Statistics of Odd Fri.towsnir. The fol lowing statistics in relation to the Indepen dent Order of Odd Fellows In the United States bar been carefully revised from olll vial sources, and showinR as they do t be work" ii me great irulcrmty lor me pant. . doubtless command attention, especially on tbe part or members of the Order. The year is from Jnne, 1857 to Jone, 19."3 i Number of Lodges within tho jurisdiction of the Order, which include! nil the Statu and Territories of the Union the l'isliict of Columbia, Nova Scotia, Canada West, Sand wich Islands, &c, 3. . "lOO; nnniber of institutions 16,549 i number of deaths, 1,753 j number of members, 170 700, (a email decrease from the previous year ;) number of members relieved 23,151 ; widowed families lelicved. 2.7fi."i ; mount paid for the relief of membra. Sf'-"J1,-892 91 i amount paid for tkn rtlief of furj.ilion, $8G CU 55 ; amount paid for the eduratiou of orphans, 811 287 10 j amount paid for I ho burial of desd, G7,2C4 70 j amount of annuul receipts $223,085 33. The sum total of ap propriations for members widows and orphans is 8110 259 22. Statistics of hlncampinents, tho higher branch of the Order : Num ber of KncampmsLts, C51 j number of initia tions, 2,755 j number of deaths 220 j number of members, 23,31a ; number of patriarchs re lieved, 1,932; Dumber of widows .-relieved 92 ; amount paid for tho reliuf of widowed families, t'3 111 CO; amount paid for-tha burial of tha dead, $5,377 21 ; amount of annual receipt, $110,150 54. Gross amount paid for the reliuf of members, fincludiug pa triarchs,) widows, orphans, education and funeral, the munificcut sum of $470,955 10. Baltimore American. Army Life in Utah. cauin at Suit Lake, ia A writer from the a tetter dated 31st August, seys: This war is a capital thin for the Mor mons j they gull their vegetables, ire., at their own price, pretty generally, thonp h every day un ollicerisdotailad to attend tithe prices of things brought to the camp to sell.1 then they require ilormon prices for their labor; ia short it is a Cue thing for tho Mormons to have the troops out her to eat all they want to evil. As to Brighain, Lo fares sumptuously every day. His house is very Gnu ; it is said to have cost sixty thousand dollars. On the cupola is a bee hire, beautifully carved in wood, la this house be attomlg to business, receives visiters, and hera resides Mrs. ti rig ham, No 1. In the house next to this all '.he other Mrs. Brigbarjis live say fifty or sixty, and over the portico of this bouse is a large lion, carved from stone. Tbe lion is finely dono and is in a rocuaibent position. Around these two bouses is an immense wall, built of stone, enclosing lbs entire square, (about es large as one of your 'Washington squares,) The gates are heavy and strong, like the sal ly ports of a fort. Within this wall are al ways forty or fifty armed men. lirigkani ia quite a domestic man ; perhaps Lu is a little afraid to go at large, aud then l.e has, no doubt, a fine society at home, lie must be, literally, lion at one of his wives' soiioes. Tui Court. The last "statement of an eye witness," (from the careful watchers in the Harvard Observatory,) published in the Bos ton Advertiser of Saturday, imparls some in teresting information : "The curvature of the tail was noticed on the morning of the 6th September. It is highly probable, from this observation, that the piano of curvature does not lie in plane of ins orbit, as has commonly been supposed ; for had this been tbe case, from tho position of the earth at that date, being close to the lins of nodes, tho tail ought to have boeu seen straight. Ou the 20th, tha first of a series of extra ordinary phenomena manifested itself in the region contiguous to the nucleus. A cres cent shaped outline obscure and very narrow was interspersed, like a screen, between the nucleus and the sun ; within this, instead of a softly blended nebulous light, indicative of an nudislurbcd equilibrium, tbe fiery niuaB was in a state of apparent commotion, as though up heaved by the uction of violent internal for ces. On the 23d, two dark outlines were tra ced more than half ivay round the nucleus, and on the nest evening still another. liecb of tbeso was evidently the oulor boundary of a lumiuous envelope, tbe brightest being nearest the nucleus. On the 25th four envelopes were seen, and others have subsequently been formed, almost under the eye of tbo observer, their motion of projection from the nucleus boiug evideut from uight to night. The rapidity of their formation aud the enormous extent to which they now are ultimately expanded ure phe nomina extreme! difficult to explain. Tho sceno of chaotic confusion presented within tho inmost envelope can only bo accounted for in as the result of sudden and violent dis ruptions from tha ceutral body, projecting immense volumes of its lumiuous substance towards the sun, which by some unknown law is in turn re polled by thut body aud driven oU to the distant regions of space, forming the vast train of light so characteristic of these mysterious bodies. Jt is probable that the comet has now pas sed its maximum of brightness, although the length of the tail may be ou the increase