Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 22, 1860, Image 3

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In tba speech at Petersburg, Vs., Tuesday
night, Judge Douglas, gave the following
historical account of the "discover;" ol
joleps :
About the year 1776, a man, by the name
of Ueorge lingers Clarke, applied to the
Uoveroor or Virginia, and suggested to uim
that ai peace might at any lime be declar
ed between Great Biitian and the colonies,
it would be well for ua to be In possession
of the Northwest territory that which is
now Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Micuignu,
Wisconsin te that when the commissioners
came to negotiate the treaty ol peace, we
might act on the weil-Known principle, o. ....
postidetit, each parly noiaing me '"
possession. He suggested to the Governor,
that be ihonld permit him to go out to the
Northwest, conquer the country, and no d
it until the treaty or peace, when we would
become possessed of it. The Governor con.
sented, and sent him across the mountaing
to Pittsburg. From there he and bis compa
ny floated down the Ohio river on rufls to
the fulls where Louisville now is, and after
remaining there a short time, tbey again
took to their rafts, and floated down to the
Saliues, just below Shawoeetown, in Illinois.
Here they took np their march across the
country to Kaskaskia, where there were a
number of French who bad formed a settle,
ment there, and by means of a guide tbey
reached the Oqnaw river, and encamped near
Veter Mercnd's bouse, snme little distance
from the town. You see I urn well acquaint- j
ed with the locality. (Laughter and ap
plause.! They reached there at uight, and
early the next morning Clarke, got his
little army of rapamufiius together, (for tbey
hud no artny-wugons with supplies, no sutler,
and no stores, and by this time began to
look raecedand wretched enough.) and took
up bis line of march for the little trench
town or hlaskaskia. It was summer, and a
very hot day. and as he entered the town
he saw the Frenchmen belonging to It
sitting qnietly ou the little verandahs in
Irout of their houses, sucking their juleps
through a straw, and he rushed on thorn,
crying, "Surrender you suckers, you !"
Great laughter The Frenchmen surren
.iored, and from that day to this lUlowsuus
have been known as "Suckers." Ueuewed
That was the origin of our cognomen, and
l,un ll-nriro Iloirers IMurUe reiurneu io
iwf,..- -
Virginia, he introduced tbo juleps litre.
ii .....vup i .m i want iu ei.o hkiij-
inns fair notice that, when they claim the I
honor of a
M neuhnll. lit'
Jefferson, of a Madison, ot a
..... r , M
a w vine, oi a jwoi. n.uaw.j,
mill nf mnnr nther distiniruished sages and
patriots as'tliH world ever saw, we yield j j
when yon claim the glory yon achieved on j
the field of battle, we yield ; when you cluiin j
credit for the cebsion of the Northwest
Territory, thut out of it sovereign Stales ;
might ba creuted, we yield ; when )uu claim I
the glory of never having polled a vote j
against tbe Democratic party, we yield ; but ,
li.n von cUim the lilorv of the mint julep,
hit nds o IV; Illinois wants that. Shouts of
laughter and upplau?e.
The above extract, bhowing not only the
remarkable gergrapbical knowledge of Judge
Douglas, but his versatility in the illustra
tions or his great doctrine, is erroneous in a
single particular, and that is Illinois is
entitled to the glory of the discovery how to
construct a julep. That great Democrat
John Milton, some two hundred years ago,
in his magniuceut poem of (Win, speaks of
the julep iu the following glowiug terms:
"And fit st behold thil cordial julep here,
That flames and dances in hit crylul bound',
With spirits of bvlm and fragrant syrups iiux'd l
Not that nepenthe which the wile ul Thoue,
In Egypt, gave tu Jove-born Helena,
liol such power to alii up joy hi thin,
To life so friendly, or io cool to tliiisl."
The Detroit Free l'ress, ol the 1 llh instant,
commenting ou the Lady Klgin disaster,
tuys : "We have glimpses or a Urnlilu panic
among the passengers, in the midft of which
tver) where appears tho aelf possessed com-
tnuudur, giving oruers auu ueiecoiu8 eu.u
ineusures as were most conductive to the geir
iral sulety. The cutllo were driven over
board, aud the freight and luggage iinmedi
utely followed. 1'assengeis were awakened
Irout their slumbers by sturdy blows or the
xo, which dashed in their stateroom doors,
and' called theui to a Beiise of their dauger.
All were finally collected uii deck, which con
stitutes thu roor of ihe upper cabin flouted
ciear of the hull oud sustained the crowd.
Mr. Uetlmuu says thut on hia exleuipnre roll
nut less thati three huudred persous were
collected, the majority t.r whoiiie dung to
their places uulil near dujlmhl. The raft
was mostly uuder water from the weight of lis
living burden, und very lew who clung to it
but were above the wal.t in the tuibuleutsea.
The caplaiu was constantly on his feet
rueourugmg the crowd, aud seems to have
been the only man who dared to stir from the
fecumbeiit position which was necessary to
keep a secure hold on the precarious raft,
lie carried acbild, which he lound iu tbo
arms of an exhuusled and submerged womau
io au elevated portion of the raft, and left in
v... ,-.f .. siuiiHii which was soon lost. He
constantly exhorted the crowd to keep sileut.
und uot oiily to make no noise but to relraiu
roin uiov:ug, iu order that the trail frame
work might last the longer, bellman says
that during the time which elapsed, while the
while the rufl kept together, there was scarce,
ly a sound from a man, or woman or child.
Tbey clung to lleir dces in silent terror,
ud neither g'oans uo! prayers were audible;
no voice save tliat oi me curiam, a.ouu
,o encouragement and good cheer being beara
4,mid tbe roar of the wind aud tho ceaseless
fplash of tbe combing waves. Finally, the
constant action of the water broke up tba
raft, aud large parties floated off on detached
meet and gruduaUy the multitude melted
aiv by couples and solitary individuals, until
tut a lithe of the wboJe number remained.
J be swell tumbled tba light rafts about like
feebler weigbis, and a struggle the
bapie.s survivor; bad during the long drift of
t"uP nn e. intervening to the shore. Ue llm.n
was tea hours on his raft and says that be
a! capsized and thrown into the isee, , with
hi. two companions, acer, third minute.
. W hen tbey reached shore, the, were dashed
boa hopelessly io tbe surf, and .on . forlu
oa thau their companiona, were lifted upon
. h." beach by the breakers, and dragged
1 Wn,- h, .trJue bands wbkh awaited them.
Vt ... be . "hat bavins snrmounted the
leriTs oflbat terribly voyage tba ?"'
perns oi i" ( tbe ,rrlgnbla
rC,Cr,hich b.dgworo bis strength and
1 n, bo b.d rather died than to
Taa lived SP b. .rcise of mnr. selflsb
mnltve. tb.o those which marked bis ch.rac
t broogb tba whola o. this trying ordeal.
..... nfnaaseoiter railways io Fhila-
a iKi. Nsjsi York, snd Boston bas at length
. Pto itria" on a small scale, of lb. s.m.
Jed to ondo 'Jinu$ of
T 31s ult give. " . ito-U-f ccoontoftb.
Sulla o ' lb. p.ri?ot. sod P"
b. ir-a advantage, of lb. r.i w.ys over th.
J,C will sv.ntuall, render th. UtUr
omniou.e. n,.;n. 0f Boston, is tba
rails was lsid dow. nnner tu.
Inc. of Mr. Fall-, of Fbil.delphia.
. . ..nilaman io England has
iv. narnos.
A Darino Scbsmr Tiirocob tni Clopds
Undkr A Burning IUli.oon. The New
York Sun of yesterday says t "M. Copple, an
aeronautical pupil of tba renowned Godard,
advertises to make an asceotion to morrow,
(Saturday,) in Jones' Wood, by means of
rarifleu or beated air, in a paper balloon.
The balloon is of about 40,000 cobio feet
capacity, mada of stout Mantilla paper, and
with strips of muslin glued over the uams.
