Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 13, 1860, Image 2

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Tilt TOtat ton, OOTetWWWls.
In the following reterot from I bo totcrlor
the vote for Oovtroor is comparedwith that
Co for Auditor General io 1859, wbeo
Cochran (Opp ) bad 11,291 majority.
alums cr corxtT.
riTTiBino, Oct.,10-1 o'clock A. M.
Mditlooslreturja from riiiht townships ol
a n..h.i counts ffive Curtiu P89 majority.
n lomocretie loss of 685. Cnrtm's majority
is now, fr beard frmn, MW, with 25
district! to bear from. Hit majority in tho
entire coonty will range from CUU to .000.
Foster bat majority of about Hint).
i;nloo Coontv. wilt io Curtln about SOO
.elorit.-a f " .tT.'." I. :
7 . I . - . . ....... I
In four districts io Union Conn'),
t u r i : ii ,
gaius 17? over lat year.
Foster's majority It aboot UuO.
The Cortio majority it estimated at SHU
Returnt from all tba district! in th vontty j
give router,
1650 nuijority. Democratic
gaio ol 11 t'O. !
Mliri.lK COl'RTT.
I.ewittnwo-CorUn't majority In tba county
la oboot 220. Hole, for Congress, 300 ma. 1
jority, aod tbe whole Oppotition ticket elect
Cortio't majority will bo aboot 1500.
Returns from three foorths of the coonty
ludicaU Cortio't majority at 1650 Deot.
lost, 600.
Tbe conoly will give from 1000 to 1200
majority for Curtio. Republican majority
last year 1114.
Tba eoooty give! a majority of 900 for
Altooa. At Dear aa can be ascertained,
Oortlo't majority Id HI air county la 760, a
Republican lots of 400.
Cortio't Majority Id Dontlngdoo county la
700, a Democratic lott of 220.
Cambria covntt.
Johnstown boroogb givee 112 majority for
Cnrtln, and Millville boroogb, 30 for Cortio.
Tbeae are email Democratic gaiot on last
year's vote lo Cambria couoty.
Cambria coonty givei Foster a majority of
COO a Democratic gaio of 325.
Tbe majority for Cortio io tbit coonty It
not leas tban 6000. Tbe Democratic Ion It
from 800 to 1000.
Cortii't majority will be nearly 6000.
Rradino, Oct. 10, 8 P. M. The majority
for Potter ia Berks it estimated at aboot
4000 majority. Tbe Democratic couoty
ticket is all elected.
Tbe majority for Foster io tbit county will
be about 800.
Lebanon, Oct. 9. Cortio't majority lo tbe
eoooty exceeds 1500.
The majority for Foster is aboot 1800.
Cortio't majority COO.
John Hickmao, (Rep.) will bare about
1400 majority io Chester couoty.
Tbsddeos ttteveut it reelected, there
being oo opposition.
James H. Campbell (Rep ) will have about
800 majority Id Schuylkill couoty.
I o Nertbumberlabd county John llogbes
(Dem.) bat 400 majority.
Id Lucerne coonty, Mr. Screoton. (Rep.)
bat 1500 majority running ahead of bis ticket.
Lie is undoubtedly elected.
James F. Hale, (Rep.) elected.
The 1'opt MtdilaUt Flight Lamoricier Dt
ftatid in Six Hours' BattUSix hundred
Jriihmtn taktn Pritontr of War Th
ropt Preparing for hit Departure.
Tbe London Herald' Paris correspondent
It Informed that a manifesto by tbe Pope,
noooocing bis determination lo withdraw
from Rome, is already prepared.
I'be battle of tbe 18tb, between Lemori
eler and Cialdioi, lasted six hours. After
the battle the greater portion of the poutifi
ral army capulated. Tbe foreign troops will
return to thoir respective couutries. Larnori
ciere, with a few borsemeo, succeeded in
reaching Aincooa. Outside of .Aocooa there
Is not a single pontifical battalion.
There was a vague report iu Paris that
Napoleon would attend the imperial rustling
at Warsaw.
Tbe following official despatch bad reached
Jesi, Sept. 18tb Ltmoriciere, with
900 men allackod to-day tbe position lately
taken by Cialdioi at Castle Fidaldo. Tbe
tight wus short, but desperate, with tbe fol
io wioe results : Tbe junction of Larnori-
ciere's corps with the remaioder of bis troops
at Anconia is prevented ; six hundred pruou
era have been madi j six pieces of artilery
ud a flag were taken ; only the wounded,
among whom was Gen. Peioodeni, full into
the bauds of Cialdioi. Tbe loss of tbe enemy
It considerable.
A column ofCOOO men made a sortie from
Ancoua and took part io tbe Ok tit, but was
compelled to retire, and it being pursued by
tbe Sardioian troops. The Neapolitan fleet
opened ore asaioat Ancoce.
The lix hundred pritonert of war taken at
Bpoleto are Irithmeo. Tbe Sardiuiao gov
ernment wished tbe British Minister to lake
charge of and tend them home, but be de
dined, taying be could not regard them aa
British subjects.
No foreign mioister except the French bad
oeeu oraereo io quit l uriu.
Advices from Turin eserl that a letter
had been addressed by Garibaldi to Victor
Emmanuel, demanding the immediute diamis-
tal oi favour aod feriui. lie also demaod
ed du.UUU bsrdiuiau toldiers to garrison
Naples. Garibaldi's letter it crouched in
cpergetio but respectful terms.
Military operations in Syria would com
mence after tbe hot weather.
Pacha, Osmau Dey aod Mustaplia Hey, ho
betrayed tbe Christians at llaatieya, aud
Osmao Boy. who cooimaoded the troops
daring tbe massacres, were thot at Dauiaacua
od the 8lh.
