' I COOFEP. & CC1TAID C. -,Kt of M and JIarM Street, Philadelphia 1 l.lcUKldlS: l.npill ilf IJlilieS; cVc: Kmc mile de Inllics, S7J etf. r.iTiina iiiiickui ;iiBnd 3s ctt. Super quality Bt 4." '! cts. Shlilinic cpinltlv ol oS cts Printed wool de Unn-". 37 lu 09 eta. Uinuk bombasines, million ll, SI up. Illni'k silk alpacas, Ac. , . Ulack trench luce vimVs. F'2 M S. Also : Ulit'lni!", by llie piece D(l j Mil. S'lictuics ! the piece mill yiini. I.nwns liy the P'ccc ""' lliminpli Tulle Mil in '(, nil rflxeS. Napkins nnd Doylies, by the li'ity Towels, iu tlizi-ii fr.itn atlcts to SO per dozen Kul-lloideied Fine Towels, Napkins, iukI Doltes J-'liuiiifla, fine, low-pfieed. and silk mixed. .MnrSLillea pr collars, l swiiis, bureau covers, Ate, Marseilles (Jiiiltn. niso l.nitsistiT. Alleiidul, c, to.i .. ..in cln wood mill rheilD lots. Ti kini; "f every urmlc, Also, Mcrnliiuck I'rinU, and Ainu.cau Dry , p. j Ninth nnil Murket Streets Mmcli W, ly q ? q ? q q FALL AND WINTER Tire First of the Season, ! AT THE PEOPLE'S 09E PRICE SIC EE, n. "S". BRIGHT & SON, Have jlf.it rtccivcl ly Tlnili-oad, end ate now (menhir; a tlioiec Ktock of' all k:ria:t of suitable for the fall : ii.l winter trade '',v vf.uru.rlfiillv I T. , -sI'liulV tnii.c lite attention of the public to uu examination of their stock. Sui,.,iry, t)i loln r lt, 1 S59. SALE. A FULL SETT OF BRASS BAND INSTRUMENTS. i" It A NT'S Coruot Uuud offer for bbIo their full sott of iastruuieuts coiisistitift of 12 pieci'S, sevcrul of them buiog rotary vulvcs. for further particulars opplv to 'I'llOS. 1). GRANT, Leader, or JAIUD C. IK VIX, President. iSuuburc, Mon-b 3, 1G0. A VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. ffMI E subscriber about removing, olRira at pri A vuto sale the 1ulIo injj valuable real Ctitato, to wit : A CERTAIN HOUSE AND LOT hituale in tho borough of Sunbury, Northumber bind county, I'a , on the eastern aide of Duer street, above Market. The lot contains SO feet in wt.Il h and 200 feet in depth, whereon is erect ed a frame dwelling House 10 by 32 fect, ouUil r.hcH, smoke-house, a good framo stable, and other outbuildings, a pump in tho yard. There is also choice Iruit op sukt lot. The property will be disposed of on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply to the sub scriber on the premises. WILLIAM BRINDLB. Sunbury, January 2HI IMiu. 3in ROCKEFELLER & B0YER, Attorneys at Law, (BTJT2SI BUR'S", I'A.. A. .foj tlan StoiKt feller and Swlomou li. ItojlT, respectfully announce that thry entered iuto Copartnership in the practice of their profession, and will continue to attend to all busi ness entrusted to their charge iu the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder and Montour, promptly, faithfully and carefully. Special at tention will lie given to the COLLECTIONS ul" CLAIMS. Consultations can be had in the (iKKMAN language. Otlice, - Market Sheet, opposite Weaver's Hotel Sunbury, February 4, lNiju. WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE. WF. would respectfully inform our friends, patrons unit the puhhc generally, that wrt have now lusSlore lo.doikr WIKil.CbAl.i; A.NU ItKTAlL, ut the lowest I 'nth Pi." . n laiee and verv ' h nee sunk of WATCH KS, IllWKI.KV. MI.VF.a AND 1'LATFD WAK11, uf eveiy vaiieiy ami style. F.vciy .l.-tcriuiioa of DIAMOND WORK and other .IF.WKI.HV, uride to or.hr, nt rllort notice. 9" All C'.ai Warrnnti'd to he us represented. N. II Farticukir altenlioii iven to the repairing of t uieaes uuu jewelry oi every iieseriiuion, STAl FFi:it .V I! Alt LEY. No iS4 Market Street, South Side, I'hiludelphia. fehruary 2a, IrdO. -U.u Kerosene and . Coal Oil Lamps ! JEAUQl-ARTERS and Manufactory, No. 1 II South Second Street, below ('hesnut, and No. 1, Curler Street, Philadelphia. M. It. !volt' Excelsior Kerosene and Coal Oil Uumcr, Mcrill A Jones' Sprim; Liurnir, and u4l other good burners for Coal Oil, together with tlm largest and linndsometit vuriety of LAMPS, of every deaviiption. ' CHANDE LIERS, from two to lifly burners Glas.-es. U ieka, Shades, and all aniclea pertaining to tho business, together with the lust K F.ROSEN E OIL in the country Whulcsule and Retail at the Manufacturers' lowest prices. Merchants and others will save money, by ex mniningour Slock and Prices. M. 11. DYOTT'S LAMP and GAS FIXTURE STORE and FACTORY, No. I 14 South Second and No. I Carter ttrcel, below Chesuut, Philadelphia. Febrii'irv S5, ISfiU. 3mUo Miort Nol Ice. PpiIE subscribes: having retired from business hereby uotifie all persons indebted to him on Hook account or otherwise, m call and ellle Ihe same without delay, otherwise they will be put into the hand of a Justice for collection. GEORGE ROHRUACH. Sunbury, Nov. fi. 1K5 tf VtCTORrti.xr.s Muff and Cuffa, lare asort meut tr Furs dilTerent Myleg, sizes and pricos for gala atCOOPKlfa Variety Store. ()VE!U OATS, DRESS-COA-l s. &e., j,i " received and for sale at reasonable prices at the Mammoth Clothing Emporium of SCHWEITZER, HEILBKONNFB &. CO. Sunbury, Xjn. 14, ltfbO. READ AND CIRCULATE tha Tcnafljitanlu 8lato Journal " J.M.liOSTIAN, Agent. January 7, I860. 