Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 08, 1862, Image 3

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    -f ttn f
rnoai wAsntuoTON.
Washington, Feb. 3.
Saturday wm tb day iprt for th
Interview of 8entor nd RepreMintatiTM
with the Secretary of Wr. Tb doftrknep.
n at 1 tin ontsld doori Bdmlttfid none bot
those hn mid tbem were, member of one of
th to IImwi. No f ard were oned, end,
once loaide all pressed to the 8ecritiH'i
rnnm. Ilore flnt io were flrat received,
end Reprefenlntlvel were not kept wait
(nil In en nte.cumhir, at Die ere t
the While I loose, ontil the Senntori ire
through. The ball were emptv, the crowd
that were wont to congregate there were oo
longer trt be eeen,
Tbe Secretary feeme to knnw pearly tl the
Senators end niont or the Representatives j
hot few, however, culled, there not heinff over
half dozen In his room at any one time.
Most of the biinineee was transacted in
quirt munner, and hut few of the cases will
do to repent, thu interviews beinf of e more
(irivnto netnrn than those of the people, on
Monday. Foremost In tbe room was the
Hrey-hired patriot of Kentocky. 3. J- Crit
tendon, lie wns warmly greeted by the
Secretory, end introduced to him e young
man. whom, he mid, he wonlJ like to bate
appointed in the Arm- Mr Stanton took
bim by the hand end asked bim his epe, where
born end rained, bis oecnpntion, end of bis
fnmily. II was the oldest hoy, end hi
father diad some years or two eg", while in
I'm Navv. in the service of bis country.
"Ah," snid Mr. Stanton, "I knew of him ; he
wns a brave man What position would you
I ke him to have T" "A lientenancy in en
Infantry refriment." "! will try end erranee
it for yon, end will write to joa t New
,Tn''ee Kelly came in with a yontbful 'onk
ire officer, whose empty coat sleeve buns
from hi left shoulder, lie was introdnred
to tbe Secretary as Hrrvet. Lieotenant Marry
RncWellnw, of Philadelphia. "My fripnd."
cpnlinneil the Jinik'e, "left situation worth
cjort per year, three days efter the Tresi
dert's proclamation for troops, to carry
innsket at eleven dollar" e month, with his
recimcnt. the New York ReventyCrst
Aftr the term of his enlistment had expired,
h morrhed with his reoiment to Rnll's Rn.
Kirlv in the 1av he r-reived that nely rifle
ball in his mouth (oointine? to a Minnie bnl!
thfit wns hnnir to his watch key), and for two
hours and a half he carried it in his frartnred
Jawbone, liehtinr likn a trne hero, until a
cannon lull took off bis era) end rendered bim
pnwprlrs". .
"Ilq wns cartnred end for three months
lain in e mnncled condition in a tobacco
warehouse in Uichmond, witbont proper
snrcirnl treatment. Ho was breveted a
1 ionlcnnet hv hi" Colr.nct for bia hraverv.
and is cow C'.linir a smull clerkship. I bee of
yn'i to appoint bim in the regular service."
' Hit where cnnld 1 pot him if I wns to?"
mid Mr. Stanton. The Judge was ahont In
reply, when the young soldier raised his arm.
end said with on imnloring look : ,-See 7
have n rifiht arm still, and General Kearney
his onlv his left ; send m into tbe line, where
there is fi(;litiner to be done! I have letters
from" he tried to draw a bundle of letters
frnm his pocket. M r. Stanton stepped him
"put up viMir letters, sir, yon have spoken
for vonrself ! your .wish shall be granted!
Tho " cannot afford to neglect each
men as von !" lire the RnMier had time to
thank bitn for the kindness, bis case was
He retnrnd to leave, and remarked to the
Judee, ss they li ft, "1 shall lie proud of my
oomminsion, for I feel that I have earned it t
1 Iris d?iy is the proudest one of my whole
life." His henrt seemed so light that we
doubt il he then realized the loss he had met
with, or remembered the weary nights, and
ihe long, long days he had snlTered in tbe
viln prisons of the traitor crew. Congress
man Kly came in just as he passed along the
aislo, aiid remarked, ''There goes tbe noblest
end most heroic of all nnr prisoners, lie was
the pr.dn of the boys all loved hitn as
.lio'iph ha weroa brother."
Colfax, of lodisnna: Fenton, of New
York; Cravens, of Indiana: Bingham, of
Ohio; and Delano, of M assachoselts. came
in tosnther. "Here," said M r. Colfax, "is a
petition 6igned by a large number of Con
gressman, asking that you appoint Mr. Ely a
third Commissioner to visit the Rebel prisons.
Ve consider thut his knowledge of them, and
tin, wnr.ts of our nen will make bim an
Invaluable addition to the mission." "I
cannot do it," replied the Secretary, "I have
annotated one from the Kant and one from
the West; one ol them from commercial life,
mid one from Ihe religious community, I sent
them upon a Cbristain mission, to care for
the sick prisoners, a mission which any
pi'op!s having any butiistiity at all should
If Mr. Ivy was not a Member of Loo
prres, I would add him with great pleasure,
bot being a member and part of the Admin
islratioo, if I sent him it would be construed
into an embassy from cur (Jovernment. If
Mr. Kly would resigo his Sent, I will! send
hiui with pleasure. Tbe Committee had
nnthin more to say ; they endorsed tbe Sec
retarv's views and withdrew.
A Kansas senator came in with a yobng
man from Philadelphia who wanted clerk-t-hip.
lie was introduced and reached out a
number of papers. "Which is yoor band,
writing t" "This one." " Then yoa need not
trouble yourself any further about it." "But
I can write a great deal better than that ; it
was done in a hurry. That is not my best."
"It is no matter; my clerks must write
mni.ilv and well. You will nut answer," and
il,. vouth retired, looking around as be
passed out to see if any one beard tbeeoover
The Secretary of War, at the request of
.Tnrfaa Kellv. hn appointed Harry Kocke
fallow, of l'liiludelphia, who was wounded at
Bull Rao, to a lieutenautcy in tbe regular
ft""y' W AMI! KOTO. Fjb. 2.
Notwithstanding the alarms and croakmgs
of some of the foreigu journals and letter
writers about slonu blockades and other
einister reports, the despatches receive! at
the State Department era regarded as conclu
f,iv of a complete restoration of the eutiente
enrdiale betwean the United States and
ijreal Britain, and of the best possible under
standing of the Governments of Frauce, Italy,
nd other continental States.
Yesterday Secretary Seward ana Lord
Lyons exchanged coogrHtolalion on the
Bdiuetmont of the Treot alluir in a spirit
iimlar to tbat which, in the same case,
animated El Rnf-sell and Minister Adams.
Hon. Alfred Kly, member of Congress
v-. York, and lute prisoner at Rich-
mood, bad en intorview with tbe Fresidept
ud Mr. riecretury Seward yesterday. end. it
i...., k,n. HBtermined to ulace the Rebel
privateers now in New York and Philadelphia
upon a Tooting of prisooers of war. An order
hi. been ibiuud removing tlieon to military
prisons, with a view to their exeban
nt tha United States iucarcer
the South. Tbie important and humane
n tha DurL of tbe Government may
result in the return of Colonel Corcorau,
Lee Cwggswell. Woodruff, Wilcox, Hodges,
,'.i nffiPB,. now held a hostages
for there -privateer. A general exchaflge of
'I ibe prisooers will, it I believed, peeony
follow: The iuterviewof Mr. Ely, iu coo-
i.-n with several of hit associate mem
Utlll theHifuteof Represectativet. wet
nof only interesting, out
Sfptin(. .....
in. understood that the tal bill it now
being p rfected in its bv the Commit
t. ..n W.y. and Means, h'prono.e.
moderate rale of taxation upon moat of tha
rlicl-t of necessity and consumption, with
timber rale on distilled li'l'ior. and other
kriicle of luxury, on legaci-t on probatet. on
Pn.eit by reload, and other eonveyao
cu el'.M d tcl. SI(rhicnK-.g.
