Mh CIIARI.ES r. SMITH'S tll.lUOK .orrpf fiondrnt of Hie New Yotk Herald ties ono tf the moit exciting scenes of ittle of Fort Donelion, as follows : r.ctal Grant left hie hs.4qosrterS on Hie to visit Connnodora Forite (the sscood nt half past four o'clock, on Saturday ine. leaTtnjr. orders with 0pt. Uawlirifts Lliltjer to rida Immediately to Smith's, ace's end McUlernand's brigades and ids them not to maka aoy advance the rebel works until he should returo the fleet to make tio movement of any unless attacked. ItawliogS carried the to General Smith who commanded oo xtreme left, and lliliysr started to coo l to Wallace in the centre, aod McUleT- oo tho right., Ue delivered It to VVal but when he reached McClvroand be I tbat Brigade had been attacked by a ior force, and partially compelled to Tall Ilillyer saw what was going oo, ond diately ordered Wallnce to send a part i brigade to reinforce McClernand, which was complied wilb. Four regiments bed at double quick to the rescue, leroantl, with almost eupereumao exer rallied his forces, which charged bayonets eRained their old position on the right, seven hours of the moot severe fighting is day. While this fight was raging, ain llilljcr started off to Gnd General t, who had not been on tho field since ,ast lour o'clock in the morning it was near noon. Ilillyer met tho Geoeral is b'k from tho inns ports, ond com cited to hitn the fact that McClernaod iceu atttaeked and compelled to fall back hvi rallied ond regained his position, (iiant immediately rode upon tho -it being then half past on o'clock here learued the status of the army. A of ten to twelve thousand of the enemy int through his right flank and escaped, was the attack upon McClernand. A firo was being kept np upon our left, itotre from heuvy siege and fi lu ai tillory, mr foices were being fust tlrCiminntod. rt-tiinia io this posiliou would surely t our ruin, to fall back out of range of neiny's guns would demoralize the army in alternative wns left but to hnzz.ird Ibiug upon a united charge upon tho 3 euemy's works. Though officers cla d and men were impatient to make tho e, still the (ieneral beitated, and it was uut.l half past two that tho order to ill the works was given. Then Captain er rode dowo to (ieneral Smith to ccm. eate the order, when tho old Generals e gleamed with a ue light. Said Copt. cr :' Geuernl Smith, General (.runt s you to assault and tako tho enemy's . in your front, at all hizzards." letter lake than never," said Smith ; "but o"oit: Tell Geuerul Grant I'll do it I" , turnirg to his men, ho said : ' Soldiers, re ordered to take those works by assault, vou ready V o, aye, sir, ready! IT orrali." And a t c-ime lr in that pl.aliinx or trva neu as comes only from pitriots upon great ! bo sinns. LiaJj I CiJSO ranks ! Cbarce bayonets ! rani! Itiiuble quick! March:'' And. b they did in cloeo order, the advancing lila looking more like a blue porcupine, its cuills turned f.irwurrl, than auetir I I can compare it to, right up to tbe rebel ! penmur?. ra., one njnireu alalia cacii ; i.. - Though the enemy kept up no iuctS- Miriiz.r, I'liiladeluhia. Pa , one bundled al l 13 tire fron howitzer field piece and I each ; V. XV. C. Moths, Philadclpliia. one hun ;et of Eho't and sheik solid shot and dr.d al f I t:J 61) each ; J. H. (.-oshall, 1'hil.idcl. ' coji.wuu rti ii . ..1.: I i.i J. , , ., I. . lr at :!l tint brigade marcbed on, nothing I I it to tha enemy s ourtnworKs, wnicn ied. r.vor it went, right into the midst of ; butternut colored devils who bad so ; g. -ly wMromed them iusido tho ; s " V,'l,,!n tbe blue coals appeared it.side ! work", the old veteran. Charles F. h, at. their henJ, brandishing bis sword,; looking for ull the world like a dozen nents of regulars boiled down and quint iced into one man, lift rebels took to ; heels and left to the next line of co- j hiii'iits ns thouch the devil or 60tne ; 'rtlTtexnXFoZ US' I y t.rtfr then) os thoy retrenteii, men t'.'d tho Stars and Stripes tip'.'ii the vfalls, three timrs three, cheers when it swelled ii Ureize, and settled down for further rs. vs v.-j9 the t'irninir point, cf the Tgl.'. n it H discovered that tho national ;o had hern planted within, the rnfniy's nlittients. tjinlains Ilillyer and Itwl. rode altinc tho lines, and, vvuviug tl.eirj .If, announced it to tha despondent j p? of Mof'iernand's and Wallace's divi , v.1.0 g.iiiBl new couraga and rallied i ,e assault opon the r ii; lit. Then a charue i all aloni; tha enemy's front. Ua ! force! bicli to his earthworks, leaving i open Chl to our troops, aod securing to i eii-y victriry on the morrow. j l.M'I DKNTS. I ! rrarrefprndetit of the Circinnsti 7'.me s the foiioswtig iucidenla not heretofore ! lished : Im re'iel percrals cap'.tired. Simon II td i- i u lttier aod ilu'lirod K. .lohnsfin, werei ; i'l: r ill hunior al tirtt, hut they have now I ,u i. i;.- coinplaCe.Dtiid resigned to their : Uufkuer savsiho Federalists are u!l ' in (fleet. b"Causn they ute ng Ilia ntiti slavery party, which is thu cj'if? 'f thu "aV. He could ' esiMued it!i I'illow and Fioyd, he 0?, roll tin ag tuo nn'itirauiu iu ua au. 1..1 u,.-..-.i4 1.,- I.l.n ii,l hit ati llieu ii. 'U f-.euu .no, "-. i IveJ in tha hour cf adveieity and defeat, ' to i-,iiii!on them ciinrul, snme two innntns 81,1 i ivtiitig tjrecu declared be did nut turn many Yankees attacked him; that the th bad always whipped them, and always J iar.y cf the Socof sionists condemn Jubu ILfck'nrMge in uuuieajured terms, and j lure lmn ha uiobt unprincipled puliticiau , !, country. j be rebsls say their immense loss cf arms i cio mure, to cnppla ttiutr cause than hteUe : that t ho Ciitifuderacy has reached ;s;s that but "Divine 1'rovid.uco" j . is odd loohserve how orthodox in spetch ! enemies are, aud Ibe energy of despera- i icuaveri lue" of the Fedoral priv.tes-bnro in Ten- I ree-deserled at 1' urt lleory, and crriud DuunUon full itilortnstino of nor forces, n the names of reciments aod tbeir Com. ot regiments and tbeir com. I .ns and desiiios, of which he ; la. fclirewdueas, coutrived to ! idors, our pi , with rinnl net. a bill, self. I any ot tha enemy, Secession rffieeis rm ma, fnureJ their throats would he cot ition as they surron.lered. A very few of in may have thought so ; hut with even r limited decree of icttrliipenre, th Juility of any tiaiuber could cot have beau ilaruiiogly great. I any of our oliiccrs have aj;ecovered, in .