Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 22, 1862, Image 3

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s va cmrioN of buvr ma mud.
A Million1)oW Worth of Troperty
Left ia the Hasty l'atrcat of
the llclcls.
Paraon Erownlow ia Naehvllle.
Thirteen Cannon' and Bixtccn Hundred
Prisoners Captured.
ua M OUNDED. -
Hebel Loss
10C0 Killed
and 2500
ltui.A, Mo., March IS.
Th remains of Colonel Heudrickn, of the
Tf ntr-nintli Indiana Kcgimiht, killed at the
bulk of Pea Ridge, Arkansas, arrived here
jesterosy! accompanied by hit brother and
tvio or three other gentlemen.
They left the hstt lie gmuud on the M ocday
following "Ihe fight. They represent the
contest as terrille. The Rebels fought,
desperately, nsing Move ln ,h'r cannpn wlnn
their hat gave put. Their force ia stated at
3".O00 including 2,200 Indiaos under Albeit
I'ike Ai nrir as iroold bo ascertained, oar
loss "was OUO killed, and from 800 to 1000
Thi Rebel sorgenn who came id to dres
the. wnnnda of their fallen, acknowledge a loss
rf lOHI kiil-'d. sr.d from 2500 to 3000 wonnded.
We look 1000 prisoners aod 13 piece ol
cannon ; 1" of which were captured by Hen.
Slgel' command, and 3 by Col. Patterson'
brigade. .
Two of 0r cannon, belonging to Davidson s
Hiitery, wer-i taken by the Rebels, but
IU'hi rpiently werH recaptured hy our troops.
Tho Rebels went completely defeated.
One Division, under "eu. PriCP, flying; in one
direction, nnd the o-b r, under Ueoerol Van
l.'otn, taking number.
Mjor Hubert, if one of the Loiiisiina
Rot-intent , who was taken prisoner, says that
(Jeperal Frost, of Camp Jackson notoriety,
was killed in tho botUe.
lliol-nuartfrf of ("if Armt "f tie Prtnmnc,
FamtaX C II. Va.. March U. leG2. j
Soi.uikhs or tub Aesiv or the l'oruui-.
For n lone time 1 have kept yo'i inactive, but
not without a purpose. Yoo were to be
difipliued, armed ur.d instructed. The for
midable artillery yon cw Lav Lad to be
created. OiUer armies were to move and
accomplish certain results. I held you back,
that you might give the death blow to the
r livl'ium thai haa distracted this ouce happy
country. The patience Joe have shown, and
jour confidence io joui Gecetul, are worth u
iloti-n victories.
These preliminary resrt'.ta ere now accom
pHhhed. I feel thai the patient labors if
many months hive produced their fruit. The
Army of the Potoiunc ia now a real army
magnificent iu material admirable in discipline
nt,d instruction, excellently Ki',ipped and
ermeJ. Your commanders ore all that I co-ild
The moment for action haa striven, end I
know thai I cm trne'. in yoo to save our
country. As I ride through your ranks, I
Me in j.vir lace the sure prestige of victory ;
1 feel thit yea will do whatever I ask of yon.
The period of inaction Ins posted. I will
hrinir you face to face with the Rebels, and
cnly prBy that Gd m-iy defend the right.
Iu whatever direction you rrrny move
Louever strange my actions may appear to
von ever bear in l.'icd thai toy fj'ess linked
"with yoore, and that all I do is to bring you
where i know ;on wish to be on the decisive
battle field. U ii my business to place yon
ther. I am to watch over yoo as a parent
over his children, and you know that your
General loves Juu from the depth cf his
Il shall be my cr as it ever haa been, to
gain fnccesa with the !ent possible los, but
1 know that, if it is necessary, you will w1!
lir.gly follow me to enr graves fur onr right-
con riitisc.
Gun smiles npon ns. Victory attends us
Y.t I would not have you to think that our i
aim is to b attained without S manly Strug j
p!. 1 i!l not disguise it from yoo. Yen I biavu (oi-j to er.roonter foetnel) well t
woiit'j of the ftiel yon will u?i so well. I
shall demand of jou greut, heroic ex-rt;ori
rpid and long inarches, desperate combats,
privation, perhaps. e share all these
loireltit r, and when this aad wur is over, wa
viii ali return to onr homes, and feel thai we
can a-,k no higher honor than ihe proud con
nkiisness that wo belonged to the Army of
the L'otoisac.
(ino. O. MoCl KLLtK,
Major liaueral t'omoiaodltig.
St. Lone, March J 1 The fnltawiof
copy of the cCicial despatch sent to
Eecretary of W r :
After several days' skirmishing snd s
rnmber of attempts uf the enemy' gun boats
to dUlodge General Tope's batteries al Point
ricaasut, the enemy has evacuated bit fort
snd entrenchments et New Madrid, leaving
.!! his artillery, tiald batteries, tnts, wagons,
cnutee, Ac , aud an immense quantity oi mili
tary stores.
"bngeditr General llam.llcc cow occupies
the' place.
"This was the last stronghold of the enemy
In this Stale, add no Kebtl dag is now flying
iu Miesoori.
St. Lock, Murcb 15.
Goners! Popi l despatch to Generul
Ilalleck, says t
'Our siaess st Ne'er Madrid has been
greater than reported.
Twenty Cve pieces cf hesvy artillery,
(t wenty lour pounders snd rifled,) thirty two
Latteries of field artillery, an immense quao
tt'.y of fi.fd ammunition, sevtrul thousand
small arms, hundreds of boxes of mosket
cartridge, three hundred mules, tents for an
army of 'i 000 men, and an immense quantity
nf nth. r property, r.f not less value than o
million dollars, huee fulli-a into our hands.
The men only escaped. I ho enemy s
whole force is demoralized, and dispersed in
ti swamp ra the r ppoeite aide of Ihe river.
" The enemy abandoned their works so
Inrrierily as to leave all ihe btggaue of their
oTCcer and tho knapsack of their men.
'J'heir dead wars Uoburied thuir suppers were
on the. ribler, sud the candies burning ia the
U A' f irlou thooder storm, whicb raged sll
rjlght. enabled them to get serosa Ihe river
. ham hnine discovered. Our heavy battery
wu established during Ihe night of the 12ib,
withm ei"ht hundred yard of the eoemy'a
wuiks. and opened at dajPght ou the 13tb,
jusl I'uirljTfour hours sfltr ths gun wers
delivered to us at Cairo.
During thevihola of yesterday our lines
were drawn closer around their work, ondei
sm fitriVina fir of sixtt oicee of srWlerT. Tbs
fejr ol en assault on iheir work st daylight
Induced them to fiee precipitutely duricg the
ni ,i.i
"Many prisoner have been taken, sod tb
n.-,ra ifaoveral Arkansas resident.
' Our loss is sbont titty Uiib-d snd wonnded,
llullins was in comnind of the fleet, snd
Oensrtl McCono, Stewart snd Ganlt of ths
lind forces. Tba goo bou weoi down lb
elrae "
General Top lu twenty fivs beefy gnji
wHs 10 works o Ue turtr;, cbicb cotctnsad
Hickman, Ky., March 15.
A naval expedition, condistinB of the gun
boats Kenton." Lonisville," Cincinnati."
UunnrMet," end "Uonrs logs," ender Flag
O llicer Fuote, UU Cairo st seven o'clock this
morning. v
Al tVtumbos Ibey were Joined by Hi" n
boats "rauborg," "3 1. Louis" nd "Mosnd
City," and were overtaken by eight mortar
boat. In tow of four ateamets, with transports
sod ordnance boats,
Tbey arrived here si 4 o'clock this sftet
oood. The mounted pickets of the enemy
were In sight oo the bluff on our arrival and
ten companies of the Twenty seventh Illinois
regiment wtre sent sfter them, but the;
A stronp Union feeling Is mani rated here.
