Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 02, 1861, Image 3

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    jparrisbnrg l'ctos.
Altt. I.I.VlOC.vf AT h'aIWUMU HJ.
HitmenoRo, Feb. 24,
The train reached ITarrinhurg at two o'clock
r. M., its arrival being announced by the firing
of a salute.
On Mr. Lincoln' appearance on the platform,
hp ' greeted with enthusiastic applause. He
win immediately conducted to the barouche in
waiting, to which were attached six white horses.
A procession wan then formed, hesded by a troop
of home, the rrnr being brought tip by an exten
sive military escort.
On arriving at the .tones' House, Mr. Lincoln
am.pnred no ihe balconv. and was introduced to
the reonle. in the presence of fivo thousand of
thorn, who completely blocked the space in front
nf iho bnlel. liv Uovernor l. urun.
The (iovernor welcomed ilia honored guest to
the capital of the State of Pennsylvania, wnn ine
siirance of Ihe cordial sympathy of its people,
who looked to him to restore peace, amity, and
good feeling Ihe country i and if re
conciliation should fall, notwithstanding all
patriotic efforts, they would be ready and willing
to aid bv men and money to maintain their gluri
oin (,'oiisiitntion. ....
fn conclusion, he hoped that fiod would aid his
r Dims insustaining the glories of the (JovernmcNt
and the prosperity of the people.
liKfLT or Mil. iincdi Tooovinsnn ccmti
Mr. Lincoln responded, returning thanks for
this cordial expression- nf goodwill. Referring
tn the distracted condition of the country, he
trusted that a resort to arma would never become
ncccsstirv. In his efforts to avert that calamity
lie must he sustained by the people. He certain
ly brought an enrnest heart to the work, and it
should bo n fault of his if he failed.
On the conclusion of his remarks, the procos.
finn scai'i formed in line, and proceeded to the
t'upitol, Mr. Lincoln occupying a seat hesido Mr.
rill liver ITtov iit thk i.vnli.TrnF.
The halt of the House of Representatives was
deuselv crowded, ami there was some delay
before the arraimcments could be perfected lor
the eonduclion of Ihe ceremonies. or fpkaki'.h
Speaker Palmer, of the senate was introduced
to the President e lect bv (iov. Curliu, and pro
c led to address him as follows :
lloNniii.ii Sin: In behalf of the Senate of
Pennsylvania, I weloome you to Iho Capitol of
tiie Slate,
Wo deem it a peculiar prmh'ue and a happy
omen, that while on vnur way to assume Ihe du
tir of ihe Infill office to which you have been
called nt this momentous period in our national
history, wo are favored bv your presence nt our
seat nt (iovernnirnt n the annivorsiry of the
birthday of the Father of his Counlry.
The people of Pennsylvania, upon whom rests
-n Inter, n shire of Ihe responsibility of your Hum
iliation and election to the Presidency, apprec iate I
tin" niojjnitudi! of the task before you. nod are j
fully prepared to sustain your Administration
iieeordiiig to the Constitution mid the hws i
Whatever diirerencea of opinion existed prior to
the election as to the political questions involved ,
m'tlie canvass, thev.ns law abiding, Constitution-
loving people, have no diflerence among them as
vnur risht to claim tlo'ir iluty to
render such
suiinort. Accordinclv. there are assembled here I
lo-d.iy men of all parties and shades of opinion j
tu welcome and honor the constitutionally chosen
President of the I nioti Nor have we received
with indillereme the public expression of your
xiews on a subject so closely nlli cting the materi
al interests of Pennsylvania, I tint is not only
li e riht but the duty of the (iovernment, while 1
proMiling Tor a revenue ny a lariu, to so regulate i
the duties ns to afford protection to the industrial :
interests of the country. I
It was, therefore, with profound satisfaction that j
we heard your recent expression of the true policy
nf the Co'vcrnnient. We are deeply inrpreased 1
with the honor of your visit at this interesting j
time, and picdne ourselves to preserve the inlegri-
ly nf him whom the people have elevated to the ;
chair nt Wssiunglon, alia 10 wnom mey uae
confided their highest interests, hopeful of the
bi-iipl'iceiit results of the nise nd just measures
which we trust, nud believe, will signalize his
Sneuker Davis then welcomed Mr. Lincoln, in
behalf of ihe House of Ivcprcseiilauves, pledging
this lievntior. of the people to the l.rilnn. I enn- j
lvaiiia, though always for j,eace, siainls ready j
to pledge, with men and money to sustain the :
tiovcrmiiciit, if necessary, ill enforciug the laws. J
The one wish, ihe one prayer of all is tor the ;
sun ess of the new Administration in the main- !
tci.nnce ol the Union.
RF.PI.T OF MR. l.l.M'OI.V. j
M r. Lincoln replied : j
tiKNTi.iMKN : I nppenr before yon, only;
intending to niuho a lew remarks in response j
to what has heen said to hip. 1 thank yoa :
mofit sincerely for this n ception, and the'
generous words in which your support has !
I.ei'ti priuniseil ma. t)n tn:s occasion 1 will
take the opportunity of lhank;ng your great
t'liminonweRllh for the overwhelinlng supiort
it gave not ti tiie per.Honally, but tothecunse
which I represent, and which 1 think is a just
a'H". iu llio late election. (Loud applause. J
Allusion tins been niado to the fact thn
interi'sting fact, perhaps we should sny that
I, f.,r the lirnt tiinp, appear at the Capitol of
the grout Commonwealth of I'ennssjlvania
upon the nirtl.nay oi mo i aiuer o, n.s voun ; TnrT,., , iu lhe iiimk-Ke.,,,,,,. l)e,rtmet is most
try. I li connection with tlinl beloved anni- ; ly irmu wnltt-n ininum npt lurnn, wiili unil iiistini-iioni
Versorv SO iutilnalely Cnnnected Willi the- lc;tr'S. im.l hliiek-linnril rluriilnlimis ; in n.lOoi.oi K.
r .. l. ..i ., 1 whleli. m onlei lo make Ihe rllrEuite Course nsllinmuuli
.istry i,r the country. 1 have already gone ,, ,.n,,.i,i. ,K,ssii,ii-, tl,u ioiK.lg ivh-B luve nmi exceeditiiilv intprestini! scene lieen preimrett ;
this morning, in the ceremonies at I hiladel
l,a nu.aninni.a ol Phi .,l..l.
