Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 12, 1862, Image 4

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Vvn t Jfnn remember the olil Tom oat, John Pn.ith,
1io "lit Tom cat Vfhos notes worn so hi;h.
As he tw I to irirtimln nil ah niitht. John t-'liiith,
H'hrn the stars werts brlpht in the sky !
I-o-en by tin- old NiiipiraV hurc, John Huiith,
Where tha rim slimU silent and alone,
h-mc un i-hiy boys threw in the river one di:j
The ol'l Tom oat attached to n atone.
Iv-i,'t yott remember olj Tnwirr. John Finith,
Old Tonrser. who blooi;rt In Rill Halo,
Ard hnw m-mv time., In our ehlhlhno I's ..ports,
Wo hiivc lied ovstcr e-ins to his (nil t
Old Totrser wnuhl hare lived with (lair-, John Pmllb,
bntil he hnd crown helpless mid phi.
Fill they O'tttiiht him stcalinir sheep one niht,
And old Towter's talo ni soon told.
Ion'l you remember the nM pond. John r-u;Ui,
And the bridjro across built of loirs,
.And how nwny tinios we have sNkmI on Iho bridge.
.n I pelted with .-touc the poor fours '.
The biidire and rs-ed re John istnilii,
At I nil things nrr clinni;til thiil I vitw.
J .(' I P" 1 no ehrivjre In my p-n-hel. .John .'-tuhli.
t'l.i l 1 ii tlnit-ir of von i
A Mmu'r. ( iiahoi: i.i fit !iv. It s-einsi
t i us tliiit the lolliiHiinr i worthy nf tlir h-funj-l
tuil never fniifiitteii AYouti-r Vim Twi- !
1.r "If the jury believe. ('" til the e iiii'llt'.'. '
i hot tlic phiiiitilTaitd lt-fi-iTliint wire partiier
in tin- pin ery, and Hint t lit- plaint ill' hnitLrht
uiit tin- defendant, anil tin' difrmhinl paid
for the note by (l.'livrrinit to the plaintiff a
--w, whieli tic warranted n-t 1-r. niliv. and
tin-warranty wm broken by ri tso:i of the
brent lmir.-a of the row, ami lir drove tin'
i i-.v bark and tendered Iter to the defendant.
I il the defendant refused to receive h-r, t'.rnl
t 'ir plaintiff look lirr Incite :i;iair.. and put si
'i itw yoke or poke upon her tn prevent !i r
1m;ii jumping tint ttncp, iiinl liy ri.asnu 't i
i lir vnko nr noki" slit- lrnki' In r m-ck mkI
(Ii ( ; :i:i. I if She iurv fu:l!iiT' fv v llitit l!n-!
'ii'li'M lant's interest in the pvnerry
::; iliitip tin- plaintill's ttotc was
'. as nrili !
Wortllll'SH I
ut'.'l t lie 1'inv trcorl Cur notUinv;', ritlirr for!
ti'iik or li cf, I tin.' jury mint tintl out
tin tnsi.lvc.s how tjicy will (leciilr the rase :
f ir tilt? court, if sho im ln -.taiuls lter'-elf and !
fl i think she do i nt a eons'ali ralile urn. i
pl't Iniw si"';i tl ease miouM I c e.Miitlv ill -
i(.'cd ' i
Huv. AW believe it iit fxvm rally eonreded
that .Mrs. Lineo hi is given to having thitifrs
iiftrr her ovn Ii Utn;. The folio wine; niiec
dotc. ilhistrutiv' of that point, i told hy it
1 1- i -en of SpririiflieUl. 111., mid we tire nsstired
it is nit "imvnntished tale.'' Some years lie
lore "Honest Ale," us we litive licen wont to
all him, and liis wife, had the remotest idea
of presiding at the White Hou-v, they live 1
in a low and unpreti'iidinij ilwcllintr in
Hprinfield. The lairn, wliieh w in contifrii
iins to the house. v.u itsi'd fur stal'linp; a cow
d.irinir the winter season. Mrs. Lincoln was
neither satisfied w it Ii the hotlH' nor the close
prnviniity of the cow tal !;, and while her
husl'ttiid was nut of town at'endino; court 'to
le alisetit frtun home ix weektii, contraelcd
with a carpenter to Imild a new lmrn uud add
another story to the dweliin":. The work
w :r. immediately commenced, and completed
In -tore Mr. Lincoln returned, and the cha:i;.e
(Vas so slrikiiijj that when ho w.tiketl thi-oULrli
the street upon his arrival, on which the
hiidM' was situated, he hardly rci unied it ;
Imt wun aopn lielidintc the n uson, lie jocose
ly a-ki-d a person whom he met, "Can ; nu
lill me lnri' Mix. Lincoln live.:" Hi,
wife, who had seen her huslmnd cuinini:,
"petied the do if as the iiUi stiou was te-ked,
:t:i'!CM'l:ii:nel. "('ome iu. A he .V; t.'.i .t,y
t'.'n V.-is.
Iittsti ne of the sluirpc-t 1
tricks wc have heard of liehiir pl.tyed in
thive parts was t lint of an Irishman of oi.r
aeiuain;ance. It ceifiinly rrlii-vcs the Yan-
I; res froi:i the odium 'of driviiiir nil the hard
1 ar-.tius. I
i'st took the jol) Irom f peournenl par-on
f tillinir up a portion of his ;;imuu Is ith
arth. I 'at v as to receive si do'.!:i:s a day
lor the service of himself, hoi-eaitd cart, till
t he jol i was eii!!i!i.'led. and the iarson ;;j;T'ed
t j f irui-!i hi son to help. e!l. Let tried
t''e evpt rimiT.t of kniinir two Liids with one
ftone. lir too!; a eelhtr to liiy in another
)nrt of the town and was to receive six dol
lars a day for himself, horse and cart in lo
itij the joh, Hut the cream of tho joke i,
I'at hired the parson's aon out to cellar own
er al two dollars and a half a day pocketed
the money himself. I'at, thus had a iiiiflity
"fat take." he ilmr the cellar mid tilled the
parson's lot at the same time, making twelve
dollar a day, and then added two filly for
tin; hihor of the son. L' the peotilc don't
t lip OU
e in tlie
the Y.
indec now tin rs '- no ji:.-
" Who Iiiade lull
, of a luM.-'Hc' bo.
Ihe . la.-.
'I'ou't I n iv. I" .
"i' i.i't Ki.ow !"
iniplii'ed a lady teaeli-
'A ho Ikc I latch joinc I i
,.i.l he. !
oil o'.iuhi to oi ashau'.eii i
iitflecii .'ours old. 'flu IV
i f ottrsi it. a line I
i- l'.u!o I'liiiton- In
is ohlv three, lie cm loll ,
arc say- l onit here who luade ymi
"It id," le.jie l Ihe infant inniiy.
"Ther. ," said the teacher 1 riut.iphant I v.
' I kticv he ijuifi-r," -ai 1 tl:.' .-t;:pid iaiv.
"Why -o;"
'('atiM'tnint hut a iittk- tia.c tir sinft lie
A youn; and la dam-el near I'runk
for'. Ky.. ha villi' two lovers, and not know
in'j whieli to prefer, settled the matter by
t.eirninjj one and clnpiu with the other.
In tho town of , in WNeoi!--i:i, lives a
1'iisy little shoenmker who at sundry times
oiru i iti -as preacher. In order to save little
expense oi piiiit.n:;. it was his custom to
ivr::e his not ici
pn .ichuii'. Here is ouc i
nt tlie lau t : " I lute w ill In- oiea'hmLr 111.
the pint s next Sunday at'iei noon on the suli- j
i.i t All who do not hclieve will he dainucd
ot i o'l lot I ." '
"I .1
. mother."
!l little
scud me t.
iu. ike li.e
a pivtiy
'lis ton h
r:'r!. iu a pr
You alw ays
sleepy, and
w a v.
I ici
up wl
I am
,. ii I
tin! I
am i
'fhe IVrstiinx liav a saving that
r:; ires o) talk were sent down
r.irth, niiil the women took nine.''
'I iu Luiiisvillr Journal says nsi
tho .i,
I'd it Fitzliiire; faint' up 1 1 it- river with iiri
b Mil ls last Saturday, v'-i nrariiier Wrst I'mnt,
all tli- lu is'iui'i-jcrH'tl 'llitrrali I'nr tin- I'liion,'
vi i'ld (.ni-, who ahoutod 'llitrrali inr Hi ll."
Tlu r.t seitii, to I but two jiui'iics now one
fur l 1 1 im. I ttu other I'nr the Union."
A Frenchman (Miclieht) says: "Ktijjlau.
was tiUai. a mystery to nic 'until I visited
ii. I found it u frtx'ut snnd Lank cnvelojM'.l
i'l fnej. Till' fog led the fri'ii-,s, the ytasu fed
t!ic slurp, and sheep fed the men."
