ARTHUR'S Fr.LV-SKAJ.1Nt3 t-'ANS AND o A US. finee ll,C hilrcd. ti..fl of litre . telci.rnted Cans mid ' ,r'"!!A!.r.A-S!l!.U(.N II tVF. BEt'.N fOI.O, ruMl.(--:i.m'..M! nil sor's of oiilrivnnccs for lite nc- ii il' SatliC or cei, mum ' i Ii .1 scl.ce ci-. l.n. oceii ' ABlllt-HS, i no slot ' ilvr. ruse J--1 r less Hi.. I Iral.ils llj "I . 1 , : v ,, resell. 1 , i c. iii . ! i V ate maniit''- . - Lave imi.le tliv.ii tl.c favofiie " nud Jjr re I ' ,10,V '" TDK rc.VlU'll W.Ml i-ce llir-r ifiroslMtl. rce-nt iii"ii ."Im .lii, prnrrni ,,,1,11 . eil ii.tnt.! tr ill', vr oiln-tltel rim or jur m Hie in ,i ki t . In i-ni'it I'f l'ii. c g imr. from almost iimuiiic ralle H '1 1 ltl 'lil.i llns I'l.c from ll0 1 -Yiott or Till'. I.AliY'rJ UUOIC, ill Hie July nrnT le- la K . I. II.' .iy : , .TIsccilel,oitcil lans nwl Jars. I'.c firs! mlr. I'liecil ai'it V- nil kI.i. t!ie best, nre sn-mtilv eoinins ! eenerul ate. I n ,i:-.i..lrol' hoiM.-kiir-MS. Who I'""' ''""'"' weie 1,1 .t,.,! . try ,,i!r'I cam iiml jars, ""il '"' ,"r i,,s'.f their mot Hi consequence, will lie alml t" Iniin AuI.ik'k never tails. I'. r urn ntoue u wul, mi ll , n'.lii r, timl we r pent the mlviie " .niuu 's tui' u J;,,;' "" Ai.i.i i;i:r.i!i:u ron sr. a lino. n-K-,- lir. nr- iiiii'i'l orolllul llir? nr. inn. on iiieono-n f.,Lii v. .la nit. ul win It s iM. null H mi l.iivn, nlirr f:lintf yiii venei Wt i,..-,i v. ur run! it.-is ll ii.l i llti' cetr mil hie. 1 1' mucioii" tiie t.4!.wv! carcia.K, savecs ii inva rcimiii. r.YTrvr stamh. r T.' - N ii...' tiihnr's Omt ni"l J.f nil I Ml Hi.', i-.i r'.amp. i'ii M.c 'l'i:i On' yu v.'.i. I.'i'l it iin. i..u...i in ii. i im-i-il mi llie I'urll eiilrare .la , in nil i-va fin ill.- Ii".i.n.i j mi l "I raised Ii Iti'iii "ii thu niln i'l llie t,las Jam. S..X9 AXD jtATKRIAl.. Tit Cin Vint. q.ft. I'-ilf-pa'V. nml ... i fli -0a-- A J'l-l- ,.) .1 sio-iev.are (i-alu'-c. 1.) Jan I'lill Ja'Mer.-Tt ouarl, nml " r..,:i,-n i r.i)rt iH'i-.if ' -in I'm'.'lii ii I nml liaii'-iriili'll. I limcuif"--;il.AAS rinl.' vim half gall'.n. 1 '"" '-1 fn t..''it. ARTiIt!l'i? Sn.F-?n.MNO CANS A J i; nr.; in..iiBiV.v:. ri.-.! ui.ilir U.r j.!n f.w llw Vm:v1 ?:! r f-T t-:iluvi ill la.t Iruit. inily t i rut, n-ln'ii llii! wi'ik 'I by AlH'Iirn. !'!-'!l!AM, A fill.ndY, 1 1: an I I l".i S.-u'-h r.-iifa :ii..-r. III. .u.'-l-.iin A:r miv.'i ui.'H-r" u.'i'i-r that -i- ux Slali'.. "I ll.f "Cil.LlDI'.Mi.NJu.N" t-Cl l l'll' .lu'J 3, It AND TIlAIiCrCIlTATIGN IIE. rOOLS Sliii-iirJ from the Wrmlioosp cf lf FKEKH, WARD iV KKKr.n. No. 811 Marl.ct ftri'd, nV.oivc 8lh ?t , riiilaiK-li liia, to nil intcnnciliau- nl.n.g t!ic, to t-'nn-Imrj' nml Nonliiimli. rlnml in nirtu, wit, rut!iiiticiit artJ at llic lowci-t ruen of fri'ifht. All irOiii llrji.l fiilly rcc ivi-J rnJ irmsijlly attended In, i.nd t iojiis i-arclul'y dclivt.cJ to all JliTcl.tHi! and I'tluT?. i i:r.nn;u:K hxi.i.y, Jnn? ?':, 1VS Sin Trai!iiilfr. f rt-nt !, t-crt'', Hurue-.i A 'najiiUi, Cri-uni s nite, " J .i u. il ' llnse, V.inilin, Cum n n Sl-.'ici. Uionce,, ll-l!H, I'ltrrnnit iliit.'d, AllllUIIMH. isrxiVT" conpectionaky WHOLESALE AUD RETAIL. M. C. UEA1I1TAUT, HAS jiii-t rcrrived o nev.- and cxcrllcnt omiort mont of iood-n nt liia Cnnfrctinnary ninl Fruit Kt.iro in MAKKliT S I IJI; KT. SunHirv. licio lie intuiufacturra rtrd kcrpa on hand, at r.U tii.'.cs, llie moi-t tlioice C'unfi'rtiunnry, &c, VholcsAle and Ki.'tail, ftt rhilmK-lj liia prices. Among li't.i stock of Cunkctioiiariei, may be f.iuti-I : Gnu Pri-in. nl!kiinl of iven, I ovc li-':iff, Vim l'r, ;.i. ted nj white, J.'ily Cak.-J. Km'U lrii. f'.'rk Camltrf , of k'i tccilti RiK-li r.aivly, Aim -lid Caii!i 1UIT. rmarf CinoiiS Rnis-mf, Nun cf nil kmdi LKMOX SYIiUl' of a superior quality, !y the sinflc or dorm. A Hupcrior quality of Sugars and Toliat'co, and a variety of Cmfcctinnurics, fruit, &c, all of wliicli is oll'cred cheap nt wholesale or retail. ICE CRSAM. Ke hns also oper.ej an !ce Cream Snloon. and will at nil tnnrs be ready to serve l.ii customers with Ico (.'ream. Simbury, Juno 19, ly ir.WtWe and HctaU Vcnhr 'in l503M:i2SXia Sr. rOBEIGN Mill street, East sitv) Xorth Dai.rillc, Ta. TM E uiiilerhined would respectfully announce to their friend and the public Ri-nrrally, that thfy hnve purchaacd a v,ry extensive stock of Winea and Liquor direct from ti e Custom lloufe, which lliey o!Vi r to the tude at I'luladtU vl.ii prices thereby eivini frcisht &c. J DUN W. bliCRirr, J. . II ALL, Ioi;v'.;,e, Jur 15, 16.3. if. t.ANlXlETIIS' Aerioulturul Warchoueo tittd Bcod Store, Ab.. 21 nml 2.'1 Suuth fif A ttrerl, lift iveen Mur- li t and Clusuut ttrcrts, I'liilnili y.Ai'i. JJS nlwnyfi open to the inspei lion of rtery mr inlrrented in Farming or (ianlrniiiir, 'Vhr ii'ilieciibrra tliereforo Invite ttir publie rirnrtiillv to cill iiri'l rxamino the Invpo nml well u li'i-Uil Htork of Anrii'iilliiial Impleiiiriiti mid iM ni-iinrr , (rrrut vaiii-ly of llorliriilt ,.tal looU. Wnrmiilril linnli'ti and 1'lnwrr Seedn (Irnn nml 1'n'M Sends ol the most Hrliul.le Ijii.iliiy, wlin II tin y oiler f'-r inle t.l the lunist iali pririn, wlinlip.ili' or rrtuil. Tno ngtiiulttirnl implcmenls nold by in nrr mostly manufactured at our steam works, iJristuI, l'a. ll.ivii.g f.tted tip this cstablinlnnrnt without TPcarJ to expense, with the tnot tompleto ina chiiinry for tlio manufacture of varioun kindu of ni'.ticuUui nl iinplemrnlB, we are prepared to sup ply all lutic'vi in-lhis line of the very best quiililv. I , n n .1 : i't li'rf Wartanlul liurdeil feeds li:ie I cell l eline llie public lor f.p".vaid of sixty years ; II fir vt iile-ppread I opul.irilV and the inerearini; dcnifind fiom year to car me the best exidenees of their superiority oer all others, IV" Country loeiehniitu can be supplied Willi n-r.! in a; iH, er in 1 u!k, on the mobt liberal terms. Hli'niiisd.ili', near Bristol, Ya., our pardon seed pr-uni!r, contains three hundred and seventy acrcf, md is the larRcrt elnblislitnent of its i iiul in the world. D. LAMIKKTII & WIN. os. 21 and 23 Son ill Sixth St., riiiladolpUa. l.andict'.i" liuui! Kegisler and Almanac fir lfis, r'intuiiiiii.r a juou'.oly Calender fur the rami, laaiocn ninl u re c no .mi.-.-, ox m; iiau tiii.i i is upon ersoni.l or prepaid a plication. I'liiladclphia, May 22d. t H.3. OF 1. ANCASIT.U City, late of rinliiUIpliia, wlieic lie I as la-en la vaet-i ii.-uil prat-tit-e lar u i4iiiiil-vt of i-ais. ri-vi-ivi-'l eil.u'ali.'ii :it the liest .Meiln-al Coll' iie in llic I .ttU-tl Stales, aii-l h".il the -Xjn l ii-m i- and pr.n-li. e in ::,' it ilvluiit ll-.'fp'la s f T fevi : -il eari.. a it-.