EVANS & WATSON S Philadelphia Manufacl'd Salamander Safes. N. 304 Chttnut Strtet, PHILADELPHIA. rpnF.SE Safe, ara now In nee an over tne """' "-"J I and h.ve twin tested ' n'" ,n8 torn imSc bn m their r-P-t.il IT ro...l.ng .. WlTSt.'. BBIW, f 1 .amsiater Township, July 30, IPJO F.vne A Wilson, Menllemen : i .Woo) was in my Mill, which was 'I'1""? " "t fo ins 2711, of i.ly, IcOo, and r"ed lb."" .the l.ery mritnl unscathed, The Safe was on the second and feUto the basement of the Mill, mid was "!"" iciiu. i... , ,. ....... . . -- ,,,l htus toon intene lirnt among ine row-. ,,erc.e.l bv the combusti-ai "f Tk"'r Vh. i.fe r..,,fined within tbrbrick will.. After the fire the .Ce w. opened and the bonks mi.l ,p-rs ,k"' 'j," 7,.. ..t p-rfect preserviilion, the paper lint even "'"Tr,": r.1 This tact win, however, to mony bystanders, a heller tcp.M.imnd.timi of your Sales than could he expressed ill ii- older wools (roin me. ....... n vrif Your., respectfully, S.t.Ml hi. A:CK. nr-Mcr Victory for Ecnns nnd Watson's Salamander Safe. O.tvsoo, N. V., Mnr. h 97 If-fVI fictillemcn It affords me much plrnwire tn inbTin yo.i that the Sale No S, (nprislit) which I pu chn.ed of I'. Stroud, your traveling sgeut, has pussed th..nh aitri. cee.tinely hot Hre in a thVre srory hffck hoisting, winch hcaud the Safe to n while h.'iit. Ihnt the coiueia of ii apnciir melted; hut it preserved mv h ok ami vnltinh e iprrn tn the atmrnut of wvc mt ilnitMtd (i-lhtu, for which eel t'ifliiKMii. Voiipt, rnpM'tiuJly. .1 Ki.uuiiMtK. C?" A Inre (iMMrtmrut i f the n1v h Vt-M alwnM mi htiitft. at 304 Chesiiul trert. (Intcil Month I'curth 1 , PhiiixlflphiH. Octoboi" 6, If 00. ly Madame Schwend'a Infallible Powders, 1MR the pwJv titid iflectnnl rure of nil InAammnliiuM, I'fvrm, RIveiiitiHtifui, i.yapui and l.ivtr t'nin- limit. Tiles, Univl, mid ull Aculir nntl Cluomc Ditcnset if adult! and chikJrf-n. Stmt 3 rent rtti iti p to lief intent, (i. H JONKS, Box i70 IMtilml.'Iphin V. O. Hundred of testiinoniBli. Agency, 8 VV C'r Thiiil anil An-li streets. Oct 0, I60 UUw ' SHAM0KINVALLEYP0TTERYr riHK subxcrilier respectfully inform, tho public that he is now manufacturing it In. Pottery, 4 mile, cant of Sunbury, all kinds of Earthen Ware, made out of Itcl Cement Clay. Thia clay produce, the bent and moat de.iral.Ie kind of waro, equal, in many re.pecU, to .tone ware, and ia leas liable to crack by sudden heat and cold. The subscriber refers to Triling & Grant, Sunbury. Addre.., JOSEPH SAVIDGE, Oct. J3, leGO. ly Sunbury, Pa. SUNBUUY STEAM FLOURING JUIEC JSL JXL IllE subscribers having taken possession of JL tuis first clats FLOtlil.NU MILL, are pre pared to receive grain of all kinds, and to do cus tom work at the Shortest Notice. Customers will have their glints ground immediately upon tlwir being left at the fClill. As it is the inten. lion of tho firm to stock the Mill a largo Sup ply nt (train, will be constantly kept on hand, nd flour by the quantity ran always bo obtained. The greatest care will he taken to turn out a su' perior quality of flour, for which the mill is ad' mirahly adapted. Strict attention will be paid lo the wants of customers, and the patronage of the public generally is respectfully requested. MORGAN &. CO., Sunbury, June 23, 18"0. The Paris Mantilla Emporium. TVTO. 70S CHKPXUT8TREKT, PHILADELPHIA 11 Kstahlished lit IK5 for the exclusive display and wis -i me ute.t noveiue. 111 raris, LAiuaon, aiia loo nuer pro ductions of home manufactured CLOAKS as MANTILLAS, To which hs. been added a FUR Ul'.PARTMK.NTI which embrace, the largert awoitmeut uf Kur. of all Nu'iotia, including Ken) KuHian Meble, Fine Dark Hudson Hiiy Stihle, RuMinn and American Mink 8able, Royal h'ruiiuc, Chinchilln, Fine Park hilwrian Squirrel, Ac, niado up in the moat fa.hioimble style, for hadie. Winter iv.iuinu. All Gok1. warmnled. One Fixed Price from which no deviation can be made. The Pari. Mantilla, f 'l.ik and Fur Emporium, No 708 Chesnut street, (ahova CH-vetun, w.iiin .me 4. IV. rnuLlun A LI, October 6th, 1B60 3m "IAI.L AND WINTER CLOAKS, I Of all the new uvlea, Ready Made, or Mad. loonier An elegant nock, of Chilli, from which to .elect t ml clasa work at popular price., and all garment, guataii' teed to tit and please. Senteel, well made Cloak, at moderate price, for first cull, people. Cloth., of ju.t the right kinds for Ladies, Misaeaand Boy's wear. COOI'IR 9c CONRAD, NINTH and MARKET Streets. October 77, lefW. Philadelphia. INGRAINED CARPETS, MANUFACTURED and fer Bale by M. Pelper 4 Co: X'J. I .aihrmi.lt and McDowell'. Buildins, North East vol tier, Second and Ha.e atresia Philadelphia. GOODS GUARANTEED. October !!7, 1K0. B K Iron, Steol, Nails, Picks, Grub-Hoes and Mason Hammers, at low prices. BRIGHT &. SOX. Sunbury, June 33, ISSO. HABHI S i I A IK X E It , ft 1 1 o r 1 1 r g at 2. a lo , MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, -PA. June S3, I860. " dr. a. YicifEir FFERS his professional services to the cili lens of Sunbury and vicinity. Office at the Drug Store. Sunbury, June 30, 1830. SAyE'0UjrFE.UIT Y i:.sIXG MASON'S Patent Slieet Metal " Screw Top PKESEUVE JAIL MASO.N'sJ PATENT SHEET METAL SCREW TOP! AW that is necessary being to screw the Cap down upon the iuhlr Gasket, which ia placed oulaido upon the ahoulder ol the Jar, 3 4 of an inch dis tant from the top ; prevent the possibility uf the Ilevor ol the fruit being injured uy coming in contact with the Rubber. Persons ilesirinar thesa lr c.n l, .,,, i.n --....a uruers wun H. U. MASSER, Xunbury, June 2, 1 800. Agent. GENESEE SALT. WHOLESALE Se KETAIL, ft'ILl.NU it GRANT (at the Mammoth Store,) have just received 600 Itis. ol tolar t.'iound, Solar and Fine Salt, 700 Sscks of Ground Solar Salt every sack warranted to eontsiii -Hi pounds of Salt and 200 bags of Salt containing one Uuahel each, rnis salt is the best and slrongast now manufactured and iu market. Call and see for yourselves. Sunbury Sept., 8, 1860. PHILADELPHIA. Paper Hanging ltianufacturen, (FALL TRADE,) 1 rJtM,KU.- tH'lH- "v removed tolhei. New ' window Curuim Uoi.;,H -.co.se,. w, 0o WcU U' yisil ihe Sualdl' ,,, f Or Cor PourU. I " "J.'V". ' v6, IhtkJ aiuw sutai.s, Phikuklpbia. Fti . lAREIRAA'Cl' EUR FUR8 1 EMl'liinru A ...Heel, ak..4l()MSO.N, okl aland No fcis x, t ' We Ug leave f,,h, .,ut' J Maikel large and varied aliS ihe allriilion ,iii7. I' . FlW Havio, talJllf' peeuluu factine. o. M1K. "Jf ?.r '.I 4':r:r "W"- !!S1 f A..,erK..7.,1TV;:; a. it h.'