PROCRASTINATIONS. If Fortune with 8 smiling face Strew rosee on our way, "When bIibII we Hoop to pick thorn up T To-doi, "V love, today. But ehoulJ ehe frown with face if core, And talk of coining sorrow, When shall we grieve, if grieve we must? To iidrrow, lore, to morrow. , , . r I If llio?o who'T? wronged us own lb,.ir fa-iits, Ami kinJlv tnlV VidV, When ahull we lisleu oJ foreivo ? To (hly, my lore, to day. Put, il' a'ttni Justice UrtfB rebuke. And wmintti, from Memory bonvw, When ti.ill wo chide :f chide vie Jute? To morrow, lute, to morrow. If those to whom we owe ft iKb. Are harmed unless, w pay, When chilli we struggle to be just ? T.i-day, my lore, to day. Hut it our debtor tail our hope Aud plead his ruin thorough, Wheu shall we weigh bia breaeh of faith ? T murrvie. love, to morroic. If Love, enstrargerl, should otice again Her genial biililo display, When shall we ki3 ber proffi red lips ? To-day, w;i hie, to day. Hut. if alio would indulge regret, Or dwtll with bJ-Rone rorrow, Wheu pIio.11 we weep if weep we mu?t 1 To morrow, lore, to mu row. Tor virtuous acts nod harmless joys The tnieutee will not stay ; We've alwajl time to welcome thoin, To day, mi lore, to day. liut tare, resentment, tiugry words', And tinurailing sorrow. Coma fur too poon, if they nppear, 'Ja-niorrotc, lure, to mirroic. I Cham. i. Mack ay. isccllancous. laniel Webster. Daniel Webster is among the most striking ..... .. 1. - I...... 1.' ....1 I llliaucc9 ui nnu unto UCUIL'tCU 111113 greatucfa in apite or adverse circumstances of birth nnd fortune, tl ot the world has aver teen. He was born iu New Hampshire, of Scritch-Irith parentnge, in 1782. His mother prophesied that her Bun would become prom incut ; and she lived to sea a portion of her prophecy fulfilled. Me went to n log Fchool inu Ho would learn moro in five minutes than another boy in fivu hours. He pot hold one day of a cotton pocket luindkfrchUf, and triad shnulil it contain on i's l itre for a pattern but the Constitution of the United Slates ! This old Kmjlish handkerchief van the message of the mysterious one to )'elister. From thut day ho wan'.ed to know more. Wa find him in 1S01 at Dartmouth College. He was dis appointed there in not recoivinp soma hon ors which others, an wi-ll os himself, thought lie deserved. He only received the ordinary dip'oina. U'diold yonnsj Webster and that college credential 1 It is no oidinnry specta cle, j t remiuds us of Luther with th Tope's Hull in his hand, in the streets of Witum liei ij. "iSoo whut 1 do with this diploma," said Webtter to tho collrge boys. "I tpar it into pieces." And then he uttered the tert rf which his whole life teas the Sermon "My industry mrry vinkc me a great man, but this Miserable urchment cannot.'' Daniel Webster wo consider to have been fine of the collossi among all men living; iu this generation. Ho. had .a great nnd Eonud mind iu a great and sound body. oma men only show one phase of humanity, and) Hint is, in many instances, the cfl'eminato part of it. Such are men trim as blocks in a barber's window neat as if a milliner had en.ptird them out of a bandbox and they crn say i Bat. pert, and pretty things j but they ore nut masculine eoonqh. Iu Webbter wo have the irWe titan. Sydney Smith called him "Tho Great Wejtern." No man from this country ever cxi'iied t u'ch admiration among the d.:s:in.Tii!y!i"d statesmen and scholars of London as Daniel Webster. His very op l erritice' was great ncsj. Ho woro upon his "injiiivo bro. the ri;usd and type cf tort-reign v. l!is iiab't" v.ere exceedingly sociul and his pastimes manly. lie cured nolhirg forcnids aijil clitic uud other children's play. He p;cicr;-ed the river and the woods. He made comrades of tho mountains ; and he talked to toe thu'uiers os if tiicy were his c-ldur brothers, lie was a man. lie did nut think it necessary fur an sspirant for fume to pre sent a bleached, unhealthy aspect. He well knew that the preat writers of Athens were often as mighty with the sword as with the pen. Ha had read that .Sophocles was not meroly the "pod of the stage," but danced forernoat round the trophies of Suluuiis ; and that -lischylus was not only honored by a sta'o in tho Dionysian. Theatre, but his portrait was con? j iunous upon tho walls of the painted poreh whore the Athenians pre sented tho animated forms and glowing fea tures of the heroes of Marathon. Intkhfstino T(i ihk IH:aiukp. A writer in the Dcston J'tst has the following pithy communication : 1 h-s'ij seen it stated somewhero that there is Uii intimate connection between the nerves and muscles of the face and oyes, and allow ing the beard to grow a'.rougthens the eye. It ih said that surgeons iu the French army have proved, by experiment, iu Africa, that soldiers wearing the bcaid are much less liable to disease of the eye, and it is generally conceded thut it is a prolecliou from disea ses of the throat aud luugs. It is uasicrted that in couutries where it is the custom to wear the beard, the eye retains its lustre aud biilliuncy much longer. It may bo ar K'Jed thai females do not saQer more thau males from diseases of the eyes, Ac, but it must be admitted tlo-y ure much li f.i exposed to the elemer.U. What did tl.o Creator jive the lords of creation u heard fur '! Certainly not to support barbers. There is just as much sense in shaving the Load as the chin. A Jail k isouu Koiic. The people of Oalhouu county, Ala., ere building a jail, tho fitBt story of which is to be of soiid lock, and no rock allowed thereiu less than three feet lone, three feet wide, end rightoeli inches thick. Kvery rock in the dungeon is to be doweled, and t ho outside all hammer faced. The lower siory is divided into three room?, one u dnu;.'eon, one for debtors, and one for f'rmalos. The Alabamians of that region ure determined to Lave no more jail bird lights. How to Stop li.oinr Housekeepers, mo chanics, and others, in handling knives, tools, or any sharp instrument, very frequently receive severe cuts, fro in which the blood j Hows profusely, and oftentimes endangering l lnu itselr. Diood may be made to ceare to flow, as follows : Take the line dest of t-, BBd biud it close to I lie wi