TIIK DUMBARUMt.Mr OP PkKSACUL. Vntttn Statbh 8TtMntP RirrmoKD, I - Orr It'oht ficuSHS. Nov. 23, 161. J Thil motnioit at about 10 o'clock TU keriJ again opeD'"' SrS) and lha Niagara ateamed Into loii rang of tha fort. dirtrcting u lo r.oiain whire r uotil further orders. A I writ (2 I. M.) Warriogttiri it burning and tba fir it going on bitwaW Pickens and our batteries. The United States storesbip Na. tioosl Uuard has just arrived. faring the engsgeineijl 'Richmond alone fired on lha brat day 602 abot aud ahull using ojarlj 6,000 lbs. of powder. 1 tell jon, old hn, theta no'M Friday. Pick- vns is all right tnja fr, aud can hold out forever if kept supplied with tmcouoitioo and ' provifious. ... Th island about tba fort is covered vilb shot and shell thrown from the enemy j it looks as though the skips had rained 10 loch shell and drir.zled 42 pound shot. . , - Our old ship Is in a very bad state ; a ram hole to port, a 10 inch shell hole, lo starboard and all Iho forward copper off from the Tortogna coral reef. How much more wa can stand without going io the box remains to be seen, but we continue to keop our spirits and are ready for duty. Nov. 24,2 1. M., Sunday, No firing itber aide, day of rest. Pickens bus ooh guu dismounted, one man killed, ono mortally wounded, tine slightly wounded. Warm; a ton and the entire north side of the Navy Yard is a mass of smoking ruius. PickeuS lired luortari all last night at regular iulerv.lt. AKOTIIKR ACCOUNT. Oar correspoNtleut on board the United Klat.s bark Kihari Allen, writes under dote i.f Tampa Bay, Fie.. Dec. I, as follows, io regard lo the bombardment: ' "The bombardment of Forts Mi-Han and Harrancas. the Peosacnla Navy Yard and the batteries thereabout, commenced upon the 22nd alt. The Niagara went insuie or Fort Pickens as nnar the enemy or the depth .r water would allow, and bl..r.ed away on Friday and Saturday. Forts Mcllae nod llarrancns were silenced completely, the former beinj set oo fire. Warrington was Ui.t-iu ashea, and the nfl works of the enemy were sipiashed by Iho Uirhmond, which vessel threw 500 shot and shell into them, from 10 A. M . to 2 P. M. Tin loss on our side, was only two killed and twelve wouoded. On the It.-nel side it was larger." The steamer Time is. I think, either sui.k or permanently disabled j ! wish we could have had another day of it. It wag splendid fun and good tsruet practice. Not a gun of ours waa disabled on the parapet, and only one in casemate. The shell which disubled the latter came into the embrasure, struck thn side tind glanced down, InndiiiB and weiig. ing itself between the breach of the gun and the lower part jf the carriage. Fortunately it did not burst, but the bricks which il scat tered around wounded seven men. One man was killed on the Srstday, a piece r.f b"ll struck him in the side and passed through his body. Another had his band tUen off while serving the columbaid on the (Kb staff baalion. Ther.e are the only casualties that we bad doriog the whole aBnir. The Niagara end Richmond did cooi service, on the first day, and with the aid of Katlery Scott" silenced Mcltaa enlirt-ly. The flag on Melts, was shot away, and nn the second day our bitlery shot away tbe flag io itarrancas fort. Our flag Waa torn little, but it did not c.'itna down during the affair. The following official report baa been received : H JE DQU ARTBRS PRPARTMRNT Of Fl.ORTDA. Fort Piokkkb, Nov. 25, 1801. J General l is with much pain that, Brter the womlerful esrnpe of my commaud from the missiles of the enemy, 1 have to report to you a most melancholy ui-cidont, tbe result of groBS carelessness, which bus just occurred. Irt order to prevent accidents-, I otder-d ull .. . . -i 1 1 r . L .. I il . . . .1 ton sunt aon sneii 01 iuh enemy io lie cviipiifu fering that the men might tamper with some of the loaded shells. This was accordingly being done, wheu one of the men tried to empty shell by knocking it aaioet another, be being surrounded py a ciowd. An explosion eusued followed by that of another shell, instantly killing bve and wounding seven other". I am. General, very respectfully, joor obedient servant. IIarvkv Brown, Colonel Commanding. Brigadier General L. Thomas Aojulaot Geoerul U. S. Army. SINI'lHU C.UlEKll UlfllKl. kCIIOePFF. A Frankfort corroBpondeol of the Cincin nati Gnzeltc sajs : Just now, whil- all eyes are turned to Som. rrset and Si bocpfl'a brigade, it may be iuler eating to 8opp!y some particulars in liie career of the generul who is leading our forces there, aDd on whose skillful geueralnbip alone we can ruly for success sgaioal tbe overwhelm cidil?. It is one or tbe mortifying humiliations, of which tho war IB bringing so msny to the rebels, that tbe oristocratic Tennesuee Con gressmso, who commands the rebel army, has been once ignomioonsly defnated by. and is now again opposed to, a luleNtw York hold porter I When General Scboepff came lo this coun- tiy he was without means. Nothing better .ffriip. bo asked ar.d procured the situation of porter io one of the leading New York hotels and many a lady who reads the Gazette this morning bas bad ber trunk carried op and down stairs by tbe present Urigudier UHueril, whose second victory we are hourly expecting the wires lo fleih over the couutry. Alter a t me he went to Washington, wlrero h continued us poller in one of the lintels, till his unvarying politeness and industry tcought him under tbe notice or Mr. Holt. Pleased with hn appearunce, and determined to Si'O m hello r bo would rise if be hud a chance, Mr. Holt gave him a situalioo in tho Patent Ofiice. At first bis duties were very Lumlile carrying bundles, arrunuiug model, end the like ; but be wag gradually tried ou more important labors, and it was sii'.l found that whatever be did was well dotie. A pnsitioo was then arranged for him more suitable to his newly discovered abilities. Mr. Hott continued lo Uke great interest in him, and missed no opportunity in promo ling bis advancement. When he was trans ferred to the War Department ho took Hchoepff with him. Ao important survey in Virginia rbauced to be needed, and Schoepfl wus entrusted with it. This brought bun under the eye of Uen. Scott, and bis military education and acquirements were for the first time brought lo light Thenceforward his rise was sure, llecoutinued to be employed on important basiness in Ihe War Department 1:11 educated effioers began to be demanded lor our volunteers, wluu the New York hotel porter was appointed a brigsdier general, and aei.t lo nrotvet the State of bis benefactor from invasion. Mr. Holt has already tbe proud satisfaction of knowing that the man t took from butei drudgery in Washington won Wild Cat: let as bone il may speedily ba added that the same leader bus held Somerset. A correspondent of tba Nashville Courier, wtitinii umler date of tbe 21st ult., slates that tb rebel Kentucky soldier at Maoassss are anxious to return borne. Tbe Chicago Pott notices the arrival In that