10,000 '''pt-'tSof Wall Paper, just recci d from Kew York, 60 different tyles very low at FRILINU 4 GRANT'S. Suubury, January mco. THE MAMMOTH STORE ! THE MAMMOTH STORE! JJt, EsrKf'TFl'M.Y beg leave to announce to the cilizrne ol SUNBURY and vicinity, thai the EXTENSION of their Store-Room is comilrteil, and that their (filling Uioir' entire cstaMifilimcnt to perfect jnm.) hnv BrrivcJ. We have now, nol only the handsomest, but Ihe LARGEST STORE IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA! anil a stock of NEW GOODS which, in extent, variety, quality and iowncss in price, tre UN 11 1 VALUED! We necj not particularize, for WE HAVE EVERY THING!!! We have constantly on hand all kind of x DRUGS, HAKDWAItR, yUEENSWARE, DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING - lt)OTs AND SHOES, GROCERIES, Ac , Ac. which we will dispoeo of at the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Country Produce taken int-xcliange at the hiitlif st price. Cur t-tiiii.l ib one of the ohlist in this section of country, and has always been lavorrd by the LARGEST e'nd BEST run of custom in Ihe neighborhood. We are thankful for patronage we have received in the past, mid hope that by a continual rllort to accommodate our friend and customer, and i,i consequence of the largeness and variety of our stock, wo will merit and receive a continuance of the aupport and good will of the people. A t cordially invite ou to give ua a call ! COMIC AM. ! You will never regret a visit to tha Very Lnrgt'! mid I'licniM-st More, n this section uf the State 1 ! Uciuriulicr the old stand, MARKET SQUARE, near the Court II IUI-C. tSiinhury, May 8.1, lrT.O. ly FIULIXU & C.RAXT. d? (IT LMUiKS ra;-( fur Tuition in Single ami IlnnMe f.ntry Book-Kiup luK, Wnttng, CuiuiiKTiMul AitUiiui'tic uii'l t'CCtitrts U 'aril 8 weeka g'JO, stationary T, Tuiliuut33, ciilire i. I'm il tunc from B to 10 weeks. Kvciy Stmlont. npmi ; nidilutiiii!, it Ku:itantt--i-tl cuintelcnl lu iriuuiire lilt: Irtiuka ! any Luimt-si . unit tiilulilicil to cnilt It B ilur ul from to 1000. Students niter at nny tunc -No vacation Hrview nt plciipirt'. Firbt Prc;iiiimi for Ptt HunincFB Wiitinji fr 1?pj9, received al ritititi'.irli. l'liitnl Iplmi nml Ohio Statu Fairr Alw, at tlic i'tnict.ii Futta ul ttic I inuii tor the jiast ttur yc:tn. I"?" Minister.)' P. ins received nt Imlf prirc. For Oiicnkii.s SpifiiiK'iis nml KmbcllivhcJ View of the l CoIUve. ihcIobu livu lelti'r Plump to ! F W. Jl.NKLNP.ritUbuigb, Ta. Juiiunry 21, '00. U t. V, 'fto I t THE PHILADELPHIA Cash Drug, Paint and Glass Store, SJ. W. COlt. fUl HTIl & CALLOWIllLLSTUtliTS, I'lilLADlXPHIA. DKtiiGlSTT, Mirclmnts, l'urmcrs, nnJ tlic puUic cvuiywItiTc. I will sell nt wholewilu nnil retiut, to tiiu Spring Trailti of 1.Mtiti, a heavy slock ol iugn, Meili. Linn. I'limifiilii. .VP.. .Vp.. Ac. I aii.tiixi boxes ot Window U!iis, assortcil sizes and ijimlities. I lOUtHJ I'oiiikIs of Putty, White, Dluck, Iteil, ic, in Bulk or ltltulilers. I S0.UUJ tia Ions Linseed Oil, Spirits Turpentine, Cainphcne Aleohol. &c. 80 Tons of Pure White l.eud. iu buls., Ibis , 100,50, 25 nml mi Ibkecs. j JO rons ol rem ruow nne i.cnn, in uihp, om. iw, 511, 2.i mill I'.'i hi. ki'CB I 40 Tons of New ork White Load, in bMs., j bl.li, 100, 50,8', uiul t-A II'. kecs. 35 Tons of 1'nte 1'reui-h White Zinc, ill Mii, i bills, ino 50. 'uud V2'j Hi ki"I 10 Tons of AinericnitSnow White Z.ine, in bhls, J libls 100 60, ar) and Ib ki'ss. SO Tom of l,ehii;li American Zinc, in bLIs, J Ldh, 100 50, nml I'.'j H). kejjs 25 Tons of Zmr Points, of different ro'.ou, ill bbls, bbls. i u, r,n. a.-, sod t-jj Hi kees. 30 Tons of Muii iiil Piuiita, of different olora dry or ground in ml. III noil uunils of puic French tlreen, Chrome Orecn. el- low. Illue, Hlaek and oilier colors, dry or iu oil. I,U00 ponnils ol Smalts' assorted Ulue,Ulai k, Ited, Urecn, und other coIots. 100 Packs of Hold Leaf, Gln2ierB' Diamonds, Clazicrs' ruttv, lluwk Knives. Ac. 8.0(0 Ouilom liuleil oil, varnishes, Japans, Zinc Dryer, ie. I'aiut, Viirulsh nud Calsorniue llriislies. logrthrr with a complete iinsorliuent of elats Goods embraced ill the Drug und l'uint liatinees. ALSO, S.OOO, bbls. It oman Cement. 3.IHHI Itosemlale and llydrnulic Cement. I.IS'0 Calcined, Land, IJentiMrv, Cinlmir ri ister.Ac. IV All of which I will sell nt Wholesale nnd Hetittl, ut from 10 to 20 per cent less than other ehlntilighmeuts. IIKKltY U. D. UAKKS, Proprietor of the Philadelphia Cash llrii(. Taint and Gloss Ptnre, 8 null-West corner of Fourth and Callowhul Sis., l'hila. .March 3, ItOO 3in c -f v , "-y' n ECONOMY! ' Save the Pieces ! ABm-ci'liiits will Itnppcn, even in wctl-nyulau-il fiiini lit'h, it is Very (Jc,tr;tltU: to Imvf Ktiiitcheip uml convenient wuy fur repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockt-ry, Vc. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE inectn .ill Hiicli f increncifP, untl u iioiifctiolj tun tntrd lo tu willinut it. l! i.i :il witys rt-.-itly und up to tlie sticking point. 