o c 1 r g TEE WINES OF MARCH. SI Fit fllHt HAWICK. The wind, of March or bomming, Their parting Hong, their parting long, And .nrnm.f fkiet are cotriin?, And days grow long, nd dnjl grow long, I watch, botnot in gladness, Our garden tree, our garden tree j It buds, in oher sadness, Too noon :cr wo, too focn lur me. Mv second winter', titer, 'A Us', and l.n'M I and 1 )ae no accepted lover ; Don't ask me why, don't aBk me uj, Tin not alep or idle That love hath boon, lUnt love has bcun -j For tnany a happy bridal The year has seen, the joar has seen ; I've done a bridvmaid'a duty At three or four, at three or four; My best boquet had beauty, Its donor more, its donor more, Mv second winter's over. Alas I and I. alas ! and 1 Have no accepted lover : Don't ask me why, don't ask me why. Ilia flowers my bosom shaded, One sunny day, one sunny dny ; The next they Qud and faded, . beau and to)uet, beau and boquet, In vain fit bulls and parties I've thrown my net, I've thrown my net; Thi waluing, wale hiig hear is Unchoseu yet, onchoeen yet, ty second winter's over, Alas ! and I, alas ! and I lLive no accepted lover : Don't ask me why, dou't ask me why. They tell me there's uo harry For Hymen's ring, for Hymen's ring ; And I'm too young to marry : 'Tis no sach thing, 'tis no inch thing. The next spring tides will dash on My eighteenth year, my olghloetilh year; It puts me in a passion, Oh dear, oh dear ! oh dear, oh dear 1 My second winter's over, Alus 1 aud I, alas I and 1 Have no accepted lover : Dou't ask ms why, di n't ask me why. u m o r 0 u s Can't a Man think Wuat mk Flkasbs ? Jo the fprinir of 1S07. (our authority is explic it,) an excitement municipul election was held in Princatoo, Indiana. The all-absorbing compound qnention to bo noswered by the electors, was : "Whiskey ? or no Whiskey T Owing to the fact that sundry grogshops had been mooned, and their content destroyed by tho fair Asiozods vt the village, during tha nrecedinir fall and winter, a vast auanu ty of bad blood bad been engendered, and the eioction was bitterly contested. Conspicuous among the champions or "rreeLngor, was a Dutchman by the name of Druche. Das- che, "aiit his vrow," had his "local habitation beyond the coporate limits of the village aforesaid ; and, by conscquenee, hud no right to vote in Princeton. HutDuscle hud not thu remotest idea of limiting his exertions to the Raid of "moral suasion," and ho therefore voted a plumper for "Free Whiskey," in all its phases. Dasche was tried for the offence io the Court of Cominou Flees of Gibson County, Judge P. presiding and found guilty. Dasche was enraged ; and gave vent to his feelings in language wheieiu it was hard to say whether bad English or broken Dutch predominated. The Court ordered hiin to be silent, the only reply was a volley of fragmen tary polyglot anathemas. His Honor again rebuked him, and threatened imprisoDiueut, unles he heli bis peace. Daschu rose and ueked, meekly : "J udge can't a man dink vat he bleascs ?" "Certainly," replied the court, "you may think wh:itver yon like-" ' Den," replied Dufche, a smile of trinmpk flashing across his Teutonic features as he glanced at the judite and jury, dinki yon ish all a set of internal tchoundrtls f "Time," was suddenly, "called ou him," but liis speech was Uuwheil. Huaikp. An American sloop-of-war had pnt into no English port, and the first lieuten ant went ashore to reconnoiter. In the coarse of his truvels, be entered a tuvorn where a number of British officers were caro using. They at once recognized the lieuten ant's natiouulity by bullying him. "Well comrade," say9 one, "you belong to tbo United States, I see." "Kight," vrng tbo answer. "Now, what would you do to a man who should suy that your uavy did not contain an officer tit for a bumbout ?" continued the Eng lishman. "I would blow bis brains out '" return our lieutenant, with groat coolness. There was silenco among her majesty's ser vants for a moment j but finally one of them more muddled thau the rest, managed to stammer out : "W well, Yank, 1 say it j" The American walked to Lis side, aud replied calmly : "It is lucky for you, shipmate, that you have no brains to blow out .'" struck by the dignity of the answer, the offender at once apologized, and our hero was iuvited to join the OK'.i. A Highwayman undertook to rob Major Jones, ile met Jones in a wood over in Jer tey. He asked Jones for his pocket-book. Jones refused to yield. Highwayman took Jones by the neck, and oudertook to choke him. Jones made tight and kept it op for h.lf an hour. At the expiratiou of that time Jones euvoJ, and the highwayman commenced nfliug his pockets. The coutents amounted to eighteen cents. "Is that all you've got ?" 'Every cent." "What made you Cght so long J" "Didn't want to be exposed. Dud enough to haveouly eighteen cents j a great deal worse to have tha whole world know it." A Dandy who bad a "splendid" mustache' being aBked at a party to favor the laJics with a Bong, replied that he "really aw coulu't reollect the tune." A beuuty who was nor exclaimed "Oh, dear, how can that be when the hair air ) is hanging on your very lip !" Mie has since been married to him ; serves Ler right for her Impudence. Hasdh is hie As 'BSDAHts. A few eve. tings ago a party or "Young Americans" win standing in frontuf an ancient looking sadler srhop, kept by ou Hans a Dutchman Mischief reigned supreme among tbeir num. br and, thinking to have soma sport with our German frieud, oue of them opened the door aud thus addressed him : for' do"gsi"j8rmttU:r'b,!Tyer 60t n' "a(JJIe, Now. Young American, no doubt. expected Hans to land a stick of wood iu the iimuediste vicinity of the door ; but no j Looking up fr oui b!S work, quite composedly, be repUu j "Yaw ; foom in unt try vou ou !" Young American sloped. Old Uachelors. The folloig it doubt 'is, addressed to old bachelors. We submit Wis, it to a certain "institution miles from this place : not a thousand lou ra drying op, you'll blow away; Then pray no longer tarry, Remember what the Bible says There is a time to marry." Couventioo of "Progressiva Rkoln..n .held in Delaware last week Resolution! adopted to tha effectthat the institution rnage , or aivme orgin and of national uav mat me extravagance of the t tenons obstacle to au entrance iota F( r'uiun. iflfie. 