Wi nr IT c'-to s TUK NAVAL EXPEDITION TO HATTERAS. A ACCOUNT 111 AN fcVE WltN'KSS. V81llKO10N, August 31 A splendid ind deeisiva bio bas been truck oo the coast of forth Carolina by the combined Uvl and lahifurcei of tho Union, which inrpssses in iiiipdrnrfJc' uytbiog jet accomplished agaioat bk enemy. A, piratical next, long the terror of tbe merchant, has been efleciaall broken op and destroyed. Victory has crowned our ting. Yoor special correspondent has this moment arrived from tbe sceaa of contest at Hat terns Inlet, North Carolina, which he left oo Fri Jay afternoon, with (jenetal liutler and staff, In lb steamer Adelaide, uniler command of Uommandef H. 8 Slellwagen, U. H Navy, touching for short time at Fortress Monroe, tbeoca to Annapolis an J Washington. Tbe etpedilion, consisting of the frigates Minnesota, Uooitnodore Striugbam io com. ma oJ ot tha expedition; Wabash, CupUia Mercer; tbe gunboats I'awnoe, Captain Rowan; Montieello, Commander Uillis, and the Harriet Lane, Captain Fauuce; with the transports Adelaide and George IVabodj, conveying troups'to the number of about a thousand, lufl Fortress Monroe lust Monday, etid reached the rendezvous off llatterag lulet, tiltueu miles below Cupe llattems, on Tuesday morning, the Minnesota and Wa bash coming in in tbe afternoon, and tbe Cumberland joined the fleet the same day. Preparations were immediately made to land the troops the following morning, at which time the transports ran near the beach, two miles north of the Jnlel, and covered by the Monticello, Harriet I.aue nnd Pawnee. About three hundred men were landed through a heavy surf, the force coosieting of Captain Larced's Company of regular artil lery, Captain Jardine's company Ninth New York, two companies of the Twentieth New Yorlt, with Colonel Weber aud Lieutenant Colonel Ueiss; a detachment of marines from the frigates, under command of Majors Doughty aud Shultleworth, and a detach nieot of Sailors from the Pawnee, under Lieutenants Crosby and blue, with Doctors Kin it and Jones. The gun boats swept the bench and neigh' boring copse or scrub oaks. All the bouts being swetuped and bilged io the surf, no more men could be tbrowo ashore. Mean' while, the Minnesota and Wabaeb tbe latter with the Cumberland in tow steamed up to the Trout of one of tbe Rebel batteries and took their position at long range. At ten o'clock the Wabash bred the first gun. the eleven-inch shell striking near the buttery and bursting with tremendous force. Tbe buttery, which was of sand, covered with tarf aod mounting five long thirty two's, instantly returned the tire, the shot fulling short. The Minnesota sod- Cumberland immediately opened fire, and rained nine and eleven inch shell into and about it. The fire was terrific, aod soon the battery's responses were few aud far between, save when the frigates suspended fire for a while to get a new positioo, when tbe enemy's Ere was most spiritud. . No damage was sustained by our ships, and vi lieu tbey again took their position the can nouadinu was intensely hot, tbe shells drop ping in the enemy's works or fulling on the ramparts, exploding in death-dealing frag uieuts aod carryiug death and destruction with them. The small wooden structures about the fort were torn aud perforated with flying shells At eleven o'clock the immense Bdgslutl was shot away, and tbe Rebel flag came down, but tbe lire was still continued by tbem. At twelve o'clock the Susquehanna steam ed iu, and, dropping her boats astern, opened en effective tire. The cannonading on our part was iucessant, and the air was alive wilb the buiu and explosion of flying shell ; but the enemy did uot return tbe fire with any regularity, the buttery being to hot for them, from the explosion of shells that dropped in at tbe rate of about a hulf dozen a minute. The enemy ceased firing a little before two, aud alter a lew more shells hud been thrown in the Commodore signalized to cease firing. The troops had meantime advanced to with Q short distance of the fort, and before we ceased firing some of our men get in and raided the Slurs and Stripes. Tbe place was too hot for the men. but the flag was left waving Coxswain Hetijamin Hneares, of the Pawnee's first cutter, stood for some time on tbe ramparts wuviug the flag amid a flight of shell, nwu tbe bring ceased the fort was occupied iu force and bald afterwards. The .Monticello hud proceeded ahead of tbe land force to protect them, und hud reached lha itilet when a large fort, si an octagon him pi-, to the rear and right of the small hat tiry. mounting ten thirty two's and foureight inch gun?, which hud nil then been silent, opened on her with t-iiibl guns at short range. A I the smie instant sbe got aground, and etuck fast, the i-tn-my pouring in a fire, hot and heavy, which the M ouliceilo replied to with shell sharply. Fur fifty minutes slut held her own, und finally getting off the ground she came out, having been shot through aud through by seveo eight inch shell, one going below the water line, She iirid filly five shell iu filly minutes, and partially silenced the liatiery. 