r -.r: leaa. load hew nouTS roa travelers Northern Central ttaihvny!! SUMMER A2KAN0EMENT. 17itM AND Allien HQ1DAV, JUI.VuTih, IN), li e Tien f itie IWihcril Central Hallway lHDj'at,y wiJl leave Dally, (i-hliidays exccpled; as lollwwa l CU.0 Nl'HTII. BCI'FAf. (I AXD MlfiJK I rRLI TnIJI. From UALVlVOiiLlu tt.MILKY A. liLMlUA Arrir l.rai . 4 Wi I' I J on II 1,7 111 IS III HI 111 tJ H 17 11 ' II I'll 11 41 II 4 II ' It lit) li M III C-J I 'J 17 III 9 U 3d 1J t Calvert Station, Yl! U, 1! tiling, r.ll'ii-lt.rc.'rr, Gfi'ti;it. II, Tu'vi'ilon Juuclkvav, Ivloi.-iirove, M' ,-. I II V, N.'riii-iniherim.d, (.'uinn.l'iaqus, LeVVIStu.H, foill'li, V.V titVi'illOWB, t-'lOOl.toWB, .'.)t'.era, Mt!it.mery, licn-ei' Muncy, Mnitoiiriyili, SVlUitotis.iurt, M. 1 5 s 61 III 1 1 111 411 in W II CI 11 l 11 S7 II 41 1 1 49 ii a w I 14 ! I I II 1 it li is :s 1J CO l to OIKO BOUTH from ELM1XA M SUNBL I! Y & DAJ.TTk.CFX. Arrive. w , S9 44 t il 61 10 01 1(1 14 10 H 10 Si 10 4U It 47 10 69 11 00 11 -2 J n 39 11 iJ 12 It U Ii ) 3 vl 0 V5 I.eat. l' A. IS V '.' 44 M 8 if IS, VI 1U lj 10 1 in 31 III 44 10 47 11 (0 11 od II -15 11 ill II M u SI 1-i St V IS f'lmira, iiiii.ni, tTI, Mi ul- u.t.llll, M '.iney, I'tlSei'S, Mo..;-. tsiy. ll)tler's ViiitMili-iTn, x ni.un'.tiwa, M.ih :i, Ltwik' lire, CtuUt'tpHiqiiSi Nf'iKitiiiil flBa, hlMII 111, r-rhns-t ro e, Trvv-irton Jnstl, fienrs c-towa, Millet tVjrg, llailfllX, i i.'rrepvrt, Y.nii, Ca.reilS'.stlM, M. MAIL TIlAIXsT. OOINQ NORTH from BALTIMORE to Sli.NBUKY & ElMlnA. Amy. Lem-e. e vj a. M. 11 C9 11 14 IJ 2-1 111) P. 11. 1 til 1 M a u 1 1 9 so a 85 9 43 II 43 a to .mi a o (i 19 3 1-1 - a 34 S 28 8 60 3 64 4 I'l 4 14 4 II 4 1 4 41 4 23 4 83 4 34 4 44 4 St 4 58 4 GJ 0 us a os a 07 a t-j a is a is ci a m a 39 a m a au ttlvertSlf.io. Y,.rk Hiiilgi'PArt Ciaik'a Yttty luilfax Mil!cibUr J)ui-h3linn MahoiiTono Uenrrji-tJ'.vn i'rrvinliiii JuHiw it hu-i.Trov MMitli V, NniihuiiilieriAnd Ctiillirqunqu Lrv.'taimig Miltml Vtiiimtmva I'yster'i Herger' Finney Mnntnursvft V iUiiuuijiurt (OnO BOoTU. From ELM.UIA to SlNCl'RY 4 BALTIMOHK. . Anlra, l,rm. Elmlm, 14 30 A. St 'illianiiirt, 3 SO (Ml M .nlciunvUls 414 4 14 Muiicy, 4 Stf 4 '. D. tget 4 tM 4 3 Miiitina7 4 3a 4 S3 liylcr' 4 Ji 4 4i lininiilowa ' 4 it .4 49 "VVultonl.nvi . 4 54 4 fcS Miltuii, a OS a W Le-iburf 8 IS 0 IS Chillisqilrtijt 5 tJO a 9 Nnrthuinhrrlaod S ;3 S US PUNDLIiV, a 41 a 45 tlint Grov ' S C5 . S fid Trevorlon J one tea e 10 S 11 Georgetown, 0 51 0 !I4 Mahaiitongo 6 34 S 34 Uiici.iiiiaii, ' e as a 3d MillortUu.-g 0 44 C 43 IlulilM 4 67 6 lit Clark'a Fail 1 13 7 13 IiuThin 7 13 7 & briilgrport 7 41 8 49 Yurk 9 50 t 67 Calrrrt Statlinw 1 U July 31) lSOSr- . iTEKEEUEO ACADEMY. AND Enydcr County Normal School. FEEEBUKQ. I3 TV. rSllE Fiitli (CMinn of this Iimiitutiun i ommn- crilon (he S7ih of JULY, and coiuinura S3 week. KncOuraged by past tucrces, incitaFfd elTorU bjj made to enable (-ti-ilnnu to acquiie sound nieniul, moral and plij'sic.il cducaiiiin. 'i'ha Academic Dc'jiarlmciil cinliruri'j all the tranches constituting a thorough KnglMi, ('las. sicnl, ltliemotical and 8ciontitlu Education, together .with. Muaic, UrawinSi I'aiuting and l'reiich. - A NOKMAL rEP.nTMErT lias tceri esfBtlished and heretofore well nttn.drd in which T?ae'.iet, anil llioo ni.shig to become inch, can piepare theinselves fur the profusion. TtllM JllLF 1! AllTAKCE. For Board, Tuition, Hooui, Sic, per eessioa of C i wcclis. f52 to Tuiiion alone, per quarter of IF tLe. to $0 .Music, Drawing, I'aiulinj or.J I'rjcch at uuui charges. HluJcnU can enter at any t:m. For catalogues. Arc, aldrci-s UllO. l McfAULASD, Princij-ol. ! July SI, 1H09. FA II ME ITS ATTENTION : ! ! TliQ best aiticlo in tho vorldior raisii:? WHEAT 13 tEIXAU'S SUPER PMOSPIIATn i)F L1M U, at $10 per ton, or 2J cts., a !!., by ;he bjriel. Analyzed and recoBimenJed fur the Wheat' and Grain Crops, by Professor CHAS.T. J ACKSOX, Chemist of the United State Patent Ofi'ue, Washington, 1). C - It will repay the outlay Mio H'U percent, and will not burn the tot J by corking in contact as Guano doea. 'i'ai Ir Pnotz Ir. ' U. A. LLI.VAU, Proprietor, . Ko. 21 South FltO.NT Street, Philadelphia city, Pa. Or of my Agents, throughout th Country Analysis can be seen at my Office. Cssli Mailed with tha order, will receive prompt atten tion. - A liberal discount lo Stortkcfjrrs uho buy to aelt again. Pamphlets, can lis had st tr.y Office. ylugust 7, 1838. 3ro (i. K. L. KUSIC TEACHLK. rpilE subscriber respectfully informs tha eiti Tens of Suuburv and vicinity, that he will retnuin in this j lace for the purpose of eiviue lessons on the PIANO, to such as many deiiiie instruction. His terms vt ill be rearonable. He may be fouud at tha Washington House in thus place. CHARLES DAT.INO. ffunburv. July 17, IH.SH 1JUKE CJDEU VINEGAR, PURE CIDER VINEGAR, PUKE CIDER VINEGAR, By tha quart, gallon and barrel, fcr sale by M. C. CARIIART. Sunbury, July 81, 183S. sfjLOMON b. rnyiR, r- ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office in Market street, opposite V'evei's Hotel, 8UNBUUV, PA. Collections attended to in Northumberland and adjoining Connie. I acquainted null the finnan language. x Rirxnsscs t II. J. Wolverton, Esq., Sunbury, Pa., Geo. F. Miller, Esq , LeiMshurg. Pa. J. II. Ziegeiifus, Philadelphia, Pa. Benjamin Ksmvrer, feunhury, lug. 14, I K5 ly. jbur .Tid MADEKIA WINES, fccluedam Bchuupps, Wild Cherry brandy, Elackberry ud Lavender brandies lor medicinal purpose a at July 7.'SS. A. V. FlsUEK. Citrate of Magnesia TASTELESS SALTSf THIS preparitioo is reconimeuicd aa an ex cellent luxaliva and purgative. It operates mildly , is entirely free from any unpleasant taste resuiubUng lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold by A. W. FISH UK. $ anbury, Jul IT, t9t. SELECT SULI1IERG00DS. LA 11 til! ASSOUTiMKNT ! WE hsva rereivrd out NEW GOODS for the summer trade, and regretfully invite all the tvnrld and Ilia lest of nmnkind to VnU ARO Bit Tuem. l'enle nlio would crnnomi'.. and mvs their dimes siill do well to rail and see him vrr) cheap goods ran he had, anil should they lint coiiclnda to purchase from us. they will he inure ronver taut as to the actual valuo of all kinds of Goods. 