-'.m '!-- ill ma and wo w,' K.. - . 'V Vieiucines, CI.Mka. Alud. J. V ' "eiurea Fie.-h Balile. F.JL.k SA ""'""ellis K.Ue, Silver Mailm. ' ' r.Ul.rel. 17" Thankful for the very ,i " K sxicialad to ua, we h.pe to i'ottsga baratofora ...u.o.i( a gnoo sr.i.l.v,llluM. -Rlia S. FABK UiV T"""1 N,. sisu.i,;.s.x.r:"'' c N R -Old FH...I,er.d t. la,.ia.t,kV3.! t.' sie No I Sssimsnder Mure wmcn i pomiw. .... .. "",W Adam R. Burr, ill Ulici.W Clty.on July h. IS 'ha ..lrd to- very ''JJ " w,ii.aiood in most sutisfnct..ry manner. Thu Sale, on w nC-Tl mrV. together w.th vBlu-.bleprr.b. l....- " in ""If -' "'T neighl-ofssnd " ". " .If....,V, value of ovar Twenty Thoneaml 1", V fiOPAEHlr Specific J HEAR WHAT THE PK0PLK BAT. Tlis nndTSln.l h.vln nsrrl Protewmr HUMPTTRFYS' gl'KOIKIO MOMlKOrATHIO RKMKDtM In our families with the mort mtl.factory results, and hsilnn full ennA denee In their fcenuloeneM, parity, and effloacy, cheerfuNy recommend thsm tn all H.raoiis who wish to have safe, re liable, and einoacluua remedies at hand tor private or do mestic u.t. The Rev. TVm. Hosmer, editor at " The Northern Inde- Knident," Auburn. N. T. i Uie Rev. K. II. OreMey, P.O., eet.vr of M. l'eter'a Cbnrch, Auburn, N. Y. the Rev. II 1. rrcs, Cl.at,lnln of the Auburn Htate Prison; tha Rev. 8H'iieer M. HI c, Rector, NewD.dtord, Mas..) the Rev. Allen Steele, New-Ynrk Conference tha Hev. anmual Nlrhnla, Ka-(loneea Tonference, N. Y. ; the Rev. P. 8. I'rall, Tlorsrt, VL ; Uie Rev. Ji.hn K. Ruble, BufTaln; A. 0. Hart, Ltlca, N. Y. 1 the lion. Neal Dow, Portland, Me. , the linn. 8 -hu.vl. r C.lfnr, Houlh ltend, Ind. ; Uie Hon. tleorne Humphreys, N. Y. ; Henry I). Conk, Gsn., Kdltnr of The Ohln Klste Journiil, C'llumbus, Ohio; the lion. R. II. Urnhnin, Mollne. 111. ; the Hon. Thomas .1, Chase, Montl rell.i. Km. i tl.e linn. Jnsenh Benr.Hct. t'tlea. N. Y. ! Win. II, Ut..l. K Uttcn, N. Y. ; A. X. Pond, r)5.., L'Ucs, N. Y. ; Jnnes rhuiRctt, r.sit., aasnvtno, lenn. M?T OK 81'BCIl'IC REMEDIES. Vn. L For Rover. Coniretlnn. and Indsmmstto.!. V. i Kor Worm Kevr, Wnrin O.llc, WetlinR the Red. N.i. .1. fat Cullc, Crylmj, TceUdng, and Wakefulncis ot liirmils. N... 4. F.ir Diarrhea, Cholera Infantum, and furamef t;uiilionl?. No. '. For C"Kc. Orlplnss, Dysentery, or Bloody Flux. No. A K.r Ch.oVrri. I'.hnlera Slorhus, Vomltlns:. No, ; K.,r CmiRln, CWda, Inlliienta, and Snre Throat. No. Kor To..lh-ache. KA'-e-a.-he. and NeuraliHa, No. ft. For Hrs'lAOlie. Verllco, Heat and rullnesa of the lt,... N... ia DrRrrrsu Pn.is For Weak and Daranaed Sto.iiadi, C.ui!:tttn, and Mver Coin pi slot. N.k II. Foa FKtui lnaiioi:t.aiTiKS, Scanty, Painful, or a,.,.r.M.l Pwrln.U No. 12. For Uucorrhea, Profuse Menses, and Bearlni Unwii of remiile. N, W For Group, llosrw Cent. B.d Bre4hlnr. No. 14. Sii.t ItiiKua PiLta For Kryslpelaa, Eruptiona. DL.O.Iaa nn ll.a Kmi-m No. l. ItiiKi tio Pu is or Pnln, Larosness, or 8er ness in the Omtt. II irk. loins, or l.lmka. A For Fever Ague, CliiU Fever, Dumb Apie, OW Mremansren Airoes. n on. iiii,..l . mA.Unr. Internal or EKtnrnat li F,,r Si.te.' Wmk. ir tulliuu.il Kysa aud Eyelids; Fall tna, Wcitk, or Blurreil Vicht. C For Catarrh, of luiij? stamVng or recent, either allh obstruction or prnluse li,:tirtc. W. C For WlMsipUig Couah, abating lis vk.lenoa and shortening Its course. In all acute diseases, .uoli as Fevers, lnaanvmatlone, lUrrbtta. llvMeulerv. Oruuo. Kheaniallsni. and such erup tive diseases as rVtirlel Fever, Measles, and Krsiielai, the dvautase of sivinK the proM.r reme.ll promptly is ob- vtnus, anil in all uch eases tne sthenics aci nite a rnaroi, i iim enure oaieaiH! ooeu in i nii n i " . Uie Ttulenre of the attack is nui,lrutel, the dissaie short- aued, and remlereu less .lanirnus. Uuiu-lia and Colds, which are ol such frennenl occurrence, and which so often lay tlie foundation of diseased Iuiiks, bronchitis aod eonsuo.ption, may sD ba at once cured by Uie Fever and Onfh 1'iUs. tn n nl.n..t. JUiim xih a. nt-mendft. Wesk fltoraacn. CnnMlnatln.i. Liver Cmui.lalnts. Fiies. Female Debility, and Irrsijiilarilits, old llea.l-hes, oie or Weak Eyes, Catarrh, (alt Utiemn, and other old eruptions, the case has specincs wlloss proper apptlcarlnn will afl'ord a cure In ahnogl every trirtance. Uften the cure of a alible uhmnlc difficulty, such as bvspeisria, Flies or Catarrh, lleailache nr rruiaie neaa- aM, has aiursOum paid fur the cuss leu times over PRICE. Case of 10 viols oomiJcte In moroceo, and Bonk Case of Hu vials, and Buok, ialn. Caae of 15 numbered boxes, and Hook a 11am nf n hnxen. ntunliere.L and Book 1 Mingle uuiiilM,red boxes, with ilirecthms 0 cents. Hluu botOTt! hr,KM wilh dlrtictuina OU cents. Larue cass of 8 os. vials, for planters and phisWlaiis....16 AUK) CpKCIKICS. lfoa AarnMl OS Pmthis. lol.ressed. Difficult, l.sWed llreatMna, attended wkh Cough and Kxpectorotioli. Frio., fk) cents ier b.ix, Foa Lis Dischasoks nan Hrlliw Dlaebarires from the Kr il. r,.,ik nf Kiarl.t Fever. Meiwles. or Mercurials. For Noises in the Head, Hardness of Hcariiiir, snd ltliif'l". In M K.m anil kar-ache. Piiee. ,MI cents Mir box. Vtn a,,Ni,vri.. Knlarse.1 t.liill.U. Knlars-al and Imlurat- d Tixisils, Pselllnpt and Ohl i;icers,Scrofulnua Cachexy of ClitMren. price, fsl csnls r bo. Fiat Nrmil. Dsbu.itv.