Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 28, 1861, Image 2

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w I I I'lll
envm.... atari
1" Hl.r.r nlouiid Citv.
'""( Jn exatinp that portion of
.egiment, unde r command ofMe-
wtr Williams, marie a dash in Missouri bit the
12th, nd burned the villages of Popinsville
end Hutler. The latter was tbeconnty foat of
Dates county. The troojis returned with a
large number of Union referees, itork, &e.
They had but two men killed at Butler.
These towns have been for a loot time lb
resort of the goeriila bends of rebels
General Price was nt Oscela ut thn time,
Mil wan tbtesieiitng ibat be Intended to el
lck Sedalia.
Two companies of tha Foortb Regiment of
regular cavalry arrived at Fort Leavenworth
on the lKth instant, having been twenty two
days coming from Fort W'ifo.
r-KPAi.iA, December 20. Colonel Palmer's
brigade arrived here loet night, and t jeneral
Pop is expected to reach bcro.tvni(ht.
All the inl'onnntico. Iroin t lie west and nortb
ia to tho effect tbal no efforts have been
spared to send general Trice ample supplies
i-f clotb'rj for bia rebel aim? duns? the
winter. All or nearly alt cf thin ha fallen
or will full into our bands. Nearly two Lun
rlred lavily.aden wagons are already in our
possession, together with larpa quantitiea or
ammunition and orms, one thousand herae,
. ter,!3, cr.n.p equipage, etc., and between eicbt-1
teen Imtilreri and two thousand recruits have !
been tokeo prisoners. j
Major IJ!lard. or the First Missonrl Ca
valry, has captured over sixty rebel reciuits
within the past Tew days, killed several others j
Mid ..akfcn n considerahlu r.omber of tents,
several w .gons., a quantity of bopgge cod
arms, add Unrned a tu ill which bad been tup
plying tho rebels for some time past; alto
gether, thn robellion bna received ft terrible
shock io this teeiion of country wit bin the
present week. It is thought bv many that
Price will cross the Osnge to assist his gen,
rals, Stt'in ond Shu-Is, who are now in the
nver couities with four or five thoost-.rd men
to escort recruits end supplies to their main
camp ut Osceola. If he does, ho will be com
pelled to stand ri retierul cngagnnient, in
which event there ip no doubt whatever that
be will bi badly defeated, and bis army en
tirely scattered.
nKI'OHTFU kscapk or COL. roil CORAS
W. had en inte'view y-sterdy with
Smnne! It. Iliiui. ot Uaiigor. Maine, 'Second
Liifitcnant io Company C, cf tho Second
li-ei'i'eut f Maine Vuluntenrs, who was
, badly wounded oml taken prisoner at tbe
btllle or Hull Run. and who reached this
city yesterday, on hi" return from C!irieel..n.
lie left tb-it city on Tbnrsioy, tbe 12. b
inttaot, having been or of some three
hundred prisuners who were conriued ia the
City .) ail. ultich iccw Lurncd during tho late
Too jail was a large brick lui.J.'ng on
liroad street, and nearly all the pr.scnera
wero in a large upper room, liia wiudows c f
which were barred aod closed with iron
shutters, except one small ooo r.veilookins n
very narrow elreet in tbu reur of the building.
Mr. llurd ntates that tbe fire broke out as
Dearly as he could judge, in a gas hooee, cc.M
door to a sjhIi at:d blind factory, and that it
BpreaJ with great rapidity, ijteut fl'urts
wei inado to extinguish it, but without tbe
slightest oflect. 'He bugioes, worked by
ceyroes aod whites, seemed ulterlv poireriess,
ar-d the flames spread finally to the jail, the
roof of which was on lire. No movement
was made to let the prisoners out. The
guards usually stationed around the building
were away, and do soldiers were viib!-. Mr.
Hard states (hat Cui. Corcoran was the Grst
coe to leap through tbe window, exclaiming
as be went out, "lime goes for Deaulort or
the North." llurd was t(jo next, and as he
Btruck upon Hie p.uement, fj5 says half a
dozen others came upon biro, and the whole
room was speedily imptiedfjr its inmate?.
They spent the night io tlj-icinity of the
Uamej, keeping toginueruweu as they
could mmy of tbeui being severely wounded.
They bad nothing to eat acj nothing to
drink, except some liquor which a portion of
their number got from the cellars of bouses
from which the occupants Dad been driven bv
tbe fire. "
At about fen o'clock ptsards were sent to
tk them in charge. They -tieated tham
with great brutoiity, strikicg with their guns
those cf tbem who did not move quickly
enough. One of tbe soldiers told the ser
geant of the guard that Col. Corcoroo was
missing. His reply was that perhaps be was
burned if not, be must bo huuled up. Sten
were sect to l.ok after him. At 2 o'clock
the whole -r(uad of prisoners were driven to
Castle Pickney again, where tbey were left
n thn cpen court yord through tbe whole of
thot duy aod the following uigut, without
shelter of any hind and with no other clothing
thai, that in whieh they made- their escape.
Colonel Corcoran was not in Castle Pincliiiey
with the rest of the prisoners, nor bad Air.
llurd been abla f.i obtain any intelligence
concerning him. tie thinks it probable that
he made ao effort to escape to Beaufort.
Cooo fob Schokpf ! (Jen. Sehoepf ap.
pears to be us much at home in the currency
bu.iness ti in fighting "Old Z .lly." When
he arrived in thj ne'sbbr-rhoud cf London,
cftcr tne Wild Cat Uiriit. he found that
Zo.liennVr had been levying oa the Union
n.ea Icr provisiocs, firjgo, tr;r:poriation.
ice., and hiJ paid tuem io Corderate bonds.
1 Ulltatiili; ao mKI, I.
toooght to ijncxci i.iyuabl-.', Ceneru! Sehoepf
Cnmuienced !i-tvinii nr. il k.....i
-"C i'vvriuuiail lur
Similar aopplies. Meantime bo aefemt.led
toe toioa iu-n, oud opening an exchocf e
tffico lor their Ui.e!H.rct at defiance all
baekiug rules, by '.kii." tbe C.-,r,federat
b.mdi at par. aud 6P!'!;ii. the Uuion men
witu good Ot i) and Indiana money in its
Hea l. ' h.n, v.hor. u, stcesior.;bt pretent
e.l their hills, he ra''l tliem all off. with the
otmost P'd.ldoese, iu iheir own currency
I'bey dula'l know enough to be thankful for
tbe arraugeinenl, but that v.asu't bis fault.
Thi! littTH or H. H. ?i. pMi!ca Atar.PT
1'V the Pfrdl.1 u i.ii. ..r .i... i .,
ilu J.oval Hiuhi.esa l'ri.,..(; Albeit, cans.,.1 of !
Qacrn j. toria, Uuke oi KRS0 Cji,,, Uoiha, be. i
vliub look place in London, r.n the !ith iut I a l.iieC ill :,..,, whi.-!, .va. t.,-,t eo.i,lerr, I
UangeroiH unl.l ti.o Jaya hefor it reiulled in
t.c.nli. Kili gjsiric fever. 1'riore
Ali-erl wi a Chriiliun and a BCiiile nan well
a I'liuce. and km more illualrioua by hu vir
uca than by !iu poiiion.
