T SUMMER GOODS. i,..,jr2 ASSORTMENT! W1 'E have received our NEW t.UUlis lur me summer Irauc. anu rcsi cciiun, 1 1 If.. All the world endth test of mankind to Call arii 8iTw. , , ,, . Feople who would economhe and save their dimes will do well to call and see how very cheap goods csn be had. and should they not conclude to purchase from us, thry will he more comer Kant at to the actual value of all kmda of Good.. There ore a great many reasons why people rhouM closclv examine our stock, and while it is clearly demonstrated that the "obvious meaning rml Imports" of this mtiltitiulc of reason refers tlirectly to the UE.1UTV OF 'JTXTl. Kh, and theapnesa in price of goods, it will at the some tvjhf tlio fl.ind of the observing ECONOMIST, 1 r' 'ite offhinKS combining a greit and ..Ii-vet-r..-d inipiy. oW "ic'" must brine. nVu' a "c?i suinmativn devoutly to he wished" j". mskl'15 (he FOuii M-1N WCll, and the rich man rrv.jcnt. Ar.d although we may digress, yet permit u to add that nothing would afford a heller ground V'oik for a dimmer evening's entertainment, than for the kind mother who is presumed to have ex amined our stock, to gather her little flork around her, and tell them of UKI'rHT & PON 8 beau tiful goods, the handsome Silk from Trance and Italy, the Ribbons and Laces from J.yna, the Merinos from France, the prints fioin Manchester, the Linens and Lawns from Glasgow and Dub lin, and a thousand things of greut beauty and utility. But to be a little more practical, we will state for the good of the country, the rising feneration, and the full grown, more in detail, the goods we retail, in very large or smuller slices, at very greatly reduced prices ! and though we may regret we said it, we'll sell our goods on fix months credit, at the end of which the people flufh." will come and pay us with a rush, lor none can feel so unconcerned about a debt bo fully earned, cs to be guilty of procrastination, to the liarard of their r'puutiun. Then Gentlemen and Ladies fair, he.arVrn, if 7u'vf the time to spare, and hear of New GooJh rkh and nrs, received ana nemg openeu. OIF CLOTHS, There's brown, and thick anJ blue, Yea C'.o'.hs cf almost everv hue. 031 CASSIMlS2.ES9 We've pot just what you need, of mixed and striped "first rate" Tweed, for those exposed or named eesick, we've Cessimeres both strong and thick ! for those who by fashion think to win, we have the beautiful French Doeskin an ar ticle, we do expect, sir, can't be excelled in point of Texture. OP VSSTXNGS, Silks and good blnck Satins, of every vaiiely ol patterns, for weddings, parties, or the street, for gentlemen married, or less discreet, whom we will furnish from Hat to Boot, with a cheap and charming wedding suit. Hut Ladies ! pardon this dereliction, and do not deem this all a fiction, for suri-ly we are bound to say, we love to turn from grave to gay, from dull old bachelors, dreadful drones, whom fashionable etiquette disowns, who, in a word, are sluggish wights, in human huppincss, neo phytes. Gentlemen, we hid you all adieu the Ladies are waiting for something NEW; Cafhmcros Delnincs Silks Bercge Debcges Kohcs Ginghams Lawns Chalice Tissues Chintzes Fluids ol every pattern, and latest styles, so rich that that they excite a smile suited fur Ladies of DorBTf Ct age, as well for those who would E.v b ag e pretty for the maid becoming for the mo ther, and o Hired cheap to the one or the other. Ribbons embracing one hundred pieces, beautiful EeUs suited for "N'eices," Ginghams, solid, plaid and stripes assorted, and "Aquilla Hobcs" just imported. And the undarsigncd with modesty reverts, to corded flounced and steel hooped S,;rt" and well reconciled wo trust the ladies faces, wilKSie w ith fond delight upon our hand soma Laces Inserting, Kdginijs, of JaeonPtt and Swiss, affording beauty to those who oiler bliss! three hundred pieces of good pattern Prints, and very handsome styles of new French Chintz, white, mixed, and brown Cotton Hose, much cheaper than some people would suppose. Spool Cotton, Tapes. Pins, liuttons, and Needles in profusion : Bobbin, Curd, Bonnet Wire, and blond Illusion. Then come one, come all, you'll find us very handy, in showing each the "modus operandi" of buying and silling cheap. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunhury, June 12, 1858. LANBRETIIS' Agricultural- Warehouse and Seed Store, 2Tos. 21 and 23 South 6th street, Idwcen Mar ket and Chesnvl streets, Philadelphia. i3 always open to the inspection of every one interested in Farming or Gardening, The subscribers therefore incite the public generally to call and examine the large and well selected stock of Agricultural Implements and Machinery, great variety of Horticultural tools. Warranted Gaideii and Flower Seeds. Grass and Field Seeds o! the niot-t Reliable Quality, which they oiler fr sale el the lowest cadi prices, wholesale or retail. The agricultural implements sold by us arc mostly manufactured at our steam works, Bristol, Fa. Having fitted up this establishment without regard to expense, with the most complete ma chincry for the manufacture of various kinds of agricultural implements, we are prepared to sup ply all articles in this line of the very best quality. Landreth's Warranted Garden SSecda have been before the public for upwards of sixty years; their wide-spread popularity and the increasing demand from year to year are the best evidences of their superiority over all others, US'" Country merchants eun be supplied with seeds in papers, or in bulk, on the must liberal terms, Uioomsdale, near Bristol, Pa., our garden seed giouiidd, contains three hundred and eevcnlv . acred, und is the largest establii-hincnl of its ' iiul j in the world. I). LAN L1!L'TH A SUN, Num. 21 and 23 South Sixth St., Philadelphia. ! Landreth's Hural register and Almanac for I lfi5tj, containing a monthly Calender for the I ami, uarjen mi l Urecnhouhe, on he tun chatis upon personal or prepaid a plication. Philadelphia, May Wd, 1K58. Ill (llC C'UUI'I Of i'UIIIIIIOII l'lt'UN of Aoi tiuiiulif?. tuiul 4 oiinly. Martin Wraicr, No. 39 August Term v I A. 1. lh.'H. Wiilimn MiCurty ind ) William shannon iV Ra- j Urevc do Pattitiouc chel his wife. J F.u'ienda. NOTICE. To William McCarty, and William Shannon and li.icliel