From these sonrces, taken In connection with
the tariff on import, it i ccuBdeolly expect
ed, after tbe most Careful investigation, that
the Government wi.i derive an annual reye
nne of at least one hundred and fifty millions
or dollars. Tbit tax bill will give to tbe
United Slates bond sure specie paying
security. Tha Committee bave also consi
dered the subject or a National Banking Law,
which will require tbe deposit or Uuiled
State stock as security for the bank notes
thet ere circulated as currency.
Tbe rumors which it is represented threw
New York into a panic yesterday, ere
regarded here as inventions of tbe Secession
ist io London and 1'aria. The communica
tion which have been received from Ureal
Kiitain and France, as well as the other
European State, by the two last steamer,
are no re frank and cordial than aoy tinea tbe
insurrection began.
Wasiunoton, Fub. 4.
It it Intimated that General Scott will
proceed to Mexico as a special envoy from
tbe Government.
Tbe sloop of war Richmond is now being
fitted np for his accommodation at tbe
Brooklyn navy yard, lier destination being
aunnonced as Key West. From Key West
to Vera Cruz, however, it but a brief Jour
ney. The following official notices were to-day
promulgated by the Treasury Department :
"Holders of the bonds of the United Slates,
payable in three years from date, tbe coupons
of the semi annual interest thereon being due
on tbe 19th inst , nro hereby notified thut
provision has been made for the poyment in
coid of all such coupons agreeably to their
tenor, nt the office of the Assistant Treasurer
of the United States, in tbe city of New
"All such coupons most be presented at
that office, accompanied by a schedule
showing the number and amount of each
coupon, together with tbe aggregate sum of
each parcel.
"Three full business dnys, for examination
and verification before payment, will be
"Notice is hereby given of the readiness of
this Department to redeem the Treasury
notes payable in one jeer from dote, author
ized by net cf Congress, approved December
23d, 18")7, and the Trtusury notes payable in
sixty dnys from date, authorized by Act ol
Congress, approved tbe 2d ol March, 1SCI.
"The interest on the Treasury notes of the
above issues will cease on tbe seventh duy of
April next, by the terms of tbeso acts
"To'doy, the last note of the fifty millions
of L'n.ted Stales notes is in the hands of the
signers, and tbe whole woik will be Goished
Ilia remarkable that no accident rr loss
has accurred io tho execution of this great
The Secretary of the Treasury received to
day the following U leg ram fiom tbe Govurnor
of California :
Scuamknto, Jan. 31.
I am instructed, by resolution of the Leg's
Utnre of California, to inform you that this
State will assume and pay into the Treasury
hi tne U niteu btates llm ill reel taz. of $2j4.
5.T8, expropriated to this State by act of
Congress. (Signed)
LKLiKD bTANronu, Governor or California."
Washington, Feb. 5.
The B.ig of truce from reheldnm covered un
impudentdemand, such as should not be ccjn
teaanced in honorable warfare. The mess
age it is said to have been from Jeff Davis to
President Lincoln, announcing that, if '.he
Federal Government permit the rebel briilge
burners to be bung, nndi-r the order or Gen.
Hullcck, that the Federal prisoners Cols.
Corcoran, Lee, Wilcox and others, held us
hostages Tor tho safety of I he pirates, shall be
immediately bung io retaliation. A Cabinet
meeting was called to consider tbe subject,
but 1 am requested not to announce the
result. Jeff. Davis will luarn it soon ennogb.
It is probuhly that the news of tbo recent
order of tbe War Department directing tbe
privateersmeo to be regarded as prisoners of
war bad not reached rebelilom, when this last
message was sent from Richmond. The sen'
tiinoot expressed by those who know the
purport or tbe message is. that the officer who
brought it, thereby disgracing the flag of
truce, should have b-en retained and bung
with the bridge burners.
Tbe despatch published io the papers yes
terday tbat Gen. Scott is about to proceed to
Mex'ico as speciul agent for this government
is only speculation. There, is authority for
saying that Mr. Corwin will cont'nue in Mex
ico with full and exclusive powers to act tor
this government. Gen. Scott's movements
point io another direction.
Since the breaking out i.
Southern Confederacy have
named Rebel Generals:
Maj. Geo. iNvid K. Twig-
Brig. Gen. Henry B. J arks ..giied.
IJrlg. Gen. Robert 8. Garnetl, killed.
Brig. Gen. W. H. T. Walker, resigned.
Brig. Gen. Barnard K Bee, killed.
Brig. Gen. Gideon J. Pijlow, resigned.
Brig. Gen. Tho's T. Fauntleroy, resigned.
Brig. Gen Johu B Grayon, died.
Brig. Gen. Felix K. ZiHlicnffer, killed.
Brig. Gen. I'hilip $1. George Cocke, com
mitted suicide.
All thet some young womeo need to inflame
thoir hearts it a spark.
New Advertisements.
l'crsioiis Wauling a
IX pursuance if an ofler of the Orhana' Court
of Northumberland County, will lie expose I to
public ale, at Ihe limine ot Eilw'd T. Druuiheller,
tn Ihe borough of $uiibnry. on Sutiirdav. the firnl
day or Man h next, the following descrilied Real
Eatatc, to nil :
A certain tract or land, situate In Cameron tp.
Northumberland count), IV, adjoining mountain
and oilier lotid on the north, lands of John V
Hilt-man on the smth. lanilrs at Geo. Krratlelte
on the west, and lundu of Daniel Dorick am.
others on tne ea t: contaiuinu one hundred and
thirty-three acres, more or U'fs; whereon are
erected a two-story fr.inie house, stable, &c. Late
tho properly of Philip Dunkellierger, decerned.
Sale l commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of said
day, when the terms and conditions of tale will be
made known by
By order of the Court,
John A.J. ('uminings,
fsiinbiiry, Feb. I
; Court. 1
ings, Cli-ik.
I. IHG2. J
Notice to all Persons Interested.
f Pi) K subscriber hereliy notifies all persons in
dehted to him on Note or Hunk account, large
or small, llmt Ihey must he settled on or before
the I (Uli of March next, if they to save costs,
as they will ha placed in the hands of a Justice,
for eoeedy collection, after Ihnt dnle.
Punt ury, Feb. I, 1SC2. 6t
fPlIlE undersigned, having 1 con appointed Audi
M. tor hv the Orphans' Court ot Xuilhuinhcland
Counly, to make a distribution of the mciirs in
the hands of C ii UoyO, Administrator of Win.
T. Dovd, deceased ; that the undersigned Auditor
will meet at hie otlice, in the borough of Suubury,
to perforin thu duties of hi nppoiniment, on the
-1 1 h duv of March, A. D. 1st' 2, when and where
all parties interested may attend il I he y tee proper.
ttunhury, Feb. I, 1862. Auditor.
Just Published in a Sealed Envelope; Piice ft cts
ON THE CAUSE AND CUKE of S,,ermntor-rl.o-i.
Consumption. Mental and Physical Debili
ty Nervousness, Epilepsy ; Impaired Nutrition of
tlie UoJv ; Lassitude; Weakness of Ibe Limbi
and the Uark( Indisposition, and Ii.capacity for
study and Labor; Dullness of Apprehension;
Loss if .Memory ; Aversion to Society ; Lava of
Solitude : 1 inudity ; Self Distrust ; Dizmiess;
Hcad.iche ; Afleitions of ihe Eyes; Pimples on
Ihe Kco ; Involuntary Emissions, and Sexual
Incapacity the Consequence -of Youthful Indis
cretion. Ac , Ac.
C3"This admimh'o Lecture ctcarlv proves that
the ahove enumerated, often sell-afllicted, evils
may he removed without medicine and without
dangerous surgical operations, and should be read
by every youth and cv.ry man in the land.
Pent under seal, Io anv address, in a plain,
sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two
postage stamps, by audrersing
U7 Bowery, New York, Post Office Box, 43S6.
