If" ot iose, isca. NEW ROUTE FOB TRAVELERS I Northern Central llailway ! ! SUMMER ARRANQEMENT. - FHOM A" AITEII MdSIUT. Jt'l. UTib, IMi the Trains if Hi Northern Central Hallway Company will leave Daily, (Sandays excepted) as loiluws : GOING NORTH. BUFFALO AKD NIAGARA KXPRESS TIMiM. Arriv Leave. SO p. M. 1 M ' 1 0 I 1) S (lU V 17 0 67 10 II 10 10 in 40 ID 111 in ,vj X) M lit? II 1)7 II & 11 11 7 II S II 41 II 41 II 41) II 11 7 116' Id It 04 12 14 I J II 14 CO 1'J 0 14 V H 7 12 23 12 S3 is 3i i w 12 iO 1 M i to (UTtt Calvert Static-oi York, Uriilc,eport, IIlllllllX. Miller sburg, (tCOIgetOWII, Trevoiton JubcM'oa, rVlins-llrove, HHIIl HV, NmlhiimberlanS, ChillisiUiinue, Lrvrisliurg, Milton, WnlaonlovrB, VwoiitnwB, Kysters, Montgomery, helper's M UttCV, Mniitouraville, Willinnisport, From ELM IRA &UNBVRV A BALTIMORH. Arrirs. Leavs. Ml a. M IN V Ij 511 V '.0 42 V 44 (1 9 51 6J 9 SI 10CI 10 01 10 09 10 l 10 U IU lit 10 Tf IV 31 111 40 10 42 1 47 10 47 11) C8 11 00 iio5 u cs 11 0 It US II 3D 1141 1 1 63 II U 12 19 12 24 12 19 12 U IS IS D 23 U 85 FMmirs, illinmrpntl, MonioursviUs, Money, HiTgur't, Montr;, inert, F.yster's Uninnli wn, Wntontnws, Milton, Lewislmrg, Chlllirquuqll'i Niirllnuiit'erisua, K!MII'lir, r'rlina-Gruve, Trtvorton JiincttOB, (Jeoreetown, Millcrsburg, Halifax, ltrnlgepurt, York, Jnlv.rl Atntiufl. "MAir. TRAIN. GO1N0 NORTH Ftom BALTIMORE w SUNBURY & El MIR A. Artive. fQVi On! vert Station. York Bridgeport Club's Firry HlllfaX Millcrsburg tut-huiiitti Mahontotiso Georgetown Trevorton Juuotioa Feliiis-Umve Sl'SniKY, Northumberland Cliillisqaaqua l.cwishurg M iltcm Watson towa Unioutowa F.yster's Montgomery Merger's Mui.cy Mnntoursvirs Williumspurl B 00 A. M 11 II 1 10 P. M. 1 63 10 a as H 43 t SO S 01 8 H 3 33 3 64 4 04 4 IS 4 SI 4 39 4 61 4 S3 6 0.1 12 5 IS t 24 Sf 11 09 12 22 1 69 ' It S 00 3 43 S GO 3 02 3 10 3 34 3 SO 4 04 4 It 4 21 4 33 4 40 4 69 5 US 6 07 6 IS 5 2 6 30 t en COIN0 SOUTH. From ELMIRA to 6 1' K BURY A BALTIMORE. Arrir. Leiv. 12 30 X. 3 SO 4 IK) 4 13 4 12 4 20 4 20 4 30 4 30 4 33 4 38 4 41 4 41 4 43 4 43 4 S 4 64 e os $ os 6 IS 6 IS 20 8 20 5 33 , 33 6 41 3 43 54 6 S3 e io on 0 l 33 3 33 3 32 0 33 3 33 8 43 . 0 4S 3 67 6 SO 7 13 7 13 7 S3 T 23 7 61 8 40 e so a 67 1 13 Elmira, ' Williamsport, MoaioursvilJe, Muucy, Ucrger'a Montgomery Kyslcr's Uniontown Watsonlowa M ilton, l.cwishurg Chilli squnqus NcrtliuuilierlaBe' SUNBURV, Sclins Grove Trevorton JuBQtdeei Genrgetiiwn, Mnhuiitongo Buchanan, Millershurf Hali lux Clark's Feny Dauphin Bridgeport York Calvert Slalion. July 31, 1859. A. 3- ROCKEFELLER QUtovncn at atu, Practice! in Northumberland and aiijoiuin. Counties. Sunbury, November 21, 1857.- tf PTJBLIO NOTICE. TV'OTICi: in hereby that the BUSINESS RE-J-' LATIONS, heretofore iubsisling between William Weimer and the uuderaigned, in til Drug Store at Northumberland, have, by mutua consent, this day (June 7th, 185S.) erased to exist; and the Hooks and accounts will remain for settlement and collection in the bunds of the subscriber, who will continue to carry on the business at the ol I stand. KOHERT D. MeCAY. Northumberland, June 20, 1858. A, ZZ. O. BROCEEN, 22 Cliff Street, New-York. MANUFACTURER OF GI. ASS SYRINGE S, HOMCEPATHIC VIALS GRADUATED MEASURES, NURSING BOTTLES, ETC. CHm Vara for Chemists, Druggists, Perfumers, Photographers, etc. A liberal discount muJo to the trade. Orders from Country Druggist and Dealer solicited. Price Lists sent on applica tion. ( ', August 7, !858 3m v Wholesale and Hetall :lr i FOHEIGN &c DOMEJ1110 7I1TED LIQTJCHr Mill street, (East tide) North Danville, Va. FTMIE undersigned would respectfully announce - to their friends and the public generully, that Ihcy have purchased a very extensive stock of Wines and Liijuiirs direct from the Custom House, which they offer to the trade at Philadel phia prices thereby saving freight Ac. JOHN W. SHERIFF, J. 8. HALL, Danville, June 19, 1858. If. " FoIsTitTbEOWN & KOBLIT, Cabinet Makcra' Mndlff Store AND BEDDING WARE-ROOMS, Having REM O VE D to the new Iron Front Warehouse, No. 823 South Second Street, below Dock, West Side, PHILLDELPHIA. V OSV o.T.-r to tlier customers end the public generully, a new and full assortment of CABINET HARDWARE & MATERIALS. They invite the attention of the trade to their stock of Hair Sealing and Curled Hair, of their their own manufacture t Also to a full assort ment of BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERY. Philadelphia, July 3, 1858. ly Dissolution & Co Partnership. PTMIE firm of Shepherd and liewetl, Coul Ope - ratora, Locunt Summit Colliery, N'oi Ilium berland County, I'., being this day (June 1st, IR.'iM,) dissolved by mutual consent, the business will be bencetorih carried on bv James M. Shep herd and John McKarland, under the linn Hume bf Shepherd it McKarlund, who will pay all claims against and receive ull accounts due to llie late firm. JAMES M. 8IIEPIIERD, Sunbury, P.., C11AKLK3 1IEWEIT. bhauiokin. P , JOHN M'FARLAN D, t'nta Grova, Pa. Sunbary, June 13 1568. M00RE & CAiiriOI No. 261 South Second Slretl, 0 door abovi Sjruci, PHILADELPHIA, , HAY E now on nand the largest assortment of rii:tAni XT 1 1 It 1 II t ltE .they have ever h d at anv urevioua time. vite Ihe uublii ic to call and exsoiina i purch ing, as they feel con ft. , 7ncee w ill be sufficient induce. ant e ;uod furniture to buy at ?iatl'i Rack and Pinion 4lways on band, Spring d at lowest prices. d aud on rsasonaUl V-if SELECT SUMMER GOODS. LAltOE ASSORTMENT! VTE have received our NEW GOODS for 'the summer trade, and respectfully invite all the world and the rest of mankind to Call and Sua Them. Peoplo who would economize and lave their dimes will do well to coll and see how very chenp goods run be had, and should they not conclude to purchnse from ua. they will be more conver sant as to the actual value of all kinds of Goods, ''litre are a grrat many reasons why people should closely examine our stock, rind while it is clearly demonstrated that the 'obvious meaning end Imports" of this multitude of reasons refers directly to the BEAUTY