Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 24, 1860, Image 3

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    Secession Tttos.
A Projyosition for a Compromise ProlabU.
Additional Constitution Guaranties and a
new Geographical Line Governor Aiken
oSoutk Carolina Opposed to Secession
The Georgia defence bill passedGreat
Conservative Speech of Hon. Alexander If,
StqihcnsWha'. the Southern Papers sag
Wasbinotoh, Sunday, Not. 18 Informa
tion has been received bere tbat Gov. Aiken
of South Carolina, opposes secession.
Public sentiment seems to besetting down
under the idea that Southern States, Sooth
Carolina included ; will nnite In a demand for
an additional constitutional guaranty, which
it is thought tbe Free States will cheerfully
grant. A Convention of all the States can
embody a new clause in the Constitution,
securing tbe Slave States against further
agitation, and fixing a geographical line
perhaps the old Missouri compromise line
between Free and Slave Territory. Such is
tbe solution of the difficulty by leading men
bere from all sections. In addition to this
tbey entirely approve of the suggestion of tbe
Times, that payment shall be made for slaves
not surrendered noder the Fugitive Slave
Hon. Mr. Otero has written to New
Mexico, advisioif his constituents to connect
their destiny wilb tbe Pacific Slutes it the
Ucion should be dissolved. Californiacs now
litre declare their purpose to advocate the
establishment of au iudepeudent republic ou
the Pacific side.
Virginia bos certainly goce for Bell by
over 'MO vote?. All the counties have been '
beard from. Une man bere lutes 100,000
by the State going fur Hull.
All the Ministers of the Gospel here are
opposed to disunion.
Tim Uives, the " War Horse" of tbo IV
tnocracy of Virginia, says that the Minute
Meu organization is tbe greatest humbug
ever invented.
The firm number ofthe Mesilla Times, pub
lished in Arizoua Territory, is just to baud.
It says that great excitement prevails tbere
ou accouut of tbe discovery of very rich guld .
mines in the vicinity of Piono Alto. Lumps I
worth $10 to 20 were being dug np in any j
quantity Parlies were realizing from $4,1)00 ,
lu f,000 daily. Judge Neal is en route to .
Washington with otlicial dispatches from ;
Guv. Owens about the mines.
Last night Peter Kicbiogs, while perform- :
ing at the theatre, full, injuring himself Audly. !
Tbe performance was suspended.
Tbe Savannah Republican discusses "what j
should be dune" in a labored article : ,
"We would suggest tbat a Xational Con j
rention tu be composed of three delegates,
from each and every State in the Union, and j
uppoiulud acvordiug to tbe pleasure ol each, :
tbull be constituted to meet at tbe earliest day j
practicable, and to whom shall be relerred all
Hit questions of controversy and divisiuo be-
t'Aeen tbe North and the South. Sucb a ,
body, composed of tbe wise aud prudent meu :
of tue country, we fuel sure, could agree upou '
u plan tbut would protect all iuterests, quiet
till heartburnings, give peace to tbe nation,
auJ place us ouce mure on tbe highway of a '
glorious career. We would have it assemble
on tbo 2'2d of February the birthday of
Washington aud at Independence Hall, iu
Philadelphia, with tbe hope that tbe man :
selected as lue saviors ol our conmry in lobu
uiuy catch some of the patriotic lire that ani
mated the breasts of tbe uoble founders of
tlie llepublic."
Charleston, Nov. 17, 1860. The dele
gates elected 60 far are strongly secession.
Tbe whole-sale merchants aud jobbers in
Hayne and Meeting street have a great do
moustatioii to day. The occasion is tbe dedi
cation of a liberty pule, which they bare
planted in the middle of Hayne street, at tbe
junction wilb Meeting. Tbe Lafayette Ar
tillery, with four field pieces, fired a salute.
Perfect unanimity of sentiment prevails
among all classes iu South Carolina ; and
mulur no circumsluucus will they back out
Iron) eecessiou.
Within thirty days, if necessary, she could
place two hundred thousand armed men in
tl.e field, as assurance is given that thousands
would dock to ber sluudard fiotn Georgiu,
Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, Florida, and
olLer States.
A large white flag, tbe Palmetto Lone
Star, is up. wilb tbe mutto ".Ininun ojiiiu
."lie parati."
Couoons are booming, and there is an im
mense cheering.
T. G. barker, F. M. Robertson, Fleetwood
Lunner, H. A. Priugle aud others, are makiug
strong secession speeches.
Tbe speakers are mostly merchants, some
bi lonyiug to Philadelphia, New York and
Ex-Judge Mag rath is spoken of as Com
missioner to Washington wbeu secession
lukes place.
Several newly organized companies are
anxiously awuiling arms ordered ut tbe
An officer of tbe State government says
be has an important letter from out) of the
bead of departments at Washington, which
will be made public uller the 17tb of Decem
ber. It 16 surmised to bathe resignation of
Gen. Scott, iu fuse of secession.
I'liAKLKsiuN, Nov. 18, 1 SCO. A law re
quiring people Irom the North urriviog here
to go bo lor o a magistrate and state tbeir busi
nets, has been reported, and will soon be put
in force.
Tbe Nullification flag of 1832 now floats
over the citadel.
e men.
of tbe
Senators Hammond and Chestnut are
tiuned in connection wilb tbe bead
Government ufler secession.
It is reported that Charleston, after seces
sion, is to be proclaimed a free port for Euro
pean goods.
Secret agents are now in Europe making
arrangements to that effect.
Coi.tMAiA, Nov. 17. Meetings in all parts
ol lie State are reported. All are secession
No unkind feelings are expressed toward
Mr. Liucoln, and there seems to be no inten
tion to resist his inauguration, as the people
admit tbe constitutionality of bis election.