bis wife. Vou are hereby iiotuicd, thul in pu.'suaik'o of the above writ, to me di rected, an Inquisition will be held upon the pre lni.es ilescriUd in said writ, to wit : A certain tract or piece of land, situate in Coal township, containing 70 acres, or theirahouts, bounded by land, now or late, of LiiuAig (, Martin Gas, John Brady and others, on Tuesday the Stub day of July next, at 10 o'clock AM . of s.iid day fur the puipobe of making partition of or to value and appruiac the same. At which time ttid place you may allrud it vou think paper. JAM Lis A.MA KE, Hici iff. blii-iiil" oftice, Sunbury. ) May 16th, IH.OH. 1 NOTICE. AM. peibons indebted to James lieaid, Ijle Pruthouulary pf JVoithninWrhuul county, for fees, Ac, are reijuatted to make immediate pay ment, and Ihui, cost and further troHldc, as all accounts rcmaiiiing unpaid will be placed in the hands of a Justice for collection. Payment ran ho made cither lu the subscriber or to J. IS. Ueid, at his oll.ee. JAM KS BEARD. Sunbury, March 'VI, lH.rH if T ICE OLIVE )ILfurtab7e use". Vw'o si " at 37 J and 6 cents-ju.t iecriv,-, .y A. W. riMIKK, i h 13, 'i. Mi , IIRHWN'B and llicinm's Essence of (Jiugei anil Huubsnd's Msgueeii at Mauh I4,'&v. nHUK'S. FOR SALE OR RENT. 'WE large double frama house in th Borough at of N'orthumborlaiid, belonging to the estate of C. H. Kay, deceased. Thia is a very desirable residence, beautifully situated on the North Branch of the Susquehanna, with a large garden, ('arriage House'Stable Ac., belonging to it Terms moderate. Enquire of C. V. Scales, Williamapoft, or I). Brautigam, Esq., Northum berland. March 87. 18.19. NEWOODS! NEW GOODS ! rTMlE subscribers respectfully announce to theii fiionds and the public in Rcneral that they have received at their Store, in lrpper Augusta township. Northumberland county, Pa., at Kline's Grove, their &;u hi; mid Slimmer Gootlfl, and opened to the public a full assortment of Merchandize, Ac , consisting in part ol Cloths, black and fancv Cassimeres, Checks, Kentucky Joans, together with a general variety of Spring and Summer Goods, adopted to nil grades if perrons. Kkaut Mams Clotiiixo very cheap; Ladies' Press (Joods, Summer Shawls G ughains Challi Helains, Ducals, Fobes A'tuil les, Calicoes, Blnck Silks, Ac. Also, a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines, Groceries, Ac. A new supply of Hardwore, Quecnsware, Wooden ware, Arc. A large assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, smtublc for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Caps. Fish and Salt. And nil goods usually kept in a country store Our display is unsurpassed. The above named stock of goods will be sold at prices to suit the times for CASH or in exchange for country pro duce at the market price. Anp shall be happy to meet our friends and the patrons of our establishment, and sell them goods at such prices as cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. Thankful fr past favors we hopo by strict aV 1c ii l ion to merit a continuance of the same. J. F. A I. 1 KLINE. Kline's Grove, Fa., May 15th, 1858. vn iTe leu FWlson MANUFACTTjniNO CO S FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. rfMlE unanimous fnvor which lias attended the inlroour. JL lion of W'heelih Wilson's l-'nmily Sewing Mn chine, is sufficient evidence ol' its excellence. It is need. iessnnw to sny, that llns useiul inutniinent is becominc, a u- niesuc uitwiution : the i net is recopiuzeii iy us success. I'ul use in thou Rinds of rumitius iucverv rank in life. T those who have hitherlorefrnnuxl from availing themselves or Us nilvnutnccs. it mav not he uutivs to snv. tliut its utn ityisnoln problem to le solved, I 'Ut a success already refilied. The highest testluouv is eniibt.-iutiv ofTjreil.cou firming; the verdict winch hr.s given tins liihtriunenl so wine iiiki cnviaMe a repurtiuon. This Miirhine is conoeivfl on a principle entirety origi nnl, heinc specialty mitl iiilinirahly adriiteu to the most per teet work on every kind of iriaterml ; iunl, having liccu ftitjected ton three ye.irs' test ol" the most seaicliinp chnraclei uv e iiiuilies, ntitl lit vnnous liriinehcs ol iMaiitl lactttre, ilh ilistjncuisheil success, It is helievcd tll.-il in all the resl points requisite to a eompletn tind pruclical Scwiuii MnelMne. II cannot l.e npproneheil in exeeileuee. Amoiifr the undoubted ailviiutuces it possesses over nil others, mav ne nnmed l lie lollowiug; I. Its simplicity of construct ion. und consequent ficc dom from denuic ment and need ,t repuirs Q. Its unexampled nipulity mid ease of opeialion. 3. Its noiseless movement. 4. 'i'lie great variety id purpose to which It can lie np plier., which can be achieved by no other mcchunicnl incnns. And, fi. The pre-eminnit neautv and durability cf the work ol find your Muchiue utvulintlile I Imv used it u year, nnd it has never been nntol" on!er. The stitch is vtiv du- ralilc, und eun tie ad ipted to fine or C'Hirse materinls. tt works with Ihe rapidity of a dozen pair of hiui.ts ; s:ives iiiiieh tune, nittgoe and catpemc. Uiicim" your Mneliiiies is used in my mlliers uumv ; mini her in the househo'il ol n sirt(T : nnd others by various friends. The opinions nil ueer-rd wilh Hint I have just expressed. T? Mrs Anna Cora Hitch. e. "There is but one Sewinr Machine : a'ul that is Wlice- ler and WiUoti's'Judgu .Miigs, of llie American liu'li- tute. "The Hewing aelliue purrliased of you 1ms been whol ly serviceable." Kev. iir. Samuel iipjiooii. No family can afford to do wiUioul il. Onxions of theNzw Yo Press. Ve prefwthein fr lainily ute. Trilmtic They ate the (uvtiiiiei. ler l'tunUies Timet, Are wttlirtul u rival. Scieniuiu American. Vrks more uiiifoliiily than the hmid HernM. tn the work of tt-n urdinaiy sew en Jour Coin. Ktitial to nine Renmtrcised. Home Jt-unial The machine, fur fmntly use. Adioete ft Journnl. Most hoiniriililt 1 1 AimTlrnn Remits liiilcpt'inlciit. We caiuvt imjipine anything more poru ct KvunjjrKst. in cive entire fiiUiMriction. uiworver. The hftt ever iiiveiii( il. Chriaiiiin Inquiier. In h'kii g for the best. ee these KxniMner. Aiiinimhly a'l.tptefl for fuiiily u. Chr-imHe, lii!iHpfjn-al,ie iicvery l'.miily. The I'rcaclier. We praise u wmi eiiihuiiiiiwu Chriftti.in liHt!!i?encer. Wi t thy of the huiheat uwnrtl. Sahlmth Rue'inlci'. A lrtne:"Mcti-ii, nf tlie :te t'lituunfa M.ipHine. .Magical in operation Airs. HierheiiK Monthly. Uc;. or. J all question, the nwhiues Life Ihusiratrd. Till atitch cannot be unmvtltd. Am Aneultui ikt. They m;iuitaiii the pre-einineitce. Kx preen. tf'ivci the time Qtiti heahh often wnnien. Wnter Cure, Out houeehoM in in u-maciei with it. I'orter'i Spirit. Supply the fnnhi'nnMe world. Duily Npwi. Arcpre-einineiiUy nupertot.l tidies' Visitor. (Mir of our hou fee hold p.Hln If. 8. Journal. 