und ; nt all limes oecessi'ole and easily 1o bp obt lined. After the blood has ceased to 11. iw, laudanum may be advantageously applied to the wound. regard to tiirse instruction will save ag'i'ition of mind and running for the sur peon, who' wruld probably make no better prcs'.'riptiou if he were present. - - The Locomut:vo Logins built by Mr. Sle jiberiiiou in l'J i has biun placed on a pedes tal i i the tou of DasJingtun, Kogland, in front of thu btation of tho iStucktoo and Dar lington Kailroud. This engine was, of course in its day, considered a miraculous achieve, meet, lis first trip was from SkUdon to Stockton, a distiuice of twenty miles, wbieli it accomplished iu five hours. It weighs only if bt tons, wlrtd enifinee uw a-daye weijU tlODty-fiTi. Bargains ! Bargains ! ! AT 1'. W. GRAY'S 01,1) STAND, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa rPHE subscribe, having purchased of P, - (ray his LARGE STOCK OF VV. Fancy Dry (iioocts, fcc. is determined to sell them ifl' at the lowest pos- j sihle rates. Call soon if you wish to secure I bargains nnJ examine the stock of block Cloths, Carsimcrcs, i.assinett. v eating, llrcss Loous, I vi : Chnllies, I. awns, Delaine, Harcges, Men I noes Cashmere". Al.ipacas, Silks, Ginghams, t ... i it,., i , ... i . it . 'i'r ,...-...... , l.lUfUS JW1U II HllC UIHIUB i'Hiw . IHIIUIIIigr mil , Notlll1,in , Vnrirl Hauhvarc, CoLrware, (Ji.renware, Ti.lnt eo, beaarx nod a'vnriety sf other goods loo tcdioiH to mention. BHA WLH, enAWTS, alarge uxSodment, vcr) cheap, Vc, Ac. '1'. O. COOPKI5. N. 11. Feeling grateful for pnt favor, f beg Irnve tH rcroniinend to mv old friend and tho puldic in eeneral my SL'CCKSSMK, who I am asvurrd will leave iinthinu undone to merit a l oiitiiiuuiire nf yuur palronage. I'. W. (iRAY. mil)ury. Drremher IS, 1RS8. NEW OOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of 8K t c;Mi.fiiir. NO I MAHKKT friiKKT, fl.NBI'ltV, 'A. flHU nilmciiher has jnst upetud at his well I known c.iluMishmrnt in .Sunhurv, one of the rhen pest inn! most di'siral-le stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that ua ever been oftered in the plare.and which ha will sell for CASH or exchange for Country l'roiluce. Those deniring to purchase goods will d.i well to call and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. All Wool Detain, I'iaured, Striped and Plain, f'rencli Merino, all color-.. beautiful Dress Holies, Cniiueies, Shaded, Jlain and striped muxt l o seen to lorni an idea of the extent and variety. Mantle, Slelln, Chenille, f'rtnch Wool Shawls, Thibet and Hroche Shawls. Cloths Cassiniere? and Satinet For Men and Hoys' Wear, ltlack Carsimeres, Fancy (ysstimerrs, side stripes heay. Doe HUin Casfimeics, Satinets all kiads. FLANNELS, White and lied I'Unnids, all grades and prices, Bay .Stale Sark Flannels, colors iiirt cjnulilioa. HEADY-MADE CLOTHING. 13 outs and Nlioee, Hats aud Caps, Ac, Jo., nil of which were selected willi great rare, and will compare favorably, as regards quality, style and price, with anv in the country. HA lilt W A Kl-,"B rull assortment. Wood nod Willow Ware, (ucciiKware, of all dcsrripiiuns, t-iroccric, a full stock in store, Carpet Chains, c, Faints, Oils, t.'lats, Dye Stuffs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he i ill tparc no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. l!unburv,rov. 6, 185S. 'FALL ANS VINTElil JUST AKKIVKD AT THE STOKE OF J. RI- CI.. il Sunbury, Pa., HAS jutt arrived w'th a oplrndid stock of Fall (ioodx from I'hiliidelphia, to which he respectfully invites his friends and Hie Public to call aud inspect, he will spare no time in show inar them. Among his stock of poods will he found, FINE ULLU AND BLACK FF.EITCE CLCTE. Fine Ulack and Fancy t'asiiuercs '1 weeds, ?at inetts, Jeans add Farcy Ycstiiii. also a laruc ns sortmiMtof lleady-innde CLO'l'JHXO for men and hoys (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Black andfuncv dress silk, (very cheap) silk chal li, French Merino, Primed French Merino, Plaid Ciilimeie, all wool Delaine, all wool Debage, Mohair Dela'ge, Printed Co;-hincre, Valcntia, Challi ''olie a ipiilli, Delaine Poles, Persian De laine Pohcs, lull de Chcrre Itolxs, Plain Debase Lovcllas and Dehine at all prices, and the Red stripe skirts, Full Shaw ls and Mantillas, a good assortment of while goods, Collars, Sleeves, Irish l.iuen, Shirt fiouts, Marseilles, Brilliant &c. A general assarlment of domestic Dry (,'o ds. Al-o a large stock of Hats aud Cap, Boots and fc'.ioes. Hardware, Ijueens and, (iroceries, I 'edarware, t'loue and Earthenware, Drugs and l'ainw, iru!, Fisli, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar &e. Sic. N. U. Wall and Window Paper. Floor nnd Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash ur country pmauce ta rn in exchange for Goods. J. H. ENtiKL. Puubiiry, Dec. 11, 1858. if. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR '.SALE riMK su'iferibers, Executors of tho estute o JL Henry Masscr, deo'd., ofl'er at private sale the following propertviz: A lare iwo story frame dwelling; house, togothrr Willi about Sit CUKES OF LBND, Situate ill Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now iu ike oc cupancy of John R. Kaulman as a store and dwelling. The house is new and the location a good one for business. ALoaTRACT OF MMKBTO.NK LAND, iu said township an the river about 6 miles be low Suuliu.y, adjoining lands of J. T. M'Pherson and others, containing, about HO acre. The soil is productive and contains limestone and otoCi- mineral. Also a tract of Land, containing about SI acres on the hill, about two miles below .'unhure, adjoining lauds of the hriia of the late John Conrad and others. Thero is, on this tract, e mall orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply lo the snbfcribers. H. U. MASS Kit, ) P. I!. MASSE It, S Executors. FKANCiS 111 'CHER. ) Sunburv, January 19, 1S5C. if J. P. SKINDEL GOBIN, " '3 1 1 o v n r v at 51 a to , HUNBUBY, llusioess entrusted to his charga will be expedi tiously aud laithfully attended Ui. farticular alteiilion paid to the collection of claims. ni:ri:m:Nci:s on. A I r,hn. Knnl.erv, ,u ll I'jta iit, N.ullil., r'd V I. I'.'W Ot. - J Sliiii.lrl, Allsiil.iwii, I .r-.