7 Iuti) aie n great many tcasons why people ihouM clocrly exeniine our slock, and v. hilc it it cU'iiriy ilcmoiistroli'il I hut tlie "obvious ineaiiing niii! impoitu" of this multitude uf rensoiK refers direr! ly U lt,o UK-lUl'V OY TKXTL'KE, and ilii'n,iu'o in price uf g.mds, it will nt lii Fame strike the oiind of the c.Imt ring , ECONOMIST, ihot a stnte of things combining a great and di veiilitd supply, wi h low prices, must tiriner nt jut a "coiiiciriniutlon dfvt.u'U- to be wished" in nulling the 1'OOU il.l.N' KlC'H.aiid tha rich man opulent. And allli'Ji'nh wo may dijresa, yet permit us to add that nothing would Afford a heller ground work f.ir a smr.nii'.r evening's entertainment, than for the l.inj mother Vvho is presumed tn Imve ex. a xiucd nt'r vtock, to E.nhrr In r little Hock around lur.a;;d them ofllliKJHT S04'8 beau- ti.'id ji'i'ds.tho handsome ilks from France olid Iin'.v. Ii3 TuM'on end Lnres from Lyons, the Merino i'loip Krnnce, the prints from Mam (tester, Iho l.ii crs and hnvna Irom tilssjow end lhib I'm, and a thousand things of ptc:,t lenity and utility. Hut In be a liltlo more practical, we wi'l t'.ita for the good uf the country, the iting eriieration, and the full grown, more in detail, tha goods we retail, in very larpe or smaller slices, at very greatly reduced prices ! and though wo may regict we said it, we'll sell our goods on six months credit, ot the end of which tho pcoplo liueii, win como ai.u pay us wu!i a ruth, for tuvie can feel so unconcerned about a debt so fully earned, ns to be guilty uf procra:i:iction, to the bazar J of their reputation. l lien (icntlemcn ami Ladies fair, hearken, if jou ve the tune to spare, end hear of .iew Goods rich and rre, received uiid beina opened. OP CLOTHS, 2"iere's broun, and black and blue, Yea Cloths of almost every hue. . CP CASGI1S?,SS, We've got justwh.it jou need uf mixed and sniped first rate" Tweed, for those cxpoeej or named as sick, wcvel unsimeren bo'.li strong an .1.: I. r ., , - . .... nut,. ; lor inosc who ny Msl.ion tiniik to win wo have the beautiful French Doeskin an or tide, we do expect, sir, can't he excelled in point oi lexiure. or irnsTstias. rJilks and good black (Saline, of every variety patterns, for weddinga, pnrties, or the street, for gentlemen mariied, or less discreet, whom we will lurnish from Hat to lioot, with a cheap and charming weddinir suit. Dut Ladies ! pardon this dereliction, and do not derm this oil a fiction, lor surely we are uounu to say, we lova to turn from grave to g,iv trom dull old bachelors, dtoudl'iil drones, vilioni lasnionnule etujueltu disowns, who, m a word. are sluggisa wights, in human hunuincss, r,co phytcs. (ientlimen, we bid you ell adieu tha Liauirs arc wailing lor something fsEWj Cashmeres Uclainrj Silk Boregc Othegca It ohes tiinghams Lawns Challes Tissues Chintzes "laids ofevcry pattern, and latest styles, so rich that that they excilo a smile suited for Ladies of Uocatri'L age, as well for those wlu would I 6os prelly lor tho maid bccouiins for tho mo ther, and ofl'trcd cheap to tho one or the other. Ribbons embracing one bundled pieces, beautiful L'elta suited for .'''.ices" (Jinghams. solid, plaid ond stripes ncsjf..-j, end 'Acptiila, Kobca" just iiii wiiu. ma iiio '!ii(k'rigueu Willi modecty reverts, to con!. J fi.mnccd end clctl hooped nnu weit rec onciled wo truct Hie ladies laces, will gaze wild fond delight upon cur hand some Laces Inserting, IMgings, of Jaconntt ami twisa. alionlin? beauty to iIiobo who o!h' bhsl three hundred nieces of enml i,ntiro l'riuts, and very .handsome cIvIca of new French Vvlii.iiz, while, mixed, and brown Cotton Hiun much cheaper than some people would suppose. Spool Cotton, Tapes. I'ins, lii.ltoua, and A'cedlfi in pn.luf ion : Uobbtn, Cord, Uuiinct Wire, and blond lllution. Then come one, come ail, you'll nnu us very iiandy. In snowing each the'-modu operandi or buying and sidling cheap. V.. Y. 1IRI011T & SON, Punhury. June 12, 185R. PUELIO NOTICE. TTOTICE is hereby that the BUSINESS RE ' IjA i IONS, heretofore subsisting between v llham V timer end the undersigned, i.i tho urug otoro at .Norlhumtierland, have, by mutua consent, Una Jay (Jui.o 7lh, lS.ltJ.) ceased to Rjisij inn ir,o iiMni and accounts will remain f ir settlement and collection in the Lands of the subcriLer, who will continue tj carry on the opines: at tha ol stand. KOHEKT B. McCAY, Northumberland1. June 6, 185S. Eiclutioa & Co Psrtnenhiu. "BHE firm of Shepherd and Hcwelt, Coal 0 e. rator!, Locust Summit Colliery, Vrthum- Derland County, Ta., beintr thia day fJune 1st IKji,) dissolved by mutual consent, the buMiics; R ii! bo henct'lorlli carried on by James M. shep herd and Juhn McFarland, under the firm iiaini ofKhepherd & McFailaiid. who will nav all rlai:,is ngaitibt and rcctiva all accounts due to the lata linn. JAMES M. SHEPHERD, Sur.burv, Pa CH.-.M.ES II EWE IT, Wiamokiii. Pa , JUE .M'i'AKLANU, Pino Grove, Pa. Sa;:bi!:y, Juno 1 1 lio9. I-ICOJiE & CAUPIOS, CI Situit S'tcovl Strctl. 6 tloort o!ioi-e iruce, 3?HILADELPIIIA. iiai t. now on iimul the largckt a.soitinent of vim: cakistet rt kxe it uiz Jhtin lhay have ever hid at onv prc.ious time, and they invito tha public to cail and examine tlitir stock beloie purcbaring, as they feel conli ilctit !I'.jl their prices will li ti sufficient induio mci.t tor all who want good furuiture to buy at u.e.r eDLoiiiiourneiir. A lara assortiuer.t of Pratl's Rack and Pininn Dining Evlciision 'i'lifles always on hand, Sjirmg uuu i.air Miiiircssrs 1 .rnislicd at lowest piicis. Furniture carefully packed and 011 rcasonabli terms. Philadelphia, July 54, 1833. ly KKECHFIr" 13 ALL l!7.ocfe wid Jhttiil JJcaUrt in rOItEIQN As DOMESTIC 7H1TES LIQUCPsO. M.U ftnet, East ii(U) .Vor4 Laim!lc,l'a, 'T'lIE undcrsi-ned would respectfully announce to their fiienJ and the publio generally. Ihst they have purchased a very extensive stock' of Wt,;e and Liijuurs direct horn the Custom nous.