AYER'S CATHARTIC 1'ILLS. Are y 'uk. frcMw, anil fnlttl'I'ihiiiT Ar trt.tm! -f w.lvr. itl J'lir yntritt tHiiin'J. yt'tir fcwliiK tin c rmlHiflff Tin-no nymft M ft,.. . irH 7' !-!.. .w MtrluiiN HtUf Till' SIIhiIiIhIm Ills l.llll.ll' US nt lii lioily lulo tlatinm Hti- lultv, Inlrlry the SI I'm trtwl Mm iilistrm-tiolis hi''M uirtl; rlisosiis. C"t.t sMIl. "" '""'J'- - struma IK natillnl fniirtl'ilH. Th"'. if li"t t.'lln"d, east mum UiMnwIvM mid tlio a nuudlliB' upki t'" rhi.-ing ariii-rnl nprrviiiliii, iiCirliiK, 'ind iien-no. Wlill. In thin roii.llli iir.wl Hi- il'V.iiiir.mililii, Ink Arris I'lIK and s.w l" lir' tl.V li.v restore Hi natural aitloii of Hie arshna. and will. It tha bHoraul IWIIiig of hMtllll HIT"!' W'' """ "V "l,l",,, Hill tllrial and common ciimpliiliit. ". '" ,""")f if (lie deep-ei-nted imI rtniinMi'iM ilillii'r". i li" ' pnrnMlv ir.p cp'l MM"". ,'. !- - I mul il.Mniii:ini'tili.f Hip Mnlnwl Iiimi II"i i f tli iV fh' t.iinx nu-nn. Nmin wlm k''W 1 vlrtil. n t I Irani rill, will ii-'Kli-'t l" iiiiiiilujf tlivm wliuu HUirmiig Iniui tha rtlwitrni lli.-jr cur.-. , Hlnl.niHiiM fmiii lv.ullnit jihynMnm l" "" ' ' lirlnri!! illKt, ud ftuw irtlwr wull fcuowu fublli: (ivf ultM. Vimi a nmnriiHg Utrthuul .. W'- l,'fl Arm: Yonr Till urn tln ii'i(" H l't In mwllrlim. Tlmf Iiiit. cnr.-l my llllli' lm:lil'T f iikmi "ore" H"" l'"r limi'l" "' ,m'' I""" v j.. ... .....i.llw ..n.l lilHlllr III IIIOIII AIIICII. Inrurnlila fur vwrn. Her uuKiiur n w i i.nily fllli:lid Willi liliilfliw mul iliitilwmn Imr nUiii ami In lirr liair. Aftur oiw child l cured, illio lllno Uii'il As A Family Phylc. From 1)?, A'. II. IMwn'trht, in Vrt'twt. Tonr F1H Bra lh pHu of pnrgM. Ttit-lr ovMlsnt qtuilttt! luriMM any cnllmrtie we hiwim. lliey tire mild, but vory certnhi ami etrtiml In th.-lr r,.ii un llic IrawalB, whlrli irtiike tliom iuvttluablu to u lu Hie dully treattnoot of dtiwe Headache, SlcUIIeadncl, Foul Rtomach IVom Drt Kdiom U Voyd, Iktitimttrt. liAillno. Axtnt I cannot answer you what complnlnta I Imvo curfl with ymir I'lIU tetter thnn to say all that vt ntr trtut with a pnrfjutire mfttirint, I plnro gront dtpnn on an rITiTtiml cathnrtla in my dnliy content wllh tli.fiM, nnd l-elievinj? ae I do th.it your I'lllf afford ut the tvtt we bare, 1 of course vnltio lliviti lillily. riTTdncao, Ta., JIaT 1, Tn. .T. C. Athil Elr: I liave Ipii roppntedly cured ef tlie wttrnt hettiUuhfi nut lKdy run Imve by a dose or two tT ytrnr riMf. It petMin to ariae fiuin a foul itoniacli wliicti tliey el cm i He nt on. Your with great round, KO. PTtKnT.n, Cl'rl- of Steamer i 'hn i n. Billon Dlionlen-T.lTcr Complalnto. Ptrn Dr. Thttnlnrt Brit, nf Aw York Cty. yt only nra yaur Pllln admirably adapted to tholr pnr To mk nn aperient, Imt 1 find llu-ir ; lieiif flrlnl efPfCtnuioti ttw Liver very maikcd tndwl. Tlu-y have In my prac tice proved more effectual for the euro ef frrtiM coin plain! than any one remedy 1 can mention. 1 nincvrety ixjoitre tlint wu liave at leiiKlli a purgative wliiih it wor thy Ike confidence of the piofftudou and the peoplo. Pr?AaTWMT of the Imtikiob, Vatltingtoii. l. CM Ttli Feb.. 1860. Rtn 1 1 mto nsed your i'illf in my Kntl and bopitAl practice ever moce i malo tltcwfaud cannot ht-situte to any Itiey are the l-eat cathartic we employ- Their rvga iiiimic actiuii ou the liver It quick oud deckled, coime-qti-'taly thty ate an adinirfildo remedy lor derangements ol tint organ. Indeed, 1 lmve mMmi found a case uf "iu dims an otnttuute that It did not readily yield to lli.iu. Ji'raterualty yonra, AJUNKO HALL. M. I)., i'hyticiun tf Utt Marin llotpital. Pyientorya Diarrhoea, Relax, "Worm a. ti-vm Dr. J. C limn, oJ'Vhicvyo ov.v VWU linva had a long trll ia my prartfeo, and I bU tiiein in ft-tt-em a one of tlio IkjsI iipaiciitt 1 lmve fier found. Their alterative effect Hkjii the liver makee litem an excellut remedy, wlieu given iu nmll doser. for b'ttom dyttnttry and dirrnrtu Tin lr angar-coaling kittkee tlium very acceptable and cwuveuteut fcr the um cf womeu and children. Dyipejialai Imiurlty of the Blood IVrmt litv. J, I. JihncS) iUitor nf Adwitt Ctaircft, Itutlvn Dn. AvMti I liavetiMud yonr Pllh with extraordinary u'cee in my family and uiuoug tlime I am called to vit.il In diHtteae. To ivgulate tlio organs of riigwtfou and pnrtfy the btiaxl, tliey are the very lHt romvily I hat cut known, audi 1 uuu couiid"iitly lccoinuu'iid tlumi to my fiicnd-. Youik, J. V. HIM LS. W.taiAW, TTynmliiK Co., N. Y., Oct. J4, UttA. Pstk Sir: I am mdiiK yui- Cuth.nrti.