to 1J. O'.'O J'lopic. AI)VANTot:S Ol-' l'osrot'l K l'.SAVINOS r.ANUS. Among the numerous advanlages of this syslem limy be i imineiated by the follow ing : 1. The banks are perfoelly safe, the mo ney pliieetl Ihel i in being placed in the hands of the? government, which is bound by law to repay il when it is wanted. 2. A bank can be formed within a short distance from every person's residence, and ns Ihe. olliees tire open at least eight hours every working day, a person may tleposite hi- money al hisowu convenience, and when none of his neighbors or friends are by to sec w hul he is about. il. These, banks enable people fo save up money by degrees ; and from the small ae o; of the sum which maybe depo.-ilcd they w ill be induced to form habits of frugality and prudence, instead of extravagance and carelessness. In fuel these b.O'ks are of a nature (o bring into ad ion (he proverb, "A penny saved is a penny ga'ncil.1' I. They give a fair interest for the money deposited in tham. If a man ileposils a dollar a week for ten years, he will then have nearly six hundred dollar:: of princi pal and interest. The limil.' of the regula tions, however, permit him lo lay up three limes thai sum. "i. Persons depositing money in them are not at any cxpeu-c. There is no charge for books, or formr, or postage. There is no charge, for books, or form, or postage. There are no entrance li i s on.l no lims-i. ii. If a depositor changes his place of abode, lie is not obliged to draw out, his money and carry it with him, but can goon adding to il, at any other PostofUcc Sa ings Lank, wherever hi' may be. 7. And, if a person has put. ninnr-y into a postulate bank ill one town, and wants il repaid in some other town, it can be so repaid w ithout dillietilty. S. Women nnd children may depo-U money iu their ow n names. tl. The Had of seerecrecy imposed upon the post .masters is a gua'aiity to the di posi tor that his pecuniary position shall nol. except through his own lips, become known to his neighbors and f hauls. 10. Lastly, depositors in Po:-oliiee Savings r.auks have the advantage- of ft cling link they are doing their duly by their families and by themselves, and thai they arc placing their money where it w ill be safe until sick ness, or old age, or some other cause, com pels them to ask for it again. lir.MAKKS. Thus it is plain that in establishing there Post olliee Savings Hanks the I Sri t ish gov ernment, have granled a great boon to the thrifty laborer and mechanic; ami by indu cing him to save for a rainy day, tho tli po-i-tor will, to some extent, be enabled to weather those commercial storm which Ju l iodically break over the mere.iul ile world. And it must be admitted that a run upon these banks, whenever a eon, nit rcial panic, ensues, must be an infinitely less distressing sight than crowded workhouses and w ander ing gangs of famished opi rafivc.i. It will be most interesting Id note the proyi't.'.s of these. Postollicc Savings Hanks. THE EXECUTION OP TAKPINO J'RI-BONEUS-FEKOt'lOUS CIIUKLTrT.3. The following account of the brutalities committed on the Taepings by the Imperia lists is from the pen of an KngHshniaa, who was present, in coiumpany with both Eng lish and French oilicetr and soldiers at the erect;! ion by di.embow luient of T.uping prisotu is : 1 went willi the crowd to see the execu tion of Ihe Taeping prisoners thai had been given il 1 1 for execution into the hands of the mandarins by the I'.nglish and French auihoraics ; or, what is the same thing, they took no measures to prevent the ruthless butchery of those who lent their aid to cap title, when horror of horrors, how am I to describe the dreadful scene, or will it ever leave my memory ? Among those wretches were, young and old, of both sexes, and of all ages and sies, from the infant recently born, to the man of eighty, tottering on hi:, stall"; from the thfitirfr woman to the young maiden from ten to eighteen. The latter were pushed out by the guards among the crowd of rullians assembled nnd were taken into shctls and by place.) iind debauched, iind again dragged back by the hair of Ihe head to the Chinese guards to await their turn for excculiou. Some: of them had fainted, and were pulled along the ground to the executioners, who threw thci.i on their backs, tore oil' their clothes, nnd ripped iheni from the lower part of the abdomen to their breasts, which were cut oil and dashed with a curse into their faces. The bowels, as a matter of course, gushed out ; but the cut was made m bitch a way, ami soskillully and with such txperin.