- Iliyslsal or Nervous tYcakness. Wilier the seull of bkkiss, Excessive Me.llcullou, or SJi bniMtiti, ItlMrli.rcea. Price, nil ceiils ner box. Foa Ilaopsr. Fluid Aociuuulati.iiis, T.tml.l S elllru., with B.miv KHcr4.ilo.ia. Prloe. fO ceuls ner box. tv (hn-Rioitiws lleall.ly Slckuess, Vertlro, Nausea, Vomiting. tUukuM from ri.Ui or motion. Pries, 60 cents 'v.l.0ru,iii niacisur For Ovavcl. Renal Calculi. Diffl cull, Painful UrliatUon, Discuses of Uie Kidneys. Price, &0 seiiji. per box. c.b B.imi. VJunwootia Tnrntuntarv Dlseharrea and rmuwiuint Prlrtl, n snd D-bllltv. liad Results of Kvll HahlM. Tli. most succeasful and clTiclent remedy known, and may be rellsd ui-oo as a cuie. Price, llh full dlrec- ln, SI ult hnv. Persuisi who wish to ilaoa themsslves under tha prnfea rinnal sars, or to aevk advice of Prof. HcMpasiKva, can do so, at lils uffiiM 60s Broadway, dally from A.M. lo 6 P.M. er try Utter, OUR REMEDIES BY MAIL. Look over the list: mnka un a case of what kind you c Loose, and Inclose the amount In a current note or stamps By tuiifl to our addreea, at No. M) Broadway, New-Yolk, and the medldne III be duly returned by mail or express, rp.4 til etiarae. ACKNTti WANTED. We desire an aollve, efficient Agent for Uie sale of our Reluenes lu every town or enmtmtnliy Bi tue Cultsd filalss. Ad.lress l.r. r. lie arnnr.i e a t;o. N. Mi BauiDwsv, Nsw-Yoas, A.W FISHER, Agent, Huabury, Pa. May 16, I860. ly WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES, G.I N S, & C TIIHE subscriber having opened in Thompson's Urick Building, Mill street, Danville, large and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the best brands of Brandies, Gin, Old live. Scotch and Irish V biskey, fort, enerry Maderia, Champagne and other Wines of all grades, all of which will be sold Wholesale at the lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of us can save at least the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquors for FAMILY USE, may rely upon being furnished with pure end unadulterated article. ty Being determined to establish a reputation lor selling cheap lie respectfully solicits Ihe pa tronage of the public. All orders promptly at tended to. JEREMIAH 8. HALL. Danville, Jul 18, 1860. New Air Line Route T O 1ST 33 -W ""5rT O 2R, IK. SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME between tha two Cities of NEW YORK AND HAHRISBUHO. VIA READING, Al.I.hNTOWN AND KASTON. Morniisi Express West leave. New York at 6 a. m and Pliiludrlphia at 8 a. M., arrives al llurrisburg at l'J 45 P. H. counerlliic al ilamalaiig Wllb train on Nollheril Central Huad for r-unhury, W'lliium.nort, Lock Haven and inter mediate station.. Mini Tram Weal kavea New York at 12 noon, and Philadelphia at 3 30 r. at., couneciins; with tiain on North ern Cenliul H.atd for stations as siaive, aid also on all traiuson the Wilhauisport and Elnnra. Mall Tiain East leaves Jlarrisbuig at 8, AM, and ar rives al Philadelphia al 1 r. at., and New Ymk al 3 30 p. at., in time to take boat or curs for Boston, Ac. Fust Express East loaves Htirnslius; at 1.15, on airivul of Northern Central Tiain, and arrives at Philadelphia at 0 15 r at . aod New Yoik attlr. at. No change of enrsor bagags between New York or Philadelphia and llurrislHiiK- For la-uuty of scenery and speed, eomfoit and aeeoinino nation, this rouls preseals superior inducements to the traveling public Office iu New York, foot nf Courlland attest, PUUuksl phat, Hroad and Calkiwhill alreets. Fsre belweeu New York aud llanisburg FIVE DOL LAR8. For J'ickols; Freight or other information, apply to J J. CLYDE, Oeuerui Agent. Ilarrislairg, June 30, IHVi ly DANVILLE ACADEMY. rpllF. Academic year commences August 1)0, 1660, lo J cailinue forty-four weeks. The School is divi.ted inio a Primary ami a Higher De railment, each under ita respective Teacher. Scholaiaars adiu tted al any time. Anitas iiroviaion is nwde for all the refuiiements of a thorough and extensive course of atudv, im'ltidinf Ilia Muthrimitica, Natural SciMices, Claaaica, Mialefa Lan giweea. liawiiig, Music. etc. rx noiars :roia al.wd ran obtain Hand with faeihtica f. home study, ou veiy uualeiale terms, on appliiwtiou hi tl.e t'riii-inul. The Piui.,uil, thaukrul for his past generous snpport, aunre. In. laitiiuu, H lla uimearuil ell. 41 a to make the si liisd all Hint can U deured f.a the arqui.lliuu of a Uionuigh aducatlou. For inirlirular. apply to J M. WESTON, I'riiKiiail, r, .,... ,W,V stroel, ueai Dccu'a Hold. Danville, July SS, Icllo 3,a LIIIEHTV STOVE WORKS AND HOLLOW. WARE FOUNDRY, PHILADELPHIA. "ZirZ"XuU'mi .rp-ovedatyh of STOVE. Sauipl and Sole H,.,IPJ N H lJ'B:""p,,:,:l.r'"iaidelpliia. Send f. Caiakue. Augusts:, Ibuu Jin w DRE88COAT8 rJ-iu A qU,l',' Dd UlM 'tjle. Jt raxeived aud for sate at BWKITZEH. .JKILBRONNEB A CO ft OUOVER A. BAKER'S NOISELF.SB FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. H" ,"K,",il!',,' Clergysjieii of varloaa rlenomlnatlrma, -"a tiu.M,Biwu aim umm onr laminea "uaovaa Basaa'a CvlehratMl Familv Rawin. Xf .nkn it ..... Kleasure ia recommending it aa an insirument fully com. inmg tie essentials nf a good machine. Its beautiful simplicity, enae of management, and the alrrngth and elasticity of it. etitrh, unite to render It a machine on surpassed bv any in the mstket, and one which wa feel eo.ih.le.it will give aatiafaction to all who may purchase ou ass ii. Re. W P Strickland, Rev N Vanxant, I New York. Rev R B Yard, Re U Larue, Rev E P Rodgers, D Re W B Sprague, DD Rev J N Campbell, DD Rev Charles Anderson, Rev Charles Hawlev. Rev Daniel II. Temple, S. Auburn, N. Y. Rev T M Hopkins, Rev Wm Hosmer, Rev O H Tiffany, D D " C J ?owen, " Jona Cross, " John McCronn, DD Baltimore, Md " W T D Clcmm, I " W H Chapman, " F. 8. Evans. J ' R U Gelbraith, Covanatown, Md. ' T Daugherty, Wayneslioro, Pa. Thoa E Locke, Westmoreland co, Va. Rev W A Crocker, John Paris, Norfolk, Ve. J F Lannean, Salem, Va. Ch. Hankel, UD,I C A Loyal ) Charleston, 5. C. A A Porter, Selma, A Is. Joseph J Twise, Speedwell, S C. B B Ross, Mobile, Ala. J.I. Michaux, Enfield, N C. A O Harris, t u F Harris, ) Henderson, N C. Henry A Riley, A L Post, i Montrose, Pa W D Wilson, D D W F Curry. A M. ( Geneva, N. Elbert Sliugerlaud, Scotia, N. Y. rrof. John Foster, 1 Rev. Francis G Oratf, 1 Srhenect'y.N Y. J '1 umhnll Backus, D D. I Prof. benj. Stanton, J Rev P C Prugh, Xenia, Ohio, B W Chidlaw, A M. I W Perkins, j Cincinnati, O. E Grand Guard, Ripley, O. A Blake i E C Benson, A M, Gambier, O. J J M'Elhenny, DD. ) F Chester, I ronton, O. E F Hasty, Cambridge city, Ind. J C Armstrong, Saline, Mich. Arthur'Swaiey, 1 A Hunt, J Galena. III. Enstein Morbough, Cambridge city, Ind. Richard White, Milton, Ind Calvin Vale, Martiusburgh,.N Y. Joseph Eldridgc, Noifolk, Conn- John Jennings, 1 H I. Wayland. Worcester, Wm Phippa, ) Osmond C Baker, Bishop nf) M E Church, Thos Bathay, Henry E Parker, J Mats. Concoid, I N.H. (J N Judd, Montgomery, N Y. A M Stowc, Canandaigiia. N Y. Win Long, Cliff Mine, Mich. Offices of Exhibition and Sale: 49ft Broad way. New York. 730 Chestnut Street, Thifa delphia. 181 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. March 84. 