- I'lIU In my prnc ti.t. and find thi-m nil i xci-ilint pnrative to clvanve tua aLvui aud tw ity Vi fmtutitim uf th Mnml, JOHN G. MfclACUAM, M. D. C'oiiHtlpallnii, Cost Ivcnra. Siirtprcaainn, l(liriiii4i Uiii, (intit, Aeiiriilgftu, JLi'Oi a, I'uralyaU, l'lt, etc Vcth Dr. J. 2 Vuuffhn, Jiuuhft-t Cttnada. Too mm h cannot la s:ikl of yonr 1111 for tlio cure of vrtHxihi. Jf oi hers of our finternity lmve louud them as eftit jicIihih as 1 havo, thy hotild join me in proclaun tii)f it IVr tho bom lit of tlio multitude wlm iif)Vr fcom that complaint, which, although bad enough hi itvelf. Is tha proftiilor of others that are worse. I bclifvu co titHHtsu t'unp;iii;ite in the liver, but your Tills at ice t that oi an aud euro the disease. Finm Mru K. Sfnort, Pijsician and Jtitlwift, 7tittn, 1 And nno or two Inrjro dot.e of your rills, taUeu nt tha projier thno.aru exci'lletit pri'iiiftiveit of (he u at urn I ircrt ttn heii wholly or partially aiipi-t.--t'd, and also vi-ry ellvctual to tfeatise tho tl'umidt mid rW icrrmt. They are sit iiiueh the ttrtt physiu we have that 1 reteuioieud iiu other lo my patiunU iWi the Rev. Dr. iruwlt$,ffthe .V.7WV Church I'n.A&Ki IlousK. Savannnh.tia.. Jau. 6, lMi'l UnsnnrD fcfiut I should bo uiit;vuM'iil fr Ihe relief our skill has brought me if 1 did not report my ca to you. A cold Mettled iu my limb and brought on oxcrti viating witrnliic paiut, wlikh eod d lu chrunicrltf utw turn. XotwithHt:indlng 1 had the hat tf p1)iclali, the ilitieami grew woriw nnd worne. until by the mlvire of your t X' t'llviit axent In Culiiiuoiv. Dr. Miu ken.U 1 tried ycur I'll 1 heir cfTe-ls Wft'H itow. but t-tire. Hy -oievPiitig Iu tho ubu of them. I inn now entirely well. SrNATR CiiASinf.n, Baton Vmifte, !... & TW. Tr. Atrk: 1 l-nvo becn entirely ciiiihI. h onr ( UK of J'fnumntfc O'i-ut x pail i lu I disenso that hnd wfltictej me for years. VINL'fcNT SblULbb. 09 Most tf tlio Tin In murRet contsln Mercury, , vhuli. althongh u vnluablo leiuetly in hkiliul linii'ls. U dangerous in a public pill, from tho droadful coiibe quences that fimiurutly follow iu hirautiouK ue, 'IJu'ba conralu no mercury or mineral subtauce whatever. Price, 25 cants per Box, or 5 Boxes for $! Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEE & CO., Lowell, Mais. Bold by Friiii'tr, 4. firant.and A. W. Fischer, Buubiuy j r. caiovv aitti j, immn, miiutii ; ur vv eiieK. flic Kwcusville ; Keifsnyder & Chrismon, Turbutville ; R. R Mi-Coy, Noitliumberlaiid aud by Dealers tvtywheic. Aivil W. Ml iv rillLADEI.rill.l COLLFGK. V. K. corner of Seventh and Chetnut Streets. T'n. i. oiia of KIUIIT COl.I.UGKS, CONSTITUTING THE ' NA TIONAL CHAIN." UICATKO IN Pliilmlrlpliia, New York Cily, Allwny, ItulTilo, Clev laud, CliiciiKfi, and St. Lrniia. Hi'lii'luT.liipa cau b pur- cwuw a, ciiiici ikiiiii, imu ai an (lie vnni'tica. THK COU.KGIATK COI I1SK vuiliraeet Duulile and ing! Kntry BiMik-Kceuinff. Com lucrcial Cn'fiputationa, CiiniiierL-i.-il Uw, I'ennuiiiiibip, oaHKm I'UiirainHiuciicei aiiueramp civiuemeiiui, etc, PKACTICAL. TKXT-LSOUK8. The Tencl nig in the Bnok-Kerpinc, Pepartment ia nmat ly irilil wrilieii innnuacllnt turma, with tilttl lntinrllnii In'turea, and black-board elucnbitiiiiie : m aiiititinn which, in order lo make the CoIIi-kiiio Courae as Ib.xouli enu rnrriuaiaa poaaiuie, tne lolluwilig Irxt-tJiioka hav lien prepared : Bryant tMrattnn'a B'Hik-Krepiur;, in three editiona-. Imnmon fcoool, Uigth bchool, and Oiuiiinft Hhum ; Hry am a ciratbiu a ninimemui AritlimHie ; Hrl'anl alrattiu'a Commercial Luw, hy Airrna lleau, 1. 1. 1). SI'F.NCKItlAN 8VSTKM OF PKNM ANr?mi, in a aerieaorniiiebixika, by P. R. fcl'KNCKK. P. R . BrtNCKR, Jl., Taachur of Prmn..iuliip. 1nii viniui iiiairtictioii. studeuu eatel at any lime. Dipli iv r or -HiHinB;iii'e ann uirnumra. eull at the IMIIrgi nraildima HKYANT. BTRATTO.N k FAIKIIakI r erwuaiy na, tool ty Philadelphia. JAMES BABBER'S WUOI.eaAI.R AND ItKTAIL- CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. Corner Second and Chestnut (., Philadelphia. AGF.NCY for the PATF.NT KqUAI.I.lNfi TIIIRTV HAY LI.OCKS, a very deaiiaole article fur Cuuich. M, Hotela, Uanka, CHiiiline lionarr., I'arlora. A0. Alao, Manufaeturer if FINK UOI.D PtNS. f .hicks repaired and warrmulrd. Chick Tiiiiiinnim uf every description, I'hlladelohia, Jauuary It), lb(Jl.;iy BLACK SILK COATS. Gored Mantles, . Poplin Duster, French Haqiies, Nilk Ussqiiiiiea, Newest itasigas, Keniy Made, or Mule lo Order. COOPER ft CONARD. K C. Corner Nitilh end Mtrkel, I'liiladilobia. Ma, is, 1861. I iAr rv'l m1 flinulil lw meruit i,y ' X V"i" '-"'J timely "f ! i'K"t rem Nl?1, f 'VVj -fal. A'"'" I'diiaild KoJ--R Sr lans "l the iltM-iarred tin Ci,v. .C'ivl W'-l"1"1." Hie IiiikkI. ami I tfckfN"" I'1 """ l"' n nuub- mJ. 1r Re'1? '' tL sliil'trl In lentlli nutiili. IMPORTANT TO LOVERS Of C3 QD CD LD Q t23 Qu 11KIGHT & SON, Invito attention to their Stock of Prime Green and fclack Tea. Jnn 16, 1SBI. SUMMER GOODS AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. E. V. BRIGHT & SON, UAVK RliCLlVKU A LARGE. STOCS OF ALL SCXNDS OF GOODS, HANDSOME, DURABLE AND JkT JH: JBH3 BL TZ1 GREAT BARGAINS AND Splendid Inducements TO PURCHASE F S AT THE ONE PRICE. STOKE, OF E. Y. BRIGHT k SON. Kunbury, June 15, 186i. J. A. CRANDALL'S PATENT SPK1NO HOUSES 478 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. bliould be in every faoiily, School, (Jyiniiasi urn. Asylum, and Hospital in the land. Are not DANGEROUS, like the common Rucking Horse. Stands firm on lis Pedestal, will not wear CARPETS, and baa no Kocker to injure the feet. 