OK TEXTURE, and (limpness in piice of goods, it will at the same strike the mind of the observing ECONOMIST, lhat a state of things combining a great and di versified supply, with low prices, must bring ubout a "consummation devoutly to be wished'! in making the POOK.MilN RICH, and the rich man cpuhnt. And although wo may digress, yet permit us to odd that nothing would afford a better ground work for a summer evening's entertainment, than for the kind mother who is presumed to hsve ex amined our ctoi k.to gather her little dork around her. and tell tlinn of B IMG I IT & SON'S beau tiful goods, the handsome Silks from Franco and Italy, tho Ribbons and Laces from Lyons, the Merinos from France, the prints from Manchester, the Linens aud Lawns Irom Glasgow and Dub lin, aud a thousand things of great bounty and utility. But to be a little mine practical, we will state for the good of the country, the ruing generation, and the full grown, more in detail, the goods we retail, in very large or smullcr slices, etvery greatly reduced prices ! and though we may regret e said it, we'll evil our goods on six months credit, at the end of which Ihe people ''flush," will come and pay ua with a rush, for none can feel so unconcerned about a debt so fully earned, as to be guilty of procrastination, to the hazard of their reputation. J lien lientlemen and Ladles fair, hearken, if you ve the time to spare, and hear of New Goods rich and mre, received and being opened. OF CLOTHS, There 'a brown, and black and bluo, Yea Cloths of almost every hue. CP CASSXMEB.E3, We've got just what you need, of mixed and striped "first rate" Tweed, for those exposed or named as sick, we ve Uasoimercs both strong and thick ! for those who by fishion think to win, we have the beautiful rrench Doeskin an ar ticle, we do expect, sir, can't be excelled in point of Texture. OP "WESTINGS, Silks and good black Satins, of every variety ol patterns, for weddings, parlies, or the .street, for gentlemen married, or less discreet, whom we will furiiuh from Hat to Boot, with a cheap and charming wedding suit. But Ladies! pardon this dereliction, and do not deem this all a fiction, for surely we are bound to say, we love to turn from grave to gay, Irom dull old bachelors, dreadful drones, whom fashionablo etiquetlu disowns, who, in a word, are sluggish wight, in human huppiness, neo phytes. Gentlemen, we bid you all adieu the Ladies are wailing for something NEW; Cashmeres Delaines Silke Berege Deb.'gea Robes Ginghams Lawns Challea Tissues Chintzes Plaids of every pattern, and latest styles, so rich that that they excite a smile suited for Ladies of UoLBTfiL age, es well for those who would Ex cige pretty for the maid becoming fof the mo ther, and oil', red cheap to the one or the other. Kiubons embracing one bundled pieces, beautilul Belts suited for "Neices." Ginghams, solid, plaid and stripes assorted, and "Aquilla Robes" just imported. And the undersigned with modesty reverts, to corded flounced and steel hooped Skirts and well reconciled we trust the ladies faces, wilPgaze with fond delight upon our hand some Laces Insertings, Edgings, of Jaconett and Swirs. affording beauty to those who oti'cr bliss! threa hundred pieces of good pattern Prints, and very handsome styles of new Trench Chiiiiz, white, mixed, and brown Cotton Hose. much cheaper than some people wo'iM suppose. Spool Cotton, Tape. Pins, Buttona, and Needles in profusion : Bobbin, Cord, Bonnet Wire, and blond Illusion. Then come one, come all, vou'll find us very handy, in showing each the -modus operandi" of buying and selling cheap. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, June 12, 1858. IKE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, BROADWAY, CORNER OF FRANKLIN STREET, NEW YOBK OIT-5T, lias been recently refilled, The Rooms are newly carpetol, Trie Farniiure mux Beds are uperb, lid lit (Jiitlis aie nuturpaMrd. TAYLOR'S CKLKDItATKD SALOONS AKX CONStCTKD WITH THE HOTEL. Hers Is eonreittrnted all ths c unfurls of a bonit, with tbs luxuries of a palace THE Si'LDNDID LADIES' FARLOR Commands and unequalled VIKW OP BKOAliWAT, THE INTERNATIONAL Is the most central of any of the fi st class Hotels for basi nets, or places of amusement, and oners unfcarpuMRed ad vantages u families and gentlemen visilini New York. A i. Fa ed r'SEKMA.i, Proprietor. Nsw York, July 3, IboB ly Wholesale (arocery. EBY 3b KTJNKEL, Opposite the Pennsylvania Rail Road Depot IIAR1USBURG, PA. EEP large stock of the following named articles, and will sell cheaper than any other house this side of Philadelphia. Call and see price of Coflcc, J'ro Fish oil, Sugar, F'fhi Tar, Tea, Salt, Rosin, Spicea, Hams, Pitch, Tobacco, Shoulders, Oakum Cigars, Flour, Robes, Vinegar, Fluid, Calcined Plaster Cheese, 8oop, Candles Ac. S. 11. Molasses, Syrup., N. 0. Molasses. Also, Cement, Safety Fuse, Crow Bars, Sledges, Iron and Nails, for sale at very email profits. July 3, '858. ly IANDMTHS' Agricultural Ware bouse and Seed Store, Not. 21 and 23 South Cthttretl.letween Mar ket and Ckesnut ttreets, Philadelphia. IS always open to the inspection of every one interested in Farming or Gardening, The subscribers therefore invite the public generally lo call and examine the large and well selected stock of Agricultural Implements and Machinery, gieat variety of Horticoltural tools. Warranted Garden end Flower Seeds Grass and Field Seeds of the most Reliable Quality, which they oflor for sale at Ihe lowest cash prices, wholesale or retail. Tna agricultural implements sold by us are ino.ily manufactured at our steam works, Bristol, Pa. Having fitted up this establishment without regard to expense, with the most complete ma clnnery for Ilia manufacture of various kind of agricultural implements, we are prepared to sup ply all articles in this line of Ihe very best quality. Landreth'e Warranted Garden Seed have been before the public for upwards of sixty years; Ihtir wide-spread lupularily and Ihe increasing demand from year to year ere Ihe best evidences of their superiority over all others, Vsf' Country merchants can be supplied with seeds in papers, or in bulk, on the most liberal terms. bloomtdale, near Bristol, Pa., our garden seed grounds, contains three hundred and seventy acres, and is the lurgeat establishment of its I ind in the world. D. LAN DHKTH & SON, Noe. SI end S3 South Sixth St., Philadelphia. Landreth'e Rural Register end Almanac for 188, containing monthly Calender fur the rarin, Garden end Greenhouse, en eg as eaiTis upon personal or prepaid pplicatiuo. Philadelphia, May 22d, left 8. PURE OLIVE OIL fur table use.