Yowiis folUs tell whit they do; old onei
w hut they have dune ; und fools what they
v ill do.
An advcrti-icr in the paiiet nays he has a
ittar.;c to let I'liiitainino; eight rooms and an
in tv nf land.
Why is mi uulhur the most peculiar nf uni
liiuU ; HoeaiHe his tale fntnes: out of hi
A late fJerninn writer says that the people
nf the United Staten tan Mow up mure
tsltHinliimta, und cht-vv iiioie toliaeto, tlinti other tlvc nut ion in th world.
An exchange, reeordiiij the fall of u per
son into the river, aava, "it is a wonder lie
f tiped with hU lite." Freutieo uav :
AVouldu't it liuvn Utn u still greuter wonder
if he Ii j. t'stuped without 1"
ljl said the fiddle wtm tho alinjio of a
turkey mid the. aiz of a piose. Hu turned
it oter on it ha.'k und luiila il ita tally wiih
a sicl ; iiti lo'li! Ft 1'nfiitk liow it did
asam j (jiWIIIH 1
j. ii. Engel, or Bunoury, h..
T t AH tiit arrived with mletidld BTOCR lF
ileli'hia, to which ho rea-otfully iuvltea hit riteniln
and the public to unll and infnocf. he will pnro no
time in phowint them. Among hi titovk ol gmlt
Will I found fiiro Hlac aod UlnoH
Vine Ulnek and Fnney rnwimerea, Tweeda. Patinetta,
.Ti'iiue, Itlnck Italian t'lotli, Cnslimerette. Cotlonnde,
l.inenf. tinm Prill, I.lneu Check, and Fnncy Vl
iiitr. al) a lurgo aaBortment of Koudy Made CL'I
TliINU for men and boy, cheap.
Tilivck and Fnncy Drew Pilks, very eheap, Hilk
1 i.vni', Jlirngea, Ohali and Chilli Hobea. lirrega
Ii ini, lierego Hnheii, Figured Itrilliant, and a
Miriely of ofhnr )rem liooda, Hprinn and Summer
Klmnla. MHtitilliiK. Parnmla, a goml aaaortment of
WhitoOoola, Oollara, Sloevea, lrifh Linen, Shirt
IV.ini". M;irneilli'H, Ilrillianta, to. A general aaaort
Hu nt of domeotic Itry floods.
M.-o ii hirjie Hock of Jlula ami rafi", Tloota A Shoe",
li.n-ilwiire, ijueenpwiira and li law warn. firi.cerii-a,
t'e-lrirwnre. Stono and Karthenwure. Jtrni and
I'ninta. Still, Ki'h. Chew. Hum. (lil, Tar, Ac.
X. II. Wall and Window Paper. Floor and Table
i'i t'luih and Cnrpeta. All the abovn will ho aold
I'nr c.ij-h, or country l'rodiicu taken in ex-'hnnire for
nv.,l-. ' J. U. ENUIX.
lniiliiiry, May IP, ISiill. If
!ii(lmry, .AorlhuinlxTliirKl
rittis I irm- and rntnmpdimi lintel, now nnmaged
J by JAMKS VAXUYKK, is niluule nt the Rail
r ind li iii!, North Ktial corner of Market Square,
Sunbury. Pa., unit at the terminus of the Sunbary A
Lrie nii.l Xrriberu Central ltuilrnnttt', and is open for
the at'cnuiuiu'iu'.iuii of Travcleri uud Iho public iu
'Ihe proprietor will K've hi exclusive attention to
the coniiort uud of his guitn. and is
di'ieruiiui'd to mako thia ftiiublii-butciit rui.k uiuoug
tiie fpfl in the State.
His table w ill he supplied with thebesl Ihe market
C in prKluoiv hiiviuit the advantage of daily conimu-
.ttion ny ears ilireot Irom Jtaltimore, tind alHMrom
iIusb bringiuu
ruuuce troin tuo surrounding
birwill be supplied wi:h the purest Hiiuora the
market enn produce.
Careful mid obliiiingservantsalways in attendance.
cw mul Cuiiiniodious stabling htisjul been added
to I lie . remises.
A .-Intro of the lo"rt1 and traveling community is respectfully solicited.
.'.1 ninny, Jumiury lit, lbCl.
lymT.S AM) SI10KS can be purchased at the
lr Muiuinolh Store ol 1'riling A ijrniit, very cheap.
" v are criniiied uot to be underpoli by anybody.
Cail slid learn the list of prices lor vourselves.
SiinlKtrv. Jan. 12, iwil. FlIlLl.Mi A liltANT.
The Great Cure for Consumption.
If you have a cold. no
Wisluirt's Pine Tree Tar Cordial !
If you have a cough, use
Wishart's Pine Tree Tur Cordial '
If yon have A-lhmn, use
W ishiut's Pine Tree Tar Cordial !
If you have Sure Throat, use
Wishari'a Piue Tree Tar Cordial !
If you Unvc Prouchitis. use
Wuhan's I'ine Tree Tur Cordial !
If you have Cou-umption. use
W i.-hnrfs Pine TW Tar Cordial !
Wihari's Pine Treo Tar Cordial is an untitling
remedy for disease of Ihe Kidneys. Urinary d.tu-plain'.-,
Hlind and llleeding Pib-s Nervous Iicbility.
nn-l lor Female wciiKuc and Irregulariiies.
'Mo well known etlicncy of Pine Tree Tar in the
iitie of a (lections or Sores, pointed it nut -the
Natural Remedy for what Physician cull Tuber
cular Affection (that is to say', Sons.) upon the
I. nogs. it. reiuaiiied to di-vover the best means of
application, which discovery has been made, as n
thoii- iud testimonials prove, by the Protaietor of
Wiihart's Pine 'Tree Tar Cordial !
If yon h ive DY.-I'l'l'Sl A. nc
Wislnirls I rent American Iiysprpsia Pill !
A Mire euro warranted for one dollar", or the tuouey
.. .... i i i
II ft illinc1! .
lluv u lsix and take theiti according lo ilireclions.
I nint if they do not cure you, the money will be
! returned.
.ii. i:ts .. i. nichir, hui.tury ; nm. nriutur,
Call at ciiher plane, and get n dt scriptivt circular.
1.. 0. C. WI.-'llAKT. Proprietor, No. 10, North
,;cciiti..l siree. 1'liiliidclphiu.
August in, isyl ly
Sine your 1'rull,
1)Y using Masoii's: Puti n! Sheet Metal Screw Top
) Preserve Jar.
All that is necessary being to screw tho Cap down
upon Ihe Hubber Uasket, which is placed outside
upon the shoulder of the Jar, J of an inch distant
l'roin ihe top ; preveut the po-ibility of the flavor of
the fruit being injured by coming iu contact with the
I! libber.
l'ei.iii" de-iring these Jars eini lnvsipplicil bv
leaving their orders with II II. .MASSKR, Agent. '
s'linl.iiry. June ;'. lN'ill.
10 tii, iv.nnxu iiit-tis.
New Bcttleuiont of Vineland.
.1 i:em!-:iy fou u.uu time.
A Hare opportunity in the Rest Market, and most
I'i'li.'litlul unit llenlihtiil Climuiii iu Iho Union.
i. iilv
jbiny .uiies .loum oi i uiiiiic1iiii. on a being a rich, hca v soil, mid
I tn luctiye wheat land ; nmonjst the bi.-t iu ihe
ti .rdcn State of New Jersey. :
II ci'l'fis'.S of :'ll (.lilll ncrea of tlootl land, divided; Karuis of tlitkrent sires to mil the purchusrr '
troin 1M acres and upwards and is sold nt ihe rate of
ii. M'ii per acre lor thu farm laud, payable one- j
fou i ih t ah. and the by fiiarter-ycarly insiul-iiieiitx-.
with bgal interest, within the term" of four !
Is. iu great part, n Rich Clay Loam, suilnblo for
Wheat, tirass uud Potatoes ulso a dark and rich
sandy li.'iiu. suitable for Corn. Sweet Potatoes, To
bacco, all kinds of vegetublee and root crops, and the
finest varieties of fruit, such us li rapes. Peuches. Pears.
Apricois, Nectarines, llluck berries. Melons, uud oilier
tmits. best ittlapted to tho Philadelphia and New
oi k mai lifts. In respect to the soil and cropsthere
caa lie no nnttnke, us visitors can examine both, and
n.ate are expee'ed to buy bcluru so doing, and timliiig
tin e statements correct under theac circumsUtucer,
unless these statements were correct, there would be
no uae iu their being lnutle. It i- considered
The Di:st I'm it Phil in tiik Uxiox.
