Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 30, 1861, Image 3

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    . IflisrellancDns,
Th widnW circulated itor that mora thin
JOO ships bad aded the blockade a story
invented to induce Kutopean power to
recr-gnita tbe Uebel Government is Ihog
disposed of by the New Orleans Crescent
It is misleading foreign Governments to
, make assertions of this character, that tbe
. blockade is easily avoided, when not a vessel
bas entered tbe port of New Orleans via the
river for over five months, and only one via
tbe lake! from foreign port.
Here are some of the war prices now rolinjr
in tbe New Orleans markets i CofTe, 60
cents per pound ; bacon 4ft cents per pound
sugar, of the poorest quality, 23 conts per
pound; sail pot k, 40 cents; lard, 37 ceots
per pound. Clothing of all kinds is very
scarce, and brings exorbitant prices. Com
mon coats, $-10 a piece j vests, $18 to gllO
each; good bluck frock coats bring $75;
ladies' shoes are sold at $8 and $10 per pair ;
men's boots from SI 9 to 328 per pair, aud all
articles in like proportion. Dry goods espe
cially have advanced tremendously, reaching,
iu some instances, 700 end 800 per cent
udvance. Corn bread is tbe principal article
eaten, but fish are plenty and sell freely."
To Kds. Richmond Whig .- Gentlemen
My attention bas just been Called to an
unffirtntiute controversy now going on rela
tive to the publication of a synopsis of my
report of tbe battle of Manassas. None can
regret more thuu I do, this from a knowledge
that.iy authority, the President is the sole
judge of whin and what part of the Uoro
. uianding O nicer') report shall be made
public. I. individually, do not object to
lelnying itc publication as lotig as the War
lleparuneut thinks proper and necessary for
the success of our cause. Meanwhile I
entreat my friends not to trouble themselves
uhout lefulinif, the slanders and calumnies
aimed against me. Alcibiudes, on a certain
occssiou. resorted to an extraordinary method
to occupy the minds of bis traducers let,
then that synopsis auswer the same purpose
fur tne, in "this instance. If certain minds
cunnot understand the difference between
patriotism, the highret civil virtue, and office
seekers, tho lowest civic occupation, I pity
Ibem from the bottom of my heart.
Suflice it to soy that 1 prefer the respect
ond esteem of nr. countrymen to the adunra
lion aud envy of the world. 1 hope for tbe
take of our cause ntid country, to be able, with
ilid assistance cf kind Providence, to auswer
ii. y calumniators with new victories over our
tialii'iml enemies, but 1 have nothing to Bbk
of the country, Uovemtneut or any frieuds,
e.ce;-.t lonll'oid me all tbe aid tli.'y cuu iu
thu great sling;l we ore now engaged upon.
I diii not eiilier a candidate, nor do 1 desire
to be a candidate for any civil oflice in the
p,ift of the people or Executive. 1'ba aim of
my umbition, alter having cast my mite in tbe
defence of our sacred cause, aud assisted to
jlio best of my ability in securing our rights
and independence bi a nation, ic, to retire to
private life. My meaus then permitting,
liever spain to leave my boine, unless to light
anew the battles of my country, llespect
fully, your most obedient servant,
l U. T. Ukal-rkcard.
On Friday an evil day all the world over I intends to pay to each of the families ol
there were two military sxecutinus at War- . Pennsylvania volunteers, who are uow
Wabhinotow. Nov. 21.
A jjrtotleman who hag Just arrived from
Kastero Tennessee, gives good account of
the loyalty of the people of that section,
'i'bny remain Drm amid all the Uebel threats
and the whole of the mountainous regions are
as enthusiastic for tbe Ucion, as tbe west end
is for rebellion.
Tbe Uebel troops in the west end -are well
fed and clothed, being principally from
Louisiana and Mississippi.
lie says, if tUa Uoion troops will break op
the railroad track southward, through South
Carolina, that they will keep tbe route
through Tennessee.
-. Governor Curtin bas reported eight more
regiments ready for service and who await
marching orders. Perhaps Pennsylvania
would like to take the contract for filling up
tbe two hundred thousand tbat may be
needed as a reserve force. It would bardly
be fair, though, for New York and some of
tbe smaller States; ought to have some
chance to show the extent of tbeir patriotism.
Colonel Thomas, storekeeper at tbe large
clothing depot opposite the War Department,
bas twenty-five different suits of Uubel
uniform. It is worth while Tor strangers to
call and see the ability therein displayed.
From tbese he can form a good idea of the
miserable clothiog all through the Uebel
army, and see bow poorly they can stand all
the rigor of a winter In Northern Virginia.
They must retreat or go forward to Baltimore
and Washington to get new supplies to
enable them to get over the winter.
Persons well informed say the Cabinet
stands four to three against freeing slaves,
and putting arms in their bands to put down
tbe rebellion.
General Cameron, Secretaries Chas.8 and
Welles favor it, and .Seward, Kates, Blair and
Smith oppose it. The most bitter opposition
is made by Smith, Blair and Seward. The
President is understood to favor it, though
he bus not come out yet like tbe (Jabiuel
Mrs. Ureenow, who is still confined in the
female prisou, is as bold as ever. She does
not receive her meuls from a fashionable
restaurant, as formerly ; but when she is not
scot cold victuals by her sympathetic neigh
bors, she is compelled to subsist upon the
'common soldiers' fare."
Lieutenant Mebatly will, in future, issue
all passes, General Williams, Assistant
Adjutant General, having turned it over to
The President received a despatch this
afternoon from General Uix, stating that up
to this time he had taken tin the eastern
shore of Virginia, nine cannon, seven of
which were finely mounted, aud a large
number of arms. The people there would
formally lay down their arms and return to
tbeir altegiaoce in a few days.
J elf. Davis' Mes.suge it is understood here
by the Government to be the unfurling of tbe
black flag, and that they will no doubt elioot
any prisoners they may take in South Caro
lina, thus making it a war of extermination ;
and that Davis, seeing bis cause is lost, seek3
lo drag dowu the whole South with biin.
We have reliable information to night
from Manassas Juuction whi.'h shows lliut
the Umbels have several companies of slaves,
armed, drilled uud equipped.
George M. Lauman, of Pennsylvania, has
proposed to furnish the Government with au
improved portable army bridge. 1
It is understood that John U. Hives, I-.sq ,
ringlon or its vicinity. I he one, a volunteer,
shot for the kilhog of on orderly Bergeaot
while in tbe dischurge of bis ditty as an
officer; the other, a regular, for the striking
of a captain, lie was said to have been a
most excellent soldier, and at tbe time of
committing the offence was crazed with
liquor, lie met his late like a man. At the
same moment there should have been one
more Bhot the man Plat sold or pluced in his
way the poison, Tbe teporutiou from LU
wile, at the head quarters, is represented to
Lave beeu oj a most affecting character.
The Uuiou men arrested in Memphis are
not placed in comfortable prisons, or fed by
dainty hands, as has been tbe case with some
of our prisoners at Washington, but are put
lo work upon the streets, with a ball uud
chain attached to each.
IflMllllin OF KAST rtSSKSKE,
We have very lute and perfectly trustwor
thy information direct from Kast Tennessee,
und indirectly from other portions of tbe
S..uth. We shall not particularize the claims
through winch this information is received,
but givo our word that we know them lo be
worliiy ol the most absolute confidence.
Tim L'niou nu n of Kuet Teunessee were
never more loyul and hopeful than now. They
biund dauntless and incorruptible, and if there
a uny charge they are becoming more ardent
and conlideut iu the pood and great cause of
national uuity und tree government wnicn j
they regard us one und iusepurable, now and j
forever. The i-eeessiutiisls whisper tbut their j
attempted revolution must end iu a fuilure.
