Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 14, 1862, Image 4

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    P O K T 11 Y .
I've henrd tlin I , for nil our rr.nlily fin?,
Tl"- rundebtnent here on enrtli h-Rln i
Anil 'lie ilo-trlnc"? true. I hnvrn't a 1 utt,
I'l-r tbo v-roof. nrc Jvinc nil Ict about i
Ar 1 mio ol Vra is llint I enn't c-cnrT,
t'.in'l vninooM or travel In iiry slinpc,
for cruel destiny fins mo down
In a mean little, green Utile enc-herse town
lm!v rii-incr.'' a terrible Wo.
Tut lirrc they nil ric nt hull' prist four:
Ami if I mu'lntc tbry've a regular trick.
To nip nnd Inquire If ths triitlcmm sick !
.HrrnkOi.t brill over nil In otic key.
Folks holler out, -We're wiiillntr yon fee.'
I or tlirv (lr lipoid jokoa cxieodiiij.'ly brown
Iullii inerin little, green littlo onc-bono town.
When n letter for me In the pot fiVo lies.
It rmi a nuiek thru' the whole town's ryes ;
And h h.'.ll n dozen tinuKh rs coino
Ami any, 'You've n h-licr il nin't from Lome,
'the rit't'nr if fiTcllv and sleek.
Wetbink it's Die p il who writ yon lnt week.
Ami it vou look mm they think you're, n eli.wn,
lu this ii.n.tu Utile, green little die In rsc town.
There ere very rice little t;!r? in t!.i? 1'lacc,
Jtiit if vn look in a j.reitv uiee,
ell 11 'find before you re et hou.e I jrut-a.
1 ha! you've put llie whole town in ii runriii;' int.-'-'
'Houiiil lit IV-isoy's Ills' cveliill.r. hey '.
Wleu'll the pil who writes to you mv (
Vnr ell i'f vour notions lire noted ilnwn
I.i this ntrau little, green little one Iur-c town.
If in it now garment forth von Co.
A woii'l"rful intere-t the nutivi .-how ;
Ah,l nil cxcl'ii'tt in the very same note.
Now here ili J you ir t -i inudi m w cnt ''
i: 1 tin y Hit up the tail and culli r find trnfsj
If I tried I iiii-it likely hnve trot it for b x;
l'i-r l'i niits nil run:, into bentinc: down
in tlii.-' nir-iii little. i;reen little oiio-hor-c town.
ll'yoii don't 0 hf me before lmlf pe-t 1; ;lit,
tlii'V woiider wlinl ke.t you out o lute !
And by nine o'clock they re nil in ted,
Meopinif like reiruhir vi;-' of lend ;
And you limy in well he sleepiio; !oot
I'nr never ft thing boidc enn You do
Ami in hed yoiircnrc you enn aluiier drrvvn,
In this menu little-, green littlo onc-liui'M.' town.
AsM'.ttsnx. the vizard, siinl a very poor
'. iard how us. nu t a Yankee who stole n
n.arch on him, after the (follow ing fa-
I. mn.
1 '.lifer Yankee.
"I suy ! you, rnifcoscr Anderson '("
"Vrs, sir, til vour sc-rviiv.''
"SVti'nl vou'iv :i toi'iitit'iiiit rtntut niftn r.tiil
I'.n oiaoii,'iu' at a tritlt ten, 1,'nult r cute ton
'All. in. !k il, niul wlitil Irkl; i nro you y
-if. a-kril ttiL' 1 ;H-ni' simttM-il :it tin
- Itllllc IVNi.lV.
"Wa'll. I car. take :i rcl f t nt f.inl il.tinjri
ii inlii n U ii duiiar nilil liitcc."
' t ill, that ii a mere f.!'t;ht .d'lu';ii'l t:I l;, I
' II ') 1 1 1 III. tllO."
"Xii you can't. I'.l y-r.l like to fee you
tl'V. '
' '.Vcli, Liil'l out j our liainl with a tent in
Yanliee rrlretclinl out 1j is jiaw MitU a n il
l viii'T tijion it.
' 'riiis is your cent, is it sure V
' ItV notiiin' cl:c."
"llolilou toil tiolil IVi-'o! char.ore.
Now (iiien vour liainl."'
Yankee opened his fi -t ; and there vas a
:;oi eao le Miinino; on Ills litthil.
''Wu'.il, you iliil do il, I declare ; much
I dr e;'.x 1 tew ycott," and Jonathan turned to
; i. out.
'"fay, yon may leave me my ten dollar-1,'
nid the i'l'ofessoi'.
"Yourn ! vvtiii't mv ce-it ; and didn't vou
t'u n it iiiio till" ere r.iller tiiin'.:'. li ; tlond
live '" And us lie left the r. k.ui li'- sa-; heard
lesiv, "I 'rm th( ro ain't aiivthiiit' !rrei n
Utjoiit this i hiid."
V Tii.ri:u's S'Pit at ao k m. In lU'O a iron
MemtMi M a- uassino' late tit nitdit over l'oint
-N'ruf t r.ii'-. ) viitli a lantern. A man came
up to liii. i and said : '"Jiead thi paper."
Mo In I, up l.i-j laj.t, in and read lis l'i,l
; lo.! a V ( v.'hi it the
' I'- iii an iu..t.iii! oii i! lie ih
i . e it!) Miiii1 nionev, v. t'te'i
V'.U vc
i.l !
.Did tlii'
Willi other vaiiiahle thiii'rs
I'lien quick m silence ymt depart
Or I with a knife will c'.ettve vour heart !
Not heintr a iiian id' pluck, the al
I'liu'iicd jM-i iit'enitin Lave up his watch :;ii l
ran oil', if. soon rave the alarm and the
hi;:h vt iiyinati v.ih eri'oted. "What h:nc
to Kiy IViryciUi u il':'' in piired them 'tri-tta'c
lii'l'ure whom the rojihcr wt.s iirrainifcd.
'That 1 am not guiity orrnliherv, lliou'h I
look the w.tti h and money." "Why not
I'lttlty iesked the in:ioi.-;,.te. ".simply
lotausel ian neither read n r vsritc. 1
picked up the note .just til theinoinent I nu t
tiii ; oentli.mttn with a lantern. Thinking it
inio-ht he something valilaide, I politely
-ked him to read it for inc. lie complied
v'v.U my re. ;uc-;!, and jn-i-si-nlly ht.ndrd me
his watch and pnr -e, and ran otf. I i-up
piicd iho papir lo he of pica vi due to h'm
and tliat he thus lil'erally rewarded mc for
tindhiLr; it. He jrave mo no chance to return
ih.iaks. v Ii ii li act of politeness I am ntely
to pcrti.iT.;." 'I'he jTiideietm af.vcpti-d the
plo.i of the and wiiinhew the com
pliant. Til. K.'.i.!' 'i,m Aw.tii:. Xewt ik.
.1. lived aviry jitous familv, v ho had.
t.ihcn an oiph;i!i to rai -e, w ho, hv the wav,
v..t rat hit ttudcrwitlc-l. lie had cm'ilJd
vi ry sii'ii t ii us on n li;:'.ius m: Iters,
vcr. and once suked his adopti d mot hi r if
he did.t't litink it was '.vic uu' for the old
l. taicts to mine t.i cliiinh and tall asleep,
a i i' no hi tier ivj;ird to the -rrvic c. ,St,e
leplied she did. Accordinoflv, hefun- '..'o'tn--t
ihinvh the iv.t.M Sundtiy. he file'! I.i
pocket! with app!, ,. ()li0 l.'ahhhetuled old
flan, who itivaiiihly v.ent to sh ep diuinr,'
the MiTiion. pai ticularlp attr.icted his ait -v-tion.
