Jforetp fctos. ARRIVAL OP THE VANDERBILT. TUKtelUH LATER. The Great Fight between IJeenan and Saytrt. Fight lasted two hours and iix tninutet. Thirty-seven Hounds. Dtcided to be a drawn battle. Conflicting History of the Fight. Tbe United States mail steamer Vender- bill, Capt Lefever, arrived early on Saturday tnerning from Havre, via Southampton. THE FIGHT FOR THE CHAMPION SHU". (From Ilia Ixnidon Timet of the lSlb-J Tbe new police act haa been tbe death of pugilism, its greatest professors now lead a hole and corner life while training, or issue forth their challenges in mysterious terms. From this rapid downfall it bas been jnst now Tor o time arrested, by the first attempt to carry offthe Champion's belt into another country and, of course, that country was , America. We need searceiy enter ou any recatiuialion of the eveDts wbicb lea to mis match, all of which may be summed up in tlm few wne.la that. Savers holds "the belt" as the Champion of England, and in virtue of Ins office, while be retains u, is duuuu lul tlrej years to accept oil challenges, do matter fro-n whom. This challenge accordingly came from America on Ueenan's part, and in spite of the immense natural advantage or his challenger, Sayers was bound at once to accept it. All relating to the day and place fixed for the match, was, of course, kept a profound secret, as the police, to do thorn justice, left no means untried to prevent its taking place. Nevertheless, in fpite of all precautions, a spe:inl train was hired, which ttarted from London bridge at 4 A. M. yes terday morning. The train was one of immense length, con taining some thousand porsons, all of what uro called the upper classes, though each person was mtiflled to the eyes in shawls and wrappers, so that it was bard to (ay whether your eompagnon de voyage was or was not the redoubtable Suyers or llaenau himself. All aliing the line police were posted, with mounted patrols, at regular distances; but the train turned off at Keigate, aud after a ltig run cume out in the Farnborough station cltiye to Aldersholt. lu an instant after all we re out in the Gelds, following tbo men who with thu ropes and stakes led tbe way ecrors what turned out to be a moot difficult piece iA country. AITKARA.NCK IN 11! K RING. Tho instant the enclosure of ropps and stokes 21 feet eqnara was formed, Suyeis slopped into it, nil whs cueereu tremendous- ' ly. lleenan, who followed, was greeted in the same manner, and the two meo, who there fur the first time met warmly shook hands, nml then stepped back to take a long and careful survey eocbof tho other. There was a toss for corners, which Heenan won nti'l chose that in which he would have tbe highest ground, and with his back to the sun, leaving Savers the- spot where the glare was full in his face. UmpireB for each man were Appointed, and referrees for both, and these preliminaries over, Heenan proceeded to strip to his waist. It seemed impossible to restrain n murmur of admiration at the appearance which he then presented. In height be is about six feet two, with extraordinary long arms, deep chest, and wide and powerful shoulders, His appearance yesterday was truly formidable. Exercise aud long training bad developed tbe immense muscles of his arms and shoulders till they appeared tiko iimsses of bone beneath tbe thin covering of thin. Tbo re seemed oof an ounce of super fluous fleth. His ribs showed like those of a greyhound, save where they were crossed by powrrful thuwa and sinews ; and as be threw up his long, sinewy arms and inflated bis hue theft with the morning air, be looked the most formidable of the tribe of gladiators who liuve ever entered the arena. Every iove rnent showed the siuews and muscles working tiku lithe machiuery beneath tbeir thin, line covering, and every jesture was made with I hit natural grace and freedom which always skoui to belong to tho highest development of physical power. Buyers looked at him long aud earneslly, and .as one who saw in his every movement a dangerous customer, and be toe stripped in turn. The contrast be tween the men was then still more marked than before Sayers is only obout Eve feet eight ; bis chest is not broad, nor are bis arms powerful, and it is only in the strong muscles of the shoulders that one sees anything to account for bis tremendous powers of bitting. Sayers, too, looked as bard as flint, but bis deficiencies in regard to bis onlogooist in buieht. weicbt and strength, and above all, leripth of arm. made it almost a matter of surprise bow he could hope to contest with bim at all. When to these disadvantages are added tho gut erior beu.'ht of the ground OD which Heenan stood, and the light of tbe un full in Savers's eyes, it will bo seen how tremendous were the obstacles with which be had to con tend. As fur as training went, however, the utmost bad been dune for both, and it would not bo a lost lessen if 60tne or oar young vol ui.teeas imitated the boxers in these respects. Their whole svstem of training may be sum. mnned ud in two or three words moderation in eating and drinking, exercise, and constant use of the sponge bath and rough towels. With these aids any man can train : without them be can do nothing. Ueenan's skin yes tcrday was, as we bave said, fair and white as marble Sayers' as dark as that of a mulatto, &nd i the "fancy" lout strongly to the opinion that tbe former was too delicate, aox) would bmiso too much, and this wag true. As tbe men stripped, tbe spectators tut down oat side the ropes, aboat six feet distant, in an outer ring, in which were gentlemen of all ranks members of both Hoise in plenty authors, poets, painters, soldiers, and even clergymen were present. TDK CONTEST. Tbsre was a minute's panie after tbe Goal shaking of hands, when tbe seconds retired and left the antagonists face to face at last both instantly pat themselves into position the right baud beld