-lecesjicn captives, old inc oil aod school, ipanions io years goua by. A Federal ittnaut has fonud his brother in the Cap i of a Tennt-ssee company, who bas mi l to Nashville for many years, and married lississippi widow. Truly tbij is io more u ono sense a fraternal strife ! ,'ISIT TO Till: BATTLE-HELP. Fort J)onki.sqk, Teoo , Feb. 17. ' was iuvited on Kunday rooruinp, by (Jen. iCiernsn j lo take a rida over the battle. J. U would be ditlicult to describe io a words the scenes wbicil bava wet my w. Tbe battle ground was chiefly cuulioed the spied outside the rebel fortifications, Miiiwif op Ihe river bauli a dislaoca nf two .e-i, to the point where General McC'ler itis forces rallied from tha retirement .'cli they were at Drsl forced Into by the netu-jus charpe of the enemy. It most be pembred that it was bete tbst tbe grand tio w is made by tba rebels ap tho riv.r k wiiii the intri.tiott of turning cor rinbt j,' end fuitins tbeir wsj out. Horn Uo or twain thousand men composed lbs force sent out for this purpose. '1'bey advanced onder cover of a deadly fire of artillery, and steadily cirovo General McClernand'! force before tlistn a distance of fifty or sixty rods. Our troops hrre rnnrln a Stood, so J having beeo re iuforced by ona or two regiments, begao tlie assault, before which the euerny were forced to retreat. The ground was contested wilb desperation, and tho slaughter on botb sides was immense. The whole space of two miles was strewed with dead, who lay in every imaginable shape aod form. Federals and rebels were promiscuously mingled, sometimes grappled io the fierce deatb-tbroe, sometimes lacing each olber as they gave and received the fatal shot or thrust, sometimes lying across oos another and again heaped in piles which lay sin or seven deep. 1 could imagine nothing mora terrible than the silent indications of agony that marked the features of the pale corpses which lay at every step. Though dead and riged in every muscle, they still writhed and seemed to turn to catch tbe passing brorio for a cooling breath. Staring eyes, gasping mouths, clenched hands and strangely con tracted limbs, seemingly drawn iuto tbe smallest compass, as if by a mighty effort to rend asunder some irre.-istuble bond which held tbem down to the torture of wbicb they died. Doe sat against a tree, ond, with mi) u 111 r.ri'1 eyes wide open, looked up into the sky as if to catch a glimpse al its Hoeting j spirit. Another clutched the branch of uo overhanging tree, end bung half suspended, as in the death pang he raised himself partly from the ground. The other bund grasped his faithful musket, and the compression of the nmutU told of the determination wfcich would liuve linen fat ul to a foe had life ebbml a iniiiute later. A third clung with both bands to a bayonet which was buried in the gronuti, io tbe act of striking for tbe heart of n rebel foe. Great numburs lay io heaps, just as tbe fire of thtt artillery mowed tru-m tluwn mangling their forms into an almost undistingoish iblo mass. Many of our men bud evidently fallen victims to the rebel sharpshooters, for they were pierced thrnagh the bead by nflo bullets, some iu the forehead, some in the eyes, others io the bridge of the nose, in tin cheeks nnd in tho mouth. This circumstance verified a statement made to me by a rebel ollicer among the prisoners, th:t their men were trained to shoot low and aim Tor tho face, while ours, as a general thing, fired at random, und shot over their heads. The enemy, in their retreat, carried n!T their wounded nnd a great many of their dtaj so tli,it nurs far outniiiulivrs theirs in the (jel.J. The scene of action bad been mostly in the woods, nl though there were two open pi ices of on acre or two where the fight bad raued fnriousiv. and tho cround was covered with dead. All the way up to their I omnia the same scene of deall) wus presented. s 'l,ur., un.o t n mil.... nf jrl ,ln I link v I mingled with fire arms, artillery, dead liorerB and the paraphernalia of thu buttle licid. It was a scene never to he forgotten uovcr to discribtd. Jlonsr CovmrTa The following vrero amoni; the aucceas'tit liius for funiinhitig hore to the t.iovcrnmetit. 'i'hey were nncnrd on rsiitnr dav s John II. Hoernor, Hoilioo Stirinus, Pa , o;,e uunnreu in iou earn; n. n. rwaru, cuiip- iiii i. m.i iiiuiuiniiii'fil Ii ruvii ai.uivn tiuu , l liiiaJi liihia, one hundred at S 1 15 each. Calais. The Schuv!l,iil Navigation will La opened busines on the lh int. The I.eliigh Ne.icatio:i, t-,e lVdaware Division, llic Mortis, nnd t!. Uitan nte und HniiUiu ('auula V. ill proha" 1'ly oj.en ulijul tlae l.rth iust. liew Adveitiicmeiits. 1T-KS0NS WANTING A CHAKGZ of CLISIATE FOR HEALTH ETC AHVI'.nTISLMEXT OF VINELAND FAHMS. Ira T. Clemwnt, vs. Wiiliom TI assor. John Mas sor, lleory H. Maser, I'o Tn the Court of i Common Picas i of Noitliiiinber- tor M. Maseer, .loseph J. land county. Alhrikht, .It rcniiuh fc'hindel I April Terni, and hlizaheth his wile, and I lSC'Z. I'tatcis Hucher and Mary his wife. Sfriliumhtriaml (.'junf!, t. The C'linniotiweaU'o ol reiinsjlvania, to the .Sheriff of said county, UitEr.iiMi : IF Ira T. Clement. nmUe jou secure of r.r. jr. t ir .y liiaetaiin fher t?p rmr.mnnt tun I liuit T0U h"Uiiitiioo. hy pood nnd lawful s-un- I motiers, Wiilutn Masser, John Master, lien- J ry H. Masser, 1 cter li. Mnsser, Joseph J. Alhriiiht; .lorcmiuh Shindcl nnd I'.lizalnth bis wile, end Francis Mucher and Mury his wife, late of your county, so that they be and appear, before our Judges at aunbury at our appear, .elore on ".u.r,, ' lo:lr,.f:' I Common 1 there to tie held the firet Monday of April next, to thov wherefore u herens, they the sniu Ira 1. Clement aud the aforesaid William Mossnr, John .Masser, lleory 15. Masser, Fcler I! Master. Joseph. J Albricht. Jeremiah Shin. del and Klizubeth his wile, nnd Francis Lu . a at . .r. .... I, . ,1 . 1-. t. u, ? uu on", uo li.'i'i ., n. . i.i.ui.. j' ... b.w. u. Lr.nd. situate in thu towni-lnp ol I out. r or tliiiinheriaiid rtiuoty, Ftmifiylvur.ia, contuitr inp twrntyfive acres, more r.r le.