-twe i at 87, and 62J eeals just received by July IT, a. WfJEELER & WILSON MANTjrACTTjrINO COS FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. fpnC nnanimoas favor which has atteiHled ths Introdne. J tioii l Wheu-b & Wilson's Family Sewing Ma chine, Is sufficient evidence of its excellence. It is need less now to any, thai this useiul instrument is becoming a domestic insluullt'll : the luet is recognized by its success ful use in thou sands ol Families in every rank in life. To those who have hitherto refrained from nvailing tbetnfelves of Its advauliiges, it may not be amirs to sny, that iV ntil' my s not a problem to he solved, but n sueeens already Tealiized The highest tesimnny is constantly offered, eon Arming the verdict vvhn-li fins given this iiitlrucineuloiis wule and enviable a remitntion. . This Mnehine is enu&ivcd on o principle entirely origi nal, beiua specially and admirably nilrpted lothe must per fect work on every kind of nmteriui ; anil, hnving been Mihjeeled to a three, years' test of the mult seaiching clmraetei by Families, and in various branches of nlnnii fnctnre, with distinguished success, it is believed that in sll the great points requisite ton complete nud pruetieul Pe .viiist Mnehine. HcimiMit be approached in excellence Among the undoubted advantages it possesses over all others, niav be named the following; 1. Its iitmpbcity of ei'iis'ruclion. and consequent free dom from derangement and need of reimirs S. lis unexampled rapidity and ease of operation. 3 Its noiseless movement 4. The o.rent variety of purpose to which It enn be np plieo, which can be achieved by no other mechanical menus. Ami, 6. The pre-eminent beauty and durability of the work "I Rud your Machine invaluable I have used it a year, and H lias never liecri ontoft.rder. The stitch is very du rable, and enn be adapted to rine or course materials. It works with the rapidity of a dozen pair of hands : saves much time, fatigue and expense. One of your Machines is used in my father's family another in tire hiaisehold of a sister ; and others bv various friends. The opinions of nil aecrd with thut 1 nuve just expressed." Mrs Anna worn uncute. ''There is but one Pewinir Machine ; and that ts Whe. (and Wilson's." Judge Meigs, of the American Iiiuti- ture. "'I he Sewine Machine purchased of yon has liecn whol ly servifcaiiie " itev. Lir. nainuei trifrood. Aoiunniy can ntiora totio witnoui u. Opinions or the New Vobe Press. We prefsr them for family use. Tiibuue They are the favorites for families Tunes, Are without a rival. Scientific American. Works more unifotmly than the hand Herald. Do the work of ten ordiuury sewers Jnur Com. F.qunl to nine seaintressea. Home Jnnrn.,1 The machine, for family use. Advoeate A; Journal. Most honorable lo American genuis linlcpemlcnt. Wo cannot imagine nnythiiul more perfect Evangelist. Will give entire satisfaetion.Observer. The best ever invented. -Christian Inquirer. In looking for the best, see these Kxamlner. Admirably adapted for family use Chronicle, luilidpeiisiiblc in every family. The Preacher. We praise it with enthusiasm Christian lntellieencer. Worthy uf the lushest uwaid. Pahtiath Reeouler, A benefucthm of die age Putnam's Magazine. Magital in operation. Mrs. Htephens' JVluitlhly. Hcyouil nil question, the mar.bines. Life Illustrated. The stitch cannot be unruveled.-Ain Agricultuust. They maintain the pre-eminence Express. Saves the lime and health if ten women. Water Cure. Our household is in ecktiteies with it. Porter's Spirit. Supply the fashionable world Daily News. Are pre-eminently snperiol.i lenities' Visitor. One of our household gods II. S. Journal. Unrivalled in every qua'lty. Day Uonk. Pretty, useful, mneic.il.- Leslie's Gazette. Have nn equal for family use Musical World A triumph of mechanical genius N. Y- Journal. Combine every requirement Family Magazine. Vastly superior to all oltieis Golden Prize. We cannot tire in its praise New Yorker. For further particulars apply to H. B. Masscr, Sunburv, Pa., agent of the manufacturer, who will supply machines at the manufacturers' prices. Sunbury, May 15, 1SSP. tf Dr. W. II. Willi MOH. OF LANCASTER City, late of Philadelphia, where he has been in successful practice far u nuiiila;! of years, received his education nt the best Medical College in the United States, and had the expeiicnce. and practice in the different Hospitals for several years, a member of tiip Analytical Medical Institute of New Yoik, and late Medical Surgeon of the United states Navy, now offers himself to the public to attend any professional calls. The purest medicines aUvavson I d direct Irom the best Luboiatone ol our coumi'. and the Botanical Gui dons of the world No patent medicine prescrihed 01 re commended. Medicines used only wlo'ci, will li"t break down the constitution, but will leuovate the sy stem fioin all injuries it has sustained from mineral medicines. C'ro lie and dillk'ult diseases must be treated uitnii analytical principles, which is lo kuovv and as certain what disease is Its nature und chnru.'trr lequire a knowledge (,t the chemical constituents of every solid and fluid of the humun body ; Ihe ehuiices those solids and fluids are capable is undergoing. To know what medicines to employ to cure diseases requires a knowledge of the chemical constituents of all agents employed in medicine ; and if we are in ixia scssioii of this kno vvldilre, u is possible tocuio auydistase no mutter of how lon( standiiif; nud leave