Am luroRTANT Letter tvm Hnivii.
Tbe E'pero, of Terin, gives the substance of
a letter said lo hare bean writteu to Garibaldi
by Koasotb, recnaimending bim to break bis
connection with Victor Emanuel and his gov
ernment, who alone can eQert tbe liberation of
Italy. He alto inritel th Dictator to qi up
all dtiign upon Home, io order not to draw
opon tui.selt me hostility of France, the only
defender of Italy and the only bope of op
pressed nationalities; and, lastly, not to at
Urnpt anfll'ng againtt Hungary, that twntry
not bting at yt rip fir rev i'vnin.
II. D. MASSKR, Editor and Proprietor.
I Iha Regalar Coaveolloit.
HER8CHEL V. JOHWSnw .f0fcw.
- - -"""i - -ww5w
I Gen. JOSEPH 1ANE. of Oregon.
NominfttiODl of the ComtistUtional Union
JOHN BELL, of Teuneseo.
j Republican Nominations.
C3T Tbe Couoty Agricultural Fair at Mil
ton commenced oo Thursday and will close
to-day (Saturday). Tbe Fair at Blootnsburg
commences on Thursday the 18th instant.
tsF Tbe lots by tbe fire at Danville, on
Friday week, wbicb resulted lo tbe destroc.
tioo of Dibler's Tannery, aod number of
stables, amounts to about $8,000.
fir Senatorial Election. Bound's ma
jority (official,) for Seoator, in Northumber
land, Soyder and Colombia is 80. Montour,
for Keller 6. Bound's majority 74.
C3 Railroad Accidxnt. Od Saturday
week last, Mr. Amos ll.Weiaer, a young man
employed at a brakesman oo a passnger train
oo the Reading Railroad, attempted to jump
from one car to another, but slipped and was
csught betweeo two cars, crashing him most
horribly, causing instant death.
BJJT Tnx Result. Tbe very large majority
In this State for Col. Cortio, tho Republican
candidate for Governor, must satisfy tbe most
skeptical of what we thought apparent long
since, that Mr. Lincoln would carry Penn
sylvania by a large majority, and thus prevent
tbe electioo going into Congress, an event
wbicb oo good Democrat and do true patriot
would desire to tee.
S3" Nitw Mii.likbrt Store. We call at
tention to tbe advertisement of Misses L. and
B. 8bissler, who bave opened a new millinery
ttore lo the store room adjoining tbe Post
Office. They have just received t new sop
ply of the latest fall styles.
GF Dr. Horlacubr wat io towo thit
week. He lectured to a few curioot listeners
in tbe Court Home. He desired ut to
attend bit lecture, and give bim a notice.
We respectfully declined, stating that we
had oo time to waste io that way, but give
bim tbe benefit of tbit notice. Tbe Doctor
is considered somewhat flighty, and is, of
course, In favor of Breckinridge and Lane.
sjy Earthen Ware. Persoct in want of
good eartbeo ware, are referred to tbe adver
tisement of Joseph Suvidge, who manufuc-
turet a very excellent article, made of superior
, r
$3T One ksioii at School. The Phila
delphia Bulletin favors one session of trbool a
dsy say from dIdb to two, o'clock, with a half
boor't intermission at eleven or twelve at
enough for any child. "In most of tbe best
private schools, five boun it the maximum.
Going to school after dinner, and remaining
over bookt for three boors, is bad for tbe sto
mach as well as brain.
O" Killed on the Railroad We are
called upon to record another of those shock
ing accidents tbat are becoming to frequeol
oo all railroads, caused almost in every in
stance by tbe carelessness or recklessness of
tbe victims themselves. Jesse Bastian, an
old resident of this place, about 60 years of
age, wat run over oo Wednesday nigbt by an
engine of tbe Northern Central road, below
the crossing of tba hbamokm Valley road.
Tbe engine was backing down to tbe engine
bouse, while tbe deceased was carrying a bag
nf oysters, wbicb be bad just taken from a
car, and bad fallen, at it tuppoted, under the
engine. Tbe driving wheelt passed over bim,
completely severing bis bead from bis body,
catling off bis arm, and crushing bis legs
His lemains were immediately taken to tbe
residence of hit ton, Joualbao Babliao, of
tbit place.
Bjy Tbe Potttvillo papers contain tbe pro
ceedings of court io tbe case of Robert M.
Palmer, Esq , upon tbe return of a rule to
show cause why his name should Dot be
stricken from the list of attorneys, oo account
of charges made by bim against tbe integrity
and character of the court, io a recent
political speech at Pottsville saying, among
other things, tbat court was under the control
or F. W. Hughes, Esq. Mr. Palmer, io bit
aatwer, deniet of having iuteoded to cast any
imputation oo tbe character of tbe Judges,
for whom be says be bat always entertained
the highest respect. Mr. Palmer was cer
tainly unfortunate io the telectioo of bit
language, but bit retruelioo wat full, and
iuduced tbe court to discharge tbe rule.
We bave known Judge Hegins at a com
panion end associate, almost from infancy,
and aa a man or boy, oo one lo this cotnmu
u ty ttood higher fur iuUgrily of character,
manly beariug or honorable conduct.