6 ha with' dr-w at dusk for repain, with one or two men slightly bruisud, but none killed or wounded The escape of the vessel and crew was miraculous. Until this time we supposed the ilty was ours; but tbu unexpected open ing of the large battery rather changed the aspect of affairs. Things did not look cheer ful ut dark. We bad men ashore who were probably in need ol provisions, and in case of u night attack no assistance could be sent tliem from the Harriet Lane. As we lay close in shore we saw tbe bright 't-vouac fires on the beach, wnh groups of men about them. The night passed without an alarm, the enemy, es we have sim-e learned, laying on their arms all eight, expecting an at tack. At early daybreak on Thursday, tbe men went to quarters in the fleet, and at quarter past eight, the vessels having borne dowo nearer than the previous day's position, the action begao, the Susquehanna opeuing the day's work by a shell from one of the eleven' inch guos. Tim Minnesota and Wabasb joined in immediately, aud again the bum of shell aud their explosion were beard. Tbsy fired nearly half an bour before tbe battery responded, when it answered briskly. Our fire was mora correct than on the previous day. The range had been obtained, and oeuily every shot went into tho battery, throwing up clouds of sued, aod exploding with terrific effect. At twenty-five minutes past ten the Har riet Lane opened fire, and soon after the Cumberland -came in from the offing and joined in the attack. The Harrriet Lane, with her rifled guns, did good execution, several projectiles from tbe eight inch shell going into the battery, and one going directly through the ramparts. Tbe tire was so bot that all of the enemy that could do so got into a bomb-proof in the middle of tbe bat tery. Finully, at five minutes past eleven, A. M., an eleven inch shell having pierced the bomb-proof through a venlilutor and xploded inside oeur lha magazine, the ene my gave op the fight aud raised over the rampart a wbil flag. We immediately ceased nre. ueo. (Sutler weut into the tolet aud tanned at the lorl aud demanded ao ooconditional surrender. Commodore Barron, Assistant Secretary of tbe Confederate Navy, asked that tbe offi- cer be allowed to march out with side arms, and tbe meu oe permuted to reluro to tbeir Umss aftar oireokritg their wuis. Tbeit terms wer? pronounced inadmissabte bf Geo, liutler, and finally the force was surrendered without rendition. Articlea of stipulation were signed on the flagship by Commodore feHringham and General Hntlnr on the part of the United States, end by Commodore Barron, Col. Martin and Major Andrews oo the Rebel aide, aod tbe letters' swords deliv ered Op. By the surrender we came In possession of one thousand stand of arms, thirty-five heavy guns, ammunition for tbe eame, a large amount of hospital and other stores, two schooners one loaded with totiacco and the bther with provisions one brig loaded with cotton, two light'boats, two eurf'boais, io. Tbe enemy's loss thry allow to be eight killed and thirty -Ave wounded. Eleven ol the latter were left at the hospital at Anna polis. We took forty five officers prisoners, many of high rank, among whom were s Commodore Samuel liarron, late Captain United estates Navy, Assistant Secretary of the Navy. Colouel Bradford, Chipf of Ordnance. Colonel Martin, Seventh North Carolina Volunteers. Lieutenant-Colonel Johnston, Seveoth North Carolina Volunteers. Major Henry A. Gillmau, Seventh North Carolina Volunteers. Major Andrews, Artillery, late United States Army. Lieutenant Sharp, late United States Army. And several others, late army and navy officers, and six hundred and sixty-five Don commissioned officers and privates. Tbe prisoners are on board the Minnesota, and will be carried to New York, where you may expect them io a few days. Our victory was a complete and brilliant one. We lost not a life, nor had we more than one, if any, wounded. Our ttiea retain possession of botb forts. 1 forgot to mention that Lieutenant Mur daugh, late of the United States Navy, bad his arm shot off, but escaped with others, in steamers that waited in tbe Sound, out of range or our cannon. I regret to add that the Harriet Lane on Thursday, while attempting to enter the Inlet, went ashore, and though guns, Sit., were heaved overboard, f bo bad not been got off when we left. She is somewhat strained, but makes no wuter, aod strong hopes were entertained of getting her safely off if no storm sets in. She is io the breakers. Your correspondent was on board at the time she got ashore. Fortunately no lives were lost, though severel boats going to her assistance were swamped. W shall bear from her in a day or two again. Geo. Butler and aid dime by special train to the city to night, and immediately called oo tbe Secretaries of Navy aud War. Cnrreapnndencc Savannah Republican J LATEST .ICVS FKOYI THE SOUTH. Thrilling Scenes Burying Manassas. the Dead at Richmond, August 12. Oo Monday our dead were buried or boxed up, and sent bnuie for interment, und many ol the enemy's wouuded wers brought in aud attended to. All day oo Tuesday was devo ted to burying the dead on the other side, aud yet the work bad not been half finished when 1 arrived on tbe field Wednesday morning. So intolerable was the stench arising from tbe dead, and especially from the bursts, tbut our men bad been compelled to suspeod tbeir humane labors. I did beat that some of the prisoners we bad taken were subsequently seul out und ordered to