Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 30, 1859, Image 3

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    Jforeifjn Uctas.
Za( CWt'nenfaZ Advicn Pacific From In
dia'and China.
New YonK, April 25.
The gtearosliip City of Washington, with
Liverpool dticei to the 13th inst, arrifed
i tbie port this afternoon. Her oewt is
three dajs later. .
Since the depirtare nf the last steamer new
rumors bare been circulated, to a very alarm
ing extent, but the latest coulinentul advices
are of a pacific nature.
The armament preparations coutinoe with
unabated vigor.
The Calcutta and China mails had arrived
t London. Teas were dearer.
War was generally considered inevitable,
nd much depression prevailed until the 10th
when re-assuring rumors were current, and
announcements were made that the conces
sions made by Austria in the preliminary con
ditions gave renewed hopes fur the meeting
of Congress, and caused considerable recove
ry in the funds at London aud on the conti
nent. Austria bas proposed and the powers, it is
aid, have consented to a simultaneous dis
arming before the Congress meets.
The English ministers have been pressed
in Parliament to give n statement with re
paid to European affairs. They promised to
ilo so cn the 15th.
Parliament will probably be dissolved in
about a week.
'By Telegraph from Louden to Liverpool.
London, Wednesday Morning A des
patch t ru in Paris stiys that England will pro
duce the question of general disarmament to
the plenipotentiaries.
Tlio Times Buys the pacific advices from
Puns produced very little ellict on English
funds on Tuesduy. The public do not be
lieve that Nnpoleon intends to promote a pa
cific udjustrueut on the basis that shall clear
ly recognize the treaty rights of Australia,
uii'i consequently such as can be aecepted by
that power, while it will utterly disappoint
tianliuia. II the arrangement were patched
up lo-uiorrow, with the ext-iling reeling of
l'rauce, Austria, Sardinia and KusiHa, left in
piny, prospects of repose in Europe would not
in.- in ilia slightest degree better than at this
Tin-re wat yesterday a further unfavorable
liinvciiieiil in ll.e Austrian rates.
'I ho correspondent of the Herald says Hint,
(i itwiilisiuutiing the pacific assurances, war
iike preparations continue in prance on a
tremendous scale. Troops are pouring iuto
Lyons Irom all points.
Die l'aris Palri. which is the organ of
N .ipiileon's private cabinet, speuks ot a last
and supreme etf.irt which Englaud and Prus
sia are making iu behalf peace. Referring to
toe Au.-trun proposition for a general dig
onneui, the Patrie asserts that prance is still
on a peace footing, She hits collected no
urmy on hea frontier, has not applied to tlio
L-gisUture fur war credit, whil) Austria,
haviug increased her army in Italy to ICO,
000 tut-u, uiigtit commence a campaign to
morrow. The Pali ie concludes with a throat
tuyiug that tf Austria means thut a geuerul
disarmament, is to result in the maintenance
of . - attic quo in Italy, and not in resolving
tlio iii.peiious dilliculties of the present situ
ation, it must uut he expected that Prance
Wilt be duped by such a demand.
St. Joiins, N. F., April 26.
The steamship Circassian, from Ualway,
tins passed Cape Knee buuud to New York,
and by the aespalches from the Liverpool
ngrtit of the Associated Press, we are placed
in possession nl Liverpool dates by telegraph
t" th- 1 Hlli itist., live days later tliau previ
ti. S advices.
I he latest cmti'exion of Continental af
fairs is warlike.
The Paris letters regard peace as hopeless
Thu movements of the Prem-b troops assume
the most threatening proportions, and the
preparations in evi-ry braucu continue with
in i abatement The "Paris Patria," never
theless, asserts that France hat not armed.
Austria proposrima tor the Congress are
nl acceptable to Prance, but being prepared
to take the field immediately, Napoliyjo seeks
The Ministerial statement to the two Hou
ses of the British Parliament, in relation to
I tie allairs of Europe, which had been promis
ed on tlie l.ilh, wus postponed till the 1 til h.
Parliament had unanimously voted lhauks
I., the civil and military illicers and the ajmy
iu India, fur having suppressed the India re
bellion The Congress negotiations are progressing
very slowly.
Austria positively refutes to take part
without a previous and simultaneous disarm-
Wm. B R'!ad, late U. S. Commissioner to
China, has arrived at London.
Ploout Fkiht with tub Indians. The
CBiitreViile Herald, published at Ceiitreville,
Leou county, Texas, in its issues of tba 8tb
instant, publishes the following uccouul of the
desperate conflict which the ludiaus on the
northern frontier of the Stale, iu which Capt.
Pord's company of rangers as surrounded
by eight huudred ludiaus, ami ail killed ex
cent live :
Capt. Ford, with forty seven of his men
left camp in pursuit of the Indians, who had
parried olf four hundred horses. He was
joined by 200 friendly Indians, and afterwards
by Major Van Horn with 'JbO regulars. Af
ter the united forces hud passed Hie bead wa
t r o'' the Rid river. Major Van Doru, not
dtieuiine it prudent to press the pursuit fur
ther without additional supplies for men aud
horses, turned back. Captain Ford and men
wlh the friendly Indians, coutinued twe days'
travel iu the direction of hlausaa. Between
midnight aud daybreak of the second uight
the friendly Indians left the camp of Captaiu
Ford. About dayiignt lie louim nimseii sur
ruuuded by 800 warriors, who demanded his
surrender. He refused, and ordered his men
ta nreoaie for fight, each being armed with
two revolvers and a ritte. They fouget brave
1 and desperately, but were overpowered by
numbers, and all butchered, except Captain
Ford and four of hi men, who cut their way
through and escaped.
Methodists Exj-kllkd from Tsxas The
Texas papers give particulars 1 f the procee
.Iiiil.s of several meeting! recently tielrt in
Fanuin county, for th purpose of taking
nieuiuri-a to exuel the members of the Weta
,i,.t Church. North, who are accused of
built Abolitionists. At one meeting a com-
m na nf riftr was aDDoiuted to wait on bi
with a warning. They performed
their duty on Sunday, while the Bishop
aa aniraired in the morning service in the
.!,, red It araa also resolved that the Meth
adixt Church. North, could not be tolerated
in 'I'm ana. and that it must be put down if ne
cetsarr. A committee was appointed to
Hrft .,ihr resolutions, to be acted upon at
au adjourned meeting.