'Health and happiness iu the aame anddl." N. V. Willi, FROM THE "HOME JOURNAL." "in all me cniiu-iurniiure we nave ever seen no article combines so much of those two impor lant lliinga health and happiness aa the Ad justable Patent hlrel ripring Saddle-Horse, in vrnieu by tease A. -raniall, 11 la not danger. oun, like a rmnmon Meking-hnree, to children' fret, rtnnot be upset, doe not wear carpvta, but stands firm nn its base, and its action ia so like the gullop nf a live horse that the child never wrnrirv of it. This .steal of child novelties is ex ceedingly elegant and artistic in design j and so adjustable, substantial, and durable, that it will last a lifetime. It I indispensable in every family where there are children. It should he in every primsry boot and gymnasium in the country, aa it ran be mad large and strong iwiuun lo sustain grown person. A a pedestal fur photographic pictures, nothing is more lieauli ful. "Every Oiphan Asylum and Institution where children ar congregated, should be furnished with a li n in lie r of these beautiful articles. Tbey are Curd with aide-aaddlee when required." IiIRKCTtONS FOR A DJUSTINO. Open the after part of ihe base aulKciently to allow the axle to go in its place then raise or lower the Horse to suit you. Screw Ihe bolt in the side very light These Horses are WARRATrED one year. March 16, lr?6l.tf STOVES IOR BALE an excellent second hand Ceok-- ing Stove, also several Cylinder Coal (Uo'ck.. Enquire at this offtt-t. GREATEST ! 1XC1IEMIST OF THE SEASON 1 F 1UL1NG & GRANT athhe MAMMOTH STORE, e y just received NEW AND DE8IRADLE fcitock of FALL 1$ WINTER GOODS! A Tcrjr extensive essortment of , LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Cnnsirting in part trf Ulstk tnd Fancy Gilke of very choice patlcrns. DFUEGE3, Due Is, Cashmeres. . French and English Merinos, Plain and Figured Wool Delaines. Muslin Delaines of all styles and prices. Foulards, Thibet Cloth, Poll De Clievres. Baxon'and Wool Plaids. I .DIES' FLK3. BROCHK. Bay 8lsle and riety, 4c, &c. Wool 8HAWLS of every va Gentlemen's Dress Goods, of every style, consisting of Cloths, Casimeres, Bottinetts, Kentucky Jeans. Tweeds, Velvet Cord, Velvetei n, Veslings. of every variety. Our stock of Silk and Silk Velvet Vesting, cannot be surpassed in the country. PJcase call) and examine them, CLOTHING i Our stock of HEADY MADE CLOTFINO, ha lieen replenished, and we have a full assort ment of OVERCOATS DRESS COATS. Pant and Vests, Overcoata and Dreae Coats for Boys of all agea. ALSO, a very handsome assortment of HATS -AJNTD CAPS of every ityle and variety at the lowest price. Our stock of HARDWHRE ha been renew1 ed and we have now a larger assortment'than ever before offered to our customer, conaiatlm in part of Sausage Cutters, Pocket Cutlery, Butcher Knives Mayer Hinge, Bolt and Pad Lock, A tul Saw, Mill Saws, Scoop Shuvels, etc., etc., oVc, 4c, 4c, oVc llueemwarc and Int.) ware, of every variety at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Our stock of GROCERIES is very sine. We have the beat quality of 8yrup Alolaase ever More offcru to Ihe citizens uf feuuhury and vicinity. aT l.' T A 11 A Sk-lt tlfll V jx. a . . xzivjt mm; iLLUV.WAJit ol every Hosiery, Ulovea, Notion, SADLERY. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ac, See Alao a fresh upply of Drug, Oil, Perfumery, Kancy Soap, Paint, Dye Sljfr, Ulaa, Brushes, Sic, Particular care having been taken in the ae lection of our goods in regard to quality, style aud price, we call the attention of the public to our large stock to which constant additions will be made. Thankful for past favors, we hope to merit a continuance ol the patronage of the public by selling cheeper than ever. Uive us a call before purchasing elsewhere. FRILINU & GRANT. Sunbury, Nolleiober 17, I860. Lite or Denlll-The subscribers tuke pleaaure in announcing that they are now prepared to mail (free) to those who wish it, a copy ol an important little work, by the Isle Dr. uremplon, emitted "The Invalid's Medical Con fident," published for the benefit, and aa a warn ing lo young men and persons who sutler from Nervous Debility, Prematura Decay, Ac, Ac, supplying Ihe means of self cure. The reader is irresistibly led lo compare useful lite wilh ignoble death. " Reader, lose not a moment, but aend your ad' dreae fur a copy of this little) work. Address the Publisher DR JOHN B 00 DEN & CO, 64 & 66 John St., New York May 18, lBl.;jmo, MANHOOD. I10W LOST, HOW RKSTOKKD, JLtSr PUBLISHED IN A rJEAI-Kt) EN VKLOPK I A LF.CTL RK on lb Nature, truutineiit, and Radical Cure of biiuiiorriia!a, ur Beunnal Wunkueae.Sexiuil De bility, NervousneM and iuvnluiitury emissions, producing j i .iu imcumuiiu rayairau ueoillty, oy kuut. i. t-i'LYhgWELb, U B,, 1 ns nnpoiunt fact that the awful eieuuMuenora nt air. ahuse may be erTeolually removed without internal mr.li. vim iss or ths dangeroua applications of eaustira, inatru '"ta, aiedirated bougies, aid other smniiical devisee, ii re clearly aeinunatraMd. audlkeruUrJv .luk,.i.i. aueceaaful Ireatiuenl, aa ad.led by tlie oeiehraled authur fully sxplaiued. hy lueanaof which every on ia enabled to euro himself perfectly, and at the least auaaihla end. 1 1.. rl.W .U.Uill.iu . .k. .1 . I . . Z ' - YiZ . Jt " ' '" i".num, ih la. nay I hie l"dur. will proves sous, lo tkouasudaai thou..A. feul uudei aval, iu s plain auvolups, In any sddieaa, puss paid, on the leeeint nf two poetsge auiaps, by addiewiuT Cll.f. C. HUNK, 19 Buiy, Vork. Pot ApiU U iobl.