18S3- NEW ROUTE FOR TRAVELER I Northern Central Railway ! ! .WINTER ARRANGEMENT. IjHtOM Sn AFTCK MONDAY, DEL', lllh, 1 !H.',!, the Trams f Ins Northern Central Hallway Cnfapsuy will leave Daily, (ftundoys emceptrd) a follows i OOINO NORTH. IirjrFALO AM) NIAGARA EIl'RERS TRAIN. From 11 A I. TIM ORB lo MJNPURY A WIL'MSPORT. Afrits lrtvs. Calvert Station, 3 30 P.M. v.irk, .n e st PruVi-pcrt, 7 AA 8 40 Malum, V 37 S 37 Millersliurir, t 61 V MS tieoig-lowii, IU iO III 90 Trcvoik'U .litntlh II, IU W IU W Prims-Onrve. IU 40 1(1 4 it rrui Kt, ii ou ii o Norlhumbrrbail, II III II I'i Chilliimirue, II 80 111) lwubuig, II Hil II M Milton, 1141 II 4.S Wntluntnwii, U .'m 11 fi5 rmniilciwn, IV t is I'i 04 Uyttrra. W II I'i II Al.iMljfomery, Ii la 'i II bcr;rr'a I'i 18 I'i 14 Minify, I'i -a I'i 'io Mnnti'iirivilla, ii I'i I'i 44 Wttiimntpotl, II 6OIN0 BDUTII Frimi Wn.LiAMtPonr t" rU'NBL'RY A BAI.TIMORK Arrlva. l.ravs Willimnrpntl, fj 3U . U Mtitit'itiriville, a 10 f IU Munry, SM 8 at I Htrftot'i, iru H lit! Miuttmtr;, 0 (ri V ui Kyater'a H 01 V 01 I'ninnt'iwii, V 10 tl lu Watatintiiwn, M 10 19 Milton, V 74 V VI l.twiilmrft. t SI 9 23 Cbillilqnaqun, 9 37 II .'17 NnrtriuiiilierlniHl, 9 17 H 47 kLUl II V, 9 fl'i 9 M Ifrliaa-drove, 10 07 1(1 10 Travurtim JuimIikh, 10 'is IU Omircrtowji, lu 37 10 a7 Millrmtimg, 11 li 1 1 V HulilRl, II SI II 'i'i Undfc-fpurt, Vi III 15 P. M Yotk, 16 'i uo Calvert Slatien, i (u MAIL TRAIN. UOl.MJ NORTH From BAL11MURK to PL'.Mlt'RY & WIL'MSPOKT- Arnva. IxHve. Cnlvctt Statli n 8 IS A. M York II Ml II II Uridypport I'i ?i I 10 P. M. Clark's l orry 1 58 I M Hallax J 111 'i 18 Milleist'Ur V H7 ii an Buchanan U 'M t 'M Mohontorif;a -i 44 S 44 Georgetown II 57 t 47 Trevorton Juuation 09 3 10 t?e!ma-(trova S 44 3 27 SfNBURY. 3 37 3 43 Northumberland 8 A3 3 ft3 Chilliiquaqu I W 4 M Lewithurg 4 111 4 10 Millou 4 til 4 ft Wntaontown 4 3-4 4 35 I'liHMilowii i ii 4 4i Kyitrr't 4 47 4 47 Montgomery 4 4W IN Herptr'l 4 AS 4 AS Muncy S 00 S VI MontourivUia fl IS S 19 WHIiun.ti.ort s 3u 60INU SOUTH. From WatuMtrum loSl'NBVRY Si BALTIMORE Arriva. I.etve. U'illlamaporl, IU SU p. Moatouravi,:, ID 43 IU 43 Muucv, II HI II Ci Uerger'a II 09 11 (lu Muntriornery 11 It II 13 Kyiter'a 11 IS 11 18 I'iiionlown 11 i 11 24 Wntaontown 11 3'i 11 34 Milton, 11 44 II 45 Lewialmrr; 11 55 11 58 Chilliaqnaque Vi 01 I'i HI Northuinberlani I'i U 12 10 SL'NBIRY, 12 2 li S8 feline Grove I'i 41 12 44 Trerortnn J utiatlon 108 1 81 A. Georgetown, 1 14 1 IS Mnhuntongo 1 2fl 1 5J Ruchauun, 1 3S I 35 Millerthurg 1 43 1 43 Huhlnx 3 00 2 HI Clark'. Feiiy 3 lu '- 19 l"laii hin S 37 S 37 llrulgeport 3 07 3 30 York 4 43 t ill Calvert 9tati"n. SO Dee. 3, IS3S. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR -SALE riHE aWriberi, Exocnton of the citete o X fenrv Manser, dee'd., offer &t private tale the following propertvis: A large two story frame dwelling houie, together with about HO CBRE3 0F LBND. Situate in Lowm Auguita townihip adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and othere now in the occupancy of John R. Kaufman at a etore anil dwoliing. The house is new and the location a good one for business. Also a TRACT OF MME8T02VV LAND, in said township on the river about 6 miles be low Sunbuiy, adjoining lands of J. T. M'Pherson and others, continuing, about UO serfs. The soil is productive and contains limestone and other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing about 3ft acres on the hill, about two miles below Sunhurs, adjoining lauds of the hciis of the lata John Conrad and others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. Fer further particulars spply to the subscribers. II. U. MAM t K, P. I). MASSE lt Exeeuters. FKANCIS BLOHER. Sunbury, January 19. 1850. if PALL AND WINTER QJS con KB , IV ST ARItlVED AT THE STORK OK J. ii. of SunbHi j, ia , 1AS ju.t arrived w:lh a Ki lcnJii) atock of Fall Good, from I'tiiladtlpliin, to which he respectfully invito bis friend and the Public lo call and iimi'fi't, he will snare no time in show ing them. Among hia stuck of good will be found, FINE BLL'E AND BLACK PE.E1TCE CLCTH. Fine Black and Fancy Casimerea Tweed, Sat' inetts, Jean add Farcy Veatiiii;, alao a large as sortment of Iveudy-made CLU1 llliNCi fur mea and boja (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Black and fancy drem silk, (very cheap) silk cl. al ii, French Merino, I'rintcd French Merino, l'laid Cahlnere, all wool Delaine, all wool Drbage, Mohair Dcbege, Printed Caolimrre, Ynlentia, Challi i?obe a quilli, Deluine Robes, Persian De laine Kubca, loil de Chcrre Kobca, Plain Detage Lovrllas and Delaine at all prices, and the Ked stripe skirts, Fall Shawls and Mantillas, a good assortment of white rooJi, Collars, Sleeve, Irish Linen, bliirt fronts, .Marseilles, Urilliant &c. A general assjrtmrnt of domestic Dry Uo'da. Alao a large atock of Hats and Caps, Uoots and shoes, Hardwure, Queen and lilashware, Liroccrita, CVdarware, ISione and Farthcnware, Drug and Paints, fr'alt, Fiab, Cheeae, Ham, Oil, Tar Ac. &c N. 11. Wall and Window Paper, FIor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpels, all the above will ba sold at low prices for cash or country produce ta rn in exchange for liooda. J. ii. ENUF.L. fuiibury, Dec. 11, lSf8. If. Slttornrn at Eab', BUNBURV, IA. Bu.inchs entrusted to hi charge will be expedi tioualy anj laiihfully attended to. i'ailiculur atlcmton paid to the collection of claims. HKPKKKNCKS T "''", Saiibuiy, I II ui it Tairetiit, Nurihber'd ' "'". " I " 1 Shmcicl, AU.nluwii, V I f.rm.,U(!h, K..J, " I li V M,P,, uwlkbu.K, Ocii J K Urairnt, " Col H U Kyer, Bchuaarove. Sunbury, Nov. 0, 16."j y TFST RKCEIVKD a large lot of ready mad CLUTH'NC, Cheap at i. H.ENCEI.'S. Sunqnry, Dec. 11, 18158, MJJ tt-'E'VED a larga naortment of Salinatt, Cassiuier and Cloth, at , J.H.ENCEL'S. Bunbury, Dee. II, I8SJ I'sire Wlneti and L.IjuurM. JUS T received at FISUER'8 Druri and Che. " lineal Emporium. Bunbury, Oct. 1868. SYMPHONIANS, grand mu.ical inatrum.nU juat raceived from ciuow Hill, Landon, and for .