(0 Census or Schuylkill Covntt Tbe
followiog it given at tbe census of Schuylkill
county i
Tbe population bat Increased, slate 1820,
at follows i
Populatoo lo 1820, 11.339
1830, 20,744
- 1840. 29.023
1850. 60.713
leCO. ?2,00:
The electloot are over, and the excitemeot
incident thereto bat already tettled down
with that calm tubmissioo to tht will of tbe
people, wbicb constitutes the strength, life
and security of our republican form of govern
ment. Our Republican friends btvt achieved
o great victory, aod are greatly rejoiced
thereat. No Intelligent Democrat, however,
ceuld reasonably anticipate any other result
"Coming event! cast their tbadowt before,"
and it wat plainly evident for two years pasti
that tbe ill-advited and insane policy of Mr
Buchanan and bit administration wat crush
ing out tho very lire blood of the Democratic
party that party which elevated bim to hit
preteot high position, notwithstanding the
leaven of old federalism, which wat never
eradicated from bit )tlem. We were not
ditappointed, and It is, perhaps, just, at well
at beneficial, that parlies, like individuals,
should be made tufler for their traosgrestioos
and short comings.
Our Republican opponents have not only
profited by our errors, but bave corrected, in
many instances, tbeir own. They bave in
most instances selected their best men at
Candidates, while many of our own party
insist upon tbe distribution of the offices as
rewards for party services, without regard to
tbeir qualifications. Thus good and deser
ving men of our party are made to sutler for
tbe evils brought about by corrupt and de
signing politicians.
The result in this county has been about
an equal division of tbe offices. For Con
gress there was a warm contest, and Mr
Hughes, though not elected iu tbe district,
bus made a most creditable ruo, under tbe
circomslmces, iu ibis county.
For Sherifl there wat a three-banded fight,
and Dr. Waldron, the successful candidate,
owet bit election to bis personal popularity
in bis own neighborhood. Tbe Doctor bus
not been much known as a politician, and in
this confusion of parties, bis good standing
at borne baa saved bis electioo. Tbe Doctor,
we bave reason to believe, will make a good
For Senator, Mr. Bound, Republican, has
received such a vote in a stroog Democratic
district that sbcold teach politic! wire,
workers tbal people not ouly thiuk for them
selves, but act for themselves.
For Assembly, Amos T. Bisel is le-elected
over Samuel Ent by a majority of 66. Mr,
Bisel bat been an active member, aod bia
election it the ouly iustauce we remember of
two tuccestive victories over the Democracy.
For Prothonotary, Mr. Beckley has been
re-elected by a large majority. Mr. Beckley
bas been an obliging and attentive officer.
Isaac D. Raker will muke an excellent
Commissioner, and comes from a section of
tbe county entitled to the office,
other circumstances he would have
mncb larger majority.
For Aoditor, Mr. Ho(T bas beeD elected.
This Isan Important office, aod onght to be
filled by a competent man.
17 Tbe Philadelphia papers are full of
tbe receptions and doious of the Prince of
Wales and suite io that city, on Tuesday and
Wednesday, during which time tbe Prince
was at Girard College, tbe State Prison, tbe
Insane Asylum, at tbe races, aad at tbe
opera. He left oo Thursday morning for
New York.
t5" Tbe Republicans bave carried Ohio
aod Indiana. Tbe Reform Mayor io Balti
more is elected by 9000.
Tba king of Naples, according to tbe cor
respnndence of tbe Paris Vebattt, is in a
much stronger position than was generally
supposed and has fully made up bis mind to
make a bold effoU to retrieve his fortunes.
I " 'ouowmg pr..c umaiion io tno.e oi ois
'soldiers who bad followed bim to Gaeta was
issomed oo the 8th :
Soldiert : It is time tbat you sboold bear
in your ranks tbe voice of your sovereign,
who bas grown np in the midst of yon, and
who, after devoting to you all bis attention,
bas cooie to share your dangers and your
misfortunes. Those who deluded or seduced,
have plunged tbe kingdom into calamities
and mourning, are oo lunger amongst ut. 1
now come to make an appeal to your honor,
to your loyally aod to your reason eveo, that
you may efface tbe shame of cowardice and
the infamy of treason by a series of glorious
combat and noble enterprises. Our num
bers are ttill tuflicieul tojueel an enemy who
uses do other weapons than those of seduc
tion and deceit. Hitherto 1 bave been anx
ious to spare many towns, and especially tbe
capital, tbe shedding of blood and Ibe horrors
of war ; but having now retired to the bault
of the Volturno and the Garlgliano, thall li e
add further humuliationt to our condition a
tolJiert! Will you suffer your sovereign to
fall from bis throne through your fuull, apd
thus cover yourselves with eternal infamy ?
No, no, never ! At this supreme moment
we all press round our standards to deleod
our rijibts, our bouor aud tbe Neopolitan
name, already too inurb disgraced : and if
there nre still seducers wbo would entice you
to follow tbe example ot tbe deserters wbo
have gone over to the eoemy, you will ouly
follow tbal of tbe brave and loyal soldiers,
wbo adhering to tbe fortuues of tbeir King,
Ferdinand It , won universal applause with
the benefits and gratitude of tbeir monarch
himself. Let this noble example of fidelity
be fur you an ubjrctof general eoiulatioo,
and if the Lord of Hosts protects our cause
yon may also hope to win what you will never
obtain by acting otherwise.
Speech froh Garibaldi. The following
is reported at the speech of Garibaldi to tbe
Palermitaus io tbe Coniere Mercantile, of
Genoa : I thank you for vour cheers, aod 1
declare to yon tbat 1 am nappy, very happy,
to nnd myseir ia tbe midst ol you. I tbaolc
you fur baviog bad failb io me, and for not
having trusted to those wbo wished to guide
you along an erroneous path. You bave
done well not to call for ao annexation, wbicb
1 declare ill-timed ; you have thus tbown
tbat you posaett Italian wisdom. Tbat ao
Delation would bave subjected ut to diploma
cy, and cootequtotly have chained ut once
more. A few dayt ago, at Naples, 1 was
again solicited in bebair of annexatioo. but
I tell you that beyond th Volturno there or
ttill brethren of our in iron .-now I declare
tbat at long at there are brethren to
let free we will fight for them. People of
Palmermo, people of the barricadet, 1 once
more thank you for oot believing those who
represented me at a double dealer. I am tbe
best frieod of Italy aod or Victor Emmanuel.
