f)c Sunburg '." Slmrrican. H. B. MA88ER. Editor A Proprietor. siiitiiv, t'A. SATl'KDAY, MAY 3, 1803. I-tf" In tlio Supreme Court, tho case of Ht.licrra IX Quinn vs. Wm. Hart, the Judjj merit of Court below was confirmoil. I ff" The returns of th- elrction in West cm Virginia show that in ten counties the voto in favor of emancipation was 5293 ; while but 410 votes were iRillod in opposi tion in the samo districts. H. M. Frick, Esq., has withdrawn from the Miltonum, having disposed of his interest to Mr. Leo M. Morton. Tho paper will hereafter bo conducted by Messrs. Funk A Morton. Wc resrret to part with our eoti'iiiporary with whom our associations have always been of a pleasant character. IW Tho Muncy Luminary notices the death of C. S. Wullia of that place, who was taken ill two weeks ago with e malignant form of Erysipelas and died on Wednesday night last. Mr. Wallia was the Treasurer of the Lycoming County Mutual Insurance Company, since its organization, it period of about 22 years a position which he has Clled with signal ability and success. ZW Fu.nf.tul OF Wm. M'Caiitt. The remains of Wm. M'Carty, who died recently at Winchester, Va., of wounds received at the battle near that place, were brought to the residence of his mother, in Muncy on Wednesday evening last, and wercintered in the Cemetery on Thursday last. 5-f?" As the mail train bound north, on the Northern Central Railroad, was passing near York, Thursday the 24th ult., some cattle were browsing on an embankment near the track. Just as the train was ap proaching them, one of them made a lunge lit the other, pushing her before the locomo tive, which threw part of the train off the track, injuring some of the train hands, and doing considerable damage to the engine and front cars. This detained tho mail about five hours. American Asiiuti,i i;i?ist for May. Orange Jmld, Publisher, 41 I'urk Kow New York. 1 a year : The May issue of the A'jrkultnrist will be found fully equal to any number. Tliissinglenuiiibercontains over 100 articles and items for the Farm, Harden, and Household, including a $20 Prize. Article on Apple Culture ; n slashing report on "Artificial Manured" by the Presi dent of Penn. Agricultural CJollcge, etc.. etc. Among the engravings are a beautiful page cut entitled "Sheep Tending" ; ''How to Hold and drive Horses"; "Beautiful heaved Plants'1; Mtys of the Mississippi liiver ; Yoiktown ; Savannah, Ac. Jif"Ancv Railroad Connection it pro jected between Lcwistown, on the Pennsyl vania Railroad, and Rcllefoute. At the bitter point the new line will connect with the Tyrone and Lock Haven Railroad. A number of pudler have resumed work fit the Pennsylvania Iron Company's Rolling Mill, lmving agreed to take the advance of !!t) cents per ton offered to them by Mr. Reaver previous to the strike. D'tntille JJvmnci'd. Sir ah. It is said that the largest shad ever obtained from the Delaware was caught recently by a citizen of Wilmington. It weighed ten pounds, was two feet nine inches long, measured seventeen inches round the body, and was four inches thick on the back. Shad are still high in our market, ranging from twenty-live to forty cents each for a fair-sized article, about a third more than it sold for in past years. The scarcity is char ged to the ill luck of the gill-net men. 1'hihuh ljliin Jmjuircr, l'KO.M ;i:m:ic i, icm , II.lI.l.KCK' A UNION SENTIMENT AT MEMPHIS. Cairo, April 28. The steamer Kstella has arrived here from Pittsburg Landing. There is no news from the liombardment of Fort Wright. Tho mortars still tire occa sionally. Refugees from Memphis report that a strong Union feeling exists there, and a majority of the people were anxiously awaiting the arrival of our forces to take possession of the city. It was not believed that the town would be burned ; but all the cotton, sugar and molasses will be destroyed. Generals Van Porn, Price and Thompson were at Memphis with about (1000 miserably clad troops. They remain there to awe the people into submission to the conscription net which is being enforced. Hundreds of the inhabitants were leaving daily to avoid impressment. The twelve months1 men, whose term of service is about V) expire, refuse to re-enlist under any circumstances, and are deserting in large nuiuljers. Cairo, April 28. (Special to the Chicago Time.) Advices from Pittsburg Landing to buiRluy night have lieeu received. The roads were improving, and the prcpn- rations fur the coming battle are progressing Bteadiiy. The pickets of the two armies are now onlv two and and a half miles apart. There is much sickness among our troops. the result of fatigue, exposure and the un healthy climate. Jtefugccs report that Gen. Villipiquc is still in command of Fort Wright, and hui a force ot from 0000 to 8000 men. The guns lrom l oil itamioipii nave uceu taken there. and hirge numbers of negroes arc constantly ut hoik strengthening the I on incut ions. There is a report here, which in deemed reliable, that the 1 tel. el gun-boat fleet was coming up the river to attack our fleet for the possession ot the Mississippi. On the reception of this report, a strainer w as immediately despatched to Island No, 10, having ou board gunners sufficient to man the batteries there. The refugees report that a despotic, censor fliip is exercised ill all parts ot the South, The public prints dure to utter nothing der ogatory to the cause ol the Rebellion. They u1m say that Union men there are as firm and loyal as ever, rejoicing ut the near approach 4i' the I'uiofi tinny. I'niou clubs meet in Memphis, and arc holding t oi respendeure with similar clubs lu nearly every large city in the South. General Prentiss and tha other Union prisoners were received with marked atten tion by the Union jtcople. They were taken to I U.jOUloO. u. . Fort Harris, just uboc Memphw, ha.; li (ivertlowtd bv crcviu-jC, and much' dmn' Jiad been d me to the ourroundtu country What Rebel Prisoners TntsK. Some of the Fort Donclson Hecesh prisoners con Cued at Chicago, have written a letter to the Nashville Patriot, which they request the Tennessee papers . to .copy, in which : they hut : YV e want to say to our wlvrs, lathers, mother and children, not to run away from