For a height of three yards from the bottom
the paper is also lined with muslin, for the
purpose of holding np the car, which is to be
attached beneatb. The air is to be beated
by burning straw, or tome otber light com
bustible, under the balloon, until it is wen
inflated, when the car will be booked on, and
I be reckless aeronaut carried o(T. When the
air cools, Mr. Coppie has the pleasant pros
pect of coming down wherever be may happen
to be, without even the little power of con
trolling bis movements which i given by a
gas balloon, and should a 'burst' occur while
he is in mid-air, the consequences are too
disagreeable to contemplate."
Last evening at the ball, two of the most
resectable vounir men of Buffalo, who were
with ladies, were arrested by detectives, who
imagined them to be pickpockets. They
were handcuffed and locked in the cells all
night. This morning over a Hundred Ameri
cans attended me courv, inu mem were
stronB svmDtoms of a row. Profuse apolo
gies were tendered, but tbey could In no way
remedy the misery 01 tne mailer.
Mew Advertisements.
Auditor's Notice.
William I. Ureenough,-) In the Court of Com'
va I moil I led J ot IN or.
Jalm Farnsworlh, will) f thumberlHiid county
notice In William I,, j Fieri Facia. No. 72,
Dcwart, terro tenant j August Term, I860.
The undersigned auditor, appointed by the said
Court of Common Picas ol' Northumberland
county, to distribute the fund in Court to and
among the parties Iruully entitled thereto, will
attend to the duties of hi said appointment and
meet all persons interested therein, at his iitlice,
in the borough of Sunbury, Pennsylvania, on
Monday the 1st day of October next, (I860) a
10 o'clock A. M.
Sunbury, Sept. 15, 18G0.
Supreme Court Northern District.
The Supreme Court for the Northern
District of Pennsylvania, will commence its
annual sestinn on the lirst M nudity of October
; next, at the Court House, in Sunbury, and
.u... .. .;i p...
; u.-rului
Counsel encased will therefore attend on
Tuesday morning at U o'clock, when the lifcl
of causes for arcument will he culled over.
C11A1U.KS I'l.KASANTS, I'roib'y.
rrolhonotary's Office, )
Sunbury, Sept. lltb. 1KG0. J
Lilt a Caiifea for Aryumtnt October Term.
A. D. 1800.
I Bird's appeal, Northumberland comity
'2 llower el nl vs McCormick, do'
:i lierk et al vs. Zimmerman, Union co.
4 Same vs. Same. do
5 McDowell vs. Kissel do
C State M. F. I Co., vs Roland do
T Watsou's executors vs. Vincent's Ad
ministrators, Northumberland county.
8 Hrediuger vs Hire do
9 Itoss vs Malcolm, Union county.
10 Quinn vs Jenkins et ul, Nortb'd co.
II Ulman vs Duham, Lycoming county.
12 Auraod vs Shnflley, Union county.
13 Rangier vs Lopp - do
11 Same vs Hummel do
15 Uirkcnbine et al vs Hersu et al, Union
16 Northern Central Railway Company
vs. Hendricks, Northumberland county.
17 Hoyt et nl vs Snbrock da
IS Lycoming Mutual Insurance Company
vs Fullmer & Co., Lycoming county.
19 Lower Augusta township vs Nortb'd
county, Northumberland county.
20 Lewisbnrg University vs Robor et al,
Union county.
21 Kase vs Giskins et al, Montour county
22 Same vs Same do
2:1 Witnier vs Wolter. Snyder county.
24 Uoyer's F.xrs. vs llerrold do
25 Hiitenbender vc. Sunbury & Krie Rail
road Company, N orlhuintierlaud county.
2ii Dewart vs Wiest, Snyder county.
27 Overseers Walker twp., vs Overseers
Butfuloe towosliip, Union county.
28 Uorrel vs Dewarl, Nortb'd county.
29 Coryel! vs VV. . Bank vt al, Ly'ng co.
iiO Sheets Ac Co. vs Albert. Snyuer co.
HI IjuiiiD vs Heart et a!, Union county.
Dewart vs Masser, Nortb'd county.
Clement ct al vs Tuggart et ul, Union
34 Smith & Co. vs Weaver, Nortb'd co.
September ljlh, 1800. ol
Y virtue of certain writs of IVnuifiom
Erimnus. and Levari I'aeia. and a writ
nt Fieri Lucius, issued out of the Court of
Common Fleas of Northumberland county,
to me directed, will be exposed to public sale,
ul tbe public house of Jobeph Moint, In tbe
Borough of Milton, Northumberland county,
IVnucjIvanitt, on Thursday Ihe 4lh day of
October next ItiOO, at 2 o'clock l -M., the
following described real property, to wit:
The ou til'lb part of a Certain tract or
piece of luud siluute in Di (aware township
Northumberland couuly I'enna., bouuded ou
West bv the l'ennsylvaoia Canal, und on
the North, Fast and South by land of Jonas
Wolf, coutaimngbout lour acres ; Hereon
is erected a Steam Saw-mill; a two story
frame dwelling bouse, a frame stable aud
oLher outbuildings.
Seized taken in oxecution. and to be sold
as the proj erty of William Drown.
XLbO :
A certain lot of ground situate in tbe
Borough of Milton. Northumberland county,
bouuded nn tba West by a lot of Henry
Harris, on the South by Lower Market
ireet. Kul bv Secoud street and on tba
North bv an Alley : whereon is erected
two story frame dwelling and kitchen, a well
ot waler, a small log siaoie, ouiouuuiugs, t.
Seized taken in executinn, and to be aold
as tbe property of John U Snyder, Feter
Snyder and Sarah Snyder.
At tbe tame time and place, a certain lot
in Miltoo, Nos. 62C3 and eastern half lot
No. 04, bounded North by Seusnd street,
Fast by Front street, Soutb by Mulberry
alley, and West by western bair of lot No.
64 ; on which are e reeled a Foundry and
Blacksmith shop, Wood shop, Machine shop,
&c, in tbe Borough of Milluo, Northumber
land couuty Fa.
Seized taken in execution, aud to be sold
as tba property of Ueorge J. Filer, admin
istrator of Jacob K.Trego, deceased.
At tbe same time and place, all that cer
tain lot or piece of ground, situate io tb.
Borough of Milton, Northumberland county
Pennsylvania, in tbai portion of tb. Borough
aforesaid called "Upper Milton," bounded
and described as follows : bouuded on tb.
West by Front street, and fronting; oo tb.
same : on th. North by an Alley, on th.
Fast by tb. Pennsylvania Canal, and on tb.
South by lot now or lata of Hugh U. Barr,
.-4 l.; th. nnrlhern DOrtioO Of PStt OI lot
No. 62, as marked io tb. general plan of
'Upper Milton," wnereon ib "' -story
fram. dwelling boos., suitabl. for two
families, with a fram. kitcben attached 5 also,
a fram. .tabl. od oth.r outbuildings.
Seized t.k.n in .xecution nd lob. mM
a. th. property of B. K. Hsgg. nd John
Sbarift's Oflv -
Sept. 15, 1 1 '
Dissolution of Partnership.
XTOTICE la hereby given that tb. lata par
nerihip exiating between the aubacrlhers, in
the Mercantile business, in Lower Augusta town
ship, under tbe firm of Chamberlain A Kurman,
was dissolved by mutual cotsent on in. xoin
August last.
A il nernona Indebted or havfna claim, will
call on Iac Furman, who will continue lb
business at th. old stand.
AU account not settled by th. 1st of Novem
ber next, will be put into the hands of a magis
tral far enllnctioll.
Lower Augusta, Sept 15, 1880. 3t
General Election
IUH8UANT to m act of ihe General Amembly wf th
Commonwealth of ptnun-lvatiia, entitled "An act
rtlatinf to the election of thil Commonwealth." approrwl
the sK-cuitd day ol' July, Anuo Potriinn, on thou in mi
eight hundred and thirty-nine, I, JAMK8 VANOYKK.