citv of tba rematDi of a member of Col. rrmorlh'a raealrf reeiaieot. bo bad rio tried bi shot (of sleepief tsiil oo daty How tub Waw Pats It Ow rstsrs fly the arrival of tbe steamer Illinois at Forlreaa Monroe, nt. have advices from Port ltoyal lo lha I lih Instant. A flairs there aeem in tit besl pos. il. I conditiun. All of the islaiide about Port Koyal have beon seised snd are not held by lb Uiiiin troops, a nil the cotton opon these Islands is being picked by the contrabands, under the di rieiion of the officer. About iwo million dollars worth OI collon ha alieady been aecuredi and this sum will almost pav the eipense of the ex' pcdition. This i i lie wav to mak the war pav for itself. Our officer sent upon these fitdt. titin oiiRhl to be Instructed to collect the cotton ns'soon as our forces are landed, and ship it im medialely to some Noi'.hrrn port. It is a wise Kapnleonio rule. or war to make the enemy pay Ihe expenses of the army which conquers him. Niw Advertisements- Auditor' Notice. In Ihe Orphans' Court of Northumberland county Estate of Gsoroi Him s, deceased. riHE auditor appointed by II o said Court, to 1 make ilmiiiluiiioii of Ihe balance in Ihe hands of .lulin Hinie, administrator or (icorce lliinn, leceased, according to law, will attend In the du lies of bis suid appoiniment nn Thiiisilay, Ihe Snd day of January. A. I). IH(i, at 9 o'clock A. M. at his ofiice, in Ihe borough ol Sunluiry, l a., at which time and place all persona interested are icqueatcd lo he present. HAMULI, J. I'ALKLK, Auditor. Punbury, Uec. 14, 161. SHERIFF'S SALES. Py virtue of sundry writs of Icnriftoni Ex- pniins and 1i'iM I'm. J'xpontis, ixuned nut of the Court or Common l lras ol Norlhumlier land comity, Pa., and to me. directed, will he exposed to public sale, at the' Court House in tbe borough ofSunhiiry, on MONDAY, JANUARY Cth, 1SC2. at 1 o'clock P. M., the lollowiag described llenl Kstule, to wit : 'i he one undivided eighth part, of and in all that cerluin piece or tract ol' land, situate in Conl township. Northumberlnnd county, bt ing u part of n lame Iract of lam), surveyed upon n warrant grunted to John lirady, bounded on the north by lands surveyed to Ludwig Gne?, on lha east by another part of tbe said John Brady tract, owned by WiUiatn L Dewait, on tbe son I'o by n tract of land surveyed in the name of Samuel Clark, and ou I 1m west by another portion of the said John Firstly sur vey, now owned by the heirs of Cha's U Don nel.cVc'd, Wm. Cameron and others, contain ing tweiilj'tive acres, more or le?s ; said tract cuotuius several veins of anthracite coal, &c. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of George W. MaBSer. ALSO : At the same time and place, a certain Iract oMntid situate in Point township, Norlbnm beilund county Pa, described as follows : beginning at a fallen blsck oak, a coiner tl land of the heirs of K tjicennu)b, deceusod : thetico by the same, south tlnrlyseven and one quarter degrees east, fifty nine and eight tent lis prrches to a ctmie; thence by the sumu south t wenlj-eijlit degrees eust, sixty-one and eighl'tecths perches to a 6tone j theure by the same, south thirty-three and a halfdegret e cast, twenty two and eight tenths perches to a stooe, ill the road leading from Duuville to Nurlhumherland ; thence by I lie said road and land of Ji liu Laycock, south fifty degrefs ' west, sixty two and two-tenths pervhes to a store ; thence by .nd or l'oler Bjldy, south eiuhty nine and three quarter degrees west, thirty eight and two tenths perdu B to a stone; theiH-v by the same, noith forty-eight and one tenth perches to a stone j thence by the tome, south eighty-nine and three-quarter degrees weft, thirty live perches to n stone ; thence by land late of Henry Kockefrller, north sev enteen degrees west, ninetysix and four tenths perches to a post ; thence by the same, seveutythree degrees went, -ne hundred and forty nioe aod u Imlf perches to a post ; thence by the same, north seventeen degrees west, forty two and three tenths perches to a stone ; t hence by land claimed by the heirs of Urulit. north pevi nty two degreex east, twenty aeten unil three-tenths perches to a po6t j thence by land of Albert A innieroiau, deceased, north eighty-seven degrees east, one hundred and thirteen perches to a pine; thence by the sume, north eighty six aud a hull degrees east, one hundred and six perches to the place of beginning ; containing one hundred and twen ly three ucres and one hundred r od thirty-five percliRs, more or less ; whereon are erected a two-story frame bouse and kitchen, a large frame bank barn and other out building, a well of water and an orchard or choice fruit trees, io. Seized, taken in execution aod to be sold as the pioperty of John lieckart. ALSO : At the rnme time and pluce, the undivided one half part of a certain lot ol ground, situate in Sanitary, Northumberland cocnty, Penn'a, oiiunni n una urtcriDeo us ioiiws, to nit : on the Jlurtli bv land of Jacob Yours, on the south by no uliey, ou the east by Uml of JeSe il. Simpson, una on the Wrst ty land ol La to ur, no Ouster : containing oud acre, flr.cl me a sure. Seized, taken in execution, and to be said as the property of John Young. ALSO : At tie same tune and place, two certain contiguous lots of ground, situate in the town of I revorton, .eibe toiiFhiii, Norlhuiiiber land county, being lots No. 5 and G in block No. 11C, fiocting on Shutnokin street on the north, and bounded by lot of (Jeorge Keiser on the est, lot of Christian Kramer on llio ejtt, and an alley on t he south; whereon are erected a two dory frame bouse, a well ol water, outbnildingH, &c.. Seized aud tuken in execution and to be sold as toe pioperty of Ccorge lloisboe. ALSO: At the same lime and place, a certain tract or. piece ol land, situuteiu Cameron tun usliii Nolhutiibeilund county, IV, bounded and described us follows, adjoining lund belougiuu to the estatt ol John V eory, deed, on the east by Iluniel Schleig oud the Mulianoy creek, on the south, anil by land or David ilillman on the netl and north, containing about seventy eight, acres more or less ; abt ul sixty acres v, hereof are cleared, wheieou are erected a two story leg house and a frame butiU barn anil other outbuildings, ad apple oicliard aud t-pring of water, A-c. A i.60 1 Another rerlaln Iract or piece cf land, situate in Cameron townrhip Vorihuinbi rland county. l a., adioiiilliB lunus nt l i ter W elkel. John Mount, Jiibr. Uover, Uharlea U Buyer, Wm. Long soil others, com. lining sixty seven acres, more or less, about lolly eiiihl acres ul whk'll ate cleared; whereon are creeled a two story frame dwelling house, a frurne bank barn and other out buildings, an apple orchard and sprieg of water iic. levied. upon a the propery ol Juim Long, prized taken in execution and tu be sold aa the properly ol John Long and lianiil Long, who survivedCbatli s Ucniiinger, Elii'ibclb Heiiliinger and Jacob llonpt, now uec d. ALSO i At the same time