It is true, as rumored for a'few days, that j
there are camys of Won wmi in Tennessee, I
telve hundred iu one, and seven hundred iu ;
another, each mac with his tide and a pouud I
o:' powder, and a cor.-espoodiug quantity of
balls, and regaiding his powder as far more
precious than gold. In the late bridge bum
I ,g three important bridges in Tennessee and
two in Georgia were entirely destroyed, and
two others greatly damaged. Tbe roads were
iu bad order before tbe bridges were burned,
uud the rolling block is io bad condition. ll
will he impossilde for the roaJ to he o fur re
wind (in to permit the passage of trains in less
than a month. The loyal East Tenoesseeaos
wore hourly expecting a Federal army to
fiirpn iu uut throuuh Cumberland Gap, and
serving iu the uistrxt ot Columbia uegi
j meut, ten dollars per mouth. There are about
i thirty of them.
i Among the reports which prevailed yester
day was that two of our men who went 'out
! with tbe Beaufort Lxpeditiou were arrested
. iu Charleston, und summarily bung us spies ;
Another report was tbat tbe Kebelj bud
hung Ned McGowan, at New Orleans, as &
spy. Neither report is believed to be true,
j The following is given us the true version
; of the shooting of privuta Lawsoo, of Com
I pany A, Col. Birney's Twenty-Third I'enn
' svlvunia Kezimeut. Lawson, after leaving
j the camp, bad - tuken off his uuiform and
oressea uimneii in a sun oi citizen s domes,
lie was detected at tbe depot in this city, a
lew ' minutes before the train started, by
Lieut. Hall aud Sergeant Smith, of Compauy
II, who were there with a squad of men
Lawson, as soon as be found that be was
recognized, became very abusive, using tbe
most violent language.
lie told the officers that they had not men
enough to tike him back to camp. Lieut.
Halt begged lii iu to gj buck quietly, as he
did not wish to resort to hareQ measures
Lawson then turned to run. when the Lieut
commanded him to bait. He still refused to
obey. Lieut. Hall then ordered the guard to
lire, and Lawson full dead. The conduct of
the officer aud men has been officially
I should - have stated io a former part of
this letter tbe attempt of the Rebels to
destroy their forts sod the capturing party by
blowing op tbeir magntines. At Fort W elk
r a fuse was lighted and attached to the
magazioe, bat it was discovered in time and
extinguished. A Fort Beauregard a pistol
was ajranged to be fired by tbe opeuing of a
door, and wben tbe Federal party landed it
exploded tbe magazine, killing, however, only
two men, and blowing up tbe rickety old
house in which it had been deposited. Their
intentioo was thwarted as much by the haste
to get away as by tbe carefulness of oar men,
as the thing was very bungtingly arranged.
Tbe case of Thomas Jackson, tbe Cox
swain oT the Wabash, deserves notice. He
was struck by a shot or a splinter, which so
nearly cot bis leg off as to leave it banging by
a small portion of tbe muscle and skin.
Partially rising and leaning painfully against
a gun, Jackson glanced at bis mangled limb,
and io an instant perceived his hopeless con
dition. Feeling behind bis back iu bis belt,
where seamen always carry their knives, he
drew hia sheath knife from its leather scab
hard ond deliberately began to saw away at
his le. but tbe knife was dull and he could
not cut the limb off. As he was borne below
by his males, and afterward, ho asked contio
ually bow the fight was going, and kept
saying : "I hope we'll win it, 1 hope we'll win."
Iu two hours be died, his last words being a
wish for our victory in Ibis battle and a word
of thanks that be bad been able to do some
thing for the honor of tbe ' dear old flag."
Tbe Itebel Ta'.oall, wbo had landed from
his mnskito fleet, and wbo hod assured his
subordinates that their position could not be
taken, was among the garrison of 1,300 when
they precipitately fled from their forts and
ran belter skelter over tbe South Carolina
soil buck to tbe woods in tho rear. He
doubtless thought that, whether or not "blood
is thicker than water," it is a bad thing to
lose. The exodean flight from Hilton Head
has not yet been equalled by anything in the
history of the war, und ulthougb in truth the
Rebels fought well and desperately until the
last moment, yet their running bears off the
palm. And as the terrified horde fled, the
bulls and shells rrom tbe fleet continual!)
screamed uround and above and among them
like very devils on the wing, and made many
a panic stricken fugitive to bite the dust.
Tbe whole of the ground passed over was
scattered with fragments ol (.hell, and torn
and mangled corpses. ' Some with the head
hulf torn off, some with entrails spreading fur
yards around them, some with mangled legs
und arms, and with f icej distorted with pain
ami horror. Some lay prone nn the ground,
with bucks toward the enemy, and others
struck dead while in peruliur postures, us if
culling and motioning to others. For two
miles back iu the woods dead bodies were
found of those killed by our shell.-". All the
Rebel wounded were taken oil', but the duad
remained. In a massive bomb proof in Fort
Walker was fnund the dead body of a Surgeon
Kuist, forroerfy'of the United States army.
He hud doubtless n tired to this place for
safety, and indeed it Beemed secure, formed
as it was of massive walls uml streng'hened
by great beams of wood. A large shell bad
whizzed into the small diagonal aperture, and
struck a heavy piecp of limber, tearing away
the supports and tumbling down the walls
about his head. A splinter from the fractur
ed beam struck him upon the head, killing
him instantly, just us he had thrown up his
bands to shelter himself from the fulling
wulU. His watch was Klill keeping collect
time in his pocket when a Federal soldier
pointed out the fearful tableaux of death.
Suitable for the Times!
Ladies' Dress Goods, Caatimeret, C
Millinery Goods!
at ttia More of
ItllMftCfl I). & Ii. RIIISSI.nH,
Kimptnn'a HuiWinn, Mnrkot ?qnre, SUNBl'ltY, Pa
'I 'UK public irs inviled in rail and eMmiii .hair Mill"
L nerv (Jtattli jum "wnl mit-tt Mf lAillei' L)rH O'futU1
Pilki, ami ilia New Yurk ami Plnlntlelutna itlea
Ft'liS, 1 jidirt' Ol.ivrn, lliiainv, Hamlkafotiirft, Notlann,
Fioweii, ami Mtllmrry R'mxIh .if rvry vmi ietv.
A1 . NTti AM AKINU. Dream miuja in Ilia bell man
ner end in any style.
We intend to willow, enltand emm nnr ttiK-k.
U. X U. SillrtfUilt.
Ennlwry, Octiiber 18, l-8l. .
1? hereby elv'n that I neve r-nrchnenl M Cnn'nMe'i
file, en theSMh of (lelnlx-r, IM1I, t the mle fcliha
Hurnlinrt1! prrmmnl p."pertv( in t'ninl tnwnfhiu, ."r
Ihnnilierlenu cunty, the ML-wintr nitlclee. vn One
Ittirie, one two h"ne Vn'n, nnd three heed of ceille,
end Hint 1 hnve Itemed the mmc to (aid I'.litliu IJui nh.irt,
during my will end pleaRure.
Nuvenilwi 4, ItCI. Ut PAVI9 JOXEf.
New Advertisements.
AM) Tllli
L. SCOTT &. CO . Ntw York, continue to
publish the lulloniiig leading Hiilih I'erindicala:
The London Quarterly Cuusercatire.
The Ediithuryh AYnW II7ii.
The North liritish Rcrine Free Church.
The Westminster Reiietc i'Zi.TaC
Blarlirtiod's Ediuhnrtj Magazine Tory.