S, linj; him at hi-t noddintvand idvini;
real ciidnce of htini,' in the 'land ol'hctinf,
lie Ii iithd off and took theaslonidied h epe.
v.illi an tipple, s.piare on the top of his I... hi
I'tile. 'J'hr minister and aroused conor,-ou
tion at once turned around and indinanTlv
; ;i'ed at the hoy; who merely said lo the
preacher, as lie took (mother apple in his
hand, with ft solar lionet expre iuus of
i oiio.ieiiane'j :
'You pnaeh. I'll keep 'tin awake.'
M nnii.N Ghowth. A Yankee hid, whose
father win n 'down Kasf farmer, w ent into
t ie Lam yard to play, a short time nuo, urd
I cinv: d. t .ined a primmer hv a thunder .-.torm
he f. II a hep on a ha;-; of ;iiano. The old
!;cii!eiii:in. when Iho storm w.n over, went
into the. harnyard to look after his son, and
nu t a yiant tiudit feet hi'di cominerout ofthe
'Hallo! who are vou f" lie cried. 'What
ate you doiti;; lu re
'Vhy, father, sfpicukid tho Coliah, l'ils
me. Don't you know Tommy
Yott cxelaiined the now avtoni-hed parent.
'Why, Tommy, how on tin tit did you -et
ptiili d out so Inn;; in so sh e t a time c
Why, father,' replied the 1 ov lookim"
do An itpttii the 'l'in old man. 'i l,pt
tlio-e Laiii of guano you put in the Lain and
t'ictii an I the ligliiuing tojrelliei ha3 done
tilt I n ims
A p.ininrd ticnt liis son to the I'ni 'nb'1y
el S)al!iii)i.iiie, ami told him to sludj eeouo
niy. and to eat I c f ra'l e than poulti v. (n
ar.ii n;,' the youno gentleman asked tin. price
I i'i'aj :
"Ahout twenly doll,,
"And pnrliid-t ! '
T tftly flc c nt.-."
'1 nitL.t Inc on p,irindr.." ,jH h,
truv trc rttii'lid'o 're cln api t of th
i.wr.v.vr i.mii.f! sxt'p your cot'oii !
s r a lFi n g's
TIlltOAT t'cni'ixinws
coon von ci.i:i;gymkn,
coon fou Li:c'rrm:ns,
t ; ood ron rvr.Lic spkakehs,
coon ron sinclrs,
(ientlemen Cnrry
:illiii"."r 'I liront 'oii'eolioilM.
I.ndlei nro ili!ijh1eil with
H;illtiift'! 'I'liront "oiilVc(iouM.
Children Cry for
it1liii(V! 'I'hroiil 'oiiriTlioiis.
They relii've n C'on;;h indnntly.
Tin y t(ive ylrenth end volume, to the voice.
They iiupnrt a il'.'lieiouit r.ninn to the brenth.
Tin y are doliohtl'ul to the tu.-tc.
They nre undo of .imple hcrl'9 and ennnot hnrni
m:y (inc.
1 ndvfcc every one who lins a Cough or a llu-ky
Voiee or n l!nd Urenth, or Rny difficulty of Iho Throat,
to . t a p!ie!:iij;o of my Throat Confeetion? ; they wil'
relieve you ii:."tuntly. and you will ajreo with mo ' tltey gorij;ht to thcKput." You will find thein
very us'-ful and plennnt while trnvelingor attending
jiittiie meetiiiL'.-! for stilling your Cough or allnying
y ur tltii-t. Jf you try one laiekago I mil iafe in
-iiyiiig Hint you will ever afterwards consider them
i'.iii i ti-il'le. You will find t!.( m at the Iirnggiits
and l'ealers in Mi dieiner".
Prico 25 Cents.
My filature ii on each f acakngc. All o!hrr arc
COUIltt 1 flit.
A I'aekngu w ill l..c Fent by mail, prepaid, on receipt
of Thirty Cent?. Addrew,
Iir.N'ilY C. SPAI,mX(,
No. 4b Cedar ftreet, Xow Yolk.
l'-Tfalc at U. A J'i her'slint'; Store. Punbury, Pa
l!y the ii.e of these IMlls tlieprrlodieatlnekitof Xer
Volts or liiek Ilenilaeho may be prevented ; and if
taken at the comiiieneeinent of an attack immediate
relief from pain nnd fiekn-js-fos will bo obtained.
't in y seldom l'uil in removinjr tho Nausea nnd
lli-tidni'he to which female.- are sof-ubject.
They act geutly ui on the bowcl.1, r moving Cos
tivenes3. t'or l.ilernry mm, filiolentf. T lientc I'einalen, and
all person? of jeilemary'. they aro valuable iw
a Laxative. iin,rn iii! the aietite, jriving tone nnd
i,'..r to the i!;(.-e'!ivc orirans. and resli.rinn the natu
ral . latieity nr.d tren'jtli of the whole system.
'J lid CL'i'ilALlC TILLS arc thu result of Ion;? in-ve-tijii.tion
and carefully conducted cxeriuient-,
Itia inf.' been in unc many year---, during which tiino
tin y liuve i n vented nnd relieved a vast niiiount of
ain and Kiifi'crinjr from lleaxlaclie, whether originat
iii',' in the nervous .lystem or from a deranged stato
of Ihc lomacli.
The arc entirely vcgetablo in their cnmprilion,
unci mi. y l.o tnk' n nt all times witli perfect safety,
without niakiiiL' any (hninre of diet, and the aWeuce
of any de'iirccioic uit.c ici.due it ea-y lo aiiuuiu.'
ter tuem lo ehiltlreii.
'iiiC "tnuii.c laivo fio .-ignat tires of Henry C.
:;piililtn on each llox.
rs .ld by lrie.'gi'..i and all other Dealers in Medi
cines. A llox will bo sent by mail jirer-nrcJ on receipt of
Price, 25 Cents.
All orders .-himlil be iiddrrrwcd to
4H Cedar .Street, New Vork.
lVrsalo at nsiiKH'S Prug Store, Stinbury, Pa
From the Fxaminer, Norfolk, Vs.
C, h.ilie Pills a.-con.pli-h the object for which lin y
were made, viz: Cure Headache in all its lornis.
From the Pcmccrat, St. Cloud, Minn.
If you are. or huve been troubled with tho head
ii. die. nd for a box (Cephalic Pill,) so that you may
have them in case ol an aitack.
From the .St. Louis Democrat.
The in;mcn.-c demand for Cephalic Pills ii rajidly
From the (iazcttc, Davcrport, Iowa.
."!r. SpuldinK would not connect his name with an
t.nkic he did not know to pos.-css real merit.
From the Adveni.-ir. Proyidmcc, H. I.
Ti c tMiniMiy in thiir favor U t;troi,g, from the
ut.-t re-peciabic t(tiartcrs.
1'r ni the Diily New.', Newrnrt, It. I.
C'i pl.nlic Pilh are taking the place of all kinds.
From the Kanawha tUar, Va.
W'c are une that pi r.-ons stilb rie:!; with the head
:..hc, win. try them, will stick lo them.
Fn in the Adverti.-er, Providence, It. I.
Tlie Ci'i l.alic Fill arc aiiid lo bo a reiiiaiknbly
i ru i 'iee reined v h,r thu lieadache, and one of Ihc
very be.4 for thai very licijucui complaiut n Licit iiua
c. cr becu di;c-jvcrc.l.
!l;illi!i- I'l i pi-red i.'Iue'
liiIliii-. fr 1 ;iuot
S4,;iIliu-- Ir ,:u.t.u Uluct
As accidents will happen, even inw.ll re-ulated
f.u,.ilr. .1 U very dcMiablo to have o,e cheap and
cryVAc l rel'"'""S ""'ilurc.i'uy Crock-
Jlccl- all nuelt nnergenclcf, and r.o household can
afield to without li. It U ly, ready and
up to the ticking point.