finish tbe work, wbicb tbey did, though reluc tantly. It was a sad eight tbe battle field that day. Tbe euemy's dead still lay scattered in every direotioo, and the silent vultures bad begun to circle above them. Tbey were well clad, aud were larger and stouter men than ours. Nearly all of them were ijing upon their backs, some of tbem with their legs aud arms stretched out to tbe utmost. Many bud their feet drawn up somewhat, while tbeir arms, from the elbows, were raised, and tbe bunds rather closed, after the fashion of boxers. It wus a a singular and yel the prevailing, attitude. Most of tbem bud sandy or red liair, and 1 have observed that tins ;s tbe predominant color among our own soldiers. Those who were not killed instantly, bad almost invariably torn open their shirt collars, eud loosened their cloth lug about the waist. There was another mark iu addition to this, by which we could tell whether tbeir death was sudden or lingering. It was the color of the face. If the body bad time to become cool and quiet before deolh, the corpse was pale, though not 60 much us those who die from disease. Those who were killed instantly, however, and while healed and excited, were purple aud black in the face. In such cases tbe blood being in full circulation, there was not lime for it to returu to the heart before the body had ceased all its functions. At least 1 suppose such is the explanation, and a pbjsiciao con linns me in it. Such of the poor wretches as bad been buried were placea) in long ditches or trench es, some times twenty or thirty io the same trench. Of course it was impossible to procure collius or boxes for them. Tbey were laid away in tbe same attitude in which they were found, aud in which their bodies and limbs hud become stiff and rigid one with his arms and legs stretched out, another bent nearly double, a third with bis bauds raised as described above. One poor fellow had died with his arms clasped around a small tree, and others with their hands clasp ed lightly about their muskets or such twigs or roots as with in tbeir reach. One was found with bis Bible opened upon bis breast. Some bad their bands crossed and tbu whole body composed after the manner of a corpse. A few were found upon whom there was not the least wound or mark. Whether tbev had died-frnm sun-stroke, or from exhaustion, or simple fright, it was impossible to say, though probably, it was from tbe first cause. 1 was glad to see that most of our owo dead bad beeo buried upoo the battle ground many of tbem where they bad fulleo. In some instances those belonging to tbe same company or regiment were gathered up and buried oeur each other, each little hillock being marked by a board or stoue wilb tbe uainv of the hero cut upoo it. Not the least interesting part of the battle, field to Die was a body of thick woods, three fourths of a mile iu the rear of this battery, and skirting the road by which the enemy bad approached from Sudly's Ford. A large body of bis forces bad evideutly halted here long enough to consult their haversacks. It was a "hasty plale of soup," however, if one may judge from the immense quantities of bread aod other eatables left scattered upoo tbe ground. Among other tbioge, I found castors, mustard-boxes, pickle jars, pieces ol tine glass ware, ale aod brandy bottles, saveral oumbers of the New York Tribune, various illustrated papers, political aud religious tracts, and several pieces of flute music. The officers bad evidently beeo hav ing a good lunch preparatory to tbe grand dinner they were to take at Manassas. A little lurther oo 1 saw a mosquito net, which j some boastful warior, mindful of bis rest, was oouuiiess tuning along to be used among the swamps aod lagoons of the South. In the corner of a fence, and covered over with leaves, I foood two splendid Collin's axes, wilb leather coverings, or bolsters, for the bludes. A large number of axes were ! cantured a part Derhona of th aewii . thousand that were sent over from Washing ! too some weeks ago, by General Scott, to hew a way to Richmond for bis grand army. The fences throughout tbe battle field were i toro dowo, io order to enable the men aed horses to move with facility. The horses of tbe eoemy were large and fine, end our sbn iboo'.ers wfcte wry successful io ptcl i them off. The groanrl roend tbe batteries, wher the horses were for tbe most part killed, was torn ead rent Into gullies by the hnrstlog shells aod pluogiog balls from tbe Confederate gone. Tas-Rsatt !. tr Minima A recent letter fiom Oavaniiah, Georgia, contained the lol lowing significant paragraph t "Our city is in mourning. 617 of mir beauti ful Oglethorpe troops ware killed at the battle of Maraesas. nil young meo, and members of evr beat families," A correspondent of tbe Bierls Tarls, the government organ of France, writes from Tu nis, Algiers, as follows : "Our College of philosophers at home, may, end probal ly do accomplish a great deal Tor the cause of science, but the Americans are the peop'e to torn these discoveries to a prac tical account. Many ot the modern invention In ose hero are American, and one American chemist, Dr. J. C. Ayer, of Lowell, supplies mncb of the medicine consumed in this coon try. Hie Cherry Pectoral. Pills, Harsaparil la and Ague Cure constitute the staple reme dies here, becaose tbey are of easy appliratioo, sure in their resolts, and have the confidence of the people. While the science of Medicine is carried to a higher perfection in onr own country (Francr) than in any other, it strikes a Frenchman as a little singular that an Anv-riran Tbytician should furnish the medi. cal skill aod remedies foi our Principal Pro vince. We are happy to Inform onr resders that these superior medicines which the Emperor's principal Province is obliged to get from A merira, may he had by onr neighbors, at the Drng Stores of Friling k Grant and Richard A. Fischer. Sept. 7, 1861. New Advertisements. SIMLOI.