-s. with the appurtenances j beinp apart of a larger tract t.t lai.rl Etirvt-yed upon a warrant Rrauled to John Brady, bnundeu on the north hy a trart cf land tuivejed in the name, ul I.tidwiu (Jar-., on tbe east by another divided part or tbe said trad surveyed in the name ot John Ii ra lly, now owned by Win L iJewart, rn the 60'ith hv land surveyed iu tho name of Sam' """. um, u". . "uluc' H' ? 0 """fJ ,racl- D0W 0r0 0-v, U u' (-Uti erun and other, ; upon o portioo of the burfuce of whirl, saiu taenly five acres of laud, certain town Iota ar.d parts of town lots, adjotuitig the town tT Shaim-kiu, Nortbuoi; jrUtiil county, and inatkvd ond designated ln iba udditiou to the Gvueral 1 Ian of suid l0"" 01 onaiiiohiii, ue uteu iuhi uui, num lertA c(1 designated as follows, v.z : "Lets , s- M. "!'. WW. Ul'l. 21.2. Mi. 301, llii'J. oD3, lld-i aud yt:5 and parts of lots 1 4, " snainoliin, nave necn lam oui, num lc:t, 1C2, 205, HOC, 207 and U00 j" tbe said .lainiil1',Jra T Clement, owning one uadivi. (led eighth part ol' Ihe said laud and tbe said defendants owning the other undivided seven eighth thereof, viz : the suid William Masser tbe one undivided eighth j Jrlni Maeser, the one uodivided eighth ; lleory li. Masser, the on undivided eighth ; Peter U Masser, the one undivided eighth; Joseph J Albright tba one undivided eighth ; Jeremiah Khindel and Klizabeth bis wift, in riphl of said Klizabeth, one undivided eighth; Francis ISucher and Mary bis wife, in right of said Mary, tha re' maining one uodivided eighth part thereof; tbey tbe said defendants, partition whereof hetween tbem to be mane, according to the laws of this commonwealth io such cose made and provided, do gainsay, and tho same to bt done, do out permit unjustly and against tba same, Uws and customs io snch case made aud provided, Ac. Aod have yoo theo and tbere tbe Dames of those suniniooers aod this writ. Witness the Honorable A. JoRt.K, Presi dent of the said Court, tbe 2CilU day of Feb: roary, A. 1. 18C2. DANIEL C12CKLFA. TrotVy. I certify tbst the shove is a troa copy of tbe original writ. (ahd that all parties, iuler ested will . teste Inks notice. DAVID W A I. D RO N SberirT. Sheriff's OITloe. -SmJaury. Werch 1.1, lr-;J Until, RrMokea, Ao. -Mire. Mnlea, and Aula. -Hrd llilRl. Motbain Fara, rtnthea, kf. -MnaqiitlnM and Plena. -Inaecta on I'latita unci Fowls, -hiRi'cttnn Anirrmla, Ac Kvfiy form audapecitauf Vnrmin 'lj.A-.tUMmm TUU "ONLY IXFA1.I.IUI.F. HKMKDIDS ItNOWN." Drttroj-1 Inntanlly KVEHV FORM AND 6PKCIE3 OF ttr 213 las: b: Tr m Tliuta l'rrpirnliuiit (unlike ill nlnrri) ere I "fret fn .tn t'onnm " "N"l diingcrous totltc tfuman FmUy.H 'lt:it tin n it die mi tlie pri'imseli." ''T.iey C' nie out iif ilit-ii hnlrs In die " ' Tli'.-y are I !u only nifullilile reinediea known ' 1-2 y-ura nml mine eni:ililiiilivd in New York Citv t ,d by the City Pint J:Tice. I'siil i,y the City Primu. and itation Houatt. Usi-d by the City Sunmeia, Shipa, Av". l ard hy the City iluaiiltils, Alnir-lloiiaea. Scf. I a dl.y the City H.;tela Aalni' '81 Michul.f,' Ac. I t st-J l,j-the Hiiriling Uoiirea, Ac. I sod hy more llun Su.ihiO IVivute Familii. t?" i-iie or tvnS;ieciiiiirtia nf wli:t ia Kverjrwhere and lay liie I'euple Kdit'.Ma Peultrra, Ao. UOlXI'KKF.PKRStriiul.led with vermin need he i no loni;. r, 'it hey Use "CnituiV Kxtcrillinntnra We liuve UM'd it to out aiiliafuctinu, and if a lnx cnai n5 we would l"iveit W Ind tried ioi'iia. hul lliev tllecti d lii'thuig ; luil' Ci'al ii a" nrlie knocka the breath nut of Hii's, .Mue, fioui'hi'4, und f'ed-liiiua. ouicker li.un iw c:ni wrili- it. 11 is Hi ureal dcinuuu ad uver thttCouiiO.' ! 'WLJ,"" f-l "". M"HI'. fiUM.N unit prr.viai.ina nrp ninnn!l MOn it Cnuiilv hy veruim. luaii w ijl.( nav t'.ir t ni oi' thiaUulund Inbecl KilL-i. Lnueualcr ( ia ) Ueraid. Ilaxkv tt. rolu U'e a-e aellina; your preporn'iona ruiii'Uv Wherever they hnee heeii uieJ, ltata, Alice. ' .ml Vermin duuipjieiir nnudly. F r ttoachca urn i-ciim A Siouitn, Uruggiati, U inJaor. "Id. ' ' CostarV Eat, Eoach. &c , rxterrrJnator. "Costar's" "Costar's" Bed bug Exterminator. "Costar's" "Co3tar'g" Electric Powder for Insects. &c In ajc atJtt.t tl"ea, I) itlleiand Fkoka. tti and S3 sue I for ji'uuutiniis, trio;", Uuts, Uiittlea, e , Ac. j CAU I'l' l.N ! ! ! Tj prevont the public from he i ing iiMenil n, on by Sitiri his and Highly i'er nil imia linitalintia. a new label has hern preiurt j tearins a facsin.ile of lite Proprietor's Mgnnture. Ii I a-ii iri" en.h Int. bottle, or Puk rarrfnllv befoie ptichaaing, and take nothing LufCOS 1'Ali rSDLD Kscry where ly Ail Wiio'taale Drugpiata iii laxga cities, botne of the WHOLESALE AfiF.NTS IN NEW YOKK CITY. Sl'ielTflni lirntlieia ft C lllirrul, rti.l.-v .V Koehen. ! Haih liiifj R. l iiia'.n. It A rainmtncS, Ileltdt Co. A H ft I) r:imla tV WI, frier ft llarr, j Jioiiaa S Ayi.inw.ii!, I Morca.i anil 1 Urn M Want, CI- se A t ... t. u.a.i .1. . 11 ii. ....I t r ? A" I Hul, Unci.. I ft Oi tjizri.r. .M irtiift (inraner. e .,... t'.,ii... ! Mali. II I -H'ikJ Ci.', ruo.-vn I t. mrau f ux. anj ollicts. rini,Aii:i.r'tii i, p4. T w nT-ittini i c. I H"ljertSlei.nnlter ami Co I Flenuii, KleliairJa ae.d Co, ai.4 u'.t.rra. ii A I'ahnal.K'k anj Co, and by Drttfjeiata. Grneeri, StoreVecpera and Iietailers generally in all Cnuntiy Tuwna and Yiilages In the CJITITEID STATES. AT SUNBURY. PA. hold nr rRnra t grant, And by the Druggiats, Storekeepers and Retailers generally. ' ' Countiy Pesters can order as above. Or address ordera direct or if fries, Terms, Ac., ia deaired, Send for IbbUJ Circulai, giving rr.lucid I'rices la HENRY R. C08TAR. I' i'ipal Depot -No. (It Uroadway (Oppo i'e lte M. Mcliolaa UoU-l, New loth. r.h I, lef--4w T.i Valrry To Dmliuv l'n llrairny T.i Dtntniy To Dmiruy i Tn ll.atruv Tii IVatriiy To btilio) TIIB TBBA0URY NOTB. Al.ITTt.R 1H)0K. de.if(tiing to aid Jn DISARMING TliBASOiV, and restoring repose to THE NATION! -To provide homes of comfort, and open fields of enterprise for RETURNING V0I.UNTEKR8! flT This litllle vrotk should be in tha bands of every reader. I'rice of the Hook one copy, Ten Cents ; 15 ropiea, $,00; hO copies. $3.25; 100 copio, 6.00. Address all orders accompanied with tho cash to JONES WEHSTKR. No. BO North Fifth St., (box 2070.) Phila. N. I). Agsnta wanted to sell this Book in every town, county and Stnte. March I, ISfiS. 