Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 02, 1858, Image 3

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Tht Steamship Austria Burnt at Sea Nearly
600 Paftengert I.otlTu.tht of the Sur
vivors Arrived at Halifax Only Sixty
iVine Saved out of Six Hundred on Board
Krplosion of the Magazine Panic on
Board Tht Fearful Ruth to the Boatt
Suffocation and Drotcniny of 'Passengers
Fearful Spread of the Flames Phila
delphicns on' Board How the Fire Origi
nated. The worst apprehensions reffurtlioff the
Steamer Austria are realized by the disss
Irons intelligence from Halifax, conveyed in
the following derpatcbes :
Halifax, U.S., Kept. 27. The steamer
burnt at see proves to bava been the Austria..
Twelve of tli survivors hat arrived Lere.
There ware in all about nix hundred soul on
board tba ill-fated steamer, of which only
sLty-seven were saved.
Halipax, Sept. 27. Tb brig Lotus ar
rived yesterday with twelve of tba sixty-nine
survivors of the destruction iT tlie steamer
Austria, burned at sea on tbe 13lb.
Mr. Brew repoits ss follows :
At a little after two o'clock, P. M., I was
on tbe quarter deck, wben 1 saw a dense
volume of smoke burst from tbe after en
trance of tbe steerage. Home women ran
aft, exela.miug, "The ship is on Ore what
will become of us ?" Tba ship was instantly
put at half-speed, at which she continued
until tbe magazine exploded, from which,
1 iufur, tbe ouginecra were instantly suffoca
ted. I only walked from wbero 1 was, on
the quarter deck, to the waist of tbo ship,
wben 1 saw the flames spreading through tba
light amidships. As the ship was bead to
the wind, tbe tiro travelled with fearful ra
pidity. I tbu went to tbe man at the wheel,
nad twid biin to put the vessel with her side
to tlio winJ. Ho hesitated probably did
not uuderstuiid inn, as be was a native of
Hamburgh. I then got a Uvrman gentle
man to speak to Uim. At tbis 1 saw some
pi-mcus letting down lb boat on tbe port
side oi tbo quarter deck. What became of
the boat 1 duu't know, but think she was
crushed onilor tbo screw. 1 then went to
(jet a boat over from the starboard side or
the quarter duck, but the moment we laid
our hands on tbe ropes there were so many
who crowded into if, that wo could not lift it
inT tlm blocks. Wo therefore left it for u
(Vw minutes, uu til the people got out, wben
wo returned and launched it ever tlie side of
. tlie ship, when the people all rushiug into it
ngiiin, it descended wilb great violence into
tbe water, and it was instantly swamped, all
the people being washed nut, excepting
ihr, whs) hold on to the (ides. We then
Kh down a rope, and pulled cp one person,
who proved to be the steward. Another, iu
the act of being hauled up, was strangled by
tli rope.
The fire now enmo on too fiercely to at
tempt to list up nuy mote IVom tbe swamped
lost. All the first-cabin passongois were
on the poop, with the exception of a few
.gentlemen, who mast bave bucu smothered
in tba smoking room. Many of tbe second-
cabi passengers were also on tbo poop, but
a iiuiiib.r of them got shut into leeir cabin
by l ha (ire. fcjomo of them wars palled up
through the ventilator, but tbn greater uuni
tier could not be extricaUd. The last woman
who was drawn up said theio were six al
ready suffocated. Wo now perceived that
the ship bad got ber bead to tbe wiud again,
10 that the tliinies came over tbe quarter
iNick. In consequence1 of tba crowd, 1 could
hot get tii tbe wheel honse to ascertain tbe
reason, but I was informed that the helms
iii4u bad decerted big post, and tbbt tbo ves
v l. being luft to herself, beaded to tbe wind
uf ber own accord.
At this lime tbe 6tiuna on tba quarterdeck
was itidoici ibaljbj, and truly heart-rending,
i'asseugers were rushing frantically to and
fro luiibaaJs seeking their wives wives in
teariti of their busbauds relatives looking
ufier relatives mothers lamontiug the loss
of their children some wholly paralyzed by
tear, others madly crying to be saved, but a
few perfectly calm and collected. Tba dames
proeted so closely upon llieui, that many
uuiued into tbe sea ; relatives, elaeped in
1 tea otber'l arms, leaped over and mot a
watery grave. Two girls, supposed to be
i aler. juMiped overboard, aud cauk kiseiug
tacit other.
A missionary and bis wife leaped. Into thu
tea logutbor, aud tbe stewardess and assist
ant tlewerd, arm in arm, followed. Una
11 utigarian geutleman, wilb teveu fiue
creii, foar of them girls, made his wife jump
io, teaa blessed his six eldest children, made
tiuia jump in one after tbe otbsr and followed
ijuui wit'j an itifaol iu his arms. 1 at this
xiii.e was staadiug outside of tbe bulnaiks,
i.u! Jittt; ou by the davits, leaning out to avoid
t lie tiauiss, which were leaping towards mo.
1 saw a swamped boat under me, spinning by
. rope still attached ft the ship. As tbe
oar were tiod in ber, 1 thought if 1 could
et t: Udr I won'.d be oua'olod to save myself
iiid souie others. I let myself down by a
rop-, patiug over a man who was clinging
to it. but who refused to come with m. 1
took out a pen knife to cut tbe tackle ; tbe
large Uiadd broke, and 1 then severed it with
the small blade. Tie ship then pasued
ahead, and as tbe boat approached the screw,
1 found tbo boat was druwu towards it. I
tried to keep it away, but tbe screw caught
fie boat aud capsized it over me. 1 dived
ay from the ship and caiuo to the surface
iitr tbe boat, which was now keel upuaids.
i put on ber, eod by pressing on one sido,
wall tbe assistance of a wave, she righted,
he, was still swamped; the oars bad been
!;uocked out by t'uo screw j tbe only thing I
could bud in her to puddle with was some
I tt'ns nailed together as a shenAjiiug for tbe
bi.les j when 1 looked around the ship was a
quarter of a mile from me ; 1 could tea the
ladiej aud centlemen iutoninc eff the poop
into tbe water in twos and threes,' son.e of
the ladies baiug in Dames j several hesitated
to leap from the burning ship until tbe last
moment, as tbe height was twenty-two fuet,
and were only at leugth compelled to throw
themselves on", to avoid a more painful death.
In hall an Hour not a soul was to be seen on
t he poop ; 1 pulled alter tba ship, and picked
up a (Juruiau who was swimming strongly ;
1 got him be.ida me on the boat, and we
' padolud after tbe ship with tbe laths. 1 now
aw a vessel under sail, approaching) she
rxacbed tbo steamer at about 5, P. M. ; we
ciiiliiiucd pulling towards taeiu, and at about
half past seven, after being five bours in tbe
water, got within bail of tbo sailing vessel ;
she put off a boat and took us on board ; she
proved to be the French bark M series,
Capt. Kruest Iteuaod, of Kantsi, bound frem
Is aw Vcuodluud for tbe Isle of Bourbon,
with &sh ; she bad, up to that time, rescued
forty paMtugort of the burning steamer,
chiefly taken off the bowsprit, though s few
were picked ap, floating around.
At about 8 o'clock oae of the metallic
boats came ap, with about twenty-three per
sons, including tbt second and third officers.
Afterwards, three or four men were picked
up floating oo a pieee of a broken boat. Tbe
second officer was takso up, having beeu
swimming, with uolhiug to float him, for six
hours. The second aud third oQicers were
severely burnt. One male passenger was
burnt frightfully, and some of tbe other male
passengers slightly. There were but six wr
men saved, three of whom were sural, on ia
a shocking manner. . .
Captain Keoaed acted with the almost
Kiodaess. He gave clothes as far as he could
furnish lham to lbs sufleriui passengers, and
acted at a nurse, doctor and surgeon to the
lurot neoiile. dressing- tbe woaods of the
females with a delicacy and tenderness that
evinced a beuevoleut aud amiable disposition.