for some days to came. Whether we are yet to witness the iuverse operation of tha recon struction of the nucleus by the subsidence of the envelopes and of tho material of the tail upon it, or whether it is incapable of restora tion to its originul condition, are interesting subjects of speculation, tbe latter, however, would seem to be the most likely of tho two alternatives. LrrTKn ritox How. ouhnbr. The subjoined private letter from lion. Charles Sumner to a gentlotxan of Boston will be read with interest : A ix, Savoy, 11th Sept. Look at tho map of Europe, and you will Cad, nestling in the wountaius if Savny, betweeu Switzerland and l'ruuce, the little village of Aix, gene rally known us Aix-lus Bums, from the baths which givo u fame. There 1 am uow. The country about is most beautiful, and tbe peo ple simple und kind. My life is devoted to my health. I 'wish that 1 could say that 1 am uotstill an invalid ; but, except when utucked by the pain ou my chut, 1 am now comfortable, aud enjoy my baths, my walks, aud tha, repose aud incog nita which 1 Cad hero. I begin the day with douches, Lot and cold; aud when thoroughly exhausted, am wrapped in sheet and blanket and conveyed to niy hotel and laid ou uiy bud. After my walk I find myself obliged again to take in my bed for two houi before dinner. But this whole treatment is in pleasant contrast with tbe protracted serTeriugs from fire which made my summer a torment. Aud yet 1 fear 1 must return agaiu to that treatnitut. It is with a paug unspeakable that I Gnd asyself thus arrested lu the labors of life and ia the duties of my politico. This is harder to bear than the fire. 1 do not hear of fries J ia esriice like Trumbull ia llliuo.a wituvtil a feeling of suit. ' e . Cuani-ae guuxia. Favai. mit.eoAD Accms-NT. We learn from the Baltimore Patritl, that a Rentiamau named Scott, ri Siitin? in lj!u;ii(,r coanty, was klllea on tus Aorlnorn Lenlial railroad He was leading a bursa along on tbe linn of lit road, ami the cun-eutcutr struck btm, causing his death. The accident was one that tha engineer conld oot prevent, and the pas aeuzer from whom we not the information, Status that it was gross carelessness indeed recklessness on the part of Mr. Itcett. Tbe horse escaped unhurt. THE AMERIC AN 5j" jif-J 1 -1 N IV BTJTTJ3XJR-5T, 3?A-. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18.1858. II. B. HA2SER, Editor and i Proprietor. To Aavaaiiscst --The circulation of the Banbury Ainnncnn Among the di Jere:it fawns on the Suiiuehamia tieeeiVJ if eqxal.'oil byanvpapat published in North cm IViintvIvmva. i ii. ' n7" OiD Fellow' PiiorsssloK. A pro cession of this order will take place in Ban br.ry, on Thursday, tho 23th iust. CT New CorxfEr.mT. A spurious al tered five dollar note, purporting to bo on tho Burlington Bank, N. J., bas just been put ia circulation. The vignette is a lnrgo Westers steamer, with other steamers nrnnnd it. tVy "A Lovb of a Bo.xj.-rr." A young lady on being asked if ska Inteuded to wear hor new bonnet to church, said she did cot intend to waar aaything else. sii" The Oyster if aeon bas now farily open eJ, and lovors of the "bivalves" can ob tain them served tip ia tbe best style, with all tho necessary accompaninioats, in our saloons. C-J" Operations have been commenced in tearing down the brick wall at the uonhwsst coruor of Fifth and Arch, street, Philadelphia to substitute an iron railing, in ordor that the tomb of Berjucnin Franklin r.ny be seen by the people. IKT Lakcastbr Times. This is now pc'o lished by Thomas E. Cochran Esq., nadir ti. tie of the ' Lancaster Union." Mr. Cochran is an able and experienced editor. SjT Thu I''xi'l;:pe op the Caki.k Cklrhha. tion in New York. It is estimated that the expense of tho New York municipal calbbrn. tion the 1st of Sept, in coinmemorutiod of tho successful laying of the cable, will r.ot fal' short or $20,000. rO"A New Coi-nterfc:t. A 3 note on tho Bauk of Trade, Toms' river, N. J. The viguetto is a steamship, which is cot found on the genuine itciio of the bank. O" A meetiug of tho Pennsylvania Edi torial Union will be held in Philadelphia, ou the 20lh of October. Morton McMichttel, Esq., of tho North A:neri:-an, Philadelphia, is President of the Association. C3" Ne-t Goons. Oar entorprising friend, Ira T. Clomont, Iip.s just received a largo slock of new goods, of every clacs and variety, to which ho invites the attention of his friends. 137" Scul-ylkiix County. The Miners Journal, extra, cays : Tbore are 9 Districts to hear from. Estimating the other Districts Campbell's majority in Schuylkill will bo ct least 2,400 ovor Dowart, 2,800 over Cuke. Palmor's majority will be about 3C0O. Ho- batt's majority will be upwards of 1G0O. 65" On tho question of dividin Shnaiokin township, tho voto stood : For Division, " 142 Against ' 212 Wm. Follmer received 0 votes in Jordan township, 3 in Lower Augusta, and 7 iu S:m- bury. For Auditor, Charles Little had no eppo. sition, aud received 2,150 votes. C3" The Essi-lt ik the State. Hon. J ohn M. Read is elected by some 20,030 majority for Judgo of the Supremo Court, over Judgo Porter, tho Dor.iocratio cuudidato. Frazor is elected Canal Commissioner. All tho Lc comptou cacdiJ itcs, but