THE I'll m IDE IT KI.KVf VJMA. IN PKXN1YL- fpeech of jlr. Lincoln to the People of Allegheny Count;. Ii rn nn no, Feb: 15. The weather this miming opened iniipi rinnsly, heavy rain fulling up to eight o'clork, when it subsided. During tha mr.rnino; Mr. Lincoln ai watted upon by the Pittsburg Councils in body, inj many visiters culling to pay their respects. In accordance with Mr. Lincoln's invitation to the people of Allegheny county Inst night, n large rrowd gathered this morning in the vicinity of the Monnngnhcla Home tn hear his speech on the peculiar ivtcrrst of the. country. When hew-as inlroiluccd and advanced to the tailing of the conv.he was greeted with vociferous cheering. Mr. Lincoln then addressed the assemblage a follow : Mayor Wilson, and citizen of Pennsylvania I most cordially thank hi Honor, Mavor Wilson ano ine ruiien. ot Pittsburg generally, lor this rliceptton. It is the more grateful ho- i cause I know that while it is not ttiven me alone Wit to the ennse I represent, yet it is Eivm under circumstances that clearly prove me that there is ; WHid will and sincere fiwlina- at the bottom of It. : ns ., , ill , . L., , And here I may remark, that in every ahor address I have made to the people, in every crowd j through which I have passed nf late, some allu. j sioti has been made to the present distracted state il the country. j It is naturally expected that I should say some- . thine upon this subject; but if I touch upon it at j nil it would involve and elaborate discussion, j The Rreat number of the question and clrcnm- j stances would require more time than I can at , pri'sont command, and I would perhaps nnneccs- Mrily commit myself upon matters that have not rt fully developed themselves. (Immen'--c i heeling and cries of '-fiood." "Thaf's licht-") The condition of the country is an etraon!i T-nrv otir. on.l Till tltr mind nf evprv patriot With tinxii-lv and solicitude. My intention is to B"e i ibis subject all the consideration that I possibly ..i I.,.r,.r F .r...L r.,lt .n,l drlitiitelv iii reeard l,. it. (Cheers. So that when I do sjwak I i mnv be ns nearly rich! as possible, (l.oud and . combined applause When I doH?ak, I hope I will say nothing in opposition lo the spirit of the Constitution, or emit rarv to the integrity of the I'nion, or which will prove inimical lo the liberties of the people r 10 the peace of the w hole country. (Vocifer uis applause.) And furthermore, when the time orrives lor me to speak on this creat sunjcei. 1 hope I will say nothing to disappoint the people , I'enerallv throughout the country, csiiecmllv il their expectations have been based upon anything which I may have heretofore said. (Applause) Notwilstanding the troubles across the river, (the speaker pointing southwardly to the Motion-pain-la ami smiling.) theie is really no crisis, ex. ccpt an artificial one. (Laughter and applause. Wbnt is there now to warrant the condition of n flair presented bv our own friends over the river ! Take even their own view of the ques tions invdvei', there is notbiue tojustilv the course thry arc pursuing. (A voice "That's so.") I repeat, then, that there is no crisis, excepting -uich a one as mav begotten up at any time by turbulent men. aided bv designing politicians. Mv advice, then, under the circumstances, is to keep cool- II" the great American people only keep thrir temper on both sides of the line, these troubles will come to an end, snd the question tbst now distract the country will be settled just as surelv as all other dillicultie ofa like charac ter, which hive originated in the tiovernment. have been adjusted. Let the people on both sides keep their self-possession, nnd just as other clouds have cleared in due time, sn will thi. and tliis. gr-at nation continue In prosper as heretofore, (l.oud applause.) Hut fellow citizen, I have spoken longer 011 tiiis subject than I intended in the outset. (Cries of "Uo on, goon") I shall s.iv no more at present. l'clauv citizens, a this is the first opportunity 1 have bad to address a Pennsylvania assomblage It seems a fitting time to indnlue ill a few remark on the important question of the tariff, a subject ofcreat niacniliide, and one attended with many ililliculties, inving to the ureal variety ol interests involved. So lo,, as taxation the support of I A I inniit ib lint rosnr d.l ,1 n luriif ICE l ecessarv. A Inrill is to Ine itnvernmeni wnai loent is to a family ; but while this is odmitted, il still l i comes necessary to modify or change its iqieratioiis. according as new interests or new ircunistnnces arise. So far, there is little dilVer ence of opinions unions politicians, but the ques tion as to how far imposts ma be adjusted for 1 lt prelection of home industry, give rise to numerous views and objection. 1 must confess tlial I do not understand thesubject in all its niiil'ifi'rni bearings, but I promise you that I will liive it mv closest attention, anj endeavor to com prebend il more fully. And here I may remark ilint the Chicitro platform contninsa plank upon il, is subject, which I think should he regarded a a law for the iocoioinc Administration Im mense demonstrations of applause. Ill fact this one estion, as well as nil oilier subject eniboilieil , innt pni.i.o-tn. snouo. ..... oh, 1 , 1 .. . . 