Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 10, 1861, Image 2

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    ILJMHJ 1
Sandt FIooe, A or nit IS.
A ieloehmsnt of tbe Twenly-eightb New
yr aorprissd sqoed of Rebel cavalry at
boom opposlts ths Polos of Rocks, thl
snornlog, killing Ihrss, woondlns: anil eaptor
Inf tsvso, with their horses. Tbet reerossed
lb river withoot loss.
It H reported Ibsi eooslderariU body of
Rebel cavalry re-occupied. Martiosborg oo
Tbere ii do danger of an attack upoo this
Ths camp was startled this morning, hy
rontioued rapid firing along the Maryland
Heights in I he vicinity of the encampment.
The regiments and battalions were formed,
ready to repel invasion ; bat it proved to be
shea Skirmish of the Twelfth Msisacho
setts. Corporal A. Alonso Crow, of the New
York Ninth, died yestsrday r typhoid
Private James stcOoldrick. of Company I,
Pennsylvania Tweoty-eigbt, was accidentally
shot dead this morning.
The legislative elections took place to day.
Mr. Hannry, the editor of the Democrat, was
elected over ex Governor Merriwealher, by
from 900 to 1100 majority, which represents
Ibe Union majority in Jefferson county.
The Union majarily io the city is aboot
Jadge Buckoer (Union), is elected over
James B. Clay, in Fayelt coooty, by from
fiOO to 600 majority.
Richard O. Anderson. (Union), nephew
of Ueo. Anderson, of Suruter fame, bai been
elected in Fraoklio conoly, by from 300 to
400 majority.
J. W. Jacos (Union), is elected io Old
Ball coocty.
The returns thos far indicate a Union ma
jority as large or larger than at the last Coo
gressional election.
All was quiet at the polls.
pistol rencontre occurred at the Gait
IIooe late this afternoon, between Edward
Crotbfield and Thomas Savage, wberin both
were severoly Injured the Utter probably
H. B. MASSEB, Editor and Proprietor.
To AorMTitiM - -The circulation of the Bcnettar
AHcaicaii among the different towns on the Sutquehanna
la ni exceeded, If equalled by any paper published in
Northern Penmvlvania.
St. Lodis, Mo., August 6.
A battle has occurred at Dag Spring,
nineteen miles sooth of Springfield, Mo,
between the Fed- ral forces under Geo Lyon,
and the Rebel troops under Sea. McOul
Eight of the Federal troops were killed
and thirty wounded.
The Rebels lost forty killed and fourty-foor
General Lyon took eighty stand of arms
and fifteen horses and wagoos.
A body or United Status cavalry, two hun
dred and seventy io number, made a charge
on the Rebel Infantry, said to have been four
thousand strong, and cut their way through
them, and returned with a loss of only five
The charge is described as most gallant as
well as terrific.
Several of the Rebels were found with
their heads cloven entirely through by the
words of our dragoons.
The enemy retired during the eight, and
General Lyon took poesessioo of the
Another battle was momentarily expected.
the Rebels beiog io Urge force west of
The particulars of the fight will be trans
mitted as soon as possible.
It will not surprise any one who under
stands the character of the men who have
been the chief leaders in the great rebellion,
to know that they are ulready forming polit
ical parties, and that they will probably bave
rival candidates io the Gld for the Presiden
cy of ibeir Confederacy. The issue opou
which tbe parties will be divided is presented
by a secessioo journal io tbe subjoined para
graph :
Two Candidates for Pbksidkst. Tbe
Aogoita (Ga.) Chronicle expects veiy sooo
to see two perties arraved io the new Con
federacy, struggling for tbe Presidency next
Fall, and tbe division, it thinks, will be opon
tbe point of admitting other Slates, "one
favoring tbe admission of other States which
may choose to accept our Constitution, tbe
other clinging to tbe delusion of a pure
Slaveocracy." Tbe present Provisional t re
ident and Vice President both "favor the
idea of ultimate reorganization," while Howell
Cobb, it is implied, and the ultra Soutbero
party, are forever opposed to tbe admission
of free States. Here, theo, says the Chroni
cle, is tbe programme, as we tbiok. riowell
Cobb lor President, upoo tbe basis of oo
admission of any free State, and no admission
of such slave States as will give tba power io
the Coolederacy to admit free States by a
two'tbirds vote, in ibis wise, as we take It
it s party to be organized io opposition to
lbs present aamioieirauoo.
The Buttle at Carthage.
Irom tht Miuouti Account.
I had a conversation this morning with W
F. McCullo;b ; be has s coosio who lives in
tbe vicinity of Carthage, that came to bis
boose Tew days aince. He roobrms tbe
previous reports of tbe namber killed at tba
place foot less thao one thousaod) ; be count
ed five hundred and fifty dead horses. He was
on tbe battle groood oo Saturday, tbe 6tb.
I learn this moroiog from two gentlemen
who came direct from Sherman, Texas, via
Fort Smith and Van Bureo, thafCtaib" was
io tbe Utter place when they pasted throogb,
two wsess since.
Toe most hideous falsehoods are being clr.
eolated throogb Texas and Arkansas for the
purpose of getting men to enlist io rebellioo
Tbey eay, had it oot been that those men
were ioduced to believe these reports, oot
man coold they bave sot from Texas, and
tbey think wbeo they learn the true slate of
affairs, tbey will return borne.
Ho. Airato Elt. Jt belore adjournment
yesterday, the Speaker laid before the House tbe
following .
Uki-tid Statu Muitabt TurasarB
Received. August 1st, 1361 j from RichnsoeeV
Virginia, July Slat, 1661.
To Han. William H. Seward i
1 am a prisoner, Ely, Arnold Harris, and Mc-
I air are alee bere V. Meson, J a
Oem. McClmxas's Call. It Is said by
loose woo profess to speak of their ow
knowledge, tbat tbe credit of calling Gen
kleClallao to the command of tbe army of
tbe Potomac belongs to President Liecolo.
The majority of tbe Cabinet wei indiffereut,
If not opposed to the cbaoge.
