Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 24, 1858, Image 2

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limine V I. . hk l i:ini i l iiol i:.
C A 1 ! L
OiTeiul necmt'it rf (lit rl.'i'i..v Arrirr.l tf
i.'ie Xiiir,ura Later ;ijm iV,'.na irm Jas-
v ', ' ' I r V ,' . - ,
?ATuTDAY, JULY 3, 1S53.
IT. B. LT.AS3EI?, Editor nnd Proprietor.
The steai'i-lnp Ninth star arrived t,t New
Yoik Yesterday, with dates In I in1 7t'i inst.
Tin! rtcsimship As:.!, from iicw iei, has.
uriiVO'l on' .' .-ritrnsris--T ir i-ir,u!.'lort df the SiitiSury
" The! Mlliniii' Ti leeruph cable pal tod l.llP'ut ' A'"'"" .:: 'eg tlic .i.Tr.-.t towns en Hie eiirniieha.iiia
n tiioiu cml riilt S from the Irih tvasl. The " ' -X'-tM ifsa.iallrtl by any paper,..,?,l in North
ii.ig.ini nnd Gmgon arrivi-d Uns-k on ilip Mb , "n '-ii'itvrvatim.
iu:i , i' !'" I ' . : -it
A WArriin kill in ox the railroad.
'J im afternoon train on t'uo Not thorn Cen.
tral road coming from liultimrrp, en Tuesday
lust, run over the watchman, about, four milus
below this place. The ntifortmiato itirtn wns
most probably sitting on tho ruil o.-li'f, or,
03 s.min assert, was lying across tho track, n
tin! train camo raj. idly around tlm curve .
The Fngincr iiniiielialily whiMled" down
h'ukes, as soon ns lie difctiti rt d l.ini, but Iho
whole train passed over bib body, cutting off
bo'.lt legs above the km i s, mid one ui in, be
fore lli.i tr.iin could he Mopped. Tlie tiumu
of ll o tii - :ii d v-..s Andrew I .ntui'.iati, mi
lri.-lniiMi living wilii 1 . is family in a shunty
In low Wilvortuh's. Hi.' cun'i ljini i! an lmiir
u vious of being sleepy
tyTnii llurrifiburg Ttltgrnph contain!
lite following in rrgard to tlio practice of can
Tossing or, electioneering, us it is mors gen
erally CHlli'd. We agree with tbe 'JYIeirnjih'
llu.t if fih li n rule a. gtni'rnl, (tint Wf tditiuli)
Lavo oor iHivi'R filled with In tier men. Mn
ilcsl mi ti, ol vol ill, tni,lit llii'ii Maud, ut
least tin ivi-n ilianeu villi pii'iiti'iil braw
ler, Vibu have CjUaiilieutiultj ti) le
t'uaiiiit ml :
i-'i:.sii'i E. Anion;-tlio r!i.hi iK na passed
by the Republican Cuiivciiliuii in Aniiliong
A jiimeninon nnd Vuloron Imp not nrrived ;
t u the Till intt. '1 ho news of the. failure, j
luii-ed universal ret ret in Liverpool. 'I'lio i
Oiiee nl'i heref hi' J tub n lareil''. i
I'.ociTitvT Ftst'c TTcmira'ior.a.
Ti! Ji i ei:or tiii: tn i;i-mi- rot i;T,
Jl .. roittrtt. I'tillniiiieliin.
H n C AN.'.I. C.iV.MIsPitiM'.l;,
i v rin'vr. iniiie r.ntity.
M'. A ht iiM' bi Market titreot
cninpai.j in ibis plaio, le(:etiier nillt Coruner
j l'.i er, iitimedialely lot.U tliare of l!. buily.
I 'I'he venliet of the Coroner'!! Jary waa in uc
I coiibtlivo Willi the aliavu fai ls.
:.t I'.iJ of.!.'
t,';. Ari'e'.r'i) .Sell' S'ttlii g fat:S or dais
d H e Old l r..i:.;.u I'cfTee pot, for falo ut
Th'f v.-11 1,
i.i--i '-,er.J of the county tin'
i:i ; in tl.r Stale IImi?e. Ac
the 'io el to keep out iill,.
who of-.en li..iifc' about publi?
; ::nrs. Cel. 1'eilin. nnd Cel.
!!i !h 1', i.te, ned 1! Kn-li l'rttikin.
!:(., of len-k Haven, are opposition con-grefo.-.el
K. v. Thoma? r.owinen. I'. P., pi.-ter
of the Lew ii-hnig M . E, C'huu h. hi.s 1 ei ll
U!iii:iiiiiolisiy ei.clid l'refiileiit t.fll.e Ititbntia
Asbary l'i:iver-ily, imd profefdor of Mtutul
oiul moral I'hilef oiliy.
tl'J,' I'r. Wiieox, of Llmiiii, coitniiitted fui
cide by taking prus-ie m id on Friday last.
Tlio ca'ife tisjigned for the rash net was a
Eurgirul orevalioii uiil'avoiable in its lenuilB.
of the breaking of iho tiles; ru( li cab
Thb Ari.Axno 1'ir'i: At mm or the
Um'i.i i"i:'-x.
fra tt.e Pvi". -in cir.'Si.''f t'.t
A'lhonuh ilher I'.ivoimt.-; of ti.!-". it is t.. l o
V.oped teieporaiy. mi:-liai hive
re ie!o d vou via thir-. the f.d!;viiij ri.ior',
.v!r,'h appears in ft Feeel.i! Ctiit'i'lt ol the Cells i - - -"i;.'poit'-r
of yetlitih.y. may i. t be v.itl.out; C".." 'i'h. t
lull rest : j r-nvlos-in-: ih
I no Magar.i nu.i vorr.n. r.u i -: . o -.1 to
tl:i f tjuaili'..'ii it the Lijitt;.' of the Tr:lti:it
l.tulic cal le, arrived iu i.'ueetif ten v at a') ear
ly he'ir thi.-i laoruii'i;. e rotrrel bavir.g lo
t'.:t.; '! :.. the . ''ot c.f the i xjvVi.ticu
1 ,i? fur t il .' p. l .i'.ed, n ml v. e hi,.',! low
pivo iiur rij.lers be.e'i partii-tibiM of the
tv. nl.' whieii tH'i-nrri'd in the f-inue of thu
o.mlet tekil j; at a have been able t ) t olleet.
Tli Aistuii -t.-iiDi: oi-d triiiler llie Vi.ler
o'.u, miil t iie . ;:igaru nr.! I-,. r t-tekr llu- Cor
gntt, palled li,-:ii I'iytnoal It on the loth of
'a ne i ei?b of the f-.t Vi.-.-.U cs.t r 't g
nbont ITiOU n ile? rf cable, witli r. new an.'l iai
proved arpiraum fur pt.jing il out. wliiih it
v.'.u caiCihiled would have allowed fur any
tram or uneip:al motion of the ship?, as the
very f et .1 ot the vep?el9 regu'iited by im
t.i'.iiarie. una! ii-.ent. the r..te nt wLieli the
cod w.ia la be discharged. A tier having
been ll'.roa day r.t f.-u. thf f'Xj'irdi.ioii was
owl taken by a fearful Hide. hi:h continued
wiiho'.;t interi:.ivsiri!i for nine. days. "On tin!
tevi iit'i day oi this heavy weather tho thips,
whicli rotil r.'ied to k-ep tpgetber, had to
pait coirp.iny, and the Aiianieni:'."!! wa? o'oli
ce.l ta semi tit-fore the wiiel f'.ir Iionrq her
teals got lulri.t and a roil of the cablo fhilled i rT'i-sted by budding, uie.l l. .my, who ruled
to tin.; her captain I. r some i ii'.ettaiued ' to graft the piar in ihj fpiii:g, it ti :l t a this
serious ni piein lisions for Lit safety, and subctitiiie.
I rem the innienre tlniin her w.ileins wire i .
fo.ce.l open, tir.d one of her pints wahroivi n. CaVi-k a.nd Kiti-.i't. C' iscs of ivn-
1 wo ol Ir.T tail, is tvt'i'o feretely itijtirvd, and
t1!!-? ol t!;e tn:i:;n 'R Inl hi rencen IVumi l. ri hL
Vet sie'i :, Hi,. r..!ni.i.t.. -lili .-.-..-..I ... . 1 rr" ol green ltn:.9
m.i!!..b;; and inticpidilv ef her Ceiniiiar.der, -- -
Capt. I'tid.ll.!. that he w:.9 nabletl to bring i "'; 'atioxau. '1 ue n.-M regular met
nei SO t:i) tippuM-teii I.,t. u. g. ; 11 g ol lee .-ialo I eacli' is Association will
'2. inin., Ion. o3deg. IS min. 'i he Niagara nuit at e-'cianton, Lr.zerno county, coinineii.
TO;ie out ine. f'.pi ui galianliy. having only car- , c,
ried away tier jibhontn and one w ing of the li- I
gurenentl, the groat Aniei.cjii raIe.