Believe io Victor Emmanuel, wbo ia tbe only
representative ef tba Italian cause.
Discotbbt or a New Pasi ih tor Rockt
Mountains. Capt. Reynolds, of the 10th in
fantry, United States Army, wbo arrived at
Omaha city, Nebraska Territory, last There
day, from ao exploring tour or tbe Wind river
country, reports baviog discovered a past
3,500 feet lower tbao any heretofore discover
ed on tbe line of tbe Rocky Mono tain, lilt
about tht 15ib parallel of UliUdt.
Steamthip Cvnnavght, a the Galvay Lin,
Burned at Sea All th Panenger and
Crew Sared.
Boston, October 9.
It It rumored tbat the tteamship Coo
oaugbt wet burnt at tea oo Sunday, aod that
part of her crew and pattengeri were laved
by a brig, and bave arrived at Scituate.
Captain Leitcb, of the steamer Connaught,
reports that oo Saturday, the 6lb inst , at 8
P. M., one bondred and fifty miles east of
Boston, tbe CouDuugbt sprung aleak io the
engine room.
Succeeded la keeping it below tbe fires
ontil one o'clock oo Sunday morning, wben it
commenced to gaio rapidly, and finally extin
guished the tires. At half past nine o'clock
discovered smoke from art amoke hole.
Notwithstanding the utmost exertions to
prevent it, the fire gained rapidly, and very
soon drove tbe cabin passecgert oo the deck.
At tbe water aod fire botli guiued so fast,
the boats were got ready to save the passeu
gers. There was a heavy sea running and the
Erst boat tbat was lowered was stove. Six
other boata were then launched successfully,
and all of them filled with passengers. A bout
twelve o'clock the brig Miooie Shiffler saw
our signals of distress and bore down to oa.
At seven P. M. commenced the task of
embarking the passengers on board the brig,
tbat vessel having attached a hawser to tbe
At this time the starboard tide of the
steamer was very hot. By hulf past nine
P. M., all ihn passengers were pluced eafely
on board of the brig.
The mails of the Conuaught were all saved.
'I'be Connaught was valued at 120,000
hand is fully insured iu K glund.
Tbe Couuuught bad 10,000 sterling iu
gold (Government money,) taken aboard at
St. Johns. It was lost with the steamer.
Three hundred of the passengers bave been
forwarded via Fall River for New York.
Tbe remainder bave been tukeo care of by
tbeir fiieuds.
The brig Minnie Scbaffer arrived at one
o'clock. She is obout 300 tons burthrn, and
the standiog room oo her was completely
covered by the rescued psssengers of the
There was oo chance of remaining but a
abort time ou board, the fire making such
progress. Tbe flames were inumt-ntadly
expected to burst out and tweet the decks,
the fire gangs having given up all bopea of
extinguishing ibem, hut continuing to apply
wet blankets, etc. The side of the ship was
then so hot, tbat when she rolled it would
hiss and make steam of the sea water. Tbe
gallant I. tile Yankee bri;j tailed alongside
and hove to, seeing our deplorable situation,
and showing eveiy sign of anxiety for us;!
but we began to thiuk It would be impossible '
to slow uli our numbers on board, she looked j
so sinull. We have since ascertained that
she was only 190 tous burthen. Capt. Lmtch !
made all huste lo get us into the boats, which
was extremely difficult, being lowered ono by
uoo with ropes.
Capt. l.eitcb stood by all the time, com.
menciug with the women and children, but
wild all the
exertions that could be made.
I uea lL8 suu "ul d0n P'3 BD,,ul -00 bul
i b,ea Kot 00 board the brig. Capt. Wilson,
i f,L. ti.:. . , .i i . ir :.
v. bbiu, i u ia ia n uuinuitt uuair, LU
see tbe suu going down aod so many people
yet on board the wreck settling down aud
burning up. I wilt do all in my power to
save them." Several of tbe boats crews oo
reaching the brig refused to relurc, when
Capiaiu Wilson said, "I will go almost
alongside, and take a hawser from oo board,
and then you will be iu little or no danger.
1 must get every one from tbe wreck." This
he did, which had tbe effect of giving coufi
deuce; and by ereat exertions, alt were vot
i 00 borJ 'hB brig by 11 o'clock, P
The following "cuitaio lecture," wbicb we
find in one of our exchanges, is appropriate
at this juncture in political affairs, when tbe
Wide Awakes are losing so much sleep," and
crawling into bed about daybreak :
Scene In bed, face to the wall. Strong
smell of coal oil. Time, three in tbe moru
ing.J A pretty time indeed for yon to come borne,
sir ! Where have you beeu all night T Yoa
smell as if you bad been in search of Symmes'
Hole through a tar barrel. Talk of sulphu
rated hydrogen, or superanuated eggs!
They ain't anywhere. Say, where bave you
beeu? Here I've been lying awake for tbe
last five hours, wailing for yoo lo come.