and plaee, a certain lot of ground, lot No. I in block No, 93, siusle in Mha- mokiotown, Coal township, ftniihumberland county, I'a., bounded and described aa follows, un the west by fourth street, on the north by Pino street, on the east by l-H numlier S in the same bloik and on lite south by an alley containing in BriJill 'ib feet aud in ilepih 151) fo3t ALbOi Another certain lot of ground, No. 3 in ihe block as above, and in same town, lowsnhip 4-e. bounded on Ihe west by lot No. I, on the noiib by Pine street, on the east by lot No. 3. in asm block and on the south by an alley, containing in width S3 feet snd in depth. ISO feet) whereon ra erected a on and a falf story frame house 4c. beiscd taken la eieeuiion and ta b suid as t1 property ol Adam AJaiua. . . ATJKJi " ' Atuiaaarm Urns and pluce, Ui eastern bnlf rail of eeiUiitlut ul aruuttd, siiuata in Uis linnaijh ol Buiiburr, NorUiuiiilmlaiHl euuiity, fa , kui-wn as loi ,Mi VJI in lb tnwral ptau ol laid uurough, bduiMta and d jarnued as f' v l li.itiMiHl UlMklwrrgr Mrcel adjuinoif lot Nu S J un l In auat, lmsurx alley uii llivsouiu, nu wrcMsrn li.-.ll Ol suiil lot io.j,o.ntlli'!i in frnfit kboul 9U feet and in depth about KMJ iMit wharvun ara eravli-d a anwll una aud a huif sitirjr fiaiue bouse, a siimiii kiu-lin,i-te. brisl taken m rxcoutiou and lu Ik auld as lbs propertf of Kcnbcii Kagdy. At llis some lime and pluce, all that certain double twi lory brlt-k a UH,silumeiu lli corner ul I wn anil Uluik. brri)- iiimi mill Imrimuli ol hunliuiy, l'.,anU IWi'haif lots of giouinl. un which suid brick buildings r rmiwl, b iuudrd noil li li) lot l Alia 1. Huns mill un alley, oil On wont Ity lot il Jnc-ob Cul.le, soma by Umckburi y stretl and on lliv t-ust by Kawu si ret-t. hi t-d tuken In exectiuun aud Id bcsuld as th pnpf ty of Jacub Wvluicl, ALSO i At the anine (line and plnce, a crrtnln tract or piaie of land, situate in fliamtikni biwuslnp. Norlltionliei land coun ty, I'M , buunUt-d and descrllieu Ms IOIIuwp, lo Wll : on llio South by Cliurles Aiiiilei, ou Ilia west by Jtiriib btlll!i, on lie Mi.rtli by Amumlu tVolveilun mid Umo, tli-ckrrl,und i-n J .n wiaw uj WH.H.n 11 III,! i IVI, , i;IIIUI I ,llll llliy IW Ul'IFI, more or less, uIiihiI lorl) scresof wliK-liMii-cleMii-U wliera oil uim tttrt-leilM linuiedwellllig l.uuw, liunie SIMlile. elc. Seised biken in rxixutiun ai.d tu lasoklna Iheproiwity of tiumiuul Caidill. AISO i At the. same time and place, a certain lot nr around, situ ate in miMiMkiii Inwit, Coal liiweshif,, Noitliuiiibt-rhtiid C'lUiity, IViiu., No I Ml in biii-k No 177, h-nihriVil und d? scrilH-dus lniliii-a,oii 1littiii.rlh by l,,t ol At. l-.mi-s, on llm Siiulli by Win M ki-rs -il. on tin; eul by r luiiklni slicrl, coiitaiiiii g in width K-j fi ct und in ilrplli I5U n-vl j where Hie electee m Hvh Sliiry irMilie dwelling house aiid a Btoiy lmme Shire ItM ln. lc reizel tukeii in exit-'jlionnnd to be axilcl as Die property ol'lieury A Mlnuleruiid Koii-uit 11. Bliiuler Ins wila. A LSO : Atthe snme timend place,a certnin half l-t of gruand, situatt in lite linroiifili ol mioury, Norlhutiibciluiirl eullnty, l.eiim Iheeuslein hull purtol lot No SI7,on thrgenuiul plMit of aniu town, im-i Irmtiiiig on Tokebi rry sirt-et,'ou tiic uorih toiil bouinted mi the s,ulli by mi ttlley, enl b) a lul of KitWiild V. Hi ittlit unit it I"! ol llt-nry Pi-t'TS ,,11 lltu west, Ciinliiiuuig SUIrellu irotitniitl'.'UIeei iuib-ptti, wlu-leull are eierlt-il n Iwo stury fniuie bnttse, out l,ijililiiifa), elf. elzell InW-n in exci-ution unit to be sold us llicpiopcity of Uubert lirooks. ALSO: At lite snme time nnd plica a certain I 4 or piece of tllliil. Biluute in Drliiwurc tivnlnp, NiirllnoiilierUiitl ciiUii tv, Ta., bnundeit on llii-n rih tiy n ialilie r,tul, S 'Ulliioul went by lund 1 1" Juiim-s .'etett tind eurt by lilnd i J,-lnl X.eliiluirli. c ii.biiiiing lliree m-lt-p, in -re or Irsn, on wlnt-ll are eteeli-il n Mm y niul it bnlt' sLnry trtitne iliveilin hMist, a Bintill boil, il blMi-kMiiilil kiiup, u well of wuti-r, U hnv young upttle orrh-od mill miicr fruit tret-s,etc rtfUt-il t.-ikt-n in excc-iitiiiti mill 1 1 lie sold as the properly Ilnno-I I'.. Aoivviii:', kuivifor lo Daniel hi. Arnwiiie uud J h,i V . Llilltlill. ALSO: At Ihe siine limennd pt.-icp, our itntliviitrd hnlf of n cer tnin 1 t of sniniiit. siltinte in M -liweiisville, ,iirthutnter liliul C uiil;, 111 , b toitleil miililt-FCdlieil us f. .Cdwii. t'l wit : nullum imtlh byl-'tof 't:liiitn K-onpIt- ami on tit" well l,v Miiin ft'tivt, c -nt'iitiiiig lit wul'li O'l lel. mnl in li-i-cth iriil t. t ; u-nreiiii taert-cti d il brit-k lKvlllllg hoiife, tw.ist-'iies hifrhtni'lntit h'iusta ftutue stuble und currittge house, a tvi-ll of Willi-!, etc Pt-izMttikeii in eaecution nnd to ba aoltl ns Ihe pro:-erly of A. W. Fox. PAV1D WAI.PnON, Shenff ShelilTs CiTice, Snnl.uiv.lJic. 14, l'l. ( Rule on the Htirsf f HENRY WEAVER, deceased'. NOHTIlU.MBEKI.ANb C)UNTV, SS. The Commonweollh of I'eins) Ivania to heirs ami legal representatives of Henry Weaver, lute of Uutli township, ill suid county, deccnseil OnECTINO: WHEKKA8 by an inqucrt duly atvanled by l!ie ()rihn.s' (.'otirl of the" county nforCi-Bid, the renl ctnte of Ihe said llenrv 'Veaver, was o pruned nf and ftr the sinu of And whereas, none of Ihe hi !r nf ihe said deceased, appeared it) Court, on the return of the said iinui.itioii, to take iho premises therein mentioned nt the apprniKmien'.. You aud evejy of vou are therefore hereby cited to be and ap pear on Ihe rtrt day ol next term at 10 o cloik. A, M.. and refuse or accept the suid estate at the valuation and nppraiemrnl thereof or show cause whv the same should not be aolil Witness tbe Hon. A. JOKUAN", President of said Court, ulSunbury, ihis lHth November, A. b, IHfil. J U. MASKER, Clerk O. C. Siinlmrv. Dec. 7. IHO I. Bcgiuter's Notice- TtJOTICE is hereby given lo all Legatees, Cre ilitora and other person iiiteroted in the follow inr eststcs. thut tbeXneciiiors. Adininixtrtf tors and (iuardions nf the some, have filed their acroonU with the it-gi.-ler of Northuinlierlanil county and that ihev will be prrscii'cl lo ti e) Orphans Court of raid county on 1 jcsduy (tic 7th of January next, in the forenoon of that day for coniuuiation, In wit : 1. Jones Alfred 'J., settled by his Guardian, lulin Huui;l.owout. S. r ox t redetit-lt decensrd. settled by bis Ex ecutors. Charles and William Fox. 3. Eckleman Kiancis, di-c'd, tettltd by his Administrator. Wm Kiwhang. 4. l-olltner Eve Unrtiara. dec d, settled byTier Admitiisirator, Julin I'orler, Kst. .. Harwick linnnah, dee'd. settled by her A Jniinit-trnlnr. Andrew Fullmer. C. Dsns Elizabeth, settled bv her Guardian, Wm. Iieppin. 7. Eliaa Woodruff, dee'd, settled by bis Ex ecutor, Jesse WevRtl, 8. Sinyder Jam)-, d.-e'd affiled by Jos. Snyder, one ol trie AuiiMiu-tratiirs. 0. Smith John, sr.. (partial account,) settled by Ins Adminiatrator. ll.iiuel Kintlh. 