1 :. I f ...I,... we cavr tur people 10 u, oersia, ., won, , n. vl ywl,enweol,. ltbeir votes rConlinued upplmsf. Pent me. fellow riti.eas. lo read the Inrill' plank of the (Chicago platform, or rather have it read in your hearing, by one wlio lias 11 rca.i in your nrarinij, oj .... .miiioi'. ivr. limn I have. Mr. I.incobi's private secretary then read sec tion tw. Ilib oi the Chicago platform as follows: 'That while providing revenue for the support of ,l,e General Government bv duties upon imports, souod policy requires such an adjustment of these . o, pons as may encourace the development of the industrious interest of the whole country ; we commend the policy of national exchan ge, which secure to the woikingmen liberal was., to agriculture remunerating prices, to mechanic and manufacturer an adequate reward for their skill, labor and enterprise, and to ibe nation commercial prosperity and indepen dence." Mr. l.tncoln continued : Now. I must confess that there nr shades of difference in i-nnMrnint! even this platform, bnt 1 am not .. . . , .1:T - ,K.w intomling to discuss ineso ... iiereocee, l-it merely to eve yon some general loea o. tho subject. 1 have long thought that if thero bo tiny article of necessity which caa bo produced nt home, with as little, or nearly tho sumo labor ns abroad, it would he better in protect thut article of labor at its trno htundard of value. If a bar of iron pot Out if tho mioes of F.n(j;lnnd, and a bnr of iron, token from the mines io Pennsylvania, can bn produced nt tho same cost, it follows that if the F.rglish bar be shipped from Manchester 1o I'ittsburp, and the American bar from Pittsburg to Manchester, the cost of carriage is appreciably lost. I.auphter. If we bad no iron bere. then we should encourage the (.hipment from a foreign country. This brines us back to the first proposition, thnt if any article can be prodoced at home with nearly the same cost as abroad, the carriage is lost labor. The treasury of the nation is in inch a low condition at present thnt this subject now demands the attention of Con- cress and will demand the immediate coDsid- eratinn of the new Administration, ibe tari!T bill tin before Congress may or may not pass at the present session. 1 confess I do uot understand the precise provision of this bill. 1 do not know whether it can be passed by the present Congress or not. It tnay or may not become the law ol tbe land, liut if it doPi P- ,h be ,n eod of lhe matter until a modification can be afected, nhould that be deemed necessary. If it doe not pass, and the latest advices I bave are to the effect that is still pending, the next Con pr'Si will have to give it tbe earliest atten tion. According to my political education, I am inclined to believe that the people in tbe various sections of tbe country sbonld have their own views carried out through their representative, la Congress. If tbe consideration or tbe tariff bill should be postponed nntil tbe neit session of tbe Na tional Legislature, 110 subjeet should engage your representatives more closely than thut ..r tbo lariir. If I have any recommendation to make, it will be tbat every ma who is cull, d upon l serve the people iu rcprcsen t at, e capacity llould ktU'l the whale tub joct UiornnehW. r 1 intend to do mvi If. ' I looking to tlin Varied interests of the coinmnr, country, sit tint wh.n tho limit for nilinu arrives to advocate that, protection run) be extended to the coal and iron of Pennsylva nia, the corn of Illinois, and the reapers of Chicago. IVrnut nm to express the hope that this Important subject may receive such consideration at tho bauds of your repr sen tatives that tho interests that do part of the country may be overlooked, but that alt sec tions may share in the benefits of a just end equitablo tar id. Applause. But 1 am tresspassing upon your patience, cries of "no, no," "go on," "we'll listen." end must bring my remarks to o close. Thanking you most cordially for the kind reception yoo have extended to me, 1 bid you all adieu. En thusiastic applause. At the conclusion of tho spwch, immediate arrangements were mode for leaving the hotel, which occupied considerable time, io consequence of the density of the crowd. I he procession then moved through several Mree,8i ,no rooto 1(ejn(t hortened, owing; to tln pr(,Tj00fl uUv. On arriving at tho riopoli tu(, ,;,, mosg , waiting wftg Bmost jm np(ra),e The entnll8Mrjl manifested PXCeeiv(l anything- ever before witnessed- In . r., :..... .u. ,..: ..!,. i ' n.A Oia ha.(iin.k..UnJ m irl t t ha nhniili n lew iiiiMi.iea Ilia KirfUllll nam oiJi'iuovur'i, " '' y it cuiuBinrii auiiunv uv suvut.0 i , ,hMkt , ..,,,, mn, ,,,,. ! New Advertisements. SHERIFF'S SALES. HV virtue of sundry writs of Yen; lCjpnnn. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas j nl jNnrthmnlH'riand County, Pa., and to me di . rected, will he exposed to Public Sale, at the i Court lloiii-e, in the Borough of Sunbury, on ! MOMIA V, the I llh iluv ol March next, ut 10 o'clock, A. M., the following described property, I to wit : A certain lot of eround, situato in the borough ,,f Sunbury, Northumberland county, and Slate f Pennsylvania, numbered 21 in the general plan of said town, and bounded and dessyihed as follows, to wit on Ilia north by Shamokin street, smith by an ulley, east ny a lot ul Seuastian II UUI'li HI 111 WfH 1'V ' sv-1 Mliril, till in IK about J of an acre, whereon arc erected a luro two-story stone dwelling iiuusc, Kitchen, xtahlc and other out buildings. A Ism : all the defendant's interest in lot num ber 31. situate in the borough of Sunbury afore said, and bounded and dctctihed as follows to wil : north by Shamokin street, east by lot No, 3. south by an alley, mid west by Kawn street, containing about 1 of an acre, whereon arc erect ed a two story frame house nnd kitchen, (now occupied by Charles Weaver as a Hotel) a large stable and other out buildings. Also; a certain tract or parcel of lnnd, called "Uarnluiia Island" situate in the river Pusquo. I hanna, and county aforesaid, opposite the mouth ' of IVnns Creek in Snyder County, containing 7 j acres and IIS perches of excellent tillable land. I a 1... . .1 sivil. ort nf .11 iht . '.. .'