nhiii. Under the kind conduct of the gentle-
li eu there, 1 was for the first time, allowed j
the privilege of standing iu old Independence
1 1 ill, enthusiastic cheering, and to have a
f. w words addressed to me there, bflordinp j
me an opportunity of expressing myself. 1
re;;r"t that I had not moro time to express j
j nuit tb np of my own reelings, exciled'by the j
i i-casion something to harmonize and give
shape tu the sentiments that had really been I
the sentiment of my whole life, besides i
ibis, our friends there had provided a magni- j
tie.eiil fl ig of our country, and they had or
ranged so that 1 was given the honor of
riiriiim it tothu head of its Staff. I Applause I
And when it went up, 1 was pleased that il j
went to its place bv the strength of my own
fi-eble arm ; yvhen according to the Brtange-
,, t, the cord was pulled, and it Uaunted
biliously to the wind, without un accident,
in the Bulit Blowing suushino of the morning
1 could uot help hoping that there was, iu the ;
entire success of that beautiful ceremony, at
least something of an omen of what is tocome,
I l.uuJ applause. Nor could I help feeling
ithen, os 1 hovo often felt, that in the whole
of th'ut proceeding I was a very humble in
strumout. 1 hud not provided the Uag. 1
ud uot made the arrangement for elevating
it to its place. 1 hod applied but a very
mall portion even of my feeble strength in
laisioe it. In the whole transaction 1 was in
the batids of the people who bad arranged it.
And if 1 cuti bave the same generous co-oper-ion
or tbo people of this nation, 1 think the
tl..g of our country may yet be kept flauuting
gloriously Enthusiastic and long coutiuued
I recur for a moment but to repeat some
words 1 uttered at the hotel in regard to what
has been said about the miiiiary aupport
which tbo general Uotrernient way expect
from the Coinuionwealtb of l'enueylvauia ip
no cuiergoncy. To guard against any possi
Me ruistuke of my meauing, do 1 reeur to this.
It ia uot with any pleaisura that I contemplate
i be possibility thut a necessity may ne Id
this country for the see of tb military arm.
I Applause.
While I am exceedingly gratified to tee
tho manifestation upon your atreeti of your
military force bere and at your prwuisa to
uso that force io ease nfao emergency ; wbila
( nmku this acknowledgment, 1 desire to
repeat, ia order to prelude any possible mis-
i....i;..n ik.l I ,1,1 most murerel hope
(IIUM.Il ,11.11, . . - -------- , . ,
r shall bave do ue for them lood applause
ihni ii will never become their duty toehed
(. I,,. I. and u;oa ttpucijtlr oevcr lo ud fra -
tr-rnal blnod. I promise that In no far an I
may have the wisdom to direct, that if so
painful A result. shall tn any Wise hi! brought
nlwilit !l ul.,.11 I... ll
Allusion hai also been made, by one of our
honor- d speaker!, to tome remarks recently
made by myself, at Tittsborgb, in regard to
what is supposed to he the especial interest
of tho great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
I now wish only to say that the few. remarks
which I ottered no that occasion were very
carefully worded. I took paios that they
should be so. 1 have seen no occasion since
to add to them or snbstroct from them. I
lenve them precisely as they stand, applause J
adding only now that I am pleased to have
an expression from yno, pentlemen of Penn
sylvania, signiCcant that they are satisfactory
to you.
And now, gentleman of the General As
sembly cf the Commonwealth of I'eunsylva
nia, allow me again to return my most sincere
On the conclusion of these remarks, Speak
er 1'almer delivered the oration of the day,
the delivery of which wus enthusiastically
Mr Lincoln then retired to his hotel, and
the assemblage dispersed.
The remainder nl the afternoon t nd evening i
was passed quietly by Mr. Lincoln, during
wuicn ne received tho call of ouly a lew
Tim smartest young butcher in New York is
named Korman. He can kill and dress a sheep
in four minutes and twenty-four seconds, and did
it tho other day for a wager. His competitor, a
veteran butcher named Darby, occupied six min
utes and twenty-six seconds in performing the
same operation.
Cramr Comciiiknck. It is regarded as a
somewhat remarkable coincidence, the fact that on
the very same night that Miss Cora Anderson, a
celebrated St Louis belle, was married, the steam
er Cera Anderson, named in honor of Ihe lady,
struck s Silas ulioiit forty miles a'mvc Yirkshurg,
iinnieili.itelv sunk, and will prove a total loss.
Mr. Charles Arltnan of Turhiit township,
wlnle in tho act of chopping n tree down on i
Saturday liiBt, had thn misfortuno of breaking
his right log, hy the trpo fulling oc it. Mr.
A. is one of (ho most efficient Common
School Teachers, mid this accident will no
doubt deprive him of his duties, thn reiiiuiu
in? portion of the winter. Mittonian.
New Advertisements.
II V virtue of sundry writs f Ven. Hxponas in-
sued out of ihe Court of Common Pleas of
Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, to me
directed will be exposed to public Bale, at the
public house of ('apt. J. M. Huir. in tho borough
nf Miltnn. on Thursday the I Ith day of March.
A. It. IMfil.nt 10 o'cimk, A. M., the following
described re..l estate, to wit :
A cert iin tract or pince of laud, situnte in Ifcln.
ware tmvntjiip, Northumberland county, J'enn'
sylvania, bounded and described as follows, be
giunineala post in Turhutville road; thence
north 14, west S4.H perches by laud of Philip
steinrii k to a post ; thence by same south ?3
west !.. 4 to a post: thence bv land of Dr. Tu
bias l'iner. north 1 4, west 44 perches to a post
thence by land of Jacob Stilzel, north fiOj east
N3.2 to a; thence hy land of the heirs of
Samuel Caldwell dee'd., south lowest 3'J.5 to a
post, in Tnrbutville mad, thence by same south
lio.J west 0 2 to the place of beginning, contain
ing :tli acres arid !ltt perches, strict measure
mine or less, all of which is cleared, upon which
there is a growing nrchaid. Seizrd taken in ex
pciition and to he solj us the properly of P. A,
ALSO: At the same time and place two cer.
tain lots nf (rroiind, situate in the borough of
Milton. Northumberland county, bounded on the
north by Market street, on the smith by an allcv,
on the east by a lot of John S, Martz, and on tlie
wet by .Second slreet. whereon is erected a two
story log dwelling house, weatherboarded, and
kitchen, i stable slaughter house and oilier out
buildings. Seized taken in execution and tu be
sold as the property ol Jacob Miller.