I did noi sea an officer of the ship during
the fire, aod am certaiu thero wai aot ooa of
them tifthe caw t0 tu poor.txcept mm
at the wheel for short time. I undYrstand
that when the captain beard of tbe lire, he
rushed rn deck, without a cap, and wnen ne
sawlhe flames, exclaimed, " He art all lost P
He tried to get out a boat, which, accidentally
or Dot 1 do not know, tell luto lue sea, auu
was soon left far behiud. The fourth officer
was In this boat. lie cot her loose from the
davits. (She was carried tinder the screw and
smashed, and several in her were drowned.
Three or four men escaped on a fragment,
and were picked up by the Maurice, as before
stated. About the tame time, one metallic,
life-boat was let down from the port bow and
swamped, but got elcared away, with about
thirty-three person) io bor, includiog tbe Gist
aod third officers aad several wemen.
The men iu this boat capsized her two or
three times, in tryiog to clear her of water.
Tea persons were thus drowned, including
some women. They afterwards bailed her
out with life-preservers cut in two, and pulled
to the Maurice, bavieg picked op two or
three passengers before reaching lue bark.
Altogether there were sixty-seven souls
takeu into the Maurice during tbe night.
A Norwegian bark eaaie up with the
steamer the net morning, and boat was
observed going around the burning ship.
They limy have picked up few persons, but
only a very few.
The Maurice had had do communication
with the Norwegian bark.
At about 7 o'clock the Maurice sailed for
Fayall to deposit the rescued parseagcrs.
At abovt 2 o'clock the same afternoon she
fefT in with the bark Lotos. Ospt. Trafy, of
Yarmouth, N. S., from Liverpool for Hali
fax. As I was anxious to get on British
territory, Capt. Trafy kindly gave me a pas
sage, lie was anxious to take all Ibe Ame
rican citizen;, but there was such a rush of
foreigners into the boat, that only oue load
of eleven conld be got off, and even several
of these wero foreigners. Tbe fire is known
to havo arisen from very culpable oogligeDce
of some of the crew.
Tbe Captain and Surgeon considered it
expedient to fumigate . the steerage with
buniinar tar. The operation was to be per
formed by the boatswain, under the superin
tendence of tbo fourth ofiiccr. The boatswain
heated the eod of a chain to dip in tar ic
order to produce smoke.' Tbe end became
too hot to hold and he let it drop upou the
deck, to which it set fire. Tbe tar npset
and immediately all about was in (lames. A
Pueblo attempt was made to extinguish it,
but without effect. There was nothing at
band to meet such an emurgeucy I
The reecuod passengers saved nothing but
the clothes ou their backs, aud even the
greater part of these were torn off aud other
wise lost, tiix buudred souls were supposed
to bo oa board, iocluding maoy women aod
'i be engine and boilers lay some twenty
feet below deck, and are surrounded by sheet
irou, so aa to confine fire commenciug iu tho
fiuu ico -room to its place of origiu. Ten
water-tight compartments protect her, io a
great measure, against danger' from leak.
'i'l. a ..t....j - . u . ty'K. nrr
i uv AUBkim was vtfiueu av auuut. po.ivuu
Her cargo was a large and, very valuable
Tbe Austria sailed from Hamburg on the
1st of September, with 40 Dion und womeu
and 19 children in tho Fret cabin ; 103 men
aud women aud 8 cbildreu in the second
cabin, and 211 men and women and iiO chil
dren an hteorage pas.-cogers making, iu all,
420. The crew consoled of about 100 per
sons ; besides which she may have taken, at
Southampton,- some SO or tO extra steerage
passengors mokiug, iu all, about 5."0 souls.
The coupigueeg are iu some doubt about tbe
number of steerage passengers, as one of their
letters from Hamburg states ibe number at
only 220. The Austria had eight life-boats,
which could not contain auythmg like tbe
number of passengers she bad on board .
Mr. Brew is the only British sabject saved.
Ha is in the British civil service, aud on bis
way to British Columbia, lie will proceed
to Boston in tba steamer Eastern Slate, on
Tuesday, en route lor New York.
ew'WijLm'ar'Blr',g i . ! i'ajL
Hew Advertisements-
No tic o to tho Stockholders of tho Sha
'niokin Bank.
A geuural meeting of tho stockholders .
the thaiiiokin Bank will bo held on tbe Crst
Tuoeday of November noxt, ensuing, at ten
o'clock. A. M., al the baukin bouso, in
A nt on the third M outlay of November,
ensuing, the stockholders will meet at lbs
sum bear and plate to elect thirteen lireo
tors for said Bank tho eusetng ynar.
6. JOHN, Cashier.
Shamikiu, Sept. 25, 1B58. 3l
Auditor's Notice.
I N tho estate of LeMi-rt Haughawout, dee'd.
the umlcininaed appointed by the Orphans'
Court of Northumberland county, en auditor to
ilistiibute the funds remaining in the bauds of
('altiu Haughawout ailminimrator of l.ellorl
llauuhawout, dee'd, to and among I hose IckhII
entitled to the same, will attend at hia oliice in
tbe Cnough of ktunhury on Saturday the ltith
day ol October riext at 10 o'clock, A. M.,for that
purpote. All persona interested will take uotice.
HKNKY lKJ.XNtL, Auditor.
Sunbury, Sept. SS, J8S8
To Lovcrc of Fruit.
TI!t;Kilniie Xuuery, li tented in the immHuU Tifin
lly !' Hiern1 uip, )Vi nivlvtuu, ! iipplivj Willi
evsiy oeirtt!i variety tf m et.
Th torlj embrace! Almond, Anplc, Africa I, Clitny,
Peach, Tear, l'luin, aio
of Grape, Currant!, G'e''crne, Kmpbarritft, Iwtoa,
u.acuuciry, uwiuu oi 411 tupenor vauuuea (
v BlIAVliKKRlF:9,
Aninnfi llirin ar Ihe cetclH-Atd Pntboy'i lie til hoi
Piince'i ScurWt Mngtnt. ImpaiuU tcarltl and Ut;'Ue
Ac ,,c. Atuoiig ttiit
are Silver, P-Jtjnr and Norway Mapiea, F.lin, Ash, Eoro
piiin Talir Akli, American uud l un-piuji llnumtiiii Aia
Tulip KaUam. aud Silver Poplar, UMiM-cinravuUt, Mrtgrit.
ara wHlrmwn nroiment, of all aijia, of Wver Tir, nr
wav Fir. iinlsan Fir. t-cutcri end Auttrian Fir, Hem lock,
tpriir, white Ainrritfin hpruce Fir, American, Cliiucaa
and Norway AHkji Vitn, Red Cedar, ho. Among the
ur Whilo and PurpLe Fringe, Byrinpn, MKfiK'lta Par
pure and Giaura. d mb!e and aat(ta Alibeua uf varivut
col Jf, Leuti ma, Mabouia aqualoliu, Trua iiu, Lc 4l
cmbrnciuc the names of only such articles aa ara ertanllr
aiuwinii in lha a'ibei liter's own aroui.ila, end wli:eh aun
be Kiipitliel ii' ordered in renanunliie lime, wiU he sent to
epplicmiUi cncluaing a portage iinmii.
rv" Article, win airiivemi in liQrri.buTjr, i iiy oi
the WafeaouKa ur Depota, free of rhnrse. linrely aurTi
cient tn euver Uie upeuaa ia chaiaed fur Packing la lha
beat iiiLuer.
Peplei.lier M, 185 1m
Blarney, Bluster and Misrepresentation
it ia our wish to avoid, we do not prole.s to keep
everything or to sell cheaper thau every other
dealer but we try to keep constantly ou hand a
Renernl assortment uf Merchandise adapted to all
cUaacs cf peraona, and to represent their qualily
ana uuiiuiiuJ.a without exaggeration. . To which
we ask the attention of buyers. Dear in mind
that we are determined to sell at PANIC PHI-
ifea lor tAill or U equtvalauU
"ean supply or urocerles Salt and
other goods just received.