-ii.'.,. r of tat- Aa-i. li'-fu Muiii i,! It. Mi! nt'1 ot .i-iv o-.k, and l ite Mi.i.ial rriioTi-un o tdc I iitti.lMiltB iVtvy, imwoU'-is llllliRVlt 1. 1 Ul" "lililii- to anj in-u-. Ka-nal catlii. i'ir j ali s- liii ila-intM nlwuMj on l-anil l:n-rt foil'l the I .s: i--iati'ile ol our c nintiy. mnl the M -tniiieal lini il'.'l Hit" tile wmlil Nil iitellt llU'dieini-lili'm-lilu .1 ul lr- e.niLiiti'liil'-il. tModi.'ini llseil only which -, 1 1 ; x t hreak down ll-.i' e-'illlllii-.l.-n. hut will it ii'ivati- im s .si oin li-nil rill li-tui li-s ll IniF JilFtaliu-d Iroill IllilK-ral ilieilli'lncll. I'liro me nml il.:l:rall ihseaes it. ast lie lu-ali-tl tijinn tinahlieiil tiilaetpleii. whiili if to know nml as teiln.n v. dlten.-' is lot iraluie and chain -Iit li-i;H.reil k aowledee ol llie i-l.i'tnifal i'. au-'dneltlGi l every fl did and Hiiiiluf llie Ininiatl tti-dy; the 1-!: iii'ji'i lit me solids mid llirda lire eaptih'c of i ndt ieot! 'I'-i kii"W what l:i dii.-ines lit cntploy lo rare disiaM-ii r.-ijuiiLUa kn.'ivlidi'e i f tlie cl-( nnra! polislillitnti oi an iigenis cni i" ii inei'ii nit ; iniii u we nrr in pine- j ',l eal"ll ol iiiiv Mi'-n iii'iv, ii ii. )' .'sinir i-i L-iii e nil) nil" use ii t matter of how Iohii sliindii'i: tnnl leave llie tiuliuil ill Q liealtliv and pi'!l'e--tly filled coinliti"ii. Melaiieli'dy. Atieriati'-n. oi that slat" i'f n'ieitntion nnd WMikiiePsol llie liui'il which lenem ptrftoai uir.ipahle of eti.iiiviii the p'eastirt s or pel ft-riiiiaij i jie dimes of lite: In-s-pepsin thai distress!, ;u i:i:u-,in' nnd lit! destrm er of htallh WI1KKI.F.U A WILSON JVIANUrAOTUniNO co s. FAMILY SKWlISO MACHINES. 'Iin nnnniinnnt furor whicli h.m nupinlrd ih introlur I nml !; ippint'f s, iimlerininit: tlit? ct'iilituiun, juul jfirly c;.rryi!i liitiiuiitie to iiiihtiu'ly cr.iv-a. (.iin tn-fi. fini'li'iti I c;i'ls le curt-tl, Kheutrutif-m, m nuy iVnii or c iiii(ion. t rliro ii! or iifu'e, u-iirrHnit'd tt:rulil ; r.piU psv oi i:i:;ni!j tickne3:' :iit ffultl- rn cii8t9l I'tiiiitli" li Pt'Fr8 r:ulinily rt'uitivt'il ; iru'l Hhfiiin.nitil every ilfwiip ! tir n of u'e'"'ition. I'iU-s :ml Srni'u'' us tspncf. wtut'1! Imvtf I'.itUf.i ml re i'His ttir'! c;il fkiH riin li ciifttt t.y my trrntnieitl. wtieu .v c-tifliliiti.'ii ik ii 't rxliuttitl. 1 ih B;iV till i1li-i-'! ( f .-t. ij!.i;i)-t i(l') CM 11 l'C rUTfJ. i v, It ifiiLuu in my olfu-e hm W'kunfpavs mul Satvr 1v. u-tm Di'VI ck'.A, M . t. 3 V M, t vr inin-i(lnte pitiful fiom n tiii.i pi'i.tnlt in tlio lliiL'liflt m:t (.itTtimi I n't'iMpes Will iii:.l:e vim to rmy ni-t)!ire 11' rf(;iiirei1. .M:iy be Ptltiusnd by letter, Tult 'ii Equine, Liu...tfier c.tyi l'u. W. II. WIUTMOR.M.P. June 5, 1 Cm i.Iiip. ifi mulirieiit evi'lriie? if tin ivctlrnrr. It in nee-l- iinw to ;iv, ilmt tlii iireiul iustrutueiit is 1 canning a il"'tm-iiic iiib itntii'ii : the iiiet is rcei fjin '.nl ! in? nifn lul til in tin m niivlK(f 1'innilii'H inevry Ttmk m lifiv To lh. iff wlui Imve lutlicrto rcfrinmil trim n vn i Iiiijt thiinelvci or iin mlvttiit.c, it iimv not le iiiinf to kiv, tlmt il tun Ityiiiii ln ni.'liViii to'l-e milvrtl, l-ut n iitveit cntiifl Tin- in-lu'M tmini'Miy in cntuintly oHVretl.C'ii tiiimn the't which brm pivi'ii this inttruiiunt w ule timl eii mhle n refxinti n. Thin M icliiiip ii t'(m-'ivitl on n prinri; 1e rntiroTy irij:i iml, lu iin; Fpi't-iii'ly ninl inhnmihly iiilrptnt lolhe nmM per. trt w irk on vvtiv ltin'1 i inireiiiil ; nmt. h:i inp hern MilvTrrieil toil three ytrns' lrt (I the in nt KtMirliinK t harnctei lv I'mniiii f, itml in vroi n n;iirlif of !nnti-t.-ftiite, wth ihHiniMHshcl sweeeM, il tt ht lii-vft) tlmt til oil the en nl p"inls ri (iuiile to ti cotiip.ett iithl Hiirtii"il ISo.vii'si Mm-litiie. it cnnni'l he nppr. iiehnt in exettirnci- Alll -Tp t!-C uihUmiI tetl M.lvitni:-' m it p t wvn tver n!l othltK, Iimv le HlUilfil tl.c Inl'.'U HI:! ; 1. lis Ritnphciiy of ct-nsrueHin. uml c'li-tefi'icut fcee ilinu trmn ih'rrinji tnrnt m:il nu"l ol" ieKHl'a f UiteJUuiptfft rnpiiii!V :li:l tu.e ;f optintlnn. 3 ll notPiIii m w-ni' i't I 'I'l i. .if . .i i- . i.ainntn I i liii-ll it. en II 1 P !lf- Vi't.. ttliieii can be n.-iiicvcil Iv Ii otlur meclmiiicnl ' isn-nnn. Arul, . Tii pre-eminent IkiiIv ilnra' ility nf the work. "I (.ml vtnir Mm-Uuic invntiinhlc I luivc nsnl il n yenr, n;i'l it ii;i in vcl been out -l ur-l.-r. Tin- wiTeh i Vei v iln r:ih!i mnl r:m le nli!iieil to tine or e i;irse' rmln. It ivirk with tin? itinittilv I n ilcii pnic tt i;mu! ; wwu inncli tunc, lutipiie nml hie(H" yi-ur M hin is iiMt in my l iilu r'H Inimly ; nnotlier in l'i' li-nmehdhl of n si-tcr ; nn:i "iheif" hy vurimm irienli. The "pim-ni "f ii!l nee t.I with I imvc y.i vsivx:d " Mia Anna I'itri lli'.eine. i'li-Tr m hut inie fewm" Miic'ime : nn-l thn 1 Whrc J 1-t HiMW tUoii'8." Jmlge .Mes.ol" t'ie AiiHTican liisih tui'-. ' The Sewinc Mrhtne pnn Tcir.I .f yo:i 1iabicn whul !y f-TVic: :i!.:c " I!''v Vt Snnui'! Os i. .No liiini.y r:tn nnTunl t ! w ithout it. ;rtsi'M( ok tub Nr. w York TnEss, Ve pri-iKi thrin for tnmily life Tiilmpe Ttn-y .ne the tuV'tntfj f -r f-'miiM-a 'J'niieB, Are "with n.t uiivnl S-:i"iit iiie A tn-Tictm. Vi ikf iM-rc umf tiiily than the haml -HeraM. Do t'.e wnk often ort!in:ii feweta J.'i;r t.oin. I'.ipiul ti hine Mi:uiitrcntN. Hi ii.e J- urn I Tus itiHchuie. fur lann.y life Ail.oenie At Ji'iirtml. Must h"ll 'inhit: to Lr,iiilil! liMh-pf i.ilrnt. i u ciin:i"t imiiiin ii.iMlnrs in.-rr prrtt ct KvancUsl. nine Kit istacti"it t 'Iwivr. ThehcPt ever inviit' il -Chris' rm Inqniter. I., lot Uii'ij lor the hesi, sec tlitfu K.xnnuiK T. At'nnriii'iy lulnptftt fr f.itni'y Chri'iih le. Iiuiisin'i, Milile in 'crv fai.alv T!te I'rriicher. I We pmiMe it with entliiimnMii t ln;fl!iseticer. Wurihy ol 'I he hii;hctt aw.inl Sahha'h I A I cm-rictl.tii of theni-e. Vntnatn .Maa.ine, JOISTES HOUI3B. HELLS COTEnt.Tr, Troprlelor. Car. of Market Street r Market Square, IlARtllBOURO, PA. rrill?1 Ni:W AMI KI.KOANTIIOTI:!., recently erec L led hy Ihe Messrs JONES, In lliirl ishurg, l'a., hnv Inn heeil lensei' lorn term of yenishy the illitlersigned, he lak.