. . 1.....1 :,. i i ci'iiaoi tract, 01 p.iiii;i lui.n, huib m. , i,.wn,bii, r tv ...d Slate aforesaid, surveyed 111 the name ot Jolin uraiiy, con mining acres and 4!l pbrches of cohI land, (being a part of a laruer tract of land) and bounded und des- cribeil as follows, to wit : on the north by land sinxeycdto l.udwig ti.iss, cast by lands of Henry Masser, dee'd., 011 the south by land surveyed to Samuel Clark, and 011 the west by Shamokin creek, whereon is erected a large coal hreuker, wiih steam engine and hoisting apparatus, a Iwn-story frame dwelling houe, three double I J story frame dwelling houses, a blacksmith shop, two frame tlatlcs, and other improve nieiiis for the. mining of coal, there being tiro xi-( c! in. nf emit entl upim the truct it t-.i'1'i Hi nt iriirl'iui onlrr. Also; 'he one undivided sixth part of the surface rii;lit of, und in all tliose certain lots of ground, situate in the town of Shamokin, county and Slate aforesaid, on the last above described tract ol land, and numbered in the plan of said town, numbers 3C7, 3tiS. :tr,!l, :no 373, 37, 37!), 3?, 377, 37H, 3? J 3M und 3d I, contain ing about one eight of an acre each. Also; the one sixth port of all that triangular lot; situate between the aforesaid lot number ni.j 1 .1... w..i 1 u....... i.. ; tl.A ..lHn ; ' B ucre. Also; all that certain messuage and tract of land, situate ill Coul township nforesaid, being puit of a larger tract of land surveyed on a war 1 rant in the name of John Ursdy , containing 100 . ucres mitt allowance, bounded und descrilied as ln!o vs, to wil : on the north by l.udwig Gas, c ist by bun) of Win. 1,. Dewart, south by land-. ! ol'Siiiiiiiel I 'laike, and west by lands ol Henry ! Masser, ilec'd, and on which are opened two j I ttirire rstrix r-j'cmil, uotf hi iu;i worked. ! Alio, the sui lace right of tilt- lollowing des- I cribed lots of ground laid out upon the said lust ! mentioned tract of laud, situate in the town of Miamokiii, and county and Stale aforesaid, and ' in the plan of said town with the numbers Sftfi, i a.'i7, v.os, a .v.i, ami, at; i, v;fi-j, 203, sot, 205, i -:t;n, 207. sun, ana, 2; 4, 2',:), 27 277, 2u, 2'JU2UI, iiti'i, 2N7, 2'JS S'J'J, and 3110, contuiti. in M,out ne ciRlt of an aero each A messnago nnd tract of lmvnshi,. aforesaid, being , ,'.., . . . .of John liruily. coiitiiiuing .r)0 acres audfllow- i,...i...i .i .i..,....!....! u .,U,. ... .1 I .' . , on the north by land of l.udwig Gusa, east by iuud surveyed ill the name of Duke Fuller, south j by land of Samuel Wetherill, and west by the j above described truct of Will D. Dewnrt. Ul'un 'which tm cfinnoi' cuul are opened, und nnic I in wni liny order. 1 Also, the surluce riuht to all the following des- j cribed lots of ground laid out upon the last men. turned tracts of laud, and situate in the town of j Shainokii. aforesaid, and marked in the plan of I suid town, with the numbers, 2n5, 254 2f:i. "i-". 251, 250, 3lllj, U07, U0H, UU'J. 310, 311, 312, I 313,314. 315. 31li, JI7, 22, 323, 324 325, I J'iO. 331. 3:2. 31. :i;:5. 23ti, :t37, ajS, 3411 1 311. 312. .113. 341. 315. 31G.317.34ti. 31!l. 3511 H51, :i,2, 353, 354, 355, .150, 357, 350. 359, ' 300, .16 1 ,302, containing about one eighth of ; ul, acrc i.ath, I ; Also, all Ibal certain .nessuneo and tract ol Also, all that certain inessuago land, situate in Coal township, a'ore.said, being purl of a larger tract of laud surveyed in the narr.e of John I) rail v, containing 175, acres, stiict measure, bounded on the north by lands of Martin Gas, 011 the east by Uud of l'urdy and Dewart, (now l'urdy.) on the south by lands of Thomas Hamilton, and on the west by lands of William . y.rady, 011 which are opcucd two lnrie viim of ami. Also ; the undivided half of a certain Iract of land, situate in Cual township aforesaid, survey ed in the name of Williuin 1' Urudy, containing 444 acres, bounded and described as follow, to wit : on the north by land of Martin Gass. east by lands of John Urady, south by lands of Tho. mag Hamilton and P.slher Kramer.west by lands of M. E. l.evcrson and Jebn Iloyd, being a val uable tract of coal land- Also ; the undivided third part of all that cer tain tract of laud situate in Coul township afore said, surveyed in lhe name of Johh Uoyd, con- 444 J acres, 1 follows, to wit : on t! bounded and described a the north by land of Thomas Hamilton, (old survey.) on the east by land of William I". Urady, 011 the nouin ly laiuis 01 ai. P. Deverson and Prederick Kramer, and on the west bv lands of Matbias Zimmerman, being a vuluable tract of coal laud. Also 1 the undivided ninth part of all that cer tain tract of Inn J situate in Coal township afore said surveyed in the name of Thomas Hamilton, containing 412 seres and allowance, bounded on the north by lands of William P. Urady and John lirady, east by land of Samuel Clark, south by lands of John Carson and p.slher Kramer, and west by Und of William i. lirady, 011 w hkhacouJ n-ii hat been opened. Also ; the undivided half part