Shenu s oliu e.
Sunliurv, Feb. HI). ISC1. J
. K. corner of Xtventh ami Chemul Slreds.
T'iis is one of
r.ioirr'.s. roNsriTt TiNti the "N.-
TlllN AI. CH AIN."
riii!n.Mplii, ryv x ork t'uy. Allsiny, MuiThIk, TIpvc.
liiuii, i tiii-a':", ami ll. I.i-m?
Ncll.ilrirwlnpi ,-uh be pur-
iliiisi-.l ;o t-illi.-r iiiiint, n.Hiil til nil Hit: f'.ilices.
Tin: riii.i.KuiATK rovitsK
einhraces I)i aili It anil Siiisle Kuiry llmik-lirepiiiK, rnin-nii-rciiil
rn'iiiitutt.iiiN, Ci'iainiirciat l.ti-, Viiiiinii..)np,
IliikiiivM Coirvspi-iiilciict;, PuruiL-itfhip rttltiueiil, etc
lirVSIIl AL fl rSltOII H lk M'VIHI
ill Ihrer" tililji.n
iiiiitinc Hoiimc : llrv-
Common ,- I. Hij-h rVhool, anil t
mil . Sinill.iii'n i:.iiiiurrriul Arilhiiirlu-; llriniii A
flniKini's Ciilimicreial l.-iw, by Amos Ilimi. 1.1. 1).
III a cTlrlnrillllf li ink,, liv P. It. SI'KNCKIt.
P It WM-.N'CKU, Ji.. T."ehf of IVnm.,iihip. In.'i.
viiliial iiislrin-tiiiii. Slii.lciil enu-l at iiny tune. Uinlo
iiiiii nwnrili-rl.
IV For iiisIiitiim onH Oiieulsrs. csll nt llis. rullejie,
ra.l,lir-s till V ANT. t-THATTDN FAIUIUNKS
Ftlinmry l, t - IMiilaildpliia.
ItiicKivlienl Tloui.
r"l"MIE subs-rribcrs respectfully inform their
customers, that they will continue to make
Buckwheat (lour until the 10th of March, IH6I.
All persons who desire extra Buckwheat flour.
are requested to bring their grain in, and leave
their order before said day
Sunbury Steam Mill.
February S3, IXC!.
Notice to the Ileirs of the estate of Jacob
Dressier, deceased.
Xurtliumlit1) land County, SS.
AT an Orphans' Court for the county of
Northumberland, held at Sunbury, on the
14th of January, 1RG1 ; in the matter of the
estate of Jacob Dressier, deceased, the Court
granted a rule, directed to the heirs aud legal
representatives of said decedent to accept or
refuse to taku the real estate of said decedent
at tho vaiuation, to wit : Daniel Dressier,
residing in the Mole or Illinois ; John Dress,
ler, Joseph Dressier. Sarah Daniel, late Sa
rah Dressier, Hannah Dressier, intermarried
with Michael Kmerick, (Jacob Dressier, Elias
Dressier and Isaac Dressier, who are miuors,
and bave for their guardian Solomon Iiilltnun)
Harriet, intermarried with liunjamin Stepp,
who is deceased, leaving ber hnsband, Benja
min Stepp.surviving.ono child, namely, Sarah
Jane Stepp, who is a minor, and has for ber
guardian lienjamin Stepp, all of Northum
berland county, Vennnylvooia, to be aod ap
pear on tbe first Monday of next Term of
said Court, viz: the lirsl Monday of April
next, to accept or refuse to toke the said real
estate at tbe valuation thereof, or show cause
why tbe same should not he sold according
to the Act of tbe General Assembly in such
cases made and provided. All of which tbe
said heir of the said Jacob Dressier, deceased,
and all other portion, interested, will please
lake uotice.
By order of the Court.
J. D. MASsKR.CIk.. O. C.
Kherrll s OP'
, Sonburj, VI
Di 1 tt
' Potent Mien 1-nnip Chlmnoy.
! A t.AMP chimney THAT wiu, NOT BRKAK
; rrM innt Invention i-wmeaM Itself In every one
........ niAI. OIl.T.AMMr. Il roves morn lieht. fs-
nni'M less clmnii Rsiid win nor nrfiis i.y ine nnu or pom,
j fullinij or sny orilmsrv unp for snle ty Hinrpfcpcpcrs
' riiprnHythriHiffhontthe Uitltrd Ptutes, surf the Csiindns,
ail Wholesale by the MsiiufnciuierHand Fs'sntcs.
NO. 8a I N. PKCOND Slreet. PlllLAlr,I.pill A.
N. II. A targeand superior stork rjf
Ivsrs on fisnd, at prices dcfvleg competition. Also, the
I' i R T I . A N I) C ) A I. II L, at Manufacturers' price,
l-'elirnnry Sfl, IsOI. It
Notice to the Members of the
Intent Fire Company."
TY order of a resolution, passed at a meeting
held on the fith irist., notice is hereby given
that, all members of the Good Intent Fire Com
pany, who have not signed tho new constitution,
are requested to mil on the Secretary and sign
it on or before the first Monday In March next,
or else their names will he erased from the roll.
Members who are not in town during that lime
tan have an opportunity of signing afterwards
H EM1Y DONNF.L. President.
EMAirsKt. Wii.W.nT, Secretary.
Hunhurv, Feb. 9, lRfil. 4t
fjHE subscriber wishes to engage a Miller to
to take charge of the grinding in a Mill
where both Merchant and (irist work aro done
None need apply unless he is a good stone
dresser, and well acquainted with his business in
all its departments, and who is nf strictly tempe
rate habits. To such an one a permanent situa
tion is offered, good wages.
