EXCIIEMEJTT OF SEASON 1 THE FltfLING k GLl NT. ( the MAMMOTH STORE, have jul received a NEW AND DEMRADHB Slink of FALL 1$ WfNTRIt COODS! A very extensive assortment nf LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Consisting in part of Blink and Fancy Silks of very choirs patterns DEBEGE5, Ducals, Cashmeres French and English Merinos, Plain and' Figured Wool Delainea. Muslin Delainea of all atylea and price?. Foulards, Thibet Cloth, Poil Dc C'hevrea. Saxon'and Wool Plaids. i ; .dies' Fi;ns, brochh, liny State and liety, Sic, &c. Wool SHAWLS of every va Gentlemen's Dress Goods. of every style, con.isling of Cloths, Casimeres, Sattinetts. Kentucky Jeans. Tweeds, Velvet Cord, Velveteen, Vesting.. nf every variety. Our stock of Silk and Silk Velvet Vesting, cannot bo surpuased in the ountry. Please call, and examine them. CLOTHING Our stock of READY MADE CLOTl'INf liaa been replenished, and wo have a full assort ment of OVERCOATS DRESS COAT&, Pants and Vests, Overcoats and Press Coals for Uoya of all ages. ALSO, a very handsome assortment of HATS CAPS of every lyleand variety at tho lowest prices. Our slock or HARDWHRE has leenrenvw ed and we have now a larger assortment thnn ever riclore ottered to our customers, consisting n pan 01 Sausage Cutters, Pocket Cutlery, Butcher Knives Mayer Hinges, Dolts and Pad Locks, X Cut fawn, Mill Saws, Scoop Shovels, eve, 4c, &c, c, Ac, &c. llucemirni'c a.idX'l-iSKwarr, of every variety at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Our slock ot c- p o c e ?. i a s i- very fine. We havee beat quality of Syrup Mulaswi ever before olllre to the citizens of ounl'ury and vicinity. CEDAR AND WILLOW. WAKE of variety. every t-'arpcts, Motiuns, Hosiery, GVos, SADLERV. BOOTS AND MIOES, Ac., &c Also a fresh supply of l)ruK. Paints. Oils, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, Dye SUIT, Glass, Erushca, ic. TarlicuUr care having been taken in the se lection of our goods in regard to quality, style and t rice, we call the attention of the public to our largo stock to which coiibtant additions will be made. Thankful for past favors, we hope to merit a rom.nuance of the patronage of tl.. public bv selling cheaper than ever. Give u. a cali before purchasing elsewhere. B , FI'ILINCi & GRANT. Ptllibury, Nollembcr 17, I Mil). mani;factorv. Comer of Markets,lx,rfX,t,ld pieer V)Yt, riMfE suUoriber rcpeclfully inf.,,,,.. ,,e ";u. Mrs ol Sunbury and viein.ly. ihal be has opened a Boot and Shoe Shop on the corner of Market NquVe and. River street, opposite the I ourt House, where he can be found at all ii,,,,.. ready to wait upon customers. Haying considerable experience, he is prepared to make up customer work of all kinds, at , hurt Iiotice.m (be latest sty lean J workmanship. Ho keers constantly on hand a large aei.rt- 1m iT- .'' "'e,'ea, 'lualilv. which tn ,1 n,ake ,,u B"""l nd durable work. all and damme for yourselves before pur chasing elsewhere and you will save money. hi. Jl)HN WILVEH. bunbury, Nov. 10, is bo ly SAVE YOUR FRUIT KY UMNO MASO.VH Pater. Sheet RlM,Ur Tnn Ul)t" UL'(l,JT1 lit. Metal .T,ll,OLIll JJlll. MAfcONa PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TUP .' At that ia neressary bsing to screw the Cap down upon the llublr tiasket, wkicb is placed outside upon tha shoulder of the Jar. 3 4 of an inch din lant from tha top t prevent the poasihility of trie flavor of the fruit being injured by coming in contact with the Rubber. Pirsona.ieairing the. Jam, ran l supplied by leaviiif their orders with J, Jj, MASTER, Suubury, June !, 18Ht. A gent SREATESI New Arrival of Clothing, rpHE lertrest and best Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHINO ever brought to lhs place, arrived at the Mammoth Clothing Store of SCHWEITZER, HEILBRONNEH A CO.. In Market street, nearly opposite Wea ver's Hold. Their Stock comprises of FINE CLOTH COATS, Dreaa ('oats, ' Over Coats, Business Coats, he. VESTS OF ALL KINDS. UnderShirts, Drawers, Ac. HATS A3ST3D CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, of the latest styles nl every description and quality, clwapcr than ever. Their assortment of gentlemen's furnishing (,'lothiitg is the most complete 1 Their variety and style's meet attractive. And the pricea defy all competition, W Call and examine for yourselves. SC WEITZER, HEILBRONNER a CO. Sunbury, Oct. 6, 18C0. - central"hotel7 SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa. fIUII8 large and commodious A managed by JAMES VAN Hotel, now DYKE. It is situate nl the Railroad Depot North East corner of Market Square, Sunbury, and al the terminus of the Sunbury A Erie and North cm Central Railronds, and is open forthe accom modation of Travelers and the public in general The proprietor will give his exclusive atten tion, to the comfort and convenience of his guesta and isde'ermined to make this establishment rank among the first in the State. tin table will be supplied with the best th market can produce having the advantage of daily cntnmunination by cara direct from Balti more, and also from those bringing produce from the surrounding country. His bar will be supplied with the purest liquors the market can produce Ca-eful and obliging servants always in at tendance. New and commodious stabling has just been added to the premises. A share of the local and traveling community i most respectfully solicited. Sunbury, January 12, 18(il. "kOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL GllOVElt iSj 13AK EIl'S C E L E B R A TE D NOISELESS Sewing Machines, 495 Broadway, New Youk. The public attention is respectfully jequestcd to the following cards of Ei.ias Howe, Jr., and the Grovcr ct Baker S. M. Co A Card from the GROVER & BAKER S. M. Co. Our Patents being now established