Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 06, 1860, Image 3

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Valuable Real Estate !
IS pursuance of an order of the Orphan's
!ort of Northumberland county, will b ex
lOsed to publio isle, ftt the Court Uonse, io
ba borough of Suobory, on Saturday, the 3d
ay of November oxt, certain tract of land
ituate in the township of Upper Augusta,
vorthomberland county, adjoining land of
licbael Sbipe on the north, land of John
''arrjsworth on the east, Shamokin creek and
nd of John VV. Fryliug on the eonth, and
itid of Joseph Gass on tbe west, containing
S acres, more or less, about 70 acres of which
re cleared and in a high state of cultivation,
i hereon are erected a two atory tog dwelling
ouse, weatherboarded, a large bank burn, a
wo story frame tenant house, with cellar and
:o Loupe under it, and other outbuildings;
lco, k good well of water, a good orchard, &c.
Also, a certain other messuage and tract of
and situate in said township of Upper An
;osto, adjoining Shamskin creek aud land of
esc ph Uass on the north, other land of said
alestate and Joseph Saridge on the east, land
'f John V. Tealeand Samuel V. Sickle on
he south, and land of l'hilip Sarvey on the
est, containing 95 acres, more or less about
it) acres of which are cleared and io a good
tote of cultivation whereon are erected a
srge two story log dwelling boose, rough cast,
, large bank barn, wagon sbed, and numerous
ther outbuildings, a good, never fuiliog Bpring
f water, a good peach and apple orchard, &e.
The Shamokin Valley Railroad passes Ibro'
otb of the above mentioned farms, about 2
nilcs east of Soobury.
Also, another certain messnage and piece of
and, situate in said town or Upper Augusta,
ldjoining Shamokin creek and lundof Joseph
isassoutbe north, and adjoining the other
and of the said Silas Wolvertoo, deceased,
nst above mentioned and described ou tbe
art, puutb and west, containing three and a
ialf acres, more or less, all of which is clear
id and in a good state of cultivation, whereon
ire erected a one and a half atory log bouse, a
rame stable, a good spring of water, Ac.
A lso, a certain other messuage and piece of
and, situate in said township of Upper Au
gusta, adjoining Shamokin creek and land of
he estate of said intestate on tbe north, land
of John W. Fryling on the east, land of Jos.
Suvidge on the south, and otbet land of said
ntettate on tbo west i all or which is cleared
Hid in a good state of culUvutioo, and con
taining six acres, more or less. Late tbe es
Late of Silas Wolvertoc, deceased.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of
laid day, wheu the terms and conditions of
sulo will be made known hy
I!y order or the Court.
J. li. Masskk. Clerk, O. C
Sunbury, Oct. C, 18t0.
To Clubs.
Wheels, h Wilson's.
Applcton's New American.
i it F.Mir .us
To Clubs, i
To Clubs. Wilcox A Giblis'.
1) II KM 1 CM,
To Clubs. ;
To Clubs. !
J.V Obtained, j
Kendall's Aneroid.
A Capital thing.
The best made.
The best made.
8 6 DlCTIONARIKS, (Illustrated.)
Welanei 's New Vliahridged.
Sliver case Coddingtoit lens.
Trincc's Best.
8 6(1 MKLODI'.ONS,
Prince's Dest
Prince's Best
V Obtained.
All nf the uhovesrticlesare of the very iiest kind, and
will be given fresh from the makers' lianas, l hey are
tillered as premiums to those who make up elulis of 1(1 to
I3ti subscribers lor the Amkkican Agsiculibrist, uccor
d ns to the cost of the article desired. No such lihsial
a id easily obtained neiiiiuiiie have ever before been,
nltered, and it is only done now, because the publishel
wishes to raise the subscription of the tweiitietn annual
volume to a round lou.unu. The price of the paper is only
91 a yeur, or 8(1 cents when in clubs of ten ur more, and
almost any person can in a single ueigliboihood, readily
inuke up a club, large enough to secure ftee of eost, any
one of the uliove articles that may be desired. (The papers
for scltibof subscripts may tie sent to several diflerejl
I'osl Oifices.) Over 1000 persons have received one or
more of the ubove premiums from the AaaiccLTBHisT
during two yeius pust, ami with uulveranl salislat lion.
The Ar.atccLTaisT has been Iwfore the public for 19
vests, and has aubscrilicrs at most of the Post Oltices in
the United Htales Ita present regular readers uumlier
more than Bli.usi. It i, therelote, ao well known, that
little t.ecd be said here respecting lis high and valuubuj
lr" Any nersial yet uuacqnaiuleil with it, or anyone
desiring a specimen copy o tuning a rlnlt, will l? aup
plied free of charge by sending Ins liume and P. U. to the
' "The AgriculturisLiteeds only t le seen to he apprecia
ted. It is specially ndupti-d to the l-'arm, Garden and
Household, aud contains a vast nuuiWer ol praclicul hints,
nml much leliable information, uselul to every one who
cultivates a foot of ground, and to every housewife in the
land The 34 double quarto pages in every iiumliet, give
nmiiie simce f or the dicusfi'iil nf nil Farm, Garden and
lloiiselioiil malteisj and in addition, a hicMv useful, in
alrnctive mid cntertnining departmetit for Gills nnd Hoys;
it is theietoie the most complete and desirable Family
IMiioitzine in Hie country ; and owins to its large circula
tion the pnhlisht i is able to futuish it til a lower price than
even journals of inferior size nnd eliiirueter. Every annual
volume contains 84.0110 M eVJ.OtO worth of plruslng aud
instructive ens ravings, many of llicm of large size.
Ft"" Those who know the Af ricnlluiisl will bear out the
nliovc assertions, and those who do not should send for a
copy, which will cost them nothing but writing for it to
the ''"'''"j'VangK Jl DD, 41 Park-Row, New-York
P. S. Asa spe' ial premium to new sub
ciibers to the American Agricultuttst,
and also to avoid breaking the volumes, ali
BAKK.R't new suIiscmik-is now sent in lor l!-ui (vol
DOZEN XX.) will have their nnmes entered imme
i . i.. i. . ,i..i 1 1 ... i. - i
niaieiy UH"I oic .-in" I.".""-, a, inn,
1 lAKI.R't the lemauimg tiumners ifiuiisneo mis year
J DOEN fiee of charge. Those subscribing before
Oct. 1, will thus act 1.) inotttns lortne
T AKKK'S usual price of I'i, or more titan a "Baker's
l DOZEN. D ixelt." Those suhacrilnng in October,
will get 11 montns for the price of IV., ora great ". nker's
U 'xeu." Those subscribing ill Novendier will get 13
nniuteta for the price of I'i, or a common "laiker'a
Dozen." These eitta uumliers will ue given to all new
snbscriliets, whether coming singly, or in club lists for
premiums, or from agticulturat and hoiticulturul societies,
u large numlierof which ntmually award the Agriculturist
HUiong their Prizes. Tkms: flayenr; six copies for
fth ; ten or Kmc copies, Ml cents ea"h, with a premium to
rich club oi'icw or more.
ORANGE J FDD, Publisher.
41 Park-Row, New York
N II The nfte of the American Agriculturist, which
Iris been al IM Water street, for many years past, is
removed to the sanuus buildiugs at tl Park-Row, (oppo
site the City Hall.)