18fiQ. ly ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS, J. II. EXGEL. of Sunbury, Pn , If AS just arrived with splendid STOCK of SPRING AND SUMM KK GOODS, from Philadelphia, to which he respectfully .invites his friends and the Public to call and inspect, he will spare no time in showing them. Among his stock of goods will befound, FINE DLL E AND BLACK FlaElTCE CLOTH, Fine Black and Fancy Caaimeres 'I weeds, Sat- inetts, Jeans, block Italian Cloth, Cashmerette, Cottonade, Linens, Linen Drill, Linen Check, and Fancy Vesting, also a large assortment of Ready-made CLOTHING for men and boy (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Silk Tissue, Bereges, Chali and Chali Robes, Berege Delaine, Berege Robes, r igured Brilliant and variety of other Dress Goods, Spring and Sum mer Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort. ment of white goods, Collars, Sleeves, In Linen, Shirt fronts, M arseillcs, Brilliant Ac. general assjrtment of domestic Dry Go'.ds. Also a large stock of Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes. Hardware, Queens and 'Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil J ar 4c. Sic. N. B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will lie sold at low pricea for cash or country produce to en in exchange lor UooUs. J. H. ENGEI. Sunbury, May. 19, I860. tf. ALFRED D. BRICK'S UNITED STATES AND EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE, No. 144 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia !VT B. Communications by mail promptly " attended to. Sept ft, I860 lyft J. PALMER & CO.,- Market Street Wharf, I'liilud'a, '.Dealeri tvi FIhIi, C'herMe uud I'roi Ixloiiis, TT AVE eonslanlly ini liand an a.sortinenl of Dried and 11 ricxieiin.li, AC. viz .Mackerel, fluid, Mnlnion, Hlue Fish, llerrioiis, Codfish, Herf. Pork, Ijird, Shoulders, llama, loea, t ureae, ueana, Itice, S10. October 6, IMill. 3iii w INDUSTRIAL STOVE WORKS. W. C. NEMAN, No. S3 North SECOND St., opposite Christ Church, PHILADELPHIA. A3 for Sale, ths best family Cooking Stoves in the Market a good and faithful serva lit the great provider for the Family ! Every house hold should nave a reliable Lehigh Gas Bun Cooking Stove always reliable, alwaya ecr nomical. Also, the great Gas consuming Heating Stove, lor I'arior tvc. will burn less tuel and emit more heat than any other Stove. For Sale with a large assortment of all kinds of COOKING and HEATING STOVES, Wholesale and Re tail. WILLIAM C NEMAN. No. 33 North Second St. above Market, Phil adslplua. Reference. Hon DAVID TAGGART, II. B. MASSE 1.. September 8, I f60. -3m w BOOTS A. SHOES are sold cheaper than ever at the Mammoth Store. Call and see our assortment and ascertain our prices, and you will not fail to buy. FRILING & GRANT, ftunbnry, May to, I860. 4 FEW BBLS. of those Choice Herring and tm- Mackerel just rucrived at Ihe Mammoth Store. ' FRILING it GRANT. Sunbury, June30, 1860. IRILING oV GRANT have juat received by - railroad Ihe largest assortment of QUEENS WAKE and GLASSWARE ever brought to Buiibury. Also, a fresh supply of DRY GOODS, consisting of Spring Dress Goods, Prints, Mus lins and Notions. apr 7, I860, COTTAGE LIBLES. IOU SALK, cheap, three copiei f the ullage Bible, to two volume with com u.Dir.M. II. U. MASS Kit. PICKLES of various kinds, Lobsters, bar . d"'e' -. Ac, just received and for sale -..-w.ugoiore or A. W.flSHER ounbwy.Aujuat, 1857 ly A UPmiATIVt j TONIC, DIURETIC, lllYICflRATIUti CORDIAL To the Citizens of New Jersey & Pennsyl vania. Apothecariri, Druppltti, Grocer- aitd Prirale Familie. Wnlfe'i Pure Cofrnac Brandy. wmre'i rureMBcieriH, Pherrjr iia rnrx m, Woire'i Pure Jumnic and St. Cmix Rum. WoKe'i Pure Scotch ami Irish Whisky. ALL IN BOTTLES. IWlMvcto cnll the attention of tha eitixena of the Unite! State t the above Winea and Liquote, imported lir Uoolpho Wolfs, itf New York, whoee name la (atai liar In every part of thia country for the purity of hiaeele brattxl SchieilHm 9chnapa. Mr. Wolfe, in pia letter U me, apenkmgoi thepuiity ol hie winet.aiiu uquora, aaya: 1 will aijikii mv rpmitntion an a man. mv itandmr eia merchant of thirty yeara'a reaidence in Ihe City of New York, that all the ii randy and Wineawii.cn I Dutiie ate puree imported, and of the Iwat quality, and can be relied upon by every purchaser Every buttle haa the proprie (nr'innmeoi.tne wax. ana a tacaimiieoi nil aiftnature on the ceitificnte. The public are reapectfnllv invited tnrall and examine for themaelvea The public are reauectfallv invited to call and examine ftir themaelvea For aalb at Retail by all ApolhecaiieaandOroceri in Philadelphia. UKoRf.i h. ahhton, rio. vsz Maraet at , rmra. Rend the following from the New York Courier i KnoBMooe UtTginKM Fom on a Nxw Yoke Mkhchakt We are happy to inform our feltow-cittxena that there ia one nh.ee in our city where tha physician, apothecary, and cnuntry merchant, can go and purchase pure Winea and l.lqunrs. as pure as imported, and of the nest quality. We do not intend to viva an elaborate deaciintien of this incichnnl's extensive business, although it will well repay any stranger nr citizen to viett TJdolpho Wnliea extensive wurehouse, mis. it, nu ana w, iever street, ana noe. 17, 19 ant) ill, Market field street. Ilia atock of Schnapps on hnnd ready for shipment could not have been lesa than thirlv thousand caraa; the Brandy, some ten thousand canes Vintages of IKSG to IBM ; and ten thousand cases of niadeira, cherry ana ron ine, rcoicn ana irisn Whiskv, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, arnne very ok) and equal to any in thiscenntry. He also had three large eel- lara. hiiea wun urn nay, wine ae . in casKs, anuer vua tim-Housekey. nady for boltliug. Mr. Wolfe's aalea of Schnapps last year amounted to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hope in leas than two years he 'may be equally successful with his Brandies and Winea. His business merits the patronage 01 every lover 01 nis species. Private families who wish pure Winea and Li qnora for medical use should send their orders direct to Mr. wolf, until every Apomecary in me iaua mure mp their mi tide to discard the poisonous stuff from their shelves and replace it wilh Woi.rx't pure Winea and Liqunra We understand Mr. wolie, lor Uie accomrnodation ot small deatera in the country, puta up an sorted cases of Wines and Liquors. Such a man, and such a