of a.l that certain tract of laud, situate iu Ditlle Mahanuy lowusbip, county and State afoiesuld, surveyed in Hie name of Joseph Lyon, containing HO acres, bounded and described as follows : on the north by Uud of John Dunkleberger, east by land of Frederick JUes, soulh. by lands ol Frederick Dunkleberger and west by the Gap, upon which a coul nia 11 "pond. i4lo; lhe ui..lii b ' b"if I"" of " ,hl certain tract U I - ' " ' ou-h.p. .fi:. -I i lum- Parron. ir.. containing 4 !0 acres and allowance, bounded on the noith by land of T. Hewil, on the cast hy hinds of Wtllinm Hcnsnn and ltobcrt Krwin, on the south by land of Urodio. and went by hinds of A. Housing. Also jail that certain tract of land, surveyed in the mime of Ilobert Krwin, situate In Point township aforesaid, containing 4 13 J acre boun ded on the north by land of William Benson, on the east by lands of E. Uranhaui, on the outh by H. Kurtz, and on the west by land of John Barron, jr. Also j all that certain tract of land surveyed in tho name of Kbcnezor Branham, situate in Point township aforesaid, containing 430 acre bounded on the north by land of John David, east by land of Andrew Epplo, South and west by Robert Krwin. . Also; all that certain tract of land surveyed in the name of Andrew Epple. situate Point township aforesaid, cantaioing 430 acres, bounded on the north by lands of David Jackson east by lands of John Service, south and west by Kbenozer Branham. . Also, all that certain tract of land surveyed in tho name of John Service, situate in Point township aforesaid, continninR 4.-I seres, boarded on the north by land ol Dayii! Jackson, cast by land of J. I horn croft, south by lands of , and weft by l.m.lo i,r Andrew Kntile). The last line tracts .. t , i .-J.-.f ...... ......,.. ..nltinUlfi 0r LtltVI tllltive ttC5t l l.l' Wfilumi' ;''-, - .- Alsoull tlio followinir described lots or : parcels of ground, situate in the town of . Mount Caruiel, in the township of Mount Curmrl, county und Statu nforesaid, to wit : I lot number 1 . marked in tho plan of said town ! as Depot J.nt block number 5 in said town, . situate on Shatnnkin Valley Bnilroad block number 10 in said ti.wn also lots numbers 1 and in block number 19 also lots nurn , bcrs .1, 4, and 24, in block number 20 also lots numbers :t and 4 in block number 22 : also lots numbers 1. Jl. 23 und 24 iti block : number 2.'l also lots numbers 14, 1;, 1C. 21 ' and 25 in block number 2 I olso lots numbers ' 3. 4, ft, 12. 13, 14. IS, 1C, 17. in block number 2.") nlso lots numbers 2, 3, 13, 19 und 2D. in block number 2ti also lots numbers I, I. a 4, j block ntinilier '2'J also lots nuuibors 18, iii block number 31 also lots numbers 4, :", 1H ond 19, in block Dumber 32 also lot number 2, in block number 33 -also lots numbers 1. 2, 9, 10. 22 and 23, io block num ber 34 also lots numbers ". C, and a blank spuco of ground, in block number 38 also lots numbers 3, 4, 11. 12. 1, 3, 19 and 20, in block number 39 also the undivided fourth part of oil thorn certain lots of ground in said town number 1. 2, 3, 4. 5, nnd C, in block number -1 1, whereon is erected a steuin saw mill, and other improvements olso lots numbers 7. 8. U III. 11 and 20, in block num ber 41 nlso lots numbers 1, 7 nnd 8, in block number 42 ulso lots numbers 3 und 4, in block number 43 also lots numbers 11, 12, 13, 11, unuim r 10 uiso i " U ' M'" ; b,''',,. , J- - imber 4." nlso lots noin- and 13, in block num- . ... , . t . 1 1 1 .-. 1 117 "r 4U-uiso loisuiimoers 11, n o.. . .. in block number 49 ulso lots numbers 1,2, , . r 1. 1 1 8. 18 and 19, in block number M-also lots numbers 9 10 am; II, in block uumber M 1 also lots numbers lli, 17, 13, 23 and 21, in ! block number Til also lots numbers 5, 6, 7, 1 : . 9, 12, 13, 2" und 2fi. in block number j.") i also lot number 1. in block number ;"' also! lots numbers (i, 7, S, 11, 12 and 13, in block ! number "18 lots numbers 4, 0, 8. 9, III, 1 i 17, 18, 19,2." and 20. in block number S9 ! j nlso lots numbers IS, 23 and 24. in block ; number GO nlso lots numbers 2, 3. G. 7 uud ' ' 8, in block number fil nlso lots numbers 8 ) I und 9, in block number G2 ulso lots friutiiber : ; 4, ;". 13, 14 and l.'i, in block number 03 also ' . lots numbers II nnd 12. in block number 0t : j ulso lots numbers 10, 11 21, 22, orjd23, in ; 1 block number G7 and nlso lots numbers 3 j and 4, nnd 9 nnd 10, 111 block tiumbor OS. ' ! Sei.ed, tuken in execution und to sold 1 as the properly of William l. Itewart. DAVID WADDKON, SheriiV. j Sherifl's Ollice, ) Sunbury. Feb., 10, I8C1. j ( TO IIGHTY T1IOI SAM) HAKKF.I.S POL D- KETTK, made by the l.odi Manufacturing Co., for sale in lots lo suit purchasers. This is, the Cheapest Fertilizer in maiket. $3 worth will maiiuru nn acre of corn, will increase the ' crop from one. third to one-half, and will ripen the crop two week earlier, uud. unlike guano. neither injure the seed nor laud. A pamphlet, I with satisfactory evidence and full particulars, ! will be sent 1; rat is to any one sending address to l.ODl M AM FACTLRING CD.. ! 130 South Wharves, Philadelphia. ; Pebuai y. r,. 