-, whuh they olhr to the trade at Philadel. phis pi ices thereby saving freight 4 c. JOHN W. SHERIFF, J. S. HALL, Pauville, J una U, 1658. if. II0BUT," LAO WIINOBLIT, Cabhitt Itlukritt' iliiai. gr Moro AND BEDDING WARE-ROO.MS, Hiving REMOVED to the new Iren Front Warehouse. No. 821 tSonlh Second Street, below Dock, West tide, PHILLDELPHI A. VOWofC'r to ther cuatomrra and tha public generally, a new and lull assortment of CABINET HARDWARE i MATERIALS. They invito tha attention of the trada to llmir stock of Hair Seating and Curled Hoir, of their their own manufacture t Also to a full assort ment of BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERY. rnuaueipiiia, July 'J, 1838. ly A. J. ROCKEFELLER 2Vttorncn at aujf Praclicea in North Counties. ' euub7, Nevsmbee tl, 1MT.. f Avnnr.LKU wilson TTAMUrAOTTJUlNa COB FAMILY SEWINU MACHINES. flTll". Bimnimoua favor whkh hiianlipiiileilllis lutroituc JL ti 'ii "I Wnssi kR or Wll.s 'N i t'mnily (living M.i' rldiie, is sutrirteiii eviJpncs of its exeeilmce. It is neLl- leas now to my, tttat this useiul iiiairiitiirrit ia Woiam a nmuriaic uivilultin : I lie llicl is rceoillliscil ly Its anccfa liil US11 in lliou Kiiitl. of Families in r'very raiik hi life, 'i'o lliiie who riave hitherto relrulneurroinnvailiii? tliewiTivea ol its arivaiilKcs, it omy not he nniiMi to my, t'i.,t its util ntv a not a pmtilrin to be solvpil, but o infer nlremly liiilii..nl Tim hiphrl tuslillony ia ronstnutly niri riiheiiii- nriniug ihn vrnlic-t which has giycu this iartruinsntons wine ui.ii ynvrjiiifi a rcpui.iuiin. 'I'liis Miielntie is comv'ivpil on a principle entirrly oriji, ah tieinrr snccially nnd ndminihly ulntml totlip must per feel Werk on every kind of il.uteriai ; Slid, linym? bees mh?cted to a llin o jeira' lesl of the iih'M ueliina coiriieiei by e amilim, nml 111 varl';li lirunrlma of Mann Incline, Willi ihstieftimtieil ece-si. It 13 liel.ivetl tint in a!) ihc i;rriit ixiiiila teqnisite to a complete and practical l?e.viesr Mneliiiie, it ciuinot he apprnneheil in c&eulieiire Among ti e umloulittt! atlvani ices it possesses ivcr nil otltt i. in.'ie he nniii'.'il Iho follnwirp-; I. lis siiiij hi ily i f ctmiciycii'in. n-n! e,iittct;iu'nt fre?. Join frinn ilermi;eincnt nml nrrd .if rejiairs '1. Ita nnrx-inij led rn;iiditv and ease of onc.-atlon. 3 Its nnict'ltss inveiiirnt 4. "i'Jiii fjrtfiii viMu :y if pnqinse to which it enn be ap p'ien, wUirli ecu hs 'nehieved hy 110 other mechanical 1111:11. s. And, 6. 'riii.prc-einiiifitbennl.yni.il dtmhility of the work I ftnd y.nir Miudiine iiiealu 1I1I0 I have uneil il n ye;ir, snd it luis iieVi'l tieen nutiif oril;r. The siilea is very Cn rnVle. hi',' t-nn 1m; adanled to fhi nr ci .ni t in-:teri;i!s. It Worl.s wilh Ihe rnpi illy of a d-ijtcu y.;nr ef ham's ; avi.s iiinell tliim. I'.ilxnc mid rxnrilie. Uneof ynur Mir tones is n.-.rd 111 my I :lh"i's famdy ; ani iher in tli lintiscliiiM nf n sinter ; nml ntliprs hy vari'ona triemls. Tlie epiiiu.na of rll nre id with dial 1 linve juit exprii:ed." ilia Anna C'orl I'itfliie. 'TittTe ia Unt one Frwine Mmhine t end tint is Vhre. lei and W ilson's." Jadnc Mei, nf die American Insti- tnle. The Pewimr Mnchhif pilTfhnsednf you hasbccil Whnl. ly siTvii'i id le ' Prv nr. fcmin I og nnl. Nolaiiiily rnn uiun-d to do wilhoat it. (innicKs or TnaNsa Yosx Pks. ',Ve prefsr llcirt for la:ni!y uiie. Trihmie Tliiy hip the i.ivuriles for I'nmihc 'i'iinrs, Are wilh'iut a rival. Scientific. American. AVorl.s mure iinii'oiinly tlinii the hand Hem!d. li the v.Mfk of ten orilinary sewcis Jnitr Com. Iitijal tu nine aeaimressiM. ll.nwn Ji'iun. I Tua inaelniir., for fumily am Advoenl? .V dnitriial. Mo..t hnii'imhle to Aaietliiill eeaiiia Independent. V'i! oiinit'l Inmsine ntlthina irioru perfect Kvanchsl, Will lvc entirii sa'.isfiicliolt. Ulifel ver. The bent ever invented. -t 'lirisMnil lntairer. In liHikini for the heal, see tlirse Kx:nnlnrr. Adiuirahiy ndiipleil f-ir family uT Clironii le. lndiiii'hmilnc ill every family. The Preacher. XVe praise it with etiilmftiniuti I'.liri.liaii Intelligencer. Worthy of the lut;lieI tiwald. Sabbath Keeordcr. A liiicl-itti in of llie ajr". i'ltlliaiu's M.i'jjixine. .Marital in npcr.ition Mrs. Slephens' Mciitiiiy. Ili-y.inil all question, tiie iiinrauu-s. l,iie lilngira'rd. Tlie ttitch fiitinnt bu unriiveled. Am Aciieuhmist. They iiiamt.iiii tin: pre-einuieiiee. Kxprcus h.ves the lime ami lienllll 11' Iru wmien. Water Cnrs. Our Ii-'uh hold is in cestui it .1 with 1!. l'w let's spirit. npply I lie f:inhi"inihle '.voild 1'aily rs. Are pre-eiriiilenlly saperioi. luties' Vintur. (hie of tiiu hinliiellold R -tlx 1T. 14. .lulirnah I 'ill ivallisl in every ina'lly. liny llmilt, l'ielty,r.befiil, iii:i;ienl.- l.eshe'ii'tjiii'.etrfi. Have 11 1 equal l- l Inniily use Mniiicii! World A tiiiimph i,' me 'hiiiiMfal genitlf N . Y. Jnuinal. CmnliitiK every reqnirement h aitiily M:ica2:iiie. Ynrlly Au,HTirtr in nil oiheia fl-ilileii I'rize. We eannnt tire in us .ninie New Yorlii r. For f irthcr particulars apply to II. R. Maer, Sunlmrv, Pa., arcnt of the manufaclurer, who wul aupiuy Liachincs at tha manufacturers' prices. t?uiihury, May l IS,1;?. if 2'i Clijf Utrctt, -Veic-l'Jri-. HANCKACTlMir.R OP GLASS S V 1! 1 N (5 E HO.MfXPATIHC VIALS GRADUATE!) MEASURE:'3, NURSING BOTTLES, ETC. Ghss Vsro for Chcinisis, C.-ugnists, Perfumers, Pnotographers.ttc. A liberal discount made to ilia, trade. Orders from Country Druggists and L'eaicrs solicited. 1 m-o l.lcU ecnt ou lion. AitRiist 7, 18S8. 3in oppiira- IKE IN TES NATIONAL HOTEL. BROADWAY, CORXIIlt OF FHAMCLIN STREET, NEW -STOHIS CITV, lias bctsii recently relitiixl, Thsnoomanie newly carpetc.l, The Furiiilnre una tleds srs superb, And the Ituil.s me u;,snr m.se'j. TAYI.liit'S CKMIilUAliCl) SALOONS na coSMcrto witu iushotrl. nereis eoia-nitruted all the comforts of a hoice, with tha luxuries uf a palace THE SPLENDID LADIES' PARLOR . Coiumnada and uuequnlled V1KW or UliostiWAT, . TIIK l.Ti:ttATin.Al, is the moat central nf any of llie fi at caiss Hotels for huai. ticss.or plaees of ainnsenieiit, and orTeis uiiinriiasFed sd vanuges ui uuii.ies aid c-pnt:rnin vis nine New York. Ai.ratn FaKX.v, Proiirietor. New 1 oik, July 3, l)jS ly LA NEE ZTXZZ' Agricultural Waro touso ?.r.a Seed Store, sVo. 21 rj'irf 23 Smith Clhslrrn.betwrm Mar- kei dud Vhtsuut vtrtett, I '.'iil.ntJ-. ;..-(. S always cjeuto the inspection of every one inlcrcbted in Faituiiiir or Gardciiiutr. 