See Kefs iris of Solon Pobinsnn, Kj., of the New
oik Tii'mit,-, mid the wtll-known ugrieullui isl,
William Puiry,.of Cinnaminsou, New Jersey, which
til be furnished iuiuiri rs. J "
! llv looling over the man the reader nill n,.rl-i
thai il enjoys the best market iu the l uiou, and lias '
direct eoiuniuiiication wiih New York and Philadel- I
plus twite a day, being only thirty-two miles from
inn inner, rrouuee in tin
S market hrinii ,l..i,l.l.. tl...
i iiio, i o... iu iismiuilil UISIHUI Irolll tlie CllleS.
niorning it n gathered, and for altat the farmer sells
he gets the highest price ; whilst groceriet and olher
itrti. l. s he purchases, ha gets ut the lowest price. In
the West, what he sells brings him a pittance, but for
what he buys he pays twu prices. In locating here
the soitler Im many other advantage!. He is within
n few hours, by railroad, uf all the great eitiet of New
Kiiglund aud Ihe .Middle States. Jlo is near hit old
friends and KHNiciatiuiM. lie has school for his chil
dren, divine service, and all tho advantage of civil-
im m s locution n eun i.a m.r oo.. .i -
...,,tuii, unit ue is uenr a luigc Cltv.
! Tin: t'UMvr'u
I - delightful ; Ihe winters being aalubrioni and open,
; whilst the scunners ure no warmer than iu tha North.
The ha'.-itioii is upon the lino of latitude with northern
' irginia.
I Pcts.un wanting a change or cllinula for health,
would be much benetitted iu Vineland. 'iho mild
, i.e.-s of the .'limine and its bracing inlluenco, wakes
j it ei client lor all pulmonary allcclioua, dvsu-piu,
j or general debiliiy. isilors will nolice a did. reuce
I in a kf days. Chills aud fevers are unknuuu.
Iluilding mateiiitl it jdenty. I'i,h aud Oysters are
pliiitilul and okeup.
isilors mint npect. however, to te new place.
Thi. ttiestion the reader uaturally askt. It U be
cause it has been held iu large truota by farailiet not
.lu., . I to will, and beiug without railroad facililiet
hey had tew iuduceiueula. Tho railroad ha ju.t
been opened lurough the properly this aeaauu, lor ihe
01 St liluc.
isittiri are shown over Ihe land in a carriage, frea
or expense, and afforded time and opportunity for
thorough investigation. Tboae who come with a view
to auliie, should bring mooey lu tee ure their purcha
te. at locutions are not held upon refusal.
Tha sfei thing in bard limes, whert peopU hava
been tlirowu oul of aui ploy went or buuntta., torn
i h. y tuu buy a piste ol Ituid al a small ,ice,
it j.,,,,, uieouiP. k ut tiurt it-no., um mi
T A Bl '
and bji more thiin mike wage. In Improving It. and
wh(,n it y, ,, it ta . 0,HT5 indep. Wnoo and uo
losa. A few acn-a in fruit tree will insure A eomtta
table living. Tha land 1 pnt down to hard time
prieea, and all improvement oun be made at a cheap
cr rate than any other limp.
The whole trnet, wl:h six milea front on tha Rail
road, ifl being laid out with tlua and spacious rveiiuea.
with a town in the centre five acre lota in tha town
nil at from tlMl to t2)0 ; two and a lmlf acre lots, nt
PSO to $120 to 1 200 ; two and a half nere lots, at from
fnO to liao. and town lota 50 fuel front by 1.11) feet
deep, at 9100 payable one half ciish and the balance
within a year. It la only nHin farms of twenty aerea
or more that four years' time is given. ,
To Manufacturers, the town affords a fine opening
of the JS'Aor manufacturing business, and other arti
cled, being nenr Philiidetphia, and the surrounding
country has a largo population, w hich aflnrds a good
This settlement, In the course nf several years, will
be one of tha moat, htiautlfiil places in the country,
and most, agreeable for a residence.
It is intended to make a Vine and Fruit growing
country, as this culture is the. ltiont profitable and tho
best adapted to market. F.very acvitntnge and con
venience for settlers will be introduced, ami will
injure the prosperity of the place. The bard times
throughout the euiinlry will ho an advantage to tin'
settlement, as It compels people to resort to agricul
ture for a living.
Large numbers nf people nrr purchasing, and peo-
plo who desire tile best location r:huuld visit the place :
at once.
Improved hind is nlso for sale.
Timrkk. Land can be bought with or without j
timber. The timber at market, valuation.
The title ts indisputable. Warrantee Deeds given, I
clenr of all, when the money is paid. j
Hoarding conveniences at tiitiMl.
Lettert promptly answered, and Reports of Solon !
RobrSsurt and Win. Parry, sent together with tha
Vincl'iiiil Rural. !
Hout.c to the laud : Leave Walnut street wharf, .
Philadelphia, at 9 o'clock, A. M., and 4 P. M.. I
(unless there should ho a change of hour.) tor Vine
land, on tho lilasfboro' and 51 ill villi- Railroad. ;
When you leave the cars ut Viiielaud Stuliuii, jut I
opened, ui'iuire tor
t'lIAKLFS K. I.ANMS, Postmiiater,
Founder of the Colony,
Vtsrt.ANn, V. 0., C'umbei land county, N. J.
P. S. Then) is a change of cars at tilasslmro'.
Also bewtiru of sharpers on the cars from New York
and Philadelphia to Viucluud, iiiiiiiriug your buai
neas, dcatiuuuon, Ac.
RrrotiT ot- Solon Rouisaov, ok tub .Vrw Yoiik
TninuMK, iron tub Vinki.ano ci:tti.kmknt.
J'jTh.i following is an extract, from the rcjiort of
Soliu Rohinson, F.h., published in tho New York
Triiiirnt-, in refereitco to Vineland. All poisons cau
read this report with interest :
A tvtnttrgrs of Fiinniiie: iirnr htunr Yit't.intt
Heinarl upon Atari S'oi7. i.t ,'( tt 1't rttltti
The of Fertility Amuiut of Crtiji.t
Produced Vraetieai luviilnicc.
It is certainly one of Ihe most extensive fertile
tracts, in ail almost level position, mid suitable con
dition for pleas. nit farming that we know of this side
of the western prairies. We found some ot the oldest
farms apparently just us profitably proiluciive us
when first cleared of forist tifiy or a hundred years
The geologist would soon discover the cause of this
continued f.trdlitv. The whole country is n murine
dcMsit. and all tV.rough the soil w-e found t.- ideiices
of calcareous substances, gt ner.-Uly in the form of
indurated calcareous marl, showiiitr mauv distinct
forms of ancient shells, of the tenia jv formation ; and
litis marly substance is scattered all through the soil, j
in a very coiitniiiitiieti toriit, unit in lite exact count
lion nio-t easily assimilated by such plants as the
furnief desires tocultivnte.
Marl, in all its forms, ha.- been ued lo fertili.e
crops iu F.ngland. from th" time it was occupied by
the Komatis ; and in France and tierirtany a marl bed
is counted on us a valuable bed of utiiuiire. that can
be dug and carted and spread over the Ib-H. How
much more valuable, ihen, it be, ulieu found
itlroudv mixed through the soil, w here new narlicles
I will be turned up and exposed, and transformed to
lite owner s use ecry time lie stirs the earth.
Having lu. n tuli.-hcil our minds ol tlie cause, tin y
will not lie excited with wonder al seeing indubitable
evidence ot tertility iu a sou w lncti in other stlua
lions, baviug the same general eiiaractei i-ttcs or at
least appearances, is entirely unreninnerative. except
as its productiveness i" promoted by ei tifu-ial fertile ,
2atioii. 1
A tew words about Ihripiull'y Mid value of tht.- :
land for cultivation, of which wc hac some slrmig '
proof. ;
Our fir-t visit was lu William Ii. Wilson. l'i ii.kliu i
townshit, tiloucesler county, who purchased some
eight milt s north of Millville, about three years ago. I
for the put pose of establishing u stcain tuili. to work I
ttti Ihe timber into lumber, to send off by the new I
railruad. ns well as the firewood and coal, "for which
he built a branch track a milo and a half long, lie
.also furnished sixteen miles of the mad with ties, and
has no doubt inade the mill pmlitoble. though bis '
main object was to open n farm, having become eon- !
vinced that the soil was valuable for cultivation. In
this he has not been iiisupsiiiitod, as some of his
crops prove. For instance, last year, tltesecond time
of cropping, .lo'i bushels of sjtatoe on one acre, worth
CO cents a bushel iu the field. This year, si-veit acres,
without manure, produced .'too bushels of oats. I.i
one field, the first crop was potatoes, planted among
the roots, and yielded 75 bushels. 'Ihe iNilatoeswere
dug and wiieat sown, and yielded PJ bushels ; and
the s'ubble turned under and sown to buckwheat,
which yielded .'J.V! bushels; and then the ground win
sewn to clover and timothy, w hich gave iu. a tit.stciop
Ul ions per nero.
The fertilizers applied In these crops were. fii-!.
ashes from clearings ; second. ouuils ol' supcr
phtisphuto of lime; third, ".'nil smnds Peruv
guano; then 5U bushels of slaked lime has been
spread upon Ihe clover since 1: was mowed, and
turned in for wheat.