10. .Mslitk baid. settled by his Guardian. David Mail -t. II. Masser ITenry, dee'd, (tiarlinl account,) fettieil bv II II. Masirr, one of the r.xerulora. liS. riuinuel Keyser, aettled by his Admiiiislra tor. Viiliael M'-liltee. 13. Silas S. Farrow, dee'd. (partial accoail') sctlleil I' V Ins Lxri-tttor, AiiinmluH S. Miller. It. 'Williair. Conn II, ilru'd. Milled bv hi Ex ecutom, Julin C'oiiiill and Mir.ili iio Miipm in. J. II. MASbEH, liig'r. Siinbury, December 7, tefil. PROCLAMATION jVOlCH is hereby given Unit thn eeral Courts of Conimuii Pleas, Cicneral Quarter rfesaious ol tbe peace, and Orihtina' t'oorl. Court of Oyer and 1 erinnicr and tienerul Jail Delivery in and tor the county of ISurtlitiiuhcrliinil, to continence at the Court Hi use, in Ihe borough ol Sunluiry, at 111 o clock. A. M. on Momlny, the Oih duv "I J A Mj-tltY, next, and will continue TWO W KICKS. Th coroner. Justices of the Peace and constii bits in und tor the county of Northumberland, tire requested to be then and there in their proper per sons, wi'li their rolls, recorda, impositions, and other ri'iuciiibrutices, to do those things to their several oliice appertuiniii!! to be done. And ull witneeaea prosecuting in behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons. to prosecute against him, as shall lie just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeuble to their notice IJlven under my hand at Punbury, Ihe ROlh day of Nov , in the year of our Lord one thous and cial)- hundred aad sixty one an. I the Independence of the United States of America tbe HSih. God save Ihe Commonwealth. DAVID WALDUON, Sheriff. Sheriffs Ofiice. Kunhury, ) Nov 3(1. I Nil I. J Widows' Election under the (COO Law l4jOTI4'K is hereby given that appraisements -' of real and personal property bate been made to the widows, respei lively, ul the follnwing nsmi'd ilecedunia, agreeably to Ihe acts of Assem bly, in such casus made and provided I I. OuUchall Jjihn, ilrc'd. 8. Knajip Michael, dee'd. 3. Cameron James, dee'd. 4. Everett Jonr.es, decM. 6. Kline Isaac D, dee'd. And that the same will he presented to the Orphan' Court of Norihumlierland county, for approval, 011 Tuesday, the V4lliday of January next, unless exceptions be filed thereto before said day. J. B. MAhSK.ll, Cl'k. O. C. tunbury, Deeember 7, 1H6I. Estate cflVm McCurlj, deceased. SsTOTICE is hereby given that teller lest i-' meinary, have len Usued to ihe subscriber, on tbe estale of William 1cCarty tale of the borough of Hunbury, Northuinheiland county, deceased. All persons indebted tu said estate or having claims on the same, will present them for settlement is the undersigned. . . RACHEL McCARTY. Adrainletretrii: ' Htmuiy, December 1, tatl. LIST OF JURORS FOR JANUARY TERM, 1862. GRAND JURORS. I Dirdol 8 Kra-ter, Delaware Kdward Poy, Tori ut 8 Peter George, Lewi , 4 Itobert Campbell, Upper August 6 Henry P. Fullmer, 'I urliul ' William Brindhs Bunbury 7 Michael Ferstermarher, I.ovm Majhonoy R Charles I Helfenstein, Coal Jacob T Mill, McEwensville 10 JntiBiVinn Kiiner, Ml. Carmel 11 William Keehacb, Lower Mahonoy l Freeman W Sober. Mhamokin 13 John W Young, Milton 14 Henry flharp, Mounl CrmoI 15 Jacob O Beck, Sunhury 16 Peter barman, Lewis 17 Henry Mas. Upper Mshonoy IS (ieorne Kilck, iShamokisi 19 Andrew A Hritn. Zeruo 50 Jacob Hoflit, 'i'urbut 81 Davit Slerrick, Northumberland 51 Philip I loir. Hush 23 John II Snyder. Milton S4 Iiobert McCormick, Turbut. TRAVERSK JURORS. 1 Peter Krrfi-r, Northumberland 5 Nathaniel l.ylel, Ken., Loner Augusta 3 Ein.inuel Attinan, Tuibutville 4 Jacob Moury, Coal 6 Ili nty Gillinger, Shamokia ft llentjnmtn Mlepp, Jackson 7 1,'cphc P Girtin, Turbut 8 Jacob Leisenrlng, Minmokin 9 George Whinner, Lower Mahonoy 10 Oliver 15 Hollinan, Conl 11 Willinin Slurtjcl, Upper Augusta 13 John .Vnyder, Lower Auguata 13 Abraham Kurvis, Lower Augusta I t (ieorge II '1'ruolman, Jord ill 15 John I) Snyder, Lower Augusta 16 ieorge tMiall, Mount Carmel 17 S.i timet liciiiuiKe, ChilliVquaque 18 Daniel Uloorn. Lower AtgtuU I'J Charles Hoy, Milton 20 Henry II I.titshri, Juksnn S (ieorge Forrester, Upper Augusta 'Z'i Henry J (inskins, Nurthuuiberland 23 Wlllintn Wilson, '24 William Cltertiogton. Coal 2! Casper Ailnm, Sen., Sbamokin CP, Sntnuel Mi'Ninch, Chillisquaijue S7 e-ilas Kuiitbnch. Delaware 1H Tobias li Caulcy, Milton Si) Jacob Lcisenriiig. Nnrtbuinherland 30 SSiiniuel Wagner, Little Mahonoy 31 eiuiniiel Liiiebach, Lewis 32 Hunter N'ewbcrrj, r'uubtirv 33 John H Admns, Upper Mahonoy 31 bnvid Everett, Mount Carmel 35 Eliss L' nil-rich. Lower Augusla 36 Will,.,,,! Clatk, liush i7 Daniel M hcliwarts, Jordan 3S tieorgo A'alter, Lower Augusta i'.t lunar rreilenr-k, l.lillloqiiuuue 10 batid N Lake, Coal 4 1 Solomon I'ali-k, Upper Mahonoy 4 2 John V liassler. ISunbury 43 tatituel lilain. Turbut 4 I John lloiiiz. Mil Ion .45 FnrtiKuortli liecd. Mb.-tmukin 46 Iiobert C Cainpbcll, litnh 47 Natlinn Unas, Upper Mahonoy iH Andiew LahVrly, Lewis. PETIT JURORS. 1 Chnrles Ivramin, Milton 2 John W Uucber. Suttbtiry 3 Anilrew Overpeck, Turbul 4 John C Lytel, Lower. Augusta 5 Henry 'I'reon, Washington C Itenjamin Genihatt, liush 1 Joseph Hollnpeter, Delaware R Isaac Druiiihi-lli-r. Lower utrust 0 William Guttler. Lower Augusta 10 (Miiisl.ipher C liysti, Kuslt 1 1 John Kunkel. Vhainokin t'2 David Kshlmch, l.cwi-i 13 lleiijiiiiiin F Vanine. liuslt 14 Alexnniler (iufl , Pelawsre 15 l.'bniles Horn, Milton 16 Wtlli.itn Mucin li, Kliamokin 17 John Kit!'. I. Lower Mahonoy 18 Eno'-h U Kaker, Little .Mahonoy I U Thompson Drr, l i ocr Attauala 20 Julin F Kltr.o, ' ' Jonathan Vonnt, Millan 22 (ieorijo Farholt. Lower Augusta 23 Wdltmn II "IV. liush SI Aiilhoiiv Hiitiintter. Mount Carmel S.'i I-aac Philips, Jordan 26 Hiram cSlienrer, Turbut 27 Dattiil D Hilcman, Lower August H f-.iinuel l.nri li. Lew; 'J Josiuh liird. Coal 30 I'nul Hewitt Lower Aneusta 31 Sninuil Itarril, Lowe. Mahonoy 32 John lluters eiinbury 33 Andrew Knock. Lower August 31 William C Kennedy. Coal 35 Samuel Snjder. 'niibury 6 il lam U Lobins, I unit. THE .NEW YOItK TRIBUNE. KKW Y0LU.ML On tbt Sfvcn'lt of rptt iiihr. tJ-CI, The New Y'i Wl.Khl.Y I KtUL'.NKi liitiicocftl lite Iwciilj-d hi )eut 1. 1 ns cjnttt-m r ; 'Jiciuily 'i nbuilt: beii tf me imomIi t rtici unit tliu ciiti-Vv itniy 1 1 it ui c i'lui' li.il younger, I' 01 111 -n-llMt. U 1 nt jctiHi, tiiikt j 'Liiuil lni liih.ur'l in W'll.tl llCaii(JiH-l'll i' U ll 1'V the (ilii: 1 I lliiiliiulMt', Jllkliuvriiiii l-'lt-ctl tu, jiiilt:iVii Jug lu lltcilrnle Itiu C unt' lU'ti ! ihf iitt.irsmviJ Uiiti tttil-ituii.ile, tu in in-r uttti I'tiuiltt! LFtrluli XcHltiK In W ii.ilr rl , li l t, unci, li pr. I1H He Ij li U llieilit liitf flhiut, iiitcli.x-uiit mut linili-ri:ti ml v.siitLii.t ui ol i-uf e un, li ln ti t,iti t t iilu ni'lier Llt:ili HpuUr,uilvl I 'vruittl CMiiiliiritil t U.i I tie liulli that tii)ifri iiiiiy ii-1 tu l't urti'irt Uil iii-iiittirv. lnpurmiiii)c Uimc-'Uitc, ni'ti, tu ha. j tl utUiitk Ix-eii iitutie uutl in til. ctMiiiiiiltttl , (nil, 1 Nog in 11 li tin ting idfitcil nur ttritdrtsi In Hunk unU jutiu I llt:iiw v rulliiT ltmii iitlii UtiiKlly ur I'Wit or (ii-i.v i'"iK'litiii. v 1 rlit-vc w e tuny uti v'Mim fnf tits jouriiul (tic crttlii ( tmving qnulilu-ti lU fctttlt-isi M Ut-tti't mnl trxitt'ie t-it iistiwit eiiitia 'I o ilcvrh'p lliu titimla n' iltt ung liy lhi nmht gfiif riil, 1 hi rf it h mi'l pr-telifiil Knutu'Hir, hikI to iciui- tik!!iitiil miFituliiif- I'liKluitive iiitlU'trx, ttirMKi 1 1 v srttnijj ol I'uiiiic Unitlav ttmtiUiil fcoiiieii uuJ cuIiih1ib, ti alif ilit..Uf!liii.rpr..iix HM1..1 iii'.uitiiui ..r pmiiiuil) virerC Mnnrv ruirrnl ill llm Slulc wliie iMiicd ill linuti hen ittuM im iu-tniiliH'.'i l-s itiiwt ilk hi, arc.uifjiiK ' . J , t:.H..i,..al.. ..'Iti.