-..l. by Tt Gi COOPER, eunbury, February 1J, US9. WHEELER:W1L80N KtANTJFAOTUniNa CO 81 FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. rpIIK simnunnns favor which hR attended ihs mtuHlnc .1 tumor Whcklkr fc Wilson's Family Sewing! Ma chine, ii uffiiient evulence of its excellence. It nel ienji now M ny, that this use I ul instrument is becoming a ilmii..lif i,..l.i,' .i . Ikn f.mt isi rnf.itniiv.i-li hV It! UCC .'- fill use in thou rtnuis of Fntnilit'S in every rank in life. Ts th ne who h:.vc hitherto refraiiied from nvuilmp theiielves i f iti huvQiilnsfn, it niiiy not te ntniss to &ny, inai n ntysnoin prol;!ctn to be solveil, but a success olreuily feiitiizrd. The In? It cut testimmv is cnnttiintfy offered, oon- flrmiiif the verdict which 1ms given this iiulrucinentons wiue unci envmuic a repntiunm. This Much i ne in conceived on a principle entirely tjripi mil. heinsr m...iii!!v mid ndiniriibiv odrptid to the most per led work on evtsy kind ol nmtcnui ami, muring wvu subjectod ton three years' test of the most seaiching chitrtictei by Fiunilies, mid in vnfious brnnches of Mauu fneture. with diniiiitriiifttird sncrcsa. it is lielievetl tlint in all the grrttt ntHiits 'rrtniisite to a complete and nrurtical bewmg iMai'Unie, itinnnot l Hiipronciieo in excuuenrc. Amonp tle uiutouhted ntivnutucs it pusKesses uvui un older uniy iie nnmeu me loiiowing; 1. lu simplicity ot coiiit ruction, anu consequent nee dun i front durniiuement and nerd of repairs 12. Its uni'xnmpieu mputitvanu euse ol opeiauon. ft lid ninietM mnvt-inoitt. 4. The eriat vanetv of DUnioRe to which it enil he niv t'lici., which can be achieved by uo other nice bu mem UlviUiJi. Alio. 6. The pre-eminent beauty and durnhimy of the wors I (irul your Machine mvnliuihle I have used it ayenr, And ithisi itpvtr t)irti out of uTiler. The stitt'ti is VflV dll- ruble, find cn be nilnptt d to fine or coarse materials. It works with the rnnnlitv of a dozen ooir of hands ; stives much tune, fatigue and expense. Due of your Machines ia turd in mv fntlit'i'ii fiimilv : nnotht-r hi the household of asirtrr; and others by various friends. The opinions of all ncei-rd with thut 1 have just en pressed." Mrs Anna Cum Hitclne. "There is but one Sewmp Macliine j and that is Whce lei and Wilson's.11 Judge Meigs, of Ihs American lusti- tute. 'The Sewinff Machine pnrchfisrdof yon has been whol ly serviceable. nev. lr. wnnucl iJniotl. Nofumily can afford to do without it. Opinions op the Nkw Yohk Taass. We prefsr them for Ininily uie Tribune They ate the favorites for families 'limes, Are without a rival. scientific Aineiiian. Works more umfotmly than the hand Herald. lo the work of ten ordinary sewers Jour Coin. Kquul to lone seam tresses. Home Journul Thk innchtor, fr lunuly use. Advocate Jit Journal. Most liouonilile to American geuuis Independent. We cannot imiipine onyitiing more perfect Kvangehst. Will tivc eutmj satisfuetion. Observer. The best ever invented. Christian Inquirer. lu lookiHg for the bvet, sethese Kxaunuer. Admirably adapted for family use Chronicle. Indispensable in every family. The Treacher. We pmie it with enthusiuRm Christidn lutcllicencer. Worthy of the highest awaid. iablxith Recorder. A benel'iction of the ope. l'utnam's Magazine. M;iuicnl m operation. Mrs. Stephens1 Monthly. Hfvond all question, the muohmes. J.iie IllustrutrJ. The stitch cum.ut be unraveled. Am. Asricultuiibl. They maintain the pre-eminence. Kx press. S:ives the time and health of ten women, Water Core. Our household is in ecsUicics with it. l'oittr't Spirit. Supply the fiisluotiable world. Uaily News. A re pre-eminently superior. I .adieu' Visitor. One of our household pods L'. S. Journal. I'nrivulleil in every quu'ity. Day Hook. I'lutiyust ful, nineical Leslie's Gazette. Have mi equul for family uce. Musical World A triumph ni mecliHiiicnl genius .N . Y. Jomnnl. Combine every requirement. Family Magazine. Vastly superior to nil otheis Gold- Trie. We cunuot tire in its praise New Yoikcr. Fur further particulars apply to H. B. Masser, Sunburv, Fa., agent of the manufacturer, who will Kiipply machines at the muuulucturers prices. lunburv. May 15. IPS. tf A Valuable Book for Invalids. SKUr&Y HAIL, AND NOT TU WS FAID VoK DM Til. BhCKIVtU 11AO AMD APPROVED OF. IF NOT APCRoVEU No CHARGE Dr. SAML'KI. S. FITCH'S -!lX LKCTt'KKS" o thuuiust-8. Prevention ami Curcot Uiseosi'S ol' the Lungs, Ttirout, ilcjrt, SLuiiiuch, limvcls, Liver, Kiduies, Skn. 4. C., Fcuifliu Cuinnlaitiib, urni Chronic tliseuses vneiully on the 1hvvs ol' Luc, uiul the true lut-thixl by winch neulih ami vigor muv tie prrserveit tonne hundred yeurs, A vol ume ol 3j pies, tiandanintrly ImuiuI in muslin, wuu 25 illuBtrutions. Ja this volume JJr S. S. FiU-h, (vvIm is widely known us the author of a new and eminently suc cessful method of treatment for Ihs above ciunplututs, and ee;Hi-ialiy consumption, aud other dmenscsoi the Luncs and Titruut,) explains thn lending Iwiinirs ol Ins treatment and givrs plum directions by which those inclined to three conipltiiHts limy themselves prevent them or arrest their progress. Over v!