UHOYFJIA-. It A III, US NOIrlEI.EPS FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. f PI! K nnrif-raifrncd, Clrrpryrm-n of vnriiitifttlcnninittntioni, .1 Ihivimk jMirpjiiiMxl awl uncd in our Hmilire "iinnvKH V. Hakkh's Olelrntcil rm.lv Hcwiiio- Miirhinr." tnke plnienrc mi riconnnrtiflniff il as mi instrument fully mm liiing Ihc fiaictiliiilii of ti piit iiittrhnn lm lirniitifii iK Die esscniiiils of n eooil machine. In beautiful slrnpluaty, ensu of nuno.-. no nl, nml the strength n.l rl:iittiritv f ite ttilc li, unite t render it n martimo mi- surpassed by any in llio msikct, n.l ..e winch we feel ' eoi,li,c,,t will rivo satisfaction to nil who in ,y purclinni j nil upc it. Hev. W F Strickland n Kcv N Van.nnt, New V01I1. Kcv R II Yard, Rev C Larue, J Hev E 1' Rodgers, Jl.U. Mo W II S.rngue, III) Hev J N CampUII, HI) liev Charles Anderson, Hev Charles Hawlcy, Kcv Daniel II. Temple, Aubuni.N. y. Kcv 'J' M Hut.kins, Ui'T Win Hnsmer. J Ker ) II Tillany, J) D ") C J .'.men, I " Jona Cross, 1 " John McCronn, D D Jallimorc, Md. " V' T D Clcnim, I " W H Chapman, I " F. S. Evans, J " It II (inlliraitli. Covnnrtiiwn, Mil. T Daugherty, Way iiesla.ro, P. " Ths E Locke, Westmoreland co, Va. Itcv VV A Crock r, ) John Paris, S .Norfolk, Va. .1 P l.iinnenn, Sulcin, Vu. Ch. Hnnkel, D D, ) C A l.nyul I Charlc cston, . C. A A Porter, Senna, Ala. Joseph J Twist, Speedwell, ti C. I! II Koss, Mobile, Ala. .1.1. Michuux, Enlield, N C. A C Harris, , F Harris, $ Henderson, N C. Henry A llilcy, I A I. Post, S Montrose, Pa W l Wilson, D D V F Curry. A M. ( (Jenevn, N. Y. Elbert Slitigeiland, Scotia. N. V. Prof. John Foster, 1,'iv. rrmiiMs li- (iraU, I hilu'.iiLct'y.N V J Turnl.ull Diukus, D D. j I'rof. Uenj. Miintoii, J iitv I' C i'ruijli, Aciiiu, Ohio, M Cliiilluw, A M. ) W Perkiiii!, ) Cinuiiiiuti, O. i; tiialid tiirulJ, liiplry, O. A lll 'ke ) I' liciison, A M, (Jamliicr, 0 J .1 M'lniienny, 1) D. ) I' Ciu-ster, Ii-oiiton, O. I' F IlaMly, I ' a 1 1 1 1 1 r i 1 1 1; i li'y, InJ. I (' Ariii!-troiig, Valine, Mich. A i thur Swazey, I A Hunt, J Cali na. 111. IliirtUiii Moiliii;li, Ciunliriile city, In J. Kielinrd White, Milloll, linl I'ahiii Vale, T in tiiislmrh, M V. !.- (. h F.lilriilrjc, Nihfulk, Conn John Jeiiiiini";, 1 !I 1. V:..vlan.l. Wortc.-tcr, W in PliiipK, ) ti-iiiulul liuliir, lliioj, of) M E Church, ! 'l lio,. Bulimy, Ma t'olicold, N. 11. Henry i: Pinker, J N J mlil, Moiit:;onu ry, N Y. A M Mowe, ( '.iii nulaijim, M V Win l.oi,.', Cliil Mine, Mich. (Iir1(., s of Fxhiliition and (-'.lie : V)Ti Droad- v:iy, New York. 7.11) (.'hcslnut Street, Phila I'l'ljiiiia. 1 h 1 Ilaltiinorc Street, Haltimurc. M:.NU FOK A ClHCL'l.AH. M.iuh si, 18'IU ly HEGEBZAN & COS (XMU)IAL liLIXlU OF (J A L I S A V A LARK Viq:ucil ..nl t.y IMXa:MAN .V CO., Whnkxalc u:id Kt-t :il L'lu'iuutfi and ltnij'ftatB, irl, 3'J'.t, Oil and TjO lr".nlwr.y3 New Yuk. rpill-: viilucKi-f I'KKLiVIAN 11 A li K us a Tonic huvc I t..-vn t-i't l"it:: kimwii t hticl coiniiieat. L.'Al.lrA A ("ui Kmif's liaik,") ik the ni"Bt vIu ;)!' tin iiiinici mijs v;inrlic f tlic 1'cruvian liark, uitd ;i Ue t'.l.lXlit ix (Miiil-uil Willi other mrttlienia tlmt uii reribc tt eitiinry uinl il the kuiiio time vereimie thu iiiU-tifiiiy f itn bitlci. rendciiiig itu m(t Arevuble Cur t. '1 l'"r p' TF-'iiK liviii;- in TfcVKli a i nl ACVK 1iElrirl, it will he Imi ml invahiaUe ana preventive. Half of a winc t'l:iKt full tii 11 niL'tit anil iimniini:, i t'lultrm the system itiii(h Icae Kuliject u the ui.ltehiiti luiluomx ul tlic utmu8 (''(ere. imki-.i; i niivs. lxtfic tor an idmui, iimt a wiiuiaai full hi fore Itre.-ikl.tct ami iliiiner ; rhildi en fium one U tvi teasp-Kins lull; it may ht, laUtn with oi vith'.'ulu little i-.r f-.tle at this nflice. Alaieh 17, 1)0 WINTER AERAKGEMENT IbCO m:w yoiuv links. fAMIiKN A AMISOV AND i'llll.Alir.I.l'lllA A.NU TF.NTN KA1LKOAI) ( O.S LINICS, l-'nnn rUiUidtl(h'ui to Xttc 1'oik' and Way J 'lares, tUnn S ahi'it Slictt h".rf and Kensington l-fepot, (liil.itt Ijilna, will have .iu 'ull'HW, jz t auk. At ti A M, via Catnden and Aiuljuy C A A Ammi- inoil;tti.,a, -i 2j At t A .M, via Camden and Ju3ey City New Jer- tiy an fiiuiiHHtatiiiii, g JJ At ! A M , via Cuindi n and Jt:i?ey eity Morning Mail, 3 W At II A M, via Keatii.lon and Jirbey eily, Vt6- trrii Kxpreis, 3 fK) At Y I'M via I'umden and Anilmy, ufcoiniiKnlatiuti i A: i f' M, vm Camden uad A a duty C and A. Lx- pte-'i;, 3 00 Al V M, via Keiuinton, and Jtrsi'y city, Kvt 11111; Kxi'ierw, y M, At i , r ,M . via hemmiMon und Jel-cy fily, 'M x'Uihtu Ticket, 2 'Jo At u l M , vta Oiimicn V J racy city Kveauiff Mnil 3 txi At 1 1 r M , vm I'a.iidtn and Jtrcy city Nuiili. Mail i A 1 U M. via i'itiiidcii mil! Ainltoy ArroiiimHa. Iioti. (1 retain und I'jcscnt-r,) tnt clasn ticket, 3 !1 2tl 1 5ti Tlit; G IV M. Mail Line iu.is d.iily. Tho 11 Sjutlarn MhiI SaliiHl iyfi excepted. I01 lieH'ldclL', i-..uLi., l'lctlimi' toil, Ac, ill Ci A.M., fi an Wuli.ul luct whail autlUIVM , Iroiu Kciitinuti n l or M.un-li riinnk, AM. iitown mi l ltlilel.un, ut li, A M. ViM l.'in"(l V.tlUy t:tlifUld. I'm Witici liajij Stron, ibUuru, tN-ninton, WitkesNarrr, Mi'iiIi.ijj,:, Ouiit Itcnd. Ac., at fi A M, via DcLuv.tic, l ai-kawaiiiiH and WVk-rn Kailrouit I'm Krct hoki, nt U A. M und ' IV M. I'oi Mount Uullv, ul G mid 0 A M ,' and ti. und 1' r m WAY I si KS. Kof Iliiftol, Trenton, Ve at 3 und 1 V. M., fiuiu ii nsi'i-iioa. I'iX t'.iUtiynt. Iteluneo, Heverly, liurlingtoii, Uordtji- 'ii, c, ui ami ii'. ii. Fifty pjjiiutln of ll.icsragu only, idlowtd i-ach p'tsBcnper, l'assciicis arc piolnliitud from taking :inytiuai its I Vj 1 1; -fui; hut their wearine npart'l. AH Hnyfrant: over liny I'ounda t !: paid for extra. The Cominy limit their responsibility nr Uaifnte 11 One Dollar pvr pound, und will not he Initde foi any n mount beyond 1UU iMUis, ex ct'pt hy special contract. WM H. CAT.MKH, Agtitt C. -U.R R Co. I'chruary lTJSICJ STCsiT. Nj. Si:l Maukkt Hiiikkt, IIarrisiiihu. SHEET MUSIC, INSTUUCTI0N LOOKS, Musical McrclinndlMC Gciicrnl'3 . TI ANOB, MKI.01KONS, UUJ TA1W, VIOLINS, FLUIKS, ACCOUDKONS, ic, 0. C 3. CARTER. PIANOS Tuned and Kco.