1 I (F nun 0a tVeivtlla Denwefat of hat Pildajr.) BXRCUTiO OP" mWY tWIOOt rot THI MUBDIiR OV CATHtMNB AMI CLARK. TtaW wretched woman was execnted be. tween 10 aud It o'clock thin morning;, in the jail yard, it this pls.ee, without mnking any confession if her crime, and protesting her Innocence up to the Inst moment. Ktrly In the morning our ttrents began to present quite it lively appearance, indicating that something unusual was about to take place. Many people were if en winding their way to the jail, and numbers of both sexes were admitted to art the gallows, which wat tho ame that had been used for the execu tion of Clark, four weeks ago. For two nights several kind hearted and sympathising ladiea remained with the un fortunate woman iu her lonely cell, comfort ing hor bodily and spiritually in the last lioura of her earthly trials Mrs. Ware, Mrs. Unger and Mrs. Kphlin spent the last night with her, and from them we learn that aha slept from between ll and 12 o'clock up to 3 this morning, apparently calmly and with oat showing any signa of restlessness. In the early part of the evening she rose from her bed and voluntarily knelt down to engage iu silent prayer, with apparent fervor and troe sincerity calling audibly at times cnon Jesus to save her immortal soul ; and when Mrs. Ware engaged in loud prayer, ebe joined with earnestness in her petitions to the throne of (Jo J. Her two children one a little boy, about ? years old, the other a girl of about 10 years were resting in hor arms during the whole night. The sight was affecting in the extreme, as she pressed her little ones to ber palpitating heart, kissed them lovingly and caressing? them tenderly. Copious tears flowed from her eyes, and her feelings cun be mora e.isily imagined than described. Her daughter particularly seemed much uflected, yet when her mother, at times, sobbed and cried aloud, the little girl braced herself up snd begged, in tender accent?, to be composed and not cry so much. Ou arising in ha morning, Mrs. Twiggs dressed the children carefully and fondled them with grout emo tion. And whoti shortly afterwards, Mrs. Young, the Sheriff's lady, entered her cell with a new and neut black drefS that had been made expressly for the occasion, she patiently suffered herself to be dressed with apparent composure. During the night Mrs. Epblin qo stiot.ed hor at one time pointedly us to her itiuoceuce or guilt of the crime for which she was so aotio to suffer upon the scaffold, when she answered, in rather a stern aud sharp lone of vo ce, that she wus innocent, quoting, ut tl.e same time, the words of the gospel, "Judge not, lest ye be judged." At about 0 o'clock her only brother, Sam uel McCliulnck, visited her for the last lime. She sal upon her bed when he entered, and both fell into each other's arms, crying nnd sobbing loud and long. Thu sight was touching in the extreme, ft lid brought the sympathetic tear to the eyes of the stoutest. At lirst none of them spoke, but occasionally the words of "deur, dear sister" "dear, deur brother" were heard from their lips. After a minute or two. Mrs TwigK ottered in broken seotences "1 know, dear brother, it is hard to part my love shall remain with You in the other world it is hard to part. we hive been tailed together and always loved each other .Ml .Saviour died lor US Don't fret about me, dear brother I am bannv 1 am coinir to sull'cr death for oth era. so did my Saviour go aud love Jesus Don't believe that 1 have over done such a thing I am iuuoceut my God knows it II a is the iudiro of all things aud knows all things there will be no injustice in lleuvoo there will be u!l love and joy wo ail must ..tin I mk-liL have died some other way and then vou would have lost me now I am pre pured don't mourn, don'l fret, dear brother 1 ;pe Uoil will which over you auu unircou you don't grieve 1 aui well, well prepared fur llaaveil." AUer thus unburdening her heart to her brother, both vngngeu more calmly id pri vate talk about her two children, hu prom i nz her to take care of them, ami hu he cried oul loud attain she tried to comfort him by aguin fyin, "deur brother, yu must not (jricv so much man does nut see as Jesus sees if lie wus only here Do lu tell, he would tell you that I mi iuoocelit don't grieve so much about me." During oil this tune they were sitting on her bed, tixhtly locked into each other's arms, and resting their beads upon each oiher'e shoulders. U was a most oGVcting and bart-reiid:iij siht to behold, such as hope we shall UeVer have occusiou to sea Sin- . . The Eev. A. I Shanafelt, I.aptist minis ter, of White Hall, in thit county, then read tkeMsl I'salm, whereupon the Rev. M. J ritover. who bus been her principal spiritual adviser during her impris lumeut, engaged iu prayer, in which all participated. The player being litiishad. the liev. Mr. Mover engaged with her iu some prolrocted private exuorta tion, alter which a hymn of her own selection 'Oh thai 1 hnd torn humble r-lnct, Where I might hide from sorrow," was read and sang, and the 23d psalm read, at her reouesl. bv Kev. Mr. biiaiiafelt. The Uv. Mr. liacon, of lha Methodist church, also nude a very fervent prayer iu the cell, alter which the ltev. Mr. Harden gave oat the bymo : 'There is a fountain Sited wilb blood, Drawu from loirnaituert veint," Ac During all ibis lime Mrs. Twiggs and her brother were still sitting on the bed in the same posture, crying audibly. Alter the simriuK of the hymn, the Kev Mr. Harden aouroached T!j prisouer, and asked in an affectionate but earnest manner whether she was guilty or innocent, warning her at the same lure of the consequences of .le.'ciL urn! hunt in this tier lust moment Who dieiiL'Hi!ed herself from her brother's arms and firmly aid : "I did not tell au untruth during the whole time, and 1 never contradicted unythiiig 1 have said, (appealing to Mr. Harden ;) 1 am ready to abide by the l.iw. and 1 believe my sins are all torgueu. The Kev. Mr. Cramptun then told lrr, that irh unok'e tho truth now. she would be re warded for it hereafter, and. in a tho Tiriter coin mended her soul to (iod. The Sheriff then told her brother to leave the room, as he was about to perform his last dutv, but tho unfortunate nun cried l,.ud. "sine my sister." clinging lo her, aud refusing i go. He hod liually to be taken u,v from her bv force. Al 1 U miuutes" nu9t 10 o'clock the prisoner was taken Ironi ber cell, ami uuaiug arms mi ii li t lia Rev Mr. Harden, accompanied by the Sheriff and her spiritual advisers, they all proceeded in procession to ia scauoiu. Ml, Bio-ruled the Step slowly Vet Steadily, crying aloud, and ou reaching the platform was seated on a chair. Tho Kev. -M r. Stover then read the 15lh chapter of Luke, Mrs, t-., ..