The Congressional elections in all the
vn h.rn States, are now completed. Of lb
Vnrtbera members of the' House of
li .presentstives, who voted for the Lecomp
ton bill, but six bava bees .returned, vii :
u;..L-u. Jnha Cochrane and Msclay, of New . Flnrenea and DimtDick. of Penntjl
Vihlaelr. of Indiana. It would
be difficult to Hod io tba whole bistort of tba
Government, an act of public anfaUbfulnesi
(From Uia New York Tribene.)
Mr. Editor t Wa think it qnita apropos
to relate to yoor readers, at a counterpart to
the holy stories of Mr. Graham, proant
story of real life, and of modem times, by
which wa will show bow a trna gentlemaa
conld act, and did act, io a similarly sorrow
ful and tad position as that in which Mr.
Sickles was pot by tba crime of Mr. Key j
how honor tonld be satisfied, and was satis
fied, without violation of the laws of the
State, or the more sacred laws of humanity.
In 1847, only twelve years ago, an English
nobleman, Sir William Paget, renowned in
the best society of London for his eminent
erudition, his manly besnty and fascinating
conversation, and well known tn the literary
world by his writings, went over to the Con
tinent. Having visited France, Germany,
Switzerland and Austria, he went to Honga-
ry, a country which was then on the ave of
treat events. He spent several weeks at
Perth, and in the neighboring country seats
of the Hungarian nobles In the beginning
of autumn he visited Transylvania, and was
received at the castle of Count 8. Betblan
with all the oriental hospitality and generos
ity that a rich Hungarian magnate likes to
display to every man of educntion who visits
him. Count Hethlen was descended from
the old royal family of the Bethlen-gabors.
He was a fine looking old man, every inch a
real gentleman. He was married some years
previous to a young noble lady of his conntry,
the Countess M. L., who was not yet twenty
years old, the Count being nearly fifty. He
had known her as a child in the home of her
mother, and she married him, as young girls
often do, more for the high respect thau for
tho deep love she felt for Count Bethlen.
Notwithstanding both lived n happy family
life iu the old immense feudal castle of the
Bethlens near Claursenbnrgh. Sir William
Paget, to whom the Count bad given a suite
of apartments, saddle horses and attendants,
lived several weeks in this family, enjoying
the versed hospitalities of the custle and
country. It is needless to say the brilliant
conversation and the exquisitely polite man
ners of Sir William soon found grace in the
eyes of the young and beautiful Count?.
Sir William proved the ' Consuelo," and a love ensued. One day the Count
went out hunting on horsebuck, Sir William
Paget stayed at the castle with pretended
illness ; but one of the Cnnnt's attendunts
warned the Count, telling him if lie would
but return to the castlo he would find the
stranger in the Countess's apartments. In
hot haste the Count rode home and found
Sir William in the bed chamber of his ludy
A rming himself with pistols ho forced Sir
William to f. How him to his private room,
boing there he seut for a notary and two con
fidential witnesses, asking Sir William if he
laid abused Lis hospitality and confidence in
consequence of a reiil love to his wile, and if
hi love met a response. The answer being
iu the ii(uruiativc, Le erdr-rud the notary to
draw np a contract of marriage between the
the Countess of Ilethlen, burn Conntess M .
L.. and Sir William Paget, lata of the Royal
Hussars of London. The contract in oue,
the loaded pistol ill the other hand, the Count
with a terrible but quiet earnestness, sum
moned Sir W til i h rn, to sipn the act of mar
rtiin immediately or to die on the spot. Sir
Willium Paget signed the contract. The
next day the Bishop of Ktnusc nhorKh ws
sent for, a divorce was legally procured cad
a week afterward the marriage tormerly com
pleted in the castle of a neichoring noblo
iiiiin. The Count gave to h s wife all her
jewels, horses sod carriages ; and some
months at'teward 5sir W illiam Puget bought
I mm him one of his large possessions in
Transylvania, where up to the present time
he lives happily with his wife. S.
The Hari ishnrg correspondent of the Phil
adelphia Sunday Dispatch, under date ol
April 16, writes ;
On Tuesday last Mr. Grigg, accompanied
bv his daughter, Mrs. Fiy, a vonnif man who
appears to be a relative of the family, and a
lew mend", came Iiere : and o ednesday and
11 portion of Thursday was spent by the party
in the lobbies ol the House and Senate, where
Mrs. fry was introduced to the members and
si nutors. She isceitainly very prepossessing
and has n winning, placid smile, a bright,
beaming eye, and an innocent, childish look
about her, well calculated to make an impres-
ion ; and oue can hardly blame the cadet for
tailing in love with her, only so fur as a viola
tinn of the dernlogue goes, which sajs, "Thou
shalt not covi t thy neighbor's Rife."
Mr (JriKS has been very much disappoint
ed. That hu has he n plucked by sharpers
s in evidence from a remark he is suid to
have made when he found the Honse refused
take up the bill. Fearful of the conso.
qoences. lie Imd been kept in ignorance or the
real state d ailuns existing here ; but when
ho learned the worst, he exclaimed, "My
Cud! how can that be ? 1 have given them
all the money they asked for." Now, who
are those leeches who have thus grown upon
Ins exchequer under pretence as false as hell
itself? There were no doubt many men in
the Legislature who would have no conscien
tious templet to take a stake on a passenger
ruilwav bill, or anvthing else where money
was at is-m-, but this was a matter nf princi
ple, and men who felt actually disposed to fu
vor the bill had to oppose it. lest they should
be charged with bribery. It is openly asser
ted here that one notorious borer cot 15.000
of M r. Ciripn's money for his services, all of
which ho hus pocketed. Certain members
have also said that this week thev were ofi'er-
cd SfiUO each if they would vote for a recon
sideration ot the veto refusing to co into a
second reading of the bill.
On the lust dav of the session. Lawrence,
of Washington, Hamershy, and several oth
ers, made "statements" in regard to the mat
ter in the Legislature declaring that the vote
to prepare the bill was not a test vote, and
other remarks, in substance, that a large
number or members who voted against prepa
ring the bill would have voted for it if before
the house in proper shape.
There is sympathy for Mr. Fry, for as a
minor fine sensibilities, he must keenly feel
his position. It is alleged that he will apply
to tba Court for a divorce. If be fails to do
so, nnder the advice of friends made here, she
will will make a second application to the Le
gislature next year, and with what success
will of course, depend upon the material ent
here next wiuter.