-cd by II. L UobcoLK. by aiplualion to tiie almve iiaiucd tiom. August Ull, 1 vri'J. ly IS OOTS AMI BHOKS, a lur,.e s,.rti,i,.t at HIIl.l.M. &(iUA.NT'8 unliury, January VM. I Kilo. FOR 3VX.E. TWO l,OT8 siluaun in Market street, in the town of 'J'revoilon, Nos. 'i nml I:l,;n block No. 'JO. Ajiply to WM. (iAl fiLKII, Silins. " "rove, or II. It MASSEH, Sunhury. . FLASTEIl ! l'LASTKU ! ! TONS 'riu;e Nuv Mcoti K,.tt I'laster for ' sale l.y lililUH'i & jSU-N. '"Piiiil.ury, Anil 7, IHUfl. COTTA 0 E. BIliLBIS. 10 it BALK, cheap, three copioi ef the Cottuge liililo, in two vol times, wild coin montur:es.. . II. li. MA.SSKIi in nnri riKcfe.sfWajira.jgstrW,w rJ fri)li Ncw Vork fi() dinv.r,)t tilylu very low it FltlLINfJ j CHANT'S. Hutibury, January M, IMfiO. CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Ta- fHIIIS larira and commodious Hotel, now 1 i.. i u h f: k n k k i 11 la situate at llio Railroad Depot North Esj comer of Market Square, eninnury, tie t -r m i n tl f of the Kuiitiury 4 KiietnJ Worm- ..10 1 i ,, ;a nam fortho accorr." cm Central Riulro.ds, and I. o .en lor no " . niodation nf Travelers and the pul.lic 111 gtnerm Tho pnprietor will Rive ni "' - lion, toll's comfort anil convenience 01 nisgunsia ami is determined to make this estaliliBlinirnt .....I, n,,, Ihr lirnt ill the 5tl'0. Din tal lc will l' supplied with the Lent the mn'ket can produce having the advantnge of daily comnimiiiialion by curs direct from Haiti more, and also from those (.ringing produce from the surrounding country. His har will he supplied with the purest li juors tho market cull produeo Ca-eful and ohliging servants always in at ti'ndiince A share of the local nml traveling communiW is most reFpcclfully solicited, funlitiry, January 12, I hi.O. The World's Great Exhibition Prize AWARDED to C. KEYEll, PDHIIIJ? TWO PIANOS, I.ONUO.N, OflUhKUlj, 1S51. MKYEU, rrsiectfully informs his friends and the piil.lie itenernlly that he. Ims con- itantly on liHiid Pianos, eipinl to those for which lie recen ed tho Pnr.o Medal tn London in 1n;i1. A It orders promptly attended to, and great care liiken in the selection and packing the same. Jle has received during the last fiftnen years more Medals than any other maker from the Franklin Institute nlso, first Premiums in AW ton, JVew York and llaltiinore. Wareroonis No. 723 Arch Street, below h, south side, Philadelphia. April 1 i, .Slit). :tmw HIGHLY IM.PORTANT NEWS. M. C. GEAK1IAKT, Has returned with a iilw iStock of Confcctionaries, Fruit and Toys. I Tseenss as if a new ape, a new life was open " ini! upon us, animating rvcry heart to nnhler deeds and higher uims! Art, Idterature and Sci ence; will gluw anew and seek to dcvelopc suh liiner heauties and grander conception. 'ilie husincss world too must led the new in fluence mid cvery'part lie quiekeiied and strength cued hy an increased vitality , which shall urge us on with electric speed to the consummation of greater things than was ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of the past. Animatedl y the enthusiasm which provades all classes, and desirous of doing his share to wards "The great events of the Age," tho fuIi-scril-cr would respectfully inform the pood peo ple of .rNlirUY and Ihc puhlie generally, that lie has just returned from the city af Philadel phia with the largest und choicest stock of Con iectionaries, Fruit and Toys that has ever heen brought to this section ul country, lie is also manufacturing nil kinds of Conl'ectionuries, &.c, to fill up orders, whclesa'c or retail, at thort no tice. Among his stock of Confcctionaries, may be found : French Si-crctti, liiirneil Alumnus, Cream While, o I. el a-ai ' It. we, " Vanilla, Oviiiuion SccilU Liiiuwi iec, Gum Props, ull kiuila of scent, l.ovc limps, Mint Uropii, red und white, Jelly Oakcil, Fi nit limps, buck ('na lies, ol ull sccute H'-ck Ciuuiy, AltiMjitt Canity, l-ttUIT. Ranunas, Pruues, iate, FiK'i CurnintH dried, CllloiiS, Aliiionila, Rnisons, Nuts of all kinds LKMON SYUU1' of a superior quality, hy the single or dozen. A superior qunlity of Bcgars and Tohacco, and a variety of Conl'ectionuries, fruit, Toys, &c, nil of which is ollered cheap nt wholesulo or retail. Cf Heineiiiher tho name and place. M. C.GEAItHAKT, Market st., 3 doors west of K. Y. Unglit & Sou's store. ISlinhurv, April 11, lfiGO ly THE PHILADELPHIA Cash Drug, Taint aud Glass Store, S. VV. ton. FOLK TH A CAl.I.U WIUU, STREETS, I'llll.AlJEEPlllA. nltL'll'IIS'I'S, Meretiants, Fanners, and the public everyw here. 1 will Sill ul wli.ilcKulc and retwl, to liie Spnng Tiade of 1-iiO, a heavy bbK'k ol iiiugs, Medi cines. lietii.c;ild, Ac., Ae., Ac. Jo. inn Uoxes of Window Ulans, ussurted sizes nnd iii:ilnieu. . lli.otio Pounds of Patty, .Vliilc, Dlatk, lied. Ac , in Hulk 01 Uiadders. J0.0OU tin I0114 Linseed Oil, Spiiits Turpentine, Cainphcnc Aleoh"!, Ac. Jti Tun ol I'ure White Lend, ill bbls , i bbls., Inn, so, a und IS.'. Ibkeps. 