-,...t.L.,. " II p .M,,r, ,tWiMiiU;, Oee J K t l. uu iil, " I C..I U C Kyer, Selm'rove. Siii.l iiiv. Nov. fi, 1 f. is ly I,U'i;s 1 FL lift 1 Just received and for sale by A J. 11. EN't.EL. Hunhiiiy, January IS, is.r,!). j I's'J' KECE1VED a lot of Ladies CLOTH CLOAKS, at I. H ENUEIS Btore. Kuiihury, Dec. 11, ISoS. SJAltKIs' Hooching Syruji, fur Children levtli-- in. For sale al FlsHEU'S October Hi, '.rJ. Jl sT Fl'.CEIVKD a larSe lot of ready made CLUTIi'NO, Cheap ul J. IL EXGEL'S. Piinqnry, Dec. II, ISfiH ECE1VED a lurg assortment nf Sulinclt, Cassiiuere and Cloih, at J. II. EN GEL'S. Sunburv, Dec. II, 1S58 I'ure litew and Uqiioie. 7lTreceived at FISIILK'S Drug and Che mical Empoiium. Sunbury, Oct. IS.'.S. J 1ST KECE1VEI) e lot of (ientlemens fcHAWLS and liLANKETs), at J. II. EXUEL'S Store. Bunlury Pec. 11, Uo8. 1BG9. 1SGO- NEW ROUTE FOB TRAVELER ! Northern Cent ml Itailmiy!! .WINTER ARRANGEMENT. inoM axu AtTr.n moxhav, de i.nh, 1 IMS, the Tinina .f Hie Northern L'riitinl Railway Company will lime Daily, (Pamtiiye excepted) aa follows: (lOINi; NoHTll. ttllFAI.O ASI MAUAKA ll'ltrs. THAU. From DA I. TIM 'j UK to Hl Ntlt HY & VA'll'.MSipoHT. Ariive !.fnv", 1 V, 6 61 6 40 a; 9 Sf 1(1 Ifll 10 w 10 4A 1 I 01 11 fi II 11 Hi II II M U 01 Vi II 14 13 Vi IS i i a.', Vi u Cs'vrrl Pint ion, M. York, t .1 llriilerport, 7 jo IIhIiIhx, ft 37 MillcrsluirpT, i (:uirti,w,t, III vii Trevnt..!! Jiiiic-ii,.n, in S.'lin Moive, l(j 41) m: til it v. ii no iSorttiiiinljerlnpit, tl H Lliillir tuHiiir, t.rwulium, It Ml Mlt..u, it iitfniitown, I I 55 l.-lloutcwa, IV l-'J l)y.Hir, l j 1 1 .MmilKoinrrjr, -J in hrrgpr'a VI III Muuey, II 83 MenlHurpvitte, l-j 4-i Vlltiitin!tiiirt, II 65 Frifn V mum ims r In M'.NUUKV A BAt.TIMOItr. Arrive. I .n v.. Williuiepuoit. j Mont.'uihvil.c, Muiii-y, 1 U-rser's. I. iMH.irii.nnl-rv, 1 -.y'i I'liuintun a, lilsunUiwii, ! .Miiii.n, j l-i-wiM-urg, t'lllill'UiHIIP, .N'MlimintierliiiKl, 3A. M in s i ' s M i :.t 9 Ml 11 oa s i-i II Vi V 04 S ul V III III 11 IS II IS iM a ; aw 9 .ii it ar (i a; 8 47 fl 47 O O II 55 1(1 H? Ill 10 10 -M 111 53 in a; 10 ar 11 M II Wi 11 SI II t-J 12 VI IWUl'.M I Vi J 00 .1 CU l UI 11 V. !, Iiys-llrni f. Trrvi-rtou Juncli livureetoWH, MlilcrsJurg, 11:.I,(;H, tlrKlf,rl, Yoik, Culvert Station, train. CUING NUKTU Kiem UAI.TIMOUC lo MMlL'ltY A rvlI.'.MSPdKT Amvc. !.'!nve. CliilvertPtotinn. oik llni!i;ep-irt Cl.iik's Kerry '' A. M 11 on 11 11 Ii W 1 HI P. M i .el i 9 in a t t H7 30 j an a ae a 14 44 J .',7 2 .,7 3 09 3 10 3 HI 3 l7 :i a7 :i 4:1 ; 3 .S3 4 0.1 4 M 4 10 4 10 4 40 4 W 4 :u 4 a'. 4 l-J 4 Vi 4 17 4 17 4 411 4 3-2 4 .V 4 SI fl on 6 i'i .1 1" s 11 5 :i:i SdlTII. INlil HT A HAI.TIAIORK Atlivft. I.etvi.. In an p H 10 43 111 i:i 11 01 11 v II I "I 11 OK II II II 1:1 II It) II It 11 e( 11 ji 11 3.' 11 i II 44 It 4.i 11 ij II .'.1 12 III l-J 01 Pi II l'i IS vi jfi ii a ll! 41 Ii 44 I on I 01 A M 1 14 I l .'i 1 1M 1 2H I 35 I 3S 1 43 I 4 1 2 en 4 ui a pi . in a 37 s 37 3 07 3 .111 4 41 4 SU 7 40 IMilai Mui'-ist'ilrg lliirlmian ,M:tl.Mil"iiro I i,or:et. 'W tl 'I'ri'vuit'iii Juiien. n !V::i".(ir.,ve ill Mlflt V N.'rtiiUIIILieTihllil Ctlllllt'lllililtld t.rwislnuir Milton Wiesiiiitown t'liieitiovvii 1. POT'S M.iiilLi'iilery H"-i;i,r'8 Mm ey i1iintiiiilKVil!e Vlilt.'Oits.irl Vi!!i;itniiiort, M nrtiurRviti, Mm. -v, 1 '.y'n'ci ') tiiiont'iwu W'llt8( 'Hl'iWII Mllt4.ll, l,rvinliiirp I'llllllfiilUilijU 'i-rt!"nr''i !nud SIMU UV, Kflins (irt've Trfvortttn Juuctiort G'-"ti'fU'Wii. M.'iliriilti.r.v) liiifh;i.t;ni, Mill'Te-ltUf H:.l,.;,x I'lwVs rny I iiinplmi lind-'-uMPt V-.rk Cufvcrt Station. J.c. w, A Valuable Book ibr Invalids. Crfsf nv mail ami toi to bk taid Pir vntil xeckivkv BF.AB A WD APPltnvKU VT. If NUT AITR'-VED Ml CllAltOE lr. HAMri-'.l. "SI X I.KOTUKKS" the euutrt-f, I'rcvriition and 'tir nt liR'nncu nl the l,u:it-s, Tim 'at, II curt, Si. nunc!.. ll"i'ls, Isivtr. Ivilints, mi. tVc, Kt-tiiult' Coitibiiiiit'S, Hint I'tiritiiir iii-4 :itfcii ciifiitlly n tlic ut 1 .11 e, uii-t t!ic trilt n.t (IdmI 1 winch hrnlih ami niiiT timv lie rrifrvt'i t mif tMimln t. cjirit. A Vi'l uii'.t'tit :.T5 juitMcF, li:i-itl'rnf!y iS uikI ui mnslm, wait 'J't iliirrfiiD'im In tint, vctiuur lr S. S I'it. Ii, (vvli- ih widely kn 'WM si the iiuLlmr ul" u ntv and eininnii iy ceslul iiivtliml ( tr-;i;.m-iit l" i 1 he ej i.-.'iii-'.niii?', liiitl esj'fcislly ciiiMimptDi'i, it ml ntlicr iliw.-mi'J ! the l.mi::n nnd T!irn:ii,) cxi.uns l'.; Iriulmg U'.ttiiitu l tits tr--ilMicitt and t.- mi in uim'iii'ti." by wliu-li tinic nifinitit ( i .cf c ct,.i:ililnima t: i.t v liirMflvcrt prevent llu-iu r tim-.-l tii-n pii'irrrBii, VtT 'JIHt.tH'M popiCB 't' Ifll lK-k h ive l r- il snltt, Jii.d tlicte aic jifti-"iiH ui nil prulfini' our i.-md v,m i t;r.itiiii.: uc' ii"'.'iiVi l";'t i I'etn tliC HH'iiiii M pn fiT vini; tlitii lives an ! yivtnj; tliein m:; iy yems t.-! pmnl liniMii. We pn-nunl a few peciun ns cf tlic nutneri'tis cumrut n di.ri.iiis t!,c 1' k !;.if !te.'iv.-d , T!i- Now Vuk Ti iNim. ci-wfia Icti-jtliy m-ti -e il : "T'if urei ! nnpiTiii-e i ttit- nnt.irci ami our r"Mi di nee df i ivtd i'miii l.ii'wlei!r. fiml pe: . .11 1 ilit in lr. I'licii'ri t-.i.'.'Ii 'tis havt iinrel',l 11s . u--pinnm'nd this work. We tnnrt we h'.iw tviiit eii' 1,1 iiiditer t'iMac ntlh'Med nr tinea;!.!. n wi'li l-oi..juhi;Ui"ii, ti jjit(;iir' una re.H Ir 1 it 'L" :4 H l.cncr frini u' -11 llmiiilu'ii, f-inner (i.'Vtniojr t'l' New "rk -. ' WaslniiLluii, I'i-lruni v sr3. Ir. 5 . Ki'rli. !-:r --ir ; 1 U p t rt turn my tiiiiiikh iii 1' c Vi!niiir yd Idiv t iiern mt l.ind n In pri-M-iutii u.e The very kurrtc'l evnm:iiiiii!i wnn-li iil -ne 1 have Ih .'m yet Ut (ive to it. Iian eneile-l inlerrst H-ul tirinmiit thu r mi Vieli n tliut llie ieuHal..iu wliicli tliese l.eetuu.ii have a--liii etl i!),is(il 11 r x m intrinsic n erit. I'.xtruct trt'tn n Iciif r tu'iri the H'n. S ll.fluvrn, lute iiiiiiilft nf Cimgrcfs ti 1:1 I'.i it- d'.y N Y : "I have n itmilit tuit U is a pnirtual nnd very useful work. 1 Ii pe it will have a general iH'ila'ion, bikI it will, 1 Imvc no ilnnht, do mueh yuej " iatniet Ironi a Utter fptni (he lion. Ci!!"