Tbey say be will bo .President of a Northern
Momuosikrv, Nov. 17th. A tremendous
meeting of tbe people of tbe connty was held
this morning, to nominate candidates for the
fcstute Convention. Tbe result was the nomi
nation of Win. L. Yaucey and Thomas II.
Watts the latter a Dell man.
A large majority of tbe members will rote
for i cession.
Wasuinotok.Not. 18, 16G0 It is sub
ject of much comment in influential circlet
that Georgia aod Alabama will not follow
houth Carolina in ber insane movement to
pteveot a Ueueral Convention of tbe South
ern States, but will accede to tbe demauds of
Virginia, Maryland aod
North Carolina for
sucb Couveoiion, leaving South Carolina
By each Convention tbe more conservative
Southern Stales would de much to allay dis
uuioo feeling, and do much to prevent any
eecessiou, except in South Carolina.
Tbe change of Major Anderson to Fort
Moultrie, which bas just been made, in place
uf Gardner, bas not caused any political feel
jojr. Tbe latter goes to Sao Antonio.
Tbe news of tba Cbarlestou demeuttrat'on
tends bere to settle finally that possilive e
cession will take place.
Hell has carried Virginia.
ltirmioKD, Nov. 18 Virginia, yon may
be asoured, will not lend herself to eecessiou.
The mo. I influential men iu the State ban
declared themselves for Union and onleM
aggressive sets ara committed by the North
ern people or by tba incoming Administra
tion, thtt Union sentiment will be at strong
as ever.
Tat Prmident's Missao-.- The PrssI
dent has finished, It is said, the writiDg of bis
forthcoming message to Congress. He will
discoss secession, and other publie afiairs
which are at present exciting the country
bot we are credibly informed that he will not
at this time, express any opinion as to the
merits or the garments made and sold at tbe
Brown Stone Clothing Hall or Rockhill &
Wilsoo, Nos. 603 aod C05 Chestnut street,
above Sixth. Tbe weariag apparel for gen
tlemen and youths made at this celebrated
establishment, are so generally known aud
well appreciated, that they do not need Pre
sidential endorsement.
Practical Amalgamation in Ohio Miss
Ueorgiette Tucker, a highly accomplished
white girl, a graduate of Oberlio College,
Ohio, end a successful lecturer subjects,
eloped recently, from Toledo, in that State
with a colored barber, and went to Detroit,
M icbigan, were tbey were married, to tbe in
finite disgust of tbe girl's father, who is said
to be nearly crazy fioru this reduction of prin
ciples to practice.
New Advertisements.
11 1 C 11 JHSPLAY
At the People's
Our extensive Stock of
ED 22. 1ST C2 CD CD LED S3,
Hardware, Carpets, and Oil Cloths, Ac , Ac.
Splendid Inducements
Who wish (o secure
For tbe Smallest Quantity of
Country Produce.
that all gooJs gold at our establishment
to be a
' 21 S I? & S C S H 7 23 ID,
I In addition to our
i We are constantly receiving New Goods, thus
I keeping up our assortment at all aeasous of the
I year. We returej our thanks to the public for
; their liberal patronage, and shall make every
I effort on our part to reuder satisfaction, be
lieving that toe nimble dime is better than the
j ,uw quarter, we shall adhara to that old
honored motto
"Small profits and quick sales."
Sunbury, November 17, 18C0.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Cour
of Northumberland county, will be exposed
to public sale on lbs premises, on Thuisday the
13th day of December next, at 10 e'clock, A. M.,
of said day, a certain tract or piece of land, situ,
ate in Shamokin township, Northumberland
county, .Pa., adjoining land of Amos Vastins,
George Pensyl, Samuel G. Grow and ether.
containing about nity bine acres and sixty two
perches, mora or lew, whereon are erected a on
and a half story frame house, log barn and other
Also on tbe same day at t o'clock, P. M., on
the premise, a certain other tract or piece of land
situate in May berry township, Montour county,
adjoinining lands of Samuel Mulchler, Robert B.
Swayse, Enoch H. Vougbt and olbeaa, contain
ing fifty five acre, more or Ua, wbereon are
eicclbd a two story frame dwelling bouse, frame
barn and other outbuildings, all late the estate ol
Jonaa Mutchler, late ef Sbamoktn township, da
ceased. Tbe Urrus and conditions of aale will
be made known by
By order of ' i
J. B. M ASSKl; .
bunbuiy, . i . . )
an( examine the jj
J beautiful . jfi
i-,.t. -.3) SUA WLS, f
I,- I'jj and Rich
If! fi Bwout 3c Sox, jf?
at the
have Just received a
Stock of
A very extensive assortment of
ConaUting in part of
Black and Fancy Silks of very choice patterns
Ducal, Cashmeres.
French and English Merinos,
Plain and Figured Waul Delaines.
Muslin Delainei of all styles and prices.
Foulards, Thibet Cloth, Pil De Che t
Saxony and Wool Plaids.
Bay State and Wool SHAWLS of every va
riety, Ac. Ac.
Gentlemen's Dress Goods,
of every style, consisting of
Kentucky Jeana.
Velvet Cord,
ut everv vsriety. Our slock of Silk and Silk
' civet Venting, cannot be surpassed in the
unlry. Please call and examine them.
bss been replenished, and we have a full assort
ment of
Pants and Vests,
Overcoats and Dress Coats for
Boys of all ages.
ALSO, a very handsome assortment of
of every i-tyle and variety at the lowest prices.