3u Tons of I'eal Sn..w While Lead, in bbls, 1 bbls. HKI, Sll, .' mid I'J' lb . ke;rs 40 Tons of New York VVnitc Lead, in bbls., i tbls, 100, litl, liillll'l 1J) lb. kegH. 35 Tons of Pine French White 'ine, in bbls, i bbln, UK) SO, Jiulid IUA lb kegs 40 Tons of Aiuerieaii Snow VVhite Zinc, in bbls, I bbls luO SO, 'J and I'.'j lb k gs. I J ol Aiinjrif.m Zmc, itt tUs, j bLIs, 100 0, 2... and I'.'l lb. keiis JSTonsot y.mc Paints. ofdiiTrrent eolois, in bbls, ' bbls. I IPO, an, -Jj and lai lb kis. I iili Tons 1,1 iMincial l'Tiuil a, of diirercnt colors dry or I ground 111 Oil. ' ItijbUO pimndii of pure French flreen, Chrome (jreen, "Veb j low. lilne, lll.iek and otlirr t:oji.rM. thy or in oil. ' l,UKi pounds 01 Smalls' usirted lllue, llluek, Hed, Oreen, I it:td oilier eolois. PHI Pucks of O. ld Leaf, Glazier' Diamonds, Glaziers' j Pulty, Hawk Knives. Ac. ' 2 OMi (ialloii baled oil, varuiihcs, Japnns, Xiue IJryer, Ac. Paint, Vnrun.li und Cals-iiiiint llruklies, bm ther with 1 u eoiiiplete akfoniucnt of elans Goods embraced in liie ilmg and Paint Uufciuei. ! ALSO, 1 2.(iio bids. Roman Cement. I 11 1100 Ko.endale and Hydraulic Cement. 1 l.u l Culeinrd, lllid. lientittr, Casting Planter. Ac. 1 1" All of which I will SIM at Wliolesik' und llcliol, at ' from 1U l 'JO er cent less than oilier estaliliMtiinciits. II KM II V O. U. 11AIVKS, Proprietor of the Philadelphia Cash llrnir, Paint und Glass Store, Sonth-Weat corner of Fourth and Cullowhul Sis., Phils. March 3. 1-IW. 3uie A NEW STOCK OF a co cp o scs . pHE subscrilier has just received by KailroaJ new Block of Kcady Mady Clothing, con sisting of SPKINO AITD SUIMMEU CO0DS Such as COATS, VESTS, PANTS, GAITERS, SHOES, ike. a lari-o variety of ready made Unrts, in price from .0 els. to !--J,(IO. . ' Also, a larRe assortniciit of Mens' ond Boys' of all kinds. I erson. who are m want of Clothing k,ould v.. . u ui.'y win :ivc money. toro Koum on the comer f .Markt, RndKawn streets, nearly opposite, W eaver's llot, l WJHWEITZBR.llKll.UKOXNEU&CO. Kuiihury, Aj.ril 7, lrli:o. lyjanc FOR SALE." A FULL SETT OF BRASS BAND INSTRUMENTS. J RANT'S Cornet Huud ollVrfor salo their lull sett uf im,truii;et,ts consietiuR of litilecen a.vi.,-l t.r , I...... I. . r i' r i"m ueion roiaiy vaiveg. I or nirthiT particulars opplv to THUS i!-.v;IfANT' Ua,i, or JARID C. lit- IN, 1 rcsuleut. Sutibury, Man h 3, 16C0. J0SIAII BRYAN & CO. Flour and Grain Factors, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For Ilie l.dc of Pindacv. In General, lir.md Siiu:!, lulew Vine, West .ijc, PIUUUIEU'UIA. l)eeiu.Ur 17,1 S'tV -Uu. 43- VILLIA'M: O. 31TTEDR, JVrAlsrTJTA.OTXTn.EIl of FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Sofa, Iiivnnn and I.ouugcs Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, Snfa.i, nreal-fast nml Dining Tahlea, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Thil delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern nnJ price CUPIUUKDS, WORK AND CANDLK. STANDS, TOILKT TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business 'VHE suhserilier respectfully calls the attention of the public to his lnrgo and splendid as snrlment of every quality and price of CAItlXET-WAItH which cannot fail to reiommend itself toevcry ne who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the hest slock to he hnd in tho city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with t he many improvement! which ore constantly b hip made. He a!so manufacture nil kinds andqualities CHAT its, nclu ling varieties never before to bo had ir Hunhury, such as Mahooaut, Black Waihut All CfHLKll MaTLI (illF.ClAK J ASH WlMlHOH C1IAIBH, axii tano 1'i.tMi Ktiiiiis, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled l y none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in tile cities, as every conlhlcnco can be entertained about Ihc quality and finish of his waro and CSairs These articles will bo disposed of on as good term ns they can lie purchased elsewhere. Cuun try p'oduce taken in payment for work. LWDEBTAKINO. Having provided a handsome Hkaiike, he is now prepared for I'ndertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi ciuity, or at any convenient, distance from thie place The Ware Boom is in Tawn Street, bo low Weaver's Hotel. lie has also purchased the right of manufac turing and selling in Northumberland county, Could's patent Exet'Isoir spring Bed, which lie will furnish at riasoiiabln rates, fjirings jiut in old bedstead for three dollars. WILLIAM S.SiNYDKK. Sunbury, January I I, lHHO. SUSQUEHANNA FEMALE COLLEGE. SKLIS-(; KOVC, PA., THIS Sehool i$ intended to afford f lie very last ndvin taes, at a in-'derate charge to twU as may la entnict d to i'tt rate. The tali Mini; is larev. well ai ranged, and urnifhe'l with every thniif iicressmf y to healiii ami pmn ort. i'arciits and (iiiardians are nivitrd to examine us claims und to rnppnit il tmly in au far us it may be fuuml to possess real merit. VAPUI.TV. Hev. C. C. n Al'OHM A., A. M., Principal. Mrs. M. I,. H-vciiMAN, 1 M tss I.. W. KrM'KLL. Assistant Teachers. MlSi Jl'LIA A. Catljn, ) i;r K.I1ULM; Kev. H. KI'RTZ, D.I), h. L. V.i Kcv S. lH).Ml'.li.A. M , Lectuiers. IJonidinir. tuition in the reijular course including Ijitin, washnic, lights, fuel nml use cf fuinitliul room per session of 5 monilnr, t30 00 I've t r lteatiinif Uoom, l tiO DAY tfCHOI.ARf. Tuition in the O V.