-lul.latam.til li.at ml i 1 ft-. I it. ..,,.) u.mi.I ItO t t'l V t'li ftt HTt unti evil r Mrt hiiU whi.-li it traiHuutly ctiiiuicuU li AMI' lit nu ;iii i -list' 11 riiti piiiiiM.uiK'py. AL-i the t; 1 v I War uuw tici.tki.tiim? nur ctwulry, w h Ul it t-i liuve i.tij.-ih;iteil in it lU'licitiDit Hi' no a.ii'ii, wickctl, iiit xi'tiillf, 1 nmi vii twr Iwit-n- knuwu u Ut ItfiliM in 1 lie iMttTMti 1 1 tie trv lt: i i -il '.Ue iiiji.v a I' e. ttcllMitt tlt.jiietii ifime ln(:h Uitf w....dul f ifts ami nlilfn tlif fit itii tl 'i!'f"i"ii' lliiviiit; ti-111; 4ilt wr. c'ti'it wit li cut u fdfrfi it.i i'i vnil punt "ipic l ir.'iHtl liim VVn , mr.l Wilix-v" tt tlic fitrlifiiramr, niffhiit ft, inni I dt; KnUei'H'S wi'li ulnt'ti it'O tilt-rnl OiiviTuiiiriii 'ttu' lit Ut tivtt n li irri we JinUI it sur cUur duty, unit tl.rtt t-t rvoy tiihei ciiiii. t titmt Uv liif iiiiiiiiii atnl ita t'.tir'v rit.-ncn r Ifit. n nt! to ihcuikKvi'Ii tilt our r ner (! ilu-ir -;!' till to upli tJt I lie I' mi in, III tjtiiiitiluliotl, mnl lliu fstiprriliury i( lite Ijiv. And, iluutt tUe Urlrt-liton li.iu liicnii', Ihro1 uurnitt-ii. tlfrpiioii, irrrorum und p'mUIi ii, iLstil.tliy nlrniu. we Itelitrve tliu Anieui-iui lti.uljlit.' I.o tstrmtiT, nnd tltitt me imiuniii us, nirnritt frt -rt til' kul lirtint iind Imiiiift wiM iitittiif itnovtriliriiw. Jlut m ull iiuifctfii ai' I'i't'tiMti tl ols.itft'tM. tlocope, hi id tiuiHiion ot Ih iin't rx tr;iorrliMurv cutfif we refer to iliont whom ihe A mt-i tenia reopW huvet-t iiu-d u iili moli-Tily. holthtig iniiiy l pur ports' hikI ui Hi'tioii indinpriikkilMtr-iii o urttvc un ruis-iftfiicy. In cnnifc likf 1 li pri-neid. oui roluimi iinim W liuifi-tv et'ertiu'ni'il wnh Hm rtirrtnl lnwoty nf !he Vnr fr iln I'mioii. und with fliirMUiiioi i.t'iiti itH'rewrikliifs iufidrm. Vt httU (Uil. Uowi-Vfr, fs-ijiil 1U;it utteitlnn to l.llentftifr, to l-'ort'iu Atl'iirtt, ilm rtiricti)iiirtil lri'vr". lo Cro, Mutkxi. A c, At , n hicli imm tilirmly, tvu H ut, won tor 'I'll Trdmiie im hnititil poviiiou Hiih.ng it euUnipnra run. Our uiuiu tdrevt it mnl (IihII Im to p-i thirf u e.-iu reliuive 11. Wspiiitr, l"in whtrli u riircitil rt;nltr nuy gliiit w vivid mnl luitliiul tiisU'sf 1 of tlie limn, lift 1 act fly in 1 (or d 'Hi-iiit of Action ti.it in l l it ol pn,l"ti vUo. As our ('ciluifn ( 1 Hi'(Uinii intoriinttioii luuittine with yeiim. We I runt I't'tt uti tniiHi.vf .tiful tu I tit- coiitentHot rur jinniul t percrptililc, 111 id ihiit, in the vnnely viut f hI'iwbU of in. lfil'sriHae iT"idr1. wr iii'iv tMll hope to -uuilte eiich d iy , 11 n me on Ihe lull." In llu hoe, weaolnt cinlinunuce ul the fi'iieruiifl iiitaifiUiu of ptitMimge liilhctto nccoidrd to nur journal. ' 1 r.u.'sia Daily Tr 1-1111 I iwuea per unnnni) td tseiin.V.ekU " Wrrkly ' Oil mm- t-l To CtxB smi Weekly 1 Two enpiea f r SA. Five for tl 125, 'I'en eopii tu out itddrrn tor t?i), mhU miy lurpei iiuiiihrr t the hitler rule. I'oi h chih tf Twenty, mi ciinif pv will be aent. Kt rnclutiul Kurty, we wild (lie lm ly Ti iliune frrtilisoue y ni. Weekly ; Three copief..i 'frv Fight eopiei for 810, ami ny lmifr nuinter ut the ittte 1 ( 1 1 Vti mru ptf auitum. the ptiper lu be atddreiiM M cadi autux-riber. To ciuba uf Twenty we til in etm wy. Twcii'y eopii to me nthlresa for SOtt, with nue lire In Imn whoaeiu'ii 11a Ihe chit) t-'of each etui. One Huu- drd. 1 he ldy Tid une will be aria fruii for mte yi-ur T Vttn dnttu crui le prisfuied il ib mufti Mft-r ttiaH to re mit Hunk ltd a Tli iiiima H'the tVittt Off;ce 4id &Utte hoitld 111 ah cnaea t plninly written. Piiyuieiiielwuva in Mdvanrr. Addreaa. iilt; TRIULNKj No.-Ui Naerttt 9tret. New Yufh. STOVES TOR 8ATFj n iceUent twronH-htiid Ck i- liitf 8ttw. also Mvrrl rMn.M Enquire at lha ofllo. Suitable for the Times I THE UUR1VALLED ASSORTMENT o if A FALL WINTER GOODS SOLD AT TI1E HAMM0TH STORE O P FRILING 8z GItANT. WH SELL Ladies' Dress Goods, Csssimcrcs, Cloths, 8altinetts, Hats and Caps, Uouts and Shoes, CloOiii.g, Hosiery, Gloves t Hardware, Queensware, SaddlerTt &.C., Ac, Vc. GROCERIES Fish, Halt snd Plaster, Iron nd Nails, DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Paint, Oil. Glass, Tobacco, Segara, Ac, Ac, 4c, At IVlccs (hat Defy lomprtltlon, For Cash or Country Produce. We have selected these Goods with great care, sod feci sssured that Ihvy are the BEST AIID CHEAPEST STOCK OF GOODS eier before cflVrcd to the public. Examine fur yourselves. Flil LING Sl GItANT. funbury, November 113, IHfil. BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE AMI -rue BRITISH EEVIEWa. GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO SUB.sCKIBE. rncuiuMs am heductjoxs. L. SCOTT & CO.. N.w lork, continue lo publish the following leading British Periodicals The London Quarterly Coiseri-au'f. The ICdiiilurgh Ktvictc HV1117. 3. The A'oKA llritish Etiiew Free Church. 4. The Vt3tminsttr Jeu'tic Liberal. 5. Blackwood' Ldinburg Afagazine Tory. . . The present critical tlute of European aluirs will render lliesu ublic3iioiistiiiusually tnU'rei-t-iua- durinz iho torliuoniing year. 'I'bey will occupy middle ground between the hisiiiy wniieii 1 (Si items, crude speculations, and riving rumurs ul the daily iournal, and lh ponderous Tome of Ihe future historian, mitten alter the living interest and excitement uf the great pnbiicul event of lie time shall have pa nod away, Il is to these IViio.!icls ibnl rcjders must look for the only really iulidligilile and leltsli'e li.s'.jry 01 currcoi cvit.t. nnd ns Mich, in addition to their hi II ci.Ublislic.1 lilciary, fcientili , and ilich khmI cl.uiac'.er, we urge I lie Ml upon lliu con sideralloli of the reading public. The receipt "f Advance Muelsliom the British puhiithci gives udilniotiul Vulue to Ibesa lie prints, imisiiiucli as they cnn now be placed in the hands of siibscrdrs about as soon as tbe . rijjinal editions. TEK.MS. (Regular Price 1 Per annum. For any one of the four Review, For any two of the tour Review. For any three ol the tour lie vie us. For all lour ol the Reviews, For lllaikwood's Magazine, For Blatkwood and one Rrvirw, For Blackwood anil two Review, For Uhiikwood mid ibtee beviews. A (III 7 00 8 1)0 3 on 6 Ot) 7 Oil 9 on 10 no or liUi'kwood and Ihe four leiews. ! 