-VK & nudERS' RAILROAD CIRCUS ! AS Look at tho Array of Stars I SEN OK IT A MARIETTA ZNFRETTA, The great Hope Dnnscnpe of the Revel Troupe MADAME ORMOND. MADAME 8IEORI3T, MISS KATE ORMOND, The I'nequallcd Equestrienne; Mademoiselle Rosa, Mademoiselle Francis, Jean Johnson, SIEfiRIST 11 OTHERS, Francois and August, Little August Sirgrint, Master Charlie Fish, Jean Fuqus, John Harry, Wm. Hill. Frank Barry, Jos. Hazlitt. 8. Wilder, SAM LONO, the (treat American Clown, Chat. Shay, iling Master. THE HORSE "HIRAM," The Wonder of the Age ! 77! A IS ED MULES. PONIES, HORSES, DOGS, Jc. Julian Wyett's Brass Band will make a OrnnJ Parade on Horseback, each day of Exhibition. Each Entertainment remmrnrrs with a (;1! AND ALLEGORICAL ENTREE, entitled The Sons of Freedom and Daughters of Liberty unfurling the " STAR SPANfJLED BANNER." Look out for the Great Unian Speech and National Songs of I. re Powell. nr Will exhibit at Sl'NDURV, on TUES DAY Afternoon and Evening, September 10, ISM. Admission, cents. C. WHITNEY, Agent. August 81, 1861. Entirely Vegetable. No Alcoholic Prepa ration. Z?. HCCFL. HE'S CK.LKBIt ATF.I) GE1JMAN LITTERS, Prepared ly Dlt. JACKSON 0., I'lillailclphla, Ptun'a. Will ill? dually cure Liver Complaint, Dyapep. er.i. Jaundice, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Di- ai-e of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach. Snehai Cnnatipalinn, Inward l'ilt-i, Kulneuor Rlnod to the Head, Acidity of the Snaimt-h, Nautca, IlrHrlhurn, Uippavt for f-'ood, Pulnefcs or W'viuht la the Moiikk-Ii, Sour Kiui-latliuiff, linking; or Flutteiing ut Die Fit of the ft'iinarli, SwinmiiMK uf me Ilea l, Harrird and DilT.rult JJiwitlimp, Klulteriiij; at Hie lleait, Choking or tarTuitiiii( si-niutiiiiiK when in a llng pomuie, Diuuieu of Vimipm, Uula of wrh fotl'ure the t-inlil, Fevri und Hull I'ain in the Head, iJi-urieiK-y of PKrmntiin, Yellnwnrsa of the hKlil and Kr, I'mii nillieMilr, Uut-k, Cheat, I. null, ,Vc,Suil di'.ti Flnahea of Heat, Haloing in the Klrih. Conclant lina- gioiov of evil nudBii-iit Dt-nri-isl f Ppinla.uiid will p aiiivi-ly nrtvcul YELLOW fliVKlt, lilt.lOlS KK VKK.Ae. The Proprietor in calling the attention of the puMit-to thiapie aiati'ni, doea ao with a feeling of the utiiioat con fiile.ioe in iia virtues and udn.tatiii to the danuci for which it ia recommended. It is no new anil untried article, hut one that haa atnod the teat of a twelve year' trial before the Americun peo ple, and us reputation and sale are unrivalled by any ainiilar preparation extant. The leMonou)' in ita favor given hy the moat prominent ami well-knowa I'hyaiciuna aud null viduala in alt patta nf the coautry ia iiniiieiiae, and a care ful peraaal of the Almanac, published annuully hy the pro pi ietnra, and to lie had gratis of any of their Aireuts, can lint but satisfy the most skeptical that this lemtdy is really deaeiving the great celebiity it has ohtai-ied READ THE EVIDENCE. Flora J. Newton Drown, D. D , Editor of the Eiicyclope' uitfui iiciigiuuB itnuwieiige. Althoairh not disposed to favor or recommend Pntent Medicines la general. Ihroueh dutnisl of Itieir luuredien1 anp enecis, i yei snow or no sumi-ienl reason why n urn" iisy inn leainv in me nenem ne nelieves himsell to have received iron, any alinple preparation, ni the hope that he imy inn. t-oiiif iiiuic oi ine iieiieiuni ninere I do this the mine reaililv in reeaid to I!noflnml'a tier. man Uitteia," prepared by Dr. CM. Jai-kson.of llnseitv, because 1 was prejudiced against ihein for years, under the impression that they weie chietlv an alcoholic imiliire. I am indebted to my friend llobei t S hoemaner. Kni., lor the removal ot this inejudiee by proper tests, aud for eiH-mir-aiementtn Irv Ihein, when suffering from ret and long couliuued debihl) The use of tlnee hollies of these lilt ters, at me heitmuiwr of the present year, was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I hud not felt fur six mouths before, and had almost despaired of regaining-. 1 therefore thunti God and my friend for directing me to" the uaeof them rniiao ii , junevj, ihou. J. ftfcWTO.N UKOWN, Annua 31. l-rtl ly TO THE VOTERS OF NORTHUMBER LAND COUNTY. Fellow Citiicna : I offer myself to you as an Independent Union Candidate for REGISTER AND RECORHPR. Should my allow citizens see proper to give me a majority of their votes, I pledge myself to a faithful performance of their duties of the office PETER W.GHAY. Sunbury, August 17, 1661. Tp the Voters of Northumberland County. IT'ELLOW CITIZENS : From the encour. agement I received from different parts of the fopnly. I offer myself as a candidate fur the office of A8SOCIATE JUDGE, subject to the usages of the democratic party, and if elected, will perform the duties justly and im partially to the best of my ability. ABRAHAM fiHIPMAN. I er A cgus'a township, June S9th, 161. To lha Democratic Voters of Northum berland County. HAVE been induced to permit my name to be used in connection with the nomination for the LEGISLATURE, at the ensuing Demo cratic primir election. 