-s thu method of cullins, the nllentloii of his former pali'itts, nml llie linveltuip community, thereto. II ii'iiijt o final of one liundrisl nml f.irly feet on the p'itii.ipal street ol the city, ninl Kiiiy-lwo Kent Front on Slarket f jiinri , il ennnot full lo prov aurnctivt ns well ns iiivilntir It. Klinngrrs. The Cliainhi is are of fins sile, Well vcnlilateil, nnd liehied with tins a nuinher with poiiiicctiiig U,rs nia kins Ihetn very ilesirat.le fur fiiirnllen. Tin) Halls nre wnriiied thronjihniit hy Healers; nnd everv m.slertl iliiiiliivetiienl. in fuel, lias liceil ndileil, that may ennduce to the safety, comfort, and liaiipint-MS of the truest. . Visitors ni'iy, therefore, rest assured, ihnl the'-Jnuet llouse!' has heell innde perf..i't in nil its iipiiiilnienls thai inch ih'parllitent has been placed in ehniffe of I'.xpe rieiteed Hint Comtieieiit Persons tlinl in every particular Hie system s, lueli has adopted by the I'roprietui, will all.. rd to v lei inav make it their hmne. its creat n desree I ol e.,mr..ll im inav- beilbtaitied ul nnv ftilllilar esVlbliMllIICllt in the Hlatc. To secure this drsiinble result, he lsts fiirnibheil llie ridihe nnd I'uvnle I'rivale Parlors. Clinniheu, Diniujj Itouui. Ac.. Willi entirely M'.W Ft' IIN ITT UK ; nnd nlan nrrniiiriil wiiIiih the hinidii i;. n fine llarhers J.ilism, U) S ter Saloon, llresstii Kooin. Ilt mid i.'"I.J Hiilbs. As. Tl.e Culinary ljrparttnes and lliuiiig Koom will reetive lite enii-eial nlieulloli of ll.e I'ropi irtor, which he trusts, will he n snlllcieiil suarniitec tl.til all tasles will he stilled. Al'ler reliiritintr his heartfelt Ibnnks lo his old friends ai d patrons, for the nenerous palroitape sn long exlended I t loin lit l ho "Coveriy Mouse. p nnd ulso In Ills friends nml palrons at the ''C-'IhitiImi House, " l 'iiie Isl I. dnriiiir the season nf c-.v,, he lespeeifally solicits a eoiitiiiaancc of it at the "JuNLS HOli;." WELLS COVERLY. January 30, 1S'i9 Omoi. CO1N0 NORTH. N. Y. Aeeommo- riiilnd'n- Mail. dntion. Mnd Oh A M. 9I0P M- 8 I iin a -jii iin e 21 do 3 1U dn 6 40 do a Hi do 1 10 do 3 .15 ilo 7 8, do 4 (15 do ? All do 4 If lit t? Id do 4 an do Mil dil 4 '.5 do 8 511 do 6 isl il.i 9 IS do 6 30 do 0 30 do 30 do P 3S do 1 4.1 P.M. .1 3i do n AH do o 10 do 5 Ml do a 05 do S 80 do 5 61 do 10 IK) do 9. :,0 do 0 1X1 do 10 111 do 2 45 do 0 10 do 10 20 do 3 DO do 6 SO do 10 an do 3 is do 6 an do EXZVZn PliATHD-ViTAEE. JIA SlTAtTl Itll) IIT .1 0 fl X O . 31 12 4 f & SOX5, HjJl E oldest Electro Hater in the United States, manufiicturca of every variety of Ciooiis plated with pure silver, Albata, brittunia and Steele Tea Setts, 1'rim, Waiters, Cavters, Cake II as kets, l'ilihers, (iollct.i. Communion Service, t'po ins, Forks, Knives, &e. All goods warrant ed as represented. North La?t comer Dili nnd Chesnnt street. rhiladclphia, Tenna. M ay P, luna 1 y i .Mii7t( ul in oii'iatinii. Mrf. SleiOii'iiB Month Iiy-Tnl all rputi n. the ii,.i'!iincs I .tie IlhnMrattr.i. ' T ie stitch caiiin t he tnirnvHeo' Am Acncultui iit. i Tip'V iniinfaiii tl.c pre-emni''!e- I'.xpiem. 1 S-ives the time nnd health 1 1 ti-ti wi-inen. Water Cure. i ' Mir h"tisehnM is in ci staci' ?' wt' h it. Pot tf r't Spti it. I Snppiv the!n-'ii:itile woild i Jitilv Nf.vs. j Are; rM-cininenily sujierioi I .tl . t-s' Wit r. ne t i-iii iion-ieli'iM j h!h !. S. J-rirua!. I 1 "nnvnl't"' m eveiy pta ny Ihiy I.ook. I l'letly. useful, mai; I .efciie's ' -a 'it'. f Have no iipia! tm fnmiiv use Musical WorM A trimupli of incrluimcal ji'iiiih N . Y. J"innnl, 1 I'omUme every req iirenu nt. l-'aniily Macamv. i Vast'v mpvijur to at! otheis " 'l:ten Pne. XV v cannot tire in it pniiK' New "tAt t. Kor !iitlirr partiruhirs npply to M. II.M'acrr, 8uiiliiirv. Pa., nizciit of llic inatiuf.irtitrer, who will supply machine at the lIa!ufacturl, prices. tSuiil urv, May 11, IS. if 1S37. FALL & WINTER GOODS ! 1858 FANCY DRY GOOD STOKE, Market Square, Sunbury. VDW received and will coiitinnc to receive ' the largest and best selected Stock of IHuck Cltths, Cfisfimercs, Cussinctt. and Vcstinys, fr. An assortment of Dress Goods, viz: Taney iirinled Calicos.Chillies. minted Lawns, De Lain' Uarenes. Merinos, Caslimcrts, Alapacas, llrese bilks, (iiiioJiauiH, &c. LTNLN AND WIIITn GOODS. Iriiili Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet ing, 7'ilbiwcaseinrr, Ac. Drcns Trhnniingb in Great Variety. Uouts ami Shoes 11 ats and Caps, Hardware, Cedanvare, Groceri., (jucenswarc SALT and FLS1I, Cheese, Crackers, Segars, Tobacco, SnulT, &c., an assornment of other Goods too tedious to mentioh. I'eelinK (rrateful for past favor we lieg leave to aeve our oi l friends and the public that no :1 , t. on our part snail no wanting to mem a cot. jiiianee of our patronage. ciiunlry produce taken in exchnnjc at the highest market price. V. W.GRAY. Suriltury.Dee. IS 1R57. if STRING ARRANGEMENT. LACKAWANNA &BL00MSBURO RE. VFKfiRniNO superior facilities fi trnvel to New York, t'liiliulrlph , and ihe North nnd West.hT eon. liecliims nt Sernnlnii with llie trains of the llelawsre T.neknwiinnn and Vestum Rnilrond Conipnny 1 also fur travel South and West over the Ctittnwissn, Williamiport and i:rie Uailioud and eonueciing Irniiis Iavs rtiipert, Hlisini, !'py, . 1 .line Rings, Jh-rwi'-k, Ucach llnven, lleach 1.1 live, Hiickshiiiny, Huitloek'sCrei-k, Wisit Niniticoka, Plymouth, Arrive ut Kilil!Sl'lll, I .cave Kingston, Wyniinne, West Pitiston, Piltstou, I.HekHwtiniift, Tuylorvrlle, Arrive Mt fentnton. The New York Mail Train connects with the Express goiii" Knid, on I) L. A V. Kailrnad. Arrive in New S'.uk 7 15 P. M. e.i I'hiladt-lphta, 1'V Camden A Amboy Railioad, 6 SO P M. I'nrei'iom Rnport to New York 60 00. Baggage check ed throucli. Tli; Heeumniola!lon Train NVirlh, eonnsets nt Persntoa with the Expi, is 'l imn West, on the 1. L. A Y. Rail road. GH1NO SOUTH. WA0NDEHFUL COINCIDENCE. All Nfttlo ns of the sonic mind I Sifiii P'nili. Aeeommo- N. Y Leave Mail Mail. Sinntnit, P rsi A. M. II 30 A. M 4 0" .l. TnvlorvCle, . Ill do 11 45 do 4 10 d) l.aekawaiu.a, h on d. pj mi M 4 40 ilt Pillstott. h 30 do H M p M. 4 30 do U esl Pittst' ll, b llj ll 1 111 DO do 4 35 do Wyoming. h 40 ilo 1- m do 4 40 do At rive ut Kttusloli, 0 (X) do 1 00 do i 00 do Leave Kmestoii, 10 40 do 8 00 00 I'lviitoiUh, 10 .Ml d t 0 15 do N ant ie. k , II M d-j 6 40 do lliinl.H-k's Cl'k, 1115 do 0 AO do !liieksliuinv, II l-'l do 7 'JO do lleach lirove, 1 1 .','1 do 7 40 do Uracil llnven 12 I'd do 7 Si do ll 'rwiek, 12 111 P. .Vt. 6 15 do Lune Rid.'C. 12 SO do 8 45 do r. -,y, 12 40 do 0 I II d lil.'i, -111, 12 M do 0 15 il 1 Arrived at Ruperi, 1 CO do 0 15 do The 'Iplua Mini Traincninr Poiilh. eonneetr with Hie Mall T111111 nt ltupert, g.nte Last nl 1 n P.M. fur Po-t Clni1"il. Poltsvi.le l(eidii'-, Ae.ariiv- inil at Plilladelplii'i. nt 0 '-'5 P. M. Also with Mail Irani West to :1 o'clock P. M. lor LJanvill.', Milton, .Mua ey, Wilhuiiisport nod Lluiiitl. Passeiigi ts by li.e 4 o'i-i fl. P. M. Tram go'ir.g S nilh e.m take llie 1 1 i'YIoek P. M Express triiin lor Ivntiia nnd llic Wert . 