Our stork of HARDWHRE has been renew
ed and we have now a larger assortment than
ever before offered to our customers, consisting
in part of
Sausage Cutters,
Pocket Cutlery,
Butcher Knives
Mayer Hinge.
Bolls and Pad Locks,
X Cut Saws,
Mill Saws,
Scoop Miovela.
Ac, Ac, Ac, . 4c, Sic, Ac
liit'cuwwarc and Glassware,
of every variety at the
Our stock ol
is very fine. We have the best quality of Syrup
Molasses ever before ofTere to the citizens of
Sunbury and vicinity.
N otions,
Also a fresh supply of
Drugs, Paints,
Oils, Dye Stuffr,
Perfumery, Glass,
Fancy Soaps, Brushes, &c.
Particular care having been taken in the se.
lection of our goods in regard to quality, style
and t rice, we call the attention of the public to
our large stock to which constant additions will
be made.
Thankful for past favors, we hope to merit a
continuance of ihe patronage of the publie by
selling cheaper than ever. Give us a cali before
purchasing elsewhere.
Sunbury, Nollember 17, 1860.
HE FALL TERM of the present year was
opened on Tuesday, lue turn ol uciooer,
Board of Instructors.
Rev. J. K. Millet, Principal, and Instructor in
Ancient Languagea and English.
P. 8. Boyer, Associata,and Instructor in Math
malic, Natural Science, Book Keeping, 4.c.
Assisted by able and experienced teacher.
The course of Instruction embraces all the
brancbea usually taught in Primary, Academical
and Classical Departments.
Tbe government of this Institution ie mild,
but firm, aud ail aladeni are required lo be
diligent and obedient
Rnantinv. room with fumiture. per
week, ! ,60 to 1.75
Tuition per Quarter, $2,00 " $7.00
Drawing, Painting, Music, French, Practical
RurvAvin. Af- extra.
Student admitted at any time during tbe
Km further particulars, address,
Firehuig, buyder county, IV
i .i.ij, iuiUi u, teo.
By order of a certain writ of testatum Vkhbi'
tioha Exroiss, issued out of the District Court
of tne city of Philadelphia, to me directed, will be
exposed So public sale, at the Court House, in
SUNBURY, on Monday, December 8, 186U,at
10 o'clock, A.M., tbe following described real pro
perty, to wit:
ONE full equal undivided fourth part, the
whole into four equal part, to be divided of
and in all that certain tract of land known as
the "Merrick Starr" tract, situate in Coal town,
ship, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania;
Beginning at a stone; thence- by land of Jesse
Brooks north seventy four degrees east two hun
dred and forty perches to a stone; thence south
sixteen degrees east eighty five perches to a stone;
thence south sixty nine degrees east ninety per
ches to a stone, aoulh thirty une degrees east
thirty five perches to a stone; thence south two de
gree west thirty five perches to a atone; thence
south one degree east sixty perches to a pine;
thence south sixty throe degrees west eighty seven
perches to a maple; thence north twenty seven
degrees west thirty five perches to a stone; thence
north sixty one degrees east fifty seven perches
to a stone; thence north fifty three perchos to a
maple thence south fifty eight degrees west
eighty one perches to a white oak; thence south
eighty one degrees weal eighty perches to a stone;
thence south seventy four degrees west fifty eight
perches to a stone; thence north sixteen degrees west
eight perche to a stone; thence south seventy four
degiees west one hundred perches to a slone heap
or dead white oak; thence north sixteen degrees
west one hundred and six perches to a stone and
place of beginning, containing by a recent survey
Iwo hundred and six acres, seven and a half per
ches and allowance, Ac. Being he same pre
mises which Williarr L. lielfensteiii, by inden
ture dated the first day of December. A. D., 1RS8,
and recorded in Northumberland county, in Deed
Book, L. L., psges 521, 622 and B23, granted and
conveyed unto The Green Ridge Improvement
Company " in fee.
THREE full equal undivided fourth parts, of
all that certain tract of land situate in the town
ship of Shamokin, in the county of Northumber
land, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as lo lows, 10 wu: i'giii!ii"B "".
thonce by land of Ht.rr, north ten degree, west
r y . I . . .