1 he solicitation of manv warm person! rrtemta Io both enda of our county have prevailed with me in this matter and should they see proper to nominate and elect nte, it will be mv pleasure, ea well ts a duty, to ptpmote (he Intercuts and prosperity of my own cnnsliluente, ea well as of the State end counlrv at larire. ' I. WOOD8 BROWN. THirbtit township, July 6, IH6I. To ht Voters of Northumberland County Fsllow Citissvs t I offer myself as a ffnirm Candidate oi the office of ASHOOtATK JUDGE, at the naxl election. Should I be eUtfed, I pledge myself to perform the duties of the office to the beat of my ability. JOHN DUNHAM. Northumberland, May I "6L le liCgiNlntme. I hereby offer myself as a' Union Candidate for the Office of legislature for Northumberland County, soliciting the vote of all persons favor aide to enforcing the Laws and the UnnMitiition, a nil sustaining the present General Administra tion so long as its actions are in accord: anre therewith t pledging- myself if elected to perform every duly incumbent upon the position to the best of my ability, discarding all party dif ferences. JF.S8E YOCUM. Nirthtimherlantl, Aug. 8, lRfil. For Associate Judge- rE earnestly recommend THOMAS 8. " MACKEY, Esq.. of Milton, as a suitable person for ASSOCIATE JUDGE, at the ensuing election. Mr. Mackev is a good scholar in both English and German. He ia also an cscoMPitoniHinn Union man, and as such we present him to the voters of the county. Aug. 3d. 1HCI. FOR THE UNION. S7L. UERGSTllESgEK, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST t PHOTOGRAPHS, AMUROTYPES. end all - the modern styles of Pictures, eiecutcd in a superior manner. rW Rooms in his CAR, Market Square, Sunhury, Pa. Augiiat 10, 1801. Assessors. Til 12 Assessors of Northumberland Coun ty, whose business il is to make the tri ennial asessment, are hereby notified that the books for that purpose, are now ready lor ue lively at tbe Commissioners' Office. a. D. JORDAN. Commissioners' Office, ) tjunbury, Aug. 24, '61. j AUDITOR'S NOTICE. 7r the Orjjhans' Court of Northumberland County. In the msttcr of the final account of William L. Dewart, Guardian of Mary C. Malick : THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by said Court to settle and adjtint said account, will alter d for that purpose at bis office, in Sunhury, or. Tuesday, the 24th day of HeptemVr, 18fil, when all persons interested mav attend, if they think proper. HARRIS PAINTER, Auditor. ISunbury, August 24, I6CI. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Martin K. Uachman, now for the use of Abraham Ltohncr vs. Henry Wcise. In the Court ol Common Pleas ol Northumberland co Yen. Ex. No flR- August Term, 1861. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Auditor, appointed by the said Cemrt to da-lritute the monies in Court, in the above case, will attend for that purpose at his office, in Kotihury, on Tuesday, the nth day ot October ncjt, when all persons interested may attend, if they think patlr. HARRIS PAOTEH, Auditor. Sunhury, August 24, l61. The Great Cure for Consumption. If you have a cold, use Wishart'e Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! If you have a cough, use Wishkrt'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial 1 If you have Aathma, use Wiaharl'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! If you have Bore Throat, use Wishart'e Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! Ifyou bave Bronchitis, use Wishail'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! Ifyou have Consumption, uso W'iabart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial Wiaharl'a Pine Tree Tr Cordial is an unfail ing remedy for disease of lha Kidnevs, Urinary omplainta, Uliiul and Dleeding Piles, Nervous Debility, and for Female weakness and Irregu larities. The well known efficacy of Pine Tree Tar in the cure of emenial affections or tiores, pointed it out as the Natural Remedy for what Phyfirinns call Tubercular tiieclioii(that ia Io say, Sure.) upon the Lungs It remained to discover the bent means of application, which discovery has been made, as a thousand testimonials prove, hy the Proprietor of Wiaharl'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! If you have DYKPEPMA. use V isharl's Great American Dyspepsia Pill! A sure cure Warranted for 0ne dollar, or the Money Refunded ! Uuy a b-x and lake them according to direc tions, and if they do uotcureyou, the money will be returned. Acests Wm. Weimer, Northumberland. A. W. Fischer, Sunuury. Call at either place, and gel a descriptive Cir cular. I.. Q. C. Wishart, proprietor, No. 10, North Second, Philadelphia August 111, I KG I ly SUNBURY STEAM FERRY AND T W ING 11 OAT COM P ANY. t J'RAVKI.LERS and others are respectfully - intormed lhat the subscriber, in order lo ac commodate I he public and facilitate travel, has reduced ibe rates ol ferriage at hia riTEAM FERRY, over the Kusquehanaa. at rsunburv, aud