Mr. Wilson s growing crops, and the wheal stub'de
of the present season, all indicate his laud as pioduc1
live a any part of the State.
At Mary llarrow's, an obi style Jersey woman
farmer, several mile" souih nf Mr'. Wilsm .! we were
I so particularly struck wi'h the tine appeaianee ol a ,
j field of corn, that we stopped to iinpiire of the hired
man how it was produced Wo found that the land
1 hud been the year but one before In wheat sownvvitb j
j clu er. and this cut one season, and la-t sprltiL' plowed i
I once, iiih one -poor old nag," and planted with j
I corn. "
"les. nut you itt.'irureii iii'.-ii. we sitpsise ' we
1 said inlet rogatively. uud gut this reply :
J "Waal, you see, we couldn't ttdone that ; causewe
hadn't but forty oiie-hosre loads altogether, for 2:1
acres, imil we wanted the most ou'l for Ihe struck.''
. 1 lie truck consisted of beets, carrols. ep.htiage, cu
cumbers, melons, Ac, and a very productive patch
; of Lima beans, growu for marketing. So we were
s iiiktied that the soil was nt int'irtib. even unaided
i by clover, which had fed thceorn, because the "truck
patch had not been clmcrcd, uud had been in cul
tivation Icni; enough lo obliterate nil signs of lite
Our next visit wn to the farm of Andrew Sharp,
five miles north of .Millville, front hull' to a mile ea.-l
ol the railroad, un I just about in the enure of Vine
land. Mr. Shajp eoiiinit uced work hero iu llecem
ber, IS.'.:, upon '.'70 acres. In less lhau three years,
he hits got it acrescleared uud in crops this season,
all w ell enclosed and divided into several fields, w ith
cedar rail or nolo I'etiec ; has built u two story dwell
ing, about .'lu by -In feet, an. I a smaller house for f .nil
luborers, and a stable uud grituury und some other
Considerable part of the land was cleared for the
plow at S'J an acre, and on some of it the first crop
was buckwheat, limed wiih ill bushels in powder per
acre. This crop may be pul ill July -till, lol'ilth.und
yields -U to NO bushels per acre, harvest.fil in Novcm
her ; when the land being rowed with l.'K) ll.s of
Peruvian guano and seeded with rye. yielded 12 lo
15 bushels per acre and iflO worth of straw. Therye
stubble turned, after knocking oil a large growth of
oak sprouts, and dressed airaiit w ith guauoaud seeded
lo w heat, gave 1 j or 10 bushels. The crop w hich be
was threshing while we were there promised more,
of a very plump griiin, mid the straw is very heay.
Wo went over the stubble and fouud tlie clover
and timothy, from seed sowed last spring, on the wheat,
without harrowing, looking as well us we ever saw it
' "f"" "'- " "" .."..' ui
done in the w inter to clear otf some r.stts and rotten
slump", aud selling slakes to mark permanent ones,
ho will be able to cut the crop Iho next year with a
mowing machine, and we w ill guarantee two Ions per
acre, if he will give the overplus if it overruns the
Part of the land was planted with potatoes for a
first crop, which yielded 1 I'll bushels ur acre. It
was then limed with f0 bushels per acre, ami seeded
with wheut and clover, yielding an average of over
1 j bushels per acre, and the clover now looks beauti
ful. Other portion have Ijci n planted wild enrn as a
first crop, which yielded M bushels of yellow flint
com, and the second crop III bushels, and the third
crop, treated to 15(1 lbs. of guano, we are sure uoouu
Would estimate below 411 bushels per acre.
(Tlie reader will recollect that thu writer is now
speaking of laud perfectly new, and which cau
scarcely be considered in good urableeouditiou. liti j
Iu olher cases, the corn crop of last year was lol
lowoj with oats this s. iisun, not yet threshed, but
will average probably -ifl lo .VI bu.-liels. Sweet s,iu
toea, beans, uicloua, ami, in fact, all garden vegetables,
at well as young peach and other fruit troea planted
thit year, show verv plainly that this loug neglected
tract of laud should reiuaiu to no longer, and there it
now a tlroiig probability that it will not ; for, under
tha auspicea uf Air., it will bo divided into
luall loui, with rouds located to uocoiniuodato all
tin) turvayors are uow busy ut litis work aud all
Imrchuscrs will be required lo build neut, comfnrtoblo
loutet, uud eiihcr fence, which would la- preferable,
by which meant a good population will bo secured,
bo will ealablisb churches, acbiaiU, stores, mills,
mechauio shoit ami houica bouios of Atneiican
farmers, surrounded by guldens, orchards, fields and
comforts of civilised lilu
If anyone, from any derangement of hnsinc, it
dosirou of ehaugiug hit pursuits, ur who is from any
cause, desirous W liud a new locatioa ami ebeauhoma
In IliM tttiumrv. mil wlio mm p.u.l t.u.1 .L.I Ai
w hav truly slated, he will do well to u and ae71L'''l)l.rrtj
fur himself, what may be seen witbiu a two houn'lr"";llK, i I, I
ride out of Philadelphia. cJJ.0.N K'.'iil.NsiJN L I'J.V
February 1. ISO ly
To Pestrnv rtnta, noaehe. Af .
To I 'Kl Inn Mica. Mi tes, silt) AMI.
To Dratroy llnl-Hugi
To llesitoy Mollis in Pars, riothrs, Ac
To Destroy Mosquitoes and Fleas
To Destroy I linen on I'l. ni and fowls. .
To Di'slroy tnseetson AliiinaU. Ac
To Destiny Kveiy form and species of Vermin
1 -ml4t '' 1 ' i mil ii
' I
Prslroya Iittnnt1y
Those Pi.'iaraliou (unlike all i ther) are
'Free Irom Poisohh."
'Nol ilitnccroiis to the Human Kantity "
'Itat do nut dicoii the premises "
'Ttiey cine out of then h'U-s to die"
1 They are the only tii-itlihle reiuetli-s known '
'Pi yors and more establish,! in New York t'itv ''
I sell by the City I'.atl Olfiee.
1'se.t by -the City Prisons and Station Houmm.
Used by the City Sleaincts, Ships, A c.
I'tml by 1 lie City lbnial(, AliiK-llousea. Ac.
I settl.y the City lb tels 'Astoi' 'St Nicholas,' &r
I'ieilby the II sinluig llotises, Ac.
L'i.'tl by mote than talSM1 Private l-'ainili.a
t'f !ee one or tw i Special' us ol wlint is livery whit e
saui ny inc I'e-ipie i-.iiiioin iit-alers, &c.
lltlCrll.KliCPI'.US troubled with vermin need bei
I no lonet.'it they ttut- "I'ostal's" blxtcrimu'itiiis IVe
have asetl it to oni salisfaetlon, anil If a hox jar, vve
wnW hiivr it
p hail trttal puis ins. imlthcv etli-eteil
iritliinir ; lmt''Ctlni'e'')irtirw ln kp tin n-alli t-ul nf
HV-, Miff, Itnm-lic, nii.1 ItrW-H'ti:. iimrkt-r tlnui r:m
Wfltf It. It l in i;r;it ilcllllllitl till v'CT lU OHIlltr-,'.
! Molina (D Uuzetie.
MUKK fill A I.N uud provmiiMiH nr ilrntiovMl fiiniiinil
hi (iritnl C"iliilV Hy vt-riniii, lintii w-"ilil viv f.if (nt t,(
tiuti Kataud Ktlk-i 1 jiiitiisii r (Wm ) IKruM.
Hknlv It Oimah Wt n f ft-MniR yniir prfviriili"hi
r;ipi'll Wh.ri'vii ilny Ikiv Imtu um-tl. Knii, Alic.
Riictitf itml N'ttriuiii t)iK:ii;vit r,tiillv.
IUkkh.V Jmoii i Kit, Dru-v'gisls, WtinKn lit
' Co&tar's" Eat, Eoach. &c . Exterminator
"Costar's" Bed bug Exterminator.
"Costar V Electric Powder for Insects. &c
In -- hiuI I.Oti It 1x19. UtMfnnil Klniltrt, ;:ul nu-
lur jiliiniati nt, SiupK, UtitP, Hiittlt't, c , tVc.
I'At TI' ! ! ! To i.rvvi'iit Hi" imMic from Wmn
iniKJt'l upon by Smirinn mil ilii;lily IN rniriou.-Iiuiuilioii-,
h new IiiIh'I Iii: bt-fti pn -ar tl, lirnrin a
I:!,--hi i ilo ut Ih1 i'rniri'lirV P;iiii!ii'iir'. 1-Miuiiito
I'Mfli i'., btttlli. or lliii'k. rnri'I'nUy l fun iur'hit-fit;--,
uud lakf uuthii.2 tut
P . Id t ,, ry where -l y
All Wln.lea.tle Ilruggisis iu large cst.ii
Solne of tlie
Slo.-tl. liM linilheis A Co.