"All the vo5. 1? having crriv, d ot tin ir
central point if junction, the tirst f.lice of
Calua was r.iae.e on the loth, A'ter l:avi:ii; i
paid out two and a half miles rnch, onintr to j G. Swan if connected with the rnterpi i;;o.
i.n accident on board tlio Niagara, tho cable
jiaitetl. 1'iie thips Imvii-g iigaiu nit, the! O lU:i'.ur.iMi tin: l'.o.n.a. We obrrrvo was me.ile gnod, tind they couiineiKed ' that 'Win. Ilaovor. one of the t.f
ijgixeo u uecaiiie a fecoii nime; out ui- , ,0 lU,tnnu U 0,!!ri,,,..,i j ret airina tl
ler tin y Had eaeli panl out lerly niu.-s It wns ,
renorled that the ciinent was broken, and no I ,0'11'
coininunieul.eti coubl be nuuie between t!ie I Wo observe fome boles in the'iiiiu nt
' hips. L'tifott inately, it; this instance, thu ubove the tteain faw mill, arid f nine c;u ins in
breakage mut have i ccurred at the lie! turn ns ! c tt, .1,,,,., ,, :t o..,, ..,,,:,, t...ii.
! C-i!-' CiiANoi. or I nn:. 'I he run.. !ng of iho
! mcoinniodation train, between thit place nn.l'i:l, wdl Iu- ch.iM'.cil on and n ft it
j Monday next. The train will leave Sunl.uiy
j nt (il in the ti'oiiiing irnl tctuin from Wib
: liaiiisport. at H in tlu evininj'. This wi'.l be
j a n n ut it. ' ion I o ti ai elers of lie' dif-
fen i.t towns ihiii'.r ill.' r. '.ile, wli.i can go !o
! Willi. iii'..-port and i.iteraie J, i'..-
turn I no same nay.
A change v. i',l also be niade in the nut ing
lime of'.'.e Niig i:u Lxpi.-fs train whieii will
h-av.! l; iiiiiiiore nt 1 i'O I'. M., iio-lead of
,"i lid, and sriive i.t 1 1.1 'J at night in.-ltad ol
1 1 'J.'i us her l- feie. and arrive In le from 1.1
mi. u at 11 ti.-' A. M-, instead of li) -1).
'i he pieer iiiraneetiieiit of trail,? on a u-w
route is luces ; ir 1 1 v utt. tiikd with -nine, dif
ficulty. Mr. Adtvon, the Stipe: intendent,
has be r, nel:velv engng. d in car: vu g out I
county, thu lullowiug ttiikrB us us being tbu
limit m'UmLIo :
"fijui'ii, That neither canili.'ntr ftr tiomi
nalioii, llnir fiieiuls, are lo lo nUawrd IJ
raiiMiHK the ruiinlv ami all viulating Lie rule tu
I ke agents tf the j foilut claim lo nomination.
This fhoubl In- iiiv.iri.d !y ndopteit, ns it is
Iho only means of pbtciiis good, fniind. h iisi
ble i, le I maiilierly citizens on ciplal looting
with Unit class of en lomplili'.e, crnig mg, iy
coph iinic ollicc-lnvgars. who infest nil par
lies, whose oidv is tln.'ir cu-
j puliilily fer boiing ihrniiielvi-n or their IV nds
inin i.r.icc.
i tV IM:, in or (ji:n. (inisLtx. (1 neral
i loiilioi.a tl .til lit his residence near Natchez.
I on'in'.ay morning, of the difeiise at the
I Niitpmal II 'lei Wii hing- lie was bom in
I ftiite of N' w Yi rk, but when (piito a youth
, euiir,;tcd I o M ifsif sit oi. and Was a lb-pro.
s illative in ss at the tin e i f his H.
hi the war wilii Mexico h vi l.i'.tei ri d mid
terved iiili;:ni.-hed u'.iility. L! is death
Will be universally reglet'.eil.
II.: s i.n lai-l fl.f p. In linn I'eiiLtl ! hit lutt br.lilf,
Nor ain.1 cu. i uim.Ui linn tj g! nj f:ain.
thifc new an any nu iits. 'I !
e company with
Li i-'.'i.x.:. This is the p.-iind for "l-ud-
g'' fruit ti i 03 Al'ler this n.onlli it will
too let?. The cl.orrv, cspeciallv. is cusilv
f.ii'.hl't.l nnd triit win thy employees, is Ut-ing
every i Il.irt to render the Nortln-rr. Central
one nf (he mest al t ri.c : ive and t oniforlul.h'
lines cf traiel in the lininii, which, with the
beautiful scenery am! nalar.d ailvi.nlnges i.l
ill" route, they call readily aecoin plish.
Tin! ot'ir eoiT'-ciieiis will npp:'.ir iu the
pub i-h.-d fC' itb-le next v.nk.
t7," Tun following is n synopsis of the re-
f'J (i'.-tierul llase, tf tho fjlh
Livi i.'n, has nppoit.lid ns bis nids, IL S.
S-iiiiiiigtoii, .Surgeon of Livision, ranis of
l.i. iiti iianf Coletiel ; Win. A. I lean, as did,
w ith i he lank of Mnjer, both of M on I our coun
ty ; Ceorge 11 i'seoplu;;li, as aid, with the rank
of Majer, of L'liion county ; .lames Vandyke, ! K'
.Inn. W. 1 1 iifi'iiiii'.i, as aids, Willi li e r.m'.s of I
Major; Win. 1 . Marl;:, l.vii-ii ii IiispitUT,
wilii the rank of Liruiet-i.tit Coleuel ; Joiuii
TuiRiuLE Ait inr rs r ,M lnr Knlt nAIL
U KWiil ti,i fri,j trt,l,
A droiidfnl iifridetil ortnrred, nn (he Ifilh
lnM , lo Ihe .,re Irnln which leave der.
Piy City nl f V. M. The train firrive. with,
il f,x miles lvist f l,,r .lervis. when the
laM t wo cars m m thnm-n frnm tho tiat k by
n bn.ken rail preeipitatinir thnn tbiwn nn i:m
linnliineiit some thiily i.r fntty f.'i-t.
The train was iuill.oilint. lv (nut to Tort
Jervis f,.r mi diciil ai.l, nn. I in t. course r,f
on hour bitir meibenl men from thut place
wcro oo the ground.
P.ArrrrnnT TisroAft Wo find In cno of
onr nL'ririillnial pjcchnnpes the folbiwing rp.
ripo for making this article, now beroTning
fa popular in our couimnnity: "Tour one
quart of vinecnr on two pounds of fresh rnsp.
berries, and let it stand twenty-four hour.
Then i-l rain Ihem through a hair sieve with,
out bteaking the fruit put the liquor on I wo
pounds more fruit, nnd, after strumitis it in
l he siimu milliner, add lo each pint of juice
hail il pound of leaf sntiar ; put it in tl Mono
vessel, nnd let it stor.d in boiline water until
the sugar is dis-solvrd ; when cold take off
the scum, ami bottle it." A table spoonful
of the vinegar nddt dlnn common tumbler
full of water lonki s an exceedingly pleasant
nnd palatuble beverage.
(.Meanings (fiutci'ml ant) idcU-ctcti.
TnASM'AisF.sT Oi rriT. That of the young
lady who, when nsl.i-d whether sh v.oih
(ki letoti nkiits, said s'ne wote "notion' else "
11i:.Mi:t irs I'.ni.Ns. ( hatcoal h .s been
discevered to In' a cute f r burns. I!y laying
a piece of c. hl chaieo; ! upon tho burn, the
pniii subsides luimo.liately. 1'y leaving thj
charcoal i n one. hour thu wound is honied.
DisTmniTioN op CLEiirisiiirn at AVafiiino
T(n 'I lieru in o ii.'l cleiks in the departments
nl WHshiiigtiin, from Maine, with un agiirn
gatu ciiuipetisutioii of $3:1. '.Mill 1 from New
llainpi.liiie, 17clork, with t'JT.blMI coinpen
faliou j fnmi 'i rinont, fi clerks, compi'iif a
lion, C;'-T 'J I') ; from KIioiIh, clerks 3.
cuiupi'iisatinn, tj.'i'ilOi from Cunnei to ut,
rliiks IS, coinpeiisation, fct7,'.!00 ; lolul from
New Knglaiiil, clerks, fc' 1 j compensation,
?; 127,4 10. These, however, numerous us they
fa-em to be, inuku but n Mini'd ahow aloiigsnle
of tho States bordering on iho cupitol.
l'ennsjlvaniu eemls 100 clerks, whoe egnre
gatu l oiiipi ii.jalinn is fel -lli,t0,"i ; Maryland
huh bit eh 1 Its, win. se coinpi'liMilinti is Si 18.'
"16'); Virginia 1 17 cleiks, with an nggregute
compensation ol 5-1 CG.fciiO, while thu llislrnt
ol Cobimleii bioins up Willi lid'i clerks, who
receive .pj.-.ii:, . sides 4i! lemponny clei k
and u ligiDu of copyists, extra. In ail 1X20.