Drowndp.d Man Found. Yesterday tf.
ternooo Coroner Barr was called apon to
bold to inquest upon the body of au unknown
man, who was found floating io the Susue-
baaoa river, about balf a mile below tbe fax
too creek. The coroner summoned a jary
wno examined tbe body and returned a ver
diet that the unknown bad come to bit death
by drowning. The body bat tbe appearance
of having been io the water for a length of
lime, hit bead and breast being considerably
bruised tod much discolored. Tbe bruises,
it is supposed, were produced by the body
washing against tha ttonet along tbe river.
lie wat dretstd in a tbort monkey jacket.
wito Dress notions ; blade clotn veal : dark
grey pants and morocco sboea. In bit pan
talooot pocket wat found a pone, but nothing
io it. A fine tootb comb, a lead pencil and
three copper! were found in nit vest pocket
Tba man it snppoted to be abont fifty-five or
sixty years of age ; bas black bair and grey
wiskert : and about five feet Dint Ol ten
incbt bigb. Tbe reoiaint were tent to tbe
Poor House for iDtermeot. Patriot and
Union 25(A insr.
That i bo I I atMTict tayt, if our new
minister to Mexico bat to touch bit bat to
very new government be rtcognixet io that
country, tba rim or bit beaver will most cer
taiuly be wore out, tvea if it ba one ef Knox's
inimitable and derable "felts" kotwn at "Tbe
Pride of Yoatb."
A Pabtt of distinguished gentlemen of
Philadelphia, consisting of Messrs. H. C.
Carey, who bat no superior as a writer on poli
tical economy Morton McMicbael, the able
editor of tha "North American Ir. W.
Elder, tha accomplished scholar linn. J. P.
Veree, a talented member of the next
Congress; and Mr. Hsrvey, the able and
vigilant Washington correspondent of the
"North American," accompanied by Col.
Joseph Paxton, Dr. Doletton, of tha "Pitts
ton Gazette," Dr. John, of the Bloomsburg
"Republican," and other distinguished sen
tlemen from the Wyoming valley, paid nor
town a visit on last Wednesday. They ar
rived about S o'clock in -the afternoon in a
special train from Rupert, and were welcom
ed at the Dept by a committee of our citizens
vis: Thomas Beaver, Col. OarretsoB, A. G.
Russel aud Wm. Jennison. and escorted to
the-'Montour House," Aftertea Dr. Elder,
made a masterly speech at the Court Honse,
on the subject of protection and the elnvation
of labor. After which the company partook
of a supper at the Montour House, where
toasts were drank and speeches made by
Messrs. Care, McMichael, J. W. Comly,
Hon. Paul Leidy. Dr. Elder and others.
Yesterday' morning they visited our iron
works and returned in the 12 o'clock train
via Manch Chnhk, well pleased with their
visit to Danville. The excursion was of no
political nature, bnt purely for pleasure nnd
information as to the coal and iron business
of this section or country. Mr. Carey is
about to visit the North of Enrope, and car
ries with him the kin.inst wishes of our whole
community. Itiwville lemncrat.
Northern Central Railroad By the
statement below, tarnished by the Treasurer,
Mr. Leib, we are glad to see that the now
management have, by a judicious arrange
ment of the tolls, and by furnishing additional
facilities, greatly increased its bus.ness. Mr.
Warlord is fast'systematizing its whole ma
chinery, and wo predict that it will soon be
one of the best managed, B9 well as he most
profitable roads iu the State. When the
Suiibiiry Erie road is completed to Lock
Haven, as it will be in June, -its business will
be still more inc reused by the bituminous coal
trade of the West Branch, and the travel of
the fertile und populous country above Wil
liamsport. Next year, too, thu Sunbury and
Erie will reach the Allegheny Valley road,
and there tap the trade ami travel from the
Lakes and the Ohio, Tho Northern Cen
trul rnad, being the outlet for the Sunbury
and Eiie. to the city or Philadelphia and the
terminus of the Pennsylvania Central for its
Baltimore business, has peculiar advantages.
Neither of these great rouds can do without
it, and its managers have only to pursue a
wise nnd liberul policy le make it a most val
uable property to its stock-holders. The fol
lowing is n comparative statement of the
earnings of the Northern Ceutral Railway
Company for tha ino th efM arch, as luiniah
ed by J. S. Leib, the Treusnrer :
1KV le.i. ti-ream
rnssrnuen tvni.s-jo Sg HIM I 01 8" VH ' r-T
t'rriqlit M,4!'l !') M.IJjfl Jnl'i Hi
Mull U I Ji UU 1, 4b.' M Ui; io
uiulllcl 110 6! IIUUJ
Ilarrifburg 'J'tleyrnjih.
A Sad Mistake A man living neaa
Nashville, nho had been ahsent in'Cslilornia
same three years, on coming home recently,
found a balw) only three mouths old lying in
the cradle. VTilh a cruelty utterly diaboli
cal, he at once cut r. IT the iufant's ears to
avenpe his "wounded honor." Tho screams
oT the little sufferer culled in the family, when
the infuriated tniin learned that the child he
longed to a neighbor who wus visiting his
wifo. lis had to Que to escape a lynching.
New Advertisements.
Analysis of Empire Spring.
The Analysis of the Empire Water, by Fn.f
Cminons, is as follows :
t'hlorade of Sodium,
Uuaihonate of Lime,
liicarlionale ol Magnesia,
Kirarlionate of $da,
ll vdiioda'e of Soda or Wine,
Uicaibonute of Iron, a tract.
Solid contents in a gallon,
30, MH
Specific gravity.
The water of the Empire Spring ia bottled
with tlio ulniot rare, and packed in lr ng
lioxra, suitable fur exportation, by the suUcri
beia. The ('orka of all genuine Empire Water are
branded, "EMI'lltE tl'KI.(i."
Ordera may he addresaed to llie 1'roprietora,
(i. W. i .tun 6t Co.. Karalnaa bntiiiKs. A'. Y..
cr at thtir
'ear Canal Street, .Yic York:
CtiiTint ATtS.
Eitrart from a roiuinunication from Dr. North,
of Saratoga rin, to tile Boston Medical and
urijical Journal, dated June the hih. 1851 :
"i'he !rw Empire ISprinu; is woikiiis charm
ingly for Scrofula. Do the prule-nion know that
there arc twelve grains of H)driudule i f ada.
or Iodine, in a gallon of water double anv ilher
Spring ? There being only a trace of Iron in
the water, I scud my en.-uiniliva patients to
that boring uiilieitutincly, hitherto with mot
satufactury results."
l.n!nre spring, .tf li. Alien, Al. It , a
Jlesi'lent Pkytician, Saratoga Spring t.