Tor further particulars apply with references
to L. V. TOItKEV, Hoiicsdale, Wayne county,
Febuary, 9, 1801. -3L
- KETTK, made by the Lodi Manufacturing
Co., for sale in lots 'o suit purchasers. This is
the Cheapest Fertilizer in market. .$:) worth
will manure an acre of corn, will increase the
crop from one.third to one-half, and will ripen Ihe
crop two weeks earlier, and, unlike guano,
neither injure the sped nor land. A pamphlet,
i with satisfactory evidence and full particulars,
will be sent gratis to anv one sending address to
Dtll South Wharves, Philadelphia.
Fehimiy, rj, 1 HOI. lilt.
Farms, Parks or Gardens,
A rare chance is now iiirorderl to select and order
Vuied. Slirulii-fiy. Ac. i'rm thr ceHirntwl Clever direct
Nur&uiu-i I .t iilcd nl Hufhfiter, New Yoik.
McNM'tt, iiiooiu:, HKOMii;ns,
Yo tn? Icfivp to nuiidUiice Ihnl they uro prej-uitn)
tlituuh lltcir ialilicd uml
It i: 8 1'UNBI I- l.V. AC K NTS,
T diilritiute ttieir bupuihr stock in the most reaauiiuWe
t.iveis of Nntnre nud iht- licantiful, nnrl iunllv relrhnlpil
I'-.r yimr inti-lliccnce, wi-nllh. Iilirrnliry nntl tHate, ii'w is
tin" inn,' In uiiike yinn sclecluns frmn utir j
nKsriHP'rivi: cyTALoiu k ami pi.atk hook?,
Wliii-h will Ih I'urnislird yiui, lhrouili our Ini'iil nents;
nnrt yuu may rvsl unvuicd llitil y,iar unltn will be honora- (
111) hlW.
lul further particulars spplv tn
FKi:iJi;niCK A. HOWE. i
Or JOHN n.JnNF.S. 1
Alii-ntlnr Norllipmlit-rliinil ci'unty. j
It hi. i:f!KNK'KB i;lliri lN. Kwhcster, N. Y.
llun. JOHN IIAI.HI! All 11. Kri". t's.
J. It. JoilSSn.N, .MeuJvu.f, Pu.
Ftinmiy a, !Hil I'-in
BV virtue of sundry writs of Jen. ttxprmns, i
issued out of Ihe Court of Common Pleas i
ol Northumberland Covint), Pa., and to me di
rected, will be exposed to Public fale, at the
Court House, in tiie Dorough of Sunbury, on
MONUA V, the llthilavo) March next, at 10
o'clock, , A. M., the following described property,
to wit :
A certain lot of ground, situate in tho borough
of Sunbury, N urUtuiiiberland county, and Male
of Pennsylvania, numbered SI in tho general
plan of said town, and bounded and described as
follows, tu wit ; on the north by Shainokin street,
south by an ulley, east by o lot of Sebastian
iiuupt, ami west by Deer .Street, containing
about i ol an acre, whereon are erected a lame
two-story stuiio dwelling, kitchen, stable
and other out buildings.
Als ; all the defendant's interest in lot num
ber HI, situate in the borough of Sunbury afore
said, and bounded and dcsciibed as follows to
wit : north by ShHinokiii street, east by let No.
IW, south by an alley, and west by Fawn slreet,
containing about i of an acre, w hereon are erect
ed a two story frame house and kilchen, (now
occupied by Charles Weaver as a Hotel) a large
stable and other out buildings.
Also ; a certain tractor parcel of land, called
"Barntaiia Island" situate in the river Susiiue.
hanua, and county aforesaid, opposito tho mouth
ol I'enns Creek ill Snyder County, containing 7
acres and 1 1H perches of excellent tillable land.
Also ; the one undivided sixth part of all that
certain tract, or parcel of laud, situate in Coal
township, county and Slate aforesaid, surveyed
in the name nf John Brady, containing 1H5 j
acres and !!) phrches of coal land, (lieing apart
of a larger tract of land) and bounded and des
cribed as follows, to wit : on the north by land
suiveyed to Ludwig Cass, east hy land, nf Henry
Masser, dee'd., on iht south hy laud surveyed to
Samuel Clark, and nn the west by Shaiimkin
creek, whereon is erected a large coal breaker,
with steam engine and hoisting apparatus, a
two-story frame dwelling house, three doublo
I J story frame dwelling houses, a blaekrinith
shop, two frame stuhles, and other improve
inenls for the mining of coal, there being tiro
largi" vein of coat ojitned upon the trcct in
txctllent tcurkiny order.
Also; the one undivided sixth part of the
surlacfl right of, and in oil those certain lots of
ground, situate in the town of Shainokin, county
and State aforesaid, mi the last above described
tract of laud, and numbered in the plan of stud
town, nuiiiliers H67, 3BH, UK!), H70 H7:t, :I7,,
375, 3?ti, 377. 378, 370 UH0 and 3tl, contain
ing about one eight of an acre each.
Also; Ihe one sixth part of all that triangular
tot; situate between the aforesaid lot number
:fi3, and thn School House lot, in the plan
aforesaid, eoutaiuing about three fourths ol an
Also; all that certain messuage and tract of
land, situate in Coal township aforesaid, being
pait of a larger tract of land surveyed on a war
rant iu the name of John Brady, containing 100
acres and allowance, bounded and desciibed as
folio vs. to wit : on the north hy Ludwig (,
east by land of Win. L. Dcwart, south by lands
of Samuel Clarke, and west by lauds ol Henry
Masser, dee'd, and on which arc opened two
larqe vein of cnal, note hting u orl erf.
Also, the surface right of the following des
cribed lota of ground laid out upon Ihe said last
mentioned tract of laud, situate in the town ol
Shaniokin, and county and Slate aforesaid, and,
in the plan of said town wiih Hie numlur ilfth,
2&7, 858, 259, 20, S61, Xti'J, 203. 564, Sfi5,
208, 207, 208, 209, S74, 275, 7 277, 280,
200 201, 200, 207, 2UH 2DU, and 300, contain
ing about one eight of an acre each
Also ; all that certain messuage and tract of
land, situate in Coal township aforesaid, being
part of larger tract of land surveyed in the name
of John Brady, containing 50 acre and allow
ance, bounded aud described a follows, to wit :
on the north by land of Ludwig Cass, east by
laud suiveyed in the name of Luke Fid ler, south
by land of Samuel W'elherill, and west by the
above described tract of Wm L. Dcwart. upon
which two vein of coal are opened, anil tww
in working ordi r.