A I ron tiik Si r.l,r.s.s0N of Dlf.i.i.
inc. Iho icknbuig Whig proposes a new
plan Tor the siippt.-sFi,r f (b.lit,g. which
If It obtains, w ill now, hereafter nnd forever
put un end lo the burning r.f .Minnnw,l,.r 1,.,.
Iween gentlemen at ten paces. The arrange.
nieiii proposes Unit, wben n ilifTiculiv orctns
between two gi litli'men. the nialter'shall be
referred lo n ei.uit of honor, who slndl settle
it. or decide whether it i necessary to ftT
not. In case of the court ibciiliii in favor
.L.-'t! li'S'TA1"".' .""-J.u.""..l. 1,1
IIol.t.nWAY'sf 'I'" most thorough nnd
nneomproiiiisi.!,ir! unliilnli s In the. oi 1 n of
ilisense i'"'il the woild bus ever pi en, 11,, i,t
llin si"'"" lime the in bl.'.-t ntm 1,.,, vo lent 111
tln.j f opera! ions. Ilei c Ih.-e ire pic buily
,iplt il In the coinpbiinls ( I i', males. The:r
t-lte i.iutive n i-sii.ti is pt ifoied williout pain or
nnv ti
nibie disltirb.:ce if the
fy b
slrucli.'""" nn' generally renioveil, nregiibiri.
tii sum mp' rceptibly lestrniiied, funelienul
deriingemei. '" of Hie most deben le nalnre urn
readily cot, in ''"' b ft health nnd vigir
me reslnred to llie female invalid by thr nte
of th s invultiable ti.'edicine, wiihont nii.jec
ting her any of the i',nenliveiiienei'S m il 1I1 n.
pors which ini-vitablv n tlend the "shurp .:f.
lice" i f the regular f.iftlVty in such cin
T ut Wiiler, us combin ed with nil ern'mpli s
bv lr. Wislar ill his ci le binted lltiham cf
II ilil Citn j, bus a pec. liar, power over nil
tliseni'i-s of tin-lungs. Many physicians nsn
in their practice, and genered'y with u iuk-d
lor salo,
A. .l'i-l,vSc
I lavs A Ml
ltr. IL 1!. Mr. ?
d.ihti F. CnshS
(tiiit.l. Punbory
Tun Cash f-vsirM. The newspaper pub-
isln is of l.i
;li have all toie;.ti .1 1 1; cash
j tys'.ein, 11 ml hereafter will i.ot luMiish their
I pu.eis puunu.t in iti'.vat.ce,
I I'i.i't Chop. A scarcity of fruit is nppre-
.1.: Ti . , IV.. il IV.....
j II" II.U U 11,13 El ll-l II. I II l.ll,. .11..,, ,. Utl.
ii'tlded ibis Eeafoil. The
me cause, is l.illiiig I101.1
liiu tri es.
M any cue s 1 nteiy, in its most fcVi re
form, buie lieer, 1 uied by the 1 d'liiiibtnitii.n
III' I ' 1 Y.llt'd I ! it 1 ivli 1 1.1 l,..l..r . M ...
01 a liglii, llie parties lo l.e compelled to lire bus 1,1,.! nil ili-e is.-s of lite ImweL are reliev
till one is killed, and lin n tho other lo be 1 oil 1, hol t time, hv a few i!rn:.s of Iiiwt.,.
....1 1 1 r. ... ' - I -
inn siL-u uuu niiny iur runnier. f
To M akf. Cow Oivr I)ows rnnjri ,n,.p,
(j'VO them a taste of salt. Mr. Leonard
(jilh'tt. of Norlh Coh'bi'o ik, Mass.. has prac
ticed (his for fifteen yi:.-, nnd has never
known It to fail. Tin. anim,, sl,i,n,l I,, .'Kept
u bll'ie hungiy f ' r fait, so that the 1 leastiie
orgetlieg ..11110 takes oil lnr uttetitiitl from
til lit r thinks'.
i Ji7.
AnrsT r..K lie Vtr.- n.ivtj'r On l'ri'nu. A
'.r .ni. A W I ' lir I!. It .Mm i.v, O. 11k, II. II
Mail-, lilt Hi ! t r-st I Al :li!l.
jr.'ith lite V.'.w niul li.Hv.
Ocgrapljic )cto5.
S .1 .net! II I. lit II v ! I..- i .1.1
v .i w.:; , jt. , i I'ltATT , I lli ji i;
' Hi I' ,1 .1 11 .: it..-111-fn ;i . ee u
''. 1 "I Alii 1 . '1. 1. n; ..i-:i.i! .1 -..i. f t.
... I
. 1 r
A 'If. V
,I'!T.I'!1 OS A WoMAN STHl'I K I V l.t-'i 111 NISF,.
Hie llie.) of thur.liir Stilt I'folll HcUVtU
lu 1777.'J, as aid, with the rank of Major. ' , 1 . ;i" " -) ,v' '.rnl w" n ":.w
iiiilitnry mi 11 ,tli, tasi,, oud,' it is etati d,' could
I readily he bought at V) cents, tiltlio'igh the
j 1 l.u-e is c.niiectod directly by railroad with
Lynchburg aiid ILchinond.
1 I.:- I '
The (icm ml has bclctleJ old
b r his staff.
1 i..:n ihi l!.. li;r.. at! l?.-ieli, P'-'.li nut
terv r 11.
chibi n
i-.J of -
l"i, (UglUllti
in IL
j pelt of the emu. ith e appointed by the list j
j li gi.'latnre, lo investigate the affairs of fon.0 j
I oi some oflhi! new Imtiks. In tei.i.i b) the
I ith.inio'hiii I'.ink. i! will be s, en that no l.hitne
! is n!taih..l to the i'rc.-iiiei.t and hoisie three-
iili-.m, wh'j have ticted in
I tors of this itti
! good faith :
the loth of August.
I rJ5" I e fli'.-t emigrant ship f i riv. r
is till v ri Ied to sail from Iio'ton on tl e IMS,
. of August. It is the Yiscigis. Mr.
thu eh
which their fctisitivi! li'f I runietil 3 ullow them j
to mi.
v.c n.
to thclarj S'ii ii to 1 ave
adore tll't VeSSe.S C.lilni
nii i! c-ist oil lliio Ii :-s.
if! tiire ni..l rei ,-tted the
al.hi f '.: the 'Mh. Tl" y
anil the Niagara having
Li eu the f tot 1 vt 11 !
t.'gclher r.,.u:ti. II
t 'ley met lnr the thi
cr.iiiu ction of tin; c
tlicu Stat to 1 a!', e-h
pi.ij i.a! ever l.i.l mi.ts of cable, nil on boatil
1 L.I.-1 1..: 1. ing t hi no. st sanguine tin I ici pat ions !
of sic't ss, when t'.i.' fatal uii'.iiiuiiceiiieut was j
wide npoii To'sd.iy. the L't'lh, nt t I'. M , '
t.ut lli" flivlnc i-iil relit had cca:-' d to flow, j
As the ;..-ii :: .tV if III 'a lid ell i I! g thi pn jelT i
br the I re.-i i t was: now only too inanile-t, it I
V as coiimJi 1 "d lint iho 01 oe: tuni! v Ini"!,! '
0; well be availed of the li si ti.e Mr. ngili 1 f '' p-Hcri'S, JJc.
t'iccal'! '. AcL'oi'dii'CiV, 1 1 1 i .-, iii.tin-iire Vts.-el, ! matter.
M ilh all h' r sit-' i' s, iiv, w .is nib a. 1! to sw ing
t the cul !-, and in. mldiium, 11 strain ol l.iur
ton, w is pi d up. .11 Hi.: bralsvii. yt'ljulthougl)
it w as blotting fresh ut the time, the cablo
held I..T a? if she haU I', i n i.t anchor for over
an hoar, when a luuvy pilch t.fll.e tea simp.
1 i-.l the rep", and the Niagara bole uway I. r
this pin t. IJ-'i't-i'tS stal ling tin arrangi'iiu nl inatie that si. '':'.d M.v tieciileiit I t ear in
1 lis' Nkw l'osr ii 1 11 e A new Tost Of
i lice has belli established nt llickory-tnwii,
; I.Mir Mahaiioy township, in 1 his county, and
j l'Jias Weist appointed I'ost Master. An of.
Ceo '.viis much needed there, nnd Mr. Went
I will m ike an rxivlient oRieer.
c I
I-'..te the ships
eg phice ii. miii
Ollld 1
an ; I
ill- s! .. iild nave
any casualty shi.ul.l
ll.uke for I'lleetistnW n.
; . at J
n-i,i:.i to t;.i
bi.t in
been e.'.e, . tin! I 1
lnr p. 'i. tl'.ey
I . 1 a.'C ui r.i.'
Niaaia, hat
n.:!:.r.i, i,t-
II. ) ll'-l',..!'d W,
A ' . . - II ... I!