1 Urivalled in every qua ity. luy lluok. IMetty. useful, masjioal.- Leslie's CHZi-ite. Have ni) etUul foi family use Musieal World A triumph of mechanical genius N. Y. Journal. Combine every requirement. Family Mupaziue. Viihily superior t' all nt hem Golden Tne. Wi e'nunot tire in its nratse New Yorker. For further particulars apply to 11. B. MaHsor. Sunbury, 1'a., agent of the manufacturer, who will supply liiachiia' at the manufacturerb Suitburv, May I., l?.lf SILVER PLATEL-WABB . WASI FACTI HKII Ht .1 O II O. If I i: 4 O Si. s o , rpil Ii otdcHt KIcctro Tl.tlcr in the United States, uianufacturea of cerv variety of (Jooils plated with pure kiIvit, A U-utu, Iirittania and .Steele Tea Setts, 1", Wnilt'M, Cat-tern, Cake Baa krU, Pitrh m, (loldots, Cotitinunioit Service, SjtooriR, forks. Knives. &c All gouds warrant ed un n preicnted. North Kust corner 9th and Cheenut street l'hiladvlphia, Penna. May I ly NEW ARRANGEMENT I J-rtsh Arrival of DRUGS, TAINTS, OILS, & c. t tUY. mult ri?nnl laving taVen the store for jL n.o.lv kept by N illi.uu A. liruner, is now ri'iuly to fill orders an.l prescriptions at a mo menu notire. He lias a large ami well selected lock of frexli and pure DRUGS, CHEMICAL, Dvf-stiift's, Oil, Paints, (ilass, 1'utty, and all kinds ol i'slcnt Medicines. FRI'IT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported Bi(!ar of the choices' lirjnJs. Funcy Notions' toilet articles, and I'rr fruuery if all kinds. J ootb and Hair llruslics of cv( ry variety. Cainphiiie and Fluid uhvitijs on hand. Customers will find lit stork completp, com piling many articles it is iinpossiltle here to enu merate, und all sold at moderate prices. Kemenilier the place, neit door to E. Y. liriBhis .Mammoth Store. A. W. FISIIEK. Ruiihniy, March II, 1S57. "w a s kin g t o n "house; IV. A-CO VlillT, rroprictor, KUNUUKY, VA.., riVIK prupiictor respectfully informs his friends I and tha public generally, that he is repairing and renovating the YVahiii;lon House," so as to ruterluin lolh transient and permanent visitors in a tuil.iUe mid comfortuble manner. Thankful for the patronage extended to his father, he rcspectluliy solicits the continuance of I lie a me. Ha will take charge of the "Wash. iiilttnn Huuhi" on the first day of April, next. He will baia an Omnibus running to the dill, rent limlroad Depot for the acrouimoJalion of I'assent rs, free of charge. W. A. COYEHT. s?uulury, Mrch 50, U0,- STRING ARRANGEMENT. LACKAWANNA &BL00M8BURG R.R. VFKORPINO superior facilities for travel to New York, I'rulnilrlph n, and the North and Wrt, by com neelions at cranton with the trains of the iletawnie Lsckawanna and Western Jtnilroad ComDanv I also for travel South and West over the Csliswima, WUIiaiitort sad Erie Kailioad and cimnectinft trains . OOINO NORTH. . N. Y. Accommo-. Trtilnd'a Mail. dalioii. Mail. a (in A.M. 3I0P.M- l do 3 do 0 !i) do - S IB do 6 40 do 3 AS do t in do a ss do 7 95 do 4 OS do 7 SO do 4 IS do 8 10 do 4 nn do 8 40 do 4 6.1 do 8 f0 do 6 00 do 0 15 do 6 110 do 9 30 do S 30 do f 35 do 1 45 P. M. 8 M do t) SO do - 10 do fi 60 do 0 S5 do to do S SS do 10 00 do 8 :)0 do 0 00 do 10 10 do S 45 do 8 10 do 10 00 do 3 00 do 6 SO do 10 30 do 3 15 do 6 30 do IavS Rupert, HI,oin, I. line Itiuge, Hrrwiek, Hench ltnven, tlpurh tliove. Slilekshililly, llnnt'ekCrerk est .siHUtlcuhe, )lyinonth, Atrivc at Kiiirrstuii, l.euve Kingston, Wyoouiie:, West Piiuton, Pitlslon, l.uckswnuns, Taylorvrllc, Arrive at Scrsnton. The New York Mail Train connects with the Kx press gome r.an, on l. I.. K w . nnuroaa Arrive in New S"oik 7 13 P. N. do Philadelphia, by Camden & Amboy Railroad, to vt r. ?n. Knre from Rupert to New York SO 00. Baggage cheek ftit llirtmch. The accommodation Train North, connects at Scrmvton with the Express Tinui NV est, on the 1). I,. & W. Rail road. GOING SOUTH. Phila. Mail 8 00 A. M. Accommo dation It 30 A. M 11 43 do i i no M. 12 13 P. M. N. Y t.enve SelHiitiin, T:iyofville, Ijiekiiwaniia, I'ittston. Wtst I'ittston, Wyoming, Arrive ut Kiiisrst'in, l.euvo Knicston, Mail. 4 (HI P.M. t- 10 do 4 10 do e vo 8 no 8 35 8 40 do do 4 Hi 4 30 4 ,15 4 40 do do do do do do l'j 3(1 do U 40 do do 9 00 do 1 00 S 00 do 10 40 do do do 8 00 8 15 6 40 6 SO 7 -20 T 40 7 65 8 15 8 45 9 10 9 15 I'lymouth, Niintifuke, Ituriloek's Cl'k, lu ,'iU 11 (15 11 1.1 II 4.1 do do do Shirkshiuuy, llmeli l.rove, II AO MPncli Unveil Berwick, 14 (SI do li HI P. M. VI .10 do Vi 10 do It M do 1 (0 do l.irnc Itidge, Kspy, Illo-'IM, Arrived at Rupert, 0 IS do Tlie Philadelphia Mail Train goinrt Ponth, connects with the Mail Trnm at Itupert, going Knsl nl I 1(1 P. M. for CntlawisM. Port Clinton, I'oiuville Heading, Ac., arriv ing at Philadelphia, at 8 25 1. M A In Willi Mini Irion gome West at ,1 o'clock p. M. for Danville, Milton, Mon ey, Williamspnrl and Klmiin. rasceugers ny me O'ciocs r. rti. irnm going rnmin can take the 11 o'clock P. M Kxpress train for Klmira and the West . or lodge at Bloomshurg and inke the 4 o' clock A. M. Trningoing lilast, arriving at Plnladelpeia or llnriisbure at lit uiKut. F. 1. LKAVF.NWORTII March in, l&iS. Cm Superfntendent. GEORGE HILL, .TTCPklTEY JL? LAV", STJITBTJIl"5r, PA., MESPECTFULLY informs the public and his friends generally, that he has removed to Sunbury, and has opened a law oflicc at his residence, in Market square. His acquaintance wilh the English and German enables him to transact business in both languages. April 10, 18.r)8. ly C. EEITKEP.T'S WHOLVSALK AXn Kl'TAlL BOOT STORE, 40 Smith Fourth S.t, ahove Chesnut, Phil'ii !"JOOTS, Shoes, Goiters, Arc, promptly made J to order in the very best style, and of the best material. Philadelphia, May 9, 1857. CARD. A Cash I3lsi.sf.ss Kxcixsivki.y. CHAPiI.F.S ADAMS, S. K. Corner