close across tbe body, the left advanced at length, and kept moving eently out as if to feel its way. Tbe im mense difference between tbe height, weight, strength, and length of arm of the men wag cow more than ever manitest, and tbe dig advantages under wbicb Savers labored bd neared to many to be too much for him. Tbe son shone bright and full in bis face, so as almost to blind bim. yet Sayers seemed cool and confident, and smiled cosily eg bo ventured in reacn 01 mat tremendous moscu lararm. Both seemed very cautious. Tbe feints were quick and constant, and as each avoided the other with more or lest agility neither eouia neip laugmug. The fiebt continued for two hoars and g minutes, during which time 37 rounds were fought. We omit tbe details ei tbe rounds At three minutes past seven A. M. they commenced. Tom Sayers drew Grst blood 1st round, Tom fell. 2d, Heenan threw Savers, falling heavily on bim. 3d, Tom knocked completely off bis ping 4th, Tom struck on tbe jaw aud down be went. 5tb Tom fell. Ctb. Tom fell. thth this round lasted 13 minutes, aod wag a lair specimen of stratagem and skill, especially on 'lom's part. Tom, however, rolled over leaguing", bis right arm much swollen. 8tb, Tom again knocked off bia pint ; this round lasted 20 aiinufcs j Tom's arm tbe chief drawback; Ueenan's right eye closed p, cheek fearfully swollen, aud mouth oot of perpendicular. 9tb, Tom dropped. lOtb.Tom glow to call ; Heenan lifted Tom from the greued, aad threw bint bsavily with the gr.eetest ease lltb. Tom fell. 12th, Heenan eaoght him on the jaw. 13th, Tom knocked clesb off bit Kg. H. both down, noenan nndcr. 2Mb, the cham pion down again in a heap. 10th, Tom down again. l?tb, Tom down again. 18 and 19, Tom fell. 20tb, both down on the ropes. 21 and 22, Champion down. 23, both down, Tom onder, 24, Torn down again. 25th, Heenau wild, rushed in and bore Tom down. 2Ctb, Tom went down, Heenan bitting bim when down j tbe blow was obviousiy acciden tal. 27th, the Boy bored Tom down on tbe ropes. 28tb, in tbe end Tom went down. 29th, Tom slipped down. 30tb Ueenan's other eye cloaiog fast; tbe Boy rushed at Tom, and literally ran over and fell on bim. 3 1st, tbe Champion down egaiD. 32d, the beatine was now even. Sayers for choice j Tom floored by a right nanaer; neona.. going blind. 33d, tbe Boy feeling be had do time to loose, rushed in j Tom slipped through the Boy's arms. 34th, both fell, lorn nnaer. 25th, sharp exchanges at close quarters, endine to tbe downfall of Tom. 1 wo bonrs bad now elapsed 37th, and last, lorn was first up, and seemed tbe better man ; Heenan caught Tom reund tbe neck at the ropes ana tbea held bim j Tom's efforts to extricate himself were vain, but be administered severe pnni3bment to tbe Boy's face. Tilt FOLIC iHlV. ti, nnw mad a determined effbit to interfere, winch those present aaemod equity determined to pre vent, end the end of the ring havins; been eut, the en closure then wns inundated by a dense eruwd, whieh scuicely left the camuatauia ai feet to fight in. Umpire, lelerees, and all were overwhelmed, and the whole thing binimea nitre cluae mob round the two men fighting Al ter this, four other rounda were fooglit, in the uudst of llns dense masaof partisans of either aide, who, however, allowed the, men to fight in the fairest way they could, con. sisfent with their having hardly any room to light at all. Tina, however, wae, on the whole, unfair to Sayers, whoae only ebance now lay in advoidinfr the tremendiais blows of hia antagonist, agaiuat whom he contended with only one bund, and who, thoughuow aa blind aa a bat, waa ati II possessed of nenrly all hi iranienae strength, and, to a little man like Snyers, very nearly aa formidable aa ever. In , these roendi sometimes Sayeia gotawful blows upon tho head and body, and eomeliinee he managed to give ill re turn bit tremendous lunges full in the disfigured face of hia antagonist. At oue time enpa were thrown up, and cheen given for Heenan na having won, when ha knocked down payers, who would apriug hi hia feet and give the Ameri cau such staggering blows, that be ia tum waa bailed aa conqueror. At lfiieth tbe notice forced their wav to where they were righting, in a space not much Inrger than an ordinary dining tuble, and the referee ordered them at once to dis continue. Once in the enrly itoeca of the Relit, hits the Times. "shouts went to nd the ring that Payers had virtually al ready lost, and indeed the punishment he had received whs an much mora severe than that bestowed upon hia tall, wiry antagonist, who seemed always stalling and alwaya fresh, thnt mnttere really began to look aerioua for the Champion, and almost to warrant the belief Ibat the belt was going to Troy." i-.igiity-seven noblemen ana a minister from uamDriuge, were present at the fight. (Fioni Bell's Life in London. Alibis hour it is impossible for us to extend our re murks on this gallant light to the length which ita merits deserve. It was, up to Ihe unfortunate termination, de cidedly the very beat Championship Fight we ever wit neased. It wns to the time aforesaid fought with a man liness, a fairness, mid a determination on both Bidea wor thy of the highest commendHtloji. Without an attempt at shifting, euch scorned to take a mean advantage, and loudly and ,-cpentedly waa euch of them cheered. The giitne displayed on both sides was remarkuble. The glut toay and bottom of Tain layers are too proverbinl to need further comment at out hands - but as certain rumorahave been Hying uuoul to the eflect that Heenan was destitute of those qualities, we deem it right lo eapreas our belief ut a euiot-r, more determined fellow never pulled hie htrtt off. Ills punishment waa terrible, and yet he took found aftl-r round, without flinching, and almost inva riably with a smile on his face. We aie bound to own Unit in tins, as in nis talent, ne naa very agreeably disap pointed