'I be subsciibcrs theicforo itiite tho public ge:ierilv to cull 1111 1 ev iiniiie tin- large and well eeierl.-'i! stock of Agri. ultiiiiil Iitip!.'ii:i ids and Machiti.-ry, gieat variety uf Hurticilt iiul tnola. t'arr:intc Garden and Flower Sect's Grass ru,,! l'i, l.l Seeds ol the most Reliable Quality, which they offer fur sale nl the lowest ca-h piiica, win Icjalo of retail. Tne agricultural implement so!. bv us are mostly inaitulacturid at our ttcru v.oil s Uiistul, Pa. Having fitted tip this establishment nithort regard to rxiiciife, with the most (oiii.,!..irt ... chinery f..r the manufactuie of various' kind uf riculiural imidemnit, we aie ineLared to sun. ply ad arliclcs in this line of the very best quality. I.aiidictli' Warranted Garden Setdn I,,,., Iieen before the public for upwards of sixty years- llnir widc-spiead i.opularity and the increasing demand from cor to vear are the best evidence of their superiority over all others, l:tr l.ounlry mmchanlH can be supplied with seed in papers, or in bulk, on llje most liberal terms. Blooinulal.i, near Biistol. Pa., our cardensped grounds, contains three hundred and seventy acres, and i the largest establishment of it V ind in the world. D. LAN URE'i'H A. RtiV No. SI and 23 South Sixth St.. Philadelphia. I.androlh'a Rural Register and Almanac 1.,, lod, containiria a mouiblv Csl el.il,r fur Ihu Farm, Gaidea and Greenhouse, cm ux uiu uas ris uikiii ncrsonul or urenaid nl l.n l'hiladclj hia, May Sid, 1658. Wholesale firoccry. EE Y a KUNKEL, Opposite the Pennsylvania Kail Koad Depot HARRISUURG, PA. TT7" EEP a large stuck of the following named li articles, and will sell chea ner than hiiv oilur house this side of Philadelphia. Cull and sec puce iii Coflle, J.arJ oil, Fish oil. Sugar, pub, Tar, ' 'J'ea, Salt, Hams, ,' Shoulders, Flour, Fluid, lioain, Pitch. Oakum Lobes, Calcined Plaster Spices, Tobacco, Cigar, Vinegar, Cheese, coup, Caudle A c. 2i. li. Molasses. Kvnu, V ri ai . Also, Cement, Safely Fuse. Crow liars Sledge, Iron and Nail, for al at very small rum. July3, '858 ly pATCHOULY, iOCKEY CLUB, SPRING 1- FLOWERS. Ac., of the best aualitv . fresh suuidy iust received and for sal, si 1),. Drug Stora of A. W. ElSllER. iuub.ry. July 17, 18IS. . Ill' RE OLIVE OIL fur table uo,-lw at :m .u.i r.oi ...1. 1 1... - . f jw... in.i.ru I' J - A. V. riSHER, Jul IT.'M. . s. - Stationery. A large aupply of fancy Noui Paper and Envaloiiea, Mourning, Latter, and Cap Paper, Pans, iuk. Sand, Ac., at y it, -t a, w. rwHrnr. 1857. FALL & WINTER GOODS t 1C3S FANCY DRY OOOD STOUE lMctkct Quare, tuntury. TOW received ami will continue to receive " the largest and best selected block of Black Clot.t, Cawimtrtt, Cassit'ttti and Yv$tnrjs, jr. An assortment of Dress Gondii, via t Fanry printed Calicos.Chillirs, printed La-.vns, Da Lnin Dnregcs, Merinos, Cashmcrta, Alapasas, I) rest Silks, Ginghams, &c. LINEN AND WHITS GOOD3. Irish Linen, blenched and brorvn Drilling, timet ing, i'lllowcascing, ftc. Di-ees Trimniings in OrSit Vorlst. Hoots and f.'hr.u Ila'.sar.d Cop. Hardware, Cedarware, Groceries, Qnecnsware SALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, Kegara, robacco. Snuff, &c, an BBsorstnent of other Gooi's too tedious to merit ioh. Feeling grateful for past favor wa li-c-rt avs to i:ve our old friends and" tho public that no iM,-t in our part fliall bo watitiun to aicr.t a coir nuance nf our patronor. ooutitry produce taken in ev.chr.nge at the hibcst market price. P. W.ORAY. Sunbury, Dec. 13 1S57. tf nr. w, ti. vasi i.noa, ff I.ANCA-TI'.n City. Into of Philadelphia, where lie I111B lieeil 111 BileecScl'iil prneln-a pir 11 utlnitiel of yrnrs. i,;eeived loa cdm-nli- 11 nt tlie lieat .Medical I'nllejia 111 tjiu 1'iiiled e'ates.ana had the exnt-nciice pud priieuee lit tin! ditltu-iit llorpitiila ur aeviia! jeaip.n inemtit-r ot llie Analytical Medical lu'lirute of .New voik. ami l.ita M,dn.il SuiRe f llie I'nileil Mnlca Nuvv, II' iw oilers hunsell to the public t outlt ntlany prefesiniiial calls. Thrpurcl' liiedleinea alwa-soii hand d.reet Ir m Ihs nest Larsifiitorii. ol i jr e. uiniy, mill tne II ilenn al Cai ULiii.ni ine wmill I-" tiaiellt liill( llie piesel lln il ol le commended. .Vle-hcim-ii used 1 nly w liieh will nt bunk iliovtl llie coiistliiiti', 11, hut will renovale tliet)Sletn I'niiil B.I injiiiies It h.is silslai ied Ir III lilinerld liiedleinea. thro. nic .n.d ttitlienll di.ese!i niiisl he tienteil iiion toialylienl piineiplo, whieli in lo know mid m eei lain whnl ilisense is lia ua'.ure nu.l eimru.ii r icijr.ire a ku iwlei'ire ol Ilia chemical eiislitin-nlsi,i' every pj. . 1 1. 1 .11. 1 fluid nf i he Imman li sly; the eliami-a lli'f sili(ls and Ilimls are cat-:ilile liliileritinii;. toktinw what meilii -iiit-a to mini y t i cate llltenws filiiresn knowledge of llie eheinienl e.-listilueiils ol all t feiilt rniplotrd 111 nn dienie ;i.d 11 we urn in pus ses.ioii ot tint knt.v!(1iti;e, 11 ia pisilns tocria any ilisenss in iimuer in now mine siaiHiine nisi leave the patient in a he.illiiv and ls-ri'eelly raretle lili'.n. Mi lauel.oly. Aberinlii'ii, . 1 Hut stat , f nllenlitlon and WenKiieFRiil llie itiiavl which renders iier:na IlieniMil.le enjoying Ihepleasureaiir peif,,rnuii!;tlie iluli.-s.il lue; l)a pensia i thai distressing' (liarane and lelldeMnijen f hea'lih una iinppiness, iiiicieriiimlnK coiistitatinn, anil yearly eiirryina iiiniistiiine to unlinii ly ttves. can lllisl Clllpliatl en i necareil. KheutiiMit-in, 111 tiny f.iriu or cuiiitiiion Fhnuiie or nettle, warranted eilrnMe: F.pilepaf 01 filling " 1 mi eiirouie anil s-.linonril CiiPes "I I emnlB i. senses rnihemly rt iinH-eil ; Kill lllieiilll.mid evi-rv dest-iip. lion ol iiicetnin 1'nia u.:.l rier. fu! us llisenses. which have b-it:!-,! all previ-.t-.s mtdieal s!:i'l enn ho fimil 1 y my lientiiient, when the c. list 1 1 i.l i,,n ,a n t exhaiiFted. 1 il-i any nil diseases (yes, C-.iiisiiuipli ,i) van Lc cured. lX"C:inrrr eared wili't'-iit the knife. I will lem lin in my i,:;;i-t on U'FDNit. pays and 5sTra. UVs, fnnn Ini'H rk A. M , to 3 I' M , to in c ninu slate path-ills finiii n ilislni i-r. n;:d eousiilt In Ills Knalnh nml liermin Inncunfies Will ninke vi.