-rt )ean, late in mher of Ci nu'ies. "1 rud vourSix l-retureis mi On ftuiiipi ivi! dieuiie three cam ago, and nu'.uii t . ufh tluni." i'.xrraet Ir m a lette(frin tlie Hon J une Km klmr. late meuilter i( Cmit;re4. '-From rrr.ditpn 1 have r--ceivctl iimny vniaul'.e liints. I repaid it us u wok jf ri:ti merit.1' S.'.yi Sidney Warner, Ks-j , of Wyte-I-m, V : "My h'other nii'l nioMt nf ln faniily :iro dead nf roni,mpti ni, hut 1 and mine ure livmc un l well ; anrt I think it is wuir liaah to the teneiMii'. a "ir '.n, wtilcli t have f ! wcd L'urefiiliy for ttie nine y :rs Wr t iulil till e -jitnttiP witii himitnr ft!tiii:rnt ly' Wishing to make thi 11 n u-eiui as pos.ihlJ, we will toiwniil e. ,) of it hy mai!, pout paid, u any adilreK that may be fent u. and llie price at) eenta, ntny hi rennttr l m p,t;,ct i:it!ijm or e.thf rwifi to ui alter t tie l.ik 16 rrtt ived and ajj iovt J of. It may h uhed tr petfc. ai'lv or hy Inter. (VnriiliHUon h Dr Fitch, iV Iiih r-ftle. ? Itroadwny. N. Y., neiHoiiiiliy or h letter, free, Addresn. b. i FITt'H tk CO., Jan. S3, IWS. nm. 711 liromlway, N. Y. THE I N TEP.N ATI ON AL HOTEL, UKOAIjWAY, CttHM'li lF I'HAMil.lN hTKKFT, XiW YORK CITY, Una liven tcu nt'y rciKtitl, The Hot mi 111 it newly eaipctui, The Furniture umi iied ore nperri, And ti e Uiitlie) aic iiiisnip.ik.sed. T Vl.oi; S CF.I.F.IiHA'rFl) SALOONS A HE I 4iNKi TliO WIT II 1 II K Hill hi.. Here i? pif'-ntrar-d alt the cmulorU ut u home, Willi l)ie iimirii-M (if u ptiluee the si'i.r.NDin l.ADir.s' faim.ok C;-tiinai.:ii and unequalled vi: w tf rnoAiiWAV, TMF. i LHN ATI 'X.h in tht tnoKt rentral nf any ul (heti elitM H"teU for himi uctta.tir plnfeB n( aniUHcinent, itnd otfers unsnplt.scd nd Viiiitavu lo families and eutleinen vmitniii New "rk. Al-FMKIl 1'HJtKMA.N, IV- nil-te tor. Now Yoik, July 3, l-j. ly J CJi-JElJD. ridluileljihta, Ts. Tito lini'.iTf'L-ni-J. tlie Foiiniltr mill IVil.IiKhvr 01 VAN ritl HTelil l'kl(l i:iT iJl.ilil inn, desirous,.!' ri-tiioi 10. 111 II. Linou'li 1.1' bas uu-iveil tliul "M rl'ililial,r,l wi.ik 111 lli, (inpniir liAMv M)TK ItK l'('it'H:il ol' I.MI.A V A- UK KNKI.I.. Ihuuie iul.liM,.-,l Vnn l.'tnii i's l),-n-cli,r sint'tf 1S3H. ili uiulcrinii,.,l reluc boitly wirls Willi Ins olil and nalisriilieis ; l tit linn riilnrlmirf is liytlif ei-iiviciiMn. ilmt nilMlAY At HICKM'.l.lS UANK Nll'I'K KEI'lJUTUl 1 hey will icet-ivc a woik ilisl niuiolies ilic tunes. J. VAN COl'BT. I'luluilsljihui, Pic 3o, l?;i. NOTICE. All Sshscrlitioiis to X IyIIj .A. "Y Ac BIOKNELL'S li AMI SII'IE KtfUH T K H are PjvablcsertiiniluuRly ia Ailvance. This is lh oldest ll:mk Nule I'ulilieati.iii 111 the world. For thirty lung yeuil il has imiiiiUioied au uniullleU reiutatlon, Mud con tinues to he- the tieerwsiiy eoiniuinon of all business people over the whole ciuiiiacul of Aiueuiai. THE COINS OK THE WORLD I Now in press by ImlayJi lJiclnell, will he r'vee ffratui lo all og) ssd new suhscrilmrs. AH Coin t harts, ami Manuals, us compared witU Ibis, nuiy b cousideieo wuste puoer. TEHMfl. To the Setui-M, SI'.Vi per snuita. Monthly. 1 00 ; oif le Copios, ut the Coualsr, III Ueiils. " Mulled, I'i ' Address I.MI.A Y t IBU'KNKI.I., Box llfi, I'ost Cilice rhiluUcljiuiu, l'a. Jnuaary 13, laoll. Uiu J 0. SILVER WATCH ES-A few double ease English Silver W'aWhes, for sale at very low price by If. U HAfctiER. WnKKLKR A WILSON MANUFACTUniNO COS: FAMILY SEWIKQ MACHINES. f I'HE uniiitnnns furor wliicli him ntlemlci! I'm iiitrmtiK L Hon of WllSKI.r.R A Wll..i rnlnily Sev'il!T M- ehlne, ih uineient evnlenee of its exeeilenee. Il intert ieM now to ny. that thti UBettil instrument it tefjmiiic a dnraertir iiia'itiition : the faet is recvpinzed hy in stieeem I'nl line lit iltou snnrts nf Families in t very rank in life. T thoe who Imvc hitherto retrained from rtvaihnp themselves nf its advantages, it may H"t he ninics to my, that its titiJ rity a not a pmhiem to tu solved, hut a sneers already lealiiieed. The inchest testumnv is eoiniiiutly rflerett.con. fii limit; the verdiet which has (iivcti this iiistrucniciit'um wide and enviable n reputation. ThiB .Mtiehine is eoneeivid u a principle rnlirely eriin nnl. heinc specially and ailniirnMy u.irdeil to the ni''vt per feet work nn every kind nf material : nnd, ha vim; Uru snlijerted ton three yenrs' test nf the most sear hmg elkitnetet b Fnmiltes, nnd in varinus hinneliescf MunU' factiire. with ihstinitniFtipti rneeei's. it is lieiteved that ui nil (he noinlit r, nnmite In n e iim'ete mid nriirtiral J Se.Vlnit Machine, it cannot he approached m exeeilenee. Anions I hi; tiiHliMihled nrtvantaues it pusi-etsta over oH ' ntheiK, he tninifd the foHwmr; 1 I. lis simpiieity nf o nsTucticui. and e Jtiseqnent fieu- doin from dcram-enient nnd need "f repairs '2. Its uiU'Ttumpled rapahty and case of npciatn ii. ?. Its noiseless tnoveinent 4. The p resit variety nt purpose t" which it ran he np phc(., wiiieh ean Le adneved hy nJ other Wtchaiiienl in'unH. And, 5. The pre-eminent hennty a id dnrahility nf the work. 'l tn id your Machine invahiahle I have used it a year, nnd it has never been out of o'ih-r. The Mitch in very tln fahle. nnri can he mlnpteil ti fine nr roarse. materin's. It works with the rapidity of n dozen pair 'f hand ; saves tin n'ii time, fatigue nnd expeiue. One of your . Math men is used 111 my fathers family ; another iu 1ie household nf n sifter; nun others hy various Iriends. Tho nptniocs nf all are..Td with thut I have just expressed.' Mra Anna Cora Uitehie. " There is tail cue Sewiiiji Maehiuo : and that is Whee led and WiIkihi's." - Judge Meiys,of the Anuruan Insti tute. 'The Sewunr Mieliina r.urlinsed of ynn has heui whh ly servieeal.h'. ' K.'v. I f S.u. I O-- -od. j .Nolumily can ntfortl to do w.ih ut it. j Opimi'Nf of the Ni w York I'rp. ) We pn fiii t!i ui fur tiumly use, I They aie the lavorites tr families Times, I Are without u nval. Seit nuln: Aiiieiiean. Works more uinfotmly tliau the hand Herald. ) the work of ten ordinary i-ewers J'ur Coin. F.'pjul to nnie seaiutrf t-.-es. lloini; Jonrntl Thk unehnie. for LnuiK- use. Advoe;ite V .hmrtial. Moyt ii.tnonilile to American ir- nuis liith pe'itlent. 