the patient ilia heulthv aiul perfectly cured condition. Meluueluily. Abenatiou, oi that etute of alienation and weakness of the mind which rendeis persons iucufmhle of enjoying the pleasures or performing the duties of life; Dys pepsia ; that distressing disease and fell destroyer of henllli and happiness, undermining the constitution, and yearly carrying thoiouiiule to untimely graves, can most emphati cally he cared. Kheumalisri, in any form or condition, chronic or acute, warranted cuable; Epilepsy or lalliin sickness; all chronic and stablxirn cases of Female Di seases radically removed; Salt It Ileum, and every descrip tion of ulcerations, Piles and Scrofulous Diseases, which have battled all previous medical skill can be cured by my trentmeut, when Ihe constitution is not exhnasted. I do say all discuses (yes, Consumption) can be cured. fvCaiieer cured without the knife. I will icmain in my office on Wkunmdiys and Satcb dys, from Oo'rl rk A. M , to 3 P M , to accommodate patients from a distance, aud eoiisnlt ui the Entthsh aud German lamranges. Will make visits to any distance If required. Muy he audi cued by letter, Fulton Square, Lancaster city, Pa. W. H. WIIIT.MOR.M. D. Juiis S, lt-53. 6ra SUNBURY STEAM I'ERRY AND TOWING BOAT COMPANY. -TRAVELLERS and othera are respectfully informed that the subscriber has established a STEAM FERUY over the Susquehanna, at Sunbury. That a laige, safe and commodious steamboat will run rcgulurly and promptly at all hours during the day, to carry foot passengers as well as veil. tins, Ac, between Sunbury and ihe landing on Ihe opposite aide of the river, both ways, or to and from Sunbury. The steamboat will run from Market Street Whurf, and will carry passengers lo and from the Packet morning and evening. The Steam Ftrry now affords not only a safe and convenient transit over the Sus quehanna, but also a pleaaaut and agreeable ride. IRA T. CLEMENT, Proprietor. Abdbfw Hoover, Capiain. Sunbury, May 1, 1859. NOTICE. A LL persona indebted to James J! card, late Prothonntary of NoithtimberlRiidcounty, for fees, Ac., are requested lo make immediate pay me.?t, and thus save cost and further trouble, aa ail accoi'Ute remaining unpaid will be placed in the hands o'a Justice for collection. Payments can lie made either to the subscriber or to J. S. Beard, at his office. JAMES BEARD. Sunbury, March 27, 18S8 tf rUILAEELPHIA .ND HEADING BAILBOAU. OHANOB OF HOURS. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, Jaly S, InSU, I be down rum mint Passenger tram will leav I'oli.vilb at tl li A, M., passing l; culling ut U.Sl A.M., Bad striving at Philadelphia at 12 33, iioou. The dowa Alternoou Toon will leave Pottsville at 3.30 P. M., pussnnr Reading at 6.00, aud arriving at Philadel phia at 7. 40, P. M. . Moruing and Afternoon Passenger Trains leave Phils delplou at suiui hours us beretoltire, 7.30 A. M. and 3.30 P. M , pasting Heading at lu.UA A. M. aud 0.0? P. JUL LEBANON VAL1 J2Y BRANCH. Passenger Train leaves Reading at 10.08 AM, (after arrival ol Down anil Up Morning Passenger Tram l'rml Pot'svlPe and I'hllaiielplHa,) and arrives at ttumaburt at 12.34 iuhiii, in lime o eonueet with Passenger Tiaois for Saubary, Wilhanuiport, Klmira, Pittsburg, t:iuunbi-islmrg, liultiiuore and luou aster. Iteturiiiug, leaves tlairuhurg at 2 23 P M , ufier arrival of Passenger Trains from all above points, und urnvea at Reading at 4 53, la lime to uouuect with Up and Down Passenger Tiaius to potts villc aud Pbiuidelpbia, the sunn evmuig. O.A.NICOIJ, Kugtneer ana Suiieriuleiident. July 17, 1839. tf FOR SALE OR RENT. THE large double frame house in the Borough of Northumberland, belonging to the estate of C. 11. Kay, deceased. This is a very desirable residence, beautifully situated on the North Branch of the Susquehanna, with a large garden, Carriage House, Stable Ac., belonging to it Terms moderate. Enquire of C. W. Scales, Williamsport, or D. Breutigam, Esq., Northum berland. March 87. 1858. FOB IJElsTT. fltHE Store Room in Market street, lormerly A occupied by P. W. Gray. Apply M the ex eculore uf H. Mesaer, deceased. April If ISIs. a 1857. FALL & WINTER GOODS ! 1858 AT IP. "W. QRA-Y'S FANCY DRY OOODSTORE YrTeiket q'uare, Evcbury. NOW received and will continue to receive the largeet end best selected Stock of black Clotht, Canimerei, Cuuinetlt find Vesting!, jr. An assortment 'of Dren Goods, via i Fancy printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, Do Lain' IPareges, Momma, Laslnucrts, Alapacas, Urea, Silks, Gitifhams, Ac. LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. Irish Lipen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet ing, i'lllowcaseing, cVc " press Trimmings in Great Variety, Boota and Shoes ' Hats and Caps, : , Hardware, Cedarware, Groceries, . Queensware 8 ALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, Segars', Tobacco, Snuff, Ac., an assorsment of other Goods too tedious to mriitiuh. Feeling grateful for past favor we beg leave to r:v o our old friends and the public that no :l.t in our pait shall be wanting to merit a coi: nuance of our patronnge. country produce taken in exchange at llit highest market price. P.W.GRAY. Sunbury.Dec. 13 1857. If ' A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. rl Ml L subscriber will sell at priyate sale a A FARM, situate in Point township, Nor thumberland county, about 3 miles , from the borough of Northumberland, on the Danville road, adjoining lands of J. C, Morton, James Nesbit, Chas. Parks and the north branch of the river Susquehanna cotituining 75 to 100 Acres to suit purchase. The land is in a good state of cultivation. The improvements consist of a largo frame HOUSE, well finished; a Spring (louse, built over a never-failing Spring close to the house, a Bunk liurn and oilier outbuild ings. All Oichard with young and choice fruit trees. The above tract will be sold on reasonable terms and an indHputahVe titla given. Posses aion jr'on on the first day of April next. For further particulars inquire of the rubscri ber, residing on the