II A l'i.hns.iek, Hull A Co
. II A II S.ui.ts A Co
Wheeler A Hurt.
I;.,.i..j A .....II
Hnrral, Hitler KttcliPii.
Hush Halt- A It-.I n,. 11
M W'anl. CI.. . A I'o
MeKisa-.ii A It. .hliins
I) I H ones ,V ('
Morifioi anil vMvn
Hah, liiirkel A I'o
r' C Weill A I'o.
IstSelU, Marth A lluidurr.
Hall. Iln annul Co,
t'onruil 1'ojt.
I ii'iintis autt I uller
l U Uivis
and i
T W 1'vttail.l I'o,
li A Pull, isl. Ik unit Co,
I Itolwrt rh teiiiakei anil Co j
t-'ieneli. Kit'h.iiitii mul Co. '
Had ollitrs. j
and by
Druggists, liroeers,
and Kelnil.-it i
g. mriilly in all Country Tins and Villages
lu thu
miiSQ & GRANT,
iy lho'rub'8ul'.. Storekeepers and Ilctailcn
auiiiri-aal'r '"n order as abtivs. order dinvtr-lor if I'ricm, Terms, 4o.,
.1..-J r..-. USU I! J1 . . ...
i-atr.'.! " " llwJ 1 iretiinr, kiviiiix resiuomi
rit-.-vni . (O.-sJAll
No. 612 hrtutdway (l.pporito the
S'icb.das I lol I.I Nitt Volk
Jits'- ' - "i
rtlll.Il ur
at rnreEs
I D TJ R A B L, E,
.1 X D
Splendid Indicpnents
r "j ?k c z i 2 s .
A 'I'll E
.-Ulbur),", li i61-
' -Souiee AEHIVM. oh
MjHnery Goods!
al Ih. M.r 'f
Ilttarn II. & I,. MIIS.I.P.It
SlI1 li l imiktitiB, Muikrt fiptare, PI'Mll'HV, Pa
Irrv o.sslt just. tn.),,,. U,i,. Hreo.'ls
I ''i' r'-l" 'N,w '"k ""d i'""u1'l.l"a aljlet
. r ' . . .
'it ... . t . . '.' ...v., ,., ll.
f n, l.lllles II nt'rs. ll.iaiie. iriL.tL '. V...I
i . v";.T r ;',""""r) (.'...sltul rv-cry varlrtv
MAN I t AiMAkl.Nti.IJres.i-. nude , il
- iiijJc ut ui. I, est injii-
I'er mitt in ituy ttvle.
I v niUi.d I.i ti', csllllild eljlliinr our stis k
1 . ,, , U. 1.. slllS.-l.lill.
kl-lllufr, lt, 1-01.
Entirely Vegetable. No Alcoholic Prepa
I'rrjmrttl hy
1I. Jllk.ll, c to., riillaib-ltihla, I'eim'u
Will ellectually euro biver Cuniplaiiit, Dvs-p.
aid, Juuiulije, Chronic nr Nfrvuus Ucbihtv
li;..n ..I .1... L-: .. . . J
" JAiuiicjs, aim un diseases arising
from I disordered l.iser r Huitnarh.
Suchiit C..imiiti..ii, Itmurd p,,,, Fuluenor HI.shI to
III. Head. Aenlili- ol Hut (, ,., ,Maulr., IlmriLurn
lUfM Ct I'ikkI, Kulurn ..r W eight m the Kumiaeli'
e--ur Kiuciaiiont, HinkniK or Kluiieriu- at th. Pti.if ihe
f-i misih, ltviiiiiituil( ,.f the Head, lluiried and IlirtieuH
,.,c.uiK. r luiterin; .1 ine llcint, l li. .kni ,ir Sort l-utuiu wltru iii . l i p.wtute, Uiniurn ..I Vmuui
lata i. el.t bel,irrllletlllil, Kevel ami UuU Pail, it, ihe
r,,t.,nt ) t , -ertiuiiil.ii, ell-'Wiust ol Ihe Nkn
and h e, Pain in the Hack, t'he.t, l.uiilw, Ac . Hu.l
am r luihet ol Ileal. IIuiiiiiik iii the K U-sh. Coiitunil lioa-
.uniia.,1, ctn .no iochi ueiirettliai .1 hiriu.aml will
...i.iie.y preveill i r.l.l.uw n;v Kit, Ull.loLsj
V KK, Ac.
I ii. I'r.-tJTirt-. iii mrltiHr th. aitnitaai t th. nubla-tn
'"e' won . leeiui-oi ine utiiwvl ctiu- in lit virtues ami adaplaliou b ihe diseaK. for
which .1 1. rreiiiiiittri.uea.
It is IK. uev. mill untried article, bill ime tliat hat sttsal
the trtl of a twelve eart' Inal U f.-r. the American pro
file, and nt rriulnll.w anil sale ateuiiOvslltslliy any turn tur
iietaiti.aiejilaiil. The le.nui.Hi) in us f.viw aivni lit
th. IU..M and u l-liystruuis and lisli.
vidu.nlt ut all Mtti it,, eoamiv t. iiiuiieiias, and a car.,
lul per nan 1 14 the Almanac, puhliahrd ailnuully l.y Ike pro-
1 ... ... u uaw B.ana any t toeir A.eill nail-
n -l Oul attitly ihe nu-al akertieal Uiul lint leiiudv really
desaivins the ;rral relrbiny it ha. olsai-n-l
Kioui J. Newtxu He. wit, D. I) . lihtor 01 the Eucyclopt
diaof Keti-iiju. Ku.lcili;e.
",KM,ta aol diapoted to lavor of lecttmmriMl PaU-at
1 'j'1" '" "tra. Uir.Mi(jh (lisliua. trf ihrll uigrwliaiiU
and rdrcu, I yet kimwof in-tulhiienl roas-w Mliyaiuan
may urllr.tlfv lo Ihe In-iir6t h kellevrt hlllitelf in have
rweieedfrou, any .iiople preparation. 111 ih. bop. laat a.
ntaytliut asilnbtitr OMlie Ornaot ol 1 liter.
I do thit the to. ne i.adilr ill rriraia- 1.1 --lt,.fl.i,l. Ctrl.
man Uiileit," nr.wrrsl by Dr. C. M. Jark.,ir,
brraua. I waa prejueicd Ihc.n fur year., uadrr 111.
iniixeatii.u mat ibay chiefly an alct-k-aic unxiur.. I
a ia indclscd 10 my fiirnd It.-brit Vboriuaficr, K.q , lit Hi.
removal ni Ihit rnrjudioe by teau, andf.w ntooor
at. maul Ui Iry thaw, when tultrriof fioau frail aud kins;
tj.uiliuit.1l drbtiil) TU. 111a of Ihiee U .tllrt of Ihrae Iln
left, ai lit. lsr.innin.of ih. prrantl year, wst i.Hlowcd
by vaiil irlin, and reaoaaiiou is. a driiie. isj buddy and
lueaut v.w is hick I had not tall f.a tn inmlt U-h.r.
aial had akaoet dettalred uf rt-faiuliif I tbcrrh.rr Utjitk
( muJ my filMatf-vdifM-liut air i- ih. i,M, ikn,
Pkilad'a . J..... f.'l, IMhl. J Nr.W 1 PIIUU .
Aurutl 31 -ly
' AVT?.nai
Am- yttt Mr:, f.-Mi. mul
im m l-tft-lii Art si iii ..f
ttitvr, txlili ) -ur Mit tn Ut
riwit'i'il. itii-l tir Hfllng- m
riiilM!ilirt? 1 litfMi Mttiff
i n "lifii iii tiflnlv ru
iwti'iit llliMiu. homo tit 4
Kl 'lvtl I 'rt'tlup Ut. villi,
niiil flmul'l I Hii'rhil ly a ;
tiMM-l) im' -r Mir rifilil ir m '
Ctt" . ' A i-1 K run,
vU :tuv fM tlif llt)f ilfivj
Ittursj- ill il)' I lit I Ituwl, Hl
.l l!M' lllli'l MlC I'll iiti. lv.
ii iH'trtl III lir:tlih npiln.