01 lodge lit llloonislnirg nnd lake Ihe 4 o' clock A. M. Tram going East, arriving ut Philadeipcia or llani.l'Uig at 12 noon. F. J. LEAVENWORTH March 13, 1SV 0m fuperiuteiidinl. IIOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Tim nnniverfwry of Urn Iniruluetion of Tt.illoxmy'it Ointment ought o a jiihil.'f fmevet. It bnn saved C'Hinllt'U mnltumhn fr.nn tiihlicuremcnt, parntyzntinn, lnntilaiitia. npouy nn.l 'tenth. tt:irtnip from the siirfme to Which it it nppiiett, its heatina Imini linrli its wn thrnnh every rontinp nnd lipnim ntol llm, tti the vciy Rniircc and basis of nil eruptive, uleennit, tumorous, nml ennre rotisdisenaet. It distincuiKhrg the fehiile prineipte tlmt feeili Ihetn, nml the ont.ird nymptoms fade, heal, nnd pass uwny Willi r rupitlity incredible lo those who have not witnessed it. CROFUIsOirft KKUPTTONS AND UICKR3. The poison nf scrofuln hns never lnm neutralized or expelled hy nny of tlie remedies of the pbnrmaeorrta The s de nnlidote to this virulent nnd destmetive element is lloiiowuy s Uintinent. JMajt-nnie k tirodie, the en at Krcneh and I'.nglish suifreon, dn no tippy or ilirpnte thm great fact. There ts no form of scrofula that may not be controlled undented by tint bnlmutnic remedy. CANCKHS AND TLMOH3. The knife or ewtstic tnav rein we cnneeT nr ttimT, but the seta Is of the, terrible excreeenre remain in the blood, mifl it Is soon reproduced nt n worse furry than before. Hollowny'fl Ointment, on the couutrary. ptne trittesiuto lite eireulnliou, and pervades every infected vesicle, end Ifi Is the disease by (bietmy ing the emotive principle mat penernTeo nnn snsTnnis it. - i INFLAMMATIONS OF THnsKiS. All raphes nnd ordinary eruptims. ns vll ni K.rntpe!ns, Acne, Itii'sworm. Cnrbunclti. Seald Hrnd, Stilt llhenm, I.eprosv. Prickly Heat, Ace , nre removed by a few busk flppliLutJOiis of Ihe Ointment. ACCIPKNTA t iNJt:nir, AVOTND?, Ppraint. nmisvs, 8cn!ds ai d Hums nre inmie'liately re!ived by iis Hpp'i-ntion, The Mllamma tioii quickly sulm'de, fever nnd Itn-kjaw ate prevented, nnd under 11 perhevennp xin of the preparation, the pro. cess of healing in soon accomplislied. Doth ihe Oinhnmt rvifi PiUn should lc ur-rd thr folioti iiiff cases 1SAAQ-- .tl. WILKERSON, TsAlA .NTJPAOTXJHEB Of FV.RNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most FashionaMe Style. Sofu, Uivnn and lKniie;a .Bureftns, Secretaries, Sideboards. f80F i. BREAKFAST AND HIMMJ TABLES and also VENETIAN B LI ADS, equal to I'ltil' dcljihia manufacture. BEDSTEADsr of every pattern and r,ric ClTPI!OAnr) WOKK AND CANDLE. STAN MI.KT TABLKS AND 'is line of his business. In sin Vug . y sou;-, h 1 liOv of, iii;r hi, Co meni(o lly calls the atlentiot rgn and splendid as 1 prire of . a 111: 1 itself loevery are ount of its durable sh, mado up of the city. No effort ie his ware, and the o keep up with the . are constantly being .urc all kinds and qualities Swelled flinni'ts Mill Joints I 'leer, Venereal fnrc Wounds of n.l kinds iv-olds T. ItlELAHCHTOII SHINDEL, Jl'STK't: or THK I'KACE, 3TJD7BTJIl""? FA.. Office iii Deer Street, iiiimfiliattlg opposite Vie Public Sdmol House. AH business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writings done. Sunbmy, April 2". Iti.'iT. tf BisMlution & co rp.nnerm?. r.-ii f-STI P. I'irm nf SUr 1 bi rd and llewett. Coal Oye- ! i.,' ratorJ, Locust Summit Colliery, Northum berland County, IV, beiiiff this i.y (lune lt, 1S?S,) lUssohid by mutual consent, the business will be heneelorth carried on by James M. Shep herd and John Mi Karland, under the linn name of Shepherd & Mcl'arland, who will pay all claims ai.iust and receive uil accounts due to tLo late firm. J A. MI'S M. SHEPHERD, Sunbury, Pa., CllAKl.r.S HEWI-: I'T, Miamokin, l'a , JOHN .V.'l'Aia...D, l uio lirove, i'a. fpui. bury, June U 13iS. HIiriSHK HOUSE ii ornierly Kline s ll-'tel.) l.r.WIifUl ltf.!, I NIOX CO., PA. ;s. ctar.TXS'.r, iroii n tor. III!" in one uf the liirgeH nud V M liirnislied Ilnteis on ue West Itt.ima. 11 is l.a aled III tin- l.nMi.eis pin I the town, (it being the rid) I in Market opiate) I he pn -priel, r is lUleiiiiintd, t . I lite l.eia in tae Slate r peisors .1; fepei.d a aatl 11 1 If, as i-h.-it tone in 1 bcr rTJ-TJX.XG NOTICE. TV OTIC E is l.trcby ihul the lll'SlXEsS P.E X I.ATIONS, heretofore aii'ifUtine between Willinin Wtimer and the Luderrigt'cd, in the Drug Slore at Nortiiiiinbeiland, have, by uiutua consent. Ibis day l-luni- 7th, 1S.i.) ceased to exist i and the liooks and accounls will reuiain settlcmciil and collection in the bands of the ul-.;ciil-tr, who will coi.lhiue lo curry 011 the lunitit'as a, tin) ol i hlai'd- l!U!)El:T B. McCAV. rortIiuis:bcr!atiJ. June SO, loi- 1 r:ire it daet me. US I ,'!.. 1 t Ine lil"t Ji'eas.i. il towns ill cvatial Pviue.) Ivanui I'hargi s vei y modi inle. l.ew-1,1 ui. June 12. I SELECTSUMHERG00DS.- LAIKIK ASSOIM'M KNT ! iJ7E have received our NEW GOODS for the ' fuminer trade, and res) eclfiiily invito all the world and the rest of mankind lo Call a .mi S.F. Til KM. People who wuuld economize nnd lave their dimes mil do well to ea'.l and see how very cheap i?ooils can be had, and should they not conclude to pan-hase from us. they will be none conver sant as to the actual value of all kinds of Goods. Vhere are a prcat many reasons why people should closely examine our stock, and while ilia clearly dcmonslralod that Ihe "obvious meaning Liid imports" of ibis multitude of reasons refers direclly lo the UE(l.' l'V OK TEXTI'KE, and iheapuess in price of goods, it will at tiie same strike the mind of the observing ECONOMIST, lhat a slate of things combining a great and di versified supply, with low prices, must brine about a "consummation dcvou'ly to be wished" in making the l'OUK M.1N lilCH.and the rich man opulent. And itllhough we may ditrress, yet permit us to add that lioibinz would alVord a better ground ! work lor a sniiiuier evenino's entcitainineiit, than for llie kind mother who h presumed lo have ex amined our slock, to gather her little flock around and tell them of laHWHT & SUA S beau- STRAY MAKE. C AMU U the prcniUesof the subscriber, on tlia S.'ith uil., a stray mare, 8 or 10 jejrs t.lil. about medium tiie. She is full tooled, cal led on each side o! the breast, ai,d in Color a t'atk t rown, In;, mane and tail black. 