3t. Kollock'g l)atidtiioii ' cfiee Thia preparation, made from tho best Juva Coffee, it recommended by as a superior NUTRITIOUS UEVERACiE for Oenctnl Debility, Dyspepsia, and all ti'lioua disorders. Thousanda who have been compelled to abandon the use of colice w ill use Ibis without injurjoua cirecla. One c:in contains the ! ol two pounds of ordinary cullie. Price 25 cents. nOLLOf fiVS l..V4I. The purest and best BKt."G I'OWDER known, fnr making light, sweet nnd nutiitiuus Ureadand cakes. Price IA cents. MAXUFACTlnStl nv M. n. KOLLOCK. Chemist, Comer of Droad and Chestnut Streets, rint.APKi.riiM, And aatit by ail Druggists and Gracera. March I, l0i. SHERIFF'S SALES. I'lV Virtuo F.itionsa, of Sundry writs of Venditioni issued out of the Court nf Com mon Pleas of Norlhuml'e.rlnnd County. Pa., inn directed, will be exposed to puMic s-ile, et the , Court House in Ibe . l.nrnoeh of .b'.mburv. on I Tucsilay tho 1 1th day of Mardi. A. U. 1H62. et ; i ' o'clock, I. M., tho following described real : j estate, to wit : j All that certain tract of hind, i-i'uate in t.'prcr ' I Miil anny townsliiu, Nuriiiuiiibeihiiiil coiiiity, I'a , a.,j lining land of Daniel (r.i't, Miboiinn Diliik'.;- berm'r nnd others on tbe oust. .lohn llnyrr noJ , Nathan ll i isoli (lie Mouih, John Di. Ill on the ' west, nnd Daniel Ifonerler and olhc.-s in, the J liorlh, containing two hundred and twet.iv seveii j acrea, Inore or less, about one hundred and fifty : acres w hereof arc cleared. Whereod are cr. eie;( a largo two s'otv stone 1 InelliiiE, iluosc, Il.iiik li.irn, Wiikoii Iloufc. rinp, bouso and otbrr i outt uil Jiiigj, Ac. SceJ taken io elocution and i to be sold as the projiriiy cf Henry liuus. j ALSO: At the same time and place, a retttin trart or j piei'e of tend. Mtiidle in Jordan townah'p, A'l.r , thuniherlaitd couiilj', l'a , bounded and i!cciibi-l aalllows: on the vou'li by SSamucI Yercrr, on tho eust by I'e'ei Kuhel, on the hy Martin lions, and on tbe North by farm of Jones' heirs.: : cnntaiiiini; seventy lire acres nunc or less; oi. ' wbti'h are erecteil a t'Autturv I.oj; Jiotsc, at anie and l.nj Karri. c. ' Scizc'l, taken in t jeci,iiiir), and to be fold aa ' the wi erty of Ilrury M.ivi tiat. in. DAtlL) WAI.URON, l;h U. Sherifi a Ollice. S jubury, Feb. it, JSC2. PHI L ABELFII I A & EEAB1KG R. SCO' P.lSl;NtiKIt TltAIN! FOR 1'tJT TSVI IXK, f; IMi AM) llAliliiMil UO MotMMi, LINK DAILY, fnaiiava Kcii -' ) CAI.l.tiWIIll.Lsnil.l-.IS. )' I.MII A ru-'- euce: entiatic-ts on I liilU-Cillll Hinl o.i l i.l' w.r.'.l .-'....r,. ) hi A M ., eoneeetnip nl II iriikimr v.iilill.i. l'.-i'....l-vnnia ItailriM't .1.15 I. M. tnnii rti.iiei. t.i I'.ll-!. ; ll:e Cuinlerl unl V.nley l..',u P. M., tlnin rune'iln to Cli.iu.-I.t-rf ; l .nlivl... A-,.., iind lla. Sorltlertl L jiill-i ilL.ri ...I I, 'Jo 1. .M., llaiu laiinoitr to Snn'.ury, e. Al' TF.KNOHN I ISK-i Leave New Dee..t. llllll:!l HI-' lilii 1 1 1) A Ft r M .. I I.UWAII.I. ! I'll El. I', rnil.Milll.l'lll . (tuMtiujer i Mltr.lll''es "I. 'I'lltlleelilll alul CiiiJ. 'Wlnlt Hif. F ) I I'm I'DI 'I'SVII.I.!'. nml II A H ItlMIL I!'., ,i;; l At., ( l)AII.V.ciiineetiiir at llairibi'Hr Willi tne :n, m i;..,,. itinl itnlll' Hil for hliuiy. i t.t . f ... .i r , r.ii.i.. e. tuple's Iruin from New Yiuk via Knst. n. m.'ikia ! . C'liiiieclion Willi Uia-lintt Mm! aie! Aec.-ii,tn -ilaiioa ir iii'F, j t nnretl.'iR nt llan i.i nrp Willi ll.i I'niio . :v.-uia Lcnlru. a.l.1) A. M', tram iuiiiomk V.i.t l-or IthAUiMi, oni) i.t 4 oil A. M , 'iilnva cij.teJ.) ai ara sera tn rniLArxi.rniA asp r.irAfc;Nj rArt.novii. Kri in PNilailrlpliia .Mil To IMi.l'M-xv liie., KiuilinV, l.ei,:iii"ti, lliiriialnirg, I.imi; loe, Miiieislim, 'rri-vorti'ii Jurction, S'Uil ure. Noi.iiuinle rim, l.-'W Hilary, Miilou, Mmiey, Vi!.i.'on'.'rt, Jcincv .--tiore, I. .. k'll'.ven. rta:ion, Tr-.v. liliana. V- 1 5r ; riiil :,!.'lnl.. a. Mi anj l.c!.auo,i V I li. mini" ;:. i.. HI) 121 i l3 Ml) lit N itl'uMii "-iitril liaiilOU'l. lt'7 j Suniiiuy anj Krie R It. von VII) I Vltl lie? J W Uiiatmii "Tt l'."i l.i. l;a:i..vl. The S A. M Rn'!tlM M. triinaOOXVI-lrT DAILY AT I'Cli r I'l.lM'. ", (Sutntnvs rm f.le'1 Willi i.,- , . i . .'o i. ,-u l. nit. KAll.litlAU, ll'iKl'iJ i-l 'Hu e"Mlii-e:i,ina u.lli lim-i NIAO.Mt. r.M.l., CANADA, Hie WIT, AXU 1 eol'lllWlisl-. DKI'OTIX I'llll.ATini.rillX. naroi Uliii.MiAM. C M.l.i i WII i I.I. c n. 11. -MelLlil'iXXKV.SiMreMiy. 7 SJ, I -62. rel.iun NATXON A COAL 0 I L ! WiatKiXTivlf JSOX EXlLMVS:. anit r.ual to any KliROSKNK. Win euy rxp'oMi-e Oil, win n a eenta inoientr g ill-'ii win l-jiiiiaU you wild a ncrfcctOii I Made only by I'A. SALT MAX I' FACTL'ltl X (J Cu M f A N V , No. tin Walnut Street. Piniaji ii li.a ,1'ffi. ly Fetirnnry I, fi AI'ONIFIER 1 SAPONIFIER 1 ! Tin; family huap .m Ai;i: i; All Kitelirniireaae can be made into Soap, uiiiig ap.iinfjer J Pireetiona Arcompnnyiag Eneh Tox ! SO A P ia na rnailv tnmlc tvitli it. aa intkliitc u cup of rtf. fee. iltnnufiielnii'il oolv by tlie Patent. -ea. PA. SALT M A N I : F A CT I : !t I N (i OOMPaXV. X.i. laT Walnut tin eet, I'luluilulphia. reliriiaiyJS, ,J4i ly liatutc ul C'lirlsllaii h. ICi'ui'i,!i iV2. KOTICE IS hereby piven that li tters of adtnhiiMrniion upon the estate of Chrsatian H, Urown, late of the li.ironfili of N'oithuiubcrland, deceused, buve I t en grantcil to the suliacrilier. All persons hiivin clninis acaiiot the s.iiil ctuto aie reij'ieteil to t :r.l,e kn.iuu the same without delay; and persona knowing themtchva I mJcbtrU arc rt'tjuerlfal to make payinent. MATILDA bUOH'.N Adm'lrix. Korthnmheilarid, Jan. Utiih, I NO J Ot I Autlil)i?s .lice. i 711117'r.ii. lnil. tidvTiifv l.p,'ii n ion. int a. 1 liv T! ' i 1 v tf.e iouil nl l uiiimon rji ta ul ortiinmtief 111,1 County, an audit .r lo ttitriliutc the innliiea in the hand cf Juhn A. hnvJir, afineo of binien Snyder, to and among thoe cnlii'eil. ttiit i tlcni) for that iurioaa in Ilia nilire, in tbe t itouli nl tSunlniry, on Mnutlay, Ilia 1 7 1 h day i f a! ur i ll pro., between the hours of 10 o rl irk A..M. and 4 o'clock I'. M. Thoe intere.teij may attend. JNO. K.W CLlO.Mf N T, A uditor. b'uiihnrv, Jan. ISlh. tfi'J Adiiilillati utoi M .otWf. NTtTICF la I'eittiy civenthat lettera of h.tininiatr'ition liuvini; been yranlt-J lo llic aula, nhcia on tlie t-aiule i f Morgan iiuylira, lata nl tliimaiiiin t.'