-... that the inli-sunis were seldom injur.. I. Alter a hltle tune, in this state ol exc.-sive lonure, im' executioner inriisi nis nan.' inio Ihe dust and lore out the ret king he..rt ii lim looking hiui in the face all tlie w hile. A young female, apparently about eight months pregnant, who u.-vi r iitteiiwi n groan or sigh tit nil the previous cruellies she had endured from the surrounding mob, had her infant cut out of her womb, nnd held up in her sight by one of its little hands, bleeding and quivering, w hi n at the .sigliL s'ne gav heart rending piercing screech lhat would have awakened pity in a tig. r. and alter it had n.-en in Hint state da m-.l on mr bn-ast, she, with a last, superhuman elloi t, released her arms from tho-e holding h. r down, ami ctaspc.i ncr lniani in ni l on e. tin; heart ami died, holding it there wilh such force that they could not be separated, and were thus thrown together on the pile of other carcasses. A not lief young woman among the prison ers awaiting I.cr turn to be tli-i inbow lied, with a line boy often months old, crowning and jumping in her arms, had him snaielud suddenly away from her ami thing to ihe executioner, who plunged tlie ruthless knife into his tender breast before his mother's eves. Infants but recently bom weie torn from their mot hers bn-asts and disembowelled before their faces. Young, strong men were disembowelled, mutilated, ami the parts cut off thrust into their own mouths or thing among the admiring nnd laughing crowd of Chinamen. Hut no more. I can write no more of tin -hp scenes; 1 can only regret forever that I looked on tho dreadful night. I am no longer fit to be n oohlicr. 1 have been in " . ..i i. ti. i..., t.. ...,t.. . ninny nines iiiiiiiu mi; i.hiii, ....s, and in the thickest of the light in most of. Uie n, where a ingo nnd thirst for carnage " cadful to rdlect on afterwards, but is ";i.. '" ' 1 i....,i ; of, or even read of, could be compared till the dreadful cruelly of this, tii u nibowt Ding excculiou. May (lo.l forgive Knglaud for the pan sin has taken in this war. and mav tin. An f the ctt"rmik. Au h-u ,.A:-:r 1 in perpol ruling on (lie defencelcr s womi n, and innocent and helpli- s child, be removed f-oni her door; and after the t rent men!. F.ngiidi women ami children met wilh from tie' ham! s ol I he blacks iu the Sepoy milt in v, il. is liuly wonderful that. Ktigli.-hnicu should join iu or countenance -similar atio cities here. .Modern Iron-iiiiilt iun - Ae i;ii ttieiilM in l ii i-Iii re. The present result -i of improved iron mak ing, with reference, to what ought to be the principal business of (his people until the rebellion is crushed out. arc of tlie highest importance. The iTo.it want is stronger material for art nn plates, artillery and heavy ordn hut, and cheaper war materia! in gen era! I lie chief cost being in iron nnd steel - j so thai more of il ( an be alVorded. There i i in the Inhibition nl London a east steel locomotive lire, w Inch unlike the thirty o. forfy thousand loconml ivc l ires running in America, was never piga of cast iron, nor a puddle-hall, noi an ingot of wrought iron nor a bar. In a ipiai ler of an hour IVom I lie time it had trickled from tlie iron ore, it w i:. a cast steel hoop wiihoul a wchl, and onlv needed rolling in a tire mill lo be ready to run. A large number of tires, made by (hi; Hessumer process, are running in K'uropc. Thc ordinary lire rcpicvs from live tocit'ht, heat , and seH of manipulation). This re iptircd two ; which explains the wonderful cheapness of Ihe process. An uiilorged in goloflhis steel.lt inehe.? in diameter, i broken, lo show' as perfect a tVaclure and at perfect solidity as ordinary hammered steel ; and several ,1 pounder gmi-i, and a lid -horse crank shafi nasi fiom it, and the li.llOth "direct steel'' ingot, I I s iin lies sillare.l made by lles-onicr, arc exhibiled; which show the scale upon which it has been worked. -Its quality i-) illustrated by a variety of :-c cimeiis, tor inslaiice. a railway rail, -10 ft i t long, is twisted cold into a spiral, and a bai live inches square is folded together like a pocket -rule, all without fracture. This metal is not only shown, but has, been used ft r several years in tlie form of saws, chisels, boiler plates, camion, shafting, Ac. ; and its success is complete. It is made iu Ktigland, j Snellen and (b-nnany, and is about to be made even in India. Illlt there was never a pound ol it made in America, or used by oni Depart menfsor contemplated in the immense, (iovcrnmcnl iron W orks lately discussed by Congress, m far as we are aw art?. And there it Krupp, the Prussian, who forges ten inch sleol colunibhnls, solid and whose guns nrc u ,ed nil over 1-hirope. And there Howell, the Englishman, whose enst Ktecl forgings are as homogeneous as coppei and resist a len-.ile si rain of loo.niiil pound :, whi!..