A Lt uah accompanies each Lotilo.
A dili est
No. 4S Cedar Btrcct, New York,
l or ,al at R. A. F1SHL11S Drug Store, Suulury
Norlhuuiberlaud county, Ta.
C A uTTo N!
As certain un,inciple4 person, are attemntlni to
IM-.PAIILUoLlb.I woubl raution all person. U, bel..,. ,,u,cl,a: ia, an N.e (h.t the full
uoocd'ALMM, l'l,l?P.Uil.U..MF t on Ihe
M iv 3 lit,;
first I'ii mi vm
Man H- luring r -.
Wuh Hcnimert, Kellcn, Taeketii, CokIit, DiiidAi, tc
tjc ii u n a
Make the t.ock or Shuttle Sliteh Moehiiir" of the mm
pntternt, mid nt the nine prioeMii their celehraled JJIUJ
Thin is the only Coniwuy ihnt nmkei hoth kindF, there
fore the only one thai run apply ull the wauu of the pub
lic. ry r'irelinser enn take their choice of either Stitch
Willi the piivilere of exehiiiifiiiij! for t he other.
A new Mvlenl Shuttle .Mneliine rum limt Mild quiet, fol
Veitt Makctfl TiuIoir, Mioe MindeiB, kc.
At ' the Loir l'ritt : nf $10.
GRUVKtt A. UAKKfi'S.S M. Cn.
7JU Chestnut Street, riiitndolihin.
t ip H- B- MAssr.n, Sunbury, I'm., Agent lor tho
Dcccuihcr ai.tftfil ly
rmt.MANLXTLY cvki:s
Aeutc or Inflammatory ; Chronic, Lumbago, Sciatica,
I'leuroilyne, Ac.
Htinne:-. ot the Joint? nnil Craini' (lout. Xcurnl-
?i i anj nil Nervous Atlectionj i:rvsiieln?, ,Silt
ISheuin anj Iscrofiiloits Kruptioii-i of the boily the Iini'iirilie of tha lllooil inul Fluids
of the whole system, anil effoetunlly counteracting
Mercurial ana other K)i-onous iiilluence..
I Uisn coiii-cnifnt nrnmpc HKLT, ftitntninjr fi
fl.tlJleuluu Li 'in t mi tti, ( he wtxiuunimii itic iwttiy
ol.niit thewaial Kii;AI,I,Y KFFfXTlNU AIJ
L PAKTrt.whcievuf tltu i1ii'nie m.iy he. It cim In
V, wurn witlmut injuTv tn the tiinflt iklx-nte prrwni,
m inul iMiciiiiiice in ihc prr.j.rr imuun 01 imnj; ih rr
J tinrtd it entirely ttmovt's Mic iliit-iin" irmii the rj
Sj t; utein, willi the fiilltic.ottB use, in mu-li cw. l t j
m2 ptiwt'tiul mUMiial mLtliemts, wtucli wt-iiken nnd p
Uj ileslrny the cinntituti"ii and give temponuy ro lj
liel nnty hy Bttipiiying the systrm, ami ilemleiiiiig rjj
Oils vitality. Ity This trenhm-nl, the int'diciiml pru
ptTtit'H ei'iil;nn'd in the JIhih), In-iirp ol" n hitrhly M
Hu mil 1 1 tie nt nl volatile luttute and cnp;ihle nf leiiitf lL
rernltly ahi'rlt'd, tlir'inch the pnrn if the skin,
L come into direct contact with the Blood nnd gene
- . i i v iemmtnii, i. in.... ...oi. . -.ii-b ui.nuu ,
the stunuL-h, wnic-h would tend not only to detract n
!rnii their curative power, hut U impair the in M
tenia i oi::iiih an iit-ram!e me iiichiiiih iiiso i aim
Hvoitloic Hie ininii"ii t-lfivtn, sooiieii the result o
inteniat remrdie, and ell-i'tinii a peri ret cure by n
J ptiTifyini and! izint; the cin-alHtion ol the vital L
rj hiiid and rrMtoriue the part ntTtrted ton healthy iP
C'lnttiiion Thin Rind is iilno n movt riwrTlul
U ' A.NTI-.M KHCl'IH A I AUI'.NT." t'ahnnel b'- W
Pj inn the primary cause of u lurc part of the Btifl j
W iiess, Neiiriilcie 1'aiii nnd llhruiuatira, b preva-M
ULj lent and will entirely tclicvc the fletcia fiim its
t Moderate cases are enred in a few days, and we m
. are e"'Hiantlv icceivinir iindoiihird t utini'-umls W
n to wlurh we Invite niipecLiin at
t our otfice of rV
I long standing Vr
LJ their cifiL-ucy in npravnted cascsof
I'KICK TWO PAI.t.AKS. MiiylwIwiti.rPriiR-
PiRIS, nr will tie Belli tV mull luxin receipt nf nr
hy cxprciw every wlieie, with all iiecctiHaiyiitDUuu- LJ
nans I'rnin the truiciiul uliice v(
G. SMITH & CO , Sole Proprietors,
491 JiltoADWAY, ni'tir llrimin street, Xr.w Yoiik.
t J-,
with Certified Testimonial?, fcut
auapti:d TO
Aokxts Sunhary, Vrilinp A tlrnnt,
' 'i Cienrue Urihf.
" Nnrtliunilierliinil, It. U. McCny.
March lftj2. ly
of -v VtrU l.inrs.
Pill A AN'D TKUNTOX H li. CD. VS 1.1XKS.
'ram I'hiliuhljthin ti .A ir Yvil a mt ll'iy J'itn s.
fintll uhim .stmt It hurt unit hinslnptun
Vtpot.witl liavc a Jvllotcs, rt z : I'AI;
At 0 A. !.. via Ciinulcu ami Auiboy, (C and
A. AccijUiuuHltitinit.) f2 1
AttlA.M., v in t'uiuUcuuudJer;eyCity,N J ,
At-'Cuiiiiiiodtttioii. 2 '.
At !'i A. M.. iu lvcmiii 'tiin hud Jmwv Citv.
(Mi.rnin,' Mail.) 3 00
At IL' 1'. M.. in Cuuidin mid AuiUiy, (Ac-
ciiiniiiixlHtinn.l 2
At 2 P M., viu Cunnltn nnd Auilxy, (0. nnd
A. I',) 3 00
At 4 1'. M., viu Camden nnd Jiwv Citv,
(Kveninir Ext re.) 3 00
At 4 I'. Jl., viu Camden and Jer.'iy City,
(Sccnil CliiA Ticket.) 2
At iii I'. M., ia Keii.-ingtun i.nd Jersey City,
( l:c. tiinu- -Mini.) 3 l0
At 12 I'. Jl.. via Ki'niii"ton and Jersey City.
(Southern Jluil.) 3 00
At 5 1'. Jl., ia Camden and Ainlmy, (Acenia.
nindiitinn. l'reight und l'u.-fiiigcr, l-'irrt
CIum Ticket, 2 2
Secnlld Clu-s Ticket. 1 it)
The til 1'. Jl. Line runn daily. (Sundnyscxceiitid )
Alio im r. PHiiiinern ilail. rtiiin (tally.
1'or Water tiap, Strnuili-hiirir. fcruutnn, AVilkei
liarrc, Jlmitrofc, (jrcat Itend, Ac . lit 7-10 A. Jl
t'rniu kctiriinjrton, viu itclawnrv, Luckawuuua and
II otern Uailmiul.
tut Jlauch Chunk. Allentnwn. Bethl, lirm, Helvi
dero, Kaln. I.ainliertviltc, Fleiiiinulnn. lc, at 7-10
A. Jl., I'rtuu Kenniiiinii Iiejiot, and at -'j 1. Jl
irni'i Walnut street Vharf.