adjoining faun. JAMES NESBIT. Point township, January S3, 1858. tf STO E. MISS LOUISA SHISSI.ER, respectfully in forms the citizens ol'Trevorton and sur rounding county, that she has opened a new atore of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor ton in Sliotnokin street, nearly opposite Xnoitee's Tavern, where all kinds of Bonnets and Fancy Goods can be had at the lowest terms. C Press making also attended to in (Tie best manner and latest style. April 85, 1858. tf addle and Harness Maker. hejt:r,"X" hatjpt, jb. ev.k RESPECTFULLY informs the ijS?ov' citizens of Sunbury end the pub-J''Ujni-K ''r- generully. that he has taken the shop occupied by Bright and Beck, one door east ol S 1'aupl'a Cabinet Ma ker shop where he is prepared to' turn out work in hia line of business equal lo any made in this section of tho country. Orders promptly execu ted and all kinds of produce taken in Exchange Sunbury, March 20, 1858. ly Market Street, Sunbury Pa. ' THE subscriber respectfully informs the cili zena of Sunbury, and the public generally, that he has purchased, and will take possession in the above well known stand on the 1st of April next, formerly kept by Mrs. Thompson. That he will put ihe same in complete repair. In addition he will provide a conveyance to carry passengers to and from the dillurent Railroad de pots, aud will leave no effsrts untried to render his hotel a desirable stopping place for guests and travelers. JOHN LEISCT, " February 20, 1858. , i : COME ONE! COME ALL! I LEARN THE LIST OF PUICE3 AT THE People's One Price Store. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON, suNDunr, pa., TAVE received their Urge and choice select AA cd stock of 1TE7A GOODS, Composed of an endless variety, ami to which t'.icy respectfully invite the attention of the pub lic feeling assured- that their large assortment and great variety of all kinds of Goods combined with the exceedingly low pi ices which they are dettrniiiud to sell at, will render entire satisfac tion. Or COUNTRY PRODUCE wanted in ex change at the very highest market prices. June 6, 1858. Farmer Look to Tour Iiileriot, LIME 1 HLI-jVLE 11 TMIE sudscriber resnectftillv informs Ilia far A mers and the public generally, that he has leased llie lime kilns of Ira 1. Clement in Sun bury, and that ha has alwaysin hand. and is ready to supply a good quality 'f lime to all who may want for building or farming purposes. nenus aiso aim at neeier s crossings' miles from Sunbury, or two from Snvdertown. t"aT All kinds of Country Produce token in exchange. GEO. W. 8TROH. Sunbury, Dec. 28, 1857 15 LSHONG'S & SONS' Superior Burring Fluid, for sale at HMIKIJ'.S' Drug ard Chemical 'Emporium. Sunbury July IT, 1868. RIVIERE HOUSE, (Formerly Kline's Hotel,) LF.WISUURG, UNION CO.jpA. n. CIIETZKI, Proprietor. ri'HlS Isnuenl" the luraest biU best furnished Hotels no X the West Hiuitch. it Is kxiilcu' ." Hie business part of Ike town, (it being the only Hotel lu .Sarkel (Square ) T he pria'iirt.a- is rleternnucd, lo use every eaeiiiiai to nuke has amnr- iaie of the beat iu t.i Suu ; and ."i offers rare muni meals lor persons wb i spend a short time l! aie uf the aiost pleasant town is central Feiiasrlvaiiia. Ctiarsps Veiy imaterate. Lewiabuig, June 12, IMS, SI1VB4 PLATED-WAKE. MABCrsCTUBED BT JO II IV . Ill i: 4 l &, SON, THE oldest Electro Plater in the United States, manufactures of every vsrietv of Goods plated with pure silver, Albata, Brittauia and Steele ' Tea SetU, Urns, Waitcra, Canters, Cake Bae kels, l'ilehirs, Goblets, Communion S ervice, Spoons, Forks, Kuivea, Ac "All goods waraut ed aa represented. North East corner 9th and Chesnut street. Philadelphia, Penna. May 8, 158 ly P. MEANCHTON EHIKLE, JIIaTII K OF Till: I'lJiCE au'jsr'BTj-R'sr, pa. t9Ic in Veer Street, immediately oppoiitt the Public School Iouie. . . - k. , All business promptly attended to. Monica collected and all ordinary writinga done. ' Sunbury, April 25. 185T tf PATCHOULY, JOCKEY CLUB, SPRING FLOWERS, Ac, of the beat quality a fresh supply just received and for aale at the Drug Store uf A..W. MH till. Sunbury, July 17, 1818. - " lisbinff Tackle. Red Cork, Grass, Cot- ton aud Idneo Liaea, Out Lines, Sea Grass by the yard, ftoooda, t Ilea, Kirby, l.nuerick aud Carlisle Hooka, Reds, Ae., fur eale by Jety IT.'H. A. W. rtVPB. HERRING S SAFE. AGAIN THE OtlAMPIONll The ony Wale which, in every instance, preserved their en tire cor.tente in the late ex tensive Are. At the burning of the Artl- JttlfrC-tNr:. -mm -.'-Maw. ti.v.Tr.7)tm'.fH lan Uuiblings, April 10th, and In the GREAT FIRE in Market street, May Ut, 15B, the genuine . HERRING SAFE Preserved the Jewelry of Geo. W. Simons cV Bro. Booka, Papers, Ac, of Fisher & Bro,,and Edward Seamana A Co., after remaining ex posed In the burning ruins for netrly FORTY HOURS, and proving conclusively whit we have alwava chimed for them, Til EIK GREAT SUPERIORITY over all securities now known. In these fires, THE HERRING'S SAFE, standing aide by side with those advertised as "warranted to stand 10 per cent, more lire than Herring's," came forth the ACKNO WLEDGED VICTOR, not only preserving their contents in EXCEL HINT order, but being in themselves in a condition, to go Ihrnngh another oVdcal, while the boasted 'Salamanders of other ma kers were badly used up in every Instance, and in some cases their entire contents completely destroved. To the public he would simply sny, that, du rinir the fourteen years ihe HERRING'S SAFE hits been before tlicin. more than two hundred have passed through accidental fires without the occurrence of a single loss. We would, therefore, CAUTION purchaser! against the minseprcsentntion of interested par lies. The HERRING'S PATENT is the only FIRE PROOFAFE made in" this city, which is protected by a PATENT RIGHT, and we will guarantee it lo resist more then double the amount of heat of any 'other Safe now known Farrrl, Ilrrilitg & Co., Role Manufacturers this Stale of "Herring's Patent Champion Safes," 31 Walnut ft., l'hilada. X5T "Evans & Watson'a Improved Salamnn dera," "Oliver Evans'," "0. S. Gavler's," and "Scott's Absetos," Iron Chests, (a largo assort ment havitijf been taken in part pawnent for "Herrings, ) will be void at low prices. Philadelphia. July 10. 