will carry Par-sengers, Horses, Carriages, and other vehicles, at the following rales, vis i Foot Passengers, each ft cents. Horse aud Rider, ,, Horse and iiuegy, 25 i'wo-Horae Conveyance, 40 Fanners and others, w ishing to transport Coal and Produce, call make arrangements at atill lower rates. A large, safe and commodious Steamboat will run regularly and promptly at all houra of the day, and to accommodate those who desire to at tend the Churches st Sunhury and Keliusgrove, the Bout will run on Munday. The Steamboat will run from Matket Street Warf, and promptly convey Passengers from both sides of the River, without delay. The Steam Ferry no affords not only a safe and convenient transit over the Husquebauua, but also a pleasant and agreeable ride. 1 RA T. CLEM ENT Leasee and Proprietor. Kunbury.May 25, 1861, A Oood Chance for an Enterprising Man. fipiIE subscriber wants a partner in the Mar 1 ble business, a sober perserveriug mart who can apeak both tbe English end German tangia ges, to one Ibat will suit, no cask capital required. Fjr pel ticulars inquire of JOHN A.TAYLOR. Northumberland, A Of 8, lel.--Si T3T & K Tases ' Taxes I Taxes 1 Hoard of Firhool Directors and Hupervl aors of Roads in township where miwaiml Lands are situated, are hereby requested to fur nish tjie Commissioner or iNiirlhtiinherlsnd county, with the rale per cent foi the )eara IttGO fit, on School end Road Tat . D. JORDAN, Clerk. C inimlssloner'a offiee, t 8 f-" rv. tnlv 7. ri. ( AALt. iAlfcoT STYLE OF SPUING AND SUMMER Q ABMENTS, ABB CONSTANTLY MADE et the - Fashionable Tailoring Establishment JACOB O. BECK, Itlnriirt utrect, SI Mll'H Y, Pa. TH B subscriber has just tecnived and opened large assortment SPRING AND HUM MER GOOD", such ss CLOTHS, OP EVERY DESCRIPTION QUALITY. Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Vestings, &c. of the latest styles. In addition to his stock he is constantly receiving new supplies from the citv keeping a full assortment of the moat substantial Slid latest style of Goods in the city markets. He is prrpared to make to order all kinds of Gentlemen's and joy's wear, audi as DREs.S COATS, FROCK.COATS. I3USI NES3.COAT8. VESTS PANTA LDONs. Ac. Ac. of the verv latest style, and in the most substan tial manner, at abort imlice. Any Goods not on hand, will be furnished from Philadelphia, hy giving two day's notice. ti" Call and examine my stock, no charges made for showing. JACOB O. BECK. Stinbtirv, May 1 1, lsfil JOHNS & CROSLEY, SOI.K MANLFACTI RKI18 OF THK IMPROVED Q-TJTTA PERCHA C E M E N T 11 O (J 1 N G , The cheapest nnd mo.tt HnrHUe Ttnnilug in use. It ii Fire bih) Wntcr l'ronf. Ii mi, he applied to new nnd 1M Roofs of nil kinds, and tn 8hing!r- Ihmit without removing the shindies. The Cost h only about One-Third that of Tin, nnd it ia twice ns Durable. GUTTA P K It C II A C K MENT, For preneviitir and rip:iinnK Tinnnil other Metal Hoofs of every deicriiion, lrutn ita gieiit elurlic-ity, is nt injured hy the eonl rartion und ex(tnsiM of im-tuls, and wil not cim k i" cold ir mil in wnnn weHthfi. Tiiew niiiirifils have h en lliortM ghly tfstetl in ;vr York and all puna of the. Smbtin and Wmfurn Staffs, nitd we run give nhunduutptimf ol" all we claim m their favor. They nre rr.nlily applied by or inary labomB, at a tri Ouin exneniw. 'NO UK AT 1 RKQnnET)." These matt-ritilftnie put up ridy for use, and for ship ping to all purtsof the country, with full punted direct out for iipphcntioii. Full descriptive circulars will he fiunirifd on applica tion hy tiMil -r tn iKTBonnt onr Prmcipul Oltice inn I Wart, houae, Tf) WILLI AM STKLKT, (Corner tf Liberty Street,) iew Yoik. JOIIXS. CilOLEY. AfiETs Wasif.d ! Terms Cash ! ! J'n e 1, l!-ttl ly ATTENTION The Ueat Military Book ever Published KO'.V READY, BAXTER'S VOLUNTEER'S MANUAL ContniiiiiiR full itiptructiiins fur the REt'RITI', in tlie i-clii.ola of the fiililier and Squad, sivcn in tlip nioft Mm (ile Style, ami all tlin information tif-eeanary foi tho funning of Ct Ii 1'S OF HOME til.'AUl)s. Illrmratcd with over 1 00 engravings, -lliminn the Dill'erinl I'oa lion, in tho Facings and Manual ut Arms, and complete tlirtctiuns relative tu Loading and Firing. Arranged ac cording In COTT'S SYSTEM OF INFANTRY TAC TICS, And in coiiformaiiiin with the army require ments lor the present War, hy Ll.Col. U. V. C. HAXTF.R, of the National Guard. THIS HOOK IS OFFICIALLY AITIIOVKD OF. The iiiHlrucliim given are of the Greatest im portance to the rew volunteer, ninl xhonlil It thoroughly understood, being indiaiensal!e to the instruction of a company. Hound in one volume, l2mo.,fi2 paces. Paper Cover, Jirice '! cenls. Flexible Cloih, 38 cents. Tin; Kami' IVorli Is also published in the tjerman l.ntigtinge, at the same price, and is the only Herman Hook of American Tactics pub" lUhed ia the United i-Uatea. Aienls and Cawcatftrt Wanted. To engage in the sate of this W'oik, in every City, Town and Village iu the country. Price per lo7.m Copies, g,1.T0 Filty " 8.