The preitent critical state of European aflaira
will render these rul'licalnins uuui-uully interest
ins during (he forthcoming yeur. They will
occupy a middle ground U-lween the hastily
written new iti-ini-, crude Sirculaitu, and living
Suttinetu, llata and Cape,
Uoota and Shooa. Clothing, Iloniery, Gloves,
Hardware, Querniware, Saddlery,
&.C.. 4 c, etc.
FWh, Salt and l'laster, Iron and Nails,
Faints, Oils, Glass, Tubacco, Segart,
Ac, , Ac , . Ac.,
At Prices that lefy Competition,
For Cash or Country Produce.
We have si-lected these Goods with greet care,
and feel aasured that they ara the
ever befuro offered to the public. Examine for
Soiihury. Novomher 23. IHHI.
JiSicilli" Sale.
BY virtue of a certain writ of Ven Exponas,
. Usued out of the Court of Common I'lens of
Northumberland county, lo me directed, will he
; pxposrd to I'ulilic Sale, at the Court House, in
i Sunburv, Northumberland rounty, 1'rnr.a., on
Saturday, December 7th, IHUI, at 3 o clock.
I'. M., the fallowing described real estate, to
wit:' - '
A certain lot of ground, situate in McEwens.
villo, Northumberland county, I'a., hounded and
described is follows, lo -vit :- On the North by a
lot of Mrs. Maria Vincent, on the iviulh liv un
alU v, on the East by an alley, and on the West
by Front street ; said lot containing (id feet in
width and I 'JO feet deep, on which is erected a
two story brick dwelling house, a frame stable,
and other outbuildings a well of water at the
door, itc. Seized, taken ill execution, and to
be aul.l as the property of It H. Mrt'ormick.
DAVID W.U.DRON, Sheril)'.
8heiifTa Ollice. )
Sunbury, Nov. 23, 180 1. i
estate of GtonriK iHinriv ii.,
TOTH'E l hereby given that letters' ff ad
ministration having been granted lo the
subscriber nn tbe cstute of George Merlin, Eet ,
hue of the borough of Hutihurv, Norlhiimlierland
county. Pa., deceased. All persona indebted lo
aid estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and tboee having claims to present Ihem
duly authenticated for settlement.
Mra. SARAH UI.OO.V1, Adin'trix.
Sunbury, Nov. 2, 1 HC I . fit
AflmliilMlrator'N Notice.
"eOTICK is lieirby pivi-ntlmt letters of tiilmiiostratHni
1.1 having been gritntt-d In the nbfliher nn the estate of
J:n-t. Fry. jr.. l-t'e ot the U-trough of tnnbnry, .N'orthnni
Iterltind eoitntv, I'a., deft-nseil. All persons indebted are
requested to ineke payment, und thope havinff cloints t'l
present them lor settlement, tit the residence of the under
signed tin Saturday the lib thtv of Juntnirv, ISO's
CIIAHI.ftf GAKlNUliil, Atlni'r.
funhury, November H.JMH. rtt
Tllli CAM Dt.S AM HO Y AND I'll! t. A UK I .PHI A
From Philadelphia to New York and Way
Frin Pl-eet Wharf and Kensington Depot.
Philadelphia, will luive as uilnws, via ttxt.
At 8 A M, Vio Caindi ll and Alnboy C A Acconi-
inothitic-a, 9i iS
At B A M, via Cnmdea and Jersey City New Jur-
sev act otuiniHljttoii, 3 52S
At A iM.via Canidtn and Jersey city Morning
New Millinery Goods.
MIns m. I. f;,
Fawn Street, two doori ninth of the Sliamulm
Vullty ft PoltHille Rail Road,
UESil'ECrrULLY informs the citnens of
Bi;N BURY and vicinity, that she has just
received from Philadelphia a Intno and at lentlid
assortment of the most fashionable style of
comprising of
H3 ce s; srr un a ssa ,
which she i (tiling at themott rearonahte prices
'J o which she directs the attention ol the latin s
and invites all to call aud see llicin.
Thankful for past patronage, she hopes by
keeping to best assortment at reasonable prices
to continue the same.
Sunbury, Uctohcr 19, 1861.- 3m
- iho niotlern styles of Pictures, uxecuted in a
superior manner.
IV Room iu his CAR, MarKnt Square,
i Sunbury, I'a.
j August IU, 1801.
IOTlrtl t hcreliy given Ihut a number of I.ops have
Item Oikint up whtie tl-utiut in the river unnin-limine
in Nntlhutuht-rl'tlid c-iuntv. hy Philip Mtisseet und John
t'ttdereohler, Ih-ioiiih the followiiitc itnirK npott ibt ci :
J K; J t; t: B, 7; J (".; 11 fl: j! I; ( x 1..'.. -1'. T- J- r.
PCM.!: J KMI; He P. 4: K, I. e I I'., ; M -'-I .M, I .
v II II P; Wx x; i W. -J: H M l; J Mil; HI!; O .'...i;
C It !, :l; K1',J; .:i; ( K. l; U A N; h; I 1"; A . 3: 1, It
U, I; O, 0; O, .'; tp; 5. 5: K. (( : .ii; T II t; ('Je i) ;
in); ! 8 7: A I' C, V; A 9 v, -J: H it ('; I! K. A i;JS,t:,vS;
V o; N; I. W; J II C; T ll; () I; J A II; II I. VsSli K ;
) II t; T r.S; M It C; vu It; I M II; L V: 1 i c It;
D W II; J ; (t); H K.
A etritenienl ni deV-ie'tiption was nled in rnvofFee in the
ttOilt of Sepleinlter, lll.nt Gettreelown, Nrthntnbtrliind
, I a., for the tutineetinit of ull c-liceriied. I lie owner or
ut tbe
Fashionabio Tailorinj Establiehmcnt
Market Mrc f, M Will 1V, .
'iHE aiilntcriher lias jul rernivrd and operte l
a I a tee assortment hTKIMiAND tshil--.H
t.OODW, such a
Plain aud Fancy Cassiaieres, Vcstings, &c.
of Ihe luleet aty Ira. In addition to hia atock ha
is coiiMaiilly receiving taw nipplies from the city
keeping a lull useortmeut ol tbu most substtilittal
ainl latest et) le of floods in lite city murkele.
lie is prepared to make lo order all kinds of
t'entriiif.n's anil 7m' wear, sui'li a
l.l)il.u.c,Ac. of tbe vcrv latent style, and in the most svilulsn
lial manlier, at thort notice.
Any tiootia not oil hiinil, will lie funnelled
from I'liiladclpliia, l)v giving two day's notion.
I' if' Call and i jainioe iny stock, no charts
mutiu for showing.
Sntibtirv, May 11, 1 R 1 .
oLK MAM I'.vrn t'.,i Till-; lNIPllOVCD
C U M E K T it- U OFLVG,
Tlte ctitv.poftt tnn! ni.-rt dionj,', It.e.fnij in Ufle. It it Firs
uml IVmi-r I'roof,
It c:tn he appllurt to iu-w und ti'd ll.tof of dtl kinds, mitd
lo Shingle K'n-l's without rcojoving the shiin;ieB.
Tlic Cost is only about One-Third tbat
of Tin, uml it is twice na Durable.