- that el' the best iron is 70,00(1, Plate t of this sk el are found lo offer above twice the resistance of iron pl.iUstooliot. Put wc, need not go abroad. An equally good metal is similaily made in Pil tslnirgh, w hile. Ihe semi steel of ihe Albany iron w oiks !ci i averaged a still higher tensile, slrcngth, and the Trt nbm ironworks steel exhibits the line qualities of the improved luamilactui e. And if Ihe Frauklinile ore is found in Sit.s .ex County, New .Jersey, prove to be what it is lcplcsciiti d, the best ) a ore of the world, the material for the production of flic ino.-t. perfect steel iu the world will be iu ((urpos-ai-ssion. Our (Jo Venn m-ii i. cert as n!y inaugurated ami is completing the revolution in naval war fare which has. set ail il..' world agape, but, is it keeping pace with the age iu this w ider and grander revolution iu tlie production ot iron I There is no i n k of genius or .kill among us. The world has admitted that. American scan tin double. I! rival l heir m-i;-,!i I tors iu this art as wcil as the r. :(. lint -u prciuacy, not fo say iudt pi miencc. in thii age. arc not assured lo those w ho i a n, bet to those who tin live c.p to it, iu all the givo, aits. Would it not then be worthy of the eouniry ami the oi easiou lo buy cut He-; seiner or Krupp, or both, for the bent lit of I he I'nited Slates ? It is at least incumbent upon us to secure the best talent and result : wherever found. The time is at hand when we cannot afford to drag behind our m i; h bor.s iu any art or . science which ivl.itc.i to national defence. An truly Oflloer on Abolition Km. The following is an extract from a private letter wriitui by nn ollieer of the regulai army, holding a high position on the atiill' of lien. McChllan, dated June 17, lW; ''I have been told that confessions arc pood for the Hon!. 1 am going to make one to von. I urn nt last an abolitionist ! Not that I love the negro or am prepared to say, 'Art thou not a man and and a brother ;' but I ib) love lav country and the white : race. Mv ol,l Ill .-ill 1 ice olid u.iiit i. :il !'. .-tin.. h x. been w iin d out, one bv one, slow lv but. .,., v. I could not pa.ss tl,rom h all tliat 1 Uvewil.ii'Sse.l during the hM viar.mul not j r, .. wi,.lt every honest nnd candid man i .., i.r i, . institution which can so change a whole people in their feel lings and ae l i mi. towards their fellow -countrymen and their country must be w rong, and the soonw it is done away with the la I I.r. "lam no longer a si'n kh-r for the cons'. i t u t i. 'n: il rights of the South ; n people who are tn'uig .-o cavm-stly to destroy their only .safeguard .-liettld not be protected bv thai which they are so anxious to overthrow. I ,.. appreciate and (i ho the saving ol t Wend. II Phillips: 'Let iu destroy that iu-ti ( ,1ti,m ,y,,irhcd the peaee of out , t.,,,,n,l v f,. .,.Vent y years.' j "V,.'u, like mvse'lf,' have no doubt in tim. s past had a high idea of southern chi alrv. Like many other things down South. I find even that boasted iu-titu'.iou a hunilaig. Among nil the ninth, rn ollicers whom I have met and been brought in contact wilh, I have found scarcely one lhat was even the peer of a northern mechanic. 1 could till you of deeds ( f barbarism pi rpcl i a! ,-d by these knights of the South tiiat would make you shudder. A .lay or two since w as I told by an aid of Cicu.r.il Keus that one of oin otliecrs was found dead with both of his cirs cut olT. This is one of a hundred ca -t s of lhcir cruelty. Ye-tordav two sut Icrs were found ill the woods hanging by tiie neck, and sonic f canisters with their throats i ut. "Yours truly, " The w riter of the above has alw ays tu n know n as an iinconiironii:-ing hunker demo (Tab Helms never lain unsparing iu hi) denunciations of nbolit ionists and lo ubii cans, whom he considered, when he 1. tl here ' a lew inontus ago. reaov i. lonsioie 101 uie . ..... i r' V""''1 "",ri s.' ' H'echange which experience and olserval ion '"". . " '"""' ' 1 "",,s "' "m soliliers. than Ihe la. l that such man now (piolt-s nipio ingly the .-ciitiiui ids of -VA en dell Phillips. A f- 'itc ) no, i l .t.i ii oni i 1 ni"n ;i . i v in N' w Meic- is -a,. .1