Tbe setting of a 5ret hope is like the let
ing of tha sua j the brightness rf our life is
A-u-. nuinuwi 01 eveuing rail around US.
.id the wo-ld gcerra bul a dim retleclioa-ii.
elf a busier shadow. We look lorwardioto!
ue comine ir.noiy u.gbt. The ot,I wiibdraws
ito itself, rherj iiari arue and the night if
The every day carsi and doties which men
ill drmlgery, are tha weighis aod counter,
lises of the clock ol time, givjug its pendq.
m a trae vibruiirc, aod its hands a regular
olion ; and when tbey cuts to ban upon
e wheels, tha pendulum no looger swings,
"bands co longer toove, the cUck (taodt
Two lada eeii In be from Wilkea-B arre, stola a
a at Ulouoiahur rJucday week, and came
llnwiaaaawjsre iJvf rra arwaui.
aHP r .a -rmrn , 1
n.n. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor.
CJ" The full of snow on Sunday evening,
was just enough to make sleighing possible
and walking tolerable.
y in
63 The carrier requests us to say that be
will pay bia respects to tbe Patron of the
IwienVaii on New Year's day with bis annual
The walking, however, was uncomfortably icy
aH to some impracticable. '
XjT Skating. Tbe skating on tbe Pood has
been excelled the past week. On Christmas
we observed, among others, several latiits en
joying the sprri. f
tT Camp or Typhoid Fever tins removed
a number of our Volunteers to a better world.
The Northumberland Coi.ppany has lost three
members, Mr. : Amos fc. Ivepp, Jr., Simoo
Uibbona and Heury Dale.
C2T tter. Mr. Iiizer, of this pluee, Chap
lain of tho New York 7Dib liegiiiiei.t, luj
returaed Lome from Port R yal, having re
signed on accyunl of ill health. lie was se
riously ill for several weeks at Port Hoyul,
but is gradoally improving sibte his rcluiDi
GT'l'he Coul Trade by Canal, for the pre
sent season, was closed on Saturday last, tho
2M. OnThnrsduy tho lSlh, llaig & Howen
of this place, cleFpatehed the l?t boat for
Balliruoro, w hich bus most probably reached
iia destination. Douly & Son, ulso de'pateh
cd cne for that city from Northumberland,
tbe eamo day.
r?" Lim!:k5si.o AcriUENT. On Friday
Inst Reed Nuidig, residing two miles above
Sunbnry, lost his boy, about teo years old, by
a most sir.gulur aecidei.l. I: loaded gun,
which usually rested on hooks io the wnl!, fel1
on tbe Goer, and was accidentally Oic-hoged.
tbe thot lokicg effect io the body of his child
Another of bis children was burned to death a
few years 'rr:..'.
1 - m
C'S Likl'-.ekant Makti.n We ore jileased
to learn that Christian Martio, (if this . lace,
now here on a visit to his mother scj reia.
tives, holds the position of First Lieutenant
ia the 4th Wisconsin lufastiy. There are
but few belter and moro urscrving soldiers in
the racliS. Lieut. Martio served as a private
through tho whole of the Mexican war, and
participated in most of tbe tes fmyht iD
that couDtry. To b' eenrage, good cnnd'ivt
and military experience alone, ia he indebted
for b-'s promotion. Lieut. Mnri.'o is a mould,
er by tradj, having served his time Ic Ihe
Foundry cf tho Messrs. llohrbacb, of this
IST As our neii;Ucr Ins nt last afforded us
iodubtibie evidence of bis Union sympathies
(see Ilymenial record,) we can afford to over
look "uany foibles or the past. We shall new
expect better thing? from him I'ujd expressing
doubts of the bonesly of bis cotemporaries
who did not, wiih him, believe in the innocence
cf the traitor. Floyl. We sincerely congrata.
lute him upon having courageously eolrcd
upon a new and honorable stage of life. There
is nothing like the amenities and affections of
woman to take down the crooked and rough
edges, as well as the whims engendered by
bachelordoui and selfishness; andAwe trust
our neighbor will dow bieathe freer, if not
deeper, aud that Lis slumbers will do looger
be disturbed by night mare visions of mobs,
mob editors, Ueuerul Cameron's pocket and
other hobgoblin of Lin former furlorD con.
1ST A Jmpcdkjit Rfi-kst. The Mercury,
oue of the flush weeklies of New Yurk, asks
us to advertise their sheet to the amount of
S3 or glO, for wbicb tbey offer uo exchange
od an extri pancr for any other peisou
named. Cue would seppote do editor having
any self respect or proper estimation or bis
position, would accept eqch ao impudent and
humiliating proportion. True, minnies may
be caught with pin hooks j tot even they
must be meugre iudeed, to bite at an almost
ntked hook. We r.ct, almost daily, worth,
less, bogus ond ch-cei.e ti'verlsemen'ts which
Wi regret to see in some or our exchanges.
CjJTiik Victory t Diuixeviu.c was a
spirited affair, highly creditable to the Peun.
sylvaoi vduLteerj. The "IJuckiaa" U fi
Kegiment, ucder Lieutenant Colonel Thomas
L. Xaoe, who were eutirluined a day aod
oight at this laee, cu their way to Ci0.p
tock an active pail iu the fight. Tbey weri'
principal! wutermeo from L!k, Potter and
M.'Ueao counties. M ,j. MuJiH, B tall, gen
tlemanly solJi.r. wii to remembered,
especii'iy by our ladies, whom he assisted iu
the distribution or provisiocs among the sol.
diem of UraJford acd Tioua. :. ii.-
Jury Jiyoui. Lieutenant Colonel Kane wi'j
bo recollected UK a fmull riiu. cf slender
'rum.-, weighing perhups nyt more than a huo
died pounds. Auiou IL-u title ! are Sau.uel
W..lter, of Cltaisa, aod George Cook, of
Our neighbor of the K0rtlivrltrlnf.1l
County Democrat, last week, published Pen
dlelou's speech and Col. Uidiila's letttr, as he
tayi, io place of "Holt acd Dickinsou's great
speech," aod asks the American to give it
an insertion. We are cot at ull surprised
that our neighbor "ihould do this thing," but
it is asking eutirelj too oiccu of any iuulii
gent atd loyul Dcoiocratio editor, to cast
eiide Ditkinsoo aod llolt" for Pendleton
and Ciddle. UttiJes, there will be no occa
ito for further notoriety after their appear'
ince in tbe Democrat, tbe Selinsgrove 7.e
abd the Cvtumliq Dtmocrr.t. Having atled
Di, some mouths sioo, to endorse the ' inno
cence cr Floyd." be now desire us to contri
bute towards saving his neck aud ibose'ofhii
fellowa, like Freckioride, bj Keaci 9t U, .
, ibe midst of tbe
-opl revel io saosage", titer
w-naus or icrapel, and all their greasy
,Ouiitanti. It is woll for tbe health of the
1 community that this greasy, porcine period
ooes noi ias.i long, very large nogs uava
been killed. James Dean killed one eleveo
months old, wbicb weighed 335 pounds i J. II-
Kngel two weighiug G33 and 525 each,
Time has worked changes iu bnlrherinp, as
well as in other things. Many of our citizens
oow have their hogs killed, aud sausages made
in tho slaughter-houses of our butchers, Mess.