Florence end Dim uiick, hare Leon defeated, aud they are eaved by small majorities, while Hickmau and Moutgomory tho two A nti-Lecomplon mem bers are both re-olccted. The Legislature will havo au Opposition majority. C2T Mb. Btcuanan. Our political oppo nents should not bo so severe upon the Pres ident. II is hallucination on Lecotnptonistn hse acted like a political guillotine, consign ing many of his friends, come innocent with tho guilty, to tho tomb tf tbe capulets, and enables our opponents to rejoice over their victories. This is not, propyl ly, a Demo cratic defeat, but an Administration defuat. ftiT RaiLiNa. We observed, a day or two since, a handroma iron railing, put up at tbe entrance of the lestanraut of Mr. Edward Uaes, of this place. This iron railing was put op by Mr. James Deen, of this placet who, as a machinist or blacksmith, has few, if any superiors. The eastings were made at tbe foundry of Mr. Hohrbacb. Our citizens need not go out of town for handsome iron railing or I'euciug, which can be made here at prices as reasonable as anywhere else. Mft. ti t .UNA IS AMITIIE DLFLATEU 111:- a:utk Atv. The dofeut of tho Democratic parly iu this Stole will be set down, by common consent, to the insane policy of Mr. Buchanan. lie loft hie f.ioiule no alternative I lit toubaudou him or cuer themselves a a sacrifice to a polii-y ahicb they secretly condemned. Many stood by biin under tho bupe thut he might last extricate them and himself by somo master stroke of policy. But Le has utterly failed, as every reasonable man must bave foresoen. His friends who bave identified themselves with his mad policy, are nvery where defeated. Even Cllaucy Joaes, bis dinner-eating friend, aua chairman of the committee of "ways aod means," bas been overwhelmed in old Beiks, notwithstanding Us 6,000 Democratic majority. Ii Mr. Buchanan baa heretofore been ua popular, what will be his condition, with the shrieks of tbe numerous wounded and dying, that will reach Lis ears from thoso who have suOered ruin and dofeat in the wholesale slaughter, caused by his insaue policy. Ono of bis friends, who is one of the moat distia- gutshed Democrats ia the State, remarked to us, bat few days since, that roost of his ODeasaree seemed as if they wera designed to cat the throats of his best friends. THE IlEaLLT ll Till COtHTT. Two years ego tbe Democratic majority in this county was upwards of twelve hundred, and at the election on Tuesday last, the highest Democratit majority was about 837 We wore well aware that the troubles brought about by the ill adviiod and adjust measares of Mr. Buchanan, in regard to Kansas, would seaiously affect the result as regsrds the Congressional election, but wo had no idea that it wonld be carried out in regard to all the comity offices, although we knew every candidate must, necetsarily, be affected, in scute degree, where tho disorgan ization is so gcnoral. That there should be a strong opposition to Major Dewart. was neither strange nor unexpected, as he had wilTully violated the known winhes of his constilueiits'itj his vote on an important meaauro before Congresc . To accomplish this others were made to suSer, perhBps, lor having biTo caught ia bad company. We are nut among those who find f"!t v.ilb any one for voting as be may think pi. .per. Every freeman has a right tJ vote jact as he pleases without being accouittablo to any one, but we do not ccbscribe to the doctilue that all is fuir in politics. Deception and misrepre sentation are inexcusable under nil circum stance!. Major Dcwart's majority for Con gress, in this county, is reduced to 223. II is own friends anticipated a largo reduction, but not so much, lu Schuylkill ho fared still worse. For Senator, Mr. Keller lias a large ma. jority ttot:mbet.itidi!ig the dispute of the two rival candidates almost up to the day of idee, tivm-. For Assembly, Mr. Ilottensleia necessari. !y labored nudor tho diEicnllies growing ont of the Congresaional fight. .For Register and Recorder thero was, par hapa, a greaitr ccLteit t'uau for any other ouice. Dr. J. I'. was elected by a iniijo.ity of only 232. His vote in Sunbtiry, his place of residence, and the ndjoiuiog to.Tcshlpn of Upper and Lowor Acgusta, are certainly ilattericg testimonials of his pe pu larity at home, and had he run equally well in the otbr townships hie majority would not have been Ices thun 1,000. This aloue, perhaps, saved him. Neither his o a popu larity or aaything his op()onut, a worthy yojng man, could do, hsd cay bearing en the outside arrangements which induced the re sult in tho other distric ts. For Commissioner, Mr. Eeritt is elected by a majority of 210. CT (jIas i: Cars. Oasis ured to light tbe cars of tho Camden and Aoiboy Railroad company. Undor the floor cf each car is pla ced a gas-holder, cousiatiDg of two tubas, each divided into two compartments by a lnngitu diual diaphragm of india-rubber. Tho gas is forced out to tha burners by means of a dry motro or small pump, placed on tho car, which pumps in air on the on tho other side of the diaphrsgra, pressing it back against tho opposite side of the tube, and Ibas forcing out the gas. tr The Nortukkn Railroad Cohtast bavin; purchased