Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 21, 1861, Image 2

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WAntjfOTo, Dec. 16. 1861.
8i rRPBAfiii.iriKi or ah inscrrectiom in tnt
We hate examined the histflry of nil lh In
surrections llmt hve taken place, anil find
Ihst they bur taken place abnnt the holiday.
Tha Christmas holidays are close at hand.
Uen. Hntlcr, wbo we here a few days, ago,
Jaid i ."Mark roy word, before sixty days a
nrtfilA fnaurrectinti will he tnirinir over the
Rout li ; I know the material i there for It, end
tod have studied the matter I" It in thought
'that the fires were kindled in Charleston by
Uvea, but that yrt there i no general Insur
rection.' If the remark of Randolph of Itn
' noka were Irne years seo, wbt muet now he
I hm I SFffiF hftrrarliti tf all n'jnf t ti Hon I h t In
Nndinir to the in"cnrily of life, he s.iid -
' Sir, the midnight bell toll not for an alarm
for Cre, bnt the mother clasps her iti&itil closer
In her brenst, nrt knowing what moment may
bo her lout." They who law lbs wiud most
reap tha whirlwind.
KOMD. SI inister F.mlkner left for Raltlrnora to def ,
en roote for Richmond, via Fortrea Monroe.
Sohnyler Colfax, of lodiana, met him be
fore be left, and gave him a hundred dollar to
band to Congressman Ely, to ore for the pl
anners there who have not been sent assistance
by their Northern friend.
Pout nor At, ar.s. siikrmaN to bs scpkrsfdkd.
A number of lending Senators have called
upon the Piesident, nnd urged the removal of
tien. .Sherman from l'ort Koyul. The Presi
dent assured them it should be done, and that
Lis cmuse hud not been approved of hv b!m.
The Colonel of a regiment now there, has.
been urged fur the post, ft ml it ia probuble
that no order will be sent removiHS him a
soon the Rebels hove finished their works
nf destruction in that vicicily, amply fortified
all the roads to the interior, tod removed or
executed all tho slaves.
The foreign news received hero to day has
rieen almost the universal theme of con verna
tion everywhere. Wo hear of but oue opinion,
Kowovor, and that id that Mason oud Sjlidell
bonid not be given up. and thut there will be
to war nhotit the matter. No Cabinet meet
ing was held, end the utmost cctfiderce is fell
hv the Administration that war with Kngluod
will he avoided, nnd that, tso, withor.t oar ma-
kirg any humiliating apology. Stockjobbers
w,ll do doubt use every item to create o J
Orral Fire In ( bat lesion A Large Porllan of
the Illy In At tin A KepoiWJ Slav lusur
rreilon. Fortress Monror. Dec. 13, via R.iltimore.
A tlag of truce under command of Captain
Milward, took Mr. K.idy, of North Carolina,
to Craney Jsinnd to-day.
From Norfolk we have intelligence of n
most destructive fire at Charleston, S. C. A
despatch o tho Norfolk Day lioolc of to-day,
from Charleston, states thul a lira broke out
in that city on Wednesday night, which was
supposed to be the work of an incendiary. At
the date of the last despatch, 5 o'clock th'u.
diy afternoon, the firo wus still burning. The
Ronid Church, the theatre, the Institute, and
other public buildings, ure said to have buerj
destroyed. The firu swept across Broad street.
Assistance had been sent for from Augusta.
Curtlirr In Reference to the I lirlelou l ire
A lave ImnrrrcWon Itrparleil.
Nkw York. Dec. 11 The rneciol de-
rpatches recaired here from Old Point, 8y
the fire at Ctarluston, was the work of the I
The I'uUimore American of SatOrday says :
Our privute despatches from Norfolk do not
make any mention connecting the slaves with
the coniliigralioo, further than hnt it Was
supposed to be t-lie work cf an incendiary.
The fire is said to have originated in a sash
factory, near Iho junction of King and Uroud
streijls ; thut it crot-sed Hrood street, and to
have reached tho Institute Hall, the Round
Church and the Theatre, oo Meeting street,
must have passed diagonally across Clifford,
Reaufort, Cumberland, Princess, Queen, and
Chalmers streets, a distance ot nearly
half a mile through the very heurtof the city
As no mention is made of the destruction of
the City Hall, Court House, Guard House,
and Christ Church, at the four corners of
broad and Meeting strecta, it is to be presum
rd they have escaped. '
The Mills House, one ofthe principal lintels
of the city, abnuia hall'-sqnare Irom the Round
Church, on M eetiug street, is also said to have
been buroed, together with the Catholic CV
tbedral, and Asylum, oo Arcbdule street.
We laaro that the passengers by the flag of
truce from Norfolk stale thut Ihe greatest ex
citement prevailed tbeie on Friday morning,
and that a great variety of rumors were afloat
a to the origin of tho conflagration. It was
stated that the easb factory was Bred by a free
negro, who hud beeo arrested, aud confessed
that it wus intended as the Erst move for an
ttleoded insurrection.
It was also rumored at Norfolk that a large
cumber of negroes had been arrested, who bad
been-found io possesion of arms und kuiven,
aud tnat the confession of the incendiary bud
beeo fully corroborated. These, however, oie
mere rumors, such as would likelv be in cirru.
Utioo under all the circumstances, and may
or may not be well founded. The despntch
in the Norfolk papers, dated at Charleston,
at 6 o'clock on Thursday evening, makes do
mention of a servile instuiection.
The tutu Baltic la Wrtlcrn Virginia.
CiscmxtTi, Dkc 1C A dispath from H.i
lipl'i. Va ): Our forces at the ball! fought
on FiiJay, at AHpglieney Camp, in I'ocohorilas
county, numbered eihtefii hundred. They cirne
in nielli of lha enemy, whoe forces were tl'awri
up in hue of laiilc in front cf their entrenchment.
O ir 1rjop charged upon liiem sr.d dirvc :hc;A
bark. A Inn li'e waa kept up during the after
noon on l-trn aiJea, and several brilliant clnrjes,
in tho evening, were msile by our men.
Itcii. Uiuf, in command of the Federal, w'th
drew his lorcea at iiialufall, inieniling to renew
tha ubeU ailcmly U-lt their ramp, burning every
thin? they coulj not carry wilh them.
' Oor lo-t a3 twenty killed and thirty wounded.
The I jus of li.e rcbeli U ealimaird at one hundred
and City tilted, including a field on'tcer.
Uy tl.iaactioii ;e.i. ltaynolua' front ia cleared
of the enemy, there being no organiai'd rcbtj furco
withiii forty imlea of our advunctd pott.