1 e nmiot unat'ine auyihtlitt more peneet I vnu'litt. j Will iri ve cut ne fiat isfari inn. mserver. ! The belt ever mveutid Christ lan ItHjUiriT. I In lookiHir for the best, see these F.xnnmier. , Ai'.linrab!;, rai-ited for family une Chrotiiete. I ndispeijiMe ni e. cry fuuily. Th' Prraeher. ! Wr praist it with rnthnM.iMii lntei!crncer. Worthy of the hiheet award . anhailt Reeonlcr. I Iieueln'Mtoii o the ntr" Put nam's M:en;.me. 1 M -111 al m pcratioy. Mrs. Stephens' Monthly. j fl-y i.t! all question, the m;i'-hinea I .lie 1 llnsl i at ! . i The Mitch cannot he itniav ekd A m A;rrieuiturit. They mamtaui tin pre-eiiinie-M .'. KxprcM. , Saves the time antl heaMh nf ten wtneu. Water dire. i Our h-msi lie-Id is in testacies wi'h it P"i tti's Spirit. ! Supply the fashionable world laily News, , Are pre-eminently t'lpirior. Lad leu' Yisitnr. i i me "t onr iious'4'tinM p a!s I' . S. .l-mrnal. , Citrivalled in every qua'tty lay Huk. 1 Pretty, useful, magical.- Leslie's i;iette. ' I lav e no ,-ptal fi.r laimlv use M listed World t A tituiitj'l! ni inr;'hauieal Renim N. Y J unn.-il. I Combim every ri-qmrement. I'anuly Mnraine. j Vastly superior to all niheis tinldeu Prize. We cannot lire in its praise New Y"ikr. For t'urtlirr parlir.nlars apply l IT. U. Macr. lSitri!urv( otiPtit of the manufacturer, who will Mijiply machines at the nmnulacninrn prict'H. Sunhurv, M-iv 1.1, 1-r. tf E t'ST RECKIVnD n crurral rsKortiiiont ol New (ioods at llie Store of j. ii. i:m;i;i Sunbury, Dec. 1 1, lt-TtH.-4 LMONDS. KAISUN.- I Kias, LEMONS. - &c, Ac, just received a fresh supply and for sale at the ('inifectionary store of M. C. li HA I! HART, funbury, May 1R, lsr7. j riULADZlLPiirA AND REASSIfa RAILROAD. I CIIA-XsTOi Of HOURS. I ON AN 11 AI-'TIUi .MUM'AV, July .i. I-.,-, theii-iiva lui.riiuitl I'ai'M'mii-r trttin will h:ive li,ITy.-il!. :o h.lo j ' A. M , ii.'ioitiK llr.iilnii.' ut Hoi A. M., Hud iitrivini; til ' I l'hlh-d. l,li:i at I'i.-.' i, i t. ; The ilowil AltiTiiiiiin 'l"i:on Will htivc 1'. 'It svi.le nl '.1 j IV M , I'-it-.ii.c IU i'!t:.ji ut l''j, nti'l uriivni;; ut ll,:!ntli i- , , Inn nl r. lu. 1'. M. . M'lrntn unit Artt'Tiiooti llsii(Mii:''r Tetiti. trnve I'lni.i ( tli'll'litu so i-miii h'tiif!. us lier.-i- I-Ti'. : tl . A. M uml U llu IV M , u!.ki,s Ite-iiiing ut Ki t.., A. .11 anil ti if, V. M. I i.inANdN vai.i.i'.v m: Ni H Pisseiii:' i T-.u.. I'-tivi s llt-ii'liiij: :tl 10 u- A M.(:if;i-i ore. :il ol 11" v ii nut! I'p Mono ';' P ,scti:ri r I't..ui l r .1.1 I'.I,., .'.' t'l I-.C' I... I I ........ , I 1 . r, . .0 , .. Vi ::.) ii,-,ii, 'h lime I" V cue. t with IVwj i J'ia.ns"for Sunl.iiry, Willi t;!:. ;"if', l.lii'ita. I'it'shttit:, CI; -tr l.. tli,.rt-, I'.I! ll!. T- till I . IS,. - K', 'Unit':.'. Macs ll-fll-'.'ITt' nt ll'J'.r 11 , inter toriv il nl P-. i ti-i r 'I rut' s fr -in I .ilf'Vi p 'ill's, ui. 1 u'lll cs t'l llciitini; ut 1..".',, in l.;itf lo eonnect w": llowu P;is-eni;ei' Trunin to l'utts. iiHvriui! riolmltlt'Siu. hr ..tiTir (I A NICUI.1.S, Ilnrjiiiccr nt.-i rsii;., i oilciiiU nt. July 17, 1-V. tf Wliitli-salo tiiroccry. EJ3-iT Sc KTJNKEL. Ojiposite the Peiinsylvunia Rail Road IVpot HARRISUURG, PA. ET EEI u larne stuck nf the follow inn named urticles, and will sell cheaper lhan any ollur bou.e this side of Philadelphia. Cull and see piicw of C.ilVee, oil, Fish cil, Tar, Rosin, Pitch, i, Oakum Holies, s:,'.nr. Fish, 'lea, tall, Spices, Hams, Tobacco, Slinuldeia I'iirars, Flour, Vinegar, Fluid, Calcined Piaster I'uinlles &c. Cheese, Soap, S. II. Molasses, Syrups, N. (. Molasses. Abo, Cement, bafely Fuse, Crow liars, Sledges, Iron and Nails, for sale ut very smull profits. July 3, 'P58. ly E W W Oil K FO 1 1 A (J E N T ri. The life. Speeches and Memorials of DANIEL WKIiSTEU, I'O'ttainii his m st celel -rated oriitiontt. a M.-leetlon Ifoiii the etie fins tlchveied on the i ft nsiou of his death, nnd Jus life and Times, hv S A .M t t'l . f '"K Pi: . A.M. 'Phis splendid work is mist pnhhshed. iu ne lai se volume of .) ',ll t .iies. Il it, prilllrd on hue while papi'i Ul-d Iv'titid in h"'iu'ii'til 'j!'-; C 'litains tJteeileut lint ,',!aii.i!ions "I hib H:rtli;.L.eo and M tiisiou tit Marshlieiil ; nnd a lull IciiSth lite-hue. S' ee Porituil. Titc piiNlifhc.- c'fefs tt Wtth Ct'iitnte'iee to the Ainent an pti iilti. and lb convinced that it will ttuinily an iinn atKal fcant in Aim lueratuie. j No work W n. I he ohtiiuitd heret.)!t.rc, whieh ntewnted, IV ill; ilt a compact aud convenient cianpasr.. tne etnef t'ei,tn ol Hie life ot D.oi.ei WeUler (lis ItP . I n m.H al'ie lllit I-It-etuil ell'mtf. and '.). Li.ibt valuuile and mtt r stma cilo- J pi' s vv'lneti the i rcjt nun d the iv.toin utteicd in h.uior to i his iiK-mory. We p 1 1 ult tliesc tr&itures in tins volume volume, M I a i veil mtulerati' price, aud in a very convenient form. .-iiuM'i i pi i'm pi iL4 ( ui eiuin, ri,iO ; nanus 'men- cuuKiktL'U U-atuer.tfa.tiU, Pers -::! .!'siroiu of hei-onnnt; A rent k f r thii vuluuble wtrl., will aiKU-i, for tall purtjrn!-,-, IM ANK Kl 1.IOV rnhhsher, 3touth Third treet, IMuladclj htu Pa. Pliiladelphia, Fclauaiy 'Jti, tit. NOBLIT, BROWN & N0BLJ.T, C'uliliiet 3luUersi' f IniHu? Stoic AND UEDD1NG WARE-KOOMs, Having REMOVED lo the new Iron Front Wdiehouse, No. ii'i South Second Street, below Dock, West Side, PH1LLDELPH1 A. !V OW oiler to the, customers and Ihe public ' ' generally, a new and lull assortment of CABINET HARDWARE fe MATERIALS. They invite the attention of the trade to their stock of Hair Seating end Curled Hair, of their their own manufacture ; Also to a full assort ment of UEDD1NG AND UPHOLSTERY. Philadelphia, July J, lent! ly CWAYNE'8 Celebrated Vermifuge or Worm Killer The heat remedy known fo, eipell ing Worms. For sale at FISHER'S, rtttobc, 1 6, '08. STOVES' IOR SLE 11 an excellent second-hand Cook' ing Slove, also several Cylinder Ceal Woves. llnquire et this ollice. IJOBT end MADERIA W INES, Kchiedaru - Kchauppa, Wild Cherry brandy, lllackberry and Lavender brandies for medicinal purpose at July 17, 'bt. A. V. KlSilLK. II 1 0 H LY IMPORTANT NEW M. C. 0 E AIIH ART, Has rcturneJ with a new Stock of Confectionaries, Fruit and Toy. IT seems as if a new age, a new life was open ing upon us, Bnimatina; every heart to nobler tleeils and liinlier aims! Art, Literature and Bci ence will glow anew and seek to develops sub. limer liennliea and graniler conception. 