(rU,0o0 copies of this bw-jk have been stiUf, and theic are peisons in all attsof our land who gratefully acknowledge that it has been the means of pre srrving then lives and giving them iiwny ei uf gtjod health. We present a few specimens of the nutiavous cumincii detions the iKtok huu received: The New Vork Tiibune thus closes a lengthy notice of it "The greut importance of the subject and oui ooi.h deuce derived from personal knowledge and peiuor.ul hen tht in Dr. Fitch's suggestions have impelled us to re commend this work. Ye turn we have said enti(!h to iuduee llioae uitltclerl or tlireateued wi'h consumptiuii, to procure ami read Dr Filrli's bok.M Letter from tie Hni lltitult.'ii Fish, firmer Govcrnr of .New York : V 'ashintoii, Febiuary Oih, IrnVI. lr. 5. S, Fitch, bear Sir : 1 bctf lo reluru my thanks for the volume you hac been so kind ne lo present to me. The very hurried examination winch ulone 1 have been able us ytt to give lo .'t, ItLia excited interest and brought the con viction that t.'ie reputation which these Lectures have achieved is liastd UMn tntmikic merit. Kxtrar-t troiii a letter from the Un. S. II. Haven, lute member of Cingris from Frie Co., N X , : "1 have no doubt but it is a radical and very tn-efu! work. I lioj e it will Iiave a pi-uernl circulation, aud ll will, J have no dt'U!t, do iiiucii (iin.d." Fxtrnct from u letter from the Hon. Gilbert I lean, t;.te mei.iber of Congress. ! rrad y ur Six Lectures on cu sumptive diseases tlirce years agr, uud siuill uijain peruse them." Fx tract from a letter from the Hon. James Toekhart, btte tncmlier uf Conuress. (Froin leading it I have re ceived many valuable bints. 1 rtgmditus a wolk of great merit." Snys Sidney Warner, Fc , o Waterloo, N Y.:"My brother and most of his fumily are dfd of consnmpliou, but 1 and mine uie living and Weil , and 1 think it is owing in tie h to the teachings ol yutir lunik which 1 have followed carefully lor the lust nine years." We could till o Immis with similar statements C?" Wishing lo make this book as uselul as possible, we will t'lrwuul a copy of it by mail, poht paid, to any address thai inuv be sent us. and the mice 50 cents, muv te remitted iu postage stamps ot otherwue lo us niter the book is received and approved of. it may bs applied for personally or by letter. Consultutiou hylr Fitch, at his office, 71 1 Uroadway, N. Y., personally or hy teller, fiee. AtKlresir. . l. r 1 1 t- lt Cli Jan. 22, lr;. 3in. It Uroadwav, N. Y. NEW PAPER DEPOT. npHE public are informed that I have opened in the law ollice of my brother, below Youngs stoie, a bonk and periodical depot, and will keep constantly on hand all the beet publications of the day; viz : New York Ledger, Waverly, lioHton True Flag, Flag of Our L'nion, utid anything in my line desired by the public. books and Muuic of all kinds furnished Fto order. EDWARD C. UOUIN.' Nunnury, Jan. 8, I8f9. 1 ST RECEIVED a general assortment of WW New Goods at the Store of J. II. EN GEL. Sunbury, Dec. 11, 1S58. iLMONDS, RADONS, FIGS, LEMONS. - &c, Ac, just received a fresh supply and for bale at the Confectionary store of M.C.UEARHART. fiunhury, May 16, IS.V7. -A- CJTIJD. Philadelphia, Pa. The uiidt rsicueit the Pounder and Publisher of VAN COl KT'S iJi 1FNTLK FLIT 1K t'KCTOH, desirous of retinue fioin this brunch of busmen, hn inerped thut old eHiblihed work iu the iopular JJA.NK NOTK KK POHTKK of IMLA Y A l.lCKNKLL. Ilaviuff published Vun Court's l)f lector since ld3tf, the undersigned reluc tantly puits with bis old fneuds and subscrilHrs ; but this felnftftuec is lessened by the crmvicn-. ihut iu I MI AY Ac BlCKXta.L'8 11ANK NOTti K FPUUTKK "they will teaeive a work that matches the tunes. J. VAN COL' ft T. Philadelphia, Deo 1 , NOTICE. All Sutiscriptions k IMX,-AY Sc BICKNELL'S HANK NOTE K K P O It T K K ara pavaLle scrupulously in Advance. This is thj oldest Uunk Note PuUicatiou in tha world. For thirty Jong years it has niuiulamed au unsullied reputation, and con tinues to be tha necessary companion of all business people over tbo whole comment of Aineuea. THE COINS OF THE WORLD ! Now in press by Inilay k Bickuell, will be given rratui touuly to all old aad new subscribers. AU Com Churls, aud Manuuls, as compared with this, nwy be considered waste paper. TERMS. To the fterai-M-Hithlr, f 50 pr miuiu. Moirtldy, 00 " ingle Copies, at tha Cotmler, 10 Oents. " Mailed. Id " Addreas LMLAY k RlCKNKI.L, R.i IIM, Post Ctfics Philadelphia, Pa. January IS, leoW. 3m j . JUST RECEIVED a lot of GenUeinons SHAWLS and BLANKETS, at J. H.rNGEL'6 9torf. Bunbury Dc. 11, W. HIGHLY IMPOItTAUT HEW M. C. OEAltllAKT, lias rctarrred with a mw Htock of Confcctionaries, Fruit and Toys. IT seems aa if a new nge, a new life was open ing upon us, aniinntiiiaT every heart to nobler ilecd and higher stma ! Art, Literature and tScl- euro will glow anew and seek to develop sub lirnrr beauties and grander conception. 'lie busineiA world too must feel the new in flueiue and every part be quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge us on with electric speed to the consummation of greater things than was ever dreamed of in tlio Philosophy of tho past. Animated by the enthusiasm winch prcvaiies all classes, and desirous of doing his ahara to wards "The great events of tha Age, the sub scriber would respectfully inform the food peo ple of HUN BURY and the public generally, thut he has just returned Irum the city at I'uiiauei. phia with the largest and choicest stock of Con fectionaries, Fruit and Toys that has ever been brought to this section uf country. He is also manufacturing all kinds of Confcctionaries, Ac, to fill up Older, wholcsa'e or retail, at short no tice. Among his stock of Confcctionaries, may be found : French Secrets, Gum Drops, all kinds of scant, l.ovc Drops, Mint Drops, red and white, Jelly Cnkca, Flint Drnpa, Stick Camltua, el all aocitts Hock Candy, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Burned Almonds, C renin White, " lcmou Hose, Vanilla, Common