The impressisn prevails that Island No 10
will not offer much resistance. There are
said said to be 2000 Kobe! troops tit the town
of Union, 7000 at Humboldt, end lft.OOO In
the vicinity or Island No. 10. Al the litter
place there ere nl?o ssid to be twelve heavy
guns io their batteries.
Cairo, March 1C, A. M.
Commodore Foote Is shelling the Rebels at
Island No. 10.
On. l'ope's batteries prevent their escape
down the river.
The Rebels are Said to be from fifteen
thousand to twenty thousand strong.
Tbo Rebel gun boats ure understood to be
engaging General I'opo's batteries.
Ihe position ot tu Kfhels on island !so.
10 is s verj strong one. Forty six guns have
been counted.
K ghl of our mortars shelled s battery sit'
uated above the island to day. The Rebels
left it several limes, bnt subsequently return
ed. They pnlv bred with two iuna.
There is no difficulty whatever io onr shells
lenrbitig the island,
liuovrnl iVpa bas sent s despatch to Com
modore Foote saying that bis heavy guns
command the river, so tbut neither sieauier
nor gun boot of the enemy could pnss.
ruing lias been beard in the direction or
New Madrid all d,iy. It i- supposed that
the Ri-bel guu boats are trying to force a
Several Rebel transports near Island No.
10 are hemmed ir,.
It is supposed the Rebel encampment are
targe to Lnld from fifteen thousand
to twenty live thousand men.
St. I.ocis, March 17.
General H allot k also announced that
another victory had been gained hy the Uni
I'd States forces in Arkansas, in which there
were t hiee Unhel Colonels captured.
The particulars of this event have not yet
New Advertisements.
nAVH j'isl received and epenii a
cheao assortment of
new and
x: s.."sr goods,
Groceries, &.c, &c.
Which thev will sell CHEAP for CASH or
COl.NTItV PRODUCE. We rixi.ecilully in
vite the ATTENTION of the I'l. UI.IC in gene
ral to our large stock of t'oods.
Owing to our LA1U.I) nnd COMMODIOCS
room our facilities for doinir hiiiiiefhre vory
largely increased, and wilh the arrancrmeiKs we
hoe mnde for tittlinf; good every lew week-.
mm NEW YOKE and I'll II. A L-ELPUIA, wa
eel confiJer.l of I cing able to sell
than can tc purchase J elsewhere
ftunhury, March 15, IHtii.
Executor's Notice.
V'OTICE is hereby given that I.ettera Testi
-k' mentarv have been eranied Io 111 under
signed, on the eetute of Pallntiah Whitaker, late
of Zeibe lowiiebin. Norlhutn'ierland county, I a
drctased. All persons indebted are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims agairibt slid CbUte to present them fur
settlement. l.OKISDA LOW,
Zerl e twp., March 1H68. Executrix.
HW KitrheuGrcaic can be made into good 9ip, using
Cuponifi-ir !
Iiirectlons Aecomp:tiiyiug Fuch Uox I
POAP is aa easily made with it. as mailing a cuj of eof.
fee. Vtir-if li-iined onli bv the rute-it.-e
I'd, . b A LT M A N I K A C T i; It I N i COM P A N Y.
o. I'.'J aluut Suest, I'luaulelpMa.
rebrmiiv IS, IWi-j ly
linuo Timed.
riHV subscriber offers his services to Ihe cili-
ten of Ounlmry and vicinity, in TuuitiK
Pianos. Order left at the Central Hotel, will
be attended to.
Jan lary 13. IbXJ.-tf
NA TRO n'A" C I 0AL0 I L 1
uimtM r:i iv exi'Losivc.
and aqual to any KK.HOSKNn.
W'l.r buy eailoiv Oil, hen a few eenti moit per
gallouw-ill furiiisii you wub pcrteelOU?
Made "ul) b7
No. l-i? Waluut Street. Philadelphia.
Felirnaev I.V t'S-a y -
BY virtue of sundry writs of endnioni F.xpo'
nat, Fieri I aciat, Al Fieri Facias and Leva
ri Facias, isaued out of the Court of Common
Fleas of Nortbutnberlsnd County, Pennsylvania.
to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at
the Court House, in Ihe borough of Siinbury, on
(Saturday, the 2'Jth day of March, A. D. l6t, at
I o clock P. M., the luilewirig ucecriceo real
estate, to w it I
'i he one snd equal undivided ball pari ol all
that certain Iraet of timla?r land aituate in Lower
Aucusta township. Norlbumberliud county, Pa.,
adjoining land of lh heir of Henry Matter, de
feased, on the wrtt ; land of Ihe heii of Strnuel
Keistr, deceased, on lb east I land ol me nein
of Rev. J. P. Shindla on th soulb ud land nf
David M alick, on the north containing soetty
act niot or Us.
All that certain lot er piece of ground siluste
in th borough of Sunhury, Nortbumberlana
county, being bound snd doscritied, follows:
Io wil t
bounded on th outh by Wbotllttwuy treet
on the writ by lot number SSU on th north by
sn slley snd on in eisi 17 r wn ourti ,
ing numliered ia ths gei eral plan of saU bniough
it lot numher il remg ibiwi in uwi
Whortleberry treet and in depth t3fl feet.
8cU4l. tks in eaecsmm n t . am a.
At the same tlmt and place, the on4 and equal
undivided half part of all that certain tract of tim
hri land aituatr in Lower Atif-unta tnwnrhip, Nor'
Ihumtierland county, Pa., adjoining land of Ihe
heir of Henry Maaaer, defeated, on ths weal i
land of the heir of Lemuel Ktirnr, deceased, on
the ea.t land of the heir of Kev. J. P. hhimlel,
dereased. on the south and Innd of David K.
Malick, oo lb north) containing aeventy screa,
more or lest.
At the nme lime and place, the following piece,
parcel and tract of land being part of larger
tract, belonging to the beir of E. Greennugh, de
ceased, titunle ia Coper Augusta township, afore
aaid adjoining land of Mrs Clark, Innd late of the
heir of John Wigcin", now of said Jacob Hets
hobs, aud bounded and described aa follows,
to witt
licqlnning at a stone on the division line he
tween the land thereby granted and land of Mrs
('lark, thence by saiddivisinn line north fort-, 'nine
degrees can'. cii;hly'to and four tenths perches lu
a heap of stones, thrnce hy land late of Ihe heirs
of John Giggina, now of Jacub Krasholtt, south
eighty-seven degrees, west ninety-si and four
tenth-, perches to a heap of atones, tbenc by land
of ihe heirs of E. Greenough, deceased, aoutb
thirty four and three fourths degrees, east sinty
perches to the plica of beginning containing
fifteen acre and fifty-seven perches, itrict J
Seized, taken in execution and to he sold as
the property of Jacob Heasholti, wilh notice to
Chailes Garinger.
At the nme lime and I lace, ihe following des
cribed lot or piece of ground situate in Upper A
Augusta township, iVmhumhrrland county, t a.,
bounded on the north bv land of George Conrad.
on Ihe west by Isnda late of John llohina, deceas
ed, on Ihe eaU by Cattawissa road, and on the
south bv Ceiitte turnpike road containing 5
acres, more or lest.
Seized, taken in eiecutiou and to be sold as
the property of Henry Weise.