This fountain has more than answered th
expectations of its friend; as a beverage, our
inhabitant who have diank ll dady far several
years past, cannot be induced to make a substi
tute ot any other airing.
Asa cathartic and alterative, my paat eipen-
ence compels me to aay, that in my opu.ion It
naa no superior here or t lc where. Its exemp
tion from clay, and the small relative quantiliea
ot iron which enter its composition, render it one
of the best if not the very best mineral water for
commercial purposes; while its ability to with
stand the trying iidluriK-faof warm climatea and
aea voyages, make it a very deairable water for
botiiing purposee.
J hese properties, together wilh the senile.
manly care of its present proprietors, have given
ll a circulation and use abroaJ winch has herein.
fore been unprecedented iu the bis ory of cele
brated mineral aatcra.
May, U57, K. I.. AI.I.EN, M. D.
For sale by II. B MASS Eli.
April 23, 1859. Sunbury, IV
CO All! 00 Alt! COAL!
Froui lite C'onl Alouutaln Colliery.
rTV-H E subscriber, now operating the Coal Moon-
tain Colliery, at Ml. C'aimel, ia prepared to
furnish all aizes of White Ash Coal from his
colliery. This is a superior quality of While
Ash Coal, which be ia prepared to furni.b
promptly to order. .
Mt. Cermet, April 3, 1&59.
"TTOTICE is hereby given to the Commiaaion
Y ed and Non-Cummiaaioned Otficers of tha
following Companies (of the 1st Brigade Rib Di
vision uniformed Militia of lennsylvanu,) to
wit: Natienal Guards, Mananey Uuaida, Came
ron Guards and Jordan Infantry, that there will
he a meeting at 'he bouae of (iaten eJrnith, in
Jackson township, on Friday tbe 39lhfday of
April, 1859, for the purpose of instruction.
WM. K. M ARTZ, Col.
Sunbury, April 33, 1859.
VANII.I.A BEANS, riga, Dates, Oranges,
Lapions, Prunes, nuts of all kinds, juai re
ceived and for salt at tbe Confectionary Store of
Sunbury, April 31, iej5.
Northern Central Hallway ! !
01 AMIS ma MONDAY, APKII, Ifllh,
1HAS. tha Trains oa this ruad will ran to tin follow
ing Khrtlnls
Arrivs Leave.
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rrliu Grora
Trevorion Juacuoa
."lark'i Fe'ny
Calvert Sintion.
April 41, If.iO.
rWUE auliarrihe's, heirs and lepal ri presenta
A tivea nf Jacob lliHlIVr. deceaned. oll'.-r at
private sale the farm of the said deceased, situ
ate on llie Miainokin creek, twe miles from Sun-
uirv. in L.'iiner Anuunla tonnshin. Miirtliiiiol er
land apuniy.nclj lining lands nrlexaiider Jordan,
lieorgo C Welkrr, and otluirs, containing 171
acres, about 100 acie of which are cleared
I'he iinprevemenia are a Log House, 1 raiae
Barn, Wanon Shed. Ac. '1'here are alxo Two
Orchards on the premises, all of which ii in a
good state of cultivation.
One third ol the purchase money mil remain
secured on iho property for the widow. If said
property is not Sold ut .ria'c sale, it will be
oll'ered at public sale, at the Court House, on
the li rut Mondiy ot August next. 'JVinis and
conditions will Ue made known at tho tune ol
ale. WM. SlIAFKEK.
Heira of Jacob ShulVcr, dee'd.
Uprer Augusta, April 23. 1859. 4t
They are the best Calicoes jel ottered to the public
lor the inoury.
Whulckale Ahi.its :
rrjronB3T, AitMSTnoio & co.,
April 23, I8C9. 4in31
IS herelry given to the stockholders of the Sha
innkin Steam Ferry and Tow Boat Coinpaniv
that the annual election lor Directors of the sad,
Company, will he held at the otiice of the Com
pany, iu the borough of sunbury. on Monday the
Slid day ot May next. Tolls open at 10 o clock
A. M., aud close at 3 P. M.
Sunbury. April, 23, 1859.
riMlt; subscriber respecilullv liilorins the cili
Jl ens ot Sunbury and the am rounding neigh
borhood, that h has opened a Store at the north
west corner of Maikcl Square, nppotile Yalidyke'a
Kailroad Hotel, where he is receiving, aud will
keep on hand, Flour, Feed, Fruit and proiion
of all kinds, aorh as
Oats. Corn and all kinds of Feed, Crackers,
Oranges, Nuts Ac, Fresh Shad in sea
son, Early Vegetables Fruit Ac,
from the South,
lie will constantly receive, by liailmad, from
Baltimore and Philadelphia, all the delicacies of
the aeaaon, aa they come into market, and tiunW.
by prompt attention and reasonable prices to re
ceive a share of the public patronage.
Sunbury, April 18, 1859.- ly.
JEMOVAL. The aubacriber respectfully in
forma the cilixena of Sunbury and vicinity
that ha bae removed his establishment from his
old stand Io the office formerly occupied by Dr.
Awl, in Market Square, Sunbury, near the Nor
them Ceutral Kailruad. Having on hand a well
selected slock of good materials, he ia ready to
supply hia customera and othera promptly with
work ready made or made up to order, in tha
latent and heat style and on the moat reasonable
Believing tbe cash system la the best for both
the customer and himself, ha will endeavor to
otTsr such inducements aa will give satisfaction
to all who may favor him wflh their custom.
F. 8 Those indebted, are requested to call
and settle theii accounts without ilelav. .
8unbury, April 16, 1850 ly
QWAYNE'S Sugar Coaled. Haraaparilla and
Tar Fills, a mild and gentle Purgative, un
surpassed by any medicine for removing Bile,
cleansing Stomach and purifying tha Blood.
For aale at FISHEK'8.
October 16, 'ii.
SAWS Wood. Croaa Cut aua Mill Haw.
iiperior article et TttHl R'9.
un'.urv. July ink, Itii
Ditiolution of Partnership.
TVOTICK ia hereby given that the 1'artnership
1 v heretofore existing, between the subscribers,
as Fahrijq 4- Clement, miners and shippers of
Coal at the Coal Mountain Colliery, waa dis
solved by mutual conaenl, on the 1st of March,
The huainraa nf the (ale firm, will lis settled
by Frederick Fahrion, who has In possession the
hooks and papers, at Mt. Carmel.