described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a slone:
one hundred and sity four perches lo a slone;
thence by Biff Mountain east three hundred per
ches lo a stone; thence north forty petuhes to a
stone, eatt one hundred and fifty perche to a
stone; thence by loud surveyed in the names of
Heater Scolt south two hundred and forty perehes
lo a pine, aud west forty perches lo artoHe; thence
by land of Valentine" Brobst. in right of Isaac
Miller, norih thirty eight perches and livo tonlhs
of a perch lo a stone, and west three hundred
and eighty two perches, to the plate of beginning,
continuing, in the whole, four hundred and fifty
eight acres, one hundred and fitly seven perches
and allowance, be the same more or less
ALSO: All Hint certain tract of Isnil, situate in Coal
Uiwnslnp, NorlliumlwilsiHl county, luiundrd und dVacrllwd
iw follows, viz : ileginiiliig at a while iik ; thrnce by
lund surveyed in the mime of" Andrtiw Sliulw r, north
leeu drgrees west eicht peiclies lo a stone ; thence south
scvent)-four degrees west one liumlrrd perches to M
post, iinrth fiixtecli depree west one hundred perches lo a
Kt, mid north eveuly-thieo degiees euhl two hundred
and twenty-live perches lo a it'.ne ; thence by land lor
nierly of Vukiilino Hrnlnl, south seventeen degrees cum
eiphty five perches to a slone, smith sixty-nine degrees
enst tilly perehes and seveti-lentlw of s pelch to S stone j
thence by another part ! the siikI tract heretofore convey
ed to 1) Moutgomery Boyd, south twelve dealers und three
quarters west, fourteen perches and one-tenth of a pcicll
to a post and' stones, south tii'ty-foiir degrees unit one
lourth east, six perches and eveiity ei;lil Immlrcjllh of a
perch toa birch, outh tlnrty-ei;ht degreea and three iuai
lers emt, six mid one-fourth perches to a iniiple, mmOt sixty-seven
degrees and one-fourth ensl four perehes und lour
lei. Hi of a perch to a Hemlock, aouth liflv-seven degieea
aud tliirty-seven minutes east, six perchei and tluce-louttll
nf s perch to a post, south twenty-one deprera east seven
perches to uu uh, south sixteen degrees ami three-fourth
went eleven perches und four-tenths of a perch toa chest
nut, aouth seventy degrees rust foul perches aud eifrlit
tenths of a perch to a chesnut. north eighty-nine degreea
and one hlilt eait six perches to a hank, north sixty
eight deirrees ensl five perches and foul-tenths of perch
to a post and stones, and aoulh sixteen degiees and one
louilh euuinuety-llilie perches anil eight-tenths of a perch
to a post ami stones; thence by oilier limit south sixty
three degrees west sixty-four perehes and five-tenths of
a perch toa inn pie; thence by lund surveyed in the ntime
of J. l'uul, norlh twenty-eight degrees wet tinny-live
perches to a stone ; thence by land auiveyed in Ihe iiuuie
of William lloyd, north sixty-oue degrees east fifty-seven
perches to a stone, north City-two perches and three-louitli
of a perch to a iimple, and north fifty-eight degrees went
eighty perches to a white onk ; them e liy the same and
laud surveyed in thenunie of Audiew SMiuber, souili eiglny
one degrees west seventy-two ,rclies to a sume, und
thence be said t-hulwr south seventy-four degrees west
hfty-eighl perchea to the place of beginning, eoiitainuif
one hundred und eighty-eight acres, e.ghly-nvo perchea
and allowance, be the sume more or less Being Ihe larger
part of the same tract of kind which wus survej ed on a
wuilunt, dated the thuty-lirat day of Mureh, 171, granted
to Merrick fujrr.aiul which Ihe Commonwealth of Peini.
syivuniahy patent dated the aixthday of l-'ebiuary, IMU,
gnilileil mid confirmed to .Moaearjtair.
A I J( : Two lull equal unlimited third pur-s of nil lint
certain trucl or piece ol laud, ailniile iu the towuslnpof
I'oul nfoicsaul, bounded unil described as follow., viz :
H-giiiiiiug hi a lonc, thence by laud surveyed in the name
ol William lloyd, aoulh eignty eighl degrees ensl niiiety
one perches and uinc-teiilhs of a peicli to a;
tlience by lund Connelly of Valentine Hrolist, south twenty
one degrees ui.d one fourth east three perches und one
tenth ol a per- h Ui u while pine, south tu ly-seveil degreea
und one half west, eicltt percliesaad nve-leiiths oC a perch
lo a lleml'ick, south thirty-two degiees west three perches
and oine-tcnttK of u peich to a Hemlock, south twenty
twuilegises eust, eight perchea und one tenth of a perch
lo a while pine, south eight degrees and one-fourth eust
nine per hea and rive-tenths of a perch lo a white onk;
south forty-three degrees and a halt west, thirteen perches
and three-tenths of a perch to a white pine; south lliirly
degreea and three-lent hs of a peich to a white pine ; aouth
thirty degrees und three-foutlh well, three perche and
six-lemhsof s perch lo u innple, nnd south twelve degrees
snd three-fouitn west sixty-two perches and six-teuths of
a peich toa pt and stones; lliencs by lund surveyed in
the name of Merrick Starr (ubove described) north sixty
six degrees anil three-fourth went filly perches and seven
tenlhs of a petchloa stone and noitli twelve degrees and
thiee fourth west, eighty-lour peichea and eight lentlis of
u perch tu Ihe place of beginning, containing in the whole
by a recent anivey. Thirty-two Acres und fiity-lwo
perches, strict meiisure, be the same more or less.
AI.SO: All that certain trucl or piece of liuiil. situate
iu Coul township, tiforcsuid. bounded and descrilied a lot
kws : Beginning at a pit e tree in a line of kind urveyd
in the nnme ol J. I'oul ; thence bv Ihe smiie north sixty
three degrees east, Unity peiches toa while iwk.umt South
twenty-seven degrees cant eleven peiches ton post ; Iheiee
by land surveyed iu the name oI'Merrick glair, north sixty
one degrees east fifty-nine perches tn a stone, north fillv
Iwo perches and three.foiirlh of a perch to a innple. usrth
filtv-six degiees west eighty perches lo a white oak, and
aoiilh eighty-one degiees west Itiiity-lwo perches to a
stone; thence bv buul surveyed in the name of Andrew
Phuher, south twelve degrees east one hundred and sixteen
perches to the pkiceol" lieginnii'g. Coi.luining Forty Jeveu
Acres, eight peiches and, lie the same more ot
A LRO: All that certain tract or pored of land
situate it Ihe township of Coal, aforesaid, bound
ed and described as follows: Beginning at a stone,
formerly a maple, a corner of land surveyed in
the name or Biddle and burr; thence by the
same north sixty one degrees east sixty four per
ches to a pine; thence by land surveyed in the
name of William Boyd, lat above described,
north twelve degreea west one hundred and
twenty one perches to a stone; thence by Und
surveyed in the name of Merrick ttarr nrrlh
eighty one degrees west forty six pen lies to a
post, south seventy four degree west lilly eight
perche to a stone, north sixteen degree west
eight perches to a stone, south seventy four de
grees west one hundred perches to s stone, anu
north sixteen degrees west one hundred inches
to a stone, slid sixty five degrees easliwo bundled
and 18 perches to a stone; the nee by land surveyed
in the name of William uoyd, hrsl above de
scribed tract, north twelve degrees west eighty
perches to a gum; thence by oilier land aouth
seventy four degreea west two hundred and sev
enty live perches lo a pine; tlience by land sur.