'I'lfj miiiiuliitn llii fun th-iwt
t.l Hi. liMttjt nit. Ift'-mtH .-
tl.ii. (iiiitiy ttx1 Mttvin ft itn
tilt tit a-tl Hi'il"ll W llsl'lt IMI1i
A ril'1 ii'Hl svmi.ili.r I.i Hit Ufl . ninl
true it t ii'itiual litti. iImii). 'I lnt". If il -l iv N riil,
' . (t tiMi tlti'inchi" mi'l Hit MriHliMK ijntniin,
lilting niritiriiMn. itiii-liiK. iiiiJ thsv.we.
i tiil i'i thi) -"M ti'l iii. )iaj'itiit Itj hi lmii);riiiaiil(
m' l't!l-. in-l Ii it itiii-s-llf t(ir rr-cttir lira
uut'irul nrllMl ti III' p. il--lil. :im-I tvitli il tliv iHitfVtmt
."liiiv' mI'llt .ij litis Uli il in truruitil fi iit III
tU'i hi-ii'il nn-l '.iiMHit'tt r-.tii'iliunl Ik l-vi trtit In Hi titJ'
,lf (Im ..'i(i st,.nl-t Hllll iHMtfVI'olt' llilill'l'4. TilffHIItO
linrifiiil.i rirti'f mm.m iIm"m t'.tu-.-! I. inii)tf -ri.-4tri.f-.if
tiful oil riitiif'-ni n't t.f ill - ii lu i-(iftisi i.f id-
-. th v nff fjii-1lv, iui-1 Mint f i Ii ht mi-cIv, viirvl
tV I III' h.ltll ' III -'It I ft Still ' M ll lillMW tilt' ,lllt. . lllttM)
l'iila dill ii.'-ylc I 1-1 .'iiiplii.i Mifin v.ltu Miifi iiiig fr iU
li iH tMilvt 't tin t tir-,
flil' IH llt-t . 'HI i"( lills I (II III .iH .rf
,n in . I'll t in. , uinl ii -ni wiiti r mvII knAii .ilil;.-
j M,H.
li-. -itft i': Vuiir I'ilU ff tlt )i:i"tii .f nil Hint tti
; ! it lii mo It. In... Tli- lie iiiit'l my lit Ut -JiiHttlilfT
j ut ul'trtlH 'M. lltK'tt tl'-r Intuitu Htl f t llitlt lift'l rwl
I tii- nr itil- tor i'iir-), llnr m .r iw U K-i g.-i.
1 "M-tv ttlUI.-tvil With 1 .-tt h" i. 'ini..-l1 It-i wVh h.
' Im It.-r liir, rt t t'ltr . dil l .ft vurisl. mImu Iri.-.l
uiii I'lli-y AiiU tli- imv cni.i'1 b-r.
' a Mtiuor.iiH)ii.
I Ai ft I'nmlly Fhyslf.
I r'.m V. II'. lirOrr'(r'.f. .rn- ('rt-'f-l.
i Yonr 1H) ur' ltf ititi'-n f nrir4. Tln-ir iXt-tilUitl
Uitfill.ii miri;iHH itnv rjtinnriir w p.i.-ii. imv r
! in. Id, Mil vti v it 'iii'l fit' iti!il in lli.-li twllon li llto
I joWfU, Will. 1 1 III llv 1 tllf'tl Ill.tltllilMv W U1 III I lit ritttl)'
! tit-Hi tlli'Mt ll-f. !'.
I HivadnchrlrUIIrfianrlir.Foiil MoinRth.
l Vuwi T. Htrnd HMtntfr.
m Hit-. A i.tu I nutv't nmw-r i nu nJmt rmliititi)
j I tnivi fit I witli r "in 1'itlt I. t'.r tlctti f mv U Uvt hi
i ti- tt trU't it llVr -ir -lit-int, f li f jjtiVMt dit'Ji
I ili'ii -t hii nu rl'..i-tiiitl i-iitlni tiv In my lull v itri:!t f lib
' 1 1 ii -. mi l lifli in ai I th it yt.ttr l ilU nlord iu Ui
ltv-i li.i.c, I ofi' u.-v lt" Ut. iii bililr.
, rtrriRi:RN. Mtv 1, IPS.
' ttt. .T T. t r fir: I li.iv I. ti rrf.tMtt-itl runul
j t w n-t h-'ft.i- hr nuv hi..y t-nn ,rtt( l.r h or lo
I M' -ur I'ill.. t""UH a uriKV fiviu ii Ivtll tU'tnftcL,
' Hiikii tli-v '-Ir-u4' nt utM.
1 Y-uii w.ii jfM-.ii iv-isn r. i r. xv. t'Kiri;!.?,
t rh 'J .W.'ui-f (Vt. i i.
1 ItMlou. DImoi-'Ii r T.lvi r oiiii.liiltilt.
Ih: V'-. :th-f Ju if. ..t yri
N't nil '"ii V"" ',tl,, n'li'iii nlilv ifln .i i ' f.i I.. Ir it"
...ti- is t iMt-i j.-nt. t ul I lititl tl.. h I.i ii. ii.-i tl i n-t t ii i n
' tin- ,lr m v Htm ! hi.l..-1-l. Tluy li'titt In uiy .ri
i lie il IU 'If tlUilMitl ttT tllrt IMItt of it hu, f Mt
' f tut' i" Mit'lt I t.itt UM'till'Hi. I mti-fitJy
' r.-j , :'' li-iiiiih a 'uirj:iuf liirli w
Ui u tsitilsuiiivi; til tli- (MMtt-ufKU Mini Hi : v)-it.-.
I'iMi.iiuAr af no: xrti-ji,
i.-lnitki. u. In'., ;ili Kb , l-Ntis. )
Sll' I I ll.'.TO 1sn-i Jl.llll I'HK IM till tCI'IKIul t-4li
tfi.-flt'i'i i.-r Wlt.v vttil imijlf lti-vni.itti'1 C-inii.jt In MUtr tw
.i tli.) .u-f iln- h. -f :iili.uii(. i-in-U). 1 lu ir ifHn-
.iniii; M'Tti ii.-u tip- lit! U .. i in,. I tlN,t J, (,(.
;ii.Mil ih' t itif sin m linii.-il k- i.-iiitfit l ir dv-r.iiti-iitiiiitn
'..t.'iia u
ill. ui.
lisitu. In I.. J, I Iniii -t 1I .UI h'Ufnl hum-.4
.. t-iiimii.' it .i,,l rtuulj li. M trj
t im-mull; v.. ni, A i ' in 7 i iiu.L ."Tl. !..
f) Ni utcr , IXnrihcro. TUlni, Wiiriu-n.
t itmt i'r.J. (.'. ififrn. iff i'tHC-y ,
lfiir I iHn buvti it I.mik iiil In mt itrnilkf, nm1 1
II till III lit '!. vitl lll '. ( lilt! I'fMl Mi'.l It lit 1 liBkit
t v- r I '..mul. Tli. r jiH. irtlit.. nl.M u-li tbv Iit- mMk
th- III III! N.ll' ll II 111' 'It. lM'll H)tM 111 ftllMll tlt-j-M-t) k
t-ii'uus t-jMuUri ti'ii iii -ii'ii i. Jlt-j.ii fcii-Kin-csttliitr
Iti ti i v it,, -tn t.-n iw-.vf.lnr K' ui.U .n t v'liUltl kj Uh- Hu
A Woiiu'li ii mi tliililii'U.
DyntirpHln, ImpinK) of tti Tllno.l.
Vfum t.'C .. I". tt,His im ., j .Mtt.,t l.uie',, ttvU .
Tm Ainr: I lii'f it--1 . .tn I'ltlx aiiIi vttrn itliiutry
M. .- in mv liiiiiilt n .1 .mii.'i. tl,-.-. I ;it,t t.iilfJ timl
in JiMM T r.nliii. ih.. .,)f,;ii l d li.t him
l -trily thi Mi-I. lin y n lint vr l..-.t ivin,- ly I lm.
iter knonn, nuj 1 cam ll il'I' 111 1 1 lev. UiJ.-1ut tlj.ju tu
U lli.hd-. V.u;"l. J. . I11MK5.
v.!--"., w. itiinc r.i . v v., net. 1:1,
Ti tt. Sin : I inn ichitf v-'Hi I'lilliMi t- IMH In ut
lii ". nii.1 ti ii.l duiti ittt ,.'. lint .iii,!tiili ii clfitiiH- lao
nlviii uini j"iit'' tfir ('".'ii tt fir ....
' .Mll.N t.'. i I.ACil A M, M. II.
Con . t Ijinl lo it. -font tur nn, fin pitrmilnn,
1C li miii t Win. Coin. Nt ui ulia, Ui up-
I'aiul nU, I'il-i. rlc.
J'i' M i'r.J. I'. I intuitu, tl.iifY. f. C I ;..u'.
T"-i mil- li i tuii'il s-ai.) y. tir I'li'l. I..f lii. cnt w-f
f. j.MM.t.. II ll'l l.f nlll fllttollllty iHV t UilJ lltMII
it, i-rtj. nt i..uH tv I I in vs., f li- tiimiM JtJi, U(. , ir,H(tiht
iii' it 1.4 tlit U ii.-rit wl tli.-rinitiitii.i... ml... Miller fKU f iMii.iiut, im ii. uiiii'.iuii i im i i-ii.iiir-ji iii uir, u
lint linfji'lilt-t t.f .-lln-ni Mtdl nrr ta. i-M.. .i. M
I. Sl.' ll III
ll.S .li-l':.
iitir, tin . ur fin, iuUci t:.,a
I tin.l
.'. .Vitnf, thvjt-.,.a eier S! ..'at. C . t.a.i.
er I w I Ld'CM -l-'ses ,.r Visit I',;Ih tnk.-ll nl il..-
lilll.-. .11,' , , ..i-lit fir Ittiil jv--r t'f tllr h. ..-,.-
f.'.tl w It.-ti wl.-.lly nr iitrlliill, -,t-i-i-sr., an-l ills., . ty
elT.-itlllll In ...n.r tht. ,1 .'. I, n,l -,u y
lire s-i iiiiii Ii lie, Wst c Uutw li..a 1 n.-uiiii,,t.y
lio 'lll.l-- l. IHt s,tll-UlS.