.viil-ii. !S..ilt...i'n lieilanii ciiuiily, lu., deftittcil. All iiaoi.B iiei'l'ti-d ur. rrtiiiatrtl lo niaka ittiineilmie puytnent, and llioae having cluinia m preacnt tiiein lot actt'eiiit-iit AI.VIN II IU'dlllitf, i-ti Tiitt i)r. Phamoain ip , Fell. 8, l6 (ti A Jniiniatrutora. Notion to all Persons Interested. TH K Subscriber hereby notifies all persona in del'led In him on Note or Book account, large or sntsll. that Ibe, n.u.t I .lltd on or belor. ihft lUthof March next, if they wiilo laveiuiait, as they will ha placed iu the hantla of a Jusiic. for speedy collection, after tlmt Jute. W.M. H. MILLEK. Funbury, Feb. I, R62. flt IMaiioh Tuned. fpiIF subicriber oiTira his services lo the ciii xens of Buisbury anil viciwtty, in Tuning riar.u. Oriieia Uti at the Crutral Jloiel, wUl lw aliendtd to, O. KIMBALL. Janisrj )84 1 H Suitable for tho Times ! t Ii i: tlVRIVAILED ASSOETJuEirE ' OF FALL- WINTKIl GOODS SOLD AT T11K !HAM3!10TH ST0SX3 O F ITxlLLXG k. (MIAT V 33 QnLIi Ladies' Dress (Joods, CaMimcrea, Clo'.ba, Pall'u.ftt?, Hals and Cnpi, Hoots and Shucs. Clolliing, llo.tiery, Glove Il.trdv.arc, (Jnet r.i'Vuie, Sailt'lery, &c, Ac, Ac mtiml JTk mm f'ii-h, Py.l unl er, J.-oli fin. Nails, drugs a:;d medic ixi:s, TainU, Oils, Olnss, Tobacco, Scgars, &:. F.r (.'r...h or Coiiiit'V l'noocn. 1,J0 I'' Hil l ll J irte.l ,1J-i:red Civ (ill-.! i w tlli.t tliuv i'.Ii ft enro, are l.:c STOCK UP GOODS tcr Liire cfT. '.i r. r.i. Tl)tl.l ' , 4. !'i;n.:.v,i . cp.a: S'::;.'.i'.irv, VovchI'it C:t. I '"'I I. CniTTEITnEN'3 ! riI!I.AI)KriiiA COMMrilCIAL c; O L L V. ( K, r, , C' rn. - t ua.e.l S i. ':;i: ' U ,: ;.,.e ! Tii.S Ili-'Ulifof. IV h!. riinl i-- now Coii.'i '; "' ",': Ii-t'i c. iieni'-i t- at. . !' tho must sui cesftii I ill liie I HI II J e .r ,. ti I i; it :'s. lit I, lilt j Mtichants und litriiits Ven .'! 'I".r our c.inoirv. ' j.Tt ol t!:,' I. ,'i'iit ,!le:i 1,11 i liicf !i.r til in i i-'il. !v to x: h pre jr.i'.iou H. 1 I . i1 . 'I li I rai.e'it t o1 hi nr.-. I! di;. ir'in ::.'..:li.i v .i:.l! i i" . ' i.y, ii.,! ,1. lie (lira! ! in i!m i:i. in ''.i;:., i ai'i l.niv.M.ii!:.:'! Vlie".ii J. l'i I.. K : I'.-i.-' o ii :;;t l '"i i ! oa'i.m'lii c li i.aivi'."- i in n-t i r .VlH e,,nii'; are i t ';.: of . -v,".'ii i,, r me'.to'i icolrr; t - i !.t iv n , t i V!.!l li ci-.-'- et a"V ,ioe, an,1 aii i-1 e--i: l'i i;t, lai jn.-,- an- ; 'i..d ;;.:ih: i.'t. i ohtaitor d i-i- io. i f it h'lir.' 1 c IS h r,r '!.. t. I v , ati'l lull (i.rii.".!!.!'.-: .-I 'jIMl.u at auv t i : : i o in ei . in' liie i 1 1 J I c t - d rcpu- l'i i.i. i- ! j I:i exteniitp ser."!nitiiI.iliort, '.vi :.' e;irc latii.n. a:, I t i.o tioifiii i t j ei i. ti-.. ..fti.e H, I' ' tii-ttt- ..... i.. I j i.tli.-l i.l ti i ..., ,- .-olio i: .1 j l ie; ,.,r,. I. r ; ii.e.s. Hi. ! to "I i '.0 , tune n (I, jit :.,.l, tvill. ll will r; il I :i..n fir 1'ieiii ti any M"' c 'iiii'.' ll.. i j fiV' t 'iiitt n's !m if. "I Tn ,.t: . li' e; to IV , tvi.'vi-, r: I oil. IT U'lllli r.ii iiiC : j'jrtt. iil' : "f !'.. I leilee. .ii rl-iaov i; to a' l'. far,! -...irt'.u;. loi-i- '.-C. ., ' -I, ,l,i i: i, li'-.n :,iiv : lit 'he ( 'ol- i s. i!'.)!i!;:; ckitten di: .Vlt'y at-Lav, j I eli. S. l-'fi'. y j S U In ii U ll Y A C A DEMY. i Iv. 1'. niZKU. A. M., itit.'tnl'oe; tncoti . line his pastoral l.tlrrrs to a amuller J rt.-ict t.ns nrr.iti;et to t-.'-:. charge of Mi. Volvr, -- t'! .-.-a-tl tfchtK I, r,a the li,;'. Mcu.lay ; -n M.' L.-St. Terms p' r 'j iartcr t.". rem.'.iii a? a pre;rn vi?. : ; ilr.iioiiiur, A ri'.l'.Ttttr. (li ogrupliy, C. i-l :'i ; lliali.T l'.ll!.rh litaotl ;s, 5 Oil i'itn -. l-.i'l!!, (Jiei'lt, ll.iilijn , j ai;) Fti'i.cii, 7 00 Mr. Vi'i i.vkrton, tlie pfs'-nt Fi incipul has j Uiinlli cotise'tt.-tl !o ri'iiji r a. ..s' n,t4' sirmal! t! -hUii: tin- ;'.r.-l nnnitov. W l'ttti-.:,iii'e u rt'-pfi-ttully so'ii.i!ii3. Siiiiliuiy, ..'tii'.i'aiy 1-. l'i 11. " ' z.'z. GCIIWaLS." ( .L W J sa. C J m W W W i CUM Ml;? SI U X M II il C ii A .S T j .V". V1 Spriii'i Gnnlrn fr.vf. I'lila h lj h:.i WW -i'r.i;ri't'l.l.Y I 1:01 ' : , '' .Is r..'liil:i l I'l 'l of nil km. I iii ,!,: .o.-i:!'-i lil !! Vi-i y . r- I ! !.!, i : i. v.r i'M.'i.i. ve lit-'.ii.l 'rr ..; u ui. i l,i'- . we j a ij.erv.''..., l;o niiij-'i I'-i'ilit,. if r ..l,ttmln ! ii ei, ii .,- :! ,-i --.j iu,- .-VK-rjli.iiiij iie ataa. I I'e.'. -.l.liel l, !-'.il.. -ty ill tin. very TO ALL WANTINti F.UIM3. rVt-AV alTTHlllitir Iif VILI.Ar. A ItKMFDY FUlt UAHiJ T:M1:S. A litre njijiortiinity ia ih. 1!. .t Mntki t, and tnut L'elijihtfu! ullil llonl lil'ill C.illia'.a ia the Union. Only Thirty 11 ,la tfotilbi f F'lilad. liiti.i.( n a lti.l road; lifiiig a rich. I " ry ami, auJ hi'niv j . i . . J j v - tivi wheat Und ; bnninni't lh tiet io lie (rnriieo b'.ate of No Jersey. It e.'ii!at "I i-, "OH nerri i f liddU lent, itit iitnl ii ti Filtma of ilari'iei't a,Z. a to tua liltf plire'iiaar l-'riiiii till iit-ri'ii a...l atovaola and ia a W1 i.t (tie int. f Itlft to ta.'il aeir for Ine l'i nil Ian), ptvnlilr cnr.-i'iirii, enah, a. el Ine I. ilanee ti. in irlt'r-! e.n.y uulnliocllt, Willi legal inter, tal, williin the larili of ( ar Jrara. TlleiMdt, la. inerent part, a ItirVi 1!!hv I."ain, rni'.nt'le f..r Wln-ntt rata uml f olni.i' .,lao a tlaik aial ru li r.a.ilv loam, aintii. ' l.ln ,r torn, a.eeet p uatoea. tolal.'C., nil k inia ol vrta. '. b;ea unJ rool eiopa. and iheSneat vnnrli. a t.f li ! ''lZft 1 Uthii ij u. c V'i uuikvu. iu ifint-i-i to u,e 9 ,u ' "' rr"l ll" :c tr"1 b-vuh.t nui rxmrn ni' ait trj.iiecti.1 I-i LJ ' U 'ffl tl il hi, and I iii dm thrsj ii!' nirntK citiri-ct uni'.t r tl.fF irru:iikliit t-c j unl Hiff stiuttiiut.t w iv Citrrtri, iln.r wuM L Uoe hi tlieU l'!hfj inuiit'. It ia CitrjiUffrd. I Tus Ukt I'piit Soil ix tmk I'mo. I Rfp-wlt of l .) IM.ii.nm. ti New Vnik . TrHmne und tlir weU-ltuown Bru tih-nisil. WVkitim lny nl' Ciiihuu.iatwi, Ni w Jeiavy, wliitU will U t'uiuiaiu-d iu ' quurif J TIIR .vI ARKKT Hy Wa.Wincnvtf t!te mi? tuv rrn.U-r will pcccirt- thut ! ijna lha lat mnftaHin U Util' u, a1 ba dr ( rn.ink4tU4 with Nv Y rk nnd ptian!s.lph(m 1 tny it ity lwu milm tern ti fcftcr. fr4u'.a mnrJrfi Krlupt iVmMe thrpricthit Uilor f mlwv( ti tit mi tti irm lite citii.ii In tliti lomMn 'I oon ln put mi. tiii'kt-t tfiu sWtnp ni'iriifiiR M it ptithTtil, oihI lor wml tlf ('irinT lie grit thti htKlimt pricp j whiliit urutrrtti nii'l iHlffr tirliHu h jitirt h ii lie pri nt the lowmt pn-f. lit th Vtm,uhHt he hnrtfrs hnn a pitinncf, Ih.i f -t win! I.ftnivi hf pit two price. In lcHtmi: htiu Uw itrtile h t iimiij iher iiiUitiiWP' t lie ii wniiin n i v h.Jt-r?, hv r iilrnHf!, iall t!:e grui cilirnff Ni v K:k.ViI oml I he ,tIiiT(I!e Tvtlci. tie 10 mm his f-IJ niri .i'i I'ltitimm lie ist hool hin rh.Mrcii, divine r rvn-r, flu;) nlitlie atlvuDtiigee of tvilnti.'n, and Uv is uv&t h Inrn Cit)', THIS CUM ATI ! tt llirliluil; the w intern heino n-ilun'm nti! 