At the same time and nlace, a certain lot or
piece of ground in the town ofTrevorton, Nor-
tbuniberlnnd county, bounded and diaerihed as
follows, on the north by the mil road, on the east
by vacant ground, on the south by Matket street,,
and on the west by lot owned by benjamin Gear'
hart, il being matked in the general plan of said
low n, at lot No. fix (6) in block, seventy-one
(71) upon which is erected a two atory Irame
house outbuildings, ic
A certain tract of timber land, situate In
Jackson township, county and Stule aforesaid
beginning al a atone, thrnce by land of Isaac
Oeppin, south ten nod s quarter degrees, east
seventy perches to s stone, thence by vacant
laud, north eighty sven degrees, west forty,
four perches to s stone, thence by Holshoti's
land, south eleven and t q-urter degrees, west
sixtv six perches to s while oak, thence by
land of John Deppin, south eighty degrees,
east forty-fivH perches to a place of beginning,
containing eighteen acres, eighty seveu per.
ches, Deal measure.
Also, the undivided moiety or half part of
s certain tract ol land, situate in Jackson
township, county and Stati aforesaid, begin
uiti2 at a stone, south ten aod a half degrees,
east tuiityniue parches to a pine on the land
of John Adam, thei'Cn north four and a half
degrees, post hllv'eight and due tenth of a
perch to a stone, south eighty three aud three
fourth degrees, c-ai-t to u sUue, tbence sbuig i
and of Eagle, south sixty and three
fourths degrees, ea.U Inrtysix and live tenths I
to a chenut, thence along the same, south
seventy six degrees, east sixtytwo, six lenil s
of a perch to n flone, thence hy other land" j
of Deppeu und Garman, north lour and a hull
degree, weet ninety lour, two tenths Vf u I
perch to o chestnut, thence by Innd of I'uvid I
liilltnan, south eighty seven and tliree lonritis
ilegreer., west one hundred and sixty perches
to a stone and place r f beginning, coDluiuitig
sixtysix ncrees and ierche6.
A I.SU :
Tho undivided half moiety cr half part nf
n certain tract or piece of land situate in Fame
township, county and State a'presaid, begin
ning al a stone, tbeoce by land of
south eighty-seven degrees, west one hundred
perches to chestnut, tUntice by James v il
sons land, soa'h Cve degrees, cast ninety six
perches to s stone, south Feventy eight do
iirees, east twenty parches to n pine, thence
by laud of Engle, north eight degrees.
west Ihirty eight perches to a stone, noith
eighty eight degrees, east one hundred snd
sixty eight sod seven tenths perches to s
(lone, llieoce by land uf David llilbish, north
sixty live perches to the place ol beginning,
containing forty four acres, strict measure.
A IO :
Those twocerttin lots of ground, sitnate
in the town of Trevottcn, county and State
aforesaid, and described on the plnn of said
town ns lots Nos ten end eleven (N'os. 10
and 11 in block one hundred and lour (No.
104.) whereon are creeled s two nnd a hair
story frame bouse (with basemeut.) stable, dVc,
A curtain lot of ground No. 2, io block No.
30, ss numbered in the general pint) of the
town ol Trevorton in the county of Norlhum
berlsud and State of Pennsylvania, whereon
uro erected s two storv frame dwelling bouse.
A certain lot nf ground situate in the town
of Trevorton. Z-rbe township, county nud
State aforesaid, hounded on iLe north by an
alley, tooth by Coal street, east by lot of !
Vt illium Campbell, snd west by lot of Daniel
Donawin. being lot No C. iu block No. 134,
hereon is erected sons sod s balf story
Irame bouse.
The following lots ss numbered In tbe gen
eral plan of tbe town of Trevorton, county
nd .State aforesaid, to wit :
Lois Nos. 3 and 13, in block Nn. 1C, lot
No- 13 io block No 111. lots Nos 1 end 2 in
Mock No. 22, lot No. 3 io block No. 34 lots
No. 1 snd 2 in Nn. 30, lnl Nos 8 and
J in block No. SO, lot No. 4 in block No. 5!.
lots Nos, 3 and 4 in block No ,'i3, lots Nos. 7
anp 8 in block No. bC. lots Nos. . and C in
block No. ii". lot No. 9 in block No. Cfi. lots
Nos. "J and 71 in block No. BC lots Nos. S
aud C iu block No. 109, lots Nos. 8 and 9 in
block No. M, lot No. 13, containing two
acres ; lot No, 30, containing one acre.
Seized, taken in execution snd to be sold
as tbe property of William Deppen.
At the same place, on Saturday, the 5th
day of April, 1SC2. st 1 o'clock, P. M.
All thai certain tract ol laud, situated in
Upper Mahanoy township, Northumberland
couuty, l a., siijotniog land of Daniel Grist,
Solomon Dunkeltierger aod other ou the
east, John Moyer and Nathan Haas on the
South, John Ibehl oo lbs west, end Daniel
llowerter and others oa tbe north, containing
two bund red and twenty-seven acres, more or
teas, about one hundred and fifty acre whereof
are cleared. W hereon sre erected s large
two story stone Dweliirg bonse, bank Euro,
Waeon Moose, Spring bouse snd other out
buildings, aVc. Seixed, taken in execution
and to be sold ss lbs property of Llenry
LI ass.
Sheriff Office, Soebury. March 15. 18C2.
BY villus of a certain Alial writ nl Venditioni Expo
nas, itauedjiut of Iho Court nf Coinm ni I'leas of
i ,iiliu,ida:il.iiid county. Pa . to ine dnscltd, will be ex
posed to pubtlu saia, atlhl Court Itiaist in lbs Borough
i,( Sni.burj, on rutuid.y, "March Will, lfd-., at 9 u'cluck
A M.. thetollowiug dcaeribea properly to wit:
A eertum Utof ground, situali in il.e borough of Run.
bury, NiwthunibvriaiMl oouiuy, and Btait ut Peontvlvinia
ouioUwed SI ill llit aei.trai plan of said tuwil, lud bound,
ad aud described at follows Uiwill "U Hie liorlb bv fba.
m "liiiiilieet, south bv an alley, eatt by a lot of Henaatian
lluaal.aiid weatbv 1)W ttrtet, conuhiing nn qoirlar of
an aura, wneraoii arssiecteda ansa two-stury tuata tlwtU
line house, kitehen. t'ablt and nihcr outbuildings.
a in. nil iht defendant'! inteieit in lot nainber SI. silD-
tt in tin r irouali of Huntiury afuretaid. tud btaiadcd and
detrnbedat follows, town i Nonli b street,
in b. lot tiumber aouin by in allev. md weal bv Fawn
rrt. eiinialnu alaiul cMit-loutib m an aeri, whtrcon
a.vereeirdi twiestory fmm snutt aitd aiiehen, (now
. - .hv Cbarlci Weavtfat elhjlsl) a lartsuUa lud
m , .
a Hal eartaia satsaaafi lad trtet nf land, situate
t .awbic afeaid. keaac sat id ann teaal ot
( x . tenable a
a. t en wa-rtA la tbt asm be Uas,
CoataMng MS mi aihwanae, teienfl'i-d anil Atrtlhri at
lH,twt, !- will l tut uiaUi by lMjWig GaM,ri4 l-jr
land of vVra 1. Uewn, nana tr lands it rvi-nual Claik,
and wt-tl Ijy loiut 4 llmry Mniter, dunrtst.-d, aud tm
whni art opened twa large veiua tn toal, now being
Al,alltliatertnia messnsa snd Ireet of land, siluatt
ia C'wai UtwuaKip BlorraHtd, bring part wf a target tiaetf
wuid sarvenl in Iht imme of J,,loi Htndy, eontuonoK 60
aeitstnd nirjersnet, b.und-d and diarrilirtt or follow-s, to
Wit t ontiia llortli by latal of l.uilwit UuaR, vtit by lanit
urvnywl m the Hums of fullrr, snulli by lnd of
tamuel Wetherill, and west by the iib-ne Hrrr,Ud tiaet
ul Win L Dewarl, upon winch two vaiiur of cwl are opcu
ed, and now in working nn!r
Ala , trie buri'net riglittoall the following dtsrrihcl l ilt
of ground I'Mil out Joint Urmly Imcl of Lml, aiiuaia
In the town of giiainnkm nriiresHid, and turckt-d 01 tn
rilan if ajid town, with the numbers, 31a untl eoulaui
ng abi.utonp-eifihth of in acre rnrh.