merchant, should be sustained anainst his tens of thousands of oppo nents in the United States, who sell nothing but imitations, ruinous alike to human health ant) happiness. f or Sale hy UhUKUK bKiUii r, Agent, sunoury, ri. Septemlwre, 1K0 6m p. SUNBURY ACADEMY. rpHE Sunbury Academy will be reopened on Monday I the 37th of August. IfctJO, under tue care ufS. P. WOLVEKTON. The course of instruction will embrace every depart ment of education taught in our best Academies, preparing students one either for a profession or to enter any class in college. Common School Branches, ft-l 00 Higher Knglidh Branches, 6 00 Latin and Greek language a. 7 00 All entering before theFmiddleof the Quarter wilt be required to pay for the whole term oj tuition, unless ape cinlarrangcment is marie. Tuition to De raid before trie miuaieoi tne term. Board can be hud in private families at fiom SI 75 to Pi ao per weea. Buutmry, Auguat va, lenn. '.Vatclieti, Jewelry & Silver are WE would reepectfully inform our friends, patrons and the public eenerallv. that we have now in Store and offer WHOLKSALK AND KKTAIL, at the lowest Cni-h Prices, a taree and vet-y choice stuck of WATCHKH. JKWKLRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARM, of every vuriety and style. Itverv description of DIAMOND WORK and other JKWKLRY, made to order, at ahort notice. C" All Goods Warranted to be as represented. N. B Particular attention given to Uie repairing of ivuiciica auu aicwciry ui every oraicripiioii, STAUFFKR A HARI.EY, No. Market Street, South Side, PhiUdclhia. September 1, 180o.-3ia ItiCO WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1860 NEW YORK LINES CAMDE.M & AM BOY AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.-8 LINES, From Philadelphia to New York and Way i 'tacts. From Walnut Street Wharf and Keasingtoa Depot, Philadelphia, will leave ss follows, ia aaa. Al 8 A M, via Camden and Aruboy C ft A Accom modation, 93 f5 At DAM, via urnwen ana Jersey city New Jer ey sccommoditlion, t 3) At 9 A M, via Caiadeu and Jersey city Mornins Mail, 3 no Al u A m, via nensinsioa and Jersey city, Wea- tern F.xpreaa, 3 00 At liil f M via Camden .od Amboy, accommodation i ii aiiriu, via uioucu ana Amooy t. and A. tux press, At i P M, via Kensingtoa, and Jersey city, Eve ning Express, At 4. P M, via Kensingtoa aud Jet ey city, Sd Claaa Ticket, At P M, via Camden A Jersey city Evenins Mai 3 on 3 oo 1 5 3 00 At II P M, via Camden and Jersey city South. Mail li Al o r i . via uanKien and Amboy Accommoda tion, (r reigbt and Passenger,) 1st class ticket, t 9S 1W " l o The ( P. M. Mail Line ruua daily. The 11 Southern Jllail faiuioaya excepted. F"or Helvidere, Kasum, Flemineton, Ac . at 6 A. M from Walnut street wharf and 3 P. M , from Kensington. ror nianen cnuns, Ailciitowiiand lieuilehtin, at 6, A.M via Lehigh Valley Railnwd. For Water Gap, rkroudsburs, Scranton, Wilkesharre. Montrose, Ureal Bend, Ac , at S A M, via Delaware, i.L..wniiii. un v caicrn itaoriai.i. Foi Freehold, at OA. M . and ! P.M For Mount Holly, at 6 and A M , and!, aud 4 WAY LINES, For Bristol, Trenton, Ae., at 3 and 4) P. .from nc.ia.l.K.o.l. For Paunyia, Delanen, Beverly, Burliuglon, Borden, town, Ac- at I4.,3, and 4iP. M. Fifty pounds ui Harra(a only, allowed sack passenser, PnssenKcr. are pinhilnied from taking aiiything as lin gae but their wearing apparel. All Baggags over ally pounds to I paid for extra. The Coiniwuy limit their responsibility f. Bagg-use In On Dollar per pound, and win not oe name iih any amount Tjsyond luu duujis, ex. cepl ky special roulract. WM H. 6ATMER, Agent C. k A. R. R Co r ruruary 10, icnu. THE PHILADELPHIA Cash Drag, Faint and Glasi Store, 8. W. COR. FOURTH fc CALLOWH1LL STREETS, rillt.ADEl.PHIA. TKL (joist's, Merchants. Farmer., and tha public J f everywhere. 1 will sell at wholesale aud retail, lo ,..n f.oK . iwic u, istsf, a noavy .iocs Ol arruga, Nedl cmea, Chemicals, 4e., Ae., Ae. u,UU0 Duxes of Window GIsm, assorted sixes snd qualities. lo.ooo p,,ond.of Putty, Whits, Black, Retl, Ae .ia Bulk ' of Bladders. 30,0011 Ga Ions Linseed Oil, Spirits Tuipeatine, Caraphens l Tone of Pure White Lead, la bbla , I bbls., 100. 50. Sf and Itll Ibkexs. ' ' ' 30 Tons of I'uil cim.w Whits Lead, ia bbls, 1 bbls. 100. 40, 5 snd lil lb. kegs. ' 40 Tons of New York White Lead, in bbls., 1 bbls, 100. 60,ttsnd -J lb. kegs. " ' ' 35 Tons of Purs French Whits Zinc, in bbls, 1 bbls. 100 60, H5 Slid 12) lb kegs ' (0 Tons of American f now While Zioe, ia bbls, 1 bbls Its) 60, Si snd 1-Ji lb kegs. ' SO Tons of l.eli i(b American Zinc, ia bUs, 1 bbls, 100' 60, S3, and 131 lb. kegs ' U Ton. of Zine Painia, of diAereni eoka, ia bbls, i bbls 100, 60, V5 snd li'l lb kegs. 1 30 Tons of Mineral Puiuts, of different colors dry or ground ia Oil. 10,000 pound, of purs French Green, Chrome Green, Yel low, Hlue, Black and other colors, dry or in oil. 1,000 pouiklsol Smalls' sailed Bias, Black, Red, Green, and other aolois. 100 Peeks of Gtdd IW, Glaziers' Diamonds, Glazier.1 Putty, Hawk Knives, Ae. t.000 Galkai. boiled oil, varnishes, Japans, Kins Diyer, Ae. Paint, Varnish snd fall anine Brushes, lofirther with s eomplete sasortnient of class Goods embraced la the Drug aud Paint Basiaess. ALSO, t.nno bbls. Roman Cement. 3.000 Rosendale sad Hydraulis Cement. I.lsio " Calcined, Land, Dentistry, Casting Plaster, As. Iiv All of which I will sell al Wholesale aod HetaiL at fruaa 111 to SO per eent lea. liiaa other saubiiahaaeiiu. HFMHV O. O. BANIta, Pron-ietin- of tha Philadelphia Caah Drug, Paint and Glass "tote, South-west corner of Fourth and Calkswhni tHs.. Ptiila, March 3,leU. 3me 1 3 6 7 9 2 2 7 4 5 1 7 8 4 3 9 2 7 6 These figures are intended to draw your attention to the important fact, that the place where you can get the most goods for tho least mousy, ia at tho One Price Store of , . BRIGHT 4V80N. Sunbury, June 18, I860. E. Y. BltlGUT&SON. IT AVE now on hand t choice line of French Clolhs, Black Doeskins, Fancy Caasimcrcs, Tweeds, bilk Mixed Coatings, Vsatings, Cotton a 'lea. Ate. bunbury Juns 23, I860. HIGHLY IM FORTANT NEW . M. C. GEARIIAUT, Has returner with new Slock of Coufeotionariet, Fruit md Toyi. IT seeras as If new age, a new life waa open ing upon us, animating every heart to nobler deeds and higher aim) Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and