sis' acres of ground, iu tho lower end of towu, are en. gaged is nicking pieparatioas to erect build ings for the engine house, Ac. Tho lucatiou is an excellent one. We find the following in regard to this improvement, ia tho Cazette of last week : "Major Dickinson, Chief Engineer of the Northern Central Railroad, was in Sootnry this week, making prepcrutious for vrectini; the engiue hcue of tho company at this plEC, on the land recently purchased by the company. As the sotson is too far advanced to couinkuc the erection of their brick edi lice, a temporary wooden house will bo pot up to answer as a shelter for the engines during- tbo comiog winter, with a rapacity for fourteen e;gina. In the spriug a sub stantial brick structure will be commenced, sufficiently Urge to accommodate twenly thrco engine;. There will be enough room on the ground, after tho construction or this house, to aduiit cf tho tree lion of tho ma chine shops which tha Company propone building at the northern terminus el the road." t::e Lo.vao n am in tit ad the tke aincMT's WAtii. Mr. Buchanan, ou his return to Washing ton from tha Bedford fc'priugs, stopped for a short time at tha Relay House, beyoud Bal timore whuro Le gained cont;iurab!e applause from somo of the unterr.Srd, Ly washing hie face in the bar roau, and ia the common wash basin. A proceeding which excited the admiration of tba t'cnntylvcr.ian, is viewed with any ether feeling by the Examiner, ''The Prosidont, Buchanau," says the Ex aminer, "arrives at a hotel thorough!? travel- soiled, llu goes into the bar, throws U' Lis coat, opuus.liis shirt eollar, and tucks up Lis biiii'l line vis lor a wuiti. two gentlemen however, bave pospetsion of the two basios which constitute the washing apparatus, aud accotdingly, tha I'ie?iucnt ia invitod to go up siaiis into a private room, an oSi-r which a person of any nicety would gl.vlly have accept ed ; but no the PresiJout would wait bis iuru aud make a publis exhibition of his waahiug in tbe used basin. This done, be sits about putting cu his neckv-lolh but in such awkv.ard i'uehiou, that the bystanders, for very charity, have to loud a hand to prevent his tying ap Lis uote and mouth, instead of his throat. Now, what does this show t Simply that Prcidiil Buchanan preferred watbing in a dirty way, to waahittg iu a clean way, for few things aie nastier thun public wa'hiug rooms with their OBwiped. dirty basins, unemptiud slops; and further, that at bis advauceal age Le has not learned to dress kiinseif. But such was aot the iuiprcs.ion maJe upon the spectator of this edifying exhibition, who slates that ho took his admiration of this sceue of republican simplicity away with him and mused wifh seme complaceucy over tho stalling honor of boijg an American oitmetis. Royalty would bave washed in a clean basiu, aud in private, frbsme ou it I Aud in nioa aicLical lauds folks in not perioral theii ab lutions in a public room, in which people ait to gosalp and diink. Civilization separates all the business of the toilet from that of re fuctiou. Much cf the pomp and show of royalty is puutild aud absurd; but oa the other hand, there is nothing at all admirable in coarseness aud the coutompt of tbe uice ties of life ; nor let ua add. is there aay ne cessary connection between slovenly habits aud dirty basins, and republicanism.'' Mona. Godard, has challenged Prof Stein er, of Philadelphia, to race with balloons at Cincinnati tbe balloon going tbe furthest di.tance to be declared wiunor. Mr. Steiner has accepted tbe challenge. . Tho negro Dred Scott, the contest respect ing whose freedom elicited tha famous deci sion of tbe U. H. Supreme Court, died in St. Louis, ou Friday last. Tbe temporary quarantine buildings area- tea oo Maien Island, lor tbe accommodation oC the tick were burned oa Sonday night. CK. CAMEROS IN FITTeBVRCII. ffi bare Geo. Cameron's own assurance that be was gratified, beyond expression, with the warm-hearted and enthusiastic manner-in which hat was received by tbe people of Allrpheny county, and the represent at ivrs ef the Western cetintiea wbo were In the city daring tbe Agricultural Fair, lie could rot bave desired a better endorsement of bis course in the Senate last winter, bad his wishes been previously consulted. He at terflted several meetings of the Republicans in tbe city and adjacent country, and at every one of these assemblages his appearance was greeted with cbesrs, and bis name honored with shouts of applause, 11 n whr recognized as tbe great champion of Protection to American Labor as the embodiment of the Pennsylvania Idea on that important sub ject as a faithful exponeut of the Free sen timent of tbe North, by the large Dumber of capitalists and laboring men wbo welcomed hiin te our city. He could observe in tbe very action of our citizens, an unequivocal assurance that his sentiments on all leading queatious, which now agitate the country were their own sentiments, and that they are willing to join with him heart and baud in maintaining them in defiance of all opposi tion. Although the object of his mission here was by no means political be was com pelled to yield to a general desire oa the part '( the people lo hear from Lis own