U U T T A P I : K C H A C F. M K N T ,
Fttr presevinu and repulllint Tin am! other Metal Hoofs of
3 Ull j
3 00
Unit. 3 00
At laj I' At, via Keiisiugtnil and Jersey city, Wes
tern Kxprets, 3 00
At Wl T M via Camden aud Auilioy, accoininodutiuii a W
At 1' M, via Uauideii and Auiuo) i; una a. i-.x-pres,
At 6J I" M, via Keniiir;toii, ami Jersey city, Eve
ning Kxpless,
At 4 P M, via Kensington and Jet ley city, wi
Cln.s Ticket, S 9S
At 0 I' M, via Cumden At Jersey city Evening Mail a in
At II I M, vta t'luntlt'li and Jersey city South. Mull ij i.'i
At 5 P M. via Camden and Alnboy Accommoda
tion. ( Freight and I'assengt r,) 1st claw ticket, 4 2."
Jd " t M
The 6 1". M. Mail Line runs dally. The 11 Soutlivrn
Mntl f:UUfd tvs ujeeplcd.
For Kelvuiere, I'.aKlon. Fleininetoii. Ac. .at 7 10 A. M.,
from Wnlnul street wharf and aJF. M , from Kensington.
For Munch t'lnink. Allentnwn and Uetlllchciii, ut 0, A M.
via l.ehmh alley Ktolroad
For Water Unp. Stnin.Ubarg. Sr'ninton, ilke'barre,
Monllose, Oietit It. nil. Ac, at 7 10 A M, via Delawaic,
l.ueAUcnnna nntl cfrtcrn Itailroiid
For Fiwhokl. at d A. M. nnd '-1 P. M.
Foi Jluunt Holly, at U A M., and 4, P.M.
For Ilristol. Trenton. A , tit 7 1(1 nnd PJ A. M.. Sj.
0 l anil 1 1 I' M from Kensington and SJ 1' M from Wal
ant s ject Wharf.
Forl'almyra. Hiverton, Delanrn, Peverly, Unrlingt-iii,
Florence, Hordentowa, Ac . at 17, I, S and 5J P. M.
fleainbout Trenton, f.'r Itordentown, aud intermediate
phera, nt 4i P M. from Walnnt tttcet Wharf.
Iff For New York, ami Wav Lines leavimr Ketniut!
to:i Dried, Hike the eats on Fifth street, nliovo Walnut,
hall' nn hour before departure.
owners theieof are requested to prove pro(ii-rty, ptty all ; every dettcriition, fmui its itTent elasticity, is not injurei
ii-izui vnare etta luhe tricill swit) vw oiiwrwifce iue kiiiic
will be lollelled
I. ii. iu:t-s,i;it, j . p.
Georgetown, Oct S, 18C1.
liroadivay, New Yuri:.
Hoard Iletlticed to Q'l a ttny.
bince the opening of tlii-t vast and commodious
Hotel, in 1S54, it has been the single endeavor of
Ihe proprietors to make it the most sumptuous,
convenient and comfortable home for the citien
and stranger on thist-ido the Atl.iiific. And
whatever has seemed likely to aJiuiitifcter to tho
comfort of its guest they endeavored, without
regard to cost, to provide, and to combine all tho
element ol individual and Bocial enjoyment which
modern art has invented, and motlern tart approv
ed ;and the patronage which it haa commanded
j during the past si J years i a gratil) mc prool Hint
their elTort tin been appreciated. To meet toe
. exigencies of the tunes, when alt are required to
! practice Ihe inoH rigid economy, the undo. signed
TO TWO DOLLARS I'KR DAY, at ihe same
time abatin; none of the luxuries with which their
table has hitherto been supplied.
Oct. IS, I Mi I. 1 mo.
lie the cut ruction uud expansion of metals, sad will n.Jt
l ciu-k in cold or tun in wutni weutliet.
These nmlei utli. h:ive l en tli'Touflltly tested in New
York and all pant, oi Ihe S alhern nnd e.teril States,
totd we can itivu almuduiitjirtKif of all vu ctuuu ui their
! favor.
j Theycre readily apj.liL-1 !jy or inary Inborets, at a WI
I fliiiu exiuuse
j -NO IIF.AT Iri nr.nFIl:FI).
T':e:e nintcrcr me put up teatlv for ut,e. and for ship-
pine to. til tmrtsuf Liie country, wlLli full oiuileU direct out
for iipiil'cution.
l-'ull iksctiptive cirt-ulatH will bo furnished on npr'iea
lidll by mail -r ill pers-'unt .nn Trim-ii-al Uliice antl Ware
hoi se. 7H WILLIAM S't'KLLT, (Comer of Libci ty .
trtrcct.) .Nevv York.
AoiiT WanttU ' TcrniS Cutn ! !
Jnca I. It'll tv
; f N pursuance of an order of llie Orphans' Court
j ol Northuinberland county, will be expost-il
lo public sale, on the, on Saturday, the
j 1 4th day ol December next, all that the undivided
half of a limestone lot, situate in Jordan town,
j ahip, Northuinberland county, bounded on the
: North hv land of Moses Wert, on the West hy
rumors ol the daily lournal, and the pondeious 1 lnds of Eliaa Heckerl and Simon lieiner,outli
Tome of the futore hlslorian, written alter the by lands ol Since Weil, aud t-aal ey laitus ol
How Skikshon was HitoroiiT AiiniT
l.N'TKKKKl INtl iSTATKMKNT. When the Couven
tion assembled, liie Uichmuud Secession mob
were enruged to bud toal a clear majority
waa for the Union. They counted tbe
members, and calculated that if ten Uuiou
men could be kept away, they (the isece
iionists) would be in a majority. Accord
ingly, teu mem hers (one of u liom makes this
statetnent) were waited upon, aud were
iuformed fbat tbey were given tbe choice of
doing one of three things either to vote fnr
the Secession Ordnuuce, to absent themselves,
or to be banged. Itesistance was found to be
useless ; the mob was prepared to go to any
extremity, and the ten voided and absented
themselves. Hut eveu with this deduction,
when the remaining members met, tbe
majority was fouud to be opposed to Seces
sion. Intimidation and violence were then
, again applied. Tbe mob was ready to put
; every man to death who opposed its will, und
living interest and excitement of tho great :
political events ol tbe lime hull have passed
away. It is to Ihtse I'erioJicals that readers
must look for the only really intelligible and
reliable history of current events, and as tuch, in
addition lo their well entahlinbed lilerury, scicntili",
and theological character, we urge tin-in upon the
con snleration ot the reading public,
friaimiel Thaller and eald minora, containing
altogether twenty perches, on which is erected a
l.ime Kiln. Also an undivided interest in
another limeMone lot, situale in same township,
hounded on the East hy land xf iSamuel Juh,
North by lands of Moses Wert, Wet by land
of Samuel Khallcr and lot above desciihed, and
S iutil by iand of Moses Wert, containing ten
perches, altogether, more or less, on which is
Tiie receipt of Advance wheels Irotn the liritish
publisher give additional value to these Re- ! erected a l.ime Kiln being the estate ol
print, inasmuch a they can now he placed iu childicn of William uobner.
ihe hands ol subscribers about as soon as the
original edition.
TERMS. (Regular Prices )
rer annum.
if a vigorous advauca had been made llieie, i oi paseiug an oruuauce was
.,f,'j rm would have ! gone through with, though it was never
been ohsolulely certain. Not a man couiu
have et-caped. Z dlieoUer' etleclive lorce in
Kentucky has not ut any lime exceeded seven
thousand men, aud be canuot now mutter six
thousand The number of Hebel troops
guarding tbe Kist Tennessee Railroad wbeo
the briuges were burned was lets tbao eight
hundred. Cti. Com Tld.
patscd by u majority, but by mere plurality,
obtuiued by forcibly keeping away Uuioo
2Ulof May lffil, the act relating to judg
inents and executions, io which it was provi.
tied that upon ull judgment tbeu remaiuing
unsatisfied, or which might be obtained
within six month from the passage of tbe acr,
or upon which a sale of real estate bad not
beeu cou&rtned expued ootbe'Jlstof this
mouth l..r one year from the date of the
passage of the act, as regarded judgments
theu existing, aud from their date as regarded
jtidgmuuts obUiued within tbe ensuing six
mouths, providing tba defeodaut should be
possessed of aullicient real estate, and gave
tiil fur payment ol the judgment.