by tj Courts, we aro enabled to furnish the Orover & Baker Machine, with important improvements at greally II winced Prices. The moderate price ot which Machines mik ing the Grover & Baker stitch, can now be had, brings them within the reach of all, and renders the use of Machines making inferior stitches as unnecessary as it is unwise. Persons desiring the best Machines, and tho right to use them, must not only be sure to buy Machines making the Grover cV. Baker stitch, but a'so that such Machines are made and stamped under our patents and those of Eliaa I lower, jr. GROVER & BAKER S. M. CO., 4!).r Broadway, New Y'ork. A CARD FKOM KLIAS HOWE, JR. All persons are cautioned not to make, deal in, or use any Sewing Machines which eew from two spools and make the stitch known as the Urover & SUukcr stitch, unless the same are purchased from the Grover Al baker tSewing Machine Company, or their Agent, or Licenses, and stamped under my pa lent of September 10, 184G. ota company, and their Licenses, alone, art legally authorized under their own patents, am my fciiid patent, during the extended term there of, to make and sell this kind of Sew inc Machine and ull others are piracies upon my said patent, anu win ue dealt with accordingly, wherever found. EMASHOWE, JR. New York, Dec. 29, lHtiO. tf WALL 1 FRILI.N'G & OR ANT, at the MAMMOTH STORE, Lave tills day (January 17th, 18CI received a CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF TUB NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS OP W .A. Ij Xj PAPER. which they are selling at prices that defy com petition. Sunbury, January 19, 18GI- NOTICE A I'l- persons knowing themselves imlclted to the suhscribcrs, engaged in the Foundry business, on notes, book accounts, or otherwise, are e.juested to nettle (ha samu without delay. Th-ise oeglerting this notice must not complain tl'cokts are added to their accounts. t l. & J. KOHRBACH. Sunmrv, Nov. 17, 186tl. 5m BLANKS! BLANKS ! ! "sw upplf of Bunimons', Executions. v Warrants, (Supornas, Deeds, Mortgaiies, BoiiiIh, Leases, Naturalization naners. Juaiirn. nd Constables Keo Uills, &c, Stc, just printed und Tor sale at this Oilice. . Sunbury, April 30, 1859. C BACKERS ! CRACKERS, just received and for salo by the barrel or pound, at the C.mfeciionery nture of M. C. (JUARIIART. Sunbury, Ocluher 13, 18(10. I) I.ANK Parchment Puper Deeds and blank Murtgaiiw, liuuds, Executions, 8ummoi, c, for suieb H. U. MA1SSEK. 7NDOW SHADESA verv fine an.I cheap aa.orlineiit. iusl receiveJ hv Hail- rjis.l frnm New York, ut the Munnnoth alore of Eriling j (inmt. We have slso lor sale S.W. Putnam (t I'u'i celebrated Patent Pendulum Curtain Futures. DKY GOODS- lnilA'U S, (JUANT, at the Mammoth Store - have this j.U, January 84lh, received and of ncil anoiher fresh eupply of DRY UOODS and Notion.. Sunbury, January SG, 1861. OO'l'ft Ar. Hit III'SI n h. ...,,i.....i .. . - - r"""" i uie tf Mammoth Store nf Prillim A (:,,.,, . cheap, as we are determined not to be undersold by anybody. Caff and learn the liat of prices for yourselves. FKILING A GRANT. Sunbnry, January 13, 1861 'UN WARE. A very cheap and desirable assortment just received this week, at the Mammoth Store of . l- KILING &. GRANT. Sunbuiy, January U, 1861. THE LATEST STYLE OF Gr ARMENT9, ARB CONSTANTLY XtXADB at the Fashionable Tailoring Establishment! of JACOB O. 33 33 C 331, market street, SUNHUiiV- Pa. rjMHE subscriber, in addition to his large stock A of CLOTHS. Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Vestings, &o is constantly receiving new supplies from the citv keeping a full assortment of the most substantial and latest style of Ooods in the city markets. He is prepared to make to order all kinda of Irentlemen a and Boy's wear, such as OVER-COATS, DRESSC0AT8, FROCK. COATS, BUSINESS COATS, VESTS, PANTALOONS, tic., Ac., &c, the very latest style, and in the most substan al manner, at abort notice. Any Ooods not on hand, will be furnished m Philadelphia, by giving two day's notice. CP Call and examine my stock, no charges made for showing. JACOB O. BECK. Snnbury, November 3 IS60. Cure Cough, Cold, Jloarsenci, lujluensn, an; Irritation or I Unrencsn nf the Throat, Ite lie.ee the Hacking Cough in Consumption, Bron chitis, Asthma, and Catarrh, Clear and give strength to the voice of . l'ublic Speaker! and Singert, r ew are aware of the impnrtanee of chrckiiifa Conph or "C'iMiiiniiii Cold" in us first stage ; Hint which ill Uie hrgiiinin would yield t"0 mild irmerly, If neglected, soon stim lis the I.uugs "BKOWN't I1RONCIIIAI, THO CIH'.S,'' onuiininr demulcent ingredients, allay Pulmo nary and UronchiHl Imtatioii. I "That trnnlile in my throat, (for which Brown's itlie "TKOCHI'.S" are a speeifiV) having made me often a mere whisperer-' TROCHK9. N. P. WILMS. I "I recommend their use to Public Sneak Brown's ers." ! BKV. K. It. CltAPIN. TROC11KS. : "Huva proved extremely scmceulile for Hoarseness. " Brown's , RKV. HHNRY WARD KKKCHKR. '. "Almost instant relief in the distressing TROCIIKS. lulior of breathiiif; peculiar to Asilnnu " , KK.V A c koiji,i:ston. Brown's ; "Contain no Opium or auyihini iniurt ous." DR. A A KS, TROCHES.. chemi st, Boston. "A simple anil pleasant conilinntion for Brown's Coughs, Ac " I 1R G F BICKI.OW, TROCHK3. Boston. "Beneficial in Bronchitis " Brown's j URJFWLANH, ; HoRton TROCIIK8. "I have proved them excellei.t Tor Whwn ,mg Cough." Brown's , KEV II W WARREN, Boston. TROCHES.! "Bencli.inl when compelled to speak, fullering iron) Cold." Brovn's j KKV 3 J P ANDERSON, t'ROCIIES. "KlTeetual in remnvine Hoarseness and irrilnlion of the Thront, so coininon with Speakers titici Siutrers " Prof Al STACV JOHNSON, , liH firnnpe, (In., Teacher of Music, Southern Female Colleee. "Great