Nener & Hrosious and Mr. Ilartx. We were
in the slaughterhouse of Mr. Nener some
days ago, for the Crsl time, ond were surprised
to Cud a building expressly adapted to the
purpose, with various compartments am! con.
vtniences for thn ciAVrenl branches of their
business. While there, we observed tlen
dressing several fine, fat lumbs. It wus qnile
a relief to look upon, aod to think that even bt
this season, there were still some nut wholly
given up to tho itieviltible pig.
- '
tV Tnr Inhki-kmiknt -An editorial change
! " '"nC't 'n:ln'nl' P" ,,,9hed
rk- 1 fc 1 1 '"""P
ecu aou oiorrs, w ir nive oeen its fMionsi
ble editors for soma years past, retire, and
the Rev. Henry War ) U e.her tikes their
i j hce. So the only real chauge seems to ba
j that Mr. Heccher is to be the responsible
j cd;tor, instead of a contributor, wb.le Messrs-
U alter, l nompson, and storrs will be occa
sional contributors, without acy editorial con
CW Hwtisn Timk. Among the items of
news in tho Itcmncrrt ef Inst week, our neigh
bnr informs his readers tfiut Chiistnms wan to
come off on Thursday. We can readily excels
neighbor Perdy under Ihe circumstnnres, na
ho was, about that time, entering irli Uio
bonid of matrimony. In matters of this kind,
errors in time, and calculations of events, will
sometimes, happen, and our neighbor does not
profess iufullibility even in li;mnf in r.uttera
Oi.tsiJe of the Democrntic p:ly.
j C-aT Api'ointmknt i.v the Cuvep.sor.
I Wm. 11. Kcioi. tho present Surveyor r;(iDeral
I or Pennsylvania, having be. a appointed a
Brigadiir t.'enoral in the arT.y. The Cover
i nor to fill the vacancy oppoiuted the Hon.
Heury Souther, lata Senator Tro'n Ll'j
tsT The excitement in K- -tinj cntinnes on
account of l.'ie rapture of M-iMOii and 5li.!vi!. The
English papera Lrcaih war, but there is nn d in
ger ol s.U'ii a calamity as both the K Iih and
our own government ('" ire to avoid il.
Ii" flencrul f-'e.ill is on his return from En
r.ipe in ihe ear.-.t iei, w.i; ii io di him out. Il
ij supposed he ia Ihe bearer of important ucpatth.
ej, ei:d a preposiiion frjm 1'iiiorror I.ouU :
j Napoleon for an amicable ajuslincnt of the Ma- !
' s n anJ SSlidill affair. General cott mtili-licd i
in the Tarts p-.rsan able and conciliatory letter
on this eui jeet.
C2 Til" editor of Ihe Danville Ii.lUUienctr
Says: "We had the pleasure, this week, of
meeting io our sanctum two of Ihe staunches!
Democratic editors iu the country." Our
friend of the l'itVign,t-r coshi not to bo po
king fun at his cotempnraric3 iu that way.
C.r The National Loan. We call the nt.
tention of lhp;e who have money to invest, to ;
Ihe advet tiseir.e nt of Jay Cooke Ji Co., Phils, j
rlelphia, Government Agents frr the new Na- !
tional Loan. The interest allowed is 7 3 10 ;
per cent., und the security is ou.loubted.
CaTTIm Federal forces in Keotticl.-y amount
to over 100,000 men, and are increasing. It
ia evident that lvutrcky oud Tennessee will
be the great buttlrf ground. We have no idea ,
Ihut cur troops will uttuck the rebels at .Ma '
tiasaas, where they have nine miles of en- '
trencliuieiits, when they can cut them up moro I by throw, ng rur forces among the
loyal uieu of Tennessee, and taking possession
of the railroads, thug cuttiug off tbe rebel sup
C3T Prince Albert died of typhoid fever,
a'ter a short ilinef?. He was married in
1810. ot the age of 21. Victoria was a few
months older. He leaves eight children, the
oldest of whom married Its Prince of Prussia
a few years sicca.
W Lattst Niiwa Forkion. Ve are
iriformed, throuuL sources generally reliabl,
htt Fn:;la:id'a ultimatum is to be an apology
for the iusnli to tLilr flag, and a prompt
restitution of the prisoners. An exirnord;.
liury Cabiuit ineuling wag Called to duv,
which lasted several hnnrs, und tha nmtter
wus fieely ond fjlly discui-sed, thnneh no
determination wan cuine t'pon the subject.
The prospect is, that ibe act of ordaiing
their eriect, iu the munner it wua done, wnl
berlisuvowed and the men iarreudTi-d, if ; ti is
will prevent a wr with Ki gland, ami the?
Will lake it as a final Settlement rf tho l ing
mooted qijrstinn ol' right of search, and Lug"
iar. I Wili ujree to maintain a nentral position
untd the rebellion is put ilown.
It ia hoped by tho Government that to'oer,
second thoii';ht on the part or Lnijiand will
ti.O li'y their bitter feelings, whiru nm now to
evidently bent on war. If tiiey refuse lo
concede these two points ta u, then it will
will co u'eiess ror us to make ur.y npol.
give np Mason and Slidel!, and me m
ey, or .
may a !
wen inoa ir war ; inn! liiere 13 nothintr to
ioio bv givilij; tiiein up, there is do object for
us to do ao.
Th'i R'Oit g-iliiriir point ia the grtt Scution
their release would utv lo tb't li-hela : liu.1.
j if Lngiat.J occupies a neulrui position, they
I e ol hut little account.
! l' Pans J'ntric, speaking cf the '-Trent"
j affair, says : ' It is asserled that France and
j the other c rat Powers have been consulted
oy r.ugiana on the iii.yect, aad they Lave ex.
pressed thn op.niin Ibat tL'' conduct of Cupt.
WPkes, of the American Navv, was a vioia.
j lion 11 tne rigi.m of a nenlrul Power.",
j D..Mi.Tir The bojl'aernera are suifuring
I greatly in nany (ilaee for Ihe waul of the ro.11
j moii iiecesnane of life. Klonr, eo!;ar, rellla and
i tea were earre, an I .-ill ia not tu he htd.
I here 14 a kirunii 1'iilnn feeling Ihrouchout j
I the Sooth, coecially in ort!t Carolina, where 1
it was i.iculy aowed by s.niie ji-rsons. The !
I Itibela aeknowltdga Ibat the IVniivlv4tiia Van- j
keea gave ihem a 'srjuare loed" whipping at
L'raiiisnilc. I
I 1'aii-wngrr from Howling Green say that 17,-
H00 IVderaU had cruurd the Green Itiver up lo I
I Friday.
.1 u supposed Ibat Dowlin-j Green will le ad. I
vanced open from three aaiea imullaiieouslv.
with a force of CO.nOO, and that a decisive lat.le 1
wm iU;di mere.
The U S gun-boat Iroqaoir his the pirate
omter bl.tck.tded io the port of Cienfaa jot.