I be passage of this act bas bad a very
depressing inilueuce upou the civil business
of Alder.ueo aud Justice iu the (,'ouiuiou
wealth, and its exp ratiou ou Thursday was
greeted with no little satisfaction by tbe
entire body. A brisker business will proba
lily be transacted iu tbe collection of debts,
luce tus special piuvisiuu ui w.
execution bas expired by limitation. Luder
tbii act the vale of collatterele was also
prohibited, within tbe year, and tbe party
selling tbetn became responsible for double
the amount of tbe collateral to tbe party
owing tbetn. There were some exceptions to
ihe general 'application of the act, as to tho
piiniuioui amount of tbe judgment oo which
lay could be taken, those belonging to
widows and orphans, ete , etc.
members enough to have turned tbe scale.
i Thus, by fraud and violeuce, was carried
j tbat measure which is converting part of the
Stale into a waste ; it was passed, io fact, not
by tbe delegates of the Slate, but by the
I stipendiaries and assassiu in Ibe employ of
; tbe cbicl couspiralors. i itiuicfj'ita In
' oniVeT,
j Tun Grand IUvikw. A great military
I review nf sixty thousand troops took place
near W athingtou yesteroay, at wincn toe
l'reaideut, Cabinet, General McCtellau, etc.,
were present.
Tbe following is a list of tbe divisions
which couBliiuted the great review yesterday,
with tbeir strength :
I Divisious.
I McCall'a
I lleintzeluiau's
F. J. 1'orter'l
lul. reg.
Cav. reg.
Art. batt.
Mounted liiBes.
Tbe great review was witnessed by over
twenty thousand persons, comprised seven
divisions of all arms of the service stretcbiug-
iu a semi circle four miles, and commenced
wilb a salvo from fifteen batteries of arid
lery, or oiuety guns.
Geo. Fallerson, f.f I'bilacelpbia, whose
tnisiuauageuieul at Harper' terry, aud iu
the neighborhood of Winchester, it i gener
ally supposed, lost as the batllu of Dull Hun,
baa oiade bis defence, aod throw tbe blame
ou Gen. Scott. As Geo. Patterson waited
four months, until Gen. Scott left for Europe
befura tnakinir this statement, w prefer Wait'
A res'uneot formed lo Courtlaud Coantv.
, Y., Cel. Greeo, bas DO lee tbaq eveo j iog lo bear General nenlt's reply before
cUrgymeo. Two of tbein arc captain ol I accept an xprte di-iencc to ioo deUjed.
tOI'aoit, mi out It priialt in It (auks. I Jlarnsburj Tl graph.
For any one of the four Reviews, $:! 00
For any two ot tbe lour Reviews, A Ut)
Eur any three of the four Review s, 7 00
For all four oi the Reviews, 8 00
For lllackwood's Magazine, 3 00
For lllackwood and one Review, S 00
For lllackwood and two Review, 7 00
For lllackwood and three Review, U 00
For lllackwood and the four Reviews, 10 00
Money current iu the State where issued will
be received at par.
The Footage lo any part of the United States
will hrbut twenty-four cents a year for ' lllack
wood," and but fourteen cent a year for each of
the Review.
At the above price ihe Peiiodical will be
furnished for IhG'j, and a a
the No, of the saute Periodical for 1MU0 will
be furnished complete, without additoiial charge.
Unlike the more ephemeral Magazine of the
day, these Periodicals lose little hy age. Hence,
a.full year ol the Noa. for In till, may be regarded
a nearly a valuable a lor lNUj.
Mulwcriber wishing also the Nos for IHHI,
will he supplied at the following extremely low
rale :
Splendid Ofers for ISCl), 'CI, und 'C'i
Together, For Blackwood's Magazine, the 3 years, ItS 00
i For any una Review, " 5 00
! For any two Review, ' H 00
I For lllackwood and one Review, " 8 00
! For lllackwood and two Reviews, 13 00
For three review. " 1 1 00
! For lllackwood and three Reviews," lf 00
Foi the four Reviews, " 13 00
For Blackwood and Ihe 4 Reviews,. " 17 00
Any of Ihe above works will also be furnished
lo New Subscriber for the year I8SH-H, and U,
at one-half the regular subscription puces.
Tbu a new subscriber may obtain the
Reprint of the Four Review and lllackwood
tScveo Consecutive Year lor $37 ! ! ! Which is
hut liltlu more lhaii Ihe price of the oiigiual
works lot one ye-.
As we shall never again bo likely to offer such
inducements as those her presented, now is lha
lime lo subscribe ! !
Remittance must, Id all cases, be made diree
to Ihe Publishers, for at Ibese price no com
n.i-sion can be allowed to agent.
No. bi Guid st.ett, New York.
.'we "3, 1661.
Kale lo commence at III o'clork, A. M., of said
day, when the terms and conditions of sale will
i be made known by
By order of the Court,
J. H. MASSKR. L'lcrk O. C
i Wunbury ov. 'iJ, ISfit
' li;iiorlaiit Not Iff .
VI.L PEIISONS indebted lo the subscriber on
Hook account or otherwise, are requested to
! make payment on or hetore llie first day of De
i ceinher next. Costs will he saved bv complving
with Ihe above request. JOHN V 11. EH.
tSunbury, Nov. 16.
State of the Bank of Northumberland,
November 7th, 1861-
Loans and Hilts discounted.
Do. toSiule I'en.isjlvania,
Northuti.lM-ru.nd lluuk bUa.k,
llUiei storks,
Dae by oilier Hanks,
Notes ii.ul Clu cks oi oilier Banks,
tpCie m Vault,
Notes in Citcukiliuu,
llue other llanlts,
Uue rouuimu wealth,
lue llepos.lots,
tai7.7.' 51
41710 11
2.07U HO
4.UO0 HO
h .S as
7 1. If I SJ
lll.'IIO fit
:m,7'.i m
fc.V.'J.Vll) 00
S JOf.nR-J ill
7.U W I'i
i.MS 61
7,3ji) 49
p a, unci on arttvai o. cu.-n i thui, m.h i i.-h. oo.
l- Fifty pn I nf Hneenu-e only, allowed each p-isseneer,
I'l.sM-utrets are pioliilutetl from takinri nnytlona as H1115. !
jriilie but their vvenrtne nipnrel. A 11 UaggacK over fitly
p. undii to l.e paid for exira. The Cotnpnny limit then
rcHnoi.fibilitv for Hinit'iiee to One IMlur per pound. and
will not lie li.ilile foi any a.uouiit Iwy.uul IU0 UolLos. cx- I
cent liysprenil contract
VVl 11 Agent C. 4 A. R R Co ,
Nov. !. 'ill. .
ITS hereby civeii that tbe loliowin? logs were
1 taken up on the OTth nl Sept., IKtU, by Philip
Uubh, while floatitiK in the river Susquihatina,
in Northumberland county, Pa.:
I slick square timber 40 b et long, mark B.
I " 40 " " " F A I;
A statement and description was tiled in my
oflice on the -'llh Oct, 1HK at ( ieorgelown, Nor
thtiiiil erland cuoiily. Pa., for the inspection of
all concerned The owner or owner are request,
ed lo prove properly, pav all legal rhtupjts and
take tliciij away or otherwise the aame will be
foileiled. I. II. RKS.SLEH.