(The, 7-10 A. Jl. Line connect wiih Traini leaving
j.n.-;..n tor .Miiueii viiuiiK, nt .t .to r M )
For .Mount Jl.illv, at tl A. Jl., 2 and 4 T. M.
l'or Freehold, nt 0 A. -M and 2 1'. Jl.
For r.rMnl, Trenton, Ac, at T-lOaud M A. M. and
5, 0-:t0 and 12 I'. Jl. from Ken-iiigtoii, und at 21
1'. Jl. Iroin Walnut Street wharf.
For I'.ri-tol and inn rimilmte StutionH, at 11! A Jl
IVi'ltl Ken.-ilitdU leiOt.
Fur J'ultiivru, Hivertnn. Ielancn. Beverly, llur
linton, 1 Inrcucc, liurdi nlijnn, Ac., at 12i", 1, 4, 5
und :i V. Jl.
Steamboat Trenton, for l.ordentown and interine
di.i'c Station, at 21 1'. M., fruui Walnut st. Whaif.
I j- For New York, and Way Line leaving Ken--hijtinn
l'eit, take the Car," on Filth street, almve
Walnut, hall' an hour Ix'ture deu,rture. The Can
ruu into the 1 t , and on the arrival uf vuch Train,
run IVuin the licjmt.
Fifty Fouiiil.i of Ua'irafi only, allowed each
'tir.eiier. ra.'Senper. are ivohiliitcd from taking
anything it hairnac hut their weurini: aiarel. All
haKii)te. over liliy .iiikI- to bo paid for extra. Tho
.in I , ii iv limit their rc.-in-iliiiil y tor Imtrnpo to
lliiu IMIar 'i r iund, and will not be liable lor any
amount bctuud SdtM), eceit by iecial contract.
W.M. 11. UATZ.MLU, Agent.
.March 20. Si',2.
i:uti. iioii.i
Suiiliiii-y, .irOninilM-rliinl 4'o., In.
rillllS lnro nnd cnimnoilious Hotel, now managed
1. by JA.MKS VAXUVKE, is .-iluale at Ihu ltail
niud llejiot, North Knt corner of Jluiket Sijuare,
Suuhtiry. IV. and at Ihc teriniuii-i of the Sunbury A
l.tiv and Northern Central ldilroad, and it opi iifiir
the accmuiuodution uf Traveler, and the imLlic iu
Tho prn.riclor will ivo Iii rxelu-ive attention to
tho coinlort and eonveiiieiier of bin guest, and ii
ileteriuined to make tlii.-t t.(abli.-huicut rank among
the first in the Slate.
His tabic will bu Mipplied w ith the best the market
call produce, bavini,' the advaiitauc ol daily commu
nication Ly car direct from Hnlliumre, and' also from
these bringing produce fiuui thu surrounding
Jlis bar will be nupplicd with the purert liijuor. the
market can produce.
Cureful aud obliifiiiKaervaiit always in attendance.
New and commodioua atabliug bus just beeu added
to the premise.
A share of the local and traveling community la
most respectfully solicited.
Sunbury, January 12, 1S01.
Ao. 812 Spring Garden Street, i'hiluikljihia
KI'.sri'.CTFl'LLY aohcila oninipniiunn of all kuida
ol eouutry priMlucc, extia faintly Flour, &.u.
iicnig hwaicd in Hie vciy reiilre ol buainraa, and having
a very ealruaiva Helail Tiade umier tna own munotiaw
iilHivi.iim, he lata auiuia ueihiiea for obuuimg thavciy
BicliMtiiwui-t prieeatorcvriylhuighe (ella.
LccciuUi il, iy
liiKTmiiionul lIuK-l,
05 and 307 JJroaJmiif, Curutr t'raiUUit trtct,
rillllS 6rt cla House the tuosl quiet, homelike
1 and plcaMUit HoUl in the citv oflora auperiuf
luduoemeuta to those visiting New York lor bueineaa
or pleasure. It is central iu it. location, and kept on
the Liaoi i Asi Flak, iu connection with Tavlom'.
Kalou.v, where rofrethmouU, can be had at all hours,
or served iu tbvir owu rooms The churgra are mo
derate, the rn'ina and aMtniiuce of the hr t rudti
ba'hs and all Ibe luwlttu tomcutiucw 4ltai.Ud
MaicU I), list'.'
Entirely Vegetable. No Alcoholio Prepa
Prepared by
DR. JACKSON fc CO., rhllndclphlo, rtDll'S.
Will clTrctutilly cure Liver Complainl, Uyspcp.
nia. Jnuixlioe, Chronic nr Nervous Ucbihly,
lMscasc ol the Kidnry:, and ull ilieeasci arining
from a tlisonlered I.ivpr or Stomch. .
Pitch hi Constipation, Inward Piles, Fulnert nr Plood to
the Head, Aridity ol tho tftotuaclt. Nausea, Hearttmm,
H if putt for Food, Kulnett or AVeiphl in the Stonmch,
Sur Kim tnttons, Sinkinf; t Fluttering at the Pit of the
tollmen, Swiiimiinp of the II end, Hurried nnd DilTiculL
liieaihingi FlutteruiB; at the Hunit, Choking or HufTocating
sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness of Vision,
Dots of webs before the Higlit, Fevei and Dull Paiti in the
Head, Deficiency, of Perpi ration. Yellowness ofthe kui
nnri Kyca, Fain in the Pale, Hack, Chest, Limbs, Ac , Hud
den Flushes of Iloat. Hutnino in the Flesh. Constant linn-
giniiiKinf evil, and prent Depression of spirits, and will
rativeiy prevent l.l.l.OW l t.v bit, uiMUUS it.
Kit, Ac.
The Proprietor in catline the attention nf thopuMiclo
this pie aintion,docs s with a feeling of the utmost con
fidence in its virhtea and edaptatiou to the discuses for
waicnit is rccoinmeiiort).
Il is no new and unutH article, but one that has stood
the test of n twelve years trial before the American pro
pie, and us reputation nnd sale are unrivalled by any similar
preparation extant. The testimony in its favor umm by
the mont prominent nnd wetl-kii'uvn Physicians nnd indi
viduals in nil pails of the country is immense , nnd a care
ful perusal of the Almanac, published anuuHiiy ity tne pro
piiel'TB, nial to lie had gratis of any of iheir Agents, can
not but s.itisfvthe most skenttndthat thi9 remedy is rcully
destiviug the great cctchittyit has ohtaned.
ULMII 'rilL.' LVini,'V't'
From J. Newton Krown, D. D., Kditor of the Encyclopc-
diaof HcliKtoui KiiowlHicc.
Althoiich ivitdisoosed to favor r recommend Patent
Medicines In general, throne h dmtiurt of Iheir ingredients
nnd effects, I yet knowof no uificient rcawn w hy man
may not lestny to the lciieht he relieves hiinseii to nave
received from any simple preparation, in the hoc that he
nvtythus contribute to the benefit of others.
I do this the mote readily in repaid to "Hooflmnrs Her
man Uitets," prepared hy Dr. C M. Jacksn, of thiscity,
because f was prejuciced nirninst them for years, under the
impressiiin that thev were ehielly an alcoholic mixture. 1
am indebted to my friend Knbett lioemaher, Ksq., for the
removal of this piejudiee hy pioper tests, and for eneour
ai;emcnt to try Ihein, when snifermg from great and hmg
c'lntinueit iit ininy. me use 01 mice domicsoi nwwv. mi,
ters, nt the beuinn'.tnj of the present year, was followed
bv evident relief, nnd rertn ration to n dcgiec of (Kntily and
mental vigor which I had not felt for six mouths before
nnd had almost despaired of regaining. 1 therefore thank
Ood and my friend for directing me to" the use of ihein.