-v. iate Department per sesnon, tl Academic ' " ' Incidental charge for fuel, it:k, chalk, Ac. i:tka ciiaugi:s. f 13 00 in ml 1 60 2(1 HO ir on H no 2ti w 5 00 f on Vj ho Music cm the l'iano with use uf instrument, lt " ' " MeltHlut il " " l Cuitar (( " 11 Harp, ,( Special instruct iu in Vocal Mu?iC Drawm:? with use oi'iiickIcIs, Oil Paintinir, " (Jr:ek, Uerman nnd I'rench each. n no rayments ti t'C maiif halt m advance, nml the bamnec nt the middle of the ncfwiun. Tliere will le no de''iction for absence, except inenset of protracted sickness. A liberal deduction will be liiade in favor of the daughters of Clerpymun. t ot Circulars Audrtss. nev.C.C. nAfCH.MAN. Or Rev. S.DOMKU. Kelins-Grove, I'n., Sept 10, ly Aanccnlt'iiU will l.nrwn, even tit Wc!l-rceut:itcl fnmi lien, 11 in very de.iritbie t have niiie chcup uudcujivuiuciit SPALDING'S PREPARED GLTJE meets all auei. cuit-riffiirufl, hikI ho houpftxilt) can ml ird to he without it. It is itlwuVH realty uml up to the irk 1112 point. Tiicre n no loHner a iU'Ct-uy for limping chairs, Itlnitrrs vcuccri, headless dolls, und broken crinflt s It is Hint tlic urlicle tor eone. feliell, and oilier oniumeiitai work, popular wiui mines 01 icniicineai ami Uisu, Tms utliniruUc pi LvarHtn m ts used it iu hl,lci :iih( cheinicallv held in solution, und cosgcssiiig nil the vulunble quiilitiesof me iMiiinci'iuuher's oiue. n limy ne used in tiie piuee ui oriunary iiiuci.n?e, being vastly more adhesive. 1KFFLI.N KVKIIV HOUSli" N. B A llrudi uccoiiinitit-s each bottle. Price 2i cents. Wholesale Depot, No h Cedar street, New York, Addrew, 11F..NK Y C. SPALDING A C(l.. Uox No. 3,00, New York. Put up for Dealers in ensts eonuiinine Four Knrht, and wrive jwiiteii u iwnuiiiiii t-llliogniplne rliow Curd ac eoniiMinyiiia each package. IV A single Uittle m SimUlins's Pretvired Glue will save ten times UK cost uuiiunllv to even.' housit.iliL S: del l.y nil prominent Ftnli. iwif , Drugeists, Hardware un.i uiiiuior i.,-.uci., uo-em, una r awry Btoies. Country Merchants should miiku a note oi hpuldiug'i prepared Glue, when they make up Uieir list. Il wi stand any climate. For sale at this ofiice. Maich 10, lHhi. ly B. J. WILLIAMS, Art. 1C North Sixth Street, PHILADELPHIA IS TIIE MOST F.XTHN31VE MAM'FADTLItEIt OF Venetian minds AND "WINDOW SHADES. FsT TIIK LAUGtSP A.D FINEST Assortment in iho City, at tho Lowest Cash Trices. O Btore Shades made and Lettered. April 14, Ihbtl 2m HOWARD ASSOClATIOxN, rillLAUELrUIA. A Deneenlent Inxtitutvm estaUUhetlly speciul Kndmcmait, fr th Relief of the Sick and jJt.ilrr.ssed, vHwletl mth 1 iruhnt and Eii- aemic jitsease, and especially for the Cure of ltiteaset of the Saual Oroarts MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, !,, the Actio? KiirirMin. to nil uil.n ......I.. .... ...... wuu a ueacrijjiiou oi mcir Condition, (age, occu patiou, habits of life, Ac.A and in m r. ixtrcmo poverty, Medicine furuUhed free of cnarge. v 1 1 r imp RpnonTu o . .. .. .. .... ..w. vm, uii cwrmatorrbcea, and Other IliKpnui.a of . b a M.iv.,Al i 7. Ci. Vi. ..,..7iT....V "Rans, ana on iiio nr... employed in iheDisiien. sary, sent to tho uilUcted in acaled UtU,r auva. lopes, free of charge. Two or three stamin for ft. tut st it a u it I lm & s -1. 1 Address, Dlt. J. HKII.i.IN HOirnilTr.v Acting eiurgeon, Howard Association, No. South Ninth Street, l'hiludelphia, !'. By ordti EZRA D. HEAItTWELL, rreJJent. (to. r itacuinu, (Secretary. January 14, 1850 ly NOTICE A LL pcraoni Indebted to the firm of Friling & (iraut are resj-ectfully rcijuested to come forward and pay up their account, between this and tho 1st of ApriL as they wish to go to the city to lay in their spring supplies. t x, , , r,i,u:iu & OKA NT. OUtibury, Much 10, UCU. Save tic Pieces! NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of IA I CMvtll .T, NO. I MARKET BTREF.T, BUNItVltY, TA. rpHC subscritier has just opened at his well L known establishment in Sunbury, one of the heapestand most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been offered in the place, and which ne will sell for CASH or exchange for Country Produce. Those dosiring to purchase goods will do well to cnll and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK, All Wool Delaius, Figured, Striped and Tlain, French Merino, all colors, Beautiful Dress liobes, Cashmeres, Shaded, Tlnin and Striped must be seen to form an idea of the extent and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls Thilict and Brocho Shawls. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet For Men and Boys' Wear, Black Cassimeres, Fancy Cassimeres, side stripes heavy, Doc Skin Cassimeres, Satinets all kinds. hite and Red Flunnels, all grades and prices, Bay Stutc Sack Flannels, colors finest qnaltios. HEADY-MADE .CLOTHING Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Ac, AC, all of which wore selected with great care, and will compare favorably, as regards quality, style and price, with any in the country. HARDWARE, a full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, ljueenswarc, of all descriptions, Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpet Chains, Ac, Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye Stuffs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received ho will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunbury.Oct. 28, 1859. To Housekeepers. SOMF.TIIIXO NF.W. It. T. BAUUITT'S HEST MF.DICINAI. SALF.lt ATUS. fjji' 1 manufactured from common salt, nnd is pre- f!Q VJ pared onlirely different from other Sulerntiu. All liie deleterious matter extracted iusui-lin ninnucr akp ns to priKlucc Hrend, llisctiit, nnd nil kinds of AMD Cuke, without eoiitnn.ing a particle of SnlcistilS' TA when