'A detachment which wit tent out from I'M
lippi, on Saturday, relnmiug last nitfhl wuh leu
reM guerillas, iucludins l!,s iiuturioua Ja-k
Kum. ,
I- rum Ihe uuiU.
rauaox aaowNLuw'a vfutRnnocTS rtuitu
oncPAi iosr brouTSHoiTu, . c.
The Howling Grern (Ky ) -'Courier" soys Par
or LI ro wnlow wti arrealed -for Ireaann, by the
Confederals eilalea' Conimutaioner, at Knoxville,
on ilia Gili, and committed la jail.
The Knuiviile Ht'visier" siva a runior of an
oider front the Rebel War Department for Drown
liw'aatite tonduct to lha North, had created an
intense eiciiement.
The llaleigh (X. C.) ".Standard" of ihe 4th
inatu learnt from a reliable aourre that a Federal
Megitneiil had lukt-n powaesaion of Portsmouth,
Nerih Caroline, aud that there are tea "Yankee"
aloa.'ucra in I'aiiiliea Nuund.
rijht Between Iroquql avd kunipur.
OALriKouE, Deo. H.Tue '-Agues." arrived
bare, reports speaking the Hiigliah trig Mary Mor
ion, wlin h reported that the Kumpter and Iro
qimia had bad a evra engagement, and that eno
cf them be did not know whkb had put into
lUuKiiM le repair larnagn.
II. B. MASSjSH, Editor and Proprietor.
IT" Tha continued beautiful mild weather
is most remarkable at Ibis lute season. Ve
.frequency bnvo thaws and mil J weather in
January, Whether this tint been anticipated
by December, remain to he ecn.
ejjr-Ti;b II AKiusBL'na Tei.rohah will fur
nisi), daily, full report of tha proceedings of
the coming session of lb Legislature. The
Telegraph decidedly the best and most spir-1
ited paper ever published in Ilarrisbnrg.
The latest new from Kngland is of a more
peaceful character. General Scott' letter,
published in the Paris papers, teems to accord
with the views of the Knglish press. The
French Ihiuk the action of tha Knglieh Uov
eminent, on tho subject of the arrest of Ma.
sod and Slidell, is premature.
1'i.ofR and PnoMCK. We cull the atten
tion of dealers in these urticles, to the adver.
tisement of S. 7. Gottwnls, Spring Garden
street, Philadelphia, who oilers inducements
to persons io his lioe of business.
Tkaciikr's Iastitutr. We cull atten
tion to the advertisement of Dr. John, Secre
tary of tho Teacher's Institute, tho ninth
annual meeting of which will be held at Nor
tbimberluno, on Monday the 30th iost.
C3T Our army at Purl Royal has olrendy
taken from the rebels two millions of dollars
north of cotton, and our officers have set the
slaves they have taken, to secure and pick
the crop left, which will be worth, perhaps,
tea millions, aud will pny the expenses tf the
Ci?" Wo observed, whiie in llarrisburg a
few days since, that the Hotel keepers and
others, were preparing for the coming Legis
lature, which will assemble on the first Mon
day of January. Ilerr's hotel, we were pleused
to find ognin io the hands of one of its former
occupants, Mr. G.lbert Herr, who with Mr
Coyle, now keeps this well known house.
(af Ex Sheriff Vandyke, cowOrst Lieuten
ant in Captain Gobin's Company from this
place, came home oo a short visit end return
cd to Camp Griffin 47th Regiment on Thurs
day tuking with him three or four large
boxes filled with various orlicles of comfort,
for the inner as well us the outer man, in the
shape of provision, clothing, io., for the sol.
diors. Among the edibles, wus a barrel of
'sour krout," presented by Wm. 1.
Esq. Our young friend Eugene R zer, now
Captain in the New Yuik 7!ltu U aUo at
homo on a vis'ii.
Tub Gei-wan.'oicn Itlcyraph, one of the best
Agricultural pupers published in the State,
commences a tew volume on thfrsi cf the
year, end offer inducements toeubecr.bers
The Telegroph is, besides, un escclieut fumi
ly poper.
C3T SnKRiKr'8 Salk if Rkai. Estate.
On Monday last, Sheriff Waldron sold about
forty vacaut town lots in Mt. Curn el, the
property of Wm. L. Dewait. Thu lots
brought from $10 up to 40 uveruging per
haps 20 On Tuesday about fifty town lots
iu Shumokin were sold at prices something
lower, but they were located pretty well up
the mountain. On Wrdnesduy, ihe stone
mansion, Weaver's Hotel aud some other
property in Sunbury, was put up. Tha stone
dwelling was bid up to $3,700, and Weaver's
hotel (six-sevent's) to $1,000 when tie sala
wus adjourned till 1 o'clock. The writ w3
then stayad by defendant. The old still-house
was knocked down to P. B. Masser for $Z0.
63T jMt'KovKiiKMi. The two dwellings put
np by Sebastian Houpt, on Market street are
finished. Thty are a handsome improvement.
Oue is already occupied by Mr. J. 11. Jeffries
and the other i taken by Samuel Stahley,
Superintecdent of ibe Northern Central Rail
load at this place. The new building about
being completed by Mr. Ira T. Cleaier.t on
Broadway street, is taken by Michael Keefer
of Augusta for a Restaurant and hotel.
Our neighbor, Jesso M. Simpson, has cho
put up a d"vei:in' back of lii back buildioz
in Market street, and refilled oue of the lower
rooms of the front buildiog for bis onu reai
Notwithstandirg 18 or 20 now buildings
have been put up this summer, houses to let
aro scree uud iu demand.
ackooleiige the irceipt of the followinj; r
tides from the ladies of Mabonny for our
vo'.j .teers. They are well got up and of ex
cel.'ect The ladies of Mubooeypos
s. ea the Irue f pirit :
MiKS Miranda Smith, two pair sock and
one pair iniitens.
Mrs. Win. Wicst, one onderchirt.
y.rt. Sarah Daniel, ooe poir sucks.
M rs. dumb l'ie-ler, one pair so. ks.
Mius Haunuh M.lick, " " "
" Susau Hoc.