benefit when tnkei he'fnta nnj nfter prenehlne, as they prevent Ilonrscness From their past cllect, I think tnev will be of llruwu's TROCIir.3. firowa'i TROCIir.SH. Brown a permanent Htlvnntnt;e to me." llr.V K KOWl.KV, A M , TROCHES. President of Alhens Coilee, Tenn. I ITT Hold by nil Druggisls at 2i eenu a lox. Decsmber 8, IfcOU Dmpl EVANS & WATSON S Philnrfetjihia Manvfuct'd Salamander Safes. A'o. 304 Chestnut Street, rHU.ADKl.PHIA. ri M1KPE Sales are now in use nil over the United States, I and have liven lesleil in innny fires;, the fullownig shows another instance ul their caruibil ty in residing liie : WlTMKR'i UniDOK, Lancaster Tmvimhip, July 30, Ifltn. J Mew.s. F.VAmi At. Wstsos, Gentlemen : The mnuli size Mo. 1 ulnnuinrler Safe which 1 purchased from your spent, Mr. Atlani It. Harr, in Xincnsler City, on July Sillth, hna iiceu sulijeeled to a very severe test, winch it withstood in a most sutislhelniy iiKiuner. This Sale, containing- all my bonks, together with valuable papers belong, n? to mysell and some to my neighbor ami Irieuda, and representing a value of over Twenty Thousand Dollars, (S-Hi,0iKi) was in my Mill, which wa destroyed on the iiicht fo the 2?th of Julv, lflo, and passed through the tiery ordeal unscathed, '1'he Sn'e waa on the second Hoir, and fell to the Uiaraieiil ol the .M ill, and was sublccteil for six houia to un intense heatiiuioug the ruins, which wusureatly increased by the combustion of a larire iuanlitv itf goon confined within the brick wil's. After the fire the ife wns opened and the hooka and papers taken out in n suite of perfect preservation, the paper not even hemp; discolor ed. This fact was, however, to many bystanders, a better recommendation of your Sal: than could be exnressed in un) umrr wnnu iroul me. Yours, respectfully, 8AMI KI. RANCH Another I lelnry for I'rana and Watson's Salamander Safe. tllWBW. N. Y.. March r7 Ifflft (Ventlemen It afTorda me niui h pleasure to inform you that the Safe No 5, (upright) which I purchased of II. s-oouii, )"io traveling agelir, tins nasseil tlirough alSx. cecduigly hot hre in a three srory brick building, which healed the Safe to n white hent, ao that the corners of it appear melted; but it preseived mv trka and valuable papers to the amount of kcverul thoussnd dollnia, lor which 1 leel thnnktul. Yours, respectfully, J.N. KI.DftlDCP.. 17 A large assortment f the above j u t's alwava on hand, at 301 Uhesnut ilreet, (late at South Fourth st , I'ailudtlphia. ' October ti, I860. ly "WIISTTEI "GOODS" FOR MEN'S WEAR. Clack and Blue Hair Cloth, lieaver 'Ivercootinn, lilaok Doeskins, New St) le Cassimeres, All Wool Tweeds, Heavy Kentucky Jeans, Real d'ond Cassiuctts, Sils Mixed Coatings. Super .Velvet Cords. II lack Grenadine Vesting, lilack Satin Venting, Fancy Silk Velvet Vcstinps, Plain Silk Velvet Vesting, Nice Casaimere Vestings In fact all kinds of goods for Men's and Boy' wear, can be found at the People'a One Price Store of E. Y. i'ribt & Son, who have just eceived by Railroad a splendid stock of all kinds of (roods, suitable fur cold weather. Please call and be- convinced. E. V. BKIOHT & SON. Sunbury, October 2T, 1S60. REVERE HOUSE, (LATE LAHI.K HOTKl.,) Third Street, uhme Jlace, I'hiladclj.hia, KHOADS It SAILOR, rropiielora. I MPROVK.MK.Vr3 nave been made, and the House has ijieen refilled throughout TaiillMAS V. IIboaos, fonneilyof the National Hotel ' """! lormeriy oi ncliuylklll Co., I'a. 1'hiladeljihia, Jan. ID, l y GENESEE SALT. WHOLESALE Sb RETAIL Ji'lLlISO & GRAN T (at the Mammoth Store,) have just received 600 ttis. of aiolar Ground, Solar and Dine Salt, 700 Sacks of Ground Bolar Salt every sack warranted to contain 225 pounds of Salt and 200 bagaof Salt containing one Bushel each. This salt is the best and strongast now manufactured and in market. Call end see for yourselves. Sunbury Sept., 8, I SCO. DEFOREST, ARMSTRONG & CO. DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, Aon. 75, 11, 79, 61, 63 65 Duane Street Would notify the Trade that they are openins i waiy, in ncvr vim iie.uiiiui patterns, the WA.lISl'TTA. PRINTS, also the A in on kc a g, A New Print, which excels every print In il. country lor perlection nl elocution and desiirn in full Madder Colors. Our Print, are cheaner i... 1 -.t '. iouii any in uiniM.ci, siuu iiiccuiig wun extensive sale. Orders promptly attended to. February 4, 18li0. ly pi LOT I IS, CaBsimeres, HattiDeti. Heavy and light weight Heaver clotbi. Tricots, Frosted Ilea vera, I'laio Broad cloths. Fane ml Black Casalmerea, COOPKU it CONAIiD, S. li. corner Ninth & Market streets, Deo. 8, IbUO. . rtiladolvLU; ' (al Jf m- RKAR WHAT THX PEOPLE SAT. Ttif Mnil-rnltnifri hnvtnff w Profrwwr I HIM PIT RETS with the tnnfft sntUractorv rmlU. tktuX hftTloi full eonfl. fence In thlr ftenulnenpM, furity, und IBcrcjt, chwrfuHy rcnnimpml llim to nil pernntifi who wtnh to here mito, re liable. Ami efHcacloui rumeillei at hand for prirate or do- The Re-r. Wm. nnftner, 1ltnr of " The Norihcm tnde- iM'nflenl," Aumrn. N. Y.( t)ie Rt. F. II. CfMney, D.D, Ktitor ofJt. Ieir Church. Auburn. N. V. 1 the Rer. B. 1 tve, Chni.lnttt of the Auhurn Htnte Prlnon; UiC Rct. fWncer M. Rice, Rctor. New-Bnlforrl, Maaa. t the Re. AUen JVeeie. New-York Conference the ReT. Samnel nirhoM, KriNt-neneiee Conference, N. Y. ; the Rev. P. B. i'rntt, p.met, M. ; the Rer. John R. RMe, Buffalo; A. O. linrt, ran., vtloa. N. Y. i the Hon. Neal Dow. Portland, .M. ; the lion. tVhmlrr Coirait. Boutti Bend. Intl. t the Hon, Ofurjre Humphrevw, N. Y. i Henry D. Cook, lq., Kdltor of me imio finif jonrnai, uoinmnm, unio; Hie Hon. lv H, Oral i m, M1hie, III.; the Hon. Tlmtnns J. Chase. MnnU e ll'., Kla.; the Hon, Jieph cih't, Utlca, N. V. ; Wni, HrlM.rl, K-i., Utlca, N. Y. ; A. B. Pond, Ktq., UUca, W. T, J mnes Pluukctt, Ksq.. NiiRfiville, Tenn. M8T OK SPECIFIC RKMKDtRfl. r Jffi, 1 Fr Kfver, ConjfeMnn, and Inflammation. N'. 