Hih Sheriff of the county oi Northumberland, I'eunayl
vama, do horehy make known and give notice to the eli
tore oi the county aioieanid. that a general election will
Ite held in aaid county of Northumberland on the 8KCOND
TUESDAY, 9th of OCTOUKK, lwrit, at wluoh time
Btote and Couuty Orficera, aa iollowa, are to be elwted :
One perann ior Oorernoi of the Common wt-alth.
One peraonaa Member of tha House of IttpreentMive
at Waarnngtoii city, to tbe lepreaeut tba eleventh district
composed if Lhe counties of Nurthumbei land and St-huylk ill
One person for Plate Senator, fr the district composed
of the counties of Northumbeilaitd. Snyder, Montour and
Oua perann a Member of the Houae of Representative
to represent the couuty of Northumberland.
One person for !hrnfl of Nortliumlierlund comity
One peistm for Prothoiiotary, Clerk of the Court of
Oenernl Quarter dessiona, and Oyer and Teuniner oi Nor
thumberlnnd county
One person as Commissioner for thu couuty of North
umber land for a term oi 3 yenra.
One person aa Auditor for tha couuty of North umber
I also hereby make known and give notice that the
places of holding the at'oreanid geneinl election in the sev
eral borougha aud townships within the county oi Nor
th umber land are as follows t
The Suuburv District, compose if the borough of
Punbury, and Upper Augusta, at the Couuty Court
The Augusta District, composed of tha townnhip of
Lower Augusta, al the house ol Peter DuukeJUrger, in
auiri township.
The Northumberland District, comped of the horoneh
of Northunibcdand, at the house of C. . tirovn, oi the
borough of Northumberland.
The .Vint District, at the houaa of lleuiy Haas, in the
borough of Northumberland.
The Millou District, at the houaa of Mrs. Sticker in anid
b trough.
The Turbut District, at the houae occupied by Abrahnm
The Delaware District, at tha Sinking Spring School
I he Chilisquaque District at the h mae of 0. Ritfle.
The Turbutvdle District, at the house of Hiram Key.
uokts, iu tha borough f Tuibutville.
Ttie Lewis District, at the house occupied by Uiram
Rry ii'iltls, in the boniifih of Turlmiville.
The Muiinokln Distiict. at the houte of John Nesbit.
The Uppvr Mahouoy District, at the house of J. II.
1 he Little Mahonoy District, at the houae of widow F.
The Lower Mahouoy District, at tho house of A. Rode
The Ruah District, at the Liberty Pole School Ifuune.
1 he Jut son listnct, at the houae occupied by J . on leu
Tlie Coal District, at the bouse of William M. "Weaver,
in the town of Shaniokiu.
The Zerba District nt the houaa of Win. Foulda, in
The Cameron District, nt the houae of Jacob WngneT
The Jordan District at the house now or lata of Benja
min Leitzel.
The Mount Cannel District nt the miMic houaeof Abra
ham lrch.
Tho Washington District at the liouae of Godfrey B. Re-
The M'Kwensville District, at the brick School House
itenr the Uerimni Church.
The election to open between the hours of 6 and 10
oVl-tck in the forenoon, and shall continue without inter
ruption or adjournment until o'ciocit in the evening
When the polls shall oe cioseo.
The several Inspectors and Judafes elected on the 31
Pridnv of Muruh, in pursuance of the '-Mi Scutiuu of
the act of the 2d of Julv, lttlu, will hoid the election on
Tueauay the 11th dny ot October next.
"Thut every person except a Justice of Ihe Peace who
shall hold any utnre or appointment of proht and ti mm un
der the government of the United States, or of this Suite,
or of any city or incur poiuted district, whether a commis
sioned omcer or agent, who shall be employed under the
legislative, executive or judieiary department of this
Slate, or the United States, or of any city or lucoiporoted
district and also that every member of Coiigiena and of
lhe Stiite Lcgftldture, and of the select and common coun
cil ul any city, or coinmisaiouer of any incorporated Dia
trirt, is by law, incapable of holding or exereisina; the
othre ur appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk, of any
election of this commonwealth, and that no Inspector,
JudRra or any other orTieei of such election, aliall be eligi
ble to any othce to te then voted loi.
And the said Act of Assembly, entitled "nn net relating
to the elections oi this Commonwealth," paww-d July the
!iml, fsS2, further provides as toiiows. to wit :
-Thut the Inspectors and Judeea choacn as nforeaoid.
hall meet at the respective placua ior hoktinp the election
the district to wtnen mey reapectiuiiy I'etong oeiore
nine oTcUck in the moruing ot the avcouu lueanuyoi n -
t jber in each and every vciir, and each ol stud inspector
shall uppoiut one clerk, who alia II be a qualified voter of
Buuh dnirirt.
Section 2. Tunt nuy fraud committed bv any per in
voting in the maimer nlwve prescribed, sliall be puuiKlird
ns similar frauds are directed to be punished by the exist
ing laws oi this Common wen 1th.
"In case the per n who ahrtll have received the second
higheal numlwr of votes for Inspectors shrill not attend on
the day ol any election, then the pereou who shall hnve
received the second highest number of voice for Judge Ihe
next preceding election, shall act na an iunpectoi in his
place, aud in cuae the person elected Judge ahull not attend
the Inspector who received the highest number of votes,
small iipMiint a Jude iu his place; aud it any vacancy
shall ctMiliuue in the bard ior the space of Iwll" an hour ot
W the time fixed by luw for the opening ot" the election.
she qunlihed voteia ol the townsmp, ward or uo mairict,
fi which such officers kliall have been elected, preacul ni
aiie place of elections, snail one of tueir uuniocr lo till such
it shall be the duty "wid aaaesa ra reasectively to at-
lend at the place oi holding very peueral, aeciul, or .
townahip election, during the whole time an id election in
kept open, for the purpoae of giving luformatiou Io the I
lnspectora and Judirc, whan culled on, in relation to Hie ,
tight of any person uaveaaed by tlieiu to vote ut such ek-c-lion,
or such other turners iu relation t the awownitnt o
voters, aa the aaid innpector ur judge or either of them
shall from time to tune require.
"No person siutU be permitted to vote at any election aa
aforesaid, other Hum a white free man ol twenty-one or
more, who tha 1 1 nave resiaeo in we aiaie ni lea i one year,
and m Ihe election ilUtncl where he oilers to vote al least j
ten days immedintely preceednig the election, and within
two yenra paid slate ol county tux. which ahull have been
Bbtessed ut letiat ten daa before ihe election, Jtul a citizen I
of the L'nited Stulca who had rneviounly leeii a qnaiilnil
voter of this stale, and removed tnercirom ana rcBiuncj, ;
and shall have resided iu the election district, und paid tax
aaaioreaatd. ahull be entitled to vote alter re tod mg in this
statu aix months, Provided, Thut the white freemen, citi
lens of the United States, between the uge oi twenty-one
aud twenty-two yeaia, and in the eloctan' district ten days
aa atoreaiud. vliali be entitled to tt vote, although they shall
not have puid la see.
No pel at ji i ahull 1 permitted to vole whose nnire ta nt
contained in the list ol taxable inhabitants iuruifched by the
coinniibMioiierH us uioieaaid, uiileaa, First: He produces
a receipt for the payment, within two years, of a state or
county tux uaaenaed ugreeubly to the oiulitiilioii, il nve
aatihUcUiry evidence either on his own oatli or a th filia
tion, or on the oulh or alhrmalion of another, that he has
paid such lax, or on failure to produce a receipt, klmli make
io) oath to thu payment thereof ; or second, ii he claim a
right to vote by being an elector between the eyes vt
tweniy one und twenty-two yeurs. be ahull depose nn or-th
or ulfu uiation, that he has resided in the Slate at lea hi one
year next before his application, and make such proof of
residence iu the district aa la required by Ihis act ; urn!
that he does verily believe from the nccHiiit gieii him
dent he is of the age aforesaid, aud give such other evi
Unices aa ia required by thia act, whereupon the name of
the person an admitted to vote, aliall be inserted in alpha
betiral liH by the inspectors, and a note made opposite
thereto by writ int. the word "lax," if he ilutll be pvium
'd t vote bv reaeou of bavins; paid lux, or the wotd
t'uge," if he sluUI be permitted to vote on account -f hia
ape, und in either case Ihe iaaoii of aueh votea shall be
called out to Uie clerk, who ahull nuke uotea iu the uat oi
iAiin ksMti Itw then).