Mt. Carmel, April U, IR59 4t
Nsw'York, April 10th, l5!.
4 MnnTINO of the stnrkhnhler nf the
Trevorton Coal and railroad Company
will be held nl th Cirard 1 1 on no. In Philadel
phia, on 7 u.'.iUv, the ttllli ot May, at eleven
o'clock, A. M. By order,
F. L. JOil NuON, KecreUry.
April Ifiih. IH59.
npHE n tin ll h I elirlion for a Fri'iidi'iit and I)i.
"eclors ol 'I he Trevorton ( 'oal slid l.'ailroad
Cnmpniiy will be hrld at the tiirird Hoiisn, in
Philadelphia, nil Tuesday, llie tilth of May.
Poll open from I to 1 o'clock, I'. M,
By order,
I L. JOIINSOV. Secretary,
Airil truh, IB5U.
lirilERE ! leltera l stiinentary to the Es
' tale of Nancy Hunter, Into of Sunblirv.
Nor huinherl md c unity. I'ennaj Ivama dec asrd,
have hi c n pranli d to tlie subscriln-r. All per
sons indebted Io Ibe said estate ere rripiestid to
make immediate pnyim-nt. and tho luviri
claims or deinauila atiniuM the Estate rf tbe said
deceased v. ill make iiown lite anuio without de
lay to l!i:.M;V li. TVI HAM. Ev'tor.
No. Cl'fc. South Wharves, 1'hil.ida.
Philndi lpl.ia, April 1, IH.rit). tit
A conipour.d rctncUy, in which we In
bored to produce the rmit ctlcctnal 'alterative
that can be made. It is a concentrated extract
of Para Sarsaparilln, so combined with other
substances of still greater alterative power us
to afford an ellcctivo antidote for tho iiscurs
Snrsnparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed
that such a remedy is wanted by those who
sulfpr from Strumous complaints, nnd that one
which will accomplish their euro inuft prove
of immense servijo to tlits large clu--s of our
alllicted folhr.v-citizcns. IIjw completely this
compound will do it has been proven by exper
iment on many of the worst cases to be l'our.d
of the following complaints :
Scil'IFULA AM) tSc!torL-l.ot;3 CoMrrAINTt,
Eruption and EucpTivE I)iSF..V5rs, I'Lcrif",
Pniptm, Blotch es, TcMoni,,
Sc.ttn llrAn, Syfiiii.m axii Sypinurio Ar
rrcTioss, Mi;ncfiitAL Disr.AsK, Dnorsv, Nix
h.vlqi.v on Tic Dot'i.ouuKiTx, J)i;iumtv, Dvs
rcpsn axo Ixiuiii'snox, KitrsiiMT.Afi, H isn
on Sr. AxTitoxT'a 1'iui:, nn:l indeed the whnlu
class of complaints nrisin g from Imcciuty op
Tim ISlook.
This compound will he found a pret pro
motor of hcttlth, wh-.n taken in the sprint;, to
expel the foul humors which fester ill tho
blood ot that season of the year. By the time
ly expulsion of them many riinklinir, disorders
are nippeil in tho bud. 'Multitudes can, hy
the aid of this remedy, spare themselves fixun
the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous
sorc through which the system will strive to
rid itself of corruptions if "ut assisted to do
this through the natural channels of tlu body
Ly an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the
vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities
bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions
or sores ; cleanse it when you tind it is ob
structed and slu:;i di in the veins ; clcicise it
whenever it ti foul, and your feeling will tell
vou when. Even w here no particular disoriU-r
is felt, people cnjny better health, and live
longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the
blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this
pabulum of life disordered, thero can ho no
lasting hoalth. Sooner or later something
mil go vronr;, nnd tho pre at machinery of
life is disordered or overthrown.
SurMiporilla has nnd deserves much, tho
reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But
the world has been epre"jiously deceived by
preparations of it, partly because tho drug
alone lias not all tl.o virtue that is claimed
for it, hut more because many preparations, j
pretending to he concentrated extracts of it, j
contain but little of the virtuo of Saisapurilla, i
or any thing die.
louring late years the public hnvc been mis- j
led by largo Louies, pretending to plve a quart j
of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dolltir Most
of these have been frauds upon the sick, for '
they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa
rilla, but often no curative properties whatev
er. Hence, Litter and painful disappointment
has followed the use of the various extracts of
Sarsaparilla which Hood the market, until the
name itself is justly dei-pi-cd, and hos become i
synonymous with imposition and cheat, fniil
wc call this compound Sf.rsaparilla, and intend
to supply such a remedy as shall rescue tho
name from the load of obloquy which rests
upon it. And we think wc have ground for
believing it has virtues which arc irrcsistiblo
by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend
ed to cure. In order to secure their complete
eradication from the system, the remedy should
bo judiciously tukui according to diicctions on
the bottle.
ri!Er.iitEt nv i
DR. J. C. A Y 12 It (V CO.
Price, $1 per Uottlc klx Hollies for (5.
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, ,
has won for itself such a renown for the cure of
every variety of Uhrnnt and Lung Complaint, that
it is entirely unucccsourv for us to recount the
evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em
ployed. As it has long been in constant use
throughout this section, we need not do more than
assure the people its quality is kept up to the best
it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to
do tor their relief all it lias ever been luunu to do.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
C'Utireness, Jaundice, I)yi)iii, Inu'uittlion,
lhjieniery, FmI Momuch, Jiiystjelai, IliatSuche,
Pilt t, Uieumntism, l.iiiptiani and Hill DUeatet,
Liver Complaint, Lropy, Tetter, Tumort and
halt Rheum, ll'oimj, (tout, Xevralaia, at a
Dinner nil, and for Purifying the Blood.
They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi
tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the
best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a
family physic.
Price 25 cents par EoxjTivs boxes for $1.00.
Great numbers of Clergymen. Physicians, States
men, and eminent pcrsonnecs, have lent their
names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these
remedies, but our space here will not permit the
insertion of them. The Agents below named fur
nish gratis our AmkwcaN Almanac in which they
are given ; with also full descriptions of the above
complaints, and the treatment that should be fol
lowed for their cure. .
Do not be put otr by unprincipled uealera with
other preparations thev make mure protit on.
Demand Avkb's. and take no others. 'Ibe mck
want tlie best aid there is fur tbein, and they should
have it.