the llread or Cake is baked J thereby pro. t ' " diicing wliMicmanu results. Kvcry partielu of ' jSalcrunis is tiirneil to gas and nnsses tliroit?h the Hrend or riseait tvlnle linking; consequently! Iitothing remains but common Sail, Water and jFlonr. You will readily perceive by the tasiet lof this Salcratua that it is entirely dilTeiciit from (jS "ther Saleratiis. HQ "I It is Hi-ked in one pound papers, eneh Tnp- Per branded, "H. T. Ilalbn's Hest Medicinal Aiu .ilerntus ; also, pictiiic, twisleei Innl of bread, A0 with n glass of clTeiveEcing water on the top.' t 0 When you purelinse one paper you should pre- 7() .servo the wrapper, and be particular to get the , 'next exnetly like the first t.nunl ns nlKive. I (jy Full directions for m.ikiii'r llund with thi iftileratus and Sour Milk or Cream Tailar, will1 ASH accompany each package ; lilso, directions for -making ull kiiuia of I'nMiy ; also, for mnkiug So- (jS da Water and Seidlitz l'ewders. I vl ntlgr vnrn iftiw Kn o ..r.tl. 33 . T . BABBITT'S I TO PtRK CONCKXTRATED POTASH, GS Warranted double tie treneth of ordinary Tot ah ; put up in cans 1 II.., a a ll, r, I1., mid n It! Ib. with full direcllont for uukini; Haidnud po S.ift Sonp. Coiisaiuvrs will hud tins clicapusl,U9 i Potash ill market v, Mauufaetuted nnd for sale by H. T ItAliniTT Nos. 03 and TO Washington-st., New-York, nnd No. 3: Indiu-st., liotton. 70 wunv ii, ir.yj.-ty je CUE A TEST ! BF.SIV ! LARGEST ! ! ! $:i.vuo Pays for Tuition in Hinele and Doable Enlrv Ibvik-Kr-sn. Iliir, Writiuj;, Commercial Arithmetic and Inclines. Hoard S weeks ?20, ftationnry S7, Tuition S35. entire expenses li'i. Luai tune irom 0 to 1(1 weeks. F.eciv Student, unon eradnatiilfr, iseuaninti'ed eiannetelit to inannH liitt Uioks Ol any easiness, anil qualiUid to earn a salary of from 500 TO 1000. Students cuter at any time. -No vacation Review nt pleasure. first premiums lor llest ilumncss Wiitimt for l&W, received at PrtlKburxh, Philrdektlnsniid Ohio Ktate Fairs. Also, at the priucijuil Funs of the Union for liie jiust four years. Ministers sons received nt hnlf nriee. For Circulurs, Sneciinens and Einliellished View nf tiie uolleee. nielose uvu letter stamps lo P W. JENKINS, Fittsbuigh, Pa, January 21, '0U. Oct. 8, 'SU ly DR. ESENWEIN'S TAR AND WOOD N APT II A PECTORAL. 19 the lest Medicine in the world lor the Cure of Coughs and Colds. Croup, llrouetlilis, Asthma, Dllfieulty in lluatliinp, Palpitation of the ileurl, l)iptln:ria, and far the relict of patients in the advanced stnL'es of Coniumu- tiou, toseiher with all Diseases of the Throat and Chest. uml which predispose t Consumption. Il ts 2'tcuhurly adapted to the radical cure of Asthma. Itcins prepared bv a pnuticnl Physician and DruList. and one of preat experience In the care nf the vuiious diseases to which the Human frame is huble. II is ottered tn the ulllicted with the greatest confidence. Try it and be convinced that it is invuhiuble in the Cure oi iinu cniui niitetions. race So cents per liottle. Cir Prscarkd only by Dr. A. ESKNWEIN ft CO., Druuists and Chemists, N. W. Comer Ninth nml Punlarttu . Pioindtohia. RT SOLD by every respectable ilrupjut and Dealer in .udiiiiiii: iinwillioui IHC DUUr. Philadelphia, March 31, IrOtl. lyw PliATfORM SCALES. ly f.vf.n i)f.icuiPTION, MITAIILK Foil v ssiLiioAiii.. c ,ior weighing hay, eisd, oreJv and merchandise generally. Purchasers run noiisk rf every scale is guaranteed coirei-t, and if, alter trial.1 not found sutisluctorv. can be rLtiirunl wnl,.,,,, t, VT Factory ut the ukl stand, cskiblishe.1 f,,r more than iNi).iivc)oiii, Aiiiiurr co. Comer of Ninth and Melon Streets, Philadelphia. March 31, letio 3ru2jc WATCHES, JEWELKY AND SILVEE WARE. WE would respeetfully inform our friends, patrons . '.i'l? Py1;'1' "'"""V. that we have now in Store and offer W1U.1.KSAI.K AND HKTAI1, at e lowest Liuh Prices, a large and very choice st ck ti WATfll wt JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WAKH, of variety and style. ' ""J irivi!Vi;,7cnpli;",.nf WAMOND WORK and oihcr JEW ELRY, made to order, at short uotice W All Gils Wsrranied to be as represented. n. a -i articular auentioi, ,,ve to the reoairlng of atches and Jewelry of everv desehniuin . 8TALFFEU A HARI.F.Y, ()Ovi ir. nt: ti n hook orn yYu1'' "I? f ai"ver, f the Japanese J and East India Medicines, with lull iiiri..... ...T. -TT tain cure of Coiisiiniption, llroiiehitis, B,Hichs Colds Catarrh, Asthma, Fevers, Heart l ,TU J Dysia-psia. Liver Complaint, bruvel and II, ...... ',,-"7?:2 Female Comnlaiuts, Ac. Illustrated with hundrnls of ccrtifiratcs of cures slid engravings. For the purpose of reseuinsaa manv Bum.rinv fllou..iu... ' . 1 " ,,r.,.,,,- .u.,i ' o .ii ..." ?" " Powws iroio .... i. .,.T,,.';r...... I"" ul eouti. j DR. HEATH, 547 HrnnHwrw nj..... s..'... S..ld,0ls.,hy A. W. Fisher, SunburV; Cflnr. wink Northumberland 1 T 8. Caldwell, Uwiiburg o. M ila. ,r,i,, u, i,iK,u,, ; jrus uruwu, Millou i N. L. and F'cbroury l!l,lKi0 ly. ASTHMA. IOR the Instant Relief and Permanent Cure of this ; distressing compluint use rENDT'S Rroiichlal ClKaretteu. Made by C. P. SEYMOUR A CO., liry Kuma Sire.. New York. Pries, 1 ,r U,x ; sent fr by ITS tT For Bale at all Druggist..' uZ E LOOK here: IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR O ASH. Gf r0,b ii,-,,,'J,IL, ER' he h" reived from Philadelphia large dock of BOOTS St SHOES. His stock consists of Gen't. KippJHooU, Youth.' Kipp Boot. Children' C'aU Bool Also variety of Women'. Calf 'Lace Boot., Women'. Morocco ..ce Boots, Children'. Morocco and CJMl Culland examine foryoursclvo.. Jollt '1U8'i,y f TWMoroc, fof , , WM.1I. MILLEIt. bunbury, Janu.ry 7, 188U. EVANS & WAT? ox i Sahuiinmlcr M.t . on i n. - . t-. $ IdI' Sit ou- nirjnna crt( lfkrinT? rillLADKU'lllA, rnn.Pii.rni, !ept. 39, 1C. To the Presidont of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Society : The siihserllirTs, ynnr rommiltrp tn p.xnmine thff con tents of a SALAMAIVUKIl SAFE of F.vnns ft Walsun, nfler IicIiir eXMWeil In a slrmiR fire on the fair gnmnils for cicht heurs, rwpeclfnllir repiesrnt . 