'I be II..n. A. U. Lly came down from Nor.
f-U late this afternoon by a tg of irnee hav.
ing been f.l.oaad iff (icLaage for Mr. Faolk
tV A Good F.iAMPi.t. The tfarrtsherr
7Wrrn; A states that the members of the
j ''Roberts Infantry," a Company in Camp
j Curtin, from Heaver County, tlgoed the fol-
J losing agreement t
, tun onderrignefl, loldlen or lire Ko.
l ,.frt Infantry believing that Intoxicatiog
I "7 m , 1 eF' 0eV,roJIM(l
Indulge iu them, do pledgf) onrslves, on our
honor as soldiers, that we will not toorh,
tasto or hnndle inloxicatins! lirpiora o( auy
kiud wbile we are in tho service "
The Freuch papers, beginning wiih the
Monitew, Ibe official organ of the Kinpeior
I Napoleon, have ull changed their tone, and
declared Ibat KnUinl is in the wrong in the
Masno and Slidell a flair, and has no right to
complitin of as hcrauH we choose to carry out
doctrines promulguied by themselves, uud
that they ran expect no aid from Fmrce. 1
is evident that tbe strong arm of Napoleon
hail something to do with this sudden change
in our faror.
Cf I. ale orconrt!! of the battle at Praner,
ville, show that the rebels lost ICO killed bnd
I wounded, and that the victor reflected th.
bigl.e-t honor on th. Penosy'lvaoi. Volur.
Pnow and colj weather h npoa n? at
l;tst. The river cloeed nt this place 00 Mon
day, the 2.3d Inst. The Coe weather closed
upon us cd Sa'.sr ?".
NrnriopB as Soi.niK.ns. Alexander Iltrril
tor, in 17iJf, wr.-tn a letter to John Jay, in
w hich he earnestly recnmnietided I lie employ
men! of negroes e s ! 'i. rr. It is well knowu
that they were thus emplnjpd to a considers
ble extent dii'i'ip the Revolution. l.'jrchnnge.
5uE.Mif.Ai. acor'i" l.iiTiu u- 'Hit:
1 My IH;ah but : You wero right in doubt
i ing the declaration imputed to me, o wit :
I that the Cabinet, at Wushingtan had uiveo
j orders 10 eei'.o Messrs. Mason and .Sliiiell
, even under a neutral tin;', for I was not even
j uwiire that the gnvernmeiit L.i.1 Lad that
' point niMier Cot.-:deratinn. At tho time nl
I my leaving New lork it wan Let known that
the ban Jacinto had returned to tho Ameii
car. (fas, and it was generally supposed those
persons haj : ;iped to Cuba lor the purpose
or re embarking in Ihe Nashville, iu pursuit
01 w..,ch versel the James AuVerard other
cruisers had bvr. dispatched.
1 lo.iiU I cro sutisty you in n few words
that toil ll five 113 lerloiis In feel !
concerned ubnut our relations with KngUnd, i
iT, as ber ru'ers profess, 1 be has to c'tsposi-I
lion lo eucouiuc tbe dissen'.ions iu .Vind
r;ca. j
In tho first place it was almost uperfiuon '
lo ay to you that rvery instinct of prudenie ;
us well as of good r.fihboil.eood prompts !
our government to regard no honorable i loo ere nt for t!i preservation, of the I
friendship 1 f deal liiiUiu. 'I bis must bo I
obvious tu nil tin! world. Attn) perk.! of;
ofr history Ims her !rieiid-h;ji b.-eti tf more
nop: rtiuicii lo cur people at no period b-is ;
our gov-inmeiit been in a iindit:on to mako 1
greut?r Coraesions to prsei ve it. Thn two!
i.ulious uro omt'.-i by interests und siryp. j
tbies commercial, aoc.a!, und te j
ligious utmost as th.i tj nnm: to one bci, ,
un.i ; ; rn.. u so igncrai.t n nut to kuuw ihii l
wnui uurins one must nanu I ho other lu u
corrvspoudic degree.
1 am pursunded Ihut the Lriiisll rovern.
inent can enleitain no doubt upon this point j
full il' il does 1 leel that I may tuko it upon
m?elf to say thut lli.i Prr9idenl of the
United, fci.ates, when ma:!? awuro of its
existence, witi o6e no opportunity of dispell
Ntr in there anything, I venture (o i.ffirm,
in the se.zure 1 1' tliese rebel emissaries whivh
ought to rece'vu an utilnendie cou'lrnetii.ti
; Irom hnvlaud. ner statesmen will not
j question the legal right of ao American
i vessul ol war to seureh any coininerei .l vessel
justly sus(eL-ted tf iiausiinrtiog c..ntrabaiid
i ul iif ; thut peet never boen surrentiered
j by Kugl.ind; 11. iu even guaranteed l; her
1 b) tlie Tieaty of Paris, and the itiitish gjns
j lim. 11 in i; down upon iie...Jy every strait und
iniuoii eu njM.o toe gloOO arH couc.bpi'.'e
evidence that the repaid this light ns 1 r,o
tii ettJcuey ul which may he not jt entiiely
eitinifu:shed. Ol there is n-ueh thut
is initnling rod ealiotis 111 '.bo oAerr.e of
lh:s right uuder the inor.t favorable c.rcurii
ilttt'Oes, and it n lo be looped thut ihe day is
not lur ili-luiit when tbe marati'i.e flutes ot
tne world will ureo lo nlaeini n,..i!.-nl
' commerce Uyoud the reach tl uch vexa
Tho United States government has hern '
striving to lu-s eud for tr.;rH than fifty years; ;
to this nid, early io the present cenlury und j
its inlai.ey us u i:ut:oii, it emoaiked iu a war ;
I Mtu the greuttst nuvnl Poer io Ihe world ; :
1 und il is even now a persistent suitor ul I
I every ttiunliue court 111 Kurope f r a mere j
llti.Tal reco"tutiou Ol tbe r'shls (.f nuirdis
than of the other gteul muiitune nations have 1
Jet tjeen tlispt sed to make. Hut till those
nglits aie tveured by proper international
guarantees upon u comprebensive und endu
ring basis cf course Krlaud eanuot complain
of uu act for which in all its materia! bearings
her owu naval Lislury uffuriis such iiumeroua
Whether the captives from the Trent were
cnnirabutid of wr ir tot is a q.i.'Siion which
tho two governments fuu bavo UO Sfe'iuUa
diliiC'j'.iy iu agreeing upon. 1!' Mr Seward
Caouot sat.ify iiirl ll'isrell that they were,
1 have no doubt Karl Kusstll will he ublo to
satisfy Mr. bewurd .tlittt they wew not. If
Ifcey were a nil aoihoriliea concur in
liorf, ujjettstf the, it v.;:i be diaieult
1.1 taluiy impurtial nun.ia that lliey weru any
leta coutra'j .n-J llwii a Liu ol rebel soldier 01
a batUr) cf L' Stile caciioc.
I'.'.t cvetj bimul J tlieru be a differenco o'
opinion upon this pniui, ii is very clear that
uur government bad sufficient "grounds f. f
presuming iteelf iu the right, to escape tho
s.j. pieii u of Laving war tnly violated tb
reUtioua 01 oajity which thu two Cvunlries
proleej it dtaire lo preserve and cultivate.
I Tho pretence that Wh ounht to linen taken
the Trent into port, and had ber rou'emned
! iLu J'L I r , r l l"U r', !
1 rv are , n "V-"8"' fUM;"1'"8
0,! 10 !'-. " SVrAn"
coutroersy Letweeu two pre-it Lutinns.