CoMPi.tTKD. Tbe three soana of the
Nortbero Central railroad bridge sear Deo
phis, which were destroyed by a storm last
spriog, bave beeo rebuilt and tbe track is
again ready for tbe passsge of trains of cara.
Tbe whole structure has beeo much improved
ad strengthened with additional braces, so
as to prevent the recurrence of similar sect'
deols Harritburg 'Jeltgraj.h.
A cavalry company is beiug organized by
soma of our ciliwns with a view to promo
ting and eocooraglog solitary education in
oar county. This is s good wove and should
iccelvs tht topport ol eur siliseus. ld
ty Baxtir's VoivKTtKRs Maroai, neatly
illustrated with engravings, for aale at this office
Price 25 cents.
QT Lost. Was lost at the dinner on Saturday
last, a large silver tablespoon and teaspoon, mark
ed "E. P. B." Also a whhe slone china butter
dish with strainer and cover. Any person find
ing there articlea and leaving them at this office,
or Chas. Pleasants, will be suitably rewarded.
fiF Capt. James Taooart. We observed
in tbe cars last week Cept. James Taggart,
of Northumberland, on a visit to bis family.
Tbe Northumberland company had been
stationed for some time at Cumberland, Md.,
but has since beeo ordered to Join tbe forces
onder Geo. Books, at Harper's Ferry.
Vjr Tbe weather has been unusually warm
tbe past week, tbe thermometer having got
np as high as 98 io tbe shade, io somo
places. TegetatioD is beginning to suffer
for tbe want of rain. Tbe coro crop, how.
ever, generally, looks well, end will yield a
good crop, unless injured by coDtiooed
O" The Sbemokio volunteers, Captain
Strauss, arrived home last week. We under
stand that quite a number of tbe boys are
willing to re-eolist for tbe war, which we
trust will be s short and decisive one.
SET Cuakob or Tins Tbe morning mail
traio south, arrives at 10 10 A. M. Tbe
night train at 10 10 P.M. Tbe mail train
north, from Philadelphia and Baltimore, at
415 P. M., and the night train north at 12
40. Tbe trains now pass at Millersborg.
C2T Escaped prisoners from Manassas state
tbat our men who are there as prisoners, are
well cared for, and are as comfortable as
could be expected, and we are pleased to
state that all aecouols from tbe Rebels agree
tbat tbe wounded prisoners taken have beeo
treated humanely.
Several important changes aie an
nounced io the command of tbe army of tbe
Potomac. Geo. Butler is to be called to
Washington, Gen. Wool taking bis place at
Fortress Monroe. Gen. McCutI is to take
command ot tbe department of the Sbenan
STJkff. Davis' late speech ia filled with
outrnths. Instead of capturing 60 pieces of
artillery, tbe rebels could not bave taken
more than seventeen, the total numbor loBt ;
instead of oe hundred wagons and ambu
ances, they found not more tbao twenty-five
instead of vast quantities of ammunition and
arms for tbe army, they bave found a little
powder, and possibly 1000 muskets.
C3f Ths Amt-ricao Agriculturist for Au
gust is, if possible, more interesting tbao
some of ils predecessors. It should be read
by the fancy gardener as well as the sub
stantial farmer. Edited by Orange Judd,
New York. Terms one dollar per annum.
I3" Forty counties in Kentucky elect but
three secessionists to the State Legislature.
Tbree-fourtbs of each bouse will be Uoioo
"Tea 11th Pennsylvania Regiment, as well as
the 1st and others, returned when their three
months ware up."
We find the above short paragraph io the
Lewieburg Chronicle, of last week. We bave
oo desire to make invidious comparisons or
censure other regiments, but sheer justice
compels ot to say that tbe 11th did not
return when their three months were op, but
at tbe request of Gen. Patterson, almost
oqanimoosty agreed to stay a week or ten
days longer, and did to. This iocideot we
look opon as one of tbe most gallant aod
patriotic or their campaigo, sod are oot
willing to see our company, at least, thorn of
tbeir honors io this manner.
O" The Brady Artillery, of Money, re
mained io tbis place oo Friday right, end
taking tbe morning train arrived borne at
dooo. Tbe Luminary says, oo tbeir arrive)
the procession baited in front of Robins'
Hotel, wbere tbe lie v. u. I; arson made an
appropriate prayer, and tbe Rev. Mr. Dill
deli re-red a neat address of welcome. Some
thirty or forty young girls statioMd en the
opper veranda of tbe Hotel thee joined io
singing "Home Again," after which tbey
presented wreaths to tbe officers and men of
the returoiog volooteers. Tbe processios
then resumed tbe march through town, the
Brady Boys being loudly cheered at various
points on tbe anarch, aod finally returning to
the Hotel they tat dewo to sumptuous
dinner ptepsred by tbe ladies of tbe town
sod neighborhood, and of which besides tbe
volunteers, several hundred persons partook.
O Col. Cameron's Rkmains At there i,
much ioturest manifested bere and elsewhere
io regard to tbe body of Col. Jamet Came
ron, we deem it proper to say, tbat while at
Harrieburg a few days since, we learsed frota
Geo. Cameron that there was do deuht tbat
tbe body of bis brother, Col. Cameron, bad
been properly buried, and tbe place of sepul
ture marked, end that io due time it would be
secured. Tbe rebel leadera bad offered to de
liver the body oo so order addressed to Geo.
Beauregard, at commauder-io cbief of tbe
aruiei of the bCoufderate Slates ofAoieii'
ca, but nothing coeld induce bim to recog-
niso the rebel traitors. He laid bs bad teot
oo flag o ftruce, sod that even tht friendly
mission of Messrs. Magiaw ecd Hsrris wat
tgalast hie edikt.
Sa'.urdsy last was a great day io 8uobory.
Tbe "Sunbury Guards" bad been expected on
their return home about the middle of the
week, and preparation was made to give them
a suitable reception. Oo Friday dispatch
was received the Company would return
iu special train that evening, but it wat not
until ao hour past midnight that tbs traio
came in sigh), containing tix or seven com
pauiet of the 11 ill Regiment, among them
tbe "Suubury Guards." I be Muncy company
also remained over oigbt. The depot plat
form, notwithstanding tbs late boar, was
crowded, and remained ootil lbs booming
cannon had ceased, and the bonfires had
burned oat. The boys Were all apparently
well, except one, David Druckemlller, whose
declining health shnuld have prevented bis
entering into service. His case excited much
sympathy as he was carried home in a
blanket, bot we are pleased to bear that be
is improving.
