AYER'8 Sarsaparilla - Kit rURIFYUffG THE BLOOD. And fin tltt apeedv eui-t of tlx foHowIn cnmplMut.t fcrrofnTftiintI ft'rornlon AfTn Irtiin.n nr h le Tumors, l ltip, orci, .fiipM.t I'lrnples, Vuxtnlrn, IMot lien. ItoUii JJlaius, rn.ua nil fckjta llvra ImslWd, lad., lb June, Tftp J. C Am A Co, c;mtf 1 f?J It my duly i w. Kftiwlr1fA btt y;tir HiiKajrillfi lit. itotie for turn, liiufiiil InImiMmI fcmruHiiM infection, t Lays suffen.il ft on) It in vnrtotMi ways It years. K'mtli. It In in ut tii 1 bets i'U tu? Imrxtii mid armsi tump tint it fumed utvtrl and dMi-eil Jit lue stomach Two yearn np it Iroke out f u my hri and rwotred mr sculp mid tutil Willi Mie nun, vlmll was i;tliitul mid ImiihsoinO beyond r)fW:riUiTi. J Iri-d lulus' nii-d'.lnfH him) SfcTeiaJ Jiliyslclnits, but without ifiurhHitrf fn.tn any thin;. In HCt, lll tlifOKl!' grew wursft, At length 1 1MB ujnlcMl to tend lu ilie f it-pl Msam'tig tlmt. von )sd piviiAred mi alterative (Sarip.uillnM 'r 1 kin w lYoin yunr n;iits thm that any llitiitc J Oil iiitiUh wmA be giud. 1 writ M Ciininunll an-1 got It, mid ucd it till It ruied in. 1 took It. nn yon mhlrv. in tumll d mpn of a ttwp-'on.l owr a tn-Uth, and Un-d nl.itvsl tinti boUI.. New nnd betd-hy kin anon l-eu ti fUihi inidfr Utu rri.b. Inch alter bile VII off. My skin I inn clear, mid 1 kituw by my ft ellnF Hint (he dif,:t!t hits fme ..cm ut lostcm. Ymi fun well belitfta thuf I I. rl tit I kill tliii Wll'll 1 t- I y mi, tlmt I hold yuii to Itcuiitui tlii? niKHtlui vf nud tetua.n vim- kiHtviuIly Y.ut. . ... . St. Anttiony llvr r V:-vs I nelns, Teltcr nttit fii 1 1 U !n nui utU llas.f.1, Kingwoiiit, bora toy vm, lioif. T. It. (l i t M. IV M Writes from SaN m. N. T., 12th eVpt., 1M, tlmt ho In cured mi hiiW-'iMle cwte of D.oyt't, ulii.h tlnvntcfied t triuitf.iite 1 f-illv, by tlt i'irt:i'V'iinr me of mr iurnwit unttn, nnd m-n uiiHroui Jai'wi'ifl Fryii!i 1ari "f ttr ;uit; tnyt bf curt the comimMi cirfi ' t'.v I' wmtMilly. llroiuhottle, Uoltr or Swelled Xcck, Zdnd ill Ht-mi uf rtiMwi-t. Tin. i itef t "'Miit: lit-tU-K i'f vmr HnrNHi'Miilhi rmrd tiom n t i rr n liid tt'U9 fwiliint en the ui-kt width 1 had kullitd tivm I,c ncorrlifrn orVliWrn, Ovnrlnn Tumor, tteiliie HH-eiMtioii, I'tnial DUcn. Dr. J. H. 8. riiiiiiii(B. nf Nw York City. w i iti-R I mewt chew lull v comity with the n-'jiicst uf yorr in-nt In fciviitfil hftve' found ymr Kinmt ill i n mom, excellent hltvrithe In th' nuntoroii f Mihi!iitt for wld. li w mplnv Ptifh ii fui'ilT, hut jt'H-iitlly in h untie. Ihintstt tf the'tkruriilniiB diiidi "In. I hue mini ninny I ureter iie cnt' d l.-un.i i haf:i hy H. nnd fomo wheiv tltt- com il.ttut wn. eniihnl ly 'cr i i"W of the u.'trttv. The ulcer, fttion itetf fi-ccn ttunl. Jiothinir within my kuowl edi(C (il:iti It tvt Ih'-K ffiiinle d'Tithdvinvli't" KdttnrJ f. Mnirnw, of ewlnn v. Ala., wiitfs. " A din vernnt nrorutn tumor v one of the Icmidvn In my fnmily which litid defied nil the remcdie we could eni'loy. m at letigtli been roitilftety en red hv your l.xtrni-t of Sr npnrilln. Onr ihHmi tli u.;ht m thlnz hnt extirpa tion could afl'Hd ndiff. hut ho Hdis. d the trinl ef yonr fcuraiipnt iUn fin lht Inwt mort Uinre enttlnir. and It liuved eAeclURl. Afler tuhliu'your lemotly kifcUt Wonka Do fcyuiptom of the dineit-e reiunina." ft plillla and Pleicurlnl DUeaae. Un. J. C. Atm t .ir, 1 eheei Hilly comiJy wi:h the r. one-t of )'itirn!ent, find r"it'rt to you gome of the eflevta X Iihvo rMilized with yotir H tr-Hpiti ilia. 1 hnveenrt-d with it. in my pinotice. moit. of tliorori" Jlrtinta for which it In teioninidi led. and hvo fl-mid ita ifeeti trnlv wondvi-fn) hi tlwt cni of VrHnrttl awt Jl r 9urvtl V'irnxg, One of iny pittidtit- had Hyphilitlc tilccra lu bit tli rout, which were 'rntiuminir h! imlnle und tha tup of hU month. Your muHpfirilla, ateuitlly taken, fined him In live wedkt. AiiMllivr wun attuckfd hy tec oudnty ipyifiptoiiis in h e, and (ha ulmitttoii had alt ii away u coiiidenil'Ie :trt of It. to t lnt I bvliev the Oi'iWr wuuld fooii fwili bis bruin und kill him. Hut It lvldid to inv ndminijtiuli. il of yuur lttriuti'ttrillH: th tilcoii hetiled. nnd lie In wed anin. not of collide wiltKiit tvinc tlislixmnliun to hi liicv. A wonuiti who lmd bt en tieuttd lor the enine JiboMkr ty mvury vs tiuirfiln fim poison in h'.-r honc-i. '1 hey ha i become m kvii iltve to the wvniher thnt "tt ti dnip Uny she suf.'ivd ex cnuiatiiiK pain in her j"?n' and tr ut-a. the, l o, una eured eniiii'ly hy your Nii'ipurjllit lu n fw wtvk. I kti'.'W fruni its furniulii, whi. li ynirujcnt puio me, tlmt tliiit I'lepuiation fioin yo'ir hdnnntoi y mnt he a n-ut remedy ; i-oiiKt'quviitly. llivbu duly iuiMikubia ivr.uita HftkU it luive unt eui'iiid iu. iiateruully yjnf, 0. V. IjAHIMEH, M. P. KUenmntlkiiif Gont, I.lver Complaint jNMi-i;M'tNc'S, Ttt'itUii Co., Vu.. Mh July. Id9. Pa. J. C. Avin: fir, 1 lme been nilHcted wiih a piln ftil ctii' nic h'ficwHvtitin for a lonp tiiuu. w hi -h bHlll' ti the Skill of ph shlnnti. rtml Mil It tr ine in ite ot ull the rsuiedU'tf I could iind. until I ttiud ymit tart'ftpui ilia. Onft bottle cured me in two week., aud ietoied my genernl Itenlth io much th t 1 urn fur letlr thitu hditelwas ftUncked 1 think it a ondei ful midhlne. J. k UK AM. Juki Y. Ottohell. of ft. Lonio, wrihai "I have been filleted for ear-with nil affrctum " the Liver, w hich dtft roved iny'lu-ulth. tried every thio'r.tiud every thing fidled to relieve me; and 1 hitve been n hiokiti down umn fir some ytniu ftom no other cnmie thrin dcv.thfitmn t of tlit Ltvtr. My Iwlovt-d paxlor, th Itev. Mr. Kspy, adined tue to try your Stumiparillii. Ii'vhum he fuid In- knew jou, and anv ilniur you iiutdewtut w-mh tiyintr. I v the hlee lug ofOodit luincurtil lue. and lmd t-o pmified my blord a to mnke h new mini of me. 1 tW-l yonnff nK'du. 