TY viitue of sundry writs of Ven. Exponas snrl Fi. Fa
j t issura oui of i no unuri
Through a gentleman who arrived in the
city last eveumg direct from Nashville, we
learned some veiy interesting luuts. He was
in Nashville on tbe day that Ibe battle or
Logau'a Old Fields was fought, but left
before cny report bad reached tbat city. In
passing from Gainsboro' he met at ditlereut
limes, a large number of soldiers flying to
their homes, Theyawere io squads ol two
and three, sometimes five or six, and their
story was almost word for word tbe same.
They reported to h:ui that Crittenden
ordered an advance, relying upon the infor
mation bit scoutt bad brought bim tbat
there was only two regiments of Federal
troops to be met. Znlliroffer endeavored to
pursoade bim to recall his order; but be
refused, eaying that he never recalled en
order. Zollicotfer replied thut he might as
well take out the nien and shoot or bang
tbem; but, as he was ordered to go, he would
do so, and ibe tears stood in his eyes as he
spoke. The attack was made, and the two
regiments they expected to meet Tell back
for about hull a mile. 1 hey. thinking the
victory theirs, pursued and only learned their
mistake when they were attacked from both
tlanka as wall as in front.
When Zollicoffer fell, Crittenden, not being
seen oo tbe ground, a couple of Colonels
whom he did not know look command uutil
Colonel Cummings ordered a retreat. Home
one cried tbat the day was lost, "every man
for nimselt." I ben thet threw down- every
thing that could impede their flight, and
rushed for the entrenchments, and then for
the river. Tbe rush for the bouts was so
great tbat hundreds were crowded into the
river and drowned. 1 he cavalry poshed into
the swollen ttream pell nitll, and many or
them were also drowned. I he lowest esli
mate aoy or them put on the Rebel luss was
1000-souie saying fully 1500 but they stated
that tne majority ol tuem were drowned.
1 bey bad no Idea where General Cnlten
den was, and tbeir estimate or the Union
forces was ibe strongest evideuce or tbe panic
oniier wnicn iney ueo.
By thit gentleman we learn tbat Farion
Brownlow t health is very poor. Hit son
staled tbat be doubted if his father would live
to reach tbe Union lines; and if bis health
would permit, he did not believe tbe lit be I
guard-would let him go.
This gentleman it oo bit way to tee Andy
Johnson, aud reports that tbe Rebels have
aeized JoLotou'f house, turning it into
hospital, and confiscating all bis property ;
that in' order to tava bis mother from tbe
most fiendish 'persecution, one of Johnson's
sunt bat taken tbe oatb to tupport tbe Rebel
cause, 'or at least not to furni.h aid and
comfort to the Unionists. Another too is
biding among the bills, and bat been since
last December.
f Coillitioil t'leiis of Nor,
lliumherhiul county, I'a , to me ilti vrti-tl will lie ejpi-seit n.
Public Sile si the Pul.lic House of J.-el Attmsn, in Ul-.W.
Alt T. on Tlliirkiliiy, the I.J1I1 ilny ol February, A. II ,
.at lOoVkrk A. M , lue following ilesciibeU real estate lu
wit :
A certain niessu.nce and lot of crnund. situate in Dcwart,
Pclawure township, NoriliuiiiUcrluml coun'y. Ph.. ls-un'el
on the uoitti by a public street, on theenst by tnnd of
iCv-erhniJ, on the south by nu niley. suit on ibe west by a
roblic ro:iit,contjiiontr oue-founti of nn acre, more or I, r,
vvitli the improvements thereon er.cltil, coi.sinnic; ol n
two stnrv plunk dwvlonft house, a fiunie stsble bii.i other
oui'butl'iihs.M, fto. sieuetil, taken in exvcuttoii and to be
M as tne property ot . vv. Ilurruwa
On the same day at 2 o'clock V. M , at the
Public House or Joseeph Moist, io the bor
ough oT Milloti, a certain lot or piece or
ground, situate in I urhut lonnship, Nor
thumberland County I'a , bounded on the
north and west by a public road, oo tbe south
and east by lands of Jacob 8 halter, containing
nve acres more or less, on which are erected
two story frame dwelling bouse, a frame
Stable, a well of water at the door ; fruit trees
Seized taken in execution and to be sold as
tbe properly ol Jacob Kigd.
f her ilPs Oflier. )
guiihuiy.Jnn'y. 25,1601.
-.Ic the price ildoes in locnti-'iis
In llns location it c-in la put into
- tfins il ! Riithrred, and Inr the
, ffSts i luaheet price j whilst groceries
rT stticte he purclm"lie gels al Hie lowest price,
lii Ui West, whin lie stills brings tutna pittance, but for
whnthehujs lie pns twn ptitos. In locMlma litre the
Settle lias many iher edvnnti'ics. He is wiihnt a few
hoars, by railroad, of all tl.c ftiauc ciiiesof New Knsluud
and Die AliiMIe .MMes. He is neat his old friends siiJsrso.
cintions Jle Itss sehuol fur Ins children, divina service, (
and all the advantugea of civilsiion, and lie ia near a large
la d lightful; tha winters lifiiti; snlubrtnos and npati,
whilst the suintiiera era in, wsimer liinn in the North. 'J'ho
lociitnni ia upon tiia line of laiilude wilh norther Virginia.
I'eraous wsntiiic a t-haiiseol ctiinute for health, would
be much beuefttteil lit Vntelniid. '1'he mildness of the cli
mate and us bracing influence, mikes it eseellent for all
pulmonary srfrclioiiS. d)spepsie,ur aeueral debility Visi
tots will noiica a ditTcieiica m a lew daa. cliilis and
fevers are oiiknuwii.
Building materisl is plenty. F tsh and Oysters are plonti
ful and cbeHp. ,
Visitois must expect, however, to see a new phce.
Why the I'rupcity hat nJ leen n-tltt lie fore.
Tins question the render nntnrnlly nsks. It is because
it has been held III ItiiKe trncls h) fnlililles not disposed to
sell, mill being- Wllliout rsiltoHd facilities they had few ili
diicrinent. 'i'he ruitrond tins been opciittl tbruubll the
property this season, for the tirsl lime.
ViHtois are shmviinver lite land in a carriage, free of
expense, nud utT-Tibd time and opioitui.ity lor through
ih-etie,nfioii. Those who come wlih a view to settle,
should brine money to secure their purchnses, as locations
nrc not held iisin refusal
The sutestthing in hard limes, where people have been
thrown out of employment in business a 'me little iiii-ons or
siiiull income, is Io start themselves al home. They can
buy a piece of Inml nt a small price, and euut more than
wattes in improving it, nud when it is done it isa cerlani
lllitepeuif cure and lio lore. A few acres hi fruit trees will
in.urea comfortable living;. The land is put down to hard
tune prices, and all improvements cuu be madeala cheeper
rate than eiiv other lime.
The whole tract, with six milesfront on the rtailioad, is
being laid out with fine mid spilfloiisnveiillta. vvi'S n town
in tin-centre five ucre I ,tin theloivil sell at from ALSO to
i'lKl; two snd a hull ot-is lots, al 0 In I -2ll to tf'2110; two
mid a linlfarrc lots, at from -0 to .Tf 1 ao, and town I ,' St
feel front by lrAl feet deep, lit 81 0 payable one hall cash
and the biiltiurc vviihin n ye ir. It is only upon fainis uf
twenty ncrei, or mote, lliiit t'our yeirs' time is given.
To 'flaiiufuclurers, the town nflorils a fine icnii!g of
the SIK1K maiiufiicturing business, and oilier silisles,bo
lug e.eur Philnilelphin,.iind the surrounding country bus a
hue population, which nffonis a guod tauiket.
l his settlement, in the couiseol several enrs, will ba
ni:c of ihe most benutiful places in the country, aud most
agreeable for a residence.