'J'liuri! ib no longer ti ncccHRily f'r linipitm rlmirs, ftpltnti'iii vi'ikmtb, litiullctiH (lullti. unit broken t-iutllt-B It is just ttie mtK'lf for cone, shell, i;m! oilier om:nncntul work, K) popular with uiilujt ot tcnnencjiu onu imhe. I Uiu uiiiniriiltlc piepur.ition t usrtt rold, iicint; clicinirallv lield in 8 Union, ami rotste.snia ail tiic vuluuMe qualities"! the bent ralMiict'tuakur'M Glue. H nmy he ufd in the place ul ordinary iimeilitRti, lienig vuslly more adhcutve. . t'iKFL'L IN FA'KKV HUl'SK" N. B A 11 ruttli aecoinp-'iinet each bottle. I'nce irj f-enlfl. Wh.tknidc Dcpct, 41 (Vilnr etrect, Nw York Adilrcw. UKNUV C. M'AIJHNo A. CO.. 1J..X No.3tii, Ncw Yoik. Tut up for Dealers in cnnes rniitaininp Four Fiplit, and i wcivt i"iacti u ucnuuiui i.miogrupnic bmnv Curd ue coiiipanyiin; v.wh narkatfo. t&" A hinle tKiiiluui Siuildinij'i Frcpaied Giue willaave ten liim-fi itu c st uinuiiilh to every hoim-hold. Sold ty all pToniincut tSluti(iiet, Urugiktit, Mardwnrtj mi l Fiiiniturc Dt-nii-rs, Grocer. :ul Fancy Stortrs. Country M rchaiiia iiiuld make a wt ut hituldinp.'s prepared ii'.uc. wlau (lay make up thiif list, it w.l bland uuy eautatc. For tmln al (huolTice. ( .March iu, itou. ly HOWARD ASSOCIATION, rillLADELrillA. A reneco!ent Institution established ly tpeciul luitlowment, for the lltliij of the tick and J)ii,tresstd, uj!icted with Yirulait and Ejii demif. Disease, and especially for the Cure of liitafc of the Sexual Uryunit, yjELUCAL ADVICE given gratis, by the i" " Acting Surgeon, lo all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occu pation, habits of life, Ac.) and in eases of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished frea of charge. VALl'A 15 LE REPORTS on Spermatorrhea, and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REM ED'ES employed in the Dispen sary, sent lo the alllictcd in scaled letter enve lopes, free of charge. Two or three stamps for postagu will bo acceptable. Address. DR. J. SKII.LIN HOUGHTON. Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 8 South Niulh Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of tho Directors. EZRA D. HE ART WELL, President, fits. Faihcri uu, Secretary. January 14, 18.VJ ly 'fr- oi-ii ir. hi:! HTtlouk oi'rx Travels Slid great discoveries of the Japanese Vi ami l..il inula niiniclues, Willi lull Ineellous lor the cer ium cure of Consumption, llrom inns, Housrln, Cnkls Caturth, Astlunu, Fenis, ll.arl lltstviac, Scrofula, Cancer' u "iieitkii,. 1. 1, ci ouiiMuiiii. ruvei auu L.rnisty lleposits Female Uoiupliiiuts, e. Illualrattd Willi huudreils of erruueuu s or euies aui eiij(raviiiKS. ! or llie ourpose rSeuiuiins many snnring lelloW'tielngs us pn.,it,l. fiou, preiiuilnre death, it will lie sent lu any jiailof um cnti. ueul, seluuiaE vo cents to DR. IIKATII, 647 llioadway, New Vork 1'ilv. Bold, akn, by A. . Fisher, r-uiitmiy; Conrud Weak, N rihiimU'tlanil , T . Caldwell, Uwishu'ii ; (i. M. Ilu tfenliiich, liloouisliuru: ; Crus Uiowu, Millou ; N. L. and ttunk & Co., Danville. Fehruaiy In. t-isu I jr. JJrnt. ii l'aper, CI! AC US Holders, Knives, Note Books, re ceipt Books, Memorandum Books, Stationery, of all kinds, &c., at COOPER'S. Sunbury, Oct. 15, 18f9. OOTS AND SHOES, a large assortment at FRILING & GRANT'S Sunbury, January 28, I alio. SHAWLS. SHAWLS, Cloaks, Caps, Nubics,Hoods Ac, very cheap, at COOPER'S VARIiTV STORK. Sunbury, OelolarlS, 1859. FALL Sc WINTER Si3-IJB OB BLB JUST ARRIVED AT THE STORE OF J. II. i:f.l l.. or Siiiibiiry. ln., A splendid stock of FALL and WINTER 2A. Ooods from Philadelphia, to which he respectfully, invites his friends and the Public to call and inspect, he will spare no lime in show ing them. Among hi.) stock of ponds will be found, FINE BLUE AND BLACK Fine Black and Fancy Casitncrcs 'I weco, Sat inctte, Jeans and Farcy Vestinrr, also a large as sortment of Ready-made CLOTHING for men and boys (cheap.) I VR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Silk Tissue, Bcrcgns, Chali and Chnli Robes, Bercgn Delaine, tlerege Roltes, higurcd Brilliant and a variety of oilier Dress Goods, Spring and Sum mcr Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort ment of white goods. Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac. A general assortment of domestic Dry Go ds. Also a largo stock of Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes. Hardware, Queens and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, .Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tur Ac. &c. N. B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpels, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produce ta- cn in exchange lor Goods. J. II. ENGEL. Sunbury, Nov. 19, lSSO. If. NEW DRY GOODS AT t. a- root's: si's VARIETY STOEE, Market Square, one door West of ihe Post Ojire, SUXiiUir.l'a. HE subscriber has just returned from the city with an entire new stock of Dry Goods and a general variety uf Notions. His selections, which are different from anything ever brought to this place, have been made from the most extensive wholesale, establishments in Philadelphia. His stock consists of Rlacli. C'lothM, Fancy CnNsimercs Silks, Ginghams, Delaines, Alapacas, Chintz, Luhcoos, Into Goods, rlannels, Muslins, Circulars, Mantillas, Shawls, Merino, Marseilles, Cotton Plaids, HATS -A-ZSTID CAIPS. Flats, Children's Bonnets, Trimmings of every variety, Gloves, Hosiery, Shirt Bosoms, Shirt Collars, Gingham Cravats, Black Silk Cravats, Fancy Scarfs, Ac, Ac. The list of NO I IONS comprises iu part, IIenI Ureases, Head Necklaces, nncy Beads, Fancy Baskets, Toys of all kinds, Fancy Hair Pins. Fancy Bracelets, (fold Eur Drops, Gold Breast Pins, Gold Studs, Gold Pens, Ladies' Recti cules. Buttons, Brushes, Toi lets, Combs, Fancy Soaps, Perfumery, Fancy China Wsie, STATIONERY, PICTURES, and a variety of other Fancy articles too nurrr rous to mention. All articles not on hand when asked for will be ordered from Philadelphia immediately, with out extra charge, the proprietor having inado arrangements to be supplied with deficiencies whenever reijuired. His stock will be disposed of on cash princi pies, deducting 5 