their homes and firesides, as others have done, even if the Federal forces should come in tlieir midst; nor grieve themselves unne cessarily on our account. We know not (if wc are detained lone.) how our wives and children will live; but wo nro prisoners of nope, and we have lortncu a ociter opinion of the Northern people and tho army than wc were accustomed to hear. We are short of clothing, and particularly of money. It is believed the civil tribunals of France will soon have to decide the question whether Roman Catholic priests can contract civil marringo in France. Sunday Ratti.s. The battle of Pitts burgh Landing was brought on on Sunday morning by the relels, and they, the attack ing party, were beaten. It is said that every battle fought on Sunday in this war has been lost by tho side whose attack brought on the engagement on that dayk PERSONS WANTING A CHANGE of CLIMATE FOR HEALTH, SKE ADVERTISEMENT OF virrEr,A.irr farms- Alniiiiif rntor'N police. NOTICE is hereby Riven that letters of A dmini. tration bavins been granted to tho undersigned ou tho estate, of Frederick Cable, Into of Jackson township, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, deceased, all persons indebted are requested to make immediate payment, and (huso having claims to present them for settlement. JAOOH CARLE, Administrator. Banbury, April 19, 1S62. Ot 'THeYgo right to THE SPOT." INSTANT RELIEF! STOP YOUR COUGH! rUllIFY YOUK BiTKATlI!. STRENGTHEN YOUR VOICE! SPALDING'S Tiiito.iT toi'i:"rio.s ARE GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN. GOOD FOR LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES. Gentlemen Carry Mpaldiii'H 'I'liront 4'ui"-f lonN. Ladies are delighted wilh Spnldinj'H 'I'liront 4'oiitVi-lioiiN. Children Cry fur NtnllinKB 'a'liroiu 'on Tec-lions. They relievo a Cough instantly. They clear the Throat. They givo strength and volume to the voice. They impart a delicious aroma to the breath. They are delightful to tho tasto. They are made of simple herbs and cannot harm any one. I advise every one who has a Cough or a Husky Voice or a Bad llreath, or any difficulty of the Throat to got a package of my Throat Confections ; they will relievo you instantly, and you w ill agree w ith mo that ''they go right to the spot." You will Dud them very useful and pleasant w hile traveling or attending public meetings for stilling your Cough or allaying your thirst. If you try one package. I am safe in saying that you will ever afterwards consider them ndispensiblo. Youwill find them at tho Druggist and Dealers in Medicines. Price 25 Cents. My signature U on each pacakage. All olhors are counterfeit. A Package will be sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of Thirty Cents. Address, HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 Cedar street, New York. For sale at It. A. Fisher's Drug Store, Sunbury, Pa, CURE NepvousHeadache Bv the use of these Tills the neriodic attacks of Ner vous or Sick Headache may lie prevented: und If taken at the commencement of an attack'immediuto relief from pain and sicknesses will be obtained. luey seldom tail In removing the Auusca and Headache to which females are so subject. lucy act geuuy upon tuo nowcu, removing uos- tiveness. For Literary men, Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits, they aro valuable as Laxative, improving tno appetite, giving tone and vigor to the digestive organs, and restoring tho natu ral elasticity and strength of the whole system. J ue er.l'll Ai.li; 1'11,l,b are ine result ol long in vestigation and carefully conducted experiments, Having been lu use many years, during wuicn lime they iiava prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and aunering lrom jioauucne, wnetner originat ing in the nervous system or from a deranged statu oi tue stomacn. The are eutirelv vegetable in their composition and may be taken at all times with iterfcet safety, without making auy ehauge of diet, and tho absence of any disagreeable tusto renders it easy lo adminis ter mem io cnuureu. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! The genuine bare five signature! of Henry C Spalding on each Box. cold oy Druggists and all oilier ueaiera in juedi ciues. A Box will bo sent by mail prepared on receipt of ine Price, 26 Cents. All orders should be addressed to HENRY O. BPALDINO, 48 Cedur Street, New York. For sale at FISHER'S Drug Storo, Sunbury, I'a From the Examiner, Norfolk, Va. Cenhalic Pills accomplish the object for which they were made, vit: uure ueauacno in an hs luruu. From the Democrat, St. Cloud, Minn. If you are. or have been troubled with the head ache, send tor a box (Cepbalio Pills,) so that you may nave lueui in cane ol an auacx. From the St. Louis Democrat. The immense demand, for Cephalic Pills if rapidly From the Garotte, Davenport, Iowa. - Mr. Spalding would not eonnoet his name with an article lie aid not know to possess real merit. ' From the Advertiser, Providence, K. I. The testimony in their favor k strong, from the From the Daily News, Newport, R. I. Cepbalio Pills ue taking the place of all kinds. From tha Kanawha Star, Va. We are aura that persons uSeriag with the head ache, who try them, wui aUch lu tucm. . ' ' From the Advertiser, Providence, B I The Cephulie Pillt are said to be a remarkably eflcetive uoicdv f"r the hoj Ik he, and one ol lue ery l.i.t for that very tuo,utu! ion ) laiul whivh fc'a et ei uea au eov 'uw . , , TT TT . "HI TTl A PINOLE IIOTTLK OF WVfl.. M J- --iWW.1 Will M. I -e y" CO Save llie ricccs! ' HpnlttlnK'i I'rrpnri'tl 4 J 1 no I HpiiltllnK Ireinrel (JIiic t MpnltltiiK'si lrrpnrMl falue! WILL SAVE TEN TIMES ITS COST ANNUALLY. As accidents will happen, even In well regulated families, it f very desirable to have sumo cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toyi, Crock ery, Ac. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLtE Meets all such emergencies, and no household enn uflurd to without it. It is always rcudy and tip to the slicking point. "tHKITL IN KVEltY HOUSE." A Brush accompanies each Boltlo. PRICE 23 CENTS. Address HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 Cedar Street, New York. For salo at R. A. FISHEU'8 Drug Store, Sunhuryi Northumberland county, Pa. CAUTION! As certain unprincipled persons aro attempting to palm oil' on Iho unsuspecting public imitations of my PREPARED GLUE, I would caution all persons In examine before purchasing, and see tlint the full namo SPALDING'S PREPARED GLl'K, is on tho outside wrapper ; all others aro swindling counter feits. Slay 3, 18fi2. o x rill iT i -a it .it a.i .t icsi:icii:n i J. KNOX, llox 155, I'lllNlniili, I'emi'u. Select Lists of Strawberries. For $5 wo will furnish 100 plants each of the following kinds : Trimnplie de Hand, Tndlnpv'a Victoria, Burr's New Pine, Jenny Lind and Wilson's Albany. For'SlO wc will furiiinh 100 plants each of tho following choice kinds: Triomphc do (land. Trol lope's 'ictoria, 'icomtosse llericart de Thury Fill more, Downer's Prolific, Burr's New Pine, lenny Lind, Cutter's Seedling, M'Avuy'd Superior and Wilson's Albany. Triomphc dc Gutid. For deseripliin of this superb and unrivalled Strawberry, see our circular. Wo will furnish this variety and the Wilson's Albany, tho two leading kiuds, at the following rates : i TriomyliQ de. dind. 60 ffents per dozen, $2 per lot); 5.000 f,,r ?15; 10,000 for ?ri; 20.000 f.r Sloo. For the SI 00 lot. Ave per cunt, w ill be charge, 1 for boxes and packing. II i you s Alttiny. 25 cents per doz.in. SI per 100 ; 3,000 for 10. Large quantities at the .siinie rate. For S 1 00 we w ill furnish lo.mio Trioinphn de Uand and 10,000 Wilson's Alb.inr. Five per cunt, will also bo charged for this lot, for boxes and packing. Plants 1,1 Mail. Wo will send to any ikis( office- address in tho country. mis1 paid, and can-folly put up so us to carry safely, one hundred good plants of any variety found lu our catalogue at the prices there annexed. For instance, loo Wilson's Albany for SI, lUO T'rol- ope s icloria 1 iO. 100 'I riompho do Gnnd. !-'. Ac. L tf iNo oniers tilled lor plants ov mail tor less thau one dollar's worth, of anv one kind, and when ss thau 100 aro ordered, it mint U ut tu dusen Jkfispbrmrs. Brinekles Orange and Franeonla. SI per rloien, $5 per 10U, f.10 per 1.U00. lastolll, River's Largo ruited Monthly, Knevitt's Giant, Hudson River Antwep, Red Antwerp, Yellow Antwerp. Allen's Jlardy, t o cents per rtnien. j.f per 100. Sl'o per 1. 000. mprovej American lilack tap, 0 ceuls per Uoicn, 3 per 100, S2j per l.ooo. ofieet i..vr,v oj iiat)iterrics. For $10 wo will furnish 100 Brinckle's Oranie. Uie finest flavored Raspberry, us well as ono of the largest, most beautiful, and productive; 100 Franco nia, a very large red berry, of good llavur, attractive and enormously productive ; 100 Improved Amuricau Black Cap, much larger, more juicy, better flavored, witn tewer seeii and every way superior to tlie common Black Cap. I ho plant is entirely hardy and productive, and tho fiuit is much sought utter lu lliu market. Tho altove kinds inctudo tho threo colors, red. orange anil black, and furnish n ploufniit variety in flavor. We regard them us the best lor uiuutcurs. and Ihe most proliluble for market culture. Llaci'terrics. New Rochelle. SI per dozen.. ?5 per 100, S25 rer 000, S100 per j,U00 ; Dorchester. 7 ." cents per dozen, SI per 100. S'.'j per 1.000 ; Newman's Thornier, M cents per dozen, is! iier 100, :'0 per 1.000. Wo w ill send 100 each of tlie above three kinds for S10. Each package of Straw berry and Blackberry pluul will contain printed instruction for cultivation. ror prices ot tim;w, 1 ttmnts. tton.ttttenies. Hhitlxirb. AsiMrnins, A-e.. see our circular, which will be sent to all applicants enclosing stamps. l ' Wo have opened at No. 2'.' Fifth Street, a Si t u SToliK anu Ibutrii l LTt'BAI. Di:i'oT, wliero nil articles belonging lo such au ttublitbu)out can bo uad. ot the best quality. April ayita, lhi2. I'pptT .u- (rllNltl 'I'OWIINllip. VTOTICE is lu-reby given that the Auditors of LN Upper Augusta towiiidiipwil) meet at the (irar.d Jury Room, in the borough of Sunbury, ou Friilay und Saturday, the 2d and '.A days of May next, when persons indelteil or having claims naiust said towu ebilk are requested to attend. j lie uvcrsocrs ot tno I'oor and cupervicor elect, for 1-Stl2, are remiested to enter security on Friilay. the 2d of May, according totlie late act of Assembly. The School Treasurer is requested to meet tho Auditors ou Saturday, the 3d of Mav, to have his accounts uudited. JAMES CAMPRKLL, JAMES BACHELOR, W.M. S. SNYDER. Upper Augusta tp., April 11), 1S02. I.iit'Untt it n it & liloouihburK ltall- rond. ON and after November 25, 1861, Pus:cngcr Trains will run as follows : MOVING SOUTH Pre i slit tf J'ast.eui r. lfl.Hil A. M. 12.15 P.M. Tnssenccr. 6.25 A. M. fi.:to 8.32 8.40 Leave Fcranton, Klugston, Bloomsburg, Rupert, Danville. 0 15 Arrive at Northumberland, 10.00 MOVING NORTH. Northumberland, 4. SO P. M. Danville, 6.10 Rupert, 5.15 Bloomsburg, 0.57 Kingston, 8.00 Leave, 1.45 P.M. Leave Arrive at Scrautou, 9.00 P. M. 3.10 A Passenger Train also leuves Kingston at 8.38 A. M , for Scrauton, to connect with a train for New York. Returning, leuves Scrauton on ariivul of train from New York, at 4.15 P. M. i he Lackawanna x Bloomsburg Railroad connects wilh the Delaware, Lackuwuumt and Western Rail road at Scrauton, for Now York and iutoriucdiuto points east. ai nuperi ii connects wnn ine uatiawraa Jtau road, for points both east and west. At Nortliunihcrluu't tt connects w ith tlie 1'hilndel- phia A Erio Railroad und Northern Central Rail road, for points west and south. juiia r. ilmx, cup t. J. C. Wfi.i.s, General Ticket Ageut. April 5. 