Il is iuteiiilended to make a Vine and Fruit growing
countiy, os thiseuliure is the most prnfnsblu aid the best
n.biptcd to market. Kvei y advantage nud convenience tor
settlers will be Introduced will llisuie. the prosperly of the
place The hard limes ttiionch"ut the country will be ml
tiili'iintage to the settlement, as it compels people to riaort
to ngnculture tors Iiviii.
Luige numbers of peoole are purcbssed. nnd people who
desire the best locution thoiiid visiltbe piucu ut ouoe.
llnprovi.-d land isrilso lor sale.
T'iMierx LsiiiI can bought wi'.li or without timber.-
Tie- Tiniberiil riiurkcil vuluutioii.
The title is indisputable. Warrantee Deeds given, clear
f all ineuiiibrniice, when the neuiey is paia.
Uoaoling conveniences lit hand
Leltcis iuoinptly unswercd, and Reports of Fo,iii Ito-
biiisoii and Wm. Puiry sent togetlicr vt ith the iiieluud
Itmal '
Koutetotbe land- tnve Walnut s'reet wharf, Phila
delphia, sill o'clock A. M , mat 4 1'. M. (unless tlicie
sliould be a chaiiite of h 'lir.) for Vllielaiul, on the ftli-ss-
boro'unil Mnlville Hour mil. when you leave uiccuraai
Vuielulidbuitiuu. just opcncil, impure lor
CHAKl.bti K. I.ANOIS, Postm-ia'er,
Pounder of ttie C0I1 nv,
Vinkl.d, P O., Curnlicilaiid county, V J.
P. There isa change of cars ut Olissteiro'. Also
bewnreoi shunieis oil the cars from .New Voile and I'hila
itelpbia to Viuclaud, liitjuiriiig your business, destination,
of tiie New York Tribune, upon the
Tlie ftiM'Uviiiff 11 011 extnict finm the rrnort nf &
ten lifiljint'Hi, h'.bq , ijul'liflied in the New York Tribune,
in n-t'ereiici to VihcIjuJ. Al i peiioiii cuu ftad in it) lepurt
with iiiitifht
Advantages of Farming near home
Yinel.iml Remarks upon Marl Soil
its great ttrtihty liuo cause of for
tilitj Amount of crops Produced
Fructical Evidence.
It i rrertjuily onf vf the int extensive fertility tract,
'11 mi alint'St itvel p ilioii,nnii sutDibio c nuuiuii ir pir-a
nit iLriiiKie Hut v kuw i tint suit, t.f thr weflctn iwni
rii'M. We tuundaonie of ttits uldcui furm nppnrenlly nut
ai pn htutily pnnJiiciiveni wutu lint cleared ul lorvu Uity
ui m liitiilitd vnirt aff').
Tim UuHioist would tm-n ditrovrr the ennse of this
continued fertility. 1 lie wiime t-iuutry ihh tituiine urju
it. und 11 through tliefciul we lound evulmct-i of a chIci
itoti subilMiiceii. aenilrtillY in tlie l.-rin nf induiHiid cwlcii
rc'iua inut I. snowing many dtminct ftiim of ancient l.ell
nl the leiriturv lot luuliou : and Una n.arJy tsulittuince u
Mittitt red nil throueli the ami, in a vtry c-Tiiiii.tiutid form
nmi in the exact C 'liilili'Mi iimiti msily uiiiidaitf d by iucii
p!Hiit nt the turmer u-iirts t cultivate.
Mnrl, in oil its iWnm, Imn been ued to ferttiire Cfopa in
Fneiand li 'iii the ti ine it wu iki uintd by the Kcmius
and hi K mitre und 'trum-iiv a m.irl bed in counted 4 hi
vu uuhle bed ot nmnure, that van be dug and called uud
iprcu'i iovei the lield. 11 w much ni"ie valuable then it
limit be. when (und ulrtaity uuxrd tbniih ihe ioil.
w here new nurliclea will In: turned up and ixonted. nnd
transformed to the owuer'a Ue ever) tune be itita the
Ilavinf then utiified our minds o( tbe rauae, they will
not tu-excited with the wndt f situationa buving Ihe t jine
eeiural uhaructcTittuaur lesi Rpptaniutta, u rniirciy un
teiii'Jiirniiivcrxi'ept.'ia ila productvenes is proimtid by
urtifitiiil it:rtihziiii-ii
A few w rri wl)"ut tlie quiilily and value nf thin laud for
cultivation. which weh.ive niie ttinnc proof.
Our firht visit win1 t'i Wilhuin L Wil n. FiitnMiii town
lnp, OI'tuTtterciuiity, w ho purclniEed aonie eibt mi'es
noith I .MUlvilk, al"Ut three ycara upu.toi I he ourpnte o.
' i ktublitliii'C a Hfiini mill, to wrk un the tnnbt-r into luin
Ui, to vend tl bv the new rmlron'l, as well an the lireWiod
and emit, t -r which he built a brunch truck a mile and
hail li'im. lie ail fumtaitied aixteen inilei 1 1 the n tid wilh
tici. und hm in d u'i inude the m il pi"(.mlile. tin uph hot object wmU) open a turm. having tiAcoine convinced
that the soil win valuable for i ullivutioii. Ju Ib.i be hui
ii t been dn.iptititril, aa vine nt hn rnpi pmve I'or
iittt nee, but eui tbe ecinl tmieot crt pping, IW d bubht-ls
i-i pntaitn-auii one ucre width Ou cfi taa buLrl nt tin tit M.
Thia ear, seven ucrea, viihut manure, pioductd J3ii
bushel atn. In one held, the nit cr-p wna pi.iat i,
lilanted Olll 'iiC the rmitu, ami vie Ued 7i nuntieln I tie p
lutnek were ii- a! und w ht at awu. und yield 19 buheia
aed thu atnb'ulc lurnrd under mwn t bti'-kwhcui
wiiicb viewed U-li bufctu If : ud then the pound win anwii
toclover u.;d tuuHli , bidi guve ai a tint crop v'j tuna
I'irtt Preminm
fflnuiirncf tn Ins Purpoaa.
With Ilemtacrs, F slier s, Tuckers, Curdera, Bindtrs, 4
Msk the Ixtrk or Phultle Slitrh Mnchincs nf lh sum
E litems, suit at the snme pricrsns liitir crlrhraied llOU
This islhe otilir Cnmisiliv .hnt innkps h-.ith kitrts. thrra
fiira tlie only una llinlcau nippiy all Uiewauia vt tha pub-
If P'trrhnsrrs isn tiike their rhnica if either Btitch
Willi fiie privilrffi nf t-xi-h iMsms fur f lie mhrr.
A ni-w stvlent Hhutile Mucliine runs fast and quiet, for
VcslMukets Tailors, SUt Umtlt-rs, Ate.
At the Line I'rice nf $10.
rr uuy Tin: IIAKIOR'S.S M Cn.
7JU Chestnut Street, I'lnluilelpliia.
II. D. Mjstit, Sunbury, Agent for the Manu
l)..i-i.mlKTtl.rmi 1y
ift tine
I lie teiiinzi in iippnt u m nitw cmpn wnc iiibv. '
Suitable for the Times !
t n e
0 V
0 F
IAS ju.l rrceiveJ a lartje asanr'.mciit of FAII.
A WIM EIi CLOTHING, rnatle ttii of
II s!7,cs. of ihu lieat toateriala and in the latest
t lea, such as
FKOM 'ft 50 to
A koix notlr. uf CAS&IMEHE COATS.
A rplemJiil assortment of
A larje Torletj of DUSIN'EfS C0AT9
n excellent assortment
A larea supply of Mena' UmtershirU, Osar-
hitta. White Shtrls, Drawers enj a variety of
other articles fur mens near tea numerous to
Persons in want of clothiritj caanot do better
than io t'Uv at tins client, store.
tall and examine for Yourselves and you will
find il cheaper than can La purchased el.etvbero
Market Street, nearly opposite Weaver's Hotel.