'A ho beet thnt c ui he tnid of yuii ii nut hulf ovi enough." 0 hlrni. Cancer Tinunrt, F.nlurirnnrnt, I'ltfinltoii, C'uiiea and Kxtollatlou of the Jiaiiew A lEieivt THi let y of cimtn hare ttct-n reported to nn where caietfof theNe funnidfdil complaint huve re-ulted fium the use of thin reiut-dy, but our apace here will not admit them. tSuuie of ehfin limy la fuuml In our Am-ri'HU Aluuimic. which thu ni-nU l drv u:nutd ale jiluied to fui uiU gititin to nil who cull fur them. Dysprpiln Heart T)Ueaae, File, Epllep ey, ?It lun lioly Kr ui-nlgla Vuny veimiik:d'UMUtv of thene alkcthu luiva been nde hy the a'trmtive pMer of thin medicine. It Minm Ifttca the vital fumliotiK into vii;oroun nctioti, and time ovtr-oun oisutdi is which would boKuppuKed he von d ita Itmh. Stu-li u ivmcdy bus huig btcu r iuiri'i hy the ne-eesi-lti- ut the pcplc, and we are couUdiut liml ihii will du fur tluv aH thnt medicine c.in do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, POH Till! liAl'll) CI11E OF Confh., Vo10., Infliienia, lloaricnc.t, lioup, Hi out hitU. Ii Iplint t oil .uuijtlunt mitl for lli Krlicf t' t'oli.miiitI e l'ullrnt. lu ulvHitri'l Stng. Thl. ! ft rf wrly i iii.ivt-i-fcHll.v known to .urpatt ftny dtlier fnr the riiro'of llni'iit mill Iiiiik rnniilliii. tlmt It U uti'li m lit is to .ul.lili lliu cviiU iu e of Us viniiH.. 11. tinriviilleil ei(lli:iiiu fur t'UUgliB anil codn. nuil it. truly ivoiitlevfiil curt'! ir liuluimiuiy illmdi'i'. have luaiW it iiiown tlinnijzlioiit tliu civilin-d iiutl'iim uf the euith. Few mi' llio ifiiiiinnillie., cr ivrn families, anionic tlnia lio lime nut oii.. '-iiiml i'X'Oiinite of it. tlletL Kin living tii. hv in ll:vir niiiirt i.f its vittci y ovir lb. nlitle an t ilnngi-n iu ilisonUi. of tlio lliio.it anil luni:.. At all Vifiw tlm ill iinl tittiilily (t tin-Mi dit-'M'iU-lH, ami they kii"W, tuti. 'lit- rflVctiCif tliin ri'iiudy. m in-.il li"t do moi tli.in tn Uii.-lll'a I In ui tlmt it lias nnw nil Hit vir tual tlmt It iliil have livn uialiiiiR tlie rnrt- wliitli L. won to ttronly upnii tlio (-onliilt uve of niiinkiniJ. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEB & CO., LowoU, Mati S mi b) I'll n u A Oitiiit , unil A. W I imIii. hi.nl I'jy J F. Cu.li'W Biid C. liiow it. M'Hinii Pr H nuk, Me K.wrnvii: ; Ilrifi.yii-r 1 t l iiwuuii. Tuilnttvtln-; It. U AleCny, Nnill'iin.l.erliiiiil tuitl b lcalci. cvt-i wlieie. A i-i 1 1 '.mi, 1-0 1 . I y piiirinELPiii. roLLFCK. S. E. corner of Stvtnth and Chttnut Slretit. This is one of EIGHT CO..I.F.CE9, CONSTITl'TIXO TI1IC ".MA TIONAL CHAIN." LOCATED IN Philadelptila, New York L'ily, Alliany, Duffilo, Clev. laii'l, Cliicuir", and Ht. liuis. Srti',i.in!ijs can be pur chased al either poinr. Rood at all the Colirgrs. THK Ctll.l.KGI ATK COURSK emhrarri rioublif and Hiue'e Ketiy Hisik-Keeping. Com. rnercial Co'niiiititiii, Cuir.inercinl liw, Priiin.iiii.hip, Unsiueu Cuire.p.iinlt'iK-e, I'arlnri.hip feiettlenieiila, clc. I'll ACTICAl. TKXT-BOOK3. The Tefiel lug in the H-mk-Ke'iuiig Department is most ly Iroiu written maiiuti-iiiit tonus, Willi olul llibti ui-limia Ici-turea, uuil iiUick-tiouid rtui-iuuiioha ; in ailiiiiioii lo which, in orui-T Ui uiiike llic t'olU-Kiule Course a.ihuoiiyu hint cHi-clual us piikMit.le, the I'uitowing Tcxt-UiHilm liuve been pu-iuirtd : liMunt a: Siniltnii-s HNik-Keeniiie, in Ihri-e ediiions Coininim Srliool. tliah ek-liiHii, tmd Cosiilnifi. House ; Hry. ant K Hlrittlou'a Coinmercial Aritliinetti' ; Uiyaut At flraUllll,. Coiiuneri-ial Law, by Amos Llriiti, L 1. 1). 81'KNCF.RIAN SVSI LM OF I'KXM ANSH1F, In . scries of nine l.ks, hy P. R. fl'K.SOKH. P. II fl'KNCKR.Ji., Teacher of l'rum..n.hip. Iiui. vidual iiusli iivlU'is. mudtiita snlel .1 any time. Lipk CiUS awnriliMt. Csf For r.tfilog'ies snd Circolii.s. eull at tha C.-llei;, orsildiess BRYANT. STRATI O.N k FAlKIIANKri Feliruury M, lftl ly Philadripln. lie or IK'Hlll The iulrribr. Ink pleasure in aiiliotiueing that tln-y are now prepared to moil (free) to thusu who wi.h ii. a copy of an important little woik, by the late Dr. Brampton, entitled "The Invalid'. Medical Con fidant," published fur the hem-fit, and a a Ham' ing tovoung men and persons who .ufler from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, Ac. die, supplying the meaua uf ae!f cure. The leader is irresi.tibly led lo compare a useful lite w itb an ignoble death. Ituao.r. lose not a moment, but tend your ad dress lor a cupy of this little woik. Address Ui. rubli.hu. DR j mix n Or; den & co, M tV 136 Jolm fct.. New York. Ma. 18. lBgi-J.r.. I i.ANk t'aicliuieiii Papw sul blank Marttraaea. lionds, txecutioiv., Sur.moiis, H. B- Mks r. K . Ar.. for sale b t i. luipoiuut to the -A DIES to k"nro77t Fr Frilina 4 UranU have the bl ana ,atlL assortmeut of Dress Good is 1h county. ury, Juu. , I 00, GREATEST' EXCITEMrffT OP THE . SEASON I P 1UL1NG & GRANT ' l th MA 11X10 TII STORE, k jul received , vrt AND UEHIRABLE Stork O FALL c)- W1NTEU GOODS Tery extensive assortment uf LADIES' DKESS GOODS, Condi-ting in part of Dink nJ r.ncy Silk, uf very choice liatUrim cr DEOES, Duculi, Chrnercf. French anJ E igliali Merino., riuin ai.J FigureJ Vuul Delainee. Muilin Uela O.t uf all t) '. atii tiricra. FouUnU, TuiUt Clutli, I'oil be Clictret. Sixoii'aiiil UoolI'UiJ.. I .DIES' FL'IW, UKUCHE, Bay State anil itety, 6ic, eVc. Wool SHAWLS of every va Gentlemeu's Dress Goods, of every atjle, consisting of Clollia, Caaimerea, Salluielts, Kentucky Jeana. 