Also, all that eeittin nu-stuuire and trnrt of land, situate
In C-Hiltownahip orori-autd, being part i-f a largur tract nf
land surveyed iu tlieuamtj ol'Jolm llrndy, e,iiitiiiiiing
rii-rcs, strit-l measure, bin iiti-tl on the nnnh by Innds of
MnrtHiii jual, on Ihe eut bv land Lite I'nrtly nnd Dewnrt,
(now Putdy.) ii the S'-ulli by tntidsnf Th-niiiif inmn!lu,
mid on Hie west by' f William I' Urady,uu which are
opetied two birue veins of conl.
Alto, the iiuilividfi.t Iwilf of a certain trnrt of Inml, situ
nta In Con) towin)u,i nfniemid. survi-cd in the nnini of
Willintn ". Uniily, v mtiiiiiiuc 4 It J acrer, h-iuiiilml anitdi..
seritied at ioIIuwm, io wil : oil the uurtli iy land of Martin
lint, enl by kind of .luhn llrudy, s mill by lioidr 'rti'iinai
llnmiiton atid Kmher Kruini-r, writ bylanJa of.M: K I.?
versouand J-ihu H-iyrt, being a vnlnnbl- tiaet of c ill Iniid.
Also, the unuivid?d third mrt of Hll that eerlain tract of
Innd silnnle iu Cual townahip lif'irmd, survey,! in Ihe
nnme ol Jitlui H,vd, containing a.iifBrres. Imuinlcd nnd
dracrihed ns fuilim-s. to wit : on Ibf n.irtli by land ot Thou
Hamilton, (nld satvey.) iii the enai by nul f Wiiloon.l
Hrsdv. on the south by lumtsof M l-i Lever- u and Prwl.
errck Kniuier. aiirl nn the west hy Innds nf MiiiIuhs Zim
merman, being a vnlunble traet of emit litnil.
Al the undivided ninth iarl of all tl-jt cerium teael
of land art mire in i'ialt-neusliii aniiea-ud. nmven-d in the
name of Th'm:is llainilloii, conlnlnin 4 l'J:ereaniiit:iil,ire.
nnc-e, h'UiidedoM the ll-irlh by l.irnls uf lllutni I Itrn-ty
nnd .lonn Hrtidy. coat by land of Samuel cinrk. S'iuiIi by
Innds of J-ihn Cars'iiinnd Kiilier Kramer, and wst by
tnuris of Wiliiain F Uta'Iy,uii wliieh a c ul vjiu iirii buen
Als, the undiviiVit 'i df rnrt of nil thru eett iiu trnet nf
land, situate ill Little .Mnti,,ii-. t-vuliip. crunly nnd Sl.ila
alnresiod, surveyed iu the nnnia of Joneph Lyon, entwin
ing Ml aerr, biMindi'd md d,-sciihed a fr-ll : mi the
ll, ,il bv land nf John LVliikl-jberc-r, f iat by bind "f Tied-erii-kKt
es. e-iuih by lamls i f l'r,-d,-iick l):;uklelierye-,
and west by the tlj;,, uj in wrncha c ial vein ia ,ireniHl.
Also, tlie undivided half part of all that certain
tract of land, situate in Point townh'ip, county
aforesaid, surveyed in the name of John llarron.
jr., containing 4 10 acres and allowance, bounded
on the noith hy land nf T. Ilewit, on the eaht ty
lands of William Ue.-.son and Hubert Crniu, on
the south hy land of William liroilie, and west by
lands of Knisino:.
Also, all lh-it certain tract of land, surveyed in
the nnme of Hubert Erwin, situate, in Point lowti
ship aloresaid, containing 1 13) acres, bounded on
the north hy land of William 13c eon. on Ihe eat
bv lands of E. llranham. on the south by II
Kurlx, and on the west by lands cfjubn liar
ron, jr.
AIo, all that certain tract uf land, surveyed in
the name nf Kbcnezer Hrntiham, situate in Point
township aforesaid, containing 130 acres, boundsd
nn the north by land of John David, eat hy lands
nf Andrew Epple, south aud weal by Kobeit
Alsi, ill that certain tract of bind, surveyed inj
Ihe nnme of Andrew l'pple. siluaie in Point
lownhip aforesaid, ronlaiuing 430 acres boundi d
on the imrlh l y lands of David lockson, east hy .
lands nf John Service, suulh and wct hy L.U-ne- !
zer Dratibain.
Also, all that certain tract of land, surveyed in
Ihe tia-ne of John Service, situate in Point town
ship aforsnid, containing; 421 acres, boundcJ on
the north by lasd of David Jackson, east by land
of J. Thorncrofl, south by latnls . and weft by
lands of Andrew Kpple- The tat five tracts of
land nlnve described containing valuable depoti
les of iron ore.
Also, all the following described lots of parcels
of crour.d, situate in Ihe town af Mount Carmel
in Ihe township of Mount Carmel. county and
;., alirc,afu, to wit: lot number 1, marked
the plan of said town as Depot Lnl block num
her fi in said town, situate on the Shamoktn Val
ley Railroad block number 10 in suid town.
hoicd. taken in execution, and to be told as
the property of W. I,. Pcwait.
SheriiTs Office.
Siinbury. Mar-h Wlh, 'fig. S
lia T. Clement,
William M asser. Jcho Mas
ser. Ileurv II. Ma'ser,
fn the Court of
Common Plea
of NorlliUitiber-
ter 1!. Musser, Joseph J. land county.
Albriiiht. Jereuiiuh shindt-l i
nod KliZabetb hi w.fe. aud
Francis Eucber snd Mary
bis wile
Xurthumberlantl County, u.
The Coir.mnnweallli ol' Pennsylvania, to
r-beriff sfsHid couuty, Gbfkiino :
IF Ira T. Clement, mako jou secure of
presenting; bn claim, then, we conirnnn J too
that vou summon, by tood and lawful mini
nioners. William Masscr, John Master, lien
rv IS. Master, I'eter D. Masser, Joseph J
Albright, Jeremiah Shmdel ond hiizuheth
his wile, and Fraccii Ilucher and Mury his
wife, late of your county, so that they be snd
appeur, before onr Judges at Suubury at our
County Court of Common Pleus, there, to be
hr-ld the first Monday of Apr-1 next, to show
wherefore bereos, they the said Ir T.
Clement end the aforeHuid Wiilistn Masst-r,
John Maser, llenry IV Masser, Peter 1!.
Masser, Joseph J Albright, Jeremiah Shin
del and hhzatieth bis wife, and Frauds Hu.
cher ond Mary hi wife, together and undivi.
riod, do hold ull that certain piece or tract of
Laud, situate in the township nf Coal, Nor
thumberland county, Pennsylvania, contain
ing twenty-five acres, more or less, wits the
appurtenances ; being a part of s larger tract
nl land surveyed upon a warrant gruuted to
John lirady, bounded on the nor ill by s tract
of land surveyed in the name of Ladwig Gas?,
oo the east by another divided part of lie
said tratt surveyed in the nume of John lira
dy, now owned by Win L Dewart, On the
south by land surveyed iu the name of Sam
uel Clark, and on tne west by another pail
of tbe said John Hratiy tract, now owned by
Win Cameron aod others ; upon a portion cf
tbe surface of which said twenty-five acres of
land, certain town lots srd part uf town lots,
adjoining the town cf Shamokin, Northum
berland couuty, and matked aud designated
in tbe addition to Iho General Plan if en id
town of Shamokin, have been laid out, num
bered and designated as follows, viz : "Lot
Nos. I'.id. 19'.', 2bl. 20l.':02. 2H3, 204. 301.