of Eiplilh and Arch Strerl. Pliilitilflpliia, iiirorins his iM customers, and the linj ert of 1K V UOOOS GKM.HAI.l.Y, that lie is tiiakinjr extra exertions for the proserin ioflof his business the eoniini; senson, our) in orilvr to vnntl aWji to puiehase cimhIs lor cash, aial se I them at the loivrst massst thicrs, lias diTiileil to sell nt the smallest possible ailv;iiiee r Ton Cash Kxclusivklv ! He has leiluced the price of most of the GiKsIs in Store, niul has now open innny NkwHihiiw, suitable for the SSASON. to which will lie iiinilc daily silditins. Care will be to nccoimu slale KKIBNUS and Flnin PF.I(S(IS cMiritllv. as hpreb-fore. M:V DKI.SS r,()Hf)5i. SHAWLS, 1.INKNS, and F I It MSII1 NO (UK IDS ei-nerallv. l'lin'hasers will find eitut ftdv.'oitace in eivinrf Bit enrlv frill, ihe mono Mug "ihe iimilile sivpeiice is better than tlic slow siiiniii;." I he sitnatmn is cnrrai, nnu llie store wen iigatra. Mareh 7, 3ui31 w. Saddle and Harness Maker. IIE2STR-5T HAUPT, JR. BESi'EC TFLLIj 1 informs the A citizens of Sunburv and the pub .v.v. v lip cri.tmrullv tliat he lins taken J the shop occupied ly Wright and Dock, one door cast ol fc. If aupt a Cabinet Ma ker slion where he is prepared to turn out work in his line of business equal to any made in this section of the country, Orders promptly execu ted and all kinds of produce taken in Exchange Kunbury, March SO, 1858. ly P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, JlSTM i: OF TIIK l'EAt'E SXJ3STBTJRY, FA.. OjJU e in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writings done. fcSunliury, April 5. 1857. tf Prices Reduced to Suit the Times ! imHAiL HOTS!,, (LATS WHITE V V) Have Street ahove Third, Philadelphia. 'I'l.K Pioprictora ff the atve well-known elnhliili i limit beina Uinnkful for the verv l.ttrj-iil patroiiape e- aiDwru upon irifin me poti yenr, iimfl inn mrliiiMi t in ftinning then friends and the nuMic thnt I dry are still it) jwrtiltti accitinmtvtlute them it ftivored with c:ill. During the Wimer months the hmitr htn twen (horoneh )y renovated, improvfineiiti inude unrl othur trxteiiive m! leraitunt in ciuiUinpuitmn. e ure flfii-r mined to devote our whole nttenlioii to (iimnfaw and thittar omsclvi wih the t-'onvii'tioii ihut w itiuii lc able lu fiive general uti(:ii'tnm. Huns & fTovr.n, Pace blrcct. above Third TKRMS -ft e-inrrdny IN. I). Carruicft will nlwayi i in rendincm tn convey riiMieiigcre to and limn SttrauiUut luaUins and lUilrotid rhiladelphiu. April 10, If 59. 3in A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. riH E subscriber will sell at private sale X r ARM, situate in 1'oint township, Nor thumberland county, about 3 miles from the borough of Northumberland, on the Danville road, adjoining lands of J. C, Morton, James INesbit, Unas, l'arks and the north branch of tli river Susquehanna containing 75 to 100 Acres, to suit purchasers. The land is in a good atate of cultivation. The improvements consist of a large frame HOUSE, well finished; a Spring House, built over never-failing Spring close to the house, a Dank Ram and other outbuild ings. An Diehard with young and choice fruit trees. The above tract will be Bold on reasonable terms and an indisputable title given. Posses sion given on the first day of April next. For further particulars inquire of the subscri ber, residing on the adjoining fmm. JAMES NESBIT. Point township, January 33, 1H58. if A. J. KOCKEFljSl SUtorncji nt cuu, sxjjsrBTjru-r, pa., Practices in Northumberland and adjoininc Counties. . Sunbury, November 31, 1857 tf I fishing Tackle. Red Cork, Glass, Cot - ton and I.inoti Line, Out Lines, Sea.Grass by the yard, Snoods, Flus, Kirby, Limerick, and Carlisle Hooks, Rods, dec, for sale by March 4l.67. A. W. FISHER. J A TENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS fo Dsr ootties lor sale py II. B MASSER. ftunbuiy, July 19, 1856, ,fi FADEUY AND HARNESS M&XINQ. THE subscribers respectfully intorih the cltt. acna of Sunbury and vicinity thai they have commenced the above business a few doorsebove the Post Office, Market Square, Punbury, Pa. Work of all kinds in their line of business will be don promptly and neatly on the mosl rea sonable terms. CLEMENT OYSTER. February 13,1858. JOHN . 1II2AKD, ATTOBNBTT A.T X, A.W, Office in Macket it., opposite the Court Home, SUNBURY, PA. Collections m ado and Professional Dusiiiess generally attended to Fromptly and Carefully. FniLATjiimiA RcrtREicct t Uullitt lr Fairthorne, Diehl a Werti, Davis & Birney, F. Tyloi &. Co. - Sunbury, June 30, 1857. 3t?LdUR REDUCED"" TO $.T -10 Per Barrel. FTP II E aubsctiber respectfully informs the cito JL sens of Sunbury and vicinity that he has just received a supply of FLOUR, which he is offering at wholesale or retail from $5 40, $0 37 to C 87 per Barrel. He also sells some as low as 70 eta. per quarter, all of which he WAR RANTS to be Good. CANDLES for sale, wholesale or retail. Thankful for past patronage he hopes to con tinue to merit the same. GIVE HIM A CALL! M. C. GEARII ART, Market St., Sunbury, Ta. February 27, 1858. Market Street, Sunbury Pa. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citi tens of Sunbury, and the public generally that he has purchased, and will take possession in the above well known stand on trie 1st ol April next, formerly kept by Mrs. Thompson. i hat he will put the same in complete repair. In addition he will provide a conveyance to carry passengers to and from the different Railroad de pots, and will leave no efforts untried to render Ins hotel a desirable stopping place lor guests and travelers. JOHN LEISER, February 20, 1858p VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE OFFERED AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber offers at private sale, a cer tain lot or piece of land, situate in Lower Augusta township, Northumberland county, about 8 miles below Sunbury, bounded on the west by the river Susquehanna, on the south by land ot George Seiler, on the cast by land of Wm. Kroh, and on the north by land or vt m. R. Jones, containing 6 Acres and 18 perches. all of which is cleared and in a very high state of cultivation. The Northern Central Rail Road passes through the tract, and ia also bound on the cst by the Main Road leading from Sunbury