Ou the following day, Saturday, Market
Square was crowded with our citizens sod
people from tbe vicinity. A platform bad
beeo erected in front of tbe Court. House,
aod lung tables set under, tbe shade of the
trees io the Square. Tbe citisens bad pro
vided Io abundance, and the volunteers, after
marching through the streets, preceded by
Grant't Cornet Baod, seated themselves at
the tables. The ladies were busily engaged
as waiters, and never were waiters more
faithful sod atteotive. After dinner a meet
ing was organized by appointing tbe following
officers :
PresideotFRED'K. LAZARUS. Esq.
Vice Presideuts Hon. Ganrge Weiser,
Jacob Bright, Daniel Beckley. Francis Buctv
er, D. W. Shindel, Betij. Zetelmoyer, Ira T
Clement, James Covert, George Bright, P. II
Matter. Wm. I. Greenoueh, Benjamin Hen
dricks. E. Y. Bright, Sr. S. B. Bnver. Simon
Snyder, Charles Pleasants, Peter Lazarus,
and Samuel Gobin.
Secretaries-W. B. Manser, John Youngman,
Geo, tiohrbach, and Henry Vunntl.
Hon. Alexander Jordan made the opening
speech, which was well delivered and io ex
cellent taste. He referred to tbe war, aod
tbe duty of every patriot io sustaining the
Government in its prosecution. He con
gratulated the '-Sunbury Guards" opoD their
gallant conduct io remaining over tbeir time.
and their courage io battle. Lieut. J. P. S
Gobin was then called for. Tbe call was uo
expected, but he responded in a neat speech
acknowledging, in behalf of tbe Company, the
high compliment and honors paid to them by
their friends, relatives and neighbors. After
which the Rev. Mr. Rizer, of tbis place
Ubaplaio or Uol. Cameron s Kegiment, ep
peered oo tbe platform, and delivered ao elo
qaeot and patriotic speech- Daring all this
lime, table after table was filled, so tbat per
haps no less than four or five hundred men
womeo aod children weie entertained during
the afternoon, while the provisions end frag
ments left, would bave served to feed several
more companies.
(KT A letter from oue of our Army corret
pondents, dated at Harrisburg, was occiden
tally omitted last week, but inasmuch as it
contains a deserved compliment to M r. Miller
the obliging landlord of tbe Park House, in
Harrisbarg, we insert this week the following
extract. We era pleased to add that the
hospitality aod kindness to our volunteers,
extended by Mr. Miller and family, will be
gratbfully remembered by the recipients end
by tbe good citizens of Sunbury, of which
place Mr. Miller was formerly a resident.
We cheerfully add our owo testimony to that
of our correspondent in regard to M r. M iller's
When we arrived here our rrg!racnt was
marched to a field adjoining Camp Curlin, where
we are eacaroped, that is if one could en II it that,
as there hi hut four tenia to each Coany, but
the most of our regiment having become accus
tomed to tlirs war Irle took it coulv, spread I heir
blankets and were soon hi the "land of dreams."
The most of our ornpstiy, however, having a
fancy for the comforts of life, when they can he
had, at once quartered themselves with mine
boat, Charles Miller, Esq, of tha Parke House,
where all their wants were bountifully supplied,
and lean assure you the boys, like the Irishman,
"paid particular attention" to the good things of
his well spread lahlo. After all the privations
our Company bave been subject to, it is something
entirely new to us to he treated in the kind man.
ner its which Mr. Miller acted towards us, and our
whole company feel under deep obligations to him.
There i one way in which the folks at home can
repay him for his kindness to us, and that is by
stopping at his Hotel, when on a visit to Harris
burg, and dropping some of their '-filthy lucre,
and 1 am certain thev will never regret the atep
of stoppng at the Park House."
Congress paued an act to Increase revenue
from Imports, and to psy the interest on the pub'
lie debt, and for other purpoaea.
The bill else : apportions directs of $30,-
OOO.OUO among jh States, as follows I
N llamptihire
p-htMle lehtml
New Yore-
New Jersey,
Maryland .
y)tlii ..
N Carulina
MCaMnia' -
Georgia r '. i
Miiainippl '
irfttisianB '
Ohia . ..
KenlncKV . .
Dsatii or Bionop BuniHsS. tiPiito or thk attomnet GENCRAi.
Tbe Ir.tellisHnce of the sudden and en.i s Till iiabk vrirta uvaeriuia.
petted death of th't HigM lie v. Mamuel Knw. In obedience, to a teeOIOtinO or the Ilonse
u. V; Assistant uisuop m idi c.piacw
Tna Miutart Clotbiwo Deri-Itc
bill A Wilson's Drown fc tone Clothing I Ml,
appears to be the leading bouse for the mitio-
eifiyjfl 00 Indiana
i IB,w oo
, Sllil-ttl IHJ
- .gH,SHI ,13
116.183 64
Hue 1114 Hi
.VI,134 Oil
-' aa
' . (137,560. 86
6 r .i i-4. no
' 83.570 66
. .629,313. 31
' , 413,14 ,S
1 l67,(- -34
,713,615 33
Miaaourt .
Kanaaa -Arkansas
Trine t
Iowa ;
Wtaeorialn :
Oregon '
New Mexico'
Diet of Columbia 49,437 31
The President will divide the' countrv into col
lection diatriets end appoint collectors, and after'
the sicond Tuesday in February the Secretary or
the Treasury shell establish regulationa to govern
the assessment and colleetion. Attempts to evade
the act or commit fraud -will be punished. The
salary of the 'assessors ranges from $2 to $3 per
day. In the event ol a relusal to pay ine taxes,
the collectors shall collect it by dislraint and sale
of the goods, chatties, or effects of the pel sons do
pal. Church in the Diocese of Pennsylvania,
has awakened a feeling of proloond sorrow
throughout oor whole State, oot only among
tbe members Oi the denomination of which bs
was a shining ornament, and to whose ser
vice he was devotedly attached, but among all
classes of citizens, to whom be had endeared
bimelf by bis exemplary deportment, bis ma
oy Chi jet inn virtues, his amiable aod com
manding character, and bis superior talents.