Aiuunda iiirtmon " " "
- .
greatest part of Charleston, South Carolina
is in ruin. A U-riific fire broke out oo the
1 1 lb iusiuut, and consumed the best parts of
the city. . The principal hotels, stores, found
ries for cunnoo, acd muuy or the principal
buildings, are in ashes. There uro vaiious
rumors as to the cause uf (he fire. Some
suy it was by accident, others that it was
doue by ibe negroes, who, it ia said, are
ready fur an Insurrection. Thul it will be seen
that this ill futed city where tbit wicked wsr
was first commenced, 4,1 now reaping the
fruits of its own folly and madness. 1 be Cr
was seen at sea at night ten miles off lighting
ap the waters around. The loss is estimated
at seven or eight millions. Five buudrsd
and seventy-sit buildings were destroyed.
til" 8om of the most eminent Clergj men In
tae country endorse lloofland' German Hitter,
fee advcniaoMucut ia aaolhev eoiume.
The political complexion ofthe next legitl
tare will be somewhat of mixed character.
The Senate I Repnolicno by a large majority
Uut In the House of Representatives, neither
the ' Democrat or Republicans have the
majority, the balance.of power being in the
hnuds of members eh eted as' Union Men.'
This will somewhat complicate the election
of a Speaker and the organization of the
House generally. Mr. Rowe of Franklin
formerly Surveyor General, good Dongln
democrtt, who was t-lerted es "Union Man"
Is menliuned a one of the prominent Condi
date for Speaker. M r. Rowe Is deservedly
popular man and a democrat nfthe true stripe,
We observe that one or two other ro named
by a few papers, whose only rBcommendotions
ate enppnked to be their rebel sympathies.
Among those recomniendfd by the Republi
cans is William II. Armstrong, Esq , of Wil-
lioiusport. Mr. Armstrong last winter
ranked as one of the leading members of the
House, lie is a gentleman of saperior abili.
ties and highly esteemed by men of all parties
The House would be Well organized under
either of the above named gentlemen.
E7 The Ladies Aid Society of Snubnry
acknowledge the receipt of Ibe following do
nations since last receipt :
Stocki.nus :
Miss Sue Hendricks 1 pair, yarn by Packer.
K Hendricks 1 pair " "
" Mary J. Lyons 2 piira " Greenough
" Harriet Lyons 2 pairn " '
" Cornelia Feasler 1 pair " Mrs P Uoro
" Mary Kreiubaum 1 pair " "
" Horbtra siiielHr 1 pair.
" Liz7.i Young 1 pir.
Mr, John Burner, Until two, 1 pair.
Mrs. Joseph Hoover, Snyder'owo, 1 pair.
Miss Mary Buyers 1 pair, yarn Society.
M ittkns .
Mi9S Mury J. Lyon 1 pair, yarn by Greeoough
' Harriet Lyon 1 pur " "
' Mary Buyers 1 p:iir, " Puker,
" llrtltie Hum I pair, " Mr. Young,
Mrs Kllen Seasiioliz 1 pair " "
Mr. Joiio Uurger, Uusii twp., 2 pairs.
t'" Laikst Nr.wA A brilliant victory wus
achieved ut Mtinlordnville, Kentucky, o few
days since, in which 3,000 n-bela were routed
bv SCO Fuder&U.
Four companies, of ubout three hnndred J
and fifty nien, of Col, Willick's Regiment, j
ltd by Lieut. Col. Van Weber, drum buck
about three thousand Rebel cavalry ouj
They were first attacked by a reciment of
Texos cavalry, whom they repulsed and fol
lowed, when they were drawn into an ambush,
end (ired ut from all sides, by the Rebel
Among the FrdriuU killed were Lieut. Fta-hs,
of Cincinnali, who, himself, had killed e.iflht men
with two rrvnlvrrB. but finally received nine be I
let frum (he Iieliels.
Of the Texas Rangers, 02 were killed be
sides Colonel Terry. Ihe number ot tlie ;
wounded is unknown, but it is supposed to!
, , , .. ., , , , . I
have beeo larjie. The l ederal loss was ten j
killed ou the spot, seven mortally wounded j
oud thirteen otherwise wunndd. I
There are ktrnng indications thit the Rcbcli
are a'.'Out to cress the lVtomaa near Williams
port, MJ. , . , , v
AnP.tV.ll. tr Til K TRAMft! Jilt A.
Pouti.and. Dec. 18.
The steamer Jura arrived hi re this inoruing
from Liverpool with deles to tbo fji.h, utid
Londonderry to the Oth inst.
Wuilike preparations continue in England
and a ci'siitr-rubbi number ol troops ure ub.k'r
orders lor Cunaila.
The London Dnihj .eirit thinks that if the
American (joverlnneut will Ireat (he riiflicul-
ly in the sumo spirit us Ceueral Scott, war :
inav he avoided. I
The st-nmeu tn leave are ordered to join
their ships.
Ilia reported thut Mr. Adams, the Ameri
can Minister, regard hi.t cull as inevitable.
Okkat Britain The excitement relative
to the Trent affair continue unabuted. The
stork niarket on the 4tb wus mora heavy and
unsettled than ever.
'l l.e United Stales Consul el Paris Lad
communicated to ll.e French pipers u letter
frum (jen'l. Scott, in which hu Ueclurej that
there is no truth in the report thut tho
Washington Cabinet had ordered the seizure
of the Southern Commissioners, cwn un ler
the protection of a neutral Hag. He is quite
ino'unt of will be trie decision of bis
government, but say that it is necessary lo
preserve Ihe good relations hetneen England
and America. He hopes thai 11. o Uovern
ments will aree on a solution of the question
whether Ihe prisoners weru cuolrabuud or
not. If they word agent ol the robe!?, he
says it will be d:fikull to convince t-veu
impartial minds that they were le.-l contra
band of war lhau rebel soldiers or cannon.
I.i conclusion, lieu. Scoll espressos) bis
convictioa that war between England and
America cannot lake place without a more
I HrnuuB jn ut viva tiuu iiiau ia pi ir'huiit e.veti.
I 'f, .. I .... I .. . . . .... . ...
I ' '' Loudon Star thinks thul Ueo
ocoit s
letter will receive a heurty iu Lug
lunil us b UirScae ,! peace.
The Loudon Times Siyi that tien. Scolt,
like his couulrycncn, is rather iuclined lo
disavow the conception of the outrage than to
tcpudiutu il now, that it has beeu .done.
The stiencth of tho Amt-ncau nuvy is
beimr cunvutsed io EnIunJ.
'i he Loudon Tiuf suys that although the
vthoie federal navy scarcely preseutu a lion
wollhy BUtigou:atb yel it Would be iiupiudeol
io the extreme to despise the power of the
Americuim at veu. We have doue this once.
and paid the cost of our thocghllessness. The '
Amencttos will i.'o litile, but thai mil be done
well. Tin y will eive our heuvy fcjundruns a
wii'e berth and conceutrate their efforts on
single Ves.eli. H :st:lu deiunubtrat in,s aro
being mad., it various purls of England toward
the United hiatus. One was made at RrUlul
oo the occasion of the depurture of nn Ann
stroug'buileiy for Cuuada. 'I be cooliueutul
Lews is of slight importance.