Prau fit .'..'. Ir II n'.,,f jVrl, , Clunk.
I'tl.vs.l Il-1'-'. S'i,Mti,,ittl, tla. .tan. It. ssa
ll-as.n fin I i...ul-l - i,uc.,.i-it i l. r Hi rvhvf
ntll skill lis- l-i..ut:lit un.- it I ill. I, luy.-tn
V-.ll. A c-l.t llti-.l lit tin- tinilt. him I I.i, titl.t H. 1i,ru-i-iitlili
l.r ii.-'.,.c isi ,.s, a I i. li i-,,il...l t r'i-..t.i. 11,11,1
,i.t. N-IMilii-l:tu.ii, I I, ,.l il- I-h-i -.1 .lit.. isita ll,r
tl.s.'.. Kt.'W V.-II-.- Illl-I Wi.l -. .,1,1 II Ih.- it'll i,-.- ,,r y,SI
e-t.'.-llL-iil iicrtn lo lialliin..r... Ill Vts. k-iiii-. J ni.t ",..ur
IMI-. 'I .-tr.-.-ls iii-nt s1--h . Lot mir. H p.-isrtriin"
In ll- usv el th.-lii. I am 11-- .niir.-lt aril.
S-mti- riKimsa. I iil.-ti It. -it .-, I.i. 1 l-Jl.
fls. AvKlt: I h.ira lw.-u ,-tilir, lv etiiv.l, l, . 111 l-i,u , f
'-''' i.i ui-t. s ni .,t--ii- ti.ji IN 1 ar:i. t...i ,,.
f s "is. tl.Nl lt.ST M.tOLl.L.
jti-r-M-isr , r .1.,- (-;:'.. :,, t-mrb-t r.-iilsiii M.-rory.
nl.l-Il i.llli-.ivli t ,I,.,I I,. 1 I , Iii -klKtll I111I1.U. la
.kuniennis ill 11 pll.iie f li rr iit tin- ,l-,..l' ,.,r,....
'Ill l-s lllrtf Iil..iv r-il lis im:iiiti..(s 'n.r
c- no, y i.r siil,. h-m wlinlrtri.
Price, 25 centa por Dox, or S Buxoa fur tl.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEX &. CO., LjwoII. Mass.
Sil.tliy In i. A il a. I isclirr.ttuiiiituv
J r . I Hsri.v uiul 0. tln-wii. Milu.ii: r W eia-k. .Me
Ktvrutcil.e i ltrilsi,t,l,r.V I lillMiian, Tut lint vtlle ; II. U
.MeC.-y. .Ni.iiI.uiiiIh-iIiiiiiI unit l) Dealers rvcr) whrie,. '
Aiillo, l-l ly
-V.j. hi ' Sprint Uttnlen Slrrtt. I'hihulrlphvi
1 KSII'KCTKri.l.N . Iii-nt cuntifiiunriiti of all kttnlt
1 ..I country pnaluc., extiii lauiil) Kkiur. c.
Ilruiji liicitlcit ut the veiy centre nl Ijuiinr.t. and h:ivina
a very rttrn.ive Itrliiil Trade uudri hit own ituinniiair I
tuiirrviti.iii, he iwt ample inrilitirt f..r ,-lffiituuig llirvci)
... r,riiuiiiK nr eriit
Deeeittbel -21. If-tll . tv
S M'"VUK,. L'H;
S. I:. Corner Scrnnd ami Cicntnut tit ,
A Ci'l,(:V.SXTKS'r TH1KTN'
r. II ,' t i i " V" ''""'al-l. anilil. lortaureh
rt, llntrls, 11 inka, r.-uiitlnc II. -tiara, l'arl..r Ac
Ali, MiliiufHelorrr of l-'INK Ijlll.D I'KNH.
Cl-s-kt rrsiurd and wiiiriniirtl.
Cl'-rk T.iiiiiiiinlni nl retiy i!.i-riili -n
i'tiiladrl'iliia, January I'l, sffl..-.1y
'"' eV. V;
I'lllLiOI-LPIIIi tOLI.Flai;.
'. E, corner of St centh and Chttnut Streeti
Tkis is on. of
r-ocATsn ia
rkihtdrlphia. New York t'nv. Alljaar. Ri.JT.L, --..-
anal, Olilen..-, and HI. Uajia. Krhnlaiahiua n ......
cita-Ksi tt cither rsniil, f.aai at all Ih. l-'ullrpct.
embrace. Iul-le and tsnigl. Kuiry Utk Kvrpnur
airrcnil l.'..niiuuli-nitt, Clinnercial lanr. fn,iiu!...hl..
Uutiiiots CoiretHa.ial.oce, Harlnelaklp rtelllcmutU, MO '
1-SirriciiTt-vii.iiiu.ifu '
. ..w.u..u . .... - j.n.M.
Th. Tsael nut in the B-atk-Kitriaii. Ijr,y.n,., i. ,
ly irom wntlru laaiiuselllil k rn.t, tU, ,a nuti, ,.,,,,
.ecltiret, and h ack -Is mirl liicnlii..i ; ih ailrtin.., ui
whK-h, iii oraYl ki uwk. Ik. C-llr.-u.t- . -.u. ,u u
umI ptatuWe, tlm (tdk.wiu irtl-b .t kai.
Hryaut A Htrarttm't niik Kr.iii.a, ki tare, -it'li -i.
""".-.' maa esjQoiu.ajal Csaiilina li.Hiaai Mry.
am A tlrau.i a Caniuwciai Arillinialu-1 Urvaoi A.
ttlralUai't tooiinrrcial law, by Aaatt Dean 1. L l)
In arnesV uiisr kss-kt, by p. H. K-fKNChH.
P. K fPKCKB, Ji., Tvaeka. of Pcainwsiskl'p. Int'i,
Vtdual usurueu.! tSusdouM .i.i .1 any liaasj. Dipki.
ni tt avt-ardrd.
if Pl Oltal.-fil -a a-atrmtitaia. ssll at th.
-M.fc. mt an r.i-rtiA rii.s i vumank-; '
I iitmit l-l, mi )k I'nil.nJ. ij ki
- w M ... . .. . ...
rr the Itiist four j tarsi I linvr ('.uh vrr.r
ruin-d aullkii-nt ui'M;lium to keep tlie fiu'iiily
(uot a vitiuU uui'j in uiol.iMt'S, uiul liuvu
aoniP fur a ilu. Miii itHr this time I Imvp lieanl
j uititiy ixn-Ki OonlitH us to tin: (n.nomy nf
, thi luo'.liMtf uijtnimnn; mi,as.Jia, lnt fiir
trim till sunn i'iinviiii;i tin. must si'cjitn'ul
tlml. it lit I'C.iiiniii'nl.
1( the jirtHlucf nf one ttt ro of corn will
hriitrr n I'fttt i' Jiriff tlinti the sitini' :imniirit of
of laufl plnuti'il with soi'ejliiiin, tln ti it is nut
fconoiiiira! ; but if the soihuiii will biitio;
tile most I'tii-tny, or will Itaw lulntirt- in
it fuvor sjniliticnt to reinitniniti- th priicti
cal farmer for hisc-itra hiln.r, Iln n ii'.lshonH
rtdst) it. By rcfercm-i" tn my tu i 'iimt.l.oiik
I obtain the folkiwhiy ft.mj "-iri ;(tn l. tA i-i ti
nu atru of corn nti'l the nanui muinint. nf
iorj;hum. Tin-afctnttit nf c(,r-i is tln uvr
YjW of four yt-HM,' anil tlint of tin- -irjfumi
for two yearst. The amount of i irlunii if -ttiully
Jihtnterl was oiH-fouith of mi it..rt, mul
utthp siune rate the nifnuiit l'w itie mri'
would Htitn. 1 thu :
riowinn. (two ynkc t.jti a und diiv-r i t'.'.U'r
Unrrowiox. (four thne. w't.h bors,-" I
I'biuliiiK. in drills .'I feel ti inches nni... 1
ll'H' hai rowing and hoeing, io
llnulinn I" '"ill . three miles ditniii. :i i;.
tlrindiiiK and boiling. I2). per iriiii.m, ii ''.