Suiibury, Dec. 14, 18M.
l'intio Timed.
PIMIF subscriber offers hi services to the clli
-a. ,,n, nf Simhiirv and vi.'i.iitv. in Tlltiiniy
Pianos. Orders kit at tha Central Hotel, will
be attended to.
0. K I. Mil AM..
Jan jury 18, 1 SC2. tf
fO!U'. undesigned offer to lent the Tavern
a property, situate in tho borough nf or-
lliunilcrluitd, near the ISorthutnncrland llridge,
formerly occupied by Cant. Jatnoe Lee, recently
by Mrs Matilda Drown.
rossevsion to ba given on the rirst day of
A pril next.
Terms mat' known by
C. f. LITTLE, at Northumberland.
Northumberland, Jan'y. 85, 1802. 3t
Tlie Dhcapest and most iliirsl.le Rnofiiig In use. It Is Fli
anil Wsler I'rix.f.
It run he applieit ( li"W nud mil H'ufs nf all kinds, and
lo Mnngle Kuufs vrilliout reiiuivinij tlis lni:nlca.
TLc Cost i only about One-Third that
Of Tin, nnd it is twice. s Durable.
For preseviny snd rrnsinni! Tin ami other Metal Rnrifs of
every rfrteriplion, frmn its Rient tloiliniv, is n"l injure
bv ihe ifintroctirm and espansimi i'f nituls, and will not
cif k m nr run in Hrm wentlier.
There material have turn Ihnrouehlv tealral In few
Ynrk and all pane nf tiie Sculnetn nnd IVratern fttnlea,
and w e caiigi eahumluiiljiioxii ot all we CeJim in aeif
Inv r.
Tiny nre readily applied by or 'Inary laborer, al a tri
fling expense
These nistermlHre put up rendv for use. and for ship
pinijt.ii.ll inrlsof the cnltitry, with lull pnnled dlrecl one
fur appltrtiti'iit.
I'uil ileseriptive eireobrs will le fiunished on aapllea
tiuu hy mini -r in t rS'.nt ,nir Pilncip'll IMhee ami Wsia
h .ine, 78 WII.I.I VM SIKl;l'.r, pinner of Lilt"
etreM,) New York.
Ar.FNTs Vsieo ! Terms Cneti '. !
J nc I. MOI ly
LaJlaa' Dreaa CooJs, Cnsiimores, Cloths,
Sattiuclta, Hals and Caps,
nd (Shoes, Clothing, Hosiery, Gloves,
Hardware, (juernsware, Saddlery,
4c-, &.c, Ac.
O loi O 3 ail I Z S
Fiah, Ball and Plaster, Lou and Nads,
Paints, Oils, OIow, Tubicco, Sahara,
Ac-, Ac , &r
At Prlceu that Defy CompctHlcn,
For Caeh or Country Produce.
V have selected these Goods with great care,
and feel assured that they ore the
ever before offered to the public Examine for
Sunbury, November 23. I&fil.
( YfT!ff- I.-'i-a.' Missea,' a
' F IfrkV:il','"'s W""'
ft ' J IVlfiVI' tlaVlllg IWW mar.
1 " XvV' 'i- ! ni . it
f r Ji.Vr"QwiJS -'., - t 'Hive una i i--ijut 1 1 ui niMiii-
rL 1 T I; ''t ,jl;.iie'iit ( nil the vnrions
t-irir'.-t3C9!Ar-Mllnseml r-.un itiea of Kurs,
i'. i.- -..,,!,,,,),,,! ,,, ,),, -H BM.-i
; ; - - "-v tSunoiis, I would
fS-ieptlVlv iniiite nn exiitni'i'itinit nf tnyMnrk mid prices
fiom tlio'ie mti ixlo:? tn pun h i, ss I sin enublid to i.ffcr
llielli Very Hmiinl.le leit, ci'iii"ntK,
Ail rny Purs lutve been riirri-iiBed for Cash, sir! rrsila
hy rrvi leiieeil Inn.!, ne.t uf tl.e p'i n-ii'. tie otlnry lloua'cs
render It nt-eets'irv t,i it I biiulii d.spofec cf 01) (p.kii!s at a
verv siimII .leiieee on c f .
I am ai'ihfied unit it w"ii(! tie t"i the interest of those wb
de-.,-" j ute'iinui. t.. ;.ve lr,e a emi.
f" Hee.iliei t liie niine. nuirne' a-i'f strr? t : J. Foitara
(St. vi Fnrorc. TIB Aicii Street, rhlladcJphia.
Sipt. 7, lSul. 5m.
Eulirtly Vegetable. No Alcoholic Prepa
ration. un. tioo r l, t x iv
i'roparcd by
DR. C. t . JACK.SU.N Ac CO., r!i!aJelt!.i8. T
will tlTuctually cure
Chronic Nerve nt Debility, Diseases of th Kid
r.fja, t'ij ultiJificasefl firming- fnnn a disurdvrtd
,ivtr of Stomach.
Such at Ci-nslirr-ition, I own id IMc, Fulitett rr BT.vy
Tn i lie Head, Acidity fjf tiie Etoni'K-li, NaueeH, Heartburn,
l.iisv' usi I t Ku rd, FuIiicm or Wright in Hie rl jitiui'ti,
Sour KtuctTUit'iii iiiltiug nr I'luilfraij at trie I'll el" Itia
Si'mntii, twitiimitts v Ue U:id, Huint-d und l.if,cu!t
UrrttiuukT.. Klutleriiig nt the Henri, Clinkinc or S: (icc-iiUrf
keiiwtuDiit wltL'ii in a lying pcscirc, Uimnfii r Viit'-ir,
Dt.iiol' w bs lid-iie i h- iws lit , Ktrvei und Dull Tain iu
l lie Side li'-rt, Clit'st, lai:nht, 4c , Sudden Fliiahri of IIcni
liurniiip mi itib I-'li-rli, Ct'iifcUmt iiiinir.tiiitct of evil, and
jaTrmt l)L(ncnninn r Spirits, md will p utively prtvent
Yt'll'-w Ir'evcr, Billi'ius t- uvt-r, Ac
Tlie lr-d) ie(ir in Csiimiir ihu tiiieuli'tj ol the pnMic 9
thm prupunii i.n, dun w tin it Ii:uIni( of the mm-'it iu-fideiK-em
m vutu'i in id aidiiLtution to tit dieat for
whiiriiil ii rfC'Ht.nii'i'tittl
It nt n iirw und untrifd unicie, but Oct lhaf : ifvtd
the tw oi'n twi-lve ytrm iriul htfii-r! ll.f An:uiifnn (n
pi?, uutl it- it-pui.i'i mi und mit? re unnwilU ri by tiny inii prfpna'iwns ex unt. Tne ititummy in its tuvoi given
by ti: in 'st pmti.uifiit nnd well known l'hsiciiiii und
individuals in nil puts nfiht viunry Ji linntif , tti-d
c:iic!"nl pcruut ot the Alm.nui, pub!ihtd Humiaiiy hy tha
pp-prift Jit, n ti io lie lv hud r;ti ff huv of their Apriri,
cannot bat n'iffy tlie most Klcpl.cnl thtit tnn rcmJy it
ready dtsurvjnp il'e (tirnt celi-t r v it lm oNiauitd.
KKAU Tilli KViUI.NU-:.
Hcadwtnt the eiuinetit tjhus Mfirrifarturcr, JOflV iW
I)r,C. M. Jitkbit:i l.fnpeL'ti d I riend ; Huvinitjfor
!-iiitr lime ivcn acqimtnied wuh the vntycsof tn UiUKuiioa
C'Mdiiil in Unujilfi, Ci-'ds, li,flj:ini,;i!n n of ; lie t linen, Vo,
1 tnun I'n-f.y U-ur tctif imny t in eiTiciu'V. I'or niveau,
years 1 liuve never iVen willpnit it in my friniily. it hIs
IVi.'S Hit? pM'itHU'r t( BlUlf lil.H I IMVC I'M" 11 V, Hit (,-111119
suCCfsa ii. ti' treiitineut ol UjveYJ-'Pi;iirnitei
ThyfriiMidlv truly. JOHN M WHITAU..