Inullcuaea where the name of the per arm claim uik to
vote ia not found ou tne list lurnisneo uy ine i.oinmiMioii
ra and Aaaeaaor, or hia right to vote whether found theru
on or not, ia objected to by any quulihed citizen, the lit
issffiiir sihall ssKuinine such Hereon on oulh aa to his quulifi
cutiona, and ii ha canina to have resided in the state one
vear or more, hia oulh ahall be a proof Uiereol. uui tie anau
prove by at leuat one com pe tent witueas, who ahall be a
qualineu elector, HUM ne ltiwi wmnu sun uiaunvs. sis itus
ten drtvs next iminediatelv preceding tbe rleclion, and ulmt
siIbo himaeli ivvear titat liia bona hde residence, iu pursu
ance of lawful calliug ii v it Ion the district, and that be
did not remove into aaid diatrict for tha purpose of voting
Kveiy peaon qualified aa aforeaaid, and who bhall make
proof, if required, of reaidait and nayment of tuxes, aa
aforesaid, ahall ba admitted to vote iu lh township, ward
ordisuic iu which be ahall reside.
II anypetaoii not quaiined to vota in thiaCotnnvmwtnllh
"-ceably to luw, (except tba suns ot qualified citizens,
shall appear al any place of election for the purpoae ot ia
auintj tickuia, or influencing ciliiena qunlitied to vote, ha
Bhall, on eunvietion, forfeit and pay any autn not exceed
ing one hundred dollars for every one aurh orieuce, and
be inipriaoned (m any terio not exceeding three nkmths.
It sliall be the duly of every mayor, slier id, alderman
just ic of the pence, and omauible or deputy consuible, of
every' city, county, township or district within this com
nvinweallb, whenever called upon by any officer of an
slecuoti, or by any three qualified electors thereof, to clear
any window or avenue to any window, to the place of
geneial election, which ahall be obetructad in aucb a wuy
as to prevent voters from approacbuig the aaiue, and ti
neglect or refusal to do so ou aucb requiaiou, an id oiftoet
atutl! be deemed gullied of oiiademeenor in omce and oa
eouvictioa ahall be fined in any euro not leaa than one hun
dred nor more than one thousand doUaro aitd it ahall be
tbe duty of Ue respective constable of each ward, district
or township, of this ooumtonweisih lo be present in person
or by deputy, at the place of holding aucb elections ia each
ward, district or township, for the purpoae of preserving
the peace aa aforeaaid.
It ahall be lhe duty of every peace oaVer, aa afoioaaal,
who ahull be present at any aucb disturbances at an elec
tion as is described! n Una act, to report tbe an me to the
next eouit of quarter aeeaioua, aud alao tbe nuiaea of lhe
witneaaee who can prove the sume.
The Judges are to make then returns for the eottaty of
Northumbcrlaiid, ai the Court Houae, in banbury, o pri
bty, the rite day cat October, A. D. 18A0.
Given under my hand, at Sunbury, this lOtk day of Sep
tember, A. D. 1000. and ia tba tank year of the i tide pen
4ne ol the tailed Sutea.
Of the State of PennayWaiiia.
OrMnitexl -with full Faculty under an Art of
IhaLegi-Uture.tnd deaiiyneJ to supply U
Ifeat want in American Education, to wit.
through Colletiato training for th practica of
Mine Enginearing, Civil Engineting, Mechani.
cal Engineering Analytical and ndua
trial Chemistry, Mettalurgy and
Tha College compriaea
For tha Oenrral Student, and Four Tcchnicitl
Srhoola, for Professional Studenta. vis.
Th School of Minen, the School of CiNil En
gineering, the School of Practical Chemistry,
the School of Mechanical Engineering.
Architectures, Topographical, and Mechanic
al Drawing, are included in the Engineering
Couraea, and ample facilities exiat for Practic e
In the Fivld with the ir.ilrnmeiita, and in the
Chemical Laboratory.
Term per Annum :
Scientific School, $75. Profession nl Schools
$100 to $130.
The Eighth Annual Senium, will begin on
Monday, Septerrber 17lh, 18C0, and tha com
mencement tor ennfeninc Degrees will be held
on the lo-t Thursday in June.
r or catalogues and futher information address,
D. A. L. KENNEDY, PresH of Faculty.
September, 15, 18C0. 3t
TV OTICE is hereby given that my wife Anns
Keiscr, has lelt my bed snd board without
juat raiMe, and I hereby caution all persons not
10 harbor or trust her on mv account as 1 will
lint pay any debts of her contrnrling unlcM com
pelled by luw. HKNKY KKlsFH. Sr.
Lower .Augutta twp., Sept. 8, 18G0. 3t
m TT J T J J i. TT a. . t
au me rree anu xiiuepenueui oieia ui
Noi thumieriand County-
Fki.low CrnzKSis : Having yielded to the
solicitations of many warm and personal friends ,
of all parties, I orce more present myself before j
you aa tho FKK12 VOTERS' C A NKIUATE 1
for tho ollice of SlIKKIKT, should you see
proper to elect me, I ahall endeavor to administer
the duties resting upon ine in audi a manner aa
will meet the approval of the people whom I
havetoaerve. HENi Y WEIsIi.
Sept., 8, 18110.
rVflLINU Sc. URANT (at the Mammoth
rilore,') have just received 500 llis. of Solar
(iround, iSular and Fine .Salt, 700 Sacka of
(itounJ Solnr Salt every sack warranted to
contain 25 pouniU of Salt and 200 bugs of Salt i
containing one liushcl each. Tni suit ia the
beat and strnngnsi now manufactured and in
market. Call and see for yourselves.
Sunbury Sept., 8. I Slit).
Lh the Court of Common I'tens of Aur hum
berland Couuty.
Benjamin Dcrk, for the
use of a. H. lluyer, J- Venditioni exponas
va. J-No. 32 August T.,
Daniel Kramer. j 18h0.
Notice is hereby given thnt the undersigned
auditor. appointed by the said Court in th above
case, to distribute the funds in Court and report
the facts ; will attend for that purpose, at hia
office, in Market square Sunbury, on Monday
the 8lh day of October 1SC0, at 10 o'clock in the
forenoon i when all parties in interest mav attend
if they think proper.
Sunbury, September 8, lHUO1
l'riuled Caahmcrcs and Delaines.
lilocli and colored wool Delaints.
illacli Silks, Alpacas, Domhaziiies.
French, English and me.rican l'tints.
Cloths, Cntnimcrea, Ac, for pants and jackets.
Fine and low-priced Cloakinga.
Fine black Cloths and Casaimeres.
F routing and Shirting Linens, by the yard or
4-5 Uutchers' Linens, by the yard or piece.
Fine Villow Linens of every desirable width.
Sheeting Linens in variety.
Damask 1 able Linens, a Urge stock.
Spot snd Damask
ak Table Cloths of every grade.
Doylies by the single doien or
Napkina and
Fine fringed lluck and Damask Towels.
Low priced Towels and Toweling.
Ulaukels, Marceilles Quilts, Ac
S. E. cor. NINTH and MARKET Streets.
Sept. 8, 1H00. Philadelphia
iin ' """"
To the Citizens of New Jersey & Pennsyl
Apntlirraiira, Prupgiaia, Grucen and I'livulc Fainilica
AVulft-'a Pure rnirnae nranrly.