seek to develop sub liftier beeaties and grander conception. Tlie business world too must feel the new In fluence and every'part be quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge na on with electric speed to the consummation of greater things than waa ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevades all classes, and desirous of doing his shsre to wards "The great events of the Age," Ihe sub scriber would respectfully inform the food peo ple of SUNBURY and the puhlie generally, that he has juat returned from the city of Philadel phia with the largeat and choicest stock of Con fectioneries, Fruit and Toys that has ever been brought to this section of country. He is also manufacturing all kinds of Confectioneries, Ac, to fill up orders, wholesa'e or retail, at ahort no tice. Among his stock of lonfectionanes, may tie found t French Secret., Burned Almond., Cream White, ( Irmon I Rose, Vanilla, Gammon Seorats. Liquorice, Gum Props, all kinds of sceat, l.ove Hione, Mint Drops, red and whits, Jelly Cakes, Fruit Drops, Click Candles, of sll scents Reek Candy, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Prunee, Fiirs, Citrons, Bananas, Dales. Currants dried, Almonds, Raiaona, Nuts of all kinds LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Segars and Tobacco, and a variety of Confectioneries, fruit. Toys, Ate, all of hirh tsonered cheap at wholesale or retail. V3T Remember tha name and place. QJ M. C. GEA RH ART, Market at., 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright At 8on's store. Sunburv, April 11, I860. ly Ladies' One Price Fancy Fur Store ! John Farelra, No. 718 ARCH Street, be tween 7ih, snd 8th, Sts. PHILADELPHIA. ;s'v- (Late of 618 Market fJtr.,) Imoorter. Msnufacturer Sand Dealer mall kinds of FANCY FtRS. Hovmr removed to mv New Store, 718 Arch St., and bains now enlaced entirely in the Manufacture and Sale of Fancy Furs, which, in accordance with the "One Price rrnicipie," i nave niarseo si inc mww piwnur jhht. con. i, tent with a reasonable profit, 1 woild solicit a visit from thoae in waul nf Fur. for either I .allies' or Children.1 Wear, and an impaction of my selection or ihoae rhJ, aatiaKed, aa I am, of my ability to pteaae in every deaned easenlisl. rf Persons at a distance, who may find it inconvenient to call personally, nerd only name the article, lliey wish together with the price, and inatructions for sending, nnd forward the order to my address money accompanying to insure a satisfactory compliance with their wishes. Philadelphia Augusts"., Iptto. 6mSJw HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution established by special Endowment, fur the Relief uf the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epi demic Diseases, and especially for. the Cure nf Diieases of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by tie Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description ol their condition, (age, occu pation, habits of life, Ac.,) aud in cases of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REMED'ES employed in the Dispen sary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter enve lopes, free of charge. Two or three staanps for postage will be acceptable. Address. DR. J. SK1LL1N HOUGHTON. Acting Surgeon, Howard Associstion, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Uy order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, President. Ct so. FaiMCHinn, Secretary. January 14, 18f9 ly HEGEIYIAN & COS C03DIAL ELIXIR OF CALISAYA BARK Prepared only by HEGF.MAN A CO., Wholesale and Retail CUenusla and Druggists, 1(11, 38H, su and 756 Broadway, New York. THE virtues of PERUVIAN BARK as a Touts have been tiai lone known to need comment. The C'Al.lrtA Y A ('-or King's Hark,") is ihe most valu able of the numersua vntietles of the Peruvun Bark, aod in the ELIXIK ia combined with other ingredieiila lliat increase its efficacy and at the sunie time overcome the intensity of iu billei, rendering ila nioet Agreeable Cor dial. For persons living in FEVER snd AGI'F. districts, it will lie found invalusble as a preventive, Half ol a wine glass full taken night and morning, rendering the system nincn less suujet-i lo me unhealthy uinueuce ol ins suuos phere. DIRECTIONS. Dose for an adult, half a wineelaai full before breakfaat ami dinner children fiom one to two teaspoon full ; it maybe lakeu with or without a lulls water For sale at thia office. March 17, IbSfl LOOK HERE, IF VOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR GASH. T1 O TO WM. H. MILLER, he has received wJe from Philadelphia large slock ol BOOTS & SHOIjS His stock consists of Gen'ts Kipp Boots, Youths' Kipp Boots. Children's Calf Boots. Also variety of Women's Calf Lace Boots, Women's Morocco Lace Boots, Children'e Morocco and Calf Lace Hoots, all of which he will sell cheep for CASH. Call and examine for yourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tampero Moroco for sale for cash. WM.H. MILLER. Sunbury, January 7, I860. 1860. THE BEST ROUTE 1860 FROM Wyoming Valley to Philadelphia. Mew York, IJaltliuore, AND ALL POINTS NORTH, SOUTH & WEST. LACKAWANNA & BL00MSBURG RAILROAD. 8TJMMEH A&RAMOE1VIENT. Two Daily Passenger Trams will he ran between Sorsnlon and Nortnumbefknid, as follows: MOVING SOUTH; Leave Scranlon, Arrive at Pilutoa, Kingstou, Shit-kshmny, Berwh.k, Uloonisbsig, Rupeil, Dauvillis, Northumberland, Ijeave Not irumber land, Arrive at Danville, Rupert, Bloomabuig, Berwick, Shiekahiuny, Kiugaioti, Pulsion, PhiPaMail. 10 A. M. 38 7 03 T 60 SO 60 ( ee st to uu MOVING NORTH: N. Y. Ex. A 30 A.M. OS 36 43 T IS T 4S 30 8 37 N. Y. F.x. 4 S3 P. al. 4 33 so S3 63 7 30 7 40 t 10 43 Phil's Mail. 4 43 r. M. SO 60 r oo 33 7 03 7 43 Scranlon, 13 43 SS J Lackawanna am) Bk .suture Railmi Wilh tha Delaware, Lackawanna and Waai... D. atfKrautoa.rotNsw York and Philadelphia, and uilernuv diala poiuia hast : shu for Ureal Bend, Bins be in urn Syracuas, BurTa., Niagara Fall, mal all isipiruVpona, West. At Kunat it eonneels with tas Caitawiaaa Rad road, for nouns both East and Weal. Al NerUiumbeiauid it . eoniMcu wit the Sunbury snd Kris Railroad, lot poiuu Weal aud South. M. W. i ACKSON, Sup'L . Kuigsloo, August S3, i860. r STOVES- Tj".OR $ALU an excellent second-hand Csa.k- ing Stove, also aeveral Cylinder Cvl Stovee. Enquire at this oflke. 