lips an expression Cf til views oa public affairs. He came to Pittsburgh to eliuiine its great factories, and to meet face to iVs 'heir thousand busy operatives, many of whom be found even uew su daring from the ruinous policy of the corrupt adinisistration which hat been, in an evil hour, inflicted on the counlry. The people bave not been disap pointed in their Senator, while he bas re ceived additional encouragement for the fu ture, ia the hearty approbation which has beeu, ia ail confidence, extended to him, within the last week. His reception by his constituents in this section of Western Penn sylvania stands ia striking contrast with the position nan bold by Ike "son if Pennsylva nia" .vho occupies the Presidential chair. While the latter in a brief visit to Bedford lat summer, avoided the public thorough fares of Lis own State, lest lie should be forced to encounter a betrayed and deceived people, onr Republican Senator felt at ease iu the very midat of popular assemblages at township meetings, aud in large gather fogs where be was honored with the approval which the people cheerfully bettow oo public servants who have been faithful to their trust, end wbo stand by their Rights against I Lb n, oil furious assaults of open and secret fees. J'itteburyh Ccxette. The Boner of a Minister Found in thb Califohma M juntaijs. The Trinity, (Cel.) Journal, contains tbe following story : "A year ago last February, the Rev. Mr. Brooks perinhed in the snow on Salmou mountain, and though diligent search was made, no trace of bin could be found. He was tracked round the head of CuftVa creek. going par illel with the trail, but iu evident, and lr?n snow at length ob literated his track. In October succeeding, the Rev. Mcsar. Reasoner and Simonds ogaiti went in semen of bis remains, but, kscHiiJing the mountain, were driven back by storan. A few days ago Lis bones, watch, a twenty dollar pioce, and a package of tracts, were found uear a Louse ou the north side of the mountain, tailing the sad Btory of the good maa's dorlb. Ho bad peiibhed almost iu sight of slicker.1' The Patkst Corrtiit Pot, the explosion nf which we noticed last week, was not the"OU Domiuiou," bat some worthless invention got up out west. The "Old Dominion Colfee Pot," for whle'u Mr. Walttnau is agent, is perfectly safe in every rospect, and the best aS'air of Ilia kind everufiored to the public llarruhurg Telegraph. it VaPDtC Tho Stata Election. Nosristot, Oct. 13. In Montgomery coanty John Wood's majority will be large. John Wood, Opp., for Congress, has a ma jority of S3G in this county, with only oue district to hear from, which may increase the majority to 900. Wood's election in tbe dis trict is insured Ly a majority of about 2200 ovor Oweu Jones. West Ciikstir, Oct. 13. The eleetion of John Hickman, Anti-l.rcompton, to Con gress, is rendered certaiu by tha returns received., Oct. 13. The indications now are that H. C. Longeuecker, ar.ti-l.ecomptou Democrat, is elected to Congress iu the Seventh District, by a small majority. Kaston, Oct. 13. Tbe latest returns from Bucks couuty show Democratic losses. Longrneeker, Opp., is undoubtedly elected to Concrete, by from 100 to 200 majority. JCaston, Oct. 13. Dimmick is elected by about 800 majority. His majority in 1SSU was 33GG, kK Eighth birtrict Berks County. Heading, Oct. 13. Tbe official majority for John Schwarta, Anli-Lecompton Demo crat, is 45. In tbe county of Berks the whole Schwartz ticket is elected. Ninth Dittrict- Lancaster CeuKy. Lanoarter, Oct. 12 M iduiaht. In eleven districts which have been heard from, Tbad- deus Stevens, Opp., for Congress, gains 19U over uarpeniera vole last year, wlieu Car peuter was elected by 10 majority. Stevens' majority will bo over 300U, end Read for Su preme 3 udpe is lomotliine ahead, The oppo sition are jubilant over the result. Eleventh District Schuylkill County. Tauaiua, Oct., 12. Tarn aqua borough re turns for Congress i Campbell, 42'J j Dew art, 130 ; Cake, 23G. 'J'amnqua, Oct.' 13. Campbell, Opposition, beats Cake, A. L. D , by 2700 majority, and beats Dewart by 2300. i here is a sure 1 eoplu s majority in Schuyl kill couuty. PorTsvii.i.E, Oct. 12 The vote for Con gtess iu this city was as follows : James II. Compbell, Opp., 710 Wm. L. Dewart, Dem., 20 Joseph W. Cake, A. L., 323 Port Carbon, Oct. 12 The vote here stood as follows t James II. Campbell, Opp., 189 Wm. L Dewart, Dem., 37 Joseph W, Cake, A. L., 41 Scbcvi kill, Haten, Oct., 12. The Con gressional vote s'.auds as follows t James II. Campbell, Opp., 707 Wm. L. Dewart, Dere., Ill Joseph W. Cake, A. L., 91 Porriiviu.E, Oct. 12. Jamas II. Campbell Opp.. for Coufreas. raics. ai far as beard from, 7Gd votes, and be will probably beat the united vote of Cake and Dewart. Cake aod Dewart run close. Seventeen districts bave been beard from. , Ttcelflh district Montour County. " Dakviixc, Oct. 12. The North and Soutb Warila nf llanvilla. Mahoning townshio. ffiva George W. Scrantoa, Opp., a majority over i it.r ii- ik r .a, iouu jUCAieyuoitia, f am., ui v iuhw. The opposition gain over the vote for Gov rnnr In 1M7 ia44J. Moutoai county gives Scranton, Opp., for liongrese, aooui dou uiajuruy. Wii kruniiit Oct. 12. Scranton borough gives Scrantoa, Opp., for Congress, 790 ma jority a loin f am oi at least ow. 1 ELECTION RETURNS OF NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY Official. Judcanftha Canal Btifireuia Cuurt. OommifKioiiar. , - eV if & Ig ? 