Secrets. Liquurice, Mnnsnns, I'mitea, Dute, Pigs, Currants dried, Citrnhs, Almonds, Rmsnns, Nuts of all hunts LEMON SYKUP of a superior quality, by the sinple or docn. A superior quality of Sr-gam and Tobacco, and a variety of Coi.fcctinnarius, fruit. Toys, Vc, all of which is o lie red cheap at wholesale or retail. Remember the name and place, ffj M. t'.UEAKHART, Market at., 3 door west of Fisher's Drugstore, bunburv, Octuber 30, l8.r8. ly BLAIE'S COMIORCIAL HOTJSE A'y. 20 Hixth street, above Vhesnut, rhilad'a. ERCHANTS, business men, and persons generally will find this hotel one of the most convenient and pleasant in the city. Tho proprietor will use his best elt'orts to accommo date his guests, and at reasonable prices. December 4, 18f8. ly IRA T. CLEMENT informs the public that he will constantly keep on hand, at his wharf, a supply of all sizes of coal, from tha colliery of rahrion & Clement, which they will deliver to customers in town. Sunbury, Dec. U .8. NOTICE. 4 Hi persons indebted to James Beard, la to I'rothunotary of Northmnbcrlnndcnunty, for lees, oVc, aro requested to uinkc immediate pay ment, and thus save cost and further trouble, as all accounts remaining unpaid will be placed in the hands of a Justice for collection. Payments can be made either to tho subscriber or to J. K. Beard, at his ollice. JAMES BEARD. Sunbury, March 57, 18.r.8 tf Wholesale (grocery. Opposite the Pennsylvania Kail Rout! Depot HARRISBURU, PA. EEP a large stock of the following namnd articles, and will sell cheaper than any ollur house this side of Philadelphia. Cull and see pries of CotVcc, Lard oil, Fish oil, Sugar, Pish, Tar, 'i'ca, Salt, Rosin, Spices, Hams, Pitch, Tobacco, Shoulders, Oakum Cigars, Flour, Robes, Vinegar, Fluid, Calcined Plaster Cheese, Soap, Candles &c. S. H. Molasses, Syrups, N. O. Molasses. Also, Cement, Safety Fuse, Crow Bars, Sledges, Iron and Nails, for sale ut very small protits. July 3, '858. ly Philadelphia- and xTsAsmd RAILROAD. CHANGE OF HOURS. ON AM) A FT Kit MUNDAV, July a. Is, llied..va Itiiirnini; I'ifHKt-ner trim will k;iv lVlUv'ilU al A. M., piMim Ktiiilintr ut A..J.,uu4 ainvuig ut riuLuk-lpliiu at I'J.'J-i, iinoii. The ilowu AlttTnoon Tumi will leave P'tu.vill. at 3 30 P. .MM piiHhiiii! KruJtug ut j.UO, and arriving ut I'lnladcl phm :il 7.4U, V. M Mornuii! and AuerniHii PuMenLT Truins leave I'liiln illptnu at miul liuuis a. iRH-lnlure, 7. JO A. .M . unit J Jtt 1'. M . passing Kcacliiig i.1 lu.'Jj A. M. uud SUI 1'. M. l.l.HANON V Al.l.i:V UltANCH. liistcii(E''r Triiin Ir;,vc8 Ki'iniini! nt lli.Urf A. M , (nflL-i arn al l)ivvn una li .MiTinni; Passenger 'i'ram I rum I'uttfcv'ille ami riiilaiU-lpliiu.) uiul uiiivc. ut linn ijiluiri; ul l'J.;U mtoii, ih tune tn cuniiect with Pin.Kt'iiKT T'luin. lur Sunl'ury, WllliaiintjHiil, Ijlnnr.'l, Putshiirt;, CliainU-rMliurt;, Italtiiuore nnil lnii usti-r. Ketiirning, leaves E !ui riHluir u; al U 1. M , alter uirivul of I'libsenyer Trains fpiuiiill uhave points, uud an ives ul Keuilinu at 1.&3, in lime to ruuiieet with t'pand Down Pussetiiier Tiaias tu l'uttb. villc and I'lnluiieliiliia. the sunn; eveaini;. U. A MCOI.1JI, Kncuiecr uiul uiierinltndeut. July 17, IMS. tf STO E. f ISSLOI1SA SHISSLEK, respectfully in forms the citizens of Trevorlon and sur rounding county, that she has opened a new store of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor ton in iShamokin street, nearly opposite Knouse's Tavern, where all kinds of Bonnets aud Fancy Goods can be had at the lowest terms. Dress making also attended to in (he Lest manner and latest style. April 2.1, 1858. tf THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, BROADWAY, CORNFH OF FKANKLIN STRF.LT, NEW "5T03HK CITY, Has been recently remitted, The liooins aia newly curpeted. The Furniiure uud Ueds are superb, And the Maths me unKiirpitsik-d. TAYlaOH-ci CKLKIiitA l'KU SALOON'S AKK CONNKCTtD WITH TIIK UUTUL. Here is coiiceutiuted all the comforts of a home, with the luxuries of a puluce. THU SPLENDID LADIF.S' FA It LOR Commands ami unequalled vikw or nanxuwAV, TIIK I N T K It N ATI N A 1 , is the most centntl of any of the ft si cIhks Hotels for busi iiess, or places of Hiuusenant, and oilers unsiirpasKed ad vuutuges lo fuinilies and ttentleiueii visitiuK New York. Ali-bku F UK km an, Proprietor. New Yoik, July 3, lftib ly NOBLIT, BEOWN & NOBLIT. C'nblut-t Jl alter' Flndiut? Store AND BEDDING WARE-KOOMS, Having If E M O V E D lo the new Iron From Warehouse, No. 223 South MeconJ Mrert, below Dock, Weal Side, I'll ILI.DELPHIA. JV OW otVcr lo ther customtirs and ths public 1 ' generally , new and full aaaortineiil of CABINET HARDWARE & MATERIALS. Tlu'y invite the attention of the trade to their stock of Hair beating and Curled Hair, of their their own manufacture ; Also to a full assort ment of BEDDINU AND UPHOLSTERY. Philadelphia, July 3. 1658 ly COAL! COAL! COAL! t'roiu the Coal Mount ulu Colliery. 'IHE subscribers, now operating this Colliery, are prepared to furnish or deliver, at their wharf, at Northumberland, all sizes cf Coal, from their mines. 'I bis is a very superior quality of White Ash Coal, which they are prepared to fur nish promptly to order. They are also prepared to furnish ReJ Ash Coal Irum the Lambert Colliery. FAHRION4- CLEMENT. Bunbury, August 88, 1858. tf. CILVER WATCHES A few double case English Silver Watches, for sale at very law Pc4) by . H. B MASHER. C WAYNE'8 Celebrated Vermifuge or Worm Killer. Th. best remedy known for ex pell in Worm. Forslat FISHER'S, ectober 1, '59. Iron City Commercial College. PiTTMiraoii, Pi. rntitsl853 SO STUDENTS ATTENDIKO JANUARY, IMS. Now the largest and must thoruosh Cnmnmclnl Sehmt of Ihs t'mtrtl states. Ytiting nun predated ftir actual rlutles nl the lotinttnif IfiHHn. J. t:. plinth, A.M. Tiuf. of Uoukksruing aiul Science of Aeei Mints. A. T. D'lulhrH, Toucher of Arithmetic and Cutamercial r'nleuhitioti. J.A. Ilryilnrlt ami T. C. Jrusint, TracLers ef'B kveptng. A. Cowley aud W. A. Miller, Profs, of reninaiiship S1NUI.K AND DOl'BLE ENTRY BOOK KF.Ff iNO, As used in every deportment of business COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC RAPID Bl FIN ESS WRITrNG PETKCTINU COUNTF.RI I IT MONEY MERCANTILE CORRi:PPV.:ENCE- COMMERC1AL LAW Are taught, and all other subjects necessary fur ths success and through education of a praelieul busmevs man. it PREMIUMS. Drawn all the premiama in Pittsbwgli for ths past thrvs yenis, n'so iu Kaitcru and v esteiu Cities, lor ben wil ting. Not EMoSivto Woltt. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Students enter at any time No vacation Time unlimi ted Review at pleasure Graduates assisted in obtaining titiiaiinns Tuition fur full Cuimnereml Cuursc, aVtf.no Averaue tuna H to 12 weeks HonrJ, 62 M per week fuilkaieiy, u uo Entire cost, iGO,00 to 87(1,00 17" Ministers Sons received at half price. For Card Circnkir Specimens of Business sin) Orns mentul Wiitiug -inetcse two tmmi, and eddress K W. JLNKIN?, Piltsbuigli, Pj. Set.tember 55, Ui8 ty Citrate of Magnesia on TASTELESS SALTS, preparation is recommended as an ex cellent laxative and purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in llavor, prepared and sold by A. V. FISHER. Sunbury, July 17, IH.'.S. 11i:i;K CITH'R VINEGAR. PI JtF. CIUER VINF.GAR, PURE CIDER VINEGAR. By the quart, gallon and barrel, for sale by M. C. GEARHART. Sunbory, July 31, I8M. S1CITH&C0., OYSTEll TACKERS. No. 9 Albemarle strut and Ao. 10 S. Front strett, Baltimore, Aid. i 1 1 , i t ........ - . J M UTT B I'llLKK, 1 UK1S31UI. Ill, 1 A. RES' AC RANTS supplied at all seasons of j tl o year with nil the suit water delicacies foiiu'J in the city markets. j All erders promptly and faithfully attended to. i September II, I85e). ly i MOORE & CAMPION, -Vu. 2t'.l Smith Sftiund Stmt, 6 doori alio PHIIiADELPIHA, HAVE now on nund the laigcst assortment ol ' iiEt4nir;r i iiixiiiue Than they have ever had at any previous time, ami they invite the public to call and examine : tiieir slock before purcliastiiK. as they feel couli- dent that their prices will be assullicieiit induce. . ment lur nil who want good furniture to buy at t their esttibli.ihiuent. A larce assortment of Pratt's Rack nnJ Pinion Dining Extension 'J'ables always on hand, ISprmi! ; and hair Mattresses furnished at lowest prices. j Furniture carefully packed and on reasonable i terms. Philadelphia, July 81, lflSS. ly WAYNE'S BORKEI. COR DIAL, a speedy and elTcctual remedy Ihr Asiatic Cholera l)y senlery, Diarrhois. No cute no pay. For sale at PISH EfT. I)l 1C, 'id. t fishing Tackle. - ton and Linen Lii Red Coik, Grass, Cut- ilNes, Will Lines Nm lirass by the yard, Snoods, Flies, Kirliy, Limerick uud Carlisle Hooks, Rods, Ac, Tor sale by July 17,'f8. A. V. FISHER. "iirvrBRE "house. U. GMlfl Zni,, Proprietor. f IMHS l -ruenf Ihf larnrst aud hct furmaht-.l H.nrlt . n 1 the West Hinnch. It it ioi-titftl in tlic huiincvi pU, it Itie tuwii, (it beinp duly i. tcl iu Mntkel Sjuurt; ) Tlir prnpriw.rT n tVh tmiiiwl, in uie ercry exrrtmii to uiakt tin littv one of tlie brut in lac State ; nti it DiTt-ii ruiL- imliti't iifiita tor prmnjiH wh j penJ u ttlmrt time m tmt ui tin most pleawiit uwtt in coutral I'vimaiytviin.s Clinrct-i very nxnlcruttj Lcwifcturg, June lit Market Street, Sunbury Pa. 'YHK subscriber respectfully informs the citi 7.cris of Munbtiry, and tho public generally, that he has purchased, and will take possession in the above well known stand on the 1st of ill iiic a , o nru kiii.vi 11 eianu oil 1,1a ol . ... , c ii . i tc n't. A pril next, formerly kept by Mrs. I hompson. .... ... J , j . I That he will put the same in complete repair. In adJitinn he will provide a conveyance to carry passenger, to and from the different Railroad de pots, and will leave no ellVrts untried to render his hotel a desirable stopping place for guests and travelers. JOHN LEIStlt, February 30, 18&8.- BKOWN'H and Breinig's Esssucu sf Gingci and Husband's .Magnesia at July IT, 'fiS. F!inBti'S SHlTiriTF Jfe "iSAIsI Wholesale and lUlail Vcakrs in FOREIGN Ss DOMESTIC VmTES A1TD LIQTTCP.3, Mill ttnet, East sidn) Xorth Dam -Uie, I'a. ri'MI E undersigned would respectfully announce la their friends and tho public generally, that they have purchased a very extensive stock uf Wines and Liquurs direct from the Custom House, which they oiler to the trade at Philadel phia piii cs thereby saving freight Ac. JOHN W. SHERIFF, J. ss. HALL, Danville, June 19, 1858. If. MOUNT VEUN0N HOTEL, ' Second street, Jielow Arch, PHILADELPHIA PA rHE above establishment having oeen rcno -- vated and refurnished, the proprietor assures the public that a call is only needed, as he guar enteea lull satisfaction in every case. Terms 1-1 ,25 per dav. ' A. M. HOPKINS, Proprietor. September 2."), 183rJ. 3m Stationery. A large supply of fancy Note Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Pens, Ink, Hand, Ac, at July 17, '58. A. W. FISHER'S. J. T. Hit OWN, Munufuctuliiiir Jeweller, No Sti Mai dell l.ane, ofiurs In. stuck, ct'imlsluif; of a nrrnl assort. ment ol Liesls, Cnnin., Ac, wlnca are ulTered at ths lowest casli prices, iireut lialactuieiits to country casb buyeis UetoLer 9, IK'.S Om.is J) U-S'HONG'S Ss. SONS' Superior Burring Fluid, fur sale at FI&HER'S Drug ard Chemical Emporium. Sunbury July 17, 1858. STOVES 10 R SLE B an excellent second-band Cook' ing Stove, also eeveral Cylinder Coal Stoves. Enqurr. at this ollice. A. J. IlOCKEFELLKit Vttornen at aw, Practice, in Northumberland and adjoininr ouutiea. Sunbury, November tl, 1857. - if pORTand MADERIA WINES, Schiedam - SoUiiappe, Wild Cherry brandy, Ulacklierry and Lavender brandies fur medicinal purposes at July 17, 'ii. A. V'.FKJJIER. & CH2E1CIC AL flHE onderaigned having received a large and JL well selected