'in, ' -,'" """' witn irniiirf sni.1.1... t'ciaona waiitinc n e'-iol?': ot rlnintte f.r hinllli.u. 1.1 i ' Ill litiii-li lieiffitli-:! it. Viiieim ii. Tlie rp!ljt-e,a f tl ', . j iiuiinon.irv aneetloiia, ilvarepaie, or pi-iuifil ui Li itv Vi! tins will nohen n il.irtrcnve iu a lw Caa. tluiia Bull Ivvvlaare iinkiaiwn. CONVKNir'NCES AT II IN!). riuil!in i nialaiaiia nlenly. riuliuml fljati rr urrleati- j fill n,!it ehi.-.ip. ' Vii,:L.iif in iiit p.tri't, rioweyer, to re a new plice. i Vr'ni Ihr i'rtijwrtj hur r,nf hfrn t'Uh H:frre. j T:o -i-ie-il.Mi ia rcTliff niiltnally i.ks. It ia I'lie iiia.' it -"'a ii i lii-itl io lirrr Iniria by I'muilis n-it ilifiw-il lo j E''!l, mill bcinir wiilioat rnOroml Liei'lliea tliev l -'ie tf.v in. I la m me'it. 'I Io: milr-'iiil hin iint turn iua'i!;M tlir.'Ui'h tho j (r .pi'ily liiiBFen.'n,.f .r llu firm lime. Viriioia ar-j rl, own rivr the Inert in n ealris. fee of. exren"e, ami nlf.nlij Uvm ntiri fipp'-rriii.)! y tm llir.eii it ; iiivestigriiion. 'Mi. ,ac v. tin come una a view to ri-tUi, ; rieni'il laiiiK monivt i aecure lli:r 1 j.-caaara, aa Jvente in in,, it. i 1...-.1 Iur.....i ' '. Tie? tu iVfliiiiec in hair) tiip, 'tifrr p?opV !i;ir. 'ii.rn ! I r iwii oet n( enit li:)!iieiil,.i 1'uil r. me 'i'liir ir.ennt i r I sin ill ii.rnmr. ia to Unil Ibinin-lvva at home. Tney fin I- iv n pi.ieeof l.ui.1 nt a Mtmll yrtcv. iitft earn linaa tlum i v.if.v in iiiiirnviii;4 it, ami tviien it ia none it l n ei.Ttion nvieornrlptire suiihi I in. A lew n-.ea in fi -jit ii wail in.iiii-a iu:ir. I lie Isml ijjmt i! . miii i,ar.l lore prlei a, ttnil all itni rot etiienu ton be uiMiiL'Hlu ckuilier iiiti-'hui enyi.tliiT lime. ri.rv.l. ue trm:i. wiiii : mileaf-oi-t "n the l!":!roail, i, leieS lai.tout well line i..,.' a, nrtotn nvemit a. eh n town lMil.e..ntre-r,VH,.r,ii, ihitiiwiiull l irun. 5 Un to tw mal a !.n!i'err otr. ,i s--ii him m if-'io; iw. intj a ha t ii-re : 4s. al Horn r.-ir to (, n, .i.l I .wn .!a .'.i '-! ' "! !'T l'e-1 ntep.i.t ti ll-pjvnl line In.l i lre.-1-.l- - v. i.iriii a vi-ir. It i. ,. ,v ntion r,,. . ! I l-ii,yncre, tint m-ir twrs' tin'ie ia "Hen. I . ''' laaiiiactiirera. Lie t.n nlorila a lint epeiiieir i-f I !h- SIK : rrwiHirninnns tmrin...tM U 'lor tut,.:... ,.. ' l;1"'f l':oiar.i ii... -i it':,. ;., ,.,..f la. a j I.-..I . .r.ii .a. vvIiilIi air.inU n tl"l. k.-t. I i.l.t S'-l..:!!!.'!!!. Ill l 0 C' lllf ol f.:Vpr:il t.firii. vM l.r i l' 1 lie moHl tHnetifiil i:jei-o la Iik' e .ie.l; v. unj in...t -i-.-.'i...- i. r n r. ;.i. It M i. Iini.l...ill..i n VI,.., T....:. ... ' June. n ilea enluio: :a ihe m.,.1 nrofiial i.. m.ll ll.e t,. , ...i . , .... 'i'..,'1,u :o..'-. r.rilV! o-. aiiliirr una I! livoiori,,. .'-i 111. '..H 'I, ..-,JI I.. I oi ;ern.iilor. I r-"t ravvi i I.,; iinioil.-c'-il will msuie :!.e pr, ,.cry , c i!.e ' t-n-,, :.ti.,iiim.ti.. Mcn'al rm.I I'vh tl I'.-' -li-i , 'V .Nerv,.,,. i:,.i!e,sy ; l,.s.,e,! .N.,:.i,r, ,-f lucitiieiiiiure forn ftf. " l.a.,;e ,,,! i., ,,,.,,.,1, ,.. rllrri,.t.;, ;, rc. r;e wllo dimr i lie l.-u l -eani.n l oe'.l t mil l,e r.UlC? at .',.(.. lie; .in-nl I: i i,,ralu. Ti:..m ii t.i. il i.m 1 in-lit wi'.li or wiiin,ul timLn.T. ii,; iineraiin:i,itt-.ivuiunt,..,i. ' " .. .............. . . .Minuivr .m (J.Vi.11, ClCUr oi nn nieu:...: rinri.. win-ii tho ,,,h IkijikI I) nu!i.i-4 e ar.'eiiieiici it at bsr-i 1 .ell us eioiiipuy tmavv. 'e.:. en.l ltep..,t- , r N.-n K I.inaon ami IVi.i. I'airv SMil ! -uttnt w,lh the l iii-hm.l ii It- ale totlie l-inrl t.enre Wn'nnl a:eet vlmrf, r'l-'l. tlolplna, at 0 ;i'ei.i-li A. M , m il I 1. .M. (iinli-ti lio.M" !!"iil l l.e n e!.'ini!i: !' li inr.) f r Vine iaiai, on tlie li; -...'-I.oro'mnl Miilwlie l:.inie,U. V. liin jv.n leeve liignura a' Vnicl.tmi r!atliui. iit ; i ncl. ii.o.iin Tor Cil.Mtl.l.S li. I.AMIIS, PoHH)ar, Fomaier . f 'Iil C'. i. in-. Virr.LAXu, I' C, Ciimtjn :. tl e nntj.y. J T. ? T!ire la a cli i": of enra at fihsli ir..f. Aire, 'fv.'ure al.'irjieis on 'tie enra tr en V:w Y.t'k me! Pnl .1- to Vii.vlaml. ii.c.uiriiis ygDr li.iiit. si, rji'suaiitiue, Ac. Htl'OfST OF M'l.OX noctMos, i.f tlio Nev.' V-r:i 'J'rile!!!-, uii oi the VI U LAND SLTTLK.MLNT. I l'? T!ie f .!l'ivi!'7 ia nil "Ttm.-t l'i ilo- r.-pi-'t iT Sn. ', ! i tI ih::iB n. 1 i.ti . 'iv.'.i..-!:'t in o.v ,. -.v ' ui l'ii: t : i i-I "ti .a-.-1,. ,i; l ,,(. A! ! .elli ii eai; leau t iii icl 'jrl ' w.l! ii.'.i uat A-Ivautiigcs cf Fanning nun- limine ! Viiicl.uiil jU'iiiuvL-a ujion Mm! its .:tat Ftitiliiy Tbo cause cf IVr-1 tilitj' Amoui:'. of crojs rroiluc-d l't'Rl "tic atl iv.'i.'uT.CO. ' I; if ei tl ,!:; .';.!; i f til.; I!,...t Tive f. ni'iii in. "a aim ! i. ;a li.nn.iii; li 4. ':-:tiO.;,aii'l .111 I.f 11,1 aniki I t.'lM.o i.. ii ;..l m: loiy i .. iivelt p.' i.lclieri'.s . ul l.n ill I . ia!l..l , li:- ..' i :;. ..! v f ' n it. '".' ! il; ca m tio-t einiU'e l . n,i.i i.'l ' ilily. i lit wn-ile i ou'ilry iaa nun on- ;. p .. 1 1.4 a I il '.'',.' I v.'O evil! ! '.'.. ol :i (ail... ' ;! iia'i ;;ei,nriii.y in la i. r.n i.l io..i.ii.:tii ta'-.i. : I. a, I 'U'o.4 !nail e.a.iaet lounj cf unei":.t tio ! .t ..S III ! ol Un: l.-iril i V Io' i.'..lon ; nail iIkj'y an i.i.tioiee IS , ri'atl. ' aii llir.'i'.gii Hie, in u very t-nn.i.nt:!t,i l .rin, ; anil in ti.eexaet v-. mil, ion in,.i I e,iMlv i:.ii!i.Iau-U by aut'li , 1 i.o.ti. ill' irie lai'. rr U '.ilia to tu.uv.'e. i liar!, i-i iip 0 I. ia.-. Ii-i.ti n.'ii Ui iVr:ii:7" C ': i- ii,.i.i:i ! li a;. II, e lime It vi ; ocL'dj .. t, t'jf 111- ll.l'it.".; : ii. : . rSeilil .lie u n.aii Lcn lit- ,.:atj .! .e::. j i.i.i:'" ,.i''t '! .1-. i a.e. n:ii e .n l-rj t,,'j; m.1 , .ii :ri, an i i ,'r -el ov r li.e tt v h:m"i m ae v.Junli e tli '.I it '. ,:l'!l I'",'tl (I '.OiJ 1. ' V ie.1.-,! tlT.- ;.'