October , tMU.
l'aper llaugUig Itlanuluclurcrv,
UOWF.t.1. k BOl'RKK, huvuig temoved Uithen New
ti'.nre. Corner Fourth aua alarkel streets, are now
s pteUlted Ui otter to the trade a large and elegant assort
ment of Wall Papeis,
Uorii-it, Firescreens,
Window Curiam Goods, 4e, lie ,
II of the new-at su.d lieal designs, titan the lowest priced
arlicls lotuebuest Gold and Velvet Decoiatlons.
Purchasers will do well tr visit Uic establishment of
N E Cor Pnurth and Market suec j, Philadelphia.
October , ledo Omw
rTJRS! FTJR8I runs I
-i.tARKIRA A THOMSON, old stand No. 818 Market
P street, akovs Kishth. south side, rhtladelphia.
beg leave to call taa atlriiUon 0 the Ladies to our
large and varied stock of Ladies' and Ctnslreu's FANCY
t'CHS. Having had great experiences snd enjoying
,,liui faeililies in the selection ol Furs, wo confidently
!.Hr our new stock to ths inspection of the ladies, feeling
assured that they will decide with us, in IU being unrivalled
for bea ty and varie-.,, consisting as 11 does off every
.i-rintioniWAiner aiiand buroDeau Furs, laauufaelured
in the latest snd most snproved styles. Caies, Talmas,
Victor ines, Cirsiks, Slufls and cults, emuiacitif same,
M,v Kione Martin, tierman Fitch, tiberiau fequitrel
French Sable, French Buuinel, Americau Filch, and
U.liu. furl ill
1ST Thsnklul for tha very liberal patronage heretofore
..iutxt 1.1 us. we hone to merit a continuance ot the
aame. by fuinialiuig a go. id article at the lowest Cash
'"KC ' No. 818 Market Street, Philadelphia.
N Old Futs altered to fashionable stylus.
October , 1(0. Stnw
Madame Schwend't Infallible Powders,
tiOR the speedy and UTectnsi cure of all luflarasaations,
plaint, Piles, Uravel, and all Acute and Chiome Piseascs
of adults and chislreri. Beiid eenl sump In hef agent,
otauuns. ,nv. Boa J70 r-hlladelDbls r1. O.
I ' srevers. KneuuuuuMii, iriirasw
Hundreds ut testimonials.
Agency, v uor tuna ana
Areh streeU.
uot v, tavxi ttnw
r AND WAnrtANT8. The highest price
A-svUl bt liveu ht Land Warrants by tha sub
stubs, '"'"
William Hhlpman vs. Abraham Sarvla, Exe'
cutor or the laat will and testament of Herman
Hhipman, deceased, wilh notice to 8usari Ship,
man, widow of aaid deceased; Mary Harris,
daughter of aaid deceased, and her husband A bra
ham Sarvia ; Jo1)!! Waiter husband of Lydia
' Weiser, deceased, who was a daughter of said
deceased and John Weiser and Thomas Benton
Weiser, sons of said Lydia Weiser, deceased,
and William Hhipman son or said deceased, .'
heirs and legal representatives of said H arm an
Shipman, deceased, terre-tenants.
2Tie Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the
81ieriiTof Northumberland county, Obhtisb i
Whereaa, William Shipman, plaintiir, lately
I,. 8. in our Court of Common IMeaa for the
county aforesaid, before the Judges of the same
Court at Runbury, to wit I 33d day of April, in
the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and fifty-nine, by the judgment or the same
Court, did recover against Abraham Rarvia, ex
rcutoi or the last will and testament or Harman
Hhipman, deceased, as well and certain debt or
one hundred and ninety-six dollars and eight
cents, ai also eight dollars and sixty eight cents,
costs, whereof the said defendant is convicted,
Ac , as appears of record, Ac.
Yet the execution of the said judgment re.
maineth Io be made as on the Information or the
said plaintiff, we have been given to understand ;
Wherefore the said plaintiff besought us to pro
vide for him a pioper remedy in this behalf, and
because we are willing, that those things that in
our aame Court are rightly acted, should he
brought to do execution : We command you,
that justly and without delay hy good and lawful
men of your bailiwick, you make known to the
said delendant, that he be and appear before our
Judges at bunburv, at our Court of Common
I'leaa, there to be held the first Monday of No
vember next, to shew cause if any he has why
the aaid judgment should not be revived post
annum et diem and to coi.ti. ue lien for live years
snd alss why the said plaintiir, execution against
mm, according to the form and effect of the re.
covery aforesaid, ought not to have, and further
to do and receive all and whatever our ssid Court
shall consider in that behalf And have you then
and there this writ. Witness, Alexander Jor
dan, Ksquire, at Sunbury, the twenty-ninth day
or August in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and sixty.
D. BECKLEY, Prothonotary.
Prothohotary's Office, )
Sunburv, Oct. 6, I860. I
The Paris Mantilla Emporium.
ll Katuldiahetl in 18.15 lor the exclusive displuy and sale
of the latest novelties in Paris, loiidnn, and the liner pro
ducliotts of home manufactured
To which has been udded a FI R DEPARTMENT!
which embracea (he largest assoitmeut of Furs of all
Nations, including Ileal Russian Nible, Fine Dark Hudson
Hay table, Russian nod American Mink Sable, Royal
Ermine, Chinchilla, Flue Durk Siberian Squirrel, Vc,
made up in the most fitshionuble styles for Indies Winter
Costume. All Goods wurranted. One Fined Price from
which no deviation can be made. Tl.e Pane Mantilla,
Cdaik and Fur Emnorium. No ?os Cliesnut street, (abive
Seventh, south side' ) J. W. PROCTOR A; CO.
Oelolier Bth, 1"60 3m
J. P ilvIERircb.,
Market Utrct Wharf, Pliilad'a, Vealert in
Fish, ClireNO and I'i'otImIoiis).
HAVE constantly tttt hand an assortment of Dried snd
Pickled Fish, Ac. viz: Mackerel, Shad, Salmon,
Blue Fish, Herrings, Codfish. Heel, Pork, l.ard, Shoulders,
Hams. Sides, Cheese, Beans, Rice, Ac.
Octolier S, IM5U. Omw
Philadelphia Manufael'd
MII Salamander Safes.
dU4 fShtmul street,
rpHESK Safes are now in use all over the t'nited Slates,
1 and hsve Ikvii tested in many fires ; the following
shows another Instance ol their cnpabil ty in resisting file :
WtrMRS's Bainou, )
tjtncaster Township, July 30, IPSO. )
Massas. Evsns A Wstsox, Gentlemen : The small
size No. I Salamander Safe which 1 purchased from your
agent, Mr Ailuni It, (birr, in Ijincaiter City, on July trttth,
lw.5, has lieen subjecletl to a very severe test, which it
withstood in a most satisfactory maimer. This Safe, con
taining all my books, together with valuable mpers belong
ing to myself and some to my neighbors and friends, and
leptesciitiug a value of over Twenty Thousand Dollars,
(SiO.oiKi) was in my Mill, which was destroyed on Ihe
night fo Ihe !!7lhof July, 11-60, and passed through the fiery
ordeal unscathed, The Safe was on Ihe second fliir, and
fell to the basement of the M ill, and was subjected for six
hours to an intense heat among the ruins, which was grenlly
inerensed by the combustion of a latge qnauhtv of grain
confined within the brick wills. After Ihe fire the Safe
was opened mid the hooks and papers taken out in n state
of perfect preservat ion, the paper not even being discolor
ed. This tact was. however, to mauv Lvstandera. a better
reeomm-udationof your Safes than couid I expressed in
any other words Irom me.
ours, respectfully, SAMIEI. RANCH.
Another 1 ictnru for Evan and Watson t
' - m
Salamander Safe.