V-I: 'ell IT.'Vj
t it I.e.", sl-o n'.isicd tu,
tii 1.:' her.
"Ad the A
c'lt'iiougii I., r tl.
X.t'.s tt.oie, it is. c.ii.;iit..i. d I but she n.igbt ; It.invi'.'.t
1101. 11 r.! 11,-1: v.-fen tin. in r-.'.vge'i ipian'.:ty ol
cjil at the tiini- t-f its iu.luie, und may bae'ieuiiv n turned to iheir 1 oi in. 1 1-
s. ion. 11
'W.lii t'.i.s 11 :e.lei lui.ii.i.g, the 1
i g 1 I.:.!'.- Ili'i inilis I'eb id ti.e 1
1 ed lo this pi it. I'pon lo r j
V Hie tii'.i-t l, ave passe J the
I. nt o!!il' t ) the b.avv b'L'S
'..-.! '.'. t'the gi' r Iioliii.Ii of 1 shell dis'.at'.ce below .tiliainokiii dam. Nothing
ol M.yder coontv.
The bodies of
j were tilsi) fu'Jild hi
union Las not Jt-t 01 lived, j
Sllt,.l'...ll Hiii
ecl'.d tow .11 :!s j tT
' ct-nce.
lllg,'ii will uuav.ii.l.iiily p.,-. I r.u't ll wn.ili i.inst t.ices--.ii I .-il. :.s.
she be t'p. Ui-ii v.i'.b, nothing I'eUni.e Can l.e : ,
learned us to t '...- occ.i.-i-.n 1 1' th.s iluarli r. I"
The t.vo ., tie 1 put eU'cli :ei ins. I'r. f!.mly I 1
ulnl Mr. l.uwes, on bond ihe Ni.ig-.ra, are jp
lucl.ued lo lie.ievo llut toe uecnient occuiiid ! (,2.ce t,f ibe M,,ntour 1
on lioaril toe Ag.'iiie.innoii, v.t.i -l:, a, 11 wo'..,.!
o..!y implicate a faulty in lat jemei.t of f jaie j A 1'im: I Ioksk S hi 1 ill' V andyke, who
tu u.,- uppaivris, w. ui.i ti .i ieuvU ""I'1' eXci est? . .vt-ellent taste ,
tl... 1; lii.i .1.1 cneees it I if. lie. Or1! I:, uli.'i I .
icciirtid ut 1 I't 'io 10 inai 1. oi -ui, tne in rse,, if li
Ike boltom, i'3 c!
t.c iir.0-1 1.
cotis.'i I thu N nij
cei d lo li- r i f
To the Tioga Co. Lank the subscriptions'
1 j umounicii lo too.: snaies . 1011.1 01 itie.-n lout
lie. -It sii'.iserioeil, and llie lir.-t iin-tiiiiaent p.iln
la il Siigle thiy l.y Celt. in Lnllal.) lil.llliciel s.
of whom Wells ll. Wal.ilii.ilge, l-.if llllllsill
I and vai ions leiiiales, look (i-in shales, lid.
! ward L. Thayer, of iiull do, "Jijil, 1111J .1.
; I'liitet I'l.iwley, 11, e reinaui'.i g U'ul. Thayer j
I belongs to 11 nisi i f lillaili iers t I th it name
j III 1 ! 11 11 .1 i 11, I'lu' t-f w I. ..ill Opel 1 d Ihe bank, anil
at once entered discounts lo liie aim. tint ol .
i t,',').") all to liull'.ilii partu s. II. 1 .Slu rs 1
. of liutlalo, who was elected teller of Ihe liana
, says Unil upon taking eh irgo ofil lliere wn: 1
in repairing the 11 ileliclt id s-O.dtil. I liJ ili.sceitiitl now 1
Lunongh limits I omoiilit to feb'J.dlili :. marly all of which;
lias lieen tu Hulialo parlies. 1 no Ihiyers
nnd Wulbridges lignre l ilher lis lir.i'.ieis or ;
endorsers in nearly utl the subscription notes '
Immediately discounted. The fame parties
uppear to have been the operators Ki the utic j
hauls of I'm '.p ) finiul'i. To this coucsi n
l.'iitl, shares of Mock wens s'al scrii.ed, ol
which I'Jldwere by tin; Lnllalu gang, nnd:
the lest by J. I'oilir 11 raw ley, us one of ihe
same parly evocpl about I'.u ty-foi:r shures. 1
Th.s siilisciiptioh was paid in Tlogu Comity ', living chielly the t-'hl-'io dlscocnted as
organ. z.ilu n of that c .i.cei ii, except ul '-ut
coil!.) j.,nd ill specie. The hank has u Circu- '
Lit inn ul ii". l,0.i. iigiiin-.l .-. 'J.'.'.ej M in gold i
and siiver, and lis iln-ceunl reach c'l- '-'.'Li-.''J.
ol :;t',l! --Oil I as bet ii I 1 pailn s out
i t til" -"-late. i he leo, r 1 lutes li.-t he tu d
the 1'ieslJeiit oiiicrcd at tin' same Im.e the
engraving of the pi i'.cs for bu'.h ihis und the '
I 1 loga t oiitny 1. ui, is.
I '1 l.e ThiiM is ugain i'gnre us the parties
taking the slock of the liew Shiirukin .'( .V.
if wliicil tho whole tubscriplmi) was lb ill
shales, while they and I he.r ussuciat , s tools
LVgH shales. Cne of the 'I'l'.aiers Sellii.'.'i for
all the slocii fuliscubiil liy p.i.-ons not
ding in .Sliainokiii, und pan! no money except
s-7oo(J in gobl and m nntes o! lin.
I l'.e;il till. I (. lawi. ini county lianas. inimeOI
Itely Dpoll llie nl gulnaln u ol ihe bank, the
boohs show that 1.1 1 1. if dl-coiiiits
were gr.iuti d lo .). Jackson, of Nut Vol's
city, and I rnleiLill .V Lockhait, tbAXdl
being 111 one Hem tu .1 .11 ksoli. The eii loi si rs
. , 1 ,,. .,. . , ,. , w a ..i.l 1,.. , 1 ., ,. ' nl I lies.! notes lire. ,1 . tt . l ln:i 1 ilil u ill ii. ii.
All lllliiletit wtib I.clu l the cori'lu 1 i ,. , , ,, , . ,
1 1 ' L udi rhill, while iho tidier i t the bank i
lioliiit L ndi 'I he ii
lo Hi", ilud the tush I.) t'.lli' t'.'i. Ti.e
c.iShltT, 1'aM.I A. L.di.nson, bifiiieiiy of
liiiO.ibi, t. lams ihul the money 11 ii 111 as
cti 11..1 stock ol the bank, Was ili.-ci.unl.u tJ
I in- pal ties liameil, and I he I et.-s A el 0 lclt us
llie Ci pilcl id lli" Lank. J. d ickson, who
ligurcs cs u principal operator in tills bunk,
ali.giil hiinsi-lf Hi bet,, fih ;S I l',-H ll. which,
0:1 11. . stigalioii, I'lriiS out lo be inoon.-Lii.e.
J. II. li d.iiisoii 2i uiioihi r ol tlio uewoik.
els in this liis'iiliitii n, iii.d apjieais ns the
I arty tu who 1:1 the OisCuuiituU io.OljiJ Was
Ir.iu.l'el l ed I II t lit i'k.
! About t-'Jinm of the bills of the H!ia.ii'.ki:i
Lank were obtained from It b llubinsoli, and
ii.-ed to p'ay the List iii-laloient of u s..b
1 ipliuii of atoik by h 1111 lo tie .lYAi
. C'luui.j .'(in.. How lliis money was procur
; cd iloib not upptar, but it was lict by il:s
I count, us it was to ho relumed to the bunk.
. Among tl.u pus. n aclu.i: wall tho Tlta(.
good j idgiei iil ieisund beloi-ging lo li,u L illab) parly in all
lliesi! banks, Weie W. Meech. several na.ntd
lll.l.Ms. ,
.'. Own Jiv.-ii'i oth'f l'i'j'.l. !
A private letter from C i. Slep'oe, dated 1
at 1'i lt Wulia Walla. Hl.-t May l-.'.f, hus
bieli j laced at our disposal, from which we i
1 M 1 act ulnl subjoin h.s I 111 1 ii! ive of tl.erir !
cm. .stain'. 5 ui !. lining Ids n-c.-l.t uctioll Willi
the i.nd otln r Luiiaus.
A- l'ol. S. i.iii n it 1 n!. r the Indian c un-
try With i.ii expecliii .on 1 I 1 1 . "-1 1 i i 1 1 . - , we da'
n. t f. el j'i.-i:l'.eil 111 ci Teeing his relrent. 1
1 1 ..- iiiea s.-eia I . have l'..iig!i! bt.iv.-ly, nnd
his 1 w n it:.c. 1. h'.e.i con 1 eo''' an.l c 0:1. bid r.'Ii
tii r it prob il.!,- lb. it no ml. 'i n -it ice r"iiniii:ed, '
except lo be cut t il III lit tail I r abandon l".s ;
i.'.p. 0 to ti. In ti.e face ol such it disparity
o! le!.',', and ii a pos,i...ii so 111. T.t vol able, ll
v. as. p. tl.ap-, the I st ! hut L'oiiid be dt ne. .