2 - rr -I Towjfsuiri. Suubury, Northumberland, Milton McEwensville ToTbutj Delaware, Lewis, ChiliKquuque, Point, Upper Augusta, Lower Augusta, Ru Skamokin, Coal," Jackson, Cameron, Jordan, Upper diuhon Washington, Lower Mahonoy, Little Mabonoy, Zerbe, Mt. Carmel. Total, 1.1 l9l 115 j27 I42 aTiJuint'lG,! 192", U2 ll f29p60l .109i"16' . 74l GO, fltiH llll C9;l ' j 22 49jj 201 45 tl l764j 21 48 2ii 3j J I 10G 73; 100 69 9 82 8' 110 72j 122 67 147 99 145i99 14 12G J)2 J45 W. 152 J&A 6 IM 5. "174! 06j 12 158 .106; JL77 97 j82 82 4 109 CS WjW 24 82 7tij 197 f9 101 jS:, 5 85 66, 78"Glj 42 41 G5 ' .75 f."t 72 66j " KG Cyj 78j7"3; C 85 72 81 C6. 85 72j 1 210 G8; 204 C8 8 179 92 19j! 72 210 59 58 3l 50 30;i 14 42 1 8Gi C4 1 2l J1: 115 i 14j 3i 27 irj j!4i13j65 I 1381 ii 1381 2:i 67; ll) 11G c!i 10G! 14; " 42 Ui 41143 1 42; J36; 4j f f3! 1 2022' 2o!2i' y'i L3J --L1! 105 74 J08 G5 52 S-ti 03 185,75; "9; 22j 3 i 5?'Z i "c'i "IZili' '2 I 247tiil33i m9Uii: 879 1825.1 lCoi '1 2000.1520 ;1 2 i il ' 13 1 7 '"I Jl democrats in Reman Opposition iu Small Cats Volunteer in Italics. t.osiitii county, gives Scranton over 2000 majority. 1 here are illuminations aad general rejoic ings over tho result, at Scranton. Tl'iVtcsiarre, Oct. 13. Luzerne county gives Scranton, Opp., for Congress, 300 ma jority, and tbe whole People's couaty ticket IS elected. Fifteenth Dislriet Lycoming County. Wn.i.iAvsroHT, Oct. 12. In this District. Allison While, Dem., has 225, and Jas. T, Uale, Opp., 482 vote". LiKwtxTU'.vx, Oct. Ii. James I . Hale, the People's candidate for Ctnere.s. bus received 275 mnjority in tha county, as far as can be beard from to-night. The whole Peoplo'a ticket will probably be elected in the county by a Inrge mnjority. There is a large gain In mis borough lor tbe roople s ticket. Ec'.lrfohte Oct. 13. Cetitro county civss Jas. T. Hale, Opposition. GOO majority. His majority in the district will be about 2000. i be other counties in this district bio In coming, Clinton, Sullivan and Potter. J.ttcistotcn, Oct. 13. Hale's (Opp.) major ity for Congress iu Mifflin county, over White (Dem.) is 3G0. Luioa county gives Halo 600 majority, airiif MU JLDGE. Dauj hin County. IIarhisbukii, Oct 12. Harrisburg district and borough, ana1 Susriuehauna and Snatura townships give : Read, 935 Porter, 704 Read's majority, 281 Packer's majority last voar was 528. Democratic loss in the District, 810. Mr. .awreuce, Opposition candidate for the Legislature, gains over 4C0 iu the Dis trict. Ths whole People's ticket is eleeted by a large majority. Jlamatiurg, Oct. 13. John W. Killingers (Opposition) bas 1250 majority. Kiliircers (Opposition) majority iu I no Tenth District is over 3U0O. In Savder county the majority for Killin- gar is 400 votes. Uarrislwn, Oct. 13. Tho following has just been received direct from York county : ruber s majority is not quite 200. Juukiti Opp., has nearly 500 majority iu Perry county- , Stventetnth District Franklin Cuuniy. Cham BEKSBrito, Oct. 12. Five Districts have been heard from, which show an Oppo sition gain for Congress of nearly 200 votes. J! cl lure and -Sill are undoubtedly elected to the Legislature. Char.ilersbura, Oct. 13. ChainberfburE diktrict gives 380 majority for K. McPbrraon Upp. lor Cougrnsn, over ilson lieilly. Mcl'hersou's mvjerity iu the county is over 400. Roilly had 43 majority in lc5G. His defeat is certain. Oreem.lurg, Oct. 13. Covodn is probubly re-eiecicu bv ueariv mill mmoriiT. a nti in? on of wore tbau one half iu comparison with the vote ill lbuo. 'J went y Second District Allegheny County. Pittscukoii, Oct. 12. The whole People's ticket will undoubtedly bo elected by large majorities. 1 ka Kavcr ai kailralou. Nrw York, Oct. 5. Private lvttera from Charleatou state that the yellow fever is raging there to an awful extent, and is fully as fatal ae at Norfolk two years sines. The Northern Central Kailway. Arrivnl and ilrparture of rnsarnc-rr Traiua ou anil afiar jclt nan, iboo. ai snti'll, aa luiiuwa : COIXG SOUTH. Tansa. For Ilarrnbuig k Balumore, Laavea ?uitbury. Mint Train, - - . . 5 43 A.M. Hulliilo tt Munra Eiprm, . 11 tm Xlarileu tuid ViiMcuter, . 145 " COMING NOllTH. . Tumi. From llariiibur k Bull., Arrive at Sunburv. Mull Train, - . 3.50 p. M. Huff iUi u.iil Niiigaia Rxpreaa, 1110 " Uurdcn aud Pcmcngtr, . . . 3 14 A.M. GOING NORTH. TiAixa. For WiUUunaport A Eluiira, Laavea Suuhury. Mini Train, i . I . . 3 54 P. M. ilut&tlo nutl iujrara HxpreM, IIV-J JlurUi'0 and Tiuaeugrr, - t.w A. IN COMING BOUTII Taa ixa. Frrna ICImira i. Williamap't, A rriva at 4uiibnry. Mail Train, .... 041 A.M. IIuiTjIo und Ninpira Kxpreaa, . . II. " lluijcn ana raaaeiiger, . . . 