O.wgflo, N. Y., March S7 IP60.
Gentlemen -ll affords me much pleasure to inform you
that Ihe Safe No S, (upright) which I purchased of B.
Stroud, your traveling agent, has passed through mi ex
ceedingly hot fire in a three s'rory brick building, which
heated the Sale In a while heal, so Ihnt the cornets of it
appear melted; but it presetved my b 'oks and valuable
papers to the nmnuut of several thntissnd dollais, for which
I feel thankful.
Yours, respectfully, J N. EI.DRIDGE.
r" A Inree assortment f the aUive N A FI'.S always
on hand, nt :tH Chesuut street, (lute 04 aouth Fourth St.,
Ocl.ibc 6, I860 ly
A I the People's
eras nntrSTym e. trn.T
etas j s iiniuni at suiii
Comprising handsome Dress Goods for ths
I.sdies. A full line of Cloths, Cassimeres,
tSattinetts, Vestings, Ac. Domestic" Goods in
greet vsriety ; choice stock of Hosiery, Gloves,
and fancy notions, rure ana irssii urocertes
at low prices I and the
btook o y
Please call and be convinced.
Sunbury, September S3, I860.
Ne. 144 ttouth fourth Street, Philadelphia,
PT B. Communications by mail promptly
a attended to.
Kept SS, I860 lylV
rmATENT ItmrrMt HHTEK8 for
1 bar bottle. 1 n . -
11 11 m s8ni:
a-, synnB a I, tj. V-J
BY virtue of certain wrils of Venditioni, Ex
ponas and Levia Facias Issued out of the
Court of Common Pleaa, of Northumberland
county, to me directed, will be exposed to publio
sale at the publio house of Joseph Moist, in
the Borough ef M itton, Northumberland county
Pennsylvania, on Tuesday the 16th day of Octo
ber next I860, at o'clock P. M , the following
described real properly to wit I
A certain lot or piece or ground situate in
Turbut township Northumberland county Penn
sylvania, in what is called "Davis A. Marrs' addi
tion to Lower Milton" bounded on the north
by a lot occupied bv Joseuh Ludwig, on tbe
south by a lot or William and James HuiT, on
the east by what is called Front atreet and on the
west by an Alley.
Another certain lot of ground situste in Tur
but township, and in what is called David gilluna
addition to Lower Milton, bounded on the north
by a lot or John Henther, on the aouth by a lot
occupied by Paul Maustellcr, on the east by
Front street, and on the norlh by en Al ev. on
which is erected a two story frame dwelling house
and a small frame stable
Seized lakin in execution and to be eold as
the property or W. Kreitzer.and Michael Brobst.
At the Central Hotel, In the BoroHgh. of
Sunbury, North county Pennsylvania, on Wed
nesday the 17th day or October 1SGU, at 3 o'clock
P. M., two certain contiguoua lots of ground siiau
ate in the town or Georgetown, in Lower Mahan-
oy township Northumberland county Pennaylva.
nia. Iinnnilcil on tha north bv land late of (ieorse
and John Urocious. on the east by a street, on !
. . . t. . u l '
koo "cd. n j nu aiivj luiiiniiaj uv,".-" .......
the Store House properly, late of Andrew Uinga, and on the south liy a street running esst
from the liver, containing aliout one-fourth of an
acre each, upon one of which aaid lots ia erected
a two story loghouse with a frame kitchen attach
ed, outbuildinga, Ac.
Seized taken in execution and to be sold aa
the property of Peter Shultzhach, Susan Hhulti
bach, hia wife and Leah Kbright, aud Silaa
At (he sans time and place, last afore
said, all that certain two story frame house
situate in Shamokin township, Northumberland
county Pennsylvania, on the road leading from
the Shamokin road to Dear Gap, aaid house
containing in front thirty feet, and in depth
twenty feel and having frame kitcken, one
atory high in the rear, and attached to the aaid
building, the aaid kitchen being twelve feet
square with a porch attached. Die said building
erected upon a tract or piece of laud, situate in
the township and county aforesaid, bcunded on
the west hy land of Leonard Fsnsyl, and on the
west by land of Daniel Conrad
Seized taken in execution aud to be sold aa
the property of David K. I'ensyl.
Sheriffs Offic Sunburj, )
r-ept., 29 1850
IE undersigned auditor, appointed by the
Orphans' Court of A'orthumberland county,
to distribute Ihe balancea of tbe money in tha
hands of Orasha Newheny, Admiairtrator of
Albin Newberry deceased, and of Joseph Priest
ley, trustee of said decedent, to and among tbe
parties legally entitled thereto will attend to
Ihe duties of his said appointment at hia office, in
the llorough of Northumberland, Northumber
land county, Pennsylvania, on Monday the 29 h
day of October next i860, at 10 o'clock A. M.
DAVID TAtiQART, Auditor.
8eptember 29th, 1R60.
Battalion Orders.
THE first Brigade, eighth Division of tha
Pennsylvania Uniformed Militia, will meet
for drill at the house of William Bhartle, in
Jordan township, as follows, to wit :
National Guards, Cameron Guards and Jordan
Infantry, on Friday, the 26th day of October
next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., fully equipped for
drill. By order of
J. II . ADAM, Major.
September 29th, 1S60.
THK undersigned respectfully informs
JL cilitens nf Sunbury and vicinity, thst he hss
just returned from Philadelphia with a large stock
Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Vestingi, &c,
which he will make up to. order in the most
fashionable atyle at amall profits, for cash or
country produce. You are solicited to call and
examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere,
if you wish to get the worth of your money.
1 hanktul lor past patronage, he holies by
strict attention to businesa to continue the same.
Sunbury, September 22, 18(30.
Auditor's Notice.
William I. Greenough,) In the Court of Com'
I mon Pleas of ISor.
J elm Farnsworth, wilh tbumherland county
notice to William 1.. j Fieri Facias, No. 72,
Dewart, terre tenant. J August Term, I860.
The undersigned auditor, appointed by the aaid
Court of Common i'leaa of Northumberland
county, to distribute the fund in Court to and
among the parlies legally entitled thereto, will
attend to the duties of his aaid appointment and
meet all persons interested therein, at his office,
in the borough of eiunbury, Pennsylvania, on
Monday the 1st day of October next, (I860) a
10 o'clock A. M.
SAM LEI. J. PACKER, Auditor.
Sunbury, Sept. IS, I8fi0.
"rub clam at'ion.
TV'tlTICE ia hereby given that a special Court
' for the trial of causes in tie Common Pleaa
will commence at the iourt House in Bunoury,
on Monday the ISth day of Octolier, for one
week. Jurora and othera interested will attend.
Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 29th day
of September in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and aixty aud the
Independence of the United Statea of America
rica the 84th.
God aave Ihe Commonwealth.
Sheriffs Office, I
Sunbury, Sep. 39, 1860.
List of Causes for Trial at Special
Court October 16 i860.
Plaintiffs. Defendants.
1 Jacob M. Hobida, vs. Kimber Cleaver, eatale.
S James Jenkins vs. Northumberland lin-
heirs dee., provement Company.
3 Jesse C. Hurt on va. Deacham and Dewart
4 Isaiah Wilker- vs. Susquehanna C. it C.
aon Mountain Company.
5 (ieorge Duma vs. George C Welker.
6 H ugh Uellaa vs. Kimber Cleaver.
7 Peter Baldy vs. William Depuy.
8 Carbon Kun Improv. va. Ira T. Clement.
rnent Co.