1 1 tin, - 1.0 1 s,-o ;n to have In i n ,1 sin prise, but
an in..". I , "i id 1V1 I. .ration tT Iist:l.tii3 on :
tni')..i! ii ihe Indians. The l' war
I n-g an v. sin the sar:i.-e and ni...s.'.ere ol
I's tt ii.ii.i.inl, and c suppi se that this.
! baltie wrl be u prelude to 1111 l male r.hd 1
! e. eiisive war. Such things m e, how eve;-.
' Ihe ilicid. ids of Liiip-ire anil the government!
. ha? no choice except a Vigoia to. ul.d decisive 1
t . . ' . . . . . . .
. c.impaiu iigaiucl Ihe .poiiabca uiiJ l.ieir
' allies.
I, liter fi .oil I lalt.
Entrance fit 11. Jnhtftnn t.o
Ac-w Mtlllorj Pusl.
Hi. Lorts, July 2!i. A dcspalch ftom sis
Josephs, dated li e 17ih ilist , states that the
Salt Lako mail to the 2dt!i nit., bud urrs s-d
tL n. Johnrton, with his tro' p, i nter. 1!
tiall Luke city Oil tlio -lith.
dipt. Murcy accoinp'itiieil Gen. Johnston, ; it to all aCiicted
who h.,3 t-Ltablishcd h.S head tpiurU-m in thu
city. !
'I he Mormons had invited by n pro-
clamation to retain and take possession il .
their dt sei ted In nies. (
l'rovu is Btill Ike rallying point of the !
Moiuioiis. I
'lie' txprPFS conveying the orders of '.he
War Department to lieu. Uuiney was only j
six miles 111 his fear, when tl.j mail expuss
. lie: .! 1! 1
m s. Ilar .f
ii . i.:.::...-.. N,
r . l i irio ,t
T -
t M.v .Mf-.ii..:
-1 V. OH' ill.
Mil. Ne; !:.' .T.
..' I'l.i.s. I'.- ...
! . S- OH' P. S .
. f!'.- 1 !
lai.n l:,. I t" 1.11I1 i. e . i
. 'l Cu . I, br. S 'yi . ' .v
: .1'... t K-t.-t. Pa;it.erv,
A Yoi'i.irn, lli.Acni.i!'". The llartfor-3
(Cl.) 'I lines says that it child was born in that
city last month, whose right leg', from ubout i
two inches b 'lo'.v the h'p joint, ilotvow ards,
including llie foot, is cnliii ly black. j
What is Ust iiv ? A bill has been ordered ;
to a third tending iu llie Minnesota House of 1
ib'pn setilativt , lo usury, but lixit.g i J 1 d.
the 1-gal tate td inter, tt at la percent. '1 '- gras3 was pien'y, a:.J ihe Imiiant d.n
X . I I .'.-. I. ! ' ii:"'ll p'UCe.lble.
Neor.tska is our Lirg, st l.rritory. It w.,1 ,,,..,v,.nwo,lll .......c!,,,, nro to the
n.aae about eighty Mutes RH large Oh .evv ! to..,,, rf.,.,.iV(;( ,r L'. S. I'lxpress to Loolie-
1 1 iitt-pshire, mid is tlbulit DHL' tenlU the S.iie , . ... . . .,,1 tJ rr, ,
,. , ' , ' j vine.
"' "'l'''- ; Washington stale that new military post-
A boys' prayer no. 'ling is la-l.l tl-uly. at ; nr to be ereutcu ut liig Tiinb-la it ml the
noon, iu the basement of thu John bticct i Clieveiiue l'ass.
I l.iiicli, ew 1 oris city.
to P.'i'l.i't, 1'iat 1 h:
but one nppiiCitioli ol the M agio ( hi 1 !: n.y
fnce.s. who h lave In 1 n tlr.iwn IV. mi cntjtrac
lioii t T the fi'i-ds, brought 1 11 by rheiiin.ii i im.
It was .f Feveiilei'it ii.t'ittl-s slaii'!-.'.., iin.l 1
r.ow eiii;':-elv cured. 1 cli.-ci lul.v tec, '.:,:;:i t,.
ki w
.1. M. FINL.r.tH iK.
lLirri"buitr, 2 itnc!.
July 5.,, lf;.7. ly. '
i;iCOV I . ll & irii-'i.!.,.'
ci 1 r HI! All D
i'S P.I.HAt -WAY, M VV Yf.l!"
T5T Ci!i;?NTT STI!M-.T. I'il.l.Al r.i.l'ili.t
l"C 'f i.r.-r. Mscl.ii. t ie hMv j. sily rd
ta he the hosl in f r I'snelt s-'r-ai' -i. :
c trnti 2. nnd th-th- t:i:e'.. h'n tt v.;.! 1.. 1
f-cu if ry.ry l"n.ith ui'.'.; lo c..' I i .
s. id en ly It hut.
Apcnii) Wanltd.
A D r-.t.iioV'B F.X!'i:iill-.NT. A worthless!
h iiow tiaiiied Craw lertl, living in Lycoming1
county, s'topped the of cars on Tuesday ,
week lut-t, by laying across iho I rut Is us they
w.-re coming into Milton, from Wiiliamspot t.
)l-)lhtn ivimted I.) git uboiiiil but the con
tiuctiT iiftised Lim bdmiltuiice. Milunvm.
(L!jc Mavlvcts.
0 ---'
Next sicnato..
KxinAt i' rstijM tot. Mr.n
"I left this fort ( Wa'.Lt Wulia) CI1 1
with the co 1:1 1 11:1 ml 11, '.-r.t .one.! above i .V.
to v-il Coivibe, a white I ettit nn'it ne
l!nli.-!i l :.e, and about two hiiniir. d
. s j.r.Tirii.
o 1 3 : ii
2 11.1 n)
r the
lo il s
M v. Li.diOR. Among tie! diflVn nt- per
sons named lor "-enator of this district, to suc
ceed C. 11- Luckaleiv, ic:-ighed. is
Ili'.viiY Dux. '.i-.l., of iSiinbury. Without 1,1.
o heirs of law, us providetl f. r by t lie) t.-hdiug 10 re! bet l-pi ti or dis iimge the
Act of Congress, only w hm then; is lo widuw cp,,,,a of nt.y other candidate, wo i!o not h. si
.. .;. -1,,!.,... . . .. ... i- ..i..ii 1 1;
j tale U) sav 111.11 tor u.'.n.j ou jho,i.-i
' fications fi.r the po-iiinn, Captain Donr-.-l, ut ihe head of the IM. No man
IhiiNiv Land Din-dox. The Commis
si. 'Hit 'if reiisioi'.s has decided that lli.nutv
' Land Warrants due deceased soldiers will ga
1 -'
i or miner children.
The ol.ji ct i f my v. sit to talk w:lh
lie. pie un. I i iiiiain -, aiid li . to i ift ct
t"i7 ' (iopKv's Laic's Look, for August, is
a fiiterier number. The prinripil ilb-.strii-t
i-iii. a reprejenta'.i.-n f Mil miner, is b.-inl 'Oil.
'I he Look is tdso, us usual, well riled Willi
und interesting leading
On .Monday morning last, Ihe bridge of
the Lehigh Valley llailroad, near Alb-nlown,
broke down with a trail! of empty coal Curs.
The locomotive, and tome of the cars weie
precij itatcil into Iho livtr. ami thi! engineer
and lire man killed.
is li'letci lllsf betwtcll li.elil.
livel.-' thu .Snake Ulnl the i
the whit
a more I. a! i..oi,.i
Two deep, st I t'll
Spokane hoi tu I e dossed. 1
in ci o sing the hist w ilil g 11 ill tlii
when near tile t-lh. r I'o.inn teys.-l!
t lie presence t I Hit re Ihun a ti.o:
11.-, .... ni iin d j an. let! and
I in-y bi -maiidiid w hi t'.er we came
1 1 .i-111 . 1 i.iisweii'd that we weie
a!, -. ho v.t-ro iiii', and tlid tu t with
cully, n ml
'.iti.i. nly in
-and lnt'i
e.'.cilt .!.
to uii..t!s
fi a mis lo
C' '1 he body of a young man, well dressed,
about '2i tears of age was found in the canal
! opposite this place, List week. Ile had Ini 11
I s. 'en U few days previous pasiug ulong inlt-x-
a drowned man nr.d boy
I week near the Island, u
gaining in y 1 cou'.l be Di-cei toliccmii'g their whtMe-
Win. J. Clink, who is In be bin
the J illi t I' September, for tl e
j unil def of his ,re, C.ilhai ii.e A nn Clash, has
j published a ptimpbh t iieclai alory i f Lis
Wo mi n ly chtneed over its pegt-s,
fed il a tissue of balderdash nmi libsi-r-, 1 M.r, s-ed in bad Kttg'.ish, w ithout a
hiidew of ul giiinent or reason to sustain his
vositioa. 'I'he pamphlet was issued from Ihe
light if il could be utiiidud. '1 hoy 1 xprcssed
tin Ills. Ives s .tisiit d, bit posted then. si Ives
on ll." .-ii 111 in .t of lulls, tirui.nd the bases
ot v l.i U our road wound.