302. 303, 3i)4 and 303 and porta of lots 1G4.
1G3. 102. 20". 2i)d. id" snd 300 ;" the said
plaiuliff, lr T Clement, owning one undivi
ded eighth part of tbe said laud and tbe said
defendants owning the other undivided seveo
efghth thereof, viz: ihe FiJ William Masser
the one undivided eighth ; John Murter, ths
noe undivided eighth llenry H. Mayser, the
ooo undivided eighth j Peter II Masser, Ihe
one undivided eighth; Joseph J Albright the
nue undivided eighth ; Jeremiah Shindel and
Klizubeth his wife, in light of said hlizabeth
oim undivided eighth; Francis llucher aud
Mary bit wife, in right or saul Mary, the re
inainini! one undivided eighth part thereof
Ibey the said defendants, partition whereof
between them to be made, accoidiug to the
laws of this comtuoowee'.lb io such case wade
and provided, do gainsay, and tho same to be
done, do Dot permit unjustly and agaiust tbs
same, law and custom in such case made
and provided, dec. And have you then ond
there tbe oanet of tboss lomuiouers end this
Witness the Honorable A. JonnsK, Presi
dent of tbe said Court, tbe 20lb day of Feb;
ruary, A. 1. 1CC2.
I certify that the above i s true copy of
the origins! writ, (ihd thit sll purtii-s inter
ested will please lake notice.
Sheriff's Office, Suubury, I
March 1st, lbC2.
Tlte loulcbhlotm and r.xperlt uc
ttf nil Invalid.
s s warning and s oaution lo vaung men
mha tuffef for Nerviuua Debility, Premature De-
. . Ae aiiimlvina al the same lime th mtn
ofrlelfCur. Uy one wbe ha cured himself
after being pul to greal pena tnrougn nieuicai
imnoaition and a uackery. By enclosing a poet-
pi id addressed envelope, singl copies may he
had of the author, N ATI! A MBit M.VYFAIH,
Fstj.. Bedford. Kings Co., ,
Msrrs , -IT
To TVstmy , Fats, ft naehea, Ae.
To Iirtroy.-Vtic,.'. M'les,aiid Anta,
To l-tf..y ' ireil-Rngs
To lelrpy " Mul hi ill Furs. CI-tHcs, i S.
T' Oeatroy Moequitors and Klen
T i I'entroy lusteis mi I'Umsrud Fowls.
Ti llestrov -.Insecisou Airirnnlf, Ac
'To ijcsiiuy 1 livery form nil.'e-nl'jf Vermin
Ileilroja liutuutly
Evtur FortM and spLcrrs of
xsr isra mz. a st sr. rr
Tlioee Preparations (unlike a!) utbers) art
'Tri e iri.m Poisons."
"Not diie'miia ti ihe Human Fnan'."
"Rut dont dieoll llir rrr(ulat-H."
'Tuey come wut of their holes todleV,
They are the only iuuithhie remeilits knuxm '
VI yais and ninic cstubli,nd in New York Citv "
I'lol Ly the City I'nct O.Tn e.
Vs,-d l,y liie C ny TiiKi.s and Stutt-.n Mousve.
Fed by the City Steuineis, Slii s,
I.'ted bv Ihe City llos;titais, Aluia-lloulis. Ar.
I'ledbyj the City II, tt : 'Anloi' St Nicholas,' a
L'ledby the Hoarding Hniuc. Ae.
Lied by n, re llian .10.SI Private Famiiiit.
IV Sec one or tvv Siecnuens of what ia Kverywliere
Slid by liie I'unple Lditoia Uealem, Au.
IIUS'.rl'.KKKPCffS Iroiib'ed with vermin need bo to ;
no longer. ',f they uie "Co-tni's" Kxleiuiii -i .ra We i
ruive om-ii ii to uni eniiflucMi'ii. nitit it a h-x r ,,t
liiivt it Wp h:id tried poisonii. but thev ell.
inf ; lJUl--l,ot:ll a 'nrtn-ie ,
ii-t-ks Ihe bremh ,o i.l l
L.i'V, .Mice, itoarli.
and llril-liima, quicker lliun we i-nii 1
wule It. it 11 III Itltiil deiliuini all uver Ihe c.uutii
.M.duia O.J Uau-itc
VoUK tiltAIV nnd provmit-ns n-e it-itr.-ie, aniit;:,!!
Ill lirarit C-iiiuly try ver uni. than wouiit ;uv f- r (one f
tlosltataud tuet-iU liillel. IainciiSttr (Wis Ileruld.
UrsstR Cojtai W'e are fe'bng y .ur
rnpu'ly. Wherever Ihey hMve Iweu ufed,
lioacut-s aril Vermin,i r unJlv.
Kuli, .Mice,
LtssH it tloui'ts, tliuisis, Vu:Jtjr.
"CostarV Eat,
, Eoach, &c , Exterminator, j
' Costar's"
Costar's" Led bur Exteriuinator
"Costar s" Electric Powder for Insects. &c
In JSC and SI. (Hi .xes. D-tile anil Fla-ka, S3 am! 5 aize
lur j'iuutatious. Snips, Douta, Uoltles. Ac , Ac.
CAUTION ! ! ! To prevent the public from be
ing imposed Mi.on by Spurious and Highly I'cr
lib iout Imitations, a new lain-! baa been prupared
tearing a facsimile of the Proprietor's tiguatuie.
Etumiue each box, IVltle, or disk carefully bef'oic
purchasing, aud tuku nothing but "CUdTA h"tf."
f-lLD Every where by
AU W holesale Druggitts iu lsre title.
Sjtue cf the
j sbniTi bn Brctbers A Co.
I 11 A I'lilinitork. Hull A Co.
I A U A iS,..lA ITo
Ilnr-ftt, ftislev A Kii'-lien.
Ilauli C.ile A flol man.
M v joI. CI ,v i-o.
Mclvson ,v IJo-iLint.
11 s li-trnen .V f'o
I-' C Wells A C O.
IjiZi-ne. .Mnnli A Gardner.
Hull, LiiX"li riitil Co,
Whe.-Yr A ll ir;,
.l-imei S npnm-rill,
.Mort-?:, nml alien
llali, Ituekel A- Co
Tlioinas ui.d Fwucf
P UUivi
, eimrau r ox,
and otlicit. t, r.
I T W rT"ttand t'n,
I rtola-rt iMine.naliei amlCi
I Kieiicli.itictiaidsaiid Cv.
and oUitrt. ,
U A I- aiiu.UH.-a mal Cot
and by
Drugeiblt, Grocers, Storekeepers and Kitailrrs
generally in all Country Towns and Villjges
In Ihe .
And by tbt.Dru fjisu, Ptoreksejitrs and Retailer
Countiy I)eib)riein eider a abate.
Or addreta oideis direct or if Ptlccs, Terms,
Ac, is desired. Send for li"! Cirrulai, giving
reduced Pricca lo
Principal Depot -Nn, 619 Broadway (Oj'po
ait th rl. Niched HlKet.) Ne York.