'I'he Pohtiijc li MV art of the I'll,!! Sta'e will lie but twenty f mr lenls a year b.r -lii-uk-woihI," ami but lnuiti til cei.ts a jtar lor caeb ol 1 tbe Keviews. j Al lb abova prices l. I'i i iijica! will be j furn:shel fur lfi, anil us a i l'llKMICM TO iEW SCHSCIMIIF.IIS. 1 ..... tbe Nus. of tbe same ri rioibeals fur ltiO will I furiiii-heil r.nni.leie, i'li ml s-l.lil.i,ol cbirae. L'nlil.e the mme eibenienil Vapnriiie nf tin ily, Ibese I'eriujieals be liule by ai;e. Ileti.-e. a.full year ul tbo N.. bir If OH. may be regsnleil s nearly aa valuable as lur I Mil. Subscriber wb-bine also Ilia No lur lSI. will be su-ijieil at Ut Ijlluwim eilteincly lu rates : SjUmlvl OJen for iM. 'CI. aid 'CI. loirther Fur Blai-kwooil's Magaime. the 3 years, Kor any on lleview, Vat any Iwo Ievie, " Ki.r Itluekwucil ami ne Iieiew, Vol lliai-kwiiml ami lo lieviews, Kor Ibree reiew. " For llliekwo.nl ami three Review," Fot the fur Keviews, " $. 00 6 0U 8 UU H 00 12 00 II 00 15 00 :i 00 17 10 For Blaikwooil ami lbs 4 Fietiew. Any nf lb above work will alsi l furui!.eii to New riiiliseribers fur Ihe vear tH.Sfi-ti, and 9, at una half the regular fuWrijition prices. Thn a new autsFi-nber may obnin tb b'eitiuts if the Feiir lirviewa ami IHaikwoiHl Seven Consecutive Years fur fc7 ! ! ! Winch is but little mo'e than tba j.tii of th oiiginal wurks lui nne yea'. Aa we ahull never aeain be likely to i(T.-r stub irilucimenls as those line uresenle.d, now ia the limn to euhscrit e ! ! lieniiitanre oiui-t, in all fa.e. b mailediree in lha 1'ubli.lier. I t t the price no cum mission cau b aitnweil t agi-nts. I.EDNAKl) WL'tO'l' A CO., .o, 6 Uuld street, .Nsw York. Nnvemlier S3, leifil. AclmlntxO utor Kotlre. ATI.,- u t,.l... r U rn il.i.i Wittranf aniliiirlratlim hnvmir liMii ii.ntl I" 'll. sulwiiliei mi tli. r.il. I". S. B . i....a l...... I,,,.h v t . Ins nl lli. I".uli il MiilKirv, rnnrtiain ft - IV, II.. IHS HI in. liiU,n i. runiwii, j !.. .uu.,1 All ni'iltlid IllrlllMl hrrllllld lUlllV, l a., 0asll. A" pi-IBHIM lllun..r .oiilsrdti. in.'.li. 'rai aisot, " "'" Ha.inir elaiias mrsmit th.m f.w wM-mni- lll.rr.iiW.M-. Ihe undr ".... w. .... t.h tirnl J.im.rt. IKS asj-a. ua ' rH Ahl.fcrt G.UNtit, WaV. u.WrT. orwb S, 1 ASOWntl ALUlirAL Oh Millinery Goods. at Ida More of Balsam l. & f j. MIISM.Kd, Simpson's Duihliiig, Kaiket smuure, f I'NHt'HY, Pa fl'IIK pitlilie srii invite.) inetill nutl esatniua .tieir .Milll- llerv UivaH juntiipru.-il Biiihas Ijulti-.' Drest Uie its' UONKli1'' '":W "rt ,""",e,l""n "'" ' ' LAD IKS' DRKSS CAPS. Funs. I jilirs' Olov-s, li,irtv, IIiiHilkeiehnfs, Nollons, Fl-iwrts, Tit.fl Millitifrv gntKltiii'cvirrvvHiiety M AN TUASIAKLV'ti. Llrestes mnila in llio best man ner snd hi Buy style. W intend In sell low, cull and examine our stn,.lt. II. at L KtllSrLlilt. Suahury, October II, IfOI. Estate or GLOItcaC IrlttlTt, li., ilc rrunctl. TVOTICE is hereby given thnt letters of ed ministration having bpcn (jranted lo lliu subscriher on the estate, of tjeori-o Murtin, Esij , iaie of the borough of Snnlmrv, iN'orlhuiiiLi '!nn I county, Pa.,!(-cesaed. All per.ons itide'ilt-.l to said cslate Are requculed l: male iuiineJintc -aj- mcnt, and those bnvinif cluims to rtstul ihcm duly Kullieni cli-il fir si-ttlement. Mrs. HA UAH liLOOM, Adn.'trix. Suribury. Nov. 2, IFfil. fit Hew Millinery Goods. mj.tsj m. I e.iLt:t:, Fawn Street, two ilnur tnulhoj the SJtamolin Vullrir fl- I'nttfviUe ll'iil Ji'imrf, BTTNBUKY, X:' E 1ST 1ST ' J. . , EMPF.tvri-'L'I.LY iiilornis llio cilixena ot tsl.NUi;iV and virinily. Ihat she hn just rceeived from Pbtiadel jihia n isrge ami si lemlid assortment of ihe nmsi ftishiunsble style, of Fall akd winter goods, comitming cf LO C 23' S2T Oii EJ? , HATS, FEATilGKH, FLOWLK.J, TRIM- MlNU.f&c. hich she is aeiiio; at ibeino-.t rctisonable prices lo winch she directs the niteiition ol lt,c ladus and invites all lo cull nnd sec them. Thankful for pant lialroutt,;ft, the hopes by keeping lo best assortment at reasonable prices to continue the anmo. Sunbury, Uctubcr 10, ISC!. 3m NEW YOi'iK UNKST THIi CAMDKN ft AMUOY AND I'l.tLAUKLriJlA a:1) trknton iiAU.nAO cos mm;?, From PhitatlclpJ.iu to Atw York and Way From Vn!nit filri't Vh:irf ntul Kenmiiyton P-Tt- PJnUnUI: Itin, mil I tuft ns 'tiiw, z " lAitb. Al 6 A M vm CunbltU o;i'l Atnlmj C X A .cc iibH.itlir.i, 'i 21 At 0 A M, vi i C -tmilcn ul Jrspy City New Jt.'r Ht;y fu r fiiiiin'i:iin n, 2 25 At PI A M, via Ct.n.ii.ii aul Jrrrey city Monti:.; .l:ti(t i vv At l-'j I' M. vi:i Kensiiigtnit oml Jcrcy r:tyt Wcii- At l-'il V M vi:i Oinulm o-'il Ainhry, itcr.ir.tmi'(!:ttion 2 .) At 11 r M, v:u Ci.nioci. hiiU Amli 'y C und A. 1.x .t0j l' M, vi;i Koufiiton, oml Jerrvy cily, I'.vt- lllllC , At 4 1 M, m.i Kti.sir.ftU'ii vivi JfiM'y piiy, ii) crietHs 'i'lcit t. At 6 1 M vi.iOtmc'ti .5t JtTfy rity Kvfttinc .'M'lil Al 11 r M. v;'i rinn.,r:t m-.l .1 erM-y tuy .wlt .'n! Al 6 I' M. vm rti'n'!i hihI Ain''" At fiiiiiin.nin. tiuli. (I iei(jl ua-1 i'u.st'i.gt r,) lot tiftf iitket, 3 CO 3 C. a M ) i il ; 8 43 1 Sit i T!ie 0 P. M. Mull 1.-:ie runs (l.iiy. Tne 11 & milter 11 Mm! tS;i'Jtdiia except tt. Kor he! vii Sere. l-.d.C'ii, V'einirpton, ,nt 7 !0 A. Al., from Wmmit MtrH wlmri nnd iJ I. M , trotn Kt;Hiti!,rL For iM mcli Cinmk. Altfiittvn und lictiLtiiciu, ul (J, A M. vi:i !.. iuli Viiih'V It'iilriunt For Wntei titip, irouil.sl'iir-r. Prrnn"1!), Vilkf3liarrc, Mitntropi. fire:it Itrml. .Vc. nt 7 I'J A .M, via Uriuwui:, t jt knw h nrt nnd Wenem ll:ii!rt'iid. Km Ftt rtio! I i-i 0 A. M.is.il 2 I'. M. For Mount II Hv, i a M.. am1.-, P.M. WAV !Br:?, For DriUnl. TrenTm, Ac,, nt 7 ! J nurl fj A . 5t 6 HO tind ll I'M (tout Kcimiti;ion ui.d '2' V M trum Wal nut a jert Whiirf Ftrrnii:it m. Itivrt'm, Iifhtit". p-veriv. Ilrfi-ir ton, Fl 'retire, li nd.n: it, .c . ut 1. 5 rd J-j l. M ls,fainh'it 'lviito,, 1" ir j!i.o',t',iiiv,'ii. rmt iitteriiiJir.te ptrtoea. nt '2 V M . t"tn Wstlnnt ttr or Whirr. IS F-T -Ni-w York, nnd v'itv l.inea lenvinir Kn3t'e to;i 1 Per.t. tnke tt! fin a tm 1-iMh art'r, nhovo Walnut, hall' nit hout Iff ore rtpn:ni Thsmi ran int) ihe De-p'-t. mid on - i v )i I of etieh Train, r-m finn the dt-pot. f- Fifty pounds of Hiii'-itrs ou'y. ntiowi-vl fiirh i.isrc;nrV PnaaciitTcra nre ptiiiniiitcU from ttiViine toi tiunc ua Jinc B.ii;e hut their v'-ti.n. nppjT!. A'! r...;iic' over fifty pounda to te p;od for extrri. The Osin:mny limit then reitondility for Ikifrdirc to hie i. l(nr pr Pound, rind will not he lul.lt' for nuy ununiut bey mut lWl DolUis, ex cept by gpeciiil coiitHM-t WM 11. OATZMF.R Afeut C. k A. il. R Co Nov. 9, 'til. THE KEW YOEZ WEEKLY TIMES. SINGLE COIHKS fM U'O COPII'.S FOIl 3 KIVI2 CiJHKS FUU 8.5. The Cheapest awl litut Family and General AeuvyjHjter in ths United Slates, The. Ner York WKFKLY Tl-Ml:S ia n Inrpc and cle g;inilv pi lilted tpjarto theti, of cifciiit p;i;jrBtt'r iny-e.ittt I c 'itoiit.a. deV'-lcd ti I'tdiliv-'. t i't'iutuic unit ttitiil New a, uu H.teisdni to he Ihe HvH us wcilas tin.