per cent, from purchases a mounting to moro than one dollar. By strict attention to business, he hopes to receive a share of public patronage. He invites ull to call and examine for themselves, and be convinced that he has on hand the largest stock of Fancy Goods ever brought to the place. THOS. G.COOPER. Sunbury, Octolter !fr, 18f9. S USQ UE II ANN A FEMA LE COLLEGE. SCLiINS-GnOVE, PA., THIS School is intended to atTonl the very best ndran tapes, at a m-Hlcralecharee to sneli us mav Im titru.t. d lo Us caie. The huildini; is larce, well airaiiccil.and uriilsliid wiih eveiv lliiuc necessuiv to I hi, ,.,1 .. oil. Parents and Uuanliaus are invited lo examine us claims aim m support n only in so fur aa it may be found IO .MD. lUtll llil'llb. FACULTY. Rev. C. C. I1AUCHMAN, A. M , Prineitwl. Mrs. M. L. lUi uimt.N, 1 1 Miss I. W. Hunhell, J AsaisUuit Teachers. Miss Julia A. Ca.ii.ix, J Dr U. HOLM ; licv. II. KURTZ, D.D. L L. D.J nev o. av..,i,-., a. m., L.eciuiers. KXPENSES. Doatdinc, tuition in the regular course including laitm, wiistiing, biilits, fuel and use of furnished room per session oi s months, v0 00 Fee for Reading Room, j ijg IJAY SCHOLARS. Tuition in the Collegiate Department per session, 815 00 Acaneuiie U nu Jiieidental charge for fuel, ink, eualk, &e. 1 60 EXTRA CHARGES. Musieonthe Pianowilh useof liistrumcist, 11 $0 60 " ' " .MeliKlLi'll " " 7 no " ' liuiuir urn tu " " " Harp, " jjo (mj Speeinl iiistruetiou in Yo.nl Musio a no lirawini; wall use of models, 8 uu (id Puuitiiij., " i-i no Greek, Geriu-iu nnd French ench, t (to raynit-iit. to be made hall in advance, and Hie kulauci at the middle of ihe sesvon. There wilt be no deduction for ubseuce, except in cases nf protruded siekncsM. A liberal deilaetloll wtU be made hi luvor oi llie uaii.'lilers ol Clergjluau. For Circulars Address. Rev.C.C R At'GIIMAN, Or Rev. S. DO.MEH. Selins Grove, Pa., Sept. 10, IWSO ly LOOK HERE, IF YOU WANT TO BUY CHEAP FOR U ASH. v O TO WM, IT. MILLER, he has received HJs ""- Philadelphia a large stock of BOOTS & SHOES. His stock consists ef Gen'ls KippHloots, Youths Kipu Boots. I'l. 11. !...'- 1- I. I, . 1 r V....WIC.. van uuuis. Also a variety of Women's Calf Lace Boots, Women's Morooco Lace Boots, Children's Morocco and Calf Lac Boots, all of which he will sell cheap fat CASH. Call and examine for yourselves. ALSO, first quality of Tampero Moioco for sale for cash. ' WM.H. MILLER. Sunbury, January 7, I860. JOSIAII BRYAN & oo.: Flour and Grain Factors, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fur Ihe Sale of Produce lu General, Uroad Street, belew Vine, West side, PHILADELPHIA. December 17,1 -V-3n, NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth 8tore of f A I CKMUHT, NO, 1 MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, I'A. 111 E subscriber has jusH opened at bia well X known establishment In Sunbury, ona of tha hea pest and most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been offered in the place, and which no will sell for CASH or exchange for Country Produce. Those desiring to purchase goods will do well to call and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK. All Wool Delains, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merinq, all colors, Beautiful Dress Robes, Cashmeres, Shaded, .Plain and Striped must be ice n to form an idea of the extent and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls, Thibet and Brnche ShawU. Cloths Cassimeres and Satins t. For Men and Boys' Wear, Black Cassimeres, Fancy Cassimeres, aide stripes heavy, Doe Skin Cassimeres, Satinets all kinds. White and Red Flannels, all grades and prices, Bay State Sack r lannels, colors finest naltioe. HEADY-MADE CLOTHING Boats and Shoes, Hats and Cans, Ao., dc., all of which were selected with great care, aud will compare favorably, as regards quality, style and price, with any in the country. II A tvlHY A Kl'i, a lull assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, ljueenswarc, of all descriptions, Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpet Chains, Ac, Paints, OHs. Gloss, Dye Bluffs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunbury, Oct. 27, 1859. Philadelphia, New York, Buffalo, Albany, Cleveland, Detroit flnvf Chicago. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE, S. F.. Corner Seventh and Chesnut Streets. REriat.vcss John 1!. Myers. I Monis I.. Hallowed, I'rol. John S. Hart. II Cowpe'nhwait, J. n. I.ippincolt. COUNTING HOI SB COURSE, iiTtprises Hook-Kcrping for Mercantile, ltauking, Rnil ad, and Mmuiluctunuc llusiuess with Peiiininishin, Citl. ulations, Corresiwiuitenee, e., Ac., fully qiialifynifr Ihe 'tudent for actual business. Students receive, individual Instruction. Diplomas are awarded to graduates. $35 pays lor Life Scholarship good in seven Colleges! ror I'irnai uourse. IF Foi Catnlopne a 'id Specimens of Writing, Addless, inelosiiir two I'ojinsc Stamps, HKVANT 4 Si'llATTON. Philad'a. ujast flih, l-W. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT s r The itlisftionaj'y Iimtiliite, Selinsgrove, Pa., FACULTY. Rev. P. RORN, A. M., Principal, and Prof ree and Knglish Literature. THKOPHILUS WE VEIL A. M. Vice Prin- cipa.l and Prof, of Latin and Natural Sciences. WM. NOETLING, A. 13. C- E.. J'rof ot Math. (J'ure and Applied.) riHE second scholastic year of this Iiw'.ilute will commence oo Thursday, the 2Vd of September next. The Collegiate Department embraces an English scientific and classical course uf instruction, including ancient and modern languages, mathematics, natural sciences, Ac I ikms Boarding may be had from 1 60 to $2 per week. I union, per session, (of thirteen weeks) .", $7 and $9, according to the grade of studica pursued. 