us ; and had we not known his career, we certain- should never have set him down for a novice. He has it excellent delivery with Ins left, which was ns stiuight a nan, anu cany in uie ngni was veiy neavy. It anneiirs to us. thai his bands are not strong, for before half the battle waa got through his left hand was so much swollen as to lie almost useli-sa, and this, doubtless, wus fortuuate for Tom, wbo, with his right arm gone, could bave made but a poor stand against such a weapon had it retained ita original hardness. Of his right Heeiian mukea but little use, but this is a quuhty he muy yet leain. or a conduct at the coneiiision of ttietmttie we cannot speak too strong terms. We trust, it waa occasioned owing thering being broken, and by lie fact that, being almost hid, fe took the unoffending seconds of Ins opponent for mi othei peraons. Wa aasure him that each eonduct is it calculuteu to gain mm inenas in tnis-;ooiliry,ana mat tie allowa his temper to set the belter of his judgment again in a similar way it may coat himdenr. Of Tom Suyeis we need any no more than that he fought the bat tle throughout with consummate tact and judgment, aud considering that Ins right arm (hia principal weapon) was wus rendered almost useless tiom the commencement, loo iich praise cannot he awarded to him for Ins course and MilneRa. We are flf opinion, even without that arm. that he would eventually hnve pulled throughout, had the fight been finished on the day; but it, is useless speculating ou cases wlnek may yet again lie brought on for trial, and we shall therefore leave the publie to form their own opinions. On Ihe qinetion of nationality the only point tjiut has leen decided, and the ouly point in our opinion requiring decision, rs thut both England and America pos sesa brave bins, andeuca cimimy haa reason to be proud of the champion sliehaa selected. Whether the match will befuuglit out weeaunotat present any. JJUt are aouoc- eiui. noxious Ih nave il arllli-o ; run lor ourselves, were e nskotl, we woiiid any that eneh is giioa that ne is de rvine a lctt. and wc would call on our countrymen to suhscrilie for euch a trophy aan reward for Heejian'e enter prise and botdneas in coming, asbe has done, to beard the Krltiea Clininnion on ins own gioutia A meeting win louktleas tie held shoitly to decide wkat slrell lie done. It s iinooesible for the battle to be fought but this week, and we may liiereiore at once state ni tnat cnseait aie on. From Wilkea' Spirit of theTimea.J The heroism displayed by the Benio a Hoy, and bis courageous bearing, wns frequently upplnuded during the hrrt. l.ittie, liiereiore, nm me smuu ihiiios 01 Americans seated around Hint ring exiect to see it uroKeu up. t nat It was so will be found too true, ami ita motives Been f io lainlv. when our narrutive of the contest is perused. W e liave iioheaiialion in pronouncing John C. Heennn faifly eutitled to the ChampiMii'a itelt. He knocked down hia dvcrsary thirteen times, and on one occasion tnrew mm tike a frog At last, ufter a rally and a close, in which the mbatnuts nagged each other on the ropea, and the odda were 10 to 1 ou Heennn, the crowd broke into the ring in n must ruffianly muniies, under a fulae prelenoe thut the constable were interfering. These very constable had been on the ground during half the ballte.and were averse to making any attempt at getting in. uui tne rumans, aeeine that their man would be beaten and their monev loat made the presence of the police au excuee, and slopped further ptoceedutga. At this juncture the referee quitted this place, rrreat un fortunately, leaving all queatinn of "fair or foul" without a deciding voice. 1 nree rounoa were lougiir. alter ins uc- ourture. and al the end of the third the uproar waa tremen. dous. the ruiffkcepcrs were unable to keen the mob back, and ihe vuriorv. which would ia a few minutes huve leen warded to joliu tlt-eiuin couia not oe ooiaineu. j nc iwardlv mob aaw the laurels within hia grasn, and tore them away from his reach. We acquit 1 em buyers of any foreknowledge of their intention He fought with the grhidness we have ever henrd attributed to him; but hia pHiliNUB had resolved tnat he t nouiu not loae, aau seeing their cae a dernemte one. thev rushed through the ropea. No anneal emild be rnado to the referee, for he vanished the moment the row began, or his decision could pat fail to have been in favor of Heenan. That he won the battle no unbiassed person will doubt ; tliat be deserves "The licit" weure positively certain Special Correspondence af the N. Y. "Bimea London, Wednesday, April 18, 18C0. I visited Heenan last evening and found bim most comfortable and in excellent spirits. He it anxious to fight havers as soon as pos sible. if he is not satisfied with the present. result. Tbe indignation of tbe Americans here, and in fact a large portion of tbe British pnblic, is loudly and vebemontiy ex nressed. JCe ring was nroneo into ov pack of thiourea, wbo need tbe excuse to rob everv one. - ... . . T"T . , , It was well Known mat sir. neenao wouiu not be allowed to carry tbe Champion Belt oat of the country, end the Englishmen who bad bet tbeir all on bayers, as soon as tney found their Cbamoion wag losing, retortea to tbe most unfair means, kicking uecjiao ana nullina him down. a meetine 01 me Americaus win ie, iJim-o in London to-night, and yoo may expect to sea soma twentv controversies in toe papers Mr. George Wilkes will aomana me iuit ior lleenan, and will rurntsu testimony o prove, ha is entitled to it. Of one thing vour read ers may be certain Ueenan's rights will be properly attended to, and bit position will De maintained to tbe last. A Tbe New York Tribune, or tbe 38th ult savs : "A eent eman now at tbe t. rsicnoias, and wbo witnessed tbe fight, tays that when lteenan bad got bayers into eocn a position mat, ne most Inevitably kave won tne oaine, John Morrissey cut