WnllV'a PiireMmlcrln, fherry and P.irl Wine.
Woltf'i I'ure Jumuica ami St Croix lliiui.
Wulle'a Pure Scutch and Irish VYIiiaky.
A l.t. IN B0TTI.K8.
1 bec leave to cill tlie attt-ntion of trie citizen "f the '
I'liileii flnle t-i tlie Wnu-a and l.iquiHa, importrd
hy L ouLrao Wolvk. in' New Ytirk, wlinaa nuine ia laim.
liar in every nail ul thia cuuntry I'ur the purity of hiiceli- ;
liraled Si-hierlam Seliun))pa. Mr. Wnlle. in his letter tu '
me, fpeukiuiruf the pulily of hii VVineaand l.iimna, aa; a : 1
"1 will suue uijr reputation aa a maa, my abindiiig aa j
inert-hant of thirty yeurfe'a reaiilenre iu lh Cily of iew
York, lhat all the Urumty anil U'litee which 1 tvatle are i
pure aa iuiiortetl, ami of the heal quality, and can be relied ,
upon by every puiehuker 1 F.v-ety houlr haa the propne.
lor'e name (Ul the wax, auda fac simile a" hie liffiiatureou
the cerliheata. The public are rerpet-tfullv invited to cull :
and examine for themat lvea '1 lie public ui a respeclfull
invited lo cull aud examine for llieniacivea l-ir aula al i
Kelall uy all Apotliei-anra ami Oruceia in J uiladclj.hia.
tiaoaux H AsHToa.No. bdJ Market et , i'hll'a
Read the loilowmg troui tlie New Yoik Courier :
Ksoaaioca BuaiNxva lot oaa Naw ohi Mxacusar.
We are happy to inform our fellow-vitizcna lliul iheie
ia one place iu our city where the phyncuoi,apothrcary,
aial country lueretiaul, can go and puichaaa pure Wiuua
aud pure aa mipoited, ami of the Deal quality.
We do mil iiiteiHl lo fiiva au elaborate deaeuptieu ol Una
nieiclianl's exteuaive buaiueaa. although ll will well repay
any stranger or c-itizen to visit b'dolpho Woll'e'aexlenaiva
wurchouse. Noa. 1H. itoand 2. liover street, and Noa. 17.
luaudl,Marketrield alreel. Ilia auvk of behnappa ou
haial ready for shipment could not have been less tliuu
thirly thousand eases ; the HiaiaJy. amne leu thousand
caaea Yinlatieaof lead to ; and leu thousand eases
of MuUeira, bheiry and Fori Wine, HcoU-h aial lnh
Whisky, Jamaica and bt. Croix Kum, some veiy old and
equultoany in this ec unity, ilealso hud three laige eel
lura, tilled with Jiraudy, Wine Ac , ill casks, amltr Cua
tout-House key, nady for boitluaj. Mr. WuUVa aalea ol'
Behiutpps last year amounted lo one hundred aiwl eighty
thousand dozen, and we hope in leas than two vearahe tnuy
be equally aucceaaful with hia ilraudiea aial Wlnea.
Ilia business merlu the patronage of every lover ol bis
apeciea. Private fauaillea who wish pure iuea ami 1.1
quora for medical use should aeud their orders direct 10
Mi. Wolv, uulil every Apdhevary in the land make up
their minda Ui discard lhe poisonous stull'fruiu liieir aiielvea
aod replace it with Wotrs'a puis Wineaaud Liquora.
Wa underaunul Mr. Wolfe, lor the aecvmmodatnai of
amall dcalera iu the country, puta Ubaaaorled easea ut'
Wines and Liquors. uch a man, ana aucb a mere-haul
should be ausiaiiied agaiiuvt his teiia uf lliouaaHda ot' oppo
nent iu the Lulled Malea, who sell nothing but untUlllouS,
rainoua alike lo human health and happiness.
September 8, IbOO tira p.
II bar bottles lor sale ky
H. B MA88ER.
1K1I.I0 4, URANT have juat received bv
- railroad the largest assortment of (QUEENS
WAKE and GLAH9WARE ever brought to
Suubury. Also, a fresh supply of DRY GOODS,
consisting of Hpring Dresa Uooda, I'rinU, Mua
lins and iVotions. pr 7, I HBO.
SM0T8 AMI BHOE8, a large assortment
Hunbmy, Jsnusry 28, l60.
No. 83 North SECOND Ht., opposite Clirial
If A3 for Pale, tha bast family Cooking Stores
in the Market a good and faithful servant)
the great provider for the Family I Every houae.
hold should have a reliable Lehigh (Jaa Uurner
Cooking Stove always reliable, alway econo
nomical. Also, the great fJas eonauming Heating Stove,
for Parlor Ac will burn leas fuol and emit
more heal than any other Htove Kor Hale with
a Urge aaaortment of all kinda of COOKINU
and HEATINCi STOVES, S holo.ala and Re
No. 33 North 5oroud St., above Market, l'liil
adclphi.1. Reference. Hon D.VMH TAUfiAKT,
Septemtier 8. 1860. -:tm w
1 N pursuance ot an order ol the Orphans' Court
of Northumterlaiid county, will be ex pored
to public sale, at the public houae of Jainea Van ,
ilfLf in ihn tnurti nf Miittlmri nt, 'I'a.AB.In.. tt.m I
"j t ... ".. " ..u. ...... j , .... ... ..t.j, mo
Sftth dny of SEi'TKM liKI!, 1x00, the uiuli
viiled half part or nmiety of a ci'itnin TRACT
Or' LAND, ulualo in Coal townahip, Nortlium.
bcrlnnd county, bounded on tho noith by binds
nf the I'hilniW'Iphia & Sunbury, (now Shamokiu
Valley A- 1'ottsville). Knilroad ('oinpnny, on
the south by the Mnrlin land-, and 011 the coat
and west by lands of Jeremiah, lirown, contain'
ing 2U0 ACItKS, more or Iosh, whereon are
erected a dwelling llouwe and Darn, it being
part of a larger Iruct urii;inully urvecd in lhe
in the tin mo of Daniel Keea.
Also, The following described Lola of (Jround,
situate in tho town ol Slianiokin, of which he I
died aolv acicd, 111 : 1 triaiigulur piece of (jronnil '
hilllHileil anutll bv Wall f.trret. wpk! tiv lot .if liil. ;
II. and on lhe north .!..
aaid I'hlludclphiii and eiunbary, now Miainukni i
. . . . . . . ' tt
y,,, & 'oiuvill0 Uuilmud.
Alao, Another Lot of lir.mnd, bounded oil tho
south by Wall street, 011 the Went by trie Car.
bun Run Railroad, on the North bv elrcet along
the aaid I'hiladelpbia ot Suuburv. now Miuiimkin
alley A rotlaville Railroad, and on the caat by
lot belonging to the estate of the late II. Vox.
theimer. j
Also, Another Lot of (iround, containing one.
eighth of an Acre, tnoro or leaa, adjoining lot of I
Dr. Kobert Philips, Shaiuukin ( reek, a branch
tirallCn i
ol iihainokin Creek, and triangular Lot No. 4 14 j
on the Plot of town laid out by McCarty. Davis,
Warner and Jordan. Late tho eatuie of David 1
7lioinion, deceased.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M , of
said day. I
One half ol the clear proceed 4 ol sale In re. I
main charged on the mini during life of the wi.
dow, the interest to be paid to her annually to , Catharine wile of John Hoslian, Harriet wife of
bcaecurcd by Bond and Mortgage. Iu per cent ( Williim Naber, Ann EiiiaUHi Moore, Charles
of balance to be paid aa soon aa ihe property la j M Moore, and Mary Alice Moore, (lhe aaid
atruck down and the remaining HI) per cent on , Charlea M, and Mary Alice being minora) child
the tirat day of April, Itftil. also !c secured by j reri of Isaac Moore, deceased, who reside at Jack
lloud and Mortgage. Immediately on death of 1 aon, Lycoming county, Pennsylvania,
widow, the said one half on which she is lo re- 1 y0u and each of you. are hereby notifiej. lhat
ccive interest, is to be paid to the persons legally
entitled to receive it.