Klinea' Greve, Sept. 18, 19.'i8. tf
1'liauoa l uued aud Hepuli tl.
T01",1"',1,", ,IIiD' M""f"' f Hiano-FortM ..
tj fluiuaeliiliia, Vm., will taia itara duiuic taa
month of Ortoter, nel, for the above iiurpoae.
. 1'iaua aammere lateatkared, key. tlMencd, PiKlioa t.
atiuuir, and mt ii break, ainl everylbnin aVina
I.) iiMke Ute inati uueul nlru.Utt lo kia care wai k pari rclly.
Ilavnij had a king iertnc in Hie aMimfarlure of,
and alen in relin.g I'uia. 1 R.L.,focl. pecfecUv
eunS'leiil ba williiva auure aatiu'aettoa.
Any orders led al wiU ba f.ilhfully
and urouiiitlv executed on hie arrival. Reaideuce No. ltli
Btprins Ciarden ttlleet, Fhiludeliibia.
Heiueinorr 3, laiti 3t w-
AWS Wood, Croaa Cut and Mill Haw.
Superior article e . FlSlieXtl.
8ory, Jul t7th, 18S8
'Atlantic Cable.
J. (I. E.VGEL of giinliiiry, la ,
nAU jutt arrived w'th a splendid stock of
Fall Goods from rhiladelphin, to which he
reepeclfully invitee hia friends and the Publio to
call and inspect, he will spare o time in show
ing the m. Among his atock of goods will be
Fine Black and Fancy Casimercs, '1 weed., Sat
inella, Jeans add Vesting, alan a large as-
aortniint of Keady-made CLO l'ilLNU fur men
ana bvys (.cheap.)
Olack and fane dress silk. Oerv cheap) silk chnl
li, French Merino. Printed French Merino. Plsid
Cahmere, ell wool Delaine, all wool Debage,
Mohair llrbege, Printed Cashmere, Valcntia,
Clialli Kobe e quilb, Delaine Kebes, Persian De
laine Kobea, I oil de (Jherre Robes, Plain Debage
i.ovcii.a and Delaine at all criccs. and tbe Keed
rtiipe skirts. Fell Shawls and Mantillas, a good
aiuortment of white gooda, Costors, tjleeves, Iriob
union, Blurt Ironts, M araeilleaJHrilliant Ac. A
general aaajitmcnt ol domestic l)rv Mooda.
Alto a larce atock of Hals and Cans. Uoota
nnd shoes. Hardware, Queens and Ulaasware,
uiuccries, vcuarware, nione ana barmenwsre,
Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fiat), Cheese, Ham, Oil,
1 ar &c. &c.
N. U.Wall aod Window Paper, Floor and
Tahle Oil Cloth, C'arpett, all the above will be
sold at low prices for cash or country produce ta-
eu in exchange for Uoods.
J. H. ENuKL.
Sunbury, Sept. 25, 1858. tftf-
Plants of Peabodv's celebrated Strawberrv
which sold joer ago at 83 per dozen, are
now o (Tared by II. A. Mitb, of the Keystone
Narscry, Harrisbnre, Pa., at SI rer dozen :
S'i for 50 : S3 for 100 : 820 for 1000.
Kearlet Msgnsto, linperjat Scarlet, Ulo
boso Huarlot, liovey's Seedling-, Bcott's and
Walker's Seedling, M jail's l'rolific llaut
bois, Lougwortb's Prolific, and all other
desirable varieties, at proportionately low
prices. H, A, MJSU.
beptcmber 25, 1858. 2t
Second sti ttt,klelou Arch,
r"fHLI above eatabli.hinent having", tieen reno-A-
vatcd and refurni.hed, Ihe proprietor aaaurcs
tho public that a call is only needed, aa he guar
eutees full aalialactiun in every case. Terms
$1,85 per day.
A. M. HOPKINS, Proprietor.
September 25, 1608. 3m
Iron Clly Cottimcrrlnl C'ullcse.
PiTT.r.raoa, I'a. Ciimiiii 1945.
Now the l.rceet anj mst thorough Comnrereiat chnol
(f the t'tirted butter Young men pieiiered lor actual
duties c-f ihe Counttrg Room.
J. C. tmilh, A.M. Piof. of Roekkeeping and Ecienoe of
A.T. Unulhett, Teacher of Arithai.tia and Comrnoroi.l
J.A. Heydnck and T. C. Jenkins, Teacher, ef Book-
A. Cowley and V. A. Miller, Profe. of Penmanehip.
Ae uted iu every department or bu.ine.4.
v it rriN a dktectino coun tkrt kit
Are Lafht, and all other subject. uiretwry fnr the eucueaa
aud througa educ.ilion of a practical huainvas suau.
ia PR Km U MS.
Drawn all the premiatni id Piubuih fortlie paet three
year., aUo in L.eru aud AVeateia tilica. for beat Wri
ting. Not Kaoaavau Work.
tUnitenla enter at any time No vacation Time anlirat
te.l Review at plemuie Oiatluatea aui.ted in ohtnlmng
iiunii-.n Tuition lor fall Commercial Cnurne, eii.dO
Are.-nge lime b to li week. llnairi, 8J 60 per week
S'ati.nit'ry, U0 Knlire co.t, SuO.uu to k7U,W.
VJ Minielere' S')ut received at half prioa.
Fnr Cnrd CiieuUr Specimens of Ru.ineM and Orua
mentai Wiitir.g incl se twn and addrca
V W. JLNMN", PitUbuigk, Pa.
iertember 8J, 18 ly
A MEE I'I.NU of Ihe atuckholdera of the Phil
adrlphia and Sunbury Telegraph Company
will be held at tho oflirs of Henry limmel, sq.,
in Bunl nry, en the titih of October nut, to adopt
measure, lor the rebuilding and repairing aaid
line, according to the act of Aaaeinlity of April
16. I.ri8. By order of the President.
Nunbury, September IS, 1 85. It
Register cud U t order, &e.
DR. J. li. MASSCR, of Sunbury. respectfully
o lie re biuiar If to the elector, of Northum
brilund cotiiilv aa a candidate for K l.lilc l'i;it i;i;coiiin:n ami likhkhf thi:
OHI'HA.NH' COl ItT, at the rnauiiic; election,
tiuiibury, July 10, 1858. te
To the Elcctci s of Kcrthuiiibcrland
Fallow CiTizea :-Ve are authorized to
announce THOMAS D. UKAN'P, of the Her
ouijli of Huiil uiy, ss an Indtpehdent candidate
for the elhi e of
at tbe enduing election.
XI r. ( ia too wr known to tbe rcoria nf
Northumberland county to need any cominenda
lion at our binds. Mo one question, hia qnaliti
cations for tho post j bis character for utoralitv,
industry aud sobriety ia irreproacbublo and hia
popularity as a man and elliciency an art (Hirer
undoubted. For ihe la.t six years he has been
the principal clerk in this oliice, and Ilia un
tiling induKtry and ability, hia amiable manners
and obliging dispoaiiion have elicited the confi
dence and rUi cm of all doing buainese there.
We confidently aubmit his name, and earnestly
a.k our fellow citizens to KA1.LY TO HIS
bUlTOKT . Kespectfully,
Sunbury, June 84, 1858.
flHE subacriber offers bimaclr to the electors
JL of Northumberland County, as au Uepeu
denijUandidale for the office of
And prontiaea, if elected te fulfill the duties ot
said ejltice lailhfully and impartially.
Point township, July 84, lead
To the ludcpeudetit Voter of Northum
berland County:
Having boeu requested by a number of
friends, 1 hereby oiler myself a candidate to
your consideration, subject to nomination on
the peoples' ticket, for member of tbe nest
LEtilbLATUliki. . Jf Dominated, and suc
cessful, I shall feel under solemn obligations
to discharge tbe duty of 4 he oflice to my
utmost ability-Iookiog only to tbe Interests
of the coauty mod the btale, impeitially aud
pledge myself uot to pilfer the public treasury
for my owo pecuniary benefit.