- C.ienprrt Fiinilyj.a;iaier in ltt Uiiiu-d Mut. a. Tnctifil iiautd ti.e Ti.Ml.S 1, n I will nlwnysUslu kcs-ii ua ift. li.tiniiu l,lv nutl rrUul.lv i.ohlttl in. 11a t'l vVL-ryUini wliicli may ha'pen, I jicin'ral intccsi, 111 uoy pmt ! liic WOlld. Il C'H.ilK'i' tU'.)' :it .1 lief. Up t topic o oii;m..i.ii)Ci tit tvriy ilt ,-ai;ii:ci.t nf ;iu!r;C nrtion, ' toidniuitys tti t! c ihitifsl t l i ict.di.io, C-idoi, und !hi . I'uitiic 0.t il. Wlnlif im nitle.v.'i: wiit l.v u:.il -iiiily c o Kr- vaiiVf, it tutvouHlcs every iimiute i i just ui.d hftifti.-ent : rroprt'u.A.'d reaiat iiie im ieit, exic i-!ii, or pe-lt. i tioiijf sUivcryt a4n.e-(ry:hhig .Ue luc--inp;ti!lIi-i an im Inlirat vvi-tiafufii ttic ttmilfc- lioiuiimv. hoc a i.'j-"!: pr uiptly and Httrurutoly att intrinfiH-e of c mr:t! m! - it ?l ' in vci v de urtmeim ) htimHii 'ou ny. 'i m-ve: p.imh-iai , vicioust.i-u-a.ai.d encludra tioMt r.a etutin: fioiii;t; j Ihul lioylil lentter U u:.d"or i.n; nyet for -iii:.-:d I ninilv ; pcrtiMii ituevKai iunr'Uioiett.v general wiluie by un.g ; lite i'1-iiniiioi dufati-nt, Montlily in d Rt-lini'-n iTpon liiu lina-a of I lie people; nnd in ah it J .sou ationa. it ii'-tfrtt t rsi ft-itVaiU- ; ly I- beguiutit and c.inti.nlej hy tiic t't :i .1 oi n-tU i;.U"M, j p:itlltilisni ujui (;o.ilit;.n toci'iO ( In its Coifi1nii'!c !'(', l lit I' Trcii m:.l romntic'. Hie j Tima 111:. 'hit? .iked to he s;i;v.-tioi li n!:v oi;fi .tntMie;)il Joufiml li ticp- naiil Cn itietMi-itala.ul trfun aattJ.epgjj- Credli(a.u Fliiiii-.C U., C'-Ull. i v ui a;-.t j (jeutrul Jtt '-'it.'rur i , of importuiitl.i-rtl ai.J Cmi.ii.u! Tim.V tn.d of vh:.:vti iitn iwi'e aps'cuti intcttn :-'f ti.' t'l'-lU'-lj oi Im' f-m- ( Uunit ai u i tail, proiirp; :ti d r. .::t. ". f I.p' cut uMcmIioii i dt V 'ted lu lull, 0vX.U...e ind liu-t j Wuuuy reporta ki ii;e i Live Stm'k (i'l'i Jl oduc-t Mttrlitr, j for winch a apciial corp ol o' .' Tl. ib 1:1 nuui.i-.cJ A LULUAKV I'KI'AUI MivM I will ulaotnj Wept up, eihhrJC'imiSimdiitd 'vc's 'YWt i a..U niitcet:aiieoui.v:e.'U''iii t hk n!Kii-a o.tr" m. Tne Acricn tanil I'eurtinentrai cnnpitt-d f.oiii n vnrie jtVtsfl'UlC a. tlluil) I'I ttlCilt lliil' ft-fh'.t.iv t'l I C illl'-'l 'iil I ie'U-r, fi.d luruikht-a vuioa-le tiil'oiiu itn n It.1 il.c I u.tnr." I HII'I tjil'tfctl'-r. The We-Kiy Tim-a v ol 't ar!,t to aul'-iMsb-ia ui 101; itrt oi litre uiiU) the tjiiwm teimar hiitc'tj Copies 1 vv . JVl i v. .tr. Any vraon who wilt ifiidur arl ibof Tl'.S ':-r Vi nt t-i eHi-h, h ll receive tin jra r -; y lot iiitiiti:'.i or ti iy leuui Oi.c tioli.ir .Un c i r. ;-oh.i i- n. TH K .NKW-ViiiiK DWiV TIMC'', I ptil!hei rverv fhiv m 't lniu:ny, ami tn ntnt In ri!w aciitiera y tuiuli feiA lii a s -. n.ctii.'tt g tUia ' (uiUou THK fc.KMI-Wi:i:KI.Y i IMs, Fuhtinhid 1 ii Tucad ta nnd Fi d ta. ai d v o...-:io.i i-r e'cKt jfit-fkot fvuiiiiiK nwiier lo ev:r nu;iut,'i,u ol lo aill kcniieiaut the ioilowti'ij 'u.c ; Pn) iopiea f- Tw i eojitt-a ..- Anv pera-m vh' wit' f.. u a rtijt rf Five aHis-cn1 e mm irreoie mi exim r-'i v ir 1, rc:ui:i ivv Ij liiuiH ami n Hull a- l'i i Mir-' at -o. TRI-M- dull tninr;tliH in inUvon'e All tellers to lie uiUliej-awl I" II J- H VMOM) A; J"a I'io, iirior of me .ev- o k '1 nut a," Nia oik Ci l inv.o(i, IhtJl. fancy i una; I'AT!CY FURS .li.sm l":i flrn. 7:j A t.rit S rr t li-i(vi , 7-lt.. nmi f.a.. .s , (.,-. MS Murltt.) 'AiVdiiV'iAiJ. j-tarlr Si M iii'iliiftur, ..I I-A. V FfliK i ..... . . l l. i M-.ss,..' und I'l.i.. tjt'V'-T'. drru'a Went 'a ; iJki'Ltt.l'Xi. ii.ivii.ar n.w ifi-rnin.'actiir. ' 111 I. ,' 1 . rj . .! .i, ... Bl.ff till Ilk. 1111 ..: Lr'Vt -..I . i- HI-. :fj!3 i''it nf a. I Ht rnwin Hi,) tviincr Ut.iwu.s, 1 wi.ul.-t rw.cltulli mull, an nominal m olirysl'H-k anil pri.-... tlirin veil- ileirul,le in.lin-.inpn:. I All mv I'aia lisvi- h.i naii-lmsi a fur rh. suit m...'. of l.y ip. ritiice.1 bamlB, sn sslh prnrbi m"iR-tn lumkirs !- '-.it . . .. .u .l.H. I ah. ...I, I .li., tub. ,.l iili f.uiii. ul . ... , in. ,i j ,- , . Mr. 1 urt mall mlv.nr. fill e-isl. i irnfri ll iii-i-..siir)f nisi suuuin ui.."wi .-i ihj shk. m . ... mt .man mivi.nr. .... lo I 1 1 m ssii.hcd Uiat il wakibs n iuinlBiest uTtbnsawk.1 ; aYson nunhasi. (in. lu a ran. fW K wllrcl lb. iwia., biihiiki a.t rrt : J t.ilerB, ' (N.w Far (More,) lit AaaBiM, VhilaaVipfcia. 1 tW. , lMla.' THE LATEST ETYLE 07 SP1UNO AND SUMMER Q ARMENTO, AB CONST AKTX.T MAD13 at the TasLionabla Tailorinj rstatliibment nf Jacob o. sx: air, Mtirktt hit !, SL.Mtl'IlY, tn. 'T'HE euhscriber bus just rereived and opened a law assnrlmrnt BPltlMs AND HUM MKlU.UOD, siirh ns CLOTHS, of r.vr.r.Y nLscmi'TioN a yt'At.iTT. Plain and Fancy Cassimeres. Vestings, &o. ot lite laiei-l utes. In a.lilition lo hi flock he is constantly n et ivinp new supplies Irom tbe rite keei tm a full assortment of the tnil mil stHliliiil ainl Ultht style of (iuinlB in the my markets. lie is pn t sreil tu pinko loonier all kinds of t;eili nieti's aliit 7;,)V -.vrnr, nirli es UKEsr rtV.Trt. FlfiiCK.(.:OATa, BU8X IV ESS-CO ATS, VKS5TH I'ANTA LOON. Ac. J-p. of the vert latert slyle, rind iij ihe inrnt suhtan linl mt"!:'n., at al.'ort lintjie. Ativ t;oi! not un hand, will l-e furnished from I'liii nielpltin. bv pivitip; two day'a notice. (a?" (Jail aotl esurrjiiie my Hoc-, no cbarS) made for eiioi.jtij. JACOB O. BECK. Punhnrv. ATay II, ISfil JCIiK3 & CilGELEY. SOLf. MAM TACTCHKRS CH-' 1HI'. IMrllOVEfl OUTTA PHECHA C E M i: H T 11 (J U 1 I K G , The ebenptrst ami most cturelite rto foi-r in use. hit Fir lo,it uti-r I'root', If e-ul tie rtpplieil tu ti'-w iot,t t.,il II. f r.ff.M kinds, Sail to r-tituglf iIu-.i'b witli'iot raii'iviiig inu slintpies. Tho '.'ort is only about Onc-'J liinl that Of Tin, nnd it ia twice ns J.urabio. g v r t a r r. c ti a c k m k n t , For prvi vo u ami rt-;Miriuji 'I iunn,! oi!,er Mclul n-iofs of c-.--v e-'i';-:ii-.o t.-m o r:TfM. e!at ivit v, n tint iii-ute-1 tiy nu-eot,' .nciii'it ntul e-inuiitiii,n i-f rn.-iul9, ao-i will not ci-K-1. i" u kl m ten li, Miinn wi-ttllit-i . 'I :irre i.. it. riuU l,rtve b. i ilinr,uij-l,!y trslctt in New Y"rl; noil nil puns ol th Siui'tiern i,i,-l tViKtmn Suites, mut we t.dn pive uiitiu-.li!tttaptoiif oi all we viuitu lit Iheir inv.-r. Tr,-ynrc renJiiy appliej bv or iiinry laborers, at a tri- flilty ejlpinrn -no iin.tT is RrxinrtF.n.o Tltie liintrrinkure put np r-tnt fur :is, nitrt firshlp piiiir t-.ull pirti.,f Hie ;oui.iry, with full ptiiiUt dtrec-t on lur tijMli-.-alun. Kiiii ilis'-ripiive citt-itlioB will lir f.irtitfhril en snrOira. tir.n by tr.'ol -r in p,'rf,:niit ..or Prim (.'tlt-e uud Unrw Uue. 1" W..M Slltlilil, C.iii-.-r of Libeity Sirert.) New VorU. KutN-?.v rftosLi:Y. .'. -.vzt VMi.n! Terms Cmh ! ! J,ii i. i-i;i tv "HpJ A K li U il 6. Kifh Figured Itureces. 13. If. ami 31 crnta, liarige UoU-. . S 3 f.U. S I (it) and .5 00, Mi.zt.iii'i:iibe Huln s a: 13 0U, Traveiii;i Ure.-s tiooi's. Kiiepbard'a l'la:d, M-hair Plaiita. tjitiijlinm's. l.