-a .ml vrutlv ufferted and crying The Snenff told her to Speak now if she had something to say. when ahe answered loudly and Bimlv. "This iss hard death, and the u.... ... I. -a di.rf for me. aud 1 fear not death 1 never skkn or koew anything shout lha ;.,,u. .,r Cutliarina Ann Clark or my Labaud. 1 feur not death, I bavs nothing ... nl lha leavinir of my orphan children. ' The Lord gave, snd lbs Lor. has tukeq away." Mr. Usrden then mads . solemn and fervent prayer in ber behalf, whereupon the ministers bada ber rarewell. tine thanked tbem fur their kindness snd burst out again into tears, when shaking kumU ht niriinfr. Tba Sheriff, having pulled the cap over bar lace, pioionod ber anna ana aujusveu .u. ...... i hr neck. Durioir this opera- tioii abe cried slood, snd repeated several timet; I dot inuoceot. 1 sm not gsuiy. The Shr fT ibea left tbo platform, snd stauJiug upon lha slept, with vlj : i. .k th elides, in bis hand, asked answered, "yes, sir, I sm," snd st ths same moment the drop fell, snd her loul was ushered into the presence of her God. This was st precisely half past 10 o'clock, and after banging for 33 miuutes sbs was pro nounced dead by tho physicians and the jury, and lowered Into s beat coffin. The doors of the jail yard were then thrown open, snd the large snd promiscnous crowd who bad been s'.andir.g outside al! morning, eagerly pressed In to get s glimpse of ber body. The cariosity of tbo multitude having been gratified, the coOlii wat closed, placed upon t wsgon sod tskan, st the instance of ber brother, to s farm near Little Roaring Creek, where hs resides, there to be buried by him. The following gentlemeu constituted the Sheriff's jury, to pronounce upon the death of the criminal i iobMier.tN'orlUWrdD'"il, XV. riancock, South Ward, Danville. John l.eighow, Mahoning. Outelius Sayder, Valley. Jacob Sheep, West Hemlock. John Moore, Liberty. John Moyer, Derry. Thos. Flack, Limestone. Westley Holdern, Anthony. E. 11. Vought, Mayberry. Jesse C. Amoierman, Cooper. The ' Columbia Guards" and "Montour Rifles" kept order without the jail, and a number of Deputies inside-of the jail yard smong the spectators. Both Clark and Mrs. Twiggs have now suffered the penalty of lha law for their crimes, snd may Uod have mercy upou their souls 1 In lha Court Common Pbas of Norlhvmlir. land County. W. A. C L. Shamwsy, ) No. 8, August Term, va. IRAS, Yen. Ex. Mihlon Manly. ) riMIE undersigned, appointed by the Court, an JL Auditor to diatrib'jtu tl.. money l.v Court eri-inf from the sale o ' said defendaale property, to and among Iboee le rally entitled to the same, will attend to the dutieaof hie appointment at hie office, In the borouih of Sunbury at 10 (.'clock in the forenoon, of Saturday the 80th day of Oc tober init. JNO. KAY CKEMENT. October 16. JS6, Jacob Ultteubenrtei-, deed, NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration bavins been granted to the suhacri ber on the estate of Jacob Bittenhender, la'.e of Coal townaliip, Northumbeile:id county, der.'d. All persons indebted are requested to make imme diate payment, and these hating claims will pre sent them for ee'tlement. STEPHEN BITTEN BENDER, AJm'r. 8hsmokin,)ctober 16, 15B. 8i GWAVNE'M BITTKR CATBOLICON, a valuable Bitters may be taken wilb great ef fect in conatipation flatulency, acidity ol tl.e ato marh. Koreans at KlsHEK'8. Oft. 1, '19. IVAVNli'8 BOHBEI. COnUIAL.a speedy O mJ rlfertunl remedy for Aaialic Cholera Dy unlrril. LliurrllOB. iNocutl lie PoV- For sale at Oct 10, '6. nsllEK'S. Dr. Kaku's Oukknlaxb "Haks" Tuhkrd Up. A letter from Capl. V. L. McClintock, of Lndy Franklin's Arctic expedition, suvs : We reached Uapu loi K on me am oi June, which is very early, and there reterson hnd a chat with his old Iriemls Uie Arctic Uit'lilaoders. I'onr Huiisfthe esquimaux, who uueompanied Dr. lvune's expedition, and remained lie hi nil) wus uput the Whale Sound married, but childless, and unhuppy because he could not return to Greenland. There has been no North or est water as yet this year, t leapt subsequent to the Oth ol Juno. I lie wholu ol Damns uaj from Hiikluyt Island to our present position, is filled with ice, light in character aud much brokeu up, but slill as much ol an unpedinieul to navigation as if it re'.uined its Winter con stitution. The Summer is a warm one, but what is wanting is a succession of strong winds to remove thu ice. Although round Cape York this day month, we have succeed ed in getting thus far to-day ear Horseburu we communicated witn the uutives a ho were at l'orl Duiidus, at the time uf thu I'ha'nix's visit. The old clue. I re membered Cupluiu lugleffleld's name, ror the lint two ye-irs three families of them have resided upon Point lieatrice pour, isolated, nnliapny wretches. bhooUl there be any in leliieviicu of interest picked up at Foud's Kay 1 will certainty endeavor to lino someol the whalers along the coast to tho boulUwurd, Iu order to seud Ibe lulormaliou home. SWvlVNK'S KEVER&. AOUE Hl.I.S.-The ii.okt sejy and peraiai.ent cure lor r'ever Si Akuo and Remittent Kevers, without any Q liniiin or Calomel, for sale at MSllEK'S. Orlober l. 