9 Jacob Von va. Zerbe Run cV Shamokin Im
Neida Executor tirovment Co. & 'J'revorlon
Coal 4- K. R. Company.
10 John Millera heira vs. '.Villiam Ivan, with
notice to the Mahanoy ct Shamokin Improve
ment Company, the Trevorton 6c. Susquehanna
Kailroad Company, and the J revorton Coal at
Railroad Company and other tene-lementa.
No 63 January Term 1857.
D. I3ECV LEY. Prothotary. 1
Prothonotarv'a Office Sunbury,
September, SA IHtiO. )
inLlNU 6t GRANT (at tha Mammoth
Stored have lut vAiwil Ann tr. nf al.tla
Cround, Solar and Fine Sail. 700 Sacks of
Uround Solar Salt every sack warranted to
contain 825 pounds of Salt and 800 bags of Salt
vuuiaimni on uus&el each, ill is salt is lb
Mat and atrongast now manufactured and in
market. Call and see for yourselves.
Sunbury Sept., 8, I860.
IT ia important lo the LADIES to know that
Filling h Grant, have the beat and largest
.it t litres floods in ths county.
o.. .11;, . 1H6U.
Broadcloths, Veatings, Ac.
Hoys' Cassimeres, good pstterns, 7ft eta.
Satinets and Union Cassimeres, 60 to 70 rts.
Fancy Cassimeres, from 75 Io 1 7.V
Fine Black Cassimeres and Doeskins.
For Dress Coata, Frock Coats, Overcoats, Ao.
Heavy Overcoatings, Beaver, Pilot, Tricot, Ac.
For Ladies' wear, of every desirable shade.
fine quality and low price, by the yard or piece.
N, B Tailors supplied at lowest net cash
8. E. corner Ninth and Market.
September 23, I860. Philadelphia.
lALL C LO A K8 IN r RE I'll A TJO.N .
Home opening every day.
Stock will he complete.
Orders taken and executed with despatch.
Children's and Misses' Shawls.
8. E. corner Ninth and Market, Philadelphia.
September 33, i860.
The Philadelphia Inquirer contains eight pnges and My
eight columns of matter. It is printed wilh new cupper
fucod typo. The Editorial Depaitnieut of the paper has
been entirely re-organized, aud new correspondents en
g njtrd. The Inquirer is independent in its discussion oil
all topics of public Interest.
The great aim of trie Inquirer is to become a Reliable
Newspaper, reporting promptly and fairly eveiythiug of
public interest concerning nil parlies and all public meti.--neithsrdistnrting
nor essirrrerntine; Tacts It will Imi the
first duty of the Inquirer, "im all occasions. advocate the
prmeciion ef our domestic manufactures and of the great
iron aud.C(Nil ut'erests o( Pennsylvania.
As a foinilv naner. the luauira will aim to retain the
position which it hits long enjoyed, by continuing to guard
and scrutinise wilh gteut care its news and advertising
columns, and exclude all matters which it would oe im
proper to admit within the family circle.
The Philadelphia Inquirer is published every morning,
snd served ill the city, and all the districts in Hnstol,
Beverly, Csmden, Gloucester, Trenton, Hurbngtoit, Mil
caster,' Harrtshuig, Reading, Pollsville, Danville, Norris
Uiwn, Wilmington, Del., l-:ikton, Sid , by csreful carriers,
for Twelve Cents a week, payable to the carrier at the
end of the week.
Sent by mail at six dollars per annum, in advance.
At an Atlvertitintj Hfedium
The Inquirer has nn equel in the City "f Philadelphia, not
only from the extent of its circulation, hut from lis class
of renders, coir.posrd of the most intelligent and respecta
ble persons, not only in the city, but in all the towns
within a hundred miles
Advertisements inserted for six cents a line for the fits!
insertion, and four cents a lute each subsequent inser
tion, or one dollar a line a month. All letters to be ad
dressed to
No. 121 8. Thin! street, Pltiladephia.
September Si, 1S80.
New Boot & Shoe Store.
Market Mrcct, Sunbury, Pn.
WM. M. APSI.EY, late of Philadelphia, res
pectfully informs Ihe citizens of Sunbury
and vicinity, that he has just received and opened
for sale at hia new store adjnining Ihe Post Ullire,
the largest and best stock of Hoots and Shoes, See.,
ever brought to Ihis f lace, which he will sell at
the lowest prices. Having himself worked at
the business, he has selected his stork with the
greatest care, which consista, in part, as follows,
to wit :
Mens' Boots from $2 25 to $6 00.
" Shoes from 87) to 2 25.
' Gaiters from I 1)0 to 400.
Womens' Gaitera from 60 to 2 00.
" Morocco shoes from fi2J to I "7J.
' leather shoes from 70 to I 87).
Misses Shoes ot different kinds from 40 to I 50.
Soys' Boots from I HO to .1 00.
" Shoes from 62) to I .-0.
Childrens' Shoes from 20 to I 12), and also
Trunks and Valises.
Sunbury, Se .'ember 22, 1800.
To the Free and Independent Voters of
Northumberland County.
FuLtow Citiikks: Having yielded Io the
solicitations of many warm and personsl friends
of all parties, I orce more present mvself before
for the office of SHERIFF, should you see
proper to elect me, I shall endeavor to administer
the dutiea resting upon me in audi a manner as
will meet the approval of the ppople whom I
have to serve. HENflY WEIsK.
Sept., 8, I860.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
Fkllow CiTiztsa :
Having been urged by many of my
comrades in the war of !812, and many citizena
of the county, I have consented to become a can
didate for the office of
If you aee proper to elect me, I promise to fulfil
tbe duties of the otitic, impartially and to he
best of my ability.
Trevorton, Sept. 8, 1800te
To 1 lie Voters ol' IVorthumberluud
THE undersigned having been nominated for
the office of Prothonotary, kc, without any
solicitation on his part, respectfully asks 1I10 sup
port of the independent voters of Northumberland
county at the ensuing election, and promises if
elected to discharge the dulios of his office with
fidelity and impartiality.
Lower Augusta, Sept. 22, 1860.
To the Democratic Voters of Nortumber
land County.
Iki.low Citizens : Having received much
- encouragement from my friends, 1 have
been iuduceil to offer myself as a candidate
subject to the rules of the Democratic party.
If nominated and elected, I promise to fulfill
the duties of tbe oflice faithfully end impar
Milton, August 11, letiO.
To the Democratic Voters of Northumberland
IKLiow DitMOCHsTa: I hereby offer myself
aa a candidate for re-election for the office of
Prothonotary, Ac, subject to the rules of Ihe
Democratic party. Should I lie nominated and
elected, I will perform the duties of the oflice
faithfully, and to the best of my abilitv.
Sunbury, May . I860.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
FiLLOw-CiTiztas :
Encouraged by many friends, I am induced
to offer myself to the people ss a candidate for
the office of
at the approaching election, and respectfully so
licit your suffrages, pledging that in case I am
elected, I will perform the dutiea Incumbent on
that office faithfully, impartially and to the beat
of my ability.
SunburyA pril $1,860.
To tbe Democrats of Northumberland
IsLtow Citisixs: I hereby offer mvself ss
a esndidste for the oflice of COUNTY
COMMISSIONER, subject to the rules of the
Democratic parly. Should I lie nominated and
elected, I will perform the dutiea of the office
faithfully, and to the best of my ability.
Little Mahanoy tp., May 5, 1860.
To the Voters of Northumberland
fstsTLssissT 1 1 offer myself as an independent
candidste for tha Office of
of Northumberland county, at ths neit general
election. If you think proper to elect me, you
ahall bava my thanks, and I pledge myself to
execute the office faithfully.