to Hairisburg, which together, with the River upon the west, and the fertility of the soil makes it a very pleasant and desira ble situation. ALSO; another ccr!ain Tract of Land, situate in said township, adjoining lands of W imam Kroh, on the south, the heirs of Robert and Ar thur A uchmuty ; on the east Wm. V. Silver wood, and a public road on the north, and Wm It. Jones on t lie west, containing u.i Acres j .i perches strict measure, ylbout 50 acres of which aie cleared, nnd ill a hirrh state of cultivation and ihe residue ninst excellent landor cultiva tion, but is now covered with excellent timber, and if purchased soon, the purrhaser can get a large quantity of Kuilroad I les on llie same. This tract is also well watered, having several fine springs upon it, and every field can be wa lercd thereby. An indisputable title will be given and terms of sale reasonable. WILLIAM R. JONES. Lower Augusta tp., January 2, 1857. tf 6TOBE. "jTISSLOnSA SHISSLER, respectfully in. '- forms the citizens of Trevorton and sur rounding county, that she has opened a new Btore of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor- ton in Shainokin street, nearly opposite Knousc s Tavern, where all kinds of Bonnets and t ancy Goods can be had at the lowest terms. Dress making also attended to in the best manner snd latest style. April 25, 1858. tf LANCASTER COLLIERY FOR SALE, Important to t'oal Operators. flMIE undersigned Lessees of the "Lancaster Colliery," near Shamokiu, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, wi-hing to retire from the business, otl'er for sale the Lease and Futures of snid Colliery, on satisfactoiy terms. This Colliery has been in operation since 1851, and has been successful beyond expectation. The Coal is a superior articles for all uses to which Anthracite isapplied, and a good market has been established, which can be much extended. The Breaker and Fixturca are of the very best char acter and will recommend themselves tu persons acquainted with Ihe business. The Lease runs to January 1, 1 854, and ia a favorable one for the operator. For further information apply at tho Colliery in person, or by letter to Shamokin, 1 . O., Nor thuinberlund county, rennsylvania. COCHRAN, I'EALE & CO February 6, 1858. tf JOlsTES HOUSE. HELLS C'OVERLY, Proprietor. Cor. of Market Street Market Sijuare, II A R rt i S B U R 0 , PA. THIS NEW AND ELKGANTHOTKL, recently erec led by the Messrs JONKS, in Hanisburg, Pa., hav ing been lease1 for s term of yeats by the nudeisigned, he tukei this ineth"d of calling the attention of his former patrons, and the travelling community, thereto. Having a front of rule hundred and forty fret on the nrincipnl street td the eity, and Fifty-two Feet Front on .Market Square, it cannot full to prove attractive as well as inviting to strangers. The Chambers are of fine size, well ventilated, and lighted wilh Gas a numlier with connecting doors ins. king them very desirable for families. The Hulls are warmed throughout by Heaters ; and every intNlern improvement, in fuet, has lieen added, that may conduce to the safety, comfort, and happiness of the guests. Visitors may, therefore, rest assured, that the ''Jones House" has been made perfect in all its appointments that earh department has been placed in chaige of Kpe rienced and Competent Persons that in every particular the system H'hich has adopted by the Proprietor, will adord to those who may make it their home, as great a degree uf comfort as way bcoblamedat any similar establishment in the 8tate. To secure this rlesiiable result, lie lsis furnished the Public and Private Private Parlors. Chainlieia, Dining Room, Ao., with entirely NEW FURNITURE; and also arranged within the buildirg, a fine Hnrbers Sahsui, Oys ter Saloon, Dressing Roorr. Hot and Cold Halhs, &s. The Culinary Department and Dining Ria.ni will receive the esecial attention of U.e Proprietor, which he trusts, will be a sutltcieut guarantee that all tastes will lie suited. After returning his heartfelt thanks to his old friends and nairiais, for the generous pntronsge so long extended to hint at the "Coverly House." and also to his friends and putront at the uColuinb.a House,1' Cape Island, during the seaaou of lHtf, he lespeetfully solicits a continuance of it at the "JONES HOUSE." WELLS COVERLY. January 30, 1838. Oraos. flObaCOO and SegarB SO.OOO Imported fccgars of various brand. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'8. Sunbury, March 14,18-17, PATCIIOULV, JOCKEY CLUB, 8PRING FLOWER8, &c, of the best quality ; a fresh supply just received and for sale at the Drug Store of A.W.FISHER. Sunbury, Ai'g. 1, 1857 PURE CONCENTRATED LYE OR SA PONIFIER, for sal at FISHER'S Drug Store. Price 20 eta, . A LMONDS, RAISON8, FIGS, LEMONS. d e., 4 c, just received a fresh supply and for sale at tha Confectionary store of M. C. GEARII ART. Sunbury, May 16, 1857. stationery A largo upply of fancy Not Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Pens, Ink, Band, 4c, at March 14. "07. A. W. FU HEE'S. VALUABLE PR0PEETY FOR SALE. flHE suhseribers, Execntora of tha estate o M. Henry Masser, dee'd., offer at private sail the following property vit s A large two story frama dwelling housB, together with about 50 ACRES Of t.AND. Situate In Lowrt Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kauftflan and others now in the occupancy of John R. Kaufman as a store And dwelling. The house is new and the location a good one for business. Also a TRACT OF I.IMESTONR LAND, In aald township on the ftVcr about 5 miles be. lov .Sunliu.y, adjoining lands of J. T. M Therson and others, containing, about 90 acres. The soil ia productive and contain limestone and other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing about !)6 acre on the hill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining lands of the heiia of the late John Conrad and others. There is, on thia tract, small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. H. 0. MASSKR, ) P. B. MASSER, Executors. FRANCIS BUCHER. ) Sunbury, January 19, 1856. tf 1857. FALL & WINTER GOODS ! 