Now, 1 waut to know where yoa have been
all this time ? ll'i'sA I wouldn't bother you
till me in the morning t 1 wau't to know
oow ; its near enough morning to know where
one's husband bat been all nigbt, and par
ticularly if he comes home purfumyd clear
through as you are. You musn't god u-i'e
me. That won't answer. Suppose you were
a woman, and your husband should go off
every nigbt in the week, and come borne as
you do, and 1 with you'd get up aod let
some fresh air into tbe room, or 1 shall cer
tainly suffocate what would you say t Don't
you imagine there would be a row in the
family? Been with the Wide Awnlet ! I
should tbink as much. You're a wide awake
fool, that's what yoo are. I've always thought
yoo had aboot sense enough to parade the
streeti a'.l night. Why did 1 marry you .'
That's a pretty question. Didu't you swear
tbal you'd shoot yoarself if I didu't take pity
oo you T I n sorry I dido t allow you to
sboot, or hong, or drown yourself. It would
bave been the best thing 1 ever did in my
i jfH,
What is it smells SO? Nothing.
Don't tell me nothing ; it never smelled so in
the world. Hud to carry a torch t Tbut't a
tweet business for a man who protends to be
tbe father of a large family. Next thing 1
shall expect to bear of you is, tbat you've
been splitting'rails for general circulation.
1 know nothing about politics? Don't eb ?
1 don't wan't lo know nothing about politics,
if 1 bave to neglect my family and carry
stinking torches for tbe benefit or a oiau wbo
is trying to be President. Il'auf to tleep!
1 thought you were a Wide Xwake. 1 sup
pose you're kept awake to-night oo wbiskv,
bavn't you? Where bave you been all tbit
time ? Tbe towo clock bat just attack three.
Been to Tunawanda to raise a liberty pole ?
That's a sweet unte. Wby did oot thvJWide
Awaket ol'Tonuwanda raise tbeir own pole ?
Well, yoo can't fool anybody. I believe 1
know somethiog about politics myself, aod 1
know tbat you are drunk, tbat't what yoa are.
Mutt go to tleep, must you? Wby didn't
yoa tbink or that befoie ? I've bad no tleep
to eight, and you never once thought of me.
You're ao old brute I
FaTntR and Two Sons Drownrd in a Ci
der Tank. A sad accident occurred near
Easton, recently, by which a Mr. Leaster and
hit two tont lott their lives. 'I' hey were
working at a cider mill, with which It con
netted a vers laree tank to put tba cider in
for fermentation. Tbe tank leaking, one of
the tont went down to atop it. 1 be loul air,
together with the gat. tuffocated bim, and be
fell lo tbe bottom. Hit rather beard bim rail
and went to bit atsislance, and io attempting
to get bit too oot, bet oo rail io. A yooog
man at work at tbe mill, io attempting to gel
then out, foil alto, but tucceeded io getting
out. Tbe other ton attempted to rescue bit
father and bro'.ber, but also fell to the bottom,
aod all three were drowned io about eigbteeo
ioebet of cider, or were tuffocattd by the foul
air or gat.
Coal roa Sick Headache. It It ttatad
tbat two teaspoooaful of finely powdered char,
coal, drauk io half tambler or water, will ia
lest tbao fiftseo minutes, give relief to tht
tick headache, when caused, at lo moat cases
il it. by superabundance of tcid oo the tlo
SUN BURY, '. ,
M iltonT. j
M c E W ENS V ! L L E, .
"RUSH." u
.GOAL, .
TOTAL,'" '. . .
Democrati in Roman, .Republicans in
Tub Insurrectionary Plot in Virginia.
There seems to be tome foundation for the
rumor mentioned on Saturday, that an insur
reclionary plot has been fomenting among
some of the negroea in Princess Anne and
Norfolk counties, Va. The Noifolk papers
of Saturday bring us various exciting accounts
in regard to tbe affair. I'be Argur, or thai
city, says :
Several negroet have hern arrested In
Princess Anne, and their confessions (tboujli
in some cases extorted) bave developed the
same story, and led to further arreita. The
confessions show that a rising was contem
plated at Hickory (irounJ, in Norfolk county
to-morrow (Suuday) night, and th.t the mat
tor was instigated by free prrsons some ol
them free negroes. Two urn-sis have hern
made in Norfolk city, and tho trail is full
The citizens of the two counties Lave re
sorted to vigilant measures lo su piers lbi
vile conspiracy, and to detrct all offenders ol
all coloiB. Active patrols hsve lieeu organ
ized and cone to work. We advise all sue
pected to persous to qui! tho parts "be
tween two days." On Thursday nipht a
white man named Flynn wua shot dead by a
patrol party in Norfolk county, fr. the line of
tho cauul, obout 17 r.iiles I'roin rortmoutb.
There were several tnn engaged in ditching ;
and tbey were camping out iu lhal neighbor
hood. The place was suspected, and their
tent visited by the patrol for a search.
When the patml approached the t.nt, aud
bailed, tbe mau I'lyun cams out and aimed
bis gun at Mr. Warner, one of the party:
but before he could fire, he whs shot dead by
anolhrr of the party. At tbe tame moment
a negro darted from tbe tent and escaped
into the wood. A Tree negro, named Dirk
Smith, bus been shot also; be, however, is
not dead. We understand that he was shit
while running from some gentlemen wb
were endeavoring to arrest bim for some io
ceudious expression that be had used. Ten
negroes are said to be in custody in Princess
Anne and two in Norfolk city.
The following returns from the State were
received up to Thursday evening :
1S60. 1859.
Countiet. i'urtin. Jotter. Cochran. Wright I
Adams, 47 10
Allegheny, 7000 3il4
Armstroug, 600 Wi
Heaver, G'n
Bedford, 7.1 1.16
Berks, 3UU0 11 'Jit
Blair, SOO 11. M
Bucks, 100 13
Butler fib'
Cambria, COO 27.