Shamokin Twp.. May 19. I860.
OFFERS bia professional services to the citi
sons of Sunbury and vicinity.
Office al the Drug Store.
Sunbury, June 30, liao.
1 Dissolution of Partnership.
TaJOTICE is hereby given that Ihe late par
' ncreliip existing between the subscribers, in
the Mercrinlile business, in Lower Augusta town
ship, unjer the Grin of Chamberlain fV Furman,
was dissolved by mutual consent on the 2Alh
August last.
All persons Indebted or having claims, will
call on Isaac Furman, who will continue the
business nt the old stand.
All accounts not settled by the 1st of Xovem
her next, will he put into the hands of a maeis-
trulo lor collection.
Lower Augusta, Scut, IS, 1880. 3t
Mrncrnl Clot t ion
1)1 KSI ANT to an ucl of tl,r (lt.,.r Assembly of the
Coiumoiiwenlih ol IVutit,; Ivonia, euittM "An net
a ""is womnionweiillli npfrovrd
he sec.m.1 ih.y "I July, Anno I) , 'c ,.',,,,,
eight hundred mid lliirly-nine. I, JAMI; A.NDYKi;
...i. "'r"r,,'f H'e county 01 Northumberland, IVuiisvl-'
vaiilil. do hereby imikc known mid give limine lo the elec
tors of the coumy ulot. sni.l, tu ,,.llcru, llrrU ,v,
i-i.Vix"dr.',,m;'01 M-'rlhnmlicrliinili ictMXONU
Tl.iUA, till, of OtrrollKli, M,t), , hich t ine
Ms e nnd County OnVers, , ,!,;., UIC' tll "X
Unapersini lor Governor i,t u,e L'oiiunonwealth
One nersonn. Member of the House of Henresenuitive
at VN tishiiittloii en; , to ,e represent the eleventh district
composed..! I he co,!,ili,..o( N.irtl.l ie ud Schuylkill
(neper,,, lor tnte Se,.t., f, , , distml e,., plVed
Columbia." ,,f 'Nurll'u"' '""d. Snyder, ALmtmir and
One pers 111 ns Member of tlm ifouse of Representatives
to lepreseut the .ounly of Northiunberlniid.
One pers . 11 fr Slieiiil of Mnrtlminberlnutl coniilv
One peisin Inr I'mihonntnry, Cleik of the Count 01
Oenerul uarter Sessions, snd Oyer and Teiniiuei of .Nor
tliiiuiberlnud county
One person ns Commissioner fr u,e uouniyof North
nmbeilniid lor term ,. a veins.
Iind"" A'"''1'" '"' Norlbuinber
I also lieiel.y 1,1, ke known nnd give notice Ihnt the of h ildnis the nforesiod eleetion in the s..v.
erttl borouiths nnd Wwnsl.rt s williin the county nf .No,.
tlminherlunil are ns follows :
The Smiliurv Distri. t. enmp s--. f l,e boroiich of
"'.',,',"ry' A"'""u Bl "'C Cuuty C,ri
The Auansts Ilistri. l, eompns.-d of H, township of
- - . , ... ,b ,11 j eier uutlKelbk
krger. 111
The .Norlhiiinbcrljiid Dutriel, of the l,rti..,
of .orth,in,l..-,!iiid. at Ihe house of. U.S. Urmvn, ol tl,
borough o, orthnniberhitid 1
The Point llistnet, nt the house ef lleiuy Inn,, j the
borouchof NorttiuiulH-rl iiid. '
The Milton JJulnct, at the house of Mrs Slicker in said
The Turbut District, nt the house occupied by Ahrnlnin
Kissnigei. '
The' Uclnwnre District, nt the Hinking Sprnii- Peluml
The Chilisqun.jue lli.tnrt nt Ihe h mse of n Riffle
Tne Turbuleilie l)isiriet,nt the house of IIiihmi Key
nolils, to the Iv.rciieli ,,f Tilrlmtville.
The Lewis District, at the house oecnpiul by Ilirnin
Heynolils, in ihe Nirniiph of Turbutville.
l lie Mininokln Distnet. st the house of John
The Upper Muhonoy Dimnul, ul the liou.u ol J. II.
The Little Muhinioy District nt the house nf widow T,
The Iiwer Mnhonoy District, ut ths house of A. Kode
ormel. Tne Hush llislricl, at the Liberty Pole S. h.vil IIuse.
The Jueksoii District, at the hous'u occupied l.v J . liuleu
The C.stl District, nt the house nf Willimn M. Weaver,
in the town of Shntiioktu.
The .erlm District nt the house of Win. FouMs, in
The Cmue roil I'itrift, nl the h 'lisi. ( J.icoli .tciht
Thr Junlaii ilmrict ui tlte li'tusv mnv or lute ol Unij ti
nt in Lcitzi'l.
The Mmnt Ciirmel District at llic pt.Wif: li'urof AUtn-
in iovnriiii
Tite Wimliiiietnii District nt tli
house of li.Hltiey 11. Kc-
The M'KviiviHe HiMricl, nt Ihe lrirk Pcli'Ml I!.iub
lieu the (riiiii.i Ctmrch.
The elrcti-'n o ..pen llVi.'en t!io h nirn tti 0 MnH I(t
oVl-H'k in tli' lorrnivtii, nml uluill ruiitiiiiie vithut ini-r-rutin
or ii'lj 'ttrntneiit until ? u cl ck ui the evcnittg
Wiit'ii the uin rli.ill I).- clt'8'ti.
Tha sieventl lnwttiH uii'I .In Ii- Hi-ctril on tlie Ut
Frulny ui .M;iirh, l.V.i, in ('nrBu.trn-- ( ihr :M rt'tuu m
tlie mt ! tlie 21 f July, Ism, w ill hli trie clwti.'ii on
TuemtH U:e lltli day ni October next.
44ThMi evtry pntxii except n .Iimtirc of the Pence who
tiMll hoht oiiy nihce or app untnient nf ik) tiut nn
tier the government of tne l mtnl Stutr-ii. 01 o" tint Suiie,
or of any city or imorporuuil tlitfict, whether a eotiiinnt
nitmeil oiiicer or :ijjt-nt, vth nhult he empl"eil untler the
leytvlHtia'e, rxi-cutive or jutltt-iary deuiimt'iit of this
Stale, or the I'mtfti Stati.'H. or of any city "r tncoipnruted
dutriet HHtt ulwi that evety nit'inlu r nf CoiiftieKti untl of
the State ljCislJtuie. nml n llie eleet nnd cuininnii enim
cil of any city, ur cominiKHioner ot uny incnrporutetl Dis
trict, is hy law, iiicaptilde of ht'ldini; or ejurtiftiii.T the
otliceor appnintiiient of Juilne, linpertir or Clerk, if nny
electionof this ciMiituonvvfJilth. mid that no Inftpectur,
JutlKcB or nny other olhcei ol sn.-li election, elm! I Its eligi
ble lo any oilice tohe then Viltl for.
And the nuid Act of Ansctnl'ly, entitll "nn net relating
lo the electioiii f thii CtMiinitii c;itth.'' ptiMed Jnl the
2nd, 1SW, turiher provide h fnlii'v. to wit :
' Thut the liispfftttrn and Juilifeit ch"s-'n an uf'-rrnid.
shall meet nt the re; Motive place lor li'ddmg the ekctmii
in the district to which Ihey rcipectiuliy I'tl.'iiif l fore
nine n'clivk in the iiMriung v( ihr nccniul Tuci-tliij nf (e
tler in each and every rar, nnd each of Ktid inopectom
imll appoint one clerk, who uliall be u (piuldied voter of
uch diHtrif-t.