1S02. IfeU'J. fcprliiu ii ud Niiiiiiufr ltoU'-i. CLOTHINQ Ton ALL. THE undersigned has just received the largest assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER CLO T1IIKG ever brought to Sunbury, and takes pleasure in infurnuug bis Iriouiu and the public gtuerully, that be is enabled to sell CHEAPER THAN EVER!! llii stock is of tho beat material, manufactured in the n cutout and latest styles, and consists ol DRESS COATS FROM 5 to 14, Caesimore or Business Coats of different prices. Fst Plain anil Fancy Cusuiinorce of the latest styles, A large assortment of Plain and Fancy Vests, Well made Shirts, Woolen Shirts and Overshirta, CARPET BAGS AND TRUNKS, Aadaltoa number of other articles of gunllomena' wear. We annonnea to every one that our CLOTHINQ EMPORIUM is unsurpassed by any other in the iiuia for uaalilv. cheapness and durability. We ean safely aay to those who are purchasing Ready Made Clothing, at retail, they ean bny their goods of me at a cheeper Cash Price than any ether oslubluhinent In t'etuwylrania. - I ke proof of the Pudding Is eating it . rioaid give me call before purchasing thrwhvre. JOSEPH SCUM t.llZt.R, Agent, , Nearly opposite W eaver Hotel Suuburf , B!th 29, 1802 flnrdwaro, ."Tlarhliicry, I('huulsi 'I'volsi, Ac, HENRY GILBERT, Marlct Street, Opposite tin Vuttrt House, lUniiism no, Pa., DEALER In all kinds of Builders and Manufac turers' Hardware, Iron, Steel, Coil Chain, Ropes, Pulley Blocks, Ac. LlNSKF.D, Hi ntQ AND MAC'rllNERY OlLS. The Lubricating Oils aro adapted to every variety of Machinery. Also, at manufacturers pi iocs, Wood Woukino MArnmnnr, vit : Planing, Sash, Morticing and Sawing Ma chines, Ac. MArnistsTs' Tools, viz : Planers, Engine and Hand Lathes, Bolt Cutters, Ac, Ao., 'Machine Belting, of Rubber and Leather, constantly on band. Herring'! Fire Proof Safes, rintform Scales, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron. Block Tin and Trimmers' Tools. Purchasers will find it to their interest to give us a cell. Harrisburg, March 29, 1862. KA1Y II.-SI?. ' Corner of State and Third Streets, llAnnisnyrta, Pa.' TITIS HOUfK, In consequence of lis convenience anil near location to . iho Capitol, has made it a dcsirablo stopping place, not only for thoso having business at the seat of Government, but lor others visiting Harrisburg. Aim oh 20, IM02. lMuiio fur riilp. A HANDSOME, SECOND HAND PIANO, of soft and sweet tone, for salo uhoap. Also, a framo building, for an office. Enquire or CHARLES PLEASANTS. Sitnbur.v, March 29, 1M02. Ut fiOI,M MAI.ICIi, A llorney lit .uiv, Sunbury, Nurthumber" J lantl courtly. Pennsylvania. (Formerly I'reeburg. Snyder county.) OFFlt'E. Market street, one d'or oast of Friling A Grant's Store, and nearly opposite the Court House. All professional business, collections, &s , will re ceive prompt attention. April 12, 1SD2. Tltc St. IiOiiIn, Chestnut Street, betwem Third and Pourth, PlIlbADKLPIIIA. flJirc underpinned, having leased, for n term of I years, this popular house, have the pleasuro of nnnouncing to their friends mid the traveling com munity that it is now open for the reception of guests. The house, since the first of March lust, has been entirely renovated and refitted in a superior manner; tho uiiartmenls aro large, well ventilated and fur nished in modern style. It is centrally lornted, convenient- to nil tho dojot and stonmlsmt landings, nnd in the immediate vicinity of tho Custom House, Post Ollico nnd the Corn Exchange. Connected with tho Hotel is a Restaurant for the accommodation of thoso preferring tho European plan. Prices of Rooms from Three to Seven Dollars per week, nccordiug to location. Board SI 50 per day. Table d'Hoto for merchnnta nnd business men froui 1 to 3 P. M. HENRY NEIL, ISAAC L. DEVOE. April 12. lr,2 ly IVllMllill'i'l'OII IlOIIHO, NORTHUMBERLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, (iVtvzr the V ridge.) TIIIE subscriber having leased this well known L Tavern Stand, lately kept by Mrs. C. S. Brown, respectfully informs the public that he is refitting and repairing the premises, and will bo prepared to en tertain, in a conif .rtablo manner, his numerous friends throughout the county, and all who may patronize his establishment. April 12, lSf.2. JOSEPH VANKIRK. 1'OU SALE, cheap, three copies of the Cottage Bible, in two Volumes, with commcniaiics. 11. B. MASSEU. tmtn! I'lio Aslitiii'ia I'lxpwsm Company. G1 IVE NOTICE that thoy have concluded nr- rangeuienls w ith the Northern Central Railroad Comiainy to run trains from Baltimore for York, Harrisburg, Dauphin, Halifax. Trovorton, Sunbury, Northumberland. Lewisburg, Milton, Muncy, Wil liamspnrt, uunll intermediate stations, connecting at Harrisburg with tho GREAT WESTERN EX PRESS for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis and the West. Also with Howard A Co. 's Express nt Milton or Danville, Bloomsburg, Wilkesburre, Pittston, Scrau ton, and intormediuto stations on tho Cattawissa. Luckawunuu A Bloomsburg Railroads. At Wil liatuspurt, by Howard A Co.'s Express to Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard It Co., and their connections, for Canton, Troy, Klmira, KiK'hcsler. Itiithilo, Niagara, and to all accessible points in Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Bunk Notes. Jewelry, und Valuable Puukages of every descrip tion. Also, Notes, Drafts and Bills for Collection. Experienced nnd efficient messengers employed, und every cll'ort will be uiude lo render satisfaction. .HiHX BINGHAM, Superintendent Pcnn'a Division, Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Sunbury. April 5, 1S02. I'IMil.i: Ac Men SEWING MACHINE CO-, 5:!S BKOADWAY, NEW YORK. Descriptive Circuities, vith S'tmplcs of 1!W' vill lie sent Mini l'rie. OUR " FAMILY SEWING MACHINE," HAVING attained a well established ami flattering re, illation, as being of all machines yet intro duced, tho one best adapted to All Kisijs or Family Skwixo, and having met with a success in its salo beyond our greatest anticipation, so much so, that tor three months our orders have been ahead of our capacity to supply, wo would now anuounco that wc nave increased our manufacturing facilities, so that from this timo forth, wo shall be enabled to supply orders on demand. In the changes brought ubout by tho war, no one thing has played n more important part than tho "Skwino M.uiiiNK." Without it three-f mrtlis of our soldiers would to-dav be clothed in anything but 'Military Costume." All ever tho Innd nnuy clo thing has been tho work required of our patriotic women, und nobly have they refunded. Not content to make only so many garments us their hands could accomplish, they have called the (iSowing Machine" to their aid, unit bv it huve rolled out the soldiers' Coats. Pants ami Shiuts. at a rale ustem.