-lypl SENT BY EXPRESS i hums ar n i.isyrqw," asi aj it lit Retailed at Wholesale Prices, Made to Measure at $18 per doz. on biz for Nina dollari, !wlthoni Collars en,vrith Collars ea i per do, eitrs. MADE OF KW-TORK MILLS MUSLlIf, With fln tlnen Bowrrna, anfl warrsntM eood a Shirt a sold In ths retail stores at 'l,dO aaah. ALSO. TBI TMT BIST BHIKTS THAT CAM M ' MADK AT IS EACB. V 's. Those who think I cannot auk a rood Bhlrt foe 18 per dozen srs mil taken. Here's th east of en dosen $18 floe shirts. 80 yards of New-York Mm immlln atHa per yd. 4 85 1 yards of fln Linen, at Mo. per yard, 8 M Maklnrsnd cnttln,..w J Laundry, 1 1 button! and cotton, 00c..... 1 oQ frofit ' 65 Total 1 00 Self measurement for Shirts. MhImI Alraetlnna aent free evemrhere. and so easy lo understand, that any on can tak their own mesiur for in. in, i warrant a. iroou os . vwu m, ww r. tli Express Company on receipt of goods. Ths Expreei ehsrses on on dosen Shirts from Ksw Tork to New Orlesna (s II. P. 8. PARTIES WIBniNO BHIRTS IN nA8Tl!,not having time to send for Rules of Measurement, ahould send per mall, prepaid, one of the heat nttlng shirts they bav gov, staling any anerawou. u . . t S. W. H. WARD, from London, 387 Broadway, up stairs, .Between Whit A Walker Streets "liW-YORRV March 16, 1861.-tf CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBUEY, Northumberland County, Pa ' I HI IS large and commodious Hotel, now JL managed by JAMES VAN DYKE I situate at the Railroad Depot Norm &ast corner of Market Square. Sunburr. and at the terminus of the Sunbury ir Erie and North' em Central Kail roads, and ia open for the arcom modationof Traveler and the public in general The proprietor will give hi exclusive alien tion, to the comfort and convenience of his gueal and ia determined to make thi establishment rank among the first in the State, His table will be aupplied with the best the market can produce having the advantage of dally couimumnation by cara direct from Ualti more, and also from those bringing produce from the surrounding country. Hi bar will be supplied with the purest liquor the market can produce Ca-eful and obliging servants alwaya in at tendance. New and commodious stabling has just been added to the premises. A share ol the local and traveling communit a moHt reapectlully solicited. S-jntmry, January 13, 1861. -WinNTTJBIR, GOODS FOR MEN'S WEAR. Black and Blue Hair Cloth, Beaver Overcoating, Blaok Doeakina, New Style Caeaimeres, All Wool Tweeds. Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Real Ciood l assmetts, SiU Mixed Coa'.inga, Super Velvet Cords, Black Grenadine Vesting, Black Satin Vesting. Fancy Silk V elvet V ratings, Plain Silk Velvet Veatings, Nice Casaimere Vestingst In fact all kind of good for Men' and Boy wear, can be found at the People' One Price Store of E. Y. bright & Son, who have just ereived by Railroad a splendid stork of all kind of gooda, auitable for cold weather. Please call and be convinced. E. Y. BRIOHT & RON. Sunbury, October 27, 1860. HEVERB HOUSE, (LATE F.AGLB HOTEL,) Third Street, above ltace, J'hiluileliihia, KIIOADS & 6AII.OP., proprietors. MI'riOVKMKNTS nve been made, and the House has been refilled throughout TlLOHftun V. Khoaob, formerly of Ihe National Hotel l hahlks rAlLoa, loimrrly ol rK'huylklll Co., ra Philadelphia, Jan. 19, ISSl. ly BOO T A N 1) S II O E MANUFACTORY. Corner of Sturket Square and Hirer Street 'IHE auWriber respectfully informs theciti" tens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he hie opened a Bool and Shoe Shop on the corner of Market Square and Kiver street, opposite the Court House, where he can be found at all times ready to wait upon customers. Hi.ving considerable experience, he is prepared to make up customer work of all kinds, at ahort notice, in the latest style and workmanship. lie keeps constantly on hand a large assort ment of Leather, of the best quality, which ena bles him to make up good and durable work. Uall and examine for yourselves before pur chasing elsewhere, and you will save money. JOHN WILVEK. Sunbury, Nov. 10, I860. ly SAVE YOUR FRUIT BY USING MASON'S Patent Sheet Metal Screw Top PRESERVE JAR. MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP ! AM that ia necessary bring to screw the Capdown upon the Rubber Gaiket, which ia placed outside