21ie luisiness woild too must feel the new in Alienee and everf part he quickened and strength ened l.y an increased vitality , which shall urge us on with electric speed to the consummation of creator things than was ever dreamed of iu the l'hiloi'iphy of the past. Animated ly tlie enthusiasm wiuen prevaoes all classes, and desirous of doing his share to wards "Tho grcatevents of the Age," the sub scriber would respectfully inform llie food peo ple of Kl'NBL'KY and the public generally, that he has just returned from the city ef I'liilaUel phia with the largest and choicest stock of Con fectioiinrics, Kruil and Toys thut has ever been brought to this section of country. He is alto manufacturing all kinds of Confectioneries:, &c., to fill up orders, wholesa'c or retail, at abort no tice. Among his slock of Confectionaries, may be found : t'reiii h ?i rrcts. flnni Props, all kinds of scent. lliirueil .Milmnils, l,nve l)ltii8, Cream While, Mini lr"p. rej and White, " J,.ii, u Jellv Cakes, i K.ise. Ktuit llrnp", " Vieiiiia, Slick Canilus, ol all scents C(tumi-iii Sieiels. Kfiek Canily, I. liiUolice, Almotul I'auey, FRUIT. II. ilinne.s, I'i un Iiiitcs, Kins, Ctiriiintt tit irtl. Citrons. AlniMiitts, Ratsini., Nuts of all kinds LKMON .SYHUl' of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of tcgars and Tobacco, and a variety ol ConlVrtionarieH, fruit, Toys, Ac, all of which is ollertd cheap at wholesale or retail," Ilfiiietnber llie name and place. M. (.'. (JEA KHAKI', Market st., 3 doors west of fisher's Drug store. Sunburv, Ot tober 30, lH.ri8. ly BLAIR'S CCLT.lSP.CIIAL ZC"JSS .Vo. 20 SUth Street, above (Jhcsnut, I'hilad'a. KRCII A NTS, business men, and persons eenrtallv will find this hotel one of the ' most convenient and pleasant in the city. The j proprietor will use his best efi'oits to accommo date bis roi sis. and at reasonable prices, JJVci'i.iber 4. !!. ly j IRA T. CLEMENT informs the public that he wiil constantly keep on hand, at his wharf, j a supply i f all sizes (J coal, from the colliery of j I'libri m .V (.'lenient, which ti.ey will deliver to ; customers in luwn. 1 fSunlniry, Dec. U I NOTICE. ' ! 4 LL persons indebted to James Heard, Idle 4 I'rothouotary of Noilhuniberlaiidcounty, lor ' fees, Ac, are remiested lo make innneiliate pay- j ment, and llius save cost hitd further trouble, as ! all aeeootiN remaining unpaid will be placed in ! the huiiil.i of a Justice tor ci lleciion. Payments I can be made either to the subscriber or lo J. S. Heard, at his uliii-e. I JAMES HEART), i Surl i.-y, March 27, lSr.Stf j RIVIERE HOUSE " " i (Kiumeily KletieV ilftei,) I IJ-VISlrt'llfl, I'MOfC COH VK. ! It. ClilLTZi r. 1'ropri tor. t 'I HIS itine fl tne tartest uud last turni"tied llt-ielson th Weill lii-m-li. It is looted in the huitiirti ntt . oi uiu lovvn, (a uems; itt only tlotel ir .l'irKct I-Hjuare J . 'J'iie propdeiiT is del ft mined, l iisu every exeition to mtke hn Inane- oneoi tlie in tne State; and it ofleii t raie iclai ineu'j i. r persons wh spfm) a etiert tnue in ! tiie tf the in M pVafi.tii towns in central Pm.iiy.vurr. ' Ch iiLO's very tti.-drrittc i 1-e.VT.Iani:, June Vi, 15. t HuV.'S antl Ureinic's Essence of Giuget and iiui-buiid's Magnesia at Jolv I 7. '.is. FISHITR'S 22 K 5 1 r 1' & 13.1 L " Whohsnle nnd 1 let ail Dealers in FOHE1GN Sa DOMESTIC VlfllTSS XT I;ZwtXC ?.! . . . .li'7 stif.l, Last tide) Xorth llanrille, l'a. rln E un.lcrsii.iicd would respectfully announce - to il.eir Irietnls and the public, generally, that ihcv have purchased a very extensive slock of Wines and I. moors direct troin the Custom House, which they oiler to the trade ut Philadel- i I'hia pricis thereby t living fteiiht ic. JOHN W. SHERIFF, J. s. HALL, is-or?. :f. Dai.ville, J.ino If ri-r-r'Tf";? i r ' i i iy i ' -a r-.i'-.-.' SIO iC- "ISISS LOUISA Ml ISSl.ER, respectfully in- i ' tonus tiie citieiis ot '1'revorlon and sur ri'iituSiiii: county, tl. it she has opened n new ! lore of MiHiii' iy mil Fancy Goods, at Trevor- ! in Miu.'iioUn strict, nearly opposite Knouse's j Tavern, w hero i.ll kinds of lloiinels and Faecy t Goods can 1 chad at the lowest terms. Dress leaking also attended to in (he bet maimer ami latest style. Aprii ::, M il'. tf J MOORE & CAMPION, ! Ai;. 201 ' Si'-irtd Street, 6 doors ubore Spruce, PHILADELPHIA. H AVE now on nanJ the largest assortment of ! i c.j:i tiiivia i'i liMTi ui: ! Than they have ever had at any previous time, j nnd they invite tha public to call and examine , their stock before nircliasing, as they feel conli- I dent that their prices will be a sullicieul induce- ment lor nil who want good furniture to buy at their ettnl'iishment. A lar je assortuienl of Pratt's Rack and Pinion Dining Extrusion Tables always on hand, Spring aud hair Mattresses f'.rnishrd at lowest prices. Furniture curefully packed and on reasonable terms. Philadelphia, July 24, lSf8. ly WAYNE'S IfOlih'EL CORDIAL. a speedy and ell'cctual reniedv for Asiatic Choleia Dy- s entery Dianhoa-. No cure no pay. For sale FISHER'S. at ','iM. Fishing Tackle. Red Cork, Grass, Ci - ton and Linen Lines, Out Lilies, Sea (in ot- rasa hv ihe yar.l, ':mods, File., Kirby, Limerick and ( arll-le Hooks, Rods, Ac., for sale by July 17. 