101. I Ot. i TO .41-1, THOSE 1111 1 I 1 Farms, Parks or Gardens, j IN CF.NTRAI, PENNSYLVANIA. I A inre ch;nict ta ihv nlPirtlti! to nltct iiml itrder FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. V me. HhuMkm . Ac.,frm tin crtf l.rtitrt Cliivor Slrect iNurneuci l.n';ittil at Uorliestcr, New Yoik. .MchMK, .nootti:, itito 1 limits, PROPRIETORS WI111 he? I cm is tn uiiiinuute thul they ure juepaieil tlirnuch thvtr 'jutihtifd iiml It i; S ! i N 8 1 II , Tn ilistnl'itte Uit-ir ttuji-ti-r uU K A O i: NTS, k 01. i!ie .noil reuSii.ti.lik- lei 1111. niOPLK OK THE EE73T01TE STATE. livels ol" Niilnre lout the le:oilil'nl,:.nil jimtly celet.raleil Tor your iiilellii-fiice, wealtli, lilernhty and taste, now is lhe time to make youi srleelionf iro.n UKriCllll'TIVK CATAI.OIiL i: AM) PLAIT. liDOKS, Winch will he I'uruiklieil you, through our l.snl iii-iiim ; und you )uy rest asfeu.f.1 lliul your u.dcrs will be houura. I.I) I1il.1t. I'n. luilher tuirtiuukns tipplv .0 kiu:ui:rick a. iicwe, MKAUVILLK, TA. Or JOIIX II JCM-.S. hr Norlltumtierlaiiil eouaty. KEFEKENCE8: Ho... KII-K.-l:ll lillirpiN. lloclHSter, N. V. Hon. JOHN (i AI.IIIt AI'l-ll. Krie. I'a. ol. J II JutlNSON. MeuiL il.'c, I'a. l-'.-bruaiy -V, l-ill '-in List of Unclaimed Deposites I EM AIN'IXt! in the Dank of Northumhcr- land fur -.hrec year and upwards. January Hit. I. 1st, Thomas Jutler, William H. Davis, Philip Freediiian, J. (i rati us Co., Wm. K nuns, II. P. Graves, James Dowry, Win. Pule, 1). W. Wood. Gideon M. York, $130 00 JO (III 100 (III in :h 11 -i-i So 00 40 (10 .SO (III as u2 correct and true c. I certitv the above to be count to the best of inv knowledge and belief. J. 11. PHIKSTI.EY, Cashier, tiworii and subscribed before me Jouh Cakk, j. r. Northumberland, pcb. S, Ifcbl. 4t J A M E S B A It li E 11 ' S W IIUI.RSA1.R AM) RKTA1I. CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. li. Corner .SVrom and Chestnut (., l'liilatlelplila. AOKXCY fortliel'ATKM i:iJl'Al.iy.lNOTHIItTY DA V I'l.l'CKS, a very dew.ublr arliclu lor Caureh cs, liolels, lisuks, 1'iuiilltig lluuses. Parlors. Au. Also, Mauulselursrol FINK UULU l'K.S. l'I.M:ks anil wurnu.trd. -ock TrimuiJiip .J every des!ription. Vu.Uidrl.ilua, Juin.arjr 111, lMil.--3y diiyTjooiTs- IRII.NtJ & (KANT, at the Mammoth Store hava this day, January 21th, received and opened another fre.h supply of DUY GOODS and Motion. Hunbu.y, January S6, 1861. WI N DOV8 H A DES. A very" fine T and cheap assortment, just lereived by Kail- roud from New York, at the Mammoth store of I'.il.ii A Gisi.t. We have also for sale IS. S. I o .V I V. rrlrbraied Pairiil J'.iijuluin . ... . I'n'iji' -. COMMERCIAL NURSERIES, H.E. HOOKER, &CO,. IJoi iikstkh, N. Y J011NW. IHCHEn, Local A gent, Sunbury Pa. t lho subscriber, having been appointed local JL Agent for the salo of Fruit trees, plants, vines, &c, of one id' the most reliable Nurseries, calls the attention cf all who want choice fruit to this method, as more ccitam than by obtaining them through traveling agents. Among those described in the Catalogue ara. Dwarf Pear Trees, of the age for transplanting, remarkably fine. Dwarf Apple Trees, on Paradise Stocks, ma king beautiful little tree for the garden, and pro ducing remarkably fine specimens of fruit in a very short time. Dwaif Cherry Trees, budded on Mahaleb Stocks, handsome trees. Standard Apple, Pear and Cherry Tree, very fine, with a large list of vaiieties. Peach, Plum, Nectarine and Apricot Trees. (iooselierry, Blackberry and Strawberry Plants all of thfl finest kinds. Currants, many new and improved varieties, such as Cherry, White Grape, hi to (lundouin, lied Grape, Victoria, A.c. Strawberry Plants, in great variety, including the Hooker, Wilson' Albany, Triomphie de Gam!, (the most approved old varieties,) as well as all the novelties. Grape Vines, including those, fine, new, yet well tested kinds, which no planter should be without, such is Delaware, Concord, and Mart furd Prolific- These we have propagated so ex tensively as to able to oiler them at reduced and satisfactory prices. Plants, Koses, Evergreens and every variety cf ornamental trees and Shrubbory, securely packed- JOHN V. UUCIIEH. Agent, Sunbury Pa. Sunbury, Primary, U, 1801. State of the Bank of Northumberland, Februaiy 7th, 1861. A-ji-vr. Ikiiis anil Discounts, NoiIImoiiIiitIiiiiiI Huuk Slot In, Oilier Stocks llilti by oiIut Hunks, Notes null ( lin ks ol oilier Hanks, SiK-. ir In Vault, Keal linUilf, . . :t1.2 II A.l.71 ihj 4.IMSI IKI - S-.SII -i v.irm :,-r - IM..IVI II S?lj,i'J til 1.-l IH .7-J- 111 T'.l.lf.' -o IH'.I i.i a in i. in r.s Notes Is circulation, Due titliei Hanks, ' l)-p"Sit'rs, - Commonwealth, (-'ll.-i-.M :H I cerliTy Hint Hie ii'iove slntrment to le correct rout true 10 the Ik-hI of my kaowli-.!!; iintl lifhef. J II. I'ltlKSTI.IIY, Cnaliier. stworunml snliscrilicii lictwre me, FvItu ii) ti, Irsil. liKon.i MssnicR, J. P. AMRROTTES FOR 20 CENTS. IJIL'TriiKS will he taken at tho above rcdu red prices, for a few days only, liooms above Hassler's Store. V1. I'AI'I. WKI.KF.R. Operator Sunbury, Pebuary.O, lHlil. 2t. LIST 01' JURORS FOR AVR1L TERM, 1801. GKA.XD JI JUWS. 1 George Dimm, Lewis. U Peter Drutnhellet, Washington. 2 Alexander Itiugninan, Lower Mahoooy, 4 Samuel Titzworth, Mhamukiu. H Kdward I'.iselcy, Sunbury. ('. Dauiel Itedcay, Mchwoi.sville. 7 William llousul, CblUHftiuatpie. 8 Peter Nush, Jordt.n. 'J Samuel Kaufman, Lower Augusta, lit M u r t in Oberdorf, Kusli. 11 Thomas Hoover, Shuiuokin. 1'J Wilson Hutchison, Deluwure. LI Joseph Khodes, Milton. 14 riuimiel Craul, ShutuuUin. l.i ('harlf 9 Carr, ltush. 