Mt. Curniel, Aug. 21st, lo)j. te
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
IIAVING, been aolicilcd by my frieud 1
A hereby offer 0) jet If tu people's candi.
Should I be elected by tbe suffrages of my fellow
ciliiena 1 pledge myaelt lo perform any duties
with the mine of lay ability and to the beat
iuUreele ol any couatuuenls and the publio al
larsa- ... , A. H, liLAlK.
Milton, July 10, 1868.U
Cicncrnl ricctlon
1)1 "RAIT ANT tn nn ncl nf tlis General nf (lit
Cornirvmwririh til" rennny lv tuia, wiiiOi l "Ail ort
iritmn io me vierium oi thu CoiiHimuweuIlh. approvrtl
the d ijr nf July. Anno U-mit. one tuouniml
'VH" rni "o cfiuinv in atirMiiimbriRtid. rennsvl
Aiiiit, rin hrrrhy nmkti known nd grve noKce in I ho rlco
irii hi ine count jr .unmanj, ciienit elrctttm will
" "a,n '""tYOi Nnriimmhrrl'uid n the fM.CONJ)
iuiiJA' Wih of OCTOIIKK, WW, n which fiint
miuw mm voTimy i.)nicer, inllowi, ara to tw clwtftj i
Oiip peitan at JutJira of thafcumuma Court o( Vmi
ylvntiiai. A
ir9 rton Cnnnl CoinwiMiwiar of tfct Common
Wf.nlth. On rrtnti to represent tl.ii (tb Uth) CtiigreMiomtl
Oim pTMnni mnnW rftl:i ?rnaf. of tb O rat ml
AMt-mhly nf Frnnaylf rim tn t tlnctrJ in r iijiiurlin
with tliacountira tf Hnyi-r, Mixiuiur anil Colftubia, tn
fift and nnppty tht ir iranrv m-cafliniitl ty the rcttsimtion
of the Hon. Chnrlfft K lttick;ilev.
Oti perrm na Mnnbcr of the Hons of Represontutivr
t rpprcRcit the comiiy of Northnniri.;rhtt,rl.
On piTfliin for Heymter ft Rwnder and ttt-rk of the
urpliatia Cnnrt. aa,, ol .Northuinljcrl iinl cmn.ty.
One pura'W nt ComiuiMiitiiPr ior tli county cf Nurtlr
uinhtTlanrl fcr a term oi a yenrt.
lnTeiMii Auditor for tlie county of Northum bar
I n!o hfie'iy nw1:i ltiiwn and give aot.n thui th
pinprs er nnmiiir tn ororrwiiu cnrra elfrtion in tht:
rml haru;rhi anj lownKtiipa Within th coumy of Nor
Ui timber! it nd nrc I'ollwi :
fl ha n bin v I)it!rirf. rcmnnttd mt Lha hornnsth lit
r-imtmry, ana upper Aiigm;j, at tl Ccuaty Court
The Aiirnntft T)iii.ri.,t. roniDrl nf lha tnvrntAin t t
Ii'iWT AuLMnta, at lh lious ot Peter AJunktrlLkiitar. in
atiirl townalnp.
' The .Northuiiib-.Tlaiid Distrirt, fomrHcit nf th boror g li
of .NortbitmHrrlniid, tit ltt honse of C. 14. brown, oi the
uorott'-n ri Ai(rttuitiiLxt nmu.
I ue Point Dif:ri-t. ol the h tubs of fienr Hn;;. in tba
ooroitftn oi rvmmin'.'fTnim.
The Mi' tun Uintrict, nt th hojta of Mrs, Sl icier in Kid
The Tnrbnt Dintrict, at tba hout occupied br Ahrahara
Tha Oelawar Dii'.nct. at the Sinkiosi fliiriajf School
The Chi1isqn.iu.ii Dmtrirt it tha hovu of G. Him.
The Lewie Uiitnut. at tha house bv Akire.
Tha Win molt I o Dietrict. at tl.e hnut of John Neehit.
Tha Upper Mahonuv District, at th houee of J, 11,
I he LiUla Mithoauv District, at lit hoiu of wiuow F.
The Lower Meihuuoy Uulrict. at th hous of A. iToJ-
The Rnh DiVnct at th Liberty Pole School ITouve.
The Jackson Uieirict. at the house occupied by J. Oalcii
The Conl Dipt! u-t, nt the boase of Villi.iai M. Wearer.
in the town of Htimnnkiu.
The 'Tbe District at the boose of Win. boy id. La
i ne i 'Kmc ron District, at the house of Ja"t b A ncner.
The Jord'in liaCricl ui the house now or late of Eja
Th Mouut CarmcJ District at th rubtie li uaeof Abra-
b;im l.n-h.
The Wash in s too District at th house of Godfrey D. Re-
The M'l'.wtMiiviUe District, at the brick Schojl House
lien r tin (i' Tin ui ihurrh.
Tli election tu o;en between the hours of s ml 10
uVI'irH iii the forenoon, anil slrill continue wiihotit ffitcr
ruptimi or nujounnneut until 7 o'clock in Uie evening
Wlirn the Jtl!a fhnl! be rhineil.
U'lie uv't-riit litRpnt tfira ami Judges e!rtcfl nn the 3d
Fridav of Miirrii, inj7, in purtuaixe oi the ;M '.Tt!fii of
lie art of tlie ad of Juiv. l- ;o, wiil hold the elettc a oa
T-ienlay the I'Jtb d iy of Oftotwrr iit-xt.
Tiist every prsoii estipt n Justice of Ihe Peace who
shiill hold an) ortire or npp intmoitt of pr-itit and int. hi uu
t1r the government of the I'mtcd Jr-'utrR, i of thin !t.t'e.
'r of any city or incorpnVitiif tlitrirt, whether a cotrnits
sioneil odnet or SRcnt, whu shall be ;ttphy'il un;r ihe
Iryislativr, exci-uin a or judit mry tv artinw; of ',tn
Hrate, or the I nitrd Stares, or of unV city or hicoi inariit d
district timl uht tht evry mcnilvcr of C'.r.rcfei nnd of
me jmie i.civjiur, unti i uie arien p. ad coiiifnii c'.nn
cihf any tin , m cou.itii-Kioncr t o'.iy incorporated Dis
trict, ia by law, iiKMonlile t-f ho!d;afr or exercising the
n'licct'r s; i Mh'nht of Jti.h'e, i,tprCt,iror t'leilt, of t;,iv
eicctionoi tins coniit'.o.wci',.,iI um flint nn limeel r.
Jndii-'p i-r ativolntr oliice fi tacU tk-cUon. sitall boli6i
b!" tn any t !lie lob.; tbn Voted for.
And Tins sr.d Act of AIfp;ii!!' ent:t:.d "nn act rcliting
to lue ehvti hik of C"iuni"iiwt'ii:th.?' pnsd July ti:a
2nd, 1k- lurtUrr rrovidci ns Pilous, to wit
Th:it tht) liipnjcttirs nittl JwAm m h m it nm nforiaiid.
sliiiJ inscto Uir uapcctive i4urc fnr linhliiijr tlie elcciion
in tiio diMtirt to which tiicy nsnectiutlv bcl'inr befnr
iiitttj o tock in the m 'iniiif' of the second Tutsdav of te-
tr.or m c:ch every tr, and e:uh of saut i.spcclt rs
bi,nA nrt- i. it cue clerk t who slmll be ati:Uiueu voter of
SU' U dtrit:t.
tccTioN Tivt any frnud mminittcil by any person
Voting tn t;.; in mr.'.T f.tnve prcrciibo!, si'.nll be pu:i;s!:til
ns iiiiil:ir frn'.idR irn ilittctt .l t be puitiUird by U.e eais;
in laws of thi C munonwciil'li.