Also, the surface right to an ine inuowina uca-
j cribed lots of ground laid out upon the last men.
tinned tract! of land, and situste in the town ol
Shamokin aforesaid, and marked in the plan of
shid town, with the numbers, 255, 354 853, SVj,
!M. 550. 306, 307, 30S, 309, 310, 311, Sll,
:i V 'I. 315. SIR, 317. Zii, 353, ilt-l 3?ft,
j :iol, 3:jt, K fi, 337. 3:18, 310
341, 343, .111, 34 1, 34"), 84o,fM7, 348. 349, 3.'0
3SI, 3n3, 3!i, 3S4, 365, 358, 3fi7, 3.ri8. 3f9.
3(10, ;)fil,3(i2, containing about one eighth' of
an acre each.
Also, all that eerlain messuage and tract nf
land, situate in Coal township, aforesaid, being
part of a larger tract of land surveyed in the
name of John Brady, containing 17ft, acres,
strict measure, hounded on Ihe north by londs of
Martin (Joss, on Ihe east hy land of Purdy end
Dcwart, (now Purdy,) on the south hy lands of
Thnmaa Hamilton, and on "he west hy lands of
William P. yjrady, on which arc opened Urn
lartc vein nf cnal.
Also jlhe undivided half nf a certain tract of
land, situate in Cnal township aforesaid, survey
ed in the name of William P llrady. containing
441 acres, bounded and described as follows. to
wit i on the north by land of Martin (ass. east
by IsmUof John Rradv, south by lands nf Thn
maa Hamilton and Ksther Kramer, west by lands
of M. K, Levcrson and Jehn Uoyil, being a val
uable tract nf cna! land.
Also; the undivided third part of all that cer
tain tract nf land situate in Coal township afore
said, surveyed in the name of Johh boyd. con
taining 444. acres, hounded and described ns '
follows, to wit : on the nerth by land of Thomas '
Hamilton, (old survey,) on the east by land of I
William P. Drady, on thn south by lands of M.I
E. Levcrson and Frederick Kramer, and on Ihe !
west hv lands of Mathias Zimmerman, being a !
valuable tract of coal land.
Also ; tho undivided ninth part of all that cer-'.
tain tract of land situate in Coal township afore- '
said surveyed in tho name of Thomas Hamilton,
containing 41 acres and allowance, bounded on '
the north by lands of William P. lirady and i
John llrady. east by land of .Samuel Clark, south ,
by lands of John Carson and Ksther Kramer,
and west bv lands of William P. llrady, on
which a cmil vein linn been opened,
Also: the undivided Jialfnurt, if n. I thm rert-ir. I
tract of land, situate in Little Mahanov townshin. '
county and (Slate aforesaid, surveyed in the '
name of Joseph Lyon, containing 80 acres,
hounded and describeil as rilli, nn ilm
hy land of John Dunkleherger, east bv land of :
Frederick Rces, south by lands of Frederick !
Dunkleherger and west by the Cap, upon which I
a vonl vein in n)cneil. I
itlso; the undivided half part of all that '
certain tract of land, s'luale in Point township, i
county aforesaid, surveyed in the nsmo John
Barron, jr., containing 4 10 acres and allowance, '
hounded on the north by land of T. llewit, on :
tho enat by lands of William Benson and Kobcrl
Erwin. nn the south hy land of Brodic. and west
by lands of A. Reusing.
Also ; all that certain tract of land, surveyed
iu the name of Hobert Erwin, situate in Point '
township aforesaid, containing 413J acres boun
ded on the north by land of William Hcnson. on
the east hy lauds of E. Branham, on the south
by H. Kurtz, and on the went by lunds of.luhn
llarron, jr.
Also ; all that certain tract ol land surveyed
in the name of F.hcnczcr ltranham, situate in
Point township aforesaid, containing 430 acres
bounded on the north by land of John David,
eastbv lauds of Andrew Epple, South and wc
by Hubert Erwin.
Also; all that certain tract of land surveyed
in tho name, of Andrew Epple, situate in
Point township aforesaid, enntaining 430 acres,
bounded on the north by lands of David Jackson
east bv lands of John Service, south and west by !
l'.lienuzcr Branham.
Also, all that certain tract ofland surveyed
in the name 01 Jonn service, situate in ,
Point township aforesaid, containing 42 1 '
ecres, bounded on the north by land uf ,
David Jackson, east by land of J. Thorn- I
croft, south by lands of , and west by1
lands of Andrew Kpple. 'J'he Inttjicc tracts
nf' hunt al'ove dcfcritied containiny valuable
ilfvisitci nf iron nre,
Also, all the following described lota or
parcels of ground, Blturtte in the town of
Mount Carmel, in the township of Mount ;
Carmel, county and State uforesaid, to wit :
lit number 1 , marked in the plan of said town '
us Depot Lot block number 5 in said town, j
sitniite nn Shanmkin Volley Railroad block 1
number 10 in said town also lots numbers j
1 and 2 in block number l'J also lota nnm-
hers :i, 4, and 21, in block nnmber 'JO also '
lots numbers 3 and -t in block number 22
nlso lots numbers 4, II. 2.1 and 24 in block!
number 2H also lots numbers 14, lf, l, 21 ,
and 2") in block number 24 also lots niiHibers
:i, 4, 5, 12. Kl, 11, L, 10, 17. in block number .
2" also lots numbers 2, '3, IS, 19 and 20. in
block number 20 also lots numbers 1, 2, .!