Ni vi r sii- ecl.r.g treachery, 1 was on the
pooil 1 I t ill. 1 .eg Ihe tiel.'e win 11 it ti tle uc-t-Kletil
1 xc.led my suspisi ui, 1 ttlll.ed 1 here is no doubt on my mind uu'.v
that, if we hud gone on, mil one would have
I. lt d lu tee the uioriotv. Tin to 1 halttd and
el Camped, but thu b.ifi'.eJ favages glan d
llptill lis, hesitating to li, illi.i W e r. il. alli
ed I bus in a hall In 1 .It- tiUi'.ude near
nin.-el. The int letl trilln woul d have been
tuibeii i.l to pltc:p:laH' r j nl ly njon lie.)
other. he in xl infti.iin, 1 iomiiii
eu Ihe niiiich, but hat! on'y gone twoorlhree
nub s when the Indians ...I. t i.e. I the rear
guard, Ulnl .N t!ie llglil In culi.e g. ll
elal. We biUtned illiiier llie o..-...i v.n.
lniviiig to light wluhi inovn g on, und in ll-e
midst of n country ! success. .e Imis peculi
in ly favorable to Ihe enemy. M y I'oice was
ui! mounted but composed tl.iilly oi troeps
who hud LcViT hel'uit) bt t tl t.ntiiT file
A belli 1 2 o'clock. I iie Colin I. under ol uiu: null,
pany leil, unil the ins charging lit-ICi ly
upon li b nu n, they gave way and could bet
be i ai In tl. Soi ii idler until her con. puny
i oii.iii.iuder ii il, and tome ol the bravest pi lly
officers in Ihe ci'inuoii d weretevni ly woiiinl
cd. I ib li-i inined, theielote, to take il posi
tion und halt, 'lilt.' light COIllllllled Wltllnilt
li. lei ii, Ulllll u shell U-I'olu sunset
V. ho li llie eneiny posted ll.eiiiselvt s all ulcuild
i.s to wa.l lor Ine ing-lil ainltlt.r reii.loiceuienls.
We knew t'.iul "Jimi t uiui nitre would join
I In- ill btttue inoiliing; our uiiiniiitnlii Ii was
nearly exhausted oar kts in killed and wouii.
N'i:w ATroitNcv-Gr.sF.RAl. Fir. Utah; AL
ex nob r Wil.-on, Ion, , a native of ll-ixloiry
Franklin county, lVhnsylvaniu, but nio'a re'
i. ntly t.-sitliiig in l' Iphea h is just been
appointed I'nited .Stali-h Attorney lor the
Tel rite! i f Utah.
"Ogn I.r.iinni.s I.eiy;: Is."-L'.iig.M.
low's pen-picture of tho evar pievalcnt und j
tiutiir-i! iiiclinatii.n of the fair tower to leave i
f.r ln r a;.'.! isu-i'.icr, ui.d eleavo untj a LushunJ
is bc'.'.ntifui i.n. I truthful :
"Thus it is our daughters leave ns,
Those we love and those who love ns !
Just when they have Ii ttriieil lo l.i-I J us, I
('nines it youth with Haunting fe.i'.hi is, j
Willi his llute of lecils. a stranger 1
Wiimh-rs piping throiigh the Village,
I'o ck.-ns Id the lam si maiden, I
A nil she follows where h bads her. i
l.t-aviiig ail things for ihe stranger 1"
A letter writer in thu L'tu'a expedition :
fiys: j
"M.liions cf buffalo, blocking nn the high- I
way suns l i ibdoy Ihe mail. Were found f.-ed-
tug upon I.n! luxuriant grasses ol the plait
any claims, as a mailer o! right lo ohVe.
Oiiicers are bin! ought lo be the servants of
the people, and why then not employ ll.n.-o
Lett oiiidiificd fur Iheir respi ctive tluii.-s.
M A N Y.
1 .-M IT 1 lilA MAI.K1'1-J..:;.
I S..S. - Clu i i v Wheal, s ites id' lnr und g-
l.'. d ol -r I .i 1 0 ' pfr 'jui-lii I. and 1 i I ,
i '. IU to 5-T 1j per li.e i u .i.M
'.0 reiii Corn, sale i f Vch tv nt so a
: cents. Sl.d M l HA icl'l li'.lll s'. re. I! ,.,;
i tilling st -10 cents per liLohti br I eni a.
i DAl.TlMOnK MAnKIlT? Jily lib
1 fistn Whent. Ihtic wire st!i s of lo! a' '
', .il rt. far f.r.- to ga id bits. B'nl lit" il li
I 10 cts. for nir, and t I2IV0 I" ::--e f
'. cr'.s of do. Corn. mle of coo.l jein.w al ''! .
t-ls., nnd of fair to piiair w hile ul 7.'. i"iV t"-'
: '! I.eievirrc snlcs of Virginia at !'n els v
I I'eni.svIvAiiia do al ?r,,,3 rts. "I I.t i
! s ',no l'r::ny Ivnina live elu-irJ and s .1.1 al
! c!. Mirylaiu! live at C its. , er I u.-!'..-l.
7ct HeSa' '..'.ry ATuttraa.
M , Foiion :
We would ar.p.iui'.ce as a can
ilM.ite for Congr-.-si n:al t nnnlion by tie
Deuii cratic party J. J. K1.1M l'.NSN i M
I'.sn. Mr. Keiiiten.-nviier is a geiill. inan
superior ability as a schooir mi l a pinn.c
suxsur.Y ieice ci;p?si;:iT.
s-l -Soal Ml
j l!l:ttT.
i ' hrat.
: l!i",
i Oats,
i I'.u: iitvhral,
, ihilalars,
I Iti-w Advcili'i r.ieM'.a.
speaker, and wdl if noiirnat. d und elecud be
till honor lo the District nnd the State. Vi e
. :.. i ' ., I .. I ,a .. 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 to
aiii ii tu a 1 1 oi c i - ...... ...... . - - j - . . , .
accomplish snuietl.ii -g for the IbU'rct. I; If! i t ..
and nt I. i mine U.t'
therelnr.i feel desirous that .Mr. IS.-iun i sny
diT should be nominated and fleeted, lie is
u sound has never urn uguinrt the
ticket and is prepared to stump the district,
uiid bv urguinei.t maintain Irs principhs.
July 2?, lsr.3. It. be greatly lo j t!.ves t.:;e of lie lutst bags in this count ry
damp, H nolHiKT, lue et'l'i pi. sing tplui ll ; lie tun oat led br btt.i, a few
11,0 I'ireciois I. oio n la.s gigan- ,,,,tu j.,,,..!,. jur,,.,s i Cal. l,icl. he re.
nr'alti I, oil, it " bo lietild Ol lier , .
ra will, iii'.er coabii.'. pro- .
in nalii-n, l aving b!, i oil rtr l.tsu Wiii.iiA.xri.-A
board uboul toOil in.i.-s ol I .:. tai'.e, wn.cli, r
- . . i . . . t . . ..i .... ... i. .... . i Hi'
tai'liosini; ll il inn inn. i H-.-.t',.i iiaiu le
,t tin
r vt
tallied it ei u.i ir ami Hist, woi.i.l stiil permit of
tim junction being r.-eipieti d, assj ul!u.v JU
per cent, for tj.-ua!'i'. s. In lh;s l.i -t trial
(itsi &i'J u. .Lj of the rope, was hot, ami
vtliet) il i Cjl.alati.l that il is roughly esti-ttii.U-i
t! at the Va'i.n tf I L.i cable is i.bmil
sl'li'-O U ISJ.i'', il ui'.! Le l-ei ti tl.ut the f.'.i nliee
u; to the pre.-it Lu.-. not iieen SO ex-.ei:siu
b tu:Lt nl list litjbt Lavi; Ltt-u ejppoiJ."
tvi) M .ti.r.AMs. a tiiciiiiries ate
ntly ma le of us in regard to the late
net of Congress, isi relation to land warrants,
we will Mate that by thy Lite act of Cou
grits, the hciis if an tpplicanl, v.ho died
Lel'jic l!.. is.iiie t f the wurialit, will be enti
tled to ii-ceive the same
trade. I' ruler preinu ntU, if liie up,ilicant
Culi.-on.C. II. I'aviio ui.d M. Caison. ' "L ,
I'l.t si! iiniii'iir ,.., I,. tiii.K.,,, K ...I.,..,:..,:.... e toi.ldiiol bghl day.
oiiys since, . (J y. ,. ( . . . Li "These considerations ilelel mined inelo
ni-j ion t iil.-i.ii ..I .i... n...... .1.. ,.i make ii foicetl iiiareh. and eel ill tiossessiou
I2IMI shuns laktn bv llnllaln m..l v :. i,,,n-' of Iho canoes in wh.eli we had cruticd Snake I ili.-tiinc
!'.. by I'litriiixville. 'Die tirst t avmeiil ini river Indole the t tu iny could do so. Cumin
in in tes on ihu 'i'l.'" a 1 sli p was, I sua ll.eie was no oilier ul
wb.le deer and untelope were mole iiuuietouS
; ever seen Li-fore.
i liAM.i.oAD t'oNMiCTif'N. The completion
i of Ihe iron brideti al the Muikut slieet cross
ing, bus eiiiibleil the Lebanon Vulley It.iil
load Ci mpaliv to t Meet ll wiih the
', r , 'i i.n-l'.i' inia li'ailread ut this point. IJiir
lagn ol .,'.,. , . '
ii.lla, :i"(-'"y itl.'jmj-.h.