Staled m other words, an off ecu woold have
been less il 11 had beet; greater. The wrong
! ''one to the British liag would have been
mitigated if, insleud of seizing tbe lour rebels,
I we bad seized the thjp, detained ail bei
i paseeuger for weeks, und confiscated her
I curco. 1 urn not cutprised thut Capt. Wilkes
I took u different view of bis duty, and ol what
j was due to tho fiiendly reirat:ons which
1 subsisted between Ibe two governments.
1 I he renowned common reuse of tho F.nulish
1 i.u,,r.ln I .... ....H . tu. . .1- -. .
inako tbe liischargo uf a very unpleasant rtuty '.
ut little vt-iaiioua as possibij to all iuoocetl
..... ..v, w,., . , wm niiiirote ui uia enoii to
If, under these circumstances, Lnglaod
sLouid deem it her duty, in ibe interest of
civilisation, to insist upon the restoration of
tbe men taken from uuuer the proteclioti ol
ber flag, it wilt be from a coovicucn, witht ut 1
iii.uut, -he uw tr natious ia regard to
the rights or neutrals, which sho has taken
tho leading part iu tsiablishiog, requires
revision, aud with a suitable disposition on
her purl to establish those rights upon a just,
iiumaue aud p'.ulotaphio basis. Indeed 1 am
happy to see au iutimatioo io oce of the
leading melropolao journals wLicb, goes far
to justif tbit m'ereuce. Iteferriog to tbe
ic'Moa tt to English AdisksUly CtviU
no qnoted In rlefeftcrof tUe'seisnee of the I
American rebels no board the I rent, tbe
lndoa 7im of the 20th ef Nuvewber
'' ,,, . ,
"So Tar as the enihor. ties go. the tet!n -r;
or international In writers is all oie -
that a belligerent war cruiser has tbe ri:h'
stop, and visit, and search any merchant aoiii
nnnn Ihe bioh tens.
lint it mufl liu remembered that ihese
along were given under rireamstances
oinereni irom inose which now occur
Steamers in those davs did not exist, and
mail vessels carrying letters, wherein all the
nations of the world have immediate iotrcst,
were unknown. We were liiihting for rxist
erne, and we did in those days wbut wo
should neither donor ollow olhira to do,
nor expect ourselves to be allowed .to do io
these days."
ir Kngland, aa we are here encouraged to
hope, is disposed to do her part in stripping
war ol half ils horrors by accepting the
policy long and persistently urged upon her
by our government ond commended by every
principle of justice and hnmunliy, she will
find no ground in the visit, of the Trent fr
controversy With our government 1 nm
sore the President and penplo of the United
States would be but to happy to let these
iin go free, unnatural aud unpardonable es
tlieir offences have been, if by it they could
emancipate tlie commerce of the or!d.
tireaily as it would be to our disadvantage,
l this present crisis, to surrender noy of
lliose luuritime privileges of belligerenti
which nrn sanctioned by the la-s of nutioos,
I feel ihnt I take no responsibility in saying
tb it :he United .Statt-s will he faithful to" her
traditional policy epen this subject, aud to
tl' spirit of brr ppli'icol inslitul'iniis.
On the nthf-r hand, should lingland be
orprerared to make u eorrpfniindinc sacrifice :
I sbotil.l she feel ihut slie could not yet ofiord
I t" surrender ;'; sdv.-5itttjes which tbe pre-
Fncn mnrniino cmie gives to n liin!r.3!t naval
Pnwer, (T course she -ill not put h-rself in a
. ' i "J ""-. ii.
llher esse, therefore. 1 do Cf t P! Low
'be fiiocily rtlutioos of the two government.)
are in any iinmediata ilatger of being dis
turbed. That the over prompt recognitor, as belli,
gerents, of a body of meu, however large, so
long as they constituted a manifest minority
ot tin nation, wounj. u (he feelinus of my
eoB!':o,eii deeply 1 will not affect to drey;
nor that that act. with sown of its louica!
I ! consequences winch have a.rendy occurred.
I I has planteo 11, the breasts of innuy tho snspi.
. ! eion tint tb-ir kindred io Knelaod wishthe'r.
! evil rather than good, but the statesmen t9
i whom the political ii.terest or these two greiit
J r-npi- r- Confided to act upon oigher
: fporesjsl.t.ea and with belter light, and
1 you i.iav mst r.sfured O1.1t un event f.) mutu-
! ilisastrnos as a war between Kngland and
Americii cunnot occur without some other
and graver revocation than has vet been
given by either uitiua.
Wt.vrtfft.n P.-OTT
Hotfi. Wkstiumstb, Paris, Dec. 2. lcol.
To , Fsn.
Tub ij'TKXTrFio American. The Lou'sville
JmtnKil s!i)s :
We dr. r,r,t lr-!ir it.- ...n in ;.:-. nf
rheap publicniiors 0ry work can be'rea-
j'ti.Llii ll.etern,.,. fit. ..,.;..,.;,;,. ,.
i -in at ?2 n--r btmum. with 25 ner cent. His.
muni f.-r ciohn of t.-n. It f.-rtvs a veurly
un.A rf s:f n.-io.-c nnmi rli:. . ii t...w rcj
number (.rorainalPMiravirM of nalented mv
chines, valnalito invei.tinn. .r..i of ..-ientif e
interest. There is not un itnineiria! ponoit
wl.'eh d.irs not ree. inaa ah,. fa nl il.. itiinn
It contain ofiieial liols of patent claims, inr
portant slaiisttrs, practical neioec f.-.r useful
I din.-st;c purr.i.seo, nnd has long at.iod, both
I in this co'intry und Lurope, us the highest atl
I llmrily In ihe mpchiiiiic arts r.r.d scirnins.
J Ther,. is no pjblirul ion mote veliiable lo the
I farmer, the miller, the fncincf-r. the iron foun.
I d.-r, the mnchanic, or the tnntinficturer. We
j have never opened a number without learniiig
I fouil'lbir.g we never knew before, and obtain
I inj vnlnahle information for t':e bt'iii lit of odr
r-Milers. The Pobl-vbers, Messrs. Mi'.nn &
i t'iv, i.rNo. ;j7 Patk U-w. NVw, Y01U. hnv..
i deserved the svfcrss hii h they h.ivn ochiev
j ed. No one should visit tbe city without call
1 in? at their establishment, nh'rh iD a
j Museum n f inventive ce! ins, coliected from
i the entire wni!,i I f any of or,r friends oway
i off in the country do not know (his wmk, nnd
; will lake o-ir iwiviee. t!y wil mail nnd be'
; eo'ne snlurriliHrs immediately, or by applying
' to t!n Publishers ttiev rim uhtiiin a s f.-ciuien
j ropy gratis, which will be sine to confirm the
1 truth of rur recnmmendatiiri."
I We fjlly endorse the nln.vp, 1 wonld rec
i ommeiid our readers totnko Pm:. tick's ad
i vice, nnd subscribe for to paper. A new vol
I time commences on to first ol January, nnd
1 it heir.; a valuable work of to'ereiicr, contain
I ing, as it does, the only official list or patent
; claims published in the country, every nun
' ber ehould be preserved. The paper is mih.
i lish'd fvery Sitortiay. I y th Well known pat-
er.l agents, Messrs. i Co, who havn
rnni.'ucled tho puptr during the past sixteen
lo addition tofun isli snectmcn conies 0f
tl,a paper gratis, the publisher will send
j pamphlet rf ad vice to inventors
fien 0
1 chargo. A.fdresj ilLN.N i: C O
1 How, New York.
, ui ! uii
TIIK ror-nF.sNiiAL ivi.iiiy
sovtit..iiM lOMintii'.