He was a son of Major Uowmao, of Wilkes-
barre. Pennsvlvania. liifltinuoished officer of
s'sls no h R","lui'"lry tnj, and wars born io the
sail on Jeor I8U0. It' was originally his intention to
7.79J 3.1 embrace the legal profession, but, a Tier devo-
JS,3I)I 00 j,..,M...,. tlma in lk tmA nt m.m
ma ueiuraiij strong uevouooai leeiingi were
Intensely aroused by tbs sudden death of bis
father, and be was thus ted to assume tbs sa
cred calling for which bs was pre-Smioeotly
fitted. After proper preparation, be was or-
daioed a Deacon to this city by Bishop White,
in tba year 1823, aod at ooce took charge of
Bt. Wobn'a Uborcb, at riqoa, Lancaster
coanty. In 1824, bo was ordained a priest.-
In October, 1825, be became rector of Trinity
Church, Eastoo, at well at sf a newly estab.
cd congregation at Alleotowo, Pa. in 1828,
be became the rector of St. James tJborcb,
004 F7S Xt
1,H,SSI 3J
701,1117 3.1
71,713 33
Ml.M Hi)
6JI,?S:1 33
. J in OS
3iio be
4M.IW8 no
SlU.flSi 61
l?,54 00
t-i.vos ai
3,441 34
7 i l. , i . V i i im. i m.nia nf ' Lancaster, which potitioo be cootinned to does noUncluda tool hold op t0 lb9 period of bis-election SS As-
a trade or profession, beasts of the plough neces
sary for the cultivation 'of improved lands, arma,
household furniture, and necessary apparel.
Any collector guilty of oppression, injustice.
or exiortiun, shall be liable to a tine of i!,tHiu
Any person guilty of perjury shall be liable to a
fine of $500.
All incomes over $800 per annum are to be
taxed 3 per cent, on the aurplua over 1800 ) when
such an income ia derived from interest on trea
sury notes, the tax shall be li pet cent T his
tax goes into efleel Januarv I, ltu. All taxes
not paid June 30, 1862, ahall draw interest at
the rate of 6 per cent, per annum. Neglect or
refusal to pay this tat renders th ollender name
to iinpriaiiiiinent until the tax is paid. Should
any of the people be in actual rebellion at the
lime the act goea .nlo effect, the President shall
cause its provisions to be executed within surh
sistant Bishop, in 1858, and so deeply was
that congregation attached to bim, that they
would not permt bis pastoral connection with
them to be dissolved, eveo after tbat event.
They insisted opon bis continued residence at
tbeir parsonage, tbat be should devote as much
special attention to them as Die otoer erau
one duties wnuld Hermit.
Io 1848, Dr. Howmao was elected Bisbopor
the Diocese of Indiana, but, being warmly at
tacbed to his congregation, he declioed to ac-
ceo. tbat position. Tbe failing health of
Uishop rotter, and tbe arduous duties coo
oected with tbis Diocese, induced the Episco
pal Cooveotion, wbicb met in this city in May,
1858. to elect an Assistant liisbop. lbs
coolest was very animated one, tbe division
of sentiment wbicb existed in relation to wbat
! iv-presenlslives. adopted on the ldlhinsl., I radars of military clothing. In the opef
requiring a copy of the opinion or I he At tor-1 stories they employ some twenty cullers, and
bey General, mentioned In tbs Freaidtrftt's about seVen bnudred hands ere constantly so
message, Io reference to tbe suspension or lbs gaged in makiug op the work. Over Ibree
writ of habeas corpus, Judge Hates has tboosand coats were made op by this fJrm la
transmitted to the House a copy of bis letter ten days, for tbe State, herides full eu:ta for
to the President of July bib. It makes a several companies of Home Guard, and fur
pamphlet of twelve pages. The following
are tbe chief pointl of the document. Tbe
questions asked by the President werei
lint lb the present time or a great and
dangerous insurrection, has the President the
discretionary power to cause to be arrested
aod held Io curtody persons Known to bave
criminal Intercourse with tbe insurgents, or
persons against whom there is probable cause
of suspicion of such criminal complicity t
Second In soch cases ol arrest, It tbe
officers of tbe army and oavy. 'I he Intel inn
of this well-known e'tabliahment ia No. b03
and COS Chestnut stieet, above Sixth, Philadelphia.
Gutta Terciia Cemknt KooKtNO. We
Invite tbe attention of our renders to the
advertisement of Messrs. JOANS ft CRUM
LEY, New York, io another column.
The numerous experiments made for the
last few Tears, to orodure a substitute lor tin.
President Justified la refusing to obey a writ slats and shingle roofs, have at last ld to a
of habeas corpus issued by a court or a judge I perfect triumph in the Gutta Pttrtqa a Cement
requiring mm or bis agent to proaoce tne i uoonng onerea oy these gentlemen,
body of tbs prisoner, and show the csoss of I Possessing Io a great degree, the features
bis eaptios sod determination to bs adjudged
aod disposed or by sscb coort or judge r
To the first question Judge Bates, after a
preliminary trgoureot epos tbs relative
powers of tbs tevsrat brsosbet sf tbs govern
ment, says
of tlattieim, (which is Walifioatioo oft
Cement Roofing actually necessary and long
after.) durability aod cheapness, combined
with the fact tbat it is Weather and Gre proof,
its general adoption caonot be too earnestly
urged. Tbeir Gutta Percha Cement for
1 am clearly of tbs ooloion tbat. In a time I coating aod repairing Metal Roofs of all
like the present, when tbs very existence of I kinds and for preserving all ii.ei.els from rust
limits, whenever the Government authority ia jig popularly termed tbe High Cburcb and
re-established. Alt taxes thus collected shall
bear interest.