1868 ly VALUABLE REAL ESTATE OFFERED AT PBIVATiB SALE. rRAHIO subscriber oilers at private s-.lc, a cer ii tain lot or piece of land, situate in Lower Augusta township, Northumberland couuty. about 8 miles below tjunliury, bounded on the went by the river Suscineharina, on thosouth by hind ol George seiler. on the cast by land of Wm. Kroli. and on the north by bind of W m R. Jones, containing ft Acres and 18 perrhes, all ol which Is cleared and in a very high state of cultivation. The Northern Central Rail Road passes through tho tract," end ia also bound on the east by the Main Road leading from Sunbi'ry to Hairiaburg, which together. with the I'tvvr upon the west, and tlie fertility ol ttie soil makes it a very pleasant nnu desira hie si'untiSn. ALSO; another certain Tract of Land, situate n raid township, ai'ioiniug lands uf W illiam Kroh, on Ihe south, the heirs uf Robert and Ar thur A uchrnuty t on tho. east W m. V. Stiver wood, and a public road on the north, and Wm l- lanes on the west, eoniiiining UJ Acres 1st perches strict measure, ,lbout uO acres of which aie cleared, and in a high state of cultivation and the residue most excellent land for cultiva tion, but is now covered with excellent; 'timber, and if purchased anon, the purrhaaer can get a large quantity ol RaiUond I lee on the same. Thia tract is also well watered, having several fine springe upon it, and every field can be wa tercd thereby. An indisputable title will be given and terms of aale reasonable. WILLIAM R. JONES Lower Augusta tp., January 2, 1857. tf W A S II IN GTON HOUSE; w. A.rVERT, rropriclor. rrHE propiietor respectfully inforins his friends -at- and the public, generally, that he is repairing and renovating the ' Washington House," so ua to entertain both transient and permanent visitors in a suitable and comfortable manner. Thankful for the patronage extended to hia father, he respectfully solicits the continuance ol the same. II' will take charge ol the "W ash. ington House" on the first duy of April, next. He will have an Omnibus running to the different Railroad Depots for the accommodation of Passengers, lice of charge. W, A. COVERT. Sunbury, March 20, 185M, NEW GONFKOXIONAivY. .WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ' M. C.-GEAUIIART, HAS just received s new and excellent assort ment of goods at his Conferlionary and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunburv, where he manufactures ai d keeps on hand, at all times, the moat choice Confectionary, Ac, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among hia stock of Conlcctionurica, maybe found i French Secrets, Gum Props, sll kinds of scent, Love Dions, Mint Drops, red and white, . Jelly Cakes, Fiuit Drops, buck Candies, at all scents Rock Cuiiciy, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Prunes, Fiss, Citrons, llurued Alnauids, Cream White, " lsuioa ' Rose, Vunilln, Com mi mi SvcicUi. Liquorice, Rn nauas, Dates. Currants dried, Aliiuiaus, Rhisoiis, Nuts of all kniJs LKMON SVKUl of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Segara and Tobacco, and a variety of Confectionariea, fruit, &c, all of which is ullered cheap at wholesale or retuil. IQE CREAM. Ile has also opened -entree Cream Saloon, and will at all limes be ready to serve hia customers with Ice Cream. Sunbury, June 19, 1858 ly GEORGE niLX, ATTOP.ITET JLT LAV. SXJ3MI3TJlH"5r, 3PA., JTp ESPECTFULLY infonna the public and D ft; hia friends generally, that he has removed to Sunbury, and has opened a law ollire at his residence, iu Market square. Hia acquaintance with tne English and German enablea him to transact business in both languages. April 10, 1858. ly VALUABLE PROIiRlYFOR EAE. fltllE aubscrthera, Exccntors of the estate o JL Henry Masscr, dee'd., otter at private aale the following" properl vis I A large two story frame dwelling house, together with about 60 CBRES OF LBND, Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John It. Kaufman aa a store and dwelling. The house is new and the location a good one for business. Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONP LAND, in aaid township on the river about 6 miles be low Sunbu.y, adjoining lands of J. T, M'Phereon and .others, containing, about 90 acrea. The soil ia productive and contains limestone and other minerals. Also a tract of J.and, containing about 35 acres on the hill, about two milea below Sunbure, adjoining lauds of the tieiis of the late John Conrad and othera. There ia, on thie tract, a small orchard of choice fruit For further particulars apply to the subscribers. II. U. MASSblR, ) , . P. B. MASSER. J Executors. FRANCIS BUCHER. ) . Sunbury, January 19, 1856 tf SADERY AND HARNESS MAKING. rriHE subscribers respectfullv inform the cili A xens of Sunbury end vicinity thai they have commenced the above business a few door-ebove the PostOllioe, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. Work of ell kinds in their hue of business will be done promptly and neatly est the moot rea sonable terms. . CLEM ENT tfc OYSTER. Februa y 13, l6. .1 WONDERFUL. C0INCID ENCB. Mi Natlous of lliv Maine Mind J IIOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. The Anniversary of ths hitrndnctina of Hollowny's Ointment ought to bs a Jubilee fmever, It has saved coimtliss mulliiniles from dis6mtremnt t,,iru.ui,n mutilalb !i. at-onv and death. tturliii from il.. ..,.r.. ... which it is applied, lis healing balm finds its wa ttirniifjli every coaling and lignmrntof Ihe body, to the veiy source Bud basis of all eruptive, ulcerous, tumorous n,,.l r.n. roes diseases. It distinguishes the febrile nrineinle that feeds them, and the outward svmnloms fade. heal, and pass uwny with a rapidity incredible to those not wnueaseu H. fJCROFULOUS F.RUPTIONS AND ULCEUS. The poison of scrofula hns never been neutralized nr Spelled hr anv of ths rcmediea of ih. nl,,.,..... The s ile antidote to this virulent and destructive element is Hollowny's Ointment. Mnieudia A Brodie. Ilia en-nl Y reach and Mulish surgeons, dn no deny or disnnte this great fact. J here is no form of scrofula that may not be kuii.iomu aiiui-uic, uy mis onisamic remeciy. CA.CF.11S AND TU.MOHS. i ne anile or cnust c mnv remove nn. innn. but the seeds of the terrible excrescence remain in the mono, nan it is soon rcnrotfiicrtl m wwu r.,.n, than uiorr. noiiowilY'a iriniineur. on tne eouutrnrv. nene- trntea into the circulation, nurl pervades every iufeetefl vesicle, and ki Is the disease by deslinying the corrosive yt iiiij-ic ,l,n, KCllDlllir.! HHU SUBIUITia IS. INFLAMMATIONS OF THE SKINS. All rashes and ordinary eruptions, ns well as Urysipelas, A.