tbe ropes and let Ueonan un 10 me ground. -art New Advertisements. Ia the Court of Common Fleas of Northumberland County. IN lbs matter of the petition of William L. Dewert. prgyipg the Court to award ana de cree, to bim, lha balance of the fund raised from the sale of pan of bia real estate remaining in Court, alter payment and satisfaction of the judgments to which it was awarded by tbe audi tor as per report confirmed on tbe 2nd day of January, UGOi notice is hereby given to all partiee interested to appear in Ceurt, upon the first Monday of May next, at ten o'clock, A. M., to shew cause, if aDy they have, why tbe prayer ertbe petilioaer shoaU not be granted, i I). ItF.fKI.EY, Prolb'y. Piollion-'a-'' fr . I Pullbui), A4 ; . ' 9 q Q V V 9 SPRING GOODS, I860. E. V. BRIGHT & SON, 8XJNBTJI"5r, PA, INVITE the publie to call and examine their Stack or FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC JJD tliv2 QI CCD CEI3 533 combining beauty and durability. NOTION 8 AND HOSIERY a very large variety. EOOTS A1TD SHOES, all qualities and prices. GROCERIES, frash and pure. HARDWARE, of every description. HATS .A.IHTJ CAPS, of the latest ttylea. QUEENSWAliE AND GT.A8SWARE, newest and best deeigns. WILIrOW AND WOODWARE, a firat rate assortment, Ac, Ac., &c. Our stock of the abovo is very largo. Purchasers vyill find it their interest to call and examine our assortment before pujchasing elsewhere. COUNTRY PRODUCE Wanted in exchange, at the highest prices. E. Y. BRIGHT k SON. Sonbury, April 31, 18C0. COOPER & CONAIU), 5. E. Corner Xinlk and Market Streets. PHILADELPHIA. I N VITE attention to the largest stock they bave evei uilered, comprising i part, LADIES CLOTH CLOAKS Of plain, atripetl and mixed Cloihs, of the newest napes and material, got up in tbe most ELEGAN7AND ARTISTIC manner, and to sell at very reasonable rates. ACE POINTES AND MANTLES, Black Silk Mantles, Grey Dress Goods, Chenc Mixtures, Barege Anglais, Poplincttes, French Bareges, Barege Robes, Plaid Goods, Bayadere Goods, Black Dross Goods, Enibroderies, Also, MENS' AND BOV WEAR. First rate Black Cloths, for If 2 25, $2 SO ana $3 Light Cloak ings at $1 25, $1 50 and 32. Stock of Cloths is very large, iclect and cheap. CA8SIMERES. Fancy, neat, plain, mixed and black. Goods eapectally for Uoya' wrar. rine Ulack t.;asKimcrca, $1 to 2 25. Veatings of Silk, ulvncia end Maraeillrs. COUl'EK d- CONARD, Ninth and Murkot Street, Philadelphia. April 21, 18C0. CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, Northumberland eouhty, Pa. THIS large and commodious Hotel, now managed by J. H. ECKDERT. It ia situate at the Railroad Depot North East corner of Market Square, iiunburv. and at the torminua of the Sonbury A Erie and North ern Central Railroads, and ia open for Ihe accom modation ol 1 ravclera and the puMic in general J he proprietor will give hw exclusive atten tion, to the comfort and convenience of hia guests and is determined to make this establishment rank among the first in the State. His table will be smiplied wilh tbe best the market can produce having the advanlauo of daily cotnmunination by cars direct front llulli- more, and also from those bringing produce Uom tbe surrounding country. , His bar will be supplied with the purest liquors the market can produce La-elul and ebliging servants always in at tendance. A share of the local and traveling community is most rcKpectfully solicited. iMinbury, January 12, 181)0. The World's Great Exhibition Prize Medal ! AWARDED to C. MEYER, FOR HIS TWO 1'IANOS, LONDON, OCTUW'R 16, icot. C MEYER, respectfully informs bis friends and the public generally that be has con' stintly on hand I'ltaos, equal to those for which he received tbe Prize Medal in London in 1R51. All orders promptly attended to, and great care taken in the selection and packing the same. He has received during the last fifteen years more Madals than any other maker from the Franklin Institute also, first Premiums in .Bos ton, New York and Uullimoro. Warerooms No. 722 Arch Street, below 8th, south side, Philadelphia. April 14, .860 3mw CENTRAL HOTEL Sale and Livery Stable. rTWE subscriber respectfully announces to the A publie that be is prepared to accommodate them with Saddle-Horses, Horses and Buggies, Sulkies, Carriages, Kockaways and Hacks, at Ihe ahorfc-st notice. His stock of Horses are admired for speed and geBllenes, The vehicles are neat and in good order. Careful drivers will always be in readiness to carry passengers to any point desired. tV Omnibusses for parties and pic-nics can be had at all times with or without driver. The patronage of the public is respectfully so licited. J. H. EC K BERT, Manager. Sunbury, April 21, 1060. KOTIOE. NOTICE is hereby given that we have this day purchased at Sheriff's Sale aa the property of John Sbissler, ono two barse wogoo, three setts of harness, three mules end one canal boat called "Two Brother's of Sun- bury." All of wbicb we bave loaned to tbe said iiobo BOiSSier anring our pleasure. y 111 LIN U & UJIANT. Sonbury April lOlb, 1860. 4t. COUNTY SCIEIUrVTE!V,DE!i,T. Mr. L. A LLE MAN, Teacher of the Sbamokin Ilich School, will be presented to tbe Convention of kkhool Directois, to meet in May next, for the office of County Superintendent of Noiuiumber- land county. Bhamokin. March 31, I860 6t NOTICE. THE Stockholders of the Sbamokin Steam Ferry and Towboat Company, axe notified that an electiain for five directors for tbe ensuing year, will be held aftbe oHice of the Company ia the borough of Sunbury, on Monday the Tib ot May nrit. PelUopan from 2 to So clock, r.M HEKXY DOMStL, Bee y - 1 1 i iv tlst, A ril I860, Treasurer'! BaJa of Real Estate. Agreeably to lha provisioni of tbe Act of asaeuiDiy, untitled "an Act to reauce " State debt, Ac, panned the 29tb day of April, 1844, for non payment of taxes, and its aup plement thereto, tbe Treasurer of Northum berland county hereby gives notice to an persons concerned therein, that ooloss the County, State, Road and School Taxes, to., due on the following real estate In the county of Northumberland, ere not paid before the day of tale, the whole, or such parts of each as will pay the charges and oosts chargeable thereon, will be sold at the Court House, In tbe borough of Sunbury, connty of Northum berland, on Monday, tbe lltb day of Jane next: and the snla will ba continued by ad journment from day to day, for arrearages of taxes due the said county, and the cost accruing on each respectively : Amount of Tax, Coal Township. 