In cns tho pcrs.m wli situ It hnve recinvetl the seennd
highest n Jin bur ii vot.-s for InjKotors sliill not nttei d on
the day ol" any cleft it n, then the person who :di;t have
received the scnond highest uumtier of votes for Jmle the
n'-xt piuceduF e'ccuoii, shitU &ut ns an iiiSi'ectoi in h'S
place, and in cim this person elected Jnt!;a sh.tll not sfici.d
the Inspector who received the highest' anmher r.f vttes
aball aptouit a JuuVe in his place; and if any vacancy
ahull continue in the beau) for tua spHceoi tiaii an a ur j
ter the titno hied by l;ir for the open; a g of tiic el?cti u,
aha qualified vttis nf Ui tt wusliip, w:ud or in district,
fM wiiieh such omcrra sna.ll have beta elected, prcsr-ut
he piuc of elecujus, aaaU ouof Ueir uuo-ber tu bli auoa
4t ahr.ll be t!ia du'.y of suit! a:aessors respective!y tn at
tmid rtt the place f Itotdn y every general, tpeeil, nr
township elect urn, during the whf!c time s-iid election is
kept opt n, for tho purpose of giving inf ormntiou to Ihe
Inspcct'Ta mul Ju'l.;i-, v. h'.n called on, in relation to the
tijd.t of any pi rs- n utetBetl by them tt vote ut sut b cleo
ti Jii, or m i i'th' r ibatU ru iu r;Utioii to tlie aHaessinrnt of
voters, an the anid in ipeetnr or judge or either uf them
shall from tunc t tunc require.
"No pets -n s;i:i!! bo j '.nt.iti.'d to vote Dt Pny e!eeti''a as
aforesuiJ, othr thtuawhite free man (H twenty-one m
more, who sliail tuive ri si ted in tne state nt lea t one yenr,
and in the t-Icu-ii iluincl wlife ho olft-rs to vote at bust
ten dus nunieiii;ttely rececdinj the elf.'tmp, a-id w;thin
two years paiJ tfntuoi county tux.. Inch sh :ll have been
ahatcLl ut icut It'll d:ij before the election, But a ciliztn
of the l intvd States who bad urcvionsly been qiialitteil
vnter of this state, und rcn ved therefrom and rtnrncl,
and snll iijjve rented iu the election district, oM paid tna
as ultrf cw.d, sliuh te entailed to vote nttfr rciijing iu this
state sia it.oniiis, Pr ivulcd, That the white trecmrn, citi
sens of the l ulled Siutts, letwceu tbe aife o tweitty-ora
and tweniy-tw years, and iu the eketioc distiict tea chtys
as wortavod, shall t a eutilltd to a vote, although they ahuii
Hot liavu pjid tusea.
lo peibuu bliall be perinittcI to vol whose nam is uot
CiuiLaiiii'd iu the lint i taxable inh ibitnntslurtibht'd kv ihe
couinntisioiieie ns ufoiesaid, unters, I'irst : lie priKh'cc.T
a receipt ior the pnviucui, v. iunn twn yenr, of a slat rr
eountv tax asHi-tKcd ngreenUly to the constitution, und gave
satibUcUiiy evuh iu-e eitlier ou bis own oath or athrina
tioti, or on the oa'.li nr utlirmritiou of nimihrr, that l.a has
paid sn'-h t-tx, or on failure to produce a receipt, shall m ik
sa oaiii to tlie ljj incut thereof ; or second, if lie tna i in a
lihl to vote by beii uu elector l et wt en the txe of
tweuty-onc mid lwei.ty-:wo yeursl he th:dl dejn te on cath
or aitiiH'.stion. thut he Ins resided in the Stute at IraM one
year next !eiore Ins apphtiilion, auJ trjikeauch proof vf
residence in tbe district as is required by this art ; and
that he docs verily belicv tr-m the account given bun
dent he is nl the :nte uforriciid, and ive such ther evi
thuccs as is rci,mreJ by this act, whereupon the name i f
the petfeon s.i maniUcd Io vote, shall be lost r ted in alpha
beticd by tbe insctorn, and a note uuide op)ioite
thereto by writing the word uix," if he ihall I penuit
'ed to vols by reuron of bavins; paid btX, or the word
t'ng," if be shall be permitted to vote nn account ef bis
a'.tiiidin either cits the ruts-jii of so Hi volts shall be
called nut to the clerk, who Bliall Oiuk notes iu Uie liat of
voters kt-pi by them.
Inulle isc waire the name of the person rlsiiuing to
vote ia not found on thel"l i'nrn!shrd by the Coiiumsaion.
crs und Atsissor, or his ritthl M v -te whether found thrre
on or ivl, is objected l by any qualified citizen, tha In
lector M!i..ll ax ami ue such puts u on outh aa to his qnalifi
cetti-im, and li iie cVoiui t have rc?iil d in tho state one
ytai or more, his t-aili shall I a prtnf thereof, but lie slmll
pi i ire by at U -net one competent witness, who shall be a
fju:i!:fad rict'Utr, that he icsiilcd within tbe diat;iel at least
tea ti n s next iminc d.ately preceding the election, and shnl
pit i himv 'f swear thut bi h-na 6!e residence, iu rauau
anee i f lawful c.-illin'! is within the district, and Unit b
did u H remove into tad disiuel for lit purpose of voting
I'.v.ny peanii qnsliftH as aforcai'd, and who shall make
P'l f, if ivquireJ, of residi ut anj pavment of kixes, hs
uinsaid, si.ull le adiniitcd vote iu tu township, ward
ordirtiict in winch hs shall resale.
Jf anvperstin not q-mlitied to vote in thtCnnunnwraHh
at'fCitbV tu law, (except lh s ma of quttlihed citizens,
shallup:xjirataiiy pUc nf election for the purnoie oi is
suing tickets, nr hiilueuciue: cttiscns qualified to vote, hs
shah, on conviction, fuitit und pay any suiu nl esceed
ing one bun (red dolUrs for every one euru rifence, aad
be unonstuiit f ir any term aot exceeding threa months.
It sli&U la the d ily of uvery tint y or, site r ill, altlcrman
JiUlife of l::e eaee. and ronsiald or tieputy const utile, nf
every city, county, township ur district wabiu thia com
tinnwtlih, whenever cubed umhi by auy uiTwtit of aa
Itx-ti ai, or by auy three qualified electors titerenf. to c!eur
any window or avenue to nny wimhtw, t Ihe plare of
Kdieial elet lion, which shall la otmttucted in sncb a w iy
as in prevent voters from approaching same, and oa
mulept or rt;fiitl to do so on such rcuiviou, s-tid orTicei
slidll lie deemed c-nltcd nf lnitHlcmerumr in office nnd o
r nvivtuia shull le hoed in any sum n'H leas thaa mte ban
ft rut nor more thau one thousand d'luirs ; and it shall ie
the duty tif tlie rt rneciiee constabte of each wind, distiict
nr township, of Ihw eofliuionivitub to be present in person
or by deputy, at the pUte ef h udiug atu-ii elerUona lu esHi
waiti, district or township, fur tne purpose of preserving
the jMsnee as nfr aid.-
It aliah h tbe duty of every peace cffWr, as afmcsnid,
who sli d) b prcsrutat any such disturbaneea al an Urc
lion, us is destrnU'd tn this act, to rep rt the sntne tn th
ticxtuut of quarter smwioiis, aud also tb nrunoe ot tab
Witnewstis who tan prow tit same.
The Jti-tra are to make their returns for tlie eoantr of
NrlhuiuterUtnd, at the Ourl House, in 3uabjry, ou Fri
day, tha lflih duy of October. A. D If .
fiivrn undor inv ltinHury, this I Its Aiy of ap
teiaLer, A. D. IcOi. Btnl ) ibe audetur o ta tu deca
de a of tb United Stales '
VANDYKE, Bheriff.