-iic, fviiiivoiui, .Miuuiieies, r-eaiu rieau, pait Hlieurn. Iprrwy. Prickly Heat, Arc, are removed by a few biisk iliu.iuiia ui me imimeiii. ACCIDKNTAL INJURIES, WOUNDS, Sprains, Bruises, Scalds and Burns Bra immediately relieved by its application. -The iiiflamma tioit niliek IV Blltls'ilS. r,Va nnrl lunlouiu, n,. ...u....,tl and under a persevering use of Ihe preparation, the pn ki. ui ucuiing is haiu aveoiiipiis.ieu. Both the Ointment and Pilts iJiould be used in the fnllou ing rases : Bunions f.nmfmiro Sore Irrs Swelled Gland Ilutua Mercurial Sore Preasts Chnpped Hands F.ruplions More II roils Chilblains Piles Sore Throats Fistulas Itheumatism Sores of all Gout Salt llheum kinds Skin Diseases Sprains fun Joints Ulcers Venerenl Sores f oiinda of sll kinds Scalds IT CAUTION' None re genuine unless the words "lloirowuy, ive-.v nrk and l.niloii," are discernible aa a water-mark in every leaf of llie book of directions nronati each pot nr r x ( the same fnav be plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light A liiiuiisnrrie reword will be given to any one rendering such information ns may lend totliedetection ofany party or parties counterfeiting the medicines oi vendiiij the same, knowing tliem to be pUIIOUB. Sold at Ihe Mnnnfactia-les of Professor HoLtoWAV CO Mnideu Ijine, New York, aud 514 Strand, f.ondon. in- all resweiable iJrnirjjjatB ami Dealers iu Medicine through- me nn .-.ne, Hun me eiviuzeq woriu, in uoxes nt 31 cents. (feu cents, and .! each. IV There is a considerable savingly Inking the larger N. B Dircctinns for the ruidanca of patients In every ,li-.,..lu. ... ..r...ui I. .... 1 ' October 17, 185? I yen FURNITURE i FURNITURE : ! THE LARGEST STOCK EVEuToFFERED IN SUNBURY. Fas!ilona1Ie, Cheap und t'soful fTHE sulrscriber. long established as a Cabinet A nnd Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful fof past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. His stock of Cabinjl- Wure, Chairs, cj c., embraces EVFIIY VARIETY, USEFUL AND OrtNA AiCM'AL in housekeeping. It ia unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in his line can bo had at modcrute prices, Chenp for Cush, or Country Produce taken in exchungo. Establishment , ' " , South East Corner of Market Square. VjF Thoae knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEB.TIAN HAUPT. Shnbury, April 4, 1H57. tf PHILIP h7p"Jp3t." WIIOLtSill ADD IIETilt Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and faaiiliea will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4. IR.Ifi.tf OLD PEN'S with and without caws, of a VaJH very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sale by H. II. MAS-SEU. Sunburv. Dec. 27. 18.r-fi- wholesale Ann Retail BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S.t, ahove Chesnnt, J'hil'a. BOOTS, Shoes, Gaiters, Ac, promptly mado to order in the very best style, and of the best material. Philadelphia, May 9, 1837. FLOUZl HEBUCSD TO S.1 40 Per Kftri el- MiHE subscriber respectfully informs the cili J. zens of Sunbury and vicinity that he has just received a supply of FLOUR, w hich he is ollefing at wholesale or retail from $3 40, $6 37 to 6 87 J per Barrel. He also sells some as low aa 70 cts. per quarter, all of which he WAR HANTS to be Good. t: AN DLKS fur sale, wholesale or retail. Thankful for past patronage he hopes to con tinue to merit the same. GIVE DIM A CALL! M. C. GEARHART. Market St., Sunbury, Pa. February 27, 1858. ' DANViU-E HOTEL. JOHN DEElf, J" Market Street, Danville, Pa, TIHIS is one of the largest and most commo 1 dious hotels in the interior of Pennslvania it has been recent! fitted up, in excellent stle, with all the modern conveniences. Dulivilled, Sept. II, 1855. iIenuy donnel, ATTORNEXT AT LAW. " OJice oppositi the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt attention lo business in adjoining Counties. joii s. isi:aiii ATTORNEY AT X.AW, Office in Macket t., opposite the Court House, 6UNBTJB.Y, PA, Collections made and Professional Business generally attended to Promptly and Carefully. PntlADELPUIA RlFEBISCE I Bullitt i Fairlhorne, Dielil 4 Wertx, Davis & Birney, F. Tylot & Co. tiuubury, June 20, 1?57. & cHSMidXiT FIlHE undersigned having received a large and X well selected stock of I'liro Drug and Chemicals, Dyestufls, OiU, Paints, Glass and Putty, ia now ready lo fill orders at a moments notice. In connection with the above you will find an assortment of Fancy Notions, Toilet Crudes and Perfumery of all kinds, Touth, Hair, Naila and Clothes Brushes of every variety. Customers will find hia stock complete com prising many article it is impossible here lo enumerate. REMEMBER the place, next door to the IW pla's One Price Store. , Physicians' Preemptions compounded accurate ly; and carefully. . W.l'ISHER. " Sunbury, July 17, 1858 BROWN'S and Breinig'e Eaaenca of Gmgci and Hushaisd's Msgneeiaat rf, tw. rmrw. ISAAC M.: NVILKEBSON, MANUPAOTUREB OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style, Softs'), Dlvuiis) unit 1ouiikc'S Bureaus, Secretaries. Sideboards. BOI'A. BRK1RFAXT AND DISI.Q TABLES and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila ttciphta manufacture, BEDSTEADS, of every Pattern and mice CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE. STANDS