II. J. WOLVERTON. Trustee.
Uy order of Ihe Court,
J. M. MASSER, Clk., (). C,
Sunbury, September 1, IHf.O
Orphans' Court Sale.
IN" pursuance of no order of the Orphans'
Court of Northumberland county, will be
exposed lo public salt, at the hoiis'u of Jacob, dee'd., in Cameron towusbip, on
Saturday, September 29tb, 18C0, all that
certain tiact or pioce of land situate in Coul
township, (now Cameron,) Northumberland
county, I'enna., adjnitimg lutids of Fdizabetb
Sleich aud others ; containing eighty acres
of land, more or less. Lulu tbo eetuto of
Jacob llaupt, deceased.
fcalo to commence ut 10 o'clock A. M. of
said dny, when the terms and conditions 0
salu will be made known by
Uy order of tbe Court,
Jaooh H. Makkkr, Clk. O. 0 J-
Suuburv, Sept. 1, 1-8G0. J
Audltoi n oil r.
In the Orphans' Court of Northumberland coutr
ty.eittaU! of Ua&c Ciilgcr. deceaaed.
MHU undersigned auditor, appointed hy aaid
J. Court, to make distribution of tho balance in 1
the haniU of Henry Hotipt, aJmiiiistralor of itniJ
. ...
, Jaaac (jilner. deceased, tu and ainonif the credi-
j t0Tt 0f ,ij decedent, according to the rales and
BCCoruitig to tho ratr and
pronortiiMi to whirh they are legally enlitlt j, will
..! . . ,r t 1 .
attend for that purpose, ot hi offlre m Market
Square, Hunbnry, on Saturday, September S'Jtli,
180, at 10 o clock, A. M. All parties intcrcalod
will take notice.
Sunbury, September 1st, 1HH0.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
Having hern urged bv many of my
comrades in the war of IN 12, and many citizens
of the county, I have consented to become a can
didate for the ollice of
If you ace proper to elect me, I prnmiae to fulfill
tbe duties of lhe office, impartially and to the
best of my ability.
Trrvorton. Sept. 8. IHfiO. te
To the Democratio Voters of Nortuniber-
land County.
IT'ku.ow Citi.b.h : Having received mnch
rncourutfeinent from my friends, I have
been iuduceit to offer myself as a candidate
subject to the rules of the Democratic party.
If uotninuttul and elocted, I promisH to fultill
the duties of the office faithfully and impar
Milton, Atigiist ll 18ti0.
To the Dcinecralic Voters of Northumberland
"Ikllow DiMOca.iT: I hereby offer myself
- as a candidate for ir-ehction for the ollice of
l'rothonotary, Ac, subject to the rule of Ihe
Democratic party. Hiould I be nominated and
elected, I wilt perform the duties of the ollice
faithfully, and to the brat of my abililv.
Sunbury, Mav ft. IrlfiO.
To the Voters of Xorlluwtberlaiul Couuty.
r'sLLew-Cmzsas :
Encouraged by many friends, I am induced
to oiler myself lo the people as a candidate for
: OlllCtf Ul
at the aiiuroaching; elrition, and respeclfullv so-
licit your suffrages, pledging lhat in case I ain
elected, I will perforin the dutiea incumbent 011
lhat ollice faithfully, impartially aud to tha heat
of my ability,
Sunbury, April 21, lHliO.
To the Democrats of Northumberland
TjsLiow Citiziks: I hereby offer nivaclf as
a candidate lor the office of COIM'V
COMMISSIONER, subject to the rulra of the
Democratic party, bhould I ba nomiiialtd and
elected, I will perforin the duties of the otlica
faithfully, and tu the beat of my ability.
Little Mahanoy (p., May 6.JI860.
To the Voters of Northumberland
GsKTiaasa I 1 offer myself as au independent
candidate for tha Otlica of
of Northumberland couuty, at the next general
election. If you think proper lo claut in a, you
shall have uiy tbaiika, and I pledge myself to
execute the effwe faithfully.
r. vr. K.NVur.n.
tthamokin Top-, May 19. ll0.
'pilR Snnbory Aimtnmf wilt br renprned nn Mxulny
X lh f Auyu.t, Ihfr), aiKlvr ua care ( K. I'.
The eataa nf iiMlrnrtinn will embrai" rf dfatart
molit .f Miurati"- laushl ill inir tint AnutemiM, rrparin(
ain'tniia una either lor a prMrmoiior in amix any clan in
tkrms rr.n CL'AKTi::t:
Cntnmon Prlnxil llraiiclim, 91 n-
11 iajr Kualiah llraia-hea, I, In)
latin and Ureek lngungra. tin
All antenna Wfnre Ihefmiilillf of lhe Qiiaiter will lie
retjuiied to pay for Ihe whole term if tumin.iinlr..
ctal arrangement ia mtide.
Tuition to Iwnaid hefore Oic middle of the teim
Board oan be had 111 private fnmm.n at iinin l Ijlo
9i 0. per week.
Punhury, Ati'tistSS, K0.
MuIcIick, Jcvelr & Mivi r War.
I, ' r. would reapeetraily inf-tni .-nr frienHs, peUiia
and the geieraiv. Ihm hnve iv w inM.-e
aml iaTer WHOl.KSAI.K. AM HI. cam . .!!,. i t
(ath I'rli-ee.a bogeaml ve-v.-hoire il.k.. ur?',
Jr." I'.l.n V, SII.VKK AND I'l.ATI II V.KH. ..( evnv
variety and alvle.
I'verv rleaeriution nf HI VMOVP V(iRK ai d oilier
.ir.WKI.KY, nviiie to nriier, ni f.T:. t ,1. .tict, if Ail
liooda Warranlel lo he aa rrp'evemed
N. II Pmtirnlnr atienii,.,) jn.e-i 10 the trpiii'iig of
Watchea and Jewelry of .-vet r ih 'Tipi'on.
"IAriKi:il A lURl.fY,
No. fcrt Market Street, H-uth hide, l'lul; Iplna.
Pepleinliei I, Irdn. -Uni
Ladies' One Price
Fancy Fcr Store !
lolni l'urrli';i,
No 71- AHCII Wtrrt.V.
Iweii Till, ili'il Mill, HtK.
(Ijito of f IS Mnikel Sir.,)
Imiiorter, Manu'.tr:n.-er -f
and Ih-iilHr i.t nil kiiuU ol
ftiiving reinnvnl t-i my New Pt'Te. tl Arch Pt.. and
hi-niff now e.iiCML'ed entirrlv 111 the Minnilnclnre und i;ile
of Fiiurv rum. which, in ucrorrinnre with tlie'-One Price
rruieiple." I hnve miirked at the lowcat pnnait'le piicri
'm"'.lrM wilb a re.,,bl; profit, I woiiu ..ijeit a
,r""' tn' in want ot I um ior ettimr l Jidicn' r t.iiimrf tti'
Wear, nnd nn nupeiiion ol my t.-lfli'm of ile'ie c'"tle.
Kintneu, at 1 am, 01 my ainmy 10 please 111 every availed
IV" IVraopa nta diManre, who mav find it inconvenient
toi::ill prraoimllv, need onlv name ihe. article, thev wmh
t'pelhei with the price, and niairucliona for iidhitr. and
forward the order to my a.ldreat money acroniran) ing
4.1 inaiiie a aiin.l'actorv with their wlhca
Philadelphia A Jiium I cflO.SniS J w
llNtate of John Moore, tcornel.