(ieoreetown. Nov. 2, I KB I .
X'OTfCK is hereby trive.t, tiittt a number of I.oc s brtve
i been taken np while tl-'lltlnu ill Hit! liver Susoueliluinil
iu Noi'!i!iid county, Aduu. Alliuun, I'vuriiig the lol
towiutr tutiiks upon them, vi :
, - n -a 1- 11 II f. I: . I: J F S: C. M 1): It: II : J
5k K: C It S: l II; I' e F- '; I. F; B A V., .1 ti: J AS H,
: c A II f 1'. L I', 1 M II: o H t c, i W, o, e ll r
M K ti, C ,M. SKrt. Hrt', cx. .H1C,.IU', ALL. A. -). Clli,
aH.CA!, (.1. ellS. J A It, J.llll. (j. ell.', F..
Titnb-r .I.IM 30 feet I01.1t ; .1'. .ill left Ions i JM '-" "
knur ; W'Jl UI feet I etr. LA 511 feel lone.
A .fileuieiit nml ib-t..-ri'li-'ii was ll eit in uivofTieeon llie
Will of Vpieinlwr, I I , ut (ieoriietuwii. Xorthuiulwilainl
county. I'.t.. pa the inspection of all eoncerneti. Tt.eowuer
orotvii-ts llier.-ol'lire renueHetl to prove prnpertv , pay -.11
li-irnl ehartres ami lakcthein away, 01 otlietwise Hie snute
W""":''""'"UJ' LILRES.IXR.J.I'.
Oclobel till, IHil.
HE FALL TERM of ibia institution will
commence o .Monday, October Stub, 1861,
For parlictilai addies the Principal a. UERtisTKUssF.ll,
Ucrryebura, Dauphin county, Pa.
October 20, INK I. 4.1
NfiTlCF is bereby given, that a uutulH-t of Ies bive
It.-en tuKenup while luaillin; 111 llie liver uo...-lunua
Noithunile-rli.nde. unty, by li. Vi.IjJcb, bvariii(j
the pillowing inalks llicin :
J OH; C 11,4 ;CM 11 K; J H C : ; I l ; R; J A Ki
; U It ; 1 j H .V U j a, C ; U .M 11 ; J. W ; NO i Hi S
A i (11).
A st'iteinent and desertptnm was filed iu my oiliee oil the
"Hl nf Sepleuiber, (.Clgetown. oo-l lliuiiilu r ... a
county, I'a , lot the insptcilon of ail coi.eerneil. The
owner or owners there a are requested to prove property,
pay all legal rliaiiie and tuke llieni a.vuy or olherwue
the same will be ...rlei.ed. , j. p.
lieorgetown, Oct. ltJ.1.
For the cure "f riciofula, Incipient Consumption, t.eaeral
U.-blllly, White Hwelluc:, lih.uiuutisnl, llse-.-es ot
the Liver and s-kin, and all Disen.u a Ar..nK Irotti
" Impurilies of the lllnod und Hie hilccu if
Swatui's Panacea has been for mine than foil) vents
n.lrl,.uteil ... line conuliy and in Kurope for Us entra-
t oi.lniiiiv cures, for the cerlihentes of wluell reference is
iiimle l- llie diicclions and Isaiks (winch nia be hud
Hiutl)uecoinp:ni)lic' the I'uniieeu 1 some ol vvlucli (live
the parltealars nl cases too flishnul lor jtencrnl pulinea
HE SUMMKK TKRM nflh tun!.uiy Acu.V-rny will I
commeiicv n ihettili i'f April. i
The cnume l" iiiKtrnctiim iminruce fvcry il.p:til
ment of tiltiniti'ni tiiulit mour Imitt Anuitiiut h, prf(furui
NlnilHiitH tiiiu eilhei l'ur u iifuleiiaiiuii or In cillttl uny clats lit I
he cut run into the Ue- CuilcL-e. !
Common Pehnol Hniiielies, Film !
lliulier F.uelisll Hianehes. ' 'I I
Lttin and Uteek lAuauuiics. 7 00 !
Tuition to be paid before the middle uf Hie lertii. ;
Hoard can be had 01 private tuia.lies at lunu St ti lo
f 'J 25 pel week.
S C. WOl.VF.RTf X, Principal.
Sunbury. March no. l-dn -
OTICE is hereby that a number t.f o v.ere
-k-' taken up on the 2'Jlh of Cept. lHfil, whilo
lloaliiig in tba river Susquehanna 111 Lower Mali
onoy, Northumberland county, Pa., by Abraham
Dlaaser ut Co., Hearing the following mark upon
tbetn :
H I.W, 2; 3R. 5; 200 1: (0)5,1; RF&C, 2;
LH B, 2; J&K, ft: ACF, OHl. ". ": W.M, All;
DWH 2; 11. , F, J M 11 :; SxD 3; 1113.
OH 10, R4D; ,) 2. iVli 3. IK, PCF 2. (-),
THO 2. au, T. llcVP2. 2, (000), 11.1C3,
A IKS, , o. HP '- i 5fl 2- " ;AN
JFM. OU 2. X, '1- P, " 2. Q. L'VV. Ai, ClU 3.
TO. XXM 2. JA3R 2. LV 2. J.sV h, ( RS ,
HM, (o).Jl'S. 2V, 3.s. U5i, LH, JaS, SN.
Stick-. JJM '; Mx'.V 1.
A statement and desctiption wns filed in my
ollice on the 2.rlh of October, IH6I, at (icorpo.
lown, Northumberland county. Pa , for the in-
socclion of all concerned. The owner or owner
thereof are requested to prove properly, pay all
loeal charge and take Ihem uway, or otherwise
the iume will be forfeited.
1. H. RESSLER, J. P.
(ieorirelovvn, Nov. 2, 1H6I.
PJMIE Assessors of Norlhoniberland county are
-- requested to make return of their triennial
assessments to Ihe Commisir)ner' Ollice, on the
27ih day of December, IMil, at which liino there
will be a nieclitit; of the Hoard of Commissioner.
l)y order of the Hoard,
S. D. JORDAN, Clerk.
ComrrisMoner' Oflice, )
A R E O E d
Rich Ficured BarcgeD, 19, 2riantl 31 cenl,
Barego Rubes. i0, Si 00 and $5 00,
Mozambiiue Rob. al 5 00,
Traveling Dres Oo.-o-s
Miephard'a Pluid. Mohair Plaili.
iitigliatu', Lawns. P.ioiit, (Ihallit,
lirey Figured (S.ioda,
S E corner Ninth nml Matket, PliilndclpUi.i.
N IJ Best quality Hoop Skill, 94 conW le
3 "j.
May IS, ISO I.
A N D T n v INUao.t T t. O M P A N Y.
'jpR.WKI.LERS and other are respectfully
inlor.iind that the subscriber, in order to at
commodutu liie public und Ucililate travel, has
reduced tbe rate of fcrringe ut hi STEAM
FLICK V, over the Susquehanna, ut Suiihuiy, nml
v. ill carry Passengers, ll-ircs, t.'artlagcs, iinJ
oilier vehicles, a, the following tutci, vu ;
Fool Paaem;er,cacU fi cent.
Horae and Rider, 15 "
Horue and iittti'jy, 2i "
Two-Horsu Ccuveyance, 4!) "
Farmer and other, w ishing to tianspurt LVnl
and Produce, can make arrauyeiueuts ut soil
lower rate.