The act authorises the appointment of a Com
missioner of Taxes in connection with the Trea.
sury Department, who ahall be appointed by the
President on the nomination of the Secretary, and
receive e salary of $3,000 per annum, and shall
Low Church feeling giving it pecoliar inter
est. Those whose proclivities were of tbs
former character generally preferred Dr. Bow.
man, and most of the others preferred Dr.
Vinton or Dr. Stevens. After fifteen close
ballots, Dr. Uowmao withdrew bitoame, and
moved that a committee ol six clergymen be
the nation is assailed by a great aod danger
oos insurrectioo, tbs rresldeot has tbe law
ful discretionary power to arrest and bold io
custody persoos koown to bavs criminal
intercourse with tbe insurgents, or persons
against whom tbere is probable cause for
suspicion of such criminal complicity."
After proceeding to prove tbis position, as
to tbs secood qoestioo be says :
''Having assumed io answering the first
question, that tba President has legal discre
tionary powers, Ac, it might seem unneces
sary to go into any prolonged argument to
prove tbat io such a case the President is
fully justified io refusing to obey a writ ol
habeas corpus," Ao.
He concludes "Not doubting the power
of tbe President to captors aod bold by orce
open insurgents spainst tbe government, and
to arrest aod imprison their suspected an
complices, 1 never thought or first suspending
the writ of habeas corpus, any more than 1
thought of first suspending tbe writ of reple
vin, before seizing arms and munitions des
tined for tbe enemy. Tbe power to do these
and corrosion from its great durability and
cheapness, is fast superceding points of every
description heretofore used for such purposes.
These mtteriels (for which the First Pre
miums have been swarded by the American
Institute and ma-Ay of the principal Stale
Fairs throughout the country.) ere recemmeil
in the highest terms by the New York A
Erie R. R. Co., sod many of the principal
Railroads North snd South, aod also by the
oBhers or tbe leading Insurance Companies
throughout the country.
have a number of clerks, whose aggregate aala- appointed to oame s suitable candidate. A
.1 .. 1 itK nnn I . j . i i i : r
riea do not exceed $K,000.
Si'nuav Battle. At a meeting held in
New York, a few doys since, to provide for
the spiritual care of the wounded io tin
recent battle, tbe Rev. Dr. Tyog declared
tbat from all he could learn there was no
necessity for commencing tbat battle on
Sunday, end declared that "History bad
recorded the fact that tbe party who marie
tbe atla;k io war, oo Sunday, bad invariably
beeo defeated."
O" The Duke of Marlborough's great vie.
tory at Blenheim, in 1704, wbeo be routed
tbe French and Bavarians, leaving 11,000
recess was taken, end on tbe reassembling of
tbe Convention the committee said tbey would
withhold their report outil another ballot
(the sixteenth) was taken. It resulted in tbe
selection of Dr. Bowman, the vote beiug as
follows : Dr. Bowman, 75 ; Dr. Vinton, 63;
Dr. Hare, 1 ; blank, 1. He was consecrated
el Christ Cburcb, in tbis city, oo the 25th of
Auguat, 1858.
But a short time ago some ol bis Irieoos
urteully solicited bim to spend a portion of
this summer at Atlantic City, and bad bs ta
ken their advice his life might I bare been
spared. But duty summoned bim to aoother
quarter, and he would oot oeglect its calls.
The excitement in the western portion of tbe
Slate, caused by the discovery ofsublerraoe
In Delaware township, on the 25th ult , hy
A T. Ludwig, Esq , Mr. Alkhanhek Smith,
of Lewis township, to Mrs. Mart Hill of
Delaware township.
On the 3d Inst., IOH.V 11., son of William
and A melia Farnsworth, aged 1 year 9 months
things is io the bauds of the President, placed and 3 days.
dead on tbe field, it certainly a poiot io
bistoiy egainst tbe Rev. Doctot't opinion. So oil in that region, attracted tbilhera large
The force of Louis the 14th and the Prioce emigration, and several new Episcopal chorch-
en nnn .w . r.-iv,- es bad been built, which be was colled upon
of Bavans was 55,000; that under Marlbo- to C008ecr,te durjri(t , joorneyKto
rough, the great Loglish commander, was j3uter perJneylvsnia, for tbis purpose, tbat
52.00C. Marlborough made tbe attack oo his death occurred, under circumstances or a
Sanrlav. and trained a victory that settled the peculiarly distressing character. His last eer
I i . ... jJo. 1 .
Ti. UIOll. we oeueve, was ueiiverea in oi. aaniva
. . f Church, io Lancaster, on Sunday, the Z8tb
war of tbe Spanish succession.
battle of Waterloo was also
TlfE tEDtRAL. Lust 13 TUE LATE
No full or official statement of the loss io
the battle of Sunday. July 21, has yet ap
peared. Some of tbe three months' regi
ments bad gone borne before correct returns
were made out, while others are yet incom
plete. The following table, from the W ash-
idu ton Sunday Chronicle, is tbe most cir
cumstantial aud comprehensive statement we
bave seen :
79th N. Y. Highlanders,
Sth Maaaacliuteltl,
tfwh rfc-uu Lite Gaard,
9.1 Ohl,
lit Mit-lnean,
1st MlnneMita,
New Ynik,
llih New Ynrk F. Z.,
ltlli New Ynrk,
fl!h New Ynrk,
;iat New York,
ll Klimle I Hand,
2.1 Khnde Itlamt,
3d R!de island Battery,
1st Maine,
2d M;ii ne,
3d Maine,
4ih Mame,
lat MafvHChusetts,
!M New Hatnusiiiie,
d Wisconsin,
2d Vermont,
U H. Marines,
I lili MuMauiksetts,
1I Ohm,
lid Ohm,
)m New Jersev,
2d New Jersey,
3d New Jersey,
1st Cnnnenlicut,
2d r-finnef-ticut, '
J?rh New Ynrk,
t:)ih New Y rk,
Blh New Yoik,
V l Is. in,
Core, iran,
The Shamokio Register reads a long
and severe lecture to our neighbors of tbe
Northumberland County Democrat, charging
tbem with altemptt to make political capital
out of our troubles. We give tbe following
ss specimeo of what our colemporsry tbiuks
of tbe Democrat ;
"Your patron Statesman stands this day the
champion of Kehels. Have you once denounced
his course 1 You publish extracts from Southern
papers, full of secession tendency, do you edi
torially denounce the cnurre of May, Valanding-
ham and Uurnelt. If you do not I hen are you as
much a Secessionist as they. You ask why 1
Because your paper was atarted as their apolo
gist, and until you renounce all political sympa
thy with them you are one of their number.