I Oren Hyde, one of tho Mnriimn apostles,
boasts thai il he lives tin yeais longer
' thrives us he has been llir.MI.g, be will have
si ns though to inane a liniment by ll.cui-
' st Ives.
Tun ('ni ls is- D.rpi!SN From i'.iiT. r."it
; pails of the county we have the most eucoisr
i ug:ng u p. ills respecting Ihe harvest. It is
' said lo be much bttler than a y we have hud
in this section of the country for years. The
w.n-vd und the rust have both injured il in
places, but on Ihe whole, our farmers have
abundant cause for being t-alisfled with iheir
crops. Mm rifling Tel-'jrtij -t.
As li.t.l STitAiins. Speaking of an ex
i change, which hid u high opinion t.f ils i in
1 porl.inoe, Iho Iiuffalo li,j,uhir remarks:
A traveller, u resident of Fiiglauil, once,
while exploring ou Afiicao province, ome
n ........... i i . .. .
across a greasy, uai-noseii, long-iictieu i.egro,
I 1 r ll:r ? i.,t ary Auioiira
i Ecgister nnd Recorder.
! Mr.. F.Piroit :
I have been ir.formi .1 that IV.
: J. 11 M ASSF.U is a candidate Tor the office j
, ol ULlilsl KK AND LLCOllDFK 1 an. I
! sure that nil who! acipiainted with b;m, I
, .. ,1 l .., I...!.. I
i wiit oe giau to iiit.i i. o II iiioi'.i I.- ... -j-;
linn iiloiig. Doctor Masser is to t a D.-iioi- j
crat of yesterday, n -r is he u democrat I.T ;
the Sake of office. 1 ! e is a sober and iinlns
Iriniis I, well acriii'iinti-d with the people, i
spenlis German and J'uglislt nml has all the lieatHiiiS nece.-s.iry lo lindsu him t popu
lar t liict r.
In our opinion he is the most suitable man
that li.o' been named for the olliee, and no one 1
can dottbt thut he is the most deserving us i
lie never asked for an ofiice, allhoiigh be hs
always been popular uu.otig nil classes and
Willi thu people generally. It is an impor- .
laid olliee and one should lie tilled by an I
iiiibvuhiul in wh.iin all would have cetilidenen
am! fiich a one we have iu the pel son of Dr.
J. 15. Musser of Sunburv. '
II I! annual merlin; of the Nerilnn..' t r' ,
otu.!v A Krii' u till i:r it s-.eieti , I., i ie. t e
I Ui-e ol li.'hbog b e
i.Uitl I'nir, will mist at 1'ie ( oint ll.ei-e in -I
ti.-v. t it M i i.N l. V, the S'nl i!.iv t.t'Al 1,1
al I o'cbi. k I'. M.
V. C. I.AWsti.N, I',,.:
July II, is;.
i" II r. Jumrs I'nitvn si d s.niiiiionei! I' r
fj ci-s-il (.'u.iit. '-.'.I noli tf Aii'ut i.
i 1. .1 no! sr.iei.ii ns ihtic will nut be in y u
!.' IJ ul ll. r. l.n.r.
I --
J AMl'.-t VANDVKi:. She. id
lot-e, s;uidnirv . )
iih. I."'H. ' I
l'dll COUNTY fUMMl.S.U)M"
rtlllL r-noscri'. i r odtis hnix'l! to llie ilii
of ,. .ith. ii. .hiil. in, I
ilelil Ci,nJi.!lc lot the t
C'OL'.N TV COM Mi-"slt) N I. il,
Ami pron.isin. if tbrled to lulliil ibe .It.-.':
raiJ Irf la'i'.hfiiliv en. I imi aiiially.
j i ; i i t am:;:::
Point Mwttsliip, July Ut, H.'.ss.
hooke is caiipio::.
I Ao. "CI XuUlh .Vt''r.,-o .S.T.if, li (,'o(.-.
I - I l.t'C,
I HAVE liuW ill luiliil lilt iaigit .-.i,i
1 mm: i ii!im;t t i ui i :
j Than tliey hive fcr had at any pu t. ......
FBI.I.OW ClTIZKXSS-1 Have nnnersinnn inert, , IIlt.1t )ljr a!l 4vhll .,,
and Iht't mi itc Ine pnl-iic to t
! lilt'il' blOiU ht'loli1 puieii.islilg, its I
1 dt ul bi n tlictr t i n i w i
lii.i Mock was trad...
i oiniiy iititiK, Wliicil Was objected lo by llie
eoliimissioncis, unJ un iiivesiigaiioii fm-iied,
Hiding iu ihesuLstiiiiti .nsbeini'tlecb.ieil bo.
leu. alive. e could not
weie, nnd a slow niurcli would be fully as dls- !"'r
iislerous ; for if ill.! eumny sei.ed upou the
1 be .nsH than
liing under a palm tree. A hut stood in the i is a report in circulation u. .... . ... y . - i ti ,r csti,iii,mi'ui.
,. nm his uecnu ren.eliU COIisis ei ol I I nave iiocnneu tn-noi . i .'i lartje astoi oueii
it breech cloth, a bow and poisoned arrows, olliee ol ISegisier aim in . ...... ..... ........ ..
"Wl, ate von?" suid the traveller. "I am This r. po.t i entirely unfoun, id. My
! 1. 1... .. .1 .1. , ...i.l l,i .... ,r...l r, ,1S ll.lVll)l IilllCl'll v imi'ir H-
u !.. in It i. HO ll Oii Ul UiD ,i-'. in.,, ,.,.-i... - , e -.
WlitlU We i ' w " S I , ...r..ll.. .......i.,,, l,..r.llM V.lll US 1111 Mil '.
' ....r.o. ...iiniin.r in i. is nut n in wea nous : , t reso.-i. ...n. - j - -
I.t I
- a si. i'r n nl i
1 l.iii.lll.ic la
point tog
ilii-J Lnl one day LeuTe ihe issue t.f the, wur
ruiit, the belts cciihl receive no beneCl Iheie.
gus uud Wllbilliiwu." 'I lie Cotiiiiiitleo repot t i cuiioi s. our situalioli wo.ld be .n
llie fulluwiug facts us established by ll.ui vi- ever, l or Ihesti reusous t put the d
ititico or statutory enatTniculs, unit the
upon suoicieiit proof i decisions ttit reini.
1. I He nut till n-rins,l to lli. te I,-!,,. , ,y
uM iiiit-) in i-.-ul, und l.ui-1- i.tntii. uia nut ri,io .i
Do Ihey talk much oiVuui vie in Lnyluml t"
Wild Fuif-ons. The wiMfiigeona in Ma
rion coiinly, Ohio, ure terribly ileslrni live,
fiom, t xeep!
in elites whero iheie was u
widow or minor eluitiuu,
who ,
li ne were i-n-
A ClT. Ui :ovrD. V.'oi'oit.hootl is ejpe-
lUcit:g lllO t'Vi! t Oeels t f the cuife ihlLlTell r st x, by Lw-'s uiti-be.oenco in ihe gar
llell cf F.Jell. Lv.'l silH'tf our uliC.ct.l tool ht-rV
first e'.'.i.rt lo hide ln-r thiuie, fur inlatiog
ta eipresfe.l w i! 1 1 tlie Creator, by sewing
together ui.-l wearing lig lentes. Lei daiieh.
tei have been tbioi'ied to "M.ich away their i In bun i.l li!.td ! y M. tsrs. D. Applclaii
l.ves," id obedience lo tho ixoibilant di..
inunJ oi lasuioii, iu ine innoeiu udoriiiiientK c, .,,toill titles ou iiicic than lo lliou.iiud euli
Ol her sex. I be only le.icf they can ever ex . .i
rect from iho drudgery (fhaud sewing, must w",u" t'c ahit writers ut ihw eouolry
be fouud ia thu introduction rf a (inovr.u A , "ui rurtit. It vid form a bbruty oi iu.ll, and
il.tEisu Hewing Machine into pvt ty house- '; thould Le feiiiiil in every family,
bold, liy Us use every wife and mother will The editor ol" this paper Las ticrn appointed
liltlt a tipitr n-isuiu iif iiittviT ii t ii-i.iioij tii
tiid e luc .'.ioii ol her childicti, do better lew
jngliian by hand, uad have belter health nnd
l;:.,t'J COuiloil Uil'l too can
it t'.;a! .' :-'!: Hinr, M,o Mi.i
ii. lat- rttiitiiS ii.uile to n!.t:iiii li-!.-t r-'..!fiit tvt-rs n ,t,
bi.- o'ii., l-i t:i iv , im s, u,.ii 6ili t.l u.-l i, i t,ili At i.l. s., i,
ri.i.i- nan -ins ..,ui:.-i.i - ll s k. ,,, , i o,L.
sl-4-ii kliini he ... r-'I.l t....l s.'.'t i , nrii-o-. ,-i
(ia) n-g,1. ..I ti.ib t' 1 1 ii 1 1 it ! i . ' 1 'I I.t- isiiioi ti.a.