1.30 P. M. The ahauiokin Vallry anf rotlarllla RaHrand Paaacnfrer traia Iravt-a Punhury at 15 A. .M " Arcivoa at Uuiiburjr. . T.15 P. -M Tu ikk or HoMK, The basbaad who in bis momenta of relaxation from tbe carea of bu siness, allows bis tbooghta to revert to bis family circle, is in a measure safe from the trials and temptatiooa of the world. We r. grot to believe tbat there are few husbands who give a practical tarn te such thoughts, else there would be a Uaovaa msr.a Raw ing Machine found in every well regulated family. None but those who bava experien ced the benefits conferred by the use cf a Obovkb & liAKia, Machine, can realise its advantages. OOires of exhibition aod aala 495 Broad way, New York 13 Summer atreet, Doston and 730 Chestnut street, Phiadeldhia. . A very severe case of Sore Fyei, of 5 y" standing waa cared by tha ui-e of Du VALLS UALNANIU OIL. His oue of tbe most toothing aod paiu quieting agents than can be bad. In Erysipelas of the face, it will often remove tba paiu in 10 minutes. AeaaTe roa Da Viu.'a Gaivahic Oh Ynuaf At Aranl, A. W Piahar, bf. E.b. McCay, C. Weak, U. V Male, UantatuM k IfUB. tVnatnr, sr p 150 128! 120I col IMlnwny's I'ills. When thii groat vago table alterative and detrengent was introduc ed, the wont of centuries was supplied. It is the only preparation before the world which eradicates diseaso without enfiebling the patient ; that cures indigostiau aad all the complaints arising therefrom ; that re stores the disordered oorves, that rugulatis the functions of the bowuls and the liver: that expels all morbid matter from the aui uiul llu, da ; that cuuaes tbe constitution itself to recover its elasticity and Btri'tgth ; and that in short, falfills the design of nil atimn lauts, tonics, entharties and alterative., wilh- Ollt antaitincr nnv f,f 1)1. minlUn,anl queuccs, inimediute or remote, which Cow irom iuo use 01 oruinary mcaicmes. c;ut i;:t & H4Bin:: s cKi.i;nrt.TKb FAMILY SEWIKG MACHIHE3, 4M UKOAbWAY, NKW VliliK. 30 CIIKfNL-TsTRlXT, I'tllLAUKLPHIA. tV These Machines ore now iiiBllv admitted to ba the bct in uao for Family inning, a now atronp, and thmtic elitrli, which will tint tip, even if vycry fourth stitch le cut. Circnhrs sent on ai!icatiou y letter. Agents anted. M A ll 11 1 A G E S In Milton Pa., on the 13th inst., by lie Rev. W. Simonton, of Williamsport, Hon. Ai.rianier Jordan, of Sunbury, President judge of the eighth judicial district, of this Ktate, to Miss HaKNAn H. RiTrE.viiovsi, or Philadelphia. Oo Thursday, the 14th inst., by tho Rev. J. D. Reardon, Mr. William H. Millks to Miss Jank Thompson, nil of Suubury. The bappy couple will acccat the thauks of the printer boys for their kind remembrance On the 28th ult., by the Rhv. M. J. Str ver, Mr. I'enjami.i Wrave, of Cooper town ship, to Miss Mary Fida, of Turbulville. On tbo 10th inst.. hv the Ucv. Jno. W Stpinmutz, Mr. Pktir Mii.luk to Mis La- ' vina. oldest daurhter of John Wagnrr, all of Plum Crook, Northumberland county. ii DEATHS In Nescoiivr. on the morning of the 2LM tilt.. JOHN" T. DAVIS. Kq.. formerly i-ditor of tbo Berwick Conservator, aged 13 years. On Tuesdav, the let int . in Waahinctnn co.. Miisenri, Mr.. MARY ANN MOORK, I wire or James Moore, agaa 41 yaar3. rilll.ADEl.I'RrA MAIiK'EiS. Oct. 1 , ISr.S. -Oiiin Wheat, sales of f.iir ami good Ked at l25al37 per bnelirl, mid While from $'. 3rlo$l !)8 per buvlirl. liyo in wanlcil at RO cents. Corn, sjl-a of Vellow at 'JO a 1)5 rrnta, and 87 a 'Jjf cento from ktnre. Oata are w iling at ii c4Sts per fur Trima. B AI.TIMOn KM 4V RK ET3 Oct. 13. IS58 Cuaix WheafJtlaare were fale of red at 1 15a 1U0 rts. for fuir to good lota, and white at 1 da ll!5cta. for urkaiij 1 35a 1 40 eta. for prime par cels of do. Corn, sale of ioud yellow at 7830 rta., and of fair to prime white at 84 rts. 8.i9l There were calra of Virginia Outs at 38 cU. and l'ennt)lvatiia da at 4Jj45 rta. '1'brre weie some lViiimylvania Rye o!TcrcJ and sold al 75 eta. Maryland liyeat C5 els." per bushel. SUNBUIIY TSICE CUnEEST. Wheat, Kye. . $1 40a 1 0 - 00 K utter, Err. Tallow, I. aid, Pork, lieeawax, Corn, Oais, i . 73 87 63 75 uuckwneai, . Potatoes, New Advertisements. In the Court f Common Vitas of Northumber land d)ut.ty. XV. A. C L. Shamway, f Na."3, August Tern), vs. IHS8, Vcn. Fx. Mahlon Manly, ) rilHE underaigne'd, appointed by the Court, an A Auditor to distribute the money ii t'ouit ariaing from the sale of auid defenduata piopcrty, to ami among those legally entitled fo the aaute, will attend to tbe dutiea of hi appointment at hia office, in the borough of bolibury at 10 c'clock in the forauoott, of Saturday the 30th day of Oc tober iuit. JXO. KAY CKEMENT. October Id. JS5" Jacob ttlttenbecder, dee'd, NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad miiiialrAtion having been granted to the subscri ber on the eatale of Jacob Uitlenbendcr, late of Coal townabips JWthumheiland county, dau'd. All persons indebted are requeated to make imme diate payment, and those having Aslaiiua will pre sent them for settlement. STEPHEN UITTRN BENDER, Adru'r. Shaiaokin, October 16, 1858. Ct Illacksiuithiiig. JAMES F. DEEN, BTJNBTJRY, PA., OE8PECTFULLY Informs the public that be has commenced tbe abeve buainea in Suubury, and is prepared to do all kinds of black aiuithiuf to order, including boraeahoeing in the beatatyle. , He will also put up iron railing in the most approved style end pattern Country produce taken iu exchaa, Bunbury, Oct 1, IWS-OT CnjM-Ma. 97 190 1 Hli 177 3H 74 lftn' 1 07 ir.?l r.fcl iMt ! 132 441 124! 