ShoritTs OfTie, Sunbury,
trn-pt. 1 1k8 41 (
JUMTttFCriVED I'T the euhacriber, at hia
Kl.ODR sJTOKK,-Market Htjuare, unl)ury,
a ficali supply of Water, Buttfr, Bugsr, Ginger
nd Soda Oieckrrs, for sale by the pound er
barrel, at tVUolMale Uarri.burg and l'biladeliliia
prieja. ' TUoaa wUUiim to purchase will plesae
live him a call before ordering elaewhere.
He alae continues to receive, weekly, supplies
ot flour, pving bia euatuuiera a tieek article aud
at aery reasonable raksa-
uaW. M8-tf
JOHN FAHEIHA ft Co. No. SIS (new no.)
MA RKKT Street, above Kiglith, I'bilad'a.
Importnra, ManufartHrnH end Dealers In Fancy
Furs, for I.mliea and Children ; also, Gent'a Fu's
Fur Collars and Gloves. The nnmbrr nf yeara
Hint wo have btrn eiignjje.l in the Fur bniure,
and tlie general character of nur Furs, both for
quality end prico is so generally known throned'
out the Country, that we think it is not necesss.
ry fur ui to say snvthing more than thnt we have
-new opened our HMnrtmniit of FURS, fur the
Fall and Winter falee, of' (he largest and most
reatimul aseortmnnt tiiat we have ever onrred
brf re to the public. ,Ocr Furs have all been im
ported during the prccnt sraon. when monny
Wa scarre and Fura miieh lowrr ihn at pre nt
time, and l-.are been m-nnfartnrel by the most
competent workmen ; we are tkoreforo determine
ed to sell them rt anch prices ns will continue to
give ns the reputativn we have fn.riia for years,
that is to eci a good article f. r a very soisll prc
Ot. Btorekerpers will da well to glte ns a call, as
they will find the l irac.t axsortrncm by to se
lect from iu the ci'y , and at marufjcturers pri
No. 818 M A RKKT atrret, above th, Fbilsd's.
Hcptcmter ly, I858. 4mw.
NKT CtSlVt DR7 00033 KOCsa.
IHiS. iNt:W'rt)CKOFFAI.I.OOOl;. i8.r)
pYRE cV T.ANDCU., Fourth en.1 Arch
-ftreet, Philadelphi.i, have in Htore and daily
receive a fine Htock of Fall bry (Juod., suited to
the Neor Trade.
Ulark Hilka of all Kr4lr.
Faahioriahle Fancy Pilka.
fhanla of all tie nan cat my Is.
Drees Unoda, in full variety.
Mtnple (ioiMl., in large toi k
Fani'y CaoHimere Cloths J- Vestina.
Blanketa, ttuilt., Linen Uamaaka, ihe.
B. Go.aI U.irgaina daily received from
York and FhiUdc'pliia Auction tSalaja,
r& Ti;n?i. Nut Ca.b, ah a Faicsa Low.
t"eptcm!-er 1, itoM. 3m.w3.
Tuward Y. 3ri'ut Cc Sou-
CONSISTING of Kydre, Pscifii and Ope
ra Delano? , Woolen Plain's and Cennisret
Kobes A. Uuilla, rich oil blath 8i!ki. lWerinos.
cheap (Calicoes a-d Mualin., Upton Plaid Cassi
inerea, K. Jeans Tweed (Jaa-uiet Ac. Huts of
the latest atyle, all U'.alilic. and price. We in
vito the public to call aud examine whether thev
K'i.h to purcb-i8J. f r.ot.
aunuury, ep, 11.1SS8
OTICE '. hereby g'nto tn Its fceirs and
.L'H represeritatiT! or ladwig l llee-
gcr. late uf C'billisqr.aqoe tovrcship, North
umberUDd county, dtceoscd, ttut by virtue
ofavrritnf Fartition and valuation issued
out of the Orplaos' Court cf said county to
mo directed, ao iuqutfit will be V t UI at tbe resilience cf said deceased, on Friday the
Uth day cf October, oeit, at 10 o'clock A. M.
for tbe purpose of waking Farliticn of or to
value and appraise tbe real estate of said
deceased. At wbicb tics aud place you may
attend u you tbitik proper.
JAM list VANDYKE, Bhsriff.
SacrilT'a Olfire, ,'Junbury,
Sept. 6, l&oS. )
Estata of Fliilip Zzrhs, Sr., dee d.
OTICE is berby giveB to tbe heirs and
lepal rcprtscntatives of Philip Zerbe. fcr.,
1st cf Lower ilaliouoy township, Northum
berlaod county, deceased, that by virtue a
writ of partition aod valuation issued out of
the Orpbau's Court of said ccouty, to me
directed, an ictcfst w il 1 be l.tld at tbe late
residence of said deceased, on Tbnr.dav tbe
7th day of October oext, nt 10 o'eloA A. M.,
for tbe purpose of making Partition of, or to
valoe acd appraise tbe real estate of said
deceased. At which time aud place yon may
attetid if you thick proper
Sheriffs Office, Kunbury, )
Sept. C, 18ii3. J
WILL be sold at public sale, on the pre
mises, situate in Lower Augusta towntbip,
Northumberland coauty, on TUESDAY, the
Oth of October next, tbe furtn and personal
property now owned aud ocenpied by (Susan
imuieiuiuD. The farm is situated about
three miles east of Sunbury, adjoining lands
cfSutoufil Ziinmermau, Philip Keen, tiamuel
Lautj, Ac, contains about 1'ifty Acres of
vuluable (j round in a good state of cultivation.
Tha improvements aiea trood weather-boarded
house aud kitchen, a Ug burn and at) ex
celled spring cf water near the house. A
rensouulle ctodit aud a good title will be
givuti. .
Also, at tho shine time and piece the fol
lowing personal property will be eold, vi :
Hay by the tnu, old corn, and oatx, one
fanning mill, one cnt'-horee wegnn, a lot of
yellow pine boards, two rows, one heifiVr, four
hogs, live shoals, two beds and bedding, one
cooking stove, one buiouu, one corner-cupboard,
oue chest, ono sink, oue settee, six
chairs, one t-iblo, one copper kettle, a lot cf
barrels aud other Lousitiold ouuiils too ou
uierou to meution.
Terms and couditiona Diadu koowa on the
day of u!o by
forSlsaN ZlVMi-llXlat.
L. Angucta, Sopt. II, lttC8. Ut
Xo. 9 Albemarle ttreet aud Ao. 10 S. Front
lireet, Baltimore, Mil.
Aud Scon's Ckkek, Pgutsmovti, Va.
ES't'AL'HANTS aupplicd at all seaaons of
tie) ear with all the suit water delicacies
found in the city markets.
All erdera promptly and faithfully aUendeJ to
September II, 18 H. ly
TUu llorlcPatUrftit t;xLbltltn
Prize !.ei!i
AWAiiDri) to o nr.VEa,
(" MK.VKR, fevpeeliutS'-inrorina hie fneiul. and the
piiltli'- enetully t):at lie h.t. eoii.lnnlly tm hnnd I ' I A .
Nt1!. rnnl to thi.,. fur vhich tie received the l'ruo Med
al ia ltii'tf'n in IKt,
AlUtiiler. (irumptly attriulcd anj great ears taken
lh Ihe rlei-tiiu and parking the auine.
He hn received duritia the k'.t Fifteen yetre more
MihLo. thua any other fr.-m the rranklin In.tnute
- al,', First I'rciuiuro. iu UjUhi, New Vork and ttaln
rure WarMonma Nn Vti Arch atreet, below Kurhtk south
iile. I'llll.AIU.I.I IIIA.
twpiember 11, UJd Jia w
jflOODS Shipptd from Die Wareheuae of
Market atreet, above 8th et., Philadelphia, te all
intermediate pointa along tha railroad, to Sea
bury aad Northumberland in particular, witheul
transhipment and at the lowest rales of freight.
All aiders thankfully received and promptly
attendej to, and tioods carefully delivered U all
Merchants aad ethers.