Fifth Mo. 17, U-'. Ktice street, above 4th, l'l.i;d'ii.
These nfdicinrs are for sat hy nil renpectuMe Druftttt
nid de.dtriiii nifdu inci ill 1' e tidttd Stntes, 1 unndua,
lliitisli rri'VidciiCi't Bttd Wetl liiciii, nt 75 c-iiis per t't
t. He turcand get tne cei.uiue, with ihe UiRralure of C
M. Jaokami on the wrapper of eueh Htt(e ; all others oit
cdttterfe-ii. I'inicifHl uXck uutl .Muuu factory, U0 Arcb
ireet, riiiiHdelphm, Pa.
September U, ly
John I'rolirt.
7ia Ar.fH Sire t, bMwen
Till., n .il pt i , S't.,
(Lote 81 8 MurLtt,)
Jirijy-r'er A .it.'.nfn(-irrr
uf, and Denier in i hinds
v( PAM Y F L Hi f .f
and QiuU
rry umial
of i and htiiutiral nssnii-
AND Till
Horirf lomatiat! ruo for capi, bat not hU
m oflno nieo do.
Tb littU Mlow, Ceorfe Waabingtno Notf
tin rihibilix) in this pile last win)"'
kaa leaead hiinnlf t Hirnum fns lhre ff"
tt tb loojj t m cf i-;i'v'.- ii'i'iiii.
J. H. Jones, nf tlia rrleliratrj C'lnvrr Strut
Nurserirs. lakes this n.iurl unity of infortning Ins
many friendi and patrnna in the county of Nor
(linmlicrloncl, ihot in a frw dava he will he nilh
them nnre again to solirit ortlrrs fur any kiml of
stnrk tnat is to be found in a first clana Nursery
Iol tiring in any way relafed la tlie Muses 1
do not pit-ii'iid lu advertise my trees in poetry,
but I can insure them tn be as represented, and
having fmmed Ihe acquaintance of the tieotile in
1Mb section of country, I hope you will reserve
your orders until I shall have the pleasure to call
upor you. I subscribe mvteir, voura, mont re
spectfully, J. U. JO.NES.
bunbury, Jan. S I62 3t
A Rare opportunity io the Best Market, aod
lii ob t Dulifthtful dJ lleallbful Clinmta
io the Union. Only '1'birty Milri
South ol l'hiUuelphia.oD a Rail
r6ad ; being ricb, heavy
oil, and highly produc
tive wheat laud
onouett tbe beat
ID the Garden
btate of New
It enasist nf tn.OOO seras of GOOD Unit, divided lato
Farms ufdiffsrviit sizes to suit tlia purcltasrr From VO
acres and upwarua and ta s.iiu at ids late of 8ta tn 90
per aera for lbs faim laud, payable out!i'urth eailt, and
ins uiiaiira uv quarter-yoiiriy instalments, Wlta legal Uller
sat, wubiu Ilia teiui of lour years.
Is, in grest part, a Rich Clay Lnm, stiitat.le for Wlwat,
uhh biiu riiuii.iv aw a nmi anu ruin annoy siain, suitu,
Ue lor corn, sweat potatoes, lolai.'cii. all kinds of vracta,
blus and root ciops, and the uiist vuneties of fiuit, sach
as Uraiies, Poiirs, Pearlies, Apricots, NeclNrlncs, riUt-k
beifles. Melons and ot bar fruits, best adapted to tha Plolu.
delulnaaiul New York nwtkeis. In ipt to tha soil
etui crops thste can tic no misuse, as visitors can exainisa
both, and tiona sis sspeetrd to buy liefora so ding. and
fiiHlins these sut, menu eorraet under thesacireumslaiiea
unless Ihesa statements weie eorwi, thcra would be no
use 111 tbeir being uaida. It is eousalcred.
Tut Ukst Fault Boil m tui L'aioa.
Sea Reports ol ft. li n Hobin n, Ksq .nf the New York
Tntaina. Slid the well-Snown a(tricultulisl, William Party
nt CiiiiiaiBieon, !w Jciaey, wuiea wm ue luiuislieo in
quirers j
Kv lMnorr the map tae rwlcr will pererivs that il
a twit maiaetin the Uin u. arxl lua direct eom.
M 11 w'KNsw Y"eS arl PhlltJelnS'm lolcasikv
, . .-'', .tr Ivr 'fi-iai fi 11a t.e hitae Tr 4'ies in
1V0111 i-!ruriiiL'b : si-eoi.u ''2.3 tv um!s 01 tuel'lih Milm'e
lime : 1I101I, Ji (l tv untjt Peiuviun itiiHiiti ; ttirii6n tmitu-ls
ot fcl.ikrJ lone tins tiseil fprelid Upon lilt cli Vtr Since It Wad
ii.ntft-il null I iniitHl 111 !,,r u lniil:
' Mr. ilson's utowiim erons. ami tliewlient stuhlleof
trie pri-srnt st-as -n, uil mdicule Ins lund as ptoductie as
uny purt ol ttie Millie.
At Miiij Uiirr"w's an ild style Jersey tv mini fanner,
Si-veinl miles s -nth of Mr Wiliiii.ywe vt-ne sopntlii'u.
tar ly stiuck Willi tlie tine upptaiance ol a held ot eon ,lti;a
we l pp d to inquirr ul the hired man bow it was pio-
dueed. We f,.uiiillhnt Ilia lund had been lue year but one J
seiis n. pud lusl sprintt plowed once, wllu uue "poor old
nai;," anil plnl-trd Willi corn
Vcs, but you manured high, we aupposcV we auid;alivtly, mid g"t this re(.ly :
' Wat, you see, we e "iilii'nt a that; 'cause we
hadn't but foll ouc h rse U uds ullognhi r, lor 24 uctts,
unil we wauled the most ou't f,,r the truck "
The truck consisted ul beeta, cariots, cublmge, cucum
bers, melons, ic , anil a very productive iutiii .if I. una
beans, giowii lormaiketiiig. N we were snluntd Ibat tlie
,,il w as not fertile, even unuidcd by clover, whuil bad
fed tlia com, because the "huik palih" bail ifl been elo
veled, and bud b-cll in cuitivali ;ll King enuU(jli Io oblite
rate ullsi!MSi I the lot est.
nur nesivisii was to the faim of Andrew rharp, five
miles nollh of .Millvi le, fioil bull to u mile east ol IMC
railroud, and just uooitt 111 the centre of Yiiieku.d. Mr.
hhaip coiinilenced work here 111 December, I e5.", U1MI 'i'lU
u.,ira. In Iamb thHii three Years, he hnK"l '1-1 arres ciear.
ed mid in cinps this Si-nsnii, all well encl"cu unu uiv itil-u
into severul lields, with eedur red or pole fence ; bus Innll
two story dwellmi;, about OU by 4U led, anu a saianrr
i.nae lor lann Ubolets, and a siuuieuuu giunury unu ivm
..ll.r i.iil.lMillOiiies.
IT.iiisi.teiub e oult Ol tne Ittliu was cieareu oi ilia imw
at lone dollarsuii acre.and on someot it the bist croi was
buckwheat, lined wuh SO bushels in p Uil per si re
I nu cr.'u in iv be put in July 4 lit, to ami, and yiel is vu in
aU bushr.s per aeie, b.trvesud in .Ni'Vein'-cl ; wiicii tne
laud being sowcu Willi lau ua ,i 1 iiuiwii (u.iii'u
Seeded Willi rje.yliided t'i to tjbuihels p rune und ten
ii, u-.,iiti 111 struw the ,va sTunoie tuiuro. ami
knocking i ti a large grovt'ib of oak Sprou's, and dreed
:on Willi ifuano anu seeoeu io w neat, uave ia or iu nu.