1 Let, No. 4, block 53, S. M. Kase, 1 year, SI " Wm. Kichlino, 2 years, S " Francis Kennon, 1 year, 8 " Christian Keller, 1 ' 3 No. 1 aod 8, block 198, James Luckes, 2 years, 2 " No. 10 & 11, block l'JO, Oeo. Leigeoriog, 1 year, 8 " Harry McOran, 1 year, 2 " No. 423 & 424, block 7, btoce & Compaay, 1 year, 1 " No. 2, block 83, Leah Fisher, 1 year, Xerbe Township. 3 " No. 1, 2 3. block 78, Wia. J. PhillipF, 1 year, 1 " No. 13. block 13, 118, Jonas bergstresscr, 1 year, 1 " No. 11, block 23, Uuorge Weaver, 1 year, 122 " C. I Ilelfcnslein, 1 year, 5 ten acre lots, " ' I " 3 one ocre lots, " " 1 " 1 Lot, No. C, block 134, John Camp bell, 1 year, 1 " No. 1, 2, block 113, Abraham Znrtinnn, 1 year, 2 " No. 12, 13, block 92, Daniel Slopick, 1 year. $0 13 8 22 HO 80 63 24 80 32 CI 3 33' CI 1 20 1 97 80 14 C5 40 93 58 1 14 40 80 21 29 41 39 45 1 12 90 74 1 GO 55 24 1 25 96 CO 1 30 51 1 08 42 O " I 40 21 1 ' 3 ' 159 g: No. 3, block 121, Wm. Stan- toD, 2 years, No. C, 7, 8, block 92, l'bister Davis, 1 year, No. G, block 86, Lovi John, 1 year, No. 6, block 125, Jonas K oi lier, 1 year, No. 7, block 119, Teter llangbawont, 1 year, John Zimmerman, 1 year, No. 5, block 88, Isaac Taylor, 2 years, No. 10, block 13C, Thomas Foolds, Sr., 1 year, No. 8, block 78, Joseph Kel ly, 1 yoar, No. 9, block 40, Charles Hog pens, 2 years, Thomas Highlander, 2 years, No. 5 or 6, block 130, liar mon Cutlep, 1 year, No. 1 and 2, block 55, David Donbacb, 1 years. No. 3, block 93, Simon Cam eron, 2 years, No. C, block 55, Martin Oneal, 1 year, No. 3, block 54, Saruh Ga- lapy, 1 year, No. 9, block 89, John Bates, I year, No. 7, block 131, Thomas llrison, 1 year, Mount Carmel Township. No. 25, 2G, block CI, William I'erning, 1 year, No. 14, block CI, J. E. Mi nicb, 2 years, No. 3, block 23, Kobert Mar fy, 3 yearn, No. 14, block 41, Thomas J. Morgan, 2 years, No. S, block 22, James Ken nedy, 1 year, No. 1 & 2, block 43, Jonas Thomas, 1 yeur, No. 1, block G7, Thomas Jen kins, I year, Wm L.Dewart, 3ycars,137 48 25, block 23, l'atrick No. Carter, 3 years, 1 5G A Ifxnndur Jordan, 1 year, 20 10 No. 9, block 52, Tbomag Kurl, 2 years, 51 No. 12 i 13, block 23, David Davis, 1 yeur, GO iMwer .Valiancy. 2 " l'eter Herald, 1 year, a 73 Coal Township. 36 acres, Martin Weaver, part of McCarty & Weaver's tract, 1 year, 1 15 380 " 72 " Jas. Matbovrs 1 " 12 1G McCarty & Weaver, 2 " C 00 Xerbe Township. 3C0 " Mathias Reed, 2 Carbon Run Imp. Co.2 ' tieorge Ueebe, 3 1 Mount Carmel. .lane or Jos. Stephens, 2 11 88 28 00 157 29 13 63 164 " 112 " 43 " 130 " Mt. Carmel Comp. 2 " 47 15 Kimber Cleaver, 2 " 6 21 Lou.tr Augusta. 17&S" 2 " Martin Ilanolds, GO " Henry Keiser, 2 8 4S 4 3 100 " Susan lkstiao, lja.2p Jobn ltenn, Michael Ureasinger, 18 " Jiusk Township. William LeQler, 2 Foint Township. William Cook, & 1 2 S7 3 0 43 35 " CO " William JJouboI, 1 " Lower Mahanoy. 2 " Jobn llerold, 1 " 6 0 " lieorge Herold, 2 " 2 2 " Harrison llerold or Philip, 2 " JACOB F. KOllitBACIl, Honburj, April 14, 1890. Treasurer, TREASUEER'S SALES. LIST of the Unseated lands advertised for sale by Jacob F. Hohrbsch, Treasurer of Northumberland comity, agreeably to ao Aot ef tbe General Assembly of tbe Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the 13tb day of March, 1845, and tbe supplement thereto, entitled en Act directing Uie moae of selling Unseated Lands for taxes and other purposes, will be exposed to public sale, at tbe Court House, in tbe Borough of Sunbury, on the 11th day of June. 1860, at 10 o clock a. m., tbe following described Tracts of Land for arrearages of Taxes due and the costs accruing on eath tract respectively, to mt : If not gold on the day above mentioned, to be adjourned from day to day. Acres. Warrantee'g Names. Am't Dae. Antis Henry Adamg Thomas 1674 Jenkins J a uses Antis Frederick f Coal $786 58 Adams Kobert Foster Tbomag Jobn Jenkins F. Antis 11. Adams 1704 llicbard Salman IMt.Car'l 477 03 Richard Manning Edmund lloff Jatneg Grier Tbomag Grier Kobert Cbaraplaia Tbos. Cbamolein ' 067 Wm. Morrison i alt. Carmel, James BtepbeusOD f 379 07 James Cowart Isaac Ntff Haily John N. Zerbe 894 00 4loyd Jobn Coal 126 25 llrosious Peter " 22 1 8 Hillintfton Thomas Mt. Carmel 23 07 Hellas Hugh " 10 zu 19 26 Cameron 1 85 9 47 Sliamokin 9 55 J'oiut 80 1 28 ' 04 Coal 117 37 Bower Christian Boyle Luke Batton Samuel Botterton Benj. Bertram Alex. Barren John, jr.' Boyd John Brady John Brady John 117 131 CG 15 Brady W. 1. 1) 164 403 Mrady Walter Low. Augusta Cuilisquaqtie 1 72 Hetlerton Itenj liig Mon iit'u. I nip. Co. Coal 132 309 197 390 200 97 14 8 6 G9 3G2J 196 227 6 947 399 J. lloalin t'out 101 J. llouiiu 2 Wm. Adams & others. Coal 128 31 liohanan James Mt. Carmel 56 00 Brook John " 26 97 Cleaver Kimber " 4 09 Cle.ver Kimber " 2 59 Cleaver Kimber " 2 03 Cleaver Kimber Coal 12 P8 Cowdcn Jobn Zerbe 178 91 Carson Jobn Coal 83 01 i Cook William Cameron 26 1G Carbon Kun Imp. Co., Coal 311 55 Darr John Cameron 13 9G Did John 32 91 Darr Mry " 9 12 Darr l'eter " 8 78 Durr Luke " 2 98 Did John Up. Mahanoy 5 GH Darr Mary " 4 35 Darr Peter " C 92 Darr Lt.ke " 7 b7 Dunnrt William Lit. Motiauoy 1 60 264 S50 50 80 130 100 159 181 197 220 196 148 3G8 52 115 8(! 