All our Remedies are for aale by
Fnling V tirani and A. V. I ibr, S unholy,
H. II. McCoy, 'toithumherlaiid,
A. 'I'. Duel, Turbutv.llo,
F. Hloli, Wind tiap,
J. F. t'arlow, Milton,
(i. II t'adwalder, HhamoUin,
P. filler, I hlersville..
And by all Druxuista and Merchants.
April 10, I8."9 ly
ANY P Kit SON (IjHly.r Genllraiaii.) in tha t'uilwl
tMatea, poaMiaiii a small capital of from U u 97 can
ruler liiloaa eaay anil rrrperliil'la: bunn.n, by w-hirh
f.f to SJIH per day can be realized For aurtieataia, aa
dieaa, (wilu stamp,) W. H. AtTON '(,
41 North OIXTU Street, I'liiUui.-lruia.
Maroh Ulli, ISM. 3iuV.
valuable Bitteramay be taken with great ef
fect in constipation flatulency, acidity of the sto
mach. For aale at KISHEK'3.
Oct. 18, '18.
SYMl'HONIANtJ, grand musical inatruiurnta
juat received from Know Hill, London, and
st aale hy V. fi. COOI'Eg.
Sunbury, Efbruar 11, 19.
Paj-s for s full eonrim in tlie Iron City c,,l;,.. ,f . M.
fi-M, ithmI eslenftively pntrimir Sail lifNtoif i,i,,al
mercial tchil in lha t.'ntteit liMtra.
137 siTUnKNTS ATTKNtllNO DAtl.V, Mareti, l-we.
tTsunl tlma to eorr.plete a full eonra, from fl In in we
ftveiy gtutlniit, apon ffrnilaiiliiia, in f utiranUKU 1.1 Im f-ni,.
Jieteiit to rriitilftfie Ilia Hooks of any llatlnciw, aial qurjli
ierl to earn a aalary of from
. toisi to floor).
fllail.Mits enter at anv time No Vacation Itavlew at
I ilcnura.
ftl rrrmtuma rof lient reatiMnslop pu-nnM in I'da.
r Minivlern' Koiis reeeiverl nt lm!l (,riec.
For Cnnl (' Piweimena uf f)tiitie nn! Ortin
menial Wiitlni; liirlo Iwn iii.ioiiM. int.! nil'lienn
V VV. JKSKIN', I'liialimuh, Pa
April t, IS.'P eh ap 5 C').
' jHli subscribers have i peiied in Thnnipann's
nrii K liiiililinv;, .Mill street, Uaiiville.s large
and complete stock of
romprinim; the bcsl hrnn.Unf Itrnndies, (Jiti, f)ld
Kye. Prolch and Iriidi Whitey, Port, ts'.ierry,
.Maderia, (.'hanipng'ie and oll.rr tors of all
grades, nil of which will be sold V holeanle at
Ihe loo-est city price. Tatcrn-kcrprra by buy
ilu; of us can save at leant the frriiihl.
I'rrsons desirous of purchasing liquors fur
F A M I I. V K H E.
may rely upon bring Airmailed wilh a pure anrt
(luadultcratrd article.
t ? Ueing determined Io rutanlixh a reputation
fur gelling cheap they respei-tfu'ly s dicil the pn
(ronaRe of the publ.c. All order promptly at
tended to.
Ilj'iviile, April 0, 185'J.
Market Street. Sunbury Pa.
rMIK sobscrilier respectfully inlornis the cili---
reus of iSiiiibury, mid the public generally,
that ha line taken pimseKsuiii of the above well
known stand, formerly kcpl ty John l.eiser.
He i determined tu use etrry cxenion to muke
his houan cue of llie bet in the Male, ami oilers
r re inducements for persona who spciid a short
time in one of tho most pleasant towns in central
His table will be supplied with the best the
market can pro Jure, llis bar will be supplied
with the purest lujunr.
fjarelul and obliging servants always in atten
dance. A shire of the local aud traveling com
munity is must respectlullv solicited.
A pril S.I, I PoD. 6tn Proprietor.
SUtcirncn at iuu,
nsPECTFi:Li.Y informs his fiiends and
the public thaihe ha REMOVED hisoliice
to one door east of Messrs. l'nliiig (jrant's
store near Ihe Court ileuxe.
All professional business entrusted In his
charge, in this and adjoining counties, will be
promptly, failhful'y and carefully atlenJcd to.
SSuubury, April 2d, 18.S9. 4t
Cive notice that they have Concluded arrange
merits with the Moilhcrn f'cntral lioail
Company, to run trains ftom Ualtimore for York,
ll.iiniburt?, Dauphin, ii alit.ix. Trtvorlnn, tSun
bury. Northumberland, Eewisburjr, Milton, Mun
cy, Villiamsport, and all intermediate Stations.
I'onnectiuii at Harrixburgh wall the CiKEAT
WKSTEK.N EXPKExs for Pituhurg, L'incin
n.ili, S'. I.ouis and the West.
Also wilh Howard tV t'o's Express at Milton
or Wanville, Bloomsburff. W'dUcsbarre, Pitlaton,
Scranton, and intermedials stations on Ihe ('at
tawissa, l.uckawnna and liloonisburt; Kail P.oads.
I At W'il'ianmport, by Howard & Co's E.presato
i .tcrey inhere and l.ock Haven. Also, by How
ard iSc t.'o., and their connections, for (Janton,
! Troy. F.lmira, Kochestcr, liulfalo, Niniiara, and
I to all acorasible points in csteru Mew York
and f'atiada, by which they will forward
McrchnndLe, Specie, Eank M'olea, Jewelry, and
Valuable Packages of every description.
Alan, Notes, Drafts and i'ills for Collection.
Experienced and efficient messengers employed
and every cll'jrl will be msde to render satisuc
t lull.
Fiiperintendent Penti'a Division, Ptnl'a.
A. V., Agent for Sunbury.
April H, tt-59.
FOl ItTII 4 AltClI Streela, I'lllf.AIJIll.PIIIA,
4 111" now opetiina a full assortmert of ,NLVV UCXIlJS.
Hprina 7-iii.s of New Styles,
r'!n.hi'in:ib!e Uoul-le r-lnil Rr,hea,
Minwis of the New St'rinn EtleB,
ila liines and Knney llless Oni-rts,
SiiiuilKr I'-.plots anil ValeiK-liis.
I'ravellint; Dress titsHls. fall vmietv,
lllatikeu, Sheeting anil lloasckeeplng G'KKla.