Every article published against a constitutionally
elected government ia treason."
tj3T What tub War will Cost. Tbis is a
question tbat is now discussed by some of the
newspspers, certainly for no good purpose.
Tbe man who will stop to count the cosaoof
tbe war receasary to sustain bis country, is no
patriot. W hatever wealth oor people bave
ia owing to our present good government.
If that is destroyed, tbe loss will be a hundred
fold greater than tbe cost of the war, ss pro
perty would hardly be worth holding. Be.
sides, it is a great mistake to suppose Ibe
money expended in a war is all lost. II ol.
land grew sad increased in wealth while pro
secuting s seven years' war, aod it is oot cer
tain tbat tbis war, though a great calamity
will not in the end prove a blessing. Tbe
great loss of blood aod treasure will be ex
pended iu placing oor government oo a fouo
dalioo tbat rebels will never attempt to
shake hereafter.
Ooa Book 1 abls The Farmer snd
Gardener for August is at band. It treats
upon uuuierous subjects or Interest, both to
tbe horticulturist and farmer. Terms oce
dollar per year. Published io Philadelphia,
by A. M. SpaogWr sod Wm. Sauudeit.
"C- 8. A." is the ebbrtviatts title ( tbs
seceded Slates. Tbe full dligotioo"it the
I an Vsld ak ST aa t aa KlAallsl m aaa ul v
This makes the total kss 1,W7
makes Uie fallowing aimiiuary ;
Mining, (snrinnsed prisoners,)
13 317 632 77S
New York Herald
Total, I4-
W, S. Eiug, Surgeon and Medical Doctor,
U. S. Army, :n an oluciai communication.
gives it us his opinion that our loss io killed
and wounded will sum up irom 8UU to iuu.
Ws bavs been requested to publish
tbe following ;
Nnvira A Gump Meeting will bs held on the grounds
of Mr. Willisin KimU II, iiiMuylierry township, Monlour
county, enmiueiu-nif nu August ISlh, where we expect u
see 'he people of all the aurroumling country come tn
worship the God at our t inhere in tuia lie uara oay ol in is
real nutaai.
. .. . .. ... -:-.- . ...a , n......
v nun irnit . I I uie nwn. iuaikiiu.iun ai.u 11.11.11,.
Jons Lloyd.
J3T The Muncy Luminary, onticicg the re.
orgaoixutioo of tbe Eleventh Regiment, end
tbe return of tba Money Company, late of tbe
Utb, thus refers to Lieut. Bruner, formerly
of Sunbury :
'-Lieut. Bruner, of the Brady Artillery, will
take immediate steps te reorganise the Company
and will bave the command of it. 'ii Lieutenant
Cartledge will have the lat Lieutenancy, Both
are ponular and. efficient officers, and beside their
eiperience of the late campaign, Lieut, Bruner
passed thrnuf-kj lhe Mexican v sr. We hope
they will find but lulls difficulty in aecunng the
required number of recruits. Many of the old
memtara, we learn, intend to re-enlut, and new
members will bave the benedt of the eiperience
and knowledge gained by them in their three
months service. .
nit , and a day or two afterward be proceeded
to Pittsburg. He feft tbat city at ao early
hour on Saturday morning on tbe train of tbe
Alleghany Valley ltailruud ror Butler. J nit
route is a somewhat circuitous one, bot he
preferred it because it shortened (he stage ride
necessary to reach that town. When tbe reg
ular train bad proceeded nineteen miles from
I'lttsborv, its further progress wat arrested
bv some damage to the road, which bad been
caused by a heavy rain, and which workmen
were repairing. A band car, which could
carry but a limited number of passengers, was
ottered lor tbe use ol as many ol tbem ss it
could accommodate, and Dr. Bowmao was
nrged to get ou it, but be declined to do so,
and, with a number of bis fellow-travellers, be
preferred to walk to tbe point, some three
miles distant, where they could again enter
tbe cars of a regular traiu (or stage). Tbe
bund car and the pedestrians started simulta
neously, but when tbey arrived at their desti
nation il was noticed tbat ooe passenger was
missing, and the others started at once, with
out him. Tbe band car started to return to
the place wbeie the firtt detention occurred,
immediately, but wben the man in charge ol
it reached a point about a mile Irom his nesii
nation, be saw a body lying by tbe roadside
and io an ounalural positiuo, aod bis curiosi
IV being excited, he stopped to examine it,
when be lound it was a corpse, uotog nackt
to the breach io the road, he found ipere Mr.
l'rauklio Wright, tbe engineer, who euperin.
teoded Ibe repairs which were being made,
who recognized the corpse as the mortal re
muins of Dr. Bowuiun, whom be had observ
nd oo the train, but who was probably on
known to his fellow passengers, eod whose
death was so sudden tbat be bad oo frieud to
cheer his last hours, and no one to witness
tbe departure of bis spirit or the brighter
and better world Tor which bis exemplary ca
reer, so far as human minds can judge, pecu
lierlv fitted bim.
His rema'tis were promptly sent back to
Pittsburg, and from that city forwarded to
Lancaster on Sunday morning. It ia suppos
ed thot be died between 6 and 9 o clock on Sat
urday morning, aud it is believed bis death
was caused by apoplexy. Wben bis body
wat found a slight scratch wat perceptible on
his nose, caused by tbe fall, and be bad appa
rently welled his handkerchief snd placed it
in his hat, to relieve himself from a pain in
bis bead. His couotenaoce presented a very
natural appearance. He will be buried st
Lancaster, at 9 o'clock tbit afternoon.