1 union in all cases, ojk! boacding, if obtained the Institute building, must be paid in advance, The Principal will be assisted by competent and experienced teaencrs. ror further particulars address any of the Pro lessors. Scliiibgrove, Pa., August 27, 1R59. ly To Housekeepers. POM KTItlNU NEW. U. T. BAHCITT3 11EST U Mr.UIClNALSALEKATLS. C' Is manufactured from common stilt, and is pre- pQ UO.pured entirely different from other Sulerntus. AlllOo the deleterious matter extracted ilisueha inniuierl and as to produce Bread, lliacuit, nnd all kinds nll.KD 'Cuke, wilhout containing a purtlelu of Saleiatusl Tf) when the Uread or Cuke is baked ; thereby pro-in u duciiig wholesome results. Itvery particle ofj " Snlerutusis turned to gas and pusses through the IJruid or riseuil while linking; consequeytlyl nothing remains but common Salt, Water and Flour. You will readily perceive by the tastel nf llii. KitlMTfilll. Ilvi, it 'im Ire,,' .lOT....,.,, f r. .... 68,1CT!",1,j. , u ... )08 nrr t.r.m.lM. 'lt T lliihl.u'a llwt tfMiM,..i "".iNitcrutui; altv pictuie, twirted loot of bread, n wtlli gum ol elteiveacing wuter on the ton, I Tf 1 VVI.A.. v.iii r,..rah... 7.nn .1 I.I . 11 ' "-e JU ailWUlU IC- J ci ve iuk iuci , nun uc. ikiii it'll lur ui gol inci IIV At CiliriiJ liac tnc 11 1 M IIIUJIM aiHIVr. i ())i Hull direclioiii for nmkinr Ulead with tlii .Suleratui mid Sjur Milk or Crmni Turiar, will ' ni'Osint n V Mirh rut r-If atrm Ltilsux ilivsuti .. 1". ..I '" making sll kimls of Pasuy ; also, for making 8o.!fifi m. .iiia Water and Setdhtx Pewders. I "i Hake Vin a nun ioip .n with 13 . T. B ABBITT'S IM'IIE rnVCl-'VTIl ITl'n llafiaii 70 G8 Warranted double tie strength of ordinary Pot ash : put uu in cans 1 lb.. U lbs. 3 list, fi II,.-. audi HB" Itt lbs. with full direi'tloni for inakmi; Hnrdaud'CQ ISift Soap. Cousuiuers will find this cheapest OO sA Potash ill maiket t vr, Miuiafuetuied and for sale el.v B. T llnnniTT Nos. 03 and 70 Washingioii-sl., New-Yoik, and No. 38 Indiu-sl., Bosu.n. I Jaue II, 1S59. ly Je 70 SHOES AND BOOTS, BOOTS AND ajHOES, SHOES AND BOOTS, BOOTS AND SHOES; EMBRACINQ Ladies' City Kid Durkins, " " " Slippper, " Morocco " , " " Ties, " Heeled BooU, Kid " " Calf " Enameled Boots, " Black Lasting Gaiters, " t'olored " " Heel " Misses' Kid Heeled Boots, U .1 t. " City Morocco ' " " - Heeled Boots, " Jenny Linds, " t'ulf Spring BooU, " Goat Heel Boots, " Black and Colored Gaiters, " Heeled Gaiters, Men's .Kip BooU, " Coarse " Fine CjJf BoeU, Heavy " Grain Boots, " Morocco Shoes, " Calf . " JVip " Heavy Brogtns, Buckskin Gaiters, " Calf Gloved - . Enameled Oxford. M Fine Monroes, Boys' shoes of all kinds. Children's shoes of all kinds, Our stock of the above is large, and our prices very low. ' E. Y. BRIGHT V 80V, Sunbury, June 11, 1859. if )LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgages, Bonds, ExecuUona, Semmons, Ac, for sale b It U. MASSE ft. LOCATED AT . EYANS & WAT.;?N'3 Salamander Kt 304 Chetnut &rie, above Jhtrd. PHILADELPHIA, rniLnDKt.riuii, Sept. 90, 1M0. To tho President of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Society : Tas lubscrilwrs, yonr romnitttre lo rsnmine tha eon. tents Ufa Si A I, A. VI A Stilt. It SA VK of KvutisA Wnlsoiw afier Items; exposed lo a st rons fire on the fair ginuuds for eight hours, respectfully represent That, after seven colds of onk wood and three uf pine Imd been consumed around the snfe, it was opened, m the presence of the committee, and the contents taken out, a little wnrmd, hut not even scorched. reventl Silver Mednls, heretofore received bvthe matiU fneturers, nud s Inrrre numitity of doeaineiila. were iu the safe, and came out entirely uninjured. I he experiment KHIisheil us of the capacity of Fsfrs o this kiist io protect contents from any lire lo which thev may n exposcn. llie coiiiruiuee awaio.ua inpi'ima ami silver airiiai, fiKO. W. WOODWARD, JOHNW. CKAItY, J. P. HUTHKHFORP, ALFRKD S. UtLLKTT. -STILL ANOTHER. Wnm!!To,r?ept. 17, lsj9 Messrs. lives k Wal- m, Philadelphia Gentlemen : The Salamander Fire Prnef Safe of your mnulure, niireenscd by us from your Aeent, Ferris and Gairett.of ourcity, some nine mouths ago, was severely tried by burglars last Saturday nifcht, and althnnjh they had a sleoee hammer, eokl chisels, and cunnowder. thev did nol succeed in opening the Sale. The lock bents; one of "Hull's Patent 1'owder.proof," they could not set the l,wuci iinu u, out uriiieu n noie in tne lower panel anil forced ma Inrse chaise, whic i wns irnitnl. nml i,lthouh stie door,insideandout, showeil thecxphmion not to have heen a suiiill one, it was not forced open. We euppose they were the grrnter nnrt of the nieht n, work i ii v much (jrotifietl al Ihe result of tee attempt to enter it, nud if .c w luuisu'e ui any service, you are at ntierty louse , uvuh iuui.j tiuiy, BAYNARD & JONES. Great Hre .'Another Triumph ! I KsoxvrLLB, Tennessee, March 13th. 1M0. Messrs Kvnns and Watson, Ocntremnn It nlfords me grenr picasnne to any lo you (hat the Salamander Safe, which I ourehiMieilof you i Fehrunry, l5, proved lu I what yni lecommended il a sure prelect ion from tire Mv storehouse, together with several others, washnrned to the kii'uiiii in i.iiucii tun. i negate lull uirougii into uieleel' lar, and was exposed to intense hentforsix or eialit hours, mm warn ii wus insen irom ine ruins and opened oil l. eonienis wnere lounii to ne in a peifect stnio, the hooks and fully reeoinmend yon, afe to ,h. community, r,i,evi,;e as I do, that they are as near fircprosf as it is pomnhle foi I inmi, ihi, .film iiiiiirpn Riiv w imnv.r I m. p mr. any Nile to he made. THOMAS J. POWF.LL ir A Inree assortment .fthc nlsive SAFKt alwata on iniiiii, ar jih i nesnut street, (late l knuth Fourth st. octobe' 15, l?r!).