Philad'n., Junea3. 1Htt. J NliWTON UKUWN.
August Jl, It-tit. ly
.n.vt"i'in-:w v on,
Vtloi'iirVM lit I.iim-. No. inn Cor. Fulton
and Broadway, NLW YUK. Will carefully
attend to Collcctione and ull other mutter intrusted
to Iheir eare.
Jlay 21, MZ.
S. E. Corner Second and Chettnut sts.,
1. DAY Cl.tHJKS, a eety deairuble artn le tor t'hnrch
ea, Ilnlels. ItrialiB, Countixc llouaes, I'arlorR. c.
A la, i, Miinunictiirrrnl' KI.NK OIU.D PK.NS.
f'lneka ri-pani-O' and warranlitl.
t'liH-k 'rtniiiillne ot every iteRCfit'tion.
PliilHilelttlila, Jaiiutiry P.l, lh01. 3y
The Great Cure for Consumption.
Il'you buve a cold, ucc
AVi.-hnrt's rine Tree Tur CunUul !
If you have a couli. uso
Wi-biirt'a Tiuc Tree Tar 1
If y u have Asthma, u.-o
Uishnrt's Tine Tree Tur Conlial !
If you Imve .Sore Throat, ukc
M'i.-hnrr-d Tuie Tree Tur Cordial !
If you huve UroiKliiii-. use
i-liarl it Una iree lar Lorui.ii :
If you Imve Consumvtiini. uso
VHihtI J'ine Tr4 Tr Coplinl '
Vi-h:irt' Fine Trre Tur t'urilinl mii luihilin
r'-mt-vly tr ili'if f the Kiilin-y-'. I riirtry i'uv
pluiuts, Ulimi ami I-Sleo(lin Ncrvou Ut-bility
ami for Fnittl wHkn,,as and Irrrj?nl:iriti'j.
Th well kiiouu fL.cucy of riiic Tut J'.ir in thi
curf nl" '.xtrttfii air'flion-i or Son1?, (Nint-d i) out ha
Ui Natural liVim-dy tor what Phy-irian catt "I ulj r
eular AtTtxtiiiiia! (that i.- to my, ior.v.) iiNn the
Lunp". It reuiained to discover the be.-t nirnni of
Hklk'Htion. wiiich discovery n b"n iimdt. ua a
thuU'imd teitiuiouiaN rov. by the rroorit iia nf
Wijdiart'rt Tine Tree j'ur Cordial !
If you have ItYiPKl'MA. une
Wirhart'i' iirat Aiueriean 1v-eitt l'ill !
A mro cure warranted tor one dollar, or the mont y
rrtundetl !
liny a Imix and take them aoeordin to (linvtimw,
and if they do not euro you, the uionry uiU be
Acknts A. W. Fi.-H.her. Sunbury ; AVui. tinier.
fall at either pine, nnd pet a dm-riHivtM-ireular.
L. Q. C. WIIIAKT, rrojirktor, No. Id, Nuiih
Heeond (-treet. rhiladeldiiu.
AuiHt iu, IhiU. ly
TO Al.Ia W.l.Vri4J I.UI1IS.
Now Scttlcmont of Vincland.
.1 ii km Hi) y ron ii.i;n ruins.
A llaro oiKrtuiiity in llie Ilot Jturkct, aivl inn.-t
fiililitlnl ami Healthful i'liiiiato in tho I nioii.
(Inly 'i'liiity Jlili'd tsuith of l'liilioli I liia, on a
ltnilronj ; 1,,-in a rich, heavy soil, ami lii-lilv
jiroduirlive ln-iu land ; uiuong't thu br.-l iu lilt'
tiardirn State t.f New Jertwy.
It enn?i.-tii of '.'ll.tidO aerta of itoonlaml, iliviilvil
into Farms of ilirVerent aiiea to "uit the ruirrlia.-'fr
from '10 arre unJ upwiirila ami is aol,l at the rate of
SI 5 to V.1I per acre for the farm lunil, iayal,le one
fourth ca-h. anil the balance by timrler-yearly in-tiil-nii'iil,
wilii lejpil iutvrc't, withiu the term uf tour
I, in great part, a li i . h Clay Loam, suitable for
Wheat, tiruaa ai:l iotaloe ul.o a dark ami riirh
sanily loam, auifablo for Corn, Sweet rotato!. To
bacco, all Limla of veetublea and root cron., anil Ibc
liiii-t varieiieaof fruit. uehustiraie, reiu.-lieti. I'eara.
Apricot, Nectariiiei1, l.lnckbcrrica, Molona, anil other
1 1 1, it, btft alnpted to the i'liilmlelphia anil New
York market. In renpect to the aoil ami aropa there
tan be no mi'lnke, an tiaiurcan ixauiino both, and
none arc expected to buy before ao iloiii);, and fiiuliii
thc-e statements correct under theae circumstance,
uule these alutenieuta were correct, there would bu
uo use in their being made. It ia considered
The 1!i:st 1 hi it Soil in the I mux.
See Heport" of Solon Robinson, Esq., of tho New
York Trttninc, and the well-known agriculturist,
William l'arry, of I'iiiunuiinsou, New Jersey, which
will be furuL-lted inquirers.
Ily lixiking over the uiaii the reader w ill perceive
that it enjoys the Wat market in the I'liion, and has
direct couimunicution with New York and Philadel
phia twice a day, bi inj; only thirty-two miles from
Die latter Produce iu this market brings double thu
1 trice that it doee in locations distunt from the cities,
u thia location it can be put iuto market the name
morning it ia gathered, and for whut the farmer sella
he gels the highest price ; whilst groceries aud other
articles he purchases, he gets at the lowest price. Iu
thu West, what he sells briug him a pittuuoo, but for
what he buys he pays two prices. In locating here
the settler has many other advantage . He ia w ithin
a few hours, hy railroad, of ull Ihc great eilieaof New
Kngland and the Middle Slates. He is near kit old
friends and associations, lie haa school for his chil
dren, divine service, ami all the advantages ef civil
iiaiion, aud bo is near a large eily.
Ia delightful ; the w inters being salubrious and open,
whilst the summer are no warmer than in the North.
I ho lis-ation is uhu the liue uf latitude w ith northern
Persons wauling a change of climate for health,
would be much benefitted in Yincland. The uiild
neaa uf thu climate and its bracing influence, makes
it excellent tor all pulmonary atlecliona, dysjieuia,
nr general debility. Viailvrs will notice a dinereucu
iu a tew days. Chills and fevers are unknown.
Building material is plenty
1 l
Fich and Oysters are
I'leiiuiui anu cncs,.
Visitors must exjiect, however, to ace new place.
Thia question the reader naturally asks. It ia be
eauae it has bocu held in large trauta by families not
disposed to sell, and being without railroad laoilitie
they bad few iudueemeuts. The railruad haa just
been opeuetl through the property this season, for the
first time.
Visitors are shown over the land in a earriage, free
of expense, and afforded time and opportunity for
thorough iuvestigalion. Those w ho eouie with a view
to at-tllu, should bring aiouey to aeeure their purcha
ses, as locations are not held upon refusal.
iho select thing ia bard Hmes, where people have
been thrown out ot oauilnv meat or bu.inea, tome
hale mrans or .aaall iue. L In ctart themi eUrs at
b'-'iuc Ibey Can buy a pitieol laud t a .mall pner,
and can more than make wagee lo imfiroving it, and I
when it in done it ia a certain indenc ndenco and no
Ion. A few acres in fruit tree will iniure m com tor -
table living. The land ia put down to hard time
prices, and all Improvements, can Do made at a cheap
er ratn than anv other time.