Maeeh I, ttrt4
N f!. Cifnerof 7la ami Cin-snul Srtu ,-tt. riulndeij liw
This Institution, which wss e.lablMied in ' ll
and is now consi ijuri.tly in the ISlh year of i's
exi.lenro. numbers ame'in it graduaies. hundreds
of the most aucrrsslul Men-nantt and Hudncsaj
Men of our couulry. '
Tho object of Ihe Institution is solrly to
young men facilities for thorough, prcpargliou lor ;
The branches taught sre. tlork hrsplng, ' p
plicable to the various di imftinents of tinde I'err
manvhip, both plain andornnmenta'i Cnr.uncrcist i
Law, Mutheniaiics, IN iivigiitio-, t. ivii Lugiiiectliig,
Drawing, I'hunorai by, and MaJ,-eir Langua
ges. The system of Irsfrtirtlnri Isperulai'j nnclas
set or sei lesions arc mail use uf, but caib stu
dent is laiinbt iurliviiiu illy, so that ho may
commence at any lime, and attvnd whatever houy
are mo.U cohvniriiL tr-
l.'atnloguet are issnrd Snnns!'y aftsr the 15 ill
of ApJil. containing naini-s of 'lie students for the
year, and lull rartii ulsrt ol tfrnis, &c, and nmy
I e obtained at any time by eiditst nrj Ihe Princi'
In cxfi'nsie acccmTidalions, wide spread repu
tation, and fhn h-ngtrv rvpcri, nco of the i'niicl-
pal, this Irnlitelion oilers laciblios s ut eri .'T to any I
other in Ihe country, fuf voiir nan wihinn Io
prepanrc for busiiit-r.e. and to oblain ut ths sin, e .
time a denlima. which Wiil iirove a Kcotnineuua-1
lion for them to any Merianiiie Hoi;?e. j
! tl? Critlellden't Pi riis it 'I'rentUcS f n Hook-
-..v'iiik, iiitw iv v. i.,t i. i itviilRTril nrij
oilier w-oik on the uljec', are fur sale at tlio Cols
S5. HODfiRS CHITTEN DEN, All'y a'-Law.
Feb. . IKi'ii. y
in ll i I U O i
A N T Ml II E U M A T I C E A N I)
R XX E U m A T 1 C Iv2 !
Acule cr Inf itnmatr.ry ; f't:oi;ic, Luinbog--,
ticiatica, l leuroiiytie, kc.
Stirfiiefs of tho Joint-,t Cramps Cotit.
Neuralgia ncl nil Neivons A!!'. .r:o',o J.;fy.
Sipeltia, 8all lliie'iui nnd ,S jroltlotiS l-'rnpt:ou:
ol the body NeulrabZes the lii ptiru es ol
the Ul.iod ond Fluidd if the whole e v F t ,
I niol t ll'.-cluully conlerrultuz Mercuii ii tud
Other poisonous i&filleUld.
It ii a coir, f .in-lit uri"...e IIKI.T. c .troiri: n i
f" Meui-a'ra Coiiipouno, 1
H "'"
at tne wan ttit.'AI.IA l.l- Kl-.i: I IM Al i.r .
IS, win
2 VV.-fll Wllliou
it anu lei cliii-n:
A!'.'! S, vv i,eitvi-i tin. Jueus,.- in.ti ! -. it c-i::i ti H.
tul liourv to liie olo.-i rieliiiio? r.iis ':, Ll,
c ill ll'C. ;,r. i cr Inioil, ol' 1:' .'- is r, - '
eluoi-il l;t:iU
Vi y4lelll. Willi ll:
ly icnioi-fi "lie i,iic.oi
e lallaCin a use oi nn-
l ;
a ,i v i-i i in ii .lei nni
I. j ile-lroy 'he foimlil
ln.1 .,-i'ly l.y K.ii,!y
I n.teilull liltuieliiei', Wlli:-li -.V
ilull -n uuti l. i ,r lis;,
t lie aj '.tin, n,t j
!H i
.1 or. .
o' ii no.
perties ei
:.; J Ii 1!,,' iJ lli. i.'-o
vo' u-itiiie l-i.:
ii :.roiri-itic
. . v....... V . ,.. .
! LJ collie intoitinc: e -o'ii.-t wil:: '. ,- itn
l n
1 r
no i-'uuiiilio ,, W.lli'ii t loe! till.
.. i .? -4 is
." to ..!-r.ict H
H'i 1 1' 111-
tI..t- T.iUat LJ
tin- eloui.ieli, Wioeh would lend
truui llieir c -o.,,ive powers, l'
Ui tern-il ,i-i;.iiin no il. raitir the iliu-
"Si' .
tlv'oidiuc the ll.j
i- u
!i ii (.(. If ."jd nl
inl-r-i;d re.ileili,
infiVi-: ti:ft I
Lfc ptlttrVMilt nnl 'CKll'Z:re ltc t. .rf'Ht:1 ii ut t i villi : i i i
J mitt r? nintli:- ttn- -.irii i ll-.i'.t ii liui ln l.'.' y j
W !Z $ !
; Ua lent nun wil1 rnti.'ciy iclicve li-e C-iu .In r .
M t't r.i c
fl nrecnrttl inn Tew dnt
ri'.I We
HlUs ("!&:
to win. ii
!!'.! leeelline Uoiiol.lit, o tis'oll
we Invite iiioee 1..11 nt onr :
1 b-j their tlb'-ney in tiggrrtvauj ru-:, t ol I'.'itg sn
! f l'lIUT. TWDI'AI. LARS .Mn. l--hi.!.
Drni!- W 1
j e-l e,t,s- or w i:t ia.- s.-oi l.y m nl irp'-ii leec-i'i i-i'v.'. i
j , Io exorer s everj l ll. Ic. iv oli ail uiceLSjl)
tiui.M tr 111 tin- puvi,.al . rT,ce of
, rT0. SMITH & C0-, Solo Proprietors,
401 Ukuai wav, Bear Urootit St., Nttr Yoiii
CjirTreulise with Certified Tcitiuiouiali Sent
Agents. SiMHRV. Filling & Grant,
George Htiubt. I
" Nor.Ttir.MI KlU.AMlT K. IV MlCC'V.
March Li. Iiu2.-Jv
S U N ji Yli Y ACAD1! M Y.
T.t v. P. P.IZl'.R, A. M intending to con
line his pustomi b.buis to a sinulior d.cli.ct.'
has nnaoped to tuke charo t-f Mr. Wolver' I
ton's i.'IismcuI Scboul, on tbu lirat Mouda
iu Mutch .icit. j
Terms per qtirtor to rem-iln us n present v:r : :
Grammar, A rillitiielie, iiePe'rupliv, i.c. 1 ( 0
! t : . i. . I .. I t r , . ... I . . ... , I
ll if: hit i.nj;:.; n nniutni';, i) I O j
Laugojye?, latin, Greek, Geroion
nr. (I French, 7 CO
Mr. Wci.vsitTfts, tbe preset'. Principal l,s t
kindly consented to re'.di r assistance occa
.;ion,t'lv dniiiigthc first iiuui ter.
I-i?" I'atiunage is repectfu!!y eoliciteJ.
Sunhurv, Jannarv In. Is ;2.
It o! folk's Xaii(I?ii:i j
This j repsrui in, rna-.le from tbe bcM Java
j repsrui in, rna-.le
is 'eoinir.i-iol.d !
i-iiue, ; rroii-.iio-,.o.ii i-y tivbtiiitrs ss s .A 1. 1 l.l I nil t, ULLi!A(.l-; fori
IiE VEilAtiE
Gel i r il
Ilelintiy, Dystiei siii. and all billious
iluoiue re.