(10 " Hundred" 1ft. 00 All orders aocoin) allied tvit!i the Cash will be diapah-hed immediately, either by posr or eipre. If ordered by po-rl, 91r-uipa ninalbe enclosed to pay postage. If by cxpiess, the Ireighl can tie paid tin delivery. SONO FOR THK VOLUNTEER. The t 'iimp-1 'ire Tumpaniun. A New and Otiginal Collection of Military and Patriotic oiigs adapted especially lor the plesenl Cumpaigii. One vol 1 mo. With ll luntratioiia. Paper cover, IS cts. Fh-silte Cloth, ' eta. Single Copic ol ibe above Rooks MAILED I'liEi: OF I'OSTAOE. To any aililreas in the United States, upon re ceipt ol Ibe price. Iiv KINU A: LJAllili, Vrinl.rs find I'ublirl.ers. tin 7 sSahhm fT., 1 ti 1 1 into! hia To whom all Orders fchuuld be adureaaed. V:n 18. CM. lil A R E fi K A. Rich Figured llaregea, I!), -.Tjanil 31 cents, IWegc Kot-cs. $:) M). 1 CO and Cll, Mo7HUibiiiie Robes at sjiS (III, Traveling lrea liiioil. Kli. pt.ar.l . IMaiil. Mohair Plaids, tiinbaiiia, l.awna. Prints, Challiis, ttrey Figured ttooda, t UOI'ER A. CONARD, 8 E corner Ninth and Market, Philadelphia. N it Hot equality Hoop ISkirts, t4 tenia to ! 2S. May IS. 18(11. JAMES BARBER'S Wlini.EMI.K AM) KKTAII. CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, &. Z, Comer Second ami Chestnut 'v , IMilUKtlplila. AGFNOY for tht; PATKNT K(rALI7lG THIHTV it A Y CLOCKS, a verv flrairuhle Hriirlr lor Cuu reli ed, ll' tclx, llunky. i'tuniiiiir lliiuim, I'urhir. Al., .I;.nuniclurfr ni' t'INK OOLU I'L.Nb. ('hsf'kti re lutirril ftiid wurrutittfl. CI'K'k Ti tiiiinii')sT o rvrrv th'wriptim. Vhiixit-MtiH. .luniiHry H),' l-Ul..-3y .2, MANHOOD. HOW LO&T, HOW KKSTOUKD, Jt"JT PL'aLlSHKD IN A 8KALKD KNVLL01K : A I.F.rTI'RK on the Nature, trtwrmmt, ! Radical Cure of Spennautrrha'ti, nr tVminul 'inkne Ht xuitl t) hility, Nervoumcn sud hivnlmitHiv mUtuHi. iniutiits iiitiienry, Convuiupiioii und hlrntijunit l'h RtiulUchiliiy. UyROBT. J. CTLVKRWK.LL, M I., The imponam (net that the awf'il c i:ti)tifiu- of arlf- htis imty Ixj eiTtftUiillv rem'ivwl without intrriial mtdi ei uei or the lUiincioua Biiplittitiii of rnu'ini, iitrliu mnitt. timtirnt?sj tsouiri, aud othor etupinrji dfvuwti, ia her clt-wrlv iifnttutiutrj, aiul ihw (iitirly new mid highly iHTFiafut lrcuiinut, ai adnpirtt hy lha relfhrurul auilior fully exiinuimt, hy mrani n whirl) every one is eimhlr4 tnur himaelf rfwtly, and nt the lefial poasthli iot, thrrrhy avoidinf all the aHvrrlitt1 ii 'airuin of ihiiHy. Tine IfJi'iure will prove tVtoH to thiuMidfaid Ihouaaiuta fret it under acel in e nlnin mvope, l" envaddiefca. pat4 petd, oi the irceipt of two pitetffge atatnpe. Ir iidliciuiiiic;. Or CH.J r.KUMi, Ii? fiuwvy, Nw Vuik. iai Ooebs.i i,h6 sprii, 1091 lypt IMPORTANT TOLOVERSOF C3 CE CEi E STJ? C2L1 UR1GHT &. SON. Invite attention to their Stock ot Trime Green and Black Tea. June IK, mill. SUMMER GOODS ! AT rRIOEH TO SUIT THE TIMES. E. Y. EHIGIIT 8c EON, UAVli RECEIVED a large s-rccz; OF ALL ISZNBS OF GOODS HANDSOME, DURABLE AND ezz: 3z:n is tv ia . GREAT BARGAIS AND Splendid Inducements TO TT T A T l d. J w X; ij li s AT THE ONE PPJCE STORE, op E. Y. BRIGHT & fc-ON. f'unbury, Juno 15, 18Ci. '"commercial" n u rse rie s,-" ii. E. IIOOKEH As CO., IlOClIKSl ER, N. V JOHN W. BL'CHER. Local Agent, Sunbury Pa. S Ibe subscriber, having been appointed local m Agent tor the rale nf Fruit tns, plants, vines, &e.. id one of the must reliable Nurseries, eulla the attention of all who vvanl choice fruit Io this in thud, us in. ire eeitain than by obtaining litem through travelim; amenta. Among ilinse ill si riiK il in the 'alalugiia are, Lluarf I'c.ir Trees-, of the age fr Iraiiapl.'.titirg, teiiiatkably l':ii. D.vnrf Apph Trees, on Paradise Storks, ma king I. "1111111111 lilt It- tieea for the garden, and pro-Urn-nig remarkably lino specimens of fruit in a very shurl lime. llwatf ('berry Trees, budded on Mahaleh Stocks, haiiiUume trees. Siainlaid Apple, Pear and t'herry Trees, very line, with a l.irno list of vaiielies. Peach, Plum, Nectarine and Apricot Treea. (iooaeben v, Uluclibiiiy and Stranleiry J'lant all of the tiiie.si kinds. I'urrui.ts, many new and improved varieties, meli as ('berry. bite drape, W bite (iundouin,' R.-il (nape, letnria, & c. Strawberry Plant, in great variety, imludiiig the Hunker, iUon's Albany, Triuinphie de (and, (tbe iiui't approved old varietief,) as well aa all tbe novellit. tirape Viue, intln.lii thus fine, new, yet well levied kinds, wbieh no planter should be Willi int. audi i Delaware, Concord, and Hart ford Pioblic. Theae we bave propagated so ex teuaively a to able to orler lhci:i at reduced und satisfactory priees. Plants, Roaea, Evergreens and every variety of ornamental treea and Shrubbery, aecurcty packed" JOHN V. lib CHE If. Agent, Siiibury Pa. Siinbury, pebuaiy, 9, iNlil. Hev Millinery Goods. Minsj yi. I.. CI SXI.KII, l'uun Street, ttt-o donrs futh dj the Shrtmukin Valliy - Holtaeille Hail Jiuad, BUNBXTRY, IENNA., Utf KC'l b L I.I.V informs the citizens of e-I.NULKY and vicinity, lhat she baa just received from Philadelphia a large and si lendid aaorlment of the moat fa.ihioi.able and latest aiy le of IXi CE ST SJ3 Q? S3 . II A T 8, SHAKERS, TRIMMl.NtJS. Ac. which tha is selling at the moat resaousble prices 'Io which tbe directs the attention ot lha ladies and invites all to call and aea tbem. Thankful for past pstronsge, she htpes by keeping to lat aaaorlnienl at reaaoiiaU prices toeoutinus lha sania. Sunbury, Afti 13, lkl.