43 ) 8112 54; 130 43! . 135 37j "a 256 95; 234 83! 57 ""188 12-ii 'iM 67!i 23" 981 6 .'78 "18(V 70 184 '"Hi 47 " 189. 77 ""179; 57j 17'jj 8 70 37; 73 3G 23j5-iJ1' 8 T 6i li CO ll 39, 22 1, GO" "2! 53 1: 3 Rcjintcr A It acordor AMK-mliljr. CoaimiMiuatf to 1 -i o a sV a X 10, 13 I2; 129' 155; 111 "57;j32 "45 187 " ij 80. 10 V M 03 2 b2 2h 23' 5l! 45 74 16a 9i '73 118 79 . "C2 136 172 "34 J03 lit ' 173 Jill c'7; 87 74 107 102 0 1-1.-. js: jo: -G2:i "85! i "75!; .'iU 222;"C2;j 2-liJ."75:j" 19G u: 21G 73 131 81 55. "84 "lis! " "17! " 2l 'f.o'i 4M "Ml ion;: 101'! -j2 "5T. 21 " 1'lH -I7 f 77 7 "4 159 ji:, GG 5 19T2 22 87 31; ' f.H 2207;,l973il 2122 CjWAYND'n EI7'l'K:t C VI II UI.K.OX, a valuable Bifer mny bs tken v. Ult grt-at ef fect in conatij.atijii Uatuleiii-y, uii.iiiv 01 ll.e a'.j. maeh. r.,rt:eat I'-i'iilUi's.' Oct. 18, '.8. jjJWAY.Nt'S ISOIiliiJI, C'OIiUl A 1,, a o. f ,1 y J tllectunl lam.iii for Anijiit Chokri Llf. eentcry, Liaubwt. ij cuie nj j :iv. Kur ttl , . iiiiiEi;'t. O.t 1G, 'S. s iWiiV .N K'S FliVEKdt A tiLX I'lLL.-'f'llo " moal aiitcdy and peroiaiinit cum f..r K.i Jt Ap aJ iteniiiU'iit rcra, without any Ij jiiiiiic or Calomel. For sale at l'Ifei! Kii'c). Ik-tuber 10, 'iS. jWAV.Nt'S Sugar Coated. araj),urii!j and 'i-ar '"'Ii". a mild and Si niie I'ur.aiivo, un-aarpa.-aed liy any itiwluiiie (or removing Udf, clcaiioing Sluuiack und j uniting the lilojj. rur l u Msiitk'.s. Octolier 1 6, '53. . VA .8 CelrbiauJ Vermifme or V. .,, Killrr '1 1. lai inntjj knuu lor li ul. ing Worms. For rale at FiSitiai'J. OcluLer 16, I'JJAKKIs' foolhi-.g S;rui., Ch,:j.en tTiTh". mg. Forbiicat Fi::llt;K,.S. UeluLir IG, 'So. SU'AKOKIIf Ua52. tJ TA'i'K.Vili.N l' of .Uiaiuokin b.ii,k, llio llili O day oj Octoler, 1 ben te l.t J,.-oi;i.t d ij- ui.dtr the iitw rainn.;tju. lee:. in Uank. fBi9i 7:, Due fiani L'anka, 46 17 Due from City tianarra, 2,4a: 68 Aolea efeihri Uauka, (1j Hills Kecfivul!, ot,;i;;J f 7 17 Circu!atie:i De.oa.toia, S13.4?'J 21 I, JOII N, Cathiar of liie Shamokiii DniA , taing titiiruied, dr.e ami nub that ll.ealo.e alalraiviitia coirsaij li.e uett of v ki.tir..!se. . JoKX ( a-hitr. Afnnncd before me llii, I lib d,y f tt..ber, A. D, la..8. DAVIDN.l.AKE, J. 1'. Miainoaiit, Oct. Ill, WIIikT DlEn'S- I A norwstii t;.iiu;j.i.A. Meaara KAti'.IX, H K?.!ul' i J ,' A"s 'Jl' ,!?- .1 n.. , I'll 1.HUM1IT.J. t.iKttemen The el. as a!!ci!iK-ii i,i.-u , ur vnu ,.,. '- ,"l'""'l ' He I. a. I:i L.i.i.jitu ..c. , liM Mii,i;i-ii!unll!,S,f Oil oreaat. ii ofl...ti; I.hjrl,, I y h Wf 0rM i Uifc I. ks, iwt Hurv, ;:!; n mm i,ri i.f ku . , wan Tile bie..-f your lua.iuii etu..-. V ,b' ' l'"1 tt'e al-ire. j rr. ,1 ,. n ,' . in m well ntlt-fl;cd Uv l:, n:liie Let.:, v.-l.-h, trim 1- ilk'.J n.t m.:y i ll. 'if i it lur! U-r. luuli.l i .i a ,', 'I'tt? Sale, Willi Itrnns f.' iii.-U.i -i; :ln fued int.. ii uinn, le.l imo it 'e 10. a,,:i.., fra-:: - I Kli'j, ui.iic.1 ly l-iirr,-rriu.iii, -., K r, . ... v iii n..uTiUH , anil ii;, i c M .-u euii-nlM li:i'l I ren ie:u rt r,- r. mini 1 1..- M .J" A.... .. i I .i..... . .-. TI.e iliirn.ill) iu- u'.,i- ,i win! i iio l-,i t.,!, ,1. ,t c.mnl ne prueiirrd. e im ii'. d m , ..v,-,.r .., ,,. , ullru pn ,.f l,ur'nta, ui,.l ii it w ,j'..i.ri.i,t vr.- t..'."d the niu-rior, iu ilie uiiu.i.l.u,r: ti ,,;. r:i;iIci, um:i..j by fire. , 'I n- K-at liaa at fal onvn-et-l in , f ihr ea-abilitiea nf your "Mfea. thai we wm'd n-.l p,rt with tl.,. we hive IU llefr, a ln-ceum, vr:rv;-,1, . . ,iti:p ,,, Setting ansihcr. It. ir.-lf ,iv y, toa. li. ii. , so:-.'. PARREL, llERlIING & CO., lo'J Walnut Streect, l'l.i!iuUbrUa, Orly .Mi-:r is ntif Fii-j, if HEHni-Wi ;. most reli alia security fro ,, l.nmn. Ovtobet 16, ISiS. Stat cf the Bank cf I'crthu."-hr,j Ottcber 7.h, 1S5J. IT..r,t and 1,.., .' . . '2'" ' D'Viileiui uiinmd, . . . I lliacvuiita. lalir.saiid EaeUpga, . '. s Una other Baiil. . . s 1 . . I J, ) AHSKTS. Pi. la Piaeonnd A I.pana PepnaytVJiiu IState lirrn Ki.nk ui" .Si'ithuinterlaati duva. ti.lierhui.ks, . . . Ileal Katiite, I'mieiit anetiuiit,' . Current etptnaa, lue by l ily Uinka. Not'eoi wthcr iaia, Ciish iteina, . frpecia la Vaulla, Sl.Tin ia 4 .'(! 0.1 l..-4l Ikl f iti n .V'i5 -9 ( t i 1 1 '-51 fcl 111 41 54 i'.U 63 I Certify thnl tha Wa exhibit o ih. eff'.oM.iMl'. K,";,:,,dusre;ia"d " ,un ""J ,rue ,,! wo,uauA ...LaeriUd &!!?U9JLKV' C-!""' f-etoberer JOHX CAKE J. p. nMt or sozi.m. Tim.scLiAn The stockholders are hereby notified that au election for thirteen dirwtora will be held at the bankiiij; hotue ru Mondty the 15th day t.f Xovember between the bouig of 10 o'clock A. M., and 3 o'clock 1. M. Tne slated anunnl meeting of the slock holdeis will be L.IJ at the l.aukiiiB-house. on the first Tuesday tf NoTnii.lier, ut 1(1 o'clock AXU' . J' B- 'itU-'ILKV. October 0, 16.'i3. it. 7 ( 7 1 "8 I 82 -1-2 2 I 1 i 1.5 I 18 I J;! i i ! j""5 i:j " 2 'ii IC.'i . ; let 2G2; LOST. ON Friday of last week, abont tbe stable of tbe Lewreuce Hcuso a Focket book aith a leather strap, containing $10 ia gold, and some iriiall eiltvr coin, eluo some papers which are very valuable to the uaoer, but to liuoneel.e. The CuUcr by Kaiiup it with, tbo ontr at the Laareure llouae, Sui-bury la., will be liberally luwatilod. JOHN I Ulil'It ' Bunbory, Ortobcr 9, le s.