The whole trast, with aix mile front on the Rail
road, in being laid ont with fine and apaoiout avenue,
with a town in the entre firo acre lota in the town
aell at from $150 to $200 ; two and a half acre lota, at
90 to $120 to $200 ; two and a hail acre lota, at from
fdO to $120. and town lota 50 foot front bv 150 feet
deep, at $100 payable one half cash nnd the balance
within a year. It is only njion farms of twenty acres
or more that four Years' time is uiven.
To .Manufacturers, the town aflonl" a fine opening
of tho iSAor manufacturing buincra, and other arti
cled, being near Philadelphia, and tho surrounding
country has a largo population, which a fiords a good
This settlement, in the course of several years, will
be one of the most baautiful places in the country,
and moat agreeable for a residence.
It is intended to make a Vine and Fruit crowing
country, as this culture is the moat profitable and the
beat adapted to mnrket. f.very acvantago anil con
venionco for acttlers, will be introduced, and will
insure the luwperitv of the place. Tho hard times
throughout the country will be an advnntngo to the
Snlllcutcm, nfl 11 compeu people w rcsoiv iu agricul
ture for a livinir.
Larifc number of reotde aro nurchasinff. and peo
ple who desire the best locution should visit the place
at once.
Improved land Is also for sale. Lund can bo bought with or without
limber. Tho timber at market valuation.
Tho title is indisputable Warrantee Deeds given,
clear of all incumbrance, when the money is punl.
Itoardinff conveniences at band.
Letters nroinnllv answered, nnd Report" of Solon
Robinson and Win. Furry, sent together with tho
Vinctniid it. urn f.
ltoulo to tho land : Leavo Walnut street wharf,
Philadelphia, at 9 o dock, A. Jl., anl 4 1'. Jl ,
(unless there should t,o a chance of hour.) for Yinc-
land. on tho Uhut-boro' and Jlillvillo ltailrotid.
When you leave tho cars at Yincland Station, just I
opened, inquire Tor
CHARLES K. l.ANPTS, Postmaster,
Founder of tho Colony,
VlNEl.ASTt, P. f., Cumberland coucty, N.J.
T. P. There is a change of enrs at Oliiwboro'.
Also hewnre of sharpers on tho cars from New York
nnd l'liilaileipiua to nicluiut, inquiring your ousi-
licas, destination, Ac.
ltKronT of 801.0N Rouinsom, op the New Yoiik
Tnim sK, ri-os the Yinelaxp Settlkme.vt.
t 'if Tha followine U an extract from the report of
Solin llolnnson, r.sq., pumisncil in 1110 jtw 1 ra
Tnhniic, in reference to Yincland. All persons can
road this report with interest :
Adviintttgci of l'armitig near home Vint'tuiid
Hi maris ;oh Marl Suit, it great I't rtMity
The CnHtc of l'"trtililtf Amuitut vf Crop
froducal 1'ractiail ICvidnicc.
It is certainly one of tho most extensive fertile
tracts, in an almost level position, una stiiiaiilo con
dition for pleasant t'uruiiiiir that wc knowof this side
ofthe western prairn-s. Vc found some ol I he oldest
furmsj apparently ,jii"t as profitably productive us
when first cleared uf forcit fifty or a hundred years
The geologist would oon discover the caiic of this
continued l.irtilitv. i no w iiolo country is a murine
deposit, and all through tho soil wu found evidence
of ealcareou aunstancea, generally iu the form of
indurated calcareous marl, showing many distinct
forms of ancient shells, of the lertiajv formation ; ami
thi marly substance is scattered all through the soil
iu a vcrv' comminuted form, nnd in the exact condi
tion mot easily assimilated by euch plunts us the
farmer desires to cultivate.
Marl, in all ita forms, has been used to ferlili.e
crops iu Kngland, from the time it was occupied by
the liuiuans ; and in France nnd ticrniuny a marl bed
is counted on as a valuable bed of manure, that cun
be dug and earted and spread over the field, liow
much more valuable, then, it must be, wheu found
already mixed tliroil-'li the aoil, where new particles
will be turned up and exposed, and transformed to
the owner's use every time he stirs the earth.
Having then satisfied our mind of the cause, they
will not be excited with wonder at seeing indubitable
evidence of fertility iu a soil w hich in other situa
tions, having tho siuiio general characteristics or Mt
leiust appearances, is entirely unreiniinerative, except
a lis priKiuciiveuess is proiuoieu oy uriiuciai icruu
tat ion.
A few words about the quality nnd value of this
land fur cultivation, uf winch we have soiuo strong
Our first viit was to William D. Wilson, Franklin
township, ttloucester county, who purchased some
eight miles north of Millvillc, about three years ago,
lor the purMcof establishing a steam mill, to work
up tho timber into lumber, to send off by the new
railroad, as well as the firewood and coal, fur which
he built a branch track a mile and a half long. He
also furnished sixteen miles ot the road with lie., and
has uo doubt made the null profitable, though his
main oiij,-ct w as to open a tarm, having become con
viiiced that the anil was valuable for cultivation. In
this he has not been disappointed, n Home of his
cros prove. For instance, last year, thesecoud time
of cruppitig. .'tl'O bushelsof pntaine on one acre, worth
tit) cents u bushel in the field. This year, seven acres,
without manure, produced i'lt"n bushel of oats. In
one field, (he liist crop was potatoes, pluutcd aiming
llie ri ot. tnl'l vi'Mc,l 1'ii-te is. J he potatoes were
dug and wheat sown, and yielded I'J bushels; and
Ibeslliblile turned under unit sown to buckwheat,
w hich yielded XU bushels ; and tin n the ground was
sown to clover and tiuiutuy, which gave u. u til sterol
ions per acre.
The fertilizers applied to these crops were, fust.
ashes from cleanups ; st ml. '.'Jj ,uuis of mij
piio-pnaie ol lime ; uuni. jiiii uiii 1'eiiiviau
guano ; then oil bushels of slaked lime has been
spread iin the clotcr since it was mowed, and
turned in lor wheat.
Mr. Wil'ou's growing crop, ami tho w beat stubble
of the p resent season, all indicate his land u.- produi
live us any pari 01 uic r-iaie.
At llary Harrow ., uu old style Jersey woman
former, several miles south of Mr. Wilson we were
, particularly struck with (he fiye appearance of a
field of corn, that wo slopped to inquire of the hired
man how il wa produced Wc found that the land
had beeu the year but one before in wheat, sownwiil,
clover, iinl this cut one season, and last -oring plow ed
once, will, one "oor old nag,'' und planted with
corn .
"Yes, you manured hih, wesuposer"
said interrogatively, and got this reply
"vt aai, you see, wo couiiin I auonc tnat ; enur'ewe
hadii t lint lorty one-hosro loads altogether, tor 2-1
ueres, and wu wanted the most on't tor the struck
jne irucK eonsisici ol oecis, curruis, carnage, eu
cuiiiIh'I. melons, Ac., and a very productive patch
ot l.iioa beans, grown lor marketing. Su wo were
satisfied that the sou was not infertile, even unaided
by clover, w hich had fed thecorn, because thu "truck
patch'' had not been clovered, and hud beeu in cul
tivation loug enough to ol, literate ull ml'iu o the
lores! .