4, in block number 2'J nlso lots numbers li, ;
22, 2d. in block number IU also lots numbers
1, 5, 18 end l'J, in block number 32 also lot
number 2, in block number ."it -also lots i
numbers 1,2., 10, 22 and 2j io block nunv ;
ber 34 also lots numbers 5. ti, nod a blank j
space of ground, in block number 118 also:
lots numbers 3. 4, 11. 12. 1. 3, 19 and 20, in
block number 39 also the undivided fourth !
part of all those certain lots of ground in
snid town, numbers I, 2, 3, 4. 5, nnd 0, in i
block number 41, whereon is erected a steam :
suw mill, and other improvements ulao lots I
nuuihers 7, ?, ! 10, 11 und 20, in hlock nuin- j
her 41 also tots unmbers 1, 7 and 8. in block
number 42 also lots numbers 3 and 4, in block
number 43 also lots numbers, 11, 12, 13, 14,
and 15, in block unmber 45 also lots uum- i
bers 1, 2, 7, K, 9, 12, and 13, in block num- ;
ber 40 also lots numbers 14, 15, 10 and 17, ',
in block uurnber 4'.) also lots numbers 1,2, t
7, 8, IS and 19, in block number 50 also lots '
numbers 9 ltl aud 11, in block number 51 I
also lots numbers 10, 17, 18, 23 und 21, in
block number 51 nlso lots ounibers 5, 0. 7,
s, 9. 12, 13, 25 ond 20, in block number 55 i
alsolot number 1, in block number 5li also
lots numbers 0, 7, 8, 11, 12 and 13. in block
enmher 58 oUo lot numbers 4, 5, 8, 9. 1(1,
17, 18, 19,25 and 20, in block number 59
aUo lots numhers 18, 23 and 24, in block
number 00 also lots numbers 2, 3,0, 7 ond
8, in block number 01 also lots numbers 8
ond 9. in block number 02 also lots 'number
4, o. 13, 14 and 15, in block number 03 also
lots numbers 11 and 12. in block number 00
ahn lots numbers 10, 11 21, 22, atid23, in
block number G7 nnd also lots numbers 3
and 4, and 9 and 10, in hi ick number OS.
Seized, token in execution and to sold
as tbe property of William I.. Dewart.
Sherill's Office, 1
Sunbury, Feb., 10. 1HGI. i
COM M IS li CI AL N U li S121U ES,
ltOt'llKHTKK, N. Y
JOHN W. Bl'CHEB, Local Agent, Sunbury
f !he subscriber, having been appointed local
JL Agent for the sale of Kruit trees, plants,
vines, 6ic, of ono of the most reliable Nurseries,
calls the attention of all who want choice fruit lo
this method, as more ceitain than by obtaining
ihem through traveling agents. Among those,
described in the Catalogue are. Dwarf I'ear
Trees, of the age for transplanting, remarkably
Dwarf A Hide Tree Paradise Storks, ma-
king beautiful little trees for Ihe garden, and pro-
duciug remarkably tine speciiiieus of fruit in
very short time.
Dwaif Cherry Trees, budded on Mahaleb
Stocks, handsome trees.
Slandaid Apple, Pear and Cherry Trees, very
fine, with a large list of vaiielies.
Peach. Plum, Nectarine and Apricot Trees.
Gooseberry, Blackberry and Strawberry Plaula
all ol ilia linen kiikik. ;
Currants, many new and improved varieties,
.,,!, . (!.- VVhiluCrnnn Wbita llonilnuin
such a Cherry, nne urape, v una iionuouin,
Keil lirnpe, V irtoria, vc
istrawherry Plant, in great variety, including
the Hooker, Wilson' Albany, Triomphie de
Hand, (the most approved old varieties,) a well
as all the novelties.
(rape Vines, including those fine, new, yet
well tested kinds, which no planter should te
without, cuch as Delaware, Concord, aud Hart
ford Prolific. These we have propagated so tx
tenaively as to able to otter them at reduced and
satisfactory prices.
Plant, Ror, Evergreens and every variety of
ornamental tree ud Khiuubeiy, securcl) packed"
JOHN W. BrClIEK, Agcnl, Kuubury Pa.
bunbury, Febuary, 'J, led I.
Man and Woman should Look
to their own Interests ! !
11 E m"fl H wear some kind of
yon should look around and see where
tho Cheapest, Rest and Lamest assoit-
nient can ho found to select from, and whether
the person xvho selected them is competent to
mane a goon selection. 1 will say that my stock
j has heen selected by one who has had practical
experience in the business for about thirty years.
I will nlso add that I can sell, and wili sell,
; cheaper than you cm buy at retail in die city of
j Philadelphia because my rent and living is
j not one half as much as there and I can buy as
. cheap as they can.
I As to the mode of doing business in the conn
j try, it is only necessary lo say, it i generally
i done, as you all know, on a long credit, and I
j say to you all if you ds business in this way
i you must let me say if you buy your Boots nud
j rihjies at a credit store, you arc hound to help to
pav for Shoes h tight by those who do not pay
j The limn who does not pay. must buy his It, mis
and hhocs at a credit counter, and if you buy at
i the same counter you must help lo pav all the
j losses made at that counter.
Thus you will see that the Uools snd Shoes
bought at my counter must be paid for at the time j
they are bought
Iii C'sifcli Country Produce, j
so that every man, woman and child shall have j
their Hoots and allocs at n I.UW PltK'K. r i
there is nothinir to be paid for losses snd interest.
It is impossible to five yon a list
of all my prices, as I have so many
,,il,i'r,"t kinds of llools and .shoes,
,(r lnrn women and children, nf
ATT CTTfC C, yr T 1ST Tl
Coarse and Fine, Heavy and Light, and also
LRslll IKS of all kinds ; and also
" ' -.,
A N l TKL'NKS of all kinds, at different price,
Mens (Jailers, Irom $ 1 S" to $4 00.
" Hoots, " 3 2H to fj 00,
"' Khoea, " f?jto 2 15.
Ladies' Cniters, from 00 to 2 H7.L
" Slippers, from 00 t 1 25.
" Kid French and Mens' Morocco, and
gain and calf akin at different pieces, from DO cts.
to $1 H?J.
Boys Sboes, from 95 cts. to 2 H7
Mens Niocs from u8 cts. to I 50
Hoys Shoes from 75 cts- to 50.
ChihJretis' Shoes from 20 lo87j cents.