'IVv.ila, rivet Cord. Velvmvtn, , edlligs. of every variety. Our etock of Mik mid Silk Veivt-I Vfi-ling., cuimul be turpa.sed 111 the couutrv. i'luuse call and exuiuiue llicui. CLOHiir.G' Our stock of KHADY MADE CLOTHING, lias been replenished, and we have a full assort ment of OVERCOATS DKESS COATS. PunU and Vesta, Overcoats and Dress Coata for Unje of ail age. ALSO, a very handsome aaaortment of X3Uk.TS -A-IsTID CAPS of every style and variety at the lowest price. Our sloe's of HAUDWHRE hue been renew ed and we hnve now a larger Assortment than ever ht'fnre ollvred to our customers, consisting in part ot Sausage Cutters, Pocket Cutlery, Dulcher Knives Mayer Hinges, bolls and Pad Lock, X Cut fraws, Mill Saws, Scoop Shovel. &c, &.C., &.C., 4 c-. Ac, Ac of every variety at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Our stock oi is very fiue. We have the best quality of Syruii nioiuKsts ever heloru oilere to the citizen ol Sunbury and vicinity. CEDAR AND WILLOW-WARE of every variety. Hosiery, Gloves, Notion, SADLERY. BOOTS AND SHOES, 4c, Abo a lrc.ii avpply of Druga, Oil. l'erfumery, Fancy Soap, Paints, Dye Si jfl., G las. Brushea, ic. Particular rare having been taken in the re lection of our good, in regard to quality, style and i rice, we call the attention of the public lo our large stock to which constant addition will be made. Thankful for past favor, we hope to merit a continuance ol the paironuae ol tl.e public by selling cheaper than eer. liive us a call belure purchu.iug tl.twiiL-re. FIMI.l.NG 4 GKA.Vr, Sunbury, Nollembcr 17, lUu. 'IO A1.I. lIUii: I4TI.0 Farms, Paiks or Gardens IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. A lure vli-mee ia nvv ulTindciJ ti tt-lect and nider FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES Vine. fMifiitiiseiy Acfrmn t!e i-fllruiiij Clnver ttrrt lureiicf i."catru at litx-lRaicr, New Vuk. PROPHIETOR8 tin hef icnve lo amuune lliut they mrt piimeii HKSPONtSIULE A0ENT9, To di.ird'Uia their tupetiur aiuck on the moat rt.suimbl UllllS. PLOPl.K Of THE EEYSTCITE STATE. UiVeisorNnlutesiid Hie heauiiful.aud justly celt lirate for our iiitenieuce, wraiih.iiUrMluy and uute, now is the tune to ni.iku )iau stkvtioiia iroiu irnr l)i:S( KIPTIYK C ITAl.dfjl'K AND PLATE BOOKS, Which will hefurinshrd you. iliroub our ka-al aiteule: and ya muy leal assuicd Uiai y..ui uiders will be honora bly tilled. Ful lurther particulars apply 10 HtLDKItlCK A. HOWE, Or JOUN U. JON ES, Maauvitl.., r. Agvul Iim- Niwthunibeilaiul canity. REFERENOES: H a. KRF.NK'.F.II liKIFFIN, K.a-hctlcr. N Y Hon. JIIHNUAI.HKAlTH.Krie, P. ' Col. J. K. JOIIiMlN, Meadville, P.. Februalj K, P0 in STOVES- JOIt SALE an eictllenl second-hsnd Ceok Ui( fclove, also aeveral Cylinder Coal uMia. aaiait ti teie eiuce. BENT BY EXPRESS 1 1 13 Iff Retailed at Wholesalo Prices. Made to Measure at $18 per floz. on BIX FOR WISE nOLLAni, lnthontOollan on.irlth Oollort tin 1 per dot. xtrt MADE 0 KITT-TORK HILLS MUSLIN, TTlthfln. Linen Boaotna, in4 trrrrt"l e pood a tiiiX .a aoU In Uia retail atore. tt fi,H each. ALSO. THKYERY BEfT FmilTS THAI CAS tl ' MADB AT ti KACH. f 'g Tliof. h UilnV I ennnt mht a good Shirt for .18 per dnten tr. mlatakea. Uere'a tlie Out of on. doeen (IS fine ahlru. 80 rnrda of New-Tork Mini tnn.ltn atUXe. per yd. t 85 t r'arila of fine I.lnen, at Mo. pr yard, 8 fO JIaklntt and outline, J ? Laundry, (1 1 bultont and cotton, COc 1 f ProUt g ca Total 1S 00 Bolf Measurement for Shirts. Printed dlrcctlona aent free everywhere, and io eny to nnderaUnd, tliat any on. can tal.e their own measure forahlrta. 1 warrant a good fit. Thecnihtobepaidle the Exnreae Company on receipt of gooOa. The Kxpreiia charpea on one down Sblrte from Kew. Torlt to New Or lean. It 1. P a -PARTIES WISniKO SHIRTS IN nASTI!,not laving time to Bend for Rulea of leaiurement,aliould aend per mall, prepaid, one of the best littinirahlrta they bav. got, ttating any alterations that may be required. S. W. H. WARD, from London, 387 Broadway, up stairs, . Between White Walker Street Vtuli Iti. I Mil.- tf "KW-TORK- CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, Northumberland Couuly, Pa. rTHlM large and enmmodioua Hotel, now -- managed by JAME8 VAN 1YKE. It ia siluale ot tho Railroad Depot North East corner of Market Squnre. Suiiliiiry, and at the terminus of the Sunbury iV Erie and North cm. Central Railroads, and is open for the accom modation of Travelers and the public in general The priprietor will give his exclusive atten tion, totbe comfort and convenience of his guests and is de'crmined to make this establishment rank among the first in the State. Hii table will be supplied with the best the market can produce having the advantage ol daily nmmunination by cars direct from Halli more, nnd also from those bringing produce fruni the surrounding country. His bar will be supplied with the purest liquors the market can produce 'a-cful and obliging servants always in al tendance. Kf w and commodious stabling has just been added lo the premises. A share ot the local and traveling rommuniw moat respectfully aulicited. S-jnliury, January I'i, 1861. WINTEB FOR M E N ' GOODS, S WE All. Black and Blue Hair Cloth, Beaver Overcoating, Blaok DiH'tkins. New Style Casaimeres, All Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Real Good Cassinetts, Sil; Mixed Coatings. Super Velvet Cords, Black Grenadine Vesting, Black Satin Vesting. Fancy silk elvet V ratings. Pluin Silk elvet Vesting, Nice Cnacimcre Vestingst In fact all kinds of gooits for Men's and Boys' weur, can lie found at the I eople Une I rice Store of E. Y. Aright & Son, who have just eceived by Railroad a splendid stock of all kind of goods, suitable for cold weather. Please call and be convinced. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, October 27, 1KU0. REVERE HOUSE, (I, ATK FAULK 1IOTF.I.,) Third Street, above Jlace, I'iiladehihia, RHOADS A SAILOR, Pmpnetors. MprtOYKMI.N'I'S nave been made, and the House has neen rebtren tliri-ualloul TlLaiiMAM V. Khoadb, formeilynf the National Hotel Chs.lsb h.iLoa, loiiuerly ofSH-huylkill Co., Pa. Philadelphia, Juu. lit, Ibtil. ly BOOT A N J) SHOE MANUFACTORY. Corner of Market Siuare and Lifer Street STJISTBTJIEVY, 3PJ. 