Ihoui-anda hn have on-n cornpeiicd
I-' nl'r iiiloti liie ii -c ol coffee will use this wuiiu!
injurious f"'.'eit. Gnr nn cjiiUiti the s'lenctii
ot two pouiiiln of ordinary coil'te. Price '.'.'i
EiOM.Otti'S i.v.y.uv
The puresl enl best UKIXG PoWDEH
tmowii, lor making light. st.:i and iiuuiuouh
L'.eao and cukes. Price !. eeiili.
-dsxtfAi ritisn hi
M. II. KOLI.OCK, CLcinidt,
Ccrusi bf L'road aud Cuestnoi tsireels,
Ai .! sulit ly ul. tlinhtli.i uii Crottri
Mnrch '.. 1 H ti -.
PK7LArEiririA&EEAI)IxVG R- jTtQ.
PAssiMiibi! 'J':;ai3 k(i I't'Trr-viixi;, Nt ii. w;r 1131 i:o.
MOltMVte. I.IM' t'A:t.Y.(un,t.ivi Lxe.i 'c.l )
CAl.l.ii'iVlllt.l.MUKhrS, I'll.l.Alil.l.AlilA irme-
enj.1-' eiitiam is i-u I ii'lle-nili au-t ou eiillow. iil slu-r I '
ale'1). . ol., coinitctlne at ljliijiir(.' wuil liie I'eu. . '
vnto.t K.i tr, Ll 4.IA i-. .M. .iuoi luouiiiK I i I'lllii'i-ii-! i
the :uill'. ell 1 1.. I alley I Ml t ,i., tl.iii, luoiiolj to l'1-i lo
b,-r:; I'.rliyle. A'-., anu ll.a oaiier:i .w.ilrui It. :. j
l,ilj P. AL, Iiiiii r'---rm n lo Sml.1.1 e, Ae. I
AI-" Tl:i:VMi I INI'S I
I -nveNtw T'l-tii I. IDKMMi li" IIKUID AI'nOA! 1
LeiWAil.L ft 11 LI.1S I till. Kill. I. I'll I A. (I ...... tir I
eillraiii e, oil 'I'lnrll eiilh .-I...I i'll'lo il li. ! ,oi .-l. ,'
I 111 Ml l ll.i.K 11. ! II AllKI-IU llli n'O.I5P M.,
l).ll-V. cooiu-eline n II iiiieo-:ie O i'h tin- V.r, belli Ce,.- , Kailioad I'll. .!ny, '111 oniipoi 1. (-'!:. u .V e. I
t.Apieii loiin toii.i New Yo'k , 1 l-.tiat-at. iiii;kit''tose !
e.iiinei'11 nl W.tti Jiiai-riy. tl.iii a-nl Aeeoluni iian.Mi iruii.K. '
(--rinertlnt at Lr. ii,nrt will tbe I'ciUit.. l.'MUia Itlittti'.
S. IS A M-. trio 1 luuiiii R Wirt. I
l or LMAtitiNU, only at 4 .J A. X., luwy, x-
prnTANrrs vu sriit adh enu ta ssiD-s aa..Laitii I
I'ri III 1'illl.l.lcll-llA. Miles. I
lu rhTiiiAiiai-,
IU iiplini,
Trevoit"u Juretioe,
Km.! .iry.
Mill m,
Jeiaey Mu.rt,
levk llafau,
Tn, ,
n- I Plitl drloMa end Ri adn t
HI f nud ladailtou ValU v li. U.
161 Ctutrsl
17 j fuuliary am Ei.a A. K.
liou I
U )
I' ll ) IViUianitp-et l"d Clu.irs
Stil l.amuaJ.
l-M ,
AT PtlRT e'LINTilN, (Huil.l.ivs eee(tl ) Wlln Ihe
KAIi.IidAU, inakmc okaia roiinec'lous ilh hues l
PEPOT IN I'lllLAtlH-.Pnl A.
Comer of B B 1 A I) A N P r A Ll .t W 1 1 1 l.L tti r aet 1,
W. H. MclLlli:.tNEV,'ret.ty.
rel.,narT9. t'SJ.
11 LANK Panhmcni Piej Deods arwl blank
A-'tMoitgagea, ika.Js, Eisa-uU.iia, Stujjiniiifwi,
s, f salt b IL B. lit AS Kit.
HA9 just re-eived s lane asftr'.rre t of FALL
dt V)NII-;it CUM'HING. n.mlo up f
all aizi-s, of the local materials and ill liie i'el
styles, such as
t. i ji-v' mm -i i:-1 ,rr, jai 4.rm
t 'r i's it i ;. ri tf
f rf TTV -T it-. A. m
, ' rno.M H JO te $U.
A goo,l slock uf CA8&IMEKE COATS.
A splettuid assortroerit t,t
A large eariet cf fltrsINESa CO A IV.
Aft et'flfent asaflttmrnt
A tarce supplv rf Mens' UnJers'ibts, (Ivks-
siiiils. White ci.iirl", I'ruAris and a taririy of
oilier ntticlcs lor in ens' wear ten t,uii( rutin to
lVn,ir. in n-awt f..(!.t., ? Ui,
than 0 t'UV fit lhl
hi-or, store.
("nil aid eiaoiinc fir vour.clvei tnd yrti will
f.ud it c hci'prr than can be purrbas. d cuewbertr
JuSKPH SI.' Agent.
Market Srert, rieirly o posilc Wtavoi's Hotel.
BunbUfy, Fee. 11, 18'.l.
- -7. XI -.'a. 4, i JSj m m
Io-'. PiMit;,,,i j,, H SeVJ Envi-lnpr s Priro 0 els
A l.F'l n:F. UY Lu I t.VEKWi:;.!,,
ON THE CAOE AND (.''"! I" of Spcr-.a-or-r!
; i .'iosiiiii.tiioi Venial and Pbvien b.-inii-iv
Nervousner', Upilepsv ( Impaired Nutiiiioii .f
loe; l.neMiiule j Wenkncss i.f the Linila
and tiiel'ti'k; o.-jtb-n, sr-J Ii c-ipi..:y lor
'.dv ti ll I.a'. or; lii.ib rea yf A piel.r arid! ;
I, 'f ol .Memory ; Avereion m Society t I. eve of
Solitut'e: 'iiiiiid:l ; t-eif Iiii-irnrt) Di.inr; ;
II end ulie ; .Mbiiiot.a ufthr Ems; Pimples rn
Hie Face; liivuiuutnrv F.n.i. .ior s. aid Sf-snal
Incapacity t the Co:tscqt.i' ol Youthful liidis
crc'.io;;. eie A-j.
I his nii.iiir.iVe Lerlare cleat Iv prv.-es that
'' lo'ovo etmiiicra'cu'. citrn sell ailiit led. en s
u,iv I e f.n.ovi d wi'uout nit.lii-ine and r'iihont
-l-'Mu' -ioin suigieiil i-peraiions. m d shonid be read
'V eiery yroiin mul ev.ry in the land.
ft:t uudvr seal, io any ndutess, in a pbiin.
si-.rv-l cnnlupe, on ih rfce'pt of a'u cent, orl-.vo
pus';ise siatu;-
I-7 B-wtry, New Voik, Peat Ollice Uon, 4.-.
I'utt 'c..tnol
fc II V I N" G ll A C II INKS
:;;:. t'fiKt'.it inir I'm jics ..
With IKimiieie, l'e.icis, 'i'iii inr, Cuideir, Ji.Ldei.i Aa
riacrs raou $io utwarhs
eh Vi-.-Iii
ntF ,-f tl'e eiira
. lei.r.ilfd 1JOI -
. n l.l It- r one ji;i-n:,ri ineir c
K l.'Ci STITCII .MALlIlM'ri.
ioi ij-.lie n;.;; r,.:np:oiy .but rn-itt '. til k lla. tliare.
the .oily L'i.e Clill t.iip')- u , tile of the pub-
("" Pijri'linrseri rroi lnt.e their -Ce r f ti'.'.zt 3n'.-h
With llnr jcil'ile;;!- of Xo'l i i r tr'U i .r tlo- , iier
A i-, w ') le-i'ri',u"le M-n.-'ni-.e r.n.s t'n-i n,,d c,-iioi, f.