upon the ahouldor of the Jar, 3-4 of an inch dis- lent from Ihe lop ; prevent the possibility of the llsvor ol the Iruit being injured by coming id ulacl wilh Ihe Rubber. Personsdeairing these Jars, can be supplied by aring their orders with H. B. M ASSER, Sunbury, June 3, I860. Agent. TO ALL, THOSE 1IAV1XG Farms, Parks or Gardens. IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A rare chance la now afforded to select and order FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES Viurt, Shrubbery, fccfrnrn the celebrated Ck-ver Street iurteiiea iocutea ml HiN!iieter, lcw loilt, niensi-8, BIOOHK, UUTIIEIl$, PBOPRIETOR8 Who bee leave to aniniuuc that lliev are nrenaied Uirou(;b their qualified ami RF. SPONSIBLE AO F. NTS, To distrihut thwr superior stork on Ui most ressunsbl teims. PFOPI.K OF THK ZET3T01TE STATE. Iiveia of Nature and the beautiful, and Justly celebrate for yiHir intelligence, wealth, liberality and lusle, now is Ih time to make youi adectious from our DKSCRIPTIVP. CATALOGUF. AND PLATE HOOKS, Winch will be furuiahed you, through our haail agents j end you may real saauiul that your orders will b huuora bly hllrrl. For luitlier particulars apply to , FKrJltHICK A. HOWE, MKAOVILLS, fA Oi JOHN B.JONF.8, ' Agnntlor Northumberhind eounty. KEFERENOE8: Hon. KBF.NKKF.R ORIFFIN, l'-M:hcstsr, N. Y. Hon. JOHN UAl.HHAlTH.Krle, K. Col. J. K. JOHNSON, Alaadville, Pa. Februaryll, I Mil frn SOLOaiON M A LICK, Attorney a Law, BUN BURY, Northumberland Co.. Fa - (formerly Fraebura, bnyder eounlv.i OFFICE, Market Street, a few door east of tha . Northern Central Railroad Depot and two doors west of Ihe Post Ulrica. All Professional Business, Collection, Ac, win receive prompt attention. March SO, 1861. nOVU BOOTS and SHOES, cheep for cash WM. MILLER'S. Bun ury, August IT liS. UNBURY' STEAM FLOURING ; A Tti-ECitjJL-naLsss. THE subscribers having taken poaseaalon of this first elate Fl.OURlNO MILL, are pre pared to receive grain of all kinds, and lo do cur torn work at tha Shortest Notice. Customers ill have their grist around Immediately upon their being left at the Mill. Aa it ia Ihe inlen. lion of the firm lo stock the Mill a large 8up ply nl Grain, will be constantly kept on hand. nd flour by the quantity can always be obtained, Tha greatest care will be taken to turn nut a au perinr quality of flour, for which the mill la ad' mirahly adapted. Strict attention will be paid to the wants of customers, and the patronage of the uulle generally la respectfully requested. Sunhury, June S3, 1810. LUMBER! LUMBER PHILIP 8 II AY, jvtrrTOY. pa. I N FORMS bla friend and the public in gene ral, that he constantly keep on hand, Board, Shingles, Lath, Joists and all kinds of Lumber nd building material, which he will sell at the loweat prieee. Marrh 30, 1861. SHAMOKIN VALLEY POTTERY. riMIE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he is now manufacturing at hi Pottery, 4 mile east of Sunbury, all kind of Earthen Ware, made out of Ited Cement Clay. This clay produces the best and most desirable kind of wnro, equal, in many respects, to atone ware, and is less liable to crack by audden heat and cold. The subscriber refer tor Friling Si Grant, Sunbury. Addresa, JOSEPH 8AVIDGE, Oct. 3. I860. ly Sunbury, Pa. wall :p.ajpe:r, i FRILING & GRANT, at tho MAMMOTH STORE, have this day (January 17th, 1861 received a CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF THK NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS OF WALL PAPER, which they ore selling at prices that defy competition. Sunbury, January 19, 18G1- NOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL G K O VER fj- BAKER S CELEBRATED NOISE LES Sewing Machines, 495 Buoiiiwir, Naw Yuuk. The public attention is respectfully jequceled I to Ihe following carda of Elias Howe, Jr., and the Grovcr & Baker S. M. Co A Card from the G ROVER & BAKER S. If. Co. Our Patent being now established by t Court, we are enabled to furnish the Grover St Baker Machine, with important improvements at greauy Iteduced Priees. The moderate price at whirh Machine mak ing the (trover Si Baker atitch, can now be had, brings them wilhin the reach of all, and renders the use of Ma -hiuea making inferior stitches as unnecessary as it is unwise. Persons desiring the best Machines, and the right to use them, must not only be sure to buy Machines making the Grover A. Baker stitch, but also that such Machines are made and stamped under our patents and those uf Elias rlower, Jr. GROVER & BAKER 8. M. CO , 405 Broadway, New York. A CARD 1" ROM ELIAS HOWE, JR. aii persons are cautioned not to make, deal in, or use any Sewing Machines which sew from two spools and make the stitch known aa the Grover Ac S Baker stitch, unless the samu are purchased from the Grover At Baker Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents, or Licenses, and alainpcd under my patentof September 10, 1846. Sntd Lompany, and their Licenses, alone, an legally authorized under