(ry DETERSIVE SOAP This Celebrated Washing Soap is now in mar ket for more than a year, and that it has given universal satisfaction, is evident from the fact, that the Manufacturers uf it, in order to supply the demand, have been obliged to increase their capacity to make equal to One Hundred Thou sand Pounds per Week. It is docidedly the best j and cheapest Soap ever made in tnis Country ; One Pound uf it will go as far, foi any use, as J hree of the Common Soap in general use. It is made upon a new principle, of the best materi als, aud known only to Van Haagf. Si Mc- Ktu.NE. It does away entirely with the wash board saves the necessity of boiling the clothes, 1 it does not shrink I lannels, remotes grease, m on paint srois pcrfectliy, and from the most delicate inline, saves fully one half tho time and labor usually spent to do the washing. It is warranted free from SAL SODA, or other injurious alkalies, and guaranteed not to rot or mjuro ho clothes. r or Sale by all respectable Grocers, and Wholesale by TJIAIN & McKEONE, No. 23 and 24 South Wharves. Philadelphia. CI A TTT'Tr-TVX There being several imitation brands f Deter sive Soap in Market, the public are notified that none is genuine except Van Haauebt & Mc. Keo.ve is Stamped upon each Bar of the SoaD as wen as ine D ixes. Sunbury, Oct, 29, 1859. TAILORING ! JACOB TAILORTNf! i O. BEGII. Kr.M IX I r ll.l.v informs ins friends and the public generally, that he will hereafter conduct the above business, at the old stand in Market street, Su.iBiRr.on He will be prepared lo make up all kiads of CIXTU 1NU in the Latest and most Approved Style and Fashion. Thankful for the fdend natrnnaee heretofore received. ne trusts by reasonable charges and prompt aUeution lo busu.eKS. to continue the same. If All kinds of pioduee taken in rxcliange for work, Ul lllUl Hn pile. Sunhury, Dteemlier 17, 1P59. Sio 409 EH OA D WAY, NEW YORK. Ballou'g French Yoke Shirt Emporium, 409 Uroadiray, Xew York, PREMIUM SHIRT MANUFACTURERS. Shirts made to order from Scientific Measures, cf the best material, sewed by hand, and war ranted to fit, at less than the usual prices. BALLOU BROTHERS, June 4, 18S9. 409 Broadway, N. Y. THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, ROADWAY, CORNKtt OF FRANKLIN STREET, NEW -X-ORIt OITY, Offers inducements to Merchants and Tourists visiting New York, unsurpassed by any Hotel la the Metropolis. TheJollowuiK are among the advantages whic it posses ses, and which will be appreciated by all travelers. 1st. A central location, convenient to places of ousauees, as well as places of amusement. 2d. Scrupulously clean, well furnished sitting rooms, with a niagiuUeent Ladies Pallor, coiauuuuiiag an exten sive view of llroudwuy 3d. I jirge and supeibly furnished silling rooms, with a mnfnineut Parlor, eoaunaudiiig au extensive view of Bowdway. Ith. ileiug conducted ou the European plan, viators am live in the best style, with the greulesl economy. 6th. It is connected with Taylor') Celebrated SnlootiN, where visitors can have their meals, or, if they desire they will lie famished in Iheir own rooms. 6ia. The fare seived iu the Saloons and Hotel is ac knowlediied by eptcuies, l be vastly superior to that of say other Hotel in Ihe city. With all ihese advautages, the cost of living iu the International, is much below that of any other first cluas Hotel A. FltLE.MAN. Proprietor. June IS, 1SJ0. ly 1 SAWS. Wood. Cross Cut and Mill Ssws.. Superior article! FISHER'S. 8un'urv, July 17th, 1858. LAND WARRANTS. The highest price will be given for Land WarranU by the sub actiW. 11. H MAMSEK. PANEL DOORS, WIXDOW-S.4S1I A.D BLINDS, EH TTE US, AcC, Foa Sals at IRA T. CLEMENT. bunbury, October i, 1859.- If LEGEIl HATS, LEGER CAr8, I ' "bLEtiE Caps, Boys' Car. Oil Cloth taps, all the lesoet styles, at COOPER'S. Suubusy, Oct ID, ltrKO. K'llL-WP,I. fill nOSTETTER'S STCMACH BSTTERS. Tt i h fact thnf t some ttcrlod. every mem her of the human family in subjeot to disease or disturbance of tho bodily function; but, Trim the aid or a (food lonie and the excrcisa or plain common sense, they may be able so to regulate tho system as to aectire permanent health. In order to accomplish this desired hjeot, the, true courno to pursue Is certainly that which will produce a natural elate of thing at the loast hntard of vital strength and life. For this purpose Dr. Hosteller has in-. rroducod to this country a preparation bearing bis name, which is not a new medicine, but ona that has been tried for ycrirs, giving antisCao tion to all who have used it. Tho Bitter operato poVcrfully upon the ttomncb, bowels, and liver, restoring them to a luuillby and vigorous action, and thus, by the simple pro cess of strengthening nature, enable the sys tem to triumph