veved in the name ol Ueorge Uoldrain aoutn
twelve degrees snd a half east two hundred and
thirty perches to a stone; thence by land sarveyed
in tbe name of tienrge Sheila south eighty four
degrees and a half east two hundred and eight
een ierches to the place of beginning, containing
by estimate, three hundred end two acres anu
thirty perches aud allowance, be the same more
or less, being part of a tract of land called "Wil
liam's AdJilion," which wa surveyed on a war
raut, dated the seventh day of February, 17H
granted aa Andrew bibuber, and which tbe Su
preme, Ac.
ALSO; All that certain tract of laud aituate
in Coal township, aforesaid, bounded and de
scriUeJ a follows, via: Beginning at a fallen
chesnut, a corner nf land surveyed in Ihe name
of William Prtcbard; thence by the ssnie south
twelve degree east on hundred and ninety nine
perchea and one tenth of a perch to a post;
thence bv another part of the original tract, ol
which this is a part, north aeventy nine degreea
east one hundred and twenty nine perche and
three fourth of a perch to a post; thence by land
urveyed in the name of Andrew Hhuber, last
above described, north twelve degree west two
hundred and Unity two perche and four tenths
of a perch to a pine; thence by land aurveyed in
the name of Peter Zeigenfoo south sixty four
degrees west oue hundred and thirty five perebe
a Ih nlace of heaintiinc. coiilsininiz. bv estimate.
lie hundred and sixty five ecics, nine perchea j
and allowance, be th same more or leas, being
part of a targe tract of land called "William's
Retreat," which was surveyed in pursuance of a
warrant dated the first day of July, 1784, the
whole contents of the tract, hereinbefore described
and intended to be granted, ein; one thousand
and twenty one acre and one hundred and one
perche and allowance, or one thousand and
eighty two seres and fifty one perrhes, atrict tneer
ure, be the same more er le.
AND ALSO: All that certain tract or psreel
of land called Stone Henge, situste in the town
ship nf Coal and county aforesaid, bounded and
described as follows, vis: Beginning at a white
oak, a corner of land surveyed in the name
of Daniel Reese; thence by the same north three
degree and a half east fifty seven perches to
s atone; thence by land surveyed in the name
of Sarnh Reese and William Prichard, north
eighty three degrees and a holf east seventy one
perrhes to a stone, and north six degrees and a
half east seventy nine perchea to a stone; thence
by said Prichard survey north eighty five decrees
east two hundred snd forty five perches to a atone;
thence by land of Hamer and Yarnall south five
degrees west one hundred and seventy eight per.
dies to a stone; thence by land surveyed in the
name of William Priced, Daniel Brautigam and
James Jenkins, north eighty five degree west
two hundred and ninety five perche to tbe place
of beginning, containing two hundred and forty
five acres and allcwatice, be the same more or
A LSO; All that certain tract or parcel of land
situate in Coal township, aforesaid, adjoining the
above described tract snd called "Ball's Fancy,"
bounded and described as follow, viz.: Beginning
at a fallen chesnut; thence by land surveyed in
the name of Peter Zeigenfoos, Peter Brosius, and
others, south seventy eight degrees west one
hundred and ninety six perches lo a chesnut oak;
thence north fitly four perches to a chesnut, west
one hundred and twenty four perches to a ches
nut, and south seventy degrees west fifty five
perches to a slone; thence by land surveyed in
the name of Sarah Reese, south twelve degrees
west one hundred nnd fifty nine perches; thence
by the last above descrilied tract north eighty five
degrees east two hundred and forty five perches to
a stone; tlience by land ol tlarner and rarrall.
, - , , . . , ,
no. tb seventy five degrees east one hundred and
viuliip. n uprchra to a stone: thencfl bv land anr-
eighteen perches to a atone; thence by land stir
veyed ill the name of tieorge Coldrain, north
twelve degreea west, about one hundred and
twenty perches tn the place of beginning, con
taining, hy estimate, thrco hundred and thir'-ccn
acres and allowance, be the same more or less.
ALPO; All that certain tractor parcel of land
situate in the townxhip of Coal, aforesaid, called
"Williamsburg," bounded and described as fol-
lows, viz: Beginning at a -bite pine, a corner of
land, surveyed in the name ot L'auiel Urautigam;
thence by the same north thirteen degreea west
one hundred and ninety five perche to a pine;
thence by land surveyed in the name of William
Tomliiison north eighty degree east thirty per.
cbea to a post, and north five degrees east forty
ciht perches to a stone; ihence hy land of Warner
and Yarnall south seventy five degrees cast eighty
nine perches to a post, south eighty eight degrees
eist twenty three irches lo a post, and south
twelve degrees east one hundred and ninety six
perche to a stcne; thence by land surveyed to
Biddle and Company, south seventy five degrees
west one hundred and thirty four perchei tn the
pluce of beginning, containing one hundred and
sixty five acres and sixty four perches and allow'
aiue, be the same more or lcs.