'I'hat, after seven eonlt"! wood ami three f pine hail been connnncd aronnil Ilie safe, it wns o,cnnl. in the presence f the committee, anil tho contents Ink en out, a little wnrnnt, hut not tven scorched. Several Silver Medals, herctofoie received liythemnnu faelnrers, nml a Inrge qiiniilily of doeoments, were in the safe, mid enniemit ciitirelyuninjHreil. The cxiieriinent snimtieU us of Ilie rapacity of Snrct o this kind lo protect contents fnira any fire to which they nny lie exposed. The Committee awarded n Diploma ami Mei lal. OKI). V WtlODlVAKD, JOHN V. OKA It V, J. IV RI'THKItFtMlD, Al.FKl'.L) 8. U1LLKTT. STILL AXOniER. WilminoTon, Sept. 17, lejD Messrs. Evas t Wat son, l'liihnlclphla Genllemen The PoLamnnder Fire-Proof Fnfe of your mnniure, purcensed l.y ns from your Agent, Ferris nnd tiHtrett,of oureily, some nina months niro, was severely tried hy burglars last Saturday lii;lit, and nltlionith they hml a slrtlee hammer, cold chisels, und ;tliivwilei, they did not succeed in opening the rVife. The lock being one of "Hull's Patent Fowiler-proof," they could not Ret the powder into it, but drilled a hole in the lower panel nnd forced in n Inrje clinic, wliie l was ignited, and although the door.insiilenndout, showed Hie explosion not tn have been n small one, it was not forced open. YVe suppose they were the greater part of the night nt work on il. We nre much grul, fieil nl Hie result of tee attempt to cuter it, and if the above factsnre of any service, you lire at liberty to use them. Yours, tiuly, UAYNARD k JONES. Great Fire .' Another Triumph! I KxoxvrLlE, Tennessee, Mnich 13th, 1550. Messrs Evans nnd Wulson, Ueullemnn It nfTords me great ptaisuaetosay loyou Ihnl IheSalaiiiuiidcr Safe, which I purchased of you in February, li-3, proved to Iw whnt you ifcirnimeuded it n sure nrotwliuii from fire Mv storehouse, together with severalothers, wnt Imrncil to the ground in March Inst. The Sale full through into thcccl- lar, nnd wn exixced to intense heat, for six or eicbt hours. nnd when it was taken from the ruins and opened nil its cinema wnere lounu im inn pcrreei stale, tlielor.KBiiil tbcHwri not being injured any whatever. I can cheer fully recommend your Safes to Hit community, lielieving, ns I do, thnt thev are ns near fire-proof ns il is possible for any Safe to be made. Till 'MAS!. PtJWKI.L. IT A large nm rt meut of the alKive SA FES alwnvs on hand, ui :)n chesuut street, (Inlelil South Fourth St., . niiixi, ijiiiiii. oetoiHir ta, teas. cly DETERSIVE SOAP This Celebrated Washimr Souo is now in kct for more than a year, and that it has universal satisfaction, is evident from t1" that the Manufacturer, of it, in order the demand, have been obliged ' capacity to make equal to One sand Pounds per Week. It ' and cheapest SSoap ever mad- Une Pound of it will go Ihree of the Common Si is made upon a new priori al., and known only to Kkone. It does away cn board save, the necessity it doe. not shrink Flann ink on taist scols perl most delicato fabric, sa' time and labor usually si It is warranted free from . injurious alkalies, and gue injuro the clothe. for Sale by all res. Wholesale by T1IAIN No. 22 and . , . CAUTION I here licing several imitatio- sive Soap in Market, the put none i. genuine exceut Va Kkoxi i. Stamped upon eacl a. wen a. tiie Dues. Sunhury, Oct. 29, 1859. TAILORING ! 1 TF:8PECTFILLY mf.mst J V generally, that hs will her, business, at the old stand ill .V his own account. He will bo prepared lo moke INU in the Latest and most Ap Fashic Thankful for the literal pair," he trusu by reasonable charge, biuiKLits, to continue the same. IV All kinds of produce . ut market price. Sunbury, December 17, IW e5 LOCAT Philadelphia, Acw 1" Cleveland, Detr rillLADELP S. E. Comer Sc -il John 0. Myers. Prol, Johu S. Hart. i J.' COFNTINO t Comprises Ilook-Keepi,i' risnl, and Manufaeturu. 4 eulations, Correspois Student for actual lm Inslrucliuii. Diplomas -Vii pays lor Lu'u Si. IV For Catakue Addiess, inelosin, II h August th, 139. COttEGIAT. The ill? Re. I tit. . cipnl and Pre WM. NOE Math, (furo and 'T'HE second achoU will commence o September next. Th embrace, an English act of instruction, includit language., mathematics, Toms Boarding in to $3 per week. Tuition, per session, ( $7 and $9, according u pursued. Tuition in all case., an In the Institute building, r The Principal will b. and experienced teacher. For further particular. feasor.. Belinsgrove, Pa., Augu IIUKB AND FKE8 , kinds, just received l E. " Bunbury, August 20, CJAWSWood. Cr ' Superior article at Bunhury, July 17th. I "AND WAHIIANTeT -wUI be given for La Kiibei, I 'A I I" . r HOSTETTER'S STOMAGHJITTERS. It U a fact that, nt some period, every mem bar of the human family in subject lo disease or disturbance of the bodily functions) but, with the aid of a pood tonlo and the exerclso bf plain common sense, they may be able to to regulate the system as to secure permanent health. In order to accomplish this desired