Utputt of t!,e Ion ll'.-t Comwiltcc.
Yuu Wytks Couin.iitee lo i.;qijite Into
tjovernmiril contiactd have trade a report to
the ilous.i of llepreseutelives of tt,;:
prpgrets. It wag presented by Mr. WoiL
bun..-, of Illinois.
The Committee report t lint th. y !.?!.! their
fiUilips, in t usl.ii.tton, New Y ork, JJi.t. n,
New Lie J lord, bt. Louis, Cairo, Chicago nun
lluriUborg, and the members have traveled
from sis lo seven thousand miles iu thu per
formatice if their duties. '1 hey htve cxuunned
'JGo witnesses, ui.i Ihe tesliiiiony embraevu
in Ihe present report will cover eleven
bandied paes.
Thu louois of the Coaiuiiiieo are far from
being closed.
A large cumber of transactions at Wash
ington aod 1 Isowheru aeein lo deaerve their
""u'8 ComiuillM propose, to vigoroly
proseeule tite r investigations, so long as
"- fP"' ' demanded by tbe
luuiiou, aim who me dnproi.i.un 01 ihe
pu'JilC liit.'reiH
Tbe Coinoiiltce ssy that in the purchase of
cattle there is mueU evidence of gross mis
management, und iu the -urchare of horse"
und wagons iu New Yuiklb.yliad great
I iiretiularilicS.
'Ibe Committee found that tbe most
O'toui.ding uud ui. blushing frauds bad been
perpetrated 10 tie purcnusa 01 horses a
mules, and nialleis were sn crranged ilu.t it I
was impossible lor the critml owntrs to sell I
either L Tse. c-r ir.uli'S directly to loo Uov-
cviuiu I, b.,t ull K'ich Sules w'ete made by
certaiu miduie-nien and go beiweecs, who, it
appears, alone could gel ucy horses or mules
tuken ly lh tinartermuster'a Dcpurtmt r.t.
Tbe Committee rail attention lo the
accounts furnished them by Mr.
lie says in his leatinii.ny that Messrs. D.x,
O'elvkx & illatct.l'ord rotchaseJ stipnliea. I
en ! cbi.rtered vessels. Sir., to Ihe auiouiit of I
S'JO.OUO, for ahicb be ore io their favor ou j
the lauds Uepoilted 10 Ilitir bands j yet ID
furiiiahiiig Ihe uccooul ol their expenditures
he in!ie :'. (jlbl.'JTl 3d, aod swells Ins own
aecount to a' turn largely exceeding tbe
auiouDl uienlined in Lis evidence. It would
teoui impossible that ibrte accounts should
ever be intelligeotly settled, from tbe miser)
laoeooa inaoovc it) tUieb tbe bajtloea bat boo
o4oct4. i
Of all the oecarreowi or Ibis war botbing
' Las eauied more pain to tha public than tbe
j rporlof tbe CougresainDal rjelect Comuiittee
Jt-r which Mr. Van Wytk it cbaita.aB, That
a! atime when th.i regular reveouel of tbe
government had become totally unreliable,
MOd Treasury Department was driven to
the most extraordinary exertions to raise the
mxaus of meeting !our enormoos liabilities.
men iu high pluves should be found base
enough to increase our embarrassments by
Ira'ios or the most aetouoding description,
seumstn us a depth cf depravity disgraceful
to human nature.
Public opinion seemed to have pretty
clearly marked out the points of these frauds
long befoie the report of tbe committee made
its appearance, 'i he atrocious and gigantic
plundering iu Missonri by the herd of specu
lators who congregated ariuud Ueueral Fre
mont fully e'quals all that has beeo said about
it, if we muy credit this repuit. The Co.o
cial inanuueinelit of that departuieul seems
to hive set at defiance all systems, laws, regq.
j latious, principles uud honesty. The horse
contracts almost every where appear to have
been so conducted tint tbe government has
I paid the highest price lor good horses, and
had palmed oil' upon it the worst lot of old
: worn out animals that could have been scraped
1 locelher. Tbe case of the steamer Cataline
I was early ventilated, and it settled Ihe hash
! of the L'nlon Pefcne.n Committee of New
York, w bieh for a tune arrogated to itseil tbe
whoie management or the war. Tbe report
of the Van Wick Committee traces this vase
to the reckless basin of General Wool, by
which he suffered ihe agents of the Union
Defeiice Committee to impose upon him.
i The purchase of vessels for tho Navy JJo.
pertinent by a government agent is shown to
huve put into thn poe.kets of tbe latter Dearly
I a hnudred tlio'isan.) dulNfS.
One thing in this report must have been
rpintirked lie innct reur!.r4 n'1 tint fVumta anil
; extravagant revealed orulraeeJ directly by
i ir,; eoiii'iiiiiefl io oiner agencies tuan tbe
U-r l)ul,nr..u..i ,: j i.u I...J i:... i
Cauienm. Notwithstanding all the rauiors
which have connected the becretarv and tbe
department with theSi abases, no case is visi
old in tijii aeport wherein the agency of either
u 8 matter of impoi lance, U-t us call atteotiou
i the pmuls of the report.
. ist. Catahoo was chartered by order
nfr iMml vv,,i i... i, ....1
lor evil purposes is oitcernahlu. And as this
1 nelence Comuiiluc wercnclmo ludepeudent
y of the War Department.
v l !.i ii, ,,.itr ..r ,.,,,.l,.i,, f,..
iw nivy, the urraneiueBl was made by tbe
I Secretary of the Navy
! " y I, As regards the purchase of arms, the
i extravaaaoce was cauned bv the nticea beino
extraveauce was caused by the puces being
run op. iu cotiseqii. uco -! Hit agents of the
1 Union Defence Committee, General Fremont,
tbo governors c! '.lit htal. s, and the various
guiierals, colonels. Cities and home guard or-
I f all jti 't:i hi ing all tc tbe niaiket cmiipet r.g
against the itoveroinelit, and .New Xoik spe
ctators look olvantaea ol ibis to run up
prices, and bold the urnn loi they forced tb.i
govercmei t lo yield tu the. r terms.
lib Iwef . i.ioir done in the Western De
! parlcenl by Ireinniit was on his own rerpon-
i ,,;llty. f-fvreuce to the da-
i parltlieut at'.ct.'u.
Tlia rnrc,' , f hr.'".e, mules and
! -,P."ns vuttctl ;o thu (u.ttera;attrr Geue
! etuis I'epurtli'eLt.