'ot A. IV. FISHER. Citrate of Magnesia n n T A S T i: L E S S SALTS. r preparation is rccoinmeiided as an ex- cellent laxative uud purgative. Il operates mildly, is entirely free fioin any unpleasant taste rest milling lemonade iu flavor, prepared ami sold by A. VV. FISHER. Sunbury, July 17, t8S8. M 6 UX rT V E It N ON UOTEL, Second ttreet,-Jliilaw Arch, PHIL ADELrHIA PA ''IHE above establishment having uern reno--- vatcd and refurnished, the proprietor assures the public that a call is only needed, as he guar rntces full satistaclion in every case. Terms $ 1 ,25 per day. A. M. HOPKINS, Proprietor. September 2. lh.'iS. Urn sttltionery. A large sujiply of fancy Not J Paper aud Envelojiea, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Pens, fiik, Sand, Ac, at July 17, "nS. A. W. FISHER'S. J.T. HHOWN, Manutuciaiing Jeweller, No MMal' dsn ljine, oilers hi. slock, conti.lint: ol a f-riielal asaod nii'nl ul Ijx'krL, Chains, Ae., which are onerwl al Hi, lowc.l rash prices. Oreul liuluccnienls lo country cash tntyais lleloher 0, lF.'iS 3mos !USHONU'S Si SONS' Superior Burring Fluid, for sale at FISHER'S Drug ard Chemical Empoiiuin. Sunbuiy July 17, fSol. FTJKNITURK1 IUBNITTJRE ! I THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN BUN BURY. Fashionable, caiTiii.tV i :arul fpHE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in ftunbnry, thank ful for past favors, solicits t continuanea of lb public palronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, 4C, embraces EVIItV VARIICTV, rftEFl'L AND ORKA KlKKTAL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in his line can be had at moderate prices, Cheap for Cash, or Country l'roducetaken in exchange. Establishment .VotifA East Corner of Market Square. ITS" Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN HAtTT. Bunb'jrV, April 4, ls.i7 If " PHILIP H. PTJPsET. wnoi.Ksta An bktaii Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, IS. E. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at tho lowest prices. October 4. 1856. tf HERRING'S SAFE. AtJAIN THE CHAMPION 1 1 The. ony Sale which, in every instance, preserved ther en tire contents in the late ex tensive fire. At the burning of the Arti zati ltuildings. April 10th, Sand in the (Hi EAT FIRE in Market street, May 1st, I Kofi, j the geuuinc j HERRINO SAFE Preserved the Jewelry of (ieo. VV. Simons & Hro. ; Uooki, Papers, &c, of Fisher & I!ro.,snd Edward ealnans V Co., after remaining ev posed in the burning ruins for neatly FOUTV 1DM.R.S, and proving conclusively what we have always claimed for tliein, THEIR (H!RAT M'PEHIORITY over all securities now known. In these lires, THE HEKKINt!"S SAFE,, standing side by side with those advertised as 'warranted to stand 10 per cent, more lire than Herring's." came forth tho ACKNOWLEDGED VICTOR, not onlv preserving their contents in EXCELLENT order, but being in themselves ill a condition to go through another ordeal, while the boasted ' Salamanders" of other ma kers were badly used up in every instance, and iu some cases their entire contents completely destroyed. To tho public he would simply soy, that, do--ring the fourteen years the II ERRINIJ'.S SAFE has liecn before them, note than two hundred have pas.sej llimuli accidental tires without the occurrence of a simile Iosh. Wo would, therefore, CAUTION punhascrs against the misrepresentation of inleiesled pir tins. The HERRING'S PATENT is the only FIRE PROOF SAFE made in ibis citv, which is protected by a PATENT RIGHT, and we will guarantee it lo resist more then double the amount ol beta of any other Safe now known. 1'illKl, IICI'llMg A. CO., Sole Manufacturers ;n this Flato of "Herring's Patent Champion Safes iU ir(iii(7.. I'hitadt rf "Evans A Wn'sou's Improved Salaman ders," "Oliver Evaiis','' "C. S, tiayler'e," and "Scott's" Iron Chests, (a large assort ment luiMiip been l.i'r.en iu yurl paymcnl for "Herring's,") will be sold at low prices. Philadelphia, July 10, 1S5H. ly Saddle nnd llarnerta Maker j HENRY M-VTjrrr, Jit. i Na REfPECTFI'I.LV infoimsthe, (a-J? cili'eos of Stinbeiv and the pub- J'''h&.,'' fcneially.lbitt he has taken the shop occupied by Ilright nnd j beck, one door east ol S. Psiijil s Cabinet ' ker .hop where he is prepared lo turn cut work . :.. i :.. i:. .r i .. . t ... - i :.. .1.:- in his line of business conn! to any made iu this section of the -ountrv. Orders promptly execu- I ted and all kinds of prodm-e taken iu Exchange Sunbury. N an-!, iitl, J S H . ly s JWAY.NK'S Cli.MP'D SVRt P OF WILD Cools, Ac. For sale only at FISU EE'S. Sunbury, f.Vt. 2, lS.'t. : SADELRY AND HARNESS MAKING- j flIl E subscribe, respectfully iiilorm the citi j -- zens of Sunbury aud vicinity that they hac ; commenced the above business a few doorsebove : the Post Olfico, Market Sijuare, Sunburv, Pa. I Work of all kinds in their hate of business be done promptly and nentlv on the most will ren- sonable terms. CLEMENT &. OYSTER. February 13, 18,'ui. I'ililiieii I.ooL to lour Intrust. 1 LIiyCE i 1 THE sudscriher respectfully informs the far mers and thfl niiblie eeneiallv. that be ha. leased the lime kilns ol liu T. Clement in Sun i bury, and that hi has always on hand, and is I ready to supply a good unnlilv of lime to allwho may want lor building or farming purposes. llehas ulso a kiln at Keefer's crossings miles from Sunbury, or two froi-, Snvdertown, t"V All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange. GEO. W. STtlOIL Kunbnrv, Pec. 2S, 1SS7. GEORGE HILL, .TTC?aTEY AT LAV", SUNBTJHY, PA., ESPECTFULLY informs the public and his friends generally, thai he has removed to Sunbury, and has opened a law ollice at his residence, in Market square. His acquaintance wilh the English and German enables him to transact business in both languages. April IU, 18.ri8. ly TobaCCO and Sugars. 20,(IH0 Imported Segars of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and line cut tobacco at A. TV. FISHER'S. Bunbury, July 17, ... SUNBURY FLOUR STORE FOR 1859 O. O. H WEN, is yet at his old stand, South side of Market Square, ffunberv, and keep, constantly on hand a good stock of Flour, reed and all things in his line- lie has now on hand a fresh supply of No. I. superfine FLOI R No. 1 Extra, end Eztra Family in barrels.; Williamsport double extra in quarter barrel sacks, itye (lour, buckwheat Flour, Corn meal and chop cf all kinds for Sale cheap for CASH. He is always ready to sdpply the wants of his customers, in small or largo quntilies. ALSO, Crackers of alt kinds for sale at regu lar wholesale prices. He hope hy careful alien tiou to business, to merit and continue to receive the patronage of his customers. C. 0. HAVEN. Suubuij, Jan. 19, 1 80. tf. IJUIU: CIDER VINEGAR, TI KE CIDER VINEGAR, PURE CIDER VINEGAR, Dy Ihe quart, gallou end barrel, for tale bf M. C. GEAKHART. Sunbury, July 31, ISH. CO., OYSTER rACKKKS. iVo. 9 Alltmarle street and Au. ll) S.. Doiit street, Baltimore, Md. And Si-OTT'e. Crhel, Portshovth, Ya. TJES7 Al'RANTS supplied et ell seasons of the yea, with all the salt water delicacies found in the city markets. All erdera promptly and