'o. CW AYMi'S Sugor Conled. raraapariila and Tar I'llla, a mild and gentle furgaiive, on aurpaisfj by any medicine for rrmoiinK Hile, cleanHinx Stomach and purifying the llloo'i. rot tale ut riMiLU Si. OctoLcr 16, '58. VWAYNE'M Celebrated Vermifoie or Worm iviner. i lie neai reiueov souwii .or eapeo- ing Worma. Koranic at K1S1IER6. )ctober 1 6, 'iirt. IJAKKIS' Soothing byrup, for Children tec ina. For rale at KlbHElC.4. October 10, '58. Ih- Tfitate of Patrick Hughe, deo'd. Commonwealth of Ptnntylvania : To Michael Hughes, Michael Gillespie end Bridget his wire, and Michael llugerl aud Mary his wife, collateral heirs and legal rep resentatives of Patrick Hughes late of the Town or Travortun, Zerbo township dee'd, aod sll other persons interested. Ghkkttkoi NORTMtfilBKnl.AUD CoVNTT StT. You snd each or yon are hereby cited to be snd appear before the Judges of our Orphans Court, to be held for said county on the first Monday of November next, and thero and then accept or refuse lo take tbo real estate of the taid Patrick Hughes dee'd, at the val nation thereof or show cause why tho same should not be sold. And hereof fail not I Certified from the records of our smd Or phaiie' Court at Suubury' this 7lU day or Au Bust. A. P., lB.r)H. THOS. D. GRANT, dep'ly elk. O. C. The above named heirs and legal represeh talives, will please take notice of ihe above Kule. JAMKS V A N D Y K I2..8 li r'CT. Sheriffs Office. Sunbury, October 9, 1S5S. J LOST. ON Friday of last week, about the stab!" of lha Lawrence Houso a I'ocket book with a leather strap, containing 10 in gold, aud some small silver coin, ulso some papers which are vcrv valuable lo the owner, but to no one else. The finder by leaving it with the owner at the Lawrence House, Suubury Fa., will be liberally rewarded. JOHN LK IS lilt. SiinWy, October 9, 18Mi. Political 1tms. Gov. Denver, of Kansas having resigned, Usues a Farewell Addres, which commen, es by bidding the people not to despair becuusu te has resigned thai ihonuh ha found the territory in ureal con fusion, and leaves it in perfect order, that the preservation of that order depends on them Selves urces every citizen to vote to obey the laws, uud see that all the offeuders against them uro brought to justice. He declares Unit during his term ol bis office, he bad tried lo do his duty faithfully, and that he bus the a.iprovul of James Uuchunao, and winds up as follows : "lu conclusion, permit me to warn you against the tricks and machinations ot tlesigintig demagogues, wno preler million and strife, lo peuee and prosperity, for it is ouly ut such times that they can bring them selves into notice, lu this Territory there has been u mania for making Stale Constitu tions, and effort after effort liuve been made to orgi.n ze a State government belore any of the Leces.iary preparations have buull made t mei-t its responsibilities, without a dollar .ha I resiiiry, with but little taxable prop- ty, without uny well reguluted st fete in Tor col- .cling reveuue, uud a considerable lerrilort- Idebt, the organization of a State govern ment at this lime, must prove au oaorous burlheu to the people. An Extra Passkncrr. Tho engineer of lha night express train, on the Cuttawissa railroad, found an extra passenger on the n n. per of the locomotive, when he arrived at this place, on Saturday night last, which upon being removed, proved to be a calf, which was eked up by the cow-catcher near ltunert. 'he calf was supposed to be dead, but after being laid on the platform, showed signs of life, and soon alter jumped up and ran around U pon examination there wa nut one scar on its body, hut in every other rerpecl it was sound. There were some cows on the track arar Kupert, hut tkey fled upon the approach of the locomotive, where it is supposed this cult was kicked up. Thecaifis doing well, ami is lu possession nr M r. wnodmau, who will take good care of it. Mtlttmian. S1IAMOKIN BANK. STATEMENT of Hhamokin Bank, the 11th dav of October, 18-")8, being the til at discount day under the new organization. Specie in Bank. Due from other Banks, Due from City It ani.fr J, 3,433 SU Notes ef other Uaoka, l.'JIS (JO Bills Keccieable, 5l,:t:i3 97 Estate of Daniel Swartz, dee d. C,mmonu;eu(A of J'eunsytcaniu : To Catharine intermarried with John Dan iel, David Swartz. Ktius Swartz Kuchei inter married with Samuel Smith, Josinh Swartz, Elizabeth intermarried with F.lius Shufler and Sarah married to John Kmerick. All heirs and legal representatives of Daniel Swartz deceased, and to all other persons in terested. Giikktinu: N'oKlllLMKKKI.ANU CoTNTT SoT.' You and each of yon are hereby cited to be and appear before the judges of the Orphans' Court, al un Orphans' Court to be held for said on thu (1 re t Monday of November next, ninl thou and there uccept or roTuse to take the n ill estuto of the said Daniel Swart, de ceased, ut 111 ii Valuation thereof or show why thu samu should not be sold. Aud hereof fail not. Certified from tho records of our said Or phans' Court lit Sunbury this 8th day of Au gust A. D , IfoB. THOS. D. GRANT, dep'tyClk. O. C. The above named heirs and legul represen tatives, will please take notice or the a bove Kule. J A M F..S VANDYKE Shoriff. Sheriff's Ofliee Sunbury, ) October 9, 1803. j Estate of Augustus fluoy, dee d. Commonwetifth if Pennsylvania : To David Shipe and Margaret his wife, lata Margaret Huoy, Robert Campbell, uud Ma ry his wife, lulo Mary Huoy, Johu Huoy, Henry Fullmer aud Sarah Ann his wiTe, late Sarah Ann Huoy, Allen Wilkinson and Re becca his wife, Uto Rebecca Huoy, Klizaueth Huoy, Samuel Damhurt un.l Susannah his wife, late Susan null llnoy, and John Dunkt-1- $G,I9H 75 I berger guardian ol W tltiem anil Josluia Kliue 4v:G 7 j minor children of llaunuli 11 coy, (who wai Circulation, Depositors, Si 1.440 CO I .Of) 2 SI 1,8. JOHN. Cahier of the Shsiuokin Bank, being affirmed, depose and sail!) thut the above statement is coirecl to the beat of n.y knowledge. B. JOHN. Cashier. Affirmed before me this llth day of October, A.D., lHfiB. DAVID N.1.AKE, J. P. Shamokin, Oct. IK, !8.rj. e tame vs William I. Dewart, va Ralph Bogle el al Tom II tbs Tom llvre, who was s heavy backer of lleenao, has freely expressed his opinion, winding up by the declaration that be was prepared to tight and "lick Mornssev or any other man in tho world, lor 10,000. New Advertisements. Where is Frederick August Noah and wife Wilheminat Who left Columbia, Lancaster county, fa.. about 10 minima aso, lor parts unknown to Charlotte Lorchrim, the mother and mother in law of said Noah and wite, who recently came from lirrmsny. Any information of their where' abouls will be thankfully received y B. bl'KICKI.EIi, llerndon I. O., Northumberland county, Fa. Optober S3. 