A larie, safe nd commodious Steamboat will
run regularly and promptly at ull hour of lliu
day, and to accommodate those who dosiro to at
tend lliu Churches at Sunbury and Mcliiugroc,
the Uoat will run on Sunday.
The SlCiiniV-i'. will run Ironi Market Street
Warf, and pioinplly convey Paaseui-ia from
both sides of the River, wiihout .iclnv.
Tbu Sleum Feriy now al'orda not only a fafo
uud coincuieiit transit over Ibe,
but also a pleasant uml agree ublo nde.
1 RA T. CLEM ENT, Lessee und Proprietor.
Sunbury. May 2.r, IMil.
" ST()VKS ! ST (TVES ! ! .
for sali: at Tin: i.mjfstrial stovk Works
No. M Xoitll -Ji.d Street, I'luUiJelphei, pastle Chi. si's
rltnri-h. tht 111, -ut celelit.lled to... eo.i-u l:-' 111 d
lieu.nflovest. theili.v. I.1.1II..II. VICIlllt CO.M -l-l.l.'i
l'.. ami all other C 1 1 ir iin-l lleutnij; M. v-s. All
ofwlucaaie Outit'tnlced lo e.tvc eiiutc s.iU.lut-lu.a.
ru-Ube ivuiuc a car.
W.l. C. XFMAN.
O.u ber 12. ) e e.
Sunbuiv, October l", 1861.
faiicy furs:
.lo!i 11
71 AllCIl Stre.'t, bcHVCi ll
7th nnd N h., r-l.,
(.ore MM MarHtt.)
Importer A M;iutn".tetnr-r
if, ami llenler 111 ml ki: s
of l-'AXrV Fl'lif, f.-l
Ladies.' AliHSCf,' tied CUil
dreu's Wear.
.. IbiV'tijr n-iw tic in 'in t :r
. . etl uud l.t fcl.ue I IV Us ::ii
tJ-riiT inrue ami lie.eiiiuil nssoli-
'avO -f ). -Sfc-gfi,,:,,! f all the v.uou.
aIv-. Sl..SItlUllUllltieSe l" M,
';:-,Tf"-','i-!vr-M'itl to tne Fall nnd
- J 1 - . linn i7ei..o,iB, , 11
respectful!) "luilite un eliiiuiiinli.'ll of my l- k and prices
from those intentlniu' to pun hi.e, as I am lei! 10 . lief
them Vcrv imluceliienis.
All my Furs have been puri-haiw d f rC
I... 'irrie neeil hands 1 its the present It.
render it necessary thai I .l.ould d.f vk of my sWa at a
very small ailvnnee on cost.
I inn satn-fied tln.t it wulid be to H.f Intel est of ill-who
desiirn puteliiisn. lo itive me a call.
isr- ii.-,...l!H..t ilie iiuit.e. nniuiK-r m-mI street : J . .-.jtcnt,
! (New Fur Store.) "Ih iclifc'ret, fhllud-.-lplua.
.pt. r, irtii. oiu.
Entirely Vegetable. No Alcoholic Fi ope
ration. o k . 11 o o r i. .4 rv i ' s
Prepared by
DR. C. M. JACK SON & CO., Philadelphia, Pa
will etTcduully cure
L'iL'i:, Chronic Nervous Dcbjiily, Ilieasta of the Kid
i:ey, uud all disease it r 1 i i 1 1 - j iVoia a disciuVicd
1. t"..l mule
l;ifV lo-'it-l.-s
tnilt. where the palieul have been almost euleu up Willi rfmlK unilersiened Ilivlle
Svtofula, uud wei a deemed l.-urubl. by I ' hc'". J. . ,j we ,r,wn ,IOck of
ll luiM Lweii Uaittl It u.wniuiia auu inmr c. ... (
I.iver ot .V to ir, ma.
I tnfh a CiHifctiiKilM-n. InwHitl 1'iU-s, Vnlut or lu"i
in U-e li'-inl, Acul.ty t'i ttie Miiuiifli, Nhium, H-sai Uui u.
Di.-L-n-st. I'. i r-..0, 1 ulnc- J t Wi-iulit iii tiiJ tniimrJi,
Suir Kriii'Miln'im ih'ai.i r KlutU-t hi-; l the IM "I tl'O
Mun:ifli. t5 wi 111 i : itr t'l' ili II''.'. lliul'i-il ui-il Itu'u-u.t
j!, i'.ntM m,-ut tlr- JKmiI. Ci.t.ku t 1i 'J
i tu :is.itiini( wl .-ti 1.1 .i i .ii'-' 1"' "'. I'.'.n.; ' I ''' Mi
Un'-iui' t l.H in l. ut liit i i -v-i l''iU I'"1 ,(i
I !... Mdi IliU rv, L-'-'-t';:!. l.t lill. aiv. StilWnil 1 IiioIk Ilvnl
' Isiurni't-r :n l!n'- l lfsti. 0"!Wi;i.ii Ihimiiu s " t .!.
j L-rril " "-'"I'-i ii inn-, a:iJ wtl. . y i ivtnt
'Vi'tnv h vr, i(i.l..i.. r.-i-r, 4.-.
t J'!i irt'.li.ti"r iu tjl i;m llie uut:itu'it "I tlit pulilu' i
(lits pr'i;tiaiii'it, t!ut ut u i n M v .(i tl in tKii- bi .on
tiot'i ce mi vatii' tnl iDlJi'ii Iu tiic ..tsuttii it
wiiii-li il i rt'fi.nneitvl. tl
It if ii iw ;h iihltiniiiHi-1.'. 1 ul one liVi' h-i t'
I lit" It-si I'm UVf've ttit' iruil U-. tv i-f A'tn-muii f
ii.t iiMi us ruiuir'i"i aii-t mif ai'if m i iv:.!:t il t-'. Mini
Ur rt ii.:i;titiw intii:. li t IrMitiiony m ital'.ivm ;iv. n
hy tl;'- n -i'Mi.ii ft niiii vt-!l kii'ivu 1'tivMf uti au-l
Hill -vllll"U hi t-'. 'tMltS I'll- (JtMUiTV IS IniH.fliSf , tlli'i .
(MUi'il (h-vumI '1 ii'c AWn.ii.n?, p'..!t.:i.!!.'.t ii.ntu..-) U tn-j
ir iinct''tn, in ui in Ut iv imil ytntiR of :iny ii tiw-u Aii'-nm.
! uai.ttot l.ut tutnt'y ii in.tht t-'-i-piiiM- Hint tu. rrui.-'! u
rtitllj' UticriitM irit- uv.t ot tclii ay it tt ttli-auu-il.
im:ai tmi: i:y!pkok.
' IIc-m wi it tli Tnip.iit 3 !:(- !--ii.if:'fHii r, f(Ml ,M
ill VW.l.. :as ! tne iJAl.r-AM K- IX U! li ...
BtlPhliuU to Uu ir Ot. V. V
'. it'.i
1 ctTtify ihe tiKinint to be jaM and truu tu the
mi k( my kiinwlctti-c uu) I'fliH
J n. PHIIsSTLKY, CuKicr.
Svoru mid utM,riliei1 iM-i-ne iu
Nnv. 9, IHM.
JuUN L'Jt.i, J. '
IN pursuance of an order of the Oihaita' Court J
of .Snyder county, to Iaac Hialler and W il- j
liatn A. Bhell'er, directed will ha sold at tublic
sale, on the preinin, in Jordan townshi, Nor
thumberland county.on tsATl RtAY, ihe 8utb
day of Novetiilar, INril.the following described
A certain Tract of Land, situate in Jordan
township, Northuii.herland county, Pa. adjniiiinii
land of Michael KhalVer. dec "d.. on Ilia north.