-awns. I " r: i , Cs, Can li its, (iiey Figured (lund-?. (;uorr.n a. covaro. S E corner Nni'.li nnj MutKi t, Pliil.idc! hin, N I! Le.t ii'iality Uooo fcuirti, tl cent to jjia on. r.tnv is, teni. iSTOVKS ! hi OYKS ! ! Fi )R S. l.t; AT Till-. l.N'bt STIil A I. STOVK WOUK3 S. N.Milt Ch'I ftieet, I'liili tcl' t i, I'r tms tc Clirisl' Cliiirt-li. tti,-iii,ist ei-'flit-iicil li:t rr 11.Mi111.il iv C-'iik'i-r; Bi:d ' lit.i una Si,.vi-B "I liti.- iluv. l.KlliljIl. Vllj roil COAI I l'l,l-.'i li. 11, til .i l tii'il C'l' l.U'ir i-.'il IIhu'ih m .ves. All ul vv'Im-;:, ;ir. tiunr.il. U-ea W gvc l-i;lite s.ili.li.ulloil I'itust uivclliC u t-nS'. V.M,C,M!JU.N. Ort-t;er U. lr.l. j ec. Entirely Vegetable. Ko Akoholic Picfa- ration. CELKUUATiCl) G-TS a vy t pi "w t! af. JLr at ah. W i a aU a t. ) IVi'pait'd !y D.l. C. r-, JACK.SON &. CO.,ri.ilai3t;lfbio(ra will ciftcually cure LIVER COMPLAINT, DVtfrCIIA.JAUX Cbtou c Nertous Dtl-iiity, l)ifira?8 of ihe Kid r.o)t, aud alt tht-eai8 nrtitig from a didordcrcii )ivr or fetomacli. Sich ft C.ir.i.tip:uiun. Inw'.td l.'i'i-j-. Futncsa or K'ntp to t ir llfliJ, Ac.tM Ol Iltt S. 'V II. Ni'UtM. lltrlt!iUlr, iJiirna I n l-'o"l. Fii!in or Wtt,!.: hi Hie nioouii-'lt, Stiit l;r;ifiuiioi,t frinko' or l uiHrunu nt l!m t'il id tho SlOiiint'.i, ? .viJI'iHUiB of llm lit. i.!. IIkmhiI :- lilii-'.'U:t Utintlui.u. FailltMotji nt l!ie Jirnrt. C'ti"kii u or rf'oi-itl 'l.i i-l'-'0 ioiis u 'i-:i oi it ! : hf! p'l'irt. lOit..t ! s " I Vinii'M, )oto W" lm helwe ti:r ljiit, FvVfl -ind U'l't T-tin lit tne VuV I V. :', t'i'-i', I -m. A t.. iiilit'i Fluli' i pi 1 1 rut Hurtling u: lliu Firaii. I'oi'itttut Im iti'innia of cvd, uud f.tv - i UepitT.-tiiM'S of S iiiis, und wilt p'iuiiiveiy prevent i-il -w l't-vs-r. li'ili'-nii I rv.r( f. Tlu'l-f'd ie'or i.i -d. ii.tr the a.l I ' : . U ft Ihe p'lhlic to tlna prep.itu: l"it, il'.t s no with :t t 'e'inp tif Ihe nl moil roii fitle.ire in ns 'i.ta d :ul;ii-lnli iii lo the tliacasti for which it 13 ri'Ciili.iilcii.li:-! It ii im new .:-'ti ni.infii r'.rtirif. hut nt' I hit h:'-S itot l I'.e w oi':' ;V ' lvii v-.s'' It U-fofi th ' Ainfi K.in i n;i. tinii it Tv- ' '"" lotd i-.ile nrc unriv.dVd hy tiny mm- I ii" ini'piu! !..: 4-XiimiI. '1 he tea in.on In lti Hi Vol i!iven j jlV pOtll MICI'T JOItl Wsjli XII'OAII I :'s..iuil ui.it iiiti,. , 'i: ': oi 11.1 y.t'.a I I'; c-fvi: I'l-rr;"1 oi Ah:r:' I" I'O jlf i I! 1 ). it"f. l.l 1 X" t C lliu (.i.n.ol hut C-.M'fy Ihs' lliit i j'-! i o Iti'Mitfut-e, O'tt n pt.i.i slifti niiiinul y y It, n'lft ol'lo'. oi li.'-il Aii-ti, pnCit! X liori '. cn.cd) 1 1 1 v tl h' H on ;n.ed. rc:t.l , iltf 1 1, in i-ite net! v: lie-id vht Oil riiMttnl !i;i:- M:i.'Ht"-ir"io t. M Ul N M. W Iti l'Ai-l , f the HA1A.HC cur. DIAL. Lr, C. .'.t J- -'-I !' i"- liiu'd: liavm torn 1 ii j itii'i 1 ci ii ;::; in't-l w i'h vitL.!t' ol II. y I'.nK.iiMa I noil, I l.t vj.'tljjll-. - 'fits, !l M'ti'.i! " n ol tin- l-iotj.'-. f" I )('. iYt',,;y I- r 1 1 i-i i y u ' iTr . ft . rTr -veml .tih 1 hi'-i-ot v--r lifr'ii w t ! i i -1 i. i.i no .rr. Il ut fi: vv me n:c !i h'tf ih it 1 h.tve iim d it w'liu vutii 0 fcuti.v.f.. m tut' iri'.tii.i:'i.i ol Uovv ; O fp'uii 'i T.y tW..o, trt:'v, Jt.ll t UITAl.T.. ri""h M I. Ik. Hue r met t.t, -vc it'i, t'liimd'a, T ' i ' .15 -1 p f S.!!y ;.! ;evc" 'il"e Dm-'pistS and iif.i i I'ts an iio'dit nu in il.c 1 t; : 1 Ctt'K.itiot, I'm th l' 'nlni"ttt Hint Wm I uiu-". : i crnta pr-r l"t. t It- .--ire ;iin! -Lt ti e n :t-. . vvi, Ii 1 u' jjo-'it tir e i f i l. J u-V: -'.i .' I t'u vmivnT "l i-ir-ll Is ;,:: J nil othem loo r-sutler: Funeo.-.i ue.n.'i .Mu:iacl-.ry. li-i Mch at !-. r'n'i'dt:! .ii-. Fit ifpVl tt u, i-i;i iy j F't :,t' Clit-" ' I 'lain. Iticii ictit t:oi.;tn)pii General l IVI'inlv, U hi'C tVc!i :!-, iil;rnn..tiih'nr Ltkr fct of 1 tin: l.r.tT Jiin! irUu, nnd ui UlM"o,ea . f ir-iisft fr-iit Jniijtt,ua of J.i Ihoou atut tho t.Ucuu of j !c:tr.iy. j Pwnini1! rin.iieei h': hri-ii for more ihtn f-tt yeun l c'tctiuiiMi in tii count t ni'tl in Fuiope for itu litru- I oi.il.ut.v C'iliJ. Oi on- t-''l l;n(':tlt-n 1 tiil(li I 'iei tk'C, id 1 iniJe li ':: tl':i..-i.a lo.tt h I." ( w n 'v li nu he ll'ui Hint!:;,- '"'1 :'"' '''ii ""s l'nn:tf'M ; a.i:e of vvnuli Kiva ne ptoiu-uiiira in cit-a ii-o ntidiui or itcuerut j,uIj11lh ' 'i n, uiti'ie ii.ii p1 l.o.' It tu ti.nio-.t- ni.ui u( Willi ' H -i..io:i, :o.d v'i r dcetiit'd i " ct'diie I y rhyctrun a. ' Il hns U'cl natrtl iii ii i,itui unit pi tv'..fe piuvtud. nnd iua i hem ri;-4ioioisnx .'d l iii.- im tl cc.-hnae'l pnytivi o. ai.ti ollu-r euunt-iii iicitt-int Ant l.V V . Oil t U. M, IV. t "I lHtte, Pt-llli I UlvrfSlH ; Vittf'lllltr Molt, M. It , rr..f of Nuof, N. . t lovetwuv ; w , r. ie w.ra, M lJ., l'oi. .ml . t'enn. t'lnvnaiiy ; . ChapniMii, M. 1. IV I I'liv:.. iVnn. 1'i.ivcrtoiy ; i". Farke. M . i).. 1 'it fcidfiii t-.sl:ee Fir. rcinu, rutnuif'pion ; lr. l)rt Vu.iit, Vt.-i. i l Miiftsif. 11 iv-o ii ; J"e F ,'uirnf' e ijii. IV I. oi'Mtretsy, l.iiMii j J. ::oj..iiiH. Mcmn t l.-ut l'!!fo ; tirj ns. 1. -ii'i n; d ifvitij!. lute ,in. inter to Sptii- i J Sir I'!; !in nt IVi.-n, -r tj ..iinl Utiiikfi Ami) , O.t - bs-rf ;o!m'i.'ii, lintoh V- itfid t ! Tne woitLidini t un a tir.-ett d t vMV.lhlf I'AN ACF.V hme li -r nroty ye.im m:dc it uu i..;t!mt"i reinri'v. Ttitj i f:!Hii-'-t d-.ft. it"( (-..ntiiin m -o nry in iiiiV h-nii, itnn,. heinq ' tm in"oi eol picptl.itl II; It Mt:iJ lu jtiVral t-' l.'lb IU-H tt'n ' th r ! t il'i. T;i" rcisnl prt.T li-i l-ofi ii-du ut to .t.-W ier Mti, (C.nituiu'nf tl i t : hnh .' .'-.) or t!i.--c I " ci t il Iji. ukw Aiii; t i' ivn'M'iioM. lii.'!iim'i I'j .ii'rn i- 1 1 1 mii ; ii "i-'f. L'Uod loiiLitUi.i.r.!!i . ! Vl!iii,ei.,.i:-ut:-:M, i! i w, on io- i..n : I SV.1.!-M F-lIJ!l OV." i i.-j. it,.. c i ' AS. AIM a-.!t-pfi! im toe aiu5 ! uu.t .ml v. rit'.-i rti tnr i dn-l rmtii:i: t l.v colli, iit.d a ' f-p en Nl e, r. vi on a-ttf ..f the h I tie. 'y Lii,'-i X ' (.., Ktnk ti ei x '' in '' renlreof whivh it (I pof I u t'tc n'e m fv-ini, ic',i ri -l wuiitl.) Ii..,.i- j :i.o.f It.t I .nuticii v'l! he '.'I'l'l".!' lo n!i- i ieie tint II. umu sAM u tv'nectij apelletl. 100 It4 i toL he oi-ii ' '. n ' At.ri. Mr. vi.nm rf;r, i A Viih; it' ! "t t-v mM':c:",e. i.iii2 a i t!. h!y .j.irMre! rem- ti t-t th ; ;n a in ti-. !i i.v ol it.e di-tt ive i :,. vutli At :t:-y t In Jioi.iurU. V.'-.ir.i.. Claul.i 1 Wor-ma. Uvatui.irv. Vver nnd Aifti. liitTd.i: FiU'a, Hirk I Hfiidiit-i.s-.'aVf! Kc in r.-iitii-n'ci (A't icli luay be bun gi.t- I'.i i l'i.l.-ii' v -,s fWU .IV 1.4 ton 4T1V. Tlltl ! in 1 :.ff .ii, v.i. .(.- t'.tMH 'fC. ' 'l II TS. I', M-l-1 II M.'. i. 1 il r. i ti. 1. 1, ni.i.." .-fi I r I T, I'liiUli-ljihu. a. .' -W li ull ilri (jjisls mm. L irr.-.i liu.ciul At. i' f'-r I' t iiil.it Stuti s. . M'tlll.l-'Krl.lV IIUDTllF.n (?., ITU W tll.stti Misri, iNca tiik. VIiiI'b. Oct S 3m p. Af.SRFSOJ's. Assos.iiri of !S'i.rtlutn!-ir!iil fPiitity ar A rrq'irttPtl tn mall" n-lu'tt i'f tlo'ir tiinr.it asrrMii eiiu to tiia ('ini.ii'sioin-r'r Dllirr, on 'li S7ili ilay (it 1'eiwml er. isfil. al avliirh lint tlirt will n'S.-iiiin "I ihf linn nl of I'oiiiiriis-ini.trs. l!y arjr of lb KvaiJ,' Corns isinpi-t's 'fl'.rsi. i ?vl.turr. tAUatarf , IMt