2. K-r W'tnn Yfvrr. Worm Colic. Wetllnr the Bed. No. 8. Pur Colic, Cryliifr, Teellilntf, and Wakefulness nf I m until. No, 4, For Diarrhea, Cholera Infantum, and Bummer U'inpiiiiwT Ni. .V For Polio, (Irtplnjr, Pwnterf, or Bloody Flu. No. 0. For Cholera, Cholera Morbus', Vomiting. No. 7. For Comrlm, OoM, InOnenjia, and Bore Throat. No. 8. For Tos.th-ache, Knfe-nrhe. nnd Neuralirla. No. 0. For Headache, Vertigo, Heat and Pullnens of the Ilea i. Nn. 10 DTricmtA Ptt.Tjs For Weak and Deranged St"niacli, Constipation, and I.Wer Complnlnt. No. 11. For Fkmalk (aRtcnci.ARiTtKS, Scanty, Painful, or Snppr "tie Period. No. 12. For Kencorrhca, Profuse Menses, and Bearing uown oi remnit', Nn. For Cronn, Tfosrse Conch, Bad BrrMhlntr. No. It. Salt Riikum rn.Lfl For Kryslpelae, Eruptions, I'Knpiei on me race. No. 1.1 Utim'HiTic Pima Pr Pain, Lameness, or Sore mm in inc vm-si, imi:n, isoin, nr ijinin. A. For Fever ant1 A.nie, Clilll Fever, Dumb Apie, 04d p K.r Pilf, Hlind or Ml-llnr. Internal or Ktternal, O. For Bore, Weak, or hidmied Kyes and Ryellds; Fall Tnp, ii can, or miirrni pkjih. C. For Cntnrrh, of lonfr stnndlng or recent, either with obstruction or profuse diirtmre. W. C For Whipping Cuub'li, abating Its violence and liorteiihiK it course. In till nute Ulcoiisc, such as Fever, Inflammations, Diarrhea, lentriy, (Jriip, lUieutiiatlsm, mid mich eru tire ilit'ast'g as iVarlet Fever, Mt-asle?, and Krysltela, the uvaniiiire oi ftirin the proper renim-n promptly is on viou, Hiifl in all su'h cases the spix-iflr am like a charm. The entire dUcaw it nrtvn iirrtftttl at once, ainl in all ccjmw the violence of the attack Is in operated, the disease short ened, and rendered lesn (linipcroufi. Couch and CoMs, which ur of mcU frcnuetd occurrence, ana wnicn un uiien lay tiie ioimrtaion or thacnceii luntrs, bronchitis and cousiinnitioii, may nil be at once cured by the FtiTer and Conch IMI. In all chronic dinenvR,Mch as Dystiepsta, Weak Stomach, Constipation, Liver Complaint, piles. Female Debility, and Irreeularilifs, old lleadm ln-s, (tore nr Weak Kyes, Catarrh, Bait Hheum, and other old eruptions, the case has specifics wnoflc proper appiiCNtion will iitTord a cure hi almoxi ever1 Instance, urtcn the cure of a si tide ot ironic dltticuttv. sue m D9pr)i!ia, Pile or Catarrh, Headache r Fctnute Weak- new, hus more than paid for the vase teu liuies over I'KICK. Case of 20 vlnls cnniplete, in morocco, and Book a, L'lise ol yu vials, anil llnok, plain 4 Case of lf numbered Iio,k, iokI llook 2 Case of 6 hoxm, niinibereil, toul It-ul- 1 Single numbered lov, with illreetloiis 2. cents, PineU lettered boxes, ulth itii ei tlotnt bo cents. Laee case of li ox. tials, Ur pl.iMers and physicians.. ..(15 Al.0 SPmFKf". Foa Astiimi OB Parmsic. Oi,nriH-,'d. DiuVulr. Labored tlreitthlng, nttcmled uith Cuugli and Kpectoralioli. Price, fa) ei-ntH per hot. Foa Ka DiitcHAliu si Pkiksis. DliM-hai ve from tlie Far, the result of rVnrlet Fever, Mis,l.'?, or Mi-rrurlals. For Noises In the li-ad, tlardties of Hearing, and Hinging In the Furs, and Farnebe. Price, fill centy tier box. Foa S'aom.A. Knlari:ril (ilauiN. Knlareeil and Indurat- ed Tonsils, P-ellltn.'R nnd Old I'leert.rkTofuU'US Cneliexy of Lhlioren. I'rlce, .'rti een's lr hnx. Foa (iKXlca il. Ill nn itv.- I'hvsieal or Nervous Weakness. F.ither II. e s, suit of ii.-kii', Fi e-ive Medication, ur Fx haustiti; liscbarce. Price, Ml eenls box. Foa llMopY. Fluid .ci-inoul:oli,n, Tumid aellings, with ft'snty rivrelions. Pi le.-, r.u i-i-ni, p.-r box. Foa' rtri-rhi'KNH'!, lletillilv Sh-kui's.i. Vertigo, Snusea, Vomiting. ickueH from ibling i,r motion. Price, 50 cent, per hoy. Foa t'RiN.tnv Pwei!--. Fir (travel, Renal Ciih-uli, Diffl, eult, Painful Urhutlloii, lliseases uf the Riding. Price, fa) cents per box. Foa Skmi-mi. Fvih-ios. Involuntary Plsetiarge. and Conseiiuent Prostration anil Petdllty, Itad Ki-sults of Fvll Habits. The moxt successful and ell'odeiit reuietly known, and may tie relied uimu as a cine. Price, with full dlreu tlons, 1 per box. Person who Hlsh to pbo-e themselves under Ibe profes sionid .vire, or to seek advl-'e sit Prol. HcMi uaivs, can do so, at bis oilice b&l Urotidway, dally from a A.M. toSP.M. ur u tetter. OfR RFMKIUKS BV MAIL. Tok over the list ; make up a case of what kind yon choose, and tni lose the amount In a current noie or slniui. by mall to our address, at No. f2 Broadway, New-York, and the niedb-lne nil! be duly returned by mail ur express, free nf choree. AIIF.NTS YVANTKr). We desire an active, eiTietent Agent for the sate of our Heniedles In evcrv town or eoirmnnily In the United States. Address Ilr. F." Ill MPUItKYS Jt Co. No. lutnADWAV, Ni.w-Yoas. A.W FISIIER,Agent. Sunbury, Pa. May 26, 1800 ly SUNEURY STEAM FLOUuIjNG 1TH h a g-- IIHE subscribers having taken possession of tuis first class FLOURING MILL, are pre pared to receive grain nf ull kinds, and to do cus tom work at tho Shortest Notice. Customers will have their grists ground immediately upon their being left at the Mill. Aaitia the inten. lion of the firm to stock the Mill a large Sup ply ol Grain, will be constantly kept on hand, and flour by the quantity can always be obtained. The greatest caro will be taken to turn out a su perior quality of flour, for which the mill is ad mirably adapted. Strict attention will be paid to ihe wants of customers, and the patronage of the public generally ia respectfully requeatctj. MORGAN & CO., Sunt.ury, June 23, 190. IRi:i;illR ACAOK.tlV. THE FALL TKRM ofthe present year waa opened on 'J'uesday, the lCth of October, ult. Hoard of Instructors. Rev. J. K. Millet, Principal, and Instructor in Ancteut Languagca and English. Literature. I). S. Buyer, Associate and Instructor in Math matics. Natural Sciences, Book Keeping, dec Assisted by able and experienced teachers. The course of Instruction embracca all the branchea usually taught in Primary, Academical and Classical Departments. 