Our next visit was to the farm of Andrew Sharp,
five miles north of .Millvillc, I rom hall to a mile cast
ofthe railroad, and just about iu the centre of Vine
land. Mr. Shajp commenced work hero iu fieceiu-
tier. lhH, iiwin Zi II acres. In less than three vears.
he ha got I'.. I acrescleared and in crow II, is season
all well enclosed and divided into several field-, w ith
cedar rail or h,1c teiice ; has built a two storv dwell
iug, about 'M by 4(1 feet, and a smaller house for farm
laborer, and a statin and gruuury and sumo other
Considerable part of the land wa cleared for the
plow at S-y an acre, and on some of it the first crop
was buckwheat, iimeil with 60 bushels iu powder per
acre. This crj may be put in July 4th. toLtith.uiid
yieiiis ji lo .ui uusneis per acre, in .Nov em
tier; when the laud being sowed with I.S0 Us, of
Peruvian guuno and seeded Willi rye, yielded 12 to
li bushels per acre aud 10 worth of straw. Therve
stubble turned, alter knocking otTa large growth of
oua sprouts, ami uressru again w it li guano anil seeded
tu wheat, gave I a or lo bushels. The crop which he
was iiiresiung wnno we wero lucre promised more
uf a very iduuip grain, and tho straw ia very b, aw
We went over the stubblo and found tho clover
and timothy, from seed sowed last spring, on the w heat,
w ithout harrowing, looking as well us we ever saw it
iiHiuany old cultivated farm, and with a little work
done in the winter to clear off some roots and rotten
stump, aud setting slakes tu mark nernianrnt one
he will be able tu cut thu crop Iho next year W illi a
mow ing machine, and w c w ill guarantee I wo tons per
acre, if bo will give tho overplus il' it overruns thu
est l male.
l'artuf the laud was planted w ith otatoos for a
first crop, which yielded 12(1 bushels ner acre. It
was then limed with M bushels per acre, and seeded
Willi w lioai ana oiover, yielding an average of over
15 bushels nor acre, aud the clover now looks beauti
ful. Other portions have been planted with corn as a
first crop, wiiich yielded S bushels uf yellow flint
corn., aud tnc second crop 40 hushcla, and the third
crop, treated to lull lb, of guano, wu are sure Dooue
would estimate below 40 bushels per acre.
The reader will recollect that the writer ia now
speaking of land perfectly ucw, and which can
scarcely bo considered in good arable condition. Fn
Id other eaaea, the corn crop uf last year was fol
lowed with oala this aeaaon, not yet threshed, but
will average probably 40 tu i0 bushels. 15 eel pota
toes, beaua, melons, aud, in fact, all garden vegetable,
aa well aa young peach and other fruit trcea planted
this year, show very plainly that this long-negleoUxl
tract of laud should remaiu ao no longer, and there ia
now m atrong proliabillty that it will not ; fur, under
the auspices uf Mr. Landia, it will be divided iuto
small lota, with ruada located to acoommodate all
the surveyors are now busy at thia work and all
Purchasers will be required tu build neat, ooinfortable
nous os, and either fence, which would be preferable,
by which meaua a good population will be aeuured,
who will establish cliurchoa, aehoola, aturea, mills,
mechanic- ahopa and hotnea hoiue of American
tanners, surrounded hy gardens, orchards, flulda and
comforts of civiUacd life
If any one, from any derangement of butineaa, la
desirous of changing his pursuits, or who ia from any
cause desirous lu find a new location and cheap home
iu the oountry, and who may read and believe what
we have truly stated, be will do well to go and are
o hliu.clt what may be sera within a two homy ,
j ride out ol I'hilad Irhi
I sl.ruary lc0! ly
To Oeatwy "-flats, Roaches. Ac.
To Ietioy -Mice, Mnleeatl Ants.
To Deatroy llrd flues
To Destroy Molha in Furs, Clothea, 4 c.
To Destroy Moaqnitoca and Hleaa
To Destroy Inacota on Pbnts and l-'ewls.
To Destroy laseclaon AiuinaU, .tte.
To Deatroy Every form and ipecica of Vermin
Drstroya Instantly
Those I'leparatiotiR (unlike oil others) arc
"Free from Poisons. "
"Not dangerous to the Human Family."
"Rut do not dieou the premisee.1'
"They come out of their holea to die."
'-They are the only ini'allible remedies known "
"Id years anil more established in New Yotk Citv."
t'acd hy the City Post Office.
t'seil by the City Prisons aud Station Houses.
I' acd by the City Steameis, Ships, .:.
I'scd by the City llospiuls, Alnia-Houses, Ac.
I'acdby the City lb.tcla 'Aatoi' 'Si Nicholas,' Ac-
I'scd hy the itiariling Houses, Ac.
Cscd by more than 5U,000 Private Faiiulies.
fV See one or two Specimens of what is Kveiyvvliere
aaid hy the People F.ihioia Dealers, he.
HorSI'.KKF.PF.tSS iroaMed with vermin need be
no longer, fit' lliey use Costal's'' Kxtcrnuttalors. W'c
tijve used it to om aatisfuctioii, and if a !sx e,st rj5 wc
would have it Wp hail tried poisons, bat they effected
iiollunr; ; huf'Costai V'artiele kmieka llie hrenth oat of
Itats, Mice, Itoaches. ami Itcd-llucs. quicker than we eun
write it. It is iu ureal demand ull over the country.
Medina J liuzelte.
MOKK t!R.M and nrovisiona arc destroyed aiumall
in (Irani County by vermin, 1 tin it wouhl pay for tons ol
this lint and insect Killer. Lancaster (Wis ) Herald.
Hr.NRV R. CoSTaa We are Belling your preparations
npntlv. Wherever Ihey have lrr,i uard, Hats, Miee,
lloacheaanH Vernon disnrs,,,ai rapullv.
tAaaHiV Muciraa, I'rnggnts, vv inJsor. Md.
"Costar's" Bat, Roach, &c-, Exterminator.
Costar's" Bed bug Exterminator.
uostar s
"Costar's" Electric Powder for Insects, &c-
lu i",c nnrl f 1,00 lloxea. Bottles and Flalts, S3andt.Vsizes
for pLiutatiolis, lhip., Mtiuts, H'.tlles, Ac, c.
t'.M'TlON ! ! ! To prevent the public from radii.;
iniuosed iiui by rt,tirioiis and lliphly l'crnii iou
I tnit'itton., n new laijei naa oeen prepared, neartti a
fac-simito of the Proprietor's tsi;;niit,ite Fxiimine
each box, bottle, or la.K, ean fullv bi fore purcliu
siug, aud take uothiin; but oi,'.'! AH ir. '
.told every where by
All hole.ale Prui;i;-;ts iu larg) citie?.
Stiute of the
rshu (1,-lm Urol nets A ".
Ilitrral, Risley .V Kitchen.
Hindi Oale ti
M Ward, lose ,V Co.
.MrKiMiin k Itolitans
UrS Karnes A Co
K C Wells .V Co.
iKtellc. M.t nit (inrilnir.
Hall, Dix'iuanil t'o.
B A I iihiiilii.1,. Hull 4 ('.,
A II A I) S.uiit.1 A IV
Winder k Hart,
.laiot-s S AHootwall,
Alor.tii and ,llle,l
Hull, Itu. ki l I n
1 liotiias anil 1 ullcr
P DiUvu
I Conrad Fox.
I'HIM I'll. I'll I A
I' W l'voi.,n.Co,
I! A I alulrfl-.k and t'o.
n ' -It'! t Sli-afitiiKa-r am Cu
I'm wh, Ivi'-h iis and Ct.
and otlici
aud by
Ii uggUd, Urociia, Storekeepers an! Retailers
generally in all Country Towua and Village
In tho
And bv tha Druirirlsta.' Klorekcenen and Retailers
i ouuiry I'cai.-ra can or ner aa aoova.
fir add reus orders direel lor if i'rices. Terms, tc .
is desired. auDvl tor 1 1 SOil t ireular. eivinjr reduced
I'ii 1 to IIKMtV R COisTAH
i'uuipal Depot Ka Mi liroadway (Opsuii tbu
t-t. Nicholas 11 Mil I t ati
.Manb 1, lob.' liu
Dutch Cheeao.