I'lieerou wineb be was llirrsliiui w hile we w ere tiieie
promised mule, of a very plump grain, and the siruw is
very heavy.
We v.'eniover tne BIUUDIB anu louuu lua eiuvor am, u
rnothy, fiom seed sowed lusispnuft, on Ibe wheat wilhuut
harrowilia. loukliiK as well as we ever saw 11 upon any old
cultivated lann, unil wilrtu ii'.ila work done iu winter to
clear off some luotsaud rotted stumps, uud setting suikes to
mark iHiriiianentoina, ha will be utile to cut the crop tne
ltes.1 veur with a mowing ana we will guarantee, two bnis
net aere. il ba will the overplus il it uverruiistbe estimate
'art ol Hie ibiiu ub ,ini,ru nmi i.,.b m ...
...k,l. . , l.l lui.hrl i,r ufjm It lA'tis tl.en
timed wilh 60 butibtls pe ucre. and sredtd wit.1 wheal mid
clover yieldn g an aveiage of ovei 15 bushels per acre and
il,v i.l,.vr iiour Um ika beautiful.
Uthernortloushava been planted with corn as a nral
ernp, win. b yieuted Bo bushels ol yellow Boil can, snd
Ibe seca d crop 4U pusnris, auu ma iiuia ciop, iieaieu iu
IMIlba oieuuit'i, wa ate are aura uo una wou.a csiitaais
beluav 4U basbels Der acta
I The readet will reelect that the writer is now speak
ing ot laud perfaeily new, and which cau acurcely ba oou
i.lif.l in vimm! aralila o.uiditloii. K.D 1
111 oilier cases, tlie Corn crop or lusi iwr win umiuww
wilh (hub this season, not vet threshed, but will avelfge
l.roliubly 411 to 60 bushels riweet r'l-loe, beans, melons
and in fact, all aatdsil veaeubles, us well as young peai
and other fiuit Uses planted this year, h"v very plainly
that this lons-negleeled truet of laud should remain so uo
lnugel andlbeia isteiwa sliougprolsitulity that it will not
for, aialer the ausntees of Mr. laindis, it will ba divided
inlu small kaa. wilb liwits loeuted UiacconiueHiula all tha
sutveyors are now busy at this work and all purchasers
will 1.S required to build lieat comfortable nouses, ami
cither fence, which would lw preferable, by which means
AilmluUlruioi ' XotUe.
NOTICE is hereby given, that litters nf ad,
x' ministraiion having been granted to the sub
acriber, on the estate of I-rael Chamberlain, late
of Shatnnkin township, N orlhumberland county,
deceased. All persona indebted to said estate
are requested to make tmmediale payment, aud
Iho'e having claima to present them fi r settle
ment. LEWIS CHAMBER!, UN. Adm'r.
fclmniokin tp, January IH, 1S02. Ct
Si? N irulTYAC A D E xTf.
Rev. P. RIZKR, A.M., intending to coo
Cue his pastoral lubort to a smaller diatrict,
bag arrangnd ta take charge nf Mr. V elver
ton's Classical School, oo ibts first ModJuj
io March uext.
Ternia per quartor to remain as a present viz :
Grammar, Arithmetic, fjongraphj', Ac. $4 00
Higher English litoochos, 5 (JU
Laogungea, Latio, Greek, Goruno
aud Freocb, 7 00
Mr. Wor.vKRTns, tbe present rriocipal bag
kindly consented to reoder assistduce occa
sionally during the Crsl ttiarter.
XV rutrtinagfl ia reppeclfully solicited,
Stintmry. January 18. 18-2.
!,. SCOTT fi CO . Ntw York, enminue to
publish tbe t'ullowing leading Kriiish lVrindicuU :
Tltt London Quarterly Conservative,
Hit Edinburgh Review IfVu'r.
The North British Rti-ieto Fret Church
The Westminster Review Liberal.
Blachcood't Edinlurg Magazine Tiry.
The present critical atate of Euro;Mn aflaiu
ill render these publications utiutualU' inlere-t
ins during the forthconting year. 'I licy will
occupy miildlo ground iiclween the liostily
written news items, crude Scculaiiona, and flying
rumors ol the dully lournnl, and thu ponderous
Tome of the future historian, written alter the
living interest and excitement cf the gra.t
political eveuta ot tho lime shall have passed
away. It ia to thiso Periodicals that readers
must look for the only really intelligible and
reliable history of current events, and as such, in
dJilinn to their well established literary, scientilic,
nd theological character, we urge them upon ihe
con sideration of the reading public.
Tne receipt of Advance tMiects Irom tr.eOtiiisli
publishers gives additional value to these lie
prints, inasmuch a they can now be pUced in
the hands of subscriber about as aouii as tbo
original editiona.
'1 tK.US. (Regular rri-e-O
l'er annum.
jtuis.iiiioii ali''r INolice.
VJO I K'h is hereby given that letters of admin'
Utratii n have been giantcd lu the aubscrlber,
on t ie estate of I.-aac 11. Kline, late uf Hush
township, Northumberland county, deceased. All
pernous indebted to said rafale are requested to
make immediate payment, end tlio.o uaving
claims In present thrrn for settlement.
tll.l(MA. li. M.l.vr., Adm r.
Upper Augueia, Dec. iJH, lH6l.--6t
good rHipulatltNiW' II ba secured, wlai will esubluli ehurches
schifcila, spires, mills, mechanic sbopsand h.anes hianea of
Auiarieau funnels, surrounded by gildens, urcluirda, fields
and conifoiisiH civilized lite
Il un one, from any dcraugetnent of business, ia desirous
ng h's pursuits, ol.or wan ts irotnany cause uesi-
roua to boa anew toeaibsi and cheap aiine ut ths c.Hiuuy,
and who in y read sod haliev wi at wa bave truly sLiled
hs will do wall to go and see for tun. self what uuy ba atcd
wub.u two fv-an" tiie cut u 1 b.iiVlrnai
Fsuaiy I.1M8 -if
at tha
rashionable Tailoring Establishment
market utrcci, SIMM'RY. Pa.
mHF. subscriber has just received and opened
- arse assortmeiil Brtil.xti A.U anil
MEU CiOOl'X, auih a
Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Veitings, &e
of the latest atylea. In addition to his stock he
is constantly receiving new stippbca Irom Ihe city
keeping a full assortment of the most substantial
and latest style ot Uooda in tlie city markets.
He ia prepared to make to order all kinds
Gentlemen's and iioy's wca'. such, aa
LOONt. ic. ie.
of the very latest style, and in the most iubslan
tial manner, at al.ort notice.
An ioods not on hand, i"! furnished
from Philadelphia, by giving two day 'a notice.
IJT Call and exaoiiu my stock, uo cnargea
made for showing.
Sunbury, May II, IH61
Millinery Goods!
at tha tilore of
!IlNCi B. & la. SIIISSI.ER,
Simpson's Duilding, Market t-qusrs, tl'MlLRY, Pe
f 'UK public are invited In call and eaainiiie .heir Milli
J. nerv O'MMfsiustopeUfid sui-h as twines Ilrt-ss Gm its,
Hi.ks, and lbs latest New Yvrk and fbiladelnbia si) Its
FURS, ladies' Gkives, Il.istetv, llsudfceichiefs, Notions,
t-'kiweis, and MilHuery giMsnf every- variety.
MAM mads luUis best man.
aee sia) lu any slyla.
intra! to Btlllrw, eallsavl essnuns nr sfa b.
H h Ui-lllml l R
tsoi lxiT.Oet'-ler IS.
For any one of the four Kcviews, is UO
For any two of tha tour Kevirna, n IX)
For any three of the four Keviens, 7 00
For all four ol the Heviews, H
Por lllackwood'a Magazine, 3 bU
For ii lac It wood and one Kcview, 6 Oil
For II lack wood and two Reviews, 7 U0
For lii at k wood and thrro Itevitws, U 00
For lilackwood and the four KuvW j. 10 00
Money current in the Stain where issued will
be received at par.
he Fostage to any part of Ihe Lulled Ma cs
will be but twenty lour cents a ear for "Black
wood." and but lourteen cenis a year fur each of
the Keviewa.