object, U-.o true confse to pursuo Is certainly that which will produce a natural state of things nt the least hazard of vital strong! h and! life. For this purpose, Dr. Hosteller has in troduced to this country a preparation bearing his came, which 1. not a new medicine, but ono that has been tried for years, giving satisfac tion to all who have used it. The Bitters operate powerfully upon tho stomach, bowels, and liver, restoring tlicia to a hcnllhy and vigorous action, and thus, by the simple pro cess of strengthening nature, enable the rvs tem to triumph over disease. For the cure of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nau sea, Flatulency, Los. of Appctito, or any Bilious Complaints, arising from a morbid inaction pf tlw Stomach or Bowels, producing Cramps, Dyctcry, Colic, Cholera Morbus, &c, tltcao Bitters have no equal. Diarrhoea, dysentery or flux, so generally con tracted by ncw C ?ltlcrs, and caused principally by tho change of watX? and diet, will bo speedily regulated by a brief use of J1" preparation. Dyspepsia, a dinoaso which .? probably moro prevalent, in all its various forms', tLan nny other, and tho causo of which may iFijj'g be attributed to derangements of the digest i,"? organs, can bo cured without fail by using HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTEKS, ns per directions on the bottle. For this disease every physician will recommend Bittcrsof some kind ; then why not use nn nrticlo known to bo iuftil liblo ? All nations havo their Bitters, ns a pre ventive of duicase and strengthener of tho sys tem in general ; and among them all there is not to be found a moro healthy people than the Germans, from whom this preparation ema nated, based upon scicntifla experiments which have tended to prove tho value of this great prcrmration la tho scalo of medical science, i " ' " sd Ague. This trying nnd provok a. Itlch fixes its relentless grasp on t unn, reducing him to a mere flia- 0 -.'t time, and rendering him phy- 1 menially useless, can bo driven by tho use of IIOSTETTEIfS FITTERS. Further, none of the oases enn bo contracted, even .u ttions, if tho Biltcrs nre used as pti .. And as they neither create nausea nd tho palate, nnd render un- nccesr 'tngo of diet or interruption ts, but promote sound sleep stion, the complaint is ro ns is consistent with tho pro . v ..gh and permanent cure Advanced Ycari, who nra . enfeebled constitution and .o Bitters nre invaluable as a trength nnd vigor, nnd need io be appreciated. And to a ursing these titters nre indis itlly where the mother's nour iimle to tho demands of the y her strength must yield, .here a good tonic, such as ...ch Bitters, is needed to impart -fth nnd vigor to tho system. nil means try this remedy ubilily, nnd, beforo so doing, 'r physician, who, if ho is the virtue of the Bitters, will ieir uso in all cases of weakness. -AYc caution tho public against using iy imitutiuna or counterfeits, but otk ,'s Celubr.yti-d Stomach Bitters, ach bottlo bos tho words "Dr. J. mach Bitters" blown on tho rtdo aud stamped on tho metallic cap cork, and observe, that our autograph on the label, tiarcd and sold by nOSTETTER & .Pittsburgh, Pa,, and sold by all , grocers, and doalcra gonorally ,ut the United States, Canada, SoutU t, and Germany, BOLD HY Bright, RnnV ry, imberland, icfEwensville. .iy ' & TRUST COMP Y :OCK ?5(MI,0(H), .1 Street, t. E.eonier of Fourth DELPHIA. 'E AT THE USUAL L RATES. . stsiut tiO per cent less, or at ae k.west in the world. A. WH1LD1N, President. .NDEL CiOIIIM. Aeeut, blNDUKY, PA. jRE! FURNITURE!! sble, Cheap ami rueful 'EST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. criber, long established a. a Cabinet air Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank- avors, solicits a continuance of the isge. Hi. stock of Cabinet-Ware, , embrace. VARIETY, ISEFIL AMU ORKA. ME.NTAL eeping. It is unnecessary to enumc- gibing that may lie required in his x had at moderate prices. Cheap for . Country Produce taken lit exchange, ment ,. East Corner of Market Souare. Those knowing themselves indebted to .criber would oblige him by making pay SEBASTIAN HAUPT. burv, Nov. 19,J859 tf J BROADWAY, NEW V0&K. nallou'i French Yoke Shirt Emporium, V 409 Broadway, New 1 ork, FREMIUM SHIRT MANUFACTURERS. V KbirU made to order from Scientific Measures, V. he best material, sewed by hand, and war' I tied to fit, at less than the usual price., v BALl.OU BROTHERS. June 4, 18.1U. 409 Broadway, N. V. I THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, jr OADWAY, CORNER OF FRANKLIN STREET, rTJBW YORK CITY, 'Sen iiKlurcmeiiU to Merchants and Touriit vtiitinc fiScw Vmkj mimriiqjuct. by ajiy Hotel in liie MetroM).is. Ki, auu wniia wiu ie Apprecuiicd ny an iraveiers. Itt. A etiilra. tieuuiiii,ot4iveaical W plucoa ul iMieuisoai, aa well ai iilarea uf kiiiuauuietit. 1. ttcrupuluuily clean, well funiubed littinf rooma. wua a ntaiiiiioiit im.c raijur, xiuitiujKiuig an ex let p aivo view ui limauwHy 3U. Imtuc aiwi aunrUy furmthod lUins' roonu, with magiufieiil arkr, coiuiuauduig au cxiciuav view of Uttnulway. 4 Ut. iicuif eonduetd on U10 unpan plan, viaitora can live in uie U-at atyle, wila ina grmusai vouuuiuy. 