'J he is requested lo come I'orwarJ, tme 1 roperty, pay rbufiici and take her awav. WILLIAM WEIl ZEL. Lower Augusta, May StU, lS.'ni. ' FLOUR AI-3D I'EEP. Jl'ST rei lived by tl.c s,flsciibir a fresh tup- j ly of I'LOUK AN D I E ED which will be i-ldul wholesale and retail CHEAP l Oi: CASH ONLY. rreicnt prices fiom f 3,50 to per III, A liberul discouut to lb trade. Also Crackers if all Linda, Candles, t-oj, KaUins, Cinis &c. A few choice dried rppbi jet on band, at 5-ItiO tr bushel, they are very nice, Dy ol hir ing and trying t J piease all, the sub-jcriber hopes j merit the 'good will and 1'Blroinge ol his lrieiijs and custouicn. C. O. HAVEN. Mir'tt biuais, SuuUury, ) an 19, 1SF.S. A. J- TtUCKKiaXLiat CTvttovncn at i'aiu, Practices in Noilhuml cilsi.d m.J siljoiiui-r Counties. fcunbuiy, NovembiT 21, 1857.- If TIIE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. BKUAIAVAY, CORNER OF F It AN ii Ll N t-TREF.T, NEW 'OltlC CITY, ll .. U'en level. II) rvalttd, TLS R001i;SH:e l:e. iy riilfe.iit, The KariiUuie una are ,u)rb, si:rt ilo- li.itln, me uiikai paiiej, TAVLOK s 1 El.r.llit a I I. U SALOONS Al.K CONV.clKD WITH TUS 1IOTKX,. ncreisenn.:ci,uuUH!iij u( eou,f.ijt, uf a borne, witu tht luxuries ol H trillaee THE fcPLlCNLIU LADIES' PARLOR Commands and unegualted view or BRi.iavir, TIIE INIEHNAIKOAL Is the mrsl central of any n ihe a st vlass Uoleli fr bust. places of iiuiufcuieiit, and oaers umurru.-i.edsd. uiiJ"S to fsuu.ios and giulleinen visitlnf New York . , , . Ai iasa FuRMAa, rroprkifc Vsw York, Ju'r , lsv If COME ONE! COME ALL!! I LEAKN THE LIST OF I'IU''ES AT THE People's One Price Store. E. Y. 13UIGUT SON, si:.xnuj:v, r.i., OWE rereived their large and choice select ed stock of 1TSV GCOLS, Composed of nn endless variety, and to vthich thev resiiccll'ullv invite the attention of the pub lic feeling assured that their large assortment I Bi.d great variety of all kinds i f tioods combined I v illi the excccdingl) low piices whhh Ihey arc ib ' to tcli ut, will render enliro satisl'uc iiou. I'iT COfNTiiY PKODl'CK wanted in ex change at the very hihoal market prices. June 6, ltiy. SUNBURY STEA1M TERRY AIID j TOVING BOAT COIMFANY. I rjnil.WELLKlIS and others nr respect fully iiifirmed that !',.e subscriber l us estui'lishcd a SI LAM I LIiUi over tlx usqiu nanna, at S jr.' oiy. 'J'hat a largo, safe and commodious str lu'o-jat v.ill run regularly and promptly, nl ull hour duiir.g the d..y, to carry loot passengers as well as wholes, &e., Klween Sin. bury and the lauding on li e opposite side of the river, both ways, or to and from Sunbury. The steamboat will run from Marl.ct Street Wharf, and v.ill carry passengers louudfrom the Packet morning and evening. The Steam I'erry now affords not only c s'lie and convenient transit over the Sus quehanna, but also a pleasant and agreeable ride. IK A T. CLEMENT, I'roprutcr. Asnmr.w lioovtii. Captain. Sunlury. May 1, I Hi 8. :.siiington house; l.t'Ml'UltT, rroirii'tur, STJjN-BTJR-Y, T?j!V., 'lHE proptictor respectfully informs bis fi lends A 8nJ the publie generally, that he is repairing and renovating the - asl.iugtou House, sous to entertain both transient and permanent visitors in a suitable and comfortable manner. Thankful (or the jiaironsge extended to his father, he re.pecilully solicils the continuance ol tl.asame. He will take chargo rl the"V ash iiiglnn House" en the first day of Apiil, next. He will have an Omnibus running to the dilierent liuiiroad Depots fin: the acconimodalion of Passengers, free ol charge. W. A Sunbury, March 50, lo!, COVEUT. NOTICE. VLL persons indehled to James Eeatd, late 1'iothoiiolary of N'oithuniberlandeouiily, lor t-cs, &c, are re;ueted to make immediate pay ment, and thus save cost and further trouble, as all account remaining unpaid will tie piaceu in the hands of a Justieo for collection. I'aymenls can be made either to the auUcrihrr or to J. S. Heard, ut his ollice. JAMES DEARD. 6uubury, March 87, 18S8 If TJ5ATENT DRITTA.NIA bTOITEKS fo a; ur uomc tor sale by Bunbury, July 19, H58. H. D MA8SER. lilul goods, the handsome silks from 1 ranee and duly, the I.iliboiis nnd Laces from Lyon llie Merinos from France, the prints from Manchester, the I. icons and Lawns Irom tilisguw tid Dub lin, and a thousand things of great beauty and utility. 1' nt to be a litllo mure practical, we will stale fur the good of the country, the lisiug feneration, and the full grown, more in dclail, Ihe goods we retail, in very large or smaller slices, al very greailv reduced prices ! nud though ne inav regret vc paid it, we'll sell our goods on six mouths credit, nt the end of which the people "flush." will eonio and pay us w ith a rush, for none can feel so unconcerned about a debt so fully earned, as to be guilty of procrastination, to the ha7jid of il.t ir r.-putaii-'n. Then Ucnllcmcn and Ladies fair, hearken, if you've the time to spare, and bear of New tioods rich and rre, received and being opened. OIF CLOTHS, There's brown, nml black and blue, Yea Cloths of almost every hue. We've got just what you need of mixed and striped first rale" Tweed, for tho.;e exposed or named us sick, we've Cassinierrs both strong and thick! for those ttho bv fashion think lo win, we have the bcnuiifi.1 Frmih Doeskin an ar ticle, wu do expect, sir, can't be excelled in point of Texture. OP VESTING S, Silks and good black Satins, uf every vaiiely ol patterns, for weddings, parlies, or the street, for gentlemen married, or less discreet, whom we wiil furniih from Hat to Bout, with a cheap and charming wedding suit. liut Ladies! pardon this dereiielion, and do not deem this all a fiction, lor surely we are hound to say, we love to lurn from grave to gay, Irom dull old bachelors, dreadful drones, whom fashionable etiquette disowns, who, in a word, are sluggish w iglils, in human huppiuess, neo phvles. ticnllcmeii. wu bid vou nil adieu the Ladies are waiting for something NEW ; Cashmeres Delaines Silks lterege Debeges Robes . tiingtiams Lawns Clialles '1 issues Chintzes Plaids of every pattern, and latest styles, so rich that tbut they exule a smile suited for Ladies of Dol uth 1 age, as well for those who would En gage pretty for the maid becoming for the mo ther, and oil. red cheap to the one or the other. Ribbons embracing one hundied pieces, beaulilul Delta soiled for "Neices," tiinghams. solid, plaid and stiipea assorted, and ' A cpiilla Kobes" just imported. And Ihe undersigned with modesty reverts, to corded flounced ami steel hooped Skirts and well reconciled we trust llio ladies faces, w ill gaze with fond delight upon our hand some Laces Inserting, Edgings, of Jaeonett and Snisa. affording beauty to those who oiler bliss ! three hundred pieces of good pattern Prints, and very handsome styles of new French Chi.'