Dr. Bowman was twice married. His first
wife wat Mist Sitgreaves, of Wilkei-barre,
and bia second wife (who died toms yean
agn) was a daughter of U-v. Jos. Clarkioa.
of Lancaster county. A daughter, is the on
ly descendant who survives bim. Press, itk
tbere by tbe constitution, and tbe statute
law, as a sacred trust, to be osed by bim, in
bis best discretion, in tbe perforuisoce of his
great first duty, to preserve protect aod
defend tbe cormtitutioo, aod for any breach
of tbat trust be is responsible before ibe high
eourt of impeachment, aod before do other
human tribunal."
Thc Dkadlt Riflr Tbe returns of killed
and wounded at the battle of Bull Run are
necessarily imperfect, but enough has been
received to show that tbe losses among
officers, especially 'commissioned" ones, are
much larger in proportion to tbeir number,
tbao tbose among privates. Tbe killed are
'2 Colonels, 1 Lieutenant Colonel, 2 Majors,
16 Captains, and 7 Lieutenants; and the
wounded. 2 Acting Mujor-Ueueruls, 8 Colo
nels, 1 Lieutenant Colonel, 3 Majors, 16
Captains, sod 33 Lieutenants. Tbe casual
ties among captains are particularly noticea
ble. Making every allowance lor ibe extra
exposure of officers on horseback aod tbos
on fool in front, or si tbe side or tbeir com
panies, tbere is still no doubt that a large
number of the killed and disabled on that
fatal day were singled out aod snot by exp?rl
marksmen, wbo were enable a to take oeiioe
rate aim from rifle pits or behind trees.
Tbe distance between the hostile forces
was repeatedly small eoougo io permit tue
Dickine off of individuals with perfect cer
tainty by any persoo moderately skilled in
the ose of the rifle. What Iobs was sustained
among the officers of the enemy is not known ;
but, as many thousands of the United Stales
forces engaged were also armed with rifles,
it may fairly be supposed tbat tbe sharp
shooters io oor ranks osed these weapons
ith deadly effect opon the wearers of shoul
der straps and swords wherever they could
be seen.
Botb the Oeoera) Government and the
several Slate Governments are making every
effort to supply troops wilb tbe Minie,
Kofield, or other apprwtrd variety of rifii-s.
New Ynrk State has -aviieady dmtribuled
among her soldiers about 10,000 rifles, and
more are arriving to order by every steamer.
It ia hoped that tbe new quota of Zo.UUU irom
tbis State will be armed with these weapons,
and not be compelled to feel their inferiority
to troepa from tbe New England States,
constantly passing through Ibis city to
Wasbiogtoo, all of whom carry rules, and,
wbat would be more serious, to feel tbat they
Philadelphia Market.
Puiladrlpuia. July 30;
Wheat Flour, (extra.)
ft'ye f lour,
Corn Meal,
Ked Wheat, per bushel,
White " "
Cora, '
Oats, "
Rye, ' "
$4 511
a 4 ?S
83 25
a 3 00
a I 15
a 1 Is
a St
a 33
a 71)
3 00
1 47
Wheat, $1 IOal 30 Butter, - 14
live, .... 7A Eggs, ... 10
Corn, .... 75 Tallow, ... 1'2
Oats 33 Lard, ... 12
Buckwheat, 6S Pork, .... 8
Potatoes, 67 Beeswax, 21
Sew Advertisements.
. the modern styles of Pictures, eiecuted in a
superior manner.
tW Rooms in bia CAR, Market Square,
Sunbury, Pa.
August 10, 1861.
Attention Patriots.
GOOD MEN. able bodied, between the ages
of 18 and 35, who love their country and
to Volunteer in the Army, are requested to ap.
ply to the aubaeribor at the Central Hotel, Sun
bury, before the ISlli day of August next.
The Term of service is for three years or du
ring the war. Pay from $12 to $21 per month.
Tbis Company is intended to form a part of
the first Kegiment of the new requisition of ten
Regiments from Pennsylvania, and is ordered to
report in ten davs at Camp t'urtiii.
Tbe company will select its own oflicera to ba
opuointed by the Governor.
August 10, HOI.
are unequal oo tbe battle field to the eoeniy, "Children's Aid Society," of Baltimore,
a very large proportion oi wnom are most
effectively armed. Journal Commerce,
Lost Abtellert. Tbe total number of
guns lost at Bull Ruo is officially reported at j
twenty fire, incluoiug oue large Parrott guo.
This, although bad enough, is out so dam
aging as many of our owo people loarea, ooa
scarcely s third of wbat is claimed by the
Preotiss makes out Geo. Diarrhoea Price
to be a perfect battery, of himself, though be
always retreatt before be jiret.
In seenrdsnee with the call issued by the Secretary of
the giaiiUuig Commiliee nf Northumberland ceuiiiy, llni
buoy me l III me uraua jury nium in ine oinuugii ouu
Imry, August Sth, lettl, Messrs. H Haup, Joseph Hoover,
J t Len-h, Geo Conwd. Jai-ub Lei iiring, K M Cam
inuigs, Charles HnUermeiii, J-uias Wolf, W. li. Jfsse,
Conrad Raker, J. lluusicker, members of the Cuonnuts,
(In motion of i. Hunsiekar, CHAS. HOTTEN9TEIN
was ca lied tu uiecnair in tne absence oi uie .nmnu.
Ou immou of Joseph Hoover, Saturday iho 31st day of
August from the hour of I to 7 o'clock P. M.. was died
upou as the time fin- holding ine Friroar)' Klectluu. Bald
Kleclioii lo be held at the same places as in ItSO, excepting
in Ctullisquaque, which was uu motion ef K. M. Cuia
mings changed to the house of Aaron Ti"xel.
Un motion, it waa Resolved, That tba return Judges
meet in the Court House in Sunbury, on Moi.riuy, Sep
tember lid, al 1 1 o'clock A M , lo count lha voles casi ia
the several diatnets "f the Comity, and to declare ths
nominees for the several Offices, snd that Ihs said return
Judges ars instructed tea lo receive any return to be
counted, which have m the number of votes written oal
in words, snd signed by ths officers and sealed ap aad
luirtled iu by the propei person.