Hhtios 2. That nny fraud committed bv nny pers-m
voting in the in inner aUve prencrilrcri, sball he ptniistie.1
Kimilur I laudx are riiitTtfd t he puiualml by the exist
ing law ot tliu Commonwealth.
"In cane the ptTn who inill hnv received the necrmd
hiheat nuniber of voter tor InwpcctorH sliall not ntictid on
the day of titty eleciion. thcti the prnoii who kIhiII loive
recuivett the atcond hit:het iiiimbcr o' vote for Jtn'jc the
next prtci'iinu; clfcuu'it, slutll net im an ineprcti in Itif
place, nml in cinf tiit- pt-in iu elivtrd Jtiiijre i;t;ill not ailtml
lh hiHjiector wlr received 11m In :tift miniU-r ol v irji.
utiull nppoint a .Ititic- nt it'- piitit-; nnd it nny va'-an y
alnill coat nine in the biiil for ilu- fe n hull mi h' tr ut
ter Ihe tune tix'd bv law ful llie m. enit'ii of lite el'H-iion.
tie piahlit-d votfis oi'ihe i"wiii-liip, want or no district, 1
foi which mtch i-rtici-i's hhall have lrt'ii ciccli-d, pr-".i:l al !
lie place ot electi n', B.'i.t.l one uf llicir unniUcr to lilJ mich
'It Fhull be the tv.',v of said npfWv.Tc respect ivily lo nt-
tend ot the pttie ol hol hii v ci y p 1 1 1 r ; i ! , 'r-i;il, or
lownehip election. hiri:a: tne ft h.ile time kiuI election ia
kept open, for the pui p"e of pivmir inf'rnriinm to ihe
limpcetora nml Jinlc, win.u called on, in relution to the
itHht of nny per m aat tc) liy them to Vote hi tin h lrc
tioii, oi auch other umltfiB in lelutmn to the (ixneMiucnt ot
voter, aa the tid inspector or jutlge or either of them
hull from tune tit tune rctpnre.
"No person malt be permiited to vote hI nny election an
nforeauid, other than a white free man o( twenty-one or
more, who nhnll have rem do I in the aiaie ut leu t one year,
and lii the electi ni tiiirui where he ottt ra to vote ut bust
ten duya iiniuednitely preceedun; the elertion, und within
two years paid tttate ol count) lax- which h;ill haVf tn
urfteil at lent tend.iya betore the elt Hut a citizen
of the .'tilted States who had previoimly been u qnahhril
Voter of this itutf , mat removed therefrom and remuned,
nnd shnll have rrftiled iu the electiii diatrict. und paid tax
ua afureiMid. nhall In entitled to vote utter reMidtu in this
state six moot hi. Provided, That the white freemnt, citi
Zi'iis of the I uiltxl States, iN'twern the Uite ot twenty-one
and twenty-two yettm, und in the elect ioi district ten da', s
as atoresuid, vhall be entillctl lu a vote, although they ahull
not lutve paid taxes.
.o pers mi altall le periuittfl to vte w1hsc name is not
coiitaiiietl ui tlie list ol taxable inliahitaniH I urnmhed by the
cummituiloiieiR asufoteSHiil, Ut ilea , 1'iri.t : He prtathices
a receipt for the imyineut, within two year, of a stare or
cmnt tax assessed at;r-fal.l Iti the coiiKtitiition. nnd uve
satisfactory evidem e either on his own oalh or nrhriiui
tio:i, or on the isuth or nilirniation of unotliei, tliat he lias
paid such tax, or on failure to produce h receipt, shull make
un oulli to the itayiiifiii thereof ; or st'ond, it he claim a
rihl to yMe by beinff un elector bctwe-n ihe iij;-a
twenty-one and uventv-two vt-nrs, he shall ilepose on oath
or uiViriiuiUou, thai he has rcxiditl in the State ut leant one
year tuil iH'fore his applieair- n, and inaWe siu n pi'ot ul j
residence in tlie oi strict us is required ny tins aci ; uiai
thut he does verily believtj irom the acctajtit given him
deat he is ol the ae afurcKiid. and nive such other evi
thnccs us is reiinired by this net, whereupon tlie name ol
Ihe person so uitmilled to vote, shall be inserted iu alpha
leticul bsl by the inspectors, nnd n not mode opposite
thereto by writing the word "tax," if he ihall be peiiml
'ert tu vote by reason uf hiivniff paid tux, or Ihe word
t'ugc," if he shall bu permuted Ui vote on account W his
ae, and in either cuse tlie ieam of sue It votes shull be
called out to the clerk, who aludl iituko uolcs iu thu but of
voters kept by them.
In all eases where the ntune of the person rlaimiup to
vote is not found on tlie lint turmlied by the Commii-i
crs und AwesHor, or his right to vote u hcther found there
4hi or not, ia objected to by nny quahlied citizen, the In
spector shall examine sucit peioii nn khh as i in mm imi-
cations, and il he cliiima to have icsuh-d in the klnte one
year or more, Ins oath shall be u prooi tltereof, but he si mil ,
prove by ut leakt ouu oiui-rtfiit witiiesp, who shHll te a 1
quahlied elector, that he lemled within the dutncl ut least
ten days iext iluiUL'tiiilely prceediuu the eie tion, nnd sliut
also himself swear that bis Ihiuu hde residence, in nursu
auca of lawful culliua is v. itlun ihe district, nnd that lie
did not remove into aid district for tht purpttsa ul voting
lively pen q'lulihed as nloresniil, and whn shall make
oroot.ll reuuiml, oi resuleut ami iwiMueiii o taxes, us
at-efeiiuid, kliull la; a I till t led to vote iu tiltf tuwnshlp, vard
urdistnct iu winch he eh nil reside.
ll anviHMioii nut uiiautiesl tu Vote in this Comm nweulth
a?reeahly to law, (ejuepl the aons qaalihetl citixiits.
shull uppcur at any place oi election ir me purpose oi insulin-
tickets, or influencing citizen quahlied to vote, ha
sitali, on conviction, foricit und uuv uny sum mt exceed-
lug uue humlrwt Uiiiiura lur every one such oneuce, ami
be iiupriaiHied for uny term nut exceeding three inoiitiui. '
It shall le the dutv ot ayery mayr, anernt, ukw-riiian
justice o' tlie pence, and emus able or deputy eoustuUe, id
every city, oounty, b'Wuslup or district w ithiu this com
mm wealth, whenever cuiieo Ummi uy any omcer in an
election, or by any three qualified clecbirs liiereoi, t. clcur
any window or avenue t uny window, to the plare uf
general election, which alutll be oltstiuvted iu sucli a way
a to prevent voters from approaching the auiur, and o
neylect or refusal U do so on such requision, aid oifn ti
shall be deemeJ g'iiltetl of misdemeanor iu oHice and oa
eonviotion atuill le tiuetl in any sum not leas ilia a one hun
dred norinore than one tkkusuiiii Uollurs ; and it uliall Im
the duty of the respective constable ol each ward, riulrici
or Uiwnsiiip, of this conuunweih u le present in prm
urby deputy, at tbe place of tv-kliim such elections luoach
wmid, district or township, lor Uie uraiee of iweaervmg
the peace afureauid. . .