Eliaha C. Moore, Writ of Paitition or va!
vs ination issued out of the
1 i.'iiui.-im ut-unoi j ..ipiiiiiia juuii VI a
2 he collateral heirs of j Irphans' Court of Nor
Jol,n -"oorc, deceased J Ihutnberland county,
Returnable to November Term, A. D. 19G0.
To Michael Mnnnt off aa it ia i.elieve.ll St A.i
thouy Falls, in the Slate of Minnesota ; Hannah
wife of James Meriill, and Sarah Fulkerson wifu
of William Fulkerson, residing ut Liberty, Tioga,
county, Pennsylvania; Esther Moore, Susannah
wife nf Joseph lloupt, and Eliaha C Moore of
Northumberland countv. Pennsvlvmiii : anil
by virtue of tho above to mo directed an inquest
will be held at the late residence of suid John
Moore, deceased, iu Shamokin township. Nor
ihumberland county, Pennsylvania, on FflDAY
the 2tith day September' next. (IHQ0.) at 10
o'clock, A. M., fur the purposa of making parti,
tion of, or to value and uppraise the real estate of
said decedent, to wit: A certain messuage and
tract of laud, situate in Shamokin township,
Northuinlwrland county, Pennsylvania, adjoining
lands of the heirs ol Daniel Campbell, heir of
Silas Farrow, deceased, Samuel Eplcr and others
containihg 1-10 acres, more or less, with the ap
purtenances At which tunc and place you may
ultend if you see proper.
JAMES V A N D V K K, Sherilf.
Sherifr Office, Sunbury,
August S. I860.
Estate of Frederick Heckart. Deceased.
vn- j Nurthuiiitrcituitd enmity.
Th widnw mid CullMtrrol Writ of ourliuou and vnl
hctiioi I'reUtrirk llt'ckntt, I uhiiuii. Ketiiriinbletu.Nv.
ticeM., wtiu died litteutute. J Term, A. I l(-60.
To Ititi 0'illH.erHt heir of uid decedent, via: : Ut, Philip
Ifeckatt, ubiolher; 'nd, Jacib UecKHrl, Juhn Htxkflrt,
Cjtlmriiie, luterinurraii with Jtniuh Tsctmpp, und Mary,
iiiteriimrned with Jidm Uul, cluldmi if Sloimn Hcek-
1 ;
uM. a brittier ot und dtrctdent. iuw dt-Mis) : :u in
t children nt t,Uznt,ut u timer oi Ktid Kirderirk Ueckurt,
1 dee d., W!i wui intei inHrricd wth t'hilip Jierbti, (tieund
I her tiukiwiiid l'tti dettd tx-lure tiio dwiih of Mid Frederick
1 Meek .il, viz : John Jieli Zt-rbp, tfuvid eiut.
He iiiuiinii Kuibe, l'lnltji Zcrbe, I'eter '.citc, mid Margaret
Zr-rU-, vvlm wuk iiitniiiurried with Ge-rgf I'ingt-inuu, the
.tid Ueortre leiiiii iiuvv deceased : Klizabeth Zrb;, inter
' muiried with John Uuer, said KhisaL-eih huvingdied be-
1 for Hit, intr utiilt It-MViiiv nut btiil IiukI.miiiI atiiri.-iL'iii h.-r
j J,",' ,
inmie, iiaiiriei issuer, lury, iiueruiainfU with jucou
Uuuini, EIiIh-Ui, ii.termarrit-d with Jiuol. iehroyei
-l,r unu-.r, whu haa ior her (ruardian A.
"finder, Muna, inteimarrted with Andrew l'arlKpp, Julia,
w.Ja woa llltcrtni((ll,.d wlU, Katn iuer-ii.d Joim
being now deeeaaed, leaving nwue Jonuthnn und Hinry
lauer. niuiori, wliu have lor liicir guuidian Kbui Wemi ;
Henjmin liuer, Nphia Isauer and Klizuhelh l.auer, who
have for their gutmiuii John A. 6ndur ; 4th, the children
of C'itttianne, a iater oi mid Intuatate, who wai intermar
Titxl with John Taethipp, (ahe and Um huitmnd being both
dead before aaid ln(etuie,) viz; John 'IVtiopp, Betiy,
inteiniurried with MeiiiyJ ry, Idia, intermanied with
v niiaiii Snyder, Heieeca, iitierniurneii with tMiionuel
I lleckart, Polly, who was internum ted with Samuel Weriz.
but la now dceeuseit, leaving a minor child, Calamine,
I muiried to Coruciiua Wiimei, who haa foi her frtinrdiau
; John A. Snyder ; Molly, who waa iiileriit-irried with Fliaa
i lentil, liul is now dead, leaving tsaue three minor children,
. John, tieoie und Amelia, who have for titeir guurdian
I J. hiiSiaitz ; Julia, who was intermarried with John t.auer,
I tint ia iii.w dead, leaving issue one minor child, Mulililu,
I who luis for her iiuardiun lieore Nearer ; 5th, Iheileeeud.
antsol Michael lleckurl, who wus a brother uf aaid lutes
late, but died before him, viz : Jonus lleekart, llelaev.
inleiuiHrried with John Harncr, l.ydia. intermarried with
John Woleud, l'oll, inu-iiuuirieil with Keuheu Kisenhart,
Catharine, intermarried with Georue Shinier, lnauiiiili,
intermarried with Jacob lhorl'iier, Christiana, inleiuiairied
with Michael lleiiimu, Ann, who waa internuirrled with
Jueob Meek , but now dead, leaving issue one el.ild, Mary
Caroline, who ia a minor, and has for her guaidiun John
Hiuckle; Olh, tl.ihii lleekait, a brother of said Inlestale ;
7th, Jonas Heckart, a brothel of aaid Intestate ; and etti,
Anna Mury lleekait, iiiierinarued with Dautd Miller,
'ou and earh of you are berehy notified thut by virtue
1 01 me uuiiyo wi 11 01 '.n 111 1011 aim vuiuuiiou, ui me uirei.--
n-u, an nupiesi win ue ueiu ui lue uue resiuenes 01 sua
Fieih-ritk lluek.irl, iltceustd, in tiwer Mtiliuuoy town
ship, N.itthumlieilioiil county, oil Tuesday, the Itfih day ol
Kiptemliei next. ( IHlll.t al IU o'eha-k A. M .for lhe purpose
of nuiking- (wirtitioii ol, or lo value and apprulse tlie lial
estate ol Kod At which lime aud place you
nuy attend, if you Ihtnk proper.
JAM KB VaNDYKK, Slienlf.
Sherifl'sOmi'e, Hunbury, I
Aug. t t, iNkl.
K I ti f It 1
A l.A V.'NS.
i'sciuc I.swiis, l.itile Kigures. East Colors,
Quality, MOO, Lilacs, Piuka, IJlues, II row ua,
Modes, Krai iSlylca.
H. I, cornel 9'.h and Market, I'hihulelphis.
July 7th, Ih'CO.
e. Y.'iiiiiHiTr & sun! '
HAVE now on hand a choice line of French
Cloths, Mack Doeskins, Fauc Cassiiuerve,
Tweed, Silk Mixed Coatings, Vcatinga, Cotiou
ades, cVc.
Sunbury, June S3, UfiO.
2 7 4 ." 1 7 8
4 0 '2 7 r
These tigureei art) intt'titloit to draw
your attention to the iinpoitant faci, that tbe
place where you can Kt-l the iiioat goods for the
leaat money, ia at the One I'ncr More nf
Suuburv, June Ifi. INliO.
OOT A MIOESare aold cheauar than
evi r at the Maiuinolh More.
all and see our asaoitinejil and axeitain our
prices, and you will not fail buy.
Kiilibnry, Mav Vfi. IKUU.
A KKKsll M Pl'I.V OF DRl OS at the
Mammoih Store. Alao, anew lot of per
luuiery, Soaps aud Fanrv Article. Very cheap.
8unbury, May S, t60.