3G0 90 280 170 269 165 327 208 20 181 36 28 173 259 120 2071 2531 r.o 160 100 300 100 1091 300 129 200 300 250 100 40 100 42G 219 57 2181 104 193 221 GO 80 203 203 94 300 354 160 G6 28?j 20 200 187 345 327 220 215 107 103 OS DenartJohn " 1 iG Dewart Wm. Low. Augusta 3 14 Dowart John " 2 3G hlliott William Mt. Carmel Klhott Wiliam Kploy Andrew Point KveDs Smith Mt. Carmel Kstricboico , owners, ' Fegely Reuben " Fegely Wm.it Solomon, Coal Pile Luke Cameron Wm. Pritcbard Mt. Carmel Wm. Sbeed, (part) " Andrew Sbuber " William Boyd " Wm. or C. Boyd " Merrick Starr, (part) " Valontine Brobst " 41 23 12 36 92 4 90 100 60 42 7s 3 29 13 61 37 C9 23 10 45 70 29 17 3 60 42 53 11 08 7 64 29 12 103 06 4 99 87 67 130 90 4 70 22 46 3 72 Gordon Joseph Grant Thomas " Urant Thomas Zcrbe Grant Thomas Cameron Gray Kobert Coal (iroeo William " Urant Thomas " Ccunt Thomas " Ciirdner Archibald " (lardner Archibald " Gardner Archibald " tjardner Wm. P. Jackson Uaulner Archibald, Poiut Gardner Wm. P. " 9 GO 1 20 90 2 40 1 02 Gardner Archibald, Lit. Mahanoy 1 GO Gardner Wm P 1 40 8 83 4 35 1 74 Harrison Wm fc'ameton Harrison Wm, Up. Mahauoy lloueel John " Jluuter Alexander Sbamokin Hunter James Lit. Mahanoy 3 42 Hall Charles " 1 72 Hoffa Alexander " 46 Hall Charles Low. Augnsta 8 50 Hubley Uernard Zerbe G3 G6 Heimlich Henry " 73 36 Heimelricb Henry Coal 51 79 Heller Jacob, Zerbe 34 20 Hileman Isaac C. Cameron G 60 Jackson Je,remiah Mt Carmel i 05 Jackson Juremiiih " 5 65 Jordan James Low. Augusta 1 50 Irwin Kobert Irwin KobeYt Kroll Michaol Kroll Michaol Kidd John Up. Mahauoy 14 05 Point 2 84 Coul 45 09 Zerbe 30 10 Lit. MubMoy 2 30 Kintainc; Abra'm 1 omt 10 King Lzekiel King Ezt-kiel Lukins Abigail l.ukins Smith Luke Kicbard Lake llicbard Lake Kicbard Lewis James Lake Kichard Luke Kichard Lyon John Like Kichard Lake Kichard 1 I S4 3 00 Cbilisquaque Coal 50 49 59 27 53 68 40 44 40 64 6't 96 53 Jackson Lit. Mahanoy Point 300 80 200 21 31 Cbilisquaque Morgan Samuel Mt Carmel 17 15G Maury Peter Zerbe 93 40 29 Martin J U Miller Julia Moyer Georgo Meadling John Meatilintr Joha Martin Peter li 140 00 50 Cameron Up. Mahanoy 111 200 1 omt, 50 Martzner John D Aiartio Peter 200 96 10 50 Marshall Wm, owner, Comoron 23 Marshall Wm II, owner, Coal 1 Miller Christian, Up. Augusta 1 21 1 rsouuonant James Poiot 11(1 I'noce Georue Coal 43 05 47 C3 46 43 61 30 85 bO I 83 3 39 I 69 3 90 3 37 92 108 Heea Saruh Kees Sarah Kees Daniel Heea Thomas, jr, Itustan Thomas Hustan Mary 89 Mt Carmel Coal Mt Carmel 206 309 27 281 211 Heynolda obn " Huston Charlotte " lieee Daniel, " Jloes 1'bomas Jackson Heea Thomas Lit. Mahanoy Sasseman Teter Mt Carmel (Shannon Wm " Smith Mary " Ktetman William " 091 233 100 239 1 64 36 3 b 4 I8SJ 333 235 463 V 171 Scott Abraham Smith Luke Smith Abigail Smith Kvana Smith Jobn Scott Abraham Smith Daniel Cameron 15 31 3 75 3 28 9 15 3 65 1 13 107 m 300 Up. Mahanoy Sliamokin Lit. Mahanoy Cameron Ml CttrniQl Coal 171 H7J 173 32 Scott Samuel 21 43 45 90 3 IH 203 Tunes Iticbart TitsworthJohtj Titsworth Jobn 2 3 170 1971 99 Taggart Hubert " Tyson Joseph " Titsworth Jobn Sbamokin Taggart Kobert " Trickel C'bas. U, Jackson 34 00 227 303 80 2971 44 203 8 200J Trickel Cbas U, Lit. Mahanoy 1 C2 48 Thompson Mt Carmel 20 18 304) WbitesJohn Coal 114 39 2181 Wilson wniiam 41 81 313 Walker Lewis " 31 40 40 Weikel Jacob " CI Yorlhimer Henry " 35 Zeigler Isaac .erbe 75 Zeigler Isaac Coal I 41 24 65 21 35 28 20 87 49 300 i Zimmerman Math. " JACUU UUUKHAl'U, Treat, Treasurer's Office, ) Sunbury, April 14tb, 18C0. J TAVERN STAND FOB SALE. THE subscriber o.Tere at private sale, on - rea sonable terms, the well known TAYEKN STAND, in (Sunbury, Northumberland county, IV, kept as such by Miebael WilverL Tile bouse is located on Fawn street, near tbe tshs mokin Valley anJ PotUville Kail Koad Depot, and is doing an excellent business. The build ing is a LAKUE FKAME HOl'SE, being near ly new. There is also on the premises a large (Stable and KLied, lately erected, with an lee. House and other conveniences. The property is in good repair, with a good garden and choice fruit on Ihe lot. He else offers for sale valuable Lot in the upper end of tbe town. For further particulars apply to E MANUEL WILVrtlT, Much 31, ItjbU. Suiil-uiy.l'a. , 159 147 r.o 210 40 344 50 348 425 100 160 80 166 45 258 To tbe School Directors of Korthumber' land County, (iisnistx : In pttrsnanre of lbs 4 )d sec tion of the Act of th May, 1854, you are hereby notified to meet in Convention, al the Court Honae in Sunhury, on tiro first MonJav in Msy, I860, being the aevorilli diy of lite month, at 1 o'cUrk In the aflcrnoon. Mid aclort viva voce, hy a majority of tho wholo nunilwr ol dirrrtors pre sent, one person of literary and scicntilin aniuire- ments and skill and experience in Ilia art of teaching, as County Putwriutendent for Ihe three succeeding years ; determine the snionnt of compensations for the same; and certify the result to the State SnpeiientomUnt at Karris burg, as required by the 39lh and 4l)lh sectiena of said act. JOHN J. REIMENSNYDER, Co. Supt. of Northumberland County. April 7 1 Ii, lM(iO. 5t Letters Yentnmcutary. Estate of Sarah lane Moore, late of Lower Augusta township, Northumkirlund county, deceased. VOTICE is brreliv givcsi that letters testa 1 mcntary have this day been granted to the suliscrilier, ea the rotate of Sarah Jane Moore, late of Upper Augusta tow nidiip, drcened. All persons indebted to mid cslale arn rrijueMcd to mako iinmrdiate payment, and those having claim will present them, properly authenticated, to tho undersigned. JACOB REXX, Executor, Lower Angioma township, Aj.ril 7lh. I SCO. r.t A KEV STUCIC 1)F" CS3 LLa CE U? LI S3" OZJr . rT1llK subscriber has just received by Hailroad a new Stock of Heady Mady Clothing, con sisting ot SPEINO AND SUMME5 GOODS such as COATS, VESTS, TANTS, GAITERS, SHOES, ic. a large variety of rcaJy made Shins, in price from 50 cts. to 5-2,(10. Also, a largo assortment of Menu' and Boys' HATS &c CAPS, of all kinds. Persons who are in want of Clothing should call at once as thay will save money. Store Itoom on the coiner of Markc and Fawn Btrecls, nearly opposite Weaver's Hotel. tsCH WEITZER, HEILURONNEK Jt CO. tSulibury, April 7, 18G0. lyjanc FOR SAL VACANT LOTS IN SUNBURY. OFFERS at private sale ef FOUR VACANT LOTS OF GROUND, Nos. 14, 63, 125 and IS7, as marked in the general plan of the towr. of Sutibury, belonging to tho estate of John Lukens, deceased, will be received by S. L. KEE.NE, The Administratrix, with the will annexed of suid estate, KHIi and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, and by her agent, IIE.MtV DO.XNEI., March 31, I860. 