It shall lie the duty of every peace officer, fHMi'i,
who ahall be nreaeul at any such duauihunees at au elec
tion es ia deaeiibed iu this act, to report the same to -e
next eouitof quarter aeawo,.., and auw the iiauu-oi Ibe
ll itiu sirs who can prove the aame. ,
T71i7" - 'au",, f:" f1" """iX.
N,thuinb?rlsnJ, at the CHlrt H.Hise, in buubur), t
dav Ihe lh day of Ortolirr, A. D. IrO". , a
f; i jeTn'v haul, at duatery. Ih.a lS aav erf (tea
teiberT A. iTlnnO, aoS ia Ue both year w le meiKii
aeae. of ... l..,ea.. VANDVKES1-
fherif's OSj-a, uabur) , I
Slept. U, ISM. i
r'lHE subscribers hsve just received by Tlsilrosd
a new Slock of Kesdy Mady Clothing, con
sisting of
which they are selling cheaper than can be pur
chased any where else. Their stock consists nf
the very best of materials, made up in the latest
style, sirh as
VESTS from $1 to 5. of Ihe finest quality.
A large assortment of
Boots, SI10CB, Gaiter?, Trunks, Inrpct
Bags, Umbrellas?, &c.
a Inree variety of ready made slnris, in prirr from
50 els. to $2,110.
Al, a Isrgo assortment of Mens' nnd Uojs'
of all kinds.
Persons who sre in want of Clothing should
rail at once and eianiin.t for themselves as no
charges will lie made for showing goods.
$tore Koom on the corner of Mrtrket and Fawn
streets, nearly opposite Weaver's Motel.
Bunbury, June 9, 18til). lyjnnc
3 1 1 0 v n r j
I 1 1 T I . R ,
at TL a to ,
STjr it 33
June S3, lflfiO.
U R Y, -P A..
A (I or ! IVolice.
OTICE is hercliy given that Idlers tif ail.
m miKl ration bavins lieen arantcd fo lite
stibscrilior, on tht estate of Jacob Allman, lute
of I.ov. rr Mationoy InvMiMiip, Nortlmmtifrliinil
county, tlccposetl. All persons indrl'trtl In said
estate nro rrquestcj lo mnl;e immediate (inyment,
and those having claims will pretent them for
Lower Mahonoy, Aur-UKt 25, 1NS0. fit
AdmlNfralor'M otiCP.
jV'OTICK is hereliy given that letters of ad
niinistration havins been granted to tli un
dersiiTiied, on the estate of Mary Farnsworth, lata
f Lower Augusta township, IVurthumlierlaiid
county, Jccenscl. All persons indebted are re
quested to mnke immediate payment, and those
Laving claims to present them fur settlement.
PETEU MA1.ICH. Atlm'r,
Lower Augusta twp., Aug. 18, 18ti0. lit
Pacific Lawns, Little Figures, Fast Colors,
tonality, 1.401). Lilacs, Pinks, Blues, Browns,
Modes, Host Styles.
S. E. cornet Uth and Market, Philadelphia.
July 7th, IHfit).
P 0 L Y T EC O I C C 0 iTli ij G E .
Of tha Slnleof Pennsylvania.
rennizcil -iili a full Faculty under an Act of
lite Legislature, and designed to supply the
grent want in American Education, to wit:
through t'olli'eiate tmining for the praclico ot
Mine Engineering, Civil Engincctini;, Mechani.
cal Engineering! Analytical and nilus
trial Cliemistry. Meltalurgy and
The College
the ( lEivTinc si Hour..
For (he (leneral jituilent, and Four 'i'oclinicul
Schools, for I'rofessional Students, viz.
Tht School of Mines, the School of Cilvil En
gineering, the Schunl of Practical Chemistry,
the School of Mechanical Engineering.
Architectures, Topographical, and Mechanic
al 'rawing, are included in the Engineering
('nurses, and ample fticilitica exist for Practice
in the Field with the instruments, and in the
Chemical Laboratory.
Verms per Annum :
Scientific School, $75. Professional Schools.
$101) lo I20. , t
The Eighth Animal StVtion will begin on
Monday, Septeirber 17th, I860, and tha com
mencement for confening Degrees will be held
on the la-t Thursday in .uue.
For catalogues and futher information address,
D. A.L. KENNEDV, Prea'l of Faculty.
September, 13, 1KC0. 3t
j W. C. N E M A N ,
j No. 33 Norlh SECOND St., opposite Chrixt
HAS for Kale, the best family Cooking Stoves
in the Market a good ond 1'iiihlul servant;
the grest provider for the Family ! Every house
hold should have a reliable Lehigh tins Humor
Cooking Stovo ulways rcliublc, always econo
nomical. Also, the great Gas consuming Heating Stove,
for Parlor Ac. will burn less fuel and emit
more heat than any other Stove For Sale with
a large assortment of all kinds of COOKING
and HEATI.NCi STOVES, holesale and He
No. 33 North Second St.. above Market, Phil
adelphia. Inference. Hon DAVID TAGGART,
H. H. MASS Ell.
September R, ISG0. -3ni w
In the Court of Common Pleas of Nor hum-
herland County.
Benjamin Derk, for the "1
use of S. D. lloyer, Venditioni exponas
vs. J-No. 32 August T.,
Daniel Kramer. J lSi.0.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
auditor. appointed by the aaid Court in the above
case, lo distribute the funds in Court and report
the facts; will attend for thut purpose, at his
ullice. in Market square Sunbury, on Monday
the Hth dny of Octolier 1600, at 10 o'clock ill the
forenoon ; when all parlies in interest may attend
if they think proper.
Sunbury, September 8, IS60-
NOTICE is hereby given that my wife Anna
Keiser, has It-It my bed end board without
just cause, and I hereby caution ail persons not
to hat Imr or trust her mi my account as I will
not pay any debts uf her contracting unless com
pelled by law. HENRY KF.L"FU. Sr.
Lower Augusta twp., Sept. M. 1 800. 31
lit GOODS.
Chiuted Cashmeres snd Delaines.
Klackand colored wool Delaints.
Illack Silks, Alpacas, Hoiuhaziin's.
French, English and American Prints.
Cloths, Cassiitieres, Ac., for pant and jackets.
Fine anil low-priced Cloaking.
Fine IJIack Cloths and Cassimeies.
LINKS UOltlis.
Fronting and fchirling Lincn. ' the yard ur
4-5 Butchers' Linens, by the yard or piece.
Fine 'illow Linens ol every d.sualil widlli.
Wheeling Lilians in vanelv.
Damaak Table Linens, a laige slock.
pot and Damask T.l.U Cloth, ol every
Napkins snd Doylies by tha siiigle d" '
quantity. .
Fine fiisiscJ H"k and Dama'k 1 uwcls.
Low priced Towels aud 1 owelings.
8. E. cor. NINTH and MARKET htreet
Bept. 8, mo.- l'h.ladelthia.
"frEsH riUPPLY OF DRUGS at the
Mammoth Store. AUo, anew lot of per
o.p. aud Fanc ArUc V ch.
Sunbury, M ay JIM860.
pounds of CARPET H AG wauled al
OUU In, .tots ef BR1GH f '
1800 sri.ING k SUMMER 1800
RILING oV GRANT, respectfully announce
- lu their friends and the public, that they have
just received the
Very lni"rl nnd HrM t I
' ever brought to Stinbiirv, which will be disposeJ
of nl the verv LOWEST PRICES, fit CKII
Wc kcip cvcrvtliing !
We kerp cverjthing ! !
AVc keep everything ! ! !