A L.VO ; All that certain tract or parcel of land,
situate in Coal township, afoiesaid, bounded and
described as follows; Beginning at a heap of
stones; thence hy land of I omlinson and I ar
nail, south scventy.eight degrees west sixty eight
perches to a stone, south five degrees west nine
perches to a stone, south eighty.eight degrees
west eighty-one perches lo a atone, and aouth
eighty-five degrees west ten iverches to a stone;
thence by land of Melchior Smith north thirteen
degrees and a half west fifty perche and three
tenths of perch to a atone; ihence by land nf
Peter Broious north seventy six degreea aitd a
half cast eighty-four perches to a stone and pine,
and north thirteen degrees snd a half west one
hundred and fifty-nine perches to a pine; thence
by oilier land north seventy.six degrees and a
half east scventy.six perches to a stone, near a
pine; and ihence by lund of Marvine Hersh, and
others, south thirteen degree and a ha f eTuat
two hundred and twenty perches to the place of
beginning, containing one hundred and twenty,
seven acres and fifty eight perches and allowance,
he the same more or Irs.
AND ALSO; All that certain tract or parcel
of land, situate in the township of Coul, afore
said, bounded and descriled as follows, vii: Be- 1
ginning at a stone; Ihence by vacant land north
seventy -six degrees und a half eust forty perches
to a stone, north thirteen degrees and a half west
seventy .nine perches to a pine, south seventy .six
degrees and a half west sixty perches to a red
oak, aouth thirteen degrees and a half east twen.
ty.five perches and eight tenths of a perch to a
stone; ihence by laud of Melchior Smith north
eighty. five degrees east twenty rches and two.
tenths of a perch to a red oak, and south thirteen
degrees and a half east fifty perches lo the place
of beginning, containing twenty. one acres and
one hundred and thirty .lour perche and allow,
ulice. be the same more or less.
The several tracts of land, above described,
being the same premises which John B. Trevor
and others, Trustees by Indenture, made the
twenty. ninth day of April, A. D., 1853, and re.
corded in Northumberland county, in Deed Book,
K. K., page 459, grunted and conveyed unto the
"The tireen Ridge Improvement Company," in
fee. Together w ith all and singular, the rights,
liberties and franchise, now belonging tu the
said "Tbe lirecn Ridge Improvement Company,"
as conferred by an Act of the General Assembly
ofthe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled
an Act lo Incorporate The (Jrecn Ridge Improve
ment Company, approved tbe fifteenth day of
May, one thousand eight hundred and fifty, and
its various supplement and which said rights,
liberties and franchise, have duly inortguged,
together with a portion of the real estate here
with seized, to secure the payment of'tbe Bonds
upon which the judgment in ibis case was recov
ered. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of "The Green Ridge Improvement
TA VID W A LDKON, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Oltice, )
Sunbury, Nov. 17, IR60. f
BOO T A N 1) S 11 O K
Corner of falket Square and Hirer Street
rPHE subscriber respectfully informs the
-- zers ot Sunbury and vicinity, that he
the cili-
opened a Boot and Shoe Shop on Ihe corner of
Market Square and Klver street, opiHwiiB ine
Court House, where he can be found at all times
ready to wait upon customer.
Having considerable experience, he is prepared
lo make up customer work of all kinds, at short
notice, in tba latest style and woikmanship.
He keep constantly on hand a large assort
ment of Leather, of the best quality, which en
ables him to make up good aud durable work.
Call and examine for yourselves before pur
chasing elsewhere aod you will v money.
Hunhury, Nor. 10. 1880. ly
IT is important lo the LADIES to know that
Friling dt Grant, have tbe best and largest
assortment of Dress Goods in ihe county.
Sunbury. June a. I860.
E bar bottles for aale by
C,-in pound of CARPET RAGS wanted at
O WW trie store of BRIGHT 4t SON
Mammoth Store. Also, anew lot of per
fumery, Soaps aud Fancy A rticle. Very cheap.
8unbury, May 26, I860.
A ACKERS! CRACKERS, just racaNed
and for aale by the banal or pound, at the
Confectionery More of M. C. C.EAR1I ART.
Sunbury. October 13, I860.
JUOTS AND SHtH, a large assortment
If st FKI1.1NG A GRANT'!
Sunbury, January -8, lt60.
IS hereby given that the Commissioners of
-- Northumberland county will meet at tbrir
office, in Sunbury, for Ihe purpose of allowing
exonerationa to the collectors of Ui State,
County and Militia tatsa, on Ui following
daya :
For Shamokin, Upper Augusta, Lower Au
gusta, Rush township and !unbury Borough, on
the SGth of November. I860.
For Coal, Mount Carmel, Cameron, Upper
Mahanoy Washington and Jordan townahipe,
on Ihe S7th of November, 1800.
For Jackson, Lower Mahanoy, Little Mabsnny
Zerbe and Northumberland Borough, en the
SHtb uf November.
For Point, Ch'lisqnaqnc and Delaware town
ships, Turbutville and McEwensville boiougha,
en the 29th of November, IM0.
For Lewis and Tur'uil township snd Milloa
Borough, on theUUth of November, 18li0.
By order of Bosrd of Coiniuiaaioncrs,
8. D. JORDAN, Clerk.
Commissioner's Office. )
Sunbury, Nov. 10th, 18G0. J
at the
Fashionable Tailoring Establishment
J" .A. COB O. SjBCK:,
Market Miect, SPKUl'UY.
"IJIHE subscriber, in addition to hi large stock
A of
Plain and Fancy Cassimeres. Vestings, &o.
is constantly receiving new supplies from the cily,
keeping a full assortment of the most substantial
and latest style of Goods in the city markets.
He is prepared to make lo order all kinds of
Gentlemen's and Boy' wear, such a
PANTALOONS. &c. ic, Ac,
in the very latest style, and in the most substan
tial manner, at short notice.