The "furmcr's citl" wbo can mnkti "tiutou
Dutch chccc," and tell how it Is done, ih no
doubt an adept in the art. I know a fnr-
mrrs wife uho 1ms mtidn "lots ' of it nnd
think none can make brttcr. Hlin pnurs boil
ing water over thick milk in the pans. The
curd Nhould bo moved gently witli u spoon,
mat tuc wuter may react,, nie bottom ol tho
pan. The curd and whry will si peratc in a
lew minutes; pour off tho i hoy and il tho
curd is too tinder, pour over it hot water the
second tune, and move the curd about as at
itwt : then pour off the water nnd put the
curd in thin, coarse cloth, and lump; it up to
ctrtun an Hour or two ; then mid milt, a littlo
butter or cream, or both ; work it in and
make into bull. This way is preferred to
heating the milk over the lire, or upon tho
stove, and is much less work ami trouble.
Try it, and see if you do not like it better.
Jlri. Lyman.
JIoKFEK--Heavks. Wc would remind otir
rradrra thnt horsi-a fctl on cturuls, iii-vcr ftiif
frr from heaves; lliey will lie i'l-und ti have
a nikly cout as well ns a looMn. liido, and -n-joy
far bctt?r health than when liny and imtn
are ulonc used. Three qitarts of carrots and
inrre ((u.ivtn nt o;il will Ftislain u horse
niiu li better than six quarts of oala. When
the carrots form part ofthe feed, all the oats
win in- (iie-esteu and nssimilateil ; whervai.
when oatst alone arc fed, more than one lmlf
pass throui:li undiluted. The floor of every
cutting box should lie rild ed or opened so
as io permit an itiHt to pass down More
the hay reaches the cuttini; knive. Many
horses arc rrndi red asthmatic liy la iurs ', v
dusty hay, and, consefiuentlv. ( vet v m. ain
calculated to remove the dtist should lie
restored to. WvrUmf I'nrmrr.
The receipt fur wounds on horses, such as
collar and saddle-pills, Ac, is furnished to
the Amirkitn Strnk Jmnnnl lv Dr. DtuM.
the well known veterinary nrj,iim : I'tilver
ised aloes, H ounces : pulverised myrrh, !
ounces; pulverised calcclm, 4 ounces ; pul
verised lien.i.iin, -1 ounct s ; new nun, i t?nl
Ion. I. t the mixture stand for two or three,
weeks frequently shaking, and liiur lltiouli
tine linen.
About Strawberries.
to riirsr.uvi: .stuawiif.iiuiks.
To two pounds of fine larre st raw luriii s,
adil two pounds of powdered sitiiar, and
put them in a prescrviiii; kettle, over :t slow
tire, till the suptr i-t nii'ltcd ; then Imil litem
prci'itely twenty minuter, as fast us pos.-il,le ;
have ready a number of nw)r jars, nnd put
(lie fruit in boilip;,- hot. Cork' und setd the
jars immediately, ami keep them thivinrh
tlnr summer in a cold, dry cellar. The jars
must be heated before the hot fruit is puttied
in, otherwise they will break,
ro sTit.wiii'.iii:ii'.s on n Asi-itr.u-ltir.s,
foi: u:! eu in:r, wrruour
Let tlie fruit be gathered in the middle of
a warm day, iu very dry weather ; .-trip it
from the stalks directly, weigh it, turn it
into a bowl or deep pan. and bruise it
gently; mix w it!i tin equal weight of line
dry sifted sugar, and put it imtmMiatch into
small vt ide-nccked bottles ; cork these thinly
without delay, ami tie bladders over the
t"p.i. Keep them in a cool place, or the
fruit wi',1 ferment. Tint mixture nhould be
slirri d softly, and only just suliicietit! v t'
blind the sugar and tlie fruit. Tlie but lies
mu.-t be perfectly dry, and the bladder,
after having In en cleaned in the u.-ual way,
and allowed to become nearly so, should be
moisti ne l with a little spirit on the .-ide
which is to be next to the cork.
stUAwr.i:nnii:s silwkd vim tarts.
Make a sirup of one pound of .-ttgar and a
teacup of water; add a litlie white of eggs;
let it boil, and skim it until only a foam
rises ; tlit ii put in a qti.'it of berries ft.
from stems und hulls; let them boil till they
look clear und the sirup is quite black.
Kini. li with tine puff paste.
to i';nvi: stiia wni;itun:s in w inh.
Tut a quantity of tlie line.-t largo Mraw
beiries into a goo-oberry bottle, and Mrcw
over thein three large spoonsfulls of tine
sugar ; till up with Madeira wine or .-heiry.
KTltr.wr.i.iUiY jr.i.i.Y.
Kvjt -s the juice from the fruit through a
i loth, strain it clear, weigh and stir to it im
equal proportion nf the fine.-t Mlgur dlied
and reduced to powder; when this is di.--solved,
place the preserving-pan over a very
c' lire, and stir the jelly often until it
boils; clear it can-folly from scum, and boil
it quickly from fifteen to twenty-live minu
te... 1 his receipt is lor a mode quantity el
the preserve; a very small portion will,
require much less time.
Kin mint Wink. A fair article of wine
for family use may be made from the rhubarb
in the following manner: tirind or mash,
and press the stalks, in any convenient man
ner. A portable or hand cider mill aud press
answer well for this purpose. Add us much
water us there is juice, and three to four
p'umd- of light colored sugar to each gallon
of the mixture. I'm iu ca-ks ami sit in the
cellar, with the bung out, leaving it-until
fermentation ceases, keeping the ca-ks jnll
in the meantime. When done working, bun:;
up tight or bottle for u-o. Small quantities
may be put at tir-t into glass bottles or stone
jugs. .1 mir Aijrietdtitrint.
diNc.Kii Snaps. Hoil tou'ether one pinl of
nmlossi-s ami a teacup of butter, l.ct il
stand till cool ; add two tablespoons of gin
e;er iiuil one ttiblespooful of soda; flour to
roll. Hake quick, in thin rounds, on a flat
Ill'SNe. One cup butter, one cup sugar,
half cup of yeast, half piill of milk ; make,
it still' with flour; add if you like, uut
Silvi:ii Caki: and Goi.h C'akk. One cup
white sugar, half tup butter, whites of live
well beaten eggs, quarter of n teasponful of
soda dissolved in half a tcacupftil milk, threu
quarters tca.-pounful cream tartar mixed.with
two cups flour. Flavor with extract of bit
tcr almonds. The yolks of these five eggs,
and the same ingredients, make Hold
Coal oil is said to be a sure destroyer of
bed-bugs. Apply plentifully with i(.mall
brush or feathers to tho places where they
most do oongregiite. The cure is effectual
and permanent. Gilt frames, chandeliers,
Ac, rubbed slightly over with coal oil, will
not lie disturbed by flies.
Indian Battkr Caki:s. One bowl nf
w heat meal, two full bow ls of Indian meal,
three eggs, teaspoon and a half a salenitus,
tablespoon of mlt. The batter must not be
too thin. These cakes are very nice and can
be made up un hour before tea.
Cottage ri tmiKC. Two tcuctms of atiar
four teacups uf flour, tw o cupa of niilk, four
tablespoons of butter, four eggs, two tea-
spooua ot cream ol tartar, and two tea
spoons of soda. It takes about half un hour
to bake.
CieTAitD Hk e Ti iidino. Take a latfc
teacup of rice to two nuarts of milk boil
slow ly an hour and thirty minute, add tl e
yoih oi lour eggg with tho milk J wlieu auf.
llciently cool, Uut tho white to a f'rolb. aud
mix with it a large teacup of sugar, ami
flavor it to jour la-.te. Half uu hour will
bake the pudding. C
I'l.ih hj h.a, t 'j VM.