Uai.iel Swarti on lha Isaac Ueppin on the south,
and lands of Jacob Philips on the west, cot lain
iiiR seventy fiv acres and one hundred and six
teen erche, strici ines.uie, .....og
erected a two story farm House, bank, barn aud
other out buildiuK. Choice fruit tree an J ex
cellent water. 21e latiJ i iu a hish slate of
iilti vialitin.
Condiliona will le mstlc known on me uay oi ,,i males ,,..,.,.,-, ,,,,
sslaby IHA.AC isllAKKKK, mtiL N BHO HIKR ro..
WILLIAM bH'iKl-'ER, P i;o Wilbaw rs, ISsw VoiH
Nov. t, lfcl. Adniimauators. I rU'a, Oct .-3i p-
been reiKiituiieudcd by llie most cclcl.ruleu .n)ieiaiis ami
other e.uuieiil pe.sons. Aliu' nOiers, by VN . Oilutou. M.
1. I'rof. ol Sii.riiery, retin V niver.ny , u.einiuc :,t--.i,
m 'd, I'rof. of 'faraery, N. V. I niveisitv; IV. I'. Hi- ;
wees, -M l., I'nif. Mid . I'enn. t'tiiveinty; N. Cliaiinnn, I
,M. l., I'lof. ol i'liysie, I'enn. r.itverKily ; 'I'. 1'jrl.e, M. l-, j
President Colleiie I'll-, s.elaus. I'h.liidrljdila 1 1'r. Del Vii.i... i
I'lol. of Metlieine, Ibtvuua ; J"Se l-'outeneo de l.l.i. frol. I
... .,..,v. I.i.luu.: J t'liinnimi. .leiii-.-r Itoiui I'.-llee 1
f.irncons, London ii. W. iivunl, late Minister lo fnu
Sir t'eursoll. Mi.J r be.ierul linllUl Ami)
Uert Iloliellson, llrilteh I otisnl. Ac. . ...
The wonuetlul cu.i-s ellecled hy !V AIM'S P.INAL KA for inaiiy jcmis made it an in remedy. The
I'unaeeu d.s not volition inercurv iu any fotin, und, licnis.
en in.UK-ent iresuaun, U uwy be s'Veu U. Ine most len
der infant. , . , ,.
The rc'.ail price has been icduced to per bollle,
(CoiiUiilllliK three hull' pints. 1 or tlle b-Hle lor I.
HhVVAKK OK I.MIiMrnuV .. ..
Pwaitll's P.uuce is til round millies, Ibtte.l loullttduiully,
With Ihefollowtmr let Idownmi Ihefjlnw:
Ilavina the name of JAS. SWA1M on ll.eseabug
wux and written on the IuIhjI roveim the cork, and a
sutn.lid enuranun on the of the Is -tile, by lirapei
On., bank nole etiKravers, in llie centre ol which is a pr
Hint il the late Wiu Swuitn, (eo,.vr.ght seeured.)
If ih iikiii. nurrUHsma the Panacea will la: eiitelul tt. nl
setve thul the wind fWAIM is uorteelly spelled, U.ey need
u,lU1;.edo...8xVAiM,8 VK.RMrl.(.K
valuable luiuily ineibeiue, iieina a hiahly approved rente
edy for all diseuws nri.linl In m dehilny ol the digestive . I-
, such as. Acidity of the Sloinei li, W""i". J h,d.-rji Ujsenutrv, fever and AKue, llintdina is, Ciek
Heatlaclte, Ae. the nataphlel (which H.a be had gta-
lis.) ui-o...n.allv.l tee Ver.nifuse. ,,,,..
Preisned only at HWAIM'K I.ABOIt ATOR . TIIK
oi.lT'rNi, "i; rti kk i:n i h tbkkt. ki.ov
OIII rM)T, ,blUdelplila,aiHMU y u.u,k.. m. -
A pti
sbruhs, Ac, ctnhracin; a large aoJ coinplc
sortincnt of
Pears. Peaches, Plimia. I berries
and Nectarine. Mall.laril b-r too
OccLaid, nnd L'arl lor ll o
r.,nliJ. Walnut, oani-h Clisiitti
nuts. ic. Rasbcrncs, Mrawbttriea, Cu'r.uii. ami
lioo.ebeiiit , in ureal variety.
A-parago,' Rhubarh. Ac, Ac Al..o a bot
locWofwell, bu.hy K V P.Rt.RP.PN.S,
suilabla for the Ceniclrv and Lawn.
Ii..,.,, lo.,... Trees lor slice! planlinir and a et'it-
r al atsorlment of Ornamental Tree, and
er1 ng chrub.
Roses of choice variclic.
Plant, Ac. .
Oor stock i remarkably thrifty and line,
we oiler it al price to suit the limes,
fir" Catalogue mailed lo all applicant
Addres KDWARl) J. K VANS A CO.,
Centtal Nutseries, ORK, Pa.
September 14, 1HBL 3m
. K0TICE-"'"
N OTIOK is hereby (Siveil that the a.lner.lnp heretofore
extsltu between lie..rBe Kliieilch and Uamcl SHal, iu
i lb. 'Im .! bus...., I l-we, ,y-U.e.y ..w,.sh.p .uM.t-ria.Hl county- w.u, hy ';' '"
,. the l-l 1nsla.1t Tneaeeounl. vv.ll ! .clllcd hy
! I," tl,. pailHrs. The lm.,e will !, Brtal,ruriM.d.i
;i-Tlh..tlrilf t the saint ptsee rvriiIC,.
1 on I.', tt'i -i oiaTiGE
1.1.1,1 111 (.'
ins irr, y
J.t.l. ji
1. J.. '. .
.. t, .1 vi-tlli
:Js. 1 .:
t'L!ir I I.
! n
. I l-'n -i 1 tl. u
tl.e vu tne? 01 1. 1 1; .
1,1.11:,. 11 el I'll. I'.. -a;
1 . !;, . v. I'.--
t .t
riiiu io
T-ie,e Ol"
,.l . c el..
1 Pi
til il Willi w..U'
I..,- '1.
; iUT M.I.
;-V.- I ."'.id''1
nl 'e ln.ii.i- -'
:ii, (... . ..r...!:
:.. . ,. - .I ll I
- r 1! i-ie'i 1.:
I ii-
Camellias, Redding
er 11, I .1 - ly
PI'.V J V. W.liirol.K, A. M , I'liucliul and l iuih
er of 1 Jini in tl' s.
M I. Itt I nt At 1 r, A. 11 , ' of,i..ui..- an.
.,. II IIM
: lit 1 11b A .V, Teiieiiel i f .Mtinc .11 f -
Ki n'h-H H
Mir. I.v. ei
no M l- tl
'I'i.e W'-i '.-l 'I'eltii t
f NllvrMHI'l!. l-t.'.
li-e-d htinuin eat. he timl chcuii iutl.
uilneiice on Mt.NDV, Ibe 11:1
jr and v. v. .
11 y.
TtRM. f'
0...:-lt: .11 1..I. '
ll -1 er
1 :..iitil'--s,
MtiMi' i ' . l.'hJ-'
IIS ... loS.UN W.tA..
7 i -.l
e lal
I r WAMI'OI.r.
.1-41 l
P. im-.j-nl.
Klyl'ir-, l'
rniN WARE A very cheap anj tU-irsbl
,i- its,i,i,ii.ii.l mat receive 1 ll is week, at tl
Mii.tin th it .re'ol FRILI.VO A CRAM'.
sunl ui, Jsnuai) U, Ibol.