Ladles and (Jenllemen of Sunbury, not for
Betting to include with you a large portion of
Northumberland, .S'livder and Union counties,
you all have my sincere thanks for the patronage
I have received from you for Ihe few necks that
I have been doing business in Sunbury, (remem
ber the place, Market Slreet, next door to the
Post OiVicc). I describe it thus, that your
friends may not make a mistake, where those
thing" are lobe found. I will also say that there
seems to be a trouble about the Banks. I say
give voursclt no tioulne aliotit anv ol tnem
within fifty miles of this place. As I am tie-
J termined and intend to back them up by receiv-
ing their bills at par at my counter, so be not
irounieu, ine nanus arcgouu, anu my noois aim
Shoes are good, they are all made for Ihe good
of man to tic used, and not to be abused.
Sunbury, December 8, ISdO. '
.17' TIM
than cau be purchased elsewhere.
' list received by Hailroad this week.
i Sunbury, December 15, 18C0.
i II j""' returned from the city with the
lareest assortment of CONFECTION A
KIP.S, l'Kl IT and TOVS, ever brought lo this
: section of country. He is determined lo supply
all with llolvday presents, scllng them at whole
hale Slid retail, at prices to suit purchasers.
Having the necessary machinery, cVc, he is
manufacturing all V imls ofTovs, and keeps up
his stock, so thut purchorers will not be at a loss
: a supply of almost any article lliey may
i M. C. CL'AKll A KT.
Sunbury, December 1. 18(10.
j Buckwheat Huller.
THE subscribers respectfully informs the
public that they have added to the machinery
! in their .'teoni Mill, in Sunbury. a new improved
Buchwhest Duller and wheat cleaner, which
' enables ihcm to furui-h wheat, and buckwheat
flour of the finest ipjaliiy. Customers promptly
; attended to.
j MOTlfi N & CO.
I Snnbniv, December 1, I
Notice to Creditors.
! OERsONS indebted to tbe subscriber on book
account notes or otherwise, aie n quested lo
call anu mane seuiemeni on or nemre me iio
,. . ... ... , ..r -L . .
; of January, after which time Ihe books Mill be
left with a Justice lor collection,
' Sunbury. December I. lSi.0.
! fHHE undersigned offers to let Ids Crist Mill
fl lor the ensuing year to a competent miller
enher on share or rent. The mill contains three
' run of bur with all necessary inuc hiiicry, all in
good running order. for further psiliculars
1 I.. ... .1.. ....l...-.1.A t I V. A l,l,.HI..:. Ik.n.
J If" .ur.. . ..... ,
i mill" weal M PCiiusgne. iii wiyoerrnuiuy. i a.
Ksnti. December 2:
IU 00.
JAMES 11 A 11 Ji E It ' S
S. IC. Corner Second ami Chestnut nts.,
iv OA V i'Mh'KS, a very ilosiruble article loi Cuuu-tt.
' e, Hotels, Hunks, loiiiilmit Mouses, luriors, rv.
, Mml,al.,UI,rr , ,Nk uol.U Pf.NS.
L'l.icka reistirfU and wuinoileil.
Cl-x-k 'rniuinins nt every ilewrlplion,
I'lum.ldlplui, J-nunry ID, ISl.Uy
IRILNli A GRANT, at the Mammoih Store
I have this day, January 81th, received and
opened another fresh supply of DUY COODS
and Notions,
Sunbury, January 2G, 1861.
TOH SAI-K, cheap, three copies f tbe
Cottage Bible, in two volumes, with com-
tfttiee. II. H. MASbLU.
I meotttcee
at the
have just received a
Stock of
A very extensive assortment of
Consisting in part of
Black and Fancy Silks of ery clmiec patterns
Ducals, Cashmeres.
French and English Meiinos,
Plain and Figured Wool Dfclaines.
Muslin Delaines of all styles and prices.
Foulards, Thibet Cloth, Poil Do Chcvres,
Haxon'and Wool Plaids.
Bay State and
riuty, &.c.. Ac.
Wool SHAWLS of every va
(entlcmen's J)rcss (Joutls,
of every style, consisting of
Kentucky Jeans.
Velvet Cord,
of every variety. Our stock of f"ilk and Silk
Velvet Vcstings, cannot be surpassed in the
country. Please call, and examine them.
Our stock of READY MADE CI.OTl'I.Xti.
has been replenished, and we have a lull assort
ment of
Pants and Vests,
Overcoats and Dress (.'oats for
Boys uf all ages.
ALSO, a very handsome assortment of
nt' every rtylo and variety at tho lowest prices.
Our stock of HAItDWHRE has been renew
I ed and e have now a larper assortment than
' ever before utlered lo our customers, consisting
; in par' of
i Sauae.o Cutlers,
1 i'ockct Cutlery,
j Butcher Knives
Mayer Hinges.
; Hulls and Pad Locks,
j X Cut Saws,
! Mill Saw,,
Scoop Shovels.
.Vc, cVc, Ac, jr., Ac
Qii('riiivnre and Clusmure.
of every variety at the
E R Y L OWES T P R I C E s ,
Our stock ol
mi . V U j: x jit o
is very fine. We have Ihe best ijunlity of Syrup
Molut-Hcs ever before o lie re to the citizens of
Sunbury aud vicinity.
Also a Ircsh supply of
Druns, I'sinls,
Oils, Dye St ills,
Perfumery, Class,
Fancy Soaps, Brushes, Sec
Particular csre having been taken in ihe se
lection of our goods in regard to quality, style
nnd i rice, we call tbe Httenlion of tbe iniblic t.i
liur ..,. Kt..k ... whj,.h ....,,.,., ttdd;iions Kill
i ,H,ie
Thankful fur past favors, we hope to merit
continuance of Ihe pntrouiiue nf the public bv
selling cheaper than ever. Cve us a call before '
purchasing elsewhere. '
Sunbury, Nollember 17, IMiO.
ev hikI l'aoliloiiable Cabinet '
HE uhscilber respeelfullv inform the!
citizens of Sunbury aud the put lie geu ially, '
tbsl they have commenced the CAIUNLI
MAKI.MS business in the shop lately occupied ;
by William Snyder, ia Fawn Street Sunbury,
and are prepared tn supply their customers !
promptly with every variety of articles in the hue I
uf their busii.ess, on r.iaoiiHble terms. Tluir .
work will he made of the best inuli rials, ami in
the best and lulest style.,.