18S8. MIIilTJLRY. V'OTICE is hereby given to the rommanding v ollitera f the aevrral enmpanica in the Iht brigade, eighth division, of the uniformed militia, that a mcelinu- of the board ol audilora will be held at the Lawrence House, in the borough of Sunbury, on 1 uetday, the Jd day ofiSovember neit, according lo the proviaione of Ihe act of A swnibly, pasted the Slatdayof A pill, A. 1). lhftn, for Ibe regulation of the nuliua of the Commonwealth ol l eunsylvania. By order of Lieut. Col. WM. K. MARTZ. President of Board of A uditors, Sunbury, Octolr 33, 1858. K4K OF .OIIIIII.MUK,UL40 The stockholders are hereby notified that an election Tor Ihirteeu directors will be held at the bunking house ou Monday thu 15lb day of November between the hours of 10 o'clock A. VI., and 3 o'clock P. M. The slated annual meeting of the stock holders wilt be held at the baukiog-house, on tho first Tuesday of November, ot 10 o'clock A. M. J. It. PKlLSTLliY. October 9,18.'i8. It. " list or causes rjOlt Irial in the Couvt ol Common I'lcas at Norlhumlierland County, to be held st Sun burv.on the Ural M today of November, 18Sd. 1't.AixTirrs. UlFEMUSTI. John Bowen s i. B. Maaser, Alexander Colt, va John A I.lovd, imri baser, VS Jarafs Vandyke, John Vincent. aJm'r. va David vVataon, ex r. S. Wolxrton 4 I T Clement vs FEglcman. James Maioue v Fhila it eunhurv R R Ce. Thomaa Derr vs Alfred Kneate, Wm Lunate. Indorsee of Win L Halfcnttein, ii Wm. L. tielfeiiatein. G M Flcmmitig ic, vs ui I. Helfenstein I! F b'cilv Ac Hsag At U own Edwsrd Grots John li. Fox Ira T. Clement Isaac Brown Deborah llozrv llazzord t Stuck William Wolborn Reuben f'ugrly Carbon Run Imp. Co. Wetlxel. Commoiiwealth for the ute of Brock 've Farns. worth, Wm. L. Dewart et at. saan Uro vn vs Abraham Slraub, N. V. Middle C C vs Wm Fagaly et al. John Burgrt va IVler Slill. Henry viae, va Uewart 6i I.eiscnnnR. I'eter B Manner va Northern Central R ft Co Beni Hendricks vs same Win H Kate vsftussnP Kase. John Deppin va Northern Central Railway Co. John Frederick a. Co vs V ni Atwater. Hpeurer M. Kate vs Samuel Adams. Daniel Uruckemdler vs Ueo C N elkrr. I'eler B. Master vs George Conrad. Christian Veager vs Shatter & Holiner. A. W Hill'aadm'r vs E B Kramm. Heckel, Indorsee oflloffmau vs F O Donnel cV co lease S Schrack va laaac Kline, jr. Wm Natbil vs Suubury ic Erie Railroad co. Henry Kauffuiau vs Wilsou Anderson. Samuel Blair vs Thomas S. Stadden. Bettle Paul el el vs Hurd Patterson. John A tiilmore vs John McCormirk. Hootzfor Emat vs Fredeiick Shell. A. W. Coinlf vs Ilen.y Harris Joseph Weitzel vs Elias Eisenhart. DANIEL UECKI.EY, Prolh'y. Prothonotary a Ollica, ) A intermurried with Gideon Kline aud is since deceased,) all heirs aud legal representatives 01 AnguslUH Ituoy, lute oi snamoiiiu town ship deceased, aud to all other pursues inter ested. Gr.KKTt.sa: Kor.Tiii'iuiKi'.LANU Coi'.rr, Sct. You and each of you are hereby cited to be and appear before I he Judges of our Orphune' Court, al au Orphans' Court to be held for said couuty on the first Monday of November uext, and then uud there accept or refuse to lake the real estate of the said Augustus Huoy deu'd al tho valuation thereof or show causes why the same should uol be sold. A lid liereol tail not ! Certified from the Records of our said Or pilaus' Court at Suubery, this 1th day of Au gust. A. D , I8.r8. I lio3. (Jrunt, flop ty, I Clerk of Orphans' Court. J Fliu above named heirs and legal represen tatives, will please take notice of the above rules. J A M l'.S A.NUihL. SheriU. Sheriffs Ofliee, Sunbury 1 October, 3th lbS8. j NOTICE. WAKE NOTICE Ihst I have this day, (Cclo- Ur IRlh, I8SU.) purchased, at Constable's salo. the following property, vis: ONE BAY MARK, sol J at tilt property of Ramuel Laulx. Jr., and wlucb 1 nave loaned to him during my pleasure, ol wuicn ine public will ttke notice. PHILIP RENN Lower Augutta tp., Oct n, 18A8. 3t llluckwinitliiiicX. JAMES . D EN , BfJNBfJBT, I A., fJESPECTFl'LLY informs lb public that w he has commenced the above buineae tit 8unbury, and it prepared to do all kmda of black smithing to order, including horseshoeing io the heat alvle. lie will also pot op iron railing in tbo moot approved style and pattern. Country produce taken in exchange. Sunbury, Oct. IS. IH&8 if Pur Wlnea snd Liquors. J Lr received at FISHKR'S Drug snd Che laical Emporium. gitrary, Oat 1?5?- ta William Ayrea' adm'r, va Charlea liellcuslein, va John Pelermaa, vs Jos lloffmaii'a adiu'r. vs Jehn P. Purse!, vs John 8 Snvder, vs W. (i. Ka'e et al vs Jos. Weitzel vs Jus. WE STILL SURVIVE THE CRISIS. VOT WITHSTANDING the astonihingo,uan J- titv ot Goods that I brought into town last Spring, I succeeded in telling them ail out ex cept what I gave away, and had to hurry to the city, for a new lot, in order that niy customers might not be put to the inconvenience of uuving at other stores, where they would te chaiged killing prices. Fronting by past eipeneuce, I have just brought on Trace as Many Good3, and I have sow lha largest and CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT ever offered within heariag i thit place, i am bound lo sell OUEArES. THAN EVEE, . before. I need not aay cheaper than my neich- bora; for that ia no longer a disputed tact. 1 am now ready lo deal out gooda twenty hours out ef twenty-four Sundays eicepted al lower prices than any peraon dare ask lor. Juat rail for any Hung you want. 1 am datev mined to SUPPLY ALL DEMANDS that may he made, reaonab!e or unreaeoaaMr. Call soon, ss the rush is Irrmenoous. IRA T. CLEM r N'T. Sunbury, Oel 0, 1858. ly Sunburv.Ocl. S. 1H5X. t:tale John Mart, dee'd. NOTICE ia hereby Riven that letters of administration have been uranted to the subscriber on the estate of John Hart deed lato of Lower