Any (Soods not on hand, will be furnished
from Philadelphia, by giving two day 'a notice.
t7 Call and examine lny stock, no charges
made for showing.
Sunbury, November 3, I860.
1 1 A VING taken the Blacksmithshop
at Rohrbach r ounriry, is
pared to do all kinds of blacksmithi
to order, including horseshoeing in
best style.
Thankful for tbe patronage hcretefore extend
ed, he hopes by strict attention to business to
continue the same.
Country produce taken in exchange,
Sunbury, Novem'icr 3, 1800. 3m
Administrators Notice,
TOTICE is hereby given tbst letters of ad
ministration having been granted to the
subscriber, en the estate of Michael Knapp, late
ol I revorton, Zerbe township, Northumberland
county, deceased. All person indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims to present them fur set
tlement VM. V. SILVERVVOOD. Administrator.
Lower Augusta twp., Oct. 20. 18110. 6t
To Persons Out of Employment.
IN every county of the United States, to engage
in the sale of some of the best and most ele
gantly illustrated Works published.
Our publications are of tbe most interesting
character, adapted to the wants of the Farmer,
Mechanic and Merchant; they are published in
the best atyle and bound in the most substantial
manner, and are worthy a place in the Library
of every Household in the land.
To men of enterprise and industrious habits
this business oilers an opportunity for profitable
employmeut seldom to be met with.
Persona desiring to act aa agents will receive
promptly by mail full particulars, terms, die, by
LEAKY, GETZ, A CO . Publishers,
No. 224 Nodb Second Street, Philadelphia.
October 27, 1800.
The Philadelphia Inquirer contains eight poftes and fotv
eip lit columns ol' matter. It is printed Willi new coper
faced type. The Kditorijl Depaitinenl of ?e paper lias
been entirely re-orfraiuaed, aud new corrcspoudeuts en-g-.ia.ed.
The Inquirer is Independent lu lis discussiun on
ull topics of pulilic intercut.
The ureal aim oftne Inquirer is to become a Reliable
Newspaper, reporting: promptly and fairly eveiyttiuis; of
public interest concerning all panics sihI all pulilie men
neitherdiNtortinr. nor enuRSt-rutine: facta It will be the
first duly ol the Inquirer, on all occasions, to ailvocute the
protection efuur domestic manufactures und uf the great
iron and coal ni-ercsu of Pennsylvania.
Asafuiinly paper, the Inquire will aim to retain the
position winch it hus long enjoyed, by continuing to guurd
and scrutinise with great cure its news unit advertising
columns, and exclude all mattera which it would oc im
proper to admit within the family circle.
The Philadelphia Inquirer is published everv moruiuff,
and served ui the city, and all the districts in Bristol,
Beverly, Cumileii, Gloucester, Tienum, llurliiialon, J.UU
caster, Harristiuig, Kejidins, Potlsville, Danville, Noms
town, Wtlmmgtcn, Del., Llkton, Md., by careful camera,
foi Twelve Cents a week, payable to the carrier at the
and of Ilia week.
Sent by until at six dollars per annum, in advance.
As an Advertising Medium
The Inquirer hae no equal in tbe City f Philadelphia, not
only froio the extent of ita rircutatiou. but from its class
of reudeis. coir.posedof the most lulsllitteilt and respecta
ble peisoiia. not only in lue city, but in all the towns
within u hundred miles
Adveilisemeuts inserted for six cents a line for the fust
insertion. sihI four cents a bus each subsequent lussr-
liiai, oi one dollar a line a mouth. All letters ad
diessed lo
No. 1st 8. Tlnid itieet, I'lnliuteptiia.
jSwptemlwrM, 1--'H)1
Ballou'. French Yoke Shirt Emporium,
409 Uroadieug, Xcw ) ork,
Shirt made to order from Scientific Measures.
cf the Iwst material, sowed by hand, and war-
ranted to fit, at less than the usual prices.
June 4, 189. 400 Broadway, N. V.
- .
State of tne Bans of Horthumberland,
November 1st, 18G0.
Iwas and Discounts,
Utrt srei ,
S.07U Oil
t Hon no I
loi.i. a si
It. 010 no
S-.107 iri
Noithutuberlaiul liuiik Stocks,
lllliel blocks
Due by other Bunas, .
Vacs ol oilier Hanks,
tHX i in Vaults,
Real Estate,
" "3
sjbSKii Si
Notes ta circulation,
Due other Banks,
" Depositors,
u Ctanlisai wealth,
111,111 71
llJ.-Us II
Kilt, 11 3vl
I certify lliat tha alaivs statement to ha eorreel and
true to lu beat ot' in) knowledge and belief.
J K. fKilTiJ-:v, Cashier.
Bvoni snd sulowribed before me,
Noveojlier 3d, lado. Oaoaus Msaaura, J P
LAND WARRANTS. Tha highest price
will b given for Land Warrant by the sub
aeubcj. H. U MAbER.
tl-OAKlIM, CLOTHS, A Sim: II lis
uroadclolbs, Vestings, ie.
BOY CaaimrnM n.On. tit tm
stinets tad Union Cassimeres, 50 lo 70 ct.
fancy Lasmmeree, from 7( lo I 7.V
rm Black Cass'meres and Doeskins
l, a' Coals, Frock Coal. Ovrctats, A r
"eavy ()vrcosting, Uesver. ViV, Tricot. At.
' Lsdie,' r.ear. of sverv desirable sbsd.
v V'"' ,I,J lo Wice. by the -jerd er piece,
price.. r,l,, supplied at lowest latest
s.,. i 8 K-corner Ninth and Market.
September 2.Ji lsoo PWadelpl.,,.