The Paris correspondent of the Daily Xeut
states that Mr. Slidell's despulc-hes were in
treated to his wife as he was leaving the Trent.
I. at a Via LomioxuEunT.
The iron did frigate Warrior is coaling for aer'
vice on the North American co&bt.
'i'he lone of reverse on the part of ihe French
prcks increase. Several uf the leading Paris
papers blame the English Government for hav
ing yielded to in prevcuie of public opinion a
repreaented merely ny Manchester and Liver
pool, and having acted so hastily in Ihe Trent
A rebel achuourr, containing 30,000 blankets,
a large number of Colt' revolvers, and other armv
toira, were brought into Port Koyal, last week,
raptured by Ihe Dale of the blockading iq-iadron.
'i'he prixe ia one ol Ihe mwl valuable recently ob
tained. It was taken off Feriiatidiua.
The Richmoud correspondent of the Char
leston Mercury nys : Day by day reports
thicken In regard lo Magrudertt Incompeten
cy, and charges even weightier than Ibis are
preferred against his. Le would probably
bare superceded blio bad be aot beeo called
J o four city.
Arrival of the Lurapa ot Halifax and Oiv nf
Wathinyton off' Cape Race.
one wekk'j later nkw 3.
the lia?o::7uiTell"Aefair.
Apology for the hi mil and the Restoration of
tMaen and SIvUll.
France in "No Hurry" to Recognize
tlio llcbvlH, and Otvcs i eaceablo
Advice to England.
Nkw Yor.K. Dec. IS.
The London Time of the 30th ult . rnnkos
tho important announcement thnl the Cabinet
has come to the conclusion thai the act of
the captain of the Sun Jaciutn. in seizing
passeoKers on a Hntieli vessel and carrying
them forcibly away is a clear violution uf ihe
laws of nations', and ona for which reparation
must be at mice demanded, Jn all probability
the first steamer will carry out Instructions
th Lord Lyon4 to demand reparation for the
ill advised act of Seizing Mason and Midell
while under th protection of the Rntish flag.
Should this jul demand out be complied with,
we Cannot tl-hi hi tJ,i Lord Lynn will, under
the instructions of hi government, withdraw
wilh the Hntisli delegation from Washlngtna.
The Timet expresses the belief thai the
Cabinet has taken a view of the unlter which
will bo SBlisfaci'iry uiike to tho patriotism
and reason 'f the country. The Tiintu says
ll.e princide n which the government tests
its demand, is tint a Untied ship must, until
her violation of neutral rights is lully proved,
be held to be liriliah (.-round us much m if
she were an sctuul pieee.of Rritish soil, and
the right of protection to nil persons on
hoard is as valid o n RiitUli tenilorv
Now oo such vmlation has buen proved
?r I
sought to be proved u;;uinht thu Trent
ronisequenlly the seir.uro c-f four persons,
dragged lioin her deck, was entirely iiiegal.
Rrerrin(( to the report thut tho seizure
was the act i.f the American commander, unt
expressly directed by the Government, the
London Timn s.-ys it mcuns the Fei!n
rala had delioerr-tely oetermined to Seiz:' tne
Southern Coni'iiii-sionpij, end it is underwood
thut. tjeneri.i Scott his c'eclafed, since, his
arrival at VntU, that the seizure had beenlhe
subject ot Cabinet ditcusifu ul WuStiiUjtun
lonb' before he loll.
1MB vkry latest.
LiVKKi-oot., Dee. 6, I SCI.
At e recent banquet at Roi'kdaln, Mr.
Ln'ht made an eluborato speech on Ameri
can uli'airs, in which hu declined to give any
decided opinion in the Trent allele IK"
beloved if lhauct is illegal that America will
make lilting repartition. Ilii strongly con
demned warlike, feelings, and scouted ihe idea
'.hut the Amr.-:ean Cahinet had resolved to
pick a quarrel Willi England, lie made at)
eloquent pei' iuUon in favor of '.he North.
A letter was read from Richard Cnbden,
of-upucific tone, urging a sasp?neiou ol
The excitement ront nues unabated,
luelaris Umps repeals tho slalements
i" iapoieun uas ttnounu Lis tcrvices as a
1' l"8 bee" romored that the Persia had
U(, duni t0 convey Iropj to Cuuuda,
but it is pronounced premature,
The Australasian bad bet n advertised la
sail for Nen ork tin the 7lh, but the Ame
rica bad bmu "ibatiluted.
. . Lo'lON, Dec. 5, 1SCI.
The tn of the French preta ia chaugir.i'.
The Paris M.mitt nr colliders a peaceful
soiution uol imp.'ts.iile, end says thut pui.lic
opiuion iu tint. United States is very powerful
but ia also very fickle, und it is best to await
a solution of tlie question.
The P ari? J'fiirtiul tlt'tt Dtlnit approves the
review of the Monihur, aud udds thut the
Freucb government is iu uo hurry to recog
ni.e tho Rehels.
Oihei F.eush papers ore of the same
'I'he l'e!i..o.i press generally takes the pari
of Eolun j.
'I Iih Augehnri; (lazntle soys, the Chorlef ton
blockidrt is inetiectivil, oth erwise the e6Cupe
of the TheodoM would have been impossible.
The Southern Commissioners, having reached
a neutral Spanish port,eiiibailel on a neutral
English steamer, and could not be lawfully
seized by the Noil p.
The advices from Ureot Urilain ore dated
totliufilh, euitirucing n record of the
events which transpired in England and
France from the 28tl of November, a period
of seven day?. f?o lar as the tUleo-eul
relates to the present position of Amer cun
affairs iibrouJ. und the probable future policy
of botii tho above uuiiied countries toward
ilia Uuiti'd Stutes ib of a very seiious chur
acter. England was agitated to an intense pitch
of excitement by Ihe supposed insult perpe
trated on their liag by tha arrest of Mason
nnd Slidtll on bourd the mail sleumer Trent.