1 . 'Ii' 'P'" ' trcly lamentable, and
! betra;3 a tban-elu. distx-, tion to take advan
' I"- fu'uU' e"'""'". wbicb, in our
! judgment, It IS the imp. rai;VB duty of tile
! Ktutn-uHn pou.-b. I'l-tnont was prompt,
19 P'Jti;Kll,-d f-'r n. it,i.geUU iil by dismissal
from bis romtrand 'v was sterrly order
ed from Nw Yet!; bi'.-k to thn Tioy Arsenal,
and tbere le.t t i Ina tooughta !or tniuy
ii.onlhs. Toe L linn iHifeneo Committee
; ardiietily fomel its p'epunernns pretensions
put down v.,1.1 u ttreog Iiai tl. liut this IS
not enouult. 1 he specula'... rs und peculators
ought a I to ba prosecuted criminally and iui
prisoned for the olfi'tices. they h3Ve committed
An 1 if iherj urn sii!l any cuiprits in office,
they oujht to be dismissed und llieir places
supplied by bll. r tiieii V.i'ia. A' American.
i'he eiiikin; of ihe Stone Squadron in the
channel f ('harleaiun bai'uor has been for so
ionjj a ti.'t'gouc c.iiii-l.i-i.iM, ihe annjunce
inent ll-H in"iinii' that i!u whalers have tc
, tualiv ih-ne rt-i.k il! har-liy ha nem The
j iine-oii. wtiteli a.rntj at Forties Mon
roe on !:iti:rdny, aclual'v t.-.we.i nine of them op
to t I'.arlr-in.o ir.ijii Tort Itoyal. und seven follow
el uftrr, toHkittg eiteen in all. which were Ihe
next day sent to ihe hotloni, to heroine ihe nuclei
fir the nt'i'iiinulation i f the shirting sand and al
luvial deposits. Am! there may lh"V lie forever.
I'lierr wts a kiini of p,.eiic juslieo even in ihe
burden the old ae.vdg4 carried t".ey were laden
v.iil. .ManssrhuwlU rocks, lima avenging the old
Hay Mate of many an insult t':J many ao injury
done h.r citizens l.y 8-juth rninlina.
It m ditiiculi l-.i imagine nj thing mtich nearer
1 .1 ruiiii"! ciiv ihaii is I Iiarleslen, ly the double
J v'ttlaiiou of an rut of jnsii.c and a piece of fate.
I J tie great I. re lus already rontuinru the very
heart f ihe city, nnd i.ow the sunken vessrii
I have 1 'ftver i-luckc-ii 11 jj- lier poit. Thus passes
j away tho elory of Charlesun ! And the shadows
!": canyaaa deepen ami intensity when con'
lr:.T.-. Ul . ! .e i.-m l..,. ii inn .... tlw... ma
pin painted lo t!ieinelves a liie vvilaio result ol
se. cs.-ioi!. .V. V, Timrs.
I Pfaiii of Ami-.s xvdkii. This week, Mr
Antes .Snyder. Son til the. h.ti Governor .Sny
j . er, and (or mui.y y.a.c in the employ of the
Heading Luilroad Compnry, us civil engineer,
lin'i! in 1 ottslowri, Mr. rnyder owned a btl
iiiui 11.1 here iu u! i;h two f his clnldrHn are
j mtt rti "', aod his remains will bu hrouitbt here
to-day lor ' unai .inif,y i iKi-nal, ilit tint
Judge Sinys.-i of N.irris.'i.wn. Win. M'l'lellan
. of I'ii., and J une .M. bieirell
1fH., of Alir-i'any Co., are revi.inj the Kavenu
f.'awaot 1'n.n'a, at liau-ohurg.
Tun ISionk F111.T. The optralion of the
"stone lion" although not so pei.l ns or glorious
ut regular naval engagements, will probable prove
moie injurious lo Iho enri.iy. Now tinre Purl
!;)' I !ia lailrn ii.t.) nor possesion, l y rlTeclu
allv hloekiiu up Ihe ha'bors of Charleston and
j Savannah we give due nu'.n e to all whom it may
I c uK-ero ihat Hie foreign c i-" ?rc of ho 11 lb Car
1 cliua and Crrrgia mu.-.t either be deslroved or sub
I jrcie.l lo ihe control of ihe 0 whic'i has
I a liii'.l littl.l lo regulate it. The stone fleet, il
will be tinderstood, however, has no refrrenre lo
j the Drown Some i "i-liir B Hull cf Koekhill &
j ilsou, N.'S. thi) und li05 Chestnut street, above
I Sixth, where the great work of sufi'ly ini; Ihe
I l.'iii.ui soldiers with tl.v-mt and coiutortable uni
forms is gain; furward
inviie tho attention of our readers lo Ihe
tdwriisenif l of Messrs. JOANS & CHOS
LLY, New Y'ork, in u'iGtuer column.
Tb numerous experiments made fur the
last few years, to produce a substitute Tor tin,
slate And slnni'l" roofs, have ut last led to a
t'.-rf. ct triumph in tbe (Ji i f a Pkrcha Cement
U mfieg ( f! red bv Ihese gtoiieinen.
Possessing in a groat degree, Ibe features
of eosi' iiu. ( wh'cli ia a 0 juliUeation of a
Cr mem lltiifiii actually necessary ond long
aftr.) uniubility and cheapuess, combined
with the fact that it ig weather aod Ore proof,
its ger.era! aiiopliou cannot be too earnestly
urged. Their' Cuita Pircha Cement for
coating and repairing Metal Roofs of all
kirn's and tor preserving all meiais Irom rust
und crrosion from its creat durabililv and
cheapness, is fust superceding points of every
descriptioa herutofor used fur sucb purposes.
These tnstcr. wis 1 f . , r winch ti.a Fot Pre.
oiiuu'S have beeu awarded by the American
liistiluta no 1 many of Ihe principal State
Fairs tSroiigkou; the country.) are rteeuioted
in Cia highest terms by the New York ft
Krie It. R. Co., and many of tbe principal
llvlroads North and routb, aad also by tbe
i.rt.nrs of laa laadioi losorauoa Cotipaaiee
trvtttot iba otwatr.
E-1PtOtMe.1T I (97S
V will pay from $3F lo ft7S per month,
and all evoeDse. It active Aernt... or
five a eommiasion. Partirular eenl Tree.
Address Rata 8twt MutMian CuvrAat,
. J AMEr, Urneral Agent, Milan, Ohio. ,
October 6, 1RS1. '
?-"l l'."L "H
llcliioiis Polices.
TtiTine aervlea will be held every PuM.ath in this Dit
foueh nt foil.iwst
I'KKHIIVTKHlXN CIItJRrn North wett crnero. '
nineklierry ikI Dm ttreets, Ilev. J V. KtAtn-nx, Pusmr.
Divine service every M.ljih at ln A.M. rniveriu.Fi.
lint 11a ThurKlny eveiilnf. At Nuriliiiiniier'nini, in Did
tvhnnl Piesbyterian Cluireh, ut3 uVlock, 1. M ., every t
UKIIMAN BF.FORMKD rilt'Rri! Nril. ws.n I
eorner ..f Hiver Illneklierry atr.-ris. Ilev. J W. f ti- 1
mrtb, I'nat'.r. liivine tervicr, altsrititiely, evsrv ?..ilil.i.ili
at 10 A.M. and OJ IV M. Piayer meclinx Kri.lay ,
K.VANGKMOAt. l.rTIU'.RAN CHt ltrit.-rt.Fr
atreet liekiw V. A P. Hid, K.nd, Rev. P Itirrn, l'.inMf
Pivn.e terviee, alteranti ly, rvery Snl hntli nl !!) A M
i P. M. Piaver liiFsllnp Wriliienlaj- rveniiiK
MKTtlODIST KmcnrtLrill RTH .-Drwlirnv strew
w-ratnfS. K ItnilRiwd, Ilev. I. Ri Tl.ra nun J f
Svkoi, PaHiira. I)ienissrvire, al'mmiei. . tvnvHi!
hnih ol Id A . M. and 6 P. M. Prayer raeeujig mi Then. '
day evening-. " '
M A ll R I A g7
Al the retidenre or Johnson Walls, in l,(i
hrug, on tbe 19th inst., by ltf. J. W. Hrdcra.