foil.ET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business . rPHE subscriber respectfully calls the ettentio, - of the public to hia large and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of . which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery ene who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to he had in the city. No effort in spared in the manufacture of hia ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly beine made. lit also manufacture all kinds and qualities CIIAIHS. ncluding varieties never before to be had lr, Sunbury, such as Maihwajit, Biack Walsct l'ilZl"0 M",tJ'":eiA!,; as,, W,sn CHAIRS, asb fASCT Piano Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none monufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. Tho subscriber is determined that there shall lie no excuse for persons to purchnse furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and CSairs. These arl idea will be disposed of on as good term as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try p odtica taken in pnvmcnt for work. UNDERTAKING. Having provhirtl a handsome Heabse, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity, or atony convenient, distance from thie place . The Were Rot.m is in Fawn Street, to low Weaver's Hotel. He has also purchased the right of msnufac luring and selling in Northumberland county, Gould's patent Excelsoir Spring Red, which fie will furnish at nasonnlile rates. Springs put in old bedstead for three dol!ur. DM AC M. WILKERSON. Sunbury, April 18,1857 tf. LANCASTER C0LLIEY FOR SALE. Important to Coal Oiuiafoi . fMIE undersigned Lessees of the "Lancaster Collieiy," near Shamokin, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, wi-hing to retire from the pusiness, oner lor sale llie Lease ami Fixtures of said Colliery, on aatislactoiy terms. This Colliery bus been in operation since IM54, and has been successful beyond expectation. 'J m Coal is a superior articles for nil uses lo which Anthracite isapplivd, and a good market has been established, which can be much extended. The Breaker and Fixtures arc of the very best char acter end will recommend themselves to persons acquainted ui h the business. The Lease r'-'tis to January 1, 18t4, and is a favorable one for the operator. For further information apply at tho Culliery in person, or by letter to Sh.iiiiol.iii, P. (., Nor thumberland countv. Pennsylvania. COCHRAN, PEALE & CO. February 6, 1S5. If WE STILL SURVIVE THE CRISIS V()TWITIISTAN LING the astonishing quan xl tilv ol Goods that I brought into town last Spring, I succeeded in selling them all out ex cept hHt I gave away, and had to hurry to tho city, for a new lot, in order tbat my customers might not be put to the inconvenience uf buying nt other stores, where they would be chaiged killing prices. Profiling by past experience, I have just brought on - -Twice ns IIr.ny Coeds, and I havo now the larzet and CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT ever nfl'ered wiiLtii hearing f this place. I an, bound ti sell CIISAPEH THAN EVXn, before. I nerd not say cheaper than my neighs bors; for that i no lunjcr a disputed fact. 1 am now ready to deal cut g.nids twenty hours out of twentv-four Sundays excepted at lower prices than any person dare ask tor. Just call for eny thing you want. 1 am deter uiir.cd to SUPPLY ALL DEMANDS that may he made, reaional.la or unreasonable. Call jon, as the rush is ?remeridot:s. , IRA T. CLEM F NT. ounpury. lice SS, IR67. 1, Slratr-Ciiltrr. fJIHE subscriber has ben appointed Acent for 1 M eaars Gcdtlcs & Marsh of Lewiaburg, for the sale of their Straw, Hay A Corn-rodder Cut ter. This Cutter is the best in um. Fsrn.eia anil others sre respectfully requested to call ai d examine for themselves. P. B. MASSER. Sunbury December 2C, 1S.'i7. tf (VIMS E l., II. O'St'sYICJ, ATTOBNEY AT LAW, OJJlce on South Second, nenr Market Street, I. E W I S !J U U G , P A. Practices in tho Counties of Ur.inn, Northum berland and Montour. All PiiorF.HsioNAi Bcsimebs entrusted lo b care will receive pruinpt and fa thful atleni tion. Or tober 8, 1837. ly WHITE HOUSE HOTEL. rOTTSVILLE, P.V. 'SirEsul-scriber respectfully announces to hia old friends and the public, that he has taken that old and wc! known establishment, the White Ilorso Hotel. At the corner of C'cutrs. nJ fahantngo sis., in the Borough of Pottsville. The on,,.; hus re cently been very much enlarged aud otherwise improved, rendering it quite as comfortable a any other Hotel in Schuylkill county while the stables are large, in good condition, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hollers. To travellers and others w ho may stop at UiJ house, he promises every attention calculated lo render them comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FEGER, April 8, ISSf - If srAUFFKIt & II til MY. CHEAP WATCHES AND JEWKI.RV W,?l;,'i?I'K. f ND R l'VrA"" tht "Phil-lelnriisf i r niches and Jewelry Ctore" W.i. US (Out v 'nn? North Second Street, Comer of yuairy, Philadelphia.' Gold Iver Watehes, full J Gold Lrpine, Id euret. Silver Lever, full Jewelled, Silver 1-ptue, jewels, Superior (Juarliers, Gold Srt-lucteB, Fins Silver do., Gold Bracelets, Lyriy's Gold Penoils. led, Id caret cases, f'W.PO IU 10 14 110 00 T 00 T IKI I 60 S 00 1 no f 00 I 00 Silver Tea Smoes, set, uiNit rei With Pencil ami Silver hntl.. Gold Finger It lues 3tl elaiitfc.ft. Vl'.,.e 121 el. , patent I8J l.u ,el M l ,,, .ri.elesT.rpZLVt.on All goul, wurraulcd lo be what ihev are sold l,.r , . . - STAI FFEK HARI.IV phlu Plinl,lmi,Junrlu, Iea7 j 6V 1)LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgagee, Bonda, Execution., Summons Ac., for sale b H. B. MASSEK. ' . Sunbury .April tR. 1856 . poKT MONAIE8, Tooth and Hair Bruaha all qualities, aud any qusnU y, for aale by W,17.'68. A.W.F1SHEIU STOVES- lOR SLE B an excellent eecond-hand Ceoll ing Stove, also ee.,.,.1 Cylinder Coal sttovea. Enquire at thia otftee, ' J A TENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS fo bar bottles for aala by - , . L H. B MASSER. vwhitTj, Jv.hr 1, (111.