10 Kdward Nubur, Coul, IT Hugh II. Teats, Slmmokiti, 18 lluury Kaup, Lewis, I'.' Sumuel Keeder, Shamokin, 'JO Sumuel llearmoiid, Delawuiu, '.'1 l.euben I'.Uler, Milton, Duvid Kratnm, " William Fullmer, Delaware, Ldwurd llummel, Cbilli6iia(iie. William Wnpples, Noitliunibi-rlanJ, I'd 1 '2 Kobert Gully, 1 urbiit. :i Hubert Cuny, jr., Point, I Joseph M. liuiun, M'Ktvensvilli', 5 James Dytle, Lower AugutU, i; Peter M'alich, 7 Solomon W wiser. Point, 8 Samuel Caldwell, Lewis, 'J John A. Taylor, Northumberland, 10 Mainuel llyerly, Jorduu, 11 Joseph Snyder, Cuul, 'l Casper Thorp, Ml. Carmel, Lt John Ket-ler, I'jiper Mulionoy, 11 Jonathan Fasbold, Lower Augu.tu, L". Julio Frymire, Turbut villi., 1C Abrubam Ayres, Mt. Caruicl, 17 David Snyder, JacUsou, IB lsnnc Marth.jr., Milton, l'J David Uillmau, Camoron, 20 Peter Y. Gray, Sunbury, 21 Samuul Foy, Zerbe, 22 John Fry, Upper Augusta, 23 Jno. W. Liihow, Potut, 24 F.dward G. Ilanchvubeig, Turbut, 25 Johu Dutikleburi.'er, Coal, 2t William Yeuger, lelaware, 27 Hubert Highlands, Chillistumque John Gifiin, " 2'.1 John L. Watson, Delaware, ;i0 llurinaii (J. Klin.', L'ppur Augusln, 1 Mesbich I, Turbut, 32 Henry Peifer, Jackcon, S:t John Best, Chillisquaipio, 34 John l-'oresman, Delaware, :5 Lambert KckmuD, ltush, 3li Isaac P.eidlespach, 1'oint, H7 Heiijiiuiin Wolvertou, Shamokin, IIS Joseph II. Kate, Hush, ;i'.i Johu A. Ileinej, Delaware. 40 F.ltas Voder, Little MuhoDoy, 41 Jacob Schappel, Jacksou, 42 Jeremiub King. Lewis, 4H John lluckert, Point, 44 Daniel Dressier. Chillisqtiutiie, l.'i Deiij. Kuauss, Zerbe, 10 Adam Letiker, Lower Mabonoy, 4" William Depuy, Hush, 45 William M'Cleery, Milton. 7.'777' JI L'DUS. 1 Martin (iufs, Sqamokio, 2 Isaac lie) I, Hush, 3 Samuel Lantz, Sr., Lower Augusta, 4 Samuel Llliott, Morthumberldud, 5 Thomas Pursuit, Sunbury, 6 Adam Conner, Cuilisqaaiiup, 7 Abraham Geist, Upper Mabonoy. S Simon Miller. Jutkson, 0 David Marr, Turbut, Ul Samuel Mengus, Lewis, 11 Gabriel Flick, Delaware, 12 Frederick K line, Sunbury, 13 John 11. Clark, Upper Augusta, 14 Jacob Hithel, Lewis, l.'i Hugh Stevenson, Milton, lti Frederic Ditzler, Turbut, 17 Daniel F.ckert, " 15 Killian Dunkle, l'J John T. Albtigbt, Lewis, 20 Samuel CbaoiberliD, Shamokin, 21 Solomon lirocious, Suubury, 22 George Knterline, Upper Mahotioy, 23 Andrew Hrosinas, WashiogtOD, 24 Albert Wynn, Lower Augusta, 25 Samuel Lot, Shamokin, 28 William 11. Marr, Milton, 27 George Kerstetler, Cameron, 28 Jobo 11. Letiker, Sunbury, 29 iliratn Kockolellur, Shaiuukin, 30 lieiijuuiio Wetzel, Uper Mabonoy, 31 Dotnul Stahlnecker, Dulaare, 32 William Duuo, Delaware, 33 Charles Haris, N01 thuuiberlun.l, 31 Abraham Ihiuot, Delaware, 3j Heujamiii lleckert. Suubuty, 30 Samuel Cu!j, Coal. I LOOK HERE 1 1 Every Man and Woman should Look .... . i i t t to tneir own inierebis 1 1 TO ,-ZC'J. 1 p must all wear some kind of IHIGTH AKD PlldfcS men yor joubl look around and see where ,Ui' eapest, Hest and Darkest assuit- mcul can l. lid to select from, and whether the person , selected them is competent to make a Rood selection. I will say that my stock has been selected by one who has had practical experience in the business for about thirty years. I will nlso add that I can sell, nnd will sell, cheaper than you can buy at retail in the city of Philadelphia because my rent and living is Dot one half as much as there and I can buy as cheap as they can. As to Ibe mode of doing business in the coun try, it is only necessary to say, il is generally done, as you all know, on a long credit, and I nar ... ju on ii jruu un itup.iiess in una way you must let mo say if you buy your Hoots and S'j.c at a credit store, yot. are bound to help to i pay f ir tsh .es h. ugl.l by those who do not pay j The man who does not pay, must buy his Hoots and Mboes at a credit cuuutcr, and if you buy at 1 the same counter vou must help to pay all the , losses made at that counter. Thus you will see that the Hoots and allocs lui;lit at my counter must be paid for al tho lime lliey arc liouM ; In ('axli cr Country I'rmHiro. i so that every man, woman and child shall htive their Hoots and t'hocs al a LOW PKICK. ns : there is nothinrr to bu paid for losses und interest. It is impossible to eive you a list of all my prices, us I have so many dilVerenl kinds of Hoots and Shoes, lor men women and children, of ALIf SIZES & KINDS. Coarse and Pine, Heavy and Light, and ulso OVI-.HNMOEs of all kinds; and ulso CARPET BAGS, VALISES, AN D THI.'N KS of all kinds, at different prices. Mens' Gaiters, from if I 2! to $ I III). " Hoots, " 2 H to 0 (10. " Mioes, " j to sr.. Ladies' Gaiters, from Hu to N". . " Slippers, from fit) to I ir. " Kid French and Mens' Morocco, and gain and calf skin at different pieces, from UO els. to .$1 Hi). Hojs Shoes, from 05 cts. to 2 P7l. Mens' Shoes Iroin fi cts. to 1 fill." Uovs felloes Irom 75 cts to !! I 50. Cluldrens' (Shoes from 20 to 87 cents. I Ladles and Genii. men of iSnulmry, not for- ' pettinit to include with you a large portion of! Noithumlierland, .S'nyder nnd I'nion counties, yon ull have my sincere thanks for the patronage ; 1 received from you for the few weeks that I have been doin business ill Suiibiiry. (remeiii- ' her the place, Market street, nest dour to the ! Post Ollice). 1 ilcsc.ibe it thus, that joi.r ; friends may not make a mistake, where those '. thing are to be found. 1 will nlso say that there ; seems lobe a trouble about the Hanks. 