Trcmiw H. Pcnnr, of ihe ,.'oithtim!vriaiel
Couhly I)pm.trrat," and Mis Mmt K. Jari..s,
late of Ccr.tervillc, N'orthamtnn County.
By Ilev. ,M J. Alicman. 12ili inst . Col '.'m.
AcecsTt-a Sciiiif.tkr, of Milton, and Miss Mary
ft. daughter of Judge Young, r Hanover Yoiit
By Kev. O. C. Drake, ISth inst.. ',Vf. Wur.
niEsTZR, of Cliilli.-qnarpie, ni d Miss Saiuu
daughter of Judge TagKart of Mulu v.
By Rev. A. F. Shanafelt, 3J in.t., CnA' Kn.
Min, of Torhutville, and Mis Miar tiiut Li a, of
Montour County,
On the Sth inst., Dy Ihe flev H. Warren,
Wi am Stricklinu and Mi Cunits
UaliarsrocK, both or Delaware T.iwnshi).
By Kev C. 7.. Weiser, 3d inst. Put-re D.
Movrw and Miss Salmi S. Hjloish, I oili n(
By Ilev. ll. C. Moore, l?th inst., 'Taj rimrt.
H. KstinrR and Mis Emma V. daughter of John
B. Heck, L's , all of Vi'iliiamspnrt.
(In Tuesday morning, the I7di inst., by the
Rev. J. W. Steinmett, Mr. John to
Miss HinniiT Malick, bolh ef aunhury.
In Muncv, on Christmas mon;ng, at tho
residenCH of the bride's parents, l-y the Kev.
Ceo. Parsons, Wm. P. Wr.i.rcm:, ..f Kunhury,
to Miss Mart K Faiinkstock, td the ubuvo
In Krlly Twp.. tilth inst, Mimi k... W'ai.Ttn,
(brieklaver.) aged 4i year and 10 month.
Near Selinsitrove, 10th insl., Gtiur.K I'tsicit,
aged 85 years.
In Incoming Connly. ?Sth u'f . Mrs. Mart
Simi-suw. of Sunhury, In her H2d year.
In Limestone township, Mont, ur cuititv. ot
Tuesday last, A sun W. ilicst, aed aboutC't
Philadelphia ilurkct.
I'lllLACXU'HIt. L'ec. 21.
Wheat Fluor, (extra.) $5 .10 a 'i Ti
iy flour. k.i ,ia
Com Meal, 3 d? 3 Ct
Ilrd Wheat, per buahel, I .17 a I 40
White 1 .ij i fi.j
Corn, " " a C7
Oats, - 40 a 41
'. " " '.la -i'i
Clovtrseed, 4 75
'j'imothy, ; 5 j
Flaiseed, 2 10
Whsat, 8 I
Rye, ...
Corn, .
Oat. . . .
20 )J inter, - . if li
SJ Kirg. ... 1st
Si) 'Pallow, ... 12
S") I.ard, ... fi
50 Pork, .... 7
40 Beeswax, . . 21
New Advertisemeiits.
Church IJcclicaliois.
'T'H E buildiiig erected !v the Is'. Hipti. l Church
in Trevorton. will be iledi.atd to ihe servien
of Cod, on Wrdnesdtv, Sih a' AM'A K Y. witu
appropriate serMcrs. commencing at " VI..,k J1.
M. The l!ev. A. II. Uurliivhum c,f .,,v yuik,
and Rev. K. Jetfrej , h. I) . if 1'iiilndelpl.ia wth
other ministering brethren will U present sod
lake part in the exercises.
The trains on tha Trevorton Tltil Road will
run in connection with all Ihe Passenger 'i'-oi
ol the Northern Central Kail Hskd Company, 011
thai day and evening.
No cbaige will be mado for pa.j co to and
from Trevorton on tor Trevort.-n 1: aad. arid Ex
cursion tickets will be issued on ciiiii-ctini rovjs.
'I'he public ar respectfully invited to lie pre
sent. f;EO. Mowrn.v, 1 ,
J.NO. PI.t.'M 1 KH. u "
December 58, IH6I. it
Adtiiiiiitf ratoi-'sj .o(ice.
VO'I'K.'K i hereby given Ihat letters ot admin
islration have been granted lo liu. subscriber,
on tho estate of Isaic D. Kline, laic of
township, Northoinherland couniy, iitc.a:-.'d. Ail
persons indebted lo said estate aie rcipies'.e.i to
niaku immediate payment, and llnsu ha.iuj
claims lo present them for settlement.
HERMAN I!. KM.MI, Adrn'r.
I'pper Ausu-.ta, Dec. 2S, 1861. dt
Seveuth ani Three Ttntht Vir Cent.
T BE A S U fi Y N O T K S ,
Now Heady for Delivery at toe OCceef
A'o. 114 Snttth Third Street, riilmhtjhla,
SJL' RSL'ANT lo inttruction f'uiii the cr.
lary of the Treasury, the tSohsci iptinn lle.,k
M ihe NEW NATIONAL LOAN it Treasury
Notes, be ring interest at tbe n o of eeven and
three-tenths pr cent per sonuin, w;!l remain
open al my cilice,
until furlhtr notice, from 8 A. M. ti.l 0 P. M..
and on Mondays till 9 P. M.
These notes will be of the cf
Firry dollars, one hlwulkd ioi..
SAND DOLLARS, and are all daitd Aiiautl
Iflh, I Mr! I, pavabla in gold, ia tint years, or
convertible inloa twnt years' u pet cent. I.n,
at the opiion of the holder. Each Treasury Note
has interest coupons attached v. hi. h can he cul
oil' and collected in gold at t!u Mint evc-y six
monlha, and al the rate of one cent per div un
each fifty dollars
Payments of subsc'iptions may l made in gold
or checks, or notes of any of the 1'hilaJJ.iaie
Paariss at a msTiics can Kiait by tlnir
friends, throui(h th mail, or by eijirf.-s. rr ihro
Banks, and Ibe Treasury Nous will iio iutmedw
atcly delivered, or sent lo tavh subacriher as Ihuy
may severally direct.
Parties remitting must add Ibe interest from tha
9ih of Augu.t, ih data of all the notes, to'.ii
dar Ihe reuiillance reacbe Philadelphii, at Ihe
late of one ceol per day on each filly dodira.
Apply lo or ad.lresa
JAY COOKE. 8uhcripiior. A cent.
Care of Jai Cohr uc Co.. Hankers,
No. 1 14 houih Third Street, Phil's.
I ma. pr.
Arck Street, above Third, I'hiladelphia,
V'fTON 8. KEVt'CO.VUl, Pr..(,ri. lor.
Till HOTKL ia raiitint, eviiient by Pti r,f Cr
l all pail nf U- ny, ami 111 every parneir a;4t4
tu 1 runt .-rut atsl srauts ol utt (nslMa. 1 .
- C3T Tuat.llJOpHSir.
tftmm M, teat It