1 lie government of this Institution is mild but firm, and all atadenta are required to be uuigent and oticdu-nt. Kxpense. Boarding, room with furniture, per ,weck" 1,50 to $1,75 Tuition per Quarter, $2,00 ' iji7,')0 urawine, fainting, Music, French, Practical Surveying, Ac, extra. students admitted at any time during tho vuarier. For further particulars, address, J- K MILLET, Freeburg, Snyder county, Pa. rreeburg, November 3. 1860. ii a n iTi 8 r aTntk : it xtttornry at 3Uto, MAUKKT SQUARE, 8 TJ 1ST 13 U R Y, I A. June 2:1, I860. drTT wTfis CHEEi FFERS his professional services to the citi w xens of Sunbury and vicinity. Office at the Drug Store. Sunbury, June 3b, 1830. . . SHAM0KIN VALLEY POTTERY. rTMiE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he is now manufacturing at hia Potterv '' "uuoury, u ainus oi JSartben t sit, ujauct UUI Ul Red Cement Clay. This clay produces the best and most desirable kind of ware, eijual, iu many respects, to stone ware, and la less liable to crack bv sud.len !,. and cold. The subscriber refers to Frilina- A. r.,.( Sunbury. Address, JOSEPH 8AVIDGE, Oct 13, 1160 ly Sunbury, Pa. STOVES- OR BALE an excellent second-hand Ceok ing Ktove, also several Cvlin.Ur (v.l fctove. Euquiie at this oflke. wrrVti A CUPCRLATrvt JONIC.DIURETIC, AVZ ' 1NYIC0RATIN& CORDIAL To the Citizen! of New Jersey & Pennsyl vania. Apnthecaties, Drupglus, Grocers and Private Families. Wolfe's Pure Cofrnse Brandy. Wolfe's Pore Maderia, Sherrr and Port Wine. Wolfe'. Pure Jamaica and 8t. Croix Rum. Wolle's Pure Scotch and Irish Whisky. ALL IN BOTTLUS. Ibesleavetn call the attention of the citizen, fifths United mate to the above Wines and Liquor., imported by Udoliho Woi.ra of New York, whose nam. hi r.ioi. Ii.r in every part of this country ror the purity of hi.eele brated Sscliiclam tehippa. Mr. Wolfe, jbi hi. leu.r to me, .peakm of the putlty of hi. Wine, aiid Liquora, Bay. : "I will suike my reputation a. a man, my abinduiaaaa rnerebant of thirty years', residence in the City of New t ork, that all th. Ilrandy and Wine, which 1 bottle ate pure a. imported, and of Hie beat quality, and can be relied upon by every purchaser Eveiy bottle ha. the proprie tor', name on the wax, and a fac simile of hi. signature on the certificate. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine for tlieniaelvea The public are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves p,,r Bill, at Retail by all Apothecaries and Grocers in Philadelphia. Gbosgb H. Ashton, Nn. KW Market st , fhil'a. rtend the following from the New York Couriet 1 Kmobmcius Bnsisas. na ons Nsw Yosx Mkbcma!t We are happy to inform our fellow-citizens thnt there is one place in our city where the physician, apothecary, sd country merchant, can go and purchase pure Wines and Liquors, as pure as imported, end of the best quality. We do not intend to Rive an eluborate deaciiptien of this meichnut'a extensive business, although it will well repay any stranger nr citizen to visit Udolplio Wolfe's extensive wnrehouse, Nos. Iw, -JOand iW, Beaver reet, and N.'.. 17, lUandlll.Marketfield street. His aunk of Hchnappa on hand rendy for shipment could not have been leaa than thirty thnnnud eases j the Hrandy, some ten thousand eases Vintages of 1x38 to 156 j and ten thousand cases of Madeira, flheiry and Port Wine, Peou-h and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and ft. Croix Rum, some very old and equnltoany inlhiactuntry. Healao had three large cel lars, filled with Ilraudy, Wine Ac , in casks, under Cus tfim-House key, nady for bottling. Mr. Wolfe's uie. of Schnapps Inst year amounted to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, anil we hope in lesslhan two rears lie may be equally successful with his Brandiea ami Wine.. if is business merlla the patronage nf every lover nf his species. Private families who wish pure Wines and Li quor, for medical use should send their ordeia direct tn Mi. Wolf, until every Apothecary in the laud niaks up their miials to discard the poisonous stuff from their shelves and repluce it wiih Wolfe's pure Wine. und Liquora We understand Mr. Wolfe, for the sccominodation of small dealera in the country, put. up assorted case, of Wine, and Liquor.. Such man, and such a merchant, should be sustained acainat his tcna ofthouaaiida nf oppo. iicnta in the United States, who sell nothing but imitations, ruinous alike to human health and happinna. For Sole by GKOKGK BRIGHT, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. Septeml?r8, 1P(iO (lin p. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS, J. II- E.GEI of Sunbury, Pa, IfAS just arrived with splendid STOCK of SPRING AND SUMMKR GOODS, from Philadelphia, to which he respectfully invites ni8 menus and the 1'ulilic to call and inspect, he will spare no time in showing them. Among nts stock ot goods will befouud, FINE BLUE AND BLACK FTLE1TCE CLOTZ. Finn Black and Fancy Casiineres 'I weeds, Sat inetu, Jeans, Black Italian Cloth, Caahmcrette, Cottonadc, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Check, and farcy Vesting, also a large assortment of Keady-made CLOJHING for men and boys (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Silk Tissuo, Bcreges, Chali and Chali Rubes, Bcrcge Dela ine, Berege Robes, Figured Brilliant and a variety of other Dress Goods, Spring and Sum mer onawts, Mantillas, f arasols, a good assort ment of white