atock uf Pure Drag! and Chemical, Dyesttiffs, OiU, Paints, Glass and Putty, ia new ready to 611 orders at a moments notice. In connection with the above you will find an assortment of Fancy Notions, Toilet Articles and lortumery of all kinds, Tooth, Hair, Nails and Clothes Brushes of every variety. Cnstomers will find his stock complete com prising- many articles it is impossible here lo enumerate. REMEMBER the place, next Juor to the Po-1 ple'a One Price Store. Physicians' Preemptions compounded accurate ly Slid carefully. A. W. FISHER. Sunbary, July 17, IK58. FURNITURE I FURNITURE 1 ! THE LARGEST 8T0CK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. FatilsIoiialle, Cbcn uud rueful FHE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet A and Chuir Manufacturer in Sunbory, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, !,c, embraces EvrnY VAKiurv, csefil and orna. ItiE.NTAL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in his line can be had at moderate piiccs. Cheap for Cash, or Country Producetaken in exchange. Establishment South Last Corner of Market Square. L7 Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Sunburv, April 4, lf57. tf ''"fhil:p h.'fj?st. WIIOLKS1LI AtO HtTAIL Grocery, Wine and liquor Store, S. K. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4. 1 850 tf HERRING S SAFE. AGAIN THE CHAMPION I 1 The ony !Sate which, in every instance, preserved their en tire contents in the late ex tensive fire. At the burning ef the A r t i zan Buildings, April 10th, and in the GREAT FIRK in Market streot, May Ut, 1K56, t the genuino j HERRING SAFE Preserved the Jewelry of Geo. V. Simons dr ' l!ro.; Books, Papers, Ac, of Fisher .t Uro.,and Edward Seamans rV Co., after remaining ex i posed ill the burning ruins for neirly FORTY i UOL'KIS, and proving conclusively whit we have always claimed for them, THEIR GREAT ; SUPERIORITY over all securities now known. ; In theso fires, THE HERRING'S SAFE, . standing side by siJe with those advertised as "warranted lo stand 10 per cent, more fire than ! Herring's," came forth the ACKNOWLEDGED ! VICTOR, not onlv preserving their contents in I EXCELLENT order, but being in themselves ' in a condition to go throngh another ordeal, white the boasted ' Salamanders" of other ma kcrs were badly used up in everv instance, end in some cases their entire contents coihplctsl destroy J. To the public he would simply say, that, du ling the fonrteen years the HERRING'S SAFE : has been before them, more than two hundred J have passed through accidental tires without the ! occurrence of a single loss. j We would, therefore, CAUTION purchasers, against the misrepresentation of interested par ties. The HERRING'S PATENT is the only t FIRE PROOF SAFE made in this city, which 1 is protected by a PATENT RIGHT, end we j will guarantee it to resist uiore then double the j amount of heat of any other Safe now known. Fun t'I, Herring & Co., Sole Manufacturers !ii this State of j "Herring's Patent Champion Safes," 31 Walnut Ft., l'hilada. VU" "Evans A Vulm:i' Improved Salaman ders," "Oliver Evans'," "C S. Gayler's," and "Scott's Aliselos," Iron Chests, (a large assort ment having teen taken in part payment for "Herring's,") will bo sold at low prices. Philadelphia, July 10, 1N58. ly Saddle and Harness Maker HENRY HAUPT, Jit. EESECTFI LLY informs the ritizeiid nf Snnburv ami tbe null. t lie geueiully, that lie lias taken the shop occupied by Bright and , , . . u . ,.,,.. . ! Beck, one door east ot H. f'aupt s (. abinet Mi- I, , , , . . , Lur . iaii tulmrA hrt rir'iii rj-.l tn turn rtut unrt ker shop where he is prepared to turn cut work in his line of business riimil to any made in this section of the country. Orders promptly execu ted and all kinds of produce taken in Exchange tSunbury, March 21), 13.'iS. ly ASIIINGT0N HOUSE w. A. 'OVi:T, I'roprietor, STJlSTBUR-iT, FA., 'PIIE proprietor respectfully informs his friends and the public, generally, that he is repairing and renovating the "Washington House," so as to entertain both transient and permanent visitors lu a suitable and comfortable manner. Thankful lor the patronage extended to his father, he respectfully solicits the continuance of thesanv.. H will take charge ol the "Wash ington House" on the first day of April, next. Ho will have an Omnibus running to the different Railroad Depots for the accommodation of Passengers, free of charge. W. A. COVERT. Sunbury, March 50, 1R5, WAYNE'S COMP'D SVRUP OF WILD CHERRY, an excellent article lor Coughs, Coids, A.c. For sale only at FISHER'S. Nuiibury, Oct. 2, 1K58. SADELRY AND HARNESS MAKING. "IHE subscribers respectfully inform tha citi tens of Sunbury and vicinity that they have commenced the above business a few dooraebove tho Post Office, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. Work of all kinds in their line of business will be done promptly and neatly on the most rea sonable terms. CLEMENT 5t. OYSTER February 13. 1858. rariucru Look to lour Interest. X-IlvTE 1 1 1 "piIE .udscriber respectfully informa the far and the public genorally, that he has leased the lime kilns of Ira T. Clement in Sun bury, and that he has always on hand, and is ready to supply a good quality of lime to all who may want for building or farming purposes. He has also a kiln at Reefer's crossings mile, from Sunbury, or two from Snvdertown. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange. GEO. W. STROH. Snnbtory, Dec. 21, 1857. GEORGE niLL, -TTOE.1TET AT LAW. SXJJMBXJJHY, PA., RESPECTFULLY informa the public and hia friends generally, that he has removed to Sunbury, and baa opened a law otlic. at hi residence, in Market square. Hia acquaintance with th. English and German enable, him to transact business iu both language.. April 10, 1858. ly rpobacCO and Begars. 20,000. Imported -- Sugar, of various brand. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and lias cut tobacco al A. W. riSHER'S. imbury, July 17, 1I5, ISAAC M.AVILKEIISON, FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Stvle Sofas, Divan and l.oiuiirea Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards SOFA, BREAKFAST AND l)INIQ TAB? Rll and also VENETIAN BLINDS, '.qua. ,1,. Jelplna manufacture. BEDBTEAD.S, of everv ttt.,n i cupboards, won! Xnc TcandlP' STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES In short ! .i .. . . ' rn,,; ' ""n" "'"or hi. busines, sortment of every quality ,nd price Jf VAniXET-WAItii which cannot fail to recommend itself to,,-.,. who will examine It, on account of V. ZtZ workmanship and splendid finish, made up of best jock tot. had in the city. No effort spared m the manufacture of hi', ware, ." j the snbsenbe, ,. determined ,0 koep up'wth.h. made. mW"mmt wlli constantly VinJ ufH. also, manufacture , kinds .nd.in.liti(!, CIIAIKS. ind (.'run MirwO.ru,. a"d W... CHAIRS, rk,tt PU1U 4" . hi of the latest styles, and SXVutSX by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere 1 he subscriber is determined that there .!,.! be no excuse for person, to purchase furniture in the cities, ..every confidence can be eutertainc? CWi ' C"Uh f ,,U "aru au These irliclv. will he disposed of on is gooi term as they can be p'trcWj elsewhere. Ceun! try produce taken in payment for work - UNDERTAKING. -Having providcj a handsome Htinse, he is now prepared fur Lndertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi- cinity, or at any convenient distance from this place The Ware Rom is in Fswn Street be low Weaver's Hotel. ' He has also purchased the riiiht of manufac turing and selling in Northumberland countv, Gould's patent Excelsoir Sj.ring Keil, which h. will furnish at reasonable rates. Springs put iii eld bedstead far three dollars. is. AC M. WILKEKSON". Sunbury, April IS, 1K.17 tf. LANCASTER COLLIERY FOR SALE' Imimrtant to Coal Operatoi . riMIE nndersigneil Lossees of the "Lancaster Colliery," near Shamokln, Nor'.h'juibcrltnid county, Pennsvlv.inia, wMiing to retire fr.m the business, oirt-r for sale the Lease and Fixtures of sb id Colliery, on satisfactoiy terms. This Colliery has I' ien in operation since 18j, and has been sucrcaslul beyond expectation. Tim Coal is a superior articles for all i.rs to which Anthracite isapplied, and a gooil ninrket has Ikbu rstahlished, which run I e much .(tended. The Breaker and Fixtures arc ul ilm tuy Wnt char acter and will recommend tbemsrlves lo persons aciiiai;iti.d with the business. The Lease runs lo January 1, ISM, au(J a favorable one for the operator. For further information apply at the Collieiv I in person, or by letter to Shamokin, P. O., Nyr j thuinberlaiid county, Per.nsv Ivnnia. COCHRAN, PEAEE AGO. February It, ISifi. If j 41 OLD TENS with and without eases, ef a "J vsry superior quality, just roceived. I , Alu" " lrl si'pply of "W r.tiriir Fluid, for a l' H. II. M.Vx.SEK. i Kinihiirv. l)rc. 27. 1K50- WllOLtSlLll AK1I RtTAIL SOOT STOKE, 10 South Ihurth S.t, above Che.mnt, J'.i'a. HTROOTS, Shoes, Gaiters, Ac., promptlv ma.lri US to order in the very lust style, and of ths best material. Philadelphia. May S, I 7. DANVILLE HOTEL! JOI-JIJNJ- DEEN, JR., Market Strut, lhvu il.'e, I'a, rwnt r .i i . . . ' mm ui me laren anil moil commi- .lir.., I. w.-.ur, iMiii-i:, in uin i iierivir 01 rvnn. m.i.. it has been reeenll lilted mm. in ir.,i..ri -.1., with all l he modern convenience. Ihuivillei!, .s,.pt. 'i'i, l)ir,5. WHITE HOUSE HOTEL. POTT.sVII.LE, PA. rIIIE subscriber respectfully announces to Vs "Id frieliJs and the public, that he has taken that old and well known establishment, tin White '.Ilorso Hotel. At the corner of Centre nnJ Mahantogn st.-., ui the Borough of Puitsvilie. The house ha.,',, ! ecntly been very much enlarged and ol.'.n wise improved, rendering it quite as comfortable us any other Hotel in Schuylkill counh !: tho slublesare luige, in good condition', and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hosthrs. 'I'o travellers and others who may slop at I. a house, he promises every attention calculated i.; render thcin comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FKGEK. April S, lS.'f.- If ER rLATEE-WAK;. vxMriiTciini r ,f V O . .11 K A ED ii SONS, 'IMI b oldest Electro Plater in the United -Siair-s, manufactures of every vaiietv of Goo !, plated with pure silver. Albuta, Brittaiiia and Steele ' Tea Petts, Urns, Waiters, Casters, Cake Bas kets, Pitcher., Goblets, Communion r-Yrvice, Spoons, Fork., Knives, &r. All goods warrant ed as represented. North East corner 9th and Chesnut st eel. Philadelphia, Peiiiu. May 8, 1858. ly lLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and b.'ai.k Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons, Ac, for sale b 11. B. MASsKfi. Sunbury .April 26,1858 pORT MONAIES, Tooth and Hair all qualities, and any quanti r.'for si llrusho ale by A. W, FlslIEK. July 17, 58. J A TENT IiKITTANIA SToPl'EKS bar bottles for sale hy H. B MASKER. Sunbury, Jnly I!. IMftd. FOR IFtEISTT. riHE Store Room in Market street, lorinerlv X occupied by P. W. Gray. A pply to the ex eciitors of H. Masser, deceased. April IT IS. P. MELANCHT0N SHIN DEL, Jisrin: or Tin: PEitt, BUNBURY, PA. Orfice 111 Ieer Street, immediately oj fosite the 1'vlilic School House. All business promptly attended to. Moniec collected and all ordinary writings Joue. Sunbury, April 25. 1857. tf TDURE CONCENTRATED LYE ORSA 1 PONIFIER, for sale at FI11ER'S Drug Store. Price 20 els. ajATCHOULY, JOCKEY CLUB. SPRING 1 FLOWERS. Ac. of the best ouality : a fresh supply just received Drug Store of Suubery, July IT, 18.8, and for sal. at th. A. W. FISHER. HENltY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ojfic opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Ta. Pi.inpt attention to busmess in djoiiiiiij vountic-.