4l Sunbury, Ta. FUR SALE. r"pWO LOTS situate in Market street, in tbe town bf Trevorton, Nos. 12 and 13, in block Nn. fill. Annlv l.i V U ilAI'lM 1.' u kni:n "If "3 . v i.i . n, otiiNH' groi:, ur H. . MASSEIt, Suiiliurv. SrAI.DINli'S I'reparcJ Glue, and Phelleys Mucilage Trice per boule and hrali 4, cents. Cordial tlixir oi'Caliaaya liurk 4 Dentine, for removing gie.iFC. I'fin 9 kl.t AT THIS OFFICE. Punlatry, March 17, 1HW. ELUTBS A1TD GZAES. B. J. WILLIAMS, Xo. 1C North Sitth Street, FHILAVKLPUIA 19 THE MOST 1..XTKNSIVE MANUFACTURER OF Venetian IHliids i!tn WINDOW SHADES. VT TUR LARCEST ASD FIMttT Assortment in the City, at the Lowest tush lrlccn. GP" Store Shades made and Lettered. April 14, I SCO. Sin I MIR ike InsLint Itelicf and l'efuiaiicnt Cars of Ihia . distressing complaint use rENDT'3 nronrlilal t lziirittcti. Mads by C. H. 6KYMOUR A CO., 107 Nassau Slreat New Turk, rnce, HI per box ; sent free Ly post. tSf i'or Sole at all Drugijisia. mar 11, 'OS IRIMNU &. GRANT have just received by railroad the largest assortment of QUEENS WARE and GLASSWARE ever brougbt to Sunhury. Also, a fresh supply of DRY GOODS, consisting of Spring Dresa Goods, Prints, Mus lins and Notions. opr 7, IN80. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. .1 Benevolent Institution established by special Endowment, for the Utlicf oj the ick and J)istressed, articled with I 'irulent and Epi demic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs. EDICAL ADVICE given gratis, hy tbo Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occu pation, habits of life, Ac.,) and ia esses of extreme poverty, Medicines furninhcd free ol charge. VALUABLE REPORTS on Sperraatorrhs, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on Ihe NEW REMEDIES employed in the Diapen sary, sent to the afllicted in sealed letter enve lopes, free of charge. Two or three slaiaps for postage will be acceptable. Address. DR. J. BKII.LLV HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. S South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, President. Geo. FiiMriiian, Secretary. January 14, lb 5 9 ly JO S I A 11 BK YA 1T&6 oT Flour and Grain Factors, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For lha Sale of Produce in Oenernl. l3r.d eVect, bclew Vine, West side, riULAPKI.rillA. December 17,1 eso 3iiS TT8EFUL IN ALL FAMILIE5-I1EGEMAK &. CO'S Heniine, which removes paint spots grease, Ac, oc, and cleans gloves, silks, ribbons, 6ic, equal to new, without the slightest iajnry to color or laune. Sold by all Druggists, aUo at tbis cilice. 15 rents per bottle. Short Ifotlce. IlIE sulscriber having retired from business hereby notifies all persona indebted to him on Book account or otherwise, to call and settle the same without delay, otherwise they will be put into the bands of a Justice for collection. GEORGE ROHRBACI'. Punbury, Nov. 5. I833. tf OVEIIC OATS, DRESS-COATS, Ac, just received and tor sale at reasonable prisas at the Mammoth Clothing Emporium of SCHWEITZER, HEILBRONNFR A. CO. Sunbury. Jan. 14, I8UU. FOR SSa-IE. A FULL SETT OF BRASS BAND INSTRUMENTS. GRANT'S Cornet Hand offer for aalo their fall sett of instruments consisting of 12 pieces, several of them being rotary valves. For further particulars epplv to TH08. D. UK ANT, Leader, or JAKlkv C. Ill YIN, President, baobury, March 3, 1660. PLASTER ! PLASTER ! J TONS prTuie Nova Saotia Xott Plaster for XJ eale by BRIGHT cV SON. Sunbury, April 7, I860. TB PHILADELPHIA vva..D,ru?' Pawt ftnd 01a8 Sto, e. w. con. roiHTu Ai.uwHiu.8XnKKV8, niii.aoKi.pniA. q,',rrVU"lf " W"'dOW U'0,B' I0,i0 roimofPatly, White, lllnck, PeJ, - , in tO,(HW Ua l.ma l.mtvnl Oil, Rpinlt Taii.mtirw, Camnheiio Aleoh.il, Ac. 1 Tons ol Hura White Laad. in bbh., I liWs., en sn 95 ami It Ibkrps. ' ' Jtf Tons of Tiiil iiiov White Lend, in t'.aa, I M,: 100 00, j anil Ui II, k.cs ' 48 Tons of Nrw ork White t.wd, ia Mils , I Ws I to .10, 1lllld lt!j III. krps. " ' ' 3i Tons ol l'uie I'renoli While Zwf, nt lW, 1 ht,i (. . SO, U'.arid lit Ih kegs ' ' (0 Tons of Aim-rir inSiiow White Zinc, Inblila, 1 N,'s If,.. 60, 'i'. and lv II, k.-cs So Tons of Irf-hnrh Ameriraa Kmc, in l,Ua, I l,h:a. fffl 5 Jt, and m la. kna " 93 Tons of Zinc Vaints. of diffrrent Coin's, in hi. la 1 tills ICO, no. UiandlK llikek-il. ' 30 Tom of Almeral I'iiiiiH, of dilA-rcni ,,lrs ilry r ground in till. 1(1,000 pounds of pure French Orecn, Chrome nrem, Xr low, lllue, Hhrk flml other ojilors dry ot 111 ml. 1,000 pounds of Smnlui' asaaried l!!ue, Uliick, He,:. Uitan, and oilier eolois. 1(10 Packs of fS jkl lnf, GIiizI.ts' Uiinnowln, Clajar' I'utly, Hawk Kiiivik, Ac. 2.00 (Jallous (Killed oil, vanishes, Jnpnns. Zive Tfrr, n. I'.ini!, Viimikh nial Culnainoie Crunlirs, I. gilSer v.j,' (t romjilata awirtmenl of class floods anhraei-d in ll.o IJrug and Tiunt Ilurineaa. also, 9.000 bMs. Tloman Cement. 3.m Kosendaleand Ilrdniulic Oiment. I.IHH) " Calrineil, lilld, )entlrv,Ca"lii.g rimtM, tr. Ca"Allof which I will aril at Wholesale mid Itettiil, a! fron 1(1 to 'Xj per cent lass than other estalihslnneniH IIKNKV O U. HA VK rraprletor of ti,8 Pldtndelphia Cask rar. Tumi and G'.um ?t..ie, U-.uili.Wrst eorner of Kourtli xnd LVslloWkili Bia , Wola. .Maich II, 160. 3ib s WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SiLVEK WARE. "VtrK Would resoeetrully inf irm ur friends, pntMis V? and lha pahlie nenarallv. that we h.