goods, Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac. A general assortment of domestic Dry Colli, Also a large stock of Hats and Cape, Boots and ahoes. Hardware, Queens and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, 1 ar dec. Sic. N. B. WbII and Window Paner. Floor anil Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will he aold at low prices for cash or country produce ta en in exchange for Goods. J. H. ENGEL. Sunbury, May. 19, I8fi(l.tf. LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TO m;v thrap FOR CASH. GO TO WM. H. MILLER, he has received from Philadelphia a large stock of BOOTS & SHOES' His stock conaists of Gen'ts Kipp Hoots, Youths Kipp Boots, iliildrcn s Culf Boots. A Iso a variety of u omen s Calf Lace H.mi Woman'. I.ace Bonta, Children's Morocco and Calf Lace uoots, all of which he will aeil cheap for CASH. Calland examine for yourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tanmero Mnrorn for aale for cash. e , WM. II. MILLER, bunbury, Jsnuary 7, lfifill. New Air Line Route TONE "W YORK. SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND OITICKKDT lv 11 MK between the two Cities of JWEWYOBK AND HAnaiSBTJRG. rit READING, ALI.KNTOWN AND Eamtov Morning Express We leave. New York ut 6 a. m . and i-liiladeliihia at 8 a St.. arrives ut H,,, ).,,, ... isj. .. cjmnecting at Harri.liurg with trail Northern Cenirai tnetaaui0'' VV ""-''". Hav,, and inter- n, , ' 'J ,r"' vy 'VM New York at I rioon, and Pliiladelphia at 3 111) e. ., c-onnecting with tiaui on Norlh eru Ceulrul Rind for atuiitaia n. .i ....... trains on the Williamsport aial Klnnra ' ,i.vi"LT'?'MVV,u"'''u, 8, s at.aiMl ar me. at I hiladclphia at I r. u., and New Y.uk al 3 30 r. ., in time to take hoat ore,i r.,r a "tn''" Kast Jfesve. Ilarrisliug .1 1.15, oil ai rival nl Northern Central Tla.n, and an ivea at Philadelphia at a Yi r. m . and New Yoik atr. m Pr!!!"."'". -"'weeii Nsw York or rinladelphiaand llarrishuig. For lieauty of Kenery and apeed, enmfoit and accominik tr"ave",g puhl'ic" l"eteu' utlur,"r iiidueeineiila to the Office ia New York. f..t of Courtluiid atrcet, Plilladel plna, Broad and Cullowlnll streets. LARS Ue'wee"'Nevv York and llarrisburg FIVE DOL For Tickets; Freight nr other information, apply to . . . . 1- CLYDE, Uenciul Agent. Harrnlmrg, June 30, IWliI ly 8 WHOLESALE DEALER IN BBANDIES. WINES, GINS. &C- fllHE aubscrilier having opened in Thompson's Brick Building, Mill street, Danville, a large and complete slock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the best branda of Brandies, Cain, Old Rjre, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, Maderia, Champagne and other Winea of all grades, all of which will be aold Wholesale at Ihe lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of us can aave at leaat the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquors for FAMILY IT8E, may rely upon being' furnished with a pure and j unauuiieraieu article. t$ Being determined to establish a reoutation for selling cheap he respectfully solicits the pa- wunago ui me puuiic. All orders promptly at tended to. JEREMIAH 8. HALL. Danville, Jure 16, 18G0. INGRAINED CARPETST MA I FACTtRKD fti fw Bale bf M. Pirr Cot ltbraivtit and WclowH JBuikluif, Nuritl hl wtirw, sssouua un nmcm treu mimaeipbute GOODS GUARANTEED. Ootobw (7, 18S0. ALFRED D. BRICK'S UNITED STATES AND EUROPEAN PATENT OFFIOE, No. 144 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia. NB. Communications by mail promptly attended to. Eept ti, I860. I jS "-5V a HIGHLY IMPORTANT NEWS M. C. GEARIIART, Haa returned with new Slock of Confectiosariet, Fruit and Toys. TT seems aalf a new age, a new life was open- Ing upon us, animating avery heart to nobler deed, and higher aims! Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and seek to develop sub limer beauties and grander conception. Tha business world too must fcel the new In fluence and everv'part be quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge us on with electric speed to the consummation of greater things than waa ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevades all claasea, and desirous of doing his share to wards "The great event of the Age," the sub scriber would respectfully inform the food peo ple of SUNBURY and the public generally, that lie naa jnst returned trom the city af Philadel phia with the largest and choicest stock of Con fectionariee, Fruit and Toys that has ever been brought to thie section of country. He i alao manufacturing all'kHida of Confectioneries, &c., o bit up orders, wholesale or retail, at short no tice. Among tils stock of Confectioneries, may be found : French Secrets, Cum Drop., all kinds of scent, fuuini nuiHiiiua, irfive mopa, Cream White, Mint Drops, red and while, " Lemon Jelly Cakes, ' Roae, Fruit Drops, " Vanilla, Stick Oandtee, of all scent. Csmmtai Secrets. Rock Candy, Liquotics, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Banana., Prunes, Dale., Fies, Currants dried, Citron., Almonds, Raisons, Nuts nf all kinds LKMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the aingle or dozen. A uircuur quality oi ocgara anu 1 onacco. and a variety of Confectionariea, fruit, Toys, Ac, all of wincn is ottered cheap at wholesale or retail. Ida" Remember the name and place, jtjk M. C. GF.A RH ART, Market St., 3 doors west of K. V. Bright dr. Son's store. Sunburtr, April 14, 1861). ly "lO.SSll?(.'SATElTT " FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, As Improved for 1859 and CO, By E. K ETC HAM A CO., 2R9 Pearl-Street, New-York. THE only Freezer constructed on scientific principles, with a revolving cau and spring blade scraper. 