.lz, while, mixed, and brown Cotton Hose, much eheaier ihan some people would suppose. Spool Cotton, Tapes. Pins, Ltultons, and Needles in profusion : liobbin, Cord, llounct Wire, and blond Illusion. Then come one, come all, you'll liud us very handy, in showing each tlio -modus operandi" of buying and selling cheap. E. V. LiiiliHT SON. Punhury, Juna 12, 1858. SILVER WATCHES. A few double case EuglUb Silver Watches, for sale at very low price by H. 0 MASSEK. Suukory, April l, 1. lfJSfct3i4Slt-4.''-i ESTABLISHMENT IN T 11 i: I T V O K HAL T I M OUR. MAIIIIOT'sl Cay Street AVnrrroonn !Vn i3 nnd 'Jo Noitli Guy street, nenr Fnyetle, It-ilhinore : wheie is kepi always 011 lianit. or nvule. 11 i.nler, every slileof Krei.cli TKTL-A-Ti:Tl:s, in ph.iii, Hair, Ciolli it Procaiel.e. rreneli l-'ull SiiuT nnd Medallion Turlor Arm Chairs, 111 Plusli, I I.i I r. I'lolh or llr.'eatelle. I'reiielt Full Sltill Cni veil Purl-.r Chairs in sell, with Plush, Hair, Clolu ur llroeatelle. SOFAS- Ilalf Frem-'i Spriajr Maliopiiny ami Wulnut Tarlor Chairs, in Hair, Cloth nail Plush. Itoeking Chairs various designs, in Ilnir, Cl-nli and Plash. Stuff Spiiue; Lounges a laree nssoiirnent nlw.iis en hand, or uti) pattern iiiadt-ur covered wita any godls to order. CHAHDBR SUITS." InJMnh-'cany or Wahmt, 'tiiiiiilf, frmii t:lj up. t'ane I'li.niSiiilil Ilm kintf it't tiie lart-ji asf- rtment ready ma. If in any one h nise in Ihe L'nitevl States fri'iii u d.-zen up. ihir Utniin, Oilict" nnd Pininj Chaira, in Oak, Walnut t-r .Main -.iity, wiili Cnne. Wttml or SlbiiVd Scuta iin in 'Hi'ifut en.i'i aenif over .)0 d 'Zt'll. Wo- 1 ii-:it t'haus and Sctteta uud IItKkiniij rer HHi t-n. tint, nnd i'lam rrnrnt IOnkint' Glanst-B, of every variety. All kiinlk of Ueds. Hair uud llnak Matttafcs. ft A. .MATIII'-T. Noi 2T and 2' . G iy nt , near rnyettc t , li iUmurc. A'iirt lr I-.jT. 1 y GEORGE niLIi, AT LA73 SU2NTBURV, r.SrECTn.'MA informs the puMic nnJ Ins frieiHirf ccnt-rallv, that he h:i rtmovotl to Nitnhury, ami has oj-nicj a tnw offiie t re.-iilencti. in Market pqiure. His neti'iaititanoe with the Unlih nnd ernian cnnldcs lii:n to Unnsart htifincsK in hoth lunungcs. Apiil IU, lS.r.8. ly Hiinioni latnihafio S-re I tr Iliinni Mercurial Sure l!rents ("happed Hands I'ruptinns Sre fleadu f'lhlhlnfiii 'i lea S re. Tliro.itu FistuliiB lihr-nmaiiini of all Gout Salt niientn kinds SUin Diseases Sprains tiT TATTION ! Notif nrr cimhiiup tm'cw the i "iloli-wny. New York find liond'ui,1' nre dipferm'iie im ns a wat'-r-inark in every h-ut tf the Niok of ilir' etiu in : nrotitid each pot or h x ; the ;inie may ! plainly B"en hy holdiittr Ihe leaf to the imht A lirniilsoiiie reward will , lie niveu to nny one reii'lerun? meh tiiformnrion im nifiy ; Vad to lhc ih lection ol nny p:rty or partie eonn1M fcitioif j the medieines or vending the Mine, knowing thviti t- 1 ; spurious. Sold nt tiie Mnmifnefoile.t of Prnfetjuor TIot t owav 1 e0 Slaidi-n Kan', New York, nnd Oil Strand, hi inion, hy j nil resperitihle Dniscistfand Oealers tn Mcnlieine thmnli. ; out the I nit' tl Stnif. and the civilized world, in l"ie, i ut tf'i eetits.tiJj cents, ntni SI eneh. i (V There is a conMdernhle aving 1-y mkinp llie larger ; sif j N. n, Pireetions for tin puidance of pitieute in every ' (liftortHr me allixetl to eaeti ixn, (ct"her 17, IS'i? lyea FURNITURE FURNITURE ! ! TIIE LAIitiEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SLNTil'RY. sorlmi which. cr.. i who fini( workt, ihe hest jure of.(j "SMelj ,., man , .,' madl. i ,i " . Kii,c, . ollAIliS, ncludie; varieties never before to be had If. SVibury, such as M tno-.A 5 y. Uhi k Walsttt . ... a is 11 v. 1 11 j. l 11 01 a f Lr. 1 , 1. r.c 1 a sr j inn imihh CHAIRS, awd takci Piami Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall he no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can he cntertainirl about, the quality and finish of bis ware and j CSairs. These nrliclcs will be disposed of on as good I term as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun I try pioduce taken in payment for work. I I'N'DEKTAKIMS. Having provided a handsome Hkaiisk, he is now prepared for I'mb'rtaking. and attending funerals, in this vi- entity, or at any convenient distance from this place . TheWnre Room is in Fawn Street, be low Weaver's Hotel. He has also purchased the rirlii of manufac turing and selling in Northumberland county, Could's patent Excelsnir Spring lied, which be will furnish tit reasonable rales. Springs put in old bedstead for three dollars. I-.1C M. WII.1CERSON. Sunbury, April IS, lh',7 tf. WE STILL VuRvivETHE CRLSlT V"t)TWlTH.TANDIN(.' the astonishing ipian ' tit v ol (ioods that I brought into town last Spring, I succeeded in selling them nil out ex cept what I gave away, and bad to hurry 10 tl-.o city, for a new lot, in order that my customers might not be put to the iuennvonierce of bu ing at other stores, vthcie they would be chatged killing prices. Profiting by past experience, I hac just brought 0:1 Twice as Many GooK nnd I have now Ihe largest and CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT ever ollered within heating af C. PEITSEP.T'S WltOMSALT. AMI Ill.T.lU BOOT STORE, .10 South Fourth S.t, ahove Chcmi-.t. Pl'tl'ti. SOOTS, Shoes, fiaiters, ie., promptly made to order in the very best style, and of the st material. Philadelphia. May 0, 1R57 be Saddle and Harness Maker. HENRY HATJPT, JR. RESi'ECTFl'LLY informs the citizens of Sunbury and the pub 1-" J!-k lie. generally, that he has taken tt-il"J the shop occupied bv liright nnd Heck, one door east ol S. l'aupt's Cabinet Ma ker shop where he is prepared to turn cut work in hi.? line of business euual to any made in this j section of the country. Orders promptly execu ted and all kinds of produce taken in Exchange Sunbury, March SO, 1858. ly SADERY AND HARNESSMAKINO' rtHl E subscribers respectfully inform the cili--- zens of Sunbury and vicinity that they have commenced the above business a few door.-cbove the Post Oliice, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. Wotk of all kinds in their line of business will be done promptly and neatlv on the most rea sonable terms. ' CLEMENT & OYSTER. Fcbrua'y 1.1. 18.')S. Fashionable, C licai and I'm Oil I rjtHE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet , Uli!) , am ,muni, , 8l, and Chair Manufacturer in Sunburv, thank r..i t. f...,.- - .1: .:...