1 say give yourself no tumble about any of then, within tilty miles of this place. As I am de termined and intend to back then, up by receiv ing their bills at par at my counter, so be not trouriled, the lnks are Rood, nnd my Pools and allocs are good, they are all made for tho good of man to be used, and not to be uhuscd. WILLI A M M. APssLEY. Sunbury, December b. Infill. LIVE AND LEARN 1 : LET T1IK n-'OrLE i stii.i coMivri; to mvk, AND TIII'.Y WILL SOON LEARN THAT FMUNG (ill ANT. AT TllK mmtrf m v tm mmrm m W m A TI jy.'; !; GOODS CPlEAPER tli a It can be purchased elsewhere. J. FRESH SUPPLY ust received by Railroad IhU week. KK.MK.M llKlv THIS, AND PltOl'II II Y IT. Suubuty, December IS, ISfiO. C()NUn:CTK)XAlUKS. ! C. QEAIvIIAP-T, AS iust relumed from thenty with ihn largest assortment of COM KC I JO. A KIKS. Pltl IT and 7MYS, ever brought to this section ot country, lie is iteiermuieu to supply all with Holv.lay presents, sellng them at whole- j sale and retail, at prices to suit purchasers. ! Having the necessary machinery. A c, he is ' inaiiufaettiring all kinds of 'Povs, and keeps up bis stock, so that purchasers will not be at a loss for a supply of almost any aiticle they may desire M. C.GL'AKHAUT. Sunbiirv, December I, 181.0. Buckwheat Huller. , rHK subscribers resjiecllully iuforn.s the JL public that they have added to the machinery in their iS'tejui Mill, ill Siinl.iiry, a new improved JJuehwheat Duller and wheat cleaner, which enables them lo furnish wheat, and buckwheat ll..ur ol the lincbt quality. Customers promptly , atteudi-d to. MoKG N i CO. Sunhujy, Deceniber 1, 100. - I ; Notice to Creditors. i JJEKSONS indebted to tbe subscriber on book ; accuutit notes or othcrw i.e, mu rt quested to ! call and make settlement on or before the 1st of January, after which time the books will be left with a Justice lor collection. ' JOHN C. MOIUS AX. Sunbury. December 1, ISntl. GRIST MILL Toil It EXT. Mill' undersigned oilers lo lei his Crit Mill lor the ensuing year to a coni.H tci.t miller either on share or rent. The null eoiiiuius three run of bins willi all necessary machii.rry, all in ; good romilng Older. por further particulars ! apply to the suscfilt-r at the premises, three ! hales west of Si liusgrove. in Snyder eounl v. Pa. JOSEPH E YsTLIf. Ksnti. December SS. DvHO. IA11GK ULAN K LI'S, l'LANNLLS A Linens, i Led, Crib and Cradle lllunkets. ' Marseilles and Dimity tjuills. I l'mu Table Linens, Napkinsand Towels. ; COOPLU ,v COS HAD. i S. K. eorner Ninth aud Market, 1'hila. i Dec. 8, lr'till. OUU N KW CLOAK P.OOMS CON TAIN Klegant Cloth Cloaks. Kvery uew style Coat and i'loak. 1 Wooleu, Droche and Thibet buawla. i COOPKK i CONUAD. I 8. K. comer Ninth aud Market, PhiU. j Dec. 1H0O. 121. A Kl PR, 100 tons jiruiicX ova Scotia Tlas tcr. for sale at the lowest prices al tho Maui ; moih ta.e of PKI1.ING .V OH v.M'. I Sunbury, January 12, I nr. I. I !SA VV I 11 a '7 GREATEST EXCITEMENT OF THE j SEASON ! j Fill LING & GRANT. at I ho MAMMOTH STORE, have just received a JiCW AND DEkIKAHLE Ktoi k of FALIscjWlNTKIKlOODs! A very extensive assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Consisting it. pait of Hl.u k and Pancy Silks of cry choice patterns DF,i)i;(u:.s, Ducals, Cashmeres French and Meiinos, Plain and Pigured Wool Di lames. Muslin Delaines of all styles nnd praes. Foulards, Thibet Cloth, Poll De Chcvros. axon and Wool Plaids. I .DIP-M' PI K-. UKOCHK. Hay Mnlo and Wool SHAWLS of every va ticty, Ac, Ac. (leiilIcinon,!S Dress (sixkU. of every style, consisting of Cloths, Casimcres. Sattiuetts, Kcntueky Jeans. Tweeds, elvet Cord, Velveteen, Veslings. of every variety, flur stock of tilk and Sill, Velvet Votings, cannot be surpassed in the country. Phase call, and examine them. CLOTHING ! Our stock of I! P. AD Y M.DP CI.OTP1NG, has tii'en replenished, und we have a full assort ment uf ) PKCOAT-S DKl'.SS COATS. Pants and Vests, Overcoat and Dress Coats for Hoys of all ages. ALSO, a very lundfomc assortment of HATS -A-irXTD a .A. IPS ; of every ftylo and variety at the lowest prices i j Our stock of IIAUDWIIRK n.I mul t linvf tinw ft liirrrnr ..-iri.....ti I in part ol Sausage Cutters. Pocket Cutlery, Uutcher Knives Mayer Hlntics, Holts and Pad I, oiks, (ut Saws, Mill Saws, Scoop Sliovels. Ac, ,Vc, Ac, ,S, Ai-. tVc iiitvaro and ;i:tsn arc, of every variety at the E U Y L 0 W K S T P K I C li s . Our stock ol is very fine. We have the best quality of Sytup j .vioiasses ever in-toro ollcre i Sunbury und vicinity. lo the citizens ol CLDAK AND WILLOW-W A KE of tverv j varit-ty. Carets, Notions, Hosiery, (loves, i SADI.KKY. HOoTs A.D ' Also a freh supply of MIOES, 4c, S.C Drugs, Oils, Perfumery, Pancy Soaps, Paints, Dye St ill"-., (ilass, U. u.lita. I Particular care having been taken in the e lection of our goods In regard to quality, sty le I and rice, we call the attention of the public to our large stock to which constant additions will be nude. Thankful for past favors, we hope tn merit a continuance of the patronage of the public bv selling cheaper than ever. Give us a t ali I t hue purchasing elrcwhere. PKII.ING & G KANT. Sunbury, Nollen.bcr 17, lfcGO. FURNITURE ! IURNITURE!! ev a ml l'asliioustble al.iml Ware. T"1 IIK suhtcr.liers riicifully inforni tlx- itir.eiis uf Suubury aud the public gen -ru'U . that they have commenced the CAIII.NET M A K IX(S busiucrs in the shop lately occupied by William Snvder, ia Pawn Street Sunbury, and ure prepared to supply their customers promptly with every variety of articles in the line ' of their busil ens, on rjastiiiable terms. Their 1 woik will be made of the best luutciiuls, uud in I the best and latest Mv les. Country produce taken in exchange. I I.I.I A M II l IT. UKNJ- HECKEK1'. Sunbury, December I, I Mi (I. .otlte to 'ici1ltoi-i. VLI. persons knowing themselves indebled lo lhe subscribers for a period of over (i months, will save costs by calling and