'CENTRAL hotel, SUNBURY. Northumberland County, P flHIS large and emnmotlinus Hotel, now A managed by J. H. EGKBKHT. It fs situsU al the Railroad Depot Worth East corner of Market Square, Bunbnry, and al the terminus of the Sunbury V Erie and North ern Central Railroads, and is open forthe accom modation of Travelers and the public in general The proprietor will give his exclusive atten tion, to the comfort and convenience of his guests and is determined to make thia establishment rank anions the firat in the Slate. Hie table will be supplied with the best the market can produce having the advantage ol daily commonination by cara direct from Balti more, and also 'rom those bringing produce irom the surrounding country. His bar will be aupplied with the purest liquors the market can produce Ca-eful and obliging servants always in ai tendance. A ahare of the local and traveling community is moat respectfully solicited. Sunbury, January IS, I860. MAS331Pa'3 PA.TE1TT FIVE-MINUTE FREEZER, As Improved for 1869 and 60, By E. KETCHAM St CO., 289 Peart-Btreet, New-York. pilE only Frcener constructed on scientific A principles, with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. The one haslene the freexing of the cresm the other removes it aa fast aa froxen. The most rapid in freexing, with the least onsntitv of ice. v The most economics! in cost, as it is the most simule and durable in structure. For sale in all the principal cities and towns in the Union. Each Fieexer accompanied with a book of re cipes and full directioi.a. i'KlUbS. 3 quarts, 4 quarts, 6 quarts, 8 quarts, 14 quarts, 20 quarts. Apply to II. D. Jane S, I860. $3 4 6 6 8 00 00 00 00 00 12 00 MAS8ER,8unbury. DETERSIVE SOAP This Celebrated Washing Soap is now in mar ket for more than a year, and that it has given universal satisfaction, is evident from ihe fsct, that ihe Manufacturers of it, in order to supply the demand, have been obliged to incrsase their capacity to make equal to Wne Hundred Thou sand Pounda per Week. It is docidedly the best and cheapest Sosp ever mule in tins Country ; One Pound of it will go as far, foi any use, as I hree of the Common Sonp in general uae. It is made upon a new principle, of the best materi als, and known only to Van Haacki, Sl Mo ri konk. It does away entirely with the wash board saves the necessity of boiling the clothes it does not shrink Flannels, rinotxs okxasc, irk or pa i kt a pols perfertliy, and from the most delicate fabric, saves fully one hslf the time and labor usually spent to do the washing. It ia warranted free from SAL SODA, or other injurious alkalies, and guaranteed not to rot or injure the clothes. For Sale by all respectable Grocers, and Wholesale by THAIN & McKEONE, No. 22 aud 24 South Wharves. Philadelphia. . CAUTION. There being several imitation brands ef Deter sive Soap in Market, the public are notified that none is genuine except Vak Haaokr Jt Me Kionb ia Stamped upon each liar of the Soap aa well aa the B ixes. Sunbury, Oct. 29, 1859. NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store Of IRA T. CLEMENT, NO. I MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. T1HE subscriber has just opened at his well . known establishment in Sunburv, one of the heapestand most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been offered in the place.and which ne will sell for CASH or exchange for Country Produce. Those desiring to purchase goods will do well to call and examine his slock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK. All Wool LVIaina, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors. Beautiful Dress Robes, Cashmeres, Shaded, .Main and Striped must be seen to form an idea of the extent and variety. WSSxVWBL.M9 Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls Thibet and Uroche Shawla. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet For Men and Boys' Wear, Black Cassimeres, Fancy Cassimeres, side stripes heavy. Doe Skin Cassimeres, Satinet all kinds. FLANNELS, White and Red Flannels, all grades and pricea, Bay Slate Sack Flannels, colors lines! qnsltios. READY-MADE CLOTHING Bouts and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ac, c, all nf which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, as regsrds quality, style and price, with any in Ihe country. HARDWARE, a rull assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, (ajueensware, of all descriptions. Groceries, a full slock in store, Carpel Chaina, Ac, Paints, Oils. Glass, Dye Studs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no psins to please all who may favor nim with their custom in the future. Sunbury, Oct. 22, 1859. y ECONOMY I W- . Save Ike Pieces! As accidents will hannen. even iu weU.reuluiMl A,n.l. lies, it is very de.irabla la have some cheap aud convenient way lor rcpainag r uiuuure, toys, crockery, 4e. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no houaenold can aiT,-d to be without iu It la al ways ready and ur to the etn kine point, rhereis no longer a necessity for limping chairs, splinters veneers, headless dolls, aod broken cradles. It is )uat lbs srticle for eone, shell, sad other ornamental wik. Mi u .... . I. . ....... A t . . . . . j . I This admirabla pieparaUon is used oust beini chemieallv if !B,1,,lM,".'id fiaawsaint all the valuable qualities of wNiic.-na.aer a uiue. ii may be used lu tha puree oi orainary mucilage, being vastly mors adhcsivs. 'USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE" N. B A Brash neeompaiiies sack bottle. Price S3 cauls. Waileaale Psaot, No 44 Cetlar street, New York. Address, HENR Y C. SPALDING CO., Box No. 3,soo, New York. Put apfor Doslera ia eases eoiiuining Foar Eight, snd Twelvs Doaen a beauuful Ulaograuhis Show Card ae eiminanyiiif each package. Llr A single bottle ol Spalding's Preosred Olue will save s. t.mea ita oust aunuauv ui every aouseaMun. aVdd by all promincut Suuoaeas, Drugg ists. Hardware aud Furniture Dealers, Grocers, and Fancy euoies. Country Mereaanu should auks s bow a Spalding's prepared Glue, wkaxa Ikey aaaks sp their use It wd aland any elnaats. For sale at this otTice. . March 10, IbOO. ly DO YOU AVISII ? DO you wish a handsome Carpet ! I lo you wish durable I 'arN?i ! . Do .u wish a cheap Caitt ! II so Call at UKiuin tv son. rSiinl.ury, June 11, lain. NEW FLOUR, FEED, FRUIT AND PROVISION STORE. .HE subscriber respectfully rn forms the trtai A. sent of Sunbury and the etrrroMdrng neigh borhood, that ba haa opened a Store at the north- west corner of Market atqsare, opposite Tanrtyke'e Railroad Hotel, where he is receiving, and wrll b.,I,d' riour reed, Fruit and provisions of all kinds, aoch ae WHEAT, RYE a BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Oats, Com and all kinds of Feed, Crackers, Orangea, Nuts Ac, Fresh Shsd in sea eon, Early Vegetables Fruit 4s., from the South. He will constantly receive, by Railroad, fVem Baltimore and Philadelphia, all the deliceeiee of the aeason, as they corns into market, and trust by prompt attention and reasonable prices to re ceive a ahare of the public patronage. , . WM. HOOVER. Sunbury, April 18, 1859 ly. 4l0a Doming COFFEE POT Being- based, an Dr. Hall, of th Journal of Health, says, "on saienos ana common sense,1' are rapidly coming into use, and destined soon to supercede all others. , ARTHUR, BURNHAJf, & GILROT, 117 & 110 8. Tenth St, Philadelphia, Sole Manufacturers under the Patent fc.r.."J a"'.. Vr D' Honaes SInErMlyArl,Cl"' 'keepere December 4, 1859. J. STEWART DEPUY, I A TCORNEMI.SMAHAN'S, No M So.ih. PlLrfT!. u"tt(nr" to C. B.Meneh's) P Plnlsdclphia, weuld invite the attention of their t I r .end. and cualnmera, and the public in geueral "urge and well aelected rt.Irk of "". t-jl CARPETINQ8, onsisting of Velvets, Tspestrie., Thr.e-Plvs ' H '"f."1.".'. '"' Venitiana. A, WINDOW rlAI)ES,tlI.CI.OTHS,MATTINr?S DBL'G " ,'VRLr'!. MATS, STAIR RODS io.i which he acll. very cheap fof e.ah, wholssala 'and retail. IMareh SI. imni. i O i , f O tr O 1-3 H 173 DR. ESENWEIN'S TAR AND WOOD NAPTIIA PECTORAL, 19 the Wet Medicine in the world for the Core of r.mt ha and Colda Cronp, Bronchitis, A.lhma, Difficulty i Breathing, Palpitation of the Heart, Diptheria, and for the rebel of patients in the advanced stages of Conaunip tlon, together with sll Diseases of the Throat and Chest. and which nrrdi.n.tM I . f.... ......... ' It is peculiarly adapted to the radical cure of Asthma. Being prepared by a nradicnl Phvaiclnu nA n-...... and one of great ezpeiiem-e In the cure of the vaiious diseases to which the Human frame is liable. n is oneren lo tne stniclrd with the greatest cosfidence Try II snd he convinced that it is invaluable in the Cuia of Broi chml afl.-cliona. Price 41) cents per Bottle nr" Pkktahko onlr by Dr. A KSENWEIN A CO., , . , Dinegisl.and Chemists. ?L W;r.orn" Nl"th and Poplar Sia., Philadelphia Tf SOLD by every napectabie Druggist and Dealer lu Medicine thnaighout the Stale. Philadelphui, March 31, IH80 lylT 1 T IS NOT NECESSARY toicTrthe people, ' that Ihe Mammoth Store is a "one price store" as they always knew that, but it in necessary to let them know that we have replenished our stock and will continue lo receive new Goods every few days. We are determined to supply the po pie, with the most desirshle goods at the lowest r"e- FRILING & GRANT. Sunburv, May 26, 1860. EIJPOIRITTIIVL'. r1HE undersigned having received a large and M. well aelected atock of Pure Drug and Chemicals), DyestulTs, Oils, Paints, Glass snd Putty, is now ready to fill ordersat a moments notice. In connection with the above you will find an assortment of Fsncy Notions, Toilet Articles snd Perfumery of all kinds, Tooth, Hair, Nails and Clothes Brushes of every variety. Cuatomere will' find his slock complete, com prising msny articles it is impossible hsre to enumerate. REMEMBER the 'place, under the office of the "Sunbury American." Physicians' Preemptions compounded accurate ly and carefully. , A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, April 2d, 18S9. P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, JUSTIC'K OF TIIU PEACK SUNBURY, FA. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. All business promptly attended to. Monlea ollecled and all ordinary writings done. Sunbury, April 25. 1857. If TnOLO Dr. HEATH 8 ItOOK oFrt ViyTrayela and great discoveries of the Japaaeee Vis and Eaet India Malicinea, with lull directions for ins cer lam cur. ol Conaumptioo, Bronchil.s, Bougha, Colda Catarrh, A.lhma, F.ve.s, Heart Disease fcrolL,'cancJ' Dyspepsia Liver Cnoplainl, Gravel and Urlna,, Dep...,,, rr'.ZLC'''7,"",' t" "' with hundred. .? certincatca ol cure, and engraving.. For the purp rescuing; aa many suflenug l.lh.w being, a. nos.,1.1. "rom premature de.uh.il will be .cut to anpato,"a. con nenl, by sending S3 cents to "" ,,o DR. HEATH, tMd.alao, by A. W. Fh,,W::VcW,,n'."kiy,,rk Northumberland ; T S. Caldwell, 1-w.i.urg O At Ha- February 18, IW0. - ly. FOB SALE. r-pWO LOTS aituate in Market atreel, in lbs town of Trevorton, Noa. 12 and 1 3, in block No. 0. Apply to WM. GAUGLKR. S.li,,.. grove, or H. B. MASTER. Sunbury. HENRY D0NNEL, " " ATTORNEY AT LAW Office opposite tke Court House, ' Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt atientios to business in sdioinin. v-ounties. 1 6 ROCKEFELLER & BOYER, Attorneys at Law, BUNBURY, A. Jordan Rockefeller and Solomon U. lloyer, respectfully announce that they entered into Copartnership in Ihe practice of their profession, and will continue to attend to all busi ness entrusted to their charge in the countiee of Northumberland, Ui.ion, Snyder and Montour, promptly, faithfully and carefully. Special at lentionwill he given lo the COLLECTIONS OF CLAIMS. Consultations can be had in the GERMAN language. Office, Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel. Sunbury, February 4, 1H60. BOY'S BOOT8 and BHOKS, cheap for rash WM. MILLER'S. Sun'ury, August 27, 1859. BLANK Parchment Paper Deede and blank Mortgages, Bunds, Executions, Summons, a.c, for sale b H. B. MASSEK. USEFl'L IN ALL FA MILIES-HEkaEMAN ot CO'S Henxine, which removes paint spots grease, etc, 4C, and cleans gloves, silks, ribbons, Ae.t equsl to nsw, without ihe slightest injury to color or fabric Sold by all Druggists, also al this office. 25 cents per bollle-. CMLVER WATCH E8. A few double i-3 English Silver Watchea, for sale at verv low priests by H. B MASKER. lOW FOR MAMMOTH STORE, Evsrybody buys Goods there. Why 1 Because they can buy them cheaper thsn anywhere else. Suubury.May 28,1660. SOOTS AND SHOES, a large assortment st FRILING tV GRANT Sunbury, January 28, 10.