- ; f il,- !.. AiiiiW public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, 0. c, en. braes liVlllV VAKI LTV, lAHFlL A.D OHM il.M.IL ill housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in his line can be had at moderate prices, Cheap for Cush, or Country Producetaken in exchange. Establishment South L'uft Cornrr of Market Square. XV Those knowing themselves indented to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN IIAUPT. Sunburv, April -1, 1H57 if FOR SALE OR RENT. FMI E large double frame house in the Dorough J"- of Norlliiimberlaud, belonging to the estate ol C. H. Kay, deceased. This is a very desirable residence, beautifully situated on the North I) ranch of the Susquehanna, with a large garden, Carriage House, Slublo &r., belonging to it. 1 erms moderate. Enquire of C. . Scales, Williamsport, or D. Urautigam, Est., Northum berland. March 27. 1RS8. MEW G00BS ! NEW GOODS ! rj" HE subscribers respectfully announce to thcii -- fi icni!s and the public in general that they have received at their Store, in Cppcr August township. Northumbciland county, Pa., at Kline's drove, their fiu in? nml Summer Gootlsj, and opened to the public a full assortment of Mcrch ndize, ic , consisting in part ol Cloths, l lack nnd fancv Cassuneres, ('hecks, Kentucky Joans, together with a general variety of Spring and Summer Coods, adapted lo all grades ll persons. RtiAtiT Maiie Clotiiixo very cheap. Ladies' Dress Goods, Summer Shawls, Giughatus Challi llelaius, Ducals, liohes A'0m. les, Calicoes, lilack Silks, Ac. Also, a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines, Groceries, Ac. A pew supply of Hardware, Queensware, Wooden ware, ie. A largo assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Cays Fish and Salt. And all goods usually kept in a country store. Our display is unsurpassed. The above named stock of goods will be sold at prices to suit the times far CASH nr in exchange for country pro duce at the market price. A np shall he happy to meet our friends and the palrons of our establishment, and sell them goods at such prices as cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. Thankful far past favors we hope by strict at tention to merit a continuance of the same. J. F. &. I. V. KLINE. Kline's Grove, Pa , May 15th, IftS. ,1, .)oza. k. i.i:t;i, ATTORNEY AT I.A.W, Ojjice in Macktt St., ipjinsite the Court House, EONBUIIY, PA. Collections made and Professional Business generally attended to Promptly and Carefully. Pun Aiitii iii a Rr.rr.nEci; : Uullilt .V Fairlhorne, Diehl Wer'z, Davis & Hirney, F. Tyloi & Co. Sunbury, June 50, lf57. Market Street, Sunbury Fa. flHK subscriber respectfully informs ihe cili A zena of Sunburv, and the public generally. that he has purchased, and will l ike possession in the above well known 1 land on the 1st of April next, formerly kept by Mrs. Thompson. That he will put the same in com; lcte lepair. In addition he will provide a conveyance to carry passengers to and from the dilierent liailrnad de pots, and will leave: no cll'-irts ittitpod to render itis hotel a desirable stopping place for eiie-Os and travelers. JOHN LL'ISElt, February CO. 1858. mm -'rit i n : Crtv la for r,.e.i. V..... ft. I ?"'' o!"' thtn any i,ih-r Cm -r ivsrte l. A U IK II I! Of ait t.D I Cr,,rr,t . ewii!! iui.t!a 1 In l.ri-.., Ii :g o.u vtir!- lclV rnVI. I iRvtr' '. v- 1 ' "-H m f. tm 1 bl. SiuipU, Eii.-ud J Hit'.t I .r,.- 01 Me,, fiii' So.Ui r IPn itip"'ei't In fi. i tt' in'tp- Cntmy trv lo .!r ri-. il.-e. i nn t'.tr.y nU ai'mrtsi ; btf '.. k- ntiilc mt iTnrtifll ii,n iMt xftttiineJ 4 my EVER. before. I need not say cheaper than my neigh bors; for that is no longer a disputed lact. I am now ready to deal out goods twenty hours out of twenty-four Sundais excepted at lower prices than nny poison dare ask lor. .lust call for any thing you want. I am deter mined to SlTri.Y ALL DEMANDS that may be made, reasonable or unreasonable. Call soon, as the rush is Tremendous. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Den 2G, 1857. ly net HE subscriber respectfully in'orms the cili L reus of Sunbury and the public generally that he has commenced the manufactuie ol al kinds af EARTHENWARE, at his manufactory in Whortleberry Strret, or, square east of the River. Ho has engined ih services of Mr. Ilinp. nnd you can therefor depend on having a good article, 'i he joib.i are respectfully invited to call. All orders from a ilistanco will bo prompt! attended to. T. M. SHINDEL. Sunburv, Feb. 2, I8.,r,.tf ll i. sit.. I.-1 i.. i,tr P rrtO.. g-. .....nOriir mr-riiun I fv ll in a. I ,. .,.(.:.., . I nl I' , t'mi tl,.- r.oi.-v i, I , b.' --fi.,. .- I l ! Ifn.' .1 I. I',,,. i. ..l ilii rlsl Ti..t.'.., La. d;"-r nt I' tif .t.siv. im, iim.1 l.v ell .r.. Ttie s iUn-i. ..n i.w . i p., r,.li.t 1. lnriri , - iai. and snnet isnriK. nr rc si, w 'u l.iim p.,!,.-, w. yi J lp n .r y o lit ( n- Tl. up-i ii , i. 1st,, .leu, h i.i I-. il ra'.' . i.l l.ush. I'll... i. ns l.i,,l , I, ul It lo dtUniirsl. m. lb. il.-a. ; I. i i, .nl.:.!. ( T.n. TBI" I r.ncir'. or sp.l--. o-t I...I..I r.ra'XiM i -nr.. si ., tl, si wlin hi, UI..1 uim u -nr.. s, ., tl, wlin r nn ntli.. I'sn.. l A LWKIIAL CISrC.l 'i LUDLOV st DISrc.CNT TO T1IK TSaDK. A LUDLOW CAN CO. at nine M-, A VALUABLE FARM A'f PRIVATE SALE. rill E subscriber will sell at private sale a A FARM, situate in Point tosuuj-fiip, Nor thumberland county, about 3 miles from the borough ol Northumberland, on the Danville road, adjoining lands of J. V, llorton, James Nesbit, Chas. Parks and the north branch of the rivet Susquehanna containing 75 lo 100 Acres, to suit purchasers. I he land Is in a good state of cultivation. The improvements consist of a Urge frame HOUSE, well finished) a Hnrinc House, Hunt over a never-tailing Spring close to Ihe house, a Uauk Barn and other outbuild ings. An Oichard with young and choice fiuit trees. '1 he above tract will be sold on reasonable terms and an indisputable title given. Posses sion given on the first day of April neit. For further particulars inquire of the subscri her, residing on the adjoining faim. JAMES NESBIT. Point tiwnship, January 3, HSU. tf VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Ol TKUF.Ii AT PRIVATE SALE, VI K subscriber oilers at private sale, a cer tain lot or piece ol land, situate 111 Lower Augusta township, Northumberland couulv, about 8 miles below Sunbury, bounded on the west by the river Susquehanna, on the south by land ol George Seller, on Ihe east by laud ol W m. Kroh, and on the north by land of in. R. Jones, containing fi Acres and 18 perches. allot which is cleared and in a very high state of cultivation. The Northern Central Kail Road passes through the tract, ' and is also bound on the east by the Main Road leading from Suubery to llairisburg, which together, willi the River upon the west, and the fertility of the soil makes it a very pleasant and desira ble situation. ALSO; another certain Tract of Land, situate in said township, adjoining lauds of William Kroh, on Ihe south, the heirs of Robert and Ar thur A uchinuty ; on the east Win. V. Silver wood, and a public road on the north, and Wm Ii. Jones on the west, containing UJ Acres 1. 