their own patents, ant my aaid patent, during the extended term there of, to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine and all nlhera are piracies upon my ssid patent, and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever lound. ELIAS HOWE, JR. New Vork. Dec. 89, 18itl. tf New Arrival of Clothing. nrH E largest and beat Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING eer brought to Ints place, arrived at tha Mammoth Clothing Store of SCHWF1TZER, HEILBRONNER A CO.. in Market atreet, nearly opposite Wea ver notei. Their Stuck comprises of FINE CLOTH COATS, Dress Coats, Over Coals, Business Coata, Ac VESTS OF ALL KINDS. Under-Shirts, Drawers, Ac. HATS -A-TSTiD CAPS BOUTS AND SHOES, of the latest styles ol every description and quality, cheaper than ever. I heir assortment of gentlemen' furnishing iiotutng t me most complete ! Their variety and styles moat atlractivo. And the prices defy all competition. Cj7 Call and examine fur yourselves. SCWEITZER, HEILBRONNER 4 CO. Sunbury, Oct. 6, I860. War! War! War! COME FROM THE NORTH, COME FROM THE SOUTH, COME FROM THE EAST, COME FROM IHE WEST, Save the country and build yourselves homes, or now ia Ihe time to get your Lumber cheap.. es, LUMBER! LUMBER I ! LUMBER I! t can ba purchased at low ratea at the STEAM SAW-MILL of IRA T. CLEMENT, SUNBURY. JP.A.. Such aa Panel Lumber, Frame Lumber, Boards, Siding. Shingle from $3 to $8 per thousand, riaaieinig Lain, t'aling, Rooting Lain, eke., die All bills ordered, for any kind of Lumber, will Da lurmauad at Ine shortest notice. IRA T. CLEMENT, Sunbury. March 9, IN6I. COTTAGE BIBLES. TO0R 8ALK, cbeap, three oopie ef th - Liottage mule, ia two volume, with coin. BieoUrfe. 11. B. MAHSKH. BOOTS A SHOES, cue be purchased at the Mammoth Store of Friling it Grant, very cheap, a w are determined out to be uodersold by anybody. Call and learn Ih list of prices for yourselves. FRILING A GRANT, funbnry, Januaiy IS, 1861 NO T II E R ARRIVAL OF N E W GOODS, J. 11. EXUKIa f Sunbury, Pa., If AS jimt arrived with splendid STOCK of 0PRINU AND SUMM KR GOODS, from Philadelphia, to wbkh he reieetfully .invites hie friend and the Public to call and Inspect, he will spsra no time in showing them. Among his stock or good will belourxi, rift BL.UU AND BLACK FRENCH CLOTS. Fine Black and Fancy Casimeres 1 weeds, Sat- Inetta. Jeans, Black Italian Cloth, Cashmerette, Cottonade, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Check, and Farcy Vesting, also a lerg assortment of Ready-made CLUIH1NU Tor men and boy (hP ) . FOR Black and Fancy Drees 8ifk very cheap, Silk Tissue, Beregei, Chali and Chall jiohei, Berege Delaine, Berege Robes, t igured Brilliant and a variety of oiher Dress Gooda, Spring and Sum mer 8hawla, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort ment of white gooda, Collar, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac A general aasjrtment of domestic Dry Go- ds. Also a large atock of Hat and Cap, Boots nnd shoes, Hardware, Queen and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware, Druge and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar dec. tie, N. B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produce ta en in exchange for Goods. J. H. ENGEL. Sunbury, May. 10, I860. tf. II A 11 It 1 8 i'AIAl T 12 II , attorney at 31 a to , MARKET SQUARE, 8UNB TJBY, 3? A. . June 23, I860. New Air Line Route T O NEW YOKK SHORTEST IN DISTANCK AND QUICKEST IN T1MK between Ihe two Cities of MEW TORK AND HARHISBTJRG. via RKAD1N0, ALLkNTOWN AND EASTON. Morning Kx press West leavea New Vork at a. m . and I'liilnilelphia Ql 8 a M., arrives nt Harristinr at 14 45 P. at. connecting nt Hnrriilmig with train on Northern Central Road for Sunbury, illmnisport, Lock Haven and inter, mediate stations. Mnil Trnin West leaves New York at 19 noon, and PhibidHphie at 3 30 r. coiuiertiiit; with trnin on North, em Centiul Koad for stations as above, and alao on all trainaon the Williamsport and Klmtru. Mnil Tinin Knat lenves Hurrisburg nt 8, A. at , Slid ar rives at Fhilndrlphts at I r. m., mid New Yoik at 3 30 r. M., iu lime hi Hike boat or curs for Boston, Ac. Fast Ki press Knst lenves llnrrithue. at 1.13, im airivnl of Northern Central Train, and arrives at Philadelphia at to r m . and New Yor k st n r. m. Nn ehanite of cursor hnirgage between New York or Philadelphia and llurrislmis;. For lamuty of seeuery and speed, comfort and aecommn. dntion, tins route presents superior inducements ui the traveling public Office in New York, foot of Coorlland street, Philadel phia, llroad and Callowhill streets. Fare between New York nnd Hiirrisliiire FIVK DOL I.AItS. FoiTicketaj Freight or other information, npply to J. J. CI.YDK, Geuerol Agent. Harrisliuie, June 30, IHM ly 18C0. . THE BEST ItOUTE 1860 FROM TyonlnT Valley to IMillailelpliln, Alcv Voik, Italtiniore, AND ALL POINTS K0RT11, SOUTH WEST. LACKAWANNA & BL00MSBURG RAILROAD. SUMMER ABR AKOZMENT, Two Daily Passenger Trains will he run la-tween Scrautou sun Aoiii:uinieiiaini, aa toiiows: AloVINO SOUTH : Iive Phil's Mail. N. Y V.x. Scrautou, II lo A. M. 4 IU P. M Amvc at Pulsion, 39 4 $3 Kingston, 04 A 'JO rAhickehinny, "80 a Si Derwiek, t -Jll 0 54 KliNiinsbuig, 8 511 7 30 Rupert, n no . 