-ita lo any itirtnuee if ieiuired. May he udiiic.sed hy letiev, Fullon riiiuiire, Laneusier o.ly, Pa. i TV. II. YlIiTMUK,M. D. Jane 5, I5?. 6.n BUIIEURY SIEAM FEERY AND TOVIN3 BOAT COiirANY. npRAVELLERS and other are respectfully infurnird that the subscriber l:.is established a STEAM FERRY over the c'ni";ueliui,im, at Sunbuty. That a largo, safe and commodious sicamboat will run regulaily und promptly, at all hours during tha day, to carry foot pas,r;igers as well as vehicles, Ac, between Sunbury and the landing 0.1 ih oppoi-ile aide of the river, hmh Ways, orioai d f'oiu Sunbury. The steambcn viill run freni Market Street Wharf, and will carry passengers lo and from the Packet morning and ewnin;;. The Slum Firry now affirda i.ot only a safe and convenient transit over lh Sns (;ucliauiia, but nlso a pleasant on.l anrccahle rid. IRA 'J'. CLEMENT, Proprietor. Akdhfw Houriiii, Cup.ain. euinourv, atay I, NOTICE. 4 LI. person iuJobled to James Brard, lato Prothonotary of NorlhiunberlHiidci imly , lor fees, A-c, arc tequested lo make immediate pay ment, and thus .tve cost and further trouble, as ail accouuu rcmaiiiiug unpaid will be placed in the hand r.f a Justice for collection. Payments ran lie made either to the subsciibcr or to J. S. Beard, at his olficc. JAMES BEARD. Sunbury, March 27, IRSS tf riiHiiii)z:tiriTs i;nAEii;a uuvixraiij?. OHAN Ci U or HOURS. ON AND AKTKli MtlNUAY, Julys. Iris, ihedown 1U01U1115 I'st.enger Irani will ica r.aisvill nt e 10 A. At., passing lleaO.ng ul ..at A. .M ., un.l ulru lix at 1'hllaui iphiu at l-J.-Ji, noon. '1 he ilown Aiti-riiis u Tiaiji will hvive 1','ittville ot 3 3U I'. .M., passim; heading at o.co, ui.d arnvn nl l-hiudel-.nin at 7.4U. I'. 1 .Muninig unit Ai'ieiii.-oii Pass-.-neer Tiaina leave Philu ih-iphia nl sum. bonis us h'T-li,,,.e. ? IW A. il . und 3 3li P. .'J , psutai-s Kt--.::c cl lo.ti A. 11. n:.j li.uj p. Ji. i.i-:baxo. v.vu.i-:y i: ANCII. lctj A. M , (nfier P.tre;i;;er Ti.iiu h- sriivn! 1,1 ll.iwn :ul Foils, il'e lil-d I l.il.a't K.:.i i;.-...i. 111 1 11. ,e 1 Si.ii'.K.-v, Wi.leinib.i ,1 '.' 3 Ke.u!iiu l. l ,i .VI. ir 1111.,' r isve 'j i.'.T,; m.. I aii.vvs i.i'ioie v. iiii l.i ii--r i lam Iri 111 I Ii iri e.'Uli; 111 nc. .r Ti s f..i l.i.inri. l'i::.-!iji'; I'..-. tn.!.-:e nn.t I fm ilir.- lit l.irni, p: 'J -y I' .M ,ulli.r ioti:il i t i nn. ah .ve .,'ii,ln, itiura at Ki.-.mi e.'i.iuel Willi L j. no.! ii.nvn I'-osn, are, le.;i t'tt IJ.111 Irl.-.oa ri r Tiains trom ml nt 4.0 ', 1.1 tune lo r Trains to Pvtts- v i.ie aiiu i niu.iu ij.ina, the mii.e evi an.e a."x:c)I.i.i. , , . . l'iiir.icr u.d rn..tiiuui,ui.iit. Jn!j- 17, l;-."?. tf ,-1. . G'-'O I.. TISSLOITSA MI!.l.:::!,re,,ectfulIy in form lite citizens o Tievorb.n and sur m Il .1 L 1 luuiiuuiu vuuiiiy, ii.ai sue IlaS OJ ctlCil a new stora of Millinery and Fancy Goons, 11 1 Trevor- ton in Miamokh, street, nearly opposite K noose's . .iciu, surio mi sinus 111 uoniuis and f ancy uu ius cuii oe nau ai uie lowe.-i terms. uresa mahmg also aticndcd to in (he (.est manner and luteal style. April 25, 1858. tf llaitct Street, Suabury Fa- TttIE ubs( riber respeclfully inform the eili - zcus ol Sunbury, und the public generally, that he ha purchased, and will take possession 111 the above weil known stand on the 1st of April next, formerly kept by Mr. Thompson. That he mill put the ssine in complete lepair. In addition he will provide a conveyance to carry passengers to and from the dilTiireiil Railroad dr. pot, and Hilt leave no efirt untried to render hi hotel a desirable stopping place for guesi and trvelrr- JOHN LEI3ER, February 20, 1858. rutuieis Loo It to Your lalcrcsl. LIME1 XiIE 11 yHE udscrilier riectfully informs the far mers and llie public generallv, that he has leased the lime kiln of Ira T. Clement in Sun bury, and Ihst ha has always on bund, and is ready lo supply a good quality of lime to all ft ho may want lor building or fanning purpose. He ha also a kiln at Keefer' trossiiig5 mile u wm ruiiii'ury, or two rom fiuvdertowil. I v All kind ol Counlry Produca taken in exenange. OEO. W. 8TR0H. Sunbury, Pee. 56, I Sf 7 F03 SALE OH KENT. 1MI E large double frame house in the Bornni.lv of Northumberland, belonging to the estate of x. 11. ivay, 1uve.-1.cd. 1 In 1 a very desirable residence, hiautifuily situated ou tha North Branch of the Susquehanna, with a large eardeu, Carriage U iusu, Stable Ac., belonging to it Torin uioilcrate. Enquire uf V. W. Sc'., Wjlliauispoit. or I). BiaLtiiam. Eso.. Nortuum. Iltllalld. March 27. I KM. fiVllE Store II 0010 in Market atieel, lormarly Jl occupied by P. W. Gray. A pply to the ea cutoxs of H. Master, devMaevL Aptfl IT 1839. unnniNG's isArn. i AGAIN THE CHAMPION 1 1 Tho ony Sal which, in every instance, preserved their en lira eotdenta in tha lata ex tensiv fire. tr.. ''j- I...S iri--v4M.-7Ii-' '.xiv'.r'.' .j. mm At lha burning of tha Arti. sc iitan Uuildings, April 10th, and in tha GREAT FIRE in Market street, May 1st, 18&6, the genuina 'if. HERRING SAFE Preserved tba Jewelry of Geo. W. Simon & Bro. ( Books, Papers, Ac, of Fisher & l)ro.,and Edward Seaman & Co., after remaining ex pa-c.l in the burning ruina for nearly FORTY il"LI!.i, and proving conclusively what we have always claimed for them, THEIR GREAT SUPERIORITY over alt seruritin now known In these fires, THE HERRING'S SAFE, standing sido by side with those advertised a "warranted to stand 10 per cent, more fir Ihsn Herring'," came forth the ACKNOWLEDGED VKM OR, not only preserving their contents in EXCEL ENT order, but being in themselves in a condition to go throngli another ordeal, while the bum. ted Salamander of other ma. ker were badly used up in every instance, and in pome casea their entire contents completely destroyed. To the public he would simply nv, that, du ring tho fourteen years the HKRh'ING'S SAFE has bren before thctn, more than two hundred have passed through accidental fires without the occurrence nf a single loss. Wo would, therefore, CAUTION puwhasers against the niisrcprcaentnlion of intcrcled par ties. Tho HERRING'S PATENT is the only FIRE PROOF SAFE made in this city, which is protected by a PATENT RIGHT, nnd we will guarantee it lo resist more then double the amouat