! i;.j fc,j. -l e lir'.V pai t it :-i! V. it! ii-; t irui-il i.ji in .J i 'ji. n i.e. ! :iu"'l T' lo t!:t: owner's ne every be alua tliu i i u. II. ,...a li.en tMlt.-lo:.! l- e.. iieil w nil tin v air nu.i.i.i ul li e euni.1-.-. leiv.ii , tn, W'iii ! I lie v ora j te . a! ll'i- ! ; T t-;r. t rt-i .il : V i-;H -in i: (-r-'-..oi.vcin.-i. A 1 -nv v -ir i: cnl: viiti in, ( wii' -: el)., (! '. ct ' rc.'U i -l ; ml, t , v. .. S'I"1 1 ' . !. ' U l. .,. l-'f;l4 ' . p.- I i: 'i i ' l .ill ivii.:, u ,. .:: lurce ..rr -!"',l , i iUil ilsliliii; -i M'-'tiii ii.iii, . i ',v rk l; : ' Wm l.rM'l"II 1 t hp 1 1 w r;t 1 1 n i '. ! , m v i " .nii, l".r W!ti"ti In.' lun!i I't v ."ii !::, 1.-': ! ":. II- :i s : ... m t'--' txt-n m:!- li.v ii'ti iii'ti i'l-- . tr-1 lie 'vli ' Iii-i:- I'. .. t tUcs.-il aa V tlt.ii! Ic ivr i-u.i.VT-i.. u. 1 ii L i f.-(. i . ifii .ul, uii t" 'III r- t 1 Ji.s iT'i)Ii J !i'!'!',f,!'ii ii-m tl.e t i'l-.-1 ! i n2, ;. j t. " j- y n'S' u ii 'j U'Tf W-'illi (.-' c?iti :t i .i -b : iiM,. - I j i'ii's ffl f iff, W )) .it U ! l :i rt ii ; f .jy r- "t-.. r 'ij -It'.l Tf L'. ' l.i: '..' -.v-.u- f iimipI wIi.m: s'wii.wil vis'. I !0 ,it ' ut- rii s"-'.!f :(!'. ;f,.'-ii ,i , 4 fc-".V;l I' !iikv! i t. c.ijv. r una tuu il;). wmtii giivc hi b i,im c,i; ! j t-i ;ic:o 'J .:,(Vu,',;t"-8 n; ;: J tt thtRt ciop M-ere fir". ? frtnu Llt 'irn-s' i ; i-viit? tC.) p 'timiji ii fcu;-ci-riiii')-!;-ii! ! Ilitlt ,' Ilillt', tl U!!ii i'ciltV.lill UURIH : tl,t i, f..l I II i Li'ttt'srii, iiiui Itlliit-r' hi f T W'lifiM: ' N r. W i:.- mi'i iMi.wmv rfT". niU l.f wlurM fi.Mivi.f I t':e i rtt-u' tt', all i:j !i"uic !.. jji:ii m j i-'Jai.'. c is j At itty iiarr.'W'i ni! !!:! !y!; Jvr::i'y xvn.-ti f j w etui nu.i-f fc tj.n i i Mr , iiii'u , we) w-!.. ci i-uih"! aii'e-'e ol a .'tt, : i v'f- p;-til l" uifi-iir.- ui' u, r.l li. in ii i.v it I'" iiai'i'il. e l"llin!llial t'ie lan-l fi;nl Ijee'l 111, viar Inn ( se.ia ai. mill liiat atirina j.liiwvil mice, with one "re.or oi.l liau . ii.. "io,. i;, i t. ii ii v. in. 1 "Vei, lai! you li'.'omr. it li'i'!l: v aapji.s we s-iij . lii'ei r..ynivii . tun. p r it': r-,0; U :..t:. you ace. t C"!'iia tl -lie tint; Vn;e v. e l.a.i l '.nil - at a-fe I "ui.. utoyrl.-r. lor ei licit, ii.. i '.vc i.-iii.i a rite re a: oa'i li t-1. t.ei..'' ! i i ..e tfi. ir (" i'l tiet earrola. K-iime. in, a.r'. j I ! r lie.-! i'a, J. e . i n vi ry -nJii'-.n.! j e.; i, . laii.a ' !,!. ,", iti-'vii "'; :.'.il!..-!inj. , i 't, w vre wil-fa- i lira I:. a i a Ml vaa ie t fertiif. even Uliaiileil l-v ci-'Ver, vli,.'a In.; : , I .! !i,r i.- -Tii, l'.-..-!iilM;ti!';"iine!, i-iiir-ii'1 uiij I. a L-cn el '. i iT'-j a. -'t I'-.-i: l,l euit: , all in lel; en uyii lo tl.iiij. , , ,ntr ail lej'tia I" li.e I'TeM. t (Jut- I--.M vo-! w i to liie tar::l i f Ai 'reu'SVarp. fiva t in .. ii -' .a "t .i!.!vi I.-, i.o-n ln,,t tu u t.i- ,ii ii c : r :iii -u.!. n: il -ii. i.i ia ll;u ctnire ol" i'iei..i,.l. .. :l,i e-'iiiai .' e l t-'tk .'.(.,-,- in u.'t. r. 1 t."'-, uj. in tjili ii l.i ii.!.. Iran :l r.'i' J ,-uia. io-1. ia 1 aer.-d clear. I l aiai 111 ,-i j In.. Hf ia !'. ll'i w. 'l e .' i' H ail'! il' . ai. it ! I- ri. 1 'Tai tiel'la. V!!!l ee.. tr r ,i! til" ( .1.- i't H'-j li ... ,.,,.,t ; w . a'-.ry ttwt lie a'."to. :''l a ; ;:. f. it. a- J ee-Mi'i-r .'.' I'-r in i I.ili-.iei.i, ana a au: a-aii'! t.a:.-a..i:..iiie i I . ! iid i U. n, lie il . i.'. t- (i- rt ol l'ie 'iiUa e'f i(dC t tlie i '.v ' !n t'lht'i'l il li-e iif (.- iJV - .t i , ..ii urre. i " l. u- witiai. li.Mt'J wi'li t.HM i sin 'j.iIt-i j ef tf'-rv - . : 1 .tti trnn itriv lt- ;ti Ju'y Hh, l.t:ti, u.i, , u !.! v t-i ( li.t t'-iih!n tl Ht'ir. l-.ti ePt.-il i.i i .r ; ' ui.-'h ti, : , J.aii I l.f in,; S 'VV'etl WUfi I. li l'" .(' I'vuH Ii'ii piui'i . 'u ! sj .'hih vvciUiui mru.v 'I "In .yr n .ii.Kit tj"i ,. inr ' Lii'fMi!!. A a l.f-if t:t'm-ri i t i,!'.!.'.!. hiI .!imr. 1 r-j mi n ..ii jju.iii" hui! !t-fil,'M u ti-'i.! t"e i i -r I I 1 1 , . ' I .i rr.' wtiii ii tit- w .rtViiiiiir vIi.Jj tr v.rrt- i-i,r j r.'iii siu t ii;u4t , ui s vt-iy m l", p jjimii, uy i(C fV-uw .4 l . I IK IU V. Wo wtnt'-ver th- K:.U.V i.t.u f.-jii.! rk'vcr an) n ' ' n"i;!.y. lit tn ha-J Wf i ' t. : tti. f-. m il.c v, :tt.;i vv.t;' 1 titiiT 'Wiii", i kiita.' 'it W'jii . t rvfr.-.tti'. .ij i. ;ni) ..i i 1 j rumv::' ii l..i i i , n nt wnim ... I.1 -m k it.n .11 ,: -r Ik ' CiMf t it M i.IaC I ' )i si .1 ll1 1 I" ilt 1 li'U'li'i R. it 'i:l t, 1 1,,- .:..(, ,'F In , tivi'.: ;wt tiiiiMt-iit i-tn-r. I.e wiiliv i- .if t, cm ilj r e ; I p.l vcui U i ll : ll .'Willi! iil. Uf kA iiji ..itlt-e. I u ! ' jiri hh v nt t'i l c y.u ll' u u t-rit,'. i,,t- rin.t;itt ! iVi: .-i bt.itl wih p..iiitt,i ui;n p f.r u :..t 1 rr wt"i"i virui .1 r,"i tu-!i-tn yt i..ti. t v, . :i ' I W it li A' I UVllfl (a ilCTtf. UtulaV. rtir-tt w'll.l H lit.-HI :i)'l ' ft Va.-r irkli"ir 1 t.ti Li:l,il jkt uu ad 1 i-ifvt-r Utnv ltViliifuini!i,!. , I Dttitrp Mtr'iir- !.jvo lii-en r'-n.tfil vt:i r-'T-i tn a f.m 1 f !. wi- yiHtifil :w V'u.-li- ' of yt'l! av ni.ii f- tu. .i ui 1 ' tie sivi'i.d it ip 4U hus! lie's, iitiil ilif iimd en,, ti ;;'! t ; , l.n H ci t hi , u e aie ure mice one u!a (.tfUiulc ' ' tn.-!'.n 4 buat'U'i ; 1 r n rc. j 1 J'lir rtjniti will rt-i'i Ur I1."! ihe writi-r n ruw ;'u'- lliff Hi )TUSiV HfV. U lll WI'K'll sVUK-C) h C II i 1 in p.Kti uinhle ci'ti'lUHm Lit J . 1 j Im '-liu-r r r, curt 1 ci,.;, -n bi vir w n f"!!i'w4 j Wiltl (1JTP V-.i trill, 'li, IK I liiltfthril. l,t.l w.ll ItVfl-k'O I Itr-tltii-'.v -io t.i 5i iMuln-ti t-we ip I t'fn, lutn, im l. i.aj 1 HH'I lis fi;T, uli t'ir,fs;i Vfrtul-li , i. Wt l! c Ji'il.i: .. , 111 nl titltcf 1 uti l.ct m j t. uU tin) ymr, v.i -w vn y (iUii.ty ! Ilia. l!a li.ii-t .-I" ImimI rlioultt rfii'HM 1411 1 , I' ngri iiu1 O.fic ti ii'iw ftliisti iir-'tMi'tU (IimI it will n l f-T, utv'rr tl:v U'srif-r f Mr. Itii'i.f. !l v;il It (1tvu!J inC'i muu'l I tti, , ,. ij r-tfi 1 li-rilt-J tit mi- iniutojatt hi 1 m vtyor nrr in w ltty nt liiit v.ik- iH !( ptiruimi -rn n :M l-e ri i'iirr-1 t-i tiuit.l neat t i?:t: rri.ltf ho'irt-i, n:.d rillier r-ure, v uuti V.'J ii Ju' p'l-'ffnl-tv, iy vvl.u ll i ir.,;isl 11 U'Mi p ipi.i'ftiit.nwil titiH'rnrs".1. !; 1 wi'l fl:!ilili cimrcht-si I r.'