Some opening rvrrT jBVi
Slock will be complete.
Order, taken and executed with despatch.
Children s and Mishts' Shawls
S. E. corner Nmth and Market, Philadelphia.
September 22, 1 ufiU.
New Arrival of Clothing.
111 E Urgen nd best Slot It of FALL AMj
J WLNTF.K CLOTH I Mi ever brought to
this place, arrived at thn Mammolh Ciothirm
A CO.. in Market atreet, nearly opposite Wea
ver's Hotel.
Their Slock comprises of
Dress Coals,
Over Coats,
Business Coats, Ac.
UnderShirts, Drawers, Ac.
BOOTS AND SHOES, of the latest stylos
of every description and quality, cheaper than
Their assortment of gentlemen's furnishing
Clothing is the most complete !
Their variety and styles mwnt attractive.
And the prices defy all competition.
7 Call and examine fur yourselves.
Sunbury, Oct. 6, 1860.
at the
MISS SHAW has just returned from the
city with the latest New York and Phila
delphia styles, comprising
of every style, pattern, fashion, material aud
Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Silks, Collars, Edg
ings, Caps, Notions, etc., etc.
My CLTJZd fzr
The handsomest, the most fashionable, ever
brought to Suuhury. Call and see her Fur.
All the new and tasteful atyles of ihe season,
with every variety of Trimmings, will be sold
cheaper than ever.
Orders for articles not on hand, will be sup
plied from the city, at the earliest possible
moment. MISS J. SHAW.
Sunbury, October 37, 18U0- 4t
Black and Blue Hair Cloth,
Beaver Overcoating,
Black Doeskins,
New Style Cassimeres,
All Wool Tweeds,
Heavy Kentucky Jean,
Real Good Oassinetta,
Sils Mixed Coatings,
Super Velvet Cords.
Black Grenadine Vesting,
Black Satin Vesting.
Fancy Silk Velvet Vestings,
Plain Silk Velvet Vestings,
Nice Casnimere Yesltngsi
In fact all kinds cf goods for Men's and Boys'
wear, can be found at the People's Ono Price
Store of E. Y. fright ic Son, who hava jut
eceived by Railroad a splendid stock of all kinds
of goods, suitable for cold weather.
Please call and be convinced.
Sunbury, October 27, 18(30.
1 Aucllon lots from .3" to.j cents.
Children's Plaids and Delaines letj to Suets.
Lupin's tinest French Menuoes Horn auction
Three veiy choice kits at HI. k7 ami HI eta.
Pluiu all wool Cashmerea frem auction, cheap at 63 and
65 cents.
Figured Cliiutz colors, Cnhmeree, ti, 38,50 and 90 eti
Pliiid, striped unit tiit'd Valeucias,'2S lo -10 cts.
Fig'd and slrijHid Flench Poplins.
Auctioulotsblack French Mciiuoes, 6o to StOO.
Auction kittthluck Wool Delaines 3ntoSO cts.
Sublime quulrty 11 ynrila wule lit )l S3.
Beat & cent black Wool llelaiuca ill town.
Bluck Amcllues and fig'd Alpucns. A CONARD,
8. F.. cor. NINTH snd MARKET (sliest.
Octobcr 27, lt-bO. Philadelphia.
New Goods for the Ladies
Plain, all Wool Delaines, Neat figured Delaine.
Handsome Cashmeres, High Coiored De
laines, Striped Dustors, Nice Silk Pop
lins, Mixed Mohuir Dusters, Plain
French Merinos, Piinted
French Merinos, Persian
Twill, Brocade No-
vcau.Plaiu Co
burgs, Dark mixed
llebeue, Hands'e Black
Silks, New Style Dark Prints,
Gloves of all Kinds. Hosiery of all
Kinds, New St) le Nubias, Opera Caps,
Chenille Scarf, Mohsir Head Dresses,
Needle Worked Colluro, Ac, Ac, Ac.
But it is useless to attempt enumerating the
great variety of Uooda we have now in store,
suitable fur Ladies' wear. Wa invite mi insist
tion of our store. iu. V. BRIGHT A SON.
Sunbury, October S7. I Hi. I).
New Eoot & Shoe Store.
IMurUf t street, Sim! mry, la.
iyil. M. APSl.EV.Ut of Philadelphia, res-
r ga at hi new store adjoining the Post Olli. m,
the lrgel and best stock ul Bool and Shoes. A.c .
r brought to this place, which he will sell at
. ,llt' 'uwest prices. Having biun-ell woiked at
'he business, be has selected bis stock with lha
! Kestet care, which consists, iu part, as follows,
Mens loot from $-J 85 lo $6 00,
" fciioe. from m to 25
ltuilra from 1 fill l.i Slid
Wumens' Guiiers from CO to 2 00.
" Morocco shoes from fiij to I 7J.
Leather shoes from 70 lo I b7).
Misses Shoes ol different kinds from 40 lo I 00.
oys' Bool from I t'O to 3 00.
Shoe from Ci lo I Ml.
' Childiens' Shoe from
Tiunk sud VulUe.
0 to I If j. and also
Sunbury, September SS, 18(10.
Dissolution of Partnership.
N OTICE is hereby given that the lata part
nership existing between ti. W. Arhogast A
Buhb, in Georgetown. Northumberland countv.
was dissolved by mutual consent, on the ti'.M
insl. Tba hooks of tbe lato firm will remain in
th bands of IS. W. Arhogast, for collection an. I
settlement, and all persona indebted or haviu
claims, will call on bun for settlement. ,
O. W. A It BOG AST A Ht'Bf
t-coigtuii, Oil. SV, 160.--4i '