Carbon, 193 14 3
Centre, 700 213
Chester, 1500 1022
Clearfield, 374
Colombia, 777
Crawford, 2000 625
Cumberland, 30.1
Dauphin, y00 1114
Delaware, 1200 H7
Klk, ' 94
Krie, 81.10 1205
Fayette, Hfi
Franklin, 600 e'JG
Fulton, 150 135
Forest, 7
Oreene, 611
Huntingdon, 900 4 SO
Indiana lOH.'i
Jefferson, - 210
Juniata, ti6
Lancaster, 5000 4159
Lawrence, 1700 S'i5
Lebanon, 1600 II C'J
Lehigh, 270 243
Luzerne, 805
Lycoming, M9
McKeeo, 13
Mercer, F00 545
MiQlio, 256 f.7
Monroe, 3 1 08
Montgomery, 1650 5'.'1
Montour, 260 552
Northampton, 1600 1260
Northumberland, 500 557
Peiry, t8
Philadelphia, 2000 3159
Pike. 596
Potter, 4fi5 416
Schuylkill 800 345
Kormeraet, 997
Sovder, SOO 549
Sullivao, 201
Snsquebene, 1500 716
Tioga, 2800 eiye)
Union, 800 523
Venango, 1S5
Warreo, 700 382
Wasbiogtoo, 700 3t5
Wayne. 340
Westmoreland, 450 300
Wyoming, 150 194
York, 1200 220
38G88 12442 30573 13221
27246 Curtin's majority to far.
Tbe brightest boy of tbe whole class lately
examined for admitsioo to the Naval Acade
my at Annapolis, wat little fellow from
Texas, fifteen years or age, who bad beeo
three yeart telling type io a oewspaper office
and bad ttooied mathematics aod arithmetio
with dip candle, io Ibe garret of a log
cabin, ar nigbt.. He wat poorly clad, aod
bad worked at type tatting io New Orleant
aod other points, to pay tba expenses of hit
journey. If not admitted, be eiptcted to
j work bit way home again.
n'Vnrn '"r.;' Coityrrta. .vnniluf,
Am mbl y l
fl Jr i'p ?T
I ! g I 1 1
loo 173. 10J76 II62A
120 90 J24 "86 "1 07 J
"155 j205 151 "206 '105 253'
-J18 J1'
"To 46 41 46 40 47J
"152 109; 145 IIG J29 12j
J!25 J56 J218 16l 1S4 llhj,
"194 66 J8iW' J8967!
1ST 105 134 120 J05 138j
68 120 74 115 69 120
"l08 92 106 92 94 99
"20G 99 J53 j,06 247 J08
lc:ii66 16l 66 J54 74
269 160 IJ53 J70 245 16oj
1(17' J56 102 163 94 J67,
65 9 38 37 S6; 12;:
7p 60 76 43 79; 4J
J0348 93 Sfi'i 109142
5 "230 12355j63 J'f
4i jtiT" i J5?!iJL4 42i
23 34 " 19 37I22 34!
i 145 8U U'i 93 J41 "J92
lilt 37 jrijijj in
''ii'JS.'i 242S 2757 2309 j55c!2633
t- 11
151 j04 91, a 151
i 84 lU"92
148 210 220131
""18 55 3l42
3t) 6j 39i44
J48 IU 18Tj 73
I53 Tli 239;13C
151 106 J30 61
J32 J20 171 5!i
69 ll? 70 103
101 97 67 "86
22 12S JL08 92
166 6J 148 73
JSJ 142 177 133
97 67 75 JTfi
Gb 57 54 6l)
4B 22 !22 24
7i 52 53 3j
74 75 I 70 3Gi
46 244 ! 3"2 232!
42 17-t 135 17
J20 35 if5 13
144 8"9 lf 60
!37 112 33 lfi
2633.26991 2501 2070
Italia, Independent marked with a star ().
Il is stated that ex-President Tyler, now
75 years old, and looking mora rohost nnd
yonngrr than when l.e occupied the White
House, bas an infant daughter 7 nimitht old.
The wife of the now rv. Kina of Nnpl is a
diiiijhter of the K ing of Bavaria. The Qneeo
i f Spain is oow the only Bourbon rviguig in
M t Catharine E IWcher. si'tr of Henry
Ward Beecher, i Said li have become an
Kossuth and Klapka aro both al Turin.
They live very retirod.
Shamokin Coal Trade.
Siiamokin, October 6. ISCn.
ions. r.
.Sent Ibe week endiug Oct.
6i.ii. 5.1 VI 2
lr last Report. l4A,t ;'i 10
147.2:;9 IS
123 9 48 02
23 2?1 lfi
To same time last yrar,
The Northern Control Railway.
The arrival of I'attenger Trains on the Noitli
ern Central Kail Itoud from Suiibury, is as M-
o'.vs :
M il T-in, Ntn)i,
Nuhl EirrrM, V-riS,
.'KP. M ,
V,.'.0 K M ,
12 03 A . M.,
iv.1 r. m.,
t.fJP. M.
I,li A.M.
ts tr A M
In 11 I' M
Sunbury & Erie Railroad.
Th ariivnl mud drpartmre of TaMerger Tuui on the
Sundry A; Krit i::liid at thia p'.nrf, i Ml'iu t :
4. IS P. M ,
Jl.SU A. M ,
13.05 A. V
lu,3e P. M ,
e,u p. m.
Mail Twin.!i,
N'HM r.x;"ew, NnrtN,
FieiM and Aecnn., Nonr-,
" " " South,
.a p. m.
S..VI A.M. .
13.10 A M.
IU.M I. M.
S.4U A. M. j
The tbaraokln Vanes' and Poltavllle Rallraad.