TLe anti-American section of ' the London
press had lushed the people iolo e perfect
storm of rage, acd a Cabinet Council, held
wilb iheir ncisc and clamor riogiog iu the
ears of tin Ministers, bud almost ugreed on
making Ifci case a cueo of War with our
govtruiutnt. As a first result, the Euroua
I was detuiued ul (ueenstowo hy order ol the
governii.ctt to the 2d inst., ond tools o
Queen's messenger on board, wnh despatches
lor Lord Lyons, iu which, il is said, the
A mb.-.ssudnr is instructed to demand from
President Lincoln, in a firm oud determined
manner, lie restoration of Mason and Slidell
lo tho Irurelling status und position which
they er.jiyeu before Captain Wilkes luek
iheui iu land, as well as a disavowal of and
Koverninent apology for the act of that oflicer
liom the Sau Jacinto towards the Trent.
'l l.e lvoidon jnuinuls intiinaie that the
Palinerstuu Cabinet had retolved on this
course it consequence of having a decision
from the law ofiicers of the crown to the
fl ct thai the aeizoro of the persou-i of the
".-joulUeri Envoys" to Europe wus iiiegal
under the circuuistunces, nnd s much an
outrage oguiiist ml. rn.ituio..l law us if it had
been effected on Drilitb sod.
Ad II n Mil.! 1 1 i.-, ,t cl iimilii. ft a t
Ohwvtr, a inii.ieieriril print, demanda Ihulj
M.uon and SlioV-,1 tlumld be pluced ou board j
a liriiish Irigale, iu the pretence of several
other Ei,j,lish war vessels, lyig either in the
Polomao or in the harbor of New Voik
Great preparation were made lo hove ibe
Duval reserve of England ready fur service,
es that hor North American aud West India
Heel muy be powerfully aud promptly reiufor
ced if ntx-eusury.
Should war tie uudertuken by England she
is recommended by a Loudon paper to, first,
raise the L'oieo blockade of the Southern
ports ( secondly, blockade our Northern
polls, and, thirdly, io conjunction wilb
France, lo acknoa ledge the iodepeueuce of
Ibe South,
Ao active movement bad been undertaken
to reiuforce the British army in Canada, and
the ships Melbourne and Australasian wero
chartered lo convey troops, artillery and
munitions of war to the colony, while the
famous iron plated frigate Warrior, with the
Jrpheus (iwruty one guns), are to be scut
out to North America immediately.
Queen Victoria baa issued a pioclumatlon
forbidding; the export from all ports ct the
I'nited Kingdom ul gunpowder, nitre, nitrate
of oda, brimstone, lead, and Creams.
Crest alarm prevailed in the tStnck Ex
change lo London. I'he English funda bad
fallen, consols were Ouctoatt'ng aod ' lower,
Atnertcao atcuritiv Oat sod teodinj down.
ward, and Canadian stocks macb depreciated .
in vame. The agitation had also a Dec led the
Paris itonrse adersely. I
The English Relormer of the !5rlghi .-'
Cobrleo tuhonl were already in favor nf p- ...
end Mr. Bright had delivered a speecti n
which he counselled a more calm consideialion
of the flair, and cenerally upheld Ihe CuUh
of the North. Mr. Cobden had expressed
similar sentiments in a letter. Tha London
Slur n democratic organ denies the asfer.
lions of the other journals a to the war rtfo
tn linn and feeling of the Cabinet.
Estimate have been published tn show the
great naval force which England can (mine,
diately bring to operate against us, should
hostilities actually lake place. - - -
It was at first said that, the Emperor
Napoleon approved of England's policy, and
Ihe Paris journals condemned our iclion In
the arrest of the rebel commissioners. The
Emperor, it was alsu alleged, had determined
to loon acknowledge the Southern confede
racy. He had also proposed his service, it
was said, us mediator between Iho United
Slates and England ; but at the latest
moment the French journal were Inclined to
change their tone in our lavnr, and thu Paris
Mnnteur of the fitti instant quietly warns
England of the powerful"' voice of the Ame
rican people, ntid advises her to moderate her
course in hone of a peaceful arbitration. The
Miinitmr add thai Napoleon is in "no hurry.
to recognize Ibe booth'
General Scott was received wilh great
respect in Paris.
It was reported that tho James Adgerbad
cpHi'ed and burned a privateer.
itv the City of Washington we have later
intelligence, anion;; which is a report that
Louis Napoleon ha oll'ered his services a a
uudiator between the North and South.
THE tl.L'fl K OF U A IOI AM) Sjl.lUfcLL.
Report nf l.irtil,-liutil l-'nlrfnK.
U. S. SiHAHnt San Jaci.nto.
Sir: At 1.20 P. M. on thu Si h it.nt , I re
paired alongside thu lJntish mail packet in un
armed cutler, accompauiud by Mr. Houston,
(Second Assistant und Mr. Grace.
the ISuiitswiiio. 1 Went on board the Trent
ulonc, leuvmg the two officers in tha bout,
with orders to uwoit until it became necessary
to show some lorco. I was shown up by the
lir.t officer to the quurter-r!ecl, where I met
llm Cuptuir,, and iufol.'iied linn who I was,
asking to see bis pnsseiiger-lisl. He declined
letting ineseo il. 1 then told him thai I bud
informulioii of Mr. M.i-son, Mr. riluieli, Mr.
Eustis, und Mr. McFurljnd buving lakeii
their passage at Havana in the packet to St.
Thomus, und Would sutisly myst II whether
Ihey were on bourd before allowing hu eti-a-n
or to proceed.
Mr. Sbdell, evidently hoaring h'a name
mentioned, came op to me and uiki.l me if 1
wanted toijeiiiin Mr. Musxti soon joined
us, ami then Mr. Enslis und Mr. McFrland,
when I mode known The object of my visit
The Captain of tlio Treut opposed unj thing
I'k-t a b.'hicii tf his VeSiul, Uor would he con.
tent to show papers or pus-seniler list. The
four gentlemen ubove mentioned protested nl
so DfT'iiust my arresting und sending them to
Iho Coiled Stutes sieumer near by. '1'hero
wus considerubla noise umoog the pussongers
juBl about that lime, and thai led Mr. lion?,
tun and Mr. Urucu lo repair on board with
some six or eight men, ull ai med. Alter sev.
crul uuBiit'Ctssliil efforts to persnudu Mr. Ma
son and Mr. Slidoll to go with me peaceuhly,
I calied on Mr. Houston, und ordered him to
return to the ship with the information thut
the four gentlemen named in jour order of tho
8Hi iuel. were on board und form must be ap
plied to take Ihem out of the pt-ckii.
About liree minutes efler there wa still
i! I outer exciti ti.eni on the quarter deck, which
brought Mr. Grace with bis armed putty. I,
however, deemed t!m presenco of au armed
lorco unnecessary, ord only calcoluted to
tiWrin tho ludiis preterit, u;iJ directed Mr.