7 40 Danville, V -J4 10 Norihuniberkind, 10 nn IS MOVIN0 NORTH : Leave N. Y. F.s. Phil' Mail. Northumberland, ao A. Ai. 4 IS P.M. Arrive ui Danville, a IIS i JO Riiirrt, 6 J5 ft 50 Hhsmisbuig, 45 f no Her wick, 1 IS 8 3S sihickshiuny, 7 15 7 (IS Kingston, 8 30 7 45 Pulsion, 8 57 9 IS r-eninton, l 'A3 b 44 The ljirknwnuua ami ItliM.insbure Riulroutl eonneets with the Del'twue, I Jickuwrfuna and Weateru Railroad, at VtTiiuloii, for New lnrkaud Phibnlelph.a, and liitcrme' dime nointa at : alsi for Gre.it Hi-nd, Uiiichtiintoii Syrncuse, RtirTahi, Niacuia Falls, mat all imiorUiiit points West. At Kunert it eonnecta with the I altawissa Kail road, for points both F.ASI and West. At Northunilieilnnd it connects with tlie Suuhury and Frie Ruilrivnt. lor points west aiinsoutn. m. -,v. J AtnwJiv, cup t. Kingston, Auguttm, 1P6'I. HEGEIVIAN & CO S COHDIAL ELIXIR OF CALISA Y A BARK Prepared only by H KG KM AN It CO., Wholesale and Retail Chemists and Druggists, 101, 3'JO, 511 and 790 Hroadway, New York. rTMIK virtues of PKRUVIAN HARK ns a Tonic have J. been too long k:iown lo need comment. The CALISA V A ('-or Kiue's Murk. "I is Ihe most vnlu able of the limner .us viuieties of Die Peruvi.nl Hurk, and in the F.LIXIH la coinbiiied with other iuirreilieula Ihut increase its etlicacy and ut tlie anme .time overcume the lutenaiiy ot lis hitter, reuderuig it a most Agreeable Cor. dial. For persons riving in FEVER and AGt'F. distrirls.it will be found invaluable aan preventive, Hulf of wiue glnsa full taken night and morning, rendering the eystem mura less suujet-t to tne uuliealltiy innueuve ol tlie atiuos phere. DIRF.CTIONS Dose for an adult, half a wineglass full before breakfast and dinner : children fiiiiu one to two teaspoons full j it may be tukeu with or without a little water For sale nt this office. March 17, Iron A rrt-Ali Supply ol' Dry (atMMltt. (CONSISTING in part of Prinla, Delninea bleached and onhleached Mnalins, Checks Stripe Denims, As Drills, Arc, jtift received by rtk ...ka . ' R. It. at tbe Mammoth store, of Fill LING At GRANT. LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. GO TO WM. H. MILLER, he haa received from Philadelphia a large atock of BOOTS & SHOES- His stock consists of Gen'ta Kipp Hoots, Youlha' Kipp Boola. Children'a Calf Boots. A Uo a variety of Women's Calf Lace Boots, Women's Morocco Lace Boots, Children'a Morocco aud Calf Lace Boola, all of which ha will sell cheap for CAisH. Call and examine for yourselves. ALSO, Mrs! quality of Tampera Moroco for sale for cash. WM.H. MILLER. Sunbury, January 7, 1860. GENESEE SALT. WHOLEBALB te HETAIL, 1 RAILING St GRANT (at Ihe Mammoth - Store,) have juat received 600 fta. of Solar Ground, Solar and Fine Salt, 700 Sacka of Ground Solar Salt every sack warranted to contain S25 pounds of Salt and SOO bagaofSalt containing one Bushel each. Tbis aalt is the beat and strongest now manufactured and in market. Call and aee for yourselves. Sunbury Sept., 8, I8B0. WINDOW SHADE8.A very Tn7a7d T " cheap assortment, just received by Kail, road from New York, at Ihe Meminotk atore of Friling Grant. We have alao tor sale S. S. Pntnam V Cos celebrated Patent Pendulum Curtain Fixtures. fJLANk Parcbrueiii Papa Dasai aud blank - Morlsss, Bond, Execution., Summons, Ac, for aale b rt. If. in a km iv p.. TIN WARE A very cheap and deairabl assortment just received thi week, at the Mammoth Store of i'KILINU 4 GRANT. Bur.bury, January It, 1861. ... NEW. GOODS , -Attha Mammoth Store of IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. I MARKKT 8TRF.KT, bunburv, pa flWE aubacriber has just opened at his welt JL known establishment in Sunbury, one of the bee pest and most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been offered in the place.and which ne will sell for CA8H or exchange for Country Produce. Those deairing to purchase goods will do well to m snd en amine his stock. . , BLACK AND FANCY 6IL1K. All Wool Detain, Figured, Striped and Plain, rrencn Merino, all colors. lleautiful Dress Robes, Cashmmes, Shaded, ilain and Striped muat be seen to form an idea of the en tent ami. variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawl Thibet and Broche Shawl. Cloths Ca8imyes and Sat.; For Men and Boy' Wear. Black Caiuiime,.. Fanry Camimcrrs, siile stripes heavy, Ijoe. Skin Casaimrrea. Safinrls all kind. . FLANNELS, White and Red fliinneU, all grndi-s and price. Bay State Sack Flannels, colors finest unallioa. READY-MADE CLOTHING Boots and Shoes, Hat and Cap. Ac, dr., all of which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, aa regard quality, style and price, wilh any in the country. HARDWARE, a rull assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, yueenswnre, of all descriptions, Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpel Chains, Ac, Points, Oils. Glnsa. Dye Stufbt. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to pleas all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunbury, Uct. 2J, 1859. HIGHLY IM P 6 ETA NT NEW 8 M. C. GEARIIART, Has returned wilh a new Stock of Confectionaries, Fruit and Toys. TTseem a if a new age, a new life was open mg upon us, animating every heart to nobler deed and higher aims! Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and seek to deveb pe ub limer beautir and grander coiireutinn. The business world too must feci the new in fluence and everv'tmrt be ntiickeiip.l an. I ir.....,iK. ened by an increased vitality, which shall umo oon with electric speed In ibn eoi,.i,,n,.i:.,.. of greater things than was ever dreamed of in tho Philosophy of the punt. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevade all classes, and desirous of doing his share lo wards "The great events of tho Ago," the sub cnber would respectfully inform the oo,I pro pie of S UN BURY and the public generally, that he ha just returned from the city of Philadel phia with the largest nnd choicest slock of Con- lectionanes, rruit and Tova that hi. .r U,. irought to this sertion of muntrv. I( i. .u, manufacturing all kinds of Conlertinnoriea. Sic, lo fill up orders, wholesit'e or retail, at short no tice. Among his Stock of ColloTtimmr;... n,. - found : French Secrets, Hurneil Almond, Cream White, u Lemon Rose, " Vanilln, Common ttanet. Liquorice, Ohio Drops, all kinds of s?enl, l.ove Drops, ' Mint Drops, rtl) white, J.-lly Cakes, Fruil Drop,, Hiick Cnmltcs, of all stents Hock Cnmly, Almond Cniidy, FRUIT. Ilansiina, Prunes, S"'. Fins, Currmils dried. Citrons, Almonds, Raisnns, Nuts of all kinds LKMOM SYTJTTP of a superior quality, by the sinirle or dozen. A superior quality of Scgars and Tobacco, and a variety of Confrctionarics, fruit, Toys, 4V r, all of wuiun isnnrreu cnesp ut who esa e or retn . CF" Remember the name and place. i M. C. (IRAHHAli'r Market st., 3 doors wcsl of E. V. Briuht Si Sim's atore. Sunburv, April U, 1800 ly KiS33Pe'S Pi-TS'1TT FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, Aa Improved for lNflfl and tiO, By E. KETCH M Sc. CO., Sn'J Pearl-Street, New-York. pHE only Friexer constructed on seicntific principles, with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. The one hastens the freezing of Ihe rrrum the other removes it as last as frozen. The most rnpid in freezing, with the least quantity of ire. The most economical iu cost, as it is the most simple aud durable in strncture. For sale in all tint principal cities and towi.a in the I'l.iou. Each Fierzer accompanies! with book of re cipes and full directions. PRICES. 3 quarts, $3 0(, 4 quarts, 4 0 6 quarts, 5 ,, 8 quarta, 6 00 14 quarta, (j oil 20 quarts. ia (! Apply t., H. B. MASSER, Sunbury. June 3, IHfit) . ROCKEFELLER & BOYER, Attornies at Law, STJJNTBTJIVX-, FA. A. Jordan Rockefeller and Solomon II. ftloycr, respectfully announce taai they entered into Copartnership in the practice of their prolession, and will continue toatlertd to all busi ness entrusted to iheir charge in the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder and Montour promptly, faithfully and carefully. Special at tention will bo given to the COLLECTIONS OK CLAIMS. Consultations can be had in Ihe GERMAN language. OHice, - Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbury, February 4, IKfiO. P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, J 1ST K K OP T11K 1'EACE 8TJjJ-BTJIl-5r, PA. Ojfict in Deer Street.immeilialely ojpositt the Public School House. All business promptly attended to. Monies ollected and all ordinary writinga don. Sunburv, A oril 25. 1857 tf HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ojfict opposite tkt Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt attention to bushiest in adioinin counties. ' wjiTedealern BRANDIES. WINES, 0INS.&C- flHE subscrilier having opened in Thompson' Brick Building, Mill lrt, Danville. large and complete atock of , t FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LlgUORS, comprising the beat bramlsnf Brandies, Gin, Old Rye. Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, Madoria, .Champagne' and other Wines of all grade, all of which will be sold Wholesale at Ihe lowest city prices. Tavern-keeprre by buy ing of ua can save at least the freight. Persona desirous of purchasing liquor for FAMILY USE, may rely upon mog furnished with pure and unadulterated article., fW Being determined to establish a reputation for selling cheep be respectfully solicits Ihe pa tronage of Ui public. A 11 order promptly at tended lo. : JEREMIAH 8. HALL. Danville. Jure 16, I till. IKGRAfNEDCAfETST MAM FACTl RI D and fel Kale hy M. Priper A Cm l.eihtaiHtl and AlcDowill s Uuihling, Nona Ka.t ersrnT,S.'iNHt and Race atreel Puitadcliuiui. conn ni'AUAMiU D. Oelohor 8?, I 'Ed.