Augusta township, Northum berland county. All persons indebted sre requested to make immediate payment, aod those having claims lo present ibem duly au tbeoticated fur settlement. GKO. SEILER, Adm'r, October 9, 1858. Ct. In the Court of Common Fleas of North umberland County. John Dower, ) vs. ' S Fl. Fa. No. 10l August T. Charles Henlnger. ) 185B. N OTIC E is hereby given that Ihe C ndersigned appointed by Ihe aaid Court, Auditor to dialri buia moniaa ariaing front the sale uf personal property of the defendsot, will sit for thst pur poea al bia office in Ihe borough of Sunburv, at 10 O'clock A. M., of Saturday, October S3d, INSg. HENKY DONNEL, Auditor, Sunbury, Oct. t, 1S58. CHERRY, ao excellent article for Ooutha, Csvde, ve, Tor sale only si riVM K K . aitubory, Ock t, 15MJ. DEERIFP SALES. BY Virtus of certain writs of Venditioni Exptmni issued out of the Conrt of Common Pless of Northumberland county to me cliree toil, will be exposed lo Public Kulo ot Ihe Court House in Sunbury, on Monday the lt day of November, at 1 o'clock P. M., the following described real estate, to wit t A certain lot of ground, situate in the borough ofSunhnry. Northumberland county bounded north by Whortleberry street, west by Fawn street, east by s lot hereinafter de scribed and soath by s lot of George Harri son, containing in fronton Fawn street 58 feet and extending back along Whortleberry street 130 feet, whereon ore erected s large two story frame dwelling house, woil ol wa ter, Ac. Also, another riMlnin lot or piece of ground situate in the borouch aforesaid, bound by Whortleberry street, on the north an alley, on the I'sst tho above described lot, ou the west and lliu herein after described lot of George Harrison, on tho south being 100 feet in length on Whortleberry street, and being A3 feet in width, whereon is erected a large three story brick Steam Flouring Mill, hu gine House, &c. Also, another certain half lot of grounJ, situate in the borough of Suubury aloresaid, adjoining Fawn street, on tho west the above described lots, on the nnith a lut of John Salman, on the south and the next following desciihed lot on tin past, containing iu width on Fawn street foot and extending back 14;i feet, whereon is erected a two story frame dwelling houae. well of water. &c. Also, another cetait, lot or piece of ground tituato in the borouch aforesaid, bounded by the last ahov described lot, on the west an alley en cat, tl.o nhove d' Sciltitd lot where, on the Steam Mill is erected ou tho north and a lot John Salman on tbo south, contain, ing 87 feet in leni'th aud'j feet in width whereon is erected u coul honie, bog stable. &c. Also, another certain lot of ground situ ate iu Sunbury iifoiesaid, fronting on Hrnad wsy or Wu'er street, it ml hounded on the north by a lot nf lnt T. Clement, on the south by a lot nf Georgo Mun' 2 und on the east by au alley, containing .'7J foci in front und 2o0 fee in depth, whereon ii erected a two story frame House and K lichen, Alo, another certain lot of ground, f itimte iu Upper A Delists township, Northumber land oounty. being now an Ulund bounded by Shumol.iu Creek all round, containing about Fix ac.ies ranru or Iofs, uil of ahicb is cleared. Also, upon (mother lot or piece of ground, siluatu in san e township of Upper Augusta, being wood land and udjoining land of Jacob Krilich, Mary Harmon, land of I'enn's heirs uud Slmmokiu creek, containing 10 seres mora or lesr, Seiz'-d taken into execution and to be sold as the property of Siimuel Snyder, Charles Riucliorl nuj CJeorgo II rrisou. ALSO : At tho same time nod place, two certain contiguous lot of ground, situate in the town orSLamokin in Coul township, Northumber land couuty. bem lots Nos. b nnd C in block, N. 1, fioiiting on Sunbury itreet, containing each 2.1 leet 111 front and feel iu depth whereon are erected a two story frumo house and a r.an.o s'.ablo. Also, a certain lot of cround, situate in the town of Sbamokin aforesaid, being lot No.", iu block 1 U'j ; flouting on nth street and bounded cn tho south by lot No. land on tho north by lot No. '.i, in same block, and ron the west by un alley, containing ',2.1 feet in Iront and feet in depth, AUo, upon lot No b, in block No. 10" in same town fronting cm olh struct, bounded on the south by lot No. 0, on tho east by Carbon Ruu and north by lot No. 7, iu samu block ; containing 25 fuel iu front und foet in depfli. Seized taken into execution and to be sold as the property of Abraham Osmni! & Clemun Uarcian lately trading a Uniau A' iirolbtr ic Del.jainm Mai'lz. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sliprjtt a Oliu-o, Sunbury, Oct. 0, I S53. Iron City ronomcrclal Cntlrgo. Pivrtsnsow, I'a. Ctitavreni l 300STUDK rs ATTRNDHO JANVARY.'ISM, N?w.l,he torSr hiront1 Comivtrelnl Srtuwvl or the Vniiail Sunt. Young men praparad tot aetual eutietof the Counting Ronm 8l"'t A.M. Prof, al Ooak-kaaplng and Scitnoe of A. T. l)o,iil,0tt, Ttaoher of Arltkmatie and OonmwrHal talnutntton. J. A. Ileyilriek and T. 0. Jaitklna, Tatolitrs of O. e keeping A. Cowley and W. A. Milt r, Prnft. of Penmansbi 8I.N0LK AND DOUDt.K ENTRY 1IOOK KF.K ,NO, At nif J lu every department of Ixininmt COMMf.ltCIAI. AniTII.MK'riC-nAPID nlME93 WHITINO-KKTIXTI.NU COti.NTKRI I IT MONEY MKIICANTI1.K COKIHWPOM KNCK- COM.Mi;itclALLW Are taaclit, atut all oihoc auhjecli neeeaaarr fir tho tarcata and tliruugli cduralinn nf n rai-ur:l Immii'cM mau 1 1 ! it K M 1 U M 9 . rirnwii all the eieniian. in Pittabatcl, fnrtlia tl-rre yenit, aiao in Latum and Wttteiu Ciliea, fat brat Wii tmj. Not r.sssAVSS Worn. IMPOKPANT INFORMATION. Plmlentt enter at any time No vnrntiun Timt anlitni led Kevtew at pleiimiie i:r:i1nntr niiiiileil in nlajininir tilu:iti'iit lin'i 'Mlnr tall (Jinmnrn-iitl Ctniffce.OU3.ikl Aeernee time b til ll) week ll-'ir,l. $ 6u per w' SuiliHiieiy, S?U UO Kntire eel, S".0O lo tTu.VJ. l" Miiiittcrt' Rons received ul hnif price. For Cnrd tlirctilar !nei-neei.a of lijiiiiinui and Orna inenlnl Wi itii-a; liicl"e two inipt, nn.l mMrrta V V. JKNlilNf, l'.nni,u,. ra Septcniler 25, iS ly PAITCT IP'JT.Z VOH LADIES AND CHILDREN