faithfully tended, lo.' Septemboi II, 1858. ly lScN ISA AO 3MV1LKHKSON, MANUI-AC TTJREB OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Sol aa. IHvnii and Loungf-a Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BROKFAST AMI DIM.NQ TABLES J awl also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal lo Phi'.a delpbin manuticture. KEDSI'EADS, of every pattern and priso CUPROAUDS WORK AND CANDLE STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES. In rtinrt, every article in this line of his business 1 HE subscribe, respectfully caI. the a.tenti-.i A of the public to hi. large and splendid as son ment of every quality iiul ,,ri,.c f . CAlILT.AVADtli Hiich cannot fail to recommend itself to every ene who will examine il, on account of iu ,lUru,. workmanship and splendid finish, made up of Die best stock to be had in the citv. N0 eFfrrl j, spared in the manufacture of ,i, ware, and the subscriber is determined lo keep up with t bo y "!"""""" wiuen are constant v b mm made. ' He of manufacture all kinds andqualitiss CITA I S. neludllig varieties never before t l,e had ii Sunbury, such as Maiioojis,, fl,.,rl! w, m1.""-" ,l",I,illtlli A Si II VV,.,,,,,, . i i A" .rT which are ol the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the t iiiesor elsewhere. The subscriber is determined thut there sua' be no excuse i,.r persons t pllr, , furniture jn tlie citus, as every conti.lenee can be eiitertair.d about llie quality and lini.h 0f his ware (.hairs Theaoartieles will be ilispo.e, 0f on J term as iney can lie pur. iinse.I i isewh. rc. Coun! . - - - .. try produce taken in pnvnicnt f,,r work. I NDEKTAKIMi. , roviilc.t a handsome Hciiisr, hp is imiw prepuied for I 'ndc Making, and attending Inn, 'nils, in this vi ciniiy, or at any convenient ditiauce f:i,m tine place The Ware Room is in Fswn Street, le low Weaitr's li,4i!. He has also purchased the ri-ht of miiniil'.ic. luring ami selling iu Nortlmmbrrlai .1 cr.U'itv, (iould's patent ExceNoir prit, I!, . I. yrbi !. l e will furnish nt n asontible t.ites. rtj.rin-s out in ld bedstead fer three dollars. IS.4AO M. WILKEKSON. Sunbury, A pril IS, lhfV tf. - ..... LANCASTER COLLIERY FOR SAIL' Ini(ii lant 1 1 ( 4;i ;t(H's. rjIIi; undersiu'tieil Leslies of tile '-L.ineii.ier - Colliery," near Sliain.ikin. N.iri!,iiiiil,e:luJ county, Pen'i-ilv.inia, wi-hiiiK to ndire tlie business, oP'rr l-r s:tle l!:e J. (:..- and Fixinri of said t'ollierv. ei ra'.i-IVtcl.'iv tcrei '. Tl. . ! ("olliery has b;cn in open-tioii .iinc Ih.'i!, .-:,l j has bleu sticres.-lu! l -yrit'I e j't'- '.-itlnn. 'j'l,., t-oal is a superior arlicl. I. r u'i i:.--si., obi,,, I Antliraciie isspplied. i.n-1 n ...! n-:! , i v, ee est,i!,lisbed. which inn le - :-c!i t:l, J. J. '!' ,' Hreaker Slid Fixtutc. tne i f t ! . .- v.-.y in-sl (b.n , acler uml will recoiiiPici'd t!..-i:.-elii . Iu pcr;o'i ! aceiiainli .1 wi'h the lm. !.(-:. The Lease runs to Jr.tu.urv I, 1 '". 4 ( ai. j( t I fivorable one for the ,ip- rutor. r or luilher liiformation apply t ll,n (tollierv in person, or by letter t.i Sliamokin, P. O., Nor thumberland coentv. Pr.Hs Iviinia. Clil 'H KA N, PEALi: A CO. Feltriiary (t, 1 S.'jrt.- - rf C'UlLD PENS wilh uml fiitUut ca.:s, ef a M vry nijH iior quality, in! received, i Also a frcli sepjly of V. utii-g I I tin, f,,r s,i ! !lT L. II. MANSER. Sniiberv. Dee. S7. ls.".fl- j MIIU1.U11I. in Ki.rur. ! BOOT STO.RU, 10 .'Oit ".l.TA S.l. r.'nr; Chfs '.n!. 'irl lOTS, Shoes. &c. pr.iii:,ilv r:t.U to order in Ihsvt tv In st ;t le. unH of best materia). Philadelphia. May E, l -.j7. DANVILLE ITOTIL. JOI-flNT DEtsT, JR., MarUt ;i. , ! ', I I'lS ii ,., c ,t,,. ..- st .,,,,1 ,.,.., . . ilious holi Is in II ? interior of I', n:',: .;, it has In-, i, recenil t'ntcil op, ;, evceilcct with all the moiler.i cj-venionces. DuiimIIciI. ,s,.pt. 'J2. I WHITE 1 1 y ;- litlTLL. potts villi;. PA. rIMIi; siili-cribcr lesnectfnKv ar'nuin-es i.i old li ieiiJ.i and the j.i-.l.;;,.. tli .t ., J,.,. , . . .. that old and well known it i ! t , the White .li&ioO Hotel. At the cor of Centic and Mahantoi;" st-'., m the Uorotigh f l'oiiMille. The house l.tis'r,, cently been very much e.,!.,iUcl a.,d lUacrui-e improved, rniilenng it ouit.- eoui'',;.ii,!,. ..s any ether Hotel in .V h.n ;ki; conntv .,.e the stables are larpe, iu r,i:.; i, a!;j r... lend by careful, atlenliie, p.-udi nl ho.-rh n.. To traiellers and other., e. ho mav soi nt I: s house, he promise-evt. eslculaud to rouder ciclorlal'le un I eaiisiied. JO:i. M. 1 April 1851'.- If TO. PL,ATEDVt msi ricTiin ii , JOIIS O..MIUS SV!?, rpi! I' oldest Electro Plater in the United Si .te,. mnnufustuies of every varuu of fi-i,;i ptaica win, puie silver, Jill-ita, E I lil'.la Steele Tea Sells, Uihs, Waiters. Casters Cak Lni. li:...i I , . Pa,- i., i iii tun, iioi'ieiH, Loii'rrur.ioii s er.kui s'ervii,., goods wrr.ii:t- rpo.uis, t oiks, Knives,-. ed as represented. North East comer 9th r..l t ''her nut M et. ,. . I'hiiaii. lj h.a, l'ct.iia. May 8, !3S. iy ) LANE Parehineni Paper Deeds and TtaTiU Mortgages, Punas, Executions, fc-u-imor.s-Ac, for sale h H. 11. MASsEfc. ' Sunbury .April 5(5,1851 poRT MONAIE., '1 lioth imTTlM, Pru.U' all qualities, and any .juanti .'..r saie l y , , . , A- w.'r.suiai. July 17. '5S. A TENT ERITTAN1A STOPPEKs" f par Homes lor sale by t , H- R MASHER. Snnbiipy. July 19, lf,fl. FOR EENT. rilHE Store Room iu Market street, tormerl? 1 occupied by P. W. (way. Apply tJ ihuex ecuiorsof H. Masser, deceased. April 17 I H.'o4. P. MELANCHTON SIIINDEL, J18TI i: t,v thk pi;u l', SXJN33XJPIY, IP A. Ofiiciin Ottr Strict, immediately ot-- sits ;t Public School 11, use. All business promptly attended to. Moi.iee collected end all ordinary writings done, fciuuhtry, April 25. 1857 tf 1 JURE CONCENTRATED LYE OR Si Pt l. I f I K K fnr u, I'l.llL',".. , sale al 1 1, Store, Price SO cts, 1 " ...-ui, i, n i ' r l tr PATCHOULV, JOCKEY CLUB, SPRINU FLOWERS, ir., of the be.l quality; " ul P'j jus. ncciveu anil lor Diug Store of A. VV. uuhrv. Jut) 17, 18M. tn.u al tut F'HEll. II EN It Y DONNEL, ATTORNEV AT LAW. Ojfict opyvsitt the Court Uoum, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Piempt eitenliim to lun.iess in Jioiiiiec .ttUitiie.. 4