Passenger train leaves Sun'iiuy at
AH. Carraet. -
139 PM.
UOAO The arrival snd rleparlure of Passenger Traine
from NorlhmberlanJ :
Mail train Mouth, ariives al .0 A. M
Ntirth, li-avra 4 .'U I'. M
l'. rreighl.Sotilli arrrites U.MI
" North, leaves Ji "0 A. M.
PERSONS afflicted with the Fever and'
Ague should nol spare either liuie, trouble '
orexpensf, to procure Dr. Hovtkttkr's Cki.-'
rhr Aw.ri Bitter, whose beneCcient eilcts
upon the system has been clearly piovud to
those who have been stricken down in u
short space of limo by this dreaoful enrte,
whose cheeks are nan ami nienfrr., and (those
uicliU are sleepless and restless, bud whw-e
ees are dim an sunken, with death stating
tl.ftn in the face, this compound n.usl prove a
tilnseing: snatching them as it wer from the
mouth of the grve. None cau kuow its lrn
value until they bave t 'fled it. When all
other have fittled, these littters have reatur
ed the sufferers to presting health. 1 heir
popultrity in all tho Westeru and Simlliern
pnrts should introduce tlietn to nil foniilu j.
Sold by druggists and dealers generally
atiT Sl-u advertisement in tnotLer column
Whutit it t 2utc cured t
Thnusaods or persons bave Piles suffer
for years with Ihe disease yet fi-tv know
hat it Is, or bow it ia cured. Kvery ca t-f
I'llt-s, whether manifested in the form .f ex
ternal tumors, frequent bleedings, or inviolent
tching and irriUlluo, depeuils issentially
'ipon congestion of the abdominal veaoiis cir
fulution. This prodnres the fiigorgment,
lilulion or the veius, formation of tumors,
hemorrhages, pain and suffering : and the
disease can only be fundamentally cured by
medicines which taken iuternally, relieve this
venous congestion. Ilenca ointments, wash
es, and even injections, are so ineffvctuul.
HlMl'HRKVs' HoMKorATHIC PlI.B tiraxiric,
a simple sugar pill, takeu two or three limes dav. cures the diseaso by curing the con
dition upon which the disease depeuda. Hun
dreds have been cured by it, even of the most
obstiuate cases. All will be promptly bene
fited by it. Price 50 cents a box.
N. B A full set or Ilium keys' Home
opathic Specific!, with Book or Directions,
and twenty Remediet, in large three-dracbm
vials, and morocco case, $5 ; to. io plain case
$4 ; case or fifteen boxes, aod book
Tbe Remedies by the tiogle bex or full
case, tent to any address by mail or express,
free or charge, on receipt or tbe price. Ad
dress. Dr. F. HUMPHREYS' 4 Co.,
No. 562 Broadway, New-York.
Sold by A. W. FISCHER. Agent.
Sunbury September 15, 1860.
from th sVu York Examiner, August, 25(
SPAi.DiNa't Prepared Oli e Is designed ror
repairing furniture io all cases where cabinet
makers' glue is used. I lis excellent for men
ding books, rafasteoing tbe loosened leaves
and covert quickly aod firmly. It it put up
in a bottle or glass glut-pot, with a brush, and
will become indispensible te the housekeeper.
A HnssBiD PattmT. The city of Maraeilea
intenda to offer a diamond bracelet, worth 70,000
franca, to the Empreaa, on he Mdjealy'a approach
ing visit to tbat place. Il is lo be ornamented
with a large medallion, bearing Ihe arms of Ihe
city and in ibe interior of Ihe medallion, which
is la be opened with a spring, is a tablet bearing
Ibe following inscription 1 "The moat elegant gar
ments for gentlemen and youths, eie iboaemaJe
at Ihe Biown Stone Clothing Hall of Rocihill and
Wilaon, Not 603 and IDS I'he.trttit street, ttts
.tuh." !
L'om'er. il Auditor.
P I to li
1 -
3. II
a il
s5 I
4 ii
? ii
? ii
; 20lj J 140,
"165 178:
1231 86
J46 1
25 45
41 44
150 04
220: 143'
I 111 ne I
a 1 1 o.'
168: 83
" 1
! 1831
I 286
J03, 94
154j 67
223j 181
91 30
3lj 00
24 "'30
262! 91
J6l63j 134
looj J6l
! 79
68l "7
!j22 6
I 111! 40
Jl 40
45!173 i
,' 155 77
1 09
2053,ii774 450 '274212252
"Not rianrernut to Ilia Human Family. "
"Rata eitnie not ot their holea in die."
" COSTA rt'S'1 Rat Riiarli.Ar , F.itermiuatnt
"lCnTAH'l llrd-l.m tatermiliavr
COSTAR'S" Lleetrie Powder, fur Infects, Ac.
Patriots ixaTASTLV.
rtnu rtoachea Mi..-e..Mrs Chound Mire UmI R,,,i
Aiitt Miti-.s .Maquitnea Kleai Insects rm P.'nmp,
Fowls, Ainm!i. Ac , Ac in short, svery fnnn and
l(!)eara established in New York City used hy ttia
City P.-st OlKcrs tiie City Prisons and imtmn llotmes
It City Steamers, lii(i. Aa ihe City U'leis. "A srnr."
St. .Vrh.ilas," Ac and liy than Sli.lAiO privala
IV Drurjisia and Retailers everywheie sell them.
IV" Whr.if.sle Amenta in all the large lilies and Towns.
I a ! : ! llawASt I ' I ,f s,uri.ui imitations.
lcTHl,'Ofam.! Unlet sent liy .Mall.
1ST Aildrent orders-nr for "Circular to rralert" tn
H K.N 11 V II COSTAK, Principal c,,m.