of heat of any other Safe now known. Faircl, llcri In? & Co., Sole Manufacturers 'n this Stale of "lTerrine's Patent Champion Sides," 31 ll'uiiti.iSf., Phitatla. FT"" "Evans Ac Watson's Improved Salaman ders," "Oliver Evsns'," "C. S. fmylcrV," nml Scott's Alifclos," Iron Chests, (a largo assort ment haviufr Ncn taken hi part pay 11. cut fur "lierring's,") will be sold at low prices. Philadelphia. July 10. IS.'iH ly VALUABLE REAL ESTATE OKKKRFD AT PRIVATE SALE. T JIIK su'nsciiber oilers at private sale, a err tuin lot or piece of land, situate in Lower Augusta township, Northumberland county, about 8 milea below Sunbury, bounded on the wen by the river Susquehanna, on the south by land ol (ienrge eViler. on the cant by land ol Wm. Kroh. and on the north by bind of Wm. R. Jones, containing li Acres und IS perches, ail ot which is cleared and in a very high stale of cultivation. The Northern Central Rail Road passe through the tract, and ia also bound 011 the east by the Main Koad leading from Sunbury to Hanisbnrg, which together, with the River upon tha west, and the Irrtility of the (oil make it a very pleasant and desira ble situ. ui. .11. A IO; another certain Tract of Land, situate in said township, adjoining lands nf William Kruh, 0:1 the south, the heirs of Robert and Ar thur A uchinuty ; on the east Wm. V. Silver wood, and a public road on the north, and Win R. lones on the west, containing U3 Acres HI perches strict measure, ylb.iiit fill acres of which aie cleared, and in a high slate of cultivation and iho residue most excellent laud for cultiva tion, but is now covered with excellent timber, and if purchased soon, the ptirrhascr can get a large quantity of Railroad Tie on the same. This tract is also well watered, having several lino springs upon it, and every field can be wa tered thereby. An iinli.'pulable title will be given and terms of tale reasonable. WILLIAM R. JONES. Lower Augusta tp., January 2, I8o7. tf lUVXEXlIi HOUSE, (Formerly KIu.o'm lintel.) lf:vilko, I'MON CO., PA. r? ;.:n;'i , rioi i tot. ri'f)J3 i mienf the !tivcM 8itUx-rt himi?l.f-tl Hotel oti J. llie Vatl B) unt il U ib Ini-tiUtl in il r UmiiirMi ( art 1 tht? t.twn, (il Ittmp ihoiiU llmel in Miixan t iqujie ) 'Jh kft'inKir m iltiriituittit, to u vty cxi-uum h nukv hut ii-attv (ine m tne b-i in t.tc linti' ; intd it i ffiJ'i rare ii iliu-i uit in i.r pi-imin wli i t-ml u i-h rt tm.r in Mie t.l' llie HUM plrnMiit tuU'lil in Cci.Uat l'tiiuyivuiMa. CLartft-K vtiy nunlt ruto, I.cw-i-H.iiil;, Jui.f 12, 1?59 COME 0sE! COME ALL!! LEARN THE LIST OF PRICES AT THE People'3 One Price Store. B. Y. IJKIUIIT &. SON, SrXIiLHV, I'A., If AVE received their large and choice select A ed slurk of 1TEV" GOODS, Composed of an endless variety, ntid lo w!,ie!i 1'iey respectfully ii.vile t!ie attenlioo of tho pub liet.uliiig assured that tf 1 1 i r liirg assortment and great vaiirtv of all kinds uf Goods combined with the excel diugly low p'iccs which they are iht. riiiinid to svll at, will render entire satisfac tion. CT COUNTRY PRODUCE wanted in ex change at the very l.iuhcsl inatki t juice. June 5, 1 808. tdcllo DECl HaiECtiB I-ntcr. HENRY THTATJP'T, JR. . f RUSJ-ECTFULLV informs the .,vr-.-j "ji f liiieiu ui .rui.iuirv uuu tne pub- i --'X''" gciu rally, thut he ha taken "U '-V. the simp oecuj ied by Blight and iiccK, one i:oor east ol S I'aupl Cabinet M l.cr simp when- he is neomd to turn out work in his hue of business rqunl to any made in this section 01 the country. Order promptly execu led nnd all kinds of produce tRknu in Exchange cuniiury. Marcli .U, ib.i8. ly WASHINGTON house; w. . COVERT, rroiniclor, BXJJM-EXJjrl-Sr. PA., 'IHE proprietor respectfully inform hi f. lends and the public generally, that he ia repairing and renovating the "Washington Housr," so as to entertain both transient and permanent visitors in a suitable and comfortable manner. Thankful lor the giatronage extended to 'his father, he respectfully solicits the continuance of the same, llr will take charge ol the "Wash ington House" on the first day of Apiil, next. Ho will have an Omnibus running to the different Railroad Depot for the accommodation ul 1 ussenger, Iree ol charge. W. A. COVERT. , Sunbury, March SO, 1858, GEORGE II ILL, ' ATTCPslTEir AT LAW, SUNEURY. PA.. O ESPECTFULLY inlbrm the public and Et tl, hi friends generally, that b has removed to Sunbury, and ha opened a law oliue at hi resilience, in .Market squaie. Hi acquaintance with the English and German enables him to transact business m both language. Apiil 10. I HSU. ly SADELBY AND HAENES3 HAKIUG, T'HE subscribers respectfully inlorm the eiti. aen of Sunbury and vicinity that they have commenced the above bnainca a few dootsehov me i-ost uilice, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. Work of all kind in their lino of business w ill be done promptly and ueatly on the moat rea sonable term. CLEMENT 4 OYSTER. February 13, 1858. IIEN11Y DONNELv ATTOIINS33T AT XiAW. VJJut oypostl Ik Court House, i Eiubory, Korthumfcorland County Ti. Piempt attention lo busiue in adjoining wauutiea. Iiabiug Tackle Red Cork, Grs. Cut- - tou and LiiHiu Lis e. Out Lines, Sea Graaa by the yard. Snood. Fli, Kirby, Limerick and Obi lial Hooka, Kuda, ic, hi aale by ajr in eV. k. W. rHER. Pain Ilnitithrd i LIFE PROLONGS mmt HOLLOWAY'S PILLS To suits tha nil ins and eennhies of sielrnssa whsn certain menns of cure aie acrrciihle to all, is positive ,ni,.i.,o. i,e vraruiuie remtfiv, acting poweriaiiy upon the eauara of disease III all the Uilldl, netvea, and tissues of the Ivsly, exdel the morbid and poianiinua malts frum It Inrkiiiar plaeea In the sv.tsm. rlennsa and punfy eveiy seerelhav, irhnild tho sham-red eisislilutiim, irstore Ihe viiror and virility nf the eufrrhM frniiie, and tend to pro. long lite In liryond Ita milium v lintia. MILLIONS nt.LX 'ON THEM! In every unrtsr of the glob, ainnii: an nntiora. elvll ieetlaud aavage Iheao Pills are hard with eipial mill uiiva rv inn sii.ipcss. They nre advertised in every printed Inn. tunse, nnd whereever commerce bus penetrated, they ar ill coiitinuul demand. ALL. I.N'TF.rtNAL DtfKA9F.9 Yield lo tliei nelhai, Dyspepsia, Live Complaint, Af feiMlon