-hing to themselves. Knowing that this work could not long continue, lnnny thoughtful, prudent housewives, were careful to select tho machine of all others, which would do the heavy army work, and when done w ith that, then to be used us their Family Machine, and in selecting one of tho 'FixKi.E & Lyon Sewiso Machine Company's Family Machines," with which yon may sew from the finest cambric to the hoavicst'cloth, without change of feed, needle, or tension thev have not been disappointed. Thus having developed Iho adaptability of our machine for all kinds ot work, we have madeanotber step in udvancc, and by several iintortant changes in our "Ko. 3 Mkiulm Maciiines," luivo produced a 'Tailoring Machine, " which we confidently cluim to bo tho -BEST TAILOR INtl MACHINE" yet introduced, sewing tho coarsest linen thread with us much ease us the common cotton uud when required may be used to do tho very finest cambric work, with liOor 2o0 cotton thus combinini; in one compact form, every quality required in either a FAMILY OR MANlFACTlRIMi MACHINE. We have had our Machines before the public Ions cnoiiL'h to establish their reputation. Dozens of others who started with Hying colors ' have fallen by tho wayside , ' and "soon mo places tnat knew tliem will know them no more." Step by step has the Fink le A Lvon Machine won its way to public favor : its success is established, and henceforth our aim shall bo, us it has in the pust been, to still further improve, simplify uud re. luce tho oost of our ma chines. We shall, in a few days, issue a now price list. For further particilars address, FINKLE i, LYON SEWIXU MACHINE CO., No. 63S Broadway, New York. t-tfMI. . Masser, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. March 2, Ibtlil. 1'riiul.Iin IIoiino, T)EBUILT AND REFUIN1S11ED, Cor. Howard i and Franklin Street, a few Square West of tho Northern Central Railroad Depot, BALTIMORE! Itf XtsHMi, $1 TEH Day. O. LEISENRINU, Proprietor. July 10, 1859. U' 'l'KKAMI Iti:it'M HtU or MIJAL i'.'r.vri:. A GREEABLY to tho wwUon of the A t of .X V Aseuuibly, entitled . ... .... au Act to reduce the Sluto debt, Ac, nassed the 20th day of April, 1814, for non-payment of taxes, and iu supplement thoreto, tue 'treasurer ot KurluuuiDcrieuu. iwumj uj givoa notico to all persons concerned therein, that unless the County, Slate, Road and School Taxes, Ac, due on the following real estate in tho oounty of Northuulierlaud, are not paid before Ihe day of aide, the whole, or auch part of oacu aa will pay the charges and oust chargeable thereon, will be sold at the Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, couuty ftf Kfirlliiiiiiherliinri. on Ihe second Monday of June, 1843, being the Uth day of the mouth ; end Ihe sale will be continued by a'ljournment from day to day, r Mrroaniires ol Ux as due Ihe said county, and the cost accruing on each respectively : . Am (of Tax i Coal To!oiiir. a Lobs Alexander JotdiUi, - I vasr, S l 1J tf ISA 1 F. O. Barton. 'H 1 Chirks RoujhUr,. 4 M 15 7 211 67 2V 1 99 12 16 lilt) 90 6 90 130 4i I 00 4 90 90 21 21 6 90 6 90 1 18 8 35 1 il 19 00 4 90 18 (III 12 41 ' 47 20 9 50 1 III 4 90 2 30 6 90 7(1 CO 00 1 13 1 00 1 oo 75 20 3 40 10 00 10 40 70 41 40 41 .to 22 22 03 B.I oo- 1 50 93 3 33 2 78 3 90 27 David Mc'NiL'ht, 1 8 " ao " 11 119 10 ' 1 1 " 8 " 1 " 118 " 2 '' !) 8 " 1 . " 1 23 " 1 " 4 " 1 " 2 ' 7 " 1 ' 2 " Metlran A Barry, 1 Oeorge Reed. 1 Martz Rittenhouse, Nos. 1 A 2, blocks 54 und 30, 1 Shamokin Town Lot, Asso'n, 1 Philip Sloan, 2 Chas. Smith. No. 8, bl'k 72, 2 Crijer A Shipman, 1 JacohS. Smith, No. 1, b'k 50, 2 Win. Widemer, 2 H.J.Wolverton. No. 8, b'k 25,2 Amos Vnstiue. in trust. 1 Adam Adam, No. 1 uud 2, 2, block 03, 1 John Black, 1 Jacob Bailsman, J Philip (Iroom, 1 Lilley A Slator,No.:iS,b'k 152.1 J. F. Long, I Elizabeth Long. No. 4. b'k 94.1 W m. MeCarty, block 33, 1 Chas. Rciuhart, No. II, b'k 1,1 Stohver A Co. No. 423 and 421. block?, 1 Benjamin Suavely, 1 Jacob Shoch, No! 1. b'k 105, 1 Tracy A Co., No. 40'J und 410, block 4, 1 Zi:nuK Township. Benjamin Vast ine, 1 1 " Robert Moore, No. 2. b'k 109,1 1 " Sum Sherrif), " HI " fi, 1 1 " DanShapncl, " 12 " K, 1 2 " Wm. Miller, " KA9 " 12, 1 1 " Duv Slnipnell, " 12 " lo, I 1 " John Rules, " U " SO, 1 1 ' Francis Otto, 7 "12.1, 4 2 " Dun Slopich, "I2.U3 ' 02, 1 3 " W.J. Philij.". " 123 " 78, 1 00 Acres. Sarah Smith, .1 60 " Wm. Atwater, 3 57 Lots, tleorgo W. Beebo, 2 " 41 Acres, " 1 " 05 " " 1 15 Acres. " Bellas tract, 2 1 Lot, W. Stanton. No. 3. b'k 121, 3 1 " I. Taylor, No. a, block SS, 3 1 15 Acres. U. S. Bank. 1 1 Lot. J. Bcrgstrcsser. No. 13 b 118. 1 2 " J. Bush, No. 12 A 13. b'k 121,1 1 " T. Bryon, now P. Mtichuu, No. 7, b'k 131, ,2 5 Acres. John Brcnnen, 1 Lot.T. Bateman. No. 11, b'k 27, 2 175 Acres, Ira T. Clement. 1 1 Lot, J Campbell, No. 11, b'k 131, 1 25 " AV ruha'ii Deppeu, 1 2 Acres 0 block Ml, 1 1 " " " 02, 1 I " ' " lu.'i, 1 1 Lol, J. De Victor. No. 11. b'k S5, 1 2 " D. Dunboch, No. IA2. b'k 55, 1 1 " Rebecca Epling. No. it. b 105, 2 2 " I.S.Diinkb beiger. No.f.tib132, 1 2 " S. lieinherling. No. SAO. b 51, I 2 " W.Oaiiglcr. No. 12A 13.1.00, 1 2 " J. Ililhish. No. 12 A 13, b lnl, 1 1 " John Hilling. No. '.), b'k 50. 2 1 " P. Houghuwout, No. 7, b ln'J, 1 122 " Charles P. llclfcintein, 2 5 two acre lots, " 2 9 acres, " 1 3 one ncrc lots, " 2 137 Acres. " 2 1 Lot, C. llarncv. No. 10. block 50, 1 1 " G. Harney, No. 3, block :l. 1 2 " J. llensel, Nos. 1 A 2. b'k 100. 2 OJ " M. Kearny, block 100, 1 2 " (). Knopp, Nos. 4 A 5, b'k 92, 1 1 " Oco Kolilcr. No. 1. block 58. 1 2 " M. Knupp, Nos. 12 A 13, b 68, 1 1 " M. Knapp, No. 3, block 51, 1 1 " Jonns Reiser. No. 6, b k 120, 1 6 Acres, Janu s R. Lowe, 1 85 05 2 58 2 S7 SS 39 OS 30 1 CI 1 41 1 70 9 45 70 1 13 18 03 05 2 70 IS 87 1 03 90 I f.7J 3 On 1 0!l 2 II 7 01 II 00 90 10 95 11 20 32 4S 2 00 3 81 1 15 1 83 2 03 90 3 90 1 11 2 99 1 80 1 8 1 43 2 31 1 7tl 1 58 fiS IS 1 50 1 73 05 7 45 90 2 SO 4 80 49 5 63 3 11 45 5 7 1 Lot, James Lvtle, No. fi, b k 93, 2 Michael Latsha. No.7A8. b 11. 1 Jonathan Lewis. No. 1. b'k 11,2 John McDowel. Nos. 2 and 3, 2 C. MeCulliK-h, No. 13, b'kTS. 2 Cath.McCullough, No. 5, b 130, 2 Oeorge II. May, 1 Jas Matter, Nos. 3A5. b'k 100. 1 Jacob Malick. No. 5. b'k 121, 1 John Naughton. No. 1), b 123, 1 Martin O'Neal, No. 5, b'k 50, 1 Mary Rosury, No. 12. b'k 93, 1 Jacob Rcinhart, Nos. 3A4, h 7 1 , 2 Eliza Rilehio, No. 3, b'k 90. 