'IMiE subscriber respectfully inform, the citi zens ol Snnhurv and vicinity , that he Ins opened a Hoot and Shoe Shop on the corner of Market Square und Kiver afreet, oppoMIe the Court House, where he can he found at all limes ready to wail upon customers. Having considerable experience, he is prepared to make up customer work, ol all kinds, at abort notice, in the latest stjle and workmanship tie keep rou.lanlly 011 band a large assort ment of Leather, of the best quality, which ena bles bun to make up good and durable work. Call and examine tor yourselves belore pur chasing elsewhere, and you will save money. JOHN WILVER. Sunbury, Nov. 10, lf60. ly War! War! War! COME MOM THE KOHTII, COME Fl.'OM THE SOUTH, COME F110M THE EAST. COME FliOM 'JlIE WEST, Save the country and build yourselves home, or now is the time lo get your Lumber cheap. Ye, LUMBER ! LUM BER ! ! LUMBER ! ! ! ran he purchased al low rale at the STEAM SAW-MILL of IRA T. CLEMENT, 6UNBURY, PA., Such as Panel Lumber, Frame Lumtier. Boards, Siding. Shinglrs fioin In 8d per thousand. Plastering Lath, Paling. Hoofing Lath, c, Ac. All bills ordered, for any kind of Lumber, will ba furuiahed ut the shuiirsl untie IKA T. CLEvlE.tiT. Sunbury, Mar.li II, la. M 4 LIC K. Attorney a Lav, SlftsBUBY. Northumberland Co., Pa (Formerly Freeburg, nyder county ) OFFICE, Market street a lew doors east of the Northern Central Railroad Depot and two door wi st ol the Foal Olbce. All Prutewiuiisl Business, Collection, 4c. will receive prompt attention. March 30, lli. SAVE YOUE FRUIT Y 11NG MASON'S Patent Sheet Metal Screw Top PRESERVE JAR. MASON'S PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP! illl that is necessary being to screw the Can down upon the Rubber Gasket, which is placed outside upon the shoulder ol the Jar, 3-4 of an inch dis tant from the top 1 prevent the possibility ef the flavor of the Irthl being injured by coming in ntacl with the Rubber. Personsilesiriiig these Jars, can he aupplied by aving meir oruera witn 11. a, MASSr.K, Sunbury, June S, I860. Agent. COTTAGE BIBLES. FOR 8ALK, cheap, three copiei fifth CuttMafki liihtn. in twit VnliiiuAai tmiithiknin- BQUr:tii. U. D. M1S3ER. SUNPf'y STEAM FLOURING TVnVAriTcl.- n.OtKINU MU.I. are ti.Teil t.t receive grain f kll Hinila.nrl tn tin rur loin wtirk Shortaw Nolicei. Caethmere Wll ti' lf jriai. Krnuiiu iiiiniruinwiy uaiipii uieir IWlnnleli tithe Mill. Ae it la the Inten. lion of tha' firm to etock the Mill a large Sup ply nl Grain, will ha constantly kept oi html, ami Hour hy tha quantity (an alnraya be ohtaineil. The greatret rare Mill be Inked lo turn nut a au peri'-r quality of 6ur, forwhiah the mill i. ail mirahly adapted. Klrlcf altrntion will be paid to the want, uf customers, and the patronage of the public generally ia respectfully requealed. MOIIUAM cV CO., 8unhury,.Iun 88, I8"0. LUIVISSIl! LUM33il PH IMP 8 11 U, 2NFORM3 hi. frienJ ami th public in gene ml, that he constantly keeptnn hand. Board., Whinalea, l.tth, Joist, ai.d .11 kinds of l.unil'er and buildini; materiale, which he will .ull at the lowest prirea. M.n h SO, 1861. DR. A. W. FISCHER. "fcFFF.RS his professional services to the citi aena of Sunbury end vicinity. Oflice at the Drug Store. Sunnury, JuneHb, I8.'!0. SHAMOKIZT VALLEY POTTERY. rMlE siilmcnlier respectfully informs the public ' that he is now msnufacturing at hi Pottery, 4 miles east of Sunbury, all kinds of Earthen Ware, mail, out of Itc-ri rmcnt In y. This clay produces the best and most desirable kind of ware, final, in man respects, to stone ware, and is less liable to crack by sudden heat and cold. The aubecriber refer to Friling & Cirant, Sunbury. Address, JOSEPH SAVIDGE, Oct. '3. ICfiO. ly Sunbury, Pa. W-A.XjL PAPEE 1 FRILING 4 GIUNT, at the MAMMOTH STOKE, have this day (January 17th, 1861 received a CHOICE ASSORTMENT . or tub i NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS Of which tl.ey are selling at price that defy competition. Sunbury, January 19, 1861 LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR CASH. O TO WM. H. MILLER, he has received Jff from Philadelphia a large stock of BOOTS & SHOS His stork consist ot Gen'ts Kipp Hoots. Youths' Kipp Boot. Children's Culf Boots. Also a variety of W omen s Calf Lace Boot., Women'. Morocco Lace Boots, Children's Morocco and Calf Lace Boots, all of which he will sell cheap for CASH Call and examine Tor yourselves. ALSO, lirst quulity of Tampero Moroco f. sale for cash. WM.1I. MILLER Sunbury, January 7, 1S60. NOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL G HOVER $ MAKER'S CELEBRATED NOISELESS Sewing Machines, 4US Bhuauwat, N.cw Yoiik. The public attention is respectfully jc quested to the following cards of Euia Howa, Jr., ai d the (irover At Baker S. M. Co A Card from the G ROVER & BAKER S. M. Co- Our Patents being now established by I Courts, we are enabled to furniah tha (irover it Baker .Machine, with important improvements at gteatiy Itcdiiccil riiecx. The moderate price at which Machine mik ing the (irover V Baker stitch, can now be lmd. brings them within the reach of all, und renders the use uf Ma '"ii.ea making inferior stitches as unnecessary as it is unwises. IVrsnii desiring the la-st Machines, and" the right to use them, must not only be sure to buv Midlines making I be (irover & Buker stitch. hut a so that such Machines are made and tauiK-d under our pateul and those of Eliaa Hower, Jr. G ROVER & BAKER 8. M. CO , 4U."i Broadway, New York. A CARD r ROM EI.IA-S HOWE. JR. All persons are cautioned not to