- 9m ' LXVZ3 AND LEARN 1 LET THE TEOPLE STIIX COItrilUE TO LITE, AND THEY WILL SOON LEARN THAT FAILING & GKAiNT. AT THE HAMM0TH STORE, ARE SELLING GOODS CHEAPER than can be purchased elsewhere). A FBE8II KTJTIFr, V Just received by Railroad this week. RUM EMBER THIS, AND PROFIT BY IT. Sunbury, December IS, 1860. J. A. C R AN D A L L ' S PATKNT SPRING HORSES 47S BltOADWAV, N BW TTOlllC. ishoultl be in every family. Hchool, (ivninssj. urn. Asvlum. and Hospital in tho land. Aro not DANGEROUS, like the common RocUni; Worse, t-itanda firm on ita Pedestal, will lint wear CARPETS, and has no Rockers to injure the Feet. 'Ilaalth and happlnras in tha aarneaaiMl." N P. WiiltS FROM THE "Of all the child furniturojwe "have evrr area no article combines so much of those two iinpor. tant things health and huppinesa as the Ad- Jjnatable Patent Steel Spring Saddle Horse, in- venleu by .lesae A. Crandali, It is nut ilanger ous, like a common rocking-borac, to children's feet, cuntiot be upacl, does not wear carp'-ta, brC stands firm on its base, and its action ia so liko the gallop of a live horse that the child ucvor wearies of it. This latest of child-novelties is cjt eeedmgly elegant and artialic ill design ; and ailjustable. substantial, and durable, lhat it will last a lifetime. It is indispensable in every family where there are children. Il should bo iu every primary school and gymnasium in the country, as it can be mode largo and strong enough to sustain grown persona. As a pedeatnl for photographic pictures, nothing is mure lieauli ful. "Every Oiphan Asylum snd Institution whera children are coiinrepnted, should be furnished with a number of these beautiful artielcs. They are fitted with side-saddles when required." DIRECTIONS FOR ADJUSTING. Open the after part of the base sufficiently to allow the axle to go,in its place ; then raise or lower the Horse to suit you. Screw the bulls in the side verv tight. nr These Horses are WAuRAFTED oua year. March 10. If 61. tf SUNBURY ACADEMi. I-'IIE SUMS! Kit TERM oftlie Suul aiy Academy enirinieiice on tlieblh of April. 'I'he cnuiae of instruction embraces every dcprtll ment if tdueatii-n tutiK-u in nur bent Acaileimta. prearn aiuiteitta one eiiher fur a profeaaiuii or to eniet any cifiaa ui t.VHruo. Ti:RMS Pf.R QUARTER: Common School llrani-tea, 1 0O tinner Kiikilibli Hianeliea. 5 (6 lJ'.ltl and Ureuk lniuiiges. 7 0U Tuition to L"5paul befirc tho middla of the term, tt'iardean tie hud in private fauiiliea at lioin e'l ?3 S'i 'j per week. 3 P. WOLVEKTON, PnucijMl. Sunbury, Mareh 30, 100. no OV HlT Xt IIs-SKEKS. iio vot; want whiskers t DO YOU WANT A MOUSTACHE? 1)U VOU WANT A .MOUSTACHE? Itel tin s ha m's Ctltdralert S T 1 M U L A T ING ONOUEN 1 Fur the U'hiilers aud Hair. Tlieaubaenbera take plcnaure in anririunciiifr to the eitl 2eua.if ll.e Unllt-d Stutea, llmt llie hliva bl-t.iied tha Ajreiity lur, amlaie a w eimliled lourTcr to tho Aincmari puiihc, tlie shove juaily celcbratue and worid-reiiiiwiiad article. 77ie Stimulating Onguent. ia prepared by Dr. C. 1. UJInifciuiiii.uii eminent physician ol Luiidiill, and ta wafriuileOt'i tiring nutallnekhct uf H biskem nr Mouttiivh. in from three to aix weeka. The aruele is the only one of the kind na-d ly the l-'rencu, and iu London and i a na it ia in umvrrsu! use It ia a iieautuul, rennoinieal, aonthing, yet atiniuliilin eoius. und, acting as if bv luueie niu'it tne risila. eaeajng a tir.'Unul pruv.'iii if luxui noil iiair Jl applied to tlie ta.p, t v. til eare bai'lnt-ss, mill cause to aprinf; up in pire 1 1 the buldhpotaj aue amwth nl hair Applied aeiNuduig lilireetlii.a it wi.. turn red nr lowy hair Uaik. and reatira aiuv liuir In iUiiiiiiiale-!or. leaving it a.itr rin.Mih, and llexihle. 'I he tnluenl-, ia an inOnpniibie amc.e in eveiVKnlliinuii'a l-'ilet, and alter one wtek's use they WHiiJ not for uny eiMmklerjtinn ),e wnhnut it. 'Pie auUrrihern ure the onlv- Auf-uls b-r the artiete in the I'l.lieU Mutea, to whnm u!l ordera n;nsl be aiUiie.o'. Tnec Una lli.iiur a Uixfnr a;i!e by all Lfriiecikle und IV,i!.-ra: r a lux of I lie '-Oiuenl'1 (warranted t-i Iim u the d.-sirsii ttlrei) will 1-e aent In any wlni Ceaire ii. hy mail, direct, eeu.nelv puekee, on receipt of price fcuO p.-kt. age,s)ltlB. Applvtniir HiMrrhS HOK.tCt: L. IIEGEMAN CO.. Prurftina, Ac., HI William SI., New Yoik. Fur a!e at Huh ulT.ce. March dO, I'til. r)OL0.1IU. MIMCIi, A 1 1 orney af Law, SUNBURY, Northumberland Co, Ta (Formerly Kreebur. nyder county.) OFFICE, .Market .Street, a few doors cat of lbs Northern Central Railroad Depot and two di-ora weal of the Poat Oltice. All Prnli'Miiiial Uosmen, Collections, Ac, will receive prompt attention. March 30. ISO I. DRUGS AND MEDICINES,"" RICHARD A. FISCHER'S G & CHP.ltC I C A L EMPORIUM. HAVINU purchased the store formerly kept by A. W. I IM'HER, be would teapeclfully call the attention ol lha public to his well aehcl. ed atock of DHVr.-i MEDICINES, CHEMI- U.iLS. PAINT3 Oils, DyeStufts, Varnishes. Per'umery, Fancy Aiticbs, fine Hair and Tooih llruatiea, Fancy foaps. '1 ruaaea, Ac. Pbyairians l'rea-iipttons and Family Receipt accurately compounded at all hours, by ait rap riencrd Lirtiiraist and Apolher-ary. REMKMUEIt the jlai , under tha ofCca of the "ftunury American." Soliburr, June Si Idfil. Smos BLACK SILK COATS. (iored Mantles, Poplin Uuaters, French Kaijues, Hilk Uaaquinaa, Newest Deaigna. Keaiiy Made, or Mad to Ur Ur. COtlPER & CONAl:l. . F.. Corner Ninth and Msrkst, PiiiiaJelpbia. May IU, 11. S 1 "HOME JOURNAL."