1 40 Acres, Elizabelh Sober, 2 5 Lots, Samuel Tillev, Nos. 9, 10.11, 12 and 13'. b'k Sii A H7. 2 2 " Jos. Wilkinson. Nos.loA 12.1,r.'.. 2 1 " Geo. Weaver, No. 11, li'k 23, 1 3 Joseph Wernich, Nos. 9, 10 A 13. block 90, 2 21 " l" ' Abrni.Zarliiian.Nos.l A2.bll8, 1 John P. Zimmerman. No.l.hS. 1 Dan. Zimiueruuin, No. 3, b S. 1 Henrv Flenuig. No. 8, b k 93, 1 S no 85 Dennis Kitznutrick. 1 Daniel S. Herb, 1 " Isaac Berger, 1 " Conrad Smeltv A Co., No?. 11. 12 and 13, block 23, 1 " Martin Donly, No. 5, b'k 107, 1 " Jomiihan Duiiklebcrger,Nus. 3 and 4, block S5, 1 " Patrick Daily, Nos. 5 und P, block fis und 78, 1 " Thomas l'rancy, 1 " John liillespic, Nos. 4 and 0, block 107, 1 " Evan Jenkins, No. 5, b'k 55, 1 ' Ann Lvneh. No. 13, b k 121. I ltiehiir'.l Lobb, 3 and 1. b'k 55, 1 " Patrick O'tiaru. No. 4, b I'.T, I " JamesRenny, Jr. No. 4, b 78, I " William Williams, I ' Isaac Taylor. No. 5, b'k IS, 2 " 91 20 20 89 1 50 30 75 02 30 10 I 7ti Lower M.vn.N0Y Township. .".3 Acres. Michael Wolf, I " 82 " tleorge Krieger, I " 8 " John Harrold's cstuto, I ' 7 .. j .. MofNrCAnMEL Township, 2 sr 3 00 08 10 32 3il I.'iO 40 23 25 30 90 I 15 70 87 09 20 10 III 80 3 97 I 52 3 22 I 70 fiS 4 40 4 79 63 I I 20 7 40 23 4.'! 41 43 43 85 10 58 I 28 I 28 43 63 8(5 " Snruh Ries, 1 Lot, Thomas Est. No. 9, block 52, 100 Lois, Ilui-'hs A Bichel, 1k7 ' F. W. Hues, 1 Lot, Henry Jenny, No. 20, b'k 22, 2 lots, Win. Calltuer, 2 " Win. Me Williams, Nos. II A 15, block o, 2 lots, Jenkins Watkins, Nos. II A la, block 3if 142 lots, John Hues, 07 " Alexander Jordan, 00 ucros Duvid Longcneckcr 25 lots John Hough, Agent 1 lot Frederick Faliriou 375 lots Susq. Coal Co. 2 lots Thos. Jones Nos. IA2 b'k 43 2i lota J. S. McWilliums Nos. 10 A II block 29 08 acres Thomas Buumgardncr 08 acres do I J-ot Patrick Curtcr No. 25 b'k 23 107 lots Wm. L. Dcwart 176 acres John C. Hcvlnian 1 lot Thos Jenkins No 1 b'k 07 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do I lot .lames Kenedy No. 'b b'k 22 I lot Thos. J. Morgan No. 11 b'k 41 I I lot Rob. Murphy No. 3 b'k 23 I I lot Jacob E. Muerick No. 11 b CI I 1 lot Moody A Roush I 130 lots Mount Curmel Co. I 2 lots Duv id Maize Nos 18.1 19 b 23 I 3 lots Wm Persing Nos 21 25 A M block 31 und 51 I I lot Win Ritchie No I block 30 I I lot Sbudwick Watkins No 14 b 32 I Lower AroraTA TowNSiiir. 25 acres Petor Shindcl's estate I do 22 do Win. Shipmiui I do 4 do Miirgiu-ct Furusnorth I do 7 do Jiioob Shaffer J da 2 do Kriegcr or D. Conrad I do Michael Uresingcr I u MajlinKandaU I o John Young I uo Point Tows ship. 35 acre William Cook j" BO do do J oo SO do Jackson Servy 1 aa 64 do William M. Housol CiiiLlsct'Abi'E Towssiur. 3 Ml 2 SS I 21 43 S 75 4 24 2 acrti Cameron A Frkk house A lot, I do Rusu Towjishu. 96 acres Simon P. Kaao I o . BtiNiii'RT Bonot'GH. ii. H.rh Koan No. 140 and 13a 1 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 1 95 I 60 I 5 do 133 aud 13 J 140 1. 14 13 lit) I3S 133 no 136 do do do do do do do do 00 I Hi 74 aO 74 W 60 00 8 71 D 20 8 00 4) 7 do 133 t ..fi F. A Silas Dutches J. Pleasants and C Bruncr do do Clapp A Hughes do oo WILLIAM L 1RW IN', iuwun-i 10 " John Cue A Co. - S 2d " W illiam K. Evans, 2 2H7 Acres, Furnace Hun Imp. Co. 2 1 Lot, John Hunt, No. 1, Block 1X3, 2 2 " George Lel"enrlng, No. 10 and It. Block 100, 3 SSO Acres, Joseph T. Muthows, 1 flltl " Hugh Bellas, 1 10 Lots, Peter Cull en, . 3 200 Acres, Donnell A Sill, 1 1 Lot. Edward Derkin, No. I, U k 76, 1 10 Lots. Henry L. Elder, 1 1 " t. M. Knso, No. 4, Block 63, 2 SI " Wm. Kriekline, 2 8 " Francis Keenan, 2 8 ' Christian Keefer, 2 2 " JasLuscas. No. 8 A 9. b'k 198,2 72 Acres, MeCarty A Weaver, 1 2 Lots, Martin Mitchell. No. 5 nnd 53, 1 lWtt. - Arris no, cnntitu 1N4I4. of ."V'W Vrl Ultra. THE CAMDEN AND AM BOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON K. It. CO.'S LINES. Prom Philadelphia to Ne.if Yuri and Way I'uct t, from Walnut street Wharf and Kensington Depot, trill leave as follows, viz : FAltls. At 8 A. M., vin Camden and A in boy, (C. and A. Accommodation.) $2 25 At OA. M., via Cumdon and Jersey City, N J., Accommodation, 2 25 At 9 A. M., vin Kensington nnd Jersey City, (Morning Mail.) 3 00 At 121 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, (Ac commodation.) 2 25 At 2 P. M., via CamJcn nnd Amboy, (C. nnd A. Express,) 3 po At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, (Evening Express,) 3 00 At 4 P. AI., via Camden nnd Jersey City, (Second Class Ticket.) 2 2i Al 01 P. M., via Kensington nnd Jersey Cily, (EveningMail,) 3 00 At 12 P. AI., via Kensington and Jersey City, (Southern Mail.) 3 00 At 5 P. AI.,via Camden nnd Amboy, (Accom modation, Freight and Passcngur, First Class Ticket, 2 25 Second Class Ticket, 1 1,0 The 01 P. M. Line runs daily, (Sundnyscxcopted.) Tho 12 P. AI., Southern Mail, runs daily. For Water Uap, Stroudsbiiig, Scrauton, Wilkes- barre, Montrose, lireat Bend, Ac, at 7-10 A. M., from Kensington, via Dcluwurc, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. For AUiueh Chunk. Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvi- dere, Kastoii, Lambertvillc, l'leiniugion, Ac, at 7-10 A. M., from Kensington Depot, aud lit 21 P. M , from Walnut street Wharf. (The 7-10 A. At. Line connects with Trains leaving Eastun for Munch Chunk, at 3-,",5 1. AI ) For Mount Holly, at IS A. M., 2 mid 4 P. AI. For Freehold, ai 6 A. Al. and 2 P. AI. WAY LINES. For Bristol, Trenton, Ac, at 7-10 and 91 A. M. nnd 5, t!-3ll and 12 P. AI. from Kensington, uud ut K P. Al. from Walnut Street Wharf. For Bristol and intermediate Stations, nt 111A.M.. from Kensington Depot. F'or Palmyra, Kiverlon. Delnnco, Beverly, Bur lington, Florence, Buidcnlown, Ac, at 12!, 1,1, 5 and 6, P. AI. Steamboat Trenton, f,,r Bordcntown nnd interme diate Station-", nt 21 P. AI., from Walnut st. W harf if - For New York, und Wnv Lines leavimr Ken. singlou Depot, tako the Cars on Filth street, above Walnut, half an hour beforo departure. The Cars run into tho Depot, mid on the arrival of cuch Traiu, run from the Depot. tiity l'ountls ot Haggago only, Allowed each ptissenger. Passencers uro nrohihited from taking anything ns baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggugo over liliy pounds to be paid for extra. Tho Company limit their res)ionsibilily for baggage to Ono Dollar per pound, and will not bo liable for uny amount beyond SI00, except by special contract. VI M. 11. UAlMLK, Agent. Starch 29, 1S02. A Iiii-k'C ANNortiiicsit ol" S.''v--, HHIWI EVAN'S WATsinX'9 SALAMANDER GAFKS. GREAT FIRE AT READING, PA. February 12, 1802. Gentlemen It gives mo much satisfaction to inform you that in the severe lire which, on tho morning ot the 4tli inst., entirely destroyed all mv slock and materials, I had one of your Salamander l'iro Proof Safes. After enduring an intense red heat for seven hours, tho Safe was opened, und the Hooks and Papers were preserved in au uinblenii shed condition. 