settling before Ibu 1st of February next, as alter that lime the ac counts will be placed in th hands ofa Justice lor collection. Flill.l.Nli Jc OK A NT. Suubury, December IS, Htf0 COTTAGE SAI L, cheap, thre copies of Cottage Utile, iu two volumes, with com to II li. MASs hit. ! I NOW YITIITN REACH OF ALL oiiovjciufisAKKirs 2 ,l J . i.i. i. ti k A in D i) I s K i, k S h Sewing Machines- I'J.'i Hit'.Aiiwir, NtwYiinK. The public attemion is re.s cctfuMv lequested lo tbe billowing cards nf Kt.i is Howk, Jk , at d the Grnver V linker S. M. Co A Card from the CR0VER & BAKER ! S. M. Co. Our Patent" bring now established bv tj: Courts, we are enabled to furnish the Grotrr A linker .Machine, with impjrtaiil improvements at greatly Ilcriiii-t't Price The tuodernte price al hich Machines nnk , ing the Grnver & llaker stitch, can now be had. ' brings ihem wilhin the reach of all. nnd renders the u-e of Machines making inferior as t.nneressary ns it is unwist!. Persons desiring the best Machine?, and the ; right to use llieiu, must not only be sute to buy Machines m iking the Grover eV U.iker sttleli. hut also that sin h Machines are made and stamped under our patents and ihosi: of Plias I lower, Jr. GHOVEU .V HAKPK s. M. co , -10." Hroa.lway, New 'ur!.-. A CAKI) IKOM Kl.IAS HOWK, J. All persons arc cautioned not to make, deal in, or use any Sewing Machines which sew from two spools and make the stitch known as I hi. (.'rover A S linker stitch, unless the same are purchased from tho Grover eV llaker Sewing Machine , Company, or their Agents, or Licenses, nml . slainped under my patentof September 10, IM4U . Said Company, and their Licenses, alone, art ; legally authorized under their own patent.., am : my said patent, during the extended tern. Iheri , of. to make and sell this kind of Sewing Mnchin.) I and nil others are piracies upon mv said pat"iit, i and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever ' found. ! KL IAS HOWK, JU. New York, Dec. 20. lHi.0. tf l Hew Arrival of Clothing. : rMIE largest and best Stock of FALL AND WINTKR ( LOTHINCi ever brought to , this place, arrived at the Mammoth Clothing Store of SCHWKITZP.Iv, IIKILU HON NL li ; A- CO.. iu Market street, nearly opposite Wea ' ver's Hotel. Their Stock comprises nf ! FINE CLOTH COATS, Dress ('nats, Over (.'oats, lltisii.ess Coats, Ac. VESTS OF ALL KINDS. l.'nder-Sliirts, Drawers, Ac. HATS JJISTID GA.2PS- HOOTS AND SHOPS, of the latest styles of every description uud quality, cheaper ihan ' ever. Their assottment of pentlemeu's furnishiiig Clothing is the most complete ! Their vniiety and styles nwst attractive. And the prices defy all competition. tfr"" ''nil nno examine for yourselves. SCWmv.Kiv.HKIUi'KO.NNKK ,V CO. ! Sunbury, Oct. fi, lOD. CENTRAL HOTEL, , SUNBURY, Northumberland County, V: 111 IS lu'gc and colnmodioils Hotel, lit, -- managed by JAMES VAN DYKE. is situate ut tbe Kailroad Depot .No.-ll. Pa ! corner of Market Square, Sunbury, a., I ' the terminus of the Sunbury ,V K.ic iin-l N.-;l cm Central Kailroids, and is open forth a.coi modalioiiuf Travelers and the public in gem -i Tbe pr .prietur will give his exclusive a".' ; lion, tolL-e coml'.irt and conveiiieiite of bis gin - and is ile-crniincd to make ibis i stai hsi.n.. , rank aiiiong the first in the .state. Ill-,- table v ill be supplied with tin- list ' nui'ket can produce having the i.k:u;tui.v I daily C'Xiimuiii.iulioii 1 y cars dir. it I'ooi. I! ' more, and also from thote bringing produce I the surrounding country. I His bar w ill he supplied with the purest li.p. ! the market can produce Ca-cftil und obliging .servants always iu tendance. ' New and commodious stabling has ju-t b added to the premises. A share ol the local und l.avcUng coinuai , is most respecttuliy solicited. J Sunbury, January 12, 1M. I. J PKIl.l.NG A (!K XT, at the MAM.Mt Sl'OKP, have ihis day (January ITth, 1 j received ! CllOKK AsSOUTMKNT n riiK j NEWEST STYLES AND PATTE: ' or ! "VV A. I- Tj 3P -A. 1' E "R , which they are selling al prices thai competition. Sunbury, January IO, 1S.H- KKVimE HOUSE, ti. atk i'ai.i.!'. niii'i:i. ) ; iliiii Slrt't. u'me y.'d.v, I 'hi! ud i nilil.MIS X t-All.UIl, I'ropn.-I rs i I MPCuV i:li:. I S iu. ve l - in iii:ule. awl the II ,-lt H-l.t'.-.l I 1 1. r .nt; l. I iiivian . Iliioti's, i.iiii.'ilyot lite rviiuon I'll tK. vs ok. I'-iiiit-rly ol Solmj Ikiil eo . I'a Phiec-li -lnm. Jan. in, Mil. ly Ntw York aud Middle Coal Fitlt Road and Coal Company. 'IHE annual mieling of the sluckho ' the Company will be held ul Ibe. No. ill I South Pourlli St.eet, u MO." the -llh d.iV ol Pcl-iuai) lict, ut II A. M.. li'I lhca;roseo!'tleiliiig Pl E I of Mild Coiiipanv lor the ensuing v car. H EXISY l.'ll;lSi., Sec. Philadel hi t. J in 10. iMi'. ill Estate cf JACOB FRY. Pccce OTK'Eis be eby civ. ll.ut Iclte: liiinitiatiou have been granted sulis.-iil'. r, .. lb.- estate of Jacob Pry, I II ol Sio.l.i.ry, de. eased. Al iiult lil. il t . said . slate, or having c'.alil the s-an.e, arc requested lo ptescttl .-ell lenu'lit. The Adiuinisir.t.T will attend at resiileuee ol sal,', deceased,. 1. the Sid ol for that purpose. WILLIAM PI! Y, Admin Sunbury, Lu-uary 10, ISrit. lil IMALL CLOAKS IX PKEl'-lKA I Some opt'iiiiin every day. Stock will be compleie. Onlera take., and executed with il. I loltliiu'. and MisM Shuwls. COOPPK A, CON S. P. corner Ninth and .Market, P September 2J. Im.O. t,x waue.-a v chp'.,. the , A wr.ii'.ni -u-i lecivel t',i3 s - , Miniinottt More ..f i;il,.(i a. Suio.'.t'v, Jjuutirv Hi fw