J. Llistxamo, Secretary
ARE prepared to send to the Country, CHIL,
UREN aged from 3 to Hi. most of them'
being Orphans, or half Orphans ; ami it ia tiie
desire of this Committee to send them to good
homes among Farmers and others in the rour.lry.
Persons wishing a child to adopt, or raire as H eir
own, by addressing either of the umlrrsicned
committee, will receive a circular giving particu
lars. Uood references will, in all coe; bs in
quired. Kxecotivs Come-lt-Tix Srtruvav Hon.
Alexander Jordan ; Geo. Hill, lCsq ; Rev. J. D.
Reardon, J. H. Engle ; Rev. Peter Riser ; Rrv.
J, YV. Slfinmeti; Rev. Mr. Duller and Jno. W.
Priling, Esq.
NottTni'MBiBLia-o. Rev. Mr. Dixon ami
Rev. M r. Price.
August 10 1861. .
ty The following letter from MissD.L
Dlx, acknowledging tbs receipt of a box of
enrrsot jelly, contriboted by ths ladies of
Sunbury, for tbs use of tbs sick soldiers, was
received few days since
W ashikoton, D. 0., July 31.
"Grateful thanks for the jelly, wbicb, st
this season, is most acceptable to tbs patients.
Tbe little bags srs quits invaluable, end
seised by the soldiers with so esgerauss
which you can hardly comprehend.
Yarn socks for winter ose and Saenel shirts
snd drawera, ace, ars waotiug in store.
Dried fruits ars acceptable at all seasons.
Please express cordial thanks where dos,
' sod believe so,-
TTetii friend, D. L. PJX.
Patriotic Catholic Ci.irgtmah. Io s lats
sermon before ooe of tbe Catholic churches
io Albany, New York, tbe Rev. Father Crea
don said : "1 wiab every man wbo can leave
hie family, to enliBt. Tbis is tbs first country
the Irishman ever had that he could call his
own country. Tbe flag of tba stars aod stripss
is tbe only Sag be can fight under aod defend
as bis own Bag. Now, io tbs lima of tba no.
lion's peril, let evey Irisbrman show tbat bs
is worthy to bs part of s great sod glorious
nationality. Now, wben tbe American Bag
ia bombarded sad struck down by traitors,
let every Iriahesan show tbat bs is true to
tbs Bag wbieb always protects bim. 1 want
every Irisbmae wbo bears ids to enlist if bs
can. Tbere srs two classes whom I most
despise cowards asd traitors i aod those wbo
can enlist snd do not, srs sitbsi tbs oos or
lbs other."
Shamokin Coal Trade-
Buahokin. Aug. 7, 1861.
Sent for ths week eodiog Aug.
tuns, cwr
rrlet Report,
To same time last year,
4.314 03
110.626 10
115.000 IS
102,052 19
lTo47 19
BaDLT WurrreD. Tbs drunken Colonel
McDowell, or the alb Peoosylvaoia Regiment,
was badly whipped by soms members of bis
Regiment, sfter they were mustered out st
Harrisburg. They thrashed bim iusasediata
ly, took bis sword, o., from bias, and it it
bad oot beeo for oos of tbs msmbvrs of a
Mioersville company, wbo bad compestioa OB
bim, aod took bim saay is tbs sight fross
Harrisburg, ws believs bs woald bavs beeo
killed. Ws understand it was tbs Lebanon
boys tbat did it. Tbis ws bops will bs a
saotioa to drooken' Colooeli. eff. sVWs
llintrt' Journal,
"He remembered the Forgoltan" ws beaoti.
fully said of Howard lbs philanthropist. It
also spplies to svery man wbo brings tbe
ameliorations, comforts and enjoyments of
life within tbe reach of persons aod classes
who are otherwise deprived of tbeir edvauta-
?;es Especially may it be said of brut who
uboriously seeks and finds new means if
preserving health, "tbs poor man's capital
aod ths rich man's power." Ws Ibiok this
eulogiom property applied to J. C. Ayer, of
Lowell, I bar renowned chemist of New Eng
land who, spurning tbs trodden paths lo
fame, devotes bis eotire abilities and acquire
ments to lbs discovery of Nature's moat
effectual remedies for disease. Wbea the
bidden blsssiog has been revealed, bs pro
ceeds lo supply it to all maokiod alike,
throogb our droggists at soch low prices
tbat poor aod rich may aliks enjoy ils bens.
Bts. Journal mnd Bivirer, Portland, He.
Aapst 3, 16C1.
The Great Care for Consumption-
If you have a cold, use
Wishart'e Pine Tree Tar Cordial !
If you bave a cough, use
Wiihart'a Pine Tree Tar Cordial I
If you have Asthma, use
Wieliarl a rine 1 ree I ar ioraiai :
If you have Sore Throat, ue
Wuhan's Pine Tree Tar Cordial !
If you bave llrnrichiiia, uee
Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial !
If you have Consumption, use
Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial
Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial is an uufail.
ing remedy fur disease of the Kidneys, Urinary
Complaints, Uliud and bleeding Piles, Nervous
Debility, and for Female weakness and Irregu
larities. Tbe well known efficacy of Tine Tree Tar in
the cure of external atTecitous or ore, pointed it
out as the Natural Remedy fut what Physicians
call Tubercular itfliclionaiiluiv U lo say, Sores.)
upon the Lungs. It remained to discover the
beat means ol application, which discovery has
been made, aa a thousand testimonials prove, by
tba Proprietor of
Wishari's Pine Tree Tar Cordial !
II you have DYMPXPSlA. ue
Wishart's Ureal American Dyspepsia Pill!
A aura sure Warrai.led fur one dollar, or the
Masuiy Kelasvded !
Hay a box aud lake them according tn diree
tions, and if tbey do nrotcurejou, the money will
be returned.
A eiais Wm. Weimer, Northumberland.
A. W. Fischer, bunbury.
Call at either place, aud get a descriptive Cir
cular. I.. Q. C. Wiahart, proprietor, No. 10, North
feecoud, Philadelphia
August IB, 19l. ly