make, deal in. or use any Sewing Machines which sew from two spool, and make the stiieh known us Ilie, Gnm-r & Sliuker stitch, unless the same are purched Irom the (irover V Baker Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents, or I. liens, s. and sluiiiHJd under my pa lent ol September III, I Hlr . tvihl l ompuiiy, and Ibetr Liceu.es, alone, art legally authorized under their own patents, am my said patent, during the extended term there of, to mike and aell Ibis kind of Sewing Machine and all other are piracies upon my said patent. and will ba dealt with accordingly, wherever tound. ELI AS HOWE, JR. New York, Dec. 29. I8H0. If New Arrival of Clothing. CIHIE largest tnd beat Stock of FALL AND - V INTER CLOJ HI.XG ever brought to tint place, trri.ed at Ihe Mammoth Clothing Store of SCH vt F1TZER, HEILBHONNEK tv t ().. in Market street, neaily opposite Wea ver's Hotel. Their Stuck comprises of FINE CLOTH COATS, Drvs Coals, Over Coat. Business Coats, Ac. VESTS OF ALL KINDS. UuderShirts, Drawers, cVc. HATS .JsTlD CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, of the latest styles of every description and quality, cheaper than ever. v J hir assortment of gentlemen's furnishing l mining i the most complete I , I heir variety and i)le uiuat attractive. And the price defy all competition. IkT" Call ami examine for yourselves. SOWEiTZER, HEILBRONNER 4 CO. Sunbury, Oct. 6, I860. , rpiN WARE A very rheep and desirable .ssorlmeut just received Ibis week, al the Mammoth Store of FKILINU cV GRANT. . Tuuburjr, January 19, 1SI. ; ' ANOTIIER ARRIVAL OFj jn n v o o p B, X II. CXGr.lV ofSMuijtirr. Pa4 UA8jn.lrrivJ wilh splendid RTOOK of MIMHNU AND SUMMF.R GOODS, from Philadelphia, to which he resictfully Invites hie friend and the Public to rail, and Inspect, he will spare no time in showing them. Among his .lock of noils will befound, FINE ULLE AND II LACK .- i ' FP.E1TCH CLOTH. Fine Black and Fancy fasimarea Tweeds, Sat inet la, Jeans, Black Italian I'loth, Cashmerette, Cottonade, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Check. and Fa-cy Vesting, also a large assortment of Iteady-mado CLOTHING for men and buy (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap. Silk Tissue, Uereges, Chali and Chali Koliea, Berege Delaine. Berege Holies. Figured Brilliant and a variety of o her Dress Goods, Spring and Sum mer Shawls, Mantillas, P.rssoja, a good assort ment of white goods. Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, shirt Irouts, Marseilles, Brilliant rVc. A general assortment of domestic Dry (io ds. Also a large stock of Hats and Caps, Uoota and shoes. Hardware, Queens and Glassware, Groceries, Cednrwnre. Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Hatn, Oil, Tar Ac. &e. N B. Wall and Window Paper, Fluor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will he sold at low prices for cask or country produce ta en in exchange for Gooda. J. II. ENGEL. Sunbury, May. 19, 1800. tf. , II 4 It K I 8 1' 4 I T K II , at Eab 3 1 1 0 X C J) MARKET SQUARE, BTJNBUEY, F -A. Juno S: IttBII. New Air Line Route T O i: "W YORK PHORTKST IN DISTANCK AND QUICKEST IN TI.MK between the two Cities of NEW YORK AND UARBISBTJBO. vu READING, AI.I.KNTOWN AND F.A?TON. Moniiii t-.Xiress West leaves New York nt 0 A. M . and Pliil'iileliilna in ( a M , arrives at Hiirrislmrir at g 45 r cllliectliit at llairitliuig with trniii i,ll .NonliSrn Central iiistu nir niuiury, vv uuiunsnirt, iwk tlaven and niter meJuiie staiioiis. Mini Trniii West Irnves New York nt M noon, and l'liilinltliliia nt p.m., connecllna with Haiti on North ern Centuil Itisid for tuitions us alsive, atal also im all Irniuson the 'illiainsiurt and Klmira. Mnil Tiain l-jisi h-nvi-s lliirri.hiug at 9, A M , and ar. riveeat I'liiliiilclplim nt I . am New Yolk at 3311 r. m.. in time to tnke ImhiI ormrs for Boston. Jttc. Fast Kipress Knsl Iravrs llnrrikl.ua nt I 15. on ainval of Northern Ceulnil T111111, ami arrives nt Philadelphia at (lira and New Yoik at !ir. m. No rliniiite of niraor Imegiige blveen New York or Philudelpltia and IJurrulnii-. For heuuty ol' scenery and speed, comfi'tt and areommn. dation, this route presents superior inducements to Ilie traveling public Office ia New York, fontnf Couriland stteet Phlladel phia. Itroad and Callowlnll struts. l-'are lM.iweeu. New Yoik and llarrishurg FIVK DOL I.AUl For Tickets; Freight or other luformstion, apply to J J. CI.VDK, Ceneisl Agent. Harritlmig, June -Hi, Itflo y ALFRED D BRICK'S LWJTED STATES AXl) EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE, No. 323 WALNUT STREET, Philadelphia. Vf D. Communications by mail promptly ' attended to. Sept l, wG0 lyS Cur Covgh, Cold. Hoarneness, Jithienza, any Irritation or S'rintm nf the Throat. Re I eve the Hacking t'nugk i'l Canfumptinn, Bron chitis. Asthma, und Catarrh. Clear and give strength to the voice of I ublic Sieukem ana Stngers. Few areawnreof ihc importance nf checking a Cnua;h or '-Common Cold" in its first sttme : thai which in the begiiuiuis; would yield lo a iiul.1 leuiedv, if lieitecleil, soon atinrks the l.uiuis WUIUWS KKONCIIIAI. TKO- CHF.!.' coillaiiiina demulcent ingredients, allay Pulmo nary und Umiicliiai iriilaliou. I ''Tlmt trouble 111 my ihroat, (for which Brown's the TltliCHF.S" are a specific) having made liieulleu u mere whispeier-' TROCHES N. P. W ILMS. '-I lecummend Iheiruseto Public epeak Oiown's crs." REV. E. II, C1IAPIN. TROCHES. ''Ilnve prnvrd extremely serviceable for i Hoarseness " Biown's I KKV HENRY WARD RKECHER. I ''Ahn-'St in.taut leliel' in Ilie distressing TROCHES ilalair ol bieaihiug peculiar to Aslhuia " REV A C r.Uul.KSTON. Urown'a nCoutaiu no Opium or anything iujuri ous." DR. A A HAN TROCHES. Cheimst, Huston. I (tA simple snd pleasuut