1 diall need another Safe us soon osl iret ill order. Yours. nu.st respectfully. W. P. DICKINSON, Reading, Pa. FIRE AT GREEN CASTLE. CuAMUErtsuTHG, Franklin county. Pa., I August 31st. 1801. j Alesirs. Evans A Watso.v. Philadelphia Gentle- men: Ou tho morning ol (ho 22d ot August, lstl. our Storehouse at Groeiicastlc was destroyed by tire. Tho Salamander Safe wo purchased from you some lew years since was in iiic unovu mcntinneit store house, und contuincd nil our books, papers, cash, Ac, which were preserved in a perfect condition, niter being exposed to a most intense heat for several hours. Please inform us upon whut terms youwill sell us another larger Safe. lours truly. OAKS A AUSTIN. Salamander Safes, for Banks. Stores, Private Families, Ac, Ac. Also, Evans A Watson's Patent Alphabetical Bank Locks and Bunk Vault Doors, equal to any made in the country, and sold ou us good terms. K A W. would respectfully refer to Iho following Banks and other parties, having their Safes and Locks now in use, to their entire satisfac tion, and many others given nt their Store. Unitk.ii States .Mint, Branch Bank, Shelbyville, Philadelphia. Tennessee. UnitkdStatks AnsENAL.City Bank of Philadelphia. California. Consolidation B'k of l'hila Pottstown Bunk, Pn. Coatesvillo Bank, Pa. Stroiidsbnrg Bank, Pa. Jersey Shore Bank, Pa. Lock Haven Bank, Pa. Union Bunk. Baltimore. Southwestern Bank of Va. Kullon Bank, Atlanta. Gu Newark Bank. Del. Com lh Bank of Phils. Chatunooga Bank, Tenn. Pre'm Loan Ass'on, -lib st. Bunk of Northumberland. Bank ofCorlh 11 Liljcl li., Philadel)hia. Paul mid Swift, Bankers, Alabama. W. G. Slerling.Wilkcsb'o. LeMisbiir Bunk. I'll. Bank of N. C, Raleigh. Other references given upon calling at our Store, io. in fc. tourtli street, Philadelphia,. .March 29, 1SG2. ly 110 11:1., lliirri.ibnrg, Pa. fpiIE management of this well-known Hotel hnv- -L ng been resumed by Messrs. COYLE A iil.lil! the present projirietors. beg leave lo inform the public that tho house is now being thoroughly renovated, refitted, and improved, w ilh a view to the proper and comfortable ucooiiimoda'.ioii of those who may favor tho establishment with tlieir custom. Guests will receive uuo utiennon anil courtesy, ami no expense will bo spared that may conduce to maintain Iho hotel in a tirst -class styto. Families and others desiring to sojomn in Harrir burg during tho summer months, will lind pleasant ixmriiing ami large ami well-veutilatea rooms at our estublL-lnuciit, uiion moderate tenits. SCOTT COYLE Alarch 2:1, 1R02. ,1. UlLBEliT 11 ERR. II. II. A llorney lit 1 .11 it. SUNBURY. PA I JIM', St Mil it V, Collections attended to in tho counties of Nor thumberland, Union, Snyder, Aloutour, Columbia, and Lycoming. nEi'Knr.Nci:.. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. G. Oattell A Co., ' Hon. Wm. A. Porter, " Alorton Alc.Mieliiiel, Es., " E. Ketehum & Co., 2o'J Pearl Street, New York. John W. AshmcuJ, Atlorney nt Law, " Matthews A Cox. Attorneys' ut Luw, " Sunbury, Murcb 2U, 1S02. .'lilliui'i-y, Sti-aw ool, &. "AfE huvo the pleasuro of informin; you that wc nro now prepared to offer, ut our' Old Stand, Nos. HIS, lui nnd 107, Norlli Second Street, ubevo Arch, Philadelphia, u well selected stock of MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS, in every variety, of Iho Latest Importations, and of the newest and most f.isbjoualdc s'vles. Oin Stiiaw DkI'aut vi i.nt will coinpii-o every variety of Uonnktx, Hrs and TimniiNos. to bo found in that line, of tho latest und most iim roved shapes nnd styles. Soliciting au early cull, I remain Yours, Respeeifiillv. March 2SI. lSn2.-liw H." WARD. liollocU'M liinlt'lioit 'ollie-. flllllS prep iratiion, made from Iho best Java ,1. t olteo. is rocoutmotuled nv pby-'ieians ns a soiie- lior NlTRITIOIS BEVERAGE for Geueral Debil ity, Dv8pcnia, ami all Billions Disorders. Thousands lio navo been couipclleil to iihandoii the use of Coffee, will use this without iniurioiis clUels. Ono can contains tho strength of two pounds of ordinary Cotlec. Price L'j cents. KOLLOCK'3 LEVAIN, Tlie purest and best BAKING POWDER known, for making light, sweet uud nutritious Bread uud Cukes. Price 16 ccutt. VANfPAlTII'.KD IlV At. H. KOLLOCK, Chemid, .. . - e V..-l. ov.-, And sold by nil DrugglsU and Grocers. MarcU I, loiJ :tute I" t hi lsi" K. llrottu, lf CI'IIM'll. , .1 . !.i.., ..r i.,;.i TOTICK is licrei.y givcu ini doocuscd has ma lo her acleclion of per.nal pro- 1 ... ,.rl 1 W.II .....1 loll IU...1 perty, under the acts 01 nw r ; Z r a aehcdulo of the same in the ollico of flic t loik of the Orphan.' Court of Northumberland count y, Inch will bi presented for H-vl ; "K- to Uth day of April, 103. AlAilLDA LROW N, JMarcn 10, ion !. 4t inline r ItolM-rl C. fuiuib-U, Ifrrmacili NOTICE ! hereby glvon that the widow of said docoaacd has made her selection of personal pro perty, uuder the Acts of .1861 and lbo'J, and lias filed itciic-duleor the same in the ollico of thct loik ot r. r. .1 ..i' N'.u-ihmubcrlund counlv, which UIB ' 1'unito ..... . . - will be presented for approval ou Vtodneday, thu (lh da, of Aprils YABIlsB AauiiuUtraU. March 15, 1863 -It . MA'ITUKWW sV' ', 1 lloinrta Bt isHW.. No. Dirt Cor. i'ultnn A Vud "roadway, NLW YORK. Will carefully alteud lo ColUctiouj and all other matter. luUutd to their car May 31, Uj!) 0 ROVER & BAKER S Pimt Premium SEWING MACHINES FOR FAMILY LSK AND jHitnuliif'tiiriiiK Iiii'n-. With llcinineis, Fellers, Tuckers, C. 