of the lloweis, llie Kidneys, th.. Nerves, the lyings. Hie Thiont ami llie llmin, ilmt have prcvmuflf d'fieil all human skill and nil other remedies, aie expedi tiously aiidiiifnlililr cured to- tins nH-rimriiisriiis' medicine IIOlHI.Y PHOXfltATIIJ.N flrrn when the tsltlenta ate reilneed lo the Inst rfevrr-a of f'eehietieas, they may be reenjieriiteil by the resiuics sonic aitiiaiieruaiive properties ol llollovvny's 1'tlls. FIIM AI.KS OF Aid, A01'.f, From whatever vaiiely of lbs minimis peculiar to their aex they may he snltering, imy rely with entire ronmlem r ou the uleet of thistftreiigthing, levivin,, fr'afeandiiu iiieiiiaie renieny. lliilhiray't Pilh are Ih bent rcmeify Inotrn t'n tcorlif for the fallowing tliienne: Asthma, Fever and Airns fo,e and Ornyel ItovvelCompaitntB Femnlo Coinphiinta ft-cimil'iiv i oiiirh Jimdaehes Iiuv ird S raknsas Colds Indiirestioii Liver ti.ini.lriinis I'hest Tliseaacs lnlluensa lsivvnesauf iirilB vmn- (.iivciirn iiinaminniinn t lies Fiys.-epsia - Venereul ArTeelions Diurhira Worms, of all kiisls uropBy tV CAUTION ! N'one are (rsniinio unless tbs words "II. ill'iwuy, INi'w v nrk and IsiihIoii," art- Hiseernil-le ns na a vvstef.inark in every leaf of the bonk of direetionB iiroiuid eseh pol or bix : the annie nmy ha pl.-onlv seen hv holding the lenf to the light A h.-tinlsine reward will l:a eiven to any one reiiderniir Btich lufiirniuliini i.a n.av lend In Ihr cleteetion of nuy party ol parties coilntetlVlllii'r tlie mcihciilcs 01 veltJiiiir the sains, knowing them tube sp-iie-ira. fV'.ld at the Manufactories of ProfKB"r llol.l.r.vrsv Fll .Vlaiden liue. Aew Vork. and '21 1 !S(mnd. Isnid-ili, by nil respeetnlile llriiii;iBts and Dealers in Medieine through- nut the Fniled St.itrt, and the eiviliaed world, ia boxes, ul So eents.ljoj cenla. nnd eileh. IV There. isa eoiisiderabie savlug by taking the Isrger sins N. R Directions fur tne Kiiidiuice of patient in every u.w ',in-r are nill.Mli lo em II DOX, Oetola-r 17, INV? lica aDFOrO- & CHElsCICAL EMPORIUM: fJHE undersigned having received a large and A well selected stock uf rire Urtiits anil C.ltrntlcstl, Dyestuft's, OiN, Paints, Glass and Putly, is now ready to I'll orJi rsat a moinents notice. In coiincciion with the abuve you will find an assortment of Fancy Notions. Toilet Articles and I'eifi.inciy of all kinds, Tooth, Hair, Nails and Clothes Brushes nf every variety. Customers will find Lis stock complete com prising many arlitlce it is impossible hero to enumerate. REMEMBER the place, nextdoorto the Peo ple' One Price Store. Physicians' Preemption compounded accurate ly and cart fully. A. W. FISHER. Suiihurv, Jn!y 17. 1r"8. ISTE-W CONFECTIONAitY. VE0LE5AIE AKD RETAIL 51. U. GEAU1IAKT, f J AS just received a new and excellent assort incut of good at hi Cotif. ctU nary and Fruit Store in .MARKET STREET, Suuliurv, where he riianuf.icluics 111 d keeps on hand, al all times, the most choice CnuhM-tiounry, Ac, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia price. Among hi stock ol t'onlcclionarica, maybe found : Kreneh !eeretB, Htiriied Almoiuls, I'mun White, Leiieiii Hose, Yiitulla, Cotiiin-in Secrets. Liiiuoricn, llnnsiihs, l'Mles, fium Drops, sll kinds of icsnl, l.nve I'tors, Mud l)r ..s, red and white, Jelly Cakes, Fruit llro.s, Buck ( 'in lilies, of all teems Hock randy. Aim-aid Candy, FEUIT. I'runes, Fija, t'llioi a, Itsitous, Nut, ,,f n k,Hci, t'lirrnnls d. ied, Alnininls, LEMON SYKUl' of a stipe: ior quality, by tim shisle or dozen. A superior quality of Se;;ar and Tobacco, and a vori.'ty of Coufcclioiiuries, fruit, Ac, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. IOE CREAM, lie ha a!ie opined an 'ce Creum Saloon, and will at all limes be reaJy to scrvcl.it customers willi I. e Cream. Sunbuy.Juno 10, 13'. ly rU:.TIIURE ! rUEIHTUIlE ! ! THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. liKhloiniMo, trreijji atsd lioftt! rSHE uiiscril'pr, long establis'ied a a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, tliank I11I for past lavora, solicits a cominuance of the public patronage. His slock of Cabinet-Ware. Chairs, 4 c, embrace IIVIKY VAftlllTT, ISKFll, 1VD OR4A- A j I-. . T A L in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in hi line ran bo had nt moderate pi ires. Cheap for v asii, or vouniry froUuce tjl.cn lu exchan Establishment isuulh JSust Corner rf Murhtt Square. la Those knowing themselves itidebied to llie subscriber would oblige him by making pay SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Sunburv, April 4, l57 if " PHILIP H. WHOLKSSL A Nil UF.TA1L Grocery, Wino aad Liquor Store, S.L.cor. M'ulwit a 11J Wultr Slretls, PHILADELPHIA, T, . . V. n . . . Li..Ai,Li,n and families vs. HI be promptly -ti-i-in m ma lowest prices. October 4, 1 850 tf CXI. Visa PX-ATBD-WAni:. xasirsiTf imu a v JO II X o . 91 R a ra a. r rVH E oldest Electro Plater in the United States, .iiiuinciurc 01 every varietv ufGooda piaieu wan pure ailver, Albata, Brittania and oierie lea Sett, ljrn, Yl aiter. Casters, Cake Bas keta, Pitchers, GoblcU, Commui.iou Fervice, opoons, roiks. rvnivei, Ac. All good warrant ou aa rcprcscnieu. NorlU East corner Otb and Chesnut street. Philadelphia, Peuna May P, K58 ly P. HELANCHTON 8IIINDEL, JLHTIt I. ! Till; pijtfi:, exjiB-rjjHTr, ia. Ojjice in liter Street, immedUiUl-j upjioelt Ihe J uWitf Sch.wl iliiute. All buaiuea ummnlly allended to. Monie eollectsd and all ordinary writing don. Suuliury, Apiil 25. 