e'iubinuti.n for Brown's .Coughs, ic." DR G F BIGEI.OW', TROCHES Boston. "Bsneficial 111 Bronch:tis " Brown's DR J K V l.ANE, H -si. hi TROCHES "I hnve proved them excellent for Whoop ing Cough." Brown's Kt V H W WARREN, Itoslnn. TROCHES. I "BeneficiHl when compelled to speuk. Ieulfetuig Irulu C'-ld. ' KEY SIP ANDERSON, Sr I.uis. TROCHES. I "Effectual in removing Hoaiscneta and I in iu.ii.kri of the Thnat, sii Coiiunun with Browu'a iSneukera sml Sutgeis " Prof M STACY JOHNSON. TROCHES. Ji tirnnie, lis., Teacher 01 Music, Southern Brown's Feiimte Uolleee. "Great benefit when take.l hel'ole and TROCHES, after ureai-hunt, as they prevent Hoarseness lFr.au Iheir vi.t etlect. I Hunk lliey will be of Ilrowil's : ueruiunvilt auviuuage to me " REV E ItuWI.EY. A M.. TROCHES. President of Alliens College, Trim I IT" Sold by all Druggists at 'io cents a box December B, Ic-GU. ouipl EVANS & WATSON S i ;' ; - 304 OttMut Street, rt 'HKtK itfct nrc ivw in uw over Ilie fintrd Sintet, I and hrtvj iM-en tfird in niHiiy Utv, the foHowinrji howi anniticr iiiBtunce ol tlieii riiMtl ty tn rein.lt ng tiia: WlTMiK Hbiimie, Lmiraslcr T-'wimhin, July 30. 1160 Mkir. Kvitsi Watson. GMitleinrii : Ttir tinnli izf I (Siliitniindrr Sit ft which I piinhutt-d (fun ymir B(fi-nt, Mr Adnin K. liurr. in luncusler uny.oii.Miy vU, b )H, hnl liceii tuhKrlrMl In H li V vifrJ lr. Which it withlns(l in h m"t tVitirH(tirv mnnncr rhuntt, f' mining mII mv l ka. tocriher wild valiiUi-tperlK-,uiir-iik t invsWlf1 and i jat it my nmhloi hikI Irn-nda. and if iHtfifntiMff a VHue ot' ovt-r Twenty Triumtnd Ut'llura, (W-Jti.otniy win in ni) Mill, which was d-riyd on ih niffht fo the a?i ti of July, l6ll, and pnwe-l tlin-ugh thvfieiy ordeal nnvHihtd, Thf ISiie wai u ihe etini d r, and fell to iht l4'innt nl" I In Mitl, and whi aulotvled for in it)( t-itiii nit t n w h?nt Hinontr Ihe ruin, which wiriatly iiioreniiftl hy ihe ritintnivtiim of a Ih lifts qnuntiiv nf riini eMifiiiw. within the hrick walla. Altfi the fiie the tvtfe w:ni itnt-nd miii the IfM'lfi nut I i w pert Inken out in u ttnln nt' nerfrci iirenervHlioii, the tuinrr ti t even Urine diRrdlnr ti. Tlii i not whs, lmwver. lo tinny bytuiider( a bttir rtTomm mlHiion .( your Kile than cttuld tw ei pressed iu any oilier vm I mm tne, V"ura. repecilull'. S-IMTIU. RANCK. Another Victory far Evam and Watson's Salawnntff.r Safe. O.waoo. N. V.. Mnrrh27 IPtW Grnttrmrnlt nfT-vda me much nleHiir r inform you that ihe luie No fi, (upright) which I purcliHurd "f B. Hii'iud, yur tniVflniK rrnt, has (wtsawd thiniish an ri reedmely h t fire in a three srorv brick tuiildinc, which heated the hale to a while heat. tlmt the ernfrsif it apprur mflted; but it preserved my h ok and vahmhle impffs lo iheHinounl of everul ihnuasnd dnllara, for which 1 feel Ihanklul. YHira. respectfully, J N RI.DRIDGR. A lartre ar.S'rtment f tht aU've KU U alwua on hnd. at 3(4 Chrsnul street, (Uleltl stouth FuurUi St., PhlatUIhiu. Uvtobstff 6, IbfiO ly GENESEE SALT. WHULE8ALU Ac RETAIL. IYILINW cV (iH A N T (at ihe Mammoth A More.) have jual received AOll tbs. of Molar ('.round. Molar and Kine Ball. 7(10 Wucki ol (round Solar tSall everjr sack warranted to contain 825 pounds ul 8all and 20(1 haaaofct.lt containing one Bushel each. To is a. It i. the best end atmngasi now manufactured and in market. Call and see for youraelvea. Munbury bept., 9, UfiO, W NDOW MHAPEM A ery fine and cheap assortment, just leceiv.d by Kail, road from New York, at the Mammota .tore of Fiiliug i Grant. . We have also for tale H. M. Puliieot ti -Co' celebrated I'aieat Pendulum trNwvM ltaeiiisjsj. HIGHLY IMPOETAHT HEWS. 'M. C. GEAR HART, sTa returned with new Stock of Confeotivauurie, Trait and Toyi TTeeein as if new age, a new life was open Ing upon ua, animating every heart to nobler deeds and higher aims I Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and aeek to develop, auh limrr beaulina and grander conception. Tne business world too must feel the new in fluence and every part be quickened and strength ened hy an increased vitality, which shall urge us on with electric (peed to the consummation of greater thing than waa ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevadea all classes, and desirous of doing hi ahare to wards " The great events of the Age," the aub ecriber would respectfully Inform the .ood peo ple of SUNBURY and the public generally, that he haa just returned from the city of Philadel phia with the largest and choicest stock ot Con lectionariea, Fruit and Toy that haa ever been brought to thia section of country. He i also manutncluring all kind of Confectioneries, Ac, to fill up orders, wholes1 or retail, at short no tice. Among hi stock of Conlectionaries, may dc found 1 French "Jeerets, Gum Drops, sll kinds of scent, Humeri Aimntuis, love mnns, Cream White, Mint Drops, red and white, Imon J'lly Cakes, ' Riate, Fiuil Drops, Vanilla, Flick Candles, ol all went. Common Ceciets. Rock Candy, Liqumiee, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Banana., Prunes, - Dates, Flea, Currants dried, Citrons, Almonds, Rsiaona, Nuts nf sll kinds LEMON 8YRUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. . superior quality of Segara and Tobacco, and variety of Conlectionaries, fruit. Toys, 4c, all of which is ollered cheap at wholesale or retail. C Remember the name and place. ,J M. C. GEA RH ART, Market St., 3 door west uf E. Y. Bright 4 Son' store. Sunburv, April 14. I860. ly ItASSEPS PATE1TT FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, As Improved for N59 and 60, By E. KETCH XM & CO., 29 Pearl-Street . New-York. TflE only Freezer constructed on scientific principles, with a revolving can and spring blade semper. The one hastens the freezing ol the ceain the other removes it as fast as frozen The most rapid in freezing, with the least quantity of ice. The most economical in cost, a it i. the most simple and durable in structure. r or sale 111 all the principal ciliea and towns in the Ui.ion. Each Fteezer accompanied with a book of re ipe and full directiona. PRICES. 