OFFEHS his proleeaijnal earviccs to the citi
zens of Sunbury auJ vicinity.
Ollii e al the Drug Store.
Sunbury, June 30, I boll.
IT ia importaut lo Ilia LA DIE lo know thai
Friluig aV Grant, have the beat and large!
ssortoiant of Dresa Goods in ths ceunly.
Sunbury, June 8, IISO.
180) SPRING & SUMMEll 18fi0
PKILINO ORANT.,lwr,flJy ,nna1'nr
to their friend, and the public, that the, have
juet received lhe
Very Large,! and cl Stoik
j eer broitghl to Hunliiitr, whirh will he diaimvd
of at the very LOVKT I'KICUs. f. C.bH
I r. 1 ... ,
' C K?C) eVfiry thine .
' 1. . .1 , ,
. ' 0 K0PJ1 CVerythinc ! .
Wc ketp everything ! ! !
Thankful to oiir Iriend. for paat favors, wt atl!
cit a coiitiiiiiaiice ol the same, at the
Largest Store in Central Pennsylvania
Largest and Clieapest Store ! !
Largest anil C'neiipest ! ! !
t Coll, hec, and be coin lured !
Sunbury. May 19, ISfil).
rIIIE mbrcribcrs hnvingr token possession of
I liia first cbi FLOL'KIXG Mil. 1,, are pre
pared l.i receive grain of ull kinds, nml to do cur
loin work at the shortest Notice. Customers
will have Ihcir Riisia (rround immediately upon
tlirir being left st the Mill. As it ia the inton.
tion of tho firm to xlock the Mill a lart;e Sup
ply nt Gidin, will be constantly kept on band,
and flour by the quantity can alwuys be obtained.
The greatest cjie will be taken to turn out a su
perior quality of flour, lor which the mill ia ad
mirably adapted. Mtrict ttttiutinn wiJI be paid to
the want of customer., and the pntronsge o! ihe
public genenilly ia respectfully rcuui-sied.
morgan & co.,
Sunbury, June 23, IS' 0.
II in II I 8 1V41XTKR,
H 1 1 0 v n r )j at 50L a lu ,
SUNBURY, 3? A. .
June 231800.
NEW (100DS ! ! NEWOODs I '. !
'IHE slibacriliors have juat received by Railroad
-- a new Stock of Ready Mady Clothing, con
aistinsT of
which they are selling ihraper than can be pur
chased any where elm-. Their Hock cousisia ot
Ihe very best of luatcriula, made up in the latest
sly le, such aa
VESTS from $1 to ft. nf the finest quality.
A larfie aaanrlineut of
Boots, Slioes, Ouiterti, Trunks, Barin?t
rtiijLrs, Utubrellitsi, &c.
a large variety of ready made Shirts, in price from
SO cut. to $2,00.
Also, a large KNSortincnt of Mena' and Uo a'
of all kinds.
Persons who are in want of Clothing should
call at once and examins for themselves as 110
charges will be made for allowing goods.
Siore Room on the corner of Market ami Fawn
atrcfta. nearly opposite Weaver's Hotel.
Sunbury, June 9, lHiifl. lyjanc
I860. " THE BEST ROUTE 1860.
lVjTuniliiK Valley tu riilladelphlit.
9ie York, llaltlmoiv,
Two Iail)- Passenger Trains will lie run between Sceanryi
and Northumberland, aa follows.
Leave l'hil'a.Mail. N T ta
Serauiiai, 1 III A M lb r M
Pittstou, S 34 4 m
Kingsloii, 7 IU a Jo
SlnekslilimT, 7 AO a -i
Berwn-k, a io a tu
Hloonisunig, s to 7 30
Hupeil, 0 11 7 4H
Dnnvilie, P l a 10
Nortliuiaberland, lo on $
Leave N. Y. Ks Phil's Mail
NorU-umlrland, 8 30 A.M. 15 V.M
Arrive al
Danville, a OS a go
Kupert, S Ji t 0
HLsnnshurg, 6 j r ul
Her wick, 7 IS 3S
Sliiesatnnny, 7 IS 7 OS
Kineslou, a UO 7 4S
Pulsion, H 67 8 I:,
&icrnnton, a Ui 4S
Tne l-arkan-atina and BKa.inabuia Railroad conne.irs
wilhllie l)elsw-ie, li.-knwjnna and Weateni Raiinatd,
alHeranloll, for New York and I'tnladelph.a, and inlernie
diale points 1-ast ; also for Ureal liend, Uuigliamlon,
Syracuse, Uutt'ulo, Niacara Falla, and all important points
Vest. At Kurett it connects with the Cattawissa Rail
road, fiir (winis IwHh llnst and West. At NaithuiuberlaiKl
it connects with Uie Sunbury and l.rie Railroad, for pomis
West sod South M. VV. JACKSON, Su(.'l.
Kingston, August S'i, 160.
10(4 .-fnntiaZ Exhibition on the "Wyoming
liattle tSrnund," near (he Wyoming Monu
mcni, onu in the vicinitt of IV'iUej liarrt,
Tittston umi Svranton, n Luzerne county.
CX111H1TION willoi'euoiiTLK.SDAY.and wi l
1 continue l-'oui llus, viz :
r-KI I'KMHI'.lt Mill,, 3m Ii and 2Sih.
The Giouiuls, which aie inosl tH.-aulil'iilly situatiaj. are
nr.t only larqe. but rniuiu-kalily well atlailed to the ru'P't
ses of thu Kxlnl.ilion.
A Fins Tal If ok lloasas, as well as every
couvenieiice iieeeHsary lo lhe eollllort and salety ol txhim
lots and tha animals and artiulcs they wish, era
A riungf mettle have been made with tha different Ra.l
rd Comiianies lot the linnspoiuiUou ol attclea intend. -d ealiilntion
Visitors lo the Kxhit'itiou will find most arupla acc-Tl
tn-idetionii. at imxlerule in leca
The diUeienl Itilroail Cou..aniis will tssiio
I.isu of I'-emiums. Jiiiiaea. and Refrulaticns. Ac, run
v had at all the principal Aci icnllmal Warehmurs. trra
(.en K. W. hlurdevaul, al VVilsea Bane, alet on appln's
In.n uoiii Heii,ntl'er Ut, to the Seerrlary. at Hariis-iiir
Alter thai liuia the Seerclary'a oltne will leal Weal
I'lllsloii, l.uzeriu c umy.
CiiMPK'ITTIoN Ot'i;.N TO Al.l.
A O., Kecrrlsry
Al.f 'ist 18, IrSO.-St
. litiiiiltr:ilr m olitr.
)J OI'II K i hereby given that Icl'ara of a I
nitiiiatratioii liHSiiia lacn granted o inn
nbeiillier. on the istala of lacob Ailinsn, late
ol Lower Mabonoy lown.lup, Noitbuinliilsu'
couiily, ilnessed. Allp. ia.ois iinlebtid to anl
eslatt-aie reiiieled l.i make tniu.ejiale patnieut.
and llio-e havmK ilanus will lhm M
JON H TREfiO, AJtn'r.
Lower Mahonoy, Aii(;usl lift, l0 - t'l
idiulnlruloi'a !ullr. .
XrOTU E ia heuby given that lelU-is of d
A- ' ministration having been graated lo the un
drraigiiad.oti the estate of Maif Farnsworlh, lata
ff Lower Auftuala lowuahip, Noribumlarilaud
county, deceased. All priaona indebted ara re
uuealed lo make iinmcdieU) payment, aud thoa
hating claims to present ihem for at-ltleinant.
Lower Augusta twp., Aug. I, 1860 "I
t)l'' tha best quality and latest sty!, jual
received aud for sal at .
Sunbury. Aogust 11, lb60.
i-vn pounds ofrAnrEI" ltat'8 waimdai
j.y the store el
fJbK.Hf A bO.V
Tb. .rtist.
coaches f"' t!l scl
known msssr ot