N. B. Ptorekeepers ore resieelf. l!y leipiesleil to ea
ainine oar SMck of lil.AC'K SILhS, and MIAW1.5, be.
line pilrelmsinir.
I. S. Mew lioiHts reeeiveil ilailv, niul c-sul liaraius
from llie Amnions of New York and iMs City.
Tfmm. Nktt Cahi ad 1'sicks l'W.
Marcn I jib, S5!I 3 mW'a
II. J. WILLI AMS, No. to N.alli Siaih stieel, I'h.lad.l.
ptiia, is the laiest Maimuicturer of
ll)OW ltl.IMi,
He ia the OriTiimtor of ntt ev Stvtt-s rm.l bns a flue it.-k
Io he sold ai HKDfl. Kl) I'HH'KS
DUFF. AM) ALL lll'll Kit CtlLdllS (IF J.EN
S nil'.l. Sll AUKS pa nli il Io ni.lrr.
t"y It. J. VV. invites eitizens .if ilns e.nnity to i-a!' be.
fore piiieti.isiinr. uiul Hi-.arei tliein lie e.oi sell a bellt-r
j arliele lorllie moliey lliall aay otliei esrniiiisliiiieMt In Ino
I unci! Males. March '-"1. In.-,!!. lni'.e.
Northumberland Eridgo Company.
4 N ELICCi'lON forollicers and manager of
the Northunilcrlnnd Ilridge t'oinpaiiy, Io
serve for one vear, will be held at tba liou-e of
Mrs. Uurr, in Northumberland, on Monday, Uie
ttd day of May next.
The election will be opened al I o'clock, P.
M., aud close at 4 o'clock. I. M
M. "I'AOtiA KT, President.
Northumberland, April lGih, 1859.
ruENczi rstrnu
5111.1a STtlliK 51 IM V ItTOilV.
IHK undersiifiied keeps constantly on band
A Mtr.NCH Hl Ki;slall si.e,and l.irnislies
every article required by the inilliru; trade.
Complete satisfaction noataniced lor every article
Sold. Millers who prefer lha aolid liurr, by giv
ing 4 to 6 months notice, ran have lluir orders
executed at the quarries in Krunrn. Address,
V.'M. II KEP.Vflt.
April 2, lf5!). 6m llani.burg I'. II., Pa.
1 or.
Ji col,
Kdit HAll.KUVDS, 4- , for wi-lidons,
ore anil nieleliamlise aeneially. I'uri lias-ra
run no risk, avery seale is auaranleed ciarH-l. and ll, aller
Inul, nol loum! aalwluctury, cmt b retarutsl wilnout
le Factory at tha old stand, esUiblirtnrf f-.r snore than
thuiv-five yauia. AtiHu lT i .i".
l iwner i, .-Slum anil Mel,.u Streets.
Marrh tWth, 1S59 ainJc.
CI. OAK'S, at I. H EMU EL'S Biota.
Sunbury, Use. II, 1K5S.
u.oAt afieedy and (wrniananl cure fur Fever
A Ague and Keuiiltent Keaera, without any
Q liuine or Calomel. Err sale at FISH EK'9.
Ort.ihar In, 7 8.
Jnvorjtcrrn8ecure you? Eights f
M' Meaa Cn., Wiiora aiat Proprietors of tfia
-i-iti'll' A ri irenn, Bfa ftonrincttng tha moat surevaafnl
Aa-i.e7 fur ear,i,a lb M labia of Inventors, u b fouiwl
in -l,s I nt'e.1 aisi-s. They have been peratnnllv Isniil-li-tf
wil, u, pr-'frnsa til Inyrtilmn anil Disnovary for lie
p-isi Si;'i us, sun hsv preja.ea and eon'tiiclerl wilh-
o ll, is i -fosl, m ti rmeul enses than any othar Agem-V
in IS W,.r'i. As an avM-iire nf ih eoiifi'lanen rMii:il
In ih-o sSiloy naa intnanlv. Ihay may wilh prnpnaiy r.,
fr l'i iii-rir',ritinnr Isi-t, (hat nearly two thousaii.l
pMtenn imvr 1,, n issinl ti ihnr eli-.ita. Obriur the bri.-l
l.i'-a ill lo yeios; ik1 rtnrina tht smiie jwrri-wl, lh:'
l, ,v t sm.iiMMl tT-i.iat, ih-,r eiti'-ient llrniieh d'"e .n
W s.l.o.ft . mo, ii,. i P iv i f nl, .in t.iree ii u-iii.I n.
vi'pli i,., Unis s!.i,,lii.t ,, ii.n, a know Msn of Ibe cam.
ten's mi- t'T.-,il ( nl, e.iiiirivni-fVhy any exist ins are.i
ev. Ni.t oi!v l!,i. .i,i rni,ff i,sh nni- liulC nf nil ihe Ps
. ,,ls s.enr-l l.y Amii'sn nl, in tf t Furuixan
lllif. n,---t,i i i. ,,,,; n
1iinn A- f.Vi.'s Arifnritt ti T.niltm, Pari',
Pnifn-I.; Jlrrlin and Yitnna.
( iteulnianf Ailvl. e II. Io feenre Ameriean and
Foreipn Pati-nls, wilt lie sent, fri. uf eh.irge. Io sll ll i
nmy wish f ir IIm-iii. Mi-ssrs. Minin A- l.'o.'s prine;,nl of
liri-" I I N..v York ll-e ill the new Turk lliiil.liiim. No.
a! P'llli II iw. nisu ril si.le nf the City llstl Pnrk, vliera
ml e"itiin,iiii'-s'i'ips s''i.'i!il he H.lilress.-il, ami where Iriven
t"M nie eonli ll y invited to call Whciuvcr they is it lha
Mensrs. Muni A r i. refer hv perrnisrii-n to Hon r'-ss.
Mus n. Kx.(.'nliiniissi'iier nf t'.ilenis. II m. J te-ph .,ti,
Pnstiniis-f-r lien-rut ami Kx- Coirimissioner of Pn'ents, ,,d
nun to inn s vi n llii'usiinil hiveniMs in lie t'noeil Sinn s,
wh is" iii.-ts have btun .r-pnr,.l am) proseruli-ft throrglj
their Agency. A'lilress
MTNX rn.
No. 37 Tark Kow, New York.
Ysreh I'.IO.
fJHE uuilersiuiind having received a large and
1 well seleitrd rtorlt of
Tiirc t)rn;a nml C Iicmlcolo,
DycstnlH, flils, Paints, filns and Putty, is now
ready to fill orderaat a moinents notiie.