JOHN IWUEIKA & Co. No. SIS (new no.) " MAKKET titreei. above Eighth. ThiinJ'a. Iinportars, Manufacturera snd Dcalcra in Taney tors, for Ladies and Children ; abo, (ieui's furs Kur Collars uud (i ovo. The imniber of years that we hsve been cnncil in the fur bUHir.eaa, and the general character of our I ura, both for ipiality and piico is so giintraily known tl.rouijh out the Country, that we think it is not iiccc-m-ry for ui to say anvtl'iiiij more than that we have now opened our assortment of I'CUS, for the fall snd Winter Sales, of the largest and most beautiful assortment that wc have ever oll'ered ln f .ro to the public. Our Kurt have all been im ported during the present season, when money waa scarce anil Kurt much lower than at present lime, and have been manufactured by tho most competent workmen; we ate tkerefore determin ed to tell them at such prices na will continue lo live tie the reputation we have tome for years, that is to sell a good article for a very small pro fit. Storekeepers will do well to give us a call, as tbcv will 6inl the largest assortment by far to se lect from in the city, and at mar ufacturers pri cea. ' JOHN FA li EI HA & CO. No. RIB MARKET street, above Slh, I'hilad'a. September IH, I8S8- 4mw. Tho Xroi l.ru Great Exhibition Prize .Medal AWAE2ED TO C KKTEH, PUOCLAMATION. V OT1CE is hereby given that tlm severa 1 ' Courts of Coiiimon l'leaa. General (Quarter Seiona of tlie iieace, and Oprhana' Court. Co'nl uf Oyer and Tcnnincr and (Jcueral Jail Delivery, iu and for the county of Northumlierland, lo commence at the Court muse, in the borouijli ol Sunbury, at 10 o clock, A. M, on Monday, the lit day ol .MlVEMUtK next, and will continue WO ISliK.. The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested lo lie then and there in their proper per sona, with their rollt, records, inqnisitiona, aud other remembrances, to do those ihinga to their acveral ollicee apiertaining to be done. And al- witnesses prosecuting .n behalf of the Commoid wealth against any prisoner are alao requested and commanded to lie then and there attending in their proer persons to prosecute against him, as shsli be just and not lo depart without leave at their peril. Jurora are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable lo their notices. Given under my hand al Suubury, ibe 1st day of October 111 Ihe year of our Lord one thous and eigh' hundred aad fifty-eight and ihe Independence of the United States of America Ihe God save the Commonwealth. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. 8henfFs Office, Hunbury, t October 2, 1858. I Estate of Qeorge Brosious, dee d. The Cbmmnnwtulth if Pennsylvania, ti. FJpO Calhaiiue Iliosioua, widow ; John jro--B- sious t John Uincaoian alienee of I'eler Witmer who nsa alienee of l'eier llrutiout; Joint Uingamaii and Ji real Witmer alieneea of Henry Hrosious ; Charles and Napoleon JitaAmx ot Loer Malo'no', alienees of Nicholas llro- ious ; .Sophia, widow of Daniel Lahr; Anna intermarried with I'eter Seller, who resides in Msltsny Valley; I'eter Lahr who waa inter married with Ebzabrth Schrnyer. formerly Uro- siiius who waa tiri-t intermarried wiih Adam hchroyer (now derrared) taid Elizabeth bring now deccuaed. leaving the billowing children viz : Nicholas Sehroer who resides in Macedon, Mer cer couuty, Ohio; I'eter tScliroycr re.idiiij; in Seneca county, New York; Anna intermarried with Jacob Yrgel. residing in Su.icca county, N Vorli., Adcin &chroicr Iniog in Ohio, licorge Lahr ivho r. kidi a near Lower alldlisky in Ohio, Henry Lahr of Seneca county. N. Y.,John Lahr resioiiii in Miihian. David Lahr residing in Ihe blnle last aforesaid, iluyh Lahr residing iu Ohio, and Elizabeth intermarried with William Haiiit a of McKces, t-nydcr county. I'a., collateral heira and rcpli scnlalii'ca of Ocorgu Uroious lata of Ceoigclonn. IWtliuuiherl.ind county, deceased, snd lo all other persons iuleieslcd. Cnstriao 1 ORTIU'Mlll.ltI.AND CoCKTV, ScT. You and each of you sio hereby cited to be and appear before the Judge of our Orphans' Couit ul an Orphans' C'uurl lo be held lor said couniy 011 ihe first Monday of November nett, and then and there uccept or refuse tj take Ihe real estate of ihe. aaid (i'orge Hi n.iou, deceased, al the valuation Ineieol or eliuw cunse wliy the suiiiethould not ho .sold. And bcieof fail mil. Certified fioni the recoids of our a liJ Orphai a' seal. i'uuilut Suubury the lh day of August, A. D. 165a. THOS. D. (iliANT, Dep'ly, Clu O. C. The above named heirs and Ic'al representa lives, will please lake notice of t!ie above rule. JAMKs VANDVKi:, Sh'U'. Sherid'a 1 fi'ue. iSuiibiiry. 1 FOK II1S TWO riA.NOP, LONDON, Oct .ber I3,19SS, fi MKVLIl, retprctt'ally int'orma bit fnendt nnd the ' online eeneiully that lie tint uonttnutly on hund f I A NOS. eijiial to tlini,. fur which he received the Prize Med al in lAind'Hi 111 Ir.'il. A 11 nidert promptly attended to, and great care Ukea III the selection and mrking Ihe none. He hat received duriita the latt Fifteen yean more Mudiilt lliiin uny other milker from Ihe Franklin liitilnte nlo, Firti Preniiuiria 111 liottoii, New York and ilulu nunc Wiirprnomt No. Arch ttrcct, bt'.ow Eigtitli MUth tide. 1'I11I,MH:.PI1IA. Stpt' inlier II, trie yrn w Estate of Amanda II- Harrison dee d. CJ OTICE is hereby given that letteis of sd is ministrution on the estate of Amanda M. liarriaon, late ol" Coal luwnthip Northumberland county dee'd, hating been granted to lha subtcri lier. All persons indebted and those having clnima will plraau present them for settlement at at her late residence 011 Saturday the SOlh day of October J 308. AMOS VASTINE, AJm'r. September 35, 185S Ct. for'Jale. . GOOD FARM, formerly occupied by M' 1'heraon, now by Tiult, intersected by the line nf I'nion and Snyder counties, containing 170 acres, of which about 100 are cleared. The public road from Norlhumlierland lo New Mer lin pastes through it about four milea from Nor thumberland, Iwo from Winfield Iron Works, four or fiva from Lewitburg. 