4Hu. It it connected wila Taylr Celebrated Saloons, where visitors ean havo their meal, or, it' they dirc Ihey wilt I f uruiahed in their own 6U1. The fare aetvad in the Halotuia and HnUl ia r kikuwltaditod hy epieutea, to ba vaati) aupcfiof U UwU uf any miier imtui iu ine city. With aU lUcH nilvuiiuyea, th niat of liviti in tha liiteiuilkial. u uuch below tlwl f any uthcr hrnt raw n a. r iiLi.AiA, rr-'ptia-'f. NEW FLOUR, FEED, FRUIT .A3 PROVISION STORE rplIK subscrllitr respectfully Informs the t X lo.ni ul Wuubury and the surrounding nei borhood, that lis has opened a Htnre at the not west corner of Market Hqnare, oppmtte Vandyk Kailroad Hotel, where he Is receiving, and v keep on hnnd, Flour, Few', Fruit and provisi, of all kinda, soch a. WHEAT, RYE o BUCKWHEAT FLO I O.ts, Corn and all kinds of Fred, Crackers Oranges, Nuts Ac, Fresh Shad in sea- ' son, Early Vegetables Fruit Ac., from the Soulli. He Will constantly receive, ly Railroad, f,, Baltimore and Philadelphia, all the drlb-nr;... the season, a. Ihey come into market, nml trui l.y prompt attention and reasonable prices to ccive a shar. of the public patronnpe. WM. HOOVER. Sunbury, April 1(1, 1S59. ly. NOTICE 1 e7 THE ADAM'S EXPRESS CO. Give notice that they have concluded arran; mcnt. with the Northern Central Kail IU Company, to run trains from Baltimore f,.t Vu Hairisburg, Dauphin, Halifax, Trevortnn, Si hury, Northumberland, Lewisbur?, Milton, .Mi cy, Williamsport, and all intennciliatc !taliai Connecting at Hnrrisburgh with tho CK1;a WESTERN EXPRESS for Pittsburg, (:i,,c nati, St. ,ni. aud the West. .'so with Howard A Co's Express at Mill or Danv,'!'! Hloorusburg, Wilkeabarrc, I'ittsto 8crni.bin, an J intermedials Stations on the C, tawissa, E&rhawana Blunmslmrg Rail Roai At Williamsport,,'." HowaiJ Co's Express Jersey Share and Lock ilivcn. Also', by Ho ard & Co., and their connect,...;:., for Canto Troy, Elmira, Rochester, BoU'alo, Niat-ara, ni to all accessible points in Western New Yo and Canada, by which they will forw ard Merchandise, Specie, Bank Nolo, Jewelry, ni Valuable Packages of every description. Also, Notes, Drafts and ZVills for Collection. Experienced and elficicnt messenger-- employ and every effort will be maJo to render satislu tion. JOHN BINttHAM, Superintendent Pcnn'a Division, l'hil'a. A. W. FISHER, Agent for Sunbury. April J, 185U. Tllil it0flL Doming COFFEE POT AND To, Pot, Eoing bnaod, r.3 Dr. Ilnll, of tlio Journal of Hcplth.nayn, "on t,3icnco nnd common nonso," nro rapidly coming into usr, and destined coon to Buporcedo all others. ARTHUR, BUHNJIA.1I, & GILKOY, 117 & 110 S. Tenth St., PhUadelphia. Eol.) M.mufacturiTii utidur the Patent tirVor sale ! Orali-rs In Houses lie.l,,i Arilclrs, and Siartltrepcrl LTtiltt-i-nlly, December 4, lgf9. Z7"JG- & CHEMICAL TITHE unilersigiird having received a large ai well selected stocK ol I'nic Ifnifrs ai:l Cliemltals, DyestulTs, Oils, Paiiits, (;iass and Putty, is nt ready to fiil ordersat a moments notice. In connection with tho abuve you w ill find : assortment of Fancy Notions. Toilet Articles at 1'erluniery of nil kinds, looth. Hair. Nails a- Clothes U rushes ot every vurieiy. lustomcrs will' find bis flock complete, col prising many articles it is impossible hero enumerate. REMEMBER the 'place, under the office the "Sunbury American." 1 hysicians I'rccnptions compounded accurat ly and carefully. A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, April 2d, IBM. P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL. Jksth i: or the im:ui Ojice 111 Veer Street, immulif.tcl y vjyosite t. I ut-Uc Schui.l 1uKse. All business r.rnmi.tly altcinled to. M. ni collected and all ordinary writinna done. Minliury, April 2S. 1 wr7. If WHOLESALE DEALERS IN' BRANDIES, WINES, GINS.d-l 'IvIIE subscrilrs have opened in Thompson Brick Buil.linir, Mill street. Danville, a lar. and complete stock of FORKKiN AND DOMESTIC M'rORS, comprising the K'st l.randsof Brandies, (Jin, O Kye, Scotch and Irih V hitkey, Port, Slicrr Mailt ria, Chauipngne and other Wines of a grades, all of which will be s "Id Wlidiale : Ihe lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers ly Lu; ingof us can save at least the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquors f F A M I I. V 1' s L may rely upon being furni-hed with a pure ar unadulterated article. IV" Being determined tocstuMUha reiiutatiu for selling cheap they respectfully solicit the p. tronage of tho public. All orders promptly u tended to. SHERIFF & HALL. Danville, April 9, 18.VJ. IIEX11Y D0KIS'EL ATTORNEY AT LAW Ujjice opposite the Court Hons;, Sunbury, Northumberland County Ta Prempt alloutioH tu butiness in adioi:iii wountios. ROCKEFELLER & BOYER", Attorneys at Law A. Jordan Rockcrelli r and Solomoi II. Ilo3tr, resiMctl'ully announce that the entered iulo CoparUiership in the practice of thei prolession, and will continue to attend to all lu,i nes. entrusted to their charge in the counties c Northumberland, I nion, Snyder and Montour promptly, faithfully and carefully. Special at tention will be given to tho COLLECTION- OF CLAIMS. Coiwultations cau be had in th UK KM AN language. Ollice, - Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel bunbury, 1 ebruary 4, InoiI. HEAD AND CIIICULATE the irrDiis)lvaiiiu State Journal." J. M.BOSTIAN, Agent. January 7, 1KC0. OfMl SACKS G. A. SALT just received an. 6yjy' for salo ly E. Y. BUICHT & SON. Sunbury, August 20, 1"J. BOY'8 HOOTS aud SlIOKS, cheap for casl WM. MILLLR'S. Bun1 ury, August i7, 185SJ. ALMONDS, RAISONS, FIC.S, LEMONS Ac, Ac, just received a fresh supply anJ for sale al the Confectionary store of M. C. UEARIIART. Sunbury, May 10. 1857. 1) A TENT BK1TTANIA STOPPERS fu. bar bottle, for sale by II. II JtAoSER. BI.AKK Parrhmciu Paper Died, and blank Mortgages, Bonds, Eiciutions, Stiuimolui. Ac, for sulci li. B. MAtSEn. a.-.- rA. - i