(jifuce to lel'irn to liie biwcr die!;, wher be
hurl been iiiicc ti ry t coinioj; en bourd. it inusl
huve bieu lets than hutfuu hour alter I board
ed the Trent w hen tho second armed cutter,
under l.n ul. Ureer, canio uloni-ii!e (only two
ormed boats beiriff used). He broe;iht in the
cutter eilil marinca aud four in..chiii!st?, in
additiou to a ciew ot some twelve men. V hen
the marine and soiiih armed moo had been
formed just outside of tlio mam deck calin,
where these four f! n' lemen hail pone tf) puck
up their bujiuce, 1 renewed my tli'oits to in
duce them to uccon'paiiy me on bourd. Hull
lel'using to acrompuny me ni:l-i( fmcn wus
applied, 1 culled in to tnv a.-si.-itance i'uiir or
live officers, and, lirst tttk irjf; hold cf Mr. Ma
sou's shoulder, with another oliicer on ll.e op
posite Bide, 1 went as far us the par.pwny of
l tie Eleumer aud delivered hi'ii over to Lieut
Ureer, to be placed iu the boat. JlLen ro
turned for Mr. Slulcll, who insisted tiiul 1
must use consideruble force to gel him to co
with i e ; caliuip in ul leant three ollicers, he
aii--o wus tuktu in charge ucJ handed over lo
M r. Ureer.
Mr. McFiirlai.d enj Vr Kustis, efter pro
teniiijf, went tju'etly into Ihe boat. They bad
been permitted to colli ct their buirgajie, but
were bent in adv'ar.ce of it, under Lieut Ureer.
1 pave ii. y personal aller-liuli lo thu Inirpige,
taw it pat in a boat, und sent io cliurge cl' ul.
oflicer lo I'd ii;Q Juciiito,
When Mr. Slidcil wus taken priscper, a
(ireul deal of mine wus made by smec of tbe
passenger.-), uhieh lBue(l Lieutniiatit Greer to
ucr d Hie marine into thu cabin. They were
immediately ordered to their former position
outside. I Carried out my purpose without
umc! tiny force beyoud wual appears io this
The ris:1 szeiit, who is a retired command
.r in tho linlisii navy, twined lo huve a (:reat
deal lo fay as to the propriety of loy course ;
but 1 purposely avoided ull oihciul intercourse
with I. no. When 1 wus linully l-uvu.u' the
bteamer l.e made some apology b-r hia rude
cooJurl, and eiprcfbe.l. pi-rsoiiully, hid appro
val of Ihe muntier in which 1 cuiried out my
orders. We parted company wuh the Trent
at :i 2U T M.
Very respectfully, your ob't servant,
(tiicced) D. M. I aihi-'hx,
Lieutenant und Kxecutue Oflicer.
Capt. Chu'e Wilkes, L S. N ,
Commanding can Jacinto.
JJtlui'n if tut. Iisuster.
The Norfolk and Kichmoiid poperj give
full particulate of the extensive lire ut Chur-'
1,-ston. Il bioke out at about i.ine o'clock on
the evening of the !llh iusiuiil iu Lussell A;
Old's authuud bliod fat-lory, at the loot of
Hazel btn et, dossing llozi-l exteiiding to the
machine shop of Cameron Ac Co. Define
midnight the lite had usrtimed un uppalliog
msgi.ilude, aod Meeting utreet, Irotu Aluikel
lo Ciieeii, was one niusa of ilames. Ai tune
menl alter tenement was cuvolved iu flames,
the panic wus awful and thousands of families
evucuulcd their houses and tilled the t-t recti.
The buildiiig iu the lower part of the city,
where the Cre broke out, weru principally of
wood and extremely intiununuUe, which
accounts for the remarkably rapid progress of
the lira. At midnight thu Circular Church
and Institute Hall were burning, and the
proximity of the flames to the Charleston
Hotel and Mills House caused them to be
evacuated by thuir inmates.
At pne o'clock the lire tended more south
ward towards tlie corner of Archdkle and
Queen streets, to the rear of lue Charleston
Hotel end tbe end of tbe llayne street range.
Crossing Market street, the lire spread down
Last Day lo Cumbeilund street aod across
lo the Mills House, including in it destruc
tion the Circular Church, Institute Hull and
the Charleston Hull. All the buildings on
King street, from Clifford neurly to Uroud,
were destroyed before three o'clock.
(Jcoeral H'pley, who superintended th
moveuieuts of the troops, who bad arrived at
lha scthe about this time, ordered several
building M tbe root f lb yB3jrutico
to be blown op, S aftef aoa delay the
order was ex,ecated, bnt Bot before the
Theatre, Lloyd's coach factor, opposite the
Express Oflice, and all tue bouse from this
punt to tiieen irt bad ctsnt Dre aoti
tjero destroyed, u i i i"1'
At about fonr -o'clock th wind changed
the direction it the flame Inward Broad
street. Soon -after St. Andre' Wall look
fire, and subsequently the Calhol.e Cathedral,
the spire of whicb fell shortly aTier five
o'clock. The tire mad a clean sweep through
the city, making its track from East Key to
King street, . ' .
The Charleston Couriirot tha 13th. give
a list of between 200 and 300 sufferers, and
ays that the loss i estimated at from
$5,000,000 to $7,000,000.
Five church were destroyed the Cathe
dral, St. Petar'l Episcopal, the Cumberland
Street, lh Methodist and tbe Circular
The Charleston Mercury lays that five
hundred aod seventy-six buildings were de
stroyed. Mr. Russell, at whose, factory the fire
originated, thinks it must have been occasion.
ed by an iuendiary or by the negligence of
the negroes employed there.
A despatch from Charleston, dated the
13th, says, the Mills Hons all hough threat,
ened end several times on Are, eventually
escaped, and is only slightly damaged.
A message was sent to the Rebel Congress,
on FriJay, by President D-vis, ic relation to
the cnnil.igrutinn, recommending an approprl
etion in aid of the sufferers. ' A resolution
wus ac.-urdiogly adopted appropriating 2."0,-
000 as nn advance on account of the claims
ot South Carolina upon th Rebel States.
w a i ' ' i g
A private letter liom Reaufort inform the
i Nrw York I'r't that the stone fleet, which
had arrived safely off Savannah, for which
porl il ttiii originally destined, had sailed, in
enmpony of a man qf war, for Charleston.