Thankful to our frit-mis for past favors, we soli
cit a continuance ol Ihe same, at llto
Largeut Store in Central l'dinsylratiia
Lflrgest and Cheapest Store ! I
Largest and Cheapest ! ! !
lS" Call, Sou, and le convinced f
Snnbtirv. Mnv 19. 1 Hfil).
fcTiiiljiTjii' si;EA mtl3 uiii k g
3t 33 EC-s a
rfHE subscribers having taken possession of
trite first cln-s FLOURING MILL, sre pre
pared to receive gmin of ull kinds, and to do cus
tom work at the Shortest Notice. Customers
will have their grinte ground immediately upon
their bring left at the Mill. As it is the inten.
linn of Ihe firm to stock ihe Mill a large Sup
ply ul Grain, will be constantly kept on hand,
nnd Hour by the quantity ran always be obtained.
The greatest care will be taken to turn out a au
prrior quality of flour, for which Ihe mill is ad
mirably adapted. Strict attention will 1 paid to
Ihe wants of customers, and the patronage of the
public generally is respectfully requested.
Sunbury, June S3, 18r.0.
Ballcu'g French Yoke Shirt Emporium,
409 Hroadicay, New York',
Shirts made lo order from Scientific Measures,
cf tho best material, sewed by hand, and war
ranted to fit, at less than the usual prices.
June 4, IRS9. 4(9 Uroadway, N. V.
S E L I IV S - ti It O V E , P A . .
THIS School is intended to iiHoril tlie very hest sdvnn
rscrs, ut a inoderuleelmrge to sucli ns m.iv l.c entrust
d to its cute. The I.iiiIiIiiir is large, well air.nieert.nnil
tiriitslicrt with every thlinr necesKiiy to health anil com.
int. Parents and Ciunnliiois are invited to examine its
claims and lo eiinpoit it only in so fur as it may he found
to possess real incut.
Rev. C. C. PAI OIIMAN, A. Al., Prmcitml.
Mrs. .M , I.. lUrmiMss, )
Miss I.. V. Kcxdsli., J Assisuint Teachers.
Miss Julia A. Catlin, J
Dr K. IIOI.M ; Rev. H. KI'RTZ.D.D. I.. I..
. D.; It.
t. UU.MKII.A. M . Lecluiers.
Uostilitif, tuition in the regular course Imin.liiii
ImIiii, wnblilnc, lights, tuel nnd use ol' I ui nishe.1
yiMiin per st'ssion ot a inontlis,
r0 00
1 ut)
i tt ii,i n.Hiin,
Tuition in Ihe Collegiate Department per session,
' Acmlemie i
IncidenUil charge toi luel, ink. chalk, c.
Music on the Piano with use uf Instrument, '
41 MeliHleoil
.i o u t;ulUtr If 11
" " ' Harp. ' "
Special instrtli'lton in Vocal Musia
llrnwinit with use ol nnxlels,
till litiin iii. '
Urei'Ii. tieriiiau and Krench each.
n in
m in
I Ml
SO i.i
IT 0.1
H no
lixi tsl
.1 on
8 (i
IM (K)
6 no
I'liytiii ii's to ie inaile half in advance, and the ImIbii,-..
ul lh nuilitle of the session.
Tlii-re will he 1.0 iledurtioti for nt.srnee, except in cases
of protrneteil sickiu-hs. A literal de.liictloil will be made
la litvorol the itiiue titers ol Clerrtyiniin.
r oi circulars Auurcss.
Hev. f.r HAI'Gll.MArV,
Or Rev. S. DOMI'.U.
Helius-Orore, Pn., Sept. In, ljll. ly
Cash Drug, Paint arid Glass Store,
DliniOISTS, Merchnnts, Fnrmers, nml the public
everywhere I will sell nt wholesale and retail, to
the Spnni; Traite ol" Irtitl. it heavy stock of Diugs, Mtxli
elites, Chemicals, &c., 3tc, Ac.
'Ai.tKKI boxes of Window Ula;s, orsirud sizes anJ
Itl.uKj Pounds of Putty, White, ItUek, Hed, Jtc, in Hulk
or llluddera.
i0,(iou fin sms Linseed Oil, Spitits Tuipentine, Canipheno
Alcohol, Ac.
in Tons ol Pure White Lead, in I. his , I Lhui., 100, ill, 55
and Vlj Hi kegs.
JU Tons of I'ciil Snow White Iad, in bhls, i bbls. IU0.
ill, !!j and l-.'j Hi. kegs.
10 Tons of New ork hitc Lead, in Mils., 1, lis),
SO. 11-iaiid -Jj 111. kces.
:lj Tons of I'ute Kieiicli While Zinc, 111 bills, 1 bills, 104
60. -J'. .ml l-'J Hi kes
IU Tons of iueiicuu Snow White Zinc, in uhls, 1 bbis 100
Sti, v!o in id l-Jj lb kegs.
Jtl Tons of I j-high Aiuerieuii Zinc, ia bids, 1 hlils, 1U0 SO,
!U, and lv!J lb. ke)jS
15 Tuns oi Zinc Paints, of d.licrent colors, iu bbls, 1 bbis.
1CU, SO. '.'i anil I "; lb kegs.
SO Tons nf Miuernl Piiliils, uf difTertnt Sulora dry ot
Kround in Oil.
10,0txi pounds of pure French Green, Chrome (irecn, Yel
low, Hlue, IJmck Hild other colors, div ot us ml.
I.ISXI pounds of Smalts' assorted Ulue, Black, Red, Urecn,
and other cotois.
100 Tucss of tiohl Leaf, Glaziers' Diamonds, Glaziers'
Putty, lluwk Knives. Ac.
2.0 A) Gallons Isilled oil, vanuslies. Jnpuus, Zinc tlryer,
Ae. Paint, and t.'u's.uiine (trusties, togetlirr with
a eoinplele ussorttnetit of class Ootsls eml.raixi in lite
Drug and Paint tlusiness.
l.OtKI bbls. Roman Ceini nr
3,tsi JKoseudale nnd Hvdrnulie C-ment.
I.ISSJ " i:iil. liji',1, Ij.ii.I. lliutislry.L'asiiiis; Plaster, As.
IV All of winch I will sell at Wholesale and Kelail, al
from III lo it) per cent leui limn other establishments.
Proprietor of the
Philadelphia Cash Print, Pinui and Glnas Ptoie.
Mmlh.Wrst corner of Fourth and Calkiwliill Ms., I'hlla.
Miucb 3. 1-fiO. 3inc
Ol-" lite hest quality and latest stylo, just
received and for sain at
Snobur, August 1 1, lblJO.
n'K now on hand a tiioice line of Klein li
t'loiln, lllaik Doeskins, Fancy U.ssiineies,
Tweeds, riilk Mixed (Joalin-, Veaiings, Uoltun
ailes, Ac.
bunbtiry. June 'in, I8C0.
1 o 0 7 l 2
J 7 4 5 1 7 8
4 u i lJ 7 (!
Tlicso figures nro inU-iiJotl to draw
your attelition to the itnn.iUnt 1st I, tliat tlia
nlaca where you can H"'l llie ino.l Hoods lot Ilia
least money, ia at llie One Trice Store of
llltlUll T 4 hON.
Sunbury, June 16, I eJtiO.
BOOT8 fV MiOK.H arc sold ibeaiwr than
ever at the Mammoth More,
t all and see unr assortment and ascertain out
units, and you will not Tail in buy.
nill.l.NU i (illAXT.
Ptunbiiry, May !".
atiilv of M acaroni and I 'uiifrctionery at
KKH.IMi V iKM'.-i
Smibuty, June ".'