June SB, ISSii. 3ui$ Tran.porter. '
TV)baCCO and BogarB- S,000 Imported
rSejars of various brands. ' Eldorado, Fig,
(,'avenui.h and fine cut tobacco at
A. W.rWHKK'.
Wnnburr, July IT, 1i-8.
Sit., 4c, just received a fresh supply and
for self at toe Confectionary store of
,i it. fX OKaIHART.
1'rom llio Coal lUouuluIn l)ollli y.
r"JlfE aiihscribprs, now operating this Colliery,,
sre prepnreJ to fiirninh or deliver, at their
wharf, at Nerthumberlaiid, all ir.e rf Coal, from
their mines. Thin ia a very n)erio' cjtialiiy nf
Whi'e Aah Coal, which they arc prepared to fur
nish promptly to ortler.
They are aloo prepared to furnish Red Ash
Conl from the Lambert ("ollierv.
' Biinbnry,' Anpust B8, 1859. if.
TC'OTICK is hereby given that the partmr
' ship horetofore existing: between tha ibIi
cribnrs irt the Willing lnsin..s, was dissolved
hy miitnal consent on Mncday, the 16th innf.
The books of the firm , are iu the tacus of
Samuel Hntdcr, for collection
t;r:o. Harrison. "
HAMUEL 8N 1 Ik.R. . .
Tn E endersigned would re.pectfclly sa
nonnce to the public that hot. taken thi
Mill and will cmtinn the tinsinf cf a
factoring Oonr. Ac. lie solicits the pstrcn
age of the public'.
Sunbnry, Aug. 2P, 18."if. tf
Boprcir.e Court Jioi-thern I!i3trlct
7TO T!CE is hcrrhy given that the HupreiBe
Court for tho Northern IM.-itrict of IVnn.
solvaoia will cotrmenco its antiul session on
tho Crjl TUESDAY, iu&tead of the lii.i
JlOUJav, in uctober uext.
Prothocotarv's OfEea. 1
Sunbury. August 'IU, lSrS.
M3T or C i.T7ST! .1
For argument in tho Sooreme Court. X,,r.
tbern District, at October term. A. D. Ie03 :
1 Rer'.yhiH v P.ubb, Lycoming connly.
2 Finley vs Crane, nt al, dn do
o Sunbnry & Erin Railroad C'ompaoy vs
Ji eixol,.Northnrr.herlnnil county.
4 Hnticigardner vs Kae. Notth'd eoittv.
5 Mena.., Tieesurer, kc, s Walter,
Norlhnmberlatid conuty.
C King vs Dogles, Sullivan county.
7 Mengas vs Itentler, North'd couuty.
8 Fillmnn, ct al, vs Divers, do
9 Van Gaskin va Clement, do
10 Walls, et al, vs Hpront, Rorrovig A Co.,
Notflmmberlnnd connty.
11 Ycrger vs Shuffor, North'd conr.ty.
12 Cortielison vs Urcss and Kaakel, Aon
tour county.
13 Marsh vs Ocddes, ct. al, Union county.
11 liitnch vs t'cm'th, Snydor county.
15 Authnnty va Anchmuty, North'd co.
16 8. A E. R. R. Co. vs DittecbenJcr.
AVoriDurjujeriana county.
17 fatne vs Fiske, North'd ennnty.
13 lurn, c t al, v.. Cooper, do
19 KanfTuian and Riber vs Williams, Uni
on connty.
20 Reb'ieon vs Aged, Cclnmaia countv.
21 Mebuffy v W. & E. R. R. Co., Lyeom
ing connty.
2'i IuDdoa and JJeill vs Gearbart, N'cr
thumberland connty.
JH Fiaher vs Forrester. NortVd connty.
'.'4 North, Chase and North vs t-hriner,
Union county.
25 Watson vs Hocel, North'd county.
21! Vanvulzah vs Wykoff and McL'feery,
Union couoty.
27 Wyon vs Bellas. Union county.
Pruthonotary. "
Prothonotary'8 Office, )
Sunbury, Angust 28, 1858. J
"Thick Darkness cocers the Earth,
And Qrosi Darkness tie People."
coiWTat" ifiiiiaiii4.'iT9.
And all Others, win take JVoCico
THAT Uiey supply then selves, in any quaKtitiei with
Jones' Far Famed Patent
At the Wholeaale and Retail, Hend-Qn.rtera, JS South
Second Street, I'hiluceiplna.
ri'IIEonly plnce where exclusive Ajrenct. -an he oK.
1 lainuU tor the btutco of Fenneyivania, New Jerecy
a. nt Uelawiire.
The.. Im,-s five a light rqunl In inten.iiy of flame,
tinu viuiiJar iu apcaranre to On., and are el.imed t' l.a
a:ifnur toall other nrtul)!e lights, now in u.e. No I'e4f
of Kxp!nain N oden.ive oj -r No eni'ikc. Verv eni'i
lynuNit( d n.aUaa Liglit. Cun be adapted lo a'.l pur
P'.se.. Ahd better than all for a poor in'ui..'iO per cent
cheaper tl.m any other p'irliblell-lil, now in common use.
rot. AexivcT mo, fob
IV Lamp., Oil., WicVs, Siiidiennd every . uncle in the
line. 3.F. HOL'THLANU, Avent.
No. 59 hti1i second Street, railauciftkui
September 11, lb.'.S.-w
f. RAK'.S Premium Patent Enattcl Fi'rnitn-e
Polish This polish ia highly valuable for resto
rinj the polinh on nil kinds of Furniture, Cilaiw.
Carriage Bodies, Hair Cloth, ir. A h-o, f r re
moving apola, hiding ecrotchea, Ae., Ac. War
ranted 13 dry immediately and retain its gloss.
Price 60 cts. per bottle. Bold by
a. v. risHcn.
July 17, 193.
Citrate of Hane3ia
preparation is recommended as an et--"-
ccllcnt laxative and purgnlivr. It opi rites
mildly, ia entirely f-c from any unp'.ea. int tn.te
rracmblin; leuiouadc iu f.avor, prepared nnd sold
by A. W. FIS-IEit.
Sunbury, July 17, IMf.e.
STiwiu-'ir cow.
CAME to the 'subscriber in Coal township
Northumberland county, on the 'Slat tilt,
a etray mulry cow, red and while, a white fire
and had a bell on. Jlie owner ia rrqr.r.ted lo
come forward prove property, pay charges and
take her away, cthcrwUuahe v. : ! I be dirpoed St
according to law.
Shamokiii, Aug. 14, lf"8. 'i:n
Tfathtrs) 'untei1,
f ffUH Board of lHrrcton of Hiamrkln fchool
I lUlrict wiil meet at the public hou.e cf
John Neabit, in Mi.imokin tuwn.liip, Northem
bvrland coun'y, on the day coimnenly railed
Tureday, tho Sth of utll murith. nt I u'clo. k,
P. M., in order to employ 13 teachers for the
winter schnnla of .aid dilrn t.
'J'be CnuPly rjupcriiitcndeiit will bo preaent,
and it will b exprclid of all a plu .i.i. (not
po.srssing profcs.ional crrtnicnti .) t pas. an
Hxaruinittion in the pre.ienre of the UoaiJ agirea
lly to the spirit ufrlie school law.
liy otcr of thu Hoard.
EI.IUA J011N,!ectelary.
Oth mouth, 4th, I7S. 4t
Oliice in Maiket street, opposite Weuter's HcUl,
Collections attended to In Northum) erfainl and
adjoininf ('oanties. Is accjo.air.tcj wi!h the
gennan laiiuage.
Ksrtatics i
If. J. Wob erlcn, Ea-i., Bunbury, Ta.,
Uta. F. Miller, Esq., Lswieburg, l'a.
J. II. Ziegeufus, Philadelphia, Pa.
limimnin Kamerer, " "
buuliury, ilug. 14, lBSS.r-ly, .