It wns intended to sink Ihe ships in
Charleston htirhnr, nnd this was to be done
! nn Sutordny lut. The plan wis lo sink a
double row of i-hips across th baibor in tbe
: following order :
In this way it is supposed tbe harbor is
already permanently sealed.
ShaniokiTi Coal
Dec. in. ieci.
Sent, for the week ending Pec.
7 356 11
Per Met Report,
To same time last year.
225.001 19
233 2.'.? 10
202.121 04
3t).fi37 C
"I"n B Siom: FtrtT The operntion of the
; "ttone fleet" ullhooii n"t so perihnia or clorir.ui
tin ri Riihir naval rue -iieinerita, will probable prove
more ii j irinua In tl e enemy. Now aince Porl
; lioynl haa 1'ullen into our poSFcaviiin. by effeclil
' ally hli'-litnj up the l.nrhors of Charleatnn and
' bjvannnli wo cr-e due notice to all whom it may
' ciiicerti I tint the foreign commerre of Suuth Car-
olina nnd tieoria must either be deslrnyrd or aub
' jected to the conlroi of ihe Gove-nment whic'i has
a leirul right to reetilaic it. The atone fleet, it
will lie uiiiicrstoc'd, however, hni no reference to
i the U row 1 1 hlooe Col-ins Hall of itotkhill &
I W ilson, Nca. duo and tD5 t'heiitiiut street, above
Kixth, ul.rrc llie sreut work of supplying the
Union enh'.hra v iiii eleg.itit Jiid coinforlahlo uni
forms it ;iiiny; fi ruaid conrlanilv.
Ijuita i'; a
Jem ltoorisu. We
i of onr readers to the
-s-rs. JOANS & CKOS
, ndvertiaemen' of M
I LKY, New "i ol k, in another column.
I Th nnmerotn experimenl niatle for the
j lu?t lew years. t produce a aahstitute for tin,
'lrit an t ?t,i,.!o ,,.f I.L.. ..I I. at lul 1 a
perfect nlutriph in Ihe Gi-Tr I'eki ha Cement
lionfing oflered by thesi, enllemen
1'osaessiiiifr in n crent decree, tho features
cf elasticity, (which is a qualification of
Cement Ihnifinq uf tunily necessury and lonjr
nftr.) durability and cheapness, combined
wilb the luct timt it is weutiier and fire proof,
it penern! adoption funr,ot be too earnestly
cred. Their (Jutta IVrch Cement for
coatirij urd repairins; M etui Hoofs of all
I kinds uod for preservii-j ull metuls from rnst
utitl corrosion liom Ha (treut durability end
cheapness, is fat t superceding points of every
description heretofore used for such purpose.
Thpse materials (-t which the First Pre
iniums huve beeu awarded by the American
Institute bimI many of the principal Ktnte
Fairs throughout the Country.) are reeemmed
in the hinliest terms by the New York &
hritt It. U- Co., nnd ninny of Ihe principal
IvaiiroBde North tuid South, nnd also by the
oliijcrs rif liie liidini; InturMice Companies
throui'l-out the cooutre.
$3i r.MI'HIV.HET !
T&r e will pny fnm IJlSS to $75 per month.
and oil rrpriiM". ta active Agents, or
(live a coiniiii.-sion. Taniculara ent free.
I Adilree if!:vtsc Mi'iiiM CoMrinT.
' t I 1 1I1.-J ,. . :
..., I't neiai Jgeill, Lilian, .Ifllu.
t)ttu'.a.r 5, 1801.
ECtiiiotis Roliresi.
Divine servine will bn held every SuU.aih in thu Bo
loeirlt un r.ninvva:
I'KKSIIVTKltlAN rili nrtl N'oith went corner o.
rilui'klieirv and peel sti erl". lire. J. II. It UL noM. I'aitur-
JTbitiuie servti-e every S ili!..,,;, ;o ..j A. M. Player anret-
i "a .nuifcin, .cti'ii. i inn iiiuiiiiM-riaiti,, in i,m
ScUm'l 1 teftnyttiiaii Cliureh. ul II o'chKk, . M., every
cmtMAN' r.i:po:iMKi citirnni North wen
e.;n-i ,( Kiver in;;l l;-:,,-' . i ,-rry tl ;-, tl... 1-1,-v. J. V. Sti
mrtz, Piisl-T. lin ing iciviir'. nlleruair Iv. every Sul.lmlh
ul lo a M. und tl; P. M. J'mvei uiceiiiig ou Triduy
i:v vNGMt.toA'. i t Tiir:n.N cnrttrn. Deer
trei-i li.,- s V .V P. lini. I..mi. I!. v. I Itizea, Pattor
lovine nervier, lutt . ,-verv S:iM .-.Hi ,.t IO A. M. and
!. M. Pinvi-r iretilr;; -mi WV.metdiiy waning
!l-VnlOI)lSTInciipl.C!!l Hfll . Dp when y lire
weat , if s fc li Itoail, Uev. K. Ill TL..R ami J P
Su tMita, I a.-l.,r. w-iviee. alternately, evrrvKili-
ijioli ut li-J A.M. mid 6jl.A. l'rojei tuetliiig uuThura-
r -Tl ,fl.
M A II IU a c rc s
In Munrr, on Thuisdny last, by Simon
Schuyler, K-n, , Mr. fiMiii.ns Cum, in and
MistF.Mit.Y Lindaikr, both of TurbuUville,
Norlh'd County.
At the Lutheran rursnnare, 20i h ult , by
Ttev. II A Fink, Wh.i.iam StKiKfikKR o
Kan liiifl'.il-iu Tp , und Mi" Josh K
daughter of Ia. S. .Sterner, of Lewisburg.
At her brother John K older' in Lewis
burg, 3d inst.. ty Kv. C. 1 1. L t.b u b. II arrv
Ci.av Coi i.k of Sunbury, uud M;s JSlsakna of Lewisborg.
D K A Tllb'
In M orelnnd. l.eniniiig County 2d iuat-,
JACOU WLHLINK, aged about 23 year.
Philadelphia Market.
1'niLADKi.ruiA. Dee. 18.
Wheat Flour, (exlra.)
l!ye Flour,
Corn Meal,
Red Wheat, per bushel
W hite " "
Oata, " "
Itye. " "
5 SO a &a 75
a 3
a I
a 1
$1 lOal 20 Butter,
, , . e; Kg, '
... 60 Tallow,
. . . SS Lard,
, . . 60 Pork,
0 Pev.waj, .
J fotaiuaa.
2&W Advert iMmeuU.
Adiululatittior'A NoUcci.