-.ye ii"W mri".:a and ofUr WHUI.KSAI.l; A.SiU UKTAI1., al ik- i .et t'ash I'riees. a lme ami veterhaiee eTk of WA'I CHI;?, JliWKI.RV, KILVKK A.Ni 1'LATKD WAKIS, ..f every variety and style. Kverv dewrintinn .if nlArrl'n WrUlK JKWKMIV, mails to ordtr, at ahort notiee l All Unfits Vnrn111ted to be as represented. N. B Purtioobr aitnalion rtiveu to lha reuiii!n; of Watches Slid Jewelry of evarv d leripiton. SIALrri'.ll ft AltkKY, No. Market rlr.t, South Hide, ThiladeloUia. Fehraary tw lsG0.-3m Kerosene and Coal Oil Lamps! IV EADQUARTERS and Manufactory, No. 1 14 Kouth Second Street, below Cbennuf. and No. 1, Carter Street, Philadelphia. jm. a. i'you s txcclsior Aeroscue sml Cosi Oil rt urner, Merrill & Jones Siiritiir Kurner. and all other good burners for Coal Uii, tog. '!ier with the largest and handsomest vutiptv of i-Aftiro, ol every description. CM NIij. LIEItH, from two to ifty burners (i!:Fir. Wfrks, Shades, and all ajticles nertaisinir t, li business, teothor with the best KEKOSEA E OIL in the country Wholesalo and Kotail at the Manufacturers' lowest prices. Merchants and others will! save money, by cr amming our Stock and Trices. M. I). DVOT'i".; LAMP and (JAS FIXTURE STfJUK :' FACIOin, No. 114 South Second and N"i ' Carter street, below Uhesiiut, rbiladeipi.ii.. February 25, I860. 3m3c jOLI lr. UK ATI! n HOOKOK VX-'Truvels nud crent discoveries of rim Jnnan.,. Vrf' and Kimlli.iliu Medicines, with lull directions l,,i l iecr- unii rure or cointumptinii, llroucliins. Bouplit, Color, t'Htarrh, Asthma. V'eveis, rv-urt Disense, Sen j,. C; nc-i uyapepaia. I.iver C'oiiiplaint. bmvel uinl Urinaiy De--:i KeiflMle Coilljilxiula, ic Illiislruted with hil.-'nac it cerliliaUts l cures and CUKravints. For the purpipe I rvacuiniraa many siitrcriii; lellow-lielfigs at po'ril.lo nnui . .i. in , i , w iii uvtieiii toanyiiuilot uie o rini aeut, by sendinir i'5 cents to DR. HKATH, elt Bioadway, New York tiv S '.d, also, liy A. W. Fuller, hiiiil.uiv; Conrud Wrnk, Nortliaiuiierland ; T . Culdwell, l.e'.viil.urc ; O. M. Un gentiuch, UloornslmrK j Cyrus Urowu, .Mlllau ; N tail Rank 4 Co., lhnivillo. Fcbrunry 19,1-iio ly. BOOTS AND 8MKS, a large assartmrnt at FKIL1NO cV GRANT'S Sunbury, January , lljtiu. HIGHLY I K PORT ANT NEWS. M. C. GE AllII ART, Has returned with a new Stock oi Confectionarids, Fruit and Toys. T seercs as if a new age, a new life was Of on- ing npeu us, animstilig every lu'art so ho'jIit doedti and higher aims! Art, Literntere and ci euce will uluw anew and seek to dcvelojie auti limCr beauties aud granJer i-onceptioii. The business world too inyit feel the nr . in fluence and evervpart be quickened uuj s'ree.aih ened by an increased vitality, wl lch shn;'. ur,e us on with electric speed to tbe ohi.iiuuiitv-ii,-.; of greater things than was sver dreamed of in t!ie Philosophy of the pant. Animated by the e11tUu4i1n.n1 which prrva ics all classes, and desirous ef Joint: lu ''.nr. wards "The gmat events of the Age," thu c .l. acribrr would respectfully inform tiio ro:! eo pie of SUNBL'RV and the public generally, be hae just returned from the cily af fb'' . pbia with tbe largoet and choicest i-.c!: ot 'V.. fectionarics, Fruit and Toys that ha -vnr ! eK brought to this section of country. He is al-.-manufacturing all kinds of Coiilectiouiinca, 4 to fill up orders, wholesa'e oc rotsil, at .!),: no tice. Among his stock found : French 9cirets, Uurnae Almonds, Creiuu Whila, 11 lm.H Ho... " Vauilla, Cnnann Scw. l-Juonca, 04" C'onaVclionaries. n.v ' Guin limps, nil kwivi of win. Lore lnoiu. Mint Lr,,is, red uud ivhrta, Jelly I'ntca, piuit llroia. rHielt Oanillea, o( all scuta Kvek C'amlr, Altuond Ourtiy, FRUIT. riiiHi-a, Fifs, Citfona. Banal uta, Iatts, Cvrranta 4(ied, Alnwads, Raisiais, Nuts of all V. mis Limox sYKcr of a superior quality, by the single or dozer A superior quality of IMegars aud Tokaoco, r.tn) ' variety of Confectioneries, fruit, Tort', ft nt 1' which is offered cheap at wholesale or reluil. t3P" Remember the name and place. -J M. C.GEAKHAHT, Market sU, 8 doors west of E. Y. Bright t Son'a seore. Sunhurv, April 14, 1800 ly Administrator's Notice- JVOTICE i hereby given that letters of admin- istratjon having been granted to the subscri bers on the aetata of John Moore, Into of Mm laokin township, Northnmberleud county. decM. AU persons indebted are requested to make pay ment and those having claims to present them for settlement tu tho undersigned, who will attend at the late reaidonce ef the decedent for that pur pose, on Monday iho Uth dav of May next. EI.ItslIA MOORE, WM. AM.MKRM AN. tShsmokin twp., April 7, I860. Bt Adm'is. i(nte of John Thoip, dee'd. .VOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad-i-v niiiiistratiou having been granted to tho sub scriber, en the estate al John Tachopp, lute of Lower Mahonoy lownahip.Norlhutuberland caun ty, dectssed- All persons indtbted lo said eatjle are requested to make immediate payment ui.d those having claims lo present them for n-ti.e. ment. ISAAC II. KESS1.RR, Adm'r. Lower Mahonoy, April 7, I SOU. 6t To Coimiiuptivr aKU NERVOUS STJEPEHERS, flHE subscriber, for several years a resident f Jk Asia, discovered while there, a simple vege table remedy a sure Cure for Consumplio" Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and Neivnun Debility. For the beneCl of Consumptives and Nervous Sufferers, be ia willing to make the same public To those who desire il, he will send Ilia I're. scription, with full directions (free of cbsrgeV also a sample of Ihe medicine, which ihev wi!l find a beautiful combination of Nature's 'n pV herbs. Those dciihig the remedy rati olum 1. by return mail, bv addressing J. E. CUTH BERT, Botanic Thyaician, No. 429 Broadway, New York. April 14, 1 SCO.-3m 11 YE Barrels Portland Kerosere il, Ihe oet L ia market, at EKIMNG 4 GRANT'S. Sutibu'y, Jauuaiy It), eltJ0v