'J itle indiaputehle. One third of the purchasing money cash, and Ihe residue in equal early payments with inter est, secured by Mortgage aud llo-ds. The whole l-act la Ct for ruhivation, and includea a fair portion of meadow ground and limber land. Inquire of John Youngman, at Winfield Irou Works, or of HUIH BELLAS, Agt. Suubury, Sept. SA, lri5n. 8w Atlantic Cable. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS U J. II. KltflFI. offUmbary, I'a HAS jntt arrived wilt splendid etoak 0 Fall Gend from Fhilarleiidiia. lo which be. iT'rctfutly Invites his fiietiits aud tfwt 1'ublio tn, call and inspect, he will spare no time in aiiow. ing Ihrm. A mono; his a.k of Rends will be found, FINE DI.LE AND BLACK Fine Black and Fancy Caaitneree Tweed a, SaU inrlla, Jeans add Fa'cy Voeiinff. also a large as tortmi nt of ready-made CLOTH INCi fvr wen aud Lvyt (chrap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Black and fancr dress silk, (very cheap) silk dial, li, French Muiino, fruited r'lci.co Meimo, I'laid Cab mere, all wool Delaioe, all wool Deluge, Mohair Dehege, Printed Cashmere, Valentin, CI. alii ftnhs a quilli, Delaine Iiolies, Peisian De- Initio Kohca, foil de C'herre Holies, Plain Del sgw l.ovellns and Delaine st sll prices, and the Ken! stripo skirls, Fall Minwls and Mantillas, a good asMiitment of white goods, Collara. Slece. Irish Linen, Mint fronts, M sreille,lrilliaiit Ac. A general am.irtnient of domcaliu Dry (in da. Also a large ato.; of Hats and Caps, Knots nnd shoes, Hardware, (jucena and (iiajnaro. (rnccrie, Ceilarware. Stone and Eaitheuwaie, Druga win! Paints, fait, Fith, Cbrete, Ham, Oil, Tar Ac. &e. N U Wall anJ Window Paper, Floor snj Table Oil Clnih, Carpels, all the above will ba aold at low pricea fur cash or country produce ta en in eichaiiijo for Goods. J. H. ENUEL. Sunbury, Sept. 2 I8r8. tf. 'i lie riciy AMERICAN CYCLOPJEDIA. REASONS FOR UI.'VINU IT, AND THE WASH AND MEANS OF liUVINf! IT. rBJlENew Amrtican ("cln sxlia is pojiular st wii.iout i ring supeiuciiii. learned hut net pi lantic, comprehensive but suflicifinlv detailed. fua from personal pique and party prejudice. uen;i ami jet accurate, it la a complete state ment of all that ia known upon every important topic within the scope of human intelligence r.very important arlioie in 11 lias been specially written lor its pages by men who arc authorities, upon the topica of w hich they speak. They are required lo bring Ihe subject up tn the prescu' moment; to stale just how it stands now. All the statistical information is from the latest rt ports ; the geographical scrounts keep pare with the latett explorations; historic.) mutters include the freshet just views; the biographical notices not only sneak of the deaj. but also of the living. And the work is chesp ; Ihrre dollars a oN lime ; and each volume contains mure we have carefully computed the contents of both more than the wlime six volumes nf Bancroft's history wincn are sold at Iwo dollars a volume, making in all twelve dollars. Every family ought to pnseets a cpy of Ihe New Cyclopaedia. It is a library in itself. Let each man savs twenty fiv cents a week, and by the lime ths work is com plete he can not only own the fifteen volumes but slso a handsome nook-cam to keep them in. Sava a halfdimu a day, (n little self denial will doit.) aud you aave enough lo buy a setrf booka which will give you sound information upon all points about which you wish to acquire. School children ceilainly tho members ol our High Schools can all have it. Save Ihe pennies which are given lo you, run errands and -'do chores" when you can, and thus earn a quarter of a dollar a week, and the task is dune. Me chanics ! you have not much lime, to read ; this, then, is just tho work for ou; it will help you upon an points 01 inquiry, and three hours over work per week will buy it. Lawyers, uhvsirian. clergymen ! il will iia breadth and accuracy luyuu iiiiorinaiion, anu auu largely to your la. Queues and income. stationery. A large supply of fancy Note Paier and Envelopee, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Fens, Iuk, Hand, Ac, at July 17. 'fig. A. W. FISHER'8. J. T. BROWN, Manafaetaring Jeweller, No M Mat deu lame, oflere tin aO-ck, confuting uf a general smshi meat of Lockeia, Chaint, Ae , which ara oifered at ilia Jowcti cash pricea. Ureut lodaccinaiiUi to country cast buyaia Ueliiber 0, IS2S- tnina 2 c Art MOHK. M K.N WANTED AS ACF.NTS ,-)UU TO C1KCL1.ATK ia)id-aelliinr valuaUa r'A.vlll.V WORKS, which auraot by their W piieaa, iiitarcaling saiitenu, and anperbly ookired platea. For eireulala, wilb particulars, apply, if yiu five r'att, to lit.MlV HOWs:, No. toil Nastau-at , N.Y i if IVetl, lu lha bum, No. Ill Maiu at, COiciuiaU Octobci B, IHM.wSiooa. 0. S. CLARK A CO., No tSMaidca Lane, New York Maiiutsrluisit of Uidd and Bilvsf Pencil Cates. and OiM Pcmiauf Kvery Ueacriptioa, atr thtir gsjdt direct to lha country irsdeal Iht pricea otkara eaarga the city daelrra, Ihwehy 'eaviiiff th parebuaar about vO per aent wh!cb tby wtatld hava to usy ISa dealers U bought from tlseaa our utnect lo aell f auak at hi pnait over Iba ooat of maaulaatarinti. fwinplrs will ba furnisbad In uYa wao stay Oatra 10 na tlui aonda, at tba Oosca Price, aud twa m aaia af aapttaa, wlUS at to tMx. Octolicr 'J, I a.r)fj. Estatn of Wm- Bartholcmew, deo'd- Cvmmmnisealth of Penntyli aniu : To David ltloom Cathunno llnmmel for merle Culharind lilotiui, children of Maiy Kurlholumew who was ititermurried with Daniel lilooin, and uow deceased, Sarah iu termarried with Dr. lUker, Elizabeth inter married wilb Wm. Itloom, Julia intermarried with J. lilooui, Hannah intermurried wilb J. Uraigor. Wm. Darlholemew, Jacob Uarthol emew, John Darlholvmnw, and Culharine in teimurried with Jonathan Fashold, all heira and leu a I representatives of Wm Bartholo mew, late of Lower Augustu township dee'd, and to all other perseus interested. (JasiTixo ; NORTHUMBKKLAKD CoPKTV ScT. Yon and each of you are hereby cited te be snd uppeur before tho judges of our Or bans' Couil a. Kucbury. l uu Orphans' Court lo be held for said county ou the first Monday of November next, and then and there ac cept or refuse to take the real estate of the said Win. liarlholemew dee'd, at the valua tion thereof or show calico why it should not be sold. Aud hereof fail not. Certified from the records of our aaid Or phans Court at Suubury, this lUtb day of August A. D. IHOH. T1JOS. I. GKANT.dep'ty Clk. 0.0.' The above named heirs and legal represen tatives, will please lake uotice of the above Kule. JAMKS VANDYKE. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Suubury, October 0, 1858. f Blarney. Bluster and Misrepresentation it is our wih to avoid, we do not protest lo keep everything or to sell cheaper than every oilier dealer but wo try lo keep constantly on hand a ceneral assortment of Merchandize adapted to all classes cf persons, and to represent Iheir quality and usefulness without exaggeration. To which wo ask the attention of buyers. Bear in mind that we are determined to sell at PANIC PRI CE8 for CASH or its equivalaul. A fresh supply of CruClTlCS Salt and ot'ier goods just received. J. F. A I. F- KLINE. Klines' Groe, Sept. Irj, Ic.'iti. if THE NEW CYCLOPEDIA (3 Volumes now liraJy) Will be completed in 15 volumes, roysl 8vo j $3 per volume, in cloth ; $3 0 iu library kue Iher; $1 half morocco ; $4 CO half Russia ex tra ; $ I in monthly parts. H. B. MARKER, Agent for N'orthuxijerlsiid County. Augutt Si, IS.'iS. MOUNT VERNON HOTEL, Second utrtet, Lelnw Arch, THI SB PHI A PA. 'gHE above establishment having nee 11 reno vated and refurnished, the proprietor asaurva the public Ibat a call is only needed, as he guar enteet full satisfaction in every case. Terms $1,25 per day. A. M. HOPKINS, Proprietor. September 25, 1658 3m C WS Wood. J Superior srtiols al Croea Cut and Mill Hawa. FlBHCMrV ITotico to Collectors- TsTOTK.'Ejia hereby c,iven by the uiidrriined, la tic delinquent collcclors of Nurthum Ik rlunj county, thai we waul Ihem lo pay in some money U lore Ibe gnneial eleciion, and at the especial Court that ia held 011 the 3.1 Monday in October next. Aud the balance of voui du-plicalt-a to be settled oil' in loll ly the November Court, neit, without tail. If you negle t this nciice you may expect what will follow thereaf ter, A word to Ihe collectors of lS.'iS, we also want you lo use your utmost endeavor o rolled some money and pay it in by the time ihe return jod Rct come in with llifir returns, and pay in tome money at the several Courla- The gci.eial elec tion, Siecial Court aud November Court, all ihese will be lara ex penditures, and we 1:111 ;t have money to defray liio costs, be very punc tual. CHARLES IIOTTF.NSTINE, FKKUKUICK II A AS, 8AML LL KNT, CVmmun'onet'S. Commissioners' OfTiee, 1 Sunbury, Sept. 23. ISM. J Itnre I I. mice. FROM C3.00totl(i,n0 PKR DAV KASU.V RICtU IZl'.D. An baurul,le li'iauiett C-Jllul icauiud uo el, so 10 aij.oo. New AHite (Patented) of ute in eve.iv rmily, Maiiiifactiuy. SMt, and Olhco Man uud Wi.u.en young tout old, wauled to enmpu in i:a u.e. la every Town and C unly 111 the tl'.uslirrii and I'crnl, :it. senj lot a cneular, or apply iu ptitou to 8 J. BF.Srort, No. 33 Sojih Third Street, l li .UOvl; t.ia Mniiufurtarer and Wholetule Pcalar lit WA IVII KS AND JEWIlI.II V For tainilis sent lr.. by load rteait of l.ou. Ctlolur e IBV) 3uu ahr Suubury Acadiiuy. riHE (Sunbury Academy will open its Winter 1858. S2XTZ &. CC., OYSTER PACKERS. .Vo. 9 Albemarle street anil .Vo. 10 5. Front street, IialtimoreMil. Axd Scott's Creek, Portsmouth, Va. ES ''A CHANTS supplied at all seasons of ll e year with all the salt wster delicacies found in ihe city markets. All orders promptly and faithfully attended ta. September 1 1, B")8. ly COAL! COAL! COAL! From Uie Coal Mountain ColMcr j. 'HUE suhsciibers, now operating this Colliery. -- are prepmed lo furnish or deliver, at iheir wharf, at Northumberland, all sizes cf Coal, from their mines. This is a very superior quality of Whi'e Ash Coal, which they are prepared to fur nish promptly lo order. They are alto prepared to furnith Ked Ash Coal from lha Lambert Colliery. FAHKION CLEMENT. Sunbury. Ancusl 28, 1803. tf. Session on Monday, the 4 th day of October Tsaxe rsa Qu.eTsa aas 1 Lower Engliah Branehee, 94.00 Higher do. do, ti,00 Latin, I C 6,00 Bcliolars lakeu at all t'mea during the Session. ISAAC HUFF, I'liucinal, Poobery, Pepl. IS, U5.-V A VALUABLE TAjRIVS FOE SIsE. THE siibtcriber will olfer a public sale, on I Tuesday Ihe 0th day NOVEMULI! next, on tho piembey, the farm now in bia possession, adjoining the borough of Sunbury, being the ettt ero portion of ihe well known Au;tita fsrio, lale the property of Samuel Hunter. iVc'd., liog belaeen the Callawissa road and the gut. This valuable property tontnina about 74 acres nil cleared, and it in a high stale of cultivation. The iinprovementa sre new Frame two-stoiy dmellinj II OL'SK. well supplied with water and a goaj substantial bank bam. 411 by CO, a wagon house, amoke house, corn crib and all other iiecea.try oulbtiildinKs. There is also 011 the premises a young Orchard of eso llenl grafted fruit. The fences are sll ui w and iu good condition. Tlos property would make a mutt dc.iral.lo couuiry residence on account of ila Icilility, acenery, healthy location and convenience lo town. Tho terms will hesis per cent down, and the remain der in three equal annual paymci.lt from the let of April, IN5U. Fur fuitber particulars si p'v In the sub.ciiL, JOHN BL'YEKsJ. Sunlitiry, Augutt 21, l'oi Is riObllCCO and ScgarS- SO.OOU Imported JL tSegsrs of various branda. -ldorado, Fig, Cavenuish anJ fiuacul lobacco . A. W lEn'i, J.nlury. July IT. If. cRACirniis. Jl.'ST RECEIVE I) by ihe suhsciilmr, al his t'l.Of.K bl'OUE, Market hquare, unbury, a fi'sh supply ol W ater, Hutler, Sugar, llmger and Bods Cisckera. fjr aale by Ibe pound or barrel, al wholesale litniabtirg and i'hlladelphia prices. Those wishing la puicbsee will please civ biw a call bel'oie ordering elsewhere. C. 0. 11AVEN. He also continues lo receive, weekly. suppia of flour, giving his cusioiotit lissh ariilf sud, at very reasonable rate. Suubury, July tl. leSS.-Hf r' AND VAItIlTNT.3rh7g1.7r J'-'will be gives) rtil I and Warrants b.Mf t uU .rMA'EKl