At the above pricra the Teiiodicals will bo ,
furnished for IHfia, aud aa a
tho No, of the aaine IVrindicuU for 100 will
be furnixhed complete, without ablitonal charge.
Unlike the more ephemeral Magazines of tne i
day, these Periodicals lose little by ue. Hence. ;
a.full year ol Ihe Noa. tor I Mm, may be regaided ,
as nearly aa vaiuauie as inr i-u..
riubsenbers wishing also tbu .ncs for lent,
will be supplied at the following intrvuiely law
rates :
Splendid Ofert for 1SC0. 'CI, and '(,2,
For Blackwood's Magsitue. the 3 years, $. 00
For any one Review, " b 00
For any two Iteviewt, " eV (10
For black wood and one Review, ' 8 00
For lilackwood and two Reviews, " i 00
For three reviews. " 1 1 1.0
For lilackwood and three Reviews," 15 00
Foi the four Reviews, 13 00
For Blackwood and the I Reviews, ' 17 10
Any of the above works will also be fjru'nlie.1
to New (subscribers for the year ISMi-H, stij 9,
at one-half the regular eubscription prices.
Time a new aubscriber uiay obtain Ihe
Repnnta of the Four Kevicwe and lils-kwood
Seven Consecutive Years for ! ! ! inch is
but little more than lb price uf tne ontiiual
works fur one year.
Aa we shall never again bo likely to otTcr audi
ii'dutementa ta those here presented, now is the
time to subscribe ! I
Kemittances inu-t, lo all casea, be niaoVdirec
lu Ihe Publishers, for al these prices no co,n
mission can be allowed to axenta.
No. 14 (JulJ street, Near Yota.
November S, laBI.
From Philailtlplin t' New York and Way
From Walnut Street Wharf and Keusiiigtciu Depot.
Ploindclptiin, will leave ns 'ullows, via rK,
At 8 A SI. via Camden ami Ainboy C A A Accom-
111 Hlutici, it ii
At 6 A M, via Camoet a:-d Jersey City New Jer
sey neroinill-Klatioo. S 25
At '.'I A .M, via Cuiodcu and Jertev city Monti,.
Mad, 3 01)
At l'.'J I' M, via Keiiiington and Jcrsej eite, ',-
I'-ril Express, 3 Ol
At I' M via Camden snd Ainbnr, ncc onunotiatlon S
I At a r M, via Cainuaii sntf Anilioy C and A. L&-
pre. 3 00
! At CJ I' M, v'.u Kensington, and Jersey city, Kve-
uii!" h.xpiess, a
At 4 I' M. via Kcnsinglon and Jeltey city, a 1
l'ins Ticket. S 4-t
At 6 P M . vin Ciiuiil.'ii tc Jersey city Evening: Mail d 111
A I II V M, v:a Camden and Jcmcy cit S"utn Mail 2 kVS
At S I M. via Camden und Anilioy Aci.'i,nmi".la.
Hon. tFielcut and rasseniier,) IU claKs ticket, "l
!i.l ' 1
The 8 P.M. Mail Line tuns daily. Tan U f-oul.itru
Mini rsitl'rdnxs exempted.
Eor lielvidera. Easton. Fleinmctini. Ao. nt ' 10 A. M.,
from Walnut street wnarf and 'J; I'. M , irom Keusinsjtoi..
Kiar.Mail'l Ltlaiik. Alleut.lWll and UiLi.thcm, at 8, A .M.
00 I via l.cincn Valley Kttlroad
Eor Wuier lanp, Xtrou.UiiurK, scrai.fn, v i k-r,srr,
M.'tttrosv, ijtcut llriut. A.c, to V lu A M, via
Luckuv.'i.iilia and Wttsttr-i Rnilr,..o1
Kot Kieeho'd. nt ti A. M nt:J .' I'. M.
Eol .Mount Holly, iii A M., audi!, P M.
For Itristol, Tnti'of, r , at 7 10 and Pj A M . Sf,
j 30 ami 1 1 I' ..I fmia Kensi ijloil unJ '.'i t .M truu v ui.
I nut S'jeet Wnarf.
! KuilVwyra, Kiverb-in. Drl-iie , Beverly. IliirVngton,
I El 'lenre, li.n.'.tiitou it, ic . at It j , 1 , 5 and 5j E. l
j oaf Trent, mi. Ir Ilordcni'iwii, and i itetnieuiata
1 p lares, nt 1' 1 . from Witaiuf street Wharf.
l-'l Sew York, an I V;iv I.i'lts leavli'P Krosing
; to:i llep-'t, tiUe 'lie cais on EK'h slli-.', a!i ce Walnut,
I haif an li.inr tifoie ib-firtuirr. 'i'nei'u ran int.' t lie i)c
I pt l. and on in rival of eieh 'I'raln. run fiom tic di-pnt.
j i" Fifty pounds of llai-u'atre on:y. nlMved ea:-h .a.ei'er,
I Passencers ure pn,li,iutt:d from takn anyliiiin; ns It: -I
inte but their wwir.tip sj ;rl Ail Hpci e over f (tv
j poio'd?, I-i he for i-vr.i. T' e t'"i'i;viiiy lim:l 1:1111
i resi)onm'uiity for H il'Tairi. to lire l"! ar per i i ui.d. and
I w ill net I'le i' a ion uiiioiiut b,md Ul) 1J. u.ts, CA-
pt by Sl'eiMitl c.'lltri-t
W M 11. OATZMElt Afn.lC. iA K R
Nov- 9, '61.
AtliiiliiUtralor oilco.
jVOTIt'E ia hereby given tbat letters uf adini
J iiistraliuu have been grantej to ihe aul scri
ber, on the estate of Kolierl Campbell, late of
Rush township, Northumberland coiin:)', Putin's ,
deceaed. All persona indebuu lo said ratal
are requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims to present thciti Inr settifl.
mailt. AMO.-1 VAPTINB, Ai!n,'r,
i Miia,vkin, Tee. tl, tori. It
New Millinery Goods.
3iis J. ;rssLrn,
Fatrn S,rttl.iieo.ltr smh vf te Skumoki
Valley !) IVltmille Rail R'iud,
i:t'l'Ki: TiT'I.l.Y informs the cituens of
Sl.'NHL'liY and vicinity, that she has just
received from I'bilailelpliio a larc and l lenuid
asbOilmctit cf the moat taahioi.ablp f vie of
cotnpriairg cf
LO CO i"T iTf LIU J ,
M IN (.is Ac.
which she ia sell 1113 at the wont reasonable prioca
,1 7-r-n - TN"0"fTJ rJ " . fJ A ''
'1 o winch she dirccla the altcnlloll ot tbe Udlea
and invites all l call and see them.
Thaitkful for pjet patronage, alio hop ly
keeping in best assoitmml at reasoiiaU jiiiic
to cotitiMie tbe same.
Sunbury, October 19, 1K61. 3m
S.Tli CTT W ALS." "
.V(. Siiny Harden Ftreet, Philath'.jjMa.
1 laSKCTKL'l.l-Y tifilt etKiitipunteiiii of all ku:c
nf country pr mUioi. tx t luimiy llur. Kc.
wiit inu t iiu tl 111 L vn ceiilre ul biintu -, unA bnvin(
ver Jrvif..iv BeUil I' under tiuoviii iniiuidto
J(?i .'itiLii. ,ie bn ili(i lilH.r, (u iAuiUU liWVvry
Isi'jhrht DsJ.rifri pntf Uii vrf j UiiJti, im ot.
i'ciaiil.Ki dl, IHtil . .ly
II.ANK rarchner.4 Pm' I t
t ., f r lb ii. U M a?aKfv.