Vikl Mtiii;ia 'i'.oioi , Mi..e tli.nici?, A c.
Jt the T"wl'ii':e of gift.
IV wv riii'. mr a
tilidvrit a H.KKP.'?. M r
. I'htsVui', 1'mi uie'; :,-.a.
H. D. Ma asm, Punbury, Agent f-r tbu Mauu
fartmer. LceeniU-r 11, t-a.I ty
at the
raihictiivtio Tailorir-j E;tablitLTicrt
J ACOBO. sx:ci-,
ri ,iiE subecri'a-r has ;ust received and or enej
a lii'i:.- oriiaenl KPfllNU AND bb'M
M Kit GCOI'S such ss
OF EVEP.V l-rs:.!;:rTIOX (.JVVLM V.
? andFasry Ca;5i."re:, Ve?tIui-3. ie.
of the laieat iiwe.i. L) sJd' to his stock, be
is constantly ierti!itg i.etv sli plici Iruin ;i:e cilv
g a lull assortment ul tlx rr.n'. HOi st.iiilittl
i ana latest .tvjd ! Good iu the titv tnsrkeU.
He is rrciuircd to r ae to or.ier all ktr.j. of
1 C-'rii'lcmcii'a and L'uv'j wear. a,,rh
lUiiiss l.'DATW. FKO'K-COATr. Iil'i?l-
j l.UON-S. Ac Ac.
j of the very latest s'j !e. and in the mast subalau-
ti il manner, ut si. art notice,
j :,y Go. U not or. hs'id, will he ft,-' vl.Sil
fnin- rhib-.-l.-lj.'.ia, by giGnj ti day's nua-u.
Cti' ChII and t' uiy slock, i.j cbariiea
a.le lor
jAcon o. eeck.
Siiiu'.'Ury, May It, lKtil.
E:;tiicly YcpetiHe. lio Alcuholic Prepa
- - 'tJ
I. hUK ATI'. I
1' report 1 h,j
nil. J.f KOX hi l , PnUnd VUlo, i'rliu'a.
Will tio'ttuully rnre Liter Cion; ! jiol, I ij cp.
eia, Jaundide, Chroiae cr Ntrveu Det-ilitj,
l i.-t ae 1 1 llic lCi.bu ys, and u 11 tltsi-uees aruirg
fioui a di--orde re.l Ltvir er r-tnui.ieh.
hji-bni, ri iml-oalioii, lnwii.l I tniia 'T PI .li
l';e liin-l, Ai'i,!'! 1 I tile St-ioai-h. "wuu-ri, iie.rn.u-'.-i,
1 I UK- 1
n-fiii t..i e o-tl. I-11l.1-.-es or v.eiltt 1:1 Hi.-
.1 t.Mjetrilioio, !r
Molli.-ivll. M l.::'r..i
U.f-nl : b .iilleli
1111.11. U . 1 I'
. i" me 11
J-n I 1 e
liioio I anil t! i' -i -j t
I'liok'liJ I cut; CI iU4
llo- Ii,
ie,.&..,ll;.S w 11-11 I'l M
lii ill i l w-'ii w i.-ie ll
Itinu, Llil.o.eiii y ot 1
Ijiiij; j" el tie, l-i V . I',
u "-.,.1,1, Kreei uil i'ull ruin in tt a
rniiri,l,..i, ti! .vv..tei, ol llic .-,.'11
i,le. It .i k. e'i:..-r, 1 ol,l s, Ae . e-i'iU
u-.U I- i, rn::i 10 li,e
t-.i 1- ol IH.,1. -i:-:oi g 111 tile - le.n. I DMl'lo 1:1 1.-
en.i-'js-it evil ini.1 tlu-i-i I'- j.-.-ii ii ,f ",; i-i-l ii U
j.oin.iel' nrevci.1 ttl.L'jn 1 LVUll, IIILIOLS '
VI 't,Ae.
I lie rropriet -r tn ni'lbit? the ulteiili-m of lie (iul'!iftii
tbu I'll- nrt.liiai, O.f Wi'li u le in i-t" Il.e uni el f"'l-bili-.i.-e
in ill Viitait an.!'lulKu lo lo tellicwa I
W.u.-liil is iei--iniriei.di-d.
it ,s no ti. v h i.! liimii d ari'r le. bnt cr.c tl'St lies tfv d
ihr 'il ot ii lw-ive e.,rs' tinn b.:f ire t'o: ti.eiim:i jot
ole. un.l n rii uo n -ii ruiii anle ure unnv:ti;i ' 1 y unj . u.oar
,ri- nr-.t mrsuiir. 'I' e let: iiliony in i-s ft. tot iliulf
Hie llll'"l J T -Ii llieilt S- 'I IVell-kliJM U rliy,u-:ai.s niol l.l'U-til-'..
lfelii rt'l ia;raoi 1'ie codilu 1111111111.-1181-, u"il a rule.
1.0 per'-.:: .3 "I" it e Aln iiuae. j'Ul,, fcie ailutiiiliy by ll-i erw
loielor,, ii:.i! 1 . 1-e iiu.l ijri.lie 01 .. ny r,f 1 l,e.r Alii LIS. 1 :il'.
n t tm t.itnl.-ile ni- it l:,.;.tj-:il lint '.'ii, rt-tnidi is rta-y
deteivii.sluef'ei.l .-elel-io; it I at ideal -ed
it r riii' :viHKXt'B.
Prura J. N'twi r bn-w ", I). I) , iilil- r ot the K.ievi'ni
doiot Itt-tii'iiii-i Kuowlri!(e.
Altln-ayii 11 l dih,on-it t' iu,,r or Tcc miaeid Paia-t
MeOieuie In f eneml,,igh di.uul ui Ibcti ingri!,.'t
and rlfects, I ) et l.iiiwii 11 w iilTi--t reftb 'i, 11 Iiy a ten
u.ay not !. tii,"v to li.i- la-nefu be li!ov,s Jiio-eil" t ' '"V
rujci veil i'r in, 1: v s-n.'e ji:i-i'urii,ou. m ihe iii?e lUsi
niiytlnii eiiiiliibutetothe beottltiil'oibcrs
1 do tint ihe uioie leadilv iu nciid to T.-flsm',i e"'
man Ki,ttis," neime,i hvlu. C. M. Jm Vs. n.ol t' ' '.'
lieeilHKl-1 it'll pfeii.cicvil avrOHM Itl.ltl ir )ta.
imp1 i' 'imii iney line eru. ut an u.i- " 'i.c " -.
m liiiieb-fd lou.y f iend KolieitMoieii Dil. KH-,
reiooval o( tb't riej n'iee Iv ttoner toft, snd ! 1
aeeme:ii,o i; i n.tiin. ,eu m i nn, 01 oi e-eai ., .
eoaiiiiu'il dtlfl'i'.y. I'll, u 01 Huee Ktirs 'V'' j
U-IS, It hi t.eeniv.uig i lt,e rr.Kut 5wl. i,vVJ
hy leliet". ami re.rr r:,u to teen
meiiial vi.w wKieh I losi a ,t itnf.t. ""'f,''
s-nl bad n J, traurtd U r-vi'-uuf-
C-ed to! "y t.le,.d tor.'irenli. ne 1 !'-'"'"..'
f 1. !' , He. tw.twts. 7 ,rrT'1, m
AlfM m. vm - If
, e faoul e" r'i.