3 quarts, $ S 00 4 quart, 4 (10 6 quarts, 6 (10 8 quarts, 6 00 14 quart., 8 00 20 quarts, 12 00 Applv to II. 0. MASSER, Sunbury. June 2, infill. lbtiO. THE BEST ROUTE 1860 FHOlf Wyoming Talloj to IMillatlciplila, New York, IluMlmorc, AND ALL rOlSTS NORTH, SOUTH WEST. LACKAWANNA k BL00MSBUIIG 11AILR0AD. SUMMER AIIH ANQEMENT. Two Daily Passenger Trnina will he run between Scranton sua piortiuuniMiiuuid, ae lolluwa: MOVING SOUTH: Unv. Phil's Mail. N. Y Ex. Scruuion, 6 lu A. M. 4 'A3 P. M Airivs.t Put.toii, M 4 S3 Kingston, 7 us 4 io (ilocksiiiuuy, 7 50 6 -,( HervvK-k. s) M C 6$ lll..uiUui J, fi M 7 30 Kiip.-n, 0 no 7 4U H11111 ilie, 0 ttf g in Nurihumberlaiid, 111 imi u 45 MOVING NORTH : I.eava N. V. Ex. Phil'a Mail. Niiiihuiuberland, A UV A. M. 4 IS P. M Arrive at Duuville, 6 OS I SO K.ip. H, t OS 6 SO Ul.silnahaig, 6 ii Cm Berwick, 7 15 0 35 Stoekaliinny, 7 IS 7 OS Kingston, 8 30 7 IS Pulsion, 6 57 IS Scrauton, 9 'i& b 45 The Isxrkawanna anrl nith-mshurff Rnilrnnd cmnecti Willi Wie Lfcitiw-vie, lickii WrtntiB nnd esieru KnilrnHtt, hi cftiiitnit, fur New Tk Hud I'hiliidt lnhni, and tiiUTiiie dinle points Kiist ; also for Or cut Hcnd. Uinffliuinttin t-ayrncuse, liuffiilo, NiHgnni l-'alls, und nil important points West. At Hupeit it connects wiih the t.iittnwissii Hull rmil, for points both Kast und West. At Ni'tUiuniheitaiid it c miects with the Sunbury and t rie Itnilnmd, for points est initio. tun. a. ',v. JALIV, 5Up t, Ktngstoii, Aueut35, 1S6i. NKW YOHK LINES- CAMUKN k AMIIOY AND PIIII.ADIXPHIA AND TRENTON RAII.RUAU CO.'S LINKS, from I'hiladelpl.ia to New York and Wag J laces. From VVuluut Street Wharf and Kensington Depot, Philadelphia, will leave as .,4iows, it raas. Al 6 A M . via Camili n .ml Amlsiy C sc A Acconi- moOiitii.u, is At a A "I, via ;anwle:i .tin Jersey City New Jer- sey a-Loiiuuo(liiii.u, $ $ At 9 A Al, via Lauidiu and Jersey city Morninr Mail, 3 00 Al lis A M , via Kensington and Jersey eity, Wes- lern Kxpress, 3 00 At Wl t M via Canideu and Amlaiy, accommodation $ -JS At '4 r M, via Cuiuden anil Auiboy C and A. tjl- pr.-i-s. ) nn At 4. I' M, via Heniuifton and Jersey city, live ning t-'.apiess. 3 00 At 44 P M. via Kentincti n aud Jei.sy city, id Class Ticket. 3 24 Al 6 P M , via Ciunilen A Jersev eltv r.venin M all 3 i At II P M, yia Ciiiulen .ml Jersey c-lly S-iulh Mail '4 M A l 0 r .vi . via laiuufii anil Ainlsty Aecoinnnala- lion, (h itiglit und Passenger,) 1st class llcket, s JS ad i so The 6 P. M Mail I ine iuiis daily. Tha 11 Southern M" t;iiunlny exi-cttleu. For Helvidcre. stoii, Fletninirton, A P., at 6 A. M from Wuhtut street whnrf and U r M , from Kensinloii, I or Muni'li Chunk, Allentowu and Uethlehetu, at 0, A M via Iseluch Vallcv Railroad. Fin U titer tinp, Htroudsburu. Serni.ton, Wilkesbarre, Montrose, tireat Heud. Ac, tit 0 A M, via Delaware, icKHWMunu anu ester n itMtir'iui Foi Fiei-hold. at 0 A. M. and i H M. For Mount Holiy, at 6 and 9 A M , and and 4$ r. m. WAVIJ.NES, F'r Bristol, Trenton, Ac, at 3 and 41 P. M.t from Kensuiiftni For Pnunyra. prlHiico, Beverly, Burlington, Borden town. Ac. al lii.3, and JAP. M. Fifty pounds nf litfitHfte only, allnwm) each pftssenper, PntiSr'iiKeia are piohihiled from takinv anythine: us Hhs; gmie but their w.iir.iur apparel. All Uai?Hge oyer fifty pouuda 1-1 be pnid for extra. The Coninuuy limit then resMnsibiliiy for H-icfrtiffe to tne Dollar er pnuial, mid will not be liuble foi any amount beyond lbU DulLus, ex cent by anei'iHlniiitrnft WM H GATMER Afteut C. U,R R Co Februnry Is 1MUI. IIEGEIVIAN & COS CX3D1AL. KLIXIROF 0ALISAYA BARK Prenaied oiily by IIKGK.MAN k CO., Whulesal. snd Retail Chemists aud Druggists, 161, 309, Sll aud 7SS llroadws), New Yoik. Til K virtues of PERUVIAN UAKKssa Tunic have been lHi long k.siwil lo ueed comment. The C A I.I SAY A ("or King's B.ok,") is Ihe most valu able ui Ihe nuiuei mis vuiieties of the Peruvian Bark, and in Ihe Kl .1X111 is eoinliiueU Willi oilier iugredisnla thai iilcrva na vlheacy aiel at Uie aim. Iltua overeiane Ih. imeusity ot lu biliei, rendeung ita mutt Agreeable Cor dial. I' or persons living iu FKVKK snd AOIW distrieis, it will lie louial invaluable ua. pieveuuvs, Hull ol wins. Slass full lakeu mglil su.l moining, rendering the system much less subject ui tits uuhsnliky mtlueuc. ol Ihe .linos -phere. DIHKCTION8 llus. forsn .dull, half a wineglass fuH hf'U- hrmkfast and diuuer; ehiklreu fioin on. Uilwo lenspnuus luU j ii may Im lukeu Wilbur without . hill, waler Fin sale at this umos. March 17, IMjo A trs3t.lt Supi'ly of Dry Goods). CONSISTING in part i'f Print, Delainet bleached and uiilile.ctsd M usllus, Check P"i''pa I)enima. & Drill. &e., just r.cieA by l", Ii. at tho Mainoioth stor. of FRILIN'U I GKAKT. NXTU7 GOODS Attlt Kftmmotli Store f IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. I MARKET STREET, BUNBL'RY, TA. r'HE subscriber baa Just opened at hi well 1 known establishment in Sunburv, one of tha heapest and most desirable stock of Fall and; Winter Goods, that ha ever been offered in the place, and winch n. will sell for CA8H or etchangr for Country Prmhire. Those desiring to purchase good will do well to rail and etamine bis stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK. All Wool Delain., Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors, beautiful Ures Robes, Cashmeres, Shaded. Plain and Striped- must be teen to form an lure of the extent and variety. Mantle, 8lella, Chenille, French Wool Shawl Thibet and Broche Shawla. Cloths CaBsimeres and Satinet. For Men and Boy' Wear, Black Casaimeres, Fancy Cassimnres, tide stripe heavy, Doe Skin Cassimeres, Satinets nil kinds. FL -A.3ST JNT EL8. White and Red Flannels, all grades and prices, Bay Slate Sack Flannels, colors finest qnaltio. READY-MADE CLOTHING Boot and Shoes, Hat and Cups. Ac, 4 all nf which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, as regards quality, sl)le and price, with any in the country. HARDWARE, a full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, (jueenswnre, of all descriptions, Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpet Chains, cVc, Paints, Oils. 