1858 AT DP. "W- GKR,.A.5r'S FANCY DRY GOOD STORE, Market Square, Sunbury. TVOW received and will continue to receive ' the largest and best selected Stock of Mack Cloths. Cassimeres. Cassinetti and Vistings, 'C An assortment of Dress Goods, viz: Fancy Drinted Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawna, De Lam Bareges, Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapacas, Dress Silks, Ginghams, ficc. LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet ing, J'itlowcaseing, Ac Dress Trimmings in Great Variety. Boots ami Shoea Hats and Caps, Hardware, Ccdarware, Groceries, Quecnsware SALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, Scgars, Tobacco, Snuff, Ac, an assortment of other Goods too tedious to menlioh. Feeling grateful for past favor we beg leave to ..-re our old friends and the public that no e't.i. in our part shall be wanting to merit a cot.-, nuance of our patronage. country produce taken in exchange at the highest market price. r. w. uka x. Sunbury, Dec 13 1857. tf ri.ilx"AXUFAXCV BOOK BINDING. ri HK suliseribers, having bought the Mimicry late of Ste X phen D and l.ymaii 11. Wilson, of Milton, snd added to it some superior implements, and having secured the superintendence of Mr. 11. K DOWNlNti, who has for leu years been employed in one of the best Hinderies in riiilndelphin, and comas with the first recommendations for integrity and competency, arc now prepared to BIND OR KE-BIND Books, Pamphlets, Magazines, News papers, music, &c, etc , in every stvle desired. Work may either bound or half- bound, in (.'all', Itoun, Turkey Morocco, t-heep, or other lsilher, or Muslin of various colors and ornamented with Mat hie I'iiper of dillcreiil figures, hudes nnd colors. Old Jlihles and other Hooks or Papers wltl'h It IS de. sirsd to preserve as rremoriuls in u lainily, can be mude more secure hv the lllndel sskill. fp lllank Hooks, llibles. Ilvmn nun Praver rtooks, Pocket Books, Albums, Diaries, Ac, I.KTTl'.HI'.l) WI TH U(ll.l) in legible and durable characters, to outer. MLtIC roll TFOI.IOS, ftc, made to suit customers. A good lliiidcrv lias long been desired in this vicinity, and we can therefore most respectfully solicit the public pumuiiiKC. nulling lum II Will euim ieui in ,eN) mc outlry and risk, Hen!, tools, stock, aim workmen an requiring money, we shall expect PAY ON DKI.IVKHY of all work.J We intend to charge nriderute, reasona ble and uniform prices, on the ul.ive and Let Live" prin ciple and hope to make it a permanent business. Uiliee in the center ol Market rpinre. norm sine scenml story, unjoining the "Chronicle" and 'Jelegrapu othces third door from the Post f (dice. WORDr.X CORNELIUS, Trop'rs. HgNnr K. Pownmno, Agent. I.ewihurg, May 15, 18. ly DDE 1ST TI STIEVST GEORGK UENX, 4 NNOUNCKS to the citizens of Sunbury and vicinty, that he has opened an office in Sun bury, above H. J. Wolvcrton's ofliee opposite C. Weaver's Hotel, wiierc he is prepared to attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession, in the latest and most improved style. All work well done and warranted. December 13, 1856. THIS L.miI:sT ESTABLISHMENT IN THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. MATIIIOT'ft Gmy Street Warerooms Koa V3 and -JO North Gay street, near Fayette, Baltimore : where is kept always on hand, or made to order, every t)i-" rieneu r. 1 (.-A-1 1. i Ill i IUBII, nair, i.kiUl or Hrocutelle. Flench Full PtttrT and Medalliou Tarloi Arm Chairs, in i iubii. 11:111, iiom or urocuiciie. Frencn Full Siurl Carved Parlor Chairs in sets, with s lusu, nuir, tvioiu or iirocaitue. SOFAS Iliilf French Fprfng Mnhirpony and Walnut Parlor Chiii, in I.mr, CMli and lMuh. Hocking Cliairi vurioua deaigui. in Hair. CKxIi and Pluth. 8uur8printj Iungea a Inrpe aranrtmenl aluni en haiK., ox an) pattern made or vercd with any good tu CHAUBOa 3 TJ I T S . MMahisraiiy or Walnut, complete, from S.15 ur. Cane Cliairs and Roekiujr do. the larpest assortment reauy maue in any one nouae 111 llie united Slates lr a dozen up. Bar Room, Omce and Dinins Chairs, in Oak, Walnut or aianosnuy, with cane, Wood or stuffed beat. assortment euitMacius; over 50 dozen. W'ihhI seat Chairs and Settees and Rocking Chairs, over 100 dozen. Oilt and Plain Frame Lookinr-Glasset, of every variety. aii aiuua 01 unii, nan anu husk niaiiiasses. A. MATH KIT. Nos. 9S snd 85 N. Gay at , near Fayette St., Baltimore. August I, loar. ly Farmers Look to Your luterewt. LIMB! LIME11 HPHE sudscriber respectfully inform the far -- mers and the public generally, that he has leased Ihe lime kilns of Ira T. Clement in Sun bury, and that he haa alwaya on hand, and is ready to supply a good quality of lime to all who may want for building or farming purposes. He haa also a kiln at Keefer'a crossings miles from Sunbury, or two from Snvdertown. C7 All kind of Country Produce taken in exchange. GEO. W. 8TROH. Sunbury, Dec 28, 1857. HOVERS LIQUID HAIR LYE. The irstimnry of Piof. Ilimth siid Dr. Urinekla having previously bectl puhlisbnl, the fuUownif is now : From Prof. MoCIXWKKY, fc.rnierly Pmrrssur of Theory and I'ruclics of Mediciue in the Female Mmlieul Cullexs cf Pennsylvania, and late Prurttssnr of Kuiijeiy in the Ameriuau College of Medicine, Ac. : Pbii-sdslphu, Nov. 87lh, tM. Ma. Jostra E. Iluvaa- A Uial of your UQU1D HAIR IIVK will eonviuee the innat skeptical, that it isa sirs, axiOAkT, and arriCACious rreiaraiioii. t'nhke many others, il has lu several Inatancrs proved servieeable in th cure of some cutaneous eruptions on the head, and 1 have no hesitation lu eonuaeudiiig at to those requirm sjch an application. Very respectfully, J. F. X. MoCIXiSKEY, M.D , ii Race St., above lath. HOVER'S WRITING INK9, including HOVKH WRITING FMIIU, and HOVKR'8IDKfJBt.E INKS still maintain their high character, which haaalwvrsdis-' tinguished Ihera, and tha steuaiv demand hrst created has eoutinued aniMenupled umiI th present. Orders addressed to tha Manufactory, No. 418 RACE tret, above Fourth, (old No. 144.) Philadelphia, will reeciveprompt attention, by JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer. DeceraUr S5, 157. Ai-ril 35, 'o7, ck. WE STILL SURVIVE THE CRISIS "JWOTWITHSTANDINOthe astonishing quan Uty of Goods that I brought Into town last Spring, 1 succeeded in telling them alt out ex cept what I gave away, and had to hurry to tha city, foi a nett lot, in order that my customer migm noi ne put to the lnconvontence of buying at other atores, where they would be chaigcd killing price. Profiting by past experience, I have just brought on Twice &i Manv Goods. and t hftv now the largest and CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT ever offered within hearing sf this place. I am bound to sell CHEAPS THAN EVEB, before. I need not say Cheaper than my neigh bors ; for that ia no longer a disputed fact. l am now ready to deal out goods twenty hour out of twenty-four Sundays excepted at lower prices than any person dare ask tor. Just call for any thing you want. I am deter mined to SUPPLY ALL DEM AN 03 that may tic made, reasonable or unreasonable, Call soon, as the rush is Tremendous. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Dec- SO, 1857. ly Citrate of Magnesia on TASTELESS 8ALT8. THIS preparation is recommended as an ex cellent laxative and purgative. It epetates mildlV. is entirely free from any unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold by A. vv. nstil.it Sunbury, March 4 1856. PHILIP H. FTOET. WBOLISALt AXIl KF.TAIL Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. li. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4, 1858. tf WA OXDERFUL C01SCWKXCF. All IVatlons of the same Mind t IIOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Tlie onmverHary of the intrHlnctin of Ilnlltnviiy'B Ointment ouplit to lie a juhtt.e lnttvtr. It li;is fcivcd countlrBB nuilti)udtj from diBtlctirt'mcnt, pnraU zntion, inutilntion, ngony and drnth. Sturtme from the guru-ire to which it is Applied, its heal i up halm findi its way through every contine anil ligament ol the IkhIv, to the vi ty boiitcc and hiiBis ot nil eruptive, ulcerous, tumoroun. mid canre rouadiMaiei. It ilistmpuishfii the fchnle prinrtple thnt feeili them, and the out ward symptom fade, hrtil, nnd puss awny with n rapidity incredible tu those who have not witin-ssed it. SCROFULOUS LRUPTIO.S AND L I.CEI.S. The poison of acrof n la has never been neutralized or expelled hy nny of the remedifi of the phurm;tcopnMa The le uutidte to this virulent nnd destructive eleinrnt is H"U"Way' Ointment. Majendie A jlrtKlie. the ernt French nnd Knglirh surgeons, do no deny or dispute this greal fact. There is no form of scroiuln that nmy not be controlled undeuied by this linlfamie remedy. CANCKIti AND TV.MOHS. The knife or caustic may remove a canmr or tumor, but the seeds of the terrible excrescence remain in the blood, and it is soon reproduced in n worse for ni than bet tire. 11 oil--way's Ointment, on the conntrorv, pene trates into the circnhtion, nnd per vu ties every inleeted vesicle, and k i Is thednetise by desttoymj llie coirusive principle mm generated ana sukiuius it. INFLAMMATIONS OF TIIK SKINS. AH mshes nnd ordinary eruptions, ns well nsF.n-Finelns. Acne. Kincworm, Carbuncles, Scald Hind, Salt Ithcuin, leprosy. Friekly 1 1 cut, Ace., aie lemovcd by a few brisk applications of the Ointment. ACCIDENTAL INJl KIKS, WOFNDS, Sprains, Uralses, SinMs and I.nrus are immediatety reltevetl by its npplicatiin. Tlie lutlnmmn tionquickly sulisMrs, fever nnd kckjnw ate prevented, and under a ncrseveriu? use of the preparation, the pro cess ol healing is soon aecomplJS.H'J. Both the Ointment aud PiUs $hmdd he vsed in the f dlou infj ctms : Umii-Mis l.nmbnjid Sore n Swelled Otands Hums Mer.-urial Sore Hreiifti Stifl Joints Chapped Ilaiu'j Kruplions Sore Hem Is Fleers Chilblains Files Sore Throats Venereal Sores Fistulas Rheumatism S.res of nil Wounds of all Gout Salt Itheum kinds kinds Skin Diseases Sprains Sculds IV CAUTION ! None are genuine unless the words "Holloway, New York and Uniiton,11 are difcernihle as nsa water-mark in every leaf nl" the lnok of directions around eiieh pol or box ; the same mav be phmlvseeu by holding the leaf to the birht A handsnnie reward will Imj given to any one rendering such information ns may lend to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medicines 01 vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. Sold nt the Manufactories of Professor IToi.t.owat Wl Maiden laue. New York, nnd UU Strand. Iondou, by nllrespectahle Druncists and Dealers in Medicine Hmiugh. out the United SUtes, and Ihe civilized world, in boxen, at 25 cents. 6-,'j cents, and 1 each. 17 Thereis a considerable tiiving by taking the larger sizes N. R. Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed tit each box. October 17, If5?. lyen FURNITURE! FURNITUREM THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. Faahlouable, Cheap aud I'scltil fPHE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet -- and Chair .Manufacturer in Kunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public putronagc. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Cliairs, 4 c, embraces EVr.lt Y VARIETY, I'SEFl L AND OltA ItiEKTAL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, aa anything that may be required in his line can be had at moderate prices. Cheap for Cash, or Country Producetaken in exchange. Establishment South East Corner of Market Square. I V" Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Sunbjrv, April 4, 1857. tf T1S k fc. - : . w ...... . I p.rl.,11, TnA suu. Il i,pra n. v. ., Sol .l.t J p.n.J lkM My m'lmisi, ill In p.l,li, UiU.rll.l. kths pskll,, tha InT.ntor h.ll.o, h. woiU ia u Infill. bl.. Sia,i.U. En., nnj S.ia .roMM ar ll.rm.li.nl SWaliiiff. ...... uiimuM in IK. nncn nf uf.tlorn. e,ar try to d.'l'et.U ini. .,,!, b, fnl MniiMnU i bit fl anUSe nnd -rUtnl mt bo kavn numliaul a nn iia.i M 4iracti nrrnnlad u kaaa all srtlrlaa pal an arrardiaa !,u .. T7 U. and in all aa-aa wk.ia n fnilrn ItaT tha Caa Ut. noa.a tll ba rafnad iba '.ml of tha Can iW. ..n k- .... . .. . Tbasnihatia fa DaaduHaraUS Taawlaai Gam ,.. an.MiTa ana vaad by oabara. Tna Sa!ui( ia uaaa anUraly saw t. anlaa Oaakat la,, pariatll, t-mi.ai rannat mlln. a, aa l-ara Uaai maliala oald .laaa anj ubailaa. 1 "! rj5' ""ra annifli la a.lnit a lalUUad paach. s b.ra la so l.aad ab.t ii to aclariorale Urn UlaaDnlanUi II ia uiari. ml T,. Tf la nrln.ibU W saallac kn.U a Iba ant for TbinJ I J.'!?' nJ ""s nnva uiad Uiaa will una B aoolbarrna. A I LlHkSit DISTOl'NT TO THK TBiDC. tUJJLOW CAR CO, . an in a, ii v. t?ept. 12, l?5 GOLD PENS with and without cases, f a very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sals l,y II. U. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec 87. 1856- UORT M0NAIE8, Tooth and Hair Brususj A all qualities, and any. quanti y, for sale by A.W. FISHER. March 14, 57. IV'ew Drugs, ralulai, Vc. A NEW supply of Prog, PaiuU. OUs, Fluid, ic.iust rceived and for sale hy t A. W.F1M1ER. Sunbury, May t, 1857. FOR SALE. 4 Good econd hand Buggy. Apply tt this oflic. ISAAC 31. "WILKEHSON, MANUrAOTUnEK.OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. , Sofas, IMvanis and Louugri Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, "SOFA. BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phil.' dcipiua manufacture. BEDSTEAD8, of every pattern and price CUPBOARDS. WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES. tn short, every article in this line of his business.' rTHE subscriber respectfully calls the attcntiot of the public to his largo and splendid as sortment ot every quality and price of CABIN ET.WAIt E which cannot fail to recommend itself to every one wno win examine it, on account of its durable Workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the uesv siocs. io oe nau in tlio city, no effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the auuscnucr is determined to keep up wilh the many improvements which are constantly being made. He also manufacture all kind and qualities' CIIAI11S, ncluiling varieties never before to be hntt . Sunbury, such as MAiinoirrt, Ui.ack Waist.- Ann Cisiilkii Maple Giiecias ; A!n Wixns.iW CHAIRS, A!n fasct Piaso .Stools, which arc' of the latest styles, and Wartdilted to r. ir-Hcd by none manufactured in the Cities of e!se'r.'c7c ' The subscriber is determined that there djril"1 be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertainer about, the quality and finish of his ware ant f;1! utrs. These articles will lie disposed of on as good term as they can be purchased elsewhere. Caun try produce tnken in pavment f"r work. UNDERTAKING. Having provided" a handsome Hrunsr., he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity, or at any convenient distance from this place . lhe arc Rom is in Fawn Street, be low Weaver's Hotel. He has also purchased the richt of manufac turing and selling in Northumberland county, Gould's patent Excelsoir Spring Hed, which tin will furnish at reasonable ratrs. Springs put in old bedstead for three dollars. isAC M. WILKERSON. Sunbury, April 18, 1857 tf. EARTHENWARE- THE subscriber resjicctfully in'orms the citi zens of Sunbury and the public generally , that lie lias commenced tlie manufacture uf all kinds af KARTIIKXWARK, at bis iiianufnctory in Wliortlcbcrry Street, rne siimrn cast of the River. has engaged the services of Mr. Him', and you enn tlierefnre depend on bavins a good nrticle. The pnb.ic are respectfully invited to call. All orders Iroui a distance will be pronely attended to. T. M. SHIXDEIj. Sunbury, Feb. 2, 183G. tf X. S. LlWItEXCK'S NEW Paper, Printers' Card and Envelope WAREHOUSE, No. 10.5 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. Cash buyers will find it for their interest to call. January lfi, 1858. fimos. Straw-Cuilci-. riMIE subscriber lins been nppointcd Apent f..r 1 Messrs lieddes oi Marsh of Lewisburji. fur the sale of their Straw, Hoy & Corn-l'oJiler (.'ut ter. This Cutter is Ihe host in use. Farmer andolhersare respectfully requested to call and examine fur themselves. P. 15. MASSEK. Sunbury December 2G, lS.'T. if FURNITURE POLISH. S. RAK'S Premium Patent Enamel Furniture Polish This polish is highly valuable for reslo ring the polish on all kinds of Furniture, (ilass. Carriage llodirs, H.ir Cloth, ,tc. Alt", f. r re moving spots, hiJinjr scratches, &c-, Ac War ranted to dry immediately and retain its gloss. Price 50 cts. per bottle. Sold hv A. W. FI.SHER. March M, 1857. siwri:ia ii. oif ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on South Second, near Market Sl'mf, LE WISDL'RC, PA. Practices in the Counties of Union, Northum berlnnd and Montour. All PitorEssioNit HcsiNr.ss entrusted I. hi care will receive prompt and fa thful atie tion. Octolwr 3, 1857. ly WHITE UOItSlTlTbTEjI POTTSVILLE, PA. rjUIE subscriber respectfully announces to his ol. friends and the public, that he has take,, that old and well known establi.hmcnt, the White Jllorsa Hotel. At the comer of Centre and Mahantogo sts., in the lorough of Poitsville. The house has re cently been very much enlarged and otherwi,o unproved, rendering it quite aa comfortable aa any other Hotel in Schuylkill countywhile the stable are large, in good condition, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. 1 o traveller and others who may stop at his house, he promises every attention calculated lo render them comfortable and satisfied. . ... ,otfl , JOS.M.FECER. April 5, 185- tf STAVFFER & IIAR fiT CHEAP WATCHES AND JEWEUtV North , Second Street, Co.nc? fi; u'nu iver afehen full J ia m "..HI I.ep,nc, 18 caret. M' 18 ""el c". ,-p0 Silver I.ever, full jewelled, Silver Lenine. jewels. II is in is: H 7 IS? T nr. 1 .V 3 on I Is t (If Muprrmr quartiers. Odd Sipccuicles, Fine Silver do., Guld liracelels, l.ydy's Guld Pencils, Silver Tea Srxxwi, ttt, U.Ud Pens, with Pencil and S.lver hol.lar, Onld h uiijcr R ues .171 ria .. i.-.. . . . 1 l-f 181 cts , patent 1SV I.u'el V T' ",'D !'" ' All gocHiswarraiitid to rV wtauhS JrUjd f,l''M,,t I?" On hsnd snm. n..ub.il!:'"-R HARI.EV. still l,.wer than the aU.v. r7.. "wl Ul PhiladeltAia, Ocuhr 10, lt-57. yw HENRY DONNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office opposiu the Court House, Sunbury, Northiunberland Countv Pa ..-...,. out-nuon lODusinesain adioiiiini? .tuntiei. DANVILLE HOTEL. JOHN DEEN, JR., Market Street, Danville, Pa, nMIIS i. on. of th. largest and most comma, ii i el" ,h, -'-"or of Pennsj Ivania I.k" . T CueJ UP in excellent .n le, with all tha modem conveniences. Panelled, Sept 22, 1855 lLANK Parchment Taper Deeds and blink Mortgages, Uomls, Eiecutions, Summons e,, furaaleb II. U. MASEfi. Sunbury, Apr! 16. 1856 STOVES' IO R SALE an eicellcnt second-hand Cack - ing Stove, aho several Cylinder t'oal ettove.. Lnquira at this smcs. tJILVER WATCH Ea. A fe double e EnglUh Birvw W.tchssJ, for ! price, by H. B MAbAB. Uuiibury, April 13, 185. f le