413 Brna lwav, (o;.,.',ic ft. Nicholas Hotel,) N
8 M hv FKII.INU A lilt AM', 8un).uy, Fa.
A;iril SI, I!-G'j
. . a..--.irr i".-
Ilcli&inii Polices
Invine eervica tri'l li led averj BnMntn in tbit D
lough as follows :
PRIiHHVTI'.niAN f.lH RCII -Noilh west ty.rner o.
fllftcicetry and Pect tireelt. Key J. D. KtARnun, Pur-ior-Iivine.
icrvice everv NiMth at II A. .M. Proper meet.
on Thursd.iy evenirs At Nortliunihsrland, in Old
f-ehool 1'ietbvteria.i tituieh, at 3 o'clock, P. M., every
ttlllt.M AM RKPOHMI 11 t'Ht'RC'H -North west
eor'ter of lliver ii (f'HrllM.rrv streets, Itev. J V. Htk
atrri, li o.e a-ivt.-r, alternarely, every (Snl.t ath
at IO A .M. aid 7 P. M I'mti ii.ecllrf on Friday
MK rilOIlIST Vs'trxril. tHU'RCH. Dewnerry tt-e. i
'll ni S .V 11 P.eMK nd. Key. F.. IllTLaa ami J P.
Svta.ii jra. Pattora. ii me set vice, Alternately, every Kal.
hsih at r,j A Maud 7P.M. Prayer mectitir on Thura
dnv evemor.
ilAP i'liT Clirnf II rwn street. Uiow S V. A P. Itev. A.J 111, I'nutnr Preaching etcrvel
ternne SiSal'i at I'l o'rl. ok, A M Iliirinf the pie'e'it
imc''1! as follows : and 4tli 9ab)iths. l.ecluro
evsrv Phmsday evenn.ft. at 7 'elicfc
r.VANl,F!.ICA. i rTIIF.ItN ClU'RCIf t)ar
strcelhelow S V.A P Hai Itond. Itev P Rizra. Pastor
Divine service, alternately, every 9nhhnlh at 10 A M and
7 I1. M. Piarer meet:!:; on Wednesday evening
Oc BTarhcts.
Philadelphia Market.
Pim.ariM.pHtA, Oct 10. 1860
flimx There is a liM aupplv of Wheat ami
a liniiteJ demand. Salea of 8000 but. prime
(Southern red at $1 21 ; good Ohio ot 81 H0,
an.l tvl.ite Si So a I 40. live is wanted at f0
cent. ( 'utn ia firm, with salea of good yellow
at 74 tenia. Data are steads, with titles of prim
I'elnrvera at SC rents; and Pennsylvania at 37
cents. New York Uarlev ia held at 8O1., and
llarla Malt at 9 rente per bushel.
Wheat. $1 lfJul
rtye. ....
Com, ....
1 2
j New Advertisement.
I r"MIK aulscriSer reapertfully infirint the pnMie
u that he is now manufacturing at his Pottery,
I miles eat of Sunbury, all kinds of ICaitheti
Ware, made out of
Ited Cement f lay.
Tliia rUy prodnres the beat and moat desirable
' kind uf ware, equal, in manv reapecta, In atone
ware, and ia less liable to erack by audjen heal
' and cold.
The euharriber refers to Friling ii Grant,
' Kuubury. Address,
Ort. J3. IS60. If Kunbury, I'a.
, Bank of Northumberland.
jFIlII Stockholders are hereby notified ihct
j JL an election will, be held at the Banking
house on Monday th 1 0 tit day of November,
rail, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M., and
j 3 o'clock P. M.. to choose thirteen Directors to
serve lor the enduing vear.
j The slated annual meeting of the stockholders
. will be held at ihe tame place, on TueaJay the
Cth day of NotemUr at 10 o'clock. A.M.
J. It. FKIES'I LEY, Cathier.
; Northumberland, Oct. 13, 1N60 41
j Register's Notice.
T470TICE is hereby given lo all legatees, credi.
-'-a tors and other persons inttretlej in the fol.
lowing named ealatea, that the Executors, Ad
miuialratora and Guardians of tho same bave
filed 'heir accounts with the Krgister or Nor
thumberland ecenty, and that the kama will be
presented lo the Orphans' Court of said county,
on Tuesday, the ritb day of November next, in
Ihe forenoon of that day, for confirmation, lo wil ;
I Brosioua George, deceased, sotilaj by bia
administratrix Catharine Brosioua.
3 Campbell Jacob, deceased, settled by his ex
ecutor Jeremiah Deeter.
3 Geiat Christiana, deceased, tettled by her
administrator, Peter Geiat
4 Hower laaac Harvey, settled by ihe Execu
tors of John F. Dentler, deceased, late bia Guar,
ft Itilgert Philip, deceased, settled by his ad
ministrator Philip W. Htlgert
6 lioUhue Ilenneville, daieaaed, minor chil
dren of, by their Guardian George M. llepler.
T Kline Charlea !., settled by Jamea Cameron
lata bia guardiaa.
8 Kramer GiJeen, deceased, by hie Executor
Jacob Wagnor.
9 David Miller, tettled by hi adminiettatore
8olomon and Hiram Miller.
10 ftebock Catharine, aettled by her Execu.
lor Jacob Wagnor.
I I Tsrhopp John, settled by I. H. Hessler,
Trust. 4c.
1 1 Watael Rolomon, eellled by bia aJminie.
tiator Michael Lenker.
13 Zimmerman George, aettled by his cur
viving administrator Uolomon Miroh.
J. B. M9EK, Ite.ial.,.
Preuur's Otr.ce. I
"iii.bu.v.O. t. t:i, I lit) J
II I'rothy 1 1