. ,. i. j U.V....I.. ii boiiiui euiiiii oi imi t ,ii...i...i-
titled l) U waitar.t llpou pi epcr e ppt.culieti . w.-!ili "
. , ! it. 1'i.e net of 0, !'.I-.T H, l.-.'T. w:ii re!r.n.-,s.-iiiv, i,
I.l the l.eplll . l.'O t.l. il.'!i..itilr, ii-.-l liltl li 'l uuu, mce tu lis -u Uiuul
ii, it yi-l oiir-neeil.
TUt'-M'-V A1L1.HU AN I Ltll'l Ul A. I i- t'-n v. ef I I.r cnpilal in l.y ,!. .,:,,,
,, ,, , , , . , ,, or ui.tli r a:i oi'-' r i.i.ine, ti.lii r w uli or tvnli-iii is.-. ti,.
" hi- List ai d volume of Ihu tuluable , ,,;,,., . , ..t, u..u ni,,, ,, a,. . , .t.
tail -l liu I .'l.ial -lill iullll, rtu.l.i I a.. Is, that ivoiLa
I a lei. citurt-ui el.. i. til
A Co., N, i ttli. 1 he conti nls of rath vnluiur,
ill motion, about It) o'clock ut night, und did - i:,..,.,iii .AeeniiiLr the lute lilanleil ctirlifields
not slop i. mil wu readied llit) river, ueal ly j j.,,,.,,, . ,,iinj up tbo stalks and devouring
ninety null s utl'. every giuin. One niuu lost 1 d ucres, utiolher
"This war has been maturing for some time I IS, another 1, and so on. They cannot be
Lul tl 1 ctoild buve iieatc-n tlm enemy at Iho j duveii away, for when tireJ ut, iht-y only rise
Matt all iuuiie il.Hit'iihy might have been tu light again within B few rods. II Ulidreds
pievi i.ted ; us it is, 1 b ar ihul many lives und thousands liavu been slaughtered within
will be lo,l before u satisfactory udjusluu nl ! a few days, by the citizens, but tho uumbers
Culi be ill T Vt d bt. '1 lie SaV.iges uppeur to ' do uol seem lo diminish in thu least.
In en excited by rumois Ihul I he (.oVel nun nl
n, -nil, nt candidale, und any reports lo l lie
contrary will be ireuted by my friends as un
founded and false.
Sunbury, July 'Jl, lbo8. 2t
t'lKAMIlllAT TO N'oBllllMIIITil.AND. Mr. La
T. Clement has couinicnced running his steuuu
bout, fur passengers, Let Keen this phico and
NorlliuuibeiluuJ For time ofdi jiui lure, A.c.,
tee big adveitiserucut.
srnt f--r elifcii.liui:a io this work ami slsc to C" The commencement exercises ut the
possibly bave . Uf nana fo'li.iy.
Fbkei'vrg Acadfm v axd Bktder CoVSTT
Noumai. Hi'iiooL. Thu lifih sciiii annual scs
tiou of this ii'ttitutioii will commence on
lltnlou. 3a Vtari iu the Senate," for N'ntihuui. j University, at Lewisburg, begun oo 'I'huisday Tuesday. July 27lb. The course of HiMruc.
in lends lu I like puEscssiou of llieir lands, und
ihe uct of llie lust Congress, to lay out a
military roud from tins place tu tlm waters
ol Ihu upper Missouri, lully sullslied llie III j
of the linili of Ibe ruuior. 'I ho parly to sur
vey llie road was just ussetiiblin j here, and
Iho light with uio hag no doubt saved il from
burg (I'u ) Journal says that Judge Mcltire,
wh.le clniiging the jury in a lottery case u
few day s since, laid that a Mutisticul savat.1
"Down F.ast" had carefully noted the num.
Uoi of persona struck by lightning iu one year
und com pared it wi'.h those who hud drawn
prizes iu lotteries for the same period, arri
ving at I hi conclusion thut three persons
were struck by lightning to oue who Lad
druwu a prize.
Hatiuvo Recommuxdf.d. A Western cjt.
tor, on heuriiii! observed Ihul persons in a
drowning condition suddenly recalled all the
tr.ltif aiTlotii o l heir past lives, wulied thut
The KcTtLern Cctitval Tiailway.
Ai rivnl ainltlriariure of rntteni:.-r Titiins ua a, til ai'ttir
Jt-LV W71U, IcaU. ul tst.Mtai, us :
ol.ii o tl.S elTif,
ispwimen repine... h . by the .'2J, and wdl end ou W cdutsday, the 2Sll. tioo is thorough anj couipleU. Term, very fuW of his delintiueut substm'-r. .u . Ae
1 moderate. Sts alycitiicaient Hunt west. 1 to buthiujf to tfeop water.
ODl.Nli Mll'lll.
Tlaisu Tor llurmliurg I) "l.iiiort:. Len.'.iSu.-tan-.
Mini i'niia, 34.y A.M.
lt.tlliiio Ai -Nuiirnrii Kiprt-H. lliii
liurJca unti l'uciigt r, 1 46 "
Tiuis.4. r roio lpiuubun Jt Halt., Arrive al ary.
MhiI Trutu, . . il i.l I' M.
Il.itf tiouiid N'iapitia Fzprcss, , Ilil "
liuiata uad 'ciai-r, U.nlA.Al.
Ti. For Willmuifoort t tiiuaa, benvri Santury.
.Mm! Traiii. . .
Uuilulo utttl N mgwa rxprera,
liuiUvu anil fuMi-ust'it
Tii From lilniira fc Willmnupt, Arrive! !ai,bury
Mad Trsia, "
lliulal mail Ninsara F.Xpr,
UuiJrii and I '. sr.
f Trail's li v . .Hid I
( Uliiiiig 11 x tension d allies ii :v. ay s 0:1 h i:.-' t
Ulld butr Milltll .-si t llllsll.l at I nn -I '
F tii laiel.oly , u. l-td ai.a on i.
. li-rius.
I'hiiadclphia, July il. 1-."S - ly
' slrMEUaY STEAII l'lnRY 'i J
ON and alter Wed. c-.'..y isie l'i -I-,
ulideHlgin d w nl r,.u Lis s I i; V d I
i 1IOA I , ref.iii iili , I T jU-s-u.'. is. h, '.u..
' bury and , ..u ito.u.i ciiand, ici'.-.e.;
low nig sclit'dtih', -i
I Leave MuiUl sin. I wha.l'. S-unl coy. at .
. liilUlllll.g, b'.lt)'.:lidi'll.'-li'l '
Ltae Miiil'Uiy I"' l'i) ' " ' " s
(uuciiiiii; ut Neiilii.iiih. imuJ ut
i Itl-lulliing. liiuillal!i. r il ut I I
' Ltate Suolunv Im . m ti-uinl-r.i.ii.l ai '-
' lii lurillllg, leave An: lliu iiueruil.. -.1
' Leave Suobuiy lnr Noi.h'ni, al
lit'turi-iiiii. Ita'tO .Nolihamhi fhiud at
bell fJi.tii.liol, liitvriut-iltalc tr-p
' nia l' , , .
t'. li M I" ud f'o'" Sunbury uud
S..1I P M. ' i .a in -nt. or liveivo ItcUela
11 v!J "
SWA.M j ,,, ,,., m(.i will not only pint
1 .. . . ........ i. u i Ik. 1. tie ti.e I
ciilKtn.rni" i-.-
... i . ....... j ... oleasnie. Iml ull.irtU an
. ii M Oil ens.."-- 1
lliii " ami ,iej.iiii it -
o ut) r .i-
lli fcui..Vlu Velbyax rtitUiill BUreu.
Pansilf (riwo !" ftinhury l . " "
' rivt ai S'lnts'"" .train
ouiliusi ol the beauiilul Suiiii luini i
UA T.t LLMt-.M', t'r
i ANUKE liDDVLaU, Captain.
ubU.ry. J.W t??'.