857. II 1IS'H0NG'8 & SONS' Superior Hun iiig Fluid, for sale at FI-sllEli'S Drug ard Cnemreal Empoiium. Sunbury July 17, I808. STOVES- fOR SLR U en excellent eecond-band Ceck ing Stove, also aeveral CvlindW Caad 4UTa Enqufrs at able ettee. ISAAC M. WILKEBSOalf, MANUTAO TURBB, G3T FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the moat Fashionable Style, snlua, Dlfnnn antl Ironogfi BoreatiR, Seoretariea. Sideboards, 80FA, 15RKUFAST 1KB l)MX8 TABLII and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal la Fhfle delphia manafacrura. BEDSTEADS, f y pttto ,nJ , CUPBOARDS VVORh7 AND CANDLaV STANDS TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES. In ahort, every article In thia tine of bis bkax. ri1 hp , .. - .r. .ujiscriiier respectrully calls the attentioi of the public to his largo and splendid as aortment of every quality snd price of . UAKIfliri'-lVAKF which cannot fail to recommend itself to every enr who will examine it, on account of ita durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stork to bo had in the city. No effort ia "pared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly b ine made. ' He also manufacture all hinds asdtjce'iitiea cirAins. ncluding varieties never before to be bid U Sunbury, such asMsitooxxf, lj,.ArK Wit, V;'"t,;u Mp"U""i!; ai W.i,,a CltAlhS, Ann rxxcv Pissii, Sroot.s, which are of the lutcst styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subsciibcr is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture ia llie cities, as eve ry confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish u hi ware and ( inirs. These articles will he disposed of on a good term aa they 1 an bu purchased elsewhere. Conn try p rid 1 ice taken in payment for work. UNDERTAKING. Having provided a handVinic Hsxasa, ho is now prepared W Undertaking, and attending funeral, in this vi einity, or at ony convenient distance from tt-.: place . The Ware Rocm is In Fwn Street, be low Weaver's Motel. He has also purchased tl.o lieht of manufaos tuiii.e and selling in Nottlitimbrrlnnd comity, Gould's 1 at. nt Eirilsoir Spring Bed, wl.iih he will furnish nt riasonnlile riles. Springs put ia old bidsiead lor three dollars. 1-MAU M. WILKER30N. Sunbury, April IS, !Si7 tf. LAUCASiER COLlIi-RY FOE J-ALE Impoi lant ( t'oal Opcrnfors. fV'H E uiidirsigtied Lessees of lh "Lft-rnata x Cuilicry," near Shamok'ui, Nortliiimbtrland county. Pcr.nsjlvaiiia, wi'liiug to retire from lbs bu sitiess, olb-r for a.tlo the Leise atid Fixtures of Slid Colliery, mi salb!.ino;y term. This Colliery ha been in nj crali .Ti since 18.11, and has ben successful he;. und etpecta'ion. 'iho Coal ia a superior articles fni all i.i a to whirli Aiilhraeitc isapplied. and 11 too.l in.nk.l list hrrn rslabli-htil. vvhn h can I e inui h extended. "I ll Breaker und I'i'.tuiet are i f il n vi iy I rat chr acter 1111J tvill recumuirrid il.r;n..Tsi lo rersui.a acquaint, d Willi the ln.si,cj. 'J he Lease rut-s lo Jsni,a,y 1, lSf 4, a-id il a favorable one for Ibc o; eralor ir further information apply at tha f!ol!iry in person, or by letter to PharmAin, P. U .Nor thuuibr ila.-iil counly. i-.ns)lianis. ')('!' ItAN, PEAI.i. A CO. February f, !Sji. tf VALUABLE P r.CIH.SY I Clt U.L. CjlIE sul'ii ribrrs, Exctitor of (l.e entjio o 3 Henry Jlawr, ih-c'i!., off: r it pnvr.te saia the following propert viz : A larae tivo story fmme dwelling hoiife, togc;her v.i.h u!-0ul fiO CURES OF LBN I). Siluotn in Luwrr Augusta towiiM.ip a. 'joining lands of Daniel Kaufman and oil. em now in the occupancy of John R. Kaufman aa a store end dwelling. The house is new und the lucation a good one for business. ' is Also a TR ACT OF LIME.-iT.'-.i; LAND in aai.l lovvi..t, on tlie river al-cnt i miles be! low Sunbu y. adjoining Imulaol .1. T. M'Pfirrso,, and others, roiitc.ii.inp, ab.iLI lit) seres. Tl.o soil in productive and contains liincatoi.e sr.d other mii.etals. Also a tract of Land, ronlaining about :!." ii irson the bill, about two miles bebiw Aunbnrr, adjoining lands of the hfiia f the ale jvirJ C. 11. rail and others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard cf choice fruit. For foriher pirilrul.-.rs apply to the subscribers 11. 11. mass 3 P. II. MAS-EII. l-xeculors. FRANCIS !M.( flER. j Sunburv, January 111, 1 S.'ifv tf -iOI.D PENS with and wiihotit rnsr,, rf , V f very nipt rior .pi.iliiv. just rrvefvrd. Also a ir.si. Sdj ply .,! VV riling Fluid, for aal ''' H. H. MASSEK. Siiiibury. II. c. C7. is.ifi- W v iJ '. Will, 1.1 St IT. AXII KlTilL J300T GTOnE, ioro'i fiiiir,',! S.t. uh'irt Cl.rnt.r.l I'V.I',. 4f S PH-J. Shoe. Gaiters. Ac, prmnpllv made ll & to order 111 llie very I en al; le, and of the ;ei-t uutli-risl. ai.ilsd. Iiiliia, May 9, If .17 DANVILLE HOTEL. Marlet S:reet, liuurH.'e, Pa, 'gllllS ia one of the largest and most romrno- - liiotis l.c'cls in H e iiilerinruf Pennalt ania it bus biet, rccenil filled i p. in txccllent xtle, vvilli all iha inodern eoiivcnieiices. tJativiilefj, Sept. 2i, Irl'j.l. white jiujeIiutel. POTTSVILLE. PA. 'iHKubi-rilr lespecifully announces lo h's olJ friends ati.l the public. ihal .0 liaa taken l.iat old and well known clihulime,,,, ibe Whi'.e Kcio Hotel. At the corner of t 'entte m Mahuntogo sts in tho Borough of Poitsvillc. The home ha 'r-' cently Iscn very mtu li enUrgrd and oihervvise unproved, rendering it quite c, mfortahle Us' any ul'd.r llop l in .Sel.m Hull ivm.tj the stables are lar-e, in j,.0d rocdi.i.vn, and at tend by carrlul, allrl.tivo, piudeiit hoilcrs. To liav.-llcrb and oilier, who mav slop at his house, l.e promises every attention calculated It render them comfortable and satir-i'.cd. JOS. M. FLGER. April ft. 185P.. if tiii.Ai- WA1VIIKH AND JKWKI.KY. IIOl.l-SAI.i: AMI RF.TAII..ut llie '-flnl.iileL.hl. W.Oehr-a a.l I...... It V M' -re' .toiiiiPu-oii.lMtrecl. C.nner . liia:rv. I'inl.id. h.luu. HI (t 11.1 ,V.i, W) 11. 'Id lver NValehi. I.ill J I.. I lta .... .. ..ihia u la-( uie, Is e.o-el, ilver Lrver. lull leellc", l.ver lrf-;.i.e. ji-wcia, ISiipeiior liuameis, ti '.d Spei lue lea, I'lne Silver do, l "Id llrnrelels. Lull's fiold I'eneils, Solver Tiu S...i.k-a. set. til 10 It 14) a CO 7 CO 1 in 1 ac i I no a i-u 1 141 li-ilil Pent, vvila I'ein-ll sudSdver hnl-le, i.'ini 1 inter llliirs els 10 -n : Wntek etisssra rlni l'l els . patent lr.j. La let lf5 ! otl.,-1 arneS s in pr.ipoi,ua n. ' wuiiMt.ru in us sni i ii.-v srr S",n lor. sr.vt 1 rui a n.wM.r t. Oa hnird S.HT1S O i.l and S. her l.svert and l.rrma still lowe, than the ali-ive nru-ea riillaJri.liM, len.lirJII. Is"i7 lySW I J LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons, dc, for aale b H. V. MASS EN. Sunbury , Aliril tit. I8fiB IJORT MONAJES, Tooth and Hair Pruahe all qualilice, aud any qusnti y, tor sale by A. Vi'. FiSHElt. July 17. '..a. P. TENT BRITTANIA 8TOPPER8 fa II MASSER. bar hollies for sale by H. Sunbury, July 19, IRf)f!. KOWN'S end BreiiiiB Essence of Cinge and Hushand' Migneaaal