1 he one hasten, the freezing of tne cream me otner removes it as last aa frozen. The most rapid in freezing, with the least quantity uf ice. The most economical in cost, as it ia the most aimple and durable in structure. For sale in all the principal cities and towr.s in the Union. Euc.h Fteezer accompanied with a book of re ripes and full directions. PRICES. 3 quarts, 4 quarts, 6 quarts, 8 quarts, M quarts, 2U quarts, Apply tu II. B. June 2, 1800. $3 DO 4 5 fi 8 (10 0(1 00 00 UO 12 MASSER, Sunbury. 1860. THE BEST ROUTE 1860 FROM Wyoming Vnllcy to riiilaU!!iia, Ac iv lurk, Ilitltiniorc, AND ALL I'OIXTS XORTII, SOUTH ,y H ICST. LACKAWANNA & BLOOMSBUltG 11AILK0AD. STJIVIMEn AHUANOEMENT. Two Daily Pnsscurer Trains will he fun net wecu Scrniiton und Noitliuuilierlaiid, us lolloivs: MOVINO BOI Til : I .cave Scrantou, Arrive at PittsUui, Kingston, hicksliiuuy, Berwick, UIOOIIlFlfUlg, Kiipeir, llanville, Northumberland, MOV Iave Nortl-umlierlaiid, Arrive ut Danville, Kiielt, Itliaimsliulg, llenvleli;, Sliiekslilnny, King stun, PillHton, Scntritiin, HnPaMail. N. Y Ex. 6 ill A. M. M P. M 3S 4 M 1 05 i -til 1 40 a.; ii e ss 60 1 JO u no 7 4u tl? fi III 111 IS! b 13 NOKTII : N. Y. Ex. Pail'a Mail. S 30 A. M. 4 15 I'.M e 05 S 20 B K t 40 e 15 r do 1 15 6 35 7 15 7 115 8 311 7 45 S 57 8 15 9 45 8 15 H.in.lmrg Railroad connects al ScrNiitnii, lor New York and Pliibdelphia, and interiue dmle points East j also for Greot Hend, Uuighanilon, Syracuse, Bulfalo, Ningaia Falls, and all important points Weat. At Hupeit it eounecls with the Cutis wimi Kail road, for poims lth FjisI and Vest. At NurthumlieilaiK) it eounecls with the Sunbury and Erie Railroad, lot points Wc.t and South. M. v. JACKSON, Sup't. Kingston, Augutt 2.1, 1S6'I. ' iou WINTER ARRANGEMENT- I860 NEW YORK LINES- CAMDEN 4 AMllOY AND PHILADEM'HI AND TKENTON RAILROAD CO.-S LINES, from iMluutliiiia to Aew lark and JIYit luces, PI "1 I " "ti f lre''1 '- '""f a"d Kensington Depot 14 rAB At 0 A ,I , via Caindt n and Amboy C k A Aeconi niiMtation, At 6 A M, via Camden and Jersey City New Jer- aey accomuioilntioii, g At 1 1 A M, via Camden and Jersey city Morning man, i nn ... T,n uciisiugioii auu jerMy city. Wes tern Exnresa. M A' uk f.'"1 vl Cu"l(le" and Amlaiy, sccnmin.Klalioii -J ii At II f M, via Cumden and Amboy f and A. Kx. i "viwtiipii,,!, aim jersey city, Kve- mng Explesa, At 44 P M, via Kenumrton and Jeltee eile 0.1 3 UC Clasa Ticket, " - Aausa ? ., ! " " 'ersey eity Kvening Mail 3 i . . J .'. !! -ainaeil uiki Jersey eily South. Mail t 85 Al 5 H M. Via Camden and Amhoy Aeeouimodn. lion, (Fielgbt and I'asaeuger,) 1st clus. ticket, t 25 Tl.- a n i r.i . . " 0 M,., s,,.:i ' . . tuny. The II Southern For Helvidere. I-Lisio,,. Pl-inti.,..n i. - m . from Walnut street wharf ami .t p m 'f-..M'i For Manch Chunk. Allentowu and Bethlehem, at 0, A M Via l.ellleli Vullev Hailr,l ' ' 11 For Water Uup, Stroudiburg, Pcranton, Wilkeslairre Montrose, bteat lleiid, Ac, at A A M, via Delaware! . ..iu. am, .scaieru rtauronu. b,n Freehold. ar A.M. and P. M r..r Alomil Holly, ut tl and S A AI., and i, and 4) WAY LINES. For Bristol, Trenton, tc, at 3 and 41 P. M , frcn Kensinglon. a 1 For Puliuyra, Pelanco. Beverli- Hrlii, n,,r,W t(IL,-(l Jbi ul I-1L '1 ....1 11(1 sr ' ' Fifty pounda of Bnegage only, allowed each usaenger, I naaengera are piohikited from taking aiiythiuc a. Itiir. gage but their wearing apparel. All ling gage over fifty .ua ... n,,u ,i,r extra, j lie ioiuany limit men rcspnnsiniiity i,,r llnirguge tu On. Dollar per pound, am will ikH Ih liable foi any amount bay.md 0U JjoliiiL cent by apfti-ial contract. WM H. UATA1ER Ajr.nl C. 4 A. H. R Co r curtuiry 10, jtmu. IIEGEIMAN & COS CC3DIAL ELIXIR OF CALISAYA BARK rreparca only oy HhUKMAN i CO., Wholessls and ueuil ctieini.ls and Drusgiw., SI, 39D, 511 and 75 nroaaway, New York. rpHK virtue, of PERUVIAN DARK as a Tonic have n.,. i R l,own to neeu comment. ., ,rh,t-ALI8AYA (-or King's Bark,")i. the most valu. auie ot the nuimsr.u. valialiea of tha Peruvian Bark, and ni Ihe ELIXIR ia axHaliiiwd with other ingredi.nl. that lucre. i la e Iticsey and at Ui. aam. time overcome th. dud , rtaioaruig it a mot Agreeable Cor. For person, living ia FEVER and AGl'E diauicta it willo. found iuvaluableua preventive, Half oi . wine- i. lIL I ' saormng, rendering th. avsuun " "r-- millllly inUU.UC. Ol to. .lutoS puere. DIRECTIONS Tlnaa nr .n .rf.,u w.ie . : , full before brwkfuM and dinner i ehiklr.'n fiom on. lot wo "i""-"-"i -usy oe uku wnaer isiutout s litu. Wins For ml .1 this oAoe. alarek 17, IMo IRILINQ A, GRANT have juat received bs - railroad the larrrest assortment of Oi:EEs. WARE and ULASHWARK ever hroueht to Kunhnry. Also, a rre.h supply i.f DRV OOODS, conniving of Spring Drcus Out-la. Print.. Mut. Iu.. and Notion.. w 7. igBn. NEW GOODS . Atthe Mammoth Store ol IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. 1 MARKET BTRF.KT, lu.NBURY, FA. fltHE Bubscribet has just opened at hie well .L known establishment in Sunbury, one of tho beapeet and most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods. that has ever been oflered in the plare.and which ne will tell for CASH or exchange for Oountry Produce. Those desiring to purchase goods will do well to csll and examine his stock. ; , im BLACK AND FANCY BILK, All Wool Delaine, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colore, beautiful Dress Robes, Cashmcrea, Shaded, ilain and Striped must be aeente form an idea of the extent and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls Thibet and Broche Shawla. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet. For Men and Uoya' Wear, black Cassimeres, Fancy Cassimeres, side stripes heavy, Doe Skin CassimcrFs, 8atinets all kinda. , FLAUNT JNTELS, White and Red Flannels, all gradca and prices, Day State 8ack Flannels, colors finest qnaltioa! READY-MADE CLOTHING Boot, and Shoes, 11 , .. Hal. mk Caps, Ac, 4c, all nr which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, aa regards quality, style and price, with any iu the country. II A RDW A RE, a full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, yueensware, of all descriptions. Groceries, a full atock in store, Csrpel Chains, &c, Fsints, Oils. Class. Dye Stuffs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pain, to please all who may favor him wiih their custom in the future. Sunbury, Uct. SS, 1869. J. STEWART DEPUY, AT CORNELIUS MAHAN'Pt, No 3 ..ulh, di. , "r"'1"' '" C- Wench'. O d Philadelphia, weuld invite the attention o their -i K, friends and customer., and the publlu in general C 10 kirge and well .elected stock of ' OARPETINGS, ! O trj.raaisting of Velvets, Tapestries, Three-Plis, ST lugranis. nnn veniteins. Also, WINOUW rr. AltED.OII. CLOTIIi), MATTINfiS, IIRLB- H l-, RUUft, MAT, BTAIIl RODf, Ac.. H ich he sells very chain for cash, whnleaalr rT, UE'I ;wlnc 'and reuiil. Ila...l.l . '" DR. ESENWEIN'S TAR AND WOOD N APT II A PECTORAL, "19 Ihetwst Medicine in the world fi the Cure of r..uh. Asnd Odds Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Difficulty 11, Bieatlitng , Palpitation of the Heart, Diptherm, and f, r the rebel of patlenta in the advanced since! of Consuinn. tloti. togelher Willi a'l Uisenses of the Throat and ClieM and which predispose 1 1 Consumption. ' It it peculiarly adapted to the radical cut e of Asthma. Being pr-pared by a pmLint Physician and Bru.slit and one of great eApencnc. Iu the cure or the vmiou. diseases to which the Human traine is Imble It is otfeied to the ntnieted Willi the gr,-,icst coiiltdenee Hv II and he convinced thai it is invaluable 111 the L'ura of linn dual iifto-tinns. price 60 cents per B.ittl. IT" I'lttrAKSD nnlv by ilr. A. EPENWF.IN .V CO.. . ... . U'Mggists and ("liemists. Corner N mill mid H,.,,llt m,.. Philadelphia. mi ., ''' ev,,'', " "I'velablo Druggist and Healer in Medicine throuchont the State. 1'hiiadelplna, March .11, lt-80. tyw ROCKEFELLER & B0YER, Attorneys at Law SUNBURY, P-A.-A. .Ionian ItocUctV lli-r and Sulomon II. lloycr, respectfully ennounre ta.tt they entcied into Copartnership in Ihe piactirs of their profession, and will continue t attend to all busi r.ew entrusted to ihe.ir charge in the counties of .Northumberland, I.t.ion, Snyder and Montour, promptly, faithfully and carefully. Special at teiition will be given to the COLLECTIONS OK CLAIMS. Consultations can be had in the HERMAN language. Oilice, . Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbury, February 4, imio. r?sTJG- '& CHEMIG jLL EMPORIUM. fIIHE undersigned having received a large ami A well .elected stock of I'tire Drugs- nml Chemicals, Dyestulls, Oil, Paints, China and Putty, j. now ready to till urdersat a moment, notice. In connection with the above you will find an assortment of Fancy Notions, Toilet Articles und Perfumery of all kinda, Tooth, Hair, Naile and Clolhes llruahes of every variety. Customers wilt' rind his stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible hero to enumerate. KKM EMBER the "nlace. umlpr tliA nftsf-A ti the "Sunburv American." Physicians' Precriitionae.ominiini1.l m.. lv and carefully. , A. W. FISHER. Sunbury. April 2,1, 1859. P. MELANCHTON SHMDElT" ' J18TII K OF TUB PEACE SUNBURY, OJice in Deer Street, immediately opposite the l'ublic School House. Alrbtiaines. promptly attended to. Monies ollected and all ordinary writings done. Kuuhurv. Anril 2S. IH57 if HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ltce opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prrnp attention- to business in adioinine k-ounties, ' 6 As accident, will happen, even iu well-regulated fami. lies, 11 is very de.iruble la have nmecheup.iideoiiveuient way for retaining Furniture, Toy., Crockery, 4J. SPALDING'8 PREPARED GLUE ineeta all such iiierfTm-iva. ,.a .u, 1..,.. ...u .r..- i to lai without it. it 1. al ways ready and up to th. sticking point. I here 1. no longer . necessity for limping cbaira. pllutar. veueera. hliu.s ri.,11. ..ul !.rnk.. ....o.. . ' just lb. article for eonc, shell, and other ornamental work. K popular with ladies of letinelurnt and taste. Thia admirable pieparation is used cold, being cheniirnllv nekl in Kdutmu.aud piissessing .11 the valuable qualities ot III. ta-st eabinel-mnker'. Glue. It may be used in lb. place ol ordinary mucilage, being vastly mar. adhesive. I bEFI L IN EVEKY HOI SE" N. U A Brash aconmnaniea each bottle. i'tiu. j cent.. M'holeaale Daiml. V sa r.. - Addreu, I1E.NKV C. HHAI.DING A Co.. ' Box No. a.liou, New Voik. Put un for TleaUrs in mu. . r.- . - i . . n. . -. "simtimiB ruui r.icar, ana I welve Dozen . beautiful Llluograuaic 8buw Card c eonipauyuig eacb package. CV A Slliale bottle U Snnldii,' Pr.nsr.rf m u.,11 ..... ten lime, its coal anna. lie to every household. Sold by all UloUIUianl SOili,mr. ririti,.i.ia. tlarrfu.... and F urnitnre Deulers, firocera, and Fancy tstoie.. Coumry Mercliunt. should leak, a note 01 hpaldiug'a prciNired Ulua. when lliev make un tbair hsr Ii ..1 Maud any climate. ror sale at thi office. March III, low. ly FUR SALE. rXIWO L0T8 situate in Market atreet, in the town of Trevorton, Noa. It and 1 3. in block No. 90. Apply to WM. GAIIGLER, elelina- grove. or H. B. MASbEIL Sunburv. rjSEFL'L IN ALLFAMILIES-IIEtsEMAN V CO'8 Cenzine, which remove, nsintsnota grease, tie, 4 c, and cleans gloves, ailka, riblioiia, dec, equal to new, without the sliahleat iniurv in color or fabric. 6old bv all Druccisls. alao at thia oilice. IS cents oer bottle-. I () Y'a BOOTS and BH OE8. cheap for cash J- WM Mil I Ftl'M .ECONOMY! , Save tie Pieces ! - .... l-IIUI-UI, u. dun' ury, August. 17, 1160.