Country pioduce laken in exchsnge.
Sunbury, Decemtier I. IMiO.
Notice lo Creditor)..
VI. L persons knowing themselvrs indebted tn
the subscrilH'rs for a period of owr li months
will save costs by calling and settling ht tore lhe
1st of February nrit, as after that time ihe ac
counts will be placed in the hands of a Justice lor
collection. riill.l.Mit I.KA.M .
Suiibiiry, December 15, IxCO
BOO I'S St SHOES, can be purchased at the
Mammoth Store of Friling cV (iranl, vcrv
cheap, we are determined uot lo bo undersold
I by anybody. Call and team the lo-tof jmcr 'or
I- i.imi iyi: x ,jAK"i'
youiselve. ! UII.IN
Suubnty, January ll, l6l
C EIiEBRA TE D N () I S E I. V. S f
Sewing Machines?
4'J5 BniiAnw.ii, Nkw Vons.
The public attention is respectfully jou,ut stcd to
the following crda of Euas Howf., Jr., and
the tfrover Baker S1. M. Co
A Card from the GROVER & EAKER
S. M. Co.
Our Patents boinc now established hv t
Courts, we are enabled lo furnish the liroyer
V Baker Machine, with important improvements
st greatly
Kedut'f d Prier.
I The moderate price at which Machines mik
j ing Ihe (Jrover Sl Maker slitc.h. can now be had.
I brings ihcm within tho reach of all. and renders
Hie use of Machines making inferior stitches as
! unnecessary as it is unwise,
j Persons desiring the best Machines, and llio
i right to use them, must not only be sure to htiy
Machines making the (irover A Uaker stitch,
I but also that such Machines are made and
; stamped under our patents and those of Elias
j llower, Jr.
: ci!i)Yi:rv bakers, m. co.,
j 4'J.'i Broadway, New York.
All persons arc cautioned not to make, deal in,
or r any Sewing Machines which sew from two
spools and make the stitch known as thr, (irover
Ac Sllskur stitch, unless the same are purchased
from the (irover "fe Maker Mewing Machino
Company, or their Agents, or Licenses, ami
stamped under my palenlof September in, llli .
Said Company, and their Licenses, alone, ark
legally nuthuri7d under their own patent.", ant
I my said patent, during the extended term there
I of, to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine
and all oilier are piracies upon my said patent,
; and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever
I lound.
New York, Dec. 20, 1HK0. tf
New Arrival of Clothing,
rpitE lareest and best Slock of FALL AND
WINTER CLOTHINO ever brought to
this place, arrived at the Mammoth Clothing
& CO., iu Market street, nearly opposite Wea
ver's Hotel.
Their Stock comprises of
Dress ('oats.
Over Coats,
Business CoaN, oV-.
I'nderShirts, Drawers, Ac.
j BOOTS AND SHOES, of tbe latest styles
' of every description and quality, cluii . r tha.i
Their assortment of gentlemen's furnishing
Clothing is the most complete !
Their variety and styles must attractive.
And the prices defy all competition.
CP Call ami examine for yourselves.
Sunbury, Oct. fi, 1S00.
STJNBURY, Northumberland County, Ta.
largo and commodious Hotel, now
managed by JAMES VAN DYKE. It
is situate at the Railroad Depot North East
corner of Market Square, Sunbury, and at
the terminus of the Sunbury 4 Erie and North
ern Central Rtiilroada, and is open for the accom
modation of Travelers and the public in genertsl
The proprietor will give his exclusive atten
tion, tolhe comfort and convenience of his guests
and is determined to make this establishment
ru nk among tbe lirsl in the State.
Hi! table will be supplied with the bet tin
market can produce having the advantage of
daily cixnmunioation by cars direct from llalil
more, and also from thine bringing produce from
the surrounding sountry.
His bar will be supplied with the purest liquors
the market can produce
Ca-eful and obliging servants always in at
New and commodious stabling ha just been
added to the premises.
A share ot the local and traveling commuuit
is most respectfully solicited.
Sunbury, January 12,'lShl.
STOKE, have this day (January 1 7th, 1S'.1)
received a
which they ro selling al jirices that Jefr
Sunbury, Junuary 10, 1 fill I"
(I, All: ll.yni.K Hul'l l..)
Third Street. al"'ce Have, Tl.Hadtlj !mi,
KHO.v I's , jiyil.ui:. I'ropini ti
1VPIlYKMI-'Vr-t wi t Urn n.j.le, and It' ll.-u" ha
lirM-ti nlillril iriroucli.-'it
i'lUHMs V. Kliotbs, lorniil !y..l ths Salioiu.1 H-tel
I'HAKl.Kl SfclL", h'llll-M ul S' 'ki:l i-o , I'a.
J'liilsdi lpli.a, Jan. I'.l. l-bl ly
, Some opening every day.
Stock will be complete.
Onlers taken and emcnted wiih lieepaU-b.
Childieu's aod Mis-es' Shawls.
S. E. corner Ninth and Market, Philadelphia.
September rJS. ISliO.
MN WARE A very cheap and desirable
assnrtment iuot received ibis week, ul tbo
Mammoth Store of FRILIMJ i liKANT.
Sunbury, January l'J, 1801.
iak;k li.ankkts, flannels
11, d, Ci ih and Cradle Blanket.
Marseilles and Dimity Omits.
Fine Tulile I ,inen, Napkitisund Towels. .V ( ONKAD.
S. lv corner Ninth and Market, 1'bi'a.
Doc. s. lsntt
TAIN Elegant Cloth Cloak.
Kvry new style Coat and Cloak.
I Woolen, llroche and Thibet Shawls.
S. K. corner Ninth and Market, 1'bila.
Dec. fi, iM'.ll.
, 1 J L AS I bili, luu tous prune .Noi ocoua ,
' A ler, for sslc. at the lowest prices at the Mam
moth Siore of FKltINU If IIRAXT,
Sunbury, January ISHI.
YINl,OW 'tADE' A very tine u"l
" cheap assortment, jusl received by Han
road troin New Vmk, at the .Msmmoth store ot
Filling 4 (irant. W have also for kale S. S.
Piitiiam &. Co' celtbiaied - Patent Pendulum
Curtain Fittuita.