In connection with tba ahuve jnu will find an
a-s.-rltiiciit of Fenry Notions, Toilet Articles ai
Perfumery of oil kind. Tooth, Hair, Nsiia and
l.'Itillii'S Uroshes nf evrrv vjrii-lv.
Ciistomers will' find his stock complete, com
j pricing many articles it is impossible here tir
KEMEMIiER the plane, under the oice of
(lie ' Sunbury American."
j Physicians' Preemptions compounded accurate-
it and rarelully.
Runhurv, April Id, 18"iD.
Peipher's line, fiailroad Freight Cars
figl Pluladelphia & Sunbury.
'I '111-: snlneriher is nomine a line of fr-irht ears to
.1 from riiiiaileljihla wnliout re-shipinenl, anil hopes (o
eMahlieli a god butinesa by nrumpt ilebccrics at rea.iia
tite rules.
Warehouse In philnilelphia with Freeil. Want .V Freed,
Sll Market ilro-l, where frooils 4c. lor Mmliurj- and itltof
nieilinte points slioaM he Kit.
tiiomas ri:inii:n, ltarrisharg.
Mnreli IP. IMO Urn
I'lire ami No. I (Jr nnd IVpper.
Oiup.'T. Oinniiiii'tii, Al sj ii'f, I luvt'8.
AlllffuHM nu'.l !. jIikH SlvieiHrfi.
t-e-yfime I't-pper, Nitrnr, iMnrt,
Hfi. CutU S.hI.-i Suit pet re, Salem tut.
Carnwuv nnd C"rmnder Pff J,
Afelitoii IJniry ;ii id i.rouiitl Siit, Ar.
For S.i'c lit t,e Fnjile Mill No. mifl WO Nrih
Fronf eireet corner nf New. riuN'fHphifi.
UT rurt?.if.sert will find il niraJv tn then inientl Ixith
n qtnlilv and pricn to huy llit-5e (;-ifl, wliicti ut wr
jiiitd nn repreteiitful t iMritMti'tl, A trial itnliciltd.
I riiilji'r.piiia, Mnrvii !( loft 1vjS.
fl'MIE subscribers respectfully inform the citi
4 zens of Sunbury and the public generallv,
thit they have leased the Sunbury Foundry oc
cupied by George ltohrhach.andthat they will fake
possession on the first dav of April, next, when
tlicy will be enabled to furnish all kinds of Cast
ings, such as Plows, Stoves, A-r., Ac, at as low
rates aa they can be hod any where else. They
are also manufacturing thrasliinir m ".chines, and
do repairing at short notice. All orders addressed
totb.ein will be promptly attended to.
Country produce taken in exchange for Cast
ings at all tiiuee.
Sunbury, March 5, 18'.9.3iu
Select Winter Goods !
Just received at the
People's One Price Store
OI-"R present stock includes a choice selection
of Ury (ioods, Iteady Made Clothing, Uonta
and fhoes. Hardware, (Jroccrics, (Queens and
filasswarn, Ac Ac. Our llrexa liooda for Gents'
and Ladies, contain all the new and dcsirabla
stvles, which tor fineness nf texture, beauty, du
rability and cheapness cannot be aurpa-sed.
Our Itcaily Made Clotliing waa selected wilh
crest care, and all (roods warriutcd to be what
they am represented, lloots and Shnea of all
kinds. Hats and Caps of every aisle and prii-c,
and we solicit a careful inspection of our lamo
assortment of HOSlEKY. FANCY .NOTIONS,
Ac. Groceries fresh end pure. Our Hardwaro
embraces the largest atock of any other establish
ment in this section of country.
Please call and examine.
Y SrcniTo Pi.r,sr.
K. Y. UKlfiHT A SO-V.
Sunbury, November 87, 1858.
StTXBUHY, Northumberland County, Fa.
'IMll"i lare aud roinm..dioua Hotel, now fin
isbed and completely furnished with entire
new furniture, at a large expense hy SberitT Yan
d)ke, and situate at tbe liailrnad Depot north
east corner of Market ISqusre. Stinliury, and at
the terminus of the Sunbnrx iV Erie and North
ern Central Railroads, will be open lor tlie accom
modation of Travelers and the public in general
on the KlltsP IUV OF JAN LAKY, INJ9.
.Ihe pr iprietor will give his exclusive atten
tion, to it e comfort and convenience of Lis guests
and ia de rrmnicd to make ibis establishment
rank among the fust in the .tiite.
Hi: table will be supplied with the best the
ma-ket can produce having the advantage of
daily cixiimuiiination by cara direct from Italli
more, and also from those bringing produce from
the surrounding country.
His bar will be supplied wilh the purest liquors
the market rail produce
I'a-eful and obliging servants always in at
A share ol the local and traveling rommunit
ia most respectfully solicit! d.
f ut.bury. Pec. IS, 18.iH.
titosua I'. Aiibxy. J oi n A. Narr
o. 3..S Xonli Tltmt) ieet, ( 'hie (loins ub-ive Vine 1
(lIsTABLIIHIb I SXTV-l'uca VsaSI )
"I( Vl'lt Y dewrl.t'iia of Hiliktinc Meeliaiueal, F.l'miaT
1 , un.l ILus. Im.IJ IIAKIi VV AUK, ia isw iu tu re, and
xm'I lie olieieit st tae luvvasl insiket pliers, u. Cssh antl
lr"ii,pt six months buyt-n Naila al Munuiaelarert' nn.
ci-s ii.r I'nsli.
Vlrrs i roin uexv enstiuneis will rvire strirt aeA aern, ana all giKxIaMnii irom mis bouse will U as
IV Col'Ttt MKacHsSTs, nn tlieir next visit to rur
eily In make llirir Sprms ma eoiHuilly invited
to euli ana t aaimua our Sunk and I'neea liefois'.
Alarcli llti, l.-:i,uU 1,
.Vo. 2, JvWfA Fourth Street,
MANCFACTURER of best quality of EM,
liKKLLAS and PAKAsOLB invite
nei'tion of buyers to hie extensive atock.
embracing many at) lea rot heretofore ititiudnceJ.
Philadelphia, March IS, ltsS.
piRE OLIVE OIL for faMs use,-lo
at S7J and 62 J rents Just received by '
A. VV. riWHBR.
oly 178H.
o laexorabl punisiso.