'Glass. Dye Stuffs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore rarcivvj he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunburv, Oct. 2, 1859. E 0CKEFELLi.lt & EOYER Attornies at Law, SXJIxJ"33XJIt Y, 3? A.. A. Jordan Ro iKTcin-r and Solomon It. Ilojer, respectfully announce u. lliey entered into Copartnership in the practice of their profession, and will continue to attend to all busi ness entrusted tn their charge in Ilie counties of Northumberland, Union. Snyder and Montour, promptly, faithfully and carefully. Sprciut at tention will be given lo the COLLECTIONS OK CLAIMS. Consultations can be hud in tho GERMAN language. Ollice, - Market Street, opposite v eavei Hotel. Sunhury, 1'eliruary , I kijii. V. MAMjr ACTVktRS OF F I N K ST qtALI T Y O F BOOTS AND SHOES ECU CENTLEMEN WHOLES A L E AND Ii E TAIL No 48 South Funilh Str.-et, lMiii.-irtrlplua. C Henkkkt. V. J. Ua.K.ur. March 33, letil (im. Watches) J-tivt lry &, silvci- Ware WE would rrsp'-rtfnlly inform our friends, patrons anil Ihe nubile ff,-ii.-r:illv. Unit ive hnve in.w ii,Sli.ie snd offer Wlldl.KSAI.I-: AIJ RKTAII , at Ilie I nvest t'n.h I'ru-es, a Iniee ami ve-v cli.-ice sn-cl, of WATOIIKS, J L:VKt.RY, Ml.VKR ANi 1'I.AThU WAUIi.of evciy vin leiy an. I si le Hveiy Hescilnli oil nf DIAMOND WORK nnrl oilier JKWKL.RY, lunde to onler, al short notice EF" All Goods nrrnnt. tl lo lie us repre.enleil. iv. u t-Hirir-u inr niieiitloii given tn ilie repairing f Yatchea and Jewelry of even di ..-ripiton. SIAIKI-Klt IIARI.F.Y. No. r,? Mnrkel Street, Soulli tide, Philadelphia. March 43, fio. 3m P.-'MELANCHTON-! SKllwEL, Ji'STin; k i ii e pt-trR ffiTJjNTI3TJj?,-Sr. 3?A. v Office in Deer Street, immediate!; apposite the rubltc School House. All business promptly attended lo. Monies ollerted and all ordinary writing:, done. ISunburv. Anril 2f. IS57 tf " I1ENUY ATTORNEir AT LAW. I'jTife opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt attention to business in ailioiiiin Counties. WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES, GINS. &C TIMIE subscriber havinii opened in Thompson's - Brick Buildinv, Mill street, Danville, a large and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOM ESTIC LIQUOR, comprising the beMhrundsr.f 1 randies, (.'in. Old Rj e. Scotch nnd Irish Whiskey, I'ort, SS!ierrv, Mnderia, Chainpaeiie aud other Wines of all grades, all of which will be sold Wholesale ut Ihe lowest city prices. Tavern-keeper by buy. ing (if us can save at least the frt-il.t. Persons desirous of purch.isiiitf liquors fur F A M I L V USE. may rely upon being furnished with a pure and unadulterated aitiele. ry Being determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap he respectfully Solicits the p. tronnge of the public. All orders promptly at tended to. I Ell EM I. MI S.HALL. Danville, Jure IC, lHCu. ING RA INE D CARPETS''" MA I'PACTI'RKP and fer Sle hv M. Priper A To: Leihranrit aud McDowell's 11111111111!, Ni-rlll K-att coiner, Secaid and Race streets t'hitule'plun. noons GUARANTEED. OetoberJ7, Je60. .o D.'. TP.,..A-TL n MP? IHC rilTCS S 1 As acciilenls will happen, even in well-repnliued fitmi. lies, il is very de,inihle to h.ive mic cheap Hinl convenient way for rttuiiiiig Fuimtufe, Tys, Crot'kcry, Ao. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no houneh Id eaii rT rJ to lie without it. It is always ready Hint up In tlr; stirkiikg point. There is no Is-ntter a neceMiity f Inn, itifi ctiaus, splinters veneers hendteii dlis,'uinl broken ciuillcs It it just the article for c ne, thetl, anil nhr-r niiuuneniul WtTlt, so popular with luilies nf irfnieintnt und (note. This utlniinible piepandi' ii ivukcd cold leina cheniirallf held in s lutiou,and j osseaninif all the valuable qualities of the b-st e.itnnet.iiitiker's Olue. Ji muy be used lull piuce uf urUinurv inucilupe, tie ing vastly more utlhtsive. rsKFt'l.l K.VF.KY 1HLE" N. D A Urusb accoitipAnies each bottle. Price ltd centa. Wholesale peput. No 4r Ct1ar street. New York Address, lillNKV C.MAl.lMNti V CO.. Bo Nn. 3,0tH New Ylc. Put up for Dealers in ruses containing Four Eittht. snd Twelve Dozen a bemiiiful l.ithographic bnw Card ac coifpunyins ench pnt'kiite. IV A sinrjfle Imttleol Spalding'.. Preated filue witlsuvt tun limes ns ci unnuulb b every bmischold. ft 'hi bv all prominent ii4Hiiuri, DruKK'St'i Hard war and Furniture Dealers, f.Mrers, and Fuacy IMoics. CTnmtry Merchants should ninke a u te ol a Id i tip's prcwred dlue. when Ihey luuke up tluur Itat It wit stand any climate. For kale at ll.iolTu-e, March 10, lortn. lv DrIFt SALE. fCWll LOTS situate in Maiket street, in Ilia A town of Trevorlon, No. IV snd 13. in block No. Ull. Apply to WM. (i.r.LKK. rwlinr grove. or II. It. MASSEK, Sunburv. UtSEPl 1. 1 ALL FA MII.IES-HElsKMA 6i CD'S Hei'tine, which remove ptim .(ml gresse, Ac, d c, and cleans gloves, silks, ribl 01 is. Vc equal to new, without 'lie tlighiea' injury to color or fabric. Sol. I by all Druggists, also alibis oflice. SS cent per bottle. I OV'S EOOTS and SHOES, cheap for cash A WM. Mill LEV'S. Stm'tiTv, AfMst tt UK. 1 iv . -. Si