UaaliaK ors;Luin uioi.ies h..uie ;i
On the (ith. r -i-V. the ni i'niiti! iti-N tints :
loj icu.ll.jin -ii, ut O-'J cent-. fit' ' IT;
I I have supoo.-i tl the leini s. l-e.s tuul si ."I
to pay for striiijiiu.r atel tn i,,r ilie eniie in
! butulh . The see. I I t tti,'itli r worth tn-'re
i than oati nt hoie fee. I. It nm-, I removf.1
: from the -talk by passimr it thri'iah a thresh
I in;; mui hine.
! io.v, let IH i'olhnri- tlie u! i.nv with one
ni'l'e of i ifii taiscil un, tlie smut- li,-M, i ,,r(.
to the soil;), .nu, tie-nrciiinil nf w liii li is
follow s .
riowiinr. itwo y. ke svn siiddin. r )
Jl:irroAiii ,'l'our litiie-, ai,h b'ii-.s )
' .Markiti); .ot and pliueint:.
' ll.n -hHirorfin. h.e times t u'dt ivm.
, liitiinic.
' Hii-kins:,
i ifiiilin in en tn mul
he'.liu,; and b'tulii. to njurk.
S3 l-
2 Ml
i :
!l -!;
The olher si e uf tile il,
t7 liu-.hi'ls c-irn. nt "n ecu's.
U bushels uutjbii.s. iii :;.'.,
2 I'l 'heave- bublcr. lit i'.',
''.Itit H':lll !s
S lu. L'i
I.y ri' tT.-ii.-e to the ah.ive Un iii'i-nimts
we litt.l the mi t',ii s itlnim in lie J?l.
I -4 inn I that nil the runt ::l.i. 'Hi. l.-.tvitiir u
bi.liitiec in favor of" the 'i';:htiin :'.' ;'..!?. I ti' .
1 lie s'll'lnti'i w.e; nr:i;' flic !i-u nu
ihllllillir bel'ure l HI titer, tie
wus,,ine lj l-ite I ti ikl ist ate I iiriii-r
time, when I (er- wn little else tn .In.
! t.r the In neiit :,;. 1 1 : '. i ti r:i LT' 1 1 1 " 1 1
Kiniiem 1 willjjv my it!--!.' nt' :..i .in
nlti r
if be
i lillivalllijr the su-.'if entte.
Like all other t inpv. ii will thrive lu -tnn
Ktron-r (jrouinl. tr.i.l t h.-i'i l'eiv ; s, ,., t ,,,,,1
strung oiece of jrniittid. :is eotivenietit to tln
hoiise as. jn s'ililu. It forms a ..t il tr p for
h jouiiv; t.tvhaitl, but Tit i hi-s fn,. tht- rroimd
slnuiil In- manured. l'!o,i harrow
well, ii, id tii.iilv i. nt i,i drill- three un. I a huh'
or four feet iijiart: when nutiv for ihinl;n,
iiioi-ltii the see 1 H little uinl roll it in plaster,
nfl. r w hi.'h i-priukk- it iiloiiL' -the "tows by
haittl. 1 jreaerally sow ple.nv ol's.fd and
sow it thit k. mi. I then thin mit. A- soon n-
it lOllle-l lip. it will llcni WlitehillLT. i.i it i
nllould be kept elear of Need.- tint! tile soil
kept loose. If there tin liny life on it. apply
a mixture, nf di v v, noil nslii s itiid plaster, und
' if not iili' iiM-il
l hit'lvell hoiNe, 'fli,. t
tt) stillUlliltf the pliiiit
oits -.-rtovth. As. soon
be thinned ollJ) i.;;e
inc hi-; aud then l a-.
' hoeing. hit h shotiln
niiipinn' of the
i. t Mhoiiltl now b"
mi pt'i.ttiifi' a i lT' r
s ad i- up it ell.illl.l
::ilk in I'vere i r M
line h;ll".oW iltLl' lltld
ii !,.
l.-perit. d t.l'.,s;0!l
i ally ilnrin-r the -i
; -.'teat ben. lit if the
lie I'l.u: iii'i--. I its late
..liner: Him
:l-till i- di'V
W i.i In- i t'
;t!l.l sh. nut
o a- no
I .Jiile t lit- eaiie.
W lit 1 1 n i-dv to rut, take tin trussils.
' home tell f. et IoiilT, and lul.elivi rows, v. hieh
-il. ill It I be rut til-t below the lower joini.
' and then laid tti rn-s h,.h 1 1 nt N. with tin
; but.- toward- the sliindilie; eiitie. The eat).
lalmiihl be i nt. ami la'.d on the bi-t.elii- n
I last ti- it is -.tripped, iiinl w ht 11 eiioiiLth is
obtained to form a bum!!.' ore li et in diam
i ter ;tt ihe but. il -!nniH 1-,- tied with n
! straw baml in-ai- i :.f li t-iid. Sinic haul the
J rune loo-e, but the saviuo; !:i time iun I;
' l'epa the trouble of biiudliii:.'. Some pr.-ler
j to .-trip lite leaves from 1 1 t- t atir 1 t-l'-u'- it i-
ivtt, bat after trial 1 pn fer tot tit it lir-; i-nd
I lav it urn..-'!. tl)e li'tisM Is. liy this plan, tw,,
j men enn -trip a.- fn-t a a third ran rt;t, i at
iryuwav the bundle- aiid top the ra'lr.
n in it a eonM'tilt'iiI sptn'e I . eieare-l. nio .
the l-rnelies lip the f.w- to tiie st:tti.!i"u
raiie. My ni!e is In t u: iv.ii fi-t-t nil' the top
of Ihe r un-; this part iMatain . little or im
jlliie, blit when nil line m.l'iei xeeiletit lui
ed feel. The leines sin i'!. I It- earel'tili'.
ilrirtt. mid tlril up in .-ht Ti...-.- t'tt. t:.i
i ,,. ;n,-. ,i t n .
! "!'' ' 1 ' ! 1 l"'-e l'.l'e.-i!U I'M. 'ill Ut
I ub-l il il'.e f..r the hay v. hit II iiiey eft. -u take
willl them.
I winil-l not i.-ixiis,- farnit t- tn -'n iiito )..
rnl-iiif; of the eaii.-tuia lai'tre stale: my re
mark are only applieable to -mall hit- til
home rnlisuuiption. In n iiii-. .l for thi-pili'po-e
titid i.i the i'.boe manner, "it dm
put ."
Vi,.-t,r C.:-ti.t:i, l-sC'2. A mt i. n a.
HtillAki.Xii I ll'.H'KUS i'i l It Mll.KINti. Thi
tile .'1 t '.-.,
1 quilt- a m i ious
is ottell
; ,
in w Iii. li kirk-
und bi ui :"s are fee pietilly in!eirli:ti!-'ed be
twrei) the f, inhleneil brute ami the irritated
lun.ster. Miinv an otherwise ixnllt ut miiktr
l-.hoih tl lor life b hai-!i tit aliiu tit.
lor life b hai-!i tit aliiu tit. A
well broken lo the milk imil, is
tlieiriix niittir wi-i'lli nt h ii.-t twenty pi r
eeut. liioi'e-iitsineii n.v w hirh will pay for
miirh paiiistakui)!. liarey'a I't ii-mii-i: n -speetin-;
hoi.-r, applies eipialiy to nlhir
nninia!s. They only resist when injury i--ipprehendt
tl, and Iheir mitiii'.il iiwtinrt sitj'
jji'slK diini;rr wheuiM-f any unusual treut
iiitut mviiin. litrry one has notieetl liow
shy a mature i- in rittirinr; t-liant;t rn
flosiii'es, or t sijtht of new ol.jerts. Tl
Iniiiillim; of a heifer's bajr is to her a t'
lititiMial piiirrediii!.', in addition, t1
Irals nrr often tender, uinl thu I it r eak
uud itill. lined. o as to be iainlul under i-v
apentie iniieh. Trniiiin-,' for milkin-rsho
riiuiini net Inn-,' U forr ralviner. First te
Hie animal to wrleotiie your riiiuin-.'.
I it t It- pii'M-tit. of an apple, a hamlful of
or uit, or other t!t:liei.ry. She will
readily Jnrniil the hand to be hi id upi
liaek, and enjoy the gentle rubbinir
-fralehine; whieli may be pi vi-n. I
the hiind lo ditli rent parts of the bod'
she will not fiineh from j;raspiiier he
und the work may --non be tut-tu
without rvrn a IiuimIi word.
I'ntT.irr kok Lioitr IXmi-i.
niakiiii' up vour bread the aero
1 otfa sullieii tit quantity ford
!rt it away until nl-out an Ii
' ui r. thru make them up In rt
I I'isviiit ; sprinkle u little f
board, aftd put them on if
to allow for raihinrr. 11
i with nrticii nt I o linp
! pluet: the steamer o
J of the iltiinji!iii's,
, other, mi- that in1
' I t tin in reninin
thorn nn-l put .'
i Ldl- j..l. lo 1 1
or buner un.!