over disease. For the core of UygpeTisia, Indigestion, Krui- toa, Flatulency, Loss of A ppctito, or any Bilious Complaints, arising from a morbid inaction of Ilea Stdmach or Bowels, producing Cramps, Dysentery, Colio, Cholora Morbus, &., those Hitters have no equal. Diarrhoea, dysentery or Bus, o cerref ally con- acted by new settlors, nd caused principally by tho change of water and diet, will bo spcedil regulated by a brief use of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease wmcn is prouaoiy inoro prevalent, in all its various forms, than any other, and the couse of which may alwoys be attributed to dcrangomclits of the digestive organs, can bo cured without fail by using HOST ETTEK 8 STOMACH JJlT'i as per directions on the bottle. For this Uiscagfl every nhvBician will recommend Bitters of some kind: then why not use aa article known to bo iisfal liblo T All nations have their Bitters, as a pre ventive of disease and strengthener of the ys tm in goneral; and among them all there is not so be round a more healthy people tnau the Germans, from whom this preparation ema nated, based upon scientific experiments which have teaded to pTove tho value of this great preparation In tho scale of medical science. FEVEn axd Anu. This trying nnd provo. ing disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on V ' , ' l T reU"C'n '. "O" n Short tltno, and rendering 111 the body of man, reducing bim to a nicro sha- im pity- cically and mentally useless, con be driven from the bodv by the ttso of IIOSTBTTER S RENQJVNED 'BITTERS. Furthor, nono of tlfo abore-ststod diseases can tie contracted, even in exposed situations, if the Bitters are used as per directions. And as they neither create nausea nor offend tlio palate, and render un necessary any change of diet or interruption of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep and healthy digestion, the complaint is re moved as speedily as is consistent with tho pro duction of a thorough and permanent cure.' tor rcrtoni in Aricanecd Tcari, who arc Eufferirrg from an enfeebled constitution and infirm body, these Bitters nro invaluablo as a rcKtomlivo of strength nnd vigor, nud need only bo tried to no approcinted. And to a mother while nursing those titters arc indis pensable, especially where the mother's nour ishment is iiinduqttato to the demands of the chiUl, consequently her strength must yield, and hero it is whero a good tonic, such as Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, is needed to impart temporary strength and vigor to tho system. Ljulics should by all means try tuts remedy for all cases of debility, and, before so doing, should ask their physician, who, if he is acquainted with the virtue of the Bitters, will recommend their uso in all cases of weakness. CAJJTIOli Ve caution the public against using any of tho many Imitations or counterfeits, but auk for HosyoTEit's Celedrated Etomacu Bitters, and see that each bottle has the words "Br. J. Hwtctter's Stomach Bitters" blown on tho side of the bottle, and stamped on tho metallic tmp covering tho cork, and observe that our autograph signature li on tho label - Prepared and sold by HOBTETTER A SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa, and sold by all drucgista, srocers, and dealers goncrnljy throughout the United States, Canada, SouUa Amerioa, and Germany. SOLD BY Geo. Bkiot, Sunbury, K. B. McCat, Northumberland, Ctrcs Brown, Milton, 8. M. (i. Wrnck, McEwonsville. October 8. 1859. 1 y LIFE INSURANCE & TRUST COMP'Y CAPITAL STOCK 8500,000, Company's Ruilding. Walnut Street. S. E. corner of Fourth rilll.AUKl.l-HIA. LIFE JXSUllAXCK AT THE USUAL MUTUAL RATES, Or nt Joint Stock rates at aliout 90 per cent less, or at Total Abstinence Rates, the lowest in the world. A. WH1LDIN, President. J. C. Sills, Secretary. J. P. SIIIXOEL GOnll. Aeent. SUNUUKY, PA. Jane l", lefifl ly Hats and Caps, Hats and Caps, Hats and Caps. Hats and Caps, Handsome and Durable, Handsome and Durable, Handsome and Durable, Handsome aud Durable, The very latest stylo, The very latest styles. The very latest styles. The very latest styles, At low prices, At low pi ices, At low prices. At low prices, Bright Ac Son, Bright & Son, Bright & Son, Bright Si 8on. Sunbury, Juno 11, 18(9. tf P a 99 M ft P? en MACKEREL, MACKEREL, SALMON, SALMON, HERRING, HERRING, MACKEREL, SALMON, HERRING. a SM s H f v O 4 B RIGHT A SON have now In atore an offer for sale a choice lot of flSH. bunbury, June 18, 1SS8. furnitureTfurniiureTi Fashionable, Cheap and rueful THE LARGEST 8TOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY, fTPHE subscriber, long esUblishod as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury. thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, L hairs, 4 c, embraces UVtHY VARIETY, USEFUL AND ORNA- KiENTAL, in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in his line can be had at moderate prices. Cheap for Cash, or Country Produce taken in exchange. bstanusnment South East Corner ef Market Snuare. tW Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay meat. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Sunbury, Nov. 19, 1859 tf SHOEMAKERS, ATTENTION. Bright & Son, Sunbury, Fa., HAVE received a very nice stock of Moroccos, Bii)ding-Skin, Ac, Ac, Shoe 1'hread, Awls, Awl-Halls, Knives, Rubbers, Pegs, Tacks, Size Sucks, Shoe Nails, Lasts, Boot Webb, Heel Ball, Rasps, Fudge Wheels, Seam Set is, Stamps, Key Wheels, Hammers, functus, pincers, ate- Remember the place, B. Y. BRIGHT & SON, suxDvnr, pa. June 19, 1859. NEW FLOUR, FEED, FRTJlT AND PROVISION STORE! fllHE subscriber respectfully informs the eilij M. ie,ns of Sunbury and the surrounding neigh borbood, that ha has opened a Store at the north west corner of Market Square, oppoiite Vandyke's Railroad Hofef, where he is receiving. .. ,il keep on hand, Flour, Feed, Fruit and provisions of all kinds, toch as WHEAT, RYE e BU8KVVHEAT FLOUR, Oats, Corn and all kinds of Feed, Crackers, Oranges, Nols Ac, Fresh Shad in sea son, Early Vegetables Fruit Ac, from the South. He will constantly receive, by Railroad, frem Baltimore and Philadelphia, all the doliraeics of the season, os they come into market, and trusts, by prompt attention and reasonable pricea to re ceive a share of the public pstronags. WM. HOOVER. 8unbury, April 10,1859.- ly. NOTICE 1 ADAM S EXPRESS CO., Give notice that they have concluded arrange' ments with the ISerthern Central Rail Road Company, to ran trains from Baltimore for York, Hairisburg, Dauphin, Halifax, Ticvorton, Sun bury, Northumberland, Lewieburg, Milton, Mun cy, WilliamspoTt, ami HI intermediate Italians. Connecting at Hnrrisburglr with Ihe GREAT WESTERN EXPRESS for Pittsburg, Ciiichv nati, St. Louis and Ihe West. Also with Howard A (Vs Express at Milton or Danville, Bloarmsburg, Wilkeslmrre, Pittston, Seranton, and intermedials Stations on the Cat tawissa, Lackawana and ttloomsbarg Rail Roads, At WilliamspoTt, by Howard A Cos Exprsssto Jersey Shero and Loth Haven. Also, by How ard A Co., and their qpnnccijoTis, for Canton Troy. Elmira, Rochester, Buffalo, Nisgara', am? to all acct'ssible points in Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise, Speciti, Bank Notes, Jerrsby, anJ Valuable Packages of every description. Also, Notes, Drafts and Xfills for Collection. Experienced and ellicient messengers employed and every effort will be made to reiider satisfac tion. JOHN BINGHAM, Superintendent Pcnn'a Division, Phil'a. , A. W. FISHER, Agent for Sunbury. Aprilj, 1859. Doming,, COFFEE POT -370.S, Pot, Being based, as Dr. nail, of the Journal of Health, Bays, "on fcoienco and. common sonso," are rapidly coming into uso, and destined soon to supercede all others. ARTHUR, BURNIIAH, & GILROY, 117 & 119 S. Tenth SL, Philadelphia, Solo Manufacturers under the Patent. JJ-Por srI tiy Dealers In House keeping Articles, and SHoickri'iicre Ktnernlly. December 4, 1S59. , If you want If you want If you want If you want Ready Made Clothing Ready Made Clothing Ready M ade Clothing Ready Made Clothing Very ('heap and Good, Very Cheap and Good, Very Cheap and Good. Very Cheap aud Good, Go to Bright A Son, Go to Bright A Sen, Go to Bright A Son, Go to Bright A Son, Sunbury, June 1 1, 1859 tf rilHE undersigned having received a largo and JL well selected stock of Pure Drugs nnd C hemical, DyestvilVs, Oils, Paints, Glass and Putty, is tow ready to fill ordersat a moments notice. In connection wilh the above you will find an assortment of Fancy Notions, Toilet Articles and Perfumery of all kinds, Tooth, Hair, Nails aud Clothes Brushes of every variety. Customers will' find his slock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to enumerate. REMEMBER the "place, under the office of the "Sunbury American." Physicians' Precriptions compounded accurate. Iv and carefully. A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, April 2d, 1859. p. melanchton shindel. JlSTICi: OF THE PEACH. 8UNBTJRY. F A . Ojjiee in Deer Street, immediately oppotite the J ubltc School House. All business promptly attended to. Muni collected and all ordinary writings done. auntiury, April 25. 1857 tf WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BRANDIES. WINES, 0INS.&C rTHIE subscribers have opened in Thompson's IMck Building, Mill street, Danville, a larw and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the bestbrandsof Brandies, Gin, Old Rye, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, Madcria, Champagne and other Wines of all grades, all of which will be sold Wholesale at the lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of us csn save at least the freight. J'ersona desirous of purchasing liquors ft .FAMILY USE, may rely upon being furnished wilh a pure and unadulterated article. K3T Being determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap they respectfully solicit the pa tronage of the public. All orders promptly at. tended to. SHERIFF A HALL. Danville, April 9, 1859. HENRY DONNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OJice oppoiite the Court Ifousc, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt attention lo business in adjoiuing vounties. SYMPHONIANS, grand musical instruments just received from Snow Hill, London, and lor wile by T. G. COOPER. Suubury, February IS, 1H5U. Oflf. SACKS G. A. SALT just recoived and 'UW for sale by E. Y. BRIGHT A SON. Suubury, August 30. 1859. OOY'S 1100TS sad SHOES, cheap for cash WM. MILLER'S. Sun' ury, August 87, 1859. Cloth, Fancy Cassimeres, AND BOYS' WEAR, very cheap, just received and for sale at OOOPEK'S VARIETY STORE. Jane 18, 1853. LMONDS,RAISON, FIGS, LEMONS. Ac, Ac, iust received a fresh supply and for sal at the Confectionary store of M. C. GE.VRHART. Sunbury, May 16, 1857. VB A TENT BRITTA NIA STOPPERS for I bar bottles fur sale by H. B MASSER. A-