!i.Mla, si r-. imi', nucli niir ''.t nml li ui! 111. tif j Aiiricuii furiifii. mtrduiid' U l wicnai J, Ucids bit1 rotuiorti -it riviiUfil Itif. j li miiiite.i'miD any d:rn iemrnl nfhuiiisn. is dfiivnf I of cl'.itisinif ) uriiuitr, iV, tir A'bi i fioumtiv iitM cl-; 1 nma t' tiiiti in4 lnriftaiJ tiiunii b'in m iki 0uittv, n ul whi itvi) rtaiJ aiul ttftifv wh w Kuvr iculy ai-tusl i ; tt will d.wcH itiratl t r uin '1 what nui) U arsMi . . ni.atwo aurv' tula .utl rStUasL1 i POlA'X siOWNiJN m FtUuaiy 1. IHat j PALL AHD WmUlZi CLOTIIIXC. GXJjNTETj'iiir. ry I 7i jos! Ker-ivcJ n latrennnr:air,t of KALI. WIN'IVI! I liiihivn ...i , ......... . ..waii,...,, , pi he Ijile't , . ,,. . as I r" ri;o.M 51 '0 to t is.. A good stocV -f C ASSISE I;:: COM A s:i!en.i.l sssorlmerit of D1IEG3 C0A.T A lursa viritty of DKSLNi." C:().T-.. An cxi e''rnl nirt;nrr PANTS A XI) J'ESTP. A l.trire t.f N'ens' irndershirts, Over- hi'K White M.iits, llrawers nnd a variety :( other nrtides for mens wear li:o numerous to I m.-nllo i . immiui. ! I'crsotiS irr want r.f clotliin; carnnt do lrKi.r ) thltl to buV at tilt- rhenn lori ,. , rnenpalore. I - n,'a ci"iine lor voiirselvrs and you -v.U i find it header thsn cull la Lurehaftd tint-Vkhv.-o , ,, ..,.,,,,.,.... , I JDSEl'H 8,IIM I.I I Zhlf. A cent. .Mirlic! Street, nearly o; ii)'ito Vv'taver'a ITuti 1. u... I...... Ii. , ,i ,ofll I 1 Dur ur' 1 'h j " m-i v -r T rirrcr r" J. iiAj Uiiijli "vtVUtj Ja! I "'I 't ." A 19- M. ri -M JJii. tii ..Tit mm ' ! .ie- t I',.!,;, l e i in a P. file.t i;nvilii,'.e ; li iec fi en- I ' !' )' t'.h Ii V Dn CI l.VKKVV j;!.J A J.rciTf'i: i, i f v 'I' r r f . i w f . a- , . . . , .1 .... , lite liodv ; i..is4i!ii.J,.; :t!:.irs. of tbe I.'ti.'.n ; :j loe'lia,!;. I;..!;.., rwjijon, Bl J, e,a, ;,v ,r 1. . J i . . r . ! , - . Hid;- ni.n Labor; IMilnrss of Ai'jirfheiirii.ti ; . Losa of Menmr; ; Atrsinn to Hoi -ie'.y ; 1.e of : r.,it,ide : Tlmi !i!v . If l'tstri..-t ; Hi; ,2'.-i:o I I i . , . j i ,,u'l ..ini ' llona of liie i tm ; Tiiiij.le on i-ioiiri. ni.ii eiot I the I'sce ; !:: :l'l.v Hillia , (,.l-.,,,n,itv ; H.e (; o.,inc., ..' ' . I"ut" Voii'iii'ul In creli I,. t" I'i.,s '!.iii:i'' LtciOiC c!t !v p"vrs llitit the a! ove rt , u.i-rnii ! t.'.on ' il I1 d, rvi'a ! may l-e rvniowd ui hont mt ili.-ine eiiJ without ; d'HiBeroiis t'ti'tfinl i j : .-iiions, i,,i,i ..'.uuilj be read , ! v rlrr v.Hilj, ntid i vtry u;.ii ill tl,e land. ; 'Vi ol uti'ler seal, to h.-iv aiMrti-:, in a plain, . r--.V-.l fliielnoc, r.:: :'-p trt-ijt of ws c. iit-, oriv.o ' po:gr elnn,j'.-', ! v n . I . j r . - -: Dr. I.C.K1 IM:. j l'i 7 Ki-i-rr-v, Nitv V'l-!;, !'fi Pi:',-,. I:.,:;. .) i!t. CGYLil fi DAIILE'o l'i,:! J ruM-.-j f?EVIX(i A C II I N T. Z row F: y-w.v v.-,;: and ?rru:i:.; t '!?::,' or:. i'ilh, Ii;. rr, 'I i. '. :;., I .. ..i .-, I .. ' -r. .1.3 .SEWING MACillNi; COMPANY, "ke t'-e I."-:; i t M.;.;:V f .io-ii ,.( tlie .,: I , t -. . . io.; :,t ! p'.m- '.ii, -.m il ... r c iilmi'iu Hut lTIv SI'li'M! ,. Av-lilNi-.r. 'I i.'.4 ,u . . ' t;. .t,i, :n iv . li , nl i'"! iv l:' l.i- .i". I '".-re. : r.i Lath ,w t,: ci. a !!, ; :y ai, il:-: '.vaiu!. o( l'i p.l... i.r. rT i "r. r e-i- ra M'.': .lie J r i V : !.--,- -( - . I: v :-t) !"l "i 'j ' 1 1." Vi.t .Makcm 'i'-oi f. Si, At t?- rtuv T of c:;'-r ,-M.-r !. t'-:-! t. i 10. -i, l'ii.!.,. fur l'..c .Mai e I ia inn!. nr, i i'. ; ') Ire Till, lit 7iJ'tui ttv T. V. Maseeh. ??uiil ury, Agtr.t a IvZ E M T f T C O n o. ?i;ritv, r;i-. T: fl..'l O'-.-.l i .'. -on, .(-!-. r !.- ;.. 1 ' r ' a lave I, ..sot i in er. t l.l.M, .U KVr IK ; uOOl''--, eu. h v Kvtxv i.E-iiiKJ-:'.): a i.';:.m.:ty. Of ,; : ilai'i 'vATxxy Ca:sIac-vc3.Vc.tiBgs. i-e. of liie ia'Cft it !"'s. in K.liiitiini tn his si. .eli l'i , : i.t e T.-lnntiy ireviviT'-j m ;t m-j .l!csironi tl-.c ritv 1 liiej ":j n full n.-iouliiu-i t nl'tlie rr.riit e'liotvr.tial an. I iic.-t style o! ti....'.'s it, the city markets. lie in j-rei'vrcl I . riia'i.e tj i-t.l-r a!! kinds cf t.'.'lt'!. ti.eiiV iiii't ilji'invi'ir.fu: !; a.-l DK;'..-!? I'l' 'l's I'l.i'i. K.Cli Vi'?.. hrsl. NEoi. COATS. vr.stTS l'ANTA.'.).-, &c. Jtc. of iho vrrv lti'ii'-il style, and in luc mot st.liil.tii tiul liiniiiier, at hi, oil iiotR-c, AtiV Comls ivit on, v.i',1 he fnr'.i.hed from ri'ulfl.ii Ij liin, liv I'v-i ,!' n .:ice. "if" I'ail su.l f-xaminc my slocli, no thnrea uiatic for aliov.ii (j. I A COS O. VjVXK. KuiiL-Liv, .'lav 11, l1-.!. Sntirily Vejct-l!. ITj Alootolio Tiej-a- W.. 15 itii ' Sj t '! ViM.llliliA'lY!) :.J-.AS rr.-,-.-.: '--"-! id I v D.l M. J CK.u. (.0., ) 1- r.i ! 'V tail I . V CaTt ijic::. Chronic rr0153 I'thiii'-, lUsai.- f thi Ki.I and nlliJi.Ciitr ariii. trutn a dtu j J.ivfr i-r riti!ii!u Ii. Ki'i t.e C -rb'.,, .m..,, 1, ,.u-M ! H-'.-j, FaVt.t y f-r I1 n il - : -i t 1 , -'I' .V. V- .. . m :tl ta.f . 1. liillillli in 1 I ? !? Ktutt. . h'tl i-l, t ' , lirt.r'. 1 ti a I; p ''.U.-f. i'M.1 li Wi i.l 1 1 f liiTiuiie i.i ' -i r.i- t lJr-mr-n 1 V.:: .v r T' -yr- , V i-rv.'Htii i:. I. et". t- m 1 ; vi V. ir h :l i ti , ll 1 l eu t' li tvt In iTti trit' 1 t.t 1 y lir k. l pr. li..!. tJuiiif 1.1 '. ;..ul 1 .1:! J'. i't, ..t In'- iu t hd I.! C. I 'll t r- V ... A V '4 fct 'i'-l .1 i"i e ti .'. ii.f !' t. t -- i f J; V .1. ! iM-.'ti -'l.t i un.t. 'i t-i.t hi.. 1 v. t.; f " i I' llrC 'I kil.'Wtl ,'t ,1 ' ' V IU I'll..'1 i n.'. .1 a '! il . I ' r, it ic r ' t.) 1 t it tnJ ; l i I'l I nl t Jl 1 ;.: 'h- f-;r .1 n'r it Is. :-:.;.t.1. KimI wtir.r il'- i ii.nivui 'ij.s : 1.1 irM-ru'cr, J-iiN M WIH I'..!., mvs. or t.-,e M.iA.MiO Ir. l. M. jtifi.,i- It' -. in! Km i-l: l'i. mm xxh l.'i.aT tllUf iitni .1. .1,1'.. if I'll W.: il li.J Vl'titf 'ii I.. 1 aUt.. 4?.. ' I'l ' . '' '-. 1. i: i'l'l h':..ii .1 liie l.n..-, Vi. 1 IMlf I1ih ; l.-.f 'fi.,'. .1,1 lo it ii:. '..fV. I Ht'V f'hl J't'llH I ll. li'I.tVi I t' rn (liVl"- II...' ; . f'-llia- l ' ' 1 jecr-ii ' 1 ' i" ; ' ' T.iv f:l'-..-.' Hi. Ml It Hi IU'. I HI liV. ll Ul I r tt. it I 1 .i't' mrd il wiiii cuius 1 Hew. . ': ?i : Jitl t W IHTM ii tif ttiet-i. uln ve 4V. i'l. 1 ..ui 'a, Tn1 niHt.i in an' f r Bill v nil retvtrr.iii- e irtii-j(tM ailil lliwi' HI li iilCllit III li st llltN ll MiiU H, Ul iv'll, linttth I'rovidriict iiti ii Intrtt. nt 7 ini.hj p. r li't t, I't aurcaitd uvi H-f -luiiiit. M'li t'lt r-..m: i i ( i M. Juik.ti on I bo wr,i'ri i r-u h tifli' ) tU ttlii-ra tut f "UiiUrlfit, rnr.tja' Mu Jtui; , tit A rvh irtet. rniiada-ipl-, I'a. 8rftrniWr M, la-.l ly DUMi )VfJi.Trnt rK' l-'fcd aittl Mark 4