NOTICE ia hereby given lhat letters of admi
nialraiion have leeu g am J to Ihe eohacrl
ber, on the eataie uf Ko rt Campbell. Uut of
It mil lownthip, Nortbuintarlandieutiiy. I'eon'a ,
deceaned. All persona inorhlnl to aaid enlaie
at requested lo make Intloediuie payment, anj
those having claim l present them lor aeltle'
ment. AMCM VA3! I E, Adoi'r.
Khamokin, Dee. SI, l0 1. m
rpilE Ninth Annual Mee lug of the Trschere'
Inatitute ul IVortMumberlaiitl county, will he
held at NORTHUMllEltLAND, beginning on
MONDAY, DECUMUEft 30, 1861,
and eentinue in eessiun three daya. Dept. Rupt
Dates, Prof Walker, iieva. A. D. Hawn and J.
W. Y ampul and other Educalora have con
tented W be preaet.1 and paiticipata iu the eiar
cisee. . .. ,
Teachara of Common Schoole, Princlpala of
Academies, Heboid Direcicra, aud the Iriende
generally, are cordially invited lo annul. i
J. J JOHN, Bec'y. f
Shamokin, Dec. SI. 1601 2t -'
'ir 1'rcmitim
Maiiil'ui:iurlug Pui jioabx.
With ileuuaara, i'-jKra, Tuckers, Cuntns, Utndera, to
' GPuCTJLPa &c 2AKE?k
Make the l-nck or Shutlla Stitch Machiura if tha a.,ni
puUcria.antl in the aiitne piieraaa Ihrlr crltl-iaud iiOL'
Tliis is ihe only Conifutey .hat make b th liii ils. llifre-
iiiro iiieuuiy one mat can supply ull ihowa. u ut tlio pub
lic. - '
rT F'irrhaKro can tuke their clioice nf rillier Snick,
Wilth Ihe piivt.rge of richn.ftmg f..r Iheiatier
A new t)lei,t Phut.le Machine runs Ian and quiet, fi r
Val Muketi 'laileii, My timilen, 4c.
At the Lew I't ice of $10.
cr buy Tilt-: ct:s r ,
GROVEIl ft. UAKt:ii'9 S M Co.
730 ClieaUut t-aaei, Pa Utlcliaiia.
December SI, tfcOl iy
iV. 812 Spriny Garden Street, I'liHa'hlphia,
IlESi'KCTl-'l'l.l.Y licili ism iigMinmii of nil aiud
V f OKI . try pr,Klac , ea'.ia linnily Vl.nir. ,c
lletiig U.rulril ut th vety centre m laniii-r,aiid hiriiijt
a very extrutive Hrunl Tn,ilo unlet tin mn eimi.-d.a'.o
su;iervisi-e, he li.n antpluiaeiMira f.,r ulitaiiiiiig luo very
hijlieat market pr ri aloi ever) iluns he arils
Lieeaiiiliet 21, 1601.- ly
For Trial in the Court of Common Plea of
Northumberland County, Jan'y Tern, 1SC2.
riaintifis. IV fiiolii,M.
Jese Hensyl v Henry Vicia.
Daniel P Caul, Adm'r
of D Y Caul . va Ann Diver.
In tha matter of the re
porl ol special Audi
tor upon the acc't
of Jacob Young, for
merly Treasuter wf
Norlh'd County.
Henry Uumgardncr vs Ira T Clement
Win L, liellen..ein va Wm Lonai.
eitme a K K Uaiey.
Henry J Kirou,ag't va William r'ouliU.
U M Hemming, fcVr va W in L lit lieu- tei.i.
Wm F Nale a Jno ii Mc.Mickir.
John Ktiter v Jiiwi hhiarlrr,
Kteiuer V Case fur
i Frederick Adm'r of KaipU Bojlc,
John Keittr for Mary
vs M A Keefer and Joha
va Same.
va Ex'r of Henry Marr,
v N orth'n Cen'i It K Co.
Joeiah Kfilfr
Wm L Dewart
Jacob Caaa
Henry Tharp
C H it A Abbott, en-
doraera of Hamuel
K Wood it S. Q. Wheeler
J V J, Dewiit.
Wm Wridenhammer va John Nc.Mathew.
Mary 11 Greenland'
v North'n Cen'l K It Co.
Shamokin Bank
Klaxe Iluchner
1'rancii Klaze
Mary C Vincent
Hiram Young
Adm'r ofDail'l Whit-
mer, dee'd
Adm'r of Knberl Si-
ton, due'd
Peter Haiiileman
Decatur Herb
va Albert Waire!!.
v David Loiigeneclifr.
va Wui I. Dewait ct al.
John U Watson,
va Ira T Clement.
va Clair & Heed.
v Heneville IC. Hig.
vj Kulietl U .MiCov,
va Adin'r of John A Sny
der. V'm T Carter
Gabritl Kline
Amos liieber
Zurrn & Uevan
Wm L Dewart
Jacob Rimpnon
Kamuel J Young
William iinydttf
Jacob Mowery
va Wrn H Kase,
vs Itoorge C McICee.
va Joseph V Amliony.
va Chariea W. IIeiius.
v John Hritirbsch.
Genrgu Y M et.
v J.iiiail.ari DatiUeltnirger
va Tha Cuiijo'i Huti I in
provemcul Company.
Derickson for II D
& E K Oould vs Charles Penser.bacll.
Benjamin It Haul vs K II Aw.', el ai.
C It Hall and urber v R U A vi, i .
The Girard Fire aud
Marine 'mrnrance Co.,
Kndoraers of Thurlow
H ughea & Co. va Studden, Ma-r A. Co-
Peter Hanulemn va Ttuburl McCoy.
fame va Same.
The first SO of the above cuaee will tie for trial
the first week, and toe balance fur Ihe sec'j week
i ni.iouotarv.
II A.S Tw'ir,J !' 'nr:mrnl -f FA f.f,
& INTER CI.n'i'HL(.. ma.!, op of
all (ixea. of ibe he.t material a id in th latest
atylca, aucb at
FROM $1 SO to f 13.
A pUndiJ 'v(or(mrnicf
A Urge wiety oit;8I-EsS CO ATS;
An excellent aMortmenV
.lK.r arlirlaa fnr avaar . livk " '
Person In want of clothing caanV
than to but al Ihia cheap atore.
CaH and ei amine fin? vonraeNe antV
(ad tl cheaper Ibaa can be purcbared el)
Market Hireel, waarly oppoaii Weavw'a
bmaoUary, Dee. 14, )le-
A good a
r "in
h gtl)