1 perches strict measure. 4bout 60 acres of which aie cleared, and in a high state of cultivation and the residue most excellent land for cultiva tion, but is now covered with excellent timber. and if purchased soon, the purrhaser can get a large quantity of Railroad Ties on the same.' This tract is also well watered, having several fine springs upon it, and every field can bo wa tered thereby. An indisputable title will be given bud terms of sale reasonable. WILLIAM R.JONES. Lower Augusta tp., January 2, 1857. tf STORE. MISSLOCISA SHISSLER, respectfully in forma the citizens of Trevorlon and sur rounding county, lhat she has opened a new store of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor ton in Shsinokin street, nearly opposite K House's avcrn, where all kinds of llonnets and Fancy I i.- e , .e- ... Per. I?, 15ST. WIIOLFsALX AND niTAIL Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. HW.'iti and ll'iircr Streets, riill.ADKLrHIA, DEALERS nnd families will be promptly supplied al the lowest prices. October 4. IWfiG if OLD PENS willi ami without cases, of a very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of W riting Fluid, fur sale hy H. H. MASSER. Sunbury. Dee. 27. I .' FLOUR REDUCED TO !? 10 Tee ltnrrel. CltHE subscriber respectfully informs the cili J. zens of Sunbury and vicinity lhat he has just received a supply of FLOCK, which he is nil. ring at wholesale or retail from if 5 40, f G 37 to 0 87 J per Barrel. He also sells some as low as 70 ets. per quarter, all of which he WAR HANTS to be Good. CANDLES for sale, wholesale or retail. Thankful lor past patronage he hopes to coll. tiuue to mei it the same. GIVE 1IIM A CALL! M. C. GEAR HART. Market St., Sunbury, Pa. February 27, 1S58. LTNCASTER COLLIERY FOR SALE. Important (u t oal Operators!. 'IM! E undersigned Lessees of the "Lancasler Colliery," near Shamokin, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, wi-hing to retire from the business, oiler for sale the Lease and Fixtures of said Colliery, on tatisfactoiy lerms. This Colliery has been in operation since 1854, and has been successful beyond expectation. The Coal is a superior articles for all uses to w hich Anthracite is applied, and a good market has been established, which can be much extended. Th Breaker and Fixtures are of the very hest char acter and will recommend themselves to persons acquainted vwin me business. 'i he Lease runs to January 1, 1864, and is a favorable one for Ihe operator. For further information apply at the Colliery III jierson, or by letter to Shamokin, P. O., Nor thumberland county. Pennsylvania. COCHRAN, PEA LB & CO. February 6, 1858. tf Goods can lie had at the lowest terms. Dress making also atlended to in (ha manner and latest style. April 25, 1858. tf best A LMONDS, KAlsONS. FIGS, LEMONS. &e., Ac., just received a fresh supply and for aale at Ihe Confectionary store of M. C, GEARHART.. Sunbury, May , 8JT.- IDE-LM TISTBY (JKOIIGK KKNN, 4 NNOL'NCF.Sto the citizens of Sunbury and vicinty, that he has opened an ollice in Sun bury, above 11. J. Wolvertou's ollice opposite C We'aver'a Hotel, wiere he is prepared to attend lo all kind of work bsloucinc to the profession, in the latest and most improved sty lo.. All work well done and warranted. Docaaibcf 13, x. s. LO'iti:.( i; s NEW Paper. Printers' Card and Envelopo WAREHOUSE, .Vo. 10j CifMimeTfe Sticit, l'l.ilatlelphin. Cash buyers will liud it for their interest call. January If!, lS.'isi. fimos. Ma'aw-Culter. r PIIK subscriber has been appointed Agrnt L Messrs Gcddes Ot of Lcwisburg. the sale of their Straw, Hay A CVrn-Fodili i ' ' ter. This Cutter is the best in use. l ain, and olherare respectfully requested to call r examine for t'.ivmsi lies. Sunburv December 2C P. B. MASSER IS 5 7. tf SOIll I, II. OHIVKi, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on South Stond, near Murkit Sli LE WISBl'RG, PA. Practices in the Counties of I'liion, N'ori! belaud nml Moniour. All Piioi'KssiiiNal entrustci Ips care n ill leceive prompt and fa thl'ul a' lion. October 3. 1857. ly white house hotel. roTTsVILLE, PA. 'FMIE subscriber respectfully announces tr old friends nnd llie public, that he has t lhat old and well known establishment, the White '.Horse Hotel. At the comer of Centre nnd Mahantogn st the Borough of Pollsville. The house ha cenlly been ve:y much enlarged and olhe improved, rendering it quite as coinlorlal outer Hotel in Schuylkill couulv an any the slablea arc large, in good coi dition tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. J o travellers ami olliers who may stop house, he promises every nttonlion calcula render them comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FF.G1 April 5, 185- if srii ri'iai . iititi i:v. CIIF.AI' W.VIVHIIS AL) J-i:i.HV TTritOLF.SAI.K AND Kl. I'AII.. at llie I'l ila ll Walelii'S anil Jew eat Mole" .vi. Il'lti.l .' NortliSeeoiiitStieel. Comer t, Ijii.n i v , I'liil. li !t li fi .M la;ver Watelies, fail J It-il, la caret eas.i. li.'ld Li'tane, s eaiel. Silver Level, lull jewelled, r!ivi-r l,ll,e. jewelf, niien if i(uiolit iii, II ilil ";"Vlael,-s, Tine s.Ker ilo , (V'lil Hi'ileelels, l-vily's fii.t.l reneils, Silver Tea sje., s. set, (jolil I'ens, unll I'ellel! anil Silver linl.ler, I ii.l, I l-'iiieer li lii: -IT, els Li .-0,'i fm: 1'Jl els , p llenl sj, I .a ni 'J.i ' olhel nnie'es in i All EiMkls wanaiiled lo lie w l.til tliev- me ...lit lor SI'AI l-'KHIt A 11 Ai I'sT" fin liaail Si. me Onl.l anil Silver Leiers ui sull lower limn llie above prices I'SllaOelpliu, Del In, 1-47 lyMV rarmi'iM l.woli to Ytiiif I"t' milE sudserilK-r HspecHully i'.lorins -- rners and the public geueiallv, lhat leased the lime kilns of I'l '1' Clement bury, and that he has .is on ham ready to supply a good quality uf lime U may want for building or farming purpos tlehaa also a kiln at Kecli-r's eiossinj from Sunbury, nr two from Snvdertown. TV All kinds of Country Pioduce I exebang. GEO. f-T Suubury, Dec. S3, 1857