'tikis, Unions, TRICES FROM $40 UPWARDS rtrm n mi: GP.OYEPe fx. BAEEP. SEWJNU MACHINE COM 1' A MY, Make Iho Isv k or Pantile Stitch Mm-hint of Ilia un omMctiw. anil at tire sunir pric sio then eclelxutcd l()tt lii.l-: l,i u;K sl i it'll M.vciiiMvS. This isthc only Conip.-niy ihat orikes l-lh so..tp. tti.'e foru the only one tlint can supply all the ivuiils ol ths pui Mo. tW P'ireliasers ena take their ehr-ieo of either Slitc with Ihe priviteiie ot'exc Iimhkiiis tor the olhcl. A new styleot rfliulite Maelnas inns Lttl and ipiu !, fol VU&l MllkClS lailoR,Mioe IIHHICI8, Ac. 'At Ihe Loir. Price of $10. W nt Y Tin: in-.s r tiKOVHIt A l).KKIt'S,l M Co ?;) Chi'slaut Sliact, I'lola.telphis i'iT' U B AlASSKn, Sunbury, Pa., Agi nl t a th IMsiinl'.iciurer. Dci-.-inlicr tit, I f-i 1 I y MjiII I:iht-IOM liM-t's, WALL PAPElt OF EVERY DEhlRABl.I OF STYLES AND PATTERNS. I UST ri'eeiveil direct from the Manufacturer, m J tho A1AM.MOTII STORE of FRILING A GRANT Sunbury, March 15, 1S02. NEW GOODS ! THE FIRST OF THE SEASON. Fill LING & I ! ! Ml AT Til LIU MAMMOTH STORE II AVE jint received and opened a new an 1 che uaooi tmcnt ol DRUGS AND MEDICINES, ID JR. "T GOODS rocoi-Ios, sV'C, sVi'.t Which thev will fell CHEAP for CASH orl'i'LN THY PRODUCE. We respectfully invite lh.. attention of the puMic in general to our large slock of Goods. Owing to our LARGE and COMMODIOUS HOtAI our facilities lor doing hic-incas arc very Injclv increased, und with Hie Miranceinents we li ive in.i-1-i for getting g.Niils every few week 1 from N EW VORb' and PHILADELPHIA, wo feel confident cl being uble tu sell ALL KINDS OF GOop.s CHEAPER than can b purchiu-eJ elsenhero WE KEEP EVERYTHING. FRILING A GRANT Sunbury M ireh 15, ISO J. RHEUMATICS! DH. LELAND'S A K T I-Il II E U M A TIC B A N 1 PERMANENTLY CURES R II E u m A T I s m ! IN ALL ITS VARIOUS FORMS. Acute or Inflammatory ; Chronic, Lumbago Sciutiou, IMcnrodyno, Ac. StifTness of the Joints and Cramps- Goul.s, NcuraT gia and till Nervous Allections Erysipelas. Salt Rhcitin uud Scrofulous Eruptions oi' the body -Neutralizes the Impurities of tha Blond und Fluids of tlie whole "vsteni, nnd effectually counteracting Aleicui'ial and other poi-nou.i iutluences. r Mt'flUMlt'tl COIIipOUIHl, til IMS WM 11 HIIHItnl 1 lie 1i1Vl -j ut Ui-jwjtiKi l'A.H AI.LV Kl'KKl' 11V. Al.l, L 1'AK I rt, wliiMuVt-r the diseitsu ni;iy Up. It wtini witli'tul niiiiiy t Uic moat delu.itc It can U H :c pel -II, CI I 1 HUM lit' l-II'llil- ill lilt. I'M'I'CI HHIML9 'l IIVIIIU I . 1 i ... i i .... . . jA iva It tnlirt-lv icin-'ves !lie iliHint-e lrom llit-ri jysi-m, with tliu falijui"ua ubc in eucli i-nncw, nt j Wo nv.iiui Mitxiiui III' n, M llll II Wl'nltl'11 -IIIU ' ' tli'ntruy tlie (-'iihtiiiiUoii mill pve tcntiM.inrv rc licl'only hy Miipit yitir the nyntftn, hid) t1c:nlMitn m Oils vjliility. Jty thin lu-atiiu'iK. the nKilu-untl jr.. ptilie cvnitaiiml m Uio ...uul, iVing m a hi;iil M ii au'HKilic and vUtile imtuieund cujmML' M hi-nn; Jj renthly tihsnrhml, ilirouuli thu (i.Ttn ni the tkin, t- (ji-ine into tliff'cl P"iil.'tct with tin" Ul.md m m m L . ml c'rcnl'ttmii, wiTh.iut hint hjivini-, ictsu ttn.ui.-li it the loiiitch, wniclt won Ul t eml unt nnly tn ilctrai'i ti iVmii tlieir cuntuvf pitv'i", tint Id iiiij-nir tin- tit - teru-it iiT'cim nn (ti-raiifp Hie ilui-stion a'Mt '.'lint- l j iivoiJnii; the iniiiiitus tfti-cm, iutttii tin; uxilt i ( Sf illtcniiil mm'ln tsmi'l t'llt-i'tniij U jcHci:l ruie lv M L piiniyinit mitl rrjirilizniv' Hie t'ln'iihiti.iM m the v 1 1 -1 1 L ij Itunln Mint rrHtt.nni: I In? )hiIb iiiltrinl tu a liealihy J L"i'liti'U '11 1 1 h ilainl is :i!f-n :i riT'ti itnwriiul ' m-ANTi-Mi:i!Cl HIAI, Aijl A J'."-Cal. i..cl U: U J in?? tr nin ry cause ol a luroc p.-irt f ihe Ktiit -J m ii'Kh, iNt tiralpif t'ti nt anil Kln-iMK.ittfii, so nit-va r1 LU ,i,t :iiui will tniiicly rvlicvu the njinim fiini iti .3 (eriuc'Uii tiU-cti. ji M ITi,tc cnaoB nro cunJ in n few tnyf,aiu! wr frj . , nrv ronvtRiitly lercivuta Uuil-'tiUlctl UlilMliiali - W ritowhtrli wc invite itis(ctln'i. at inr oiUce of I lltt'ii eliii'Hcy in u?gravuicu cuscitif lung iiHiitimy 7 FRIt'K TWO PAT. 1, AHS. May i Imlt.f PniR j or will he ')it - mail iiwii receipt "("'"J, ! j fv exprenK cverywht'ie, with all utccct.My iimtiui; Ihiii .rum the pnneij-at -ilicc of 0. SMITH & CO-, Sole Proprietors. 4'Jl IlnoAnw.tr, near L'room street, New Yoiik tjf Treatise, with Certified Testimonial;, siut fret. ADAPTDD TO SOLDIL'RS. Aoknts Sunhary, l'riling A- Grant, ' ' George llright, " A'lirthiiMberluud, It. R. McCoy. March. lHti'J-ly 'l'lio 'onlV.ioiis nml l'.'i-U 111 c :m invalid. T)l"RL!SIIi:ii for (he benefit and us a warning and n caution to yiuiig men who miter fimii Nervous Debility, Premature Decay. Ac. ; supplying at Iho same time the means of rVII'-t'ure. i!yt,i:o who has curt d hiiosell after being put lo groat ex pense through uicdicul iuiositiou mid auackery liy enclosing 11 post-paid addressed envelope, single copies may be had of the aulh"r, XAT1IA.MKL MAVI'AIR, Esq., LcdiWd, Kings Co., 1. Y March IS, lHi',2.-ly I.IOR 8ALK, an cxeolleut seci nd-hnnd Cooking ' Kiovo, also several Cylinder Coul Cloves. J.'in)iiiro ut thisotlice. HAM- Iti:E! 1 t'ST received from New York a lnrr;e irlmriii teiins, varying in price lrom oeenis upnanis all el which will bo S"1U ut IUC lontsi. w;u tii , al the .-ln.tii, store of J. 11. LXGLL r-unburv, March !2. 1SC2. tro itouH, Lard, Lurd Oil. Smoked Reef, Duller, WM Huns, rides. Hiouhlcrs, Perk, i'or SSulc I y Checc, Dried 1'ruii, Uetins. Ac. Ac. MOI.AND, Philadelphia (Mir-nut Street harl, March S3, !2. ;uiv :mUU 'a.fili alii, Jhwisril. NOT1CK is hen by given .hat Letters Testamentary have botu grained lo the uudoisigued, 011 tho eslato of Jowph Wullis, lute of Northumberland Horough, Norihuuibcilaiid county, Pa-, deceaw.1 All rwrsons indebted tu requtted to mako ininiedi ate payment, aud lltosu huvieg cluinui against suid estate to preseut them for settleoii nt. 1 1. RRALT1G AM. Executor. N'orlhuiuberlaud, March 2U, lesiJ. tit ,'DOW K11ADF.S - A very fin ad ehrsp ..rtm. nl 1:1,1 rcciod bv Knilfoad flolu Sew at (lie Maiuiuoih r'i of i'liliuv iva al-o fej sale h Putin i York A Giant -1 liKbr U kav ted Paicul IVuduluiu rurlsin 1 utuiv Sunbury March If" nt Q 0 ".I