1 PUNIF1EK, for sale at riSliCK'a 1 rug
Store. Price 80 eta.
tlORYand MADE1UA WINES, Kchiedaio
eSch nappe, Wdd Cherry brandy, blackberry
and Lavender braudiee for medicinal purposes el
July I ,'. A. y.rwu E E.
fettttionery. -A large supply of fancy N nte
Paper and EnvtUps, Mourning, Letter,
and Cap Paper, Pena, luk, Sand, Ao., at
JellTCI. A. W. f lHKK't.
rjHE New A metit an 'Cyclopedia ia popular
J without being anpcficial, learned but not po
ifunlic, coniprehensive but atiliicienily detailed,
free Irom perannal pipio and fatly prijadice,
frruli and yet -arprate. It ia a comj-lrtu stale,
meiit of sll that ia known upon every Important
tonic wilhirr Ihe scope of humeri iiiiilligcm'.
Every important article in il lias been appiiailv
written for i' pii;csby rren who are authnritios
upon tlie topics of which they speak, 'j'heyara
rcotiired lo lirinir Ibn aul iect nn tt tl nrpMn-
inomeiit; to etate juat Imw it stands nw. 4li
the aiatiitical information is frotn' the" latent re
PrU ; the (eogra hicnl srrcounls keep pacn
wi:h the latest eiplnratiori. ; hi.torical matters
inclrda the freshet jost views ; the biographicil
nniicei r.,t only spsak of the dead, but also of
tl.e living. , . - -
. Anc" the v?nrk i. ehenp ; throe dcllsri a vol
urr.e ; twi each vclurao contains more wa havo
CHrtfijIly corr.prjte,! t!ie contontv cf both more
tl '.n Itie wh.'io ait volumes of Da-icruft'e hiatorj
which fire sold at two dollars a volome, mflkine
in all twelve nVltors. Every fatnilv oug'it to
pocwM a r-p. of the New Cycloprdia.' It is a
bl'rary in ite!f. Lfl ea-h man save twenty-live
cms a Trrnlt, end by the time the workwcoui
jileio ho can not enly own the liftcen volume.,
I nt else a handsome lionk-ree to keep them, in.
aye a half .'imea day, (a little aelfdcruVI will
it,l ai.d you save enough to buy a setcf book
winch wilgie you ajund iol'orraation upon all
point. about which you wiA tu acquire, cjchool
children rrrlainly the mcoibors of our High
Schooli.-can all have it. tiaye the pennies
which ar given to you, tun errands and "do
chores ' when yon can. and thua eara a quarter
ol n dollar a week,-and the task is dene. Mo
chanica you have net much tiiae to read ; this,
then, i. jujt the work for you: it will holp you
upon ail pi-iutinf inquiry, and three he ura' over
v.o.k p r wck will buy it. Lawyers, phveicinna,
clerKymcit ! it will give breadth and accuracy
to jo.j mfunuaiion, and add largely to yur in
Cuence and inconje.
(,'J Volumes cow Beady )
Will la ccmplelfd in 15 volumes, royal 8ve ;
3 Pr vc'u:ne. in cloth; $3 SO in library lea
tWcr; $4 hslf morocco ; 1 50 half Huasia ex
tra ; if. I in conthly parts.
Aient for NorthuaiberUnd Cuuatv.
August 31, 1853.
"rri!E sub.criherviill ofTcr ot pnblls sale, ori
-1 Tocsday the !lth day NOVEMBER next,
on the picmi-e, tbo farm now in his possession,
ai!j.iniiif the borough of Sunbury, being tho east
crn portion of the well known AngnMa farm,
lain the property of Samuel Hunter, dee'd., lying
hetv.rcn the (.' road and the gut. This
valuable property contains about 74 acres all
cleared, ami is in a hijh ttntc of cullivalion. The
improvement, are new Frame two-slory dwellinir
HOL'.SK, well supplied with water end a good
substantial bank barn. 40 by 60, a wagon house,
smoke hnti.e, corn crib and all other necessary
outbmldings. There ia also on the premises a
young Orchard of cxcrllcnt grafted fruit. Tho
fences are all new and in good Condition. This
property would make a most desirable country
ictiilencs on account of ilj ferlility, acenery,
healthy location and convenience to towu. The
terms will besix per cent down, and the remain
der hi three equal annual payments fiom the lat
of April, I "59.
Fur fuithcr particulars apply to Ibe snWribcr.
Sunbury, Atrgust 11, IR.'iS. ts
Ths best article in the world for raising
LIME, at $40 per ton, or !ji21 cts., a lb., by the
Analyzed and recommended for He Wheat
and Orain Crops, ty !
Profeaaer CHAS.T. JACKSON, Chemist ef the
United Stales Patent Offii e, Wa.hiiigton, I), f .
It will repay the outlay 60 to 100 ner cent.
and will aot burn tho seed by coming in coutict
as tiuauo ion. '
Tar It Penvt Ir.
O. A.LEINAC. Proprietor,
No. 21 South FRONT Street, '
rililmlpli.lil pill- P.
Or if my A gents, throughout the Country
Annlyoia can be seen at my Oflice. Cash
Moiled with the order, will receive prompt atteti
tien. A liberal discount la Storekeepers who bur la
sell again.
Pamphlets, ean he had at my Office.
August 7, 1S.8. 3m U. A. L.
Bnydor County Kormal Bohool.
'5lin Fifth scB&ion of this Institution commen--
cedon the 87th of JULY, and continues
S" weeks. Encouraged by past aucccea, increased
efforts will be marie to enable atuderts to acquire
a snuna mental, moral and physical education.
The Academic Department embraces all the
branches constituting a thorough Englirh, Claa
airal, f atlii-taatirat and Scientific Education,
together with Music, Drawing, Painting and
has been ctabtiehej and heretofore well attended
in wlii.h Teacheta, and those niching to become
such, can prepare themselves for the profession. II nr is Auviacs.
For Board, Tuuiun, Koom, &c, per
region of 2- weeks. $"2 fo $60'
Tuition alone, per quarter of I! wks. 4 to $9
Mus'c, Drawing, Painting and French at usual
r-tuJctit. can enter at any time.
For catalogue., Ac, addreas
(r.n. T. MtFAVLAND, Principal.
July SI, 1H.i8.
6Ui;BTJBtETEA"lrr rfllllY TQ JfcY
TUUIILEniAUD. ON and after Wednesdav the July, the
undrmgued will run his rTEAM FEKKY
BOAT, ripularly, for pai-sengfrs, between Sun'
bury end North'umberUud, accurding to the fol
lowing schedule, ix: "
Leave Market atreet wharf, Sut. bury, at 7.00 A M
Returning, lesve Northvmbeilarid at T.30 '
Leave Sunbury fur Dry Vulley at 8.30,
touching at Northumberland at H.43 .
Ilciurning. touchat Nerlhumber'd at 11.30 " -y
Leave Sunbury for NortkuBiberlsud at S CO P.H
Koturning, leave Northumberland at 8.80 "
Leave rtuubury for Northumberland at 8 00 '
Returning, leave Northumberland at' 6.30 M
Whcu convenient, inlcrmtdiate trips will be
msde. ' '
FAKE to snd torn Sunbury and Northum-'
bcrtand 10 ccn'i, or irvclve Tickets fer One
'1'his errang.roent will net only prove a free!
convenience to persons visiting the two plares
on business or pleasure, but a (lords an aereeahler
and pleasant ride on one of Ihe most pict jresqee
poitisns ol tne Deauurul nu.quananna.
IRA T.CLEMEN r. Propriete'
rtaebury, Jaly t, 1839.
flHE aubicrtber respectfullv informs the elli-